WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:04.880 testing. I'm gonna come on screen here and see if anybody will come in on the 00:04.880 --> 00:08.160 chat. That's probably we're five minutes late so there's probably somebody already 00:08.160 --> 00:14.400 waiting. Maybe maybe possibly. Hello, this is a sound check. And then I'm just 00:14.400 --> 00:19.920 gonna quick start a few slides here. Ladies and gentlemen, this is giga-owned 00:19.920 --> 00:23.760 biological, a high-resistance low-noise information stream brought to you by a 00:23.760 --> 00:28.560 biologist. The illusion is sustained only through your active participation. The 00:28.560 --> 00:32.720 real trick is to try and see what you're participating in and understand it 00:32.720 --> 00:36.560 because it's a lot more complicated than just watching the nightly news and 00:36.560 --> 00:42.640 deciding on which channel is the one that got it right. We are really working on a 00:42.640 --> 00:49.600 kind of non-compliance thing in the sense of not being subject to a CDC that tells 00:49.600 --> 00:54.000 the whole nation what to do, not being subject maybe even to an FDA that tells 00:54.480 --> 00:59.440 us what's on labels. We've got to understand that we have abdicated our 00:59.440 --> 01:04.240 responsibility for a very long time for the control of our communities and our 01:04.240 --> 01:09.760 states and our nation. And I think a lot of this abdication has occurred all 01:09.760 --> 01:14.160 around the western world. And even though right now for the last four years we've 01:14.160 --> 01:19.040 been focused on it in COVID, I think there are people inside of the system from 01:19.040 --> 01:22.640 before COVID who are already vaguely aware of it. I know that I was one of them and 01:22.640 --> 01:28.240 I didn't understand it. And I'm lucky enough today to have someone on the 01:28.240 --> 01:32.960 stream who I've just met actually a few minutes ago. His name is Dr. William 01:32.960 --> 01:40.320 Macus. Is that the way we pronounce your name? That's right. Yeah. And I'm not sure 01:40.320 --> 01:44.080 care bear. It might be better if you come in later because then I can have the whole 01:44.080 --> 01:51.200 screen for Dr. Macus. But it's okay. I think when if we set this right I can get 01:51.280 --> 01:56.960 it to be the speaker. I'm just going to let you give an introduction to yourself. Please 01:56.960 --> 02:01.360 make sure that you give a full introduction of yourself before the pandemic so that we 02:01.360 --> 02:06.320 understand what you're up to and where you were in your profession before the pandemic. 02:06.320 --> 02:12.880 Thank you very much. Well, thanks for that. I was born in Czechoslovakia communist Czechoslovakia. 02:12.880 --> 02:20.000 My family fled communism in 1988. My dad was an academic. He was pursued by the communists. 02:20.080 --> 02:24.880 They wanted him in the communist party. They wanted him pushing communist ideals. He didn't 02:24.880 --> 02:31.040 want to be part of it. He felt he had a target on his back. So he fled the country. We ended 02:31.040 --> 02:36.480 up in a refugee camp in Yugoslavia in a United Nations refugee camp. We had no idea how long we 02:36.480 --> 02:41.600 were going to be there. So I learned English there. You know, we had a choice of Canada, 02:41.600 --> 02:47.360 US or Australia where we wanted to go. And we were lucky enough after a year we were given a 02:47.360 --> 02:55.040 ticket to go to Canada. So came to Canada as a refugee, government housing. My dad was sort of 02:55.040 --> 03:03.840 a math engineering professor and worked very hard. I grew up in Toronto. And for my undergrad, 03:03.840 --> 03:10.000 I went to University of Toronto. I did immunology for four years. And then I got into medical school 03:10.000 --> 03:15.440 at McGill University in Montreal. And I did about 10 years of medical training at McGill. I did my 03:15.440 --> 03:22.400 MD degree. And then I did a five year specialization in nuclear medicine. Nuclear medicine encompasses, 03:22.400 --> 03:31.200 it's a branch of radiology, but it encompasses radiology and oncology. And so I got training 03:31.200 --> 03:39.600 in both of those fields. And then I graduated in 2010 and just started as a regular, you know, 03:39.600 --> 03:46.800 regular small doctor in a small town. We moved to Manitoba in a very small town. I had my own 03:46.800 --> 03:52.880 department and I did mostly imaging. Cardiac stress tests, bone scans, bone density scans, 03:52.880 --> 03:59.120 that kind of stuff, just basic imaging stuff. But I was doing a lot of publication as well with, 03:59.920 --> 04:03.520 you know, material that I had from McGill University because we had a PET scan, 04:04.320 --> 04:09.360 which was sort of a new technology at the time to diagnose cancers. I know I dove 04:10.000 --> 04:14.160 deep into that. I was publishing a lot and I wanted to do more in cancer and more in oncology. 04:14.800 --> 04:21.760 So I ended up moving my family to Alberta to work in a large cancer center, took over a large 04:21.760 --> 04:28.800 face to clinical trial of targeted radionuclide therapy using medical isotopes to treat stage four 04:28.880 --> 04:35.840 cancers. These were neuroendocrine cancers at the time. And the idea was that you would 04:35.840 --> 04:44.880 take these beta emitting isotopes, you would link them to a molecule that would then deliver 04:44.880 --> 04:52.560 the radiation to a particular receptor on the tumor cell. And then the radiation would be dropped 04:53.520 --> 04:59.120 picked up by the cell. It would then, the beta radiation would then cause single strand or 04:59.120 --> 05:05.760 double strand breaks. And it would either kill the cell or render the cell unable to replicate. 05:05.760 --> 05:13.200 And while sparing healthy tissue, and so the half-life of these medical isotopes was quite short. It 05:13.200 --> 05:19.600 was only about six hours, half-life. So essentially, if you treated the patient with an injection, 05:20.400 --> 05:27.920 the material would get delivered throughout the body to the tumors. And then the patient would 05:27.920 --> 05:34.640 pee the rest of it out. So the rest of it would be excreted in urine. And you would monitor them, 05:34.640 --> 05:38.720 maybe for an hour or two, just to make sure that they didn't have any kind of unexpected 05:38.720 --> 05:43.360 reaction. Usually there was no reaction at all. And you could send them home, that you could do 05:43.360 --> 05:48.960 these treatments as really as an outpatient. They didn't need to be hospitalized and so on. 05:48.960 --> 05:56.400 So it was a very fascinating technology that had been developed in Europe. And FDA sat on this 05:56.400 --> 06:04.240 for almost 20 years. They refused to approve any of these medical isotope treatments. And so 06:05.200 --> 06:10.160 unfortunately, my program was sabotaged. At the time I didn't realize, I didn't know why it was 06:10.160 --> 06:16.080 sabotaged. I found out later that the Trudeau government would go on to invest hundreds of 06:16.160 --> 06:20.800 millions of dollars into this. They wanted to have a monopoly. They wanted to have it in Vancouver, 06:20.800 --> 06:25.280 British Columbia and call themselves global leaders in this technology. Now this was all 06:25.280 --> 06:30.960 before the pandemic, right? And so I had actually been fighting at legal battles since 2016 with 06:30.960 --> 06:38.240 the health authorities in Canada realized that the entire medical system is corrupt top to bottom. 06:38.880 --> 06:44.080 And that included all the health authorities. That included the medical boards like in the 06:44.160 --> 06:48.320 Canada, it's the College of Physicians and Surgeons. That's the medical board in the United States. 06:48.320 --> 06:54.400 They are, I believe, called medical boards. Completely corrupt universities. Completely corrupt. 06:55.520 --> 07:02.320 And of course, the politicians were corrupt. So I had that sort of revelation a few years before 07:02.320 --> 07:08.160 the pandemic. And because I refused to settle, I refused to sort of take any payoff that they put 07:08.160 --> 07:12.320 in front of me. They came after my license, took my license hostage and said, basically, we won't 07:12.320 --> 07:17.440 allow you to practice medicine until you sign those legal documents and those non-disclosures. 07:18.240 --> 07:22.080 And they said, we'll destroy your reputation. We'll never allow you to practice medicine again. 07:22.640 --> 07:27.520 So I've been fighting really that legal battle. The non-disclosures are about the radionucleotides. 07:27.520 --> 07:32.480 The non-disclosures are about that technology here. No, not about the technology that they, 07:32.480 --> 07:36.400 you know, they weren't really, they didn't care about that. It was non-disclosure, basically, 07:36.400 --> 07:41.120 that the program got sabotaged in the province of Alberta. They left those patients 07:41.120 --> 07:46.080 actively to die because it was stage four patients who had failed all other treatments. 07:46.080 --> 07:51.280 And they took this technology and basically rendered it unavailable in the entire province. 07:51.280 --> 07:54.800 So they have the deaths of thousands of cancer patients on their hands, 07:54.800 --> 07:59.200 but they didn't want anyone to know about it. Simply one day, the technology was no longer 07:59.200 --> 08:04.640 available in the entire province. And so that was what I had to sign that I would never speak 08:04.640 --> 08:08.720 to my colleagues about this again. And I would leave the province and give up all my contracts. 08:09.200 --> 08:13.600 I was producing this stuff, though, like the radionucleotides is something you had to make 08:13.600 --> 08:20.640 on the bench, like at the day of the treatment. Yeah, so we had a radio pharmacy, but we didn't 08:20.640 --> 08:27.600 have the ability to produce the medical isotopes ourselves. You need, you know, you need a decent 08:27.600 --> 08:32.800 size cyclotron. So we were actually ordering the stuff from Europe. They would ship out, 08:32.800 --> 08:37.440 there was two components. There was the medical isotope, and then there was the peptide component. 08:38.080 --> 08:43.840 And we would basically import both of those. Now, as you're importing radiation with a half life 08:43.840 --> 08:49.120 of six hours, obviously, you're going to lose a lot of it just by decay by the time it gets to 08:49.120 --> 08:53.440 you. But then, you know, we had our radio pharmacy sort of put it together. It was sort of like a, 08:54.000 --> 08:58.960 like a little kit where they would put those components together so that we could then 08:58.960 --> 09:04.640 inject it into the patient. Now, the Trudeau government, the Justin Trudeau government is 09:04.720 --> 09:11.600 actually heavily invested in building those cyclotrons on site in Vancouver so that they could 09:11.600 --> 09:17.440 produce the medical isotopes on site so that, you know, you then you'd have a huge radio pharmacy 09:17.440 --> 09:23.120 on site to put it together with whatever peptide or molecule you need. That is the targeting molecule. 09:23.120 --> 09:28.960 And you could inject patients without losing a lot of the radiation in transit. So they're 09:28.960 --> 09:34.080 building the facilities in Vancouver to be able to do that. And really, they've monopolized this 09:34.080 --> 09:39.360 technology because I was the referral center for all of Canada. So they wanted the monopoly. 09:39.360 --> 09:46.320 And the idea was that they would set up private clinics that would function parallel to the public 09:46.320 --> 09:52.800 system where they could then bring in wealthy clients from Asia, you know, China, India, Japan, 09:52.800 --> 09:59.680 fly them into Vancouver, which is a very easy flight into Canada and then have them treated 09:59.680 --> 10:06.720 at these state-of-the-art cancer centers. And so I really came into the pandemic as a retired 10:07.280 --> 10:13.920 physician because I gave up my license. You know, in this situation, I simply gave up my license. 10:14.880 --> 10:25.040 And so now 2020 hits, I am 40, 41 years old or 40 years old when the pandemic hits. I'm 40 years 10:25.040 --> 10:34.000 old and retired, right? And so I can look at the pandemic really without any propaganda, 10:34.000 --> 10:39.760 you know, in the workplace, without any pressures, peer pressures, really without really any input 10:39.760 --> 10:46.080 for my colleagues, you know, I could look at it as objectively as I could. And to me, I just 10:46.960 --> 10:51.600 I couldn't understand the fear. Like, I couldn't understand the fear mongering at the beginning. 10:51.680 --> 10:56.240 And I looked at some numbers. I think it was, I think I saw the numbers by Ewanidis 10:57.280 --> 11:04.080 in terms of the case fatality rate. And it was like 99.9% survival rate or higher for, you know, 11:04.080 --> 11:11.360 anyone who was all the age categories, except maybe age 70 plus. So I couldn't understand 11:12.080 --> 11:17.200 the fear and the panic and the whole lockdowns and, you know, two weeks to flatten the curve and 11:17.920 --> 11:24.240 and the six feet apart and all that just absolute nonsense, you know, and like one of the most 11:24.240 --> 11:30.880 hilarious things to me was the arrows in the aisles in stores. So so we have these we have these 11:30.880 --> 11:35.760 stores in Canada called, you know, the dollar dollarama, right? Dollarama one dollar stores. 11:36.480 --> 11:40.560 And what they do is they would have arrows going one way. And then the next aisle, the arrows 11:40.560 --> 11:45.120 were going the opposite way. And I thought like, this is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. 