WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 You 00:30.000 --> 00:32.000 You 01:00.000 --> 01:02.000 You 01:30.000 --> 01:32.000 You 02:00.000 --> 02:04.000 You 02:04.000 --> 02:06.000 You 02:06.000 --> 02:08.000 You 02:08.000 --> 02:10.000 You 02:10.000 --> 02:12.000 You 02:12.000 --> 02:14.000 You 02:14.000 --> 02:16.000 You 02:16.000 --> 02:18.000 You 02:18.000 --> 02:20.000 You 02:20.000 --> 02:22.000 You 02:22.000 --> 02:24.000 You 02:24.000 --> 02:26.000 Schedule for 60 minutes next 02:26.000 --> 02:32.000 It's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television 02:32.000 --> 02:36.000 People everywhere are starting to listen to him 02:36.000 --> 02:38.000 It's embarrassing 02:56.000 --> 02:58.000 It's so crazy 02:58.000 --> 03:00.000 I feel so nervous 03:00.000 --> 03:02.000 Like what in the world man? 03:26.000 --> 03:30.000 I'm here chatting into the wind with the microphone on mute 03:30.000 --> 03:32.000 Good evening ladies and gentlemen 03:32.000 --> 03:36.000 Let's use a little knowledge to dispel a little enchantment tonight 03:36.000 --> 03:37.000 Shall we? 03:37.000 --> 03:39.000 Let's be like Galileo 03:56.000 --> 04:06.000 We are going to do a little bit of just study hall tonight 04:06.000 --> 04:16.000 Here I've got Calvary and some of his physicists 04:16.000 --> 04:21.880 We are going to go live via dialic 04:21.880 --> 04:28.600 We are gonna do a little bit of just study hall tonight. We're gonna take a look at a character on the stage 04:29.440 --> 04:33.320 The character who's been on the stage for a while and I want to get a good read 04:33.760 --> 04:40.080 On what's happening here? I forgot to save my line. You listen to me little man. You listen to me 04:40.680 --> 04:45.440 Little rascal. I'll tell you a thing or two point point poke poke 04:47.880 --> 04:49.880 Anyway 04:52.840 --> 04:59.880 I'm afraid we have been bamboozled for a very long time actually it's probably our parents who are bamboozled 04:59.880 --> 05:02.840 I know my parents were my parents are still bamboozled 05:04.800 --> 05:10.040 But they were bamboozled since I was a child it just wasn't as dangerous to be bamboozled back then 05:22.880 --> 05:26.880 It wasn't as dangerous to be bamboozled back then 05:31.240 --> 05:37.320 I don't know if that's really the right way to put it, but I do think there are more dangerous for parents nowadays than ever 05:39.200 --> 05:41.200 You could have your 05:41.200 --> 05:43.200 doctor prescribed you 05:43.200 --> 05:44.960 Kid Merelax 05:44.960 --> 05:46.960 You could have your doctor 05:47.520 --> 05:51.920 Recommend the flu shot every year you could have your doctor recommend HPV early 05:52.960 --> 05:58.680 There are lots of crazy stuff in America and the Bamboozleman definitely goes back generations 05:59.560 --> 06:03.080 They've been laying that on thick and deep for a very long time 06:05.280 --> 06:12.240 Ladies and gentlemen, this stream is brought to you by a patch climb a physiologist that means I used to be a microscope jockey and 06:13.760 --> 06:16.720 I was pretty good at aligning a 06:17.160 --> 06:19.160 condenser and 06:19.160 --> 06:22.160 Pretty good at doing surgery on tiny little 06:23.360 --> 06:25.360 Tiny little mammals 06:26.920 --> 06:33.600 Anyway when I made my recordings the the electrical resistance of those recordings was targeted toward a giga home 06:34.480 --> 06:39.680 And so it's not named after back to the future. We're not talking about a giga watt 06:40.240 --> 06:44.880 We're talking about giga homes, and this is a high-resistance low-noise information brief 06:44.880 --> 06:51.280 Which is centered from giga home biological.com. You can also talk to me at giga home dot bio 06:51.760 --> 06:57.320 You can find my confession to how dumb I was for how long I was dumb at the Scooby link and 06:58.200 --> 07:02.320 You can support me at one time donation at support giga home there 07:02.320 --> 07:06.080 And you can also scroll down and find a schedule and a place to subscribe 07:06.600 --> 07:12.320 And subscribing is what I would prefer I guess I'm gonna set up a patreon because a friend of mine says I should 07:12.640 --> 07:17.440 But essentially $10 a month as a subscriber there is a similar thing 07:18.560 --> 07:22.760 And it allows me to keep my PDF library up there 07:22.760 --> 07:26.200 Which we will start to add to starting on Friday this week 07:26.720 --> 07:32.520 Put out our first PDF summarizing the last week of work or at least that's the eventual 07:33.920 --> 07:38.120 Plan here are the people the active supporters the people that make this possible 07:38.120 --> 07:47.240 Sometimes this the names will be a little bit larger. These are people who've given more subscribe multiple times 07:47.240 --> 07:51.240 Whatever, you can imagine some people like Greg have gone above and beyond 07:52.760 --> 07:54.920 I mean if I had five people like Greg 07:55.640 --> 08:01.800 I probably doing two shows a day one of them from a from a drone car or something like that, but anyway 08:02.600 --> 08:05.320 Here we are. I'm grateful for every one of you 08:05.560 --> 08:08.560 This is the independent bright web of course, you know 08:08.840 --> 08:15.520 We've been trying to build a new network of people that we can trust by just looking at how our work works in parallel 08:15.520 --> 08:20.120 I don't have to have a bunch of people on or we don't have to cross promote each other all that much 08:20.120 --> 08:22.120 All we have to do is be an agreement that 08:22.480 --> 08:27.400 this basic scenario that was given to us on television is a bunch of nonsense and 08:28.120 --> 08:32.560 The biology that they say supports this idea is just not there 08:32.560 --> 08:39.280 And we've been doing a lot of work to try and crack this faith in a novel virus, and I think that work is finally paying off 08:40.240 --> 08:42.240 I don't know if we're gonna figure out 08:42.640 --> 08:46.600 Real early whether it's a completed background signal or whatever 08:46.600 --> 08:50.120 But I do know that they are ignoring these three 08:51.440 --> 08:56.560 Statements, especially the first two. It's pretty funny. This is Giga oh my logical 08:59.280 --> 09:01.280 I thought it was gonna come in right there 09:03.560 --> 09:05.560 There it is 09:07.240 --> 09:12.080 Yes, thank you Greg, but also thank you Rodney and thank you Stefan Kohn and 09:13.120 --> 09:15.320 There's been a lot of people coming through 09:16.600 --> 09:21.720 Recently, I'm thinking of a couple other people and it's annoying that those names are coming to my mind 09:21.720 --> 09:23.720 But the reason why is very good 09:25.280 --> 09:31.880 My wife has started to help out with communicating with subscribers and trying to get questions and 09:32.240 --> 09:38.040 Suggestions to me in a way that doesn't take up and it's hard to write 09:38.240 --> 09:41.080 Nice emails and take the time to talk to people 09:41.080 --> 09:47.160 And I don't have time to do that and produce a stream every night and my wife has decided to help them that so a couple hours 09:47.160 --> 09:53.320 And every night she's either doing it in the morning or right before she goes to sleep in the bed, which I really like 09:54.760 --> 09:57.800 But a lot of times he's going to sleep before I'm done with this 09:57.800 --> 10:03.120 And so she is contacting those people and thanking them and it's working out really really well 10:03.120 --> 10:08.320 This is the faith we're trying to fight. I should turn this down because I think that's kind of a copyrighted song 10:09.760 --> 10:11.760 I'm gonna I'm gonna take this and 10:12.680 --> 10:14.680 And go like that. I 10:16.320 --> 10:22.840 Think it's really important to see where we are we haven't changed this slide in a long time because it's really like dead on 10:22.920 --> 10:29.520 Accurate we haven't changed this slide and quite some time. I think because it's really dead on accurate. There is a spectacular 10:30.520 --> 10:34.680 Commitment to lies going on it is it is it is impressive 10:37.800 --> 10:42.200 It really is impressive, but we are over the target ladies and gentlemen, so have no fear 10:43.080 --> 10:44.880 Have no fear 10:44.880 --> 10:47.440 That's what I would say have no fear 10:52.840 --> 10:59.960 There it is the starship enterprise 11:02.440 --> 11:04.440 My 11:04.440 --> 11:09.520 alternative background when zooming from my garage sometimes I don't like people to see this 11:10.520 --> 11:14.880 My old drafting table and my funny my funny video game 11:15.440 --> 11:19.520 And so I put this up instead and that really jives very well with me 11:19.920 --> 11:23.400 Because I never really watched Star Trek that much to be honest it it I 11:24.160 --> 11:26.160 Feel like it's a really nice cloak 11:26.880 --> 11:33.720 If you want my confession, there is a Star Wars game over there and there's if you look right there 11:33.720 --> 11:36.760 That's actually it's actually a lightsaber 11:37.960 --> 11:41.040 Shame to admit and then there's another one at the top of that 11:41.120 --> 11:45.200 There's a red one and a green one that I could turn on but the batteries will die quick 11:46.040 --> 11:50.520 So I'm actually that kind of geek not a Star Wars Star Trek geek 11:50.520 --> 11:57.280 but it's just kind of funny to me and again because a very good friend of mine was on the next generation once and 11:57.560 --> 11:59.560 Then also got to play a Borg 12:00.160 --> 12:03.360 in the in the card series 12:04.440 --> 12:12.840 Unfortunately, she is passed away now because I believe she was more or less coerced to taking multiple shots in order to be on set 12:13.080 --> 12:15.080 as an actor in 12:15.640 --> 12:17.400 in California 12:17.400 --> 12:19.560 So there's lots of stories that people have 12:20.200 --> 12:26.720 But there are a lot of untold stories. Yeah, because of how early they push these and so there are a lot of people by 12:27.240 --> 12:30.680 happenstance or circumstance or on their third or fourth shot and 12:31.280 --> 12:36.840 We have to have a lot of sympathy for those people because they thought they were doing the right thing people on TV told them 12:36.840 --> 12:41.080 They were doing the right thing people on social media told them they were doing the right thing 12:41.560 --> 12:46.360 And so we can't we can't be judgmental of anybody that's made decisions. It's it's 12:47.000 --> 12:52.440 It's gonna be up to them to to reconcile even what they did with their children 12:53.160 --> 12:56.960 But we need to be very very firm in 12:57.520 --> 12:58.680 our 12:58.680 --> 13:01.880 understanding and belief or belief and understanding in the sense of 13:02.440 --> 13:04.440 We need to be ready and able 13:04.440 --> 13:07.040 To provide the truth when the truth is required 13:07.200 --> 13:09.840 And I'm not saying you have to throw it in people's faces 13:09.840 --> 13:15.960 But when people ask for the truth we need to be prepared to give it and to be able to present it in such a way 13:16.120 --> 13:18.880 That when the window is open that we climb through it 13:19.520 --> 13:24.480 And so you don't want to be unprepared and there are lots of things to talk about 13:24.480 --> 13:30.040 There are lots of questions to ask that will not free those people from this mythology 13:30.200 --> 13:33.520 It will not allow them to climb out the window themselves 13:33.520 --> 13:39.680 And so you don't want to get caught in an argument or a discussion that you think oh wow 13:39.680 --> 13:43.520 This is gonna be great. They're gonna finally they're gonna finally snap out of it 13:43.520 --> 13:47.240 There are lots of arguments that won't snap people out of it 13:47.240 --> 13:52.680 And I think that's why I want to watch this this interview today because I suspect 13:53.240 --> 13:55.240 the dr. Drew and 13:55.960 --> 14:00.000 Paul Alexander and some of these other people 14:00.000 --> 14:02.000 I 14:02.440 --> 14:07.880 Don't know who but I suspect that some of these people have been let's say 14:10.600 --> 14:14.520 They have been coached coerced encouraged by 14:15.080 --> 14:20.240 Comfort and fame and fortune to omit avoid 14:22.040 --> 14:28.400 Focus on certain things and I don't know if dr. Drew is one of these people 14:28.400 --> 14:33.640 I don't know if dr. Paul Alexander is one of these people, I don't know if Robert Malone is one of these people 14:34.400 --> 14:36.400 I'm not one of these people 14:38.560 --> 14:42.820 I have a fairly good idea that Jessica Hockett is not one of these people 14:42.820 --> 14:47.020 I have a fairly good idea that mark Kalak is not one of these people 14:47.020 --> 14:50.320 I have a fairly good idea that Nick Hudson might not be one of these people 14:50.560 --> 14:54.720 I have a fairly good idea that Jonathan Engler might not want to be one of these people 14:54.720 --> 14:59.000 I have a fairly good idea that Martin Neil might not want to be one of these people. 