WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 . 00:30.000 --> 00:32.000 . 01:00.000 --> 01:04.000 . 01:04.000 --> 01:08.000 . 01:08.000 --> 01:12.000 . 01:12.000 --> 01:16.000 . 01:16.000 --> 01:20.000 . 01:20.000 --> 01:24.000 . 01:24.000 --> 01:28.000 . 01:28.000 --> 01:32.000 . 01:32.000 --> 01:36.000 . 01:36.000 --> 01:38.000 . 01:38.000 --> 01:40.000 . 01:40.000 --> 01:44.000 . 01:44.000 --> 01:48.000 . 01:48.000 --> 01:52.000 . 01:52.000 --> 01:56.000 . 01:56.000 --> 01:57.000 . 01:57.000 --> 01:59.000 . 01:59.000 --> 02:01.000 . 02:01.000 --> 02:05.000 . 02:05.000 --> 02:09.000 . 02:09.000 --> 02:13.000 . 02:13.000 --> 02:17.000 . 02:17.000 --> 02:21.000 . 02:21.000 --> 02:25.000 . 02:25.000 --> 02:26.000 . 02:26.000 --> 02:28.000 . 02:28.000 --> 02:30.000 . 02:30.000 --> 02:34.000 . 02:34.000 --> 02:38.000 . 02:38.000 --> 02:42.000 . 02:42.000 --> 02:46.000 . 02:46.000 --> 02:50.000 . 02:50.000 --> 02:54.000 . 02:54.000 --> 02:55.520 . 02:55.520 --> 03:05.520 McKernan family and their journey from Packard Biologics or Packard Biosciences whatever the 03:05.520 --> 03:13.360 company was called all the way up until now where they are with medicinal genomics. It's a really 03:13.360 --> 03:25.120 incredible story of a successful family, a really cool father. His father died in 2019 03:25.120 --> 03:34.000 and God rest his soul. He seems like a really, really, really nice guy. The obituary that Mark 03:34.000 --> 03:43.040 has here on this website reads like he was a one-of-a-kind father. So that's pretty cool. All that 03:43.040 --> 03:49.440 stuff is there for you to read and check out. I think it's worth checking it out if you have any 03:49.440 --> 03:55.920 interest at all in trying to figure out who the players are in this narrative. It could just be 03:56.640 --> 04:03.600 that what you're going to find here is more evidence for your belief that Kevin McKernan is a real 04:03.600 --> 04:12.800 genuine expert in this field and representing the field well and that in many ways he has 04:12.800 --> 04:18.080 taken me and many other people to school. That could very well be the case. It's also possible 04:18.800 --> 04:24.000 that this history and the people that he is connected to in these newspaper articles and in 04:24.000 --> 04:31.280 this previous work will maybe, I don't know, lead you to think that there is a possibility that 04:31.840 --> 04:38.160 this is a sort of just the tip of the iceberg in terms of of his connections and his family's 04:38.160 --> 04:48.080 connections behind the scenes to a lot of the people and impetus behind the human genome project 04:48.080 --> 04:53.440 is the same impetus that was behind the special cancer virus program back in the 50s. It's the 04:53.440 --> 05:01.520 same impetus that is behind a lot of what is happening now with the shift to RNA and lipid 05:01.520 --> 05:08.560 nanoparticles and eventually moving forward from here. This was also a well-planned orchestrated 05:08.560 --> 05:18.000 shift and so even if he is just an innocent medicinal genomics pot marijuana genetics guy 05:18.640 --> 05:26.400 he is still someone whose father and brothers and career history took him very close and very 05:26.400 --> 05:33.200 often to the highest seats of power very close to the largest weaponized piles of money 05:33.840 --> 05:39.440 and very very close at least to these secret rooms where these secret meetings were happening 05:39.440 --> 05:47.280 about bioweapons and about bioterrorism and about biosecurity. Now he may not have been in any of 05:47.280 --> 05:51.760 those meetings he may not know any of those people really well he may not have gone to any of their 05:51.840 --> 06:00.480 poker games but the point is is that you try to connect me to someone in the human genome project 06:01.280 --> 06:08.480 knowing that the human genome project wasn't all NIH if you try to find a company that I started 06:08.480 --> 06:14.000 that was doing HIV testing if you try to find a company that I've started that did any kind of 06:14.000 --> 06:21.440 pathogenic or sorry pathogen testing PCR or otherwise I think you know maybe you should be more 06:21.440 --> 06:28.400 surprised. I think if you found out that I had spoken in front of the who in 2011 about flu 06:28.400 --> 06:33.840 vaccine fit and fill finish technologies I think you should be like whoa wait what 06:33.840 --> 06:45.040 and so it's really nice to imagine that the guy who had a a molecular biological technology 06:45.040 --> 06:51.440 called Longbow is actually just a hero coming to rescue us it would be great 06:52.800 --> 06:58.160 and it's also would be very sad if that's the only guy out of all of these people 06:59.040 --> 07:10.640 that is aware of this this problem this DNA in the shot thank goodness Kevin has alerted us to this 07:13.360 --> 07:20.080 but I do think it's worthy of consideration that this other side of the coin that these however 07:20.080 --> 07:25.280 you interpret these things what we're talking about is is every time a company of this size is sold 07:25.280 --> 07:31.760 we're talking about many many millions of dollars kinds of of sums of money that 07:31.760 --> 07:38.240 that don't happen randomly very often and certainly not back then and certainly not about these things 07:40.000 --> 07:45.440 these would have been the some of the highest security priority technologies of the day 07:48.000 --> 07:53.120 and certainly the trade secrets that were involved would have been very high security 07:54.080 --> 07:59.120 things it's not all open source technology here's how we do it here's the recipe 08:01.680 --> 08:06.000 and so what we're really dealing with here is something really important because it is 08:06.000 --> 08:12.960 interesting that rather than just you know having started out with saying that I'm a guy who 08:14.720 --> 08:21.040 who had a company that that used to do HIV testing right after I got out of the 08:23.280 --> 08:28.080 human genome project we just here we just heard about the human genome project for a couple years 08:29.120 --> 08:36.320 when he was even doing podcasts which he wasn't doing right away when he first merged on the 08:36.320 --> 08:44.000 scene remember that it was none other than this kind of pseudo objection to the PCR test complaining 08:44.000 --> 08:50.000 that the PCR primers might not be right and who was on that paper and go find out who's on that 08:50.000 --> 08:55.840 corpsman jorston report objection paper with kevin mccurnan and go down that list of names 08:55.840 --> 09:04.000 find out who bobby mohaltreis and ask yourself what is kevin mccurnan doing on a paper with 09:04.000 --> 09:11.520 bobby mohaltre why is mike eden and and peter mcculla and thomas binder and claire crag what 09:11.600 --> 09:20.400 are they all doing on that paper who organized that paper and why wasn't it more about the whole 09:20.400 --> 09:27.440 idea of not using PCR as a diagnostic period rather than the incorrect use of PCR as a diagnostic 09:28.720 --> 09:33.680 and do you see the difference do you see how significant it is that this man 09:34.480 --> 09:39.760 after coming out of working for the human genome project started his own company in cooperation 09:39.760 --> 09:44.080 kind of sort of a support with his dad who already had a very giant company 09:46.800 --> 09:48.240 to make hiv testing 09:52.720 --> 09:57.840 have we not already through this last three and a half years of awakening not only have we figured 09:57.840 --> 10:03.520 out that maybe the the vaccine schedule in america for our children is is really terrible 10:04.400 --> 10:10.800 even when you just assume that some vaccines are okay and maybe even helpful but the way that 10:10.800 --> 10:17.440 they apply them in other countries is so different than the way that we apply them in our country 10:17.440 --> 10:21.680 there should already be red flags it should already be a point of discussion it should 10:21.680 --> 10:30.640 already be labeled as criminal and of course kevin is never going to touch that he's gonna 10:30.720 --> 10:36.880 keep your your mind raised or focused on whether or not mark got which cut which company bought 10:36.880 --> 10:44.000 which company after which company for which company sorry we didn't get the applied biosciences 10:44.000 --> 10:54.560 bought amgen bought which what you read that wikipedia it's not exactly clear when it is 10:54.560 --> 10:58.960 that perkin elmer split into two companies and blah blah blah and whatever happened in huha 11:00.960 --> 11:02.160 let's just put it this way 11:04.720 --> 11:11.200 the story of him dropping out of grad school to go work with eric lander on the human genome 11:11.200 --> 11:17.440 project and then making his own way through the world as an entrepreneur is a little bit hand waving 11:18.000 --> 11:25.440 because his dad was already a kingpin not a bad guy just a kingpin already a very 11:26.160 --> 11:36.480 established giant in in biotechnology this is not for nothing that that Kevin is cruising around 11:36.480 --> 11:41.440 like this it's not for nothing that he was in the white house before he was 30 11:42.640 --> 11:47.280 i mean he's a cool guy i'm sure he's very very smart but let's be face it ladies and gentlemen 11:47.280 --> 11:52.960 chances are very good that he's been walking around in some of these places where also people 11:52.960 --> 12:00.080 like Robert Malone or Thomas Monath or or or any of these people i mean if we can put him in the 12:00.080 --> 12:07.760 room with Craig Venner what more do you want i've never been in a meeting with Craig Venner 12:08.800 --> 12:16.720 i worked at Erasmus MC in in Rotterdam the Netherlands for four and a half years that i don't even think 12:16.720 --> 12:21.360 i ever saw Ron Fauciet in in a hallway i just saw him present once 12:25.840 --> 12:32.720 so it's a it's a strange thing if your career really intersects with these people on an intellectual 12:32.720 --> 12:41.040 property level on an on a on a corporate buyout level on a equity level i don't know 12:41.280 --> 12:49.840 on a stockholder level those are kinds of relationships that i don't have mark doesn't have 12:50.640 --> 12:56.320 so it's very strange that someone who's been running around in those circles working with 12:56.320 --> 13:01.920 that many zeros for this long spends any time at all with a person who's just trying to scratch 13:01.920 --> 13:09.920 together $2400 in rent every month and yeah it's $2400 a month in rent in Pittsburgh right now 13:10.000 --> 13:15.520 because a lot of LLCs and banks own houses and there's nothing to rent privately anymore 13:16.720 --> 13:22.720 when we moved to Pittsburgh we paid $1,500 a month in rent every month in 2016 and since 13:22.720 --> 13:30.800 it's gone up literally $1,000 a month because where that's that's without that's without utilities 13:31.600 --> 13:41.120 and yet you know let's just say the worst case scenario i'm here sitting in my garage with 13:44.000 --> 13:51.040 trying my best to fake people out of their money why would that guy even bother wasting his time with me 13:54.000 --> 13:58.480 why would he bother wasting his time with mark when he's getting 600 video views 13:59.280 --> 14:01.200 why would he even waste his time 14:06.960 --> 14:11.680 i think that's where we are i think you have to just realize that that the narrative isn't 14:11.680 --> 14:18.320 moving anymore because it can't move anymore in in the sense of we haven't pinned against the wall 14:20.800 --> 14:28.400 they can't talk about anything anymore without bumping into the wall of yeah but wait a minute 14:28.400 --> 14:30.800 you haven't addressed the thing with excess deaths 14:32.720 --> 14:38.000 the last time that kevin mccurnan wrote a sub stack about me he tried to say that this is this 14:38.000 --> 14:43.120 sub stack he actually said it twice in the sub stack this sub stack isn't debating anything about 14:43.120 --> 14:49.120 the man-demik this sub stack isn't debating about what percentage of the of the covid deaths were 14:49.120 --> 14:57.360 due to the protocols in the atra atra-genic deaths this blog post isn't about that 14:58.080 --> 15:01.040 this blog post is about the swarm and clones 15:04.240 --> 15:10.560 because nobody wants to talk about it and i think when we listen to paul off it today paul 15:10.560 --> 15:15.520 off it will not also talk about it the reason why we're listening to paul off it is because 15:15.520 --> 15:22.640 actually he's going to talk about this time right here where we are we were at the beginning of the 15:22.640 --> 15:30.800 pandemic and where actually our commander-in-chief donald trump got covid and so it's very important 15:30.800 --> 15:39.840 in some ways to watch carefully and listen carefully to how someone like him um i actually 15:39.840 --> 15:44.880 watched the movie sling blade with my kids the other night my my voice and they really really 15:44.880 --> 15:51.760 enjoyed it a lot my son actually my oldest son at the at the table this afternoon said um i really 15:51.760 --> 15:56.960 liked that movie last night papa really wasn't bad i mean it wasn't an action movie but for a drama 15:56.960 --> 16:03.920 it was pretty good um and and that movie makes me really laugh because it feels very much as though 16:03.920 --> 16:11.680 paul off its chin is kind of coming out now in a way that billy bob's short thortons chin came out 16:11.680 --> 16:18.800 when he was playing carl in that and i can kind of see him staring in there like this in the camera 16:19.440 --> 16:27.520 and he's getting too old for this he's been lying so long that he's he's even becoming jaded about 16:27.520 --> 16:34.320 having to do it with his friend vincent and i'm not even sure vincent understands i really am not 16:34.320 --> 16:42.240 sure because he's so jovial and so happy about it that i'm kind of sort of thinking that maybe he 16:42.320 --> 16:49.440 doesn't get it but paul definitely paul definitely