WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:28.960 16 minutes late, nice work. 00:28.960 --> 00:36.680 No equalizer, I'm going to be on at a certain time because I'm so accurate with my predictions. 00:36.680 --> 00:46.040 No, no, no, no, no, no, ladies and gentlemen, E.R. Carmidock, I have not seen that name 00:46.040 --> 00:48.840 in quite some time. 00:48.840 --> 00:54.880 Welcome to the show, E.R. Carmidock. 00:54.880 --> 01:05.800 Kim Christie, garden variety humanoid, Steph, Katniss, Deb, what's up? 01:05.800 --> 01:10.040 I got interrupted by a couple, rather difficult messages. 01:10.040 --> 01:12.040 Oh, look, JC on the bike was timed out by Risa. 01:12.040 --> 01:14.840 Oh, timeout, JC on the bike. 01:14.840 --> 01:16.600 JC on the bike. 01:16.600 --> 01:18.560 It's JC on the bike. 01:18.560 --> 01:21.040 It's JC on the bike, yeah. 01:21.040 --> 01:21.560 Albert. 01:21.560 --> 01:28.600 Well, I'm wise enough to know when a chomp needs banning, and I know just the one. 01:28.600 --> 01:29.600 Look at round. 01:29.600 --> 01:30.600 It's JC on the bike. 01:30.600 --> 01:31.600 That's really my... 01:31.600 --> 01:33.520 Who says Vader didn't study music in college? 01:33.520 --> 01:39.360 It's my favorite endorsement. 01:39.360 --> 01:40.360 That's actually... 01:40.360 --> 01:41.360 That's really him. 01:41.360 --> 01:42.360 That's... 01:42.360 --> 01:48.000 That Z-Dog MD dressed up as Darth Vader telling JC on a bike that he's going to be banned 01:48.000 --> 01:49.000 from his chat. 01:49.000 --> 01:51.000 Because I was calling him out. 01:51.000 --> 01:56.000 It was pretty funny. 01:56.000 --> 01:57.000 Ha-ha! 01:57.000 --> 02:00.000 He's scheduled for 16 minutes next. 02:00.000 --> 02:06.000 He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. 02:06.000 --> 02:09.000 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. 02:09.000 --> 02:10.000 This might get my... 02:10.000 --> 02:11.000 It's embarrassing. 02:11.000 --> 02:13.000 This might get my start-up bounce, too. 02:13.000 --> 02:18.000 I'm not really sure how this is going to work, but we're going to do it anyway. 02:18.000 --> 02:24.000 It's a good song, and Nathan's funerals tomorrow, I'm not going because of things. 02:24.000 --> 02:30.000 I'm going to play some tunes to alleviate a little bit of the thing. 02:30.000 --> 02:34.000 If you think it's a little bit cheesy because you don't like this kind of guitar music, 02:34.000 --> 02:35.000 that's tough. 02:35.000 --> 02:38.000 Nathan was a guitar teacher. 02:38.000 --> 02:39.000 This was... 02:39.000 --> 02:40.000 Yeah, anyway. 02:48.000 --> 03:10.000 MUSIC 03:10.000 --> 03:13.000 Doesn't it feel like we're rocking about this hard right now? 03:13.000 --> 03:16.000 Doesn't it feel like we're kicking this much ass? 03:16.000 --> 03:18.000 It's because we are. 03:18.000 --> 03:22.000 MUSIC 03:22.000 --> 03:24.000 I'm sure of it. 03:24.000 --> 03:34.000 MUSIC 03:34.000 --> 03:44.000 MUSIC 03:44.000 --> 03:54.000 MUSIC 03:54.000 --> 04:04.000 MUSIC 04:04.000 --> 04:14.000 MUSIC 04:14.000 --> 04:21.000 Oh, sorry about that. 04:21.000 --> 04:24.000 MUSIC 04:24.000 --> 04:29.000 MUSIC 04:29.000 --> 04:34.000 Can't play this, I can't believe it. 04:34.000 --> 04:40.000 This is Eric Johnson, Cliffs of Dover. 04:41.000 --> 04:45.000 Even if you could play it, you probably couldn't get the tone that this guy can get. 04:45.000 --> 04:51.000 It's pretty insane how often he's changing pedal effects and stuff in the mid-riff and stuff. 04:51.000 --> 04:54.000 Nathan knew more about it than I did. 04:54.000 --> 04:58.000 He could just make me appreciated a little more when I listened to it. 04:58.000 --> 05:04.000 This guy also sings, and he's like listening to, what's that dude's name? 05:04.000 --> 05:06.000 Oh, it's terrible. 05:06.000 --> 05:08.000 Oh, what was his name? 05:08.000 --> 05:09.000 Oh, no. 05:09.000 --> 05:11.000 But he's got a really bad voice. 05:11.000 --> 05:16.000 I'm sorry, Eric Johnson, if you're watching my stream and you're a fan. 05:16.000 --> 05:19.000 And so when he sings, it's really like, what was that guy's name? 05:19.000 --> 05:21.000 Oh, my gosh. 05:21.000 --> 05:28.000 I know who I'm thinking of, and I can't think of it, but he's like this super cheesy singer. 05:28.000 --> 05:34.000 And if you can play guitar this well, you should just not like, no. 05:34.000 --> 05:38.000 Stevie Rayvon could sing, but you know, Eric just should play. 05:38.000 --> 05:48.000 Anyway, just another musical start for my friend Nathan, who passed away last Sunday 05:48.000 --> 05:50.000 from an aneurysm at 49. 05:50.000 --> 05:55.000 It's a rather odd occurrence, but these odd occurrences are happening more and more often. 05:55.000 --> 06:00.000 And although we can't attribute cause to any of these things because a lot of times the family 06:00.000 --> 06:04.000 and friends and people around and everybody doesn't want to. 06:04.000 --> 06:09.000 I think at some point the numbers are going to keep tallying up and there's going to 06:09.000 --> 06:16.000 be a signal that's going to need to be to be rationalized and addressed. 06:16.000 --> 06:18.000 So anyway, that's where we are right now. 06:18.000 --> 06:22.000 We're trying to still crack the same Scooby-Doo narrative. 06:22.000 --> 06:26.400 I really do believe that it's worth playing a song like that because I do think we are 06:26.400 --> 06:27.400 making a lot of progress. 06:27.400 --> 06:31.400 I think there's a lot of scrambling going on behind the scenes to try and figure out what to do 06:31.400 --> 06:32.400 about this. 06:32.400 --> 06:37.400 And the most likely scenario is they're going to try and absorb most of it as quickly as they possibly 06:37.400 --> 06:39.400 can and say, oh my goodness, look at this. 06:39.400 --> 06:42.400 It really was kind of a show. 06:42.400 --> 06:51.400 And as long as we don't really creep all the way to questioning the actual existence of a 06:51.400 --> 06:56.400 spreading pathogen that killed millions and millions more were saved from, I think they're 06:56.400 --> 07:00.400 still going to have to preserve the faith. 07:00.400 --> 07:09.400 So what I really want to do in honor of my friend is make sure that it's very clear that we 07:09.400 --> 07:12.400 can't blame any of these people for making this choice. 07:12.400 --> 07:18.400 No matter how good of friends we were, no matter how long that we've known each other, no matter 07:18.400 --> 07:26.400 how long, what we've been through or how many times we've been there for each other. 07:26.400 --> 07:36.400 The assault that was executed on us psychologically in 2020 was unprecedented. 07:36.400 --> 07:46.400 And it was, it was preceded by years and years of programming, ladies and gentlemen, you're 07:46.400 --> 07:50.400 not aware of it, but you were aware of it because people have made you aware of it because 07:50.400 --> 07:54.400 at the start of the pandemic it was kind of a running joke that the Simpsons had made a 07:54.400 --> 08:01.400 joke about pandemic potential in the boxes of Amazon that the X files had made a joke about 08:01.400 --> 08:09.400 laboratory leaks that caused your blood to clot and that altered your genes. 08:09.400 --> 08:16.400 And planet of the apes, the new version starts with a with a zoonosis that was created by 08:16.400 --> 08:24.400 a laboratory leak of a Alzheimer's cure virus that was genetically created and wipes out 08:24.400 --> 08:27.400 humanity. 08:27.400 --> 08:33.400 And so you have been, whether you like it or not, slowly but surely given the idea that 08:33.400 --> 08:40.400 this pandemic potential is real, that this bio weapon laboratory leak is possible, and 08:40.400 --> 08:46.400 then with a very elaborate theater starting in 2019 at the end of that year and running up into 08:46.400 --> 08:53.400 the start of the pandemic, there was a very coordinated effort to cash in on that, to 08:53.400 --> 08:58.400 checkmate on that. 08:58.400 --> 09:03.400 It cannot be underestimated how important all of these people behind the scenes were as they 09:03.400 --> 09:09.400 seeded the worst case scenario during 2020. 