11:45.920 --> 11:50.400 And so, you know, I would go, you know, the opposite way just for fun. And you should see the looks 11:50.400 --> 11:54.640 on people's faces. I mean, they were, it was like I was, I was going to kill them when I was 11:54.640 --> 12:00.320 approaching them, like they were absolutely petrified. And the whole thing was like, 12:00.320 --> 12:06.720 homical, right? Another situation where I, you know, the insanity of this was, you know, 12:06.720 --> 12:12.800 when people now Costco is very popular in Canada. And so we would go to Costco. And then I would 12:12.800 --> 12:20.400 see these lineups just around the blocks and, you know, snaking around, you know, these gigantic 12:20.400 --> 12:24.320 lineups outside the Costco, because I guess there was a limited number of people you could allow 12:24.320 --> 12:28.240 in at a certain time and they were counting how many people were in and how many people were coming 12:28.240 --> 12:33.360 out. And then, you know, some people were standing six feet apart. Some some people weren't. I mean, 12:33.360 --> 12:38.720 the whole thing was just idiotic. I remember, I remember that very well. We didn't do, 12:39.680 --> 12:44.080 I guess you guys had it much stricter up there than we had it down here. But the same principles 12:44.080 --> 12:53.200 were rolled out. That's for sure. Did you, did you then have any personal experience yourself with 12:54.240 --> 13:00.640 the virus at any time, like that convinced you that that the spread was real or family members 13:00.640 --> 13:07.920 or anything like that? I mean, I heard you say that the case fatality rate was very low, but I'm 13:07.920 --> 13:12.480 sure by now, four years into this, you're aware that lots of people have argued that there wasn't 13:13.040 --> 13:17.040 there are lots of places where there does isn't really evidence of spread. How do we, 13:17.040 --> 13:21.520 was there a lot of excess mortality in Alberta? I think when I looked it up, there actually was. 13:23.760 --> 13:29.360 You know, that is that that's a good question. I was trying to figure out if I had been exposed 13:29.360 --> 13:36.000 to this thing. And if and it was really, I couldn't, if basically there hadn't been a declared pandemic, 13:36.000 --> 13:42.560 I couldn't have told you that I was exposed to anything particularly novel or something that 13:42.560 --> 13:48.800 I had never experienced before. So I didn't have that experience in 2020. I can tell you since then, 13:48.800 --> 13:59.200 I could say that I do feel I had a couple of colds that were particularly strong. I would say 13:59.200 --> 14:03.760 maybe stronger than I've been used to. So I could say I've been exposed to something in the last 14:04.400 --> 14:11.760 three years that is maybe stronger than what I've experienced in the past. But I mean, certainly 14:11.760 --> 14:18.880 in 2020, I did not experience anything out of the ordinary. And so, you know, and again, I was, 14:18.880 --> 14:23.680 you know, I did look into, okay, well, what should I be taking? Okay, I was taking vitamin D, I was 14:23.680 --> 14:31.120 taking, you know, zinc, vitamin C, quercetin, every now, you know, I throw some NAC or lysine in there, 14:31.120 --> 14:37.280 what have you. And so I did take some steps to kind of try to protect myself. But I really 14:37.280 --> 14:45.520 didn't feel like I experienced anything novel in 2020, definitely not in 2020. And so I can tell 14:45.520 --> 14:54.400 you, I more or less ignored 2020. I mean, I, you know, I sort of, you know, I guess went along 14:55.360 --> 15:01.360 with some of the nonsense in terms of the, you know, the six feet apart or what have you, you know, 15:01.360 --> 15:06.000 just to not, I mean, I would always wear the mask under my nose because I don't like having 15:06.000 --> 15:11.120 anything over my nose blocking blocking my breathing. So, and it was, you're right, I mean, it was a 15:11.120 --> 15:16.640 little bit vicious in Canada, you know, they would go after people who weren't wearing masks properly, 15:16.640 --> 15:20.240 they would have them, you know, they would call security, they would have you dragged out of a 15:20.240 --> 15:29.280 store or what have you. So, did you, did you take any of the, the products at some point? Like, 15:29.280 --> 15:35.040 did you take an injection at all? I have not taken any injection and I have not taken a test. Okay. 15:35.760 --> 15:44.560 And nobody in my family has my immediate family. Now, I think my wife took a PCR test once, 15:45.440 --> 15:50.800 because I think she panicked. But I was like, no injections, no testing, like that was, 15:51.600 --> 15:56.720 I've gone through the entire pandemic with with that. Now, the reason why you came back then, 15:56.720 --> 16:01.360 I mean, it not came back, but like it's, it feels very much like you're sort of kind of coming 16:01.360 --> 16:06.320 out of retirement in the sense of, you know, using your medical background to speak out about what's 16:06.320 --> 16:11.680 going on. So how, how is that transition back? Ben, it looks like you were doing geology or 16:11.680 --> 16:19.040 something in your spare time. You know, I love, I love gemstones. I love the fossils. So that's 16:19.040 --> 16:26.560 something I, you know, I collect and enjoy. Honestly, yeah, that that's a good question, 16:26.560 --> 16:31.760 because, you know, 2020, I was, I was basically ignoring the pandemic thinking, whatever it is, 16:31.760 --> 16:37.440 it's going to blow over. You know, it's obviously not sustainable. If no one's dying or people are 16:37.440 --> 16:42.480 not dying in large numbers, whatever's happening is obviously not sustainable over the long term. 16:43.120 --> 16:47.520 That was my reasoning. You know, then we hit 2021 and the whole vaccine issue and the whole 16:47.520 --> 16:54.000 vaccine rolls out. There were some red flags for me with that. And I will, you know, I will always 16:54.000 --> 16:59.920 admit, I did not know how toxic these things were going to be, or how toxic they, you know, 16:59.920 --> 17:07.600 they definitely appear to be now. But I had some questions about, as soon as I heard, 17:07.600 --> 17:13.600 it was, it was going to be mRNA and lipid nanoparticle technology, I had some serious questions. I was 17:13.600 --> 17:18.960 like, okay, why, like, why are they using these things? Can we go back? Just very, very, very, 17:18.960 --> 17:25.600 very, yeah, in your radio nucleotides, what is it when they mix them together? What, what, 17:25.680 --> 17:30.640 how do they get them to go in then? How are the peptide and isotope get mixed together? And then 17:30.640 --> 17:35.920 are they also need a carrier molecule of some kind or the peptide can be dissolved with the 17:35.920 --> 17:41.520 radio molecule somehow and injected in there's a there's some kind of chelation that happens. 17:41.520 --> 17:47.680 Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. So there's there's an additional there's an additional molecule that 17:47.680 --> 17:55.280 chelates. Okay. The, the, the radionuclide with the with the peptide. Okay. Yeah. 17:56.480 --> 18:00.800 It wouldn't be like you were using lipid nanoparticles to do that. And that's why no, no, no, no, no, 18:00.800 --> 18:07.200 no, but but you know what, but that's, but that's the funny part is that because I was aware that 18:08.080 --> 18:12.960 there had been a lot of attempts made in oncology to use lipid nanoparticles as as carriers 18:13.920 --> 18:20.400 for chemotherapy, right? And I know they had lots of problems with it. I know they had they had, 18:21.920 --> 18:27.280 I know that these were inflammatory, you know, highly inflammatory. I know that they could not 18:27.280 --> 18:32.080 control the delivery of the lipid nanoparticles. And that was one of the, that was actually one 18:32.080 --> 18:36.320 of the major problems because if you're, if you're, if you're loading them with chemotherapy and 18:36.320 --> 18:39.760 you're hoping that these things, you know, get delivered to the tumors. Well, what's really 18:39.840 --> 18:43.920 happening is they're dumping chemotherapy all over the place. And you have this sort of 18:43.920 --> 18:50.000 uncontrolled release of chemotherapy in places where you really may not want chemotherapy, 18:50.000 --> 18:57.600 right? And so I was sort of, you know, vaguely aware of this that the lipid nanoparticles had 18:57.600 --> 19:02.320 never worked that like there was these things were problematic, like they never figured out 19:03.440 --> 19:06.640 in terms of targeting. And I know that, you know, they were then sort of thinking about, 19:06.640 --> 19:13.120 you know, monoclonal antibodies and ways of maybe attaching monoclonal antibodies to, to, 19:13.120 --> 19:17.840 to find ways of delivering them. But, but it was basically as far as I was concerned, 19:17.840 --> 19:23.120 it was one of these failed technologies that had never worked. And mRNA, that's a whole 19:23.120 --> 19:30.480 kind of worms that I really wanted nothing to do with. Because again, it's something that had 19:30.560 --> 19:38.000 never worked in any sort of, you know, condition that that as far as I was aware. So now you're 19:38.000 --> 19:44.240 combining these two, you're combining what in my mind were two failed technologies together, 19:44.240 --> 19:50.240 right? And I just remember my gut feeling was I want to have nothing to do with something that 19:50.240 --> 19:57.920 is this experimental with so many unknowns. And that's without knowing anything about myocarditis 19:57.920 --> 20:02.480 and all that kind of stuff. So many unknowns with people on TV telling us that there were 20:02.480 --> 20:10.080 almost no unknowns. It was a it was a win-win. This is a this is a no-brainer. Yeah. And I can 20:10.080 --> 20:16.320 tell you having run a clinical trial for several years, and really a proper clinical trial 20:17.920 --> 20:24.640 with stage four cancer patients where I had to do, you know, full informed consent. I had to go 20:24.640 --> 20:31.440 over all the possible risks, not just the benefits, the idea that you would give something 20:31.440 --> 20:38.960 completely experimental to a healthy person with so many unknowns. It just again, it seemed 20:38.960 --> 20:45.600 completely insane to me. But you know, I looked around and I'm like, Holy crap, everyone is lining 20:45.600 --> 20:51.120 up for this. People are lining up outside of Walmart. They're lining up in in parking lots. 20:51.200 --> 20:58.640 They're lining up, you know, at Superstore. I mean, they're basically lining up for these injections. 20:58.640 --> 21:02.400 No one's talking to their doctor or at least most people didn't even talk to their doctor 21:02.400 --> 21:09.680 about it. They're just getting to get these shots. And that like that. And I remember that vividly 21:09.680 --> 21:15.200 because this is like spring of 2021. And the politicians are like, come on, just just get one 21:15.200 --> 21:20.560 shot, right? Let's just get 70% of people getting one shot. We get the herd immunity. We're going 21:20.560 --> 21:26.640 to be out of this thing so fast. And now these were sleaze balls, like the politicians, a lot 21:26.640 --> 21:31.680 of these were very sleazy politicians that were pushing this stuff. And in terms of the medical 21:31.680 --> 21:38.160 system that I had experience with the corruption in the medical system, the same corrupt bureaucrats 21:38.160 --> 21:44.320 that killed my cancer program and basically destroyed my career, we're now pushing the vaccines. 21:44.320 --> 21:48.480 I mean, there was no there was no change in the bureaucracy in the healthcare bureaucracy. 21:48.560 --> 21:54.880 And I think that's something that doesn't get talked about very much that, you know, these people 21:54.880 --> 21:59.680 that were pushing this stuff, these were lifetime bureaucrats, you know, that had been occupying 21:59.680 --> 22:04.240 their positions for a very, very long time. I mean, look at Fauci, right? I mean, talk about a 22:04.240 --> 22:11.200 lifetime bureaucrat and and Burke's and Redfield, all of them, the heads of that initial start of 22:11.200 --> 22:18.080 this in America were no doubt long time servants, definitely. Yeah. And so same thing in Canada, 22:18.080 --> 22:23.440 you know, corrupt bureaucrats, who I know were completely corrupt, just pushing this stuff on 22:23.440 --> 22:29.520 everybody. That was when I started to not panic, but I really started to get concerned. I'm like, 22:29.520 --> 22:34.800 okay, they're pushing this into they want to put this into everybody, but they still hadn't talked 22:34.800 --> 22:42.480 about the kids yet. Right. It was only in the summer of 2021, where they were like, now this 22:42.480 --> 22:47.360 is going into kids. Yep. This is going into kids. And of course, you know, first, it was like 12 22:47.360 --> 22:51.840 to 19. And I thought, okay, no way, parents are going to put up with this crap. And they did. 22:52.800 --> 23:00.240 And they got I can tell you it in Canada, they got 80% of kids 12 to 19 injected with this stuff. 23:00.240 --> 23:07.680 Wow. At least at least two doses. Wow. 80%. This is 12 to 19 years old. I mean, 23:07.680 --> 23:12.160 forget all the, you know, immune issues, autoimmune issues or whatever. Myocarditis, you know, 23:12.160 --> 23:17.520 everyone knows blood clots. What about the fertility? Yeah. What about the fertility? Like, 23:18.720 --> 23:23.920 how do you sometimes generation of kids? Sometimes I think the only hope is that these people were 23:23.920 --> 23:30.560 diabolical enough to put out some placebo batches so that the total devastation they caused is 23:30.560 --> 23:39.200 harder to trace to the shot. Right. It's awful, man. I don't know what to say. And, and, and I really, 23:39.280 --> 23:45.120 you know, it's hard for us to really gauge what happened in, in Canada versus what we were 23:45.120 --> 23:50.160 allowed to see happening in Canada. And the same, I think can be said for every English-speaking 23:50.160 --> 23:57.760 nation that certain news made it here and certain news didn't. And for America, it often felt like 23:57.760 --> 24:04.320 the worst examples of, of authoritarianism in Canada, for example, made a lot of circulation 24:04.320 --> 24:09.200 over here where, you know, Trudeau is just saying, if you want to travel on a train or whatever. 