understands what was done paul definitely 16:49.440 --> 16:57.520 understands this whole list paul understands how distorted public health is relative to the 16:57.520 --> 17:02.720 numbers and how the messaging works how the messaging is more like something getting forced 17:02.720 --> 17:10.320 down your throat than it is like convincing you of anything and so this limited spectrum of debate 17:10.320 --> 17:16.880 i'm really interested to this take this little time this little evening video just to see 17:18.640 --> 17:25.280 what you and i see together as far as the limited spectrum of debate that he he outlines in this 17:25.280 --> 17:31.200 really short video remember um we got picked up by these people on the side of the road no matter 17:31.200 --> 17:37.360 who we got picked up by they were reciting the faith of a novel virus we heard we heard steve 17:37.360 --> 17:43.680 kirsch asking denny rankore over and over the other night um do you believe do you do you believe 17:43.680 --> 17:50.640 in that is that do you do you agree do you agree um and so that's really what it's come down to is a 17:50.640 --> 17:56.880 little bit of some people being responsible for misleading others and the others being 17:56.880 --> 18:04.320 unwitting participants in this in this illusion of a spreading risk additive pathogen which there is 18:04.320 --> 18:10.880 no evidence for um that might be the slide i'm going to stop on yeah we're going to stop right 18:10.880 --> 18:18.880 here and we're going to listen to mr pauly paul woofit where did i put him right here yes 18:21.200 --> 18:31.520 no right here yes from microb tv this is beyond the noise episode number 28 18:32.320 --> 18:42.320 recorded on january 31st 2024 i'm going to take some notes we'll laugh about it and then we'll 18:42.320 --> 18:46.320 say good night and i'll see you tomorrow i'm going to try and use some day time shows today is your 18:46.320 --> 18:50.560 host doc day time is going to work better i couldn't do it today because of some meetings i had 18:51.200 --> 18:58.000 this is the video version of paul's column on sub stack called beyond the noise cutting 18:58.720 --> 19:05.600 to the chase unimportant health topics and today we're going to have a look at paul's last column 19:05.600 --> 19:14.720 entitled trump's covid infection so maybe paul we can start by having you uh given overview of 19:14.720 --> 19:23.200 the course of his illness true so in mid- october um former president trump was diagnosed with covid 19:23.200 --> 19:30.640 and taken to the wall to read hospital um he had let his infection go on for fairly long so that by 19:30.640 --> 19:36.320 the time he got to the hospital he had pretty severe pneumonia he was considered for being 19:36.320 --> 19:41.040 ventilated which would have meant that probably um like pence would have taken over his commander 19:41.040 --> 19:47.600 in chief but he was sick and so um he was treated with a variety of medications he was given the 19:47.680 --> 19:54.720 anti-viral medication remdesivir he was given even though that actually um the anti-viral really 19:54.720 --> 19:59.760 wasn't licensed till the end of that month and he was given the monoclonal antibody regenaron 19:59.760 --> 20:05.920 which also wasn't really available at least for the general public until November and um and he 20:05.920 --> 20:13.600 was also given dexamethasone um the the he survived he would he was obviously um back in his office 20:13.600 --> 20:18.720 a few days later convinced that it was the monoclonal antibody regenaron that had saved his life 20:20.320 --> 20:27.360 now uh he tested positive but didn't do anything for seven days why is that you would think the 20:27.360 --> 20:33.840 commander-in-chief of the us would have physicians who would say let's do something immediately right 20:35.120 --> 20:40.160 i i don't know why he made that choice obviously it was the wrong choice had he um been able to 20:40.240 --> 20:46.640 identify uh with his or had he been able to admit i think to to the general public that he had 20:46.640 --> 20:52.880 covid that that he could have been treated earlier not in theory um the one thing that was available 20:52.880 --> 20:57.920 starting from the beginning of this pandemic and had been available for 100 years is convalescence 20:57.920 --> 21:03.840 era i mean convalescence era was was underutilized and wrongly used you know the the we tended to 21:03.840 --> 21:08.960 initially use convalescence era in that original Mayo Clinic study in hospitalized patients and 21:08.960 --> 21:13.440 it would be much better off giving it during the viral replication stage the first phase 21:13.440 --> 21:18.080 of illness which dr griffin has been very good at at explaining that that early stages compared to 21:18.080 --> 21:23.600 the immune stage later um could have really prevented him ever from being in the hospital 21:23.600 --> 21:28.160 but he didn't admit to either to himself or to the public that he was he had covid and in fact 21:28.160 --> 21:33.280 he proceeded to in fact other people like chris christie for example all right so you in this 21:33.280 --> 21:38.720 article you talk about what actually saved his his life so maybe we first we should talk about the 21:38.720 --> 21:44.560 two stages of covid to set up for that right so which is true for many viral infections the 21:44.560 --> 21:51.760 first stage viral replication is key and and so agents that decrease viral replication like 21:51.760 --> 22:00.000 monoclonal antibodies which prevent virus cell binding or um or antivirus like like remdesivir 22:00.000 --> 22:06.160 which is a um a replication so let's let's just pause it for a second here so he walked through 22:06.240 --> 22:12.720 quite a bit there of already the the narrative that they want to lay down so first 22:14.240 --> 22:19.840 yeah first trumps trumps covid infection is the title it happened in mid-October 20 he 22:20.960 --> 22:26.480 he let the infection go for too long i apologize this pen is not writing perfect i just put new 22:26.480 --> 22:33.840 ink in it um and he let the infection go too long and uh he had severe pneumonia so this is 22:33.840 --> 22:39.680 already a breaker here because for me severe pneumonia can't be viral they have told this story 22:39.680 --> 22:45.360 of viral pneumonia but that's really secondary pneumonia so that requires antibiotics and they 22:45.360 --> 22:55.520 don't mention antibiotics here so antibiotics are not mentioned and that's weird because i'm almost 22:55.520 --> 23:00.560 sure they would have given it to him but they're not mentioning it because they don't want you to 23:00.560 --> 23:07.760 think sorry it's got to dry they don't want you to think that um that antibiotics would have 23:07.760 --> 23:11.760 anything to do with it now again what are we talking about here why am i pushing this 23:12.560 --> 23:19.760 this idea i'm pushing it because i want you to consider the possibility that these people 23:20.880 --> 23:27.360 are misleading us and they're misleading us about this stuff right here this idea that 23:27.360 --> 23:36.480 that that's my arrow right there that that antibiotics that that steroids they're trying to 23:36.480 --> 23:42.240 mislead us with this stuff this isn't the slide i want it i want the one with the i want the one 23:42.240 --> 23:46.400 with the train would i start with that one did i show you the train one already i didn't start 23:46.400 --> 23:52.320 with that one i should have started with this one right here but this this is what we're we're 23:52.400 --> 23:58.240 dealing with here now and this is a continuation of it paul off it is still on this sort of 23:58.800 --> 24:04.880 enactment of what are the right questions to ask and then very very sternly answering the wrong 24:04.880 --> 24:11.520 questions and so he set us up with this idea again that that there is a 24:12.720 --> 24:19.360 oops that doesn't need i guess that could be there um he set us up with the idea that that he was 24:19.360 --> 24:26.160 given remdesivir regenaron and dexamethasone and that donald trump thinks that one of these things 24:26.160 --> 24:32.960 saved him but it's not the right one and so now we're already thinking in our head all remdesivir 24:34.960 --> 24:40.880 and that's all by design because if we're about to argue with this list and we're about to complain 24:40.880 --> 24:46.720 about this list then look what they got us to leave out completely the antibiotics the antibiotics 24:46.800 --> 24:52.640 which would have been the most appropriate thing for his general severe pneumonia that because he 24:52.640 --> 24:59.440 didn't do anything about it for so long which is very typical story of how people die of the 24:59.440 --> 25:03.840 protocols they get ventilated when they don't need to be get ventilated and more importantly 25:03.840 --> 25:09.840 they aren't given antibiotics because it's not on the protocol list because this is a viral 25:09.840 --> 25:15.520 pneumonia and antibiotics don't work on viruses we've heard everybody say that and especially in 25:16.080 --> 25:18.080 2020 and 21 25:23.840 --> 25:28.240 so let me get out of that and i'll go back to the video 25:30.080 --> 25:37.200 the application or oh yeah sorry so then he went on i forgot about that that's why i wanted to 25:37.200 --> 25:40.480 pause it so he went on to the viral replication 25:46.560 --> 25:51.280 and then there's some other phase right viral replication phase and then what did he say else 25:51.280 --> 25:57.120 previous inhibitors like backslope and i was just true for many but he didn't admit to either 25:57.120 --> 26:02.160 to the public that he was he had code and in fact he proceeded to in fact other people like 26:02.160 --> 26:07.680 Chris Christie for example all right so you in this article you talk about what actually saved 26:07.680 --> 26:12.800 his his life so maybe we first we should talk about the two stages of covid to set up for that 26:13.760 --> 26:21.200 two stages for many viral infections the first stage viral replication is key and and so agents 26:21.200 --> 26:27.280 that decrease viral replication like monoclonal antibodies which prevent virus cell binding or 26:28.000 --> 26:36.400 or antivirals like like remdesivir which is a a replication inhibits replication or 26:36.400 --> 26:42.320 where now we have protease inhibitors like backslope and i mean those early on clearly make a 26:42.320 --> 26:47.200 difference clearly decrease your chance of going on to develop severe disease but by the time you 26:47.200 --> 26:52.320 develop severe disease which takes time i mean it takes seven days ten days fourteen days to develop 26:52.320 --> 27:00.240 severe disease by that time viral replication is much less important as as as contributing to 27:00.240 --> 27:04.800 the pathogenesis of the illness at that point it's the immune response that's causing the symptoms 27:04.800 --> 27:09.440 and in the case of Donald Trump flooding his lungs with white cells so at that point in 27:09.440 --> 27:14.000 order to save his life you need to blunt the immune system you know you could argue this is 27:14.000 --> 27:19.200 something that's always sort of perplexing me at some level so where do you notice 27:20.160 --> 27:24.160 my slightly out of focus here maybe i need to focus my camera again 27:25.040 --> 27:31.440 um i wonder if you've noticed that uh it really feels as though 27:32.400 --> 27:39.120 um the second phase of covid is the cytokine storm and i haven't heard him say cytokine storm 27:39.120 --> 27:43.520 yet it's really weird don't you remember that for the first year there was this thing called the 27:44.080 --> 27:51.520 the cytokine storm wasn't it a cytokine or kind was it a cytokine i don't know a cytokine storm 27:52.160 --> 27:57.680 i mean i remember them talking about a cytokine storm all the time and a cytokine storm of course 27:57.680 --> 28:03.760 would be a immune system overreaction that would need something like dexamethasone to tamp it down 28:04.800 --> 28:10.560 which people like uh dr griffin on twiv have told us that it's completely inappropriate to 28:10.560 --> 28:19.200 use something like that for covid and so what i need you to see is that what needed to happen 28:19.200 --> 28:27.120 and what definitely needs to happen is that this this all needs to be absorbed right they need to 28:27.120 --> 28:36.960 move this this train they need to move this pantomime forward a little bit so that it slowly absorbs 28:37.040 --> 28:43.920 all of the objections of the narrative so that eventually the truth is accepted 28:45.840 --> 28:52.720 that's what we're doing over these years that's the whole process that we're involved in right now 28:52.720 --> 28:59.840 and the dominoes that we're trying to get ahead of and try to consistently point out 29:00.880 --> 29:05.520 how ahead we have been of these dominoes for the last three years we've been predicting that we 29:05.600 --> 29:10.640 were going to get here and for the last three years these people have been slowly shifting from 29:10.640 --> 29:18.160 denial to acceptance to saying yeah we were saying that all along obviously we couldn't know for sure 29:18.160 --> 29:24.240 but that's what we were thinking that's no different than having us right to know and 29:24.240 --> 29:30.800 Alex Washburn and a bunch of other people have podcasts about how well it's obvious it's a lab leak 29:30.800 --> 29:40.560 now what about all the people that were saying it was a lab leak in 2020 what about all the 29:40.560 --> 29:49.440 people that were saying there's no way something doesn't make sense because the sequence that they've 29:49.440 --> 29:58.240 shown us is fishy the tests they're using are fishy the symptomology is fishy the protocols are 29:58.240 --> 30:03.600 fishy and we can't figure it all out because everybody is spectacularly committed to the lie 30:03.600 --> 30:07.440 that it's all unknown that we don't know that there's