14:59.000 --> 15:06.160 I even have a hunch, I even have a hunch that it's possible that some of these people that 15:06.160 --> 15:12.320 everybody says are definitely a medler are not some of these people. 15:12.320 --> 15:18.440 We don't need very many real medlers that are taking the money and helping with the 15:18.440 --> 15:23.920 decisions and taking phone calls in order for there be to the appearance of there to 15:23.920 --> 15:27.000 be many many medlers. 15:27.000 --> 15:32.280 And I've used this train analogy a lot and I've used your kids getting on a train. 15:32.280 --> 15:37.000 I've used people faking, stopping and starting a train and I've also used the analogy of 15:37.000 --> 15:44.000 a tug of war and please think carefully about the bigger the tug of war is the more people 15:44.000 --> 15:49.520 that are pulling on each side of the rope, the less of a fraction of the total pull on 15:49.520 --> 15:53.800 either side of the rope is contributed by a single person. 15:53.800 --> 16:00.840 And therefore it becomes easier and easier for people to sabotage a team and it doesn't 16:00.840 --> 16:06.800 take very many people to sabotage a team in a tug of war. 16:06.800 --> 16:13.840 And so I really want to encourage people to be careful as we move forward and be sure 16:13.840 --> 16:19.680 that you are aware that you can ask the wrong questions and you can ask the wrong 16:19.680 --> 16:24.480 questions for a very long time and it can feel like a very vigorous debate but you 16:24.480 --> 16:29.720 will be having a very vigorous debate with it a limited spectrum that will not lead you 16:29.720 --> 16:31.600 out of the cave. 16:31.600 --> 16:35.440 And I hope that's not what we see here but I do think it's very possible. 16:35.440 --> 16:42.000 For right now I'm going to leave it at normal speed because Dr. Paul Alexander is from Trinidad 16:42.000 --> 16:43.000 to Bago. 16:43.000 --> 16:47.320 I don't know how to say where he's from correctly maybe I just did. 16:47.320 --> 16:53.280 And his island accent is very well it's challenging for me if I speed it up. 16:53.280 --> 16:54.400 Let me just say it like that. 16:54.400 --> 16:58.160 So I might speed it up a little bit but I'm not going to put it at 2x. 16:58.160 --> 16:59.160 Welcome everyone. 16:59.160 --> 17:00.160 We are in prime form. 17:00.160 --> 17:01.160 Technically today. 17:01.160 --> 17:02.160 That was loud. 17:02.160 --> 17:03.160 Sorry. 17:03.160 --> 17:05.920 So today we are welcoming back to Dr. Paul Alexander. 17:05.920 --> 17:10.640 It's a great day to have to be able to make the reasons to make the coincidence it turns 17:10.720 --> 17:14.800 out he was last here on January 11th, 2023. 17:14.800 --> 17:19.600 So it's exactly one year to the day that we have him in here and it is on the heels 17:19.600 --> 17:25.120 of Dr. Fauci's interview in front of the House Subcommittee on Coronavirus in which he talked 17:25.120 --> 17:30.560 about the fact that the six foot social distancing was not scientific it just something that 17:30.560 --> 17:38.400 appeared shocking that he continues to sort of skate with that admission. 17:38.400 --> 17:39.600 And what was the other one? 17:39.600 --> 17:43.080 There was some other thing that I did that I'm not sure he actually even said it but we'll 17:43.080 --> 17:47.480 get to that and other other things without Alexander who's of course an epidemiologist. 17:47.480 --> 17:52.320 He was a research methodology teacher assistant professor McMaster University. 17:52.320 --> 17:58.720 He is an evidence based medicines and research researcher we'll get to his all his details 17:58.720 --> 18:02.720 but he was there and many of these decisions were made at the NIH and he will give us that 18:02.720 --> 18:05.760 report again and his new thoughts after this. 18:05.760 --> 18:07.240 Oh here we go. 18:07.240 --> 18:14.400 Our laws as a pertain to substances are draconian and bizarre and thinning look because it runs 18:14.400 --> 18:15.400 in pieces. 18:15.400 --> 18:20.480 They gave me a services department as I said he was there when any of these decisions 18:20.480 --> 18:21.480 were what. 18:21.480 --> 18:29.000 All right as I was saying Dr. Paul Alexander was at the Health and Human Services department 18:29.000 --> 18:34.720 where he was a former senior advisor to COVID for COVID pandemic policy as I said he was 18:34.720 --> 18:37.400 there when many of these decisions were made. 18:37.400 --> 18:43.040 The other thing I was trying to think of that Fauci had said was that the lab leak theories 18:43.040 --> 18:48.880 no longer is not a conspiracy theory at shocking that he would say that and finally his quote 18:48.880 --> 18:56.400 actually was social distancing recommendations forced on American quote sort of just appeared 18:56.400 --> 19:04.440 and were not science but not based likely not based on scientific data likely likely. 19:04.440 --> 19:12.880 I would just ask him to direct me towards one document one document that substantiated 19:12.880 --> 19:19.400 six feet for an aerosolized virus is looking you know so many of these excesses that happened 19:19.400 --> 19:25.480 during COVID are looking worse and worse as time goes on. 19:25.480 --> 19:30.600 We know it's an aerosol so we know that wearing a mask with a slight jet here that steams up 19:30.600 --> 19:35.880 your glasses is going to increase the aerosol and spread it further distances you're not 19:35.880 --> 19:39.560 only not protecting somebody else you are increasing the number of people you're going 19:39.560 --> 19:48.480 to expose and that the surgical masks because it's an aerosol of course spit fluid inconsequential 19:48.480 --> 19:52.360 in the transmission of this particular respiratory virus. 19:52.360 --> 20:00.520 So Dr. Paul Alexander is an epidemiologist he's a researcher he's he has a PhD I believe 20:00.520 --> 20:05.600 in left to tell me whether it's epidemiology or not please welcome Dr. Paul Alexander what 20:05.600 --> 20:11.080 is your PhD and exactly I don't have the information right here Paul. 20:11.080 --> 20:17.720 Hi Drew thanks for having me and your team once again tremendous sure as always and my 20:17.720 --> 20:25.320 graduate training outside of so I did a graduate school masters at University of Toronto in 20:25.320 --> 20:31.000 epidemiology I went on talks for a little graduate degree in evidence based medicine 20:31.000 --> 20:37.320 and clinical epidemiology I did some work at Johns Hopkins a short certificate in biological 20:37.320 --> 20:43.640 warfare and epidemiology of it but my doctorate is in evidence based medicine for my doctor. 20:43.640 --> 20:50.680 Did he just say Canada? Did he just say the need of this and epidemiology Hopkins a short 20:50.680 --> 20:55.800 days medicine and clinical epidemiology. I did some work at Johns Hopkins a short 20:55.800 --> 21:03.480 certificate in biological warfare and epidemiology. Oh no that's not my reading experience medicine 21:03.480 --> 21:10.360 for Macmaster University in Canada and for those who don't know people who want to get 21:10.360 --> 21:17.000 into research methods programs at Stanford, Yale, Harvard are people who could not get 21:17.000 --> 21:22.280 into the Macmaster program. The Macmaster program is the seat of evidence based medicine 21:22.280 --> 21:27.800 globally. My doctoral supervisor was a founder of evidence based anything to do with evidence 21:27.800 --> 21:35.320 based research Dr. Gordon Riot and Dr. Dave Sackler so I did my postdoc with him also 21:35.320 --> 21:41.320 and anything to do with research research methods randomized trials, observational studies, 21:41.320 --> 21:47.400 anything to do with research generally comes out of Macmaster and we constantly refine the 21:47.400 --> 21:54.280 process and refine the methods. So that's my background training but you know I'm very, 21:54.280 --> 22:02.840 very humble that you're hardly here again and persons like Dr. McCullough, Dr. Rish, Dr. Marcus 22:02.840 --> 22:13.080 myself we provide technical scientific support to the wellness company TwC.health. Go to TwC.health 22:13.080 --> 22:18.920 take a look at the website and what they offer. It's grombic breaking revolutionary way of 22:18.920 --> 22:24.920 medicine with some good nutraceuticals etc. So I just wanted to put that on because I'm very happy 22:24.920 --> 22:31.080 to be working with them. Me too. Me too. I'm working with them too and my position on it is not just 22:31.080 --> 22:37.320 what you're describing but also that we're putting control access in the hands of patients. It's 22:37.320 --> 22:44.040 time we let patients be driving the ship but I want you at some point here to tell the story 22:44.040 --> 22:48.600 about what happened over at HHS but before we do I think the evidence based medicine topic is a 22:48.600 --> 22:57.000 perfect place to start here. I want to start with that because I don't know if your research 22:57.000 --> 23:06.120 advisors are still there at McMaster's but if they are they must be dying. What happened to 23:06.120 --> 23:13.400 evidence based medicine? How do they, it's just they must be mind-boggled as much as I am. God smacked 23:13.400 --> 23:19.080 as much as you and I are. How do they understand what has happened to our profession? 23:19.720 --> 23:27.480 Well you ask a very good question and I'm a pure scientist in the sense that again I come 23:27.480 --> 23:34.360 from that school and that program so I have to represent it in a way. Dr. Visham myself are 23:34.360 --> 23:40.600 actually almost the same in this regard. Well the problem is evidence based medicine died 23:41.720 --> 23:48.600 during COVID. It committed suicide basically because no one was really practicing evidence 23:48.600 --> 23:55.240 based medicine and evidence based research and for your listener evidence based research and 23:55.240 --> 24:04.840 medicine basically is trying to come up with decision-making that is informed by the most 24:04.840 --> 24:10.840 highest quality trustworthy evidence and it's the body of evidence that we're talking about. 24:10.840 --> 24:15.960 We're not necessarily talking about one study. We are seeing that if you give me an 24:15.960 --> 24:23.560 estimated effect for a drug in terms of its benefit or its harms we want you to look at all 24:23.560 --> 24:28.600 of the evidence, the randomized trials, the observational research, strong research, 24:28.600 --> 24:35.080 weak research and give us the best so we could have as much confidence in the estimated effect. 24:35.960 --> 24:41.400 Evidence based medicine is reproducible. The doctrine is it has to be explicit, 24:42.040 --> 24:48.920 open, transparent and that's the difference because what I'm trying to say is from about 24:48.920 --> 24:56.120 40 years ago the idea was clinicians, exceptions, surgeons were making decisions based on what 24:56.120 --> 25:03.080 their colleagues did, what their hood would and the idea was that they were not consulting the 25:03.080 --> 25:10.680 literature and the data, et cetera, to make decisions. Now I think in one way drew evidence 25:10.680 --> 25:19.560 based medicine went too far and removed too much of the decision-making from the clinician 25:19.560 --> 25:24.920 and have these clinicians reading books, running into the library to consult. No, you have to give 25:24.920 --> 25:29.880 the clinician and the clinician the clinical discretion in the decision-making too so maybe 25:29.880 --> 25:35.320 depend on them will come back a little bit but I agree with you evidence based medicine died because 25:35.320 --> 25:42.280 all of the research in COVID is basically junk I have to say research methodologically wise 25:42.280 --> 25:50.440 it cannot stand up to scientific muster really what JAMA, Landsat, BMG whatever they're publishing 25:51.800 --> 25:59.640 25 years ago if you sent it to me to review or even you as a review of an article I would I would 25:59.720 --> 26:07.400 recommend do not publish we getting stuff today that cannot normally stand up to scientific scrutiny 26:07.400 --> 26:15.000 and it's being published so it's a terrible situation for the population because and and there's another 26:15.000 --> 26:20.040 twist on it that's even more disturbing to me which is that you know that science is a dialogue 26:20.040 --> 26:25.560 it's a back and forth it's never just all one direction results don't go one way and that's that 26:25.560 --> 26:31.880 there's a there's a consensus that builds we are seeing what does get published also what doesn't 26:31.880 --> 26:38.280 get published might be something worthy of scientific scrutiny and it doesn't get published so it's 26:38.280 --> 26:44.520 being hit on both ends things not worthy are being published and things that potentially are worthy 