09:09.400 --> 09:14.400 And I've been trying to make that argument that, you know, we've been on this dark, long ride 09:14.400 --> 09:18.400 for a very long time and the driver in the car has been reassuring us that everything is 09:18.400 --> 09:24.400 going to be fine. Just don't panic. I'll get us out of this 09:24.400 --> 09:28.400 and explaining to us along the way why we're seeing what we're seeing and what we're experiencing 09:28.400 --> 09:33.400 means. And they have been lying to us. 09:33.400 --> 09:37.400 And not only the driver, but the person over in the passenger seat that's telling us to be 09:37.400 --> 09:42.400 patient and the person that's sitting next to us that's, that's pretending to also question 09:42.400 --> 09:44.400 where are they taking us? 09:44.400 --> 09:50.400 But in reality, the person that's in the backseat pretending to have a secret conversation 09:50.400 --> 09:56.400 with you about the driver and the passenger is actually working with the driver and the 09:56.400 --> 10:01.400 passenger to make you stay in the car and not panic and think that the only person you have 10:01.400 --> 10:03.400 to worry about is the driver. 10:03.400 --> 10:10.400 And since you first met the driver, your, your app to first trust the driver, but the, the 10:10.400 --> 10:16.400 passenger is very charming and the person sitting next to you is obviously your friend. 10:16.400 --> 10:18.400 That's how they've got us. 10:18.400 --> 10:22.400 And they did that with social media because you were forced to stay home with your family 10:22.400 --> 10:28.400 and friends. And the real question is, can we look back and see really how they did it? 10:28.400 --> 10:34.400 Can, is it that easy? Could we just look back in a video and listen to someone tell us 10:34.400 --> 10:40.400 succinctly the mythology that they wanted us to believe that they used to keep us in our 10:40.400 --> 10:45.400 houses? Where would we have to go? I think around March of 2020 we would need to go to 10:45.400 --> 10:49.400 find where this illusion of consensus was ceded. 10:49.400 --> 10:53.400 We would have to look for a person. 10:53.400 --> 10:59.400 And it would be crazy if it was a person that was still involved in this illusion of 10:59.400 --> 11:05.400 consensus about a novel virus to be crazy if it was Robert Malone or, or Nurse Aaron or 11:05.400 --> 11:09.400 if any of those were involved in ceding this in 2020. 11:09.400 --> 11:13.400 Nurse Aaron was a little bit involved and Robert Malone was behind the scenes working 11:13.400 --> 11:21.400 EUAs and, you know, getting the final touches on the vaccine fill and finish technologies 11:21.400 --> 11:23.400 this kind of thing. 11:23.400 --> 11:28.400 So he was nowhere to be found at the beginning of 2020 in the middle of 2020 the end of 11:28.400 --> 11:32.400 2020 when the real worst case scenario needed to be ceded. 11:32.400 --> 11:38.400 I wonder who else might have been around then though. 11:38.400 --> 11:45.400 Remember, we needed to, we needed to convince everybody that there was a train to stop. 11:45.400 --> 11:50.400 We needed to convince everybody that there was a train that needed stopping. 11:50.400 --> 11:55.400 And that if we did the things that they suggested that the train would stop safely. 11:55.400 --> 11:59.400 That was the warning. Who gave us that warning? 11:59.400 --> 12:03.400 I found an example of one person giving us this warning. 12:03.400 --> 12:12.400 An expert Dr. Steven Hatfield speaks out about coronavirus and COVID-19 on March 20th, 2020, 12:12.400 --> 12:15.400 March 20th, 2020. 12:15.400 --> 12:20.400 I think this is a pretty pertinent video to watch because, as you know, 12:20.400 --> 12:26.400 Steven Hatfield, Hatfield caught my attention after streaming multiple times on the Tommy podcast, 12:26.400 --> 12:31.400 which I find one of the biggest comical jokes of all of recent American history. 12:31.400 --> 12:37.400 And so the idea that he's appeared multiple times on that podcast, along with Robert Malone, 12:37.400 --> 12:41.400 is just, it is really just waving it in our face. 12:41.400 --> 12:45.400 So I thought it would be good to start with this guy as a landmark. 12:45.400 --> 12:51.400 Despite his controversial past, he's considered to be a bio-weapons expert. 12:51.400 --> 12:57.400 Despite having a maybe PhD, but for sure a couple of masters degrees, 12:57.400 --> 13:04.400 and at MD, he has been a pretty controversial dude in the background for a very long time. 13:04.400 --> 13:06.400 And I don't need to go into that. 13:06.400 --> 13:07.400 Lots of other people have. 13:07.400 --> 13:11.400 So let's just listen to what he's got to say at the beginning of the pandemic. 13:11.400 --> 13:15.400 And for the most part, I'm going to try to take notes because it is 43 minutes long. 13:15.400 --> 13:21.400 I'm not going to play it fast because I think slow with Steve is the best. 13:21.400 --> 13:25.400 So some Steve's were piling it high and deep. 13:25.400 --> 13:28.400 Some of them were piling it really high and really deep. 13:28.400 --> 13:32.400 Physician, virologist, and biological warfare defense specialist, 13:32.400 --> 13:38.400 Dr. Stephen Hatfield is here to tell us everything we need to know about this new coronavirus, 13:38.400 --> 13:41.400 COVID-19, and its intrusion into our daily lives. 13:41.400 --> 13:43.400 Thank you for joining us, Dr. Hatfield. 13:43.400 --> 13:49.400 As a wife, mother, and daughter of older parents, I am filled with gratitude that you have joined us today. 13:49.400 --> 13:50.400 My privilege. 13:50.400 --> 13:51.400 Thank you. 13:51.400 --> 13:57.400 Can you clarify for us what the contagious period is on coronavirus, 13:57.400 --> 14:02.400 on this new disease that the world has never seen before? 14:02.400 --> 14:07.400 It's variable depending on the individual that's been affected. 14:07.400 --> 14:11.400 Normally with these things, and I don't have the data to show this yet, 14:11.400 --> 14:15.400 but normally in these things, if little kids get infected, 14:15.400 --> 14:18.400 they secrete a lot of virus into the environment. 14:18.400 --> 14:23.400 Now we don't know what the coronavirus yet, if this is the case. 14:23.400 --> 14:33.400 But for an adult, you're infectious, we believe, at least 24 hours before you have any symptoms. 14:33.400 --> 14:41.400 So you've gone to work, you're secreting live virus into the environment around you. 14:41.400 --> 14:47.400 You go home, you're not filling all that jolly, maybe a headache, 14:47.400 --> 14:50.400 maybe a slight sore throat. 14:50.400 --> 14:54.400 You may even get up and go into work the next day. 14:54.400 --> 14:59.400 And then you really start filling lousy. 14:59.400 --> 15:04.400 In some people, they've been infectious throughout that prodromal period. 15:04.400 --> 15:05.400 Prodromal. 15:05.400 --> 15:10.400 Prodrom, that sounds like something that Giordano said. 15:10.400 --> 15:12.400 So did you hear it all? 15:12.400 --> 15:14.400 It was bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. 15:14.400 --> 15:20.400 She mentioned at the very beginning as a mom and a parent or whatever, 15:20.400 --> 15:29.400 and the daughter of older parents, that's the first, that's the first, you know, 15:29.400 --> 15:34.400 ooh, they've got to watch out for our old people, got to isolate or keep our old people safe. 15:34.400 --> 15:41.400 The second thing she said was the world has never seen before, this virus that the world has never seen before. 15:41.400 --> 15:47.400 Another one of the faith, you know, tenements, excuse me. 15:47.400 --> 15:52.400 Little kids secrete a lot of virus into their environment. 15:52.400 --> 15:58.400 And he said secreting live virus a few times, I noticed people in the chat also saw this. 15:58.400 --> 16:04.400 So it's really good, it's already amazing, we're not even like one minute 37 seconds in it. 16:04.400 --> 16:13.400 They were probably infected several days before. 16:13.400 --> 16:20.400 You see, when you're infected, the virus has to gain a foothold in your body. 16:20.400 --> 16:30.400 And you don't really feel it as this is starting, but once you reach a certain number of cells that are inside your body 16:30.400 --> 16:40.400 in your nose or your airway that are infected, then of course you start, they're secreted out into the environment. 16:40.400 --> 16:46.400 So incubation period is referring to the time you were exposed to the virus. 16:46.400 --> 16:56.400 You either inhaled it or you touched a contaminated surface and rubbed the mucous membranes of your eye or nose or mouth. 16:56.400 --> 17:00.400 And the time that you start to have overt symptoms. 17:00.400 --> 17:03.400 So this is a strategy for the virus. 17:03.400 --> 17:11.400 It's not alive, it's just a collection of proteins and nucleic acids with a fat envelope around it. 17:11.400 --> 17:16.400 But it behaves as if it's alive, it can mutate, it can change. 