WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 You 00:30.000 --> 00:32.000 You 00:45.680 --> 00:50.840 Hello Daniel, I don't know I think you're first I don't see anybody else 00:52.280 --> 00:56.600 Zardoz you would be second. I don't see anyone else who's first 00:57.600 --> 00:59.600 Maybe it's a tie 01:03.320 --> 01:08.840 But from my side it looks like Daniel made it in so Daniel's gonna win the the cash award 01:08.840 --> 01:14.080 You got to send in your email and mailing address in the cash will come in the mail Daniel. Congratulations 01:21.000 --> 01:25.600 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're feeling with essentially a worst case scenario 01:25.600 --> 01:29.880 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case 01:40.560 --> 01:45.200 And I have no idea how to say that but I do think that means something like howdy in 01:46.400 --> 01:48.400 Irish or something or Welsh 01:49.160 --> 01:55.320 I mean, I apologize. I don't know what it says, but I am assuming it means something like let's go get him or 01:56.440 --> 02:02.920 Maybe good afternoon. I don't know anyway. I'm appreciating everyone who's here. Welcome to the show. I 02:04.400 --> 02:10.260 Think truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying. We don't even recognize the truth no more than society 02:10.520 --> 02:14.800 We want everybody to feel good. That's not that's not the way life is 02:18.160 --> 02:22.420 This episode is sponsored by Mointe that's move plus point 02:26.480 --> 02:33.240 This my point is that if if we were able to just like we're trying to get everybody to take the vaccine 02:33.240 --> 02:39.400 If we had put that into getting everybody to take I've imagined in fluvoxamine for for a month 02:39.720 --> 02:45.000 If we and if we could accomplish that then COVID would be wiped out we could do it and actually 02:45.000 --> 02:56.880 You can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people 02:58.160 --> 03:03.120 And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie, you know, and I don't think I'm a liar 03:03.120 --> 03:08.480 I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I think it's like really important not to be a liar 03:15.000 --> 03:17.000 You 03:45.000 --> 03:47.000 You 04:15.000 --> 04:17.000 You 04:45.000 --> 04:47.000 This is so crazy 04:56.040 --> 05:01.760 Well, here we are again, I'm finally putting in putting in some time I 05:03.960 --> 05:10.920 Apologize for the absence this week and it's a complicated situation at home right now trying to make ends meet and 05:11.320 --> 05:13.320 It is not without 05:15.480 --> 05:21.000 Where we're all very grateful for the people that are supporting the stream is sharing our work, but 05:22.160 --> 05:27.680 The reality of it is that I also have to do other things that I do have to scramble around for other money 05:27.680 --> 05:29.680 And I'm lucky enough actually 05:29.880 --> 05:33.040 I'm lucky enough actually and make you make sure you hear that 05:34.160 --> 05:36.160 I'm lucky enough to have other ways 05:36.560 --> 05:42.960 and and another source of income in the form of consulting work and that comes and goes and 05:43.440 --> 05:49.000 Lucky enough this week it a little bit more showed up at the door today, and so I could 05:49.760 --> 05:53.760 This week and so I could make a little extra money on the side and maybe 05:54.600 --> 05:55.760 April's 05:55.760 --> 06:03.040 Rent is almost paid, but don't get me wrong. I still have so much so much gratitude for all the people on this list 06:04.000 --> 06:05.560 and 06:05.560 --> 06:10.160 You know my family and I are just yeah, we'll be eternally grateful for all of these people 06:10.160 --> 06:13.440 I mean people like Greg James and Christian Ormond and 06:14.080 --> 06:16.080 Jane Martin and 06:16.160 --> 06:18.160 You know Jeff from earth 06:19.280 --> 06:25.200 Steph and Cone these are people that have been coming through for years now often on sometimes 06:25.600 --> 06:29.360 Consistently for years sometimes here and there with huge donations 06:30.000 --> 06:36.280 And what do I consider a huge donation? I'm sorry, but anybody that gives more than a hundred dollars to anybody on the internet 06:36.880 --> 06:38.320 has 06:38.320 --> 06:44.480 grossly exceeded the amount of money that I've donated to people over time and I've been the 06:46.000 --> 06:49.840 Humble recipient of a lot of support of that kind of 06:50.720 --> 06:52.720 input and so 06:54.000 --> 07:00.360 When you get more than that then it's really pretty shocking and the independent bright web is not hasn't become glamorous yet 07:00.880 --> 07:04.160 And I don't even know if there are any other members of the 07:05.920 --> 07:07.920 About you know 07:08.320 --> 07:11.040 This illusion is sustained only through your active participation 07:11.040 --> 07:16.080 So I think what I need to realize and we all need to realize we all got to do our part 07:16.080 --> 07:20.480 and maybe my part is this maybe my part is being here and 07:21.920 --> 07:27.520 You know for whatever little bit of this is this is one more fire burning in the distance that other people can see 07:28.480 --> 07:31.600 And so again, I'm just really grateful for having me 07:33.920 --> 07:35.760 The circumstances where I can do it 07:35.840 --> 07:41.040 So you've gotten a long way since we made this logo lots of long ways since I thought wow 07:41.760 --> 07:43.760 Patch clampers need a clothing line 07:44.480 --> 07:46.480 We'll call it gig ome biological 07:47.600 --> 07:55.520 And then it turned out to be a symbol that I would use for a stream where I was trying to teach biology on the internet because biology isn't available on tv 07:56.240 --> 07:58.240 Because biology isn't available on youtube 07:59.840 --> 08:04.720 And one of the safest ways to get biology in your head nowadays is actually gig ome biological 08:04.720 --> 08:06.720 It's actually pretty crazy 08:07.040 --> 08:09.040 and 08:09.040 --> 08:12.240 It's the 12th of april 2020 for and I am still 08:13.040 --> 08:14.880 grinding I really thought that 08:14.880 --> 08:19.200 Somewhere in 2021 one of my streams would have a breakthrough it'd go viral 08:19.760 --> 08:24.400 and then this you know this conscious and intelligent manipulation of our 08:25.360 --> 08:30.720 Habits and opinions would become obvious to everyone and that the way that we were fooled by 08:31.280 --> 08:35.520 Being sent to home and told to watch television and read facebook 08:36.000 --> 08:38.560 We were fooled into trying to solve this mystery 08:39.200 --> 08:42.240 And in solving that mystery, of course, we completely 08:42.800 --> 08:47.600 Fumbled the ball uninformed consent for ourselves for our children for the kids that went off to 08:48.160 --> 08:51.520 To college in 2020 in 2021 08:52.000 --> 08:57.760 We just didn't protect each other in our families and and it was because of this incredible 08:58.560 --> 09:00.560 incredible 09:00.560 --> 09:02.160 agreement 09:02.160 --> 09:06.480 that that this this curve here early in in 09:08.160 --> 09:10.240 Early in march represented something 09:10.880 --> 09:16.880 Like a novel virus that that all these people that were dying in new york city could be extrapolated across the united states 09:16.880 --> 09:19.760 And we can expect that to happen everywhere. I hope we can see my arrow 09:20.640 --> 09:21.920 um 09:21.920 --> 09:23.920 And so it's uh, it's a real 09:25.120 --> 09:30.480 It's a real important thing to keep in mind but our hypothesis is which is that a who declared a pandemic of a 09:30.560 --> 09:38.080 Dangerous novel virus that was detectable by a nonspecific PCR test for RNA viruses applied to a low prevalence population 09:38.560 --> 09:40.720 So that means a high percentage of false positives 09:41.120 --> 09:47.040 With and correlated with poor and detrimental health protocols through financial incentives to follow orders from above 09:47.440 --> 09:53.360 And of course this had a lot to do with okay. Is there a deadly virus or not? They told us there is so we better protect ourselves 09:53.840 --> 09:58.880 Um, does pulse ox matter for this apparently it does so when we measure it and we find it low 09:58.880 --> 10:04.720 Maybe we should give them oxygen. Maybe we should try to stop spread by ventilating people these kinds of ideas 10:05.360 --> 10:10.640 Were what were financially incentivized early on and maybe only in a few places where they 10:11.200 --> 10:14.240 completely taken to the full extent and and 10:14.720 --> 10:19.680 Hundreds or thousands of people were killed by these protocols in a very short period of time 10:19.680 --> 10:24.720 But that short period of time which occurred primarily in new york city and a few other places 10:25.680 --> 10:31.600 Was sufficient for organizations like sage and and bureaucracies like the cdc 10:32.000 --> 10:36.000 And the nih to claim that this was evidence of appending appending doom 10:36.400 --> 10:38.800 And so this at the same time because of these 10:39.200 --> 10:46.960 Haysp nonspecific PCR test allowed a conversion of a larger percentage of all cause mortality than just 10:47.600 --> 10:54.240 pneumonia and influenza to be prioritized as a national security threat because pneumonia and influenza is this blue 10:54.560 --> 10:56.560 Thing down here 10:56.560 --> 11:00.960 And so in order to get this to explode what they essentially had to do was get us to treat 11:01.680 --> 11:08.800 Pea and I treat what we would have normally called pneumonia and influenza without even really caring about how it was detected 11:09.520 --> 11:14.080 They they tricked doctors around the united states and around the world to treat 11:14.640 --> 11:20.720 What was already a well treatable source of all cause mortality completely differently 11:21.440 --> 11:27.360 And by changing the way that we we treated these people let me throw some let me throw some some lines up here 11:27.920 --> 11:33.600 The way that we changed by treating these people this way was which we ended up increasing all cause mortality 11:33.600 --> 11:39.040 And that's why you see here in this graph that the light blue region which represents mortality to 11:39.600 --> 11:44.800 pneumonia skyrocketed during the pandemic because we started treating pneumonia incorrectly 11:46.160 --> 11:49.920 On the advice of the cdc the nih and each other organizations 11:50.480 --> 11:58.000 It is possible that an niaid funded infectious clone of a coronavirus may or may not have involved in the initial biological incidents 11:59.040 --> 12:01.760 But in RNA molecule cannot sustain a pandemic 12:02.240 --> 12:06.720 The goal is a total surrender of individual sovereignty and enforcement of a global inversion 12:07.040 --> 12:10.160 From basic human rights to basic granted permissions 12:10.640 --> 12:15.600 I don't think this is a very big deal anymore to say this in the in a general context 12:15.600 --> 12:19.920 But I do think it's a very big deal to say it in the context of the pandemic 12:21.040 --> 12:23.760 And we are saying that they want to invert 12:24.480 --> 12:30.080 Our sovereignty to permissions and they are used they have orchestrated the pandemic to do it 12:30.400 --> 12:35.920 Is is about the best way to say it now mRNAs involved and genetic testing is involved 12:36.480 --> 12:44.560 And that's all what this inversion of from sovereignty to permissions is about because if you don't have sovereignty over your body then the data 12:45.600 --> 12:47.600 Is it yours either? 12:48.560 --> 12:54.240 Your genetic sequence is in yours your medical data is in yours, especially if the state is providing your health care 12:54.320 --> 12:56.000 How can it possibly be yours? 12:56.000 --> 13:01.360 And in fact, that's one of the disadvantages of the american system is that a lot of these databases are privatized 13:02.160 --> 13:05.520 And so unlike china and unlike some of these more socialized 13:06.080 --> 13:12.080 Places like israel or sweden or norway or or or the uk 13:12.960 --> 13:14.960 We don't have this possibility of 13:16.000 --> 13:18.320 Nefariously or or behind the scenes 13:18.880 --> 13:22.560 a massing a database that could be used eventually to 13:23.680 --> 13:28.400 achieve or or attempt to achieve some of these transgenic goals we've been talking about 13:28.960 --> 13:33.360 And so america was behind the ball at the start of the pandemic and the pandemic was going to be 13:34.080 --> 13:37.920 I think america's way of catching up to some of these systems that they have 13:38.400 --> 13:44.000 Led themselves to believe are very much ahead of us because of their ability to collect data and amass a database 13:44.400 --> 13:49.360 Of useful data for an ai to eventually start to understand how the human genome really works 13:52.960 --> 13:55.840 And so if you start to be able to see the very big picture of course 13:56.400 --> 13:58.560 understanding how the human genome works and how 13:59.760 --> 14:03.520 whatever human biology is in the end how to penetrate that 14:04.080 --> 14:10.960 irreducible complexity to get rid of the sacred aspects of biology has been a goal since the late 50s 14:11.680 --> 14:13.680 probably much earlier 14:14.640 --> 14:16.640 Once it was understood that 14:16.640 --> 14:17.760 that 14:17.760 --> 14:21.760 Biology as it existed was essentially an appreciation for the sacred 14:22.240 --> 14:26.480 And it had admiration for what we can't understand and for what little parts of it 14:26.480 --> 14:31.120 We can't understand it needed to be inverted and so for many decades 14:31.760 --> 14:37.680 Biology went from being what I think was a more appreciation of the natural world to a sort of 14:39.040 --> 14:41.040 An abomination of it or or or a 14:42.560 --> 14:44.800 Desecration of it was the right word I was looking for 14:45.760 --> 14:50.560 And so they they've essentially convinced biologists like me when I was still in academia 14:51.040 --> 14:55.440 Not to think about our work as having any sacred aspects of it even though I understood that 14:55.920 --> 14:58.400 like animal ethics and and and and 14:59.280 --> 15:04.240 Experimental ethics had something to do with the sacredness of the animal subjects that we were using 15:04.640 --> 15:11.520 It never really got to me the way it gets to me now in retrospect being outside of the system and outside of that field 15:11.920 --> 15:17.040 And so for me like many other people it has to be an awakening that takes many years 15:17.520 --> 15:24.000 And so it took me a long time to see that I was involved in this scooby-doo that I didn't get it for a very long time 15:24.160 --> 15:26.160 I didn't have this hypothesis 15:26.960 --> 15:35.040 All of it as as sorted as it is now at some point in may or or june or july of 2020. I was pretty close 15:36.000 --> 15:39.680 but the idea that that that there would be uh 15:41.120 --> 15:43.840 a way a molecular explanation 15:45.200 --> 15:49.520 For all of rna virology basically being an exaggeration 15:50.080 --> 15:55.680 That part of it was lost on me in 2020 and in fact it was lost on me because of the 15:55.760 --> 15:59.120 what I see now as a pretty amazing 16:01.360 --> 16:06.480 No virus position which was so boldly presented and 16:07.920 --> 16:12.800 Somehow curated in a way that it made it very unattractive to people like me who were trying to 16:13.440 --> 16:15.440 question what we thought we knew but 16:16.320 --> 16:18.480 Still cling to something that we thought we did 16:19.520 --> 16:21.520 and so in a way 16:21.520 --> 16:22.880 um 16:22.880 --> 16:28.640 They played different roles at different times and I don't know who's doing what I just know for sure that there was a many 16:28.640 --> 16:31.120 There were many times in my own involvement of this 16:31.920 --> 16:37.600 Evolution of this hypothesis where I felt like there was about to be a unity moment where everybody was going to realize 16:37.600 --> 16:39.680 Oh my gosh. They lied to us 16:39.680 --> 16:45.680 And every time we got to the point where I thought there was going to be this thing where people got together and said 16:45.680 --> 16:47.920 You know what we disagree about some of this biology 16:48.320 --> 16:51.440 But the bottom line is we agree that those people lied to us 16:52.240 --> 16:54.000 And then it didn't happen 16:54.000 --> 16:57.520 and then for some reason or another personal attacks got in the way or 16:58.080 --> 17:01.280 Or somebody didn't show up or somebody wrote a sub stack 17:01.360 --> 17:08.880 They shouldn't have or somebody backed out because the the rules of engagement were in agreement upon after several email exchanges 17:10.880 --> 17:13.200 And these dramas I think were all orchestrated 17:14.400 --> 17:19.760 I think a lot of these dramas were performed by both sides of a drama 17:20.240 --> 17:23.840 To make the people that were that thought that they were participating in that drama 17:24.400 --> 17:28.320 Feel like something happened when in reality they had nothing to do with what happened 17:29.040 --> 17:33.840 These people had already agreed to be opponents in this limited spectrum of debate 17:34.240 --> 17:38.320 And to include you and make you feel like you were participating in it 17:38.320 --> 17:41.840 But in reality, they already knew where it