26:44.520 --> 26:50.120 because the topic isn't any good for the reviewers or the editorial process aren't being published 26:50.120 --> 26:56.840 it's really breathtaking let me ask this I'm I'm sort of a purist scientist and I was trained in a 26:56.840 --> 27:06.040 very purist view of the scientific method and in my world I've heard this has been modified a 27:06.040 --> 27:10.840 little bit lately but you you came up with a hypothesis you designed an experiment to test 27:10.840 --> 27:18.520 that hypothesis and you tried to ask simple narrow questions that you could control and then based 27:18.520 --> 27:28.520 on that narrow question is this true or not test it and then essentially what I was reared on was 27:28.520 --> 27:36.360 do a null hypothesis that I don't see that ever being done what happened to the basic scientific 27:36.360 --> 27:43.720 method what I mean and once again I agree with you and I'm happy that your your 27:44.200 --> 27:51.880 argument is as a purist too so you understand how much it will not bother us because we understand 27:51.880 --> 27:59.160 the dirt and the and the lack the suboptimal work that's coming on of academic research now 27:59.720 --> 28:07.480 the reality is that we know the power of things like large pragmatic randomized control trials 28:07.480 --> 28:15.320 simple etc in being able to tease out cause and effect I agree with you fully that we don't have 28:15.320 --> 28:23.000 the proper comparative effectiveness research today to help us make informed decisions and 28:23.000 --> 28:29.320 this research we have is very weak and I think what has happened to us that many people mounted 28:29.320 --> 28:35.240 research in COVID and really didn't know what they were doing and they were submitting stuff 28:35.240 --> 28:40.920 to the to the journals they were violating the protocols they didn't even register protocols 28:40.920 --> 28:45.240 so we couldn't even see what they were doing and what they were not doing and like you mentioned 28:45.240 --> 28:51.240 earlier this issue of they're not publishing good stuff which is going against the narrative 28:51.240 --> 28:59.560 you know from your own expertise that we're talking about the negative negative effect studies and 29:00.520 --> 29:06.520 publication bias and we could actually see that in the research where we plot our graphs to show 29:06.520 --> 29:14.120 that what is being published is only the research that has outcomes or estimates of effect that 29:14.120 --> 29:19.880 support what the researcher wants to see positive effects they will not publish the ones that are 29:19.880 --> 29:28.840 negative which actually are very important and it's like the clinical trials done by Moderna and 29:28.840 --> 29:36.360 Pfizer they stopped the studies early for benefit they said Fauci and they said well it looks like 29:36.360 --> 29:41.560 we have a signal of benefit here so we're going to stop the trial but you and I understand 29:42.280 --> 29:46.120 Drew and many people in your audience because I really don't know who the audience is but I 29:46.120 --> 29:54.760 assume there are some of them have done this too but if you stop a study early for benefit what 29:54.760 --> 30:01.720 you are actually doing is you are risking an overestimated estimated effect that's a risk of 30:01.720 --> 30:08.760 bias we flat that why because how do you run that study to sample size that benefit that you would 30:08.760 --> 30:15.240 have seen so early on a crew would have petered out and you may not have seen the benefit downstream 30:15.240 --> 30:22.360 in fact the harms that you fail to see upstream would have probably become clearer so in the research 30:22.360 --> 30:30.680 that was produced and published by Pfizer Moderna and accepted wrongfully by the FDA to grant EAU 30:30.680 --> 30:38.680 is actually not just suboptimal but it's wrong science it cannot stand up to proper scientific 30:38.680 --> 30:45.320 scrutiny those studies are risk of bias studies none of the estimates of effect are proper they 30:45.320 --> 30:52.520 actually to me fraudulent and they use the relative risk reduction as the estimated effect 30:52.520 --> 30:59.400 when you know Drew that the estimate that we wanted the outcome measure is actually absolute 30:59.400 --> 31:05.160 risk reduction and when Pfizer says of course there's a 95 percent relative risk reduction 31:05.160 --> 31:14.440 what they do based on 170 events the absolute reduction just 0.7 you would have had that shot 31:15.000 --> 31:22.520 if a doctor would have sat you down and said listen the absolute benefit is just 0.7 percent and 31:23.480 --> 31:29.560 there's a downside because the shot carries risk the shot carries potential toxicity there's a 31:29.560 --> 31:35.000 cost to the shot there's there's uncomfortable this there might be fever you may react to the 31:35.000 --> 31:41.800 naphylaxis etc and when you wait benefits versus the harms you'd say but wait this benefit is so 31:41.800 --> 31:49.000 modest compared to actual harms that I could experience that I don't want I would avoid this shot 31:49.560 --> 31:59.240 people will never told you truth every single thing look had we done nothing through had this thing 31:59.240 --> 32:06.280 come around this is my opinion based on four years now had this thing come around in December 32:06.280 --> 32:13.400 January of 2020 and we've done nothing it is my view that we may not even have noticed this 32:13.960 --> 32:23.400 it is my view my view that had we done nothing we'd have lost far fewer people it was the response 32:24.040 --> 32:30.920 the medical management is what killed most of the people this virus did take some people drew 32:31.720 --> 32:36.840 high risk elderly we know that you are an expert I know that you're a clinician expert 32:37.560 --> 32:43.640 but when you look at the denial of treatment lockdowns the collateral damage from the lockdowns 32:43.640 --> 32:50.360 that's j-batter truck chariots expertise you look at the vaccine itself the harms from the vaccine 32:50.440 --> 32:55.720 and you look at the medical management with the isolation the sedation will puke a fall on my 32:55.720 --> 33:02.440 dazzle arm the ventilator the denial of antibody when you look at those deaths you realize we 33:02.440 --> 33:08.680 actually may have killed more people by the medical response and that's a very controversial 33:08.680 --> 33:14.680 statement to me but that's the statement I'm making I'm willing to defend it had we done nothing 33:15.640 --> 33:22.600 we'd have been back well certainly so let's uh let's take that and think about it a little bit 33:24.520 --> 33:29.000 so we kind of we came here with the wellness company 33:31.000 --> 33:34.920 and so let's start there he mentioned Harvey Reich who I think is 33:36.760 --> 33:42.040 nothing but a narrative charlatan I did have a personal interview with him 33:42.600 --> 33:49.000 and I streamed it without permission so I kind of got in trouble it was an interview 33:49.720 --> 33:57.160 that I was it was like a panel that I was on actually in a private zoom meeting run by a lady 33:57.160 --> 34:02.600 who I'm still in contact with and I still think we're friends but I did make the mistake of streaming 34:02.600 --> 34:08.600 it live without specifically saying out loud that I'm gonna stream this live and I kind of 34:09.480 --> 34:15.400 in my mind I told myself that that was okay because you know I'm a streamer and I do that but there 34:15.400 --> 34:23.720 were a lot of other people on the call and you know the people legitimately trusted that everybody 34:23.720 --> 34:27.720 wasn't going to be recording these things but if you're streaming it it's kind of recording it 34:28.920 --> 34:36.120 and so I kind of blew that now had I said that I wanted to record it or that I wanted to stream 34:36.200 --> 34:40.760 it they would have probably said no and then I wouldn't have had the interview with him 34:40.760 --> 34:46.520 and so I just thought I had to do it so anyway that's gone it's not there anymore I took it down 34:46.520 --> 34:53.240 immediately because everybody was very angry about it but in that interview Harvey Reich revealed 34:53.240 --> 35:00.280 something very strange to me which I just found to be quite a disconnect from what 35:00.920 --> 35:06.840 I guess he was saying he seemed to contradict himself almost sentence for sentence so 35:10.440 --> 35:13.480 the story that he told me was that he was that he was 35:15.880 --> 35:20.040 I'm trying to think if he was vaccinated I don't think he's vaccinated but he could be 35:21.080 --> 35:29.560 but he was also using hydroxychloroquine as a prophylaxis or ivermectin as a prophylaxis I 35:29.640 --> 35:36.200 don't know which I think hydroxychloroquine is a prophylaxis then he got covid for the second or 35:36.200 --> 35:45.080 third time and despite being on a hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis and then adding ivermectin he 35:45.080 --> 35:51.880 still had two weeks of terrible sickness and I ended up sort of laughing at him because I was 35:51.880 --> 35:58.840 like so wait you used everything everything on the recommended list from your side 35:59.400 --> 36:05.560 and you still got sick for two weeks and you think that those things work you think that that plan 36:05.560 --> 36:13.480 of yours that imaginary coping plan with the novel virus worked and I do think he's vaccinated 36:13.480 --> 36:18.600 and I do think that was the point that I was able to make and dunk on him um was that like 36:18.600 --> 36:23.080 you're double vaccinated you're on prophylaxis you're testing all the time 36:23.080 --> 36:27.560 you took all these things and you still got super sick for like the second or third time 36:27.560 --> 36:33.480 that doesn't even make sense to me that you would even argue this is evidence for for something 36:33.480 --> 36:40.280 that you understand and so I find it very strange where whenever this guy shows up because people 36:40.280 --> 36:45.560 want to say that that he's a dissident but somehow or another I feel like he's very much a 36:46.520 --> 36:51.640 a person whose job is to be there and make sure that you understand that COVID is serious 36:52.280 --> 36:56.520 COVID's a virus COVID's going around and it made him really sick twice 36:58.440 --> 37:03.640 and and that seems to be his role and so you know I'm not saying he's a bad guy or a good guy I'm 37:03.640 --> 37:11.320 saying that that he has been encouraged to share his experience with the COVID virus a lot even in 37:11.320 --> 37:20.440 Romania so publication bias that's pretty easy thing to talk about but what he was saying was 37:20.440 --> 37:27.240 it was a publication bias of plus versus minus like um positive versus negative results he wasn't 37:27.240 --> 37:33.080 talking about the fake studies that we know were done including that that one that uh was made up 37:33.080 --> 37:39.080 of whole uh holy bad like uh made up data and we weren't talking about poorly designed studies 37:39.160 --> 37:44.840 you know like giving hydroxychloroquine in the 15th day of hospitalization or giving too big of a 37:44.840 --> 37:50.120 dose too late or or giving ivermectin in the fifth day in combination with remdesivir 37:53.880 --> 37:57.800 so that's a little strange because again you can go through these things but you can go through 37:57.800 --> 38:03.720 them in such a way that doesn't get anybody any closer to exiting the cave and if you think that 38:03.720 --> 38:09.720 if you realize that there were fake holy fake papers that were promoted on mainstream media and 38:09.720 --> 38:15.800 social media as being evidence for the ineffectiveness of these things so that those fake or poorly 38:15.800 --> 38:24.920 designed papers would would be the fuel for an incredibly fervored debate an incredibly vigorous 38:24.920 --> 38:31.560 debate a legitimate paper with controversial or or hard to interpret results isn't going to get 38:31.560 --> 38:39.320 you a debate a poorly designed paper with very easy to debunk methodologies would get you a very 38:39.320 --> 38:44.840 vigorous debate especially if you promoted those papers on mainstream media as being a valuable 38:44.840 --> 38:52.600 insight into the effect of these prophylactics you see the deal here and so i'm not trying to 38:52.600 --> 38:57.080 beat a dead horse i'm trying to show you how the subtle differences in the way that these 38:57.720 --> 39:04.520 questions are asked and the answers are given you can show people the breadth and the depth 39:04.520 --> 39:11.160 of this deception or you can let them scratch the surface but then pad them on the back and make 39:11.160 --> 39:16.200 them feel like they really understand it and i think that's often what goes on in these discussions 39:18.680 --> 39:23.160 and here again let me summarize that if you don't say that