no reason to look for a pattern because 30:07.440 --> 30:18.720 we don't have enough data yet this is the reason why we got here and the more different mistakes and 30:18.720 --> 30:22.480 reasons and misleading stories that were involved in getting us here the better 30:26.000 --> 30:30.480 so that as they clear the window that they themselves covered in dirt as they 30:31.040 --> 30:34.080 filter the water that they themselves made dirty 30:36.640 --> 30:40.480 and then show you look this is what clean water looks like yeah well no kidding 30:40.480 --> 30:48.240 we were trying to tell you that four years ago that's what this is it's supposed to be 30:48.240 --> 30:53.840 a little bit like exasperating it's supposed to make you feel that way because it's also 30:53.840 --> 31:00.000 supposed to be very comforting to the people on that side who had doubts who heard some of our 31:00.000 --> 31:05.040 arguments and thought wow I it makes sense to me but I can't distrust my television 31:05.440 --> 31:13.520 that's exactly where we are right now we may have had some of our family and friends on 31:13.520 --> 31:19.520 the fence for many years already now and it's people like Paul Offit that keep them from jumping 31:19.520 --> 31:28.400 over keep them from making the leap to understanding and Paul Offit does it exactly like this 31:29.040 --> 31:36.240 by absorbing little pieces of the narrative little pieces of the discussion in this case 31:36.240 --> 31:42.720 it's even more it's even more disturbing because he's not really absorbing anything yet he's 31:42.720 --> 31:45.760 actually just taking a different position on the train here 31:49.760 --> 31:54.480 he's now admitting that well dexamethasone was actually pretty handy and it may have had 31:54.480 --> 31:57.760 something to do with trump it couldn't have been the monoclonal antibodies 31:57.760 --> 32:02.880 because we can't even make ip out of those anymore so those couldn't possibly work in the future 32:05.600 --> 32:09.920 but dexamethasone might have worked and the reason why he says that is because that completely 32:09.920 --> 32:16.560 supports the narrative of a novel virus that causes a cytokine storm after a intense bout of 32:16.560 --> 32:23.680 viremia rather than reminding us that at the beginning of this story he said that 32:23.680 --> 32:26.640 dogged Donald Trump had severe pneumonia 32:29.600 --> 32:33.920 and there's not a doctor in the united states and maybe not a doctor in the free world that 32:33.920 --> 32:37.520 would have treated pneumonia with antivirals first 32:37.680 --> 32:46.560 let me say that again there's not a doctor on earth in the free world that would have treated 32:46.560 --> 32:54.480 pneumonia pneumonia with antivirals and not antibiotics before the pandemic not one 32:57.680 --> 33:02.400 and certainly none of them would have given remdesivir none of them would have given regenaron 33:02.400 --> 33:05.280 none of them would have given do you see 33:11.200 --> 33:18.160 so this is a really spectacular act because this is paul off it arguing with himself in a mirror 33:18.160 --> 33:24.800 about nothing covering topics that are they themselves that the whole idea of arguing about 33:24.800 --> 33:30.880 is irrelevant it's your immune system that killed you it's not the virus that you immune 33:31.760 --> 33:36.640 Donald Trump flooding his lungs with white cells so at that point in order to save his life you need 33:36.640 --> 33:40.800 to blunt the immune system you know you could argue and this is something that's always sort of 33:40.800 --> 33:46.400 perplexed me at some level it's your immune system that killed you it's not the virus that you immune 33:46.400 --> 33:52.160 response to the virus that kills you and so you're begging the question why why would it do that and 33:52.160 --> 33:58.080 there was an article years ago in the annals let me just try to look at that let me just before 33:58.080 --> 34:04.400 he digs his hole any deeper let me just tell you how stupid that statement is how just absolutely 34:04.400 --> 34:10.960 asinine that statement is relative to what we've been trying to teach on this program 34:11.600 --> 34:17.760 this little show of ours i don't want to get too harsh here but man oh man i can't believe he just 34:17.760 --> 34:21.040 said that okay let me throw up my favorite slide in my deck 34:23.920 --> 34:28.240 intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the 34:28.240 --> 34:34.320 immune system is dumb why do i say that from a 30 000 foot perspective what i'm saying is is that 34:34.320 --> 34:41.520 the immune system is so impossibly complex that it's absolutely absurd that we have been led to believe 34:41.600 --> 34:48.720 allowed ourselves to be led to believe that pharmaceutical companies without liability 34:48.720 --> 34:54.800 under the protection of the 1986 vaccines act and the protection of an emergency decolared 34:54.800 --> 35:02.800 under the prep act that companies that are producing a lipid nanoparticle coated RNA 35:04.560 --> 35:08.000 know enough about our immune system to usefully augmented 35:08.240 --> 35:16.640 i think it's ridiculous to think that murk without liability really gives a darn about augmenting 35:16.640 --> 35:22.000 our kids immune system against measles mumps and rubella i don't think they care at all 35:24.880 --> 35:30.400 and i'm more i think they know that what they're doing is not really nearly as effective as it could 35:30.400 --> 35:36.000 be if they give a darn if it mattered to them if they were held to strict liability that product 35:36.000 --> 35:40.560 would work in a very different way it would be applied in a very different way it would be applied 35:40.560 --> 35:48.480 in a very different time and in a very different number of times that's the reality 35:52.160 --> 35:56.320 and so i say intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of 35:56.320 --> 36:02.560 augmenting the immune system is dumb to try and make the point that it's probably a very rare case 36:02.560 --> 36:08.320 in our history where the augmentation of the immune system has been done in a very clever 36:08.320 --> 36:12.560 and wow wonderful way when it's been done intramuscularly 36:15.440 --> 36:20.160 not talking about subcutaneous i'm not talking about 36:20.880 --> 36:27.120 variation i'm not talking about oral vaccines can argue all you want about that stuff that's 36:27.120 --> 36:33.600 at least augmenting the immune system at a barrier at the epithelial cells that are normally 36:33.600 --> 36:40.240 affected but once you put it intramuscularly all bets are off it's just dumb 36:41.600 --> 36:46.960 and you better have a darn good immunological explanation and mechanistic understanding of 36:46.960 --> 36:51.600 what you think's happening besides well we put this really toxic substance right next to these 36:51.600 --> 36:56.480 proteins and we hope the toxicity of the substance will be sufficient to attract the immune system 36:56.480 --> 36:59.840 so that it processes those proteins and then we'll have immunity 37:03.840 --> 37:10.160 we don't understand the immune system well enough to usefully augmented and certainly not by 37:10.160 --> 37:14.720 intramuscular injections so think about how funny it is what he says here 37:16.800 --> 37:22.560 question and they they posited that your body gives you a certain period of time to rid yourself 37:23.440 --> 37:27.920 on the immune system you know you could argue this is something that's always sort of perplexed me 37:27.920 --> 37:32.640 at some level it's your immune system that killed you it's not the virus it's your immune 37:32.640 --> 37:38.720 response to the virus it kills you and so and so what he's saying is that the immune system if it 37:38.720 --> 37:47.440 if it goes incorrectly can kill you if the immune system responds incorrectly it could kill you 37:48.320 --> 37:54.000 and so if my argument is correct we don't really know how to usefully augment the immune system 37:54.000 --> 37:59.600 and especially not with intramuscular injection of a combination of substances then why in the world 38:00.240 --> 38:07.840 what a guy who thinks it's kind of funny it's ironic that in the end it's not the the bugs that 38:07.840 --> 38:14.240 kill you it's not the virus that kills you it's the immune response to the virus that we would be so 38:14.320 --> 38:19.360 arrogant in our understanding to think that we could augment it with transfection 38:20.880 --> 38:28.400 expressing a viral protein with a chemically altered codon optimized version of this 38:30.800 --> 38:32.240 produced by bacteria 38:35.680 --> 38:37.520 spectacular arrogance 38:37.840 --> 38:45.600 spectacular arrogance that's based on spectacular arrogance that goes back decades 38:47.120 --> 38:52.400 all the way to when they said we're gonna you know sequence dogs and cats and and genomes 38:54.240 --> 38:59.760 and once we have all these genes you know it's just gonna be a we're it's gonna be a free for all 38:59.760 --> 39:05.600 how many things we're gonna fix and in ten years we'll be using retroviruses to cure childhood 39:05.600 --> 39:13.360 diseases it's all part of the same arrogance it's all part of the same illusion the same 39:13.360 --> 39:22.160 long list of promises made and not kept sales pitch is done by by a generation before this one 39:22.160 --> 39:27.440 by a postdoctoral generation before that one by a postdoctoral generation before that one 39:28.800 --> 39:34.560 writing grants making promises about where we'd be in ten years and why this needs to be done 39:34.640 --> 39:36.080 why this is so important 39:38.720 --> 39:44.240 and the predictions are always about a coming understanding a coming epiphany a coming breakthrough 39:44.960 --> 39:47.920 holy cow where's the breakthrough 39:50.080 --> 39:55.680 where is it where's the cure for cancer the cure for AIDS the cure for malaria where's the cure 39:58.000 --> 40:02.880 where are the cures for all the understanding of all these chronic diseases where is all this 40:03.520 --> 40:04.640 breakthrough happening 40:08.480 --> 40:09.440 where's the evidence 40:11.840 --> 40:14.640 is it all hidden away in the in the patent office 40:18.000 --> 40:26.240 is it all stored away in patents for methodologies at big tech companies pharmaceutical companies 40:26.240 --> 40:31.280 genetics companies sequencing company where where are these advances that are supposed to 40:31.280 --> 40:33.040 make everybody's life so much better 40:38.240 --> 40:42.320 what part of our health reflects this advancement 40:43.680 --> 40:49.520 what part of the the people that you see at target the people that you see at walmart the 40:49.520 --> 40:55.440 people that you see at the gas station what part of that reflects this advanced health care system 40:55.520 --> 40:58.880 of ours it's advanced understanding of our biology 41:02.080 --> 41:08.560 it's nowhere because there is no advanced understanding of our biology here he's he's admitting to it 41:09.440 --> 41:13.280 we don't really know how it works but eventually it's your immune system that kills you 41:14.160 --> 41:15.360 isn't that ironic 41:16.960 --> 41:21.920 begging the question why why would it do that and there was an article years ago in the 41:22.320 --> 41:26.400 internal medicine that sort of tried to look at that question and they they posited that 41:26.960 --> 41:32.400 your body gives you a certain period of time to rid yourself in this case of a virus and if 41:32.400 --> 41:38.560 you're losing then you sort of get culled from the herd so that you don't then affect other people 41:39.520 --> 41:46.160 so we now know that uh it's important look at his smile antiviral look at his smirk 41:46.160 --> 42:00.240 what is this 70 year old man smirking about what is that smirk for get culled from the herd 42:00.240 --> 42:06.160 so the virus and if you're losing then you should have get culled from the herd so that you don't 42:06.160 --> 42:11.120 then affect other people so what he's saying is is that if you don't fight off the virus then 42:11.200 --> 42:16.560 your immune system kills you so that you don't kill the rest of the herd that's what he just said 42:19.520 --> 42:25.040 it seems like a system it's kind of a system to make sure that you know if you're not good enough 42:25.040 --> 42:26.560 you get culled from the herd 42:29.280 --> 42:30.320 look at that face 42:30.640 --> 42:41.440 sorry but that looks like Carl from sling blade yeah i reckon i reckon he culled from the herd if 42:41.440 --> 42:44.640 you he can't find that virus i reckon you be dead 42:50.720 --> 42:55.600 i'm not down with this guy i don't like him i'm sorry i will admit that i don't like him but 42:55.600 --> 43:01.840 more importantly i don't like his message i don't the the commitment the absolutely 43:01.840 --> 43:05.040 spectacular commitment to what he knows our lies 43:10.960 --> 43:16.960 it's really like an unspoken thing they they they they probably never ever say it anymore 43:17.360 --> 43:27.200 but it is a criminal enterprise in america the fda the cdc and the vaccine schedule together 43:27.200 --> 43:39.760 are a criminal enterprise and if you believe that the children are the future then this is the the 43:39.760 --> 43:44.080 awakening that needs to occur as a result of the pandemic nothing else matters 43:47.840 --> 43:52.640 because if we take that out if we take that pillar out if we restore 43:54.240 --> 44:00.800 the 1986 vaccine act to its original form and then augment it to make it better 44:01.760 --> 44:10.400 and we wholly remove the prep acts to strike it from existence as unconstitutional we can rid 44:10.400 --> 44:16.480 ourselves of the who in one fell swoop we can step out of the un whenever we want to we can elect 44:16.480 --> 44:23.200 someone to do that separately but right now the pivotal moment in our history is this pivotal 44:23.200 --> 44:29.280 moment in our history is whether or not