was going to go and where it was going to land 17:42.880 --> 17:48.000 And that's why several times during the course of the pandemic. I felt like I was making progress with people 17:48.480 --> 17:52.640 But then it suddenly they decided that I was a absolute nutcase 17:54.480 --> 18:00.480 I would go from having the respect of someone to being called crazy and it's happened several times in the last four years 18:01.360 --> 18:08.320 All the while slowly but surely moving toward this conclusion that so much can be explained by lying 18:09.280 --> 18:15.600 That it's it's unnecessary for there to be a spreading novel gain a function pathogen 18:15.600 --> 18:23.040 And then it just happens to be the Denny Rancor and several other people have I've not really been able to identify the signal of such 18:28.320 --> 18:35.920 It's absolutely impossible that the pandemic was just a biological phenomenon that governments around the world were responding to it's absolutely impossible 18:37.040 --> 18:41.200 Even if the theater was so convincing for so many years that we actually fell for it 18:41.440 --> 18:47.040 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga on biological high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist that should say 18:47.920 --> 18:49.920 Oh, yeah, it does say the 12th 18:49.920 --> 18:56.160 April 2024. I am a human just like you. I have a mama and a papa and 18:57.120 --> 19:01.440 Yeah, biology is the way out. So don't think that we've escaped. It's just started 19:02.400 --> 19:04.400 Today 19:04.400 --> 19:09.040 Today on Giga on biological we're going to look at a video. Did I change it? 19:09.680 --> 19:12.400 I don't think I changed it. I'm gonna have to change it right now. Sorry about that 19:12.880 --> 19:16.800 I mean, it's gonna say american frontline doctors 2020. We're gonna save that for later 19:17.520 --> 19:20.640 um, we're actually going to do a 19:22.400 --> 19:24.400 Donald Trump 19:26.800 --> 19:30.640 Uh second of march 2020 is what we're gonna do 19:31.360 --> 19:33.360 and so that 19:33.360 --> 19:37.120 Means that when we do this and I hit resume slideshow 19:37.200 --> 19:40.160 It's gonna play the music again, which I think is from tic-tac-dope 19:43.120 --> 19:45.120 And that should have had a 19:45.280 --> 19:49.840 I don't know why that didn't flies that there right now already and then donald will come in 19:52.320 --> 19:58.640 Okay, so I screwed up the animation when I edited that I apologize. I'm not very good at editing my slides on the fly 19:58.720 --> 20:01.680 Anyway, Donald Trump second of our march 2020 20:02.320 --> 20:06.880 Um without further ado here we go. I think this is going to be a really fun video 20:06.960 --> 20:12.000 Remember what we're watching here is history and if we roll down we will actually see 20:12.880 --> 20:17.680 That there are 18 subscribers to this channel only 5,000 people have seen it 20:17.760 --> 20:19.600 He loaded it up 20:19.600 --> 20:26.560 Four years ago and the only well the most recent common is mine. Inovio is Malone. Hi, he's so deep state 20:26.880 --> 20:28.880 I don't know why I wrote that anyway 20:28.880 --> 20:36.480 Um, here we go. This is called Inovio CEO Dr. Kim discusses coronavirus vaccine with president trump and vice president 20:36.480 --> 20:38.560 10 second of march 2020 20:38.560 --> 20:44.640 It's actually a 56 minute long video. So I I suspect we're gonna hear a lot of cool stuff 20:44.800 --> 20:48.400 Um, I might put it slightly faster although 20:50.800 --> 20:54.000 It's two o'clock. I've got enough time. Hopefully I won't interrupt too much 20:59.360 --> 21:01.840 Biotechnology companies the biggest in the world 21:02.960 --> 21:05.280 Most prestigious the ones that get down to 21:06.160 --> 21:12.880 The bottom line very quickly to discuss how the federal government can accelerate the development of vaccines and therapeutic treatments 21:13.760 --> 21:16.720 For the coronavirus. We want to welcome 21:17.360 --> 21:19.360 Dr. Deborah Burke 21:19.360 --> 21:21.360 And dr. Burke has been 21:21.440 --> 21:27.280 To the White House a lot over her career and she's now going to be here working with Mike Pence and everybody 21:28.160 --> 21:32.320 Full-time and we appreciate it. We appreciate it very much Dr. Brooks 21:32.960 --> 21:33.840 and 21:33.840 --> 21:36.480 A real expert in her field and if you'd like you could 21:36.960 --> 21:39.600 Ask her a couple of questions when we're finished. We work to 21:40.800 --> 21:45.440 We're working very hard to expedite the longer process of developing a vaccine 21:46.080 --> 21:48.800 We're also moving with maximum speed to develop 21:49.680 --> 21:56.160 Therapies so that we can help people we cover as quickly as possible. We have a lot of recovery going on 21:56.800 --> 21:58.960 We want to see if we can advance that 21:59.600 --> 22:04.240 It's likely that therapies will be available before a vaccine is actually ready and we'll 22:04.880 --> 22:10.320 Seek to bring all effective treatments to mark and as soon as possible some very good work has been done on the vaccine 22:10.320 --> 22:15.120 However, they have some good progress and you'll be able to ask a couple of questions of the folks here 22:15.840 --> 22:20.880 We're also working with congress to ensure that america has what it needs to respond to this challenge 22:21.440 --> 22:24.560 Great challenge, but everybody's responding very well 22:25.280 --> 22:31.600 Since the start of the outbreak my administration has taken the most aggressive action in history to protect our citizens and losing 22:32.080 --> 22:36.480 Including closing our borders very early a lot earlier than people wanted us to do 22:37.120 --> 22:39.440 And that turned out to be a good decision. I ordered 22:40.080 --> 22:46.320 Sweeping travel restrictions increased travel advisory levels established screening measures and opposed historic 22:47.120 --> 22:49.120 Quarantines 22:49.120 --> 22:51.120 Quarantines all over the country a lot of 22:51.840 --> 22:57.120 The corona virus shows the importance of bringing manufacturing back to america 22:57.200 --> 23:04.960 So that we are producing at home the medicines and equipment and everything else that we need to protect the public's health 23:05.680 --> 23:09.920 And i've been talking about this for a long time that process has already started it started 23:10.640 --> 23:12.640 Long before we ever knew about this 23:13.840 --> 23:17.840 So that's pretty funny because I know that a lot of the supplies of 23:18.560 --> 23:22.960 PCR testing at least around the world in different places came from china 23:23.840 --> 23:25.840 lateral flow tests from china pcr 23:26.720 --> 23:28.720 reactions from china 23:28.720 --> 23:34.560 I've been looking into one particular testing company on the west coast that used a company known as 23:35.520 --> 23:36.800 BGI 23:36.800 --> 23:39.200 And I think actually jikki is done jikki leaks 23:39.760 --> 23:44.240 The mouse guy on twitter has done a lot of work on bgi and how their tests were terrible 23:44.640 --> 23:50.000 And how many tests they distributed and if you look that company up, I think it's Beijing genetic something something 23:50.560 --> 23:54.640 Um, they are partners of the human genome project already from a couple decades ago 24:00.800 --> 24:02.800 So I think we're going to find as we move forward 24:03.280 --> 24:07.120 All we got to do is just keep track of what we find and keep 24:07.520 --> 24:10.720 Putting things on the bulletin board and eventually all this stuff will keep 24:10.720 --> 24:15.600 I mean, it's all still lining up, right? If I tell you that one of the biggest distributors of 24:16.480 --> 24:18.480 EUA tests in 24:18.640 --> 24:24.000 In the united states was a chinese company that was partnered with the human genome project already in 24:24.560 --> 24:25.680 2006 24:25.680 --> 24:29.760 Then that's when you look at the timeline and things line up like wow, that's weird 24:32.400 --> 24:35.360 And so just just realize that's what we're really working with here 24:35.440 --> 24:39.920 That's what's going to continue to happen as we look back if we are vigilant and we are 24:40.400 --> 24:41.920 We do the work 24:41.920 --> 24:44.720 Um, and that's what it's going to be is just doing this work 24:45.280 --> 24:47.680 Um, we are going to find it. We are going to see it 24:47.760 --> 24:50.320 It's going to become more and more obvious because again 24:50.880 --> 24:53.200 Unless they start erasing this kind of history 24:53.600 --> 25:00.080 It's still available right now and it it becomes a starker and starker contrast to what we know now 25:00.640 --> 25:03.920 As we move forward and as long as we don't let it get out of 25:04.480 --> 25:08.160 Get away from us. We can still bring other people to still see it 25:08.960 --> 25:10.720 Right if we're 25:10.720 --> 25:16.000 We have a lot of work to do between now and the election and whatever is going to stir up in everybody's head 25:16.400 --> 25:18.640 When that happens because that's going to be one of these 25:19.200 --> 25:25.120 You know high density information times that that makes it seem like a lot more time has passed 25:25.200 --> 25:30.960 And if you have one of those scenarios again, what ends up happening is is that 2020 25:31.440 --> 25:34.240 Cognitively feels like a longer time ago 25:34.240 --> 25:37.200 It becomes more and more work to get back to it 25:37.200 --> 25:40.560 And even if we have this kind of internet assistance 25:40.560 --> 25:44.800 It's still going to be a lot of cognitive work for people to roll back there 25:45.120 --> 25:47.920 They're thinking all the way this far. That's the whole 25:48.800 --> 25:50.240 Awfulness of social media 25:50.240 --> 25:54.000 So we've got a lot of work to do right now while we still everybody's attention 25:54.400 --> 25:58.720 And people are still trying to figure out still walking around a little bit days 25:58.800 --> 26:01.760 We have we have the chance right now. So I think this is a really 26:02.400 --> 26:05.040 great video great great place to start 26:05.520 --> 26:07.520 Make certain things at home 26:07.760 --> 26:10.800 We want to be doing our manufacturing at home 26:10.880 --> 26:15.520 That's not only done in giant it's done in many other places including Ireland and 26:16.320 --> 26:18.320 A lot of places make our different 26:19.040 --> 26:22.480 drugs and things that we need so badly and it's not good to be 26:24.320 --> 26:27.520 Dealing with one or two or three countries and we do very little at home 26:27.520 --> 26:31.680 And we're going to start doing it at home and we've been talking about that for a long time 26:32.080 --> 26:36.560 And a lot of the drug companies because of what we've done in terms of incentives and taxes 26:37.040 --> 26:39.040 They're heading back here anyway 26:39.600 --> 26:46.000 The coronavirus shows the importance of bringing all of that manufacturing back to america and we will have that 26:46.640 --> 26:49.840 Started it's already started frankly. It started about a year ago 26:50.720 --> 26:58.000 The white house coronavirus task force led by vice president Mike Pence has been meeting daily and coordinating closely with the state 26:58.480 --> 27:01.920 And local governments Mike had a call today with 53 governors 27:02.880 --> 27:07.680 And I heard it was a very good call and everybody's very well coordinated 27:08.400 --> 27:11.920 And the governors and the states all of them. I can't think of an exception 27:11.920 --> 27:17.200 They've been really working closely with us. It's been it's been a very good very good relationship 27:18.240 --> 27:24.240 We will confront this challenge together and we will continue to do exactly what we're doing 27:24.960 --> 27:27.360 And we're going to be very successful 27:28.640 --> 27:33.280 A lot of things are happening a lot of very exciting things are happening and they're happening very rapidly 27:33.760 --> 27:35.760 So with that, I'd like to introduce 27:35.760 --> 27:39.840 Mike and you can say a little bit as to your calls and some of the things that are happening today 27:40.320 --> 27:42.320 Well, thank you, mr. President and 27:42.320 --> 27:43.360 the 27:43.360 --> 27:46.560 White house corona task force. We'll be meeting again this afternoon 27:47.360 --> 27:52.240 But as you mentioned earlier today your direction we host I think we should assume that 27:52.720 --> 27:57.520 Mike pence's loyalty is not to donald trump in this scenario. I don't have any 27:58.160 --> 28:01.280 Idea whether donald trump is totally in or not 28:02.080 --> 28:08.480 My assumption is that he would like to be in my assumption is that he has the same desire that his dad did to be included in this 28:08.960 --> 28:13.760 Higher society that was in new york city at that time, which is really what we're talking about here still 28:14.160 --> 28:18.160 We're talking about the governing elite. I think donald trump would like to be a member of it 28:18.160 --> 28:19.680 Is he already a member or not? 28:19.680 --> 28:21.520 That's the real only question 28:21.520 --> 28:25.280 That anyone should really be asking if they're trying to penetrate this illusion 28:25.760 --> 28:33.680 And I don't think that in this scenario at this time even if donald trump isn't at this time still kind of outside of 28:34.240 --> 28:36.240 out of their control 28:36.240 --> 28:38.240 Mike pence is not 28:38.560 --> 28:43.440 And so putting mike pence in charge of the response to the pandemic is actually 28:44.160 --> 28:47.600 Quite alarming and it was quite alarming to me already in 28:48.480 --> 28:54.560 2020, but it wasn't really clear to me why but this this is why because I don't think this guy 28:55.280 --> 28:57.280 um 28:59.760 --> 29:01.760 I mean you want to believe it right that he's a 29:02.560 --> 29:04.080 He 29:04.080 --> 29:08.640 Reminds us that he is a christian whenever he can and I want to believe it with all of my heart 29:09.360 --> 29:11.360 um 29:12.320 --> 29:17.280 But you know you you have to go by people's actions and so um he's been in too long 29:17.760 --> 29:19.920 That's really what I think he's been in too long 29:20.800 --> 29:21.920 so 29:21.920 --> 29:25.600 Anyway and telephone conference call with 53 governors 29:26.640 --> 29:30.640 As the president said many times we're all in this together and today's meeting 29:32.240 --> 29:38.560 Is a reflection of back that this president understands that industry is a part of the one team in america that's going to 29:39.360 --> 29:41.840 address the coronavirus in this country 29:41.840 --> 29:47.280 I'm grateful for these leaders of the nation's top pharmaceutical companies come in to speak to us about 29:47.760 --> 29:49.760 the development of vaccines 29:49.840 --> 29:51.840 but also the development of therapeutic 29:52.480 --> 29:54.480 medications that 29:55.040 --> 29:59.200 Can be available in the short term and we're grateful for your participation 29:59.840 --> 30:04.240 The president will also be traveling tomorrow to the national institute of health 30:04.800 --> 30:06.640 cdc before the week is out 30:07.440 --> 30:12.720 And we will be meeting with leaders of the airline industry will be meeting with with leaders of 30:13.360 --> 30:15.360 the cruise line industry 30:15.600 --> 30:17.600 And we welcome the partnership 30:17.600 --> 30:23.440 With industry in this country as very is same mark work out the president's top priority mark is the guy who gave me this 30:23.440 --> 30:25.440 Video to watch so thanks mark 30:26.480 --> 30:28.480 And let me also mr. President 30:28.480 --> 30:31.440 extend my welcome to dr. Deborah barris 30:32.240 --> 30:33.440 one of the 30:33.440 --> 30:37.680 One of the leading experts in infectious diseases in the world 30:38.160 --> 30:43.040 She has served in the uniform of the united states. She has served in multiple administrations and 30:44.000 --> 30:47.280 She's going to be our right arm here as we implement 30:48.160 --> 30:50.160 your vision for 30:50.160 --> 30:54.080 Putting the health and safety and well the of the american people first 30:54.560 --> 30:57.600 So with that mr. President, I know secretary 30:57.600 --> 31:02.800 I do think that bergs is worth considering as one of the major players at least at this time 31:03.520 --> 31:09.440 um, she was given an extraordinary amount of power and I do think that she is a ladder climber and 31:10.400 --> 31:15.520 Someone that one way or another. I don't know if her history includes places where she's been pinched before 31:16.240 --> 31:19.360 Or places where fraud was uncovered or anything like that 31:19.360 --> 31:24.320 But I do know that he she moved up the ranks basically working on hib 31:24.400 --> 31:28.400 Which should be not by now for anybody watching this show an extreme red flag 31:29.040 --> 31:33.040 In terms of people moving up the bureaucracy of the united states government 31:33.600 --> 31:37.280 um and in this case, this is definitely one of the acolytes of all the 31:38.000 --> 31:39.520 of all the 31:39.520 --> 31:46.400 About she himself. So, um, it's a really cool thing to see that in march of 2020. We are still pretending 31:47.040 --> 31:54.000 Um, like she's just being added to the team. They've selected her. Donald trump is about to say her name incorrectly 31:54.000 --> 31:55.440 It's really kind of fun. 31:55.440 --> 31:57.440 These are has a few thoughts and 31:59.200 --> 32:04.880 Alex, maybe you can give a little update and then we'll go around the room and people can introduce themselves if that's okay 32:05.520 --> 32:07.520 Thank you, mr. President, mr. Vice president 32:08.160 --> 32:14.560 So, uh, we continue to see cases here in the united states. Uh, as you know, we tragically have experienced uh, several more deaths 32:15.120 --> 32:20.480 Reporting today. I think this is the guy who declares the health emergency, right? This is the hhs secretary 32:20.560 --> 32:25.680 So this is the dude who actually pulls the fire alarm that puts the prep act in action 32:26.160 --> 32:29.600 Allows euase to be granted and tells everybody it's time to go 32:29.920 --> 32:30.720 day 32:30.720 --> 32:33.440 Uh, and our condolences go out to their families of course 32:33.760 --> 32:37.360 Um, that's why the president's leading this whole of government response 32:37.440 --> 32:42.160 Let me just go back quick to see if I can see what i was on his thing secretary. He's our 32:43.440 --> 32:46.880 Department of health and human services. Yes, that's correct. I knew it vice president 32:47.520 --> 32:54.400 Uh, so, uh, we continue to see cases here in the united states. Uh, as you know, we tragically have experienced uh, several more deaths 32:54.640 --> 32:58.880 Tragically says, uh, and our condolences go out to their families, of course 32:59.360 --> 33:04.720 Uh, that's why the president's leading this whole of government response at the direction of the vice president 33:05.520 --> 33:09.680 We're here working with the pharmaceutical company leaders on three key issues 33:10.480 --> 33:16.480 How do we speed vaccines? How do we speed therapeutics and one of the supply chain challenges that we may be facing 33:16.880 --> 33:19.120 For pharmaceutical products here in the united states 33:19.680 --> 33:26.080 With regard to with regard to therapeutics and vaccines. We want to know how we can not get in their way, but rather speed 33:26.480 --> 33:28.560 That development process along 33:28.560 --> 33:32.800 I want to make sure that they all know that we've got commissioner han here from the fda 33:32.880 --> 33:37.840 And this is all in the context of emergency powers emergency use authorizations 33:37.840 --> 33:42.960 There we go. The president will be asking you how can we make it faster? How can we make anything faster? 