24:09.200 --> 24:14.320 Yeah. Yeah. The same with the guy from Australia who was saying you're of anti, if you have support 24:14.320 --> 24:21.040 for people who have ideas about anti-backs, you're anti-backs. So those, those things were sent to us 24:21.040 --> 24:26.320 as showing us how bad it could be. Right. And they did it to you guys, I think, because your 24:26.880 --> 24:30.320 legislative system kind of permits it, whereas maybe there's some 24:30.960 --> 24:37.680 last bastion of checks and balances or laws against things that they couldn't quite do it here, 24:37.680 --> 24:42.240 like they did it where they, where they could, and they really hit you guys some places really hard. 24:43.280 --> 24:50.880 They did. Yeah. And I can tell you, I think it's also important to remember not just what they did 24:50.880 --> 24:55.840 to try to force as many people, you know, to take these shots as possible, but when they did it. 24:56.560 --> 25:02.720 And so, you know, when you sort of look back, you know, the spring of 2021, there was none of this 25:02.720 --> 25:07.360 animosity and this like, well, we're going to punish you and we're going to, you know, we're 25:07.360 --> 25:10.800 going to fire you and we're going to make sure you cannot get government support if you don't take 25:10.800 --> 25:16.000 these shots. I mean, it was just like, Hey, let's get to her and immunity. You know, let's just get, 25:16.000 --> 25:20.560 you know, 70%. I remember that kept moving the goalposts. First, it was just 70%. It was enough 25:20.560 --> 25:28.160 than 75, 80%, 85%. I remember that too. Yep. Moving those goalposts. When I really panicked 25:28.960 --> 25:34.240 about where they were going with this was in the summer of 2021, you know, they, they did the whole 25:34.240 --> 25:40.640 booster thing in Israel. And that seemed to just crash and burn very quickly. And the moment they 25:40.640 --> 25:45.440 started talking about the kids, I thought, okay, I can't, like, this is not, this is not going to 25:45.440 --> 25:50.400 go like this is not going to pass. You know, whatever I may have thought in 2020 that this whole thing 25:50.400 --> 25:55.840 it was just going to pass. Now we're, we're in something permanent here. They're talking about 25:55.840 --> 26:01.200 booster shots. And they know that they had to basically say that the first two shots had failed 26:01.200 --> 26:05.920 in order to get people to accept taking a third shot, because they went all in on the first two 26:05.920 --> 26:13.200 shots. Right. And so in a way, they had to admit that, well, actually, you know, the first two 26:13.200 --> 26:17.840 shots really didn't work. So now you need the booster, right? And that was a, you know, that was a 26:17.840 --> 26:25.600 psychological operation in it in itself. But I can tell you, and I don't know if the Americans 26:25.600 --> 26:31.760 experienced this to the same degree, but in Canada, they came extremely aggressively after kids, 26:32.720 --> 26:37.840 getting kids vaccinated, making sure that these shots, and I can tell you, yeah, 80% was the uptake 26:37.840 --> 26:43.760 for kids 12 to 19. That's when I started speaking out really online. And then they came for the 26:43.840 --> 26:48.640 kids five to 11 years old. And they managed, and I thought like that is like, this thing is 26:48.640 --> 26:55.920 that on arrival, no way will parents of younger kids allow this, especially none of those kids 26:55.920 --> 27:00.320 were dying. Well, I mean, pretty much none of the kids 12 to 12 to 19 were dying either. 27:02.720 --> 27:06.560 But I could see, you know, I could see how they could fool, especially the, you know, with the 27:06.560 --> 27:12.000 older kids 17, 18, 19, of course, then the university mandates came where they really forced it into 27:12.000 --> 27:18.240 all those young kids. But I thought, well, maybe parents will draw the line at five to 11 years old. 27:19.120 --> 27:26.080 And again, they managed to, they managed to force it through. And so about 50% of those kids have 27:26.080 --> 27:30.800 had at least two shots in Canada. Right. I know it's not as bad in the United States. 27:32.080 --> 27:36.560 No, it's not. But they got the, they got the university kids here really well. That's it. 27:37.040 --> 27:40.960 That's well, they got the university kids everywhere. And Canada, United States. 27:42.080 --> 27:48.560 It was a real crucial, crucial mistake that we made in 2020, where more parents should have 27:48.560 --> 27:53.040 either insisted, okay, you're gonna do that, we're not gonna pay for that, then we're gonna stay 27:53.040 --> 27:59.120 home a year. And then we had power back then. But once we said, well, I don't know, I guess so 27:59.120 --> 28:03.840 you got to do what you got to do, then the kids now realize that mom and dad don't know what 28:03.840 --> 28:08.320 they're talking about anymore. And they're turned to the same authority that I guess I have to turn 28:08.320 --> 28:14.240 to. And we, we really blew it there. I think we have to turn back to those kids and explain how 28:14.240 --> 28:21.760 bad we blew it. Absolutely. So, you know, I had, I had, you know, some of my daughter's 28:21.760 --> 28:28.240 classmates were saying, well, you know, I didn't necessarily, you know, want the vaccine, but I had 28:28.320 --> 28:35.120 no choice my my parents took me and I had no choice. This is like 12 years old, right? And you 28:35.120 --> 28:39.760 could see even like at this age, some of these kids realize like, you know, they have no, they 28:39.760 --> 28:47.280 have no power in this situation. It's just a horrible thing that happened. So I really think the bulk 28:47.280 --> 28:54.160 of the crime of this thing, if we're looking at it, you know, on a time scale, is the second half 28:54.160 --> 29:00.800 of 2021. Because this is where they, this is where it was no longer the carrot. It was no longer 29:00.800 --> 29:06.640 the million dollar lottery or get a donut or get a joint or get a lap dance or whatever the 29:06.640 --> 29:12.800 incentives were to get vaccinated because right, they started with the incentives. Then they came 29:12.800 --> 29:20.000 with the stick, which was, okay, we're going to fire you. And, and, you know, basically corporations 29:20.000 --> 29:28.720 whole scale took on the vaccine mandates and forced this. So, so, you know, why? And, and, you 29:28.720 --> 29:34.080 know, it's like it was so aggressive that second half of 2021, that's when all the vaccine mandates 29:34.080 --> 29:40.000 came. It was the university mandates, right? For the first two shots. It was the healthcare workers. 29:41.200 --> 29:48.960 Like here in Canada, it was October 15 2021. And when I dug into that deadline to submit proof 29:48.960 --> 29:53.840 all that you had two shots, that deadline, you could see that deadline all across the world. 29:54.560 --> 30:00.400 So this was literally a global push. It was in the United States, these deadlines, you know, 30:00.400 --> 30:06.080 it was in Italy, France, it was in Africa, like you name it, public servants who were dependent 30:07.200 --> 30:13.440 on the government for their job and, and, and salary. They hit them with the, with the vaccine 30:13.440 --> 30:19.040 mandates during that time period. This was the, the second half of 2021. And this is really where 30:19.040 --> 30:27.760 I, I see the maliciousness of this whole thing and, and the malicious intent. And, and, and I always 30:27.760 --> 30:34.880 ask why did, because they already had like 70% of people taking two shots, right? Why did they need 30:34.880 --> 30:42.080 the last 15, 20% to the point where they were willing to burn down institutions to the ground, 30:42.160 --> 30:49.360 throw all medical ethics down the toilet, um, and really throw experienced, valuable people 30:49.360 --> 30:56.480 out on the street. They were willing to go, they were willing to do anything to get that last 15, 30:56.480 --> 31:01.920 20% injected by any means possible. And, and like this is when Trudeau comes out and says, 31:01.920 --> 31:06.800 don't think you can get on a plane or a train and sit next to a vaccinated person, right? And 31:06.800 --> 31:11.840 calling, calling the, the unvaccinated racists and misogynists and, and, and, and people that 31:11.840 --> 31:16.880 do we even tolerate these people? Should these people have access to healthcare? Should we be 31:16.880 --> 31:22.080 taxing them? Should, should they pay higher insurance rates, right? Should they actually 31:22.080 --> 31:27.840 have any access to, to healthcare? This is when the brutality of this thing took place. 31:28.560 --> 31:35.920 Why the hell did they want the last 15 to 20% of populations in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, 31:35.920 --> 31:43.120 injected? That is my big question. Like why, right? Because you've got 70% of the population 31:43.120 --> 31:50.960 by that point, just by, you know, the usual propaganda, right? The usual sort of, um, manipulation 31:50.960 --> 31:55.280 techniques in the media peer, a little bit of peer pressure. Hey, you're going to kill grandma, 31:55.280 --> 31:58.720 or hey, everyone's doing it. Don't you want to do it for your community and, and don't you want 31:58.720 --> 32:03.680 to protect the healthcare system from collapsing, right? Those were the techniques that were used, 32:03.760 --> 32:10.640 but why did they go so aggressively after that last 10, 15%? I think, I think there's an answer 32:10.640 --> 32:17.520 there that it doesn't get talked about. But I think it's something that maybe will reveal itself 32:18.880 --> 32:25.600 over the coming years. Why did they need that extra population so that they could then say, 32:25.600 --> 32:31.200 well, we've got 85% or 90% of the people injected with at least one dose of this stuff. And who 32:31.200 --> 32:36.000 cares about the last 10%? They're crazy. They're a fringe minority and will lock them out of society 32:36.000 --> 32:45.760 and everyone else did the right thing. I think actually what they want is the elimination of 32:45.760 --> 32:51.600 the control group. I mean, yeah, they I'm sure that's part of it. Yeah. You don't want to have 32:52.320 --> 32:56.640 people at work that, you know, for three years, don't get sick while everybody else at work gets 32:56.640 --> 33:02.480 sick, right? That would be a real pain in the ass. Especially if that person isn't a triathlete 33:02.480 --> 33:08.960 or a vegan or whatever people imagine makes them special, right? If they're just an average dude 33:08.960 --> 33:13.120 who plays video games at night, but never gets sick because he didn't take the shot. That's a 33:13.120 --> 33:17.920 pretty that's a pain in the butt to have around on a college campus that could be devastating, 33:17.920 --> 33:25.920 right? I mean, so that that's one of the main issues there was college kids and how everybody feels 33:26.880 --> 33:31.600 if there are a bunch of people on college campus that don't have the health issues that everybody 33:31.600 --> 33:37.280 else seems to think is normal, that would be a very big big deal breaker. So they had to get 33:37.280 --> 33:41.600 rid of that. I think that's one of the reasons they had to do it. Yeah. And I think honestly, 33:42.320 --> 33:49.120 I think they failed. I feel like there is just big enough of a control group 33:49.920 --> 33:59.280 where you can't just sort of bury the last group of unvaccinated and say, well, these are lunatics 33:59.280 --> 34:05.600 and we'll just, we won't even look and see what's going on there. So I think they fell short of the 34:05.600 --> 34:12.960 mark. I think they really fell short of the mark there. And it may be they're undoing down the road. 34:13.600 --> 34:21.760 But I think they didn't quite get where they were going. And they really went all in like this was 34:21.760 --> 34:27.360 like all in they were willing to burn every institution to the ground. Every concept of ethics, 34:27.360 --> 34:32.720 you know, medical ethics or ethics. Otherwise, they burnt it all to the ground to like you said, 34:32.720 --> 34:39.840 I guess eliminate that that that control group. And I do think they failed. Now it is tragic that 34:39.920 --> 34:45.840 they got as many people as they did. I think that's a tragedy. But but I do think that they they 34:45.840 --> 34:54.880 failed. So let's flip the script a little bit. And so did you have a lot of like former colleagues 34:54.880 --> 35:00.560 then that that you were in contact with at the start of the pandemic that also were kind of like 35:00.560 --> 35:05.520 what the hell's happening that we're panicking or or you were already kind of disconnected from 35:05.520 --> 35:11.920 that community. And I think because of of the legal situation I was in, actually a lot of my 35:11.920 --> 35:18.160 colleagues have been threatened. They were threatened to kind of cut ties with me. And so I was more 35:18.160 --> 35:25.280 or less disconnected from from the medical community, which in a way was probably protected. Sure. 35:25.280 --> 35:29.040 Absolutely. Right. Because because one thing I realized, you know, when I read, 35:30.000 --> 35:34.960 you know, when I read a lot of these sort of interactions between positions and so on, 35:35.680 --> 35:43.120 I realized how much peer pressure there was at all of these institutions. Unless you were like 35:43.120 --> 35:48.000 completely private and you had like a completely private clinic with like-minded individuals and 35:48.000 --> 35:52.800 you could basically say, well, the hell with you, I'm not implementing any vaccine mandate or what 35:52.880 --> 35:58.080 have you, you if you didn't, if you didn't have that and most doctors don't, then you and so if 35:58.080 --> 36:02.640 you were a part of the system in any way, you really were subjected to an incredible amount of 36:03.200 --> 36:10.960 peer pressure. And I think, you know, you can resist peer pressure to some degree, but then 36:10.960 --> 36:17.440 if it's just over a long period of time and everyone's doing it and you know, all your nurses are 36:17.440 --> 36:22.320 doing it and all the texts are doing it. And of course, they quickly eliminate the people who are 36:22.320 --> 36:27.040 not complying, you know, they quietly, well, they put them on unpaid leave, basically what 36:27.040 --> 36:30.960 happened in Canada, they just put everyone on unpaid leave and said, well, if you're not, 36:30.960 --> 36:35.600 if you don't submit your vaccine status, like we'll fire you. And a lot of people resisted 36:35.600 --> 36:40.800 initially and they kept sort of postponing the deadline and eventually they just got rid of 36:40.800 --> 36:46.720 whoever was non-compliant. But if you're in that environment and the non-compliant people basically 36:46.720 --> 36:53.520 disappear and everyone else has done this thing where they've taken two shots or three shots or 36:53.520 --> 36:59.920 what have you, I think the peer pressure is a huge part of that. And I think it wants to stay in the 36:59.920 --> 37:08.560 system. Anyone who stayed in the system psychologically to resist that over a long term, I think is 37:08.560 --> 37:16.480 very difficult. So you literally had to be kicked out of the system to, I think, to be fully protected. 37:17.680 --> 37:23.680 And be able to, you know, or to extricate yourself, you would almost need to be thrown out. I mean, 37:23.680 --> 37:30.800 yeah, it's a, it's a, oh my gosh, it's such a, and you know, and you know, and you know what, 37:30.800 --> 37:37.200 JJ, another thing I find right now is that there's another element to this. Because, you know, a lot 37:37.200 --> 37:42.640 of us are complaining about, well, how come doctors are not waking up? How come they continue to 37:42.720 --> 37:47.200 be part of the system? And maybe some of them have stopped taking booster shots, but like, 37:47.200 --> 37:51.280 you know, if you're now in your like fourth or fifth or sixth shot, I mean, what the hell does 37:51.280 --> 37:57.040 it matter? You know, you've taken four or five, six injections of this stuff, right? But look at how, 37:57.840 --> 38:05.040 how almost impossible it is for anyone who's sort of complied and stayed in that system to then 38:05.040 --> 38:11.520 try to come out of it. There's been almost nobody. Yeah. Right. It's almost like, 38:12.080 --> 38:18.560 it's almost like people just are mentally broken. And maybe just resigned to, maybe they don't have 38:18.560 --> 38:24.000 the strength, maybe they don't have the mental strength to realize they made a huge mistake and 38:24.000 --> 38:30.320 try to, you know, course correct. It's like no one can course correct at this point. 