there were fake papers 39:23.800 --> 39:29.800 if you don't explain that there were poorly designed studies and you don't explain that they 39:29.800 --> 39:37.880 were this way in order to create a very limited spectrum of debate that would be extremely engaging 39:40.040 --> 39:44.680 where the people that were doing it on social media most of them would be unwittingly participating 39:44.680 --> 39:50.200 because the ridiculousness of a poorly designed study of ivermectin could drive people nuts for 39:50.200 --> 39:59.160 months and that's perfect so he said relative risk reduction benefits versus risk remember this 39:59.160 --> 40:09.960 big debate absolute risk you remember that absolute risk versus relative risk and everybody 40:09.960 --> 40:14.840 was doing that big calculation and everybody had their own math problem that they could show you 40:14.840 --> 40:19.480 how impressive it was that relative risk really didn't tell you anything but absolute risk did 40:21.080 --> 40:25.560 all the while we were having that discussion people were being put on remdesivir people were 40:25.560 --> 40:32.120 putting on propofol and medazalam people weren't being given a broad spectrum antibiotic when they 40:32.120 --> 40:37.080 could have used one they weren't being treated with steroids appropriately they were not being 40:37.080 --> 40:41.960 treated at all but being sent back to nursing homes ladies and gentlemen while we were arguing 40:41.960 --> 40:47.640 about the relative risk reduction being used as a factor in a study that was looking at a 40:47.640 --> 40:52.040 transfection that we didn't need in the first place we were arguing about how the numbers should 40:52.040 --> 40:56.040 be distributed how the numbers should be displayed how they should be calculated 40:57.640 --> 40:59.960 rather than whether they should be calculated at all 41:02.040 --> 41:06.600 and i was doing it too don't get me wrong i was on streams with matthew crawford talking about this 41:06.600 --> 41:16.360 stuff and so we had done had we done nothing had this thing come around and we'd done nothing had 41:16.440 --> 41:24.360 this thing come around and we'd done nothing we'd be better off the virus did take out some 41:24.360 --> 41:31.320 people it sure did and then he mentioned j about a charia and i didn't i didn't realize that propofol 41:31.320 --> 41:36.280 was also something that they might have used in this pandemic to anesthetize people i guess that's 41:36.280 --> 41:41.240 how they put them on event um i've heard lots of good things about how propofol works from 41:41.880 --> 41:47.000 the time when i was in the operating room as a pharmacy technician but that was a long time 41:47.000 --> 41:52.120 ago i'm sure um yeah anyway uh let's get back to that vidya 41:56.920 --> 42:04.600 they certainly you know the the place we ended up really doing nothing was in the care of the 42:04.600 --> 42:10.360 patients right because there was lockdown because there was panic because the hospitals were closed 42:11.240 --> 42:15.320 where we really did nothing is the one place we should have been doing something which was 42:15.320 --> 42:19.720 observing our patients monitoring our patients trying different things on the patients 42:20.600 --> 42:24.760 the the steroid inhalers would have worked steroids themselves would have heard you know you can 42:24.760 --> 42:29.320 argue about early treatment whatnot but there were things to be done patients were set home and told 42:29.320 --> 42:35.240 to come back when they were blue that that that was the first chapter of this whole catastrophe that 42:35.240 --> 42:41.240 i just blew my mind i by the way i wrote down a couple of the things that uh j about a charia 42:41.240 --> 42:47.960 said to me he said he they looked at every single person alive as a biohazard and he said society 42:47.960 --> 42:53.800 can't run that way he's absolutely right about that and now i just went to a event last night 42:53.800 --> 42:58.440 talking about the mental health consequences on there's anyone else see a contradiction 42:58.440 --> 43:05.080 between the idea that people were sent home and told to return when they were blue and the idea 43:05.240 --> 43:12.680 that hospitals were overwhelmed and then the idea that actually only a couple hospitals were 43:12.680 --> 43:19.080 overwhelmed and the rest were empty and so were they really telling people to go home and if they 43:19.080 --> 43:24.760 could they sure they could have been at most hospitals and at some hospitals they let them come in i don't 43:25.640 --> 43:32.600 it's weird because saying that patients were sent home and were told to return when blue 43:33.240 --> 43:39.560 probably happened everywhere but in like a few places but i'm not really sure it's just 43:39.560 --> 43:45.000 something i know a lot of people have repeated teenagers and young adults it's profound it's 43:45.000 --> 43:49.960 profound what we've done the numbers of deaths that are going to happen as a result of despair 43:49.960 --> 43:56.280 and drugs it's just profound none of that would have happened if we had done nothing plus you mentioned 43:56.280 --> 44:02.200 the slight improvement with the vaccine we didn't know the potential side effects now we know we 44:02.200 --> 44:07.000 can go to a 22 year old male ago you know there's a one in five thousand let's say one in 50,000 44:07.000 --> 44:12.440 chance of mild carditis and half of those are going to be part well in one year we know okay so 44:12.440 --> 44:16.680 i'm going to go back because this is really bothering me a lot listen carefully to what dr 44:16.680 --> 44:23.880 drew says in mind by the way i wrote down a couple of the things that j about a charia said to me he said 44:23.880 --> 44:31.240 he they looked at every single person alive as a biohazard and he said society can't run that way 44:31.240 --> 44:35.240 he's absolutely right about that and now i just went to a event last night 44:35.240 --> 44:41.000 talking about the mental health consequences on teenagers and young adults it's profound 44:41.000 --> 44:45.480 it's profound what we've done the numbers of deaths that are going to happen as a result of 44:45.480 --> 44:52.040 despair and drugs it's just profound none of that would have happened if we had done nothing plus 44:52.040 --> 44:57.000 you mentioned the slight improvement with the vaccine okay had we done nothing so what does he 44:57.000 --> 45:02.760 really mean there does he mean masking does he mean shutting down schools or does he mean 45:03.480 --> 45:09.240 the requiring of shots and masking and quarantine and testing at college campuses 45:11.320 --> 45:17.320 because i think that saying it as briefly as he did has done a really gross 45:17.880 --> 45:24.680 misjustice to what we've done to the young people because what we've also done is gotten them onto 45:24.680 --> 45:33.400 a psychological train the rules of which involve pandemic viruses for the foreseeable future 45:35.720 --> 45:40.440 for experimental countermeasures every once in a while for the foreseeable future 45:42.840 --> 45:49.000 and there being really no choice when the government or the university or my employer decides to make 45:49.000 --> 45:54.680 a decision it might be a pretty dumb one but i'm gonna have to go along with it 45:56.520 --> 46:01.560 where is all of the this despair and sadness and depression coming from 46:03.400 --> 46:08.840 why is any very specific about it it's the failure of adults to stand up for those kids 46:09.800 --> 46:16.840 it's the failure of the adults to stand up for the tiniest kids for the middle middle school 46:16.920 --> 46:25.160 kids for the high school kids and it's really really on all of you all of you who had college 46:25.160 --> 46:31.400 kids and let them go to college and take the shot and follow those mandates you should have told 46:31.400 --> 46:38.040 them to take the year off you should have had the guts to tell them to take the year off stay at home 46:38.760 --> 46:44.280 get a job at starbucks party with your friends you're not going to go pay 40 000 46:44.280 --> 46:49.400 dollars to have some college tell you what you can't be free you can't you're not even a free 46:49.400 --> 46:57.640 being anymore you're a farm animal we made a huge we made an absolutely gigantic galactic error 46:58.680 --> 47:03.800 by not standing up for our college kids by letting them all take the shot to go to college football 47:03.800 --> 47:11.480 games ladies and gentlemen we made a huge huge error with our college kids that needs to be 47:11.560 --> 47:18.120 fixed immediately or we are going to lose them and if we lose them then we may lose this battle 47:20.280 --> 47:24.600 and we're not going to get them back by covering it that cursor really no way 47:26.360 --> 47:31.000 we didn't know the potential side effects now we know we can go to a 22-year-old male 47:31.000 --> 47:35.320 ago you know there's a one in five thousand let's say one in 50 000 chance of myocarditis 47:36.280 --> 47:40.760 and half of those are going to be part well in one year we know it persists and those people 47:40.760 --> 47:46.200 some of those may end up with really serious cardiac problems as opposed to zero risk from 47:46.200 --> 47:52.440 certainly in the omicron for age uh why are we still pushing these things well that was an 47:52.440 --> 48:00.200 interesting thing to slip in there so the cardiac risk has gone down from delta to omicron is that 48:00.200 --> 48:06.040 what he just said that's pretty spooky yo half of those are going to be part well in one year we 48:06.040 --> 48:10.440 know it persists and those people some of those may end up with really serious cardiac problems 48:10.440 --> 48:17.640 as opposed to zero risk from certainly in the omicron for age uh why are we still pushing these 48:17.640 --> 48:25.640 things well this is a young people particularly yeah and this is why you have your show and it's 48:25.640 --> 48:31.320 so popular and this is why even the violence company is have particular products address 48:31.960 --> 48:36.040 despite this is the second time that they are mentioning this 48:40.360 --> 48:46.600 the wellness company are you kidding me post virus and vaccine vaccine is a problem 48:47.320 --> 48:53.000 look i think historically we were we were learning things that we think we understand today 48:53.640 --> 48:57.560 that we will get to know what was wrongsided and we would be corrected long too 48:58.280 --> 49:05.400 yeah we were wrong for sure we talked we i figured out no no no no i i i cannot understand 49:06.040 --> 49:14.600 how um a product that is so problematic in the sense of its causing harms their reported deaths 49:14.600 --> 49:19.880 we can put i put on a substack about this this japanese study with this teenage girl who died 49:19.880 --> 49:24.760 that they're linking it direct to the shock that's not the only study we have many many instances 49:24.760 --> 49:31.960 so we have a problem yet the powers that we don't want to talk about it and when we talk about it 49:31.960 --> 49:37.240 we get attacked and smeared and slammed it so it has to be that people have been incentivized 49:37.240 --> 49:43.960 j in some way and incentivization is not just money cash money you could get incentivization 49:43.960 --> 49:50.200 by being able to keep your job keep your research position keep keep your research grant and that 49:50.280 --> 49:57.320 is wrong because what we need is honest scientific debate on what the facts are bring the facts 49:57.320 --> 50:01.960 to the table there's an even if you don't like the outcome you're going to have to agree with it 50:01.960 --> 50:09.160 because this is proper proper science we are not dealing with proper science here zero i mean between 50:09.160 --> 50:15.160 right yeah between molyne skiers heads of the cdc both of them i knew doctor i think personal 50:15.160 --> 50:21.400 in fact he told me personally about his six foot social rule when i wrote that years ago people 50:21.400 --> 50:29.960 said how are you sure he told yet he told me that i liked him and to me i know him personally 50:29.960 --> 50:36.520 he's a good godfaring man but he was flat wrong and a lot of the science coming out of cdc and 50:36.520 --> 50:42.760 decisions they made while he was there well linsky was worse and the present cdc director even worse 50:42.840 --> 50:46.920 maybe we have a problem we seem to have patronage i'll see it 50:47.720 --> 50:52.040 he was a patronist probably appointment on the trump like well linsky on the buy 50:52.920 --> 50:58.680 they're not putting the right people in place who bring the pedigree but we don't want the 50:58.680 --> 51:03.240 political animal we want somebody who nobody held their saying and what they're doing and they 51:03.240 --> 51:08.920 could lean those thousands of employees