17:16.400 --> 17:19.400 It's nature's ultimate parasite. 17:19.400 --> 17:25.400 It can't even reproduce unless it infects a human cell or an animal cell. 17:26.400 --> 17:31.400 And hijacks its molecular machinery to make copies of itself. 17:31.400 --> 17:36.400 I mean, that's spectacular, right? That's almost like he's reading it right out of a book. 17:36.400 --> 17:41.400 It hijacks the cellular machinery to make copies of itself. 17:41.400 --> 17:44.400 And so kudos to the no-virus people. 17:44.400 --> 17:48.400 They're totally right on the idea that the infectious cycle is complete hogwash. 17:48.400 --> 17:51.400 It's not been proven and it's not been shown. 17:51.400 --> 17:58.400 And we have lots of consistent evidence over the years that something very different happens when these RNA species are present. 17:58.400 --> 18:04.400 It's not alive, but it behaves like the ultimate parasite. 18:04.400 --> 18:07.400 Do you say ultimate parasite? 18:07.400 --> 18:09.400 It's nature's ultimate parasite. 18:09.400 --> 18:11.400 Yeah, the ultimate parasite. 18:11.400 --> 18:20.400 So parasite is a word that I would suggest should only be ascribed to real complex pattern integrities that we can also call species. 18:20.400 --> 18:25.400 So again, here is where this mythology is definitely being applied, right? 18:25.400 --> 18:31.400 This is real viral mythology that they are parasites. 18:31.400 --> 18:34.400 And he said exposed to the virus. 18:34.400 --> 18:36.400 He said secreted out. 18:36.400 --> 18:38.400 He said it needs to gain a foothold. 18:38.400 --> 18:43.400 And you say you really don't feel it. 18:43.400 --> 18:49.400 He used the word prodrome too, so this is already laying down this idea that you're never going to know if you have it. 18:49.400 --> 18:53.400 You don't feel it in those first couple of days, so it introduces this asymptomatic spread. 18:53.400 --> 18:59.400 This same thing that Giordado described. 18:59.400 --> 19:01.400 I mean, it's incredible, really. 19:01.400 --> 19:13.400 It can't even reproduce unless it infects a human cell or an animal cell and hijacks its molecular machinery to make copies of itself. 19:13.400 --> 19:15.400 The ultimate freeloader. 19:15.400 --> 19:18.400 The ultimate freeloader. 19:19.400 --> 19:31.400 If someone in a household is diagnosed and they've already been interacting, are the members of the house already exposed based on what you just said about the contagious period? 19:31.400 --> 19:35.400 And does isolation even make a difference at that point? 19:35.400 --> 19:37.400 That's a good question. 19:37.400 --> 19:38.400 Have they been exposed? 19:38.400 --> 19:40.400 Yes, most definitely. 19:40.400 --> 19:42.400 The whole family's been exposed. 19:42.400 --> 19:46.400 Will they develop an actual active infection? 19:47.400 --> 19:51.400 It's subject to a couple of other different factors. 19:51.400 --> 19:57.400 Have the children, but you need a certain amount of virus to establish an infection. 19:57.400 --> 20:07.400 If you've not had those number of viral particles, and it varies from virus to virus, you make it a subclinical infection. 20:07.400 --> 20:12.400 Notice the messages that are there on the side of the screen here. 20:12.400 --> 20:14.400 You need a certain amount of virus to be infected. 20:14.400 --> 20:18.400 So they're really teaching the mythology right now. 20:18.400 --> 20:29.400 They're teaching the basics so you can understand how this new cause of death works. 20:29.400 --> 20:41.400 And this scared people into behaving the way that they behaved and to conforming to wearing masks so that everybody else looked around and saw this illusion of consensus that there was a spreading dangerous pathogen for which. 20:41.400 --> 20:49.400 Certain countermeasures worked, including eventually an mRNA shot. 20:49.400 --> 20:52.400 It seems to be killing a lot of people. 20:52.400 --> 21:00.400 Body quickly fights it off, and you're immune, and you don't even know you were exposed. 21:00.400 --> 21:10.400 But for communicability and public health, we have to assume, yeah, you've got it and you could be in what we call the incubation period. 21:11.400 --> 21:15.400 So at that point, does isolation make a difference? 21:15.400 --> 21:24.400 Does one member of the household need to isolate from the other members of the household? 21:24.400 --> 21:27.400 Person to person contact. 21:27.400 --> 21:33.400 And the way this virus works when it's created into the environment. 21:34.400 --> 21:37.400 It's the individual's coughing. 21:37.400 --> 21:41.400 It's released as droplets. 21:41.400 --> 21:46.400 But some of those droplets are small particles in a size. 21:46.400 --> 21:52.400 It's incredibly small. It behaves as a gas. It's one to five microns in diameter. 21:52.400 --> 21:58.400 And it can stay suspended in the air for a couple hours. 21:58.400 --> 22:05.400 If their hands were contaminated and they touch a surface, there is no three-second rule in medicine. 22:05.400 --> 22:12.400 It's an instant viral transfer if somebody else touches that surface and then rubs their eye or their mouth. 22:12.400 --> 22:18.400 So it's not just the patient. It's the surfaces and everything around them. 22:18.400 --> 22:25.400 What we do if an individual's infected, it's essential that we go by and do case contact tracing. 22:25.400 --> 22:34.400 And that is everyone in the outside world that they've come in contact with and their family at home, we quarantine them. 22:34.400 --> 22:36.400 Wow, you're that? 22:36.400 --> 22:40.400 And we're sure that they didn't pick up an active infection. 22:40.400 --> 22:42.400 Jeez, come on. 22:42.400 --> 22:50.400 Could you briefly tell us why the world needs virologists right now and how they are critical to the containment effort of coronavirus? 22:50.400 --> 22:56.400 Well, beginning around the mid-1990s. Something unusual began happening in the world. 22:56.400 --> 23:04.400 And this was the appearance of brand new infectious diseases that science, medicine, have never seen before. 23:04.400 --> 23:12.400 This has been an increasing phenomena. We're now getting one to two new infections every year. 23:12.400 --> 23:19.400 And it's a result of man's high density and expansion throughout the globe. 23:19.400 --> 23:26.400 Here we go. It's a phenomena that's going to continue into the 21st century. 23:26.400 --> 23:29.400 Dang, that is so incredible. 23:29.400 --> 23:31.400 Thank you for sharing that. 23:31.400 --> 23:32.400 Thank you for sharing that. 23:32.400 --> 23:43.400 We're talking about isolation in a home. What people are speaking about is actually isolating the entire household, not just one member of the house. 23:43.400 --> 23:49.400 Here we go. What do we mean when we say isolation? 23:49.400 --> 24:01.400 Yeah, essentially. And this is why if we don't have a test available, then we have to do it. 24:01.400 --> 24:04.400 Is somebody writing cue cards for him right now? 24:04.400 --> 24:11.400 That's keep them quarantined until the incubation period has had time to pass. 24:11.400 --> 24:13.400 It looks like he's reading something. 24:13.400 --> 24:21.400 And this is difficult for a new virus because we may not be certain just how long this incubation period is. 24:21.400 --> 24:24.400 Some of these things can be up to a month later. 24:24.400 --> 24:30.400 I think the coronavirus is roughly around 21 days now, if I'm not mistaken. 24:30.400 --> 24:40.400 14, possibly as short as five to seven days sometimes for incubation. 24:40.400 --> 24:45.400 Well, there's a number of factors. Some of these we don't really understand yet. 24:45.400 --> 24:56.400 But until we can do testing and certify them that they haven't been exposed, then you have to keep them away from others. 24:56.400 --> 25:05.400 Now that so many people are actually self-quarantining due to the states of emergency around the country and more and more people are ordering their supplies from Amazon. 25:05.400 --> 25:12.400 They're groceries and how safe are we to pick up those bags and those packages off of our doorsteps? 25:12.400 --> 25:14.400 The Simpsons episode. 25:14.400 --> 25:18.400 As we reach out and pick up those bags and packages. 25:18.400 --> 25:21.400 You need a certain amount of virus to infect you. 25:21.400 --> 25:25.400 About 500 viral particles. 25:25.400 --> 25:27.400 Oh, he knows the numbers. 25:27.400 --> 25:30.400 He knows the number. 25:30.400 --> 25:32.400 If that bag has been out. 25:32.400 --> 25:34.400 500 viral particles. 