we realize that our vaccine schedule when compared to all 44:29.280 --> 44:34.800 other vaccine schedule is absurd and therefore criminal 44:40.560 --> 44:46.080 if your kid goes to school and he starts asking around and says hey how many how many times 44:46.080 --> 44:51.040 a date is your or how many times a week does your dad kick you in the head before bed 44:54.640 --> 44:59.200 and for him the answer is three times a week but for everybody else at school it's like dude my 44:59.200 --> 45:04.560 dad never kicks me in the head well that would be a pretty good sign that what your dad is doing to 45:04.560 --> 45:11.440 you every three or four nights a week is not necessarily very normal and if you compare the 45:11.520 --> 45:18.800 vaccine schedule for American children to the vaccine schedule in Norway or the Netherlands 45:19.440 --> 45:28.720 or Sweden or Spain or Greece Italy what do you find 45:31.840 --> 45:36.320 how many shots before six months how many shots before 64 hours 45:41.520 --> 45:46.080 now you look in closer and closer and closer and you will find that our children are treated 45:46.080 --> 45:51.040 in a way that no other children are treated in the western world 45:54.240 --> 45:59.040 and this man is involved intimately involved in that system for decades 46:00.400 --> 46:05.200 he should be retired but he can't retire because the secret is safe with him 46:05.200 --> 46:13.120 and the people that are coming up that don't understand are all they got they don't have 46:13.120 --> 46:18.400 anybody like him who knows and is willing to do what he's doing right here which is make that 46:18.400 --> 46:25.440 yeah I reckon that reckon face mm-hmm I like french ride taters 46:25.440 --> 46:37.840 oh my gosh it's just disturbing because this is the narrative this is the illusion 46:39.120 --> 46:47.760 so we now know that it's important to give antivirals early in infection to curtail the viral 46:47.840 --> 46:56.320 phase as you say so why even though he was seven days after testing so why are we discussing what 46:56.320 --> 47:01.440 happened with Donald Trump and why are we still going back to remdesivir he's still going back 47:01.440 --> 47:08.320 to the antiviral part of this this whole thing already pushing it back to remdesivir why did we 47:08.320 --> 47:15.440 give him antivirals after after seven days so again here we are we're stopping the train we're 47:15.440 --> 47:20.560 arguing about where we should stand in order to pull the train to a stop where we should chalk 47:20.560 --> 47:29.040 our hands up so that we can push it back going again and so it's this really interesting spell 47:29.040 --> 47:37.120 binding discussion about nothing what had been since again why did we do it after seven days if 47:37.120 --> 47:43.120 we know that we'd already know that antivirals don't work after the viral phase right the viral phase 47:43.680 --> 47:48.960 talking about it as if though it's some kind of textbook fidelity precision we know already 47:48.960 --> 47:55.600 now that the viral phase lasts between 72 and 75 hours and it generally starts in the upper 47:55.600 --> 48:01.520 lungs and blah blah blah they're getting ever more confident in their presentation about what 48:01.520 --> 48:11.600 they know about how this works and it's nonsense listen to this in infection to curtail the viral 48:11.680 --> 48:19.680 phase as you say so why even though he was seven days after testing positive why did they give 48:19.680 --> 48:24.960 him these the remdesivir and the monoclonal so late that's a great question and i think the 48:24.960 --> 48:29.200 answer is because we have very little experience with either of those products even the monoclonal 48:29.200 --> 48:34.880 antibody regeneran or the antiviral remdesivir neither which had been licensed or authorized yet 48:34.880 --> 48:39.760 so you didn't have much data in fact if you look at the early data with remdesivir 48:40.320 --> 48:44.480 one of the first hundred patients or so that was all in hospitalized patients i mean you would have 48:44.480 --> 48:48.880 argued that if you're going to use it you should use it early in people who are at highest risk 48:48.880 --> 48:53.040 of developing severe disease i.e. those people who have the kind of comorbidities that put 48:53.040 --> 48:56.880 them in high risk that's not the way those original studies were done the same thing for 48:56.880 --> 49:01.520 monoclonal antibodies that that's not the way those studies were done so you saw some benefit but 49:01.520 --> 49:07.520 a very mild benefit and so i think we learned as we go but people look at this they think you know 49:07.520 --> 49:12.160 here now we know i got to listen to that again because i've heard him say something silly you should 49:12.160 --> 49:17.680 use it early in people who are at highest risk of developing severe disease so he's arguing there 49:18.000 --> 49:26.400 that remdesivir should be used early 49:32.800 --> 49:38.560 on people at greatest risk 49:42.480 --> 49:46.400 so what does that mean does that mean that he wants to take people into the hospital and 49:46.400 --> 49:51.360 force them to get on an IV of remdesivir for a couple weeks to protect them from COVID 49:51.360 --> 49:58.080 is he kind of thinking like Steve Kirsch was on the Brett Weinstein podcast on June 11th 2021 49:58.080 --> 50:05.600 where he said that if we just forced everyone to take ivermectin and a fluvoxamine for 60 days 50:05.600 --> 50:11.280 that we would be ending the pandemic is that what he's basically saying that if we had done this 50:11.280 --> 50:15.040 we would have saved a bunch of people and if we had to put them on remdesivir we would have saved 50:15.120 --> 50:19.200 a bunch of people is that what he really said because i think that's what i just heard 50:19.760 --> 50:24.400 that's what i reckon i heard him just say we general honor the anti-viral remdesivir 50:24.400 --> 50:28.960 neither which had been licensed or authorized yet so you didn't have much data in fact if you 50:28.960 --> 50:34.480 look at the early data with remdesivir um one of the first hundred patients or so that was all 50:34.480 --> 50:38.160 in hospitalized patients i mean you would have argued that if you're going to use it you should 50:38.160 --> 50:43.200 use it early in people who are at highest risk of developing severe disease i.e. those people 50:43.280 --> 50:47.040 who have the kind of comorbidities that put them in high risk that's not the way those original 50:47.040 --> 50:51.520 studies were done i'll say the thing from monoclonal antibodies okay so what are we talking about 50:51.520 --> 50:57.520 the studies or how they actually should have been used remdesivir was used first on the sahomish 50:57.520 --> 51:04.880 county man the compassionate use of remdesivir was justified by a lot by the paper that was written 51:04.960 --> 51:13.360 by cena bivari and allis and totura in late 2000 or early 2019 about the broad spectrum antivirals 51:13.360 --> 51:17.920 and coronavirus pandemics in predicting every single thing about this narrative including the 51:17.920 --> 51:23.840 fact that remdesivir would be useful and here we are four and a half years later still talking 51:23.840 --> 51:30.960 about remdesivir being useful are you kidding me and then debating about well did it really help 51:31.040 --> 51:37.680 him and i didn't kill trump i guess huh and it wasn't regenerant we barely knew what we were 51:37.680 --> 51:42.240 doing with that stuff i mean you know i think joe really even gave joe rogan that stuff 51:44.880 --> 51:52.480 listen to the way these people talk so that you can hear how the narrative is still being protected 51:52.480 --> 51:57.680 and more importantly this train this train is still being stopped 51:57.680 --> 52:04.480 they are still pretending to discuss things that are relevant that are on this list 52:07.680 --> 52:09.120 that are on this list 52:11.840 --> 52:19.760 and it's crazy but they really are on this list with dexamethasone right here steroids they are 52:19.760 --> 52:26.160 on the list with dexamethasone they are on the list with ventilators and they are on the list 52:26.160 --> 52:35.440 with remdesivir there is not one inkling not one inkling of a hint 52:37.520 --> 52:42.480 in office voice or any of this discussion that remdesivir might have been a mistake 52:43.440 --> 52:45.440 that remdesivir might have killed people 52:47.040 --> 52:52.000 that remdesivir might have been combined with other things to kill people there there is no 52:52.960 --> 53:00.640 no no no even not even a remote chance that that's ever going to come up in this discussion and 53:00.640 --> 53:05.600 quite frankly it's shocking if you think about it but it doesn't come up in very many other 53:05.600 --> 53:11.040 discussions either never mind the opioid epidemic that's gone crazy for the last three years never 53:11.040 --> 53:16.960 mind all of the other things that have gone crazy for the last three years never mind the horrible 53:17.840 --> 53:22.000 horrible things that we've done to our college kids over the last three years 53:22.000 --> 53:24.320 this guy's not going to talk about any of that 53:27.680 --> 53:34.560 he wants you to discuss trumps covid and what really happened during trumps covid 53:36.880 --> 53:42.880 I mean that's incredible that's not the way those studies were not said so you saw some benefit 53:42.880 --> 53:48.800 but a very mild benefit and so I think we learn as we go but people look at this they think you 53:48.800 --> 53:54.400 know here now we know that this is not these products the antiviral the monoclonal are not 53:54.400 --> 53:59.520 going to work well late notice so why did we do that because we learn as we go and I think that 53:59.520 --> 54:03.440 we're largely intolerant of that kind of learning curve it's interesting because 54:04.640 --> 54:09.520 we have a lot of experience with other viral infections we know you have to for influenza you 54:09.520 --> 54:16.960 have to give antivirals within 24 to 48 hours so this whole story during covid really was 54:16.960 --> 54:23.840 fascinating to me that we did clinical trials late in hospitalized patients before I don't 54:23.840 --> 54:29.760 understand why the the light didn't go on earlier I agree with you for me the thing it was much 54:29.760 --> 54:35.440 let's see this is also absorbing the narrative listen to the the the idea that Vincent Rancio's 54:35.440 --> 54:41.760 laughing I don't know why we did these clinical trials so late but of course that this is what 54:41.760 --> 54:47.760 I'm explaining this is what I'm really trying to emphasize with you they did these clinical trials 54:47.760 --> 54:55.600 so badly so that people could argue about them at the time and so that it would make sense for us 54:55.600 --> 55:00.560 to look back and go wow that was really crazy and it would be very easy for somebody like Paul to 55:00.560 --> 55:06.960 say yeah but we didn't know any better that's what we had to work with we were trying to keep 55:06.960 --> 55:11.920 people out of the hospital so that the disease wouldn't spread and we wouldn't get overwhelmed 55:12.560 --> 55:17.440 and so our priorities were different and we were thinking differently and so when we did the trials 55:17.440 --> 55:22.560 we only really had these severe cases to work with because everything else was at home and so 55:22.560 --> 55:27.280 these people were already ready to justify this they just weren't going to justify it two or three 55:27.280 --> 55:34.400 years ago they were going to justify it this year while two or three years ago people on our side 55:34.400 --> 55:40.960 were arguing about the validity of these claims now that the people on our side of Altman convinced 55:40.960 --> 55:44.800 that they're right about the validity of these claims it's time for these people to admit that 55:44.800 --> 55:51.920 some of these claims are right but we couldn't have known back then we didn't know anything back then 55:51.920 --> 55:57.920 and and Vince it makes it funny we knew this about influenza so it's crazy that we didn't know it 55:57.920 --> 56:04.080 about COVID but everybody at the CDC and everybody else was telling us that this was a novel virus 56:04.080 --> 56:10.080 that we knew nothing about and even Paul was telling us that we weren't sure whether we could 56:10.080 --> 56:18.560 build lasting meaningful natural immunity to a virus like this and people on the darkest parts 56:18.640 --> 56:23.440 of the internet were telling us that the spike protein was obviously an amyloidogenic 56:23.440 --> 56:30.320 prionogenic gain-of-function engineered protein tinkered to have parts of the HIV virus in it 56:30.320 --> 56:36.240 and so therefore therefore therefore we were in big trouble 56:39.680 --> 56:47.200 that's how this works look at that smile late in hospitalized patients before I don't understand 56:48.080 --> 56:53.120 why the light didn't go on earlier I agree with you for me the thing that was most upsetting in 56:53.120 --> 56:58.160 that year because that was a terrible year right 2020 I mean the virus came into this country early 56:58.160 --> 57:03.360 in 2020 at least at the first recorded death of sometime around the end of February of 2020 57:03.360 --> 57:07.200 and then a thousand people were dying a day two thousand people were dying a day three thousand 57:07.200 --> 57:11.600 people are dying we had we had two hundred thousand deaths by May we had five hundred thousand deaths 57:11.680 --> 57:18.400 in this country by December I mean we were helpless we had nothing again it was the the antivirals in 57:18.400 --> 57:25.040 October the the monoclonals in wow so he says that we had five hundred thousand deaths by the 57:25.040 --> 57:32.240 December 2020 that's I think that's the craziest number I've ever heard because we're supposed to 57:32.320 --> 57:40.400 have had a million dead at some point but five hundred thousand in 2020 is 57:43.680 --> 57:44.560 that's a lot that's a lot of people let me hear it again 57:44.560 --> 57:49.120 that's a lot of people let me hear it again thousand people were dying a day three thousand 57:49.120 --> 57:53.600 people were dying we and then a thousand people are dying a day two thousand people are dying 57:53.600 --> 57:57.520 a day three thousand people are dying we had we had two hundred thousand deaths by may we had 57:57.520 --> 58:02.880 500,000 deaths in this country by December. I mean, we were helpless. We had nothing. 