38:31.280 --> 38:35.200 That's what's so shocking to me. It's like you either managed to get, you know, on the right 38:35.200 --> 38:40.160 course fairly early on. And even even a lot of the doctors in our movement, let's say, 38:40.720 --> 38:46.480 broadly speaking movement, even a lot of them took took a couple of shots before maybe they 38:46.480 --> 38:53.360 realized the situation, right? But then if you didn't realize it back then, there's almost nobody 38:53.360 --> 38:58.160 was correcting at this point. Yeah. At least in the medical field. 38:58.160 --> 39:03.360 No, it's very extraordinary. I mean, I came, the University of Pittsburgh is a faculty of 39:03.360 --> 39:12.800 neurobiology. The faculty is I think 135 faculty members. And from, I've heard from none of them, 39:12.800 --> 39:17.920 not one, not even now. And maybe you could reach out and say, wow, I guess you weren't so crazy. 39:17.920 --> 39:22.560 Oh, they think it's a lab leak. And they can at least tell me that they've been watching the news 39:22.640 --> 39:29.680 and heard that what I was suggesting might have happened in February of 2020 is still might be 39:29.680 --> 39:35.120 possible. And then I wasn't crazy. Even though I don't think it's an adequate explanation now, 39:35.120 --> 39:43.360 I still am fascinated by the fact that how how how I appear to have been right so long ago that 39:43.360 --> 39:48.880 none of these people have have even called to say, wow, I hope you're okay. Or, you know, I remember 39:48.880 --> 39:52.960 your wife from the barbecue, she was really sweet. And your kids weren't crazy either. So I 39:52.960 --> 39:58.800 hope you guys are all right. Not a peep, not one phone call, that one email. It's extraordinary. 39:58.800 --> 40:04.560 Same same thing here. It's it's no one from my circle, sort of even an extended circle. 40:06.640 --> 40:13.920 And in my, you know, medical career, my previous jobs, you know, university, so on, no one has 40:13.920 --> 40:19.600 reached out. No one has said a word. I get so I get outreach when it comes to physicians, 40:19.600 --> 40:26.080 I'll get outreach from physicians in other countries, I'll get outreach from spouses of 40:26.080 --> 40:32.000 physicians who are freaking out and who know that something's wrong. And they're like, oh, my god, 40:32.000 --> 40:37.280 like, what do we do this and that is my, you know, husband gonna have a heart attack or a stroke or 40:37.280 --> 40:42.960 blood clot or whatever. So I'll get outreach from from immediate family members. But that's as far 40:43.040 --> 40:49.840 as it goes. I don't get outreach from from the physicians themselves. And so I'm like, really, 40:49.840 --> 40:56.160 like, is everyone really going down with this ship? That's that's, and it's, you know, I mean, 40:56.160 --> 41:00.800 is it too late? I don't think it's too late ever to course correct, but it takes a lot of 41:01.760 --> 41:06.080 strength, I guess, at this point, to do it. And it seems people don't have it. 41:07.120 --> 41:11.920 Yeah, I think it's also part of the, you know, how much you actually give up when you do it. 41:12.400 --> 41:17.040 When you not give up, but what you let go of, they have a pretty, you know, 41:18.480 --> 41:24.720 developed idea of how the world works. And this is very contrary to that. And so, 41:25.520 --> 41:30.480 you know, they put all of their eggs in the idea that, well, they wouldn't be telling us to do it 41:30.480 --> 41:35.680 if they didn't figure it out already, you know, if it wasn't okay. And I, I don't buy that. But, 41:35.680 --> 41:40.080 but I know that a lot of people were duped by people who gave that excuse. I mean, 41:40.160 --> 41:46.720 Robert Malone says that he took two shots because he thought they must have fixed it. And I don't, 41:46.720 --> 41:53.120 I don't know. I just, for me, it's hard for me to imagine how anybody could think that 41:53.120 --> 41:58.640 transfection was something that would work on children. I guess, I even have a video of myself 41:58.640 --> 42:08.640 in my garden saying in 2020 that her 2021, that I actually thought that maybe it helped my parents, 42:08.640 --> 42:17.040 but I don't need to take it. And I was trying to not necessarily be totally skeptical, 42:17.040 --> 42:21.600 saying that there's a chance that it might have done something. Maybe it's not a totally evil 42:21.600 --> 42:28.640 thing, but to argue that healthy younger adults should take it as just absurd. And we have to be 42:28.640 --> 42:33.440 realistic about the immunology that I understood at the time, which I understand better now. 42:34.160 --> 42:40.400 What is your, you said you did four years of immunology. So what is your take on 42:40.400 --> 42:46.160 expressing a spike protein using a lipid nanoparticle in somebody's body? And then what happens to, 42:46.160 --> 42:51.920 how does the immune system supposedly process that cartoon? And then what do you think is a much 42:51.920 --> 42:56.960 more realistic cartoon of what happens when somebody's transfected? Well, I mean, I'll be honest with 42:56.960 --> 43:08.320 you, I find myself, I really feel like I'm sort of like learning to swim here. And you know, 43:08.320 --> 43:12.800 someone who's just been thrown into water and like, try to figure out how to swim here. Because, 43:12.800 --> 43:17.920 I mean, I'm two, I'm more than two decades removed from my, you know, from my undergrad 43:18.880 --> 43:25.920 immunology, undergrad. So I'm trying to learn, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about this. 43:25.920 --> 43:34.160 And, you know, it's interesting, because even this idea of the DNA contamination in these, 43:35.120 --> 43:41.920 in the vials was not a thing. You know, last year, it was not even a no one knew about it, 43:41.920 --> 43:46.160 no one talked about it. You know, the fact that, you know, there was this, whatever, 43:46.160 --> 43:51.040 there were these limits, apparently, that these regulatory agencies had put on the quantities of 43:51.040 --> 43:56.560 DNA. And yet, it was not, it was not even an issue of discussion, right? I remember the big 43:56.560 --> 44:04.720 thing was, the big topic was, well, can, you know, the mRNA somehow reverse transcribe into the genome 44:04.720 --> 44:10.880 and, and, and can there be, you know, an integration event this way? And then, of course, you know, 44:10.880 --> 44:14.720 sort of the mainstream is like, no, no, no, that can't, there's no way that can possibly happen. 44:14.720 --> 44:19.520 Then there's a paper that shows that, well, it kind of could happen in vitro. So, but I mean, 44:19.600 --> 44:24.480 that was as far as that discussion went, right? And then, you know, then you've got this whole 44:24.480 --> 44:29.200 DNA contamination, you know, with Kevin McCurnan and, and Philip Buckholtz and so on. And, and I 44:29.200 --> 44:39.280 actually got myself into a little bit of trouble. When I reacted, you know, to some of these posts 44:39.280 --> 44:45.040 where, you know, and it does seem that this, this DNA contamination, the presence of it, at least 44:45.040 --> 44:50.080 it seems like it's been reproduced, the confirming that it is there. Yeah, that's basically there. 44:50.080 --> 44:54.880 No one seems to be sort of arguing that, no, that's, that's not a thing. You know, we're not arguing 44:54.880 --> 44:59.440 well, how much quantity and, and does it do anything clinically and so on. But so I mean, 44:59.440 --> 45:05.520 that at least seems to be confirmed, is my understanding, right? But then, you know, you've got Philip 45:05.520 --> 45:09.920 Buckholtz come out comes out and says, well, there's no, there's no way that this can cause 45:09.920 --> 45:14.560 cancer or that, you know, the, the Pfizer vaccine can cause cancer. And, and I'm coming from this 45:14.640 --> 45:20.720 from a, from a completely a clinician perspective where I'm looking at people developing all these 45:20.720 --> 45:24.640 cancers, you know, vaccinated people developing all these extremely aggressive cancers. And so, 45:25.200 --> 45:31.360 so I can tell you, like, I'm learning about this stuff. You know, to me, it's, it's, it's, it's 45:31.360 --> 45:39.120 fascinating. Now, the, my understanding of the lipid nanoparticle is, is that there's absolutely no, 45:39.520 --> 45:48.960 um, there's no way to control the delivery of this thing at all, at least in the, in the lipid 45:48.960 --> 45:52.480 nanoparticle that we're dealing with with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that this thing, 45:53.600 --> 45:59.200 um, if it ends up in, in, in the bloodstream like that, that's it. It's, there's, there's no way to, 45:59.840 --> 46:05.280 you know, predict or control where this stuff goes, right? And it could theoretically go everywhere. 46:06.240 --> 46:12.800 And I mean, on ironically, the, the guy that a lot of people credit for having invented this 46:12.800 --> 46:21.280 stuff, Peter Kullis has been on stage in 2022 saying that he said in the same question and answer 46:21.280 --> 46:29.840 session after a lecture that after the vaccine was said to be 95% effective, he opened up bourbon. 46:30.560 --> 46:36.880 And then in the second question, he said, Oh no, we can't target this. I wasted the post, I wasted 46:36.880 --> 46:43.280 five postdocs trying to target lipid nanoparticles to someplace. And the last postdoc actually 46:43.280 --> 46:48.400 demanded a different project or she was going to quit. And that was his way of explaining how 46:48.400 --> 46:53.280 they couldn't target it anywhere. So he thought that I guess that doesn't matter. I guess they 46:53.280 --> 47:01.440 work anyway. I mean, I don't know, it's extraordinary. Yeah. And then how did they, and how did they 47:01.440 --> 47:06.800 justify or how did they explain that this stuff was just staying in the arm? No, I mean, that's 47:06.800 --> 47:12.400 exactly what Peter said it won't. Then he knew it wouldn't. And I'm sure that he feels like he told 47:12.400 --> 47:17.920 them that it wouldn't. So that's why he felt very free to say it. It was really extraordinary. And 47:17.920 --> 47:24.640 that was in 2022. So it was well after they burnt Byron Bridal's career for suggesting that 47:24.640 --> 47:29.600 that was possible. So there's a lot of highly contradictory stuff going on, for sure. 47:30.400 --> 47:38.240 Yeah. And and and what, you know, what amazes me is that they're they're plowing ahead. I mean, 47:38.240 --> 47:41.920 they've come out openly. I think it was it was either Albert Burlauer, Stefan van Seller, 47:41.920 --> 47:47.840 both of them who said like, yeah, we're gonna use this same lipid nanoparticle for all future 47:47.840 --> 47:53.280 vaccines. And there's no like, you know, like, oh, no, we're we're doing more investigation. We, 47:53.280 --> 47:58.640 you know, we want to maybe develop a new new nanoparticle or lipid nanoparticle. Like there's 47:58.640 --> 48:03.120 that they're like, no, we're using the same thing. And we're going to use it in all future products. 48:04.480 --> 48:10.960 So they really don't seem to care that this thing basically ends up going everywhere and 48:10.960 --> 48:19.280 delivering the payload, which again, there's obviously questions surrounding what is the payload 48:19.280 --> 48:24.320 really composed of right now. I talked to, you know, David Speaker, who did 48:25.360 --> 48:29.360 again, some of the confirmation of the DNA contamination here in Canada. And you know, 48:29.360 --> 48:34.400 he's talking to me about these like, well, not just the DNA sort of fragments and plasmids and 48:34.400 --> 48:39.920 all that stuff, but then these like complexes, these DNA RNA hybrids. Yeah, they make like a 48:39.920 --> 48:46.960 triple helix of some kind. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so like imagine, let's assume that that is, 48:46.960 --> 48:50.640 there's a whole bunch of that, you know, these sort of triple heluses in there. 48:51.280 --> 48:56.880 And then you put it in in this lipid nanoparticle that delivers this stuff everywhere. I mean, 48:58.160 --> 49:03.600 I that's just in this this the whole thing is insane. Well, maybe everybody, maybe everybody 49:03.600 --> 49:08.800 will develop superpowers and it will be fine. Yeah, seriously. Well, they've put it enough people 49:08.800 --> 49:14.240 that that, you know, maybe some, you know, that's funny, you mentioned that, because 49:14.800 --> 49:18.400 there have actually been some claims that some people, their cancer went away, 49:19.920 --> 49:25.280 that after taking the COVID vaccines. Yeah, now again, anecdotal. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 49:25.920 --> 49:32.960 Wow. But but again, so got got only knows, but but but if you're delivering, if you're delivering, 49:34.320 --> 49:38.320 you know, there's these various types of genetic material all over the body. I mean, 49:38.960 --> 49:45.120 I can only assume that this completely makes the immune system go nuts. Yeah. And I just don't 49:45.120 --> 49:53.040 have the, you know, I don't have the, you know, so the training, you know, to be able to tell you 49:53.040 --> 49:57.680 exactly, you know, what's happening with the immune system, maybe they don't even know. Maybe they 49:57.680 --> 50:03.120 themselves don't even know. Oh, I assure you they don't. But that's only because I think that's 50:03.120 --> 50:08.640 where you should always put your bet. No, for sure, they don't. They want us to believe that 50:08.640 --> 50:12.080 it's real simple and it's just antibodies. So if you make antibodies, you're fine. 50:12.800 --> 50:20.240 And that's definitely really not the way it is. What's your, what's the plan now? Like what, 50:20.240 --> 50:26.800 what, what are we doing with the the wellness company in in Canada? In America, the wellness 50:26.800 --> 50:34.320 company feels like they are a, at least would like to try to project as an alternative 50:35.040 --> 50:41.840 sort of, you know, telemedicine and I'm not necessarily against that. I'm, I have an HMO 50:41.840 --> 50:49.040 that we have a doctor that tolerates our stance now. But unfortunately, as I told you before, 50:49.040 --> 50:55.920 we started the stream, we gave them everything in 2022. So we've only just become trying to 50:55.920 --> 51:00.960 buck the system. So we haven't really tested it yet. And because we don't have insurance right 51:00.960 --> 51:07.360 now, we're not really testing it. So it's all, it's all just up in the air for me right now. But 51:07.360 --> 51:12.880 I don't, I don't have a, I don't have a bone to pick with the wellness company. I don't have a 51:12.880 --> 51:19.920 bone to pick necessarily with FLCC or any of these other groups. But it appears to me that 51:19.920 --> 51:24.400 recently there has been a bone to pick with the wellness company and people are suggesting that 51:24.400 --> 51:30.000 this, this lumberjack or whoever he is that the young guy that runs part or that started the company 51:30.080 --> 51:36.080 or as part of the company or I don't know. So how did you get recruited by them? What do you do for 51:36.080 --> 51:41.440 them? What do you not do for them? And what's your feeling on this attack or or are, let's not 51:41.440 --> 51:47.040 call it a tack, let's call it an extra attention that's being given to the wellness company. It's 51:47.040 --> 51:54.960 right. Not all positive. So, so I never belonged to any groups. And it's sort of not the way I am, 51:55.040 --> 52:01.360 I guess, you know, that's sort of my personality. I, I am very independent. I don't like to, you know, 52:01.360 --> 52:07.600 be as so, you know, purely associated with one group or another or belong to these groups. I've 52:07.600 --> 52:14.800 kind of always done my own thing. So Dr. Paul Alexander reached out to me and said, listen, 52:14.800 --> 52:19.840 you know, there's a bunch of us in this great company and we, we'd like you to join and we, 52:19.840 --> 52:24.800 you know, we want you to join on, on a advisory, like a, like a medical board, 52:24.800 --> 52:30.960 like a medical board advisory to, because we're expanding into Canada. And so, you know, 52:30.960 --> 52:34.720 it's, we've got Dr. Peter McCullough, as the chief scientific officer and a bunch of these 52:34.720 --> 52:37.920 other great doctors. And so, and I thought, you know, okay, that sounds like a great idea. 52:38.640 --> 52:45.280 And so I joined the wellness company and, you know, we, I got to interact with and work with 52:45.360 --> 52:50.560 really a bunch of great doctors. And that is what I see the wellness company as the wellness 52:50.560 --> 52:59.040 company to me is a group of fantastic doctors who saw who are basically outside the medical 52:59.040 --> 53:04.080 establishment saw through a lot of the nonsense in the pandemic. And it's, it's, it's a place where 53:04.080 --> 53:09.840 we can sort of bounce ideas back and forth. You know, we meet once a week or once every two weeks, 53:10.640 --> 53:16.160 we discuss what's going on, you know, we were constantly in touch with each other with emails 53:16.160 --> 53:23.360 and all that. So, so that to me is, is really the core of, of what the wellness company is. It's, 53:23.360 --> 53:30.240 it's sort of a, a getting together of, of minds, of great minds. And I was honored to, you know, 53:30.240 --> 53:36.160 be able to, you know, work with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Reich, you know, 53:36.160 --> 53:43.440 Dr. Roger Hopkins in Canada, Dr. Mark Trosi. And, you know, there, there's some, it's allowed me 53:43.440 --> 53:52.160 to collaborate on some papers as well that are, you know, we're trying to get published in terms of, 53:52.160 --> 53:59.280 you know, vaccine injuries or autopsy reviews. And, you know, so they had products that they were 53:59.280 --> 54:05.440 offering to deal with, or to try to deal with, you know, some of the vaccine injuries. 54:06.800 --> 54:14.400 Is the guy Hodgkinson that you mentioned, is he an older fellow with glasses? And if I could say 54:14.400 --> 54:21.120 it in the most complimentary way, he's a very ornery guy. I mean, he's a friendly dude. I think 54:21.120 --> 54:27.120 he's very smart. I'm not saying anything negative about him. But I, I remember this name from the 54:27.200 --> 54:36.880 Doctors for COVID ethics in 2021, before they split off or something. And after they, the two groups 54:37.520 --> 54:42.880 divided into like the UK international something, something's in the Doctors for COVID ethics, 54:43.440 --> 54:49.440 then I think Roger may have left and just gone, you know, and worked on his own thing. Or maybe he 54:49.440 --> 54:54.720 left and joined one group or not the other group. And I lost kind of track of who he was. But what 54:55.040 --> 55:01.040 he's he he's a Canadian pathologist. That's right. Okay. Yes. That's him. That's him. He's he's he's a 55:01.040 --> 55:06.400 guy I would like to meet again, because he really came off to me as someone who was trying to let 55:06.400 --> 55:11.280 common sense lead. And he got really frustrated a lot when people wouldn't start first with, 55:11.280 --> 55:17.360 come on people. I remember that a lot. So I had a good impression of that guy. I'm glad to hear 55:17.360 --> 55:23.440 that he's he's tangled up with you. That's good. Yeah. And so, you know, this is how I see the 55:23.440 --> 55:31.360 we're sort of, you know, we're a group of doctors where we're there in an advisory role. And now 55:31.360 --> 55:38.960 what's interesting is that the so the company is expanding, expanding, expanding, and it's trying 55:38.960 --> 55:45.680 to expand in many different directions, ran into difficulties in Canada, with Health Canada, 55:46.240 --> 55:51.520 you know, coming after the the Canadian branch saying, okay, you know, you got to take all 55:51.520 --> 55:56.880 these products off and and you got to fill out some forms or get some number or what have you, 55:56.880 --> 56:01.520 right? And then they ran into some issues. So the Canadian part has been actually slowed down 56:01.520 --> 56:07.600 quite a bit. So I think that renewed the focus and the company is now expanding. It's expanding. 56:07.600 --> 56:13.840 So it's expanding beyond bringing doctors together. Now they're, you know, they've got 56:13.840 --> 56:21.920 partnership with Vigilant Fox and Vigilant News with Gateway Pundit. You've got you've got 56:21.920 --> 56:28.880 to deal with rumble and so on. So it's it's it's focused on seems to be like a rapid expansion. 56:29.680 --> 56:34.080 Now this is I think this is what rubs people the wrong way. And I think this is where where 56:34.080 --> 56:41.440 some people get concerned, especially when one entity seems to suddenly be everywhere, right? 56:41.520 --> 56:48.080 Or seems to be expanding at a very at a very high rate. So so that's where we're at right now. 56:48.080 --> 56:54.640 Now what's what I find interesting is that I come under attack from from every possible angle, 56:54.640 --> 57:01.680 from every direction, you know, and it's and I think the reason is because my approach to this 57:01.680 --> 57:07.200 whole thing, especially with these products, right, with these, you know, with the lipid nanoparticle 57:07.200 --> 57:14.640 mRNA products. My approach is the clinical. I want to know what these things are doing clinically. 57:14.640 --> 57:19.360 What is happening to people who've taken two, three, four, five, six of these injections, 57:19.360 --> 57:26.400 right? That is my focus. And this is I think what everyone else is trying to sweep under the rug. 57:28.560 --> 57:34.080 Even right now you've got the the UK government is changing the way it's going to report excess 57:34.160 --> 57:40.640 deaths. So that suddenly that excess deaths disappear, right? I get viciously attacked on the 57:40.640 --> 57:47.920 cancers. This this idea of turbo cancer and that there is a particular phenomenon that is unique 57:48.800 --> 57:56.880 to the lipid nanoparticle mRNA platform. There's this oncogenic phenomenon that is unique to that 57:56.880 --> 58:01.600 particular platform. And I don't have enough information to know, well, does it happen with 58:01.600 --> 58:07.360 AstraZeneca and J and J with a different delivery mechanism? And is this really a spike protein 58:07.360 --> 58:14.800 issue, regardless of the delivery mechanism? Or is really the lipid nanoparticle a big, big part of 58:14.800 --> 58:20.160 this? And the way this this genetic material gets delivered all over the body in a very 58:20.720 --> 58:30.000 efficient way, it seems, right? But but this idea of turbo cancer being a phenomenon specific 58:30.080 --> 58:37.280 to this particular product. I think it's something that the medical establishment wants to bury 58:37.280 --> 58:41.280 the politicians, you know, they don't they don't want anything to do with it. And obviously the 58:42.160 --> 58:48.720 sort of the pharmaceutical industry does not want to to to allow even for a one in a million 58:48.720 --> 58:53.840 chance, like they do with myocarditis, right? You saw what they did with myocarditis, they basically 58:53.840 --> 58:58.880 admit it and they say, well, it's rare. Yeah, one in 10,000, one in 20,000, rare and mild, 58:58.880 --> 59:03.920 but they admit it. And you know, they might even put a warning on the label and what have you, 59:03.920 --> 59:09.360 right? You know, we have this new study, this 99 million people study that's like, oh, well, 59:09.360 --> 59:14.000 you look, it's admitting myocarditis and pericarditis. And again, it's this red herring because 59:14.720 --> 59:21.120 what it does really, it's it neuters, the topic. And the way it neuters, the topic is that both 59:21.120 --> 59:25.600 sides will say, well, one side will say, look, it proves the injuries are much greater than we 59:25.680 --> 59:28.800 thought. And so on, the other, the other side says, well, you didn't do the statistics properly, 59:28.800 --> 59:32.880 and it's still one in a million, right? And it's still a rare event. And it basically, 59:32.880 --> 59:38.320 the topic's been neutered. Yeah, I think that I've been, I've been, I've been trying to teach 59:38.320 --> 59:42.480 various aspects of how they limit the spectrum of debate so that it really feels like you're 59:42.480 --> 59:46.240 arguing, but you're not actually arguing. Because as long as you argue about what they want you to 59:46.240 --> 59:52.480 argue about, you're never even paying attention to what the real ball is. I think just to give you 59:52.480 --> 59:56.880 an example of this one that I've been pushing for a couple of years now, there were a lot of 59:56.880 --> 01:00:03.280 people that I ran into behind the scenes in 2020 and 2021 that were hyper focused on aspects of 01:00:03.280 --> 01:00:09.600 the spike protein as being as being number one, perfect evidence of it being a laboratory leak, 01:00:09.600 --> 01:00:16.320 but perfect evidence of it being a toxin or an engineered pathogen or or whatever. And it feels 01:00:16.400 --> 01:00:23.520 very much now in retrospect, like those people were put there so that the the methodology of 01:00:23.520 --> 01:00:29.600 transfection could be absolved of any fault and we could blame it all on this imaginary gain of 01:00:29.600 --> 01:00:34.720 function spike protein that had these special attributes that if we just fixed it, then everything 01:00:34.720 --> 01:00:40.800 would have been fine. But since we rushed it and we didn't know any better, we did we made a mistake, 01:00:40.800 --> 01:00:46.960 but we can fix that in the next round. And I feel as though that is now being kind of replaced 01:00:46.960 --> 01:00:54.080 with the DNA story, if only because they needed more of this same thing because the spike didn't 01:00:54.080 --> 01:00:59.280 hit it as well as they hoped it was something like this. I totally agree with you. And I'm always 01:00:59.280 --> 01:01:06.880 looking to see, you know, how how anyone might be trying to absolve the technology itself, 01:01:07.440 --> 01:01:12.960 just in the broad sense, right? And so how how can you clean it up, right? It's almost like 01:01:12.960 --> 01:01:18.640 this idea. Well, well, that was the first generation and and of this technology. And well, we got 01:01:18.640 --> 01:01:23.440 something wrong here, but you know, we fixed this with we fixed this manufacturing process. I'm so 01:01:23.440 --> 01:01:31.120 happy to hear you say this. Oh my gosh, or or or you know, we fixed this law or what have you 01:01:31.120 --> 01:01:37.760 and how these things are produced. And and to me, it's very simple. It's very simple because 01:01:38.720 --> 01:01:44.080 what you see is you see the big money is plowing ahead with this 01:01:46.080 --> 01:01:51.440 by building all the facilities, the factories all around the world and so on. And they're doing 01:01:51.440 --> 01:01:58.720 it in a manner where the they're assuming that the acceptance of the population is a foregone 01:01:58.720 --> 01:02:05.280 conclusion. You don't invest billions and billions and billions of dollars into facilities. If there's 01:02:05.280 --> 01:02:10.160 a question, if the population is going to basically rise up and say absolutely not, and no one's going 01:02:10.160 --> 01:02:16.240 to take the product, they're assuming that they've won the war on on the population accepting these 01:02:16.240 --> 01:02:23.520 products. Now it's just a question of how do they bring people there, right? Because obviously with 01:02:23.520 --> 01:02:29.040 the COVID vaccines, the I mean, we're down to what 10, 15% of people taking it. So they need to 01:02:29.040 --> 01:02:35.040 figure out. Oh, I think you're so right that we are not where they wanted us to be. They really 01:02:35.040 --> 01:02:40.240 did not want us to be where we are. And so now they have they're having a trouble adapting their 01:02:40.240 --> 01:02:45.680 plan because their plan was to go all in. And and I don't think they have many alternatives 01:02:45.680 --> 01:02:52.080 other than to continue doubling down until enough of us say no. Yeah. And and you know what? It's 01:02:52.080 --> 01:02:57.440 fascinating because when you look at the way the last booster has been marketed by let's think 01:02:57.440 --> 01:03:03.440 about that, right? Well, first they went with this the by valent booster nonsense where you get 01:03:03.440 --> 01:03:10.080 you get two types of spike, right? And but you know, every time they they roll out a booster shot, 01:03:10.080 --> 01:03:17.360 there's a significant drop off in uptake. And I think once the initial booster uptake was only 01:03:17.360 --> 01:03:22.960 down to like 40, 50%. I think they probably knew that they had a problem. Yeah. And then every 01:03:22.960 --> 01:03:27.520 since then, you know, it just drops and it's down to 25%. It's not down to 15%. Right. Now, 01:03:27.520 --> 01:03:33.360 there was a huge