25:34.400 --> 25:36.400 500 viral particles is what you need. 25:36.400 --> 25:46.400 So now that we have a rough idea, is it 500 infectious particles or is it 500 of all the particles or 500? 25:46.400 --> 25:47.400 Oh my gosh. 25:47.400 --> 25:48.400 Wow. 25:48.400 --> 25:50.400 500 particles, he said. 25:50.400 --> 25:52.400 He said 500 particles. 25:52.400 --> 25:55.400 With pryons, you only need one particle. 25:55.400 --> 26:00.400 Mark, he only need one, one, one, one particle. 26:00.400 --> 26:03.400 You need 500 of these viruses. 26:03.400 --> 26:05.400 I mean these are nothing compared to pryons. 26:05.400 --> 26:07.400 Pryons, you only need one. 26:07.400 --> 26:09.400 But these, you got to have like 500. 26:09.400 --> 26:10.400 Come on. 26:10.400 --> 26:11.400 Shit. 26:11.400 --> 26:14.400 For very, very briefly, that virus is dead. 26:14.400 --> 26:19.400 The ultraviolet light and sunlight destroys its genetic material. 26:19.400 --> 26:22.400 It welds it together. 26:22.400 --> 26:24.400 So it's non-functional. 26:24.400 --> 26:26.400 Wow, it welds it together. 26:26.400 --> 26:31.400 Being outside the body is in a natural state for any virus. 26:31.400 --> 26:35.400 There's somebody was in the background of that room going, oh my god, he said that welds it together. 26:35.400 --> 26:39.400 Like, oh no, he said. 26:39.400 --> 26:46.400 It can tolerate it or airborne transmitted viruses can tolerate it for a short period of time. 26:46.400 --> 26:52.400 But the minute the virus leaves the body, there's a lot of things that start working against it. 26:52.400 --> 26:57.400 The oxygen in the atmosphere rusts it like it rusts metal. 26:57.400 --> 26:58.400 It oxidizes. 26:58.400 --> 27:03.400 I thought the fear and cleavage site made it more transmissible than any other virus in human history. 27:03.400 --> 27:08.400 So doesn't the, doesn't the fear and cleavage site protect it from sunlight? 27:08.400 --> 27:10.400 That's a better part of the virus. 27:10.400 --> 27:19.400 The humidity in the hair exerts a pressure on the virus, an osmotic pressure, that makes it want to fall apart. 27:19.400 --> 27:20.400 Wow. 27:20.400 --> 27:25.400 So that said, some viruses are pretty good at staying alive. 27:25.400 --> 27:33.400 This coronavirus on a non-porous surface can stay viable for up to nine days. 27:33.400 --> 27:34.400 Wow. 27:34.400 --> 27:42.400 Now, that's not the ideal way of transmission, the ideal way for a virus is to inhale it. 27:42.400 --> 27:46.400 Because you're in a safe home right away. 27:46.400 --> 28:03.400 But this has to be kept in mind, when we're nursing a patient at home, you have to take bare-air precautions and steps to ensure that the rest of the family is infected. 28:03.400 --> 28:07.400 Would bags and packages be considered non-porous surfaces? 28:07.400 --> 28:09.400 Holy shit. 28:09.400 --> 28:12.400 Well, the paper's porous. 28:12.400 --> 28:14.400 All papers are porous. 28:14.400 --> 28:16.400 Marble. 28:16.400 --> 28:17.400 Tabletop. 28:17.400 --> 28:18.400 That's non-porous. 28:18.400 --> 28:20.400 He's got a marble desk. 28:20.400 --> 28:22.400 Plastic cutting board. 28:22.400 --> 28:23.400 Marble desk. 28:23.400 --> 28:25.400 He's a beast, man. 28:25.400 --> 28:27.400 Marble desk. 28:27.400 --> 28:28.400 I have a marble desk. 28:28.400 --> 28:29.400 And simple disinfection. 28:29.400 --> 28:32.400 You can't see it, but I got a marble desk here. 28:32.400 --> 28:35.400 It doesn't have to be fancy soap and water wool. 28:35.400 --> 28:36.400 Oh, soap and water? 28:36.400 --> 28:37.400 Hydrogen peroxide. 28:37.400 --> 28:38.400 Rubbing alcohol. 28:38.400 --> 28:39.400 Wow. 28:39.400 --> 28:40.400 This sounds like a real like. 28:40.400 --> 28:43.400 That people are taking in their homes actually do make a difference. 28:43.400 --> 28:45.400 It is an audition, I think. 28:45.400 --> 28:46.400 Yes. 28:46.400 --> 28:47.400 Yes, ma'am. 28:47.400 --> 28:48.400 Absolutely. 28:48.400 --> 28:55.400 If you've got a little one that's sick, they're sort of confined to their room. 28:55.400 --> 28:58.400 If that's even possible. 28:58.400 --> 29:04.400 And when you go in, you have to take certain measures that you need to wear an apron. 29:04.400 --> 29:05.400 Full-length apron. 29:05.400 --> 29:13.400 And have flip-flops that you leave in the room and constantly wiping the surfaces down with 29:13.400 --> 29:18.400 a disinfected Purell or an apron or alcohol. 29:18.400 --> 29:19.400 Oh. 29:19.400 --> 29:22.400 And you really have to take some measures. 29:22.400 --> 29:26.400 And if you can get a mask onto the little one, 29:26.400 --> 29:28.400 it helps to reduce the contamination. 29:28.400 --> 29:34.400 They'll cough, but the cough doesn't get out through the mask very well. 29:34.400 --> 29:38.400 And using the toilet. 29:38.400 --> 29:44.400 Unfortunately, in the stool, there's a lot of virus from an infected patient. 29:44.400 --> 29:47.400 So they need to use their own bathroom. 29:47.400 --> 29:52.400 Oh, only rich people can get rid of the coronavirus then because if you... 29:52.400 --> 29:56.400 If you flush the toilet, you generate a little invisible aerosol. 29:56.400 --> 29:58.400 Oh, my gosh. 29:58.400 --> 30:00.400 You got to have your own bathroom. 30:00.400 --> 30:03.400 You go to the hospital and they say, well, you're not sick enough. 30:03.400 --> 30:06.400 Take the child home. 30:06.400 --> 30:13.400 Well, you have to make sure the rest of the family don't get infected as well. 30:13.400 --> 30:19.400 And with little ones, they can, as you know, they can be quite difficult sometimes. 30:19.400 --> 30:26.400 So what I would like to start seeing on TV is that purple dinosaur that's so irritating. 30:26.400 --> 30:28.400 Wearing a mask. 30:28.400 --> 30:37.400 Or Elmo wearing a mask because you take your kids in for their shots, the immunizations. 30:37.400 --> 30:40.400 And they don't like masks. 30:40.400 --> 30:43.400 They don't like doctors, you know. 30:43.400 --> 30:45.400 And now everybody's wearing a mask. 30:45.400 --> 30:47.400 It's scary for them. 30:48.400 --> 30:51.400 So it's a good idea to get them used to this. 30:51.400 --> 30:52.400 Wow. 30:52.400 --> 30:54.400 You know, masks are fun. 30:54.400 --> 30:55.400 Right? 30:55.400 --> 30:56.400 Let me put one on you. 30:56.400 --> 31:11.400 I'm sorry, but he is an eminent bioweapons expert with experience from Ebola with experience from anthrax. 31:11.400 --> 31:24.400 This guy knows exactly the physics around a coronavirus given the cartoon drawing on the blueprint. 31:24.400 --> 31:26.400 And this is just dark. 31:26.400 --> 31:33.400 Everything that he said up until now, 13 minutes into this is just dark. 31:33.400 --> 31:40.400 On the 20th of March, 2020, we just started the 15 days to slow the spread. 31:40.400 --> 31:46.400 And this guy is contributing this. 31:46.400 --> 31:48.400 We don't know with this virus, but we know. 31:48.400 --> 31:51.400 We don't know with this virus, but we know. 31:51.400 --> 32:00.400 He got to wear an apron and a mask and some flip-flops and sterilize everything all and disinfect everything all the time. 32:00.400 --> 32:04.400 Kids shed a lot of virus. 32:04.400 --> 32:06.400 I want to see Barney wearing a mask. 32:06.400 --> 32:09.400 I want to see Elmo wearing a mask. 32:09.400 --> 32:16.400 This is not just some guy making a judgment call based on his years of experience. 32:16.400 --> 32:21.400 This is a bioweapons insider ceding the worst-case scenario. 32:21.400 --> 32:25.400 The fear that why would they tell you this if it wasn't real? 32:25.400 --> 32:32.400 Why would they tell you this if they didn't think the worst-case scenario was possible? 32:32.400 --> 32:41.400 Why would they tell me this if I wasn't supposed to play along with this Scooby-Doo? 32:41.400 --> 32:46.400 Now, a lot of my friends are very, very smart, but not a lot of them are biologists. 32:46.400 --> 32:49.400 They're not going to be able to see through this. 32:49.400 --> 32:59.400 I'm not even sure in May of 2020 that I would have seen through this. 32:59.400 --> 33:02.400 In fact, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have. 33:02.400 --> 33:09.400 But this would have been proof to me that this was certainly a lab leak and they were definitely lying about it. 33:09.400 --> 33:16.400 And in case you're wondering, Stephen Hatfield at this time said that there was absolutely no question this was not a lab leak. 33:16.400 --> 33:22.400 This is just a natural occurrence that happens because there's too many people on the planet. 