58:03.520 --> 58:08.960 Again, it was the antivirals in October, the monoclonals in November, and not vaccines, 58:08.960 --> 58:14.560 not until December. So what did we do? We isolated, we quarantined, we masked, we tested. 58:14.560 --> 58:21.200 We wore bandanas, we isolated, we wore goggles in combination with bandanas. We talked about 58:21.200 --> 58:28.960 bushmeat. We got really everybody fired up about the secret formula of prophylactic ivermectin. 58:31.360 --> 58:38.480 Isn't that what you guys were doing? I thought, you know, Alexandros Maranos thought he didn't 58:38.480 --> 58:44.240 really tell anybody this, but in retrospect, it makes a lot of sense that during an emergency, 58:44.240 --> 58:49.040 if you don't have principles, then you don't have principles ever. And it only matters if you 58:49.040 --> 58:55.200 have principles in an emergency. He never really told anybody that, and he didn't have principles 58:55.200 --> 59:02.240 during it, but if he worked it out later, then the right thing would have been to have principles 59:02.240 --> 59:08.880 during the emergency. And so I'm not blaming anybody for giving up their principles because 59:09.440 --> 59:16.240 these people were brutal, and they had us before the pandemic already. We didn't even really know it. 59:17.200 --> 59:23.040 But what I find very frustrating is the people who are doubling down and tripling down on this idea 59:23.040 --> 59:28.400 that we need to be governed by this mythology, that they won't either won't see through it or, 59:28.400 --> 59:35.360 more importantly, are very happy not to see through it for their overlords, for their slavers that they work for, 59:35.360 --> 59:38.480 whoever it is that they've decided to sell their soul to. 59:38.480 --> 59:52.080 I've given my soul to my wife, if there was anything to give, and a long, long, long, long, long, long, 59:52.080 --> 59:56.240 long, long, long, long, long, long time ago, when I was a very little kid, I already gave my soul to God. 59:56.640 --> 01:00:03.040 So I know exactly what I'm fighting for. 01:00:05.040 --> 01:00:12.000 And I'm totally fine with whatever anybody, however anybody made their hundreds of millions of dollars. 01:00:12.000 --> 01:00:14.240 I'm all fine with it. I don't care, Paul, 01:00:18.160 --> 01:00:23.920 but I do care if my kids grow up thinking that that's not that that's an okay guy. 01:00:24.880 --> 01:00:31.200 I do care if my the college kids grow up thinking that this is an okay guy, 01:00:31.200 --> 01:00:36.320 the college kids grow up thinking that that these technologies are high fidelity, 01:00:36.320 --> 01:00:40.480 that these ideas are well understood, that these concepts are well founded. 01:00:41.760 --> 01:00:43.040 We can't let that happen. 01:00:44.480 --> 01:00:49.680 We're never going to be able to change the mind of somebody who's been in this field for 35 years. 01:00:49.680 --> 01:00:54.080 We're never going to be able to change the mind of somebody who's millions of dollars 01:00:54.080 --> 01:01:00.080 are dependent on these ideas remaining intact. We're never going to change their mind. And in fact, 01:01:01.680 --> 01:01:06.080 the more that there are hundreds of millions of dollars are dependent on this mythology, 01:01:06.080 --> 01:01:11.040 the more likely they are to behave irrationally, the more likely they are to call you something 01:01:11.040 --> 01:01:16.240 like chemtrail retarded, the more likely they are to be connected to people like Mitt Romney 01:01:16.800 --> 01:01:22.800 through their business, the more likely they are to connect to Tom Ridge through their business, 01:01:23.360 --> 01:01:29.440 the more likely they are to be connected to health and human services contracts for pathogen tests, 01:01:31.120 --> 01:01:37.280 the more likely they are to be connected to anything to do with this biotechnology, 01:01:37.280 --> 01:01:42.880 biosecurity state that we are being ushered into that started all the way back in the 01:01:42.880 --> 01:01:50.080 special cancer virus program, transitioned into the HIV stuff, transitioned into the human genome 01:01:50.080 --> 01:01:58.080 project. It's all one continuous line of parallel investigation between biotechnology and bioweaponary 01:01:58.080 --> 01:02:05.120 and biosecurity technology. Trying to crack the human genome has been our goal for a very, very 01:02:05.120 --> 01:02:12.800 long time. And we've needed to have the computing power and the sampling power and the algorithmic 01:02:12.960 --> 01:02:19.920 power and the sequencing capabilities in order to even attempt to get to the starting gates. 01:02:24.080 --> 01:02:28.640 And this guy's been around for a long time, probably not involved in that stuff, but involved 01:02:28.640 --> 01:02:37.920 in the security measure control measures that is public health. 25 years he's been working on 01:02:37.920 --> 01:02:48.640 vaccines like a rotavirus vaccine. Really? Really? I mean, really? 01:02:54.800 --> 01:03:02.160 I'm just tired of the fake altruism. I'm tired of the fake sainthood. I'm tired of the the fake 01:03:03.040 --> 01:03:08.640 respect and love for the sacred. I'm tired of the fake reverence. There's no reverence here. 01:03:10.640 --> 01:03:13.520 There's no reverence in many of the people that I oppose. 01:03:17.520 --> 01:03:21.840 And that's the part that I find most frustrating. You know, you look at a guy like Jim Thorpe, 01:03:21.840 --> 01:03:25.760 you know, he might be wrong about some of the biology. He might be deceived by a lot of these 01:03:25.760 --> 01:03:31.840 people because his details and his biological understanding are not really there. But man, 01:03:31.840 --> 01:03:37.360 oh man, does that guy have an appreciation for the sacred? As a man has been taking care of 01:03:37.360 --> 01:03:42.160 pregnant women and birthing babies his whole life, the guy knows what sacred is. 01:03:46.640 --> 01:03:51.760 And so he's a very dangerous card in this deck too because if he starts to figure out what we know, 01:03:51.760 --> 01:03:57.280 he could be incredibly dangerous because he will be able to express that reverence for the 01:03:57.280 --> 01:04:04.400 sacred in a way that few others can. And right now they have him pretty well locked into the idea 01:04:04.400 --> 01:04:08.800 that there was a novel virus that really meant something to lots and lots and millions of people 01:04:08.800 --> 01:04:15.360 like he just said. 500,000 people in a year were killed by the coronavirus according to Paul Offit 01:04:15.360 --> 01:04:27.120 today. 500,000 people in United States in a year. Wow. Where are the bodies? That's a really 01:04:27.120 --> 01:04:31.920 big stadium full of bodies, like a really big stadium full of bodies. 01:04:36.720 --> 01:04:38.880 All right, let's listen to the rest. I gotta do a bit. 01:04:38.880 --> 01:04:44.400 It's fantastic. We shuttered schools. We closed businesses. We restricted travel. That's all we 01:04:44.400 --> 01:04:49.920 could do was try and limit human human interaction for a virus. It was transmitted largely asymptomatically. 01:04:50.640 --> 01:04:54.960 We were stuck. But the thing that upsets me the most was the convalescent sera 01:04:54.960 --> 01:04:59.280 because we hadn't expanded. I wanted to just point out something in a textbook I was reading 01:04:59.280 --> 01:05:03.760 today. I just thought it would be kind of cool now that he says that particular thing. 01:05:05.200 --> 01:05:10.400 I wonder if you would allow me to read a little bit of a textbook for you today. 01:05:14.080 --> 01:05:16.960 I don't know if I'm going to be able to find this thing right away. Let me see. 01:05:25.600 --> 01:05:32.480 Where was this part? Maybe I have to look it up by that number letter. 01:05:35.680 --> 01:05:41.680 I almost saw it, including there, Nate, there, Nate. Oh man, where am I going to find it? Am I 01:05:41.680 --> 01:05:47.360 going to be able to find it? I gotta look up this one. Okay, I'll just, I'll look it up. Hold 01:05:47.440 --> 01:05:58.000 out. I'm going to find it. What did it say? Control F and I don't want that one. 01:06:00.560 --> 01:06:05.840 Okay, look for that one. Okay, and that. 01:06:06.320 --> 01:06:18.800 Let me see. Come on, Jay. You had it all tagged out and now I don't have it tagged out anymore. 01:06:19.600 --> 01:06:22.960 Maybe I have to open the other one. Did I save the other one? 01:06:26.160 --> 01:06:32.000 That's the huge PDF. I don't have the small PDF. So I have a whole, it's a whole book. It's 01:06:32.480 --> 01:06:37.280 28 chapters and I'm looking at the coronavirus chapter and there was a part in the coronavirus 01:06:37.280 --> 01:06:47.120 chapter. Might be at the top here. This is coronavirus, right? It's 28, 20, I just do. I'm 01:06:47.120 --> 01:06:50.400 going to wait too far. Okay, I'm going to move it over here so you can see what I'm doing. This is 01:06:50.400 --> 01:06:58.240 probably really annoying. Here we go. This is a PDF. I'm going to get to chapter 28 here. 01:07:02.320 --> 01:07:05.840 How did I get so far away? What is this? 01:07:23.600 --> 01:07:30.160 Well, come on. Really? I didn't mean to get this far. Here we go. Okay. This is coronavirus. 01:07:32.160 --> 01:07:37.680 What it says here, maybe I have to go up this far. So first of all, they've got the clones in here 01:07:37.680 --> 01:07:42.720 that we can talk about a little bit and how they're made. They talk a lot about how it's done. They 01:07:42.720 --> 01:07:51.600 talk about why it's necessary and why it's so handy. There's a prevalence thing in here somewhere 01:07:51.680 --> 01:07:56.400 where I read, which I thought was really cool. It's said that 01:07:59.440 --> 01:08:09.360 look at this. The remaining four just listen, I mean, just get this. The remaining four human 01:08:09.360 --> 01:08:16.960 coronaviruses, the alpha coronaviruses, human coronavirus 229E and NL 63 and the beta coronaviruses, OC 43 01:08:17.040 --> 01:08:21.440 and HKU 1 typically cause common colds. Remarkably, 01:08:23.920 --> 01:08:29.760 human coronavirus NL 63 and human coronavirus HKU were only discovered recently in the post 01:08:30.480 --> 01:08:36.880 SARS era despite the fact that each has a worldwide prevalence and has been in circulation for a 01:08:36.880 --> 01:08:49.040 long time. So how would we differentiate between a novel spreading pathogen and a pathogen that 01:08:49.040 --> 01:08:54.560 already had previous indemnicity that was already in the background that we didn't even notice that 01:08:54.560 --> 01:09:02.080 we didn't even detect until recently? And how would we know how many of these viruses had been 01:09:02.160 --> 01:09:07.440 detected in the background as part of a compliment of RNA signals that are just there all the time 01:09:08.880 --> 01:09:13.200 that we still really haven't been able to get a good solid read on because people like Nathan 01:09:13.200 --> 01:09:19.600 Wolf of Tonus said it's just like a dark matter of life down there, dark matter of DNA and RNA, 01:09:20.560 --> 01:09:27.280 genetic noise inside of which are hidden new life forms. How do we know that they haven't 01:09:27.280 --> 01:09:34.480 hyper characterized that whole background signal at that size scale? Just like that says right there 01:09:34.480 --> 01:09:40.320 that these viruses were there in the background. Did I spin it out of control and lose it? 01:09:46.160 --> 01:09:52.000 Remarkably, they were only discovered recently despite the fact that each has a worldwide prevalence. 01:09:52.960 --> 01:10:00.000 Well, how could something have a worldwide prevalence in us not know it? How many more things could 01:10:00.000 --> 01:10:04.880 be have a worldwide prevalence, but we wouldn't have known because we just didn't pay attention 01:10:04.880 --> 01:10:11.760 because we have common colds all the time. How many of them are enteric viruses that work in our 01:10:11.760 --> 01:10:18.480 guts that we never notice because a little diarrhea is not a big deal in America where half the time 01:10:18.480 --> 01:10:25.360 you're eating from fast food or restaurants, right? Hello? So how would you know if you had 01:10:25.360 --> 01:10:33.760 an entera virus that was a coronavirus and how would you really know? I mean, if you're drinking 01:10:33.760 --> 01:10:39.440 five nights a week after work, you're drinking lots of coffee during the day, I don't know what you do, 01:10:39.440 --> 01:10:44.320 I don't know what you eat, but how many people would ever think that, wow, maybe I have a little gut 01:10:44.320 --> 01:10:51.440 virus. Maybe I have a a phage working in my microbiome. Maybe that's why I have diarrhea. 01:10:51.440 --> 01:10:59.040 Nobody ever thinks that. And yet here's a here's a whole here's a whole chapter about how half of 01:10:59.040 --> 01:11:03.600 the coronaviruses in the world are actually gut coronaviruses. They replicate in the gut 01:11:04.160 --> 01:11:12.960 endothelium and epithelium rather, not not in the skin, not not in the in the lungs, but in the gut 01:11:12.960 --> 01:11:15.760 because there's a lot of there's a lot of epithelium there too. 01:11:18.880 --> 01:11:24.880 And now this this whole chapter has all kinds of hidden gems in it, all kinds of hidden gems 01:11:25.520 --> 01:11:31.680 which make it very obvious that what what has been done in this argument is a confounding 01:11:33.760 --> 01:11:39.680 where they claim such a high fidelity of understanding of coronavirus and a high fidelity 01:11:39.760 --> 01:11:45.600 understanding of everything at this size scale with regard to DNA and RNA as pathogenic as 01:11:45.600 --> 01:11:53.440 external signals. And they have been lying about it for decades, even as their understanding has 01:11:53.440 --> 01:11:59.680 ever expanded into also this size scale, including all kinds, maybe even a predominance of endogenous 01:11:59.680 --> 01:12:08.560 signaling. We don't care because the public health mythology under which we are intended to be 01:12:08.560 --> 01:12:12.160 governed has no room for those signals has no room for that biology. 