marketing push with this last booster shot. And again, a lot of people didn't 01:03:33.360 --> 01:03:39.200 catch it and notice it. And I'd kind of gone back into the literature and try to figure out what 01:03:39.200 --> 01:03:45.680 they're thinking. And the marketing was this, they were trying to remarket the boosters as an 01:03:45.680 --> 01:03:51.200 annual shot that you take with your flu vaccine. And it's just as safe as the flu vaccine. And 01:03:51.840 --> 01:03:57.120 and it's an annual shot that you get at your doctor. And wouldn't it be convenient if you just 01:03:57.120 --> 01:04:02.880 got both shots in one visit? I mean, they're both safe. They're doing it here too. Absolutely. They 01:04:02.880 --> 01:04:09.920 are. Yep. Right. And I and I see there was a lot of money actually that went into this marketing 01:04:09.920 --> 01:04:16.400 campaign of the double shot. I mean, we had we had the we had the Toronto mayor, Olivia Chow, 01:04:16.960 --> 01:04:21.520 you know, at a press conference, say, I got I got my two Jabs, you know, go get your double 01:04:21.520 --> 01:04:25.920 jab. Just get your double jab. And this this idea of the double jab, the two different 01:04:28.000 --> 01:04:32.800 band dates, two different colored band dates to show you got well, you got one flu and you got 01:04:32.800 --> 01:04:40.160 one COVID, right? This was a marketing campaign to try to bring the uptake at least to 50%, which 01:04:40.160 --> 01:04:45.360 is what they were talking about. Well, we managed to get uptake of the flu vaccine to about 50% over 01:04:45.360 --> 01:04:51.120 time. If we, you know, change the marketing, maybe we can get everybody else to taking these 01:04:51.120 --> 01:04:55.760 mRNA products back to 50%. And maybe that's just the first step. They're like, well, if we can 01:04:55.760 --> 01:05:00.800 get everyone to 50%, maybe eventually we could figure out ways of getting, you know, the uptake 01:05:00.800 --> 01:05:06.400 higher. But but when you see, like, I mean, they've they've plowed ahead with this technology to 01:05:06.400 --> 01:05:11.200 like this technology, as far as they're concerned, is here to stay. It's it's just how do we 01:05:11.760 --> 01:05:17.840 remarket it to make it palatable. And you're right. I mean, I am concerned that the DNA contamination 01:05:18.560 --> 01:05:27.120 as as honest as some of these individuals are. And I believe they are honest in the work that 01:05:27.200 --> 01:05:32.560 they do. Absolutely. I do believe that the sudden 01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:42.880 what do you call it? The the sudden exposure and the wide exposure of this DNA contamination story, 01:05:43.440 --> 01:05:48.400 where a lot of news outlets are covering it, I can tell you there's an in there's a there's a 01:05:48.400 --> 01:05:52.640 rebel news, for example, has never given me an interview in the last sort of seven years that 01:05:52.720 --> 01:05:57.840 I've been fighting corruption here in Canada. And it's a huge news story for them. They ran 01:05:57.840 --> 01:06:02.800 with a huge interview on the DNA contamination story. They will not touch any story about 01:06:02.800 --> 01:06:07.760 turbo cancer. They will not touch, you know, all the work that I had done about, you know, Canadian 01:06:07.760 --> 01:06:13.600 doctors dying suddenly or any of the sudden deaths that I've been covering. And yet they did a 01:06:13.600 --> 01:06:19.840 huge interview on the DNA contamination story, right? Because that apparently was greenlit to 01:06:19.920 --> 01:06:24.880 get out there into a broader audience. So I am worried that that is actually being that 01:06:27.920 --> 01:06:37.760 story is being used to effectively rehabilitate the mRNA platform where 01:06:38.880 --> 01:06:43.520 maybe they clean up the DNA contamination or their manufacturing processes. Maybe they come up 01:06:43.520 --> 01:06:48.240 with us with a different manufacturing process instead of DNA plasmids and E. coli or whatever 01:06:48.240 --> 01:06:53.280 it is, right? And then suddenly the technology is as good as new. And look, it actually, it works 01:06:53.280 --> 01:07:00.480 great. We just have to fix, you know, my friend, my friend has been arguing that one of the directions 01:07:00.480 --> 01:07:04.640 they may go is one that they've been seeding in our heads for a long time, this personalized 01:07:04.640 --> 01:07:11.920 medicine. And so if they have to make a personalized RNA vaccine for you, then there's no FDA involved, 01:07:11.920 --> 01:07:18.960 right? Because it's just made for you. And that's one possibility of where they are taking this 01:07:18.960 --> 01:07:24.240 idea that the now that we got lucky and the pandemic proved that this stuff works like a charm, 01:07:24.960 --> 01:07:29.040 we might as well just roll it out everywhere. I mean, it's it's frightening. It definitely is 01:07:29.040 --> 01:07:34.800 frightening. It is. It is. And you're right. And in that regard, the personalized aspect, 01:07:34.800 --> 01:07:41.440 as far as I can tell, they're bringing it through these the cancer vaccine, right? So the mRNA 01:07:41.440 --> 01:07:47.120 cancer vaccine is a personalized vaccine, right? It is tailored to your specific tumor. 01:07:48.400 --> 01:07:53.040 Right. When you look at the literature that they put out on it, it's they say, well, you know, 01:07:53.040 --> 01:07:59.040 we take a sample of your tumor and we run it through our whatever, you know, processes and 01:07:59.040 --> 01:08:05.280 they they figure out which, which, you know, genetic sequences they want to use from your tumor. 01:08:06.240 --> 01:08:13.120 And then they produce it, they produce a special vaccine batch just for you. And then they give 01:08:13.120 --> 01:08:19.680 it back to you and they inject you with several shots, right? They're actually the, you know, 01:08:19.680 --> 01:08:24.880 the guy who fell for this, unfortunately, recently, he's got a great for glioblastoma. 01:08:25.680 --> 01:08:30.960 As an Australian, I believe he's a pathologist, Australian pathologist Professor Scalia. 01:08:31.680 --> 01:08:36.640 And he this summer, you know, a big time guy in Sydney, like a huge professor, 01:08:36.640 --> 01:08:43.280 run some huge institute in Sydney, and he gets diagnosed with a great for glioblastoma. 01:08:43.280 --> 01:08:49.280 And so, of course, it doesn't say could be related to the vaccine or whatever, nothing, right? 01:08:49.280 --> 01:08:59.760 And basically what he does is he, he sets up a collaboration with Moderna to receive a personalized 01:09:00.000 --> 01:09:05.680 mRNA cancer vaccine outside, I believe it's outside of their trials, which they're doing 01:09:05.680 --> 01:09:17.040 for melanoma. And they're doing a special treatment for him to tailor the technology 01:09:18.160 --> 01:09:24.000 to treat his glioblastoma. And he's basically now coming out saying, well, this is first in the 01:09:24.000 --> 01:09:29.600 world. I'm the first in the world to get this, you know, personalized treatment and so on. 01:09:29.600 --> 01:09:32.720 I would recommend people look into that. It's a fascinating story. 01:09:32.720 --> 01:09:33.280 Wow. 01:09:33.280 --> 01:09:41.760 Scalia, S-C-O-L-Y-E-R. Professor Scalia, I could look up his first name. 01:09:44.160 --> 01:09:50.880 But it's, and it's, it's, they're doing it very publicly. Professor Richard Scalia. 01:09:51.840 --> 01:09:55.520 And they're being very public about it. And it's fascinating because I don't know if, 01:09:56.480 --> 01:10:00.720 again, I don't think he's part of their trial, part of their clinical trial, 01:10:00.720 --> 01:10:04.160 phase three trial, because they started phase three trials on these personalized 01:10:04.160 --> 01:10:09.520 cancer vaccines, but specifically for melanoma. But they're adopting it in his case to glioblastoma. 01:10:09.520 --> 01:10:14.960 This is where it's headed, right? I mean, I mean, this is where they're pushing the technology. 01:10:15.920 --> 01:10:16.960 I do not know. I don't know. 01:10:16.960 --> 01:10:20.480 I don't know. This is really great that you said this because I did not know that Moderna had 01:10:20.480 --> 01:10:24.800 already done it. That was already doing it. That's cool. Yeah, yeah, they're doing the, 01:10:24.800 --> 01:10:29.360 I believe it's phase three trials, and they're doing them in Australia for melanoma. 01:10:30.320 --> 01:10:33.200 I believe it's in partnership with Merck as well. 01:10:35.680 --> 01:10:41.920 Now, I also see the push, and I don't know how you feel about the self-amplifying mRNA 01:10:43.760 --> 01:10:48.000 vaccine. I feel like it's probably a bad idea if it works. But anyway, I get their, 01:10:48.000 --> 01:10:52.480 their sales pitch is silly, right? That, well, we won't put as much in you, and then it'll make 01:10:52.480 --> 01:10:58.960 copies of itself. That's horrible marketing. It's horrible. I mean, my God, like if people 01:10:58.960 --> 01:11:05.200 don't want this, it's not because, you know, they were upset that they got, you know, too much RNA 01:11:05.200 --> 01:11:09.360 with the Pfizer and Moderna. Like, you know, they're upset because they got injured or, 01:11:10.560 --> 01:11:15.840 I mean, this idea that, you know, we'll only give you 20% of the, you know, of the genetic 01:11:16.400 --> 01:11:23.200 material, that that's a horrible sales pitch. But I guess they need a sales pitch of some kind. 01:11:25.040 --> 01:11:29.760 Yeah, I think it's a little bit too much orchestration for me too, the idea that they can, you know, 01:11:30.480 --> 01:11:36.160 they're basically then, you know, not getting into the debate about whether viruses exist as we 01:11:36.160 --> 01:11:42.480 are told they exist or not, but they're basically creating a virus if they can put an mRNA into 01:11:42.560 --> 01:11:49.280 your body and get it to make copies of itself. That's a pretty, it's a pretty, I think it seems 01:11:49.280 --> 01:11:53.840 like a pretty serious, I don't know why I don't like this phrase for this thing, but it's like 01:11:53.840 --> 01:11:59.440 gain a function almost, right? I mean, it's transmission, but transmission on turbo, if they 01:11:59.440 --> 01:12:05.200 can do that. So it doesn't sound like a good idea, indeed. Yeah, exactly. And I think what, I mean, 01:12:05.200 --> 01:12:11.200 if this, they claim this works, but assuming that this technology works as they say they do, 01:12:12.880 --> 01:12:20.240 I think it actually opens up even more questions about the entire platform, right? Then we had 01:12:20.240 --> 01:12:28.240 with just the original idea. And this kind of brings me back to, like you said, the focus on 01:12:28.240 --> 01:12:34.480 spike to try to exonerate the platform in the sense that, well, if we just put a different protein 01:12:35.360 --> 01:12:40.000 in there, a different sequence, then it's going to be okay. All the problems with the spike protein 01:12:40.000 --> 01:12:45.520 will disappear. I assume that's why nobody's questioning the use of it for RSV or pneumonia 01:12:45.520 --> 01:12:48.960 or any of this other thing, because they assume, well, that's not a gain a function protein, 01:12:48.960 --> 01:12:55.280 it'll be fine. I mean, otherwise, how can you rationalize this that it will just work? And you 01:12:55.280 --> 01:13:01.360 can replace existing or create something that doesn't exist, I actually is what were most of 01:13:01.360 --> 01:13:07.120 these things are there. They're quote unquote vaccines for targets that we have never been able 01:13:07.120 --> 01:13:12.080 to vaccinate against before. The RSV one really drives me nuts because it feels like 01:13:12.800 --> 01:13:19.760 marketing with fear to old people. And they're doing it on TV here in America, and it's just 01:13:19.760 --> 01:13:26.320 awful. It's really awful. Yeah, so I think you're absolutely right. I think 01:13:27.840 --> 01:13:36.480 there will be a push, a very strong push to exonerate the platform in one way or another. 01:13:36.480 --> 01:13:44.640 And again, I am assuming that the vast majority of the problems we're seeing 01:13:44.640 --> 01:13:48.880 with the COVID vaccines, we're going to see the same problems with the RSV vaccine, 01:13:48.880 --> 01:13:53.360 we're going to see the same problem with an influenza mRNA vaccine, with a CMV vaccine, 01:13:54.240 --> 01:13:59.280 with an HIV vaccine, if they come out with one. I think a lot of the problems, 01:14:00.240 --> 01:14:06.560 again, I'm hypothesizing here, but my hypothesis is that a lot of the problems are going to be 01:14:06.560 --> 01:14:13.760 the same. If not, if not, most of them, or maybe even all of them. Yeah, I don't think there can 01:14:13.760 --> 01:14:20.080 be almost any doubt. I mean, I came out really early because we used transfection in our animals 01:14:20.080 --> 01:14:27.040 all the time. And so we expressed proteins in the brains of rats and monkeys and studied the effects 01:14:27.040 --> 01:14:32.800 as the protein came into expression. But we also understood that that wasn't an augmentation 01:14:32.800 --> 01:14:37.360 that the animal would live through. Eventually, the immune system would come in and take those 01:14:37.360 --> 01:14:45.440 neurons out. And so if you wanted to see the anatomical place that you altered the protein 01:14:45.440 --> 01:14:50.640 expression, you had a certain window where you could do the experiment, you could watch the animal, 01:14:50.640 --> 01:14:55.040 you could do the behavior, you could do the amino histochemistry. And if you did it within that 01:14:55.120 --> 01:14:59.360 window, you'd get a nice stain. And there would be these fluorescent neurons. And you could say, 01:14:59.360 --> 01:15:06.320 look, we transfected neurons in the amygdala and fear freezing behavior changed. And so that means 01:15:06.320 --> 01:15:12.320 our protein is involved in fear freezing behavior. If you took that same experiment and let it go 01:15:12.320 --> 01:15:18.000 for more weeks, the neurons that you transfected would all be gone. And the effect on the behavior 01:15:18.000 --> 01:15:22.240 would all be gone because those neurons would have been removed from the circuit. And so you 01:15:22.240 --> 01:15:29.200 wouldn't be able to affect the behavior anymore. And that was just given. We just understood that 01:15:29.200 --> 01:15:34.800 the limitations of this technique are that once you transfect these neurons, the immune system 01:15:34.800 --> 01:15:39.760 will eliminate them. So when they started to explain on television that they were thinking 01:15:39.760 --> 01:15:44.480 about transfecting people and calling an investigational vaccine, I was like, wait a minute, 01:15:44.480 --> 01:15:50.560 this doesn't make any sense. And when the first person selling it on PBS NewsHour was Bill Gates, 01:15:50.960 --> 01:15:54.800 I was livid. I was like, you got to be kidding me. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. 01:15:55.920 --> 01:16:02.480 And so I went from being completely bought into everything and wanting to be an academic superhero 01:16:03.440 --> 01:16:11.440 to wishing I could take those many years back in some respects. And so what are you going to do 01:16:11.440 --> 01:16:16.080 now? What are you up to now? You're still happily retired. And so you can choose to spend your time 01:16:16.080 --> 01:16:21.040 as you will. Do you have a family? Are they're all behind you? How's that all work? 01:16:22.080 --> 01:16:28.960 Yeah, my family's behind me. I have two kids. They understand to some degree what's going on. 01:16:28.960 --> 01:16:32.560 And I think I think that's important. You know, sometimes my wife's like, don't tell them that 01:16:32.560 --> 01:16:37.520 or don't show them this and this. I'm like, I, you know, they have to understand you, you know, 01:16:37.520 --> 01:16:43.120 you can't shield your kids with, you know, from things that are going to affect them. 01:16:43.760 --> 01:16:49.520 Obviously, you know, through their adult life and in their future. Because I think we are, 01:16:49.520 --> 01:16:55.680 we are headed in a new, well, I mean, I shouldn't say, I mean, we are in a new, we are in a new 01:16:55.680 --> 01:17:02.880 paradigm. And it's, and I think most people don't understand what that paradigm is. I think there's 01:17:02.880 --> 01:17:07.760 a lot of focus on it being like a biological warfare or gain affection and so on. And I don't 01:17:07.760 --> 01:17:11.040 think that's the right paradigm. I think we are in a basically a genetic. 01:17:12.880 --> 01:17:18.320 Oh, that's the right word for it. Um, genetic manipulation, genetic modification. 01:17:19.520 --> 01:17:24.640 A friend of mine, a friend of mine, Mark Coolack would say that they inverted us and 01:17:24.640 --> 01:17:29.760 changed us into experimental animals. They might not be experimenting on all of us all the time, 01:17:29.760 --> 01:17:35.440 but that's the plan. Um, I actually had another friend of mine shock me this morning and explain 01:17:35.440 --> 01:17:41.760 that you can think of Israel as, as, as Gaza being a weapons lab and Israel is being a medical 01:17:41.760 --> 01:17:48.720 lab. And there isn't really much to say that, that says that's a very bad characterization because 01:17:48.720 --> 01:17:54.480 it kind of is. You know what, you just brought up something, uh, something very fascinating. And 01:17:54.480 --> 01:17:59.360 I want to jump on it right away before I forget because there's, there's a clip. So there was 01:17:59.440 --> 01:18:06.160 an interview that Jordan Peterson did with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli president. It wasn't that 01:18:06.160 --> 01:18:11.440 long ago. It was maybe, I, maybe now it's been, you know, six months ago or this, this is very 01:18:11.440 --> 01:18:18.080 ominous. I don't like that guest list at all. Oh my goodness. No, but, but this is, this is 01:18:18.080 --> 01:18:22.320 fascinating. And at, you know, at some point I ran across this clip completely by accident. 01:18:23.120 --> 01:18:28.240 It was about a three minute clip of Benjamin Netanyahu talking about how he procured the vaccine. 01:18:29.360 --> 01:18:34.880 And, and the reasons behind it and so on. And the, and the final, the piece of this, 01:18:34.880 --> 01:18:40.640 which is about three or four minutes long, was clipped out of the interview. And it's not available 01:18:40.640 --> 01:18:44.960 on YouTube. And I, and I, I sat through the whole interview and I'm like, okay, where's this? 01:18:44.960 --> 01:18:51.280 Where's this thing? It was edited out. They edited it out. Oh, but the clip is out there. And, and 01:18:51.920 --> 01:18:56.000 I'm telling you, it is like the best three or four minutes anyone will spend, you know, 01:18:56.000 --> 01:19:01.200 listening to Benjamin Netanyahu, because what he goes on to say is that, well, first he wanted 01:19:01.200 --> 01:19:05.360 Israel to be the first one to get the vaccine. So he made a special deal with Pfizer. No problem. 01:19:06.160 --> 01:19:10.880 Then he says, well, we have pretty much the entire population on a digital, 01:19:12.320 --> 01:19:18.720 digital healthcare system. So then he says, well, we knew exactly what the vaccines were doing. 01:19:20.240 --> 01:19:25.360 Because everyone's healthcare was digitized. So they knew what the vaccines were doing. And he 01:19:25.360 --> 01:19:29.680 just says it openly like that, right? And then he says, well, we basically handed everyone's 01:19:29.680 --> 01:19:36.720 digital health information to the pharmaceutical industry. And then he says what, what actually 01:19:36.720 --> 01:19:44.480 is the plan going forward? And what he says is that on top of this medical digital information 01:19:44.480 --> 01:19:51.840 database, we will put a genetic database of each individual in Israel. We'll put a genetic, we'll 01:19:51.920 --> 01:19:56.880 get the genomic, you know, we'll get the genome of everybody in Israel. And then he laughs and he 01:19:56.880 --> 01:20:00.960 says, oh, well, we might have to pay like the people who don't want to give us a DNA sample, 01:20:00.960 --> 01:20:07.600 we might have to pay them to, you know, incentivize. But he said we're going to get the genetic 01:20:07.600 --> 01:20:14.480 information of everyone and put it on top of this medical database. And then he literally says 01:20:14.480 --> 01:20:17.680 we're going to give it to the pharmaceutical industries and they're going to run it through 01:20:17.680 --> 01:20:25.440 their AI algorithms. Exactly. To develop a whole host of new drugs. 01:20:26.720 --> 01:20:31.760 That's the whole plan. They have been thinking this for decades already that the human genome 01:20:31.760 --> 01:20:39.280 project actually started out with this, this ended with this revelation after sequencing the genome 01:20:39.280 --> 01:20:44.240 and coming up with all these markers that the only way they enter any hope of cracking the actual 01:20:44.240 --> 01:20:49.920 code was to sequence every human they could possibly sequence. And it's fascinating that in 01:20:49.920 --> 01:20:55.360 this three, four minute clip, he lays out the whole thing. And he basically says, you know, 01:20:55.360 --> 01:21:00.640 like he says, yeah, some people will not want to give their DNA sample. So we'll just pay them. 01:21:01.760 --> 01:21:07.120 We'll just incentivize them. I can't believe it's taken me this long to hear you speak this 01:21:07.120 --> 01:21:12.800 stuff because it's really almost, I mean, it is dead on balls accurate for where I find myself 01:21:12.800 --> 01:21:18.720 thinking they really have. And it's not just me, you know, there's a couple other people. I really 01:21:18.720 --> 01:21:25.760 want to give credit to my friend Mark Coolack because he really had me not seeing it fully and 01:21:26.880 --> 01:21:33.680 not had me seeing it but helped me to see it more fully as as why because that's also what dispels 01:21:33.680 --> 01:21:39.120 this myth that they're trying to just depopulate because they don't want to just depopulate. They 01:21:39.120 --> 01:21:45.840 want to reduce population and use us as we go. There's a they need to collect the data as we go. 01:21:45.840 --> 01:21:50.320 They can't just kill us all and burn us. That's not what they want at all. Why would they do that? 01:21:50.320 --> 01:21:57.040 They're missing out on millions of possible data points. And I think if they if you think 01:21:57.040 --> 01:22:02.720 even more darkly about it, if the goal from global governance is to get us down to a billion, 01:22:03.360 --> 01:22:08.720 then this is the last opportunity they have to collect this many examples of the human genome. 01:22:08.720 --> 01:22:13.920 It's like how many games of go or how many games of chess can you play before you figured out the 01:22:13.920 --> 01:22:20.720 game? That's what the human genome and medical data attached to it is. It's examples of the same 01:22:20.720 --> 01:22:25.840 game and they imagine that if they have enough of these games that the AI will solve the problem 01:22:25.840 --> 01:22:31.200 and then they'll be the futurists that they think they should be. I really imagine that this mythology 01:22:31.200 --> 01:22:36.880 is why what's propelling this. In 10 more years, the computers will be enough or in 10 more years 01:22:36.960 --> 01:22:41.920 will have enough data. And they've been saying that since the 80s, unfortunately. 01:22:43.120 --> 01:22:49.200 Yeah. No, and I mean, it's it's it's fascinating because I mean, as as I mean, he's he's the 01:22:49.200 --> 01:22:54.640 president of Israel. He obviously has, you know, direct access to to Pfizer, for example, and he's 01:22:54.640 --> 01:23:00.080 laying this out and he's and he really like to him, it's a matter of fact, it's a foregone conclusion 01:23:00.800 --> 01:23:06.560 that this is where it's headed. So it was just a fascinating like it blew my mind when I saw 01:23:06.560 --> 01:23:12.160 the clip. I was like, Oh my God, he's just he's just laying it all out. Did you speak or give a 01:23:12.160 --> 01:23:18.000 talk at the NCI at all? Or did you how do you how is that going in Canada now? I gave a talk a 01:23:18.000 --> 01:23:23.040 long time ago, but I heard now they're some they're going to put out a report or something. I don't 01:23:23.040 --> 01:23:28.640 know where that is at. Yeah. So I did give a report to NCI. It was more focused on things like mandates 01:23:28.640 --> 01:23:34.720 and the way the government was manipulating data. And even the even all the doctors that have now 01:23:34.800 --> 01:23:38.320 taken, you know, four or five, six shots, dropping dead, dropping, you know, dying, 01:23:38.320 --> 01:23:43.200 suddenly developing all kinds of bizarre cancers and so on. I did give, I think it was almost three 01:23:43.200 --> 01:23:48.720 hour testimony. Oh, wow, good for you. They, you know, they put it into the report, the transcripts 01:23:48.720 --> 01:23:54.240 in there, they put out it's like a 5000 page. Oh, there's there's a link in the chat already. Great. 01:23:54.240 --> 01:23:59.680 Thank you. Yeah. So so yeah, that's that's all on record. That that's all out there. And I gave 01:23:59.680 --> 01:24:05.600 some some documents as well. I did give sort of a I guess you could say a primer on on the 01:24:05.600 --> 01:24:12.560 turbo cancer and what I think that is or as far as as we know up to this point and what might be 01:24:12.560 --> 01:24:17.680 happening. Are you also can you confirm this for me from your own perspective? I know you're not a 01:24:17.680 --> 01:24:22.560 practicing cancer doctor now, but I've heard many people explain it this way and I don't really 01:24:22.560 --> 01:24:29.120 explain it very often because I'm not a cancer doctor. But is it a is the the prevalent thinking 01:24:29.200 --> 01:24:35.600 that your body is always managing that problem? And so if you stop the management of it, you could 01:24:35.600 --> 01:24:41.360 release. Is that how you see it? The turbo cancer is not really that now we have a new kind of 01:24:41.360 --> 01:24:47.280 cancer, but so much that your immune system has become so lack of vigilance that it appears to 01:24:47.280 --> 01:24:52.400 be turbo. And in a normal healthy person, this would never happen. Is that kind of how you're 01:24:52.400 --> 01:24:59.840 seeing it? I think that's part of it. I don't think it's the full full answer because I'll tell 01:24:59.840 --> 01:25:08.080 you so so this is the idea that you have sort of ongoing surveillance, carried out by the immune 01:25:08.080 --> 01:25:14.880 system. And then if you damage that surveillance in various ways, then a cancer could potentially 01:25:15.680 --> 01:25:20.560 you know, grow in a completely uncontrolled manner which which which which would explain some of 01:25:20.560 --> 01:25:28.160 the behavior. There's more to it though. Okay, I'm excited. So the the component that I'm 01:25:28.960 --> 01:25:37.840 very concerned about which I and I don't understand it is there has to be a local effect. 01:25:39.200 --> 01:25:44.640 And it's basically where the lipid nanoparticle delivers the genetic payload 01:25:44.640 --> 01:25:49.120 in certain locations. There there is a local effect. I think there's a reason why 01:25:50.080 --> 01:25:56.240 you know, a lot of these are bone marrow cancers or cancers of the cancers of the pancreas, 01:25:56.880 --> 01:26:01.360 cancers of the testes, cancers of the gallbladder. When you think about that argument, I like that 01:26:01.360 --> 01:26:05.600 argument a lot. Thank you very much. When you think about lipid nanoparticles being cleared by 01:26:05.600 --> 01:26:12.000 the liver, right, the hepatobiliary system, how come we're seeing stage four calangiocarcinomas 01:26:12.000 --> 01:26:17.440 in young people, stage four, you know, pancreatic cancers, gallbladder cancers, 01:26:17.440 --> 01:26:22.000 colon cancers, how do you explain that, right? And I mean that that that gives you the entire 01:26:22.000 --> 01:26:26.560 clearance pathway for the lipid nanoparticles, for example, right? But then you also have 01:26:26.560 --> 01:26:30.880 testicular cancers. Well, we know there's, you know, accumulation of lipid nanoparticles in 01:26:30.880 --> 01:26:40.320 tested testes. And so, and again, no one talks about this really, but beyond the damage to the 01:26:40.320 --> 01:26:46.800 immune system. And again, there's various mechanisms of that, which is a systemic thing, 01:26:46.800 --> 01:26:53.360 right? That's a systemic issue. I believe there's a local issue. And it's a problem of not this, 01:26:53.360 --> 01:26:57.920 it's not a problem of the spike protein. It's a problem of the lipid nanoparticle delivering the 01:26:57.920 --> 01:27:05.600 payload in sufficient quantities to a certain location. And there's a local effect. I see 01:27:06.240 --> 01:27:17.920 that is carcinogenic. So that's my that is at least my feeling that that is a crucial part of it. 01:27:17.920 --> 01:27:23.520 And so there you can go back to where the lipid nanoparticle, they're almost not talking about 01:27:23.520 --> 01:27:29.040 it, but they know that they they do a preparation to it that makes it appear inert. But as soon as 01:27:29.120 --> 01:27:35.680 it delivers, it's it's payload, it becomes this very cationic, dangerous compound again. And there, 01:27:35.680 --> 01:27:42.000 if you had DNA damage or nicking or mitochondrial damage, all this other stuff that we don't understand, 01:27:42.000 --> 01:27:46.320 I think it's almost too convenient that we're always talking about the spike. 