that actually give us good science and good research 51:09.560 --> 51:16.200 not politicize the agency you know so i am one of them saying straight up whoever the next 51:16.200 --> 51:20.920 president or you know i'm a trump supporter i'm going to trump train but i have said you 51:21.720 --> 51:29.240 show me a democrat show me a liberal show me a rhino even you show me somebody show me somebody 51:29.240 --> 51:36.520 who's an independent and they love the country they love the borders they respect the flat they 51:36.520 --> 51:42.120 respect the anthem they know about understand law and order they understand all those things 51:42.120 --> 51:47.560 they like the police they don't want to burn the police down they respect the military and the 51:47.560 --> 51:53.560 service the history of america the greatest country in the world banan well you show me 51:53.560 --> 51:58.360 that person democrat even i'll vote for them i don't have to vote for president trump on 51:58.360 --> 52:03.320 work right now i'm in his orbit but i will not support him if you show me somebody who could 52:03.320 --> 52:09.240 check because trump checks those boxes you show me somebody could check them plus one 52:09.240 --> 52:15.320 i'll strongly consider them but right now on the deck i need somebody like a trump to go into dc 52:15.880 --> 52:25.720 and burn that place down you need to raise cdc fda naad raise it to the floor take it down to the 52:25.720 --> 52:33.560 studs fire everybody 1,000 top down across the board i need a job those agencies because they 52:33.560 --> 52:42.280 inept then competent they politicize i know because i work there i know these people i can't believe 52:42.280 --> 52:48.200 the quality of the people at cdc they have some really good people strong people to scientists 52:48.760 --> 52:54.760 but if vast majority of them are just overpaid and underworked and they get their not viability 52:54.760 --> 53:00.520 i'm sorry i mean but same in canada i work for the government of canada our epidemiologists 53:00.520 --> 53:06.440 for health canada and the public health agency of canada some of the most inept people work there 53:06.440 --> 53:11.400 and they make decisions that affect lives like decisions they made on lockdowns 53:12.360 --> 53:17.720 we found drew i'm echo and j but i'm going a little deeper than j 53:18.600 --> 53:23.320 we looked i wish he was referencing me but i i published a paper with i think he's referencing 53:23.320 --> 53:31.000 j about a chariot here a color rich dr ramen osui doctor how it turned about we looked at every 53:31.000 --> 53:39.400 single study in this entire world across every country every study every report we could find 53:39.720 --> 53:49.080 not one not one study has been published up to four years now to show that any lockdown 53:49.080 --> 53:55.960 will occur transmission or death none not one same as school closures that's an incredible 53:55.960 --> 54:01.320 statement for me to make but i challenge anyone to produce one for me because i know what the 54:01.400 --> 54:08.120 date is i published it four hundred studies in brownstone one find it and read it you bring 54:08.120 --> 54:17.240 one and show me that lock you can't so that's it in other words we lock society dumb based on 54:17.240 --> 54:24.440 what we had no no we never did it before and we had no evidence that it would work 54:24.440 --> 54:31.080 same with the social distancing redfield told me at the hhs i asked him i said dr redfield blunt 54:31.720 --> 54:37.240 dr redfield where show me these studies again you use it with purists i'm a purist and i went 54:37.240 --> 54:43.880 there to help with my research ability he laughed with me not at me but he chuckled he said fall 54:44.600 --> 54:49.560 there's no science we made it up i said dr redfield made it up he said yes 54:50.120 --> 54:55.160 so many countries were in consultation with because that happened before i arrived two months before 54:55.160 --> 55:01.080 so it was already on deck they wanted one foot some said three feet some said 12 feet 55:01.080 --> 55:07.880 some said 22 feet we found six feet some good good now people thought when i wrote that 55:08.760 --> 55:16.680 in a substat in my blog that when he's pulling that out of his his behind why would we hear 55:16.680 --> 55:23.080 where he told me scott got leave the former FDA commissioner went on the news shortly after 55:23.160 --> 55:30.200 me and said the same because he was there too he said it was made up no fauci has come and said 55:30.200 --> 55:37.400 it was made up so i i i was speaking what i knew i actually spoke to redfield that was covid 55:38.600 --> 55:43.480 everything that they did they were making it up as they were going along the only problem is 55:44.280 --> 55:52.680 their policies had serious real world implications and their policies harmed people many people 55:53.320 --> 55:59.960 died because of their policies i'm telling you we had husbands and wives data was coming to my 55:59.960 --> 56:06.680 office so we knew me and dr i classes it was coming to us husbands and wives were turning up to the 56:06.680 --> 56:15.960 year standing there across america wife telling your doctor doctor i have been locked on for 10 56:15.960 --> 56:23.800 months 12 months i've had no work no income i'm angry i'm bitter i'm miserable and i have to admit 56:23.800 --> 56:29.800 i've been physically violent against my husband standing right here husband and tell the doctor 56:30.600 --> 56:36.440 i too have been beaten my wife every day i have no work for a year we're losing the house 56:36.440 --> 56:42.120 campaign and mortgage its disaster all life is over but they're standing there both of them 56:42.440 --> 56:48.760 arms open and a child is laying in their arms unresponsive and they're telling the doctor 56:48.760 --> 56:54.600 today doctor we hear no i think he's talking about a third person like he's telling a story about 56:54.600 --> 56:59.000 people that come into the er and tell stories about how they've been locked down for 10 months 56:59.000 --> 57:03.560 and they're beating their husband or their wife or whatever because we think we crossed the line 57:03.560 --> 57:08.920 today we think we might have killed the child please help us and the child is there unresponsive 57:09.000 --> 57:14.520 with broken bones they beat the child to a fragile and that happened across america multiple times 57:14.520 --> 57:20.440 i know because they were reporting was coming to our office we were rolling it up to the white 57:20.440 --> 57:27.080 house when trump was on his stump they're getting the cdc and arguing for the states to open the 57:27.080 --> 57:35.880 economy and the schools is because he was getting the reports from us we had we harmed and i'm actually 57:35.960 --> 57:43.640 trying to support what you just said drew we harmed our populations we harmed children 57:44.520 --> 57:51.560 some models suggest it will take the rest of the 21st century 80 more years to put them back 57:52.360 --> 58:01.000 to where it were in january of 2020 we harmed them sexual abuse physical abuse when we locked 58:01.000 --> 58:08.440 schools down we didn't understand that most american children get their only meal in school 58:08.440 --> 58:15.800 most when we closed schools many american children starved for months when we closed schools many 58:15.800 --> 58:22.120 american children were sexually abusing their own homes and school is a place where it's flagged 58:22.120 --> 58:29.080 for the first time we put children at risk many children were physically beaten by their families 58:30.040 --> 58:37.000 friends most children of sexual abuse the parents knew the person that's another important statistic 58:37.000 --> 58:42.680 and children suffered i'm not really down with this i'm not i don't you know 58:52.760 --> 58:56.040 i'm not really down with this because what it does it really feels like 58:59.880 --> 59:08.280 it really feels like an emphasis on particular worst case scenarios where even if and i'm not 59:08.280 --> 59:14.680 saying that we should ignore these ideas but let's ignore all of these rare examples of kids that 59:14.680 --> 59:22.680 were sexually abused more often than before because of the pandemic i don't think there are a whole 59:22.680 --> 59:28.120 lot of kids that were completely free of sexual abuse before the pandemic and then the pandemic 59:28.200 --> 59:37.400 finally gave the opportunity for it to start and so i feel like what he should be focused on 59:38.280 --> 59:45.400 are the all the families that struggled to survive and didn't have these extraordinary 59:45.400 --> 59:50.840 problems the extraordinary problems were just created by the extraordinary countermeasures 59:50.840 --> 59:57.400 that were were forced upon our communities and so we're not talking about the lost businesses and 59:57.400 --> 01:00:04.520 how those wrecked marriages we're not talking about how lost income could cause pressure that 01:00:04.520 --> 01:00:11.720 would fracture families even if they were in school would have fractured households even if 01:00:11.720 --> 01:00:17.160 everybody was going to school being home wasn't the problem being on an iPad wasn't the problem 01:00:19.080 --> 01:00:26.040 it was having people's lives disrupted people's livelihoods disrupted businesses destroyed 01:00:26.040 --> 01:00:29.480 yeah sure it's not good that the the schools were closed 01:00:31.800 --> 01:00:39.320 it surely exacerbated a lot of things but we don't need to go down a list of uh special victims units 01:00:39.320 --> 01:00:47.240 episodes here there's enough tragedy in very good people not being allowed to see their 01:00:47.240 --> 01:00:51.720 relatives that were being killed by the protocols that's something we ought to talk about how about 01:00:51.800 --> 01:00:56.840 all those teenagers that are suffering despair because one or more of their parents or grandparents 01:00:56.840 --> 01:01:03.640 disappeared taken away from them suffered died how about my wife's sister how about her father in 01:01:03.640 --> 01:01:15.000 law how about Nate's family how about Annie's family there's no special tragedies there with 01:01:15.560 --> 01:01:23.960 abuse or or or or spousal whatever this is just loving beautiful families being destroyed by this 01:01:23.960 --> 01:01:30.920 narrative so why is he got to send all this negativity why did he spend 20 minutes talking 01:01:30.920 --> 01:01:36.680 about how Redfield made up the six foot rule why did he just point out that six foot is also 01:01:36.680 --> 01:01:40.280 how deep you're supposed to bury a dead body and that's why they chose six foot 01:01:40.920 --> 01:01:49.720 I don't like the fact that we're I feel like we're still being played 01:01:52.600 --> 01:01:56.440 I don't like the fact that I feel like people are still being given scripts to read 01:01:58.520 --> 01:02:00.840 I don't like the fact that I feel like people are 01:02:01.000 --> 01:02:07.800 do those supplements work I don't know 01:02:10.600 --> 01:02:15.800 do people need them I don't know I could be doing a great service to to the world 01:02:16.920 --> 01:02:19.960 maybe I should be sponsored by the wellness company 01:02:24.120 --> 01:02:27.880 but if I'm sponsored by the wellness company I'm still going to say everything I'm saying right 01:02:27.880 --> 01:02:31.560 now including that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the 01:02:31.560 --> 01:02:35.560 intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb I'm still going to say the 01:02:35.560 --> 01:02:42.840 transfection in humans is criminally negligent because any medical doctor should have been 01:02:43.560 --> 01:02:47.960 should have felt the responsibility enough to read up on it to find out what it was and to 01:02:47.960 --> 01:02:53.000 come to the conclusion that it was a transfection wholly untested being delivered with 01:02:53.080 --> 01:02:55.400 wholly untested lipid nanoparticles 01:02:57.880 --> 01:02:59.800 and we haven't mentioned any of that yet 01:03:03.720 --> 01:03:09.640 so we're getting there we're sort of there right he said something like if we had done nothing 01:03:09.640 --> 01:03:14.360 this thing came around and we had done nothing we would be better off but the 01:03:14.360 --> 01:03:16.760 virus did take out vulnerable old people 01:03:16.840 --> 01:03:25.480 I have faith in a novel virus that killed millions of people but millions more were saved 01:03:26.200 --> 01:03:30.520 I believe this novel virus probably came from gain of function and I believe it will come again 01:03:34.360 --> 01:03:41.320 he suffered our children and it is bearing on well I would argue I would argue you're pointing 01:03:41.320 --> 01:03:49.480 out the most extreme obviously cases but as you go down the scale of severity of the consequences 01:03:49.480 --> 01:03:55.800 they