01:12:14.880 --> 01:12:23.600 We are going to be exclusively taught the biology of of correlates of immunity, the biology of 01:12:23.600 --> 01:12:34.720 vaccines being a a a masterwork of human ingenuity and the literal cutting edge of of evidence so 01:12:34.800 --> 01:12:39.360 evidential understanding of how our body works and it's an absolute absurdity. 01:12:40.160 --> 01:12:44.080 But that's what we're teaching our kids that's what we're teaching our kids in in medical school. 01:12:46.560 --> 01:12:51.840 So it is it is a red alert situation right now and Paul Offit is the great example of it where 01:12:51.840 --> 01:13:01.040 they have this really beyond retirement age person selling what should have been already a retired 01:13:01.040 --> 01:13:04.480 version of immunology from a bygone era. 01:13:07.120 --> 01:13:11.600 And that's why they have him and Vincent still selling it. There are no young people who can 01:13:11.600 --> 01:13:17.200 understand this in a coherent way. They need people like this to keep them on track, 01:13:17.200 --> 01:13:20.640 otherwise they will eventually reason their way out of it just like we did. 01:13:20.640 --> 01:13:31.280 Access program for that people did give that give generously I think it's one of the many 01:13:31.280 --> 01:13:36.240 bright lights of this pandemic people were perfectly willing to give their blood and serum to help 01:13:36.240 --> 01:13:40.800 others but we didn't do those studies the right way that original Mayo Clinic receiving study was 01:13:40.800 --> 01:13:46.000 in hospitalized patients. There's no reason we couldn't have done that done that earlier and the 01:13:46.000 --> 01:13:51.200 estimates are that we probably would have saved at least 20 to 30,000 lives early on. 01:13:51.200 --> 01:13:54.720 Hopefully the next pandemic will remember that you know. 01:13:56.000 --> 01:14:02.720 I hope so. The next pandemic. So I'm actually impressed that his physicians gave him dexamethasone. 01:14:02.720 --> 01:14:08.640 So what were they thinking for? Right. The thinking was let's suppress his immune system. 01:14:08.640 --> 01:14:14.720 And you know it's a slippery slope because on the one hand it is your immune system 01:14:14.720 --> 01:14:19.760 that saves you in the sense, right? I mean antibodies you know prevent virus cell binding, 01:14:19.760 --> 01:14:26.000 antibodies were made by B cells. The T cells T helper cells help B cells make antibodies 01:14:26.000 --> 01:14:33.440 and then cytotoxic T cells which also respond fairly rapidly and well when you're severely ill. 01:14:33.440 --> 01:14:38.480 Also kill virus infected cells. And so that's something that he didn't say in 2020. 01:14:39.440 --> 01:14:44.800 Nobody on his team even in 2021 was talking about cytotoxic T cells. 01:14:44.800 --> 01:14:51.200 And in fact I think I did my first real twib presentation about him saying the cytotoxic T cells 01:14:51.200 --> 01:14:59.600 were most important in 2022. After I'd been teaching it for two years because why was I teaching it? 01:14:59.680 --> 01:15:09.360 Because Stanley Perlman really is his seminal papers in 2003 and five after the SARS outbreak 01:15:09.360 --> 01:15:15.040 were papers that demonstrated that T cells and cytotoxic T cells aimed at conserved regions. 01:15:16.160 --> 01:15:24.400 The end protein and and open reading frame one A were the site though the cells that were important 01:15:24.400 --> 01:15:32.320 in my surviving a laboratory infection of SARS and without those T cells antibodies didn't matter. 01:15:33.760 --> 01:15:39.200 Stanley Perlman the guy who sat on the who's committee on coronavirus Stanley Perlman is the 01:15:39.760 --> 01:15:46.800 the elder statesman of coronavirus in America and that guy never ever ever talks about this stuff 01:15:46.800 --> 01:15:55.040 because he is intimately aware that the immunology has been wholly misrepresented inverted as though 01:15:55.040 --> 01:16:00.560 antibodies are first when antibodies are last and he knows that he's in he's a sufficiently 01:16:01.200 --> 01:16:08.080 well well studied coronavirus biologist that he understands the immunology he did the T cell 01:16:08.080 --> 01:16:14.560 studies. That's probably why Stanley's not involved in this stuff because Stanley's own 01:16:15.520 --> 01:16:20.880 research shows that they're immune correlate their correlate of immunity antibodies is irrelevant 01:16:21.440 --> 01:16:29.520 and couldn't save the mice in any of his papers so here we are again absorbing a little bit or at 01:16:29.520 --> 01:16:34.320 least turning around and saying yeah I always said that of course their response of course T cells 01:16:34.320 --> 01:16:42.240 are important but he still said it in the wrong order he still told you antibodies before B cells 01:16:42.320 --> 01:16:49.280 before T cells and then finally he said cytotoxic T cells even though cytotoxic T cells are 01:16:49.280 --> 01:16:55.200 activated pretty early in the chain and definitely earlier than B cells because B cells need the 01:16:55.200 --> 01:17:02.000 circulation of the antigen that activates them before T cells can help them to get fully activated 01:17:02.000 --> 01:17:10.320 and go into plasma division plasma cell divisions. This is the linked recognition part that we covered 01:17:10.320 --> 01:17:14.800 again already three years ago many many many many many times for a year and a half 01:17:16.160 --> 01:17:22.720 to try and explain how the basic immune system works the basic immune response to an antigen 01:17:22.720 --> 01:17:29.440 set works because that's pretty darn important it's much more important than saying amyloid and 01:17:29.440 --> 01:17:36.560 prion over and over again and pointing at little sections of the spike protein saying that this 01:17:37.120 --> 01:17:41.120 program or that program says that these sequences are amyloidogenic 01:17:43.840 --> 01:17:48.640 without ever doing any experiment at all you know something really easy like let's say 01:17:48.640 --> 01:17:53.200 make a synthetic spike protein without those sequences in it because that's pretty easy to do 01:17:53.200 --> 01:17:57.920 and then do the same experiment with the spike protein getting transfected in cell culture 01:17:57.920 --> 01:18:03.040 and show me there's nothing like you showed in the other culture but they don't do those kinds 01:18:03.120 --> 01:18:06.640 of experiments here we don't do control experiments here 01:18:09.600 --> 01:18:13.600 because control experiments would reveal the fraud 01:18:16.320 --> 01:18:24.720 so we don't do controls on vaccines and we hide behind ethics we don't can do controls on the 01:18:24.720 --> 01:18:34.880 transfection because we hide behind ethics and they paid people they encouraged people to come 01:18:34.880 --> 01:18:41.280 out and talk about how bad the spike protein was how it was evidence of a laboratory pathogen how 01:18:41.280 --> 01:18:50.160 hey fear and cleavage site is just so so freaking important so important is the spike protein so 01:18:50.160 --> 01:18:56.880 so very important 01:18:59.200 --> 01:19:03.120 oh i closed it sorry but in that same in that same 01:19:04.800 --> 01:19:14.160 chapter number 28 in fields virology sixth edition where you can find all kinds of discussion about 01:19:14.160 --> 01:19:19.440 how important it is that they finally learned how to make infectious material using DNA clones 01:19:20.960 --> 01:19:25.360 how it's revolutionized the study of RNA viruses and coronaviruses in particular 01:19:26.880 --> 01:19:31.680 there's a couple different paragraphs about how it's very common in several different sub-families 01:19:32.240 --> 01:19:39.520 for there to be an s1 s2 junction that's cleavable by a fear and like cleavage fear and like protease 01:19:41.680 --> 01:19:47.600 now it may be true that in this particular group of coronaviruses like SARS coronaviruses given 01:19:47.600 --> 01:19:53.360 their genetic classification scheme have never shown a fear and cleavage site but the idea that 01:19:53.360 --> 01:20:04.800 it's odd the idea that it's crazy in that book in that book there are 815 different references 01:20:04.800 --> 01:20:11.360 to fear and proteases fear and proteases are important in so many different viruses it's actually 01:20:11.360 --> 01:20:17.280 kind of absurd to think that you would ever argue that a fear and cleavage site in a coronavirus is 01:20:17.280 --> 01:20:25.120 definitely an indication of a of a lab leak 01:20:26.720 --> 01:20:31.040 what's really absurd is the people who said it at the beginning of 2020 01:20:32.400 --> 01:20:36.080 wasn't virologists it wasn't innocent virologists all around the world 01:20:36.880 --> 01:20:37.760 it was weirdos 01:20:40.160 --> 01:20:42.720 it was people that had no business knowing that 01:20:43.360 --> 01:20:51.760 people that are now messing with with families that were that that that lost a member of their family to 01:20:51.760 --> 01:20:57.680 remdesivir are being messed with and manipulated by people who at the very beginning somehow knew 01:20:57.680 --> 01:21:01.520 that the spike protein and its fear and cleavage site was a real big thing to talk about 01:21:03.440 --> 01:21:09.040 some people were absolutely convinced that the fear and cleavage site of the spike protein was 01:21:09.040 --> 01:21:15.920 the thing to talk about from february 2020 onward and they didn't talk about anything else 01:21:19.200 --> 01:21:24.080 it's not that i think that luke montenier is wrong he was shown the sequence and said well 01:21:24.080 --> 01:21:28.480 that sequence was obviously made on a keyboard made in a laboratory designed exactly the way 01:21:28.480 --> 01:21:33.760 they wanted it to and he was already aware that they could use just PCR they could just kind of print 01:21:33.760 --> 01:21:40.640 it we have that technology we can make it that's why there was a process one in a process two and 01:21:40.640 --> 01:21:45.360 they're now making a big deal about the fact that process one would have been a lot cleaner than 01:21:45.360 --> 01:21:52.560 process two these aren't surprising things these are things that kevin mccurnan knew from the very 01:21:52.560 --> 01:21:57.360 beginning could have known from the very beginning has known from the very beginning brought out 01:21:57.440 --> 01:22:01.440 incrementally from the very beginning that's why he was on my podcast twice 01:22:04.560 --> 01:22:08.960 because he kept bringing it out a little more letting a little more out trying to give a 01:22:08.960 --> 01:22:13.200 little bit more rope hoping that's all i would need so that i would shut up and stop looking 01:22:13.200 --> 01:22:18.320 into this anymore and focus on the fact that the shots were going to hurt people because the 01:22:18.320 --> 01:22:22.560 RNA wasn't pure and eventually oh my gosh there's DNA in it too 01:22:23.280 --> 01:22:29.360 and maybe they could finally get me off the idea that transfection by itself in its 01:22:29.360 --> 01:22:37.520 purest form is really really dumb for healthy humans maybe they could just keep me focused on 01:22:37.520 --> 01:22:42.080 the spike protein and gain a function long enough so that they could get this through 01:22:42.080 --> 01:22:46.080 and that that i would get in the book and then i would just shut my mouth and take the fame 01:22:46.320 --> 01:22:53.200 but no they were wrong i decided to shoot myself in the foot admit that i got it wrong and admit 01:22:53.200 --> 01:22:57.440 that i was trying to get it in the book but i couldn't get it in the book because it was too 01:22:57.440 --> 01:23:02.560 late and when i figured it out it just didn't it didn't work that that's not the narrative 01:23:02.560 --> 01:23:05.680 they want to tell they didn't want to end the book with but it's all a lie 01:23:08.880 --> 01:23:13.840 or don't don't forget that you have to consider that it's all a lie that's in there and it's a 01:23:13.840 --> 01:23:19.840 quote from me that they wouldn't even need a virus anymore to do this and they didn't need 01:23:19.840 --> 01:23:28.880 a virus in 2020 because as the book fields of virology in the chapter written by Stanley 01:23:28.880 --> 01:23:36.880 Perlman chapter 28 there is a sentence that says remarkably these two coronaviruses were 01:23:36.880 --> 01:23:45.360 discovered after SARS even though they have a worldwide prevalence and have been in circulation 01:23:45.360 --> 01:23:55.840 for a long time so just the insistence alone that Paul Offit would make that Kevin McCurnan would 01:23:55.840 --> 01:24:02.880 make that this virus wasn't around until 2019 and it's just a matter of how early did it come out 01:24:02.880 --> 01:24:11.760 so that we can explain some of this phylogeny that is wrong we have evidence in the virology 01:24:11.760 --> 01:24:17.360 textbooks that tell us that there are coronaviruses in circulation that we were never aware of that 01:24:17.360 --> 01:24:22.640 we never found that we never tracked that have always been there that have a worldwide prevalence 01:24:25.280 --> 01:24:30.480 and Kevin McCurnan himself admitted it in a stream with me that all we had to really do is 01:24:30.480 --> 01:24:36.880 turn on the PCR and we would have seen patterns of viruses moving through the population and so 01:24:36.880 --> 01:24:44.080 that's what we did you can't discount