33:23.400 --> 33:26.400 Wow! 33:26.400 --> 33:29.400 These things have to have to happen. 33:29.400 --> 33:32.400 We need to normalize the things that happen. 33:32.400 --> 33:34.400 You need to normalize it. 33:34.400 --> 33:36.400 Exactly. 33:36.400 --> 33:44.400 And when we brought Freddie to the day, what was going to be preschool when she was four, which I guess was the, 33:44.400 --> 33:51.400 would have been the fall of 21. 33:52.400 --> 33:56.400 The fall of 21, we asked, you know, are they going to be wearing masks? 33:56.400 --> 33:58.400 And she said, yeah, we all are going to wear masks. 33:58.400 --> 34:00.400 And I said, well, what are we bringing her here for then? 34:00.400 --> 34:09.400 She's supposed to learn how to interact with other kids and other adults and learn facial expressions and learn to speak and learn to trust another adult. 34:09.400 --> 34:12.400 That's not going to work with masks on all the time. 34:12.400 --> 34:16.400 And she said, no, no, they get used to it after about two weeks. 34:16.400 --> 34:19.400 You know, they don't like it for a while, but after about two weeks, they really get used to it. 34:19.400 --> 34:25.400 And I said, you know, they would get used to not wearing underwear on their bottoms, but wearing underwear on their heads. 34:25.400 --> 34:30.400 If you did it for two weeks straight, they would probably all come in and take off their underwear and put it on their heads themselves. 34:30.400 --> 34:34.400 That doesn't make it right. 34:34.400 --> 34:42.400 And most people, skilled TV watching people who get told that this is a danger, this is what you've got to do to keep your grandparents safe. 34:42.400 --> 34:45.400 Most TV watching people are going to do that. 34:45.400 --> 34:48.400 And they knew that. 34:48.400 --> 34:58.400 They've looked into the camera and said it earlier in 2009 and 2002 in 1976. 34:58.400 --> 35:01.400 It's all about the messaging. 35:01.400 --> 35:07.400 And so don't think for one second that this guy's improvising off of the cuff about what he thinks will happen. 35:07.400 --> 35:18.400 This is a very careful curated list of things in order to imply that the worst case scenario is definitely possible right now. 35:18.400 --> 35:26.400 We don't want to panic anybody, but you know, you should wear an apron when you go into your sick kid's room for the first time ever. 35:26.400 --> 35:34.400 You should wear a mask around your child. You should wear flip flops in their room so that you don't track out the nasty. 35:34.400 --> 35:41.400 It's an extraordinary mythology that he's laying down right now and think about who he is. 35:41.400 --> 35:48.400 He got a $5 million settlement for being wrongfully accused of being the anthrax leaker. 35:48.400 --> 35:52.400 But what really happened was that the FBI leaked it. 35:52.400 --> 36:03.400 Leaked the details that they knew that he had bought Sipro or had been prescribed Sipro a few days before the anthrax leak. 36:03.400 --> 36:10.400 And Sipro being the let's say preferred antibiotic to use against anthrax. 36:10.400 --> 36:17.400 It was just a little weird, but his doctor said it was because he had a sinus infection. 36:17.400 --> 36:24.400 And so the FBI put him on a list of suspects because he had access to it and he did this weird thing three days before. 36:24.400 --> 36:29.400 And then when it got out, as far as I understand, he said that it ruined his life. 36:29.400 --> 36:35.400 And so he sued the government and got $5 million, something like this. Look it up on Wikipedia. 36:40.400 --> 36:44.400 I mean, at some point, we're just going to have to call a spade a spade. That sounds like a spook to me. 36:44.400 --> 36:52.400 That sounds like a beautiful way to get a guy off and make it really, really, really awesome. 36:52.400 --> 36:59.400 Meanwhile, Bruce Ivan's the Christian kills himself. 36:59.400 --> 37:11.400 And now here he is years later, right where we need him, reading off cue cards that people are writing. 37:12.400 --> 37:15.400 I don't know, we'll see. Maybe he pauses a few more times to read. 37:15.400 --> 37:24.400 And detune him because if there's too much new things happening, the little ones, they don't know what's going on and they get scared. 37:24.400 --> 37:26.400 He's really worried about the kids. 37:26.400 --> 37:27.400 Wonderful advice. Thank you. 37:27.400 --> 37:28.400 Wonderful advice. 37:28.400 --> 37:37.400 So it is possible if we are careful to care for our loved ones without getting infected ourselves. 37:37.400 --> 37:42.400 You can. You need some equipment. You need some common sense. 37:42.400 --> 37:44.400 Some equipment and common sense. 37:44.400 --> 37:47.400 You're not going to put a whole trash bag over your head. 37:47.400 --> 37:56.400 But this disposable thing is not a good idea when everything is manufactured overseas. 37:56.400 --> 38:02.400 Now, great steps are being taken to bring a lot of this critical stuff back to American soil. 38:02.400 --> 38:08.400 Because essentially, it's a matter of national defense being able to handle an epidemic disease. 38:08.400 --> 38:12.400 People are taking this extremely seriously. 38:12.400 --> 38:18.400 Can carry the virus on your clothing and on the soles of your shoes. 38:18.400 --> 38:29.400 Well, the soles of the shoes, especially on the clothing, if it's an aerosol droplet, once it touches the material, it'll kind of bind to the material. 38:29.400 --> 38:33.400 So as long as you're not flapping your coat and everything, you're fine. 38:33.400 --> 38:45.400 But the minute you come home, you need to very gently jump into something else and that needs to carefully go to the washing. 38:45.400 --> 38:48.400 Soap and water will kill this thing right away. 38:48.400 --> 38:52.400 I don't even know. 38:52.400 --> 39:00.400 He said, can the virus be on my clothes and on the bottom of my shoes? 39:00.400 --> 39:02.400 And he said, yes, on the bottom of your shoes. 39:02.400 --> 39:10.400 Well, the soles of the shoes, especially on the clothing, if it's an aerosol droplet, once it touches the material. 39:10.400 --> 39:13.400 Maybe the Chinese knew that it was passed on the bottom of the shoes. 39:13.400 --> 39:20.400 And that's why at the earlier part of the pandemic, they started, like, instead of handshaking, they started to touch each other's feet so that they would pass. 39:21.400 --> 39:23.400 It'll kind of bind to the material. 39:23.400 --> 39:28.400 As long as you're not flapping your coat and everything, you're fine. 39:28.400 --> 39:31.400 But the minute you come home, you need to. 39:31.400 --> 39:35.400 Don't shake your coat, Jay, you'll get virus everywhere. 39:35.400 --> 39:43.400 Very gently jump into something else and that needs to carefully go to the washing. 39:43.400 --> 39:47.400 You're taking your clothes off way too fast, you're getting virus everywhere. 39:47.400 --> 39:49.400 Will you please do that by the door? 39:50.400 --> 39:52.400 I'm telling you, your grandma needs protecting. 39:52.400 --> 39:57.400 The soap and water will kill this thing right away, one cycle. 39:57.400 --> 39:59.400 And take your shoes off at the door. 39:59.400 --> 40:02.400 Okay, very, very important. 40:02.400 --> 40:07.400 Wow, take your shoes off at the door. 40:07.400 --> 40:11.400 We're not removing your shoes at the door. 40:11.400 --> 40:17.400 It's good to know that even you don't always follow the advice. 40:18.400 --> 40:21.400 We're all in this together, aren't we? 40:21.400 --> 40:24.400 We're all in this together. 40:24.400 --> 40:29.400 It's worse for me because I know what's happening. 40:29.400 --> 40:32.400 This lap of his. 40:32.400 --> 40:36.400 In terms of our children and our little ones. 40:36.400 --> 40:40.400 Our kids, as you were saying, it's hard to keep them indoors. 40:40.400 --> 40:44.400 It's hard to keep them quarantine their room if they're not feeling well. 40:44.400 --> 40:47.400 If other family members are not feeling well. 40:47.400 --> 40:54.400 Is there a safe way to let our children play outside to play on the playgrounds to go to 40:54.400 --> 41:00.400 the park without exposing them to the virus? 41:00.400 --> 41:03.400 One, you can teach them. 41:03.400 --> 41:06.400 If they touch something, disinfect their hands. 41:06.400 --> 41:08.400 Oh my gosh. 41:08.400 --> 41:11.400 You may get a game. 41:11.400 --> 41:14.400 I can disinfect my hands quicker than you. 41:14.400 --> 41:17.400 Oh, it sounds like a fun game, Uncle Stephen. 41:17.400 --> 41:18.400 Can we play? 41:18.400 --> 41:21.400 If they're outside, they're fine. 41:21.400 --> 41:24.400 Again, sunlight kills this virus. 