01:27:47.920 --> 01:27:51.680 And the thing is, is if if if the lipid nanoparticle is a big part of this, 01:27:52.640 --> 01:27:59.600 all of these cancers, then the entire platform is dead. Yes, absolutely, it is. Right. Which is 01:27:59.600 --> 01:28:06.800 why I think there's such an aggressive effort to suppress any talk about turbo cancers or 01:28:06.800 --> 01:28:12.640 cancers being caused by the vaccines, because like I said, it's someone's going to stumble 01:28:12.640 --> 01:28:18.400 upon something. So are you worried that that's what the SV 40 is about? Like this whole, you know, 01:28:18.400 --> 01:28:23.040 SV 40 is in the DNA. And so then they can blame the cancer on that when it's, you know, 01:28:23.040 --> 01:28:29.280 I think the S 40 SV 40 is a red herring. Yeah, I've been feeling that. I'm not going to look, 01:28:29.280 --> 01:28:34.800 I'm not going to exclude it. I'm not going to say no way. That's not a possible mechanism. 01:28:34.800 --> 01:28:43.200 I just I feel it's a red herring. And I don't think I just don't think it explains a lot of 01:28:43.200 --> 01:28:47.840 what I'm seeing. But like I said, someone someone may stumble at some point 01:28:48.560 --> 01:28:54.240 upon maybe more about, you know, the lipid nanoparticles. And it doesn't have to be one 01:28:54.240 --> 01:28:57.760 explanation either, right? They could all be contributing to your right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, 01:28:57.760 --> 01:29:03.120 and the thing is, is I've said this in other interviews, is that, you know, we're most likely 01:29:03.120 --> 01:29:08.000 looking at multiple mechanisms occurring in different people, because again, the behavior is 01:29:08.000 --> 01:29:12.080 different. So, so I see certain patterns, right? I'm trained in pattern. I mean, 01:29:12.080 --> 01:29:16.400 radiology is a pattern recognition specialty. Like, you know, if we're honest about it. Okay. 01:29:17.120 --> 01:29:23.120 And so I do see patterns where, for example, some people will, you know, they'll have a 01:29:23.120 --> 01:29:28.880 Pfizer or Moderna and like within three, four months, bam, they've got a great for glioblastoma. 01:29:28.880 --> 01:29:32.320 And it's always like that. It's always that three, four month time period, right? And then 01:29:32.320 --> 01:29:36.000 it'll kill them in in about in less than a year. And I've seen a lot of those, right? 01:29:36.000 --> 01:29:40.800 So you see the ones where they'll kill you in a matter of months, those, those processes. And 01:29:40.800 --> 01:29:45.040 it doesn't matter what you throw at them. The oncologist, they can throw all kinds of chemo, 01:29:45.040 --> 01:29:49.840 all kinds of radiation therapy, all kinds of immunotherapy. Nothing works. Nothing 01:29:49.840 --> 01:29:55.760 works. This thing is just on fire. And there is nothing the oncologist can do to put it out. 01:29:55.760 --> 01:30:00.240 And you're dead in a matter of months, sometimes even weeks, but let's say usually a matter of 01:30:00.240 --> 01:30:04.240 months, right? But then you've got situations where someone is, you know, struggling with this 01:30:04.320 --> 01:30:10.640 cancer for a year, year and a half. And it seems that there's partial response to chemo or maybe 01:30:10.640 --> 01:30:14.960 you get like a short term remission where this thing appears to go into remission for a couple 01:30:14.960 --> 01:30:20.080 of months. And then it comes roaring back. And then it's, you know, it's usually more aggressive. 01:30:20.080 --> 01:30:25.680 And then and then so there are multiple patterns that are happening, which probably means that 01:30:25.680 --> 01:30:33.920 there's multiple mechanisms. And so again, I don't know if I don't know if they have the ability to 01:30:33.920 --> 01:30:38.080 track any of this. I don't know if they can track any of these reactions through lots, 01:30:38.080 --> 01:30:43.360 lot numbers, for example, I don't know. But there's certainly it looks like there's multiple 01:30:43.360 --> 01:30:50.000 mechanisms at play, but I'm very concerned about the local effect that the lipid nanoparticles have 01:30:50.000 --> 01:30:57.520 on particular tissues. I'm glad that you said that because it is really, there's no doubt in my 01:30:57.520 --> 01:31:03.840 mind that there has to be some we need to attribute some aspect to to all of these things. And so 01:31:03.840 --> 01:31:08.560 it's really important. I really, I really think that's helped me understand this better. That's 01:31:08.560 --> 01:31:15.280 really great. It is one hour and 29 minutes. And I don't think I ever asked you to stay for a week. 01:31:15.280 --> 01:31:21.680 So I can have you back anytime you want. I'm actually so pleasantly surprised that your take 01:31:21.680 --> 01:31:28.400 on this pandemic that, yeah, I don't know how it is that I haven't met you before. I guess it's 01:31:28.480 --> 01:31:36.000 because that's by design. Everybody with with the humble humility to be skeptical but not be 01:31:36.000 --> 01:31:41.600 certain seems to be separated from and only the people who are certain they know what's going on 01:31:41.600 --> 01:31:47.920 are rising. And so I really am so happy to talk to someone who isn't certain that what they know 01:31:47.920 --> 01:31:53.680 is going on, but just certain something is going on. So I can't compliment you enough for for 01:31:53.680 --> 01:31:59.680 risking your retirement and comfort speaking out on behalf of Canadian citizens. I hope that 01:31:59.680 --> 01:32:07.040 you can continue to do so. Is there a place where you're findable? How do you spread your word? Do 01:32:07.040 --> 01:32:12.480 you have a website or anything like that? Yeah, no, I really, you know, I really enjoy this conversation 01:32:12.480 --> 01:32:17.920 and I appreciate, I appreciate, you know, sort of being able to explore these things and just 01:32:18.640 --> 01:32:23.840 kind of kind of see, you know, where where it takes us, you know, where the discussion takes us. 01:32:23.840 --> 01:32:28.400 It's it's it's it's rare that, you know, we can get those kinds of conversations. So I really 01:32:28.400 --> 01:32:36.320 appreciate that. People can find me on Twitter at MAC SMD and on sub stack MAC SMD dot sub stack 01:32:36.320 --> 01:32:43.040 dot com. There's been a lot of effort I could tell you to have me sort of silenced to make sure that 01:32:43.040 --> 01:32:48.960 I don't rise or that I don't get, you know, there's a lot of shows that I haven't been able to get 01:32:48.960 --> 01:32:53.760 on or a lot of people who won't interview me, a lot of conferences I haven't been invited to. So, 01:32:53.760 --> 01:32:59.920 so there is all of that kind of going on in the background and I get it, you know, it's that's 01:32:59.920 --> 01:33:07.440 sort of the nature of I don't even want to call it resistance, but it's basically the nature of 01:33:07.440 --> 01:33:13.120 of this this this field that we're in. But I'm just pushing, I just push, I just keep pushing 01:33:13.120 --> 01:33:19.120 forward. Right. I mean, that's I would, I would think the only thing that I could that I could 01:33:19.120 --> 01:33:26.800 offer is that after all of my experience starting in 2020, I would say I've been contacted by no 01:33:26.800 --> 01:33:35.040 less than 15 people who never intended to help me and have ended up basically not helping me and 01:33:35.040 --> 01:33:39.760 they're not they're not my friend anymore. But at one point, they profess to be a supporter and a 01:33:39.760 --> 01:33:47.600 friend. And so we've come an awful long way in these four years. And so now I think it's there's a 01:33:47.600 --> 01:33:53.360 there's a lot of the American word is a slog. You just have to we're just gonna have to walk 01:33:53.360 --> 01:33:58.080 through the mud now. And there's a goal over there. And we just need to do that slog now. And it 01:33:58.080 --> 01:34:04.160 starts with our kids. It starts with young people. It starts with giving all of these doctors the 01:34:04.240 --> 01:34:11.440 opportunity to realize without humiliation how well they were taken by this this fear and confusion 01:34:11.440 --> 01:34:16.080 and doubt that they put out there and seated. I've been trying to say for a long time that one of 01:34:16.080 --> 01:34:22.640 the things that they did it with is a is a hint that the worst case scenario has to be avoided and 01:34:22.640 --> 01:34:29.760 it is now possible. And so they scared us into believing that if we didn't conform, that potentially 01:34:29.840 --> 01:34:35.280 something could spiral out of control. And that potential has been the fear that they got everybody 01:34:35.280 --> 01:34:41.280 in line with in Israel and they got everybody to test in America. And so that's really 01:34:42.880 --> 01:34:47.760 it's going to be a one person at a time kind of thing. And as you as you noted, so many people 01:34:47.760 --> 01:34:55.440 are in it where it will cost them too much to to snap out of it. And so unfortunately, a lot of 01:34:55.440 --> 01:35:00.960 them are going to have to lose somebody and then doubt how they lost them. I just in December 01:35:00.960 --> 01:35:08.320 of last year, one of my friends had a aneurysm that nobody expected. He's 49. He has two beautiful 01:35:08.320 --> 01:35:14.800 daughters and a beautiful that a perfect family. And it's just gone now. And I have almost no doubt 01:35:14.800 --> 01:35:21.920 in my mind that you don't. This is not an it's not a random thing that happened to him. And 01:35:22.000 --> 01:35:28.080 unfortunately, because of the way the pandemic went, a guy who I've been friends with for 25 01:35:28.080 --> 01:35:35.520 years wasn't really listening to me and didn't really take my my skepticism seriously, because 01:35:35.520 --> 01:35:42.080 you know, I was that crazy guy all the time. And it's unfortunate. But yeah, we're we're much 01:35:42.080 --> 01:35:49.680 farther than we were in 2020. And yeah, that's true. And so I do but but I think and I think, 01:35:49.760 --> 01:35:54.240 you know, as you say, I think we're we are though at a point where the people who will 01:35:54.240 --> 01:35:56.960 really wake up are the people who are going to lose 01:35:59.600 --> 01:36:04.160 have to lose something. Yes, they do. Absolutely. At the very, very, very minimum, they have to 01:36:04.160 --> 01:36:10.320 apologize to a lot of people and a lot of patients. And you know, imagine how moving it would be, 01:36:10.320 --> 01:36:14.160 though, if a lot of people would say, wow, I made a mistake, I took this too, but we're never going 01:36:14.160 --> 01:36:20.240 to do it again. It would be wonderful, wouldn't it? If you could get the average physician in 01:36:20.240 --> 01:36:26.400 America to start there, because maybe even then, then the skepticism of, I don't want to start a 01:36:26.400 --> 01:36:31.280 whole another conversation, but you know, the difference even between the Canadian childhood 01:36:31.280 --> 01:36:35.680 schedule and the Norwegian schedule and the American schedule becomes very obvious. What's 01:36:35.680 --> 01:36:42.880 going on here is pretty pretty creepy. So we have a long ways to go. But I think this is actually 01:36:42.960 --> 01:36:46.880 a very good networking moment. And I'm very happy to meet you. I'm very happy to know you're around 01:36:46.880 --> 01:36:52.720 on this planet. And I hope we see each other again. Absolutely. Yeah, it was a pleasure. Thank you 01:36:52.720 --> 01:37:00.160 very much. Thank you. This is Dr. William Macus. And he's from Alberta, Canada. And he is a new 01:37:00.160 --> 01:37:03.840 friend of Gigo and biological. Thank you very much for joining me. I'll see you again soon. 01:37:04.560 --> 01:37:10.720 Take care. Yep. I'm going to end this little meeting there. Thank you very much, guys, for joining me. 01:37:10.800 --> 01:37:17.280 This has been Gigo and biological. That's the guy that's him on LinkedIn. This is him on Google 01:37:17.280 --> 01:37:23.760 Scholar. This is him on research gate. And you can also Google him, of course, and you can find 01:37:23.760 --> 01:37:29.200 them in a bunch of places there. He's also on Twitter. And I think on Instagram as well, you can see 01:37:29.200 --> 01:37:34.560 him there. I don't know what to say. I really liked his take on a lot of things. I really liked 01:37:34.720 --> 01:37:42.480 his his humbleness. I really felt as though whoops, I really felt as though he wasn't necessarily 01:37:42.480 --> 01:37:48.400 certain about anything. And he was very, very humble in terms of his, you know, interpretation 01:37:48.400 --> 01:37:55.680 of where he is and what his role is in this all, talking about doctors dying to the shot and 01:37:55.680 --> 01:38:01.280 nobody talking about them bringing attention to these kinds of things. It's happy. I'm happy to see 01:38:02.000 --> 01:38:08.960 that that there are more people who are just trying to sort of move this ball forward 01:38:08.960 --> 01:38:13.040 regardless of the resistance. And so thank you very much for joining me. This has been 01:38:13.040 --> 01:38:17.840 Gigo and biological, a high resistance. Illinois's information brief brought to you by a biologist. 01:38:18.720 --> 01:38:28.480 I'm really happy that this happened. And I have a friend, Kara, to thank for this. So Kara in Canada, 01:38:29.040 --> 01:38:37.280 a supporter and my unofficial scheduler. You scored a big goal here. Thank you very much for introducing 01:38:37.280 --> 01:38:44.480 me to Dr. Macus. And yeah, thanks for being up there for me with you and Jeff and your family. 01:38:44.480 --> 01:38:48.240 Thank you very much, everybody, for supporting me. This is Gigo and biological. My name is Jonathan 01:38:48.240 --> 01:38:52.560 Cooey. I'm coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This is the back of my garage. 01:38:53.360 --> 01:38:58.160 And I will probably see you tomorrow. What's tomorrow? Tomorrow's Saturday? Is that right? 01:38:59.200 --> 01:39:05.280 My gosh, I'm losing my mind here. No, tomorrow's Friday. I'll definitely see you tomorrow. So 01:39:05.280 --> 01:39:11.040 it'll be my show. And we'll do a little brief. We'll have some slides. We'll have some music. 01:39:11.920 --> 01:39:17.360 We'll talk some smack about what everybody's talking smack about. Lots of sub stacks and all 01:39:17.360 --> 01:39:22.640 kinds of stuff talking about Mark and me. So we got to get this biology cleared out. We got to get 01:39:22.640 --> 01:39:28.400 this story cleared out. So we'll see you tomorrow because that's what we do here. Thank you very 01:39:28.400 --> 01:39:30.400 much. 01:39:39.920 --> 01:39:44.320 It's Cara with a C. Cara with a C.