that that's what we did you can't discount that that's what we 01:24:44.080 --> 01:24:50.480 did then you look in his blog and you will see that he's talking about how this is not a blog about 01:24:50.480 --> 01:24:57.440 whether or not the pandemic was more significant than the pandemic or whether the iatrogenic murder 01:24:57.440 --> 01:25:04.160 was more significant than the the virus this is about clones and about the swarm 01:25:05.360 --> 01:25:11.040 because he knows that that discussion is a losing discussion that discussion is a losing discussion 01:25:11.040 --> 01:25:16.880 because it involves doing this math that i keep telling you none of these people will ever do 01:25:18.400 --> 01:25:20.000 they won't do this math here 01:25:20.400 --> 01:25:29.280 do you think that that that that we're ever going to do this math with Kevin McCurnan 01:25:34.560 --> 01:25:39.120 i mean he's gonna he's gonna wave away the idea that no i mean yeah but there was def i mean 01:25:39.120 --> 01:25:46.560 there's 15 million sequences that he says prove that there was a novel virus that millions of 01:25:46.560 --> 01:25:50.640 people died from and millions more were saved from and probably came from gain of function 01:25:50.640 --> 01:25:58.240 because clones can spread forever or clones can spread or do the same thing that natural viruses 01:25:58.240 --> 01:26:04.400 do i guess is his argument and since there's no swarm because the swarm is pretty high fidelity 01:26:05.040 --> 01:26:10.160 then Jay's argument about clones is wrong and that they don't end up not even related to each other 01:26:10.560 --> 01:26:16.880 if i find four coronavirus textbooks behind me that say that coronaviruses are high enough 01:26:16.880 --> 01:26:22.080 fidelity so that the quasi-species swarm is just a theory that's never been confirmed 01:26:22.080 --> 01:26:27.200 it's not going to change my mind about the fact that clones are a really really really really 01:26:27.200 --> 01:26:34.240 easy handy proven existing way already existing for many many years maybe even decades 01:26:34.800 --> 01:26:39.280 of getting the same sequence in the same and multiple places at the same time 01:26:40.560 --> 01:26:46.720 which whether you like it or not whether Kevin McCurnan Karen or Kevin McCurnan like it or not 01:26:49.600 --> 01:26:55.360 that is the basis of the pandemic the basis of the pandemic is simultaneous molecular signals 01:26:55.360 --> 01:27:01.920 around the world that confirmed or conformed to the virus signal that was purported to be found in 01:27:02.000 --> 01:27:08.880 Wuhan they sequenced the guy in Washington state and said that it was a sequence that was exactly 01:27:08.880 --> 01:27:14.160 the same as the one in Wuhan therefore ergo pandemic started 01:27:18.720 --> 01:27:19.760 that's how that worked 01:27:22.720 --> 01:27:28.160 and you'll find other examples that are the same thing they justify this is further evidence that 01:27:28.160 --> 01:27:35.920 a pandemic is underway and how would we differentiate that between that and HKU1 turning on the 01:27:35.920 --> 01:27:42.560 testing we couldn't just like Kevin McCurnan or Kevin McCurnan admitted we couldn't that's 01:27:42.560 --> 01:27:48.800 exactly what we could have done that's exactly what we probably did the only question is did we use 01:27:48.800 --> 01:27:54.960 clones to make the signal stronger did we use the clones to to craft the signal to push it around 01:27:55.600 --> 01:28:00.640 to amplify it to have it show up in a couple places to make an excuse to orchestrate mass 01:28:00.640 --> 01:28:05.600 casualty events and to put the military wherever those sequences showed up I don't know 01:28:09.200 --> 01:28:13.280 but we definitely need to ask all those questions we definitely need to ask all those questions 01:28:13.280 --> 01:28:18.640 because these people are going to make it until they're going to keep going until the live becomes 01:28:18.640 --> 01:28:27.120 the truth so when you give steroids you're suppressing the immune system and so so there is 01:28:27.120 --> 01:28:31.760 that sort of double-edged sword there but they did give that that's not which saved his life 01:28:32.400 --> 01:28:37.280 I don't think that's what Dr. Dr. I don't think that's what former president Trump thought saved 01:28:37.280 --> 01:28:41.520 his life I think he said he thought it was the Regeneron but it was a that that's a method 01:28:41.520 --> 01:28:46.320 of theory you had these two products which were not and so there he's serious he's totally dead 01:28:46.320 --> 01:28:53.440 serious it wasn't remdesivir it wasn't the monoclonal Regeneron it was actually dexamethasone 01:28:53.440 --> 01:28:59.440 and so here we are four years into this discussion we're not talking about the fact that he also 01:28:59.440 --> 01:29:03.840 took hydroxychloroquine I believe and so that will be something that behind the scenes we're 01:29:03.840 --> 01:29:08.880 supposed to argue about hey wait a minute I thought I thought Donald Trump was on hydroxychloroquine 01:29:08.880 --> 01:29:13.200 I think that that that they're covering that up I bet they're covering that up you know 01:29:13.200 --> 01:29:17.200 Stephen Hadfield's writing a book about that I'm sure that they're covering that up it was 01:29:17.200 --> 01:29:24.560 probably hydroxychloroquine that would be the ideal response from the perspective of the narrative 01:29:24.560 --> 01:29:30.800 controllers for us to think we're extra clever for seeing this one thing that wasn't there this 01:29:30.800 --> 01:29:37.360 is part of the Scooby-Doo as well following the fake footprints following the fake set of clues 01:29:37.360 --> 01:29:40.960 and adding it up to the come to the conclusion that they want us to come to 01:29:42.480 --> 01:29:47.120 where is the discussion about the antibiotics when the very first thing that he admitted was 01:29:47.120 --> 01:29:55.040 Trump had severe pneumonia they Trump had severe pneumonia that they treated with remdesivir 01:29:55.040 --> 01:29:56.160 Henry Genaron 01:29:59.520 --> 01:30:00.720 and dexamethasone 01:30:04.000 --> 01:30:04.800 think about that 01:30:07.040 --> 01:30:13.040 liars quite yet authorized but you had another product which was available since 1957 01:30:13.040 --> 01:30:18.080 that ultimately probably saved his life so even though the use of decks in 01:30:18.720 --> 01:30:24.960 covid was not very uh established the physicians knew from other infections that it could be useful 01:30:24.960 --> 01:30:31.520 right exactly and it is it universally suppresses your immune system it suppresses all aspects of 01:30:31.520 --> 01:30:37.200 your immune system B cells T cells neutrophils all aspects of your immune system would say blunt 01:30:37.200 --> 01:30:43.360 instrument if you will but in this case an effective one and so if they had given it to him early that 01:30:43.360 --> 01:30:48.160 would have been bad right exactly because early you want you know what that's right 01:30:48.160 --> 01:30:54.080 Vilma that is right they were on video laughing about how dexamethasone was killing people you 01:30:54.080 --> 01:31:01.680 are right wow that's a really good catch thank you very much for that that's a really good catch 01:31:01.680 --> 01:31:04.720 i need to find that video again because you're totally right about that 01:31:06.960 --> 01:31:10.000 come on dumpin 01:31:23.200 --> 01:31:28.960 yeah they were really laughing about that wow we're so glad you remembered that that is crazy indeed 01:31:29.920 --> 01:31:37.600 that is crazy viral replication is king king um you want to be able to make antibodies you 01:31:37.600 --> 01:31:41.600 want to be able to make you know T cells that you know kill virus affected cells and i think 01:31:41.600 --> 01:31:47.120 the degree that you suppress that is the degree which you only allow viral replication to continue 01:31:47.120 --> 01:31:54.960 massively now if president trump were to be infected today test positive what what should 01:31:55.040 --> 01:32:00.800 be done so if former president trump were infected today i think what what he should do 01:32:00.800 --> 01:32:07.680 because he is he's older he's now 77 he is um he's overweight he should take pax lobin as soon 01:32:07.680 --> 01:32:13.360 as he knows that he's infected personal he should he should test immediately if he has respiratory 01:32:13.360 --> 01:32:19.120 symptoms and if he's if he's coven positive he should treat himself with pax lobin and so that 01:32:19.120 --> 01:32:24.320 would need he would need to take pax lobed what within the first five days of testing is that the 01:32:24.400 --> 01:32:30.400 guidance yes and the preferably in the first three days yes right now as you know very well 01:32:30.400 --> 01:32:36.880 there's a lot of backlash against pax lobin there's this idea that somehow it's involved in 01:32:36.880 --> 01:32:42.000 what's been called rebound which is no nothing other than the inflammatory phase of the infection 01:32:42.000 --> 01:32:48.880 so do you think that his his physicians would be immune to that uh that that bias i hope we've 01:32:48.880 --> 01:32:53.280 learned enough now to realize that as you move into the second stage of illness and your immune 01:32:53.280 --> 01:32:57.440 system starts to take over and then your symptoms works and that that's what's happening when you 01:32:57.440 --> 01:33:02.080 when you finish your course of pax lobin you're just entering your second stage of illness um 01:33:02.080 --> 01:33:06.880 there is no such thing as pax lobin rebound there's you can call it coven rebound but it's not even 01:33:06.880 --> 01:33:11.520 rebound really you're just moving into that second stage of illness i hope we we've uh put 01:33:11.520 --> 01:33:16.240 an end to that i think with where pax lobin um where we suffered with pax lobin because there are 01:33:16.240 --> 01:33:20.960 a lot of people who are admitted to the hospital and a lot of people who die who whose deaths could 01:33:21.040 --> 01:33:25.040 have been prevented by treating early so i think one is what you said this sort of 01:33:25.040 --> 01:33:29.920 fear of this false notion of pax lobin rebound but the others pax lobin does have many drug 01:33:29.920 --> 01:33:35.200 drug interactions and i think for for some physicians they think you know let's just just 01:33:35.200 --> 01:33:39.120 forget it there's all these drug drug interactions but it's always a matter of relative risk and 01:33:39.120 --> 01:33:44.640 is it okay to stop one of those drugs for a few days while you're taking you know pax lobin because 01:33:44.640 --> 01:33:49.680 pax lobin was going to have a greater chance of saving your life and stopping those drugs would 01:33:49.680 --> 01:33:55.920 cause you to to die so i think we're not in that way relative risk or benefits because i think 01:33:55.920 --> 01:34:02.080 there are a lot of that is just spectacular he is actually advocating for pausing other 01:34:03.360 --> 01:34:11.280 perhaps effective medications useful medications addictive or or medications that their bodies 01:34:11.280 --> 01:34:18.400 are used to for a short period of time in order to take pax lobin to avoid drug and drug to drug 01:34:18.400 --> 01:34:25.680 interactions with it well that's just that's just hilarious because that's also just making 01:34:25.680 --> 01:34:31.760 this spectacular assumption that you know i'm taking pills i'll just stop taking those pills and 01:34:31.760 --> 01:34:36.960 then they're really gone from my body and and then i can take some other pills that if they combine 01:34:36.960 --> 01:34:41.920 those two pills at the same time they'd be really scary but if i just stop taking one pill and 01:34:41.920 --> 01:34:45.840 start taking the other pill and then stop taking that pill and start taking the other pill again 01:34:45.840 --> 01:34:51.440 everything will be fine and it makes perfect sense to paul to to kind of just generally 01:34:51.440 --> 01:34:56.320 recommend that to all the doctors that are listening if you're if your patients are on 01:34:56.320 --> 01:35:01.760 regular medication or medication for a sick condition but then they get covid you need to 01:35:01.760 --> 01:35:07.200 really consider very carefully whether or not covid plus their old medication is going to be 01:35:07.200 --> 01:35:13.920 more deadly than covid plus pax lobin and not their old medication can you imagine can you 01:35:13.920 --> 01:35:18.800 imagine the absolutely spectacular arrogance that this vaccine salesman 01:35:23.280 --> 01:35:29.280 wow wow people whom you could stop a drug for a few days while you're giving pax lobin and we 01:35:29.280 --> 01:35:36.720 don't do that it's interesting you wrote a few columns on how the words can be misleading right 01:35:36.720 --> 01:35:43.360 and i think rebound is the wrong word in this case it's not rebound implies that there's a 01:35:43.440 --> 01:35:48.960 recurrence of replication but that's not the case at all right right not at all and and we 01:35:48.960 --> 01:35:54.560 did contribute to that i don't remember early on uh dr faltry had taken pax lobin and then had you 01:35:54.560 --> 01:35:58.640 know as he moved into the second phase of illness started to have more symptoms um he then took 01:35:58.640 --> 01:36:03.680 a second course of pax lobin pax lobin later in his illness which sent in many ways the false message 01:36:03.680 --> 01:36:09.760 that um continued viral replication was the problem when the problem was really an 01:36:09.840 --> 01:36:14.480 increase in his immune response and so that second course of pax lobin probably did little 01:36:14.480 --> 01:36:18.320 to nothing for him but this still happens i mean i was on service a couple weeks ago and 01:36:19.040 --> 01:36:23.600 you know we had a patient who was 10 days into illness and still you know the instinct was 01:36:23.600 --> 01:36:29.280 to start an antiviral even though at that point there was probably very