33:42.960 --> 33:46.080 How can we challenge some of those normal pharma timelines 33:46.880 --> 33:48.880 That can be a little slow and bureaucratic 33:49.280 --> 33:54.160 What could we do to speed that along given the nature of this emergency and be a good partner? 33:54.720 --> 33:55.920 with you 33:55.920 --> 34:02.000 And making that happen, especially once we get the emergency supplemental passed by congress in the next week or so 34:02.800 --> 34:08.160 So with that said mr. Thank you very much and supplemental is moving along very rapidly 34:09.280 --> 34:13.920 Everyone what I assume that's money is to get that done moving more quickly 34:14.480 --> 34:16.000 Emma please 34:16.000 --> 34:19.360 Emma warms leave from black so smith going first of all i'd like to 34:20.160 --> 34:25.040 Really say how much we welcome the leadership mr. President of this task force nich and vada 34:25.520 --> 34:31.200 And recognize the very substantial efforts that have already been made by the administration to protect people here in the us 34:32.000 --> 34:36.640 As a science led company with a very large including manufacturing presence here 34:36.640 --> 34:39.600 We know we have a responsibility and a vital role to play 34:40.080 --> 34:44.400 And our priority is to make sure we make available as part of this one team 34:45.120 --> 34:48.000 our pandemic adjuvant technology available to 34:48.880 --> 34:55.040 Any company with a high highly promising vaccine because this new technology could 34:55.680 --> 34:56.960 make 34:56.960 --> 35:04.800 These other vaccines either this new technology could with a high highly available to part of this one team 35:05.520 --> 35:08.400 our pandemic adjuvant technology available to 35:09.200 --> 35:15.440 Any company with a high highly promising vaccine because this new technology could 35:16.000 --> 35:21.280 Make these other vaccines either bring more efficacy or indeed 35:23.200 --> 35:26.800 Allow them to be antigen sparing, which means we could protect more people 35:27.120 --> 35:31.440 Which is obviously incredibly important as we're trying to work a pace and a scale 35:31.520 --> 35:38.320 We've already announced two collaborations and hope to announce more. We're also ready to produce should the us government 35:39.200 --> 35:41.360 Require it a stockpile of this 35:42.160 --> 35:43.200 Adjubins 35:43.200 --> 35:47.440 So that's interesting. Um, what I hear there is a 35:48.400 --> 35:51.440 Reference to this is the Glasgow Smith's Klein lady 35:52.080 --> 35:57.760 Pandemic adjuvant technology more efficacy. I presume would be more antibodies 35:58.240 --> 36:00.240 This would be an antibody thing 36:00.240 --> 36:03.120 Right because that's the that's the nature of the the whole 36:03.760 --> 36:08.960 Model of that that immune correlate and then she says antigen sparing 36:08.960 --> 36:12.160 So here I think she's actually talking about the manufacturer 36:12.880 --> 36:19.120 Of spike protein and spike protein being an antigen that would need an adjuvant technology 36:19.120 --> 36:24.160 And it could also mean the the the manufacturer of mRNA and that you could use 36:24.560 --> 36:29.200 Manufacture less mRNA if you use the pandemic adjuvant technology 36:29.600 --> 36:35.680 It's interesting that they tag on the name here pandemic adjuvant technology because it's not really clear to me 36:35.680 --> 36:41.120 What would differentiate an adjuvant that's not a pandemic adjuvant for example? 36:41.120 --> 36:43.840 I think that's already here a huge 36:44.960 --> 36:49.040 You know level of disingenuousness designed specifically to 36:49.840 --> 36:56.240 Maximize the the illusion of consensus here that may also be an illusion of consensus that is being 36:57.040 --> 36:59.040 Directed at Donald Trump 37:00.560 --> 37:04.080 I mean, I'm not I'm not against that idea. No 37:05.040 --> 37:11.120 Fighting COVID-19 requires a global effort and the US is the vital leader in this 37:11.200 --> 37:14.000 We're absolutely committed to play our part in the talk. Thank you 37:14.960 --> 37:16.960 Thank you very much. Please 37:18.080 --> 37:19.520 Anthony go ahead 37:19.520 --> 37:21.520 I'd like you to share something anyway 37:22.320 --> 37:26.560 I'm Tony Fauci the director of the national astute of allergy and infectious diseases 37:27.120 --> 37:32.080 Very pleased to be on this task force, which I think you're going to see is working extraordinarily smoothly 37:32.560 --> 37:37.600 Under the leadership of the vice president and and secretary asa and as you know, we're involved 37:37.680 --> 37:40.160 And that's the reason why I'm pleased to be with in this room 37:40.720 --> 37:44.160 With you all because we're involved in the fundamental basic and clinical research 37:44.560 --> 37:47.840 To develop countermeasures in the form of therapeutics and vaccines 37:48.240 --> 37:53.520 And I'm sure i'll be working with many of you around the room and I look forward to thank you. Mr. He's so excited 37:54.720 --> 37:56.720 Thank you 37:56.880 --> 37:58.880 Director of cdc. I 38:00.000 --> 38:01.760 Also want to 38:01.760 --> 38:07.600 Thank you all for being here. I want to extend that there's anything cdc can also do as you begin to try to evaluate 38:08.640 --> 38:11.680 Some of your fruits of your labor, you know, we're here to 38:12.640 --> 38:14.640 Make that would we have available help 38:15.520 --> 38:17.520 We're all we're all no fauci 38:17.680 --> 38:23.680 New countermen fauci very very very distinctly hat tipped as our azar and 38:24.320 --> 38:27.120 And pence, which I think makes perfect sense 38:34.800 --> 38:38.320 Mr. Vice President thanks for having me here. Good afternoon. I'm dan medicella 38:38.400 --> 38:43.680 It's very rare that you get such a view of his hair being I mean usually you think it's like a kind of a 38:45.200 --> 38:49.360 It's like a bit of an exaggeration, but in this particular shot with that particular lighting boy 38:49.440 --> 38:53.120 It doesn't there's no exaggeration here at all. It's funny here. It's fun. It's nice 38:53.200 --> 38:58.400 Thank you, mr. President. Mr. Vice President. Thanks for having me here. Good afternoon. I'm dan medicella. CEO of cure back 38:58.960 --> 39:03.120 We're a clinical stage biotech cure back. We use messenger RNA technology 39:03.920 --> 39:07.120 Oppenized messenger RNA molecules once injected into the body 39:07.840 --> 39:10.720 They instruct the cells on how to make proteins for instance 39:10.720 --> 39:18.640 We can use the mRNA technology to trigger an immune response against viruses or we can get the body to increase its production of T cells for cancer vaccines 39:19.360 --> 39:21.360 In this way cure back can make potent 39:21.360 --> 39:27.520 Prophylactic vaccines and cancer treatments the technology also works well to replace missing proteins so we can also work in a rare disease 39:29.120 --> 39:33.840 One strength of our technology is that we can produce prophylactic vaccines using a very low dose 39:34.320 --> 39:40.480 So for instance the phase one rabies trial that we just completed was done at a one microgram dose 39:40.640 --> 39:43.680 So in other words a millionth of a gram dose a very very tiny gross 39:44.320 --> 39:46.960 And so more broadly our company focuses 39:47.280 --> 39:52.800 So this year we have four programs in phase one clinical trials and the coronavirus program will be the fifth program in phase one 39:52.960 --> 39:57.600 We expect that the phase one program or coronavirus will start beginning of June 39:59.040 --> 40:06.640 Our technology platform is fast and it's agile. We were the first messenger RNA company to have GMP manufacturing. We started in 2006 40:07.440 --> 40:10.240 Currently, we have three large-scale GMP facilities 40:10.800 --> 40:13.360 And we were up and running up and running now today 40:13.360 --> 40:17.520 We have a fourth facility built and we're looking for additional capex to put the machinery in there 40:17.840 --> 40:23.440 Once we have that machinery in the fourth building we can make hundreds of millions of doses of the coronavirus vaccine 40:23.840 --> 40:25.840 So we're very excited about that if we want to help there 40:26.560 --> 40:28.880 That is spectacular. I mean 40:30.800 --> 40:35.360 He seems to claim that they were ahead on the man the basic manufacturing stuff ahead of 40:36.160 --> 40:36.960 I 40:36.960 --> 40:41.200 Head of Moderna. I don't know if that's true or not, but it does seem like he's claiming that 40:43.040 --> 40:45.520 Additionally, we have developed a fully automated production 40:46.720 --> 40:51.920 Machine this automated machine is part of the collaboration with sepi and additionally with sepi 40:51.920 --> 40:57.600 We are working on the coronavirus. They have funded our efforts to get the program and the vaccine into phase one 40:58.000 --> 41:02.080 By june. I mean you could see this as being completely nonsense 41:02.080 --> 41:09.280 He already said that that it's an optimized mRNA tech that can produce T cells for cancer 41:09.840 --> 41:11.840 Replace missing proteins 41:12.640 --> 41:16.720 Excuse me, but where can you do that? How can you do that? What give me the example? 41:17.280 --> 41:21.040 This is absolutely par for the course here. We just 41:22.000 --> 41:27.680 I don't think we should be surprised. We're seeing this but what we should be surprised is that we didn't see it 41:28.640 --> 41:35.440 That none of us saw it. I didn't even see it. I didn't get it none none of the academic biologists in america basically said wait 41:35.840 --> 41:42.320 What are you talking about here? This is just transfection. I didn't get it yet in march. I mean I didn't see it 41:43.760 --> 41:49.600 Wasn't until bill gates explained it on pbs news hour that I was like wait what get out of here 41:50.160 --> 41:55.680 Now I hear it. What's going on? I had to have that guy before I could see through it 41:55.680 --> 41:57.200 I 41:57.200 --> 42:03.760 Don't even know if I saw this discussion, but I find it very impressive isn't kirvak the one that that elan musk is involved in 42:04.160 --> 42:10.000 Key point here being that we believe we can develop the vaccine for covid 19 very very quickly and we have a wherewithal to manufacture it 42:10.080 --> 42:13.600 Although we would like some additional help on our largest gmp4 facility 42:14.080 --> 42:18.080 Um, again, we appreciate the opportunity to be here today and uh, thank you very much 42:21.600 --> 42:23.600 John 42:26.000 --> 42:28.000 Again, a vaccine research 42:29.520 --> 42:32.240 Studies in making vaccine for 100 years 42:32.800 --> 42:36.080 And we're for this project. We're working with proprietary 42:36.400 --> 42:41.840 Undercomative protein technology and make the first flu vaccine that's on an x 42:44.240 --> 42:46.720 Um, it's as a potential to define guard 42:48.400 --> 42:52.400 Early work done the star related guard is very common to me 42:55.680 --> 43:01.520 Uh, because we are a major, you know, a flu vaccine producer with this technology 43:01.840 --> 43:05.760 We have the ability to produce a large amount of vaccine 43:06.640 --> 43:12.400 Depending upon the final formulation 100 to 600 million doses per year made in New York 43:13.040 --> 43:18.080 And for we made both of our about 90 percent of our flu product that we can do 43:18.560 --> 43:23.520 Mark says that this is john shiver at the university of pennsylvania. I didn't catch the beginning there 43:23.600 --> 43:25.600 So thanks mark if that's correct 43:33.600 --> 43:35.600 To work with you in this administration 43:43.040 --> 43:47.440 When do you think you could have the vaccine when you think you'd be able to have it stuck reducing it 43:48.800 --> 43:50.800 Now 43:53.520 --> 43:55.520 Some of the other technologies are 43:57.600 --> 43:59.600 We do 43:59.920 --> 44:04.640 And depending upon the nature of how the epidemic goes or does it go 44:05.200 --> 44:08.960 Uh, you know, we would end with the help of the agencies of this country 44:09.440 --> 44:16.560 Uh, you know, perhaps it's a few except where you're difficult to predict your president knowing that a vaccine has to be booked safe in 44:17.680 --> 44:19.680 Because it's given the healthy people 44:20.080 --> 44:22.080 Okay, thank you very much 44:22.880 --> 44:24.880 Thanks, Mr. President for having us 44:26.080 --> 44:28.080 Family and CEO 44:28.960 --> 44:30.960 Regeneron 44:33.680 --> 44:40.880 And we are a monopolyant about if i'm already centered in a company, we are no strangers to collaborate with the administration 44:41.280 --> 44:42.480 We work with 44:42.480 --> 44:47.040 Secretary as our scooters barter and leave him up with a cure for Ebola 44:47.520 --> 44:49.520 And we're very proud of that 44:51.920 --> 44:53.920 Testing that under unbelievable condition 44:55.600 --> 44:58.080 And it didn't create quite as much a site because they could 44:58.880 --> 45:04.480 Hit our shorts, but we can use the exact same technology. We already have we have thousands of antibodies 45:05.120 --> 45:08.160 That are already sitting in fishes with screen them or selecting them 45:08.640 --> 45:10.640 We anticipate of all those well 45:11.440 --> 45:16.800 200,000 doses per month and come out of our factory in New York kind of starting or 45:17.840 --> 45:25.040 And of course we know that this is extra significant to think about this proposal in light of the fact that supreme court was about to change its mind 45:25.680 --> 45:28.480 About the intellectual property rights surrounding 45:29.200 --> 45:34.240 The production of monoclonal antibodies and it had just become exposed on a 45:35.120 --> 45:37.120 On the Yale law school review 45:37.520 --> 45:43.840 Um in a article titled the antibody patent paradox that was then later cited by the supreme court 45:44.400 --> 45:47.040 Um in its decision written by gorsage to 45:47.600 --> 45:55.600 Basically say that a lot of these patents would not hold up and that would they they don't enable the making of an antibody that is 45:56.000 --> 46:00.000 That is pure and because of the nature of how antibodies work 46:00.480 --> 46:05.360 A lot of the descriptions actually fell short of the current understanding of biology 46:05.440 --> 46:10.080 And it was just kind of decided that these things weren't going to hold up to strict scrutiny 46:10.080 --> 46:14.400 If they if they were actually challenged on on pat and law basis and so 46:14.960 --> 46:16.960 proposing monoclonal antibodies 46:17.440 --> 46:19.920 Um is a very interest. It's a very interesting 46:21.360 --> 46:22.800 Side story 46:22.800 --> 46:28.080 To the machinations that were going on behind the scenes because remember somewhere in this crowd 46:28.640 --> 46:30.000 um 46:30.000 --> 46:36.240 There are people from a novio and from other companies that all think it's possible that their 46:36.800 --> 46:42.080 Technology may get a significant part of this pie that is going to be billions of doses 46:42.160 --> 46:48.640 Everybody in this room already knows that there are going to be billions of doses if the coronavirus disappears tomorrow 46:49.200 --> 46:54.720 These people don't care because the motion the wheels that are being said in motion right now 46:55.120 --> 46:59.760 Are going to spend that money anyway those doses are are already in the bag 47:00.240 --> 47:06.080 These cons they're just trying to position themselves for the largest contract and the most attention 47:07.200 --> 47:12.080 That's what you're seeing here and and it's separate from the orchestration of 47:12.640 --> 47:17.440 The appearance of the pandemic and the presence of a novel virus that's separate from this 47:18.320 --> 47:21.760 These people believe it many of these people believe it 47:21.760 --> 47:25.520 They don't they're not sophisticated enough to understand it and in fact 47:25.840 --> 47:31.520 Even if they are sophisticated enough to understand that they understand that their whole livelihood in the industry that they represent 47:31.920 --> 47:33.920 Exists because of that mythology 47:33.920 --> 47:39.760 You need to think about our thing now that means you'd be able to use the vaccine that early 47:40.880 --> 47:42.880 Depends on what uh we see 47:43.120 --> 47:45.120 How we work closely with the fda 47:45.120 --> 47:46.640 Which is what we will do 47:46.640 --> 47:51.520 The fda is what we reached out to us, but we got to work so that process would be faster than jobs 47:53.760 --> 47:55.760 Um, do you explain why that would be 47:56.320 --> 47:58.320 Well, so we make 47:58.480 --> 48:00.480 passive 48:01.040 --> 48:03.040 Vaccine 48:03.440 --> 48:05.440 Our drug will be able to protect you 48:06.480 --> 48:12.640 Whether or not you're infected and protect you from getting infected or if you are infected it would treat you and the 48:13.360 --> 48:16.640 We have just taken processes that only take 48:18.000 --> 48:24.800 Literally years and we put them end-to-end and now do them in weeks to month but nobody else the industry can do 48:24.960 --> 48:26.960 so we're very excited to 48:26.960 --> 48:34.240 Collaborate once again. That is quite a claim of a vaccine and also it will put it in a different way make you better quicker 48:34.480 --> 48:38.240 And we'll think of it this way if you if you get immunized with one of these vaccines 48:38.560 --> 48:40.560 You're going to make some antibiotics to protect you 48:40.960 --> 48:45.360 We're going to have already make those antibodies and give them to you so you don't have to go through that whole process 48:45.680 --> 48:49.440 So to protect you and as we showed with Ebola you're giving up for them 48:49.600 --> 48:52.960 We it was life-saving life truly life-saving 48:53.040 --> 48:55.040 I wonder if his is Ebola 48:55.760 --> 49:01.520 Ebola monoclonal antibodies were like a triplet cocktail like z-map was or whether 49:02.240 --> 49:06.320 Um, it's a single what they claim monoclonal antibody. It's interesting 49:09.120 --> 49:13.760 It was the way to go. It's very predictable. I just want to say I hope everybody succeeds here 49:13.760 --> 49:18.800 I mean, this is bringing everybody together here is we want everybody to make a billion dollars 49:19.120 --> 49:24.720 There's going to be success. This industry is really talented as an industry 49:24.720 --> 49:29.280 Sometimes we want to stray, but we're going to get this done. We're going to get this done 49:29.440 --> 49:34.560 We're going to we're going to take every contract and we're going to fulfill every contract. Thank you very much. Thanks 49:38.960 --> 49:40.960 Oh 49:48.800 --> 49:51.360 In only 42 days from the sequence of a virus 49:52.080 --> 49:55.280 Our vaccine to Dr. Fauci's team at the NIH 49:55.840 --> 50:02.160 We're now waiting for the vaccine to be green light from the idea so that the team can start those in as soon as possible 50:03.200 --> 50:06.320 What is very interesting about our technology is that we use messenger RNA 50:06.880 --> 50:11.680 So basically it's an information molecule that allows to go very quickly from virginity information of a virus 50:12.240 --> 50:14.960 We're having a vaccine. So we have already have nine vaccine in the clinic 50:15.920 --> 50:20.800 In the US in Germany and in Australia. We have five of those risk authorities 50:22.000 --> 50:26.000 We've always departed with data from departmental defense with further 50:26.480 --> 50:28.880 from HHS. We're having ongoing discussions 50:29.200 --> 50:34.320 We were able to go so fast because we are working for many years with the NIH and we'll work with 50:34.960 --> 50:37.440 a class half system on the MEIS 50:38.800 --> 50:42.560 vaccine for the Middle East respiratory syndrome, which is so coronavirus 50:43.200 --> 50:45.200 And so we're able to move very very fast 50:45.440 --> 50:49.360 From a coupon calls to getting a vaccine made ready for the clinic 50:49.920 --> 50:51.920 We're now working on the phase two material 50:52.400 --> 50:57.520 But as soon as we get the phase one dose out of the NIH we'll be able to start the phase two right away 50:58.080 --> 51:00.080 What is your time? 51:00.080 --> 51:01.600 So we're hoping to get the 51:01.760 --> 51:03.760 The phase one stuff very soon now 51:03.920 --> 51:05.680 We're just waiting for a green light 51:05.680 --> 51:07.680 The product is at the NIH 51:08.000 --> 51:10.800 And then we should be a few months to get the human data 51:11.280 --> 51:15.200 That will allow us to pick a therapeutic dose to start the phase two right away 51:15.200 --> 51:18.080 So you're talking over the next few months. I think you don't have a vaccine 51:20.400 --> 51:22.400 Yeah, if we have a vaccine 51:22.400 --> 51:24.400 You'll have a vaccine to go into tests 51:26.400 --> 51:28.400 And how long would that take 51:28.400 --> 51:30.800 The phase two will take a few months before they're going to phase four 51:31.040 --> 51:33.520 So you're talking within a year like i've been telling you 51:34.480 --> 51:37.200 A year to many is talking about two months 51:41.200 --> 51:43.680 So you're talking within a year like i've been telling you 51:44.800 --> 51:47.360 A year to many is talking about two months 51:48.480 --> 51:51.840 I think fauci says a year to two years there at some point 51:51.840 --> 51:55.760 Which is kind of on the timeline that mark was suggesting in the original 51:56.240 --> 52:00.160 It's also what what paul cotrell was saying like an 18 month 52:01.120 --> 52:04.160 Uh an 18 month horizon or something like that 52:04.480 --> 52:07.040 The phase two will take a few months before they're going to phase four 52:07.040 --> 52:09.600 All right, so you're talking within a year like i've been telling you 52:10.560 --> 52:13.200 A year to many is talking about two months 52:18.640 --> 52:20.640 In a couple of months 52:20.880 --> 52:23.040 I mean, I like the sound of a couple of months better 52:23.040 --> 52:29.520 But when you say june phase one initiation right in june not a completed vaccine 52:43.120 --> 52:45.520 Look at his face look at fauci's face 52:45.680 --> 52:47.680 He's 52:49.200 --> 52:51.200 He's hard at hard time not laughing 52:52.640 --> 52:56.560 Look at him. Oh my gosh. What is happening here? 53:00.800 --> 53:02.800 Is 53:08.160 --> 53:10.160 Look at him 53:11.840 --> 53:13.840 What do you say to that lenny 53:15.520 --> 53:17.520 I sense the cost of this 53:20.160 --> 53:21.200 Because 53:21.200 --> 53:25.920 Vaccines have to be tested because there's precedent for vaccines to actually make diseases worse 53:26.320 --> 53:30.880 And you really don't want to make it you want to rush and treat a million people and find out you make him 53:31.360 --> 53:36.480 900,000 worse to good idea. So yeah, so that's why I think why 53:37.760 --> 53:43.520 The cautious I don't speak and it's good for him because then he has more time to roll out his monoclonal anybody 53:43.680 --> 53:49.200 So good for him to come to the rescue of fauci and give him praise for being so careful 53:55.680 --> 54:01.520 So we need to prove that you know, I think that with our technology by knowing that we have neutralizing 54:02.080 --> 54:07.840 Antibodies that would give we know that this approach work for although we know that it worked for mergers and animals 54:08.240 --> 54:10.240 We have a greater degree of confidence 54:10.240 --> 54:12.240 And it's and if this would work 54:13.920 --> 54:15.920 Okay 54:24.560 --> 54:26.560 Thank you for having a 54:27.360 --> 54:31.200 We're not a vaccine company we're a therapeutic company focused on antivirals 54:32.320 --> 54:35.280 Gilead science as I know is worth a lot of people around the table here 54:35.280 --> 54:39.840 Let me first take the opportunity to thank you for the effort to the administration the secretary on the 54:40.240 --> 54:42.240 hiv elimination program 54:44.320 --> 54:46.320 With HIV incredible 54:49.280 --> 54:54.240 10 years, but now we're into nine years because it could have been started earlier and somebody else didn't start it early 54:54.240 --> 54:56.240 But we started it right away 54:56.880 --> 55:02.560 And now I'm now saying I started off saying 10 years now. I'm down to nine years. You think by the end of nine years 55:03.520 --> 55:05.520 HIV is where 55:07.360 --> 55:09.360 Can you imagine we'll be eliminated 55:10.480 --> 55:12.480 Prevent it now 55:15.920 --> 55:17.920 Is he kind of taking 55:17.920 --> 55:25.360 He's kind of getting excited about the idea that he feels somewhat responsible for having accepted this idea as being a good thing and going at it 55:25.360 --> 55:27.360 and I find that 55:27.360 --> 55:32.720 An easy way that's that potentially as I understand him as a man 55:33.440 --> 55:39.040 How donald trump could easily be bamboozled i'm i'm not i'm pretty sure he's not a biologist 55:39.840 --> 55:43.040 I have no matter how smart his brother was at mit or whatever it is 55:44.400 --> 55:50.640 I'm pretty sure he's not a biologist. I'm pretty sure that it takes a lot of time and study before you can get to the stage where you're 55:51.520 --> 55:57.760 sophisticated enough to really understand this level of bamboozlement this level of 55:58.640 --> 56:03.680 Illusion of consensus a lot of these people are unwitting participants in this illusion of consensus 56:04.000 --> 56:09.360 They built their whole career accepting the illusion of consensus about hib the necessary 56:09.920 --> 56:16.640 Then the need to treat these people and how to treat them and the accepted ways of treating them and writing the grant applications 56:16.640 --> 56:22.800 Or writing the grant proposals to those grant calls has gotten them to accept those mysteries as solved 56:23.760 --> 56:25.760 And the bad guys is who they are 56:26.320 --> 56:32.320 And it's viruses and so he doesn't in 2002. I didn't all right in march 56:33.120 --> 56:36.480 2020 on the second of march. I didn't know any better either 56:37.200 --> 56:39.200 Remember back 10 years ago horrible 56:39.520 --> 56:42.000 That was and a little beyond the 10 years and now 56:42.960 --> 56:45.920 To think about what you've done what what's happened. So daniel 56:46.400 --> 56:51.840 Let's talk about the same antiviral experience. Gilean has a decade to have to apply to coronavirus 56:51.840 --> 56:53.840 So we have a medicine called remdesivir 56:54.080 --> 56:58.240 Which is like a decade long development. So it's weird. Why would domain? 56:59.040 --> 57:01.040 Identify remdesivir 57:01.440 --> 57:08.880 If gilean already is gilead gonna say that the reason why we think it'll work for coronavirus is because the domain server identified it 57:08.880 --> 57:10.720 I don't think so 57:10.720 --> 57:14.400 Or the domain program identified it. I don't think so. So where is this? 57:15.280 --> 57:19.360 It was used for Ebola was used for Zika was used for all these things. Why? 57:20.000 --> 57:26.480 I think mark has done a few videos about this trying to understand what in the world is so special about remdesivir 57:26.880 --> 57:32.640 The that's an antiviral used to treat coronaviruses the same viruses that 57:33.680 --> 57:39.280 The same family of SARS and MERS and we're hoping that has effect now against the covid-19 57:39.440 --> 57:42.960 So we know in vitro that it has very high effect 57:43.040 --> 57:47.280 So you have a medicine that's already involved with the coronaviruses 57:47.920 --> 57:50.400 And now you have to see it specifically for this 57:51.040 --> 57:56.400 When name you can know that tomorrow. Okay. Well, we have now the critical thing is to do clinical trials 57:56.480 --> 58:02.560 And we're in the process. We have two clinical trials going on in china that were started several weeks ago 58:02.800 --> 58:04.800 There are 400 patient trials each 58:05.760 --> 58:08.880 They're getting close to halfway enrolled or any response yet 58:09.360 --> 58:12.080 Well, we don't know because they're double blind randomized trials 58:12.160 --> 58:15.600 We have to wait till the conclusion the trial we expect to get that information in April 58:16.000 --> 58:19.920 Then we've been working with tony in the group at NIH to have another protocol 58:20.400 --> 58:26.320 And na id that will also be protocol that we'll use in china outside china here in the United 58:26.480 --> 58:33.040 States to test for the virus and we have two other clinical trials that we're going to initiate next week anything here 58:33.440 --> 58:38.080 Anything that yes. Yeah, well the naad trial already had its first patient in the brass gun 58:39.120 --> 58:42.880 And i'm thinking tony we're working on your washington washington washington 58:43.040 --> 58:48.160 You go to washington state where is he washington they're mentioning the shihumish county mountain 58:49.440 --> 58:51.440 So the intention is to begin 58:51.680 --> 58:53.680 I think it's a great idea 58:54.400 --> 58:56.400 The trial is really ready to go 58:56.400 --> 59:01.840 And mark says that the china trial was already stalling at this time and so this guy's a little bit BSing 59:01.840 --> 59:04.080 I don't know if I can verify that but I trust mark 59:04.800 --> 59:08.400 We're going to specifically the nursing home with that and how brick 59:08.640 --> 59:10.640 Yes and the community of course 59:11.200 --> 59:15.920 The health care workers and that family members when you when will that take place? 59:16.080 --> 59:18.880 Well, literally I think I would go so far 59:18.960 --> 59:23.840 You know, I would go so far as to say just to step out a minute to the chat and say 59:24.400 --> 59:30.000 That you should really go to youtube and look at some of the early campaign speeches for governor 59:31.040 --> 59:33.520 Or rather that governor of california 59:34.240 --> 59:36.720 Ronald reagan did as he was running for president 59:36.800 --> 59:38.800 one of the things you're going to be disturbed by 59:39.360 --> 59:45.120 Is the level of language used and its delivery is going to make you feel like you're a little dumb 59:45.840 --> 59:49.040 Because essentially back then when he ran for office 59:49.520 --> 59:58.080 The average adult was smarter than they treat us now and the language they chose to speak to adults was smarter than it is 59:58.080 --> 01:00:01.520 Now it's more sophisticated and the vocabulary was deeper 01:00:02.880 --> 01:00:09.280 And you will see talks faster. He says things and people laugh in the audience. It's a real different kind of speech 01:00:09.920 --> 01:00:16.400 Than what we see now with somebody as atrocious as joe biden or even somebody that a lot of people like like donald trump 01:00:16.400 --> 01:00:19.120 It's just not the same level of information exchange 01:00:19.520 --> 01:00:25.760 It's not the same level of idea pontification. It's not the same level of of exchange at all 01:00:26.400 --> 01:00:27.920 intellectually 01:00:27.920 --> 01:00:30.640 And so ronald reagan was killed 01:00:32.400 --> 01:00:35.920 If you talk to or listen to what nancy reagan says 01:00:36.720 --> 01:00:42.560 My take on ronald reagan is that he tried to do the right thing and people took advantage of that 01:00:43.120 --> 01:00:45.760 And they put him in a position where he thought he could do the right thing 01:00:45.760 --> 01:00:50.000 And at some point he realized that the tax system in america was not fair 01:00:50.720 --> 01:00:52.560 And they killed it 01:00:52.560 --> 01:00:58.800 And that's basically the story as i understand it and that's very different than what's happening with donald trump right now 01:00:58.800 --> 01:01:00.800 So if donald trump's an actor 01:01:00.960 --> 01:01:04.880 Very different kind of actor than ronald reagan was and i do think you owe it to yourself 01:01:05.360 --> 01:01:07.840 And the history of america to go back and double check 01:01:08.400 --> 01:01:12.880 What's available about ronald reagan and what's available about his assassination? 