41:24.400 --> 41:27.400 And humidity also. 41:27.400 --> 41:32.400 It's when you're indoors in a controlled environment that's a dehumidified. 41:32.400 --> 41:35.400 And temperature control very precisely. 41:35.400 --> 41:38.400 No swings of temperature. 41:38.400 --> 41:41.400 It uses like inside a hospital. 41:41.400 --> 41:47.400 Where the virus has, you know, it's kind of a nice home to be. 41:47.400 --> 41:51.400 So outdoors, things are a little rough. 41:51.400 --> 41:58.400 And on the playground outdoors, stay in your distance from other classmates. 41:58.400 --> 41:59.400 Wow. 41:59.400 --> 42:01.400 Never touching your face while you're outside. 42:01.400 --> 42:02.400 Don't touch the face. 42:02.400 --> 42:04.400 And disinfecting your hands. 42:04.400 --> 42:06.400 And give me some more of that gel. 42:07.400 --> 42:08.400 Oh, wow. 42:08.400 --> 42:09.400 Stay away from those adults. 42:09.400 --> 42:10.400 You don't get away with that. 42:10.400 --> 42:11.400 Wonderful. 42:11.400 --> 42:12.400 Wonderful. 42:12.400 --> 42:14.400 The sunny days are the best. 42:14.400 --> 42:17.400 Sunny days. 42:17.400 --> 42:18.400 Oh, for everybody. 42:18.400 --> 42:19.400 Everybody likes. 42:19.400 --> 42:20.400 For all of us. 42:20.400 --> 42:23.400 Even a big, mean guy like Steven Hetfield. 42:23.400 --> 42:26.400 Viruses don't like sunlight. 42:26.400 --> 42:28.400 That's fantastic information. 42:28.400 --> 42:30.400 Thank you so much. 42:30.400 --> 42:32.400 Vampires don't like sunlight either. 42:32.400 --> 42:38.400 If a child does touch their face, can the virus enter through the mouth, the nose, and the 42:38.400 --> 42:39.400 eyes? 42:39.400 --> 42:46.400 There was a recent paper from a Chinese doctor. 42:46.400 --> 42:49.400 And we know this is the case in influenza. 42:49.400 --> 42:51.400 Now, it's a different virus. 42:51.400 --> 42:56.400 But the eye is actually a major target for entry into the body. 42:57.400 --> 43:02.400 And there's some evidence now indicating that COVID-19 virus. 43:02.400 --> 43:07.400 That if it's on your hands and it's been a reasonable. 43:07.400 --> 43:12.400 See, the messaging is still not tight yet because he's got somebody in his room telling him it's 43:12.400 --> 43:15.400 the COVID-19 virus, not SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 is the disease. 43:15.400 --> 43:17.400 But they'll get it straight in a few days. 43:17.400 --> 43:20.400 Short time frame since it was released from someone. 43:20.400 --> 43:23.400 And you rub your eye. 43:24.400 --> 43:27.400 And if there's enough virus, if it's heavily enough. 43:27.400 --> 43:31.400 I was putting pepper on my fingers so that if I rubbed my eye, I would know it. 43:31.400 --> 43:34.400 And it would train me so that I would never put my fingers in my eye again. 43:34.400 --> 43:36.400 That was my solution for it. 43:36.400 --> 43:40.400 But then my food was spicy all the time and it got on other places. 43:40.400 --> 43:42.400 And so that didn't work very well. 43:42.400 --> 43:45.400 Contaminated your hands. 43:45.400 --> 43:48.400 Well, you just rubbed your eye. 43:48.400 --> 43:51.400 Your eye is constantly making tears. 43:51.400 --> 43:54.400 You don't know it, but you're constantly making tears. 43:54.400 --> 44:00.400 And it drains through this little duck called the nasal lacrimal duck straight into your 44:00.400 --> 44:01.400 noggin there. 44:01.400 --> 44:03.400 Did somebody put that in the chat? 44:03.400 --> 44:05.400 So within about 30 minutes from touching your eye. 44:05.400 --> 44:06.400 That was pretty good. 44:06.400 --> 44:09.400 You have live virus inside your nose. 44:09.400 --> 44:10.400 Wow. 44:10.400 --> 44:11.400 That's impressive. 44:11.400 --> 44:14.400 From there it gets into the back of the throat. 44:14.400 --> 44:16.400 And from there it gets into your lungs. 44:16.400 --> 44:17.400 Unbelievable. 44:17.400 --> 44:18.400 What a highway to have. 44:18.400 --> 44:20.400 You have to have a certain amount of virus. 44:20.400 --> 44:22.400 At 500 particles. 44:22.400 --> 44:25.400 Touching a heavily contaminated surface. 44:25.400 --> 44:28.400 There's enough viral particles to do. 44:28.400 --> 44:31.400 We think about 500, 600. 44:31.400 --> 44:32.400 Oh, it could be 600. 44:32.400 --> 44:37.400 Viral particles are the minimum amount that it needs to cause a human infection. 44:37.400 --> 44:38.400 Wow. 44:38.400 --> 44:41.400 Just to make sure everybody's aware with prions, you only need one. 44:41.400 --> 44:46.400 Just one prion protein and you could be, you know, 44:47.400 --> 44:50.400 with coronavirus it's a little bit more. 44:50.400 --> 44:55.400 It's between 500 and 600 particles and then you're really in trouble. 44:55.400 --> 45:01.400 Which is good for us because some viruses like Ebola, it's only one or one to seven 45:01.400 --> 45:04.400 viral particles can cause an infection. 45:04.400 --> 45:05.400 Wow. 45:05.400 --> 45:06.400 I didn't know that. 45:06.400 --> 45:10.400 Ebola must be an infectious clone where it's really pure. 45:10.400 --> 45:15.400 It takes about a thousand viral particles. 45:15.400 --> 45:16.400 Who? 45:16.400 --> 45:17.400 What? 45:17.400 --> 45:20.400 Influenza takes about a thousand viral particles. 45:20.400 --> 45:21.400 Wow. 45:21.400 --> 45:22.400 I got to remember these numbers. 45:22.400 --> 45:23.400 This is pretty cool. 45:23.400 --> 45:25.400 One to seven. 45:25.400 --> 45:26.400 Yeah. 45:26.400 --> 45:35.400 And five to six hundred for coronavirus. 45:35.400 --> 45:38.400 So coffee etiquette in public. 45:38.400 --> 45:41.400 A thousand is very important and people don't do it. 45:41.400 --> 45:42.400 Coffee etiquette. 45:43.400 --> 45:46.400 I mean, you need to cough into the crook of your arm. 45:46.400 --> 45:47.400 Oh. 45:47.400 --> 45:48.400 Like that. 45:48.400 --> 45:49.400 But I thought we had masks on. 45:49.400 --> 45:52.400 You try to minimize any large droplet transmission. 45:52.400 --> 45:54.400 You won't stop the small particles. 45:54.400 --> 45:55.400 No. 45:55.400 --> 45:56.400 Those are hard to bear. 45:56.400 --> 45:57.400 But you'll stop the large part. 45:57.400 --> 45:58.400 They're like a gas. 45:58.400 --> 46:04.400 Staying within preferably six feet if somebody's coughing. 46:04.400 --> 46:08.400 But definitely no closer to than three feet. 46:08.400 --> 46:11.400 Right now I'm talking and you're talking. 46:11.400 --> 46:13.400 But luckily you're going to call away. 46:13.400 --> 46:18.400 And around us is a small invisible cloud of small particles. 46:18.400 --> 46:19.400 Oh. 46:19.400 --> 46:26.400 And if I was infected, I would be infectious to somebody if they got into that distance. 46:26.400 --> 46:31.400 Once it diffuses out through the atmosphere and this type of thing, of course, infectivity 46:31.400 --> 46:37.400 goes down and the longer they're in the air, the more the virus is killed. 46:37.400 --> 46:43.400 This can probably hang around in a dehumidified indoor atmosphere for a couple hours. 46:43.400 --> 46:46.600 A lot of these viruses can. 46:46.600 --> 46:49.440 The flu virus, the cold virus. 46:49.440 --> 46:51.400 Because this is how they transmit in nature. 46:51.400 --> 46:52.400 The cold virus. 46:52.400 --> 46:53.400 What's he talking about? 46:53.400 --> 46:57.280 The outdoors with wind and sunlight and this type of thing. 46:57.280 --> 47:05.240 It becomes, it's mainly contamination then through your hands and touching portals of 47:05.240 --> 47:06.840 entry into your body. 47:07.840 --> 47:14.840 You've mentioned that the virus doesn't like humidity and a dehumidified indoor environment 47:14.840 --> 47:16.840 is good for a virus. 47:16.840 --> 47:24.840 So would it be safe to say based on that, that it would be a good thing for people to get 47:24.840 --> 47:31.840 humidifiers, to rehumidify their in-home environment? 47:32.840 --> 47:37.840 Well, then you get mold. 47:37.840 --> 47:44.840 Keep the windows open if you can and let air freely circulate. 47:44.840 --> 47:50.840 Or you can get special HEPA filters, high efficiency particulate air. 47:50.840 --> 47:54.840 And you can install these in your air conditioning system. 47:54.840 --> 48:00.840 Or they make room units that will constantly recirculate the air in a room. 48:00.840 --> 48:05.200 And they're a little expensive, they're like 300 bucks or so. 48:05.200 --> 48:11.760 But it will pass the air through ultraviolet lights and essentially sterilize it before 48:11.760 --> 48:13.680 it's released back. 48:13.680 --> 48:19.640 So if you can manage to scrape enough together to buy one of these things, that goes in the 48:19.640 --> 48:21.640 little kids' room. 48:21.640 --> 48:22.640 The little kids' room. 48:22.640 --> 48:26.080 So while they're sleeping that air is constantly being recirculated. 