are still profound in terms of the impact on development mental health 01:03:56.360 --> 01:04:01.160 cognitive development school I will tell the story now I always tell it when I have this 01:04:01.160 --> 01:04:06.600 conversation I will I suppose I'll take this one to my grave when the the Ukrainian women were 01:04:06.600 --> 01:04:11.400 running out of Ukraine at the beginning of the war the invasion from Russia they were running 01:04:11.400 --> 01:04:16.360 into Poland with their children and there were reporters there with microphones and a two-way 01:04:16.360 --> 01:04:20.440 person each woman said oh yeah it's terrible we're leaving our sons our fathers our our 01:04:20.440 --> 01:04:25.640 our husbands back to fight this war and then the next thing out of their mouth was 01:04:25.640 --> 01:04:29.720 but these kids have been out of school for two weeks we have to get them back in school immediately 01:04:29.720 --> 01:04:38.360 it's been two weeks that's a sane mother two weeks out of school is for real it is substantial 01:04:38.360 --> 01:04:44.360 in this state California where I am right now we did it for two years and what we expect that to 01:04:44.360 --> 01:04:49.800 suddenly magically vaporize in terms of its effect it's too much uh Dr. Alexander I'm gonna take a 01:04:49.800 --> 01:04:57.000 little break here uh when we come back amongst other things I want to talk about Dr. Birx because 01:04:57.000 --> 01:05:03.080 she was the one that evangelized about closure and I've got a little that theory that when 01:05:03.080 --> 01:05:09.000 when a physician he's done he specializes on any topic when they become a you know when they become 01:05:09.640 --> 01:05:14.760 you know uh I don't know whether word to use but evangelical is not religiously 01:05:14.760 --> 01:05:20.840 evangelical they become evangelical on a topic that's how we got the opioid crisis for instance 01:05:20.840 --> 01:05:26.040 that's how that's how opiates were evangelized by the pain medicine world where pain became the 01:05:26.040 --> 01:05:30.760 fifth vital sign and pain assessment was more important than the pulse and all this craziness 01:05:30.760 --> 01:05:39.240 that was because of evangelical physicians Birx on her own and in her book not only evangelized but 01:05:39.240 --> 01:05:45.720 felt like a hero in having done so I'd love to get your assessment now that we have Dr. Fauci slowly 01:05:45.720 --> 01:05:50.680 turning towards reality where he is saying again the six feet social distancing was 01:05:50.680 --> 01:05:56.440 non-scientific made up no evidence that it did anything and yet we got the world to cooperate 01:05:56.440 --> 01:06:03.880 with that it's just sensational and two that the lab leak uh where the specifics on the origin of 01:06:03.880 --> 01:06:09.480 the virus came from might or no really it could no certainly not a conspiracy to talk about lab 01:06:09.480 --> 01:06:17.240 leak origin although anyone who dared to bring that up a year or two ago was called a conspiracist 01:06:17.320 --> 01:06:24.200 so we'll do those topics when we return so ladies gentlemen let's so a year or two ago you would 01:06:24.200 --> 01:06:30.280 have been called a conspiracy theorist to bring up the lab leak are you are we forgetting that 01:06:30.280 --> 01:06:36.840 we're in the fifth year now drew this whole thing started in 2020 that means four years ago 01:06:37.880 --> 01:06:45.080 four years ago ladies and gentlemen seriously I'm not even kidding four years ago four 01:06:45.800 --> 01:06:51.640 absolutely it's four years ago four years ago you would have been called a conspiracy theorist 01:06:51.640 --> 01:06:59.240 to talk about the lab leak not one or two years ago four years ago yeah got it okay good glad you 01:06:59.240 --> 01:07:06.520 could hear that um it's four years ago it's really I wanted that to be uh I had some kind of reverb 01:07:06.520 --> 01:07:13.720 on there and now it was altering my pitch again I was recording uh some some stuff for the computer 01:07:13.720 --> 01:07:19.880 voice and then yeah I thought I had that for reverb dark on it anyway that's not an older 01:07:19.880 --> 01:07:25.960 interview I think it's like a week old um anyway let's make a resolution that's easy to keep and 01:07:25.960 --> 01:07:30.920 to look and forth in a box or one of our custom gen facts just for all skin types and perfect 01:07:30.920 --> 01:07:39.240 for skin of any age oh come on it's safe for all that's fake he's never been online like that 01:07:40.200 --> 01:07:48.840 no way no no freaking way skin types and perfect for skin of any age plus with its immediate 01:07:48.840 --> 01:07:56.920 effect that was like he had gel on his face or something it's like it's got peaks men 2023 01:07:56.920 --> 01:08:01.800 genusil works for women see any smeared it and some of it went away types and perfect for skin 01:08:01.800 --> 01:08:07.480 of any age plus with its immediate maybe that was just stuff that he put on maybe that was this 01:08:07.480 --> 01:08:13.880 guaranteed or 100% of your money back so start wearing makeup now look off right with one of our 01:08:13.880 --> 01:08:21.960 custom genusils colors are made from media you know the medical professionals you can trust 01:08:21.960 --> 01:08:25.960 and their new medical emergency kits are the gold standard when it comes to keep you safe and 01:08:25.960 --> 01:08:31.080 healthy it's really it's a safety net it's an insurance policy that you hope you're not gonna 01:08:31.080 --> 01:08:35.480 leave but if you need it you sure as heck are gonna wish you had it if you need it be ready for 01:08:35.480 --> 01:08:41.000 anything this medical emergency kit contains an assortment of lifesaving medications including 01:08:41.000 --> 01:08:45.640 ivermectin z what do you suppose he gets for doing this i mean i know he's got a lot of viewers 01:08:46.520 --> 01:08:51.400 but what what would he get for this could i make a living as a as a wellness guy i don't think i 01:08:51.400 --> 01:09:01.000 have enough followers interesting you pack the medical from z back you see you found a better 01:09:01.080 --> 01:09:06.280 sleep supplement is just moments here and he just shakes that oh my god you should have on hand 01:09:06.280 --> 01:09:11.960 we have more kits coming for more circumstances like travel whatnot also Susan brought her favorite 01:09:11.960 --> 01:09:16.360 supplements here and cleave mind is the sleep the rest will sleep i i've never found a better 01:09:16.360 --> 01:09:20.280 sleep supplement is just uncanny how well that stuff works but will you have the spike support and 01:09:20.280 --> 01:09:26.200 the yeah if you've had covid recently you take the spike support yeah it was a dr drew bobblehead 01:09:26.200 --> 01:09:30.360 and i want you to think very carefully about who else has a bobblehead because Vincent 01:09:31.400 --> 01:09:37.400 racking yellow has a bobblehead i think kevin mccaren has a bobblehead 01:09:38.280 --> 01:09:45.320 tony fauci i have a tony fauci bobblehead um but having a bobblehead of yourself is something very 01:09:45.320 --> 01:09:51.000 very intriguing unless your kids get it for you for father's day which probably is what kevin mccaren 01:09:51.000 --> 01:09:58.120 had so that's totally okay um and i'm gonna assume that um because i think has as 01:10:00.280 --> 01:10:05.400 an interesting as a character as kevin mccaren is it's hard for me to imagine that he is 01:10:06.040 --> 01:10:12.760 somebody who would buy himself a bobblehead that's just seems way above and beyond now maybe the 01:10:12.760 --> 01:10:19.640 guy who was or the gal that's that's running his show or or giving him encouragement or or direction 01:10:20.360 --> 01:10:25.000 provided that bobblehead but the idea that of all the things he could do i'm sure 01:10:25.800 --> 01:10:30.200 getting a bobblehead what could not possibly have been very high on his list i mean 01:10:31.000 --> 01:10:37.560 it just seems so weird and then how many people have bobbleheads it's just weird i don't know right 01:10:37.560 --> 01:10:44.280 it does does does debunked the funk have a bobblehead i don't think so and also there's some 01:10:44.280 --> 01:10:49.640 okay look can we see there's also no i'm not on camera and then the gummies which have bromelain 01:10:49.640 --> 01:10:55.080 i use the kids gummy dr valperin on fire in his substation is the book and here is dr paul 01:10:55.080 --> 01:11:01.800 he's got a book i didn't know he had a book oh my gosh all these people have books 01:11:03.480 --> 01:11:08.760 okay i need a sponsorship from the wellness company and i need a book i need a both stat 01:11:08.760 --> 01:11:16.760 alexander uh who has so many books lately you can follow him uh on twitter uh it is put it up 01:11:16.760 --> 01:11:21.400 there calip if you would his sub-stack in the twitter make sure i get this right dr paul 01:11:21.400 --> 01:11:25.960 alexander dot com where you can find it i don't have his twitter account but you can find it at 01:11:25.960 --> 01:11:33.960 dr paul alexander dot com got it and the sub-stack uh paul uh mark hu satanic and myself do not have 01:11:33.960 --> 01:11:38.760 a book yet so please don't make these these broad statements in the chat like everyone 01:11:38.760 --> 01:11:43.880 has a book because not everybody has a book mark and i don't have a book jessica and mark and i 01:11:43.880 --> 01:11:49.880 don't have a book okay not everybody's got a book please have a little sensitivity when you're when 01:11:49.880 --> 01:11:56.360 you're typing things the sub-stack the address is very simple is you just need to google alexander 01:11:56.360 --> 01:12:04.040 covid news just alexander space covid space news and it will pop up and it's free i've made it free 01:12:04.760 --> 01:12:11.560 you know you don't have to pay to join there's no um no moratoriums no firewalls anyone could 01:12:11.560 --> 01:12:18.280 comment and you could get into the discussion excellent now before the break i mentioned 01:12:18.280 --> 01:12:23.880 dr bergs and her evangelizing for a how do you know or uh what what are you basing your uh statement 01:12:23.880 --> 01:12:31.640 on their daniel hays that the that the supplements are of low quality um no fulcrum i was just 01:12:31.640 --> 01:12:37.720 joking around don't don't take me too seriously i'm not sad that i don't have a book um i'm gonna 01:12:37.720 --> 01:12:43.320 have a book eventually i'm sure it'll be a really great recipe book uh what what why do you think 01:12:43.320 --> 01:12:49.480 that they're yes get foster colson to get you a vitamin line yeah well only if it's going to be 01:12:49.480 --> 01:12:57.000 like uh jj's jj's you know special combination i don't want to i want to hawk anybody else's combos 01:12:58.280 --> 01:13:06.520 i want my own i want to uh melone special and her sense of heroism in her own book on having done so 01:13:06.520 --> 01:13:11.080 what is your what is your assessment these days that's a beautiful picture of those hand down 01:13:11.080 --> 01:13:18.200 i have wow and um dr bergs on me dr bergs had serious problems with dr a class myself he was in 01:13:18.200 --> 01:13:23.960 the isin hobbit and i was at the um health and human services because we were raising serious 01:13:23.960 --> 01:13:30.760 hell with her and pouchy as to the lockdowns school closures etc and um i think um she wrote 01:13:30.760 --> 01:13:37.240 in a book that she didn't really care for me and um the thing about it is what i don't understand 01:13:37.240 --> 01:13:42.840 through is these people made a lot of mistakes and they're not being held accountable the type 01:13:42.840 --> 01:13:49.000 of hearings and the discussions needed are not happening so i hope it will come um a lot of these 01:13:49.000 --> 01:13:56.360 people the reality is you you can't hate people you can't you have to love each other and um be 01:13:56.360 --> 01:14:05.960 you know gracious mercy before make mistakes everyone is oh no he froze again uh oh just uh 01:14:05.960 --> 01:14:09.720 froze on dot jell exander kayla were you still there with me or is that just on this end no yeah 01:14:09.720 --> 01:14:16.680 i'm still here that was just his his call dropped he'll be he's coming back come on paul okay excellent 01:14:16.680 --> 01:14:23.480 yeah uh it's again he was there he was the one fighting the fight i remember i was on a 01:14:24.120 --> 01:14:29.320 nightly news broadcast i've discussed this before in here in los angeles um and a school board member 01:14:29.320 --> 01:14:35.000 came in the night they closed the schools and i i was sort of shocked that they were doing this 01:14:35.080 --> 01:14:40.520 because i i was it seemed excessive and bizarre for this particular pathogen and uh the school 01:14:40.520 --> 01:14:45.320 board member came in and i said who who told you to do this did you