01:01:13.440 --> 01:01:17.040 And maybe reconsider the fact of equating these two 01:01:17.680 --> 01:01:20.640 Just as actors because i do think that ronald reagan 01:01:21.200 --> 01:01:28.320 A rose in a time when people were used by other people and didn't only know didn't always know how they were being used 01:01:28.800 --> 01:01:31.600 And it was a much more precarious kind of 01:01:32.160 --> 01:01:35.280 meddling that it's now being done which is almost ultimate 01:01:35.760 --> 01:01:44.240 Which is almost omnipotent because they can read social media control social media because the algorithms are different for everyone because what we see is different 01:01:44.640 --> 01:01:47.200 And we can't really tell how far our message is going 01:01:49.200 --> 01:01:53.680 It's a very different world in which we are being controlled a very different set of tools 01:01:54.080 --> 01:02:00.480 That is being used to control us than what was being used back then when ronald reagan was president i assure you i assure you 01:02:05.040 --> 01:02:07.040 Tony's involved it'll be tomorrow morning 01:02:10.240 --> 01:02:17.040 We worked on the protocols together obviously yeah i know i'm sorry i did say assassinated when he was attempted to be assassinated at that stage though 01:02:17.040 --> 01:02:19.200 They neutralized him right i mean 01:02:19.200 --> 01:02:23.520 He wasn't it wasn't ever the same again. He didn't i mean and we kind of 01:02:24.240 --> 01:02:30.880 I do really think that this had something to do with what he was doing behind the scenes with regard to tax and and the dollar and 01:02:33.520 --> 01:02:38.080 We're working hand in glove with many people around the table to make sure that whether 01:02:40.000 --> 01:02:45.440 So what would you know if it works i mean you already have this medicine well i do think we'll know in the April time 01:02:46.240 --> 01:02:47.760 And 01:02:47.760 --> 01:02:50.160 April that's pretty good. That's when uh 01:02:50.160 --> 01:02:57.200 Tony fauci announced it was in april that remdesivir was running if you're able to say do you have any negative kickaxe kickouts like you told 01:02:57.520 --> 01:03:00.160 utility analyses or vsmb reviews 01:03:02.320 --> 01:03:03.840 In the trial in china 01:03:03.840 --> 01:03:06.640 Probably take a look at some of that data in march so far 01:03:06.960 --> 01:03:09.040 That would be only stop though for thank you 01:03:09.840 --> 01:03:12.000 You really have to wait at the end of the trial to see up 01:03:12.560 --> 01:03:16.160 So we're moving as fast as we can and i think everybody around the table moving 01:03:17.280 --> 01:03:23.600 And on top of that, of course, we have to anticipate says there were significantly investing in a manufacturing facility and capacity 01:03:24.080 --> 01:03:27.280 We've been working closely with the administration to make sure we already built a facility 01:03:27.760 --> 01:03:34.000 To manufacture we have facilities that were recurposed into the coronavirus. This would be tremendous news if that works 01:03:34.080 --> 01:03:36.080 Yes, it would be true because you're there 01:03:36.240 --> 01:03:38.240 You have the plant you have everything ready 01:03:38.240 --> 01:03:45.280 Trial and severe patient and more moderate patient. It's in remdesivir like a pretty complicated thing to manufacture 01:03:45.440 --> 01:03:52.240 Like all kinds of special and that rick bright was actually working to get a bunch of that stuff ready right away and oh gosh 01:03:52.320 --> 01:03:54.320 It's just crazy 01:03:54.320 --> 01:04:00.560 Epidemiology is what went where and when is the best place? It's very exciting get it done. Yeah, we're on it 01:04:00.640 --> 01:04:02.720 Don't disappoint us Daniel you understand that 01:04:03.520 --> 01:04:09.040 Great company really great company. Thank you. Dr. Perhaps you'd like to say a few words. Yeah, thank you 01:04:09.840 --> 01:04:11.360 Mr. Vice President 01:04:11.360 --> 01:04:14.000 It's really an honor to be here with you. I'm the FDA guy 01:04:15.120 --> 01:04:16.960 The efforts that are ongoing 01:04:16.960 --> 01:04:21.440 You know that we're working with you very closely now with many of you and it's been a great relationship 01:04:21.920 --> 01:04:28.720 We're very interested. This is the message I want to say and we're very interested in facilitating the development of therapeutics diagnostics vaccines 01:04:29.200 --> 01:04:31.200 not for the benefit of the american people and 01:04:31.440 --> 01:04:33.920 This is the first time we've heard the word diagnostic 01:04:33.920 --> 01:04:39.200 Which I find very intriguing because the fda meeting that we watched on february 3rd 01:04:39.600 --> 01:04:42.320 We have a call. We just watched it a couple days ago 01:04:42.880 --> 01:04:47.280 That meeting one month before this meeting was exclusively 01:04:47.920 --> 01:04:51.440 exclusively focused on diagnostics and diagnostic 01:04:51.840 --> 01:04:56.800 evaluation in the context of Ebola and diagnostics as being the most important thing 01:04:57.280 --> 01:05:01.280 According to in cutel. I mean it was pretty an extraordinary thing 01:05:01.600 --> 01:05:07.360 And then the rest of that seminar was just about getting an EU a diagnostic into full market use 01:05:07.840 --> 01:05:15.040 And how we could streamline that and make sure more of these diagnostics were successful in becoming fully approved medical devices 01:05:15.040 --> 01:05:17.600 It's a very interesting thing to know 01:05:18.560 --> 01:05:22.400 That a month before this that was the focus now today 01:05:23.120 --> 01:05:29.120 All but one person when they said vaccines and therapeutics always said it in that order 01:05:30.160 --> 01:05:31.680 Only one guy 01:05:31.680 --> 01:05:37.200 The antibody guy didn't say it in that order and he did say it the first time he said it, but the second time he said 01:05:37.760 --> 01:05:39.760 therapeutics and vaccines 01:05:40.560 --> 01:05:47.760 It's an extraordinary thing to see now and again remember this is us looking backwards in time and having things line up in a very peculiar way 01:05:48.720 --> 01:05:54.000 A very peculiar level of certainty about what would happen in the this is 2020 01:05:57.280 --> 01:06:06.640 Don't let that math fool you 2020 2021 2021 2022 2023 2024 five years ago 01:06:09.600 --> 01:06:14.240 We of course want them to be safe and efficacious but really look forward to working with you on this 01:06:14.240 --> 01:06:16.240 Thank you 01:06:20.240 --> 01:06:22.240 Mr. President, Mr. Vice President 01:06:23.360 --> 01:06:26.240 I'm chief scientist for Pfizer. Yeah 01:06:27.200 --> 01:06:29.200 We are very pleased to be here 01:06:29.440 --> 01:06:34.080 And for us it been always important when our major public health threats to come together 01:06:34.640 --> 01:06:38.080 Cross the industry with biotechs and federal agencies 01:06:38.160 --> 01:06:44.720 We were highly appreciative of the initiative that you're taking this powerful way to have all of us around this table 01:06:46.400 --> 01:06:49.760 Pfizer as you know is a proud american company 01:06:50.240 --> 01:06:52.800 We have 170 years of experience 01:06:53.360 --> 01:06:58.320 Originally founded in brooklyn and head port in new york and we have brought many vaccines 01:06:58.880 --> 01:07:05.120 Computics of smaller large types for patients suffering from many different diseases including 01:07:05.840 --> 01:07:08.640 infectious disease now specifically for the 01:07:09.360 --> 01:07:11.600 COVID-19 the corona virus 01:07:11.600 --> 01:07:15.760 You realize how expensive this meeting is how much time is at the table here? 01:07:15.840 --> 01:07:19.600 A lot of these guys probably get six or eight hundred dollars an hour in the 01:07:20.240 --> 01:07:22.240 identified compound 01:07:22.240 --> 01:07:24.240 medicine that we have 01:07:24.240 --> 01:07:28.080 That we think due to your activity against very related 01:07:29.280 --> 01:07:30.800 viruses have 01:07:30.800 --> 01:07:33.040 good high probability to be active against 01:07:33.440 --> 01:07:36.880 COVID-19 and in march we are confirming that 01:07:38.080 --> 01:07:41.600 Assumption with laboratories that have access to do this 01:07:42.240 --> 01:07:44.240 hazardous work of 01:07:45.040 --> 01:07:47.840 Using the live virus to confirm activity 01:07:48.480 --> 01:07:50.720 That would allow us to work closely with 01:07:51.600 --> 01:07:55.520 Dr. Horn here at fda and identify the past the past 01:07:56.160 --> 01:08:01.040 To bring it to patients that should happen if things were well this year 01:08:01.680 --> 01:08:05.440 And as soon as possible I can hear your encouragement to all of us 01:08:06.400 --> 01:08:07.360 um 01:08:07.360 --> 01:08:09.360 I want to also to say that 01:08:09.680 --> 01:08:11.280 Pfizer has 01:08:11.280 --> 01:08:14.480 30 three zero or dm manufacturing sites in the u.s 01:08:14.960 --> 01:08:18.800 More than 30 thousand americans involved in making or discovery medicine 01:08:19.360 --> 01:08:21.920 And we're willing to share our experience our 01:08:22.880 --> 01:08:24.880 capabilities as a team here 01:08:25.440 --> 01:08:29.120 To make sure that the public in america gets the best solutions 01:08:31.440 --> 01:08:33.680 Your competitors, but in this case it's different 01:08:34.240 --> 01:08:36.720 Uh, this is something we want to get done very quickly 01:08:36.880 --> 01:08:41.040 Do you expect to be sharing your own capabilities with Pfizer and everybody else? 01:08:42.480 --> 01:08:48.560 Good. I think the core tension that have come from you is correct makes all of us feel that we should be one team here 01:08:48.640 --> 01:08:49.600 I agree 01:08:49.600 --> 01:08:52.080 We would appreciate that and at the closing remarks 01:08:52.160 --> 01:08:56.640 We've had a tremendous partnership with nih and nid 01:08:57.200 --> 01:09:04.400 In many areas being pioneering to bring medicine or advances forward with cdc dialogues and with fda here 01:09:04.880 --> 01:09:09.760 So for us to look forward to extend this relationship to make sure that 01:09:10.640 --> 01:09:11.920 americans 01:09:11.920 --> 01:09:14.560 Can as fast as possible given your 01:09:15.580 --> 01:09:19.920 Encouragement to us and with um have different options to protect them 01:09:20.480 --> 01:09:22.720 Protection is by vaccines to 01:09:23.680 --> 01:09:28.320 Deal with those that are exposed we need treatments and those that are ill when treatment 01:09:28.400 --> 01:09:29.120 so 01:09:29.120 --> 01:09:32.080 It's not just one solution. I think from this team we should offer 01:09:33.040 --> 01:09:35.440 multiple approaches to cutic and vaccines 01:09:36.640 --> 01:09:39.680 Does it have a few different variants of what we're talking about? 01:09:39.760 --> 01:09:45.520 Do you see that happening where maybe they're different either therapeutics or vaccines for both? 01:09:46.000 --> 01:09:48.000 They don't have anything use 01:09:48.000 --> 01:09:50.000 Pfizer doesn't have anything 01:09:50.000 --> 01:09:53.280 Maybe in different areas. You are right on the frontier of science 01:09:54.000 --> 01:09:58.880 Uh, it is about combination and even looking at our colleagues here at dilliard 01:09:59.360 --> 01:10:04.240 We have learned that if you have two different the mechanism put them together as treatment the likelihood of 01:10:04.640 --> 01:10:10.240 Churing or very long-dasking responses is higher and we actually work on complementary mechanism 01:10:13.440 --> 01:10:15.440 I love the complimentary 01:10:18.800 --> 01:10:22.160 Yeah, that's fantastic. Thank you very much. It's really very exciting. Please 01:10:24.880 --> 01:10:26.880 Mr. Vice President 01:10:26.880 --> 01:10:28.880 My name is joseph ken 01:10:28.880 --> 01:10:34.640 I run a company called a no-view pharmaceutical set of pennsylvania. We're a proud american biotech company 01:10:35.360 --> 01:10:38.800 With uh rnd and manufacturing california as well 01:10:39.760 --> 01:10:45.040 Uh, no-view is the leader in coronavirus vaccine development in the world 01:10:45.760 --> 01:10:49.040 Uh, we have a phase two product for relating 01:10:49.680 --> 01:10:51.920 MERS uh coronavirus vaccine 01:10:52.720 --> 01:10:54.720 in phase two stage 01:10:54.720 --> 01:11:00.640 Uh when the new outbreak occurred, we applied our very innovative 21st century 01:11:01.280 --> 01:11:04.240 Uh platform called dna medicines platform 01:11:04.800 --> 01:11:06.800 to covid 19 01:11:06.800 --> 01:11:10.720 Uh by getting the just the dna sequence of the virus 01:11:11.200 --> 01:11:14.880 We're able to fully construct our vaccine within three hours 01:11:15.760 --> 01:11:17.760 and we've been working on pre-clinical 01:11:19.040 --> 01:11:20.480 and 01:11:20.480 --> 01:11:22.160 preparation work 01:11:22.160 --> 01:11:28.000 Uh with the help of the fda and acceleration and really working very well together 01:11:28.640 --> 01:11:35.600 Uh our plan is to start the us base clinical trials for covid 19 vaccine in april of this year 01:11:36.400 --> 01:11:38.400 followed by shortly thereafter 01:11:39.040 --> 01:11:44.480 Uh trial in china in south korea. There are a lot more infections in those areas 01:11:45.200 --> 01:11:47.200 Um, we can give you an area 01:11:47.920 --> 01:11:49.920 No, we can't 01:11:49.920 --> 01:11:51.920 You take a look at seattle again 01:11:52.640 --> 01:11:54.640 Oh wow, we could give you an area 01:11:55.600 --> 01:12:00.160 There are more infections in south korea and in china so that they need to work over there 01:12:00.640 --> 01:12:05.120 And he could give us an area if you take a look at seattle again, we could give you an area 01:12:05.680 --> 01:12:07.680 We could give you an area 01:12:08.400 --> 01:12:11.120 So if you don't mind, uh, we've been collaborating with 01:12:12.640 --> 01:12:15.440 Us agencies like dark up nih 01:12:16.080 --> 01:12:20.880 We collaborated with octobergsta in hru vaccines and many many years ago 01:12:21.760 --> 01:12:23.120 um 01:12:23.120 --> 01:12:25.120 with existing 01:12:25.120 --> 01:12:28.320 Resources and capacity by end of this year 01:12:28.880 --> 01:12:32.160 Uh, you know, we have to deliver about 1 million doses 01:12:32.960 --> 01:12:37.840 But to scale by by end of this year, but to scale beyond that 01:12:38.000 --> 01:12:39.840 We need your help mr. president 01:12:40.320 --> 01:12:44.000 We need to work with you and your agency varga and others 01:12:44.560 --> 01:12:47.200 Uh to help us scale or a vaccine 01:12:47.920 --> 01:12:52.720 So there you see the problem, right? He's asking for help. They can't make more than a million doses 01:12:52.720 --> 01:12:54.640 That might be the reason why they miss the bid 01:12:55.360 --> 01:12:58.560 Because the other people at the table already said they could do more than that 01:12:59.680 --> 01:13:05.440 They already said they had much more manufacturing capacity than that. So it's an interesting 01:13:06.240 --> 01:13:09.040 Admission more or less. Um, it's cool 01:13:10.160 --> 01:13:13.760 to manufacture in america to protect american public 01:13:14.400 --> 01:13:20.080 Uh, also to lead the world in vaccine development from america. Thank you very much 01:13:20.800 --> 01:13:22.320 You'll have our help 01:13:22.320 --> 01:13:24.320 Thank you, please 01:13:24.320 --> 01:13:30.720 Mr. president, mr. vice president. Um, i'm post office law hall sign vice chairman and chute scientific office officer for johnson and johnson 01:13:31.200 --> 01:13:33.200 I'm in uh in 01:13:33.760 --> 01:13:37.280 Vaccine research in 30 years. It's simple to ask for hiv 01:13:37.680 --> 01:13:43.760 At the moment working within the vaccine platform, which has been deployed for is being deployed in hiv 01:13:44.000 --> 01:13:47.280 We did uh in the times of zika as well as now in ebola 01:13:47.360 --> 01:13:52.560 We are working with throwny on a face to win a face tree study with the hiv with the same platform 01:13:53.040 --> 01:13:58.240 Um with varda. We have extensively collaborated on uh on ebola a vaccine at the moment 01:13:58.320 --> 01:14:04.320 We are vaccinating thousand people a day in the walnut and in d orc showing the safety of uh 01:14:06.320 --> 01:14:10.480 And the same vaccine platform. We are now deploying for for corona 01:14:11.360 --> 01:14:15.280 Um, since the availability of the information on the virus mid january 01:14:15.360 --> 01:14:18.320 We have been uh working day and i from getting to a vaccine 01:14:18.720 --> 01:14:23.280 The first versions of that are being tested in animals at the moment with positive results 01:14:23.760 --> 01:14:26.880 And in parallel the company has decided to start up scaling now 01:14:27.360 --> 01:14:30.480 um, time to resolve uh will depend on 01:14:30.880 --> 01:14:32.080 on uh 01:14:32.080 --> 01:14:37.840 On gmp manufacturing safety frequently the safety have to work closely together with i have beyond that 01:14:38.480 --> 01:14:40.400 uh before the year and uh 01:14:40.400 --> 01:14:45.680 Hopefully in november we have the first clinical data starting and early next year the results of that 01:14:46.240 --> 01:14:52.880 And at the same time we're looking for significant quality of vaccines being uh being already produced in that time frame 01:14:53.440 --> 01:14:56.720 Uh, but you've come to anything else than at the moment starting parallel 01:14:57.200 --> 01:15:01.200 Um, the biological clinical work and parallel doing the upscaling 01:15:01.680 --> 01:15:04.320 Uh, and let's see where where we end as fast as possible 01:15:04.560 --> 01:15:11.120 Do you have different concepts and methods then you you know fizer and johnson and johnson all great companies 01:15:11.920 --> 01:15:16.400 Are you having different some seem to be the face the face here look at that 01:15:18.720 --> 01:15:22.000 Are you having different some seem to be faster than others and others 01:15:22.480 --> 01:15:24.480 They they do seem to be different 01:15:25.360 --> 01:15:30.960 Concepts the difference in the concept is that we are using a cold virus and a dino vector 01:15:31.120 --> 01:15:36.080 Which which that is a place where you can place a piece of corona a ball average 01:15:36.080 --> 01:15:41.600 I mean so we trick the body with another virus and generate the in generate the antibody 01:15:41.600 --> 01:15:43.840 And that's different from the others difference on the others 01:15:44.240 --> 01:15:45.680 Difference is also 01:15:45.680 --> 01:15:50.320 It's been used for many years now. It has been proven for many years that you could do it like that 01:15:50.640 --> 01:15:54.640 And we also have a validated upscaling but this guy's accent is Dutch 01:15:55.120 --> 01:15:59.040 Platform which can produce millions of doses in a premature time frame 01:15:59.440 --> 01:16:02.400 And that's a parallel process where we develop the cell line 01:16:02.800 --> 01:16:05.680 Which if we follow what we could do with a baller 01:16:06.000 --> 01:16:14.080 We could produce like up to hundreds of millions of vaccines in a in a small let's say reasonably small facility for manufacturing 01:16:14.320 --> 01:16:17.680 So can you have it ready for next season any of you? I mean would you say 01:16:18.480 --> 01:16:20.480 The next season 01:16:22.720 --> 01:16:27.360 Seems to be very seasonal we have to be we have to be very careful here if you're vaccinating 01:16:28.480 --> 01:16:36.280 Make sure it works works and safe doesn't doesn't hurt. Yeah, that's right. I agree. Thank you very much. Thank you. Great company 01:16:47.840 --> 01:16:52.820 She's cdc and mark says that that lady is basically the inspiration for the movie contagion 01:17:01.200 --> 01:17:03.200 Novavax 01:17:18.640 --> 01:17:25.040 Kids we have our flu vaccine. We all know we need a better flu weight. So an obio was testing 01:17:25.360 --> 01:17:31.520 Novio was testing a rsv vaccine on pregnant women at the start of the pandemic 01:17:34.080 --> 01:17:36.080 Did you hear that? 01:17:47.680 --> 01:17:52.720 For 4600 pregnant women to protect the infants from our species. Wow 01:17:54.400 --> 01:17:59.040 You see we have our flu vaccine. We all know we need a better flu vaccine 01:17:59.040 --> 01:18:02.800 And we have one in phase three trials. We're going to unblind in four weeks 01:18:03.440 --> 01:18:09.520 Exciting type of company, but we actually our company is focused on emerging infectious diseases 01:18:09.600 --> 01:18:12.400 We had two coronavirus vaccines. We made one for SARS 01:18:12.800 --> 01:18:17.360 We made one for MERS. We tested MERS and all the way through animal challenge trials 01:18:17.360 --> 01:18:19.360 I'm showed a hundred percent protection 01:18:20.240 --> 01:18:26.320 We have an Ebola vaccine that what the NIH showed in four different non-human studies 01:18:27.360 --> 01:18:32.240 So many companies have made an Ebola vaccine. It's really very extraordinary 01:18:32.560 --> 01:18:36.560 I think Robert Malone tells the story about brokering the purchase of 01:18:37.280 --> 01:18:39.680 an Ebola vaccine by Merck 01:18:41.120 --> 01:18:46.320 But now when you listen to this table, it seems like every company had an Ebola vaccine everybody 01:18:46.400 --> 01:18:50.880 Every company worked with barda to make any Ebola vaccine. So that's a lot of money 01:18:51.680 --> 01:18:57.600 That's a lot of money that gets spent behind the scenes that we weren't paying any attention to before the pandemic started 01:18:57.600 --> 01:19:05.440 But when you look backwards in time and you look backwards and see how these things align how these motivations align how these bureaucracy 01:19:05.920 --> 01:19:11.040 bureaucratic motivations align you start to see that it's really hard 01:19:12.000 --> 01:19:17.120 In 2020 for to take them seriously when they said there was a pandemic right now 01:19:18.000 --> 01:19:20.000 It's very hard to take it seriously 01:19:20.880 --> 01:19:24.400 Given the fact that they're all chomping at the bit for there to be one 01:19:25.120 --> 01:19:27.120 And the given the fact that they are so 01:19:27.920 --> 01:19:32.400 United in the consensus that these responses are necessary that these 01:19:33.040 --> 01:19:37.200 Billions if not trillions of dollars need to be spent. They just can't wait 01:19:38.160 --> 01:19:40.160 For them to be spent 01:19:41.040 --> 01:19:42.880 extremely low doses 01:19:42.880 --> 01:19:50.400 And we made a pandemic flu vaccine for age seven and nine and others and we've twice now taken from the gene sequence 01:19:51.040 --> 01:19:53.040 To the first of human studies 01:19:55.760 --> 01:19:59.600 And we're once again doing the same thing since the gene sequence was 01:20:02.160 --> 01:20:08.240 Identify it. I think it published on January 10th. We've taken their same the competent nanoparticle platform 01:20:09.040 --> 01:20:12.000 And have been in animal studies for a couple weeks 01:20:12.000 --> 01:20:17.200 We expect data this week on one of us on corona and on this. I'm sorry on corona. Yes 01:20:17.760 --> 01:20:18.560 and 01:20:18.560 --> 01:20:21.280 We're going to be non-human primates this week with the coronavirus 01:20:22.080 --> 01:20:26.320 vaccine candidate so so what do you think in terms of timing? What do you think timing is 01:20:27.040 --> 01:20:31.920 What you hear around the table is as we can get into humans in the made you in timetable 01:20:31.920 --> 01:20:33.920 And 01:20:35.120 --> 01:20:39.680 Also, but we'll have primate data. So those are a lot of speeds I think pretty much 01:20:40.000 --> 01:20:44.640 We'll make it very easy for you, but those are and we have to be very safe, but those are on our own speeds 01:20:47.600 --> 01:20:49.600 And we're trying to identify 01:20:51.360 --> 01:20:57.440 Scale so that we can get to the billion million scale both where we have a vaccine antigen 01:20:57.920 --> 01:20:59.920 Also 01:21:01.440 --> 01:21:03.440 So he's talking about the fact 01:21:05.120 --> 01:21:11.280 He's talking about the fact that novavax is going to use a protein produced by some other recombinant method 01:21:11.280 --> 01:21:15.360 I think they might have used silk worms or something like that or a mothworm. I don't know 01:21:16.000 --> 01:21:18.800 Um, it doesn't matter. They were going to make the spike protein 01:21:19.520 --> 01:21:24.960 Using recombinant methods. So then the injection was going to be a protein plus an adjuvant 01:21:24.960 --> 01:21:29.520 So maybe they can use the the specialized protein. What was it called? 01:21:30.640 --> 01:21:32.640 it was called a 01:21:32.640 --> 01:21:38.240 pandemic adjuvant technology that's glaxo smith Klein on the other end of this on the other end of 01:21:38.320 --> 01:21:40.640 Are the other side of donald trump has available? 01:21:41.120 --> 01:21:43.120 Maybe they can combine that with their protein 01:21:50.560 --> 01:21:52.560 Instead of waiting 30 days for 01:21:54.960 --> 01:21:56.960 10 days or 20 whatever the numbers 01:21:57.280 --> 01:22:02.720 But there are a lot of things that we can do with the FDA and frankly, we need money. We're a biotech company 01:22:03.280 --> 01:22:05.280 I'm not we need money 01:22:07.040 --> 01:22:09.040 We need money 01:22:10.320 --> 01:22:16.000 Let me just say the gig ome biological also needs money if you'd like to subscribe, please go to gig ome biological.com. Thank you very much 01:22:16.000 --> 01:22:19.200 And we have worked with the other companies in this particular 01:22:19.920 --> 01:22:21.920 instance we have not yet, okay 01:22:22.880 --> 01:22:27.040 Dr. Stephen Han by the way is the new head of the FDA for those of you that don't know and he's 01:22:27.920 --> 01:22:31.600 One of the most respected people in the country and this is the man we wanted 01:22:32.240 --> 01:22:36.000 And this is the man we got you didn't know you were going to be hit with this your first month 01:22:37.760 --> 01:22:43.840 You're here for a couple of months and this was pretty big ever. Would you like to say something? Oh, Debbie 01:22:43.840 --> 01:22:48.000 Well, thank you. It's a privilege to be here. Thank you. Mr. President. Mr. Vice President 01:22:48.000 --> 01:22:51.760 I think what was exciting to hear around the table as you have a potential for a bridge 01:22:52.400 --> 01:22:56.240 A bridge between the therapeutics and monoclonals while we work on the vaccines 01:22:56.320 --> 01:23:03.040 And I think that's the most promising piece for the american people to know that there's technology that can be used as an immediate bridge 01:23:03.520 --> 01:23:05.840 And then as we work on the vaccines, I think 01:23:06.640 --> 01:23:11.280 Making sure that we've tested all of the antivirals that you have in your collection 01:23:11.840 --> 01:23:16.720 Against this particular virus do I see fifties across the board many of you have 01:23:18.000 --> 01:23:22.480 Antibiral medication that I think just to assure the american people that we have tried 01:23:23.120 --> 01:23:29.680 Using our innovators to actually screen all the current drugs for potential activity against this virus would be key 01:23:30.320 --> 01:23:36.240 But I think this is very promising with this linkage that you put together in this room between monoclonal antibodies 01:23:36.240 --> 01:23:38.240 There are a few extra vaccines 01:23:38.800 --> 01:23:41.440 It is very exciting and the speed is very exciting too 01:23:42.000 --> 01:23:44.000 Anybody else have anything to say? 01:23:44.480 --> 01:23:47.760 Tony was something on the screening. So we set up already a 01:23:48.640 --> 01:23:55.920 Industry construction the duchy everyone is not able to submit by a take off pharmaceuticals to submit to a screening 01:23:56.480 --> 01:24:00.400 Which is set up for everybody supported by barda and support them by 01:24:01.360 --> 01:24:06.640 Yeah, so barda in what was supporting a universal screening thing 01:24:07.520 --> 01:24:10.800 By a take off pharmaceuticals to submit to a screening 01:24:11.360 --> 01:24:15.280 Which is set up for everybody supported by barda and support them by 01:24:16.720 --> 01:24:20.960 You move rapidly by barda in europe. I think he said interesting 01:24:21.440 --> 01:24:24.480 Media would you like to ask any questions of any of the geniuses or 01:24:30.400 --> 01:24:34.240 Markets up today. Our country is very strong economically as you know 01:24:34.800 --> 01:24:36.320 this was a 01:24:36.320 --> 01:24:42.560 Something that came out of china that was a big surprise to the world it happened just a few weeks ago and 01:24:44.320 --> 01:24:50.080 I'm sure the fed is looking at it. I hope the fed is looking at they shouldn't be but a lot of the central banks are looking at 01:24:50.400 --> 01:24:56.160 interest stimulus and one thing I want to add we keep talking about for america but really we're looking at for a cure for the 01:24:56.160 --> 01:24:59.680 All-world because this is a world cure not just united states 01:24:59.680 --> 01:25:05.040 We want to take care of the united states, but whatever we do is going to annuit to the benefit of the world 01:25:05.120 --> 01:25:08.000 So we want to do that and save in the world 01:25:08.560 --> 01:25:12.240 Some of your companies are so large you can you can handle that but you work together 01:25:12.720 --> 01:25:19.840 Thereby making it even better. So we appreciate that we would love to have you work together on this get it done and get it done safely and quickly 01:25:20.880 --> 01:25:24.560 But I think I had a word very strong shape very strong shape 01:25:24.560 --> 01:25:29.200 Actually very strong shape and you know I have to tell you I came into the room not expected to hear quite what I've heard 01:25:30.080 --> 01:25:35.200 But a lot of work has already been done. We've been encouraging them for the last few weeks. I mean literally from 01:25:36.000 --> 01:25:40.000 First day when we shut it down when we shut down the border so to speak 01:25:40.800 --> 01:25:45.600 We shut it down to china something we didn't like to do but we made a good decision 01:25:46.240 --> 01:25:51.840 but we also call some of the companies around the tables and get going just in case get going and 01:25:52.800 --> 01:25:58.960 We're very proud of the work that some of them have done some are very advanced already on this particular coronavirus 01:25:59.680 --> 01:26:04.480 So we appreciate it. It's tremendous news. And I think the speed is a lot greater than a lot of people would have 01:26:09.040 --> 01:26:13.760 Well, I don't know I think you're so rich. I know the company is very well. Some of them are so rich 01:26:13.760 --> 01:26:16.880 I think they can actually loan money to the federal government 01:26:17.760 --> 01:26:21.040 They don't need body they need time. I think what they need more than anything else 01:26:24.720 --> 01:26:29.040 Well, I don't know. I think you're so rich. I know the company is very well. Some of them are so rich 01:26:29.120 --> 01:26:34.960 I think they can actually loan money. Do you remember him saying that? Wow, that's pretty 01:26:36.400 --> 01:26:39.200 That's a good one. I'll give him prey. I'll give him a point for that 01:26:40.480 --> 01:26:45.040 They don't need body they need time. I think what they need more than anything else to any you might tell me but 01:26:45.360 --> 01:26:47.200 I think what you need is 01:26:47.200 --> 01:26:48.640 FDA and 01:26:48.640 --> 01:26:52.640 Tony have to help you get through the process as quickly as possible 01:26:53.200 --> 01:26:59.360 The bureaucratic stuff and and we don't have bureaucrats here. We have people that really know how to get it between Tony and Bob and 01:27:00.240 --> 01:27:01.600 Steven 01:27:01.600 --> 01:27:04.160 They'll get you folks through very very quickly 01:27:04.160 --> 01:27:06.160 Is that a good speaking of us getting on the Fed? 01:27:14.160 --> 01:27:16.160 Well, I think we should have a meeting already 01:27:16.560 --> 01:27:20.880 I don't know what that noise is. It's going to be talking about various things tomorrow 01:27:21.440 --> 01:27:25.920 Uh, but we'll see what happens, but I think it's on the recording. I guess already. I don't know what takes them so long 01:27:28.960 --> 01:27:30.960 I'll see what happens. Let's see what happens tomorrow 01:27:35.040 --> 01:27:37.040 You're buying what 01:27:44.080 --> 01:27:47.840 Listen as the president has said we've said from the out get to the choppa 01:27:49.680 --> 01:27:51.680 And we need to be prepared 01:27:51.680 --> 01:27:55.600 We need we prepare for the worst case. We hope for the best case 01:27:56.320 --> 01:28:01.840 Part of preparing is normal preparedness activities by individuals. He's turning red dot go 01:28:01.840 --> 01:28:06.640 To get normal air for the seer of the united states and we need to be prepared 01:28:07.040 --> 01:28:10.960 We need we prepare for the worst case. We hope for the best case 01:28:11.360 --> 01:28:18.320 Tony loves this because it's like he orchestrated everybody's doing exactly what he wanted them to do when it came to a pandemic response 01:28:18.720 --> 01:28:24.240 Part of preparing is normal preparedness activities by individuals go to cdc dot go 01:28:24.880 --> 01:28:31.760 To get information about just sound preparedness at home like you would have for a hurricane or for the blue season 01:28:32.080 --> 01:28:35.920 That's the same type of activity now. So having some food 01:28:36.400 --> 01:28:42.640 Having some hand sanitizer, but frankly soap and water a good a good soap and water hand washing 01:28:43.120 --> 01:28:49.360 Um for an appropriate amount of time if you look at cdc dot go for 20 seconds is as effective as that kind of sanitizer 01:28:49.520 --> 01:28:55.280 20 seconds people should not be panicked. They shouldn't be I know they may feel that they may feel a sense of unease 01:28:55.360 --> 01:28:59.040 They feel the uncertainty. We're trying to reveal all information we have 01:28:59.840 --> 01:29:06.080 Um, but there are steps people can take like that just good every day preparedness 01:29:06.080 --> 01:29:09.200 Nothing different today than they would I would have advised six months ago 01:29:15.040 --> 01:29:18.160 Yes, we are to certain countries where they have more of a breakout 01:29:18.800 --> 01:29:21.760 We are you know what those countries are not to say but 01:29:22.480 --> 01:29:25.920 We are doing that and we've already done it as you know with three countries 01:29:26.560 --> 01:29:29.540 In addition to China, so we will be doing 01:29:41.920 --> 01:29:45.680 I don't think you'll be that because I really think we're in you know extremely weak shape 01:29:46.400 --> 01:29:49.600 We're prepared for anything that we could always do that in a later date if we need it 01:29:49.600 --> 01:29:52.640 But I don't think we need that at this stage, you know interestingly 01:29:52.640 --> 01:30:00.960 We would discuss a unique question. It's weird because I would say that already the emergency they help and human services emergency has already been declared 01:30:01.360 --> 01:30:03.200 Correct me if I'm wrong 01:30:03.200 --> 01:30:04.400 but 01:30:04.400 --> 01:30:08.800 If I'm wrong that I want to know when but I do think that the emergency has already been declared 01:30:08.800 --> 01:30:11.920 I think he's talking about declaring a national emergency 01:30:12.320 --> 01:30:19.280 Which is a bit different than an hhs hhs declared emergency, which is very separate from that and I think that's that's 01:30:19.840 --> 01:30:21.840 Okay, maybe for fema then yet, right? 