that the viral replication 01:36:29.280 --> 01:36:33.680 was really not a critical part of the pathogenesis for the illness anymore i think rebound is 01:36:33.680 --> 01:36:39.680 unfortunate for reasons you said and it seems to be i mean so much of this is in there 01:36:39.760 --> 01:36:44.160 imagination right like jeffrey said if you just believe it then you just believe it and when 01:36:44.160 --> 01:36:53.280 they're talking about viral replication with with i would guess all absolutely all of the patients 01:36:53.280 --> 01:36:59.840 that he's ever worked on he's never had look at that that that french fried tater face he's got 01:36:59.920 --> 01:37:10.080 there that that he's never had a time course of viral load measured by anything molecular 01:37:10.080 --> 01:37:17.200 biologically meaningful nothing that could give you a real quantification of viral load he's just 01:37:17.200 --> 01:37:22.880 going on the cartoon brochure that he was handed all those many years ago about how this works 01:37:22.880 --> 01:37:27.440 and going by the cartoon brochure that they handed out at the beginning of the pandemic because 01:37:27.440 --> 01:37:35.280 there are no ways of measuring the up and down of of the viral load except for with regular QPCR 01:37:35.280 --> 01:37:39.680 and then you would need to use nested primers and you'd need to target something that was really 01:37:39.680 --> 01:37:45.600 designed specifically for the virus that had infected that person and the expected variation 01:37:45.600 --> 01:37:51.760 in the swarm that would be present so you'd want to pick some pretty clever primers that weren't 01:37:51.760 --> 01:37:58.320 designed by the who they weren't designed by some private company or aren't proprietary 01:37:58.320 --> 01:38:02.640 information and then you'd want to design a nested primer pair 01:38:04.880 --> 01:38:10.480 and then you'd want to monitor on a daily basis maybe even multiple samples done in 01:38:10.480 --> 01:38:16.080 triplicate from three different places in the body like let's say the the throat and the nasal cavity 01:38:16.080 --> 01:38:24.080 in the saliva and then show me somebody who's not sick that you measure from at the same time in 01:38:24.080 --> 01:38:30.720 parallel and then maybe I'll believe that you know something about the onset of and the peaking of 01:38:30.720 --> 01:38:37.120 the viral copy load or the RNA levels of a person that is expressing this kind of pathogen 01:38:39.920 --> 01:38:44.960 but just like the no virus people I am firmly on this area where these people are talking about 01:38:44.960 --> 01:38:49.680 something they don't have information about they don't have data for they are just making 01:38:49.680 --> 01:38:55.120 gigantic assumptions based on a cartoon brochure that they themselves have never done experiments 01:38:55.120 --> 01:39:00.560 to validate they've done experiments that they've been told validate the cartoon but they don't 01:39:00.560 --> 01:39:05.040 validate the cartoon you see that's also something 01:39:05.200 --> 01:39:14.480 that's very hard to explain but you know it really is one of those things where 01:39:16.480 --> 01:39:21.280 a clever mechanic could tell you all about how your car works and never give you any information 01:39:21.280 --> 01:39:28.560 at all a very clever mechanic could tell you even hours of information about your car and 01:39:28.560 --> 01:39:33.040 never give you any information at all but an extremely clever mechanic could give you that 01:39:33.040 --> 01:39:39.200 same presentation and give you information that would actually raise the amount of money 01:39:39.200 --> 01:39:46.080 that he could charge you for the repairs that would inevitably result a very clever mechanic 01:39:46.080 --> 01:39:50.960 could make you think that he was a very good mechanic while at the same time creating problems 01:39:50.960 --> 01:39:55.920 that otherwise wouldn't be there or maybe even helping having you create the problems that he 01:39:55.920 --> 01:40:01.760 needs in order to run his business a very clever mechanic would know how to get repeat service 01:40:03.920 --> 01:40:08.800 a very clever mechanic is never going to tell you that changing your oil 01:40:09.920 --> 01:40:13.200 or never going to tell you that your car should not burn oil 01:40:14.640 --> 01:40:18.960 even though we know that in the 80s in the 90s we all had cars that didn't burn oil 01:40:21.040 --> 01:40:27.120 I had a Chevy citation that would never lose a drop of oil the oil would change color and turn 01:40:27.120 --> 01:40:30.960 black but it would always be at the same place on the dipstick 01:40:34.320 --> 01:40:41.040 and so these people because the immune system is complicated because our understanding of it is 01:40:41.040 --> 01:40:48.400 unsophisticated and because the information is purposefully not very available these people 01:40:48.400 --> 01:40:54.160 have been has been misleading us about how our immune system works and how they can protect us from 01:40:55.040 --> 01:41:00.400 how we need protection from mother nature and they've been doing it for generations 01:41:01.840 --> 01:41:07.120 that's the that's the wake-up stage that we're at here and Paul Offit has been doing it for his 01:41:07.120 --> 01:41:14.560 entire career and that's why his face looks the way it looks because he should be retired 01:41:16.560 --> 01:41:21.600 he's lied more than than anyone else should lie about children 01:41:21.600 --> 01:41:30.480 and it has a toll it has a cost that's what you see here with us because people mention it all 01:41:30.480 --> 01:41:36.880 the time and I think once a word like that gets into circulation it's very hard to pull it out 01:41:36.880 --> 01:41:44.160 I think that's exactly right all right we'll put a link to this column in the show notes 01:41:44.160 --> 01:41:50.800 and you can read more about it that's beyond the noise with Dr. Paul Offit thank you Paul 01:41:50.800 --> 01:41:59.200 thank you it must be very hard to live in a world where you pretend to or really believe that 01:41:59.200 --> 01:42:06.480 everyone around you is kind of an idiot and that a good portion of the people that you meet every day 01:42:07.200 --> 01:42:13.280 think that you're a charlatan it must be a very very hard life to live where the two responses 01:42:13.280 --> 01:42:22.800 that you get from people are either absolute hatred and disgust or a sort of obviously obscene 01:42:22.800 --> 01:42:30.720 worship that you yourself know you're not worthy of what I what I absolutely awful space to occupy 01:42:33.200 --> 01:42:34.720 but that's what happens when you 01:42:36.960 --> 01:42:42.080 choose to lie for a living then that's all that you get back from the universe just lies 01:42:43.360 --> 01:42:47.360 because the universe is kind of a mirror right it's an echo chamber of sorts 01:42:48.560 --> 01:42:54.240 and so I'm really hopeful that the work that we're doing here is something that will 01:42:54.240 --> 01:42:59.440 echo with you and your friends that will echo in a way that that benefits you that gives you hope 01:43:00.000 --> 01:43:09.200 for the future that that that they are so out on a limb now that that the absurdity that you hear 01:43:09.200 --> 01:43:14.640 when they talk is it's just so obvious it's patently obvious that they are out on a limb and so we 01:43:14.640 --> 01:43:20.320 just have to keep pushing and I know that I've been promising for a while now but we don't want to 01:43:21.360 --> 01:43:26.960 we don't want to we don't need to rush at this stage okay there there they are 01:43:29.360 --> 01:43:34.080 the udoh throw that we do now that we already have them off balance we have our hands in the 01:43:34.080 --> 01:43:38.480 right place we have our feet firmly planted on the ground and they are off balance so 01:43:39.040 --> 01:43:42.000 it's just really a question of when do we want their head to hit the floor 01:43:43.840 --> 01:43:48.960 and I want to make sure that when it hits the floor they don't get up again and so over the 01:43:48.960 --> 01:43:54.720 next couple weeks we're still going to be doing some preparing I did get a little tiny consulting 01:43:54.720 --> 01:44:00.400 gig in the background that I think is also a really important work but it will also put a 01:44:00.400 --> 01:44:04.640 little extra money in circulation in the house for a little while and that's really a blessing 01:44:04.640 --> 01:44:11.360 and I'm very thankful for it but that doesn't mean that I still am not on a mad recruit for 01:44:11.360 --> 01:44:16.240 subscribers and so I know that most of the people that are watching right now are probably already 01:44:16.240 --> 01:44:22.400 subscribed you've already seen that I have a sub stack and if you have subscribed on my website 01:44:22.400 --> 01:44:26.320 you should have already seen that you've been given a lifetime subscription to that sub stack 01:44:26.320 --> 01:44:30.480 a paid subscription so you get all the there's never going to be anything behind a paywall but 01:44:30.480 --> 01:44:36.320 that's how a sub stack works and if you want to you of course you can also subscribe to sub stack 01:44:36.320 --> 01:44:41.360 but I don't I'm not encouraging anybody to do that I just want to give as many opportunities to 01:44:41.360 --> 01:44:47.760 support as possible and I don't want anybody to give more than they can I do believe that this 01:44:47.760 --> 01:44:53.680 work is important for thousands and thousands of people to see and that means that there's lots and 01:44:53.680 --> 01:44:59.280 lots of of people that have enough money to support that can do it and all we got to do is find them 01:44:59.280 --> 01:45:04.240 because I do think that this is priceless information it's priceless work we're doing 01:45:04.240 --> 01:45:10.400 and much more important the stuff that's to come the virology that's to come the lessons that are 01:45:10.400 --> 01:45:16.320 to come are going to be the lessons that kind of once and for all build a bridge I believe between 01:45:16.320 --> 01:45:22.720 the no virus people and the virus people the people that just want to know the truth I really 01:45:22.720 --> 01:45:27.440 hope that at some point we're going to be there's going to be a lot of new friendships that are made 01:45:27.520 --> 01:45:32.880 as a result of us all collectively coming together and understanding that somehow we all got fooled 01:45:32.880 --> 01:45:39.280 we all got fooled on every part no one had it right and even when we were we thought we were doing 01:45:39.280 --> 01:45:45.040 it right there was somebody in front of us or somebody uh making it difficult for other people 01:45:45.040 --> 01:45:49.520 to understand us as well as we could have been understood in my case I've had people like Kevin 01:45:49.520 --> 01:45:54.720 McCarron and Kevin McCurnan constantly trying to pretend as though they don't understand 01:45:54.720 --> 01:46:00.320 or trying to pigeonhole me into one particular explanation or another and then claiming at some 01:46:00.320 --> 01:46:06.240 point that I'm being a chameleon or I'm changing my arguments all the time when we you know if 01:46:06.240 --> 01:46:10.240 you've been here long you know that we've always been saying that this is about expanding the 01:46:10.240 --> 01:46:17.040 possibility space expanding the the considered possibilities of how the the pandemic was done 01:46:17.120 --> 01:46:24.480 and once you add infectious RNA clones as a methodology to the equation in terms of how 01:46:24.480 --> 01:46:30.800 important it is to RNA virology in general but more importantly how easily any combination of 01:46:30.800 --> 01:46:36.000 methodologies under that rubric could be used to create the illusion of the pandemic that would 01:46:36.000 --> 01:46:43.840 include high fidelity molecular signals maybe even millions of sequences could be done with clones 01:46:44.640 --> 01:46:50.080 that's it that's the that's the theory and I don't know why everybody gets so angry about it I 01:46:50.080 --> 01:46:56.480 surely don't know why people with with many many many more zeros to worry about than me need to 01:46:56.480 --> 01:47:02.240 get worried about somebody like me with 3 000 followers on the worst platform in the world 01:47:02.240 --> 01:47:09.600 hey 2 122 people here thank you very much I'm gonna bid you good night at this stage and I will be 01:47:09.680 --> 01:47:14.400 on tomorrow but it's probably gonna be during the day if I get my get my ducks in a row we're 01:47:14.400 --> 01:47:20.880 gonna be doing a 215 14 14 show and we'll do a couple hours in the afternoon before my kids get 01:47:20.880 --> 01:47:24.960 home and we're gonna try and make that a steady thing and then at night we're gonna try and do 01:47:24.960 --> 01:47:29.760 extra streams like this when we have time and energy I'll be very much thank you for joining me 01:47:29.760 --> 01:47:45.680 i'll see you again tomorrow 01:47:46.560 --> 01:48:00.480 it clips party april eighth no actually i think i'm gonna go um we could we could organize 01:48:00.480 --> 01:48:06.960 something though what i'm thinking about doing for the eighth of april is going to um the show 01:48:06.960 --> 01:48:17.760 title is wrong says beyond the noise that's that's the that's his uh that's his uh that's his vlog 01:48:18.480 --> 01:48:24.240 i'm thinking about going to lake eerie for the for the for the eclipse because it goes right 01:48:24.240 --> 01:48:29.040 through lake eerie we could all meet at lake area there's like a couple campgrounds there 01:48:29.040 --> 01:48:35.200 we could have like a giga home biological eclipse meeting that could be kind of really cool 01:48:35.280 --> 01:48:39.760 anyway we'd have to talk about that um thank you very much for joining me and see you guys again 01:48:39.760 --> 01:48:45.200 tomorrow 01:49:05.200 --> 01:49:19.920 so 01:49:26.960 --> 01:49:30.640 i didn't change that title but i'll change it now thank you guys