48:26.080 --> 48:28.080 In the little kids' room. 48:28.080 --> 48:31.080 To get all those viruses from those dirty kids. 48:31.080 --> 48:32.080 Wow. 48:32.080 --> 48:33.080 Wow. 48:33.080 --> 48:34.080 And specialists. 48:34.080 --> 48:40.520 What is your expert opinion on how this virus started and why do you believe that? 48:40.520 --> 48:42.080 Why do you believe it, Steven? 48:42.080 --> 48:43.080 Okay. 48:43.080 --> 48:46.480 Well, we've been waiting for something like this to happen. 48:46.480 --> 48:49.880 We've been waiting since 2003. 48:49.880 --> 48:50.880 Since 2003. 48:50.880 --> 48:54.080 There was a previous outbreak of a coronavirus called SARS. 48:54.080 --> 48:55.080 Oh. 48:55.080 --> 48:57.280 It's a very acute respiratory syndrome. 48:57.280 --> 48:58.880 Wow. 48:58.880 --> 49:05.600 And this was the product of viruses trafficking between wild animals and gaining the ability 49:05.600 --> 49:07.840 to jump into the human race. 49:07.840 --> 49:09.240 Boing, boing, boing. 49:09.240 --> 49:14.280 SARS came from a horseshoe bat, a Chinese horseshoe bat. 49:14.280 --> 49:17.760 And it hadn't fully adapted to man. 49:17.760 --> 49:21.640 They got into a cute little animal called a civet cat. 49:21.640 --> 49:24.040 They're actually a mongoose-like thing. 49:24.040 --> 49:25.040 Wow. 49:25.040 --> 49:28.040 And a delicacy over there. 49:28.040 --> 49:33.760 In Asia, they still, they're illegal, but they still have these wet markets. 49:33.760 --> 49:39.040 With all these exotic animals, you can take all of them to eat. 49:39.040 --> 49:41.120 And of course, they're all crammed together in cages. 49:41.120 --> 49:45.760 And any viral infections they have, the viruses, is jumping. 49:45.760 --> 49:46.760 Call of viral trafficking. 49:46.760 --> 49:47.760 Interesting. 49:47.760 --> 49:50.680 Because most viruses are pretty species specific. 49:50.680 --> 49:51.680 Most of them are. 49:51.680 --> 49:55.320 The virus in two different types of mammal. 49:55.320 --> 49:59.240 This could have the capability to jump into humans. 49:59.240 --> 50:04.440 And this is what you're forcing, very unnatural, civet cats and bats don't live together. 50:04.440 --> 50:05.440 Okay? 50:05.440 --> 50:07.440 They're not BFFs. 50:07.440 --> 50:08.440 BFFs. 50:08.440 --> 50:09.440 Wow. 50:09.440 --> 50:10.440 Okay. 50:10.440 --> 50:11.440 That is some... 50:11.440 --> 50:12.440 So... 50:12.440 --> 50:13.440 I'm glad he's... 50:13.440 --> 50:15.400 He's trying to relate to her viewers. 50:15.400 --> 50:17.760 It's nice that he's trying to relate to her viewers. 50:17.760 --> 50:22.480 So, the virus came in, the virus came in the ability, a large amount of it jumped into 50:22.480 --> 50:28.760 humans, and then it further adapted to be transmissible, easy from human to human. 50:28.760 --> 50:32.960 And this is this whole concept of emerging infectious disease. 50:32.960 --> 50:34.200 The whole concept. 50:34.200 --> 50:37.280 Right after the SARS, the whole mythology more likely... 50:37.280 --> 50:42.400 So the bat was found, which was different. 50:42.400 --> 50:45.480 It was still a coronavirus. 50:45.480 --> 50:50.240 It was related to SARS, but it had some unusual properties in tissue culture. 50:50.240 --> 50:54.280 And then it was realized there's probably hundreds of these different coronaviruses 50:54.280 --> 50:56.440 out there in nature. 50:56.440 --> 51:00.640 And then it's just a question of time before we have another outbreak. 51:00.640 --> 51:02.720 So we've been waiting for that. 51:02.720 --> 51:07.840 Secondly, you know, I assume you're asking, is it a bio-weapon? 51:07.840 --> 51:08.840 No. 51:08.840 --> 51:09.840 No. 51:09.840 --> 51:12.480 The virus has been sequenced. 51:12.480 --> 51:16.880 The basic skeleton of the virus can be traced back. 51:16.880 --> 51:22.040 And mutations happen at a given rate in a virus. 51:22.040 --> 51:30.480 And it's a molecular clock you can actually estimate and see, okay, it started out here 51:30.480 --> 51:35.480 and it was an area sort of around Hong Kong, I believe. 51:35.480 --> 51:37.520 And then it appeared at the wet market. 51:37.520 --> 51:44.160 So common sense is that one of the people selling this thing took it into the wet market, 51:44.160 --> 51:47.480 got a load of virus himself. 51:47.480 --> 51:52.640 There was a genetic alteration when it was in the wet market. 51:52.640 --> 51:55.080 And I think it learned to become more transmissible to it. 51:55.080 --> 51:56.080 It learned. 51:56.080 --> 51:57.080 It learned to become more transmissible. 51:57.080 --> 51:58.080 So you have the case here. 51:58.080 --> 52:00.360 It got a fear and cleavage site, baby, and started jumping. 52:00.360 --> 52:03.800 He's carrying the original one. 52:03.800 --> 52:06.400 And then the cases from the wet market. 52:06.400 --> 52:07.400 Oh. 52:07.400 --> 52:10.080 And the virus had mutated in its view. 52:10.080 --> 52:11.080 Okay. 52:11.080 --> 52:18.120 They said, well, this guy, you know, he lived, the hotel was a couple blocks away. 52:18.120 --> 52:21.120 Well, the virus can, well, yeah, it could, it could go on the money. 52:21.120 --> 52:23.600 We talked about surface contamination. 52:23.600 --> 52:24.920 Oh, we got to get rid of cash. 52:24.920 --> 52:29.440 These viruses can live on paper or polymer notes for quite a while. 52:29.440 --> 52:33.160 And if they're in your pocket, they're not exposed to UV light. 52:33.160 --> 52:34.960 Oh, no. 52:34.960 --> 52:35.960 Makes sense? 52:35.960 --> 52:36.960 Wow. 52:36.960 --> 52:37.960 They're going to get rid of cash money. 52:37.960 --> 52:40.800 So that's my explanation for this. 52:40.800 --> 52:45.040 When you look at the genetic structure and the sequence of this virus, it is unusual. 52:45.040 --> 52:46.600 It's got a couple of unusual things. 52:46.600 --> 52:48.760 It's got a really long spike protein. 52:48.760 --> 52:49.760 Oh, wow. 52:49.760 --> 52:51.840 Younger than any of the other chronic drugs. 52:51.840 --> 52:52.840 Longer. 52:52.840 --> 52:54.280 It's a longer spike protein. 52:54.280 --> 52:58.000 But there's nothing to show that it's been manipulated. 52:58.000 --> 53:06.440 And we can trace the lineage right back to the early cases that were not in Wuhan. 53:06.440 --> 53:07.440 Wow. 53:07.440 --> 53:14.000 Plus this P4 laboratory, BSL4 laboratory there, the French put it in. 53:14.000 --> 53:17.120 And there's researchers in and out of that place. 53:17.120 --> 53:19.480 Nothing gets out of these facilities. 53:19.480 --> 53:22.680 Let me tell you, nothing. 53:22.680 --> 53:30.280 And that facility was like 10 or 15 kilometers away from the, it wasn't next door to the 53:30.280 --> 53:35.400 fish market, it's clear across town. 53:35.400 --> 53:39.080 So there's no indications that this was a bioweapon. 53:39.080 --> 53:42.920 The fact we were expecting it, the fact that the genetic sequence, we can trace pretty 53:42.920 --> 53:46.440 much back how this whole event happened. 53:46.440 --> 53:52.520 And if you go back into this area where the first case was from, they found about 400 53:52.520 --> 53:57.520 more coronaviruses down there, different. 53:57.520 --> 54:02.360 So this is Mother Nature. 54:02.360 --> 54:06.640 I don't think she's very happy with us. 54:06.640 --> 54:08.920 It doesn't appear to be so. 54:08.920 --> 54:11.120 Mother Nature is not very happy with us. 54:11.120 --> 54:17.960 I saw the, the Mac commercial and she isn't very happy with Mac and Taj anyway, or Apple. 54:17.960 --> 54:18.960 Thank you for that. 54:18.960 --> 54:26.680 You were also mentioning, I believe, that this kind of illness, this coronavirus, is 54:26.680 --> 54:34.320 not as powerful as a biological viral weapon would be. 54:34.320 --> 54:42.400 Well, there's incapacitating biological agents that kill one to three percent that are, these 54:42.400 --> 54:47.240 are for use on the battlefield and they're designed to slow down enemy troops. 54:47.240 --> 54:51.760 But nobody makes the United States quit in 1969. 54:51.760 --> 54:53.720 The other countries are all supposed to have quit. 54:53.720 --> 54:56.440 There's a few that haven't. 54:57.440 --> 55:03.800 No one's going to waste time and effort on an incapacitating agent. 