01:30:22.080 --> 01:30:24.080 Should I get asked a lot by people is 01:30:24.640 --> 01:30:26.640 On average you lose from 01:30:27.280 --> 01:30:31.280 26,000 to 70,000 or so and even in some cases more from the flu 01:30:31.680 --> 01:30:38.720 We lose we have deaths of that per year worldwide. It's hundreds of thousands of deaths from the common flu 01:30:39.360 --> 01:30:41.840 And they ask you know, what's the difference and how does this 01:30:42.400 --> 01:30:46.480 I differ and I guess there are things that are similar and things that are different every one of them is different 01:30:47.440 --> 01:30:50.560 It might not be a bad question to ask because I get that all the time 01:30:51.600 --> 01:30:53.600 So so far we have six here 01:30:54.000 --> 01:30:55.120 You have 01:30:55.120 --> 01:30:58.240 You know the country is very I mean china obviously got hit the hardest 01:30:59.520 --> 01:31:02.960 I noticed that south gurus hit very hard. Italy is being 01:31:03.440 --> 01:31:04.960 six 01:31:04.960 --> 01:31:07.520 Did he just say we have six here? 01:31:08.720 --> 01:31:10.880 He couldn't have just said that that's not possible 01:31:11.440 --> 01:31:14.160 Be a bad question to ask because I get that all the time 01:31:15.120 --> 01:31:16.960 So so far we have six here 01:31:17.600 --> 01:31:18.720 You have 01:31:18.720 --> 01:31:21.840 You know the country is very I mean china obviously got hit the hardest 01:31:23.120 --> 01:31:25.280 I noticed that south gurus hit very hard 01:31:25.920 --> 01:31:32.480 So we had six cases in the united states and we got all the richest ceos in america pharma 01:31:32.640 --> 01:31:34.640 And got them into the room at the same time 01:31:36.880 --> 01:31:41.840 Can you imagine that that that's extraordinary these people are definitely ready to go 01:31:42.640 --> 01:31:44.640 And they think about this 01:31:46.880 --> 01:31:48.880 Really is being hit very hard 01:31:49.200 --> 01:31:52.720 But I would like to maybe not because I am oftentimes this we 01:31:53.280 --> 01:32:00.560 Average I suspect tony I think you said from around 26 27 000 up to 60 or 70 000 deaths per year 01:32:00.560 --> 01:32:02.560 That's a lot of deaths and 01:32:03.520 --> 01:32:06.000 Here we're talking about a much smaller range now 01:32:06.000 --> 01:32:10.160 Hopefully it stays remember that all flew deaths up until this point are more or less a modeled 01:32:10.480 --> 01:32:16.400 Number of deaths that are assumed in order that the cdc can justify the rollout of the flu vaccine every year 01:32:16.400 --> 01:32:23.040 The flu vaccine is not funded unless the cdc declares that enough people are dying of flu for it to be funded 01:32:23.440 --> 01:32:26.880 And I do think that this has been fact checked by more than one of my viewers 01:32:26.880 --> 01:32:32.960 But it's definitely true in my understanding that the cdc can't just fund the flu vaccine 01:32:33.200 --> 01:32:37.360 It actually has to jump through a formal hoop of declaring a flu epidemic every year 01:32:37.680 --> 01:32:41.440 And that I could epidemic is defined by a modeling scheme 01:32:41.920 --> 01:32:48.480 Which you know tries to look at all cause mortality and respiratory disease in hospitals and attributes some of it to p&i 01:32:49.120 --> 01:32:55.520 That's what we're dealing with here. There's a disconnect. I'm not even sure that donald trump is at the stage where he understands it yet 01:32:56.400 --> 01:32:59.200 Is at a much smaller range and again we're prepared for anything 01:32:59.520 --> 01:33:03.280 Uh, could I ask you uh or any of you if you'd like to answer that question 01:33:03.840 --> 01:33:06.960 Where would the public what would the public think when you have so many 01:33:07.520 --> 01:33:13.680 And that's taken routinely and I was shocked to hear this, you know three four weeks ago. I said, well, how many people die 01:33:14.560 --> 01:33:20.960 A year from the flu and in this country, I think last year was 36 or 37,000 people and i'm saying wow 01:33:21.760 --> 01:33:26.400 Nobody knew that information worldwide. You just multiply it out times in the world, right? 01:33:26.880 --> 01:33:28.880 Uh, so what is the different state? 01:33:29.680 --> 01:33:33.520 I think there are people around the table that i don't think are more medically qualified, but I mean 01:33:34.000 --> 01:33:37.680 Clearly what we're represent around the table is the ability to prevent 01:33:38.480 --> 01:33:40.480 uh, you know 01:33:42.160 --> 01:33:44.880 You know an endemic of sorts and the ability to treat 01:33:45.840 --> 01:33:52.320 An endemic of sorts to prevent an endemic of sorts. I knew it was going to come up 01:33:52.320 --> 01:33:55.520 I knew zero covid was going to come up because 01:33:56.160 --> 01:33:59.360 Zero covid is something that Brett Weinstein was still 01:34:00.000 --> 01:34:06.160 Vociferously advocating for in june of 2021 that it was still an achievable goal 01:34:06.640 --> 01:34:13.760 That's why I play that video in the beginning of these episodes because you really need to understand that certain concepts were already 01:34:13.840 --> 01:34:16.480 Pre-laid they were already found in that cnn video 01:34:16.560 --> 01:34:22.240 We watched a couple weeks ago where the lady that that that reporter garret says that well 01:34:22.240 --> 01:34:28.320 The worst case scenario with one of these things is that a virus isn't stopped and then it goes endemic 01:34:30.320 --> 01:34:34.000 And so he's already trying to coin a term here 01:34:34.640 --> 01:34:38.320 He's already trying to suggest that a pandemic could become an endemic 01:34:38.960 --> 01:34:43.680 Has if an endemic is bad an endemic is something that was always there. It's in the background 01:34:44.960 --> 01:34:46.960 It's endemic 01:34:47.280 --> 01:34:50.400 Like automobiles are endemic to western civilization 01:34:55.440 --> 01:34:57.440 I want to hear him say it again 01:35:00.240 --> 01:35:05.680 You know an endemic of sorts and the ability to treat those two and endemic of sorts 01:35:08.880 --> 01:35:10.880 You may have to up our research on the flu 01:35:19.120 --> 01:35:25.680 Yeah, we actually have taken on the challenge that you just mentioned so we are investing in what could be 01:35:26.160 --> 01:35:29.920 New technology into completely shaped outcome of flu when you need to think about 01:35:30.400 --> 01:35:37.360 How you can move fast from the first cases to have the right type of vaccine and how you can be able to manufacturing very fast 01:35:38.080 --> 01:35:43.440 Because I think you are right on top point that the numbers in flu are so large and we haven't come 01:35:44.240 --> 01:35:48.640 That to that level yet, but I think it's also the fear that there is no 01:35:49.040 --> 01:35:53.680 Experience yet with these virus and we don't have the feeling of 01:35:54.080 --> 01:35:58.240 Going to CVS and get the flu vaccine or use some of the early developed drugs 01:35:58.880 --> 01:36:01.440 But I think you summarized it very well. It's our 01:36:02.080 --> 01:36:04.080 challenge is we should take on 01:36:04.320 --> 01:36:06.880 Year by year and advance and protect lives 01:36:09.840 --> 01:36:12.240 Tony they have to maybe hey, don't eat 01:36:13.440 --> 01:36:15.440 Because when you lose that many people, yeah 01:36:16.960 --> 01:36:22.800 Tony is that we have a major effort to develop what we call a universal flu vaccine 01:36:24.480 --> 01:36:25.520 Man 01:36:25.520 --> 01:36:33.040 That would cover all the different strains of the universal flu vaccine not to be confused with the universal coronavax 01:36:33.600 --> 01:36:39.440 Coronavirus vaccine both of which we are going to need very soon and are just around the corner 01:36:40.720 --> 01:36:44.640 And then around the next corner is going to be when we use retroviruses to cure child 01:36:44.640 --> 01:36:50.960 The diseases then around the next corner is where there is no more disease at all on the world than that we live forever, right? 01:36:51.200 --> 01:36:54.940 That's where you don't have to keep worrying about it mutating from year to year 01:36:55.760 --> 01:37:00.240 Yeah, so that's a major effort that we have. Thanks Max nonsense. Have a good day 01:37:02.640 --> 01:37:05.600 And then you know I hear numbers that are not great 01:37:06.160 --> 01:37:08.160 60% 70% coverage 01:37:08.960 --> 01:37:10.640 success 01:37:10.640 --> 01:37:16.160 And yet I hear numbers that are better than that with respect to corona. You think you could really knock it out 01:37:16.960 --> 01:37:18.960 And that's because you know, oh 01:37:18.960 --> 01:37:20.960 Do you hear what he's saying? 01:37:21.120 --> 01:37:24.160 Please tell me you just heard what he said. This is beautiful 01:37:24.560 --> 01:37:28.960 He's talking about previous conversations that he's had with these people before this meeting 01:37:29.760 --> 01:37:35.840 Where they talk about how we get flu vaccines to go sometimes 70% coverage 01:37:37.920 --> 01:37:41.680 And that they thought they could get this one a lot farther than that 01:37:42.560 --> 01:37:44.560 Shall we listen to it again 01:37:44.560 --> 01:37:48.880 Shall we listen to it again because that was really tasty for my ears 01:37:48.960 --> 01:37:54.400 It was that was like choice cuts right there. Here it comes. I'm sure I heard it right 01:37:54.800 --> 01:37:57.680 And then you know I hear numbers that are not great 01:37:58.240 --> 01:38:00.240 60% 70% coverage 01:38:01.040 --> 01:38:02.720 success 01:38:02.720 --> 01:38:08.240 And yet I hear numbers that are better than that with respect to corona. You think you could really knock it out 01:38:09.040 --> 01:38:13.520 And that's because you know specifically what it is. I suspect so that's impressive 01:38:13.840 --> 01:38:15.840 What do you think? 01:38:26.880 --> 01:38:30.960 Surprises surprises there are always surprises in a Scooby-Doo episode 01:38:31.040 --> 01:38:36.240 That's the best part about Scooby-Doo is that it's very surprising what happens in a Scooby-Doo episode 01:38:37.040 --> 01:38:38.960 Surprises 01:38:38.960 --> 01:38:41.200 Man this pen is disappointing me 01:38:42.160 --> 01:38:47.760 Because I shouldn't hold it in my hand for a few seconds uncapped and then have it completely dry 01:38:48.000 --> 01:38:52.240 It's super annoying because it's a nice pen, but it doesn't work like I needed to work 01:38:53.200 --> 01:38:55.040 um only certain pens 01:38:56.320 --> 01:38:58.320 Certain fountain pens are able to cope with 01:38:58.800 --> 01:39:04.720 Occasional writing and it's very impressive the ones that stay wet and the ones that don't in my collection 01:39:04.960 --> 01:39:06.960 Um 01:39:07.520 --> 01:39:12.240 Some of them that work very well when you write all the time just don't work very well when you're taking notes 01:39:12.320 --> 01:39:16.480 And I get very frustrated with things that don't start writing when I want to start writing 01:39:16.960 --> 01:39:21.440 Why am I talking about that? I don't know this guy gets referred to as Lenny a few times 01:39:21.520 --> 01:39:26.800 I wonder if they have been friends already for longer than this meeting. Maybe he's the one he feels most comfortable with 01:39:27.600 --> 01:39:31.600 Around the table. Um, it's interesting that he refers him to it as Lenny 01:39:31.840 --> 01:39:34.880 Maybe a hundred million people are just checking his vaccinate 01:39:38.000 --> 01:39:41.360 We have nobody in this country vaccinated for coronavirus 01:39:42.320 --> 01:39:47.760 So that goes but the same vaccine could not work you take a solid flu vaccine 01:39:47.840 --> 01:39:50.960 You don't think that would have an impact or much of an impact on corona 01:39:53.040 --> 01:39:55.040 Probably none 01:39:55.680 --> 01:39:57.680 So 01:40:01.600 --> 01:40:03.600 Yeah 01:40:10.640 --> 01:40:15.600 He said totally naked to this virus, that's an interesting way of putting it everybody's vulnerable remember 01:40:15.600 --> 01:40:18.320 That was part of the key narrative of the novel virus 01:40:18.720 --> 01:40:21.760 It's a novel virus for which everyone is vulnerable that 01:40:22.320 --> 01:40:27.440 Was a an assured agree. They are all in consensus about that 01:40:28.400 --> 01:40:32.640 Obviously we're all vulnerable because it's a new virus none of us have seen it before 01:40:33.920 --> 01:40:41.840 This was essential part of the worst case scenario an essential part of the worst case scenario being enforced here 01:40:42.240 --> 01:40:45.600 and also in the darkest corners of the internet by by 01:40:46.960 --> 01:40:49.840 Low level and high level players basically 01:40:50.800 --> 01:40:57.120 All people that were encouraged with comfort and fame and fortune and and promotion and likes 01:40:57.680 --> 01:41:02.320 In order to fuel the idea that a worst case scenario could be a billion people dead 01:41:02.320 --> 01:41:03.200 It could be 01:41:03.200 --> 01:41:09.440 Endemicity of a deadly virus that right now at this table people think could be 30 percent lethal 01:41:12.880 --> 01:41:14.880 Yeah 01:41:28.400 --> 01:41:33.520 Who are in an industry where optimism is an essential part of the toolkit 01:41:33.920 --> 01:41:38.480 But realism is that you know 95 percent of what we all work on doesn't go too far 01:41:38.960 --> 01:41:41.920 So we that's why it's so important have so many different 01:41:42.320 --> 01:41:49.120 Approaches you can't but it seems to me just based on what you said and also what the other folks said from great companies companies 01:41:49.120 --> 01:41:54.240 I know very well from just seeing you know what they do and I find it very interesting 01:41:54.240 --> 01:41:55.600 I have for a long time 01:41:55.680 --> 01:41:57.680 It would seem to me that 01:41:57.920 --> 01:42:02.000 You already know pretty much where you're going and where you're headed and what the answer is going to be 01:42:02.400 --> 01:42:06.400 This is interesting. That's an interesting observation. I didn't notice it 01:42:06.400 --> 01:42:08.800 Let me go back to that cut and see if I agree with you 01:42:09.520 --> 01:42:16.880 It's supposed to be recorded from a live meeting, but I do not know that it's recorded from a live meeting. It's not a it's on a on a non 01:42:18.240 --> 01:42:21.600 Popular youtube channel, right? It looks like it was uploaded four years ago 01:42:21.600 --> 01:42:23.600 But that's an interesting question 01:42:23.920 --> 01:42:25.760 Because it doesn't really I mean 01:42:26.560 --> 01:42:32.400 How would they cut like this in a live meeting? It's good. I I mean, I know they can cut in a live meeting like this 01:42:32.400 --> 01:42:37.360 But they must have had a camera guy walking around then it's interesting. I like that question. Thank you for asking it 01:42:37.920 --> 01:42:42.400 But realism is that you know 95 percent of what we all work on doesn't go too far 01:42:42.880 --> 01:42:45.760 So we that's why it's so important have so many different 01:42:46.720 --> 01:42:53.040 Can't but it seems to me just based on what you said and also what the other folks said from great companies companies 01:42:53.040 --> 01:42:59.120 I know very well from just seeing you know what they do and I find it very interesting. I have for a long time 01:42:59.520 --> 01:43:01.520 it would seem to me that 01:43:01.840 --> 01:43:06.000 You already know pretty much where you're going and where you're headed and what the answer is going to be 01:43:06.160 --> 01:43:07.920 It would seem that steep doesn't seem 01:43:08.720 --> 01:43:12.000 You seem to know what the answer is to this you have to get it done 01:43:12.320 --> 01:43:16.720 Yeah, they know what the answer is they're going to make a spike protein oriented vaccine 01:43:17.520 --> 01:43:23.120 And that is a very extraordinary choice that all of them have agreed on from the very very beginning 01:43:26.800 --> 01:43:30.880 That's an extraordinary choice that no one really seems to want to highlight 01:43:32.000 --> 01:43:36.800 Instead wants to focus on the gain of function portion and the gain of function of a lab leak and the 01:43:37.200 --> 01:43:41.040 spreading novel pathogen for which we are all vulnerable 01:43:43.040 --> 01:43:49.200 And not one person here except for Donald Trump seems to notice that you guys pretty much already know what the answer is it seems 01:43:49.200 --> 01:43:51.200 You just have to finish 01:43:51.600 --> 01:43:55.840 You guys have all this in manufacture and not one of you has chosen a different protein 01:43:56.320 --> 01:44:00.320 Not one they've all agreed that the spike protein is the obvious target 01:44:00.720 --> 01:44:05.120 Even the Novavax people that are going to make the protein itself. Why would you make a toxin? 