consult with a team of infectious 01:14:45.320 --> 01:14:50.840 disease experts was their public health who told you and thank god there's still footage of it and 01:14:50.840 --> 01:14:55.160 if you look on the atom and dr. drew show we we played it there a couple of times and the guy 01:14:55.160 --> 01:15:01.560 looked at me and went we just think it's the right thing to do you you could close what just because 01:15:01.560 --> 01:15:06.760 you think it's the right what does that even mean who are you to make these decisions about 01:15:06.760 --> 01:15:12.200 it just was just the most uncanny experience and thank god i was asking those questions and they 01:15:12.200 --> 01:15:16.600 had no answers to them i you know but it was still so so odd to be around during those days 01:15:17.160 --> 01:15:23.720 and always beware of physicians that uh have evangelical points of view it's why i really try to 01:15:24.760 --> 01:15:30.760 be careful and you have humble with my positions in fact uh i got i got a little over my skis what 01:15:31.320 --> 01:15:36.440 when i look back at my own errors uh i feel like that's where i got into trouble which was 01:15:36.440 --> 01:15:43.400 being excessively sort of heuristic and pushing back on the chaos and panic that was being induced 01:15:43.400 --> 01:15:47.320 at the time i thought it was the press that was doing it i really did i thought they were the ones 01:15:47.320 --> 01:15:52.840 just doing it to try to do what they always do i mean look around now i mean every time it snows 01:15:52.840 --> 01:16:00.680 it's a climate change like every time there's a white lung syndrome in china that was nothing 01:16:01.080 --> 01:16:06.440 by the way it's respiratory virus season we're going to have respiratory viruses increase 01:16:06.440 --> 01:16:12.040 includes co including covid it is going to happen and it's going to happen every respiratory season 01:16:12.040 --> 01:16:17.000 are we going to be panicking about that every year for the rest of human life so we are we are 01:16:17.000 --> 01:16:24.040 bizarre it's just wild we are really reinforcing this this respiratory virus idea including covid 01:16:24.040 --> 01:16:30.040 so he was really reinforcing the idea that there's RSVE and that there's flu and that it's all 01:16:30.040 --> 01:16:35.640 going around and it can be tracked with PCR and that's where this goes wrong 01:16:37.800 --> 01:16:40.280 because what we're really talking about here is 01:16:42.760 --> 01:16:49.560 the indirect justification for all of this uh diagnostic infrastructure 01:16:50.440 --> 01:16:53.560 you know these these these sequencing machines are not cheap 01:16:53.560 --> 01:17:04.280 um and getting it into hospital budgets and making it a normal thing for hospitals or for 01:17:04.280 --> 01:17:11.080 testing agencies to be running DNA and and RNA diagnostics is not a good direction for us to be 01:17:11.080 --> 01:17:18.120 going in it's not a good direction for us to be going in because those are in a lot of ways 01:17:18.120 --> 01:17:23.400 black box technologies that shouldn't be applied as diagnostics in the way that they are and 01:17:23.400 --> 01:17:28.360 oftentimes probably aren't being applied as diagnostics they're being applied as data collection tools 01:17:30.280 --> 01:17:32.840 and so by driving this narrative of 01:17:35.320 --> 01:17:43.240 high fidelity genetic testing for all of these pathogens and for making it let's say common 01:17:43.720 --> 01:17:48.920 that this is the standard now we are opening the door for for this 01:17:50.520 --> 01:17:57.640 technology to be used against us into the future almost add add infinitum they can they can just 01:17:57.640 --> 01:18:00.520 roll out a fake test and if they make enough of them 01:18:03.400 --> 01:18:08.760 then they can fool people not very dissimilar to what we watch the other night with 01:18:08.760 --> 01:18:15.240 doctors not realizing that ladies were having toxic shock syndrome from incorrect use of 01:18:15.240 --> 01:18:23.960 extra absorbent tampons you roll out a bad test how long will it take for those doctors to 01:18:23.960 --> 01:18:32.360 disbelieve the test after they've been drilled by dr. Drew and by dr. Alexander and by dr. Bhattacharya 01:18:32.360 --> 01:18:40.120 and by Fauci and by by all these people that these tests are legitimate because these threats 01:18:40.120 --> 01:18:47.640 are legitimate because these biological phenomenon are legitimate and so we have to use something 01:18:47.640 --> 01:18:53.720 to track them we have to use something to get a handle on them so that we have some way of 01:18:53.720 --> 01:19:00.600 moving forward we've actually told people that this is more useful information than this entire 01:19:00.600 --> 01:19:07.240 battery of symptoms that this entire medical history of this person the last 48-hour history 01:19:07.240 --> 01:19:13.960 of this person is less important than this this PCR diagnostic this is the dangerous slippery slope 01:19:13.960 --> 01:19:20.040 that these guys don't appear to be aware of at all as they talk about the respiratory season every 01:19:20.360 --> 01:19:24.280 year come on people he yelled at us 01:19:27.000 --> 01:19:34.360 by the chasing like every time there's a white lung syndrome in china that was nothing it 01:19:34.360 --> 01:19:39.880 ate by the way it's respiratory virus season we're going to have respiratory viruses increase 01:19:39.880 --> 01:19:45.560 includes co including covid it is going to happen and it's going to happen every respiratory season 01:19:45.560 --> 01:19:49.160 are we going to be panicking about that every year for the rest of human life 01:19:49.240 --> 01:19:54.120 it's too it's just too bizarre it's just wildly i don't know i don't know what to think about 01:19:54.680 --> 01:19:58.760 but uh Caleb how are we doing there with uh Dr. Alexander we're uh trying to reconnect him he's 01:19:58.760 --> 01:20:03.960 coming back into the zoom call i don't it's it's been so bizarre like as you guys probably noticed 01:20:03.960 --> 01:20:09.160 yesterday we had tons of technical issues today i had its even technicians come out and change 01:20:09.160 --> 01:20:13.080 all the hardware only for us to find out that it was because of the tornadoes that went through 01:20:13.160 --> 01:20:18.920 florida knocked out a whole fiber like array they called it so everybody using fiber on the 01:20:18.920 --> 01:20:23.160 east coast has been having some issues like this so he's he's coming back and then he's on it and 01:20:23.160 --> 01:20:28.520 then now good and now he's having still this up but we we do pretty good i think and so the so 01:20:28.520 --> 01:20:33.800 we are dependent on some of the systems and that's fine that's how this works and so we've you froze 01:20:33.800 --> 01:20:36.840 there in the middle of what you were saying why don't you continue your thoughts sir 01:20:36.840 --> 01:20:45.800 thank you thank you oh there we go there we are yes yeah so thank you very much um yeah some 01:20:45.800 --> 01:20:52.120 already we lost there but um yeah you were talking about Dr. Booth the reality about it is that um 01:20:52.120 --> 01:20:59.320 i was trying to express that uh a lot of mistakes were made by a lot of people and um we need to 01:20:59.320 --> 01:21:06.360 find a way to get to the bottom of the mistakes and have a seriously beat so that these kinds of 01:21:06.360 --> 01:21:11.960 things don't happen i i tend to believe that i don't believe that people were just purely inept 01:21:11.960 --> 01:21:17.480 because from very early on including people like Bhattacharya and Koolock myself at last 01:21:18.040 --> 01:21:24.280 McCollum stuff we were shouting out about the harms of like the lockdowns and stuff and it seems as though 01:21:25.800 --> 01:21:30.120 um these people like the books and they of the world they just hardened the lockdowns and 01:21:30.120 --> 01:21:35.640 extended them when the evidence had accumulated quickly two three weeks out of the gate by the 01:21:35.640 --> 01:21:41.320 middle of April the lockdowns were harmful and harming the society so we need to be able to 01:21:41.320 --> 01:21:48.520 ask them these questions as to what were they looking at what data what evidence to keep the 01:21:48.520 --> 01:21:55.000 lockdowns going especially harms on children by closing schools and i think um Dr. Booth's books 01:21:55.000 --> 01:22:02.040 is a very charismatic individual um her her fights with uh Dr. Atlas were legendary in uh 01:22:02.040 --> 01:22:07.560 in the White House exception meetings because um he's a very evidence-based guy he would walk 01:22:07.560 --> 01:22:13.720 into meetings with stacks of research studies on papers works on poetry and they would have 01:22:13.720 --> 01:22:20.120 nothing they would sit down on the desk at the table with nothing and Atlas would ask him we 01:22:20.120 --> 01:22:25.160 asked him serious questions and they would not be able to answer the questions from a data on 01:22:25.240 --> 01:22:30.760 evidence point of view yet they will produce in these graphs that he would put up every day 01:22:31.560 --> 01:22:37.640 spooking President Trump and uh with all these infections and cases yet they won't tell him 01:22:37.640 --> 01:22:43.000 President Trump Dr. Books and they won't tell him President Trump that he will oversight on the 01:22:43.000 --> 01:22:50.360 PCR process so we will we knew that many of those positive cases that you are taking people out of 01:22:50.360 --> 01:22:58.200 school and society will potentially force positive infectious pathogens so there's so many crazy 01:22:59.480 --> 01:23:09.240 nonsensical, suspicious actions taken that when we look back at it i have to say to you that um 01:23:10.120 --> 01:23:15.000 i don't know how people like you you're crewing me that we got here because at one point you thought 01:23:15.000 --> 01:23:22.360 what was going to okay so i'm just gonna pause it here i i i so we talked about Atlas being an 01:23:22.360 --> 01:23:27.880 evidence-based medicine guy and then he talked about overcycling of the PCR i really want you to 01:23:27.880 --> 01:23:35.080 understand that an alternative interpretation that i'm trying to get everyone to consider 01:23:36.200 --> 01:23:43.160 not claiming that it is the way to think about the PCR test but i want you to consider the 01:23:43.160 --> 01:23:50.360 possibility that any background signal that was confounded with an amplicon any unknown background 01:23:50.360 --> 01:23:57.800 signal previously unrecorded but broadly distributed background signal that could have been positive 01:23:57.800 --> 01:24:05.560 on any of these amplicons for any of these over 200 emergency use authorized PCR tests 01:24:06.120 --> 01:24:32.920 any contamination from controls could have caused widespread positivity in any of these labs in any of these places where it would have been contaminated in any of these places where they were collecting the swabs and drive-ups these are all being confounded with the possibility that PCR works fairly well and they just didn't really target at anything meaningful 01:24:32.920 --> 01:24:34.920 it's also being confounded by the idea that the PCR could have been looking for something meaningful that they knew was there because they put it there in certain places and so we as as as representatives of giga-ome what i would like you to be equipped with is the ability to say yeah that's a good point but there are five other things you should consider just like when somebody brings up the double stranded DNA that can be used in the 01:25:03.480 --> 01:25:08.840 shot i would like us to be sophisticated enough to be able to say yes that's true but 01:25:10.680 --> 01:25:16.200 and list the other seven reasons why transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent 01:25:18.760 --> 01:25:22.440 and that's where we need to get that's how sophisticated we need to get that's how 01:25:23.160 --> 01:25:29.400 how informed we need to be so that like me when somebody asks you a question you can give them 01:25:29.400 --> 01:25:32.920 a one or two sentence answer that hits it right on the head and it rings the bell 01:25:34.200 --> 01:25:40.280 not you know can i ask you more but wow that that's an answer i didn't expect 01:25:41.960 --> 01:25:46.360 intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the 01:25:46.360 --> 01:25:51.240 immune system is dumb that's not how the immune system works my friend 01:25:53.000 --> 01:25:56.600 that answer will knock people's socks off i've seen it happen 01:25:57.560 --> 01:26:03.720 because they were just doing things that were just harming people and now we realize that 01:26:03.720 --> 01:26:11.640 everything that was done with covid basically was wrong that that i ask anyone right now 01:26:11.640 --> 01:26:18.200 give me an example of a policy just one that