01:44:05.920 --> 01:44:08.160 In in huge quantities 01:44:09.200 --> 01:44:11.040 Unless 01:44:11.040 --> 01:44:13.040 There was just a consensus 01:44:15.680 --> 01:44:17.680 Was that too optimistic or statement 01:44:17.680 --> 01:44:20.080 I think some of the new technologies that have come 01:44:20.720 --> 01:44:27.360 That we heard today with about the m or nay in dna where you use competing youth right tools and technologies 01:44:27.760 --> 01:44:32.960 They give us an opportunity to move fast and that's why some of the companies that have been working on early diseases 01:44:33.760 --> 01:44:35.760 Can quickly 01:44:35.760 --> 01:44:39.200 Change priorities and that means huge public health threat 01:44:39.680 --> 01:44:45.120 But I think we should take on as a team to do something with the seasonal flu and actually 01:44:45.520 --> 01:44:50.080 I think Robert Redfield that has been one of your key priorities and we've certainly picked up on that 01:44:50.160 --> 01:44:53.280 I know where there would be a great thing if you could do that just aside from this meeting 01:44:53.600 --> 01:44:57.680 If you could do that, that would be a great thing. Does anybody else have anything to say please 01:44:58.640 --> 01:45:01.840 Well, I want to just thank you all very much for being here and it sounds 01:45:01.920 --> 01:45:06.240 I'm very it's a very optimistic meeting. I didn't realize you were that far advanced and you'll 01:45:06.960 --> 01:45:09.680 Get together if you have to you that far advanced 01:45:09.680 --> 01:45:14.960 See he's not aware of the fact that all these people got phone calls and they went immediately full board 01:45:14.960 --> 01:45:20.960 The dutch guy said they've already gone into full upscale of the jnj. Should they know they're going to get bought doses bought 01:45:22.720 --> 01:45:26.960 You know with tony and bob and you'll deal with uh, hey tony and 01:45:27.760 --> 01:45:30.800 Get it done. We need it. We want it fast. Okay 01:45:36.080 --> 01:45:39.200 I don't know what the time will be. I don't think they know what the time will be 01:45:39.680 --> 01:45:40.880 I've heard 01:45:40.880 --> 01:45:46.000 Very quick numbers a matter of months that i've heard pretty much a year would be an outside number 01:45:46.640 --> 01:45:49.520 So I think that's not a bad that's not a bad range 01:45:49.520 --> 01:45:54.880 But if you're talking about three to four months in a couple of cases and a year and other cases 01:45:55.840 --> 01:45:57.360 Would you say doctor would that be about? 01:45:57.360 --> 01:46:04.080 I mean, how certain can you be that you need something when you only have six cases and you've closed the borders and you think that zero 01:46:04.160 --> 01:46:06.160 COVID is possible? 01:46:06.560 --> 01:46:12.880 Don't you understand even if they had zero COVID even if all these tests were negative they were planning to go forward with 01:46:13.600 --> 01:46:17.840 Vaccination because the virus is circulating in china. It's inevitable that it's going to get here 01:46:18.480 --> 01:46:20.480 endemic and 01:46:20.480 --> 01:46:22.880 Endemic he said the word endemic 01:46:23.840 --> 01:46:29.840 Like it was a verb or a or a or a something that could happen an endemic could happen 01:46:31.600 --> 01:46:36.880 We are really in trouble ladies and gentlemen if we look at the history and we see this we should not discount it 01:46:37.920 --> 01:46:44.960 It feels very much to me like there is evidence of malevolence here that this is a preconceived notion of what we were going to do next 01:46:45.600 --> 01:46:48.880 And donald trump is just kind of a guy who's trying to pretend that 01:46:49.520 --> 01:46:56.000 All this illusion of consensus doesn't have an effect on him that he's he's not impressed by it 01:46:57.360 --> 01:47:02.480 But of course he is how can anyone not be impressed by this level of consensus 01:47:06.880 --> 01:47:09.760 Well, you have the greatest companies in the world sitting around the table 01:47:09.760 --> 01:47:13.280 I mean johnson and johnson advisor and all of the companies gilead 01:47:14.000 --> 01:47:17.840 You have all of these great companies and that's what they're saying. So I think that 01:47:18.640 --> 01:47:24.400 I didn't make sure you get the president information that a vaccine that you make and start testing 01:47:24.800 --> 01:47:29.040 The year is not a vaccine that's deployable. So he's asking the question 01:47:29.040 --> 01:47:35.040 When is it going to be deployable and that is going to be at the earliest a year to a year and a half 01:47:35.120 --> 01:47:41.600 No matter how fast you go a year to a year and a half, but they got it done in nine months 01:47:42.560 --> 01:47:49.840 They were injecting people in the uk already in december and feb and and november of 2020 01:47:50.560 --> 01:47:53.920 They were already doing the trials like ladies and gentlemen 01:47:54.960 --> 01:48:00.000 What tony fauci saying here is actually kind of what mark kulek says is 01:48:00.560 --> 01:48:05.120 Likely the original plan was for it to be a couple years. This was supposed to be longer 01:48:05.440 --> 01:48:07.440 And 01:48:07.440 --> 01:48:13.840 I don't think they were able to sustain the level of fear and conformity that they thought they were going to be able to sustain 01:48:15.360 --> 01:48:23.120 And that's why the role of the dissident movement has become so prominent where it was never meant to be 01:48:23.760 --> 01:48:25.760 who was meant to be a sideshow 01:48:26.560 --> 01:48:28.560 And it's become half the story 01:48:29.040 --> 01:48:32.720 And that's not the way they wanted it to be as he said with the flu vaccine 01:48:33.120 --> 01:48:35.440 They were pretty sure they could get this all the way 01:48:36.240 --> 01:48:38.240 That everybody would take it 01:48:38.960 --> 01:48:42.800 And that would have required more drama and more psychological 01:48:43.600 --> 01:48:46.320 Torture and more censorship than they could muster 01:48:47.040 --> 01:48:49.040 apparently 01:48:49.040 --> 01:48:53.600 I am very optimistic when I watch this because I do think it confirms a lot of things that 01:48:54.080 --> 01:48:58.400 Mark and I have been talking about over the last few years and more importantly it confirms the fact 01:48:58.800 --> 01:49:04.240 that so many people that are members of this bureaucracy and that are members of the 01:49:05.200 --> 01:49:08.000 Of the elite that feed from this bureaucracy 01:49:09.280 --> 01:49:14.800 That there was no stopping them once offered this this possibility there was no stopping them 01:49:14.880 --> 01:49:18.640 No stopping fauci no stopping cdc and no stopping these companies 01:49:19.120 --> 01:49:21.920 From making sure that this illusion never went away 01:49:22.320 --> 01:49:28.080 I would go so far as to say that I could imagine at this table that there's enough money at this table to pay 01:49:28.400 --> 01:49:29.840 people 01:49:29.840 --> 01:49:31.840 To go on the internet and worry 01:49:32.880 --> 01:49:37.680 I would say that there's enough money at this table to pay people that used to work for them 01:49:37.760 --> 01:49:40.720 That still work for them to go on the internet and make 01:49:41.440 --> 01:49:43.920 the worst case scenario real 01:49:45.520 --> 01:49:48.000 To make sure that this train did not stop 01:49:48.640 --> 01:49:52.400 To make sure that no one was able to get off before the doors closed 01:49:52.800 --> 01:49:56.800 And that we were off to the races in march already of 2020 01:49:56.800 --> 01:49:59.760 How would you do that? Well, you would put a bunch of people on the internet 01:50:01.040 --> 01:50:03.440 fake doctors claiming to be 01:50:04.480 --> 01:50:06.480 investment 01:50:06.960 --> 01:50:09.840 Gurus turned health nuts 01:50:12.480 --> 01:50:18.240 You would put all kinds of people out there people with three degrees claiming to know what was going on 01:50:22.560 --> 01:50:24.240 Nurses 01:50:24.240 --> 01:50:28.640 Claiming to know what's going on doctors claiming to know what's going on 01:50:30.160 --> 01:50:35.120 In order to make sure that the worst case scenario was not only believable but assumed to be true 01:50:36.720 --> 01:50:38.880 Because you've got a fool the bureaucracy too 01:50:41.920 --> 01:50:48.400 It's hard to really tell where it all came from it's hard to really say that it would be all the department of defense when you see all of this 01:50:50.960 --> 01:50:52.960 Motivation 01:50:52.960 --> 01:50:54.320 Potential 01:50:54.320 --> 01:50:56.320 Billions of dollars are available 01:50:56.960 --> 01:51:04.720 If the worst case scenario is believed long enough billions if not trillions of dollars are available if the worst case scenario remains gray enough 01:51:06.080 --> 01:51:08.000 And so there are 01:51:08.000 --> 01:51:11.600 Billions of reasons why people would have been paid 01:51:13.120 --> 01:51:18.400 To make sure that the worst case scenario was always believable was always on people's mind 01:51:19.360 --> 01:51:26.400 And that people instead went to the possibility of a laboratory leak as a result of of hubris 01:51:28.400 --> 01:51:30.400 And by trying to solve that mystery 01:51:31.680 --> 01:51:33.680 They accepted this 01:51:33.680 --> 01:51:35.680 I 01:51:45.920 --> 01:51:47.920 Might be more exciting 01:51:51.520 --> 01:51:58.240 Ambassador burks I think laid out a really nice framework as we think about managing expectations ambassador burks 01:51:58.720 --> 01:52:02.080 Which is be thinking antiviral therapeutics 01:52:02.720 --> 01:52:10.080 Transitioning to monoclonal antibodies and eventually to vaccines as we think about the continuum of research and development here 01:52:12.080 --> 01:52:17.440 Well, you know, I think Tony. I think that's interesting because they don't eat treatment in a certain way 01:52:17.600 --> 01:52:19.600 Especially when you have people that are 01:52:19.600 --> 01:52:23.360 Looking for treatment. They've already got they're beyond the vaccine stage 01:52:23.840 --> 01:52:29.520 That would be very exciting and it always goes faster than vaccine because you're dealing with someone who's already sick 01:52:29.920 --> 01:52:32.480 That's the safety issues are going to be much much different 01:52:32.880 --> 01:52:37.120 And you will know you result almost immediately whereas with vaccines 01:52:37.680 --> 01:52:44.160 So then what would be your timing for treatment spectacular therapeutics commonly known 01:52:47.040 --> 01:52:49.040 For us 01:52:54.240 --> 01:52:56.240 And 01:52:57.680 --> 01:53:02.480 Said you're going to find out very quickly suddenly a mystery whether these things work or not 01:53:02.800 --> 01:53:05.920 We're pretty confident that among our parts of the monoclonal antibody 01:53:06.560 --> 01:53:08.560 Leni is re-generant 01:53:08.560 --> 01:53:15.920 You think that that approach has a very high probability in the near term of delivery and test itself so that so treatment 01:53:16.000 --> 01:53:22.000 I mean just the media so the treatment element of it goes faster than the vaccine element of it 01:53:22.080 --> 01:53:24.800 Which in my opinion in this case would be better 01:53:25.440 --> 01:53:30.720 But I mean the remdesivir are medicine. It's in phase three trials right now. These trials are conducted very fast 01:53:30.880 --> 01:53:32.880 I mean we're talking about 30 day endpoints 01:53:33.520 --> 01:53:35.040 So you recruit them 01:53:35.040 --> 01:53:38.640 You know in 30 days, you know once you recruit whether it works or not 01:53:38.720 --> 01:53:42.560 You know in 30 days whether it works or not 01:53:43.840 --> 01:53:47.280 That's amazing. Thankfully so far the drugs seem to be very safe 01:53:47.760 --> 01:53:49.760 But we have to determine is this level of 01:53:50.480 --> 01:53:53.360 Clinical effectiveness and now as I said, we'll know 01:53:54.640 --> 01:53:56.640 As a treatment somebody is sick, right? 01:53:56.720 --> 01:53:58.720 They have the problem 01:53:58.720 --> 01:54:00.480 It has been used when do you think it could be used? 01:54:00.560 --> 01:54:05.200 Well, if if the trial that that daniel was talking about proves efficacy 01:54:05.280 --> 01:54:09.600 Which you likely might know in a few months whether it's effective effective enough 01:54:10.080 --> 01:54:12.080 If you know by june 01:54:12.080 --> 01:54:16.800 That it's effective that you just scale up and manufacture it and you're good to go 01:54:17.280 --> 01:54:19.280 How good is that? 01:54:20.480 --> 01:54:22.480 That's good even by your statement 01:54:22.480 --> 01:54:26.400 Let me give you an example for instance with with the regenoron product with the bowl 01:54:27.120 --> 01:54:29.280 So tony fauci and his team 01:54:29.840 --> 01:54:33.680 In the world health organization ran a historic forearm clinical trial 01:54:34.240 --> 01:54:36.400 in the war zone and eastern convo 01:54:37.200 --> 01:54:41.360 And two of the products one of them developed by nid 01:54:42.000 --> 01:54:44.000 developed by regenoron 01:54:44.320 --> 01:54:48.080 Proved so effective that the ethical board said stop on the other two 01:54:55.440 --> 01:54:57.440 Treating and when I went to the Congo 01:54:57.440 --> 01:54:59.840 I got to see people that even before 01:55:00.240 --> 01:55:07.360 FBA approval are being treated still in the extension of this clinical trial and being cured of Ebola now walking out 01:55:07.440 --> 01:55:10.800 Where they would have had a death sentence before which is that's what that's what we would try to do 01:55:10.800 --> 01:55:15.680 That's what we would try to do. He just got back from the Congo 01:55:16.720 --> 01:55:22.720 And uh, that's dedication. He was that was not an easy trip one of the best laboratories in the world probably 01:55:23.200 --> 01:55:38.100 I mean, it wasn't easy very 01:55:38.100 --> 01:55:40.100 President, I'll be at an age tomorrow 01:55:40.580 --> 01:55:44.660 Look forward to working with all of you. And I want to I want to commend each and every one of you for 01:55:45.380 --> 01:55:47.380 Responding to the president's call for action 01:55:47.620 --> 01:55:49.460 This is all hands-on deck 01:55:49.460 --> 01:55:52.500 And the news out of this meeting that you've already formed a consortium 01:55:52.980 --> 01:55:56.500 We know we have the greatest pharmaceutical industry in the world in the united states, mr 01:55:56.500 --> 01:56:02.820 President now we know they will be working together to create therapeutics and ultimately a new vaccine to deal 01:56:03.540 --> 01:56:05.540 coronavirus and thank you 01:56:05.780 --> 01:56:08.020 And anybody delays you please call me 01:56:08.900 --> 01:56:10.900 I know just called Tony and Bob 01:56:12.020 --> 01:56:14.020 All right 01:56:15.220 --> 01:56:17.220 13,000 01:56:17.380 --> 01:56:19.380 They must have heard about this meeting 01:56:19.780 --> 01:56:21.780 Who's talking outside? 01:56:22.660 --> 01:56:29.460 Now this is a very optimistic way. Look, I know optimism and not optimism and pestle if the worst pessimism and I will tell you 01:56:29.940 --> 01:56:34.420 Uh, the whole thing with therapeutics to me is very exciting and obviously vaccine 01:56:34.420 --> 01:56:37.780 But therapeutics is very exciting especially when you're so far 01:56:40.180 --> 01:56:42.820 As you know, um, it's time for basketball 01:56:43.860 --> 01:56:46.660 Um, and so I'm gonna head over to the hoops 01:56:47.620 --> 01:56:50.900 and uh spend an hour with my sons and then 01:56:51.540 --> 01:56:55.780 Maybe I'll be back on this afternoon or this evening. Otherwise for sure tomorrow 01:56:56.340 --> 01:57:01.380 Um, I'm getting my act together very slowly, but surely get my head together slowly, but surely 01:57:01.940 --> 01:57:03.940 um and and developing 01:57:04.740 --> 01:57:06.740 Um 01:57:06.980 --> 01:57:13.780 Strategy on how to bring more to the table over the coming coming weeks. Um, so that I have more to 01:57:14.660 --> 01:57:18.180 Um, ask you to support. I understand that I haven't 01:57:19.380 --> 01:57:21.380 I haven't been putting out as much 01:57:22.500 --> 01:57:25.460 Content has I've been promising. Um, but that 01:57:27.780 --> 01:57:33.700 That's just the way life is right now. Um, and until we have enough where we can totally devote 01:57:34.500 --> 01:57:39.140 All of my free time to this working time to this, um, it's just going to have to be a 01:57:40.340 --> 01:57:44.740 A crapshoot like this, but I'm trying my best and I will continue to try to hone it 01:57:45.220 --> 01:57:49.700 So that we can be on, um, at predictable times times that are on the schedule 01:57:50.340 --> 01:57:53.780 Um, I'm not sure if it's going to stay one o'clock it might move before lunch 01:57:54.260 --> 01:57:58.020 It might move right to 1212 or 1111. I don't know 01:57:58.660 --> 01:58:02.260 Um, but I do know that that we're going to try and and make 01:58:03.220 --> 01:58:08.340 More and more effort as we go forward. So I just want to thank everybody that's supporting the stream now 01:58:08.980 --> 01:58:09.940 Um, of course 01:58:09.940 --> 01:58:14.740 I love it if more people would support but I'm going to give you reasons in the next couple weeks to 01:58:15.860 --> 01:58:20.900 To click that button. So if you're still on the fence and still enjoying this content then please share it 01:58:21.460 --> 01:58:22.420 and uh 01:58:22.420 --> 01:58:27.380 And and and stay tuned because uh, we're going to keep working. Thanks very much for joining me. I'll see you again soon 01:58:32.260 --> 01:58:35.140 You