was done that was implemented and imposed on us 01:26:18.760 --> 01:26:24.440 that would i don't think anybody could find a policy that would we lost in every single 01:26:24.520 --> 01:26:32.680 thing that they did but yet yet four to five trillion dollars moved from the lower and the 01:26:32.680 --> 01:26:38.120 lower middle class population towards the wealthy people wealthy people who in big business made 01:26:38.120 --> 01:26:43.880 a lot of money and became richer we shifted the burden of morbidity and mortality though 01:26:44.840 --> 01:26:50.760 to the poor because the middle class and upper middle class these people and the rich people 01:26:50.760 --> 01:26:58.200 could have afforded to shield dr. books locked down she was locking down yet the poor people 01:26:58.200 --> 01:27:04.600 marginalized people women women who had front facing jobs had to go to the grocery group had 01:27:04.600 --> 01:27:11.000 to go to this to the assembly floor had to go out there had to drive buses men those poor people 01:27:11.000 --> 01:27:17.480 had to face whatever this was and none of them died i can't believe the fact that all those people 01:27:17.480 --> 01:27:23.640 who are working at the front lines of grocery stores like like trader jose and whole foods they 01:27:23.640 --> 01:27:30.040 weren't all dead how come they didn't die i mean delta went around into all those people 01:27:30.600 --> 01:27:35.240 those semi-retired people working at home depot they were all working all through it 01:27:35.960 --> 01:27:42.600 they never died it's really incredible and when we look at the data the infections were highest in 01:27:42.680 --> 01:27:49.880 them and the mortality so there's a lot of a lot of questions as to why certain things were done 01:27:49.880 --> 01:27:57.720 on what went wrong i don't find that fauci and books in there like they have this these hearings 01:27:57.720 --> 01:28:03.400 let me tell you something so your listeners could understand in these hearings that are taken place 01:28:03.400 --> 01:28:09.720 now with fauci came up the ones before except on even now people like myself and i found this 01:28:09.720 --> 01:28:15.960 closure people reach out to me from the congress and the senate and say no doctor is under can you 01:28:15.960 --> 01:28:22.280 put together some questions for us we are the congressional really the house members we are 01:28:22.280 --> 01:28:28.040 the senators whatever questions for us to ask and i reached out to a lot of scientists and doctors 01:28:28.040 --> 01:28:32.200 that i work with and i said you guys give me questions too let's put together a big truth 01:28:33.560 --> 01:28:39.000 and i sent it to them and then they started to select they would select questions that they want 01:28:39.000 --> 01:28:43.960 and they would put in questions that are so nonsensical it's just junk and then i will start 01:28:43.960 --> 01:28:48.920 communicating and say but wait hold on this is supposed to be a hearing and we want a comfortability 01:28:48.920 --> 01:28:56.120 and stuff right and point out what shocked me drew is that and i can't name names here but i have the 01:28:56.120 --> 01:29:02.120 emails some of the aides would write me back to the different congresspeople and say fall i don't 01:29:02.120 --> 01:29:06.040 take a really understanding we bring in these people up here to the hill 01:29:07.320 --> 01:29:13.480 under questioning and hearings but we don't look at the punish anybody etc we just trying to 01:29:13.480 --> 01:29:19.320 embarrass them well i nearly fell out of my chair so i will then back and let me embarrass them 01:29:19.320 --> 01:29:25.240 do you mean like this is a dog on pony show yes it is a dog on pony show and this is the point 01:29:25.240 --> 01:29:29.960 when the democrats have the chairmanship they do the same the republicans have the chairmanship 01:29:29.960 --> 01:29:36.440 they do the same there is no accountability that's going to come out yeah of these hearings 01:29:37.480 --> 01:29:45.880 as they exist today none and that's i'm not surprised i i'm not surprised although there's a part of 01:29:45.880 --> 01:29:54.680 me i've said this before that i i don't want us to go on a punishment seeking affair in the sense 01:29:54.760 --> 01:30:02.200 that my priority is getting to the truth so we can adjust and put things in place to make sure 01:30:02.200 --> 01:30:10.840 this doesn't happen again uh and i don't and i'm i worry that if you seek to punish people 01:30:10.840 --> 01:30:15.480 all the people that want to have a neuremberg 2.0 and all this stuff people are going to go on 01:30:15.480 --> 01:30:19.560 the defensive and you're not going to find anything out we're not going to figure out a damn thing 01:30:19.560 --> 01:30:23.480 about what happened because people are going to shut up and follow what the attorneys tell them 01:30:23.480 --> 01:30:31.080 to do in this case at least we have the possibility of finding out where the mistakes were it just 01:30:31.080 --> 01:30:35.000 i just the fact that fauci said what he said yesterday that would suddenly you and i have been 01:30:35.000 --> 01:30:40.280 talking about the six feet thing for two years and every time i bring it up i i could get a 500 hits 01:30:40.280 --> 01:30:46.120 on twitter calling me an idiot how dare i well where are those people now you know every way 01:30:47.000 --> 01:30:53.400 the the the theme for the day is everybody needs to take a good hard look at themselves 01:30:53.400 --> 01:30:59.640 everybody wherever you're wrong where you were right where you where you jumped on to propaganda 01:30:59.640 --> 01:31:04.760 that was brought by another country many times and where you were a horrible human being to somebody 01:31:04.760 --> 01:31:11.320 else who was merely offering an opinion that is where everybody needs to be and that should be the 01:31:11.400 --> 01:31:16.120 focus of even these sorts of hearings like where did what do you get off telling a guy 01:31:16.120 --> 01:31:22.760 going after dr fauci in an email a guy like j about a charia a guy that you funded his research 01:31:22.760 --> 01:31:27.000 what were you thinking what's going on in your mind that you would behave like that 01:31:27.720 --> 01:31:32.680 to me that's that's of course they would get embarrassed by all that too in which you would 01:31:32.680 --> 01:31:37.400 satisfy their goals and all this but i i worry about going for blood i really worry about that 01:31:37.400 --> 01:31:46.440 what do you say to that well i mean look there's a lot of siege in what you just said because we 01:31:47.480 --> 01:31:53.000 we are good governance society and we are we are we are civilized people today in the 21st century 01:31:53.880 --> 01:31:57.800 we supposed to be we are supposed to have even the most difficult discussion 01:31:57.800 --> 01:32:04.840 civilly the finer we have the discourse but but also we need some kind of accountability 01:32:05.480 --> 01:32:13.880 we can't let me put it you this way when and when susie went to her doctor and asked her doctor 01:32:13.880 --> 01:32:18.840 in Canada as an example because i know many susies this happened to them because i was asked 01:32:19.880 --> 01:32:27.000 to play a role even in america i told you doctor i cannot take this vaccine because i have an allergic 01:32:27.000 --> 01:32:33.880 reaction to components of the vaccine based in my past life actually doctor you are treating me 01:32:33.880 --> 01:32:39.800 for one of those components the doctor would tell her look wait right here i was there he would 01:32:39.800 --> 01:32:46.120 go and bring a piece of paper from the province of ontario the college opposition and citizens 01:32:46.120 --> 01:32:53.240 or the federal government showing that as a doctor if somebody in canada this is what happened and 01:32:53.240 --> 01:33:00.040 this is still on the books now it's the rule okay i'm gonna stop i can't do it anymore because 01:33:00.040 --> 01:33:05.480 they're not talking about anything relevant they're not they're not asking relevant questions 01:33:05.480 --> 01:33:09.720 they're not asking questions that are going to get anybody's family out of the cave 01:33:09.720 --> 01:33:13.880 they're not going to they're not asking questions that are going to get anybody to the state to 01:33:13.880 --> 01:33:17.400 which they really understand the depth and the breadth of the lies that have occurred 01:33:18.360 --> 01:33:25.720 that's the reality here and i don't know why it is that that they're doing this i don't know if 01:33:25.720 --> 01:33:30.520 that's what the wellness company is into i don't know if that's the way they sell supplements 01:33:31.560 --> 01:33:37.800 but i know for sure that we have a very serious problem if this is the the discourse that we're 01:33:37.800 --> 01:33:44.040 going to have where we're going to talk about overcycling and false positives and this thing 01:33:44.040 --> 01:33:51.640 that went around and killed old people and that we responded poorly to um i am not very happy to 01:33:51.720 --> 01:33:57.960 find out that dr. Simon Godak has blocked me that's a little weird um i don't really know what to say 01:33:57.960 --> 01:34:09.400 about that uh and let me sure why not let me save this and let me give it a quick spin i'm trying 01:34:09.400 --> 01:34:16.440 to get done a little bit early on time these days because um it's starting to eat into my mornings 01:34:17.400 --> 01:34:21.560 and so uh shoot that's not what i wanted 01:34:27.800 --> 01:34:35.240 i am just going to say thank you very much for joining me um and i'm going to sign off a little 01:34:35.240 --> 01:34:40.760 you know on normal time but not really normal i guess it's a little late 01:34:41.640 --> 01:34:48.280 uh and i will be on tomorrow with another study hall i think i'm still working on 01:34:48.280 --> 01:34:55.960 friday's show friday's show is going to be a uh infectious cycle show i'm really looking forward 01:34:55.960 --> 01:35:00.200 to it and it will be the first time that we put out a pdf and quite some time so i'm excited about 01:35:00.200 --> 01:35:05.640 that for all my subscribers and of course as you know the pdfs are always free it's just that the 01:35:05.640 --> 01:35:10.600 subscribers get a little email with a link and uh they cannot download all the old ones 01:35:11.400 --> 01:35:16.360 in this pdf i think will help you um to find the papers yourself to read the papers yourself 01:35:16.360 --> 01:35:21.560 there'll be some annotated papers um i'm really looking forward to this first installment of the 01:35:22.520 --> 01:35:29.480 the brief to actually come out in pdf form again um thanks for joining me um i do think it is really 01:35:29.480 --> 01:35:35.000 time to stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by 01:35:35.080 --> 01:35:40.840 any means necessary and here is your outro music uh 01:35:46.600 --> 01:35:54.920 he has 6,666 followers of course he does um of course he does you didn't get a pdf yet 01:35:55.400 --> 01:36:01.960 talking cube but you will and i forgive you for being late there jannet uh that's all right we 01:36:01.960 --> 01:36:08.760 didn't need too much um in the way of of legal advice tonight but i can tell you that um they 01:36:08.760 --> 01:36:13.720 weren't talking about anything relevant right nobody mentioned the the prep act and how we could 01:36:13.720 --> 01:36:18.760 fix that problem um how are we going to not let this happen again i don't really know but i don't 01:36:18.760 --> 01:36:24.440 think paul and drew were about to say we have to get rid of the prep act and and elect a president 01:36:24.440 --> 01:36:29.880 that will do that i highly doubt it and they certainly were going to say uh strict liability 01:36:29.880 --> 01:36:35.080 for uh all pharmaceutical products but you know that's the way it goes um intramuscular 01:36:35.080 --> 01:36:39.800 injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 01:36:39.800 --> 01:36:44.920 transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and viruses are not pattern integrity 01:36:51.880 --> 01:36:54.600 it is definitely not a worst case scenario 01:36:54.600 --> 01:37:02.200 is that the old one i didn't replace it with the new one that's too bad 01:37:04.440 --> 01:37:10.840 if you would like to support the stream um you can do that at digahomebiological.com you can scroll 01:37:10.840 --> 01:37:18.280 down to the bottom and there are ways to subscribe for for uh monthly quarterly or annually and i 01:37:18.280 --> 01:37:23.960 think actually if you contribute quarterly you're you're contributing the most um and you can also 01:37:23.960 --> 01:37:28.280 make a one-time donation at the top where it says support giga-omebiological thank you very 01:37:28.280 --> 01:37:33.160 much for joining me and i'll see you again tomorrow bye bye 01:37:53.960 --> 01:37:56.680 you