55:03.800 --> 55:08.120 Foreign powers that have B.W. programs more than likely are going to work. 55:08.120 --> 55:10.600 I think that an effort on an incapacitate. 55:10.600 --> 55:15.480 Kevin McCarron and Charles Rixie would definitely disagree with the idea that no one would waste 55:15.480 --> 55:18.320 time on a incapacitating agent. 55:18.320 --> 55:20.880 What an interesting choice of words there. 55:20.880 --> 55:21.880 Wow. 55:22.880 --> 55:27.440 That's almost like B.W. programs. 55:27.440 --> 55:30.240 Can you believe more than likely are going to work on lethal? 55:30.240 --> 55:32.760 It's like an incapacitating it. 55:32.760 --> 55:38.120 That phrase was probably used. 55:38.120 --> 55:51.200 That phrase was probably used around the same week for the first time by people like Paul 55:51.200 --> 55:54.520 Catrell and Kevin McCarron. 55:54.520 --> 55:59.760 At most a couple weeks before this video, I mean think about how extraordinary that 55:59.760 --> 56:00.760 is. 56:00.760 --> 56:07.360 Malone called it an incapacitating agent too but not in 2020 like McCarron did and like 56:07.360 --> 56:11.000 this guy did. 56:11.000 --> 56:14.360 Agent. 56:14.360 --> 56:19.600 Foreign powers that have B.W. programs more than likely are going to work on lethal agents 56:19.600 --> 56:26.760 that will overthrow an infrastructure. 56:26.760 --> 56:31.280 But of course, Giardano explains how you don't need a lethal agent to overthrow an infrastructure. 56:31.280 --> 56:35.200 You need the appearance of a lethal agent and then you can use the Internet and a lie 56:35.200 --> 56:41.560 about asymptomatic transmission that might have a sore throat and a fever to get everybody 56:41.560 --> 56:46.240 to bang down the doors and to get them to yell at the public health service and to get 56:46.240 --> 56:48.200 everything to collapse. 56:48.200 --> 56:55.000 That's why we show that video every day or used to show it every day. 56:55.000 --> 56:59.280 So it's really extraordinary now if you add all these things up and you see how that they 56:59.280 --> 57:08.640 line up and how we're talking right now, this is March 2020 when none of us knew nothing. 57:08.640 --> 57:20.480 But we're watching it at the end of 2023 with the benefit of hindsight. 57:20.480 --> 57:25.560 And there can be no doubt that it is the seeding of the worst case scenario that was most important 57:25.560 --> 57:34.600 in starting the train metaphor where these people were pretending that there was something 57:34.600 --> 57:41.160 that needed to be stopped and that they were contributing to us stopping it, that us following 57:41.160 --> 57:44.120 their directions was contributing to us stopping it. 57:44.120 --> 57:50.640 And these directions that he's giving us that include isolating our children as a source 57:50.640 --> 57:58.360 of extreme viral loads is really disturbing. 57:58.360 --> 58:03.320 You cannot see this as somebody who's, you know, from my experience with virology, I 58:03.320 --> 58:05.720 know that children shed virus like crazy. 58:05.720 --> 58:13.640 So when we have a new virus, we've really got to keep away from them. 58:13.640 --> 58:20.880 Old people, you better stay away from your grandkids because they're really virus factories. 58:20.880 --> 58:26.960 Is it safe to care for our kids when they're sick? 58:26.960 --> 58:30.960 If you wear an apron and a mask and use flip flops and sterilize everything, yeah, it's 58:30.960 --> 58:31.960 okay. 58:31.960 --> 58:34.760 You can get away with it. 58:34.760 --> 58:38.440 I just wish Barney and Elmo would wear a mask so that these kids would start to find it 58:38.440 --> 58:41.440 normal because kids don't like to wear masks. 58:41.440 --> 58:42.440 They find it scary. 58:42.440 --> 58:43.440 All this new stuff. 58:43.440 --> 58:48.560 So we've got to normalize all this stuff. 58:48.560 --> 58:55.000 This is exactly as malevolent and wicked as it seems, ladies and gentlemen, my voice is 58:55.000 --> 58:59.960 exactly as I don't know what as it seems. 58:59.960 --> 59:02.440 The last couple of days it's been dropping a little bit more. 59:02.440 --> 59:06.360 I don't know what's going on. 59:06.360 --> 59:09.040 I wish I could say I was doing this on purpose, but I'm not. 59:09.040 --> 59:12.320 I have to try really hard to talk up with a higher voice. 59:12.320 --> 59:15.440 Otherwise it just drops right out. 59:15.440 --> 59:17.400 So that's where we are. 59:17.400 --> 59:18.600 Keep going there, Steve. 59:18.600 --> 59:19.600 Tell us more. 59:19.600 --> 59:22.320 Pilot higher and deeper, Steve. 59:22.320 --> 59:29.400 The cause, the ability to trace it back to the very first cases. 59:29.400 --> 59:35.240 The ability, it looks like this thing, a bat and a pangolin must have gone out on a date 59:35.240 --> 59:36.240 or something. 59:36.240 --> 59:38.240 Do you know what a pangolin is? 59:38.240 --> 59:39.240 Yes, I do. 59:39.240 --> 59:41.600 Really, they're creepy looking. 59:41.600 --> 59:46.240 It's a mammal, but it has scales on the outside. 59:46.240 --> 59:52.960 I want to get one as my comfort animal when I fly on an airplane. 59:52.960 --> 59:57.280 I've actually studied them with my kids there a little bit if I remember correctly, like 59:57.280 --> 01:00:00.120 Armadillos and ant eaters put together. 01:00:00.120 --> 01:00:06.800 Yeah, but they've got these really scaly looking things. 01:00:06.800 --> 01:00:12.400 There's a picture on the internet of one sitting there like waving. 01:00:12.400 --> 01:00:13.400 They're protected. 01:00:13.400 --> 01:00:14.400 They're endangered. 01:00:14.400 --> 01:00:20.320 It's against the law to have them, but they're considered a delicacy in some parts of the 01:00:20.320 --> 01:00:21.960 world. 01:00:21.960 --> 01:00:29.400 So people are eating them and that is the suspected reason why and how it is. 01:00:29.400 --> 01:00:31.600 It's not the eating them. 01:00:31.600 --> 01:00:37.440 These viruses are quickly destroyed by heat, but keeping them together and cages because 01:00:37.440 --> 01:00:43.720 they're sold live or their heads are locked off just before they give it to the customer. 01:00:43.720 --> 01:00:48.560 Iris was not ingested by a human through eating. 01:00:48.560 --> 01:00:54.080 It was through touching and then the person putting their hands on their face. 01:00:54.080 --> 01:00:56.680 Holy balls, wow. 01:00:56.680 --> 01:00:59.920 More of these animals, coffins, sneeze, too. 01:00:59.920 --> 01:01:05.560 Pangolin coffins dropping their hands off create decapitation, aerosolized virus. 01:01:05.560 --> 01:01:06.560 There's no ultraviolet. 01:01:06.560 --> 01:01:07.560 Wow. 01:01:07.560 --> 01:01:08.560 Not out in a field. 01:01:08.560 --> 01:01:09.560 Oh, my gosh. 01:01:09.560 --> 01:01:16.120 So this is all common things occur commonly. 01:01:16.120 --> 01:01:22.440 You've already had examples of these live markets putting out new hybrid pathogens through 01:01:22.440 --> 01:01:27.600 viral mixing and there's evidence that this had passed through a couple different animal 01:01:27.600 --> 01:01:29.480 species before. 01:01:29.480 --> 01:01:33.800 You won't see that in a biological weapon. 01:01:33.800 --> 01:01:35.760 Thank you for that clarity. 01:01:35.760 --> 01:01:42.600 There's been some information going around that people are hoping that warm weather, warmer 01:01:42.600 --> 01:01:48.000 weather coming will break down this virus, will halt it. 01:01:48.000 --> 01:01:53.560 There's been some information going around that if people get in a hot sauna, that that's 01:01:53.560 --> 01:01:58.440 the best place to go because it could kill the virus if you happen to have the virus 01:01:58.440 --> 01:02:00.920 or be contaminated with it. 01:02:00.920 --> 01:02:04.200 Is that a correct assumption? 01:02:04.200 --> 01:02:10.120 You know, it's complete nonsense. 01:02:10.200 --> 01:02:14.040 Singapore is still battling the virus. 01:02:14.040 --> 01:02:17.800 It's mid-summer in Singapore. 01:02:17.800 --> 01:02:24.240 The weather, if you've been there, it can be very oppressive, the heat. 01:02:24.240 --> 01:02:28.320 No, it doesn't work that way. 01:02:28.320 --> 01:02:31.640 Drinking hot drinks all the time. 01:02:31.640 --> 01:02:38.760 One of the scientists in France has said, oh yes, and drink hot water and this and that. 01:02:39.760 --> 01:02:42.760 Nah. 01:02:42.760 --> 01:02:43.760 You can. 01:02:43.760 --> 01:02:50.800 Heat will kill it, but it's going to scald your mouth, okay? 01:02:50.800 --> 01:02:57.680 Yes, high temperatures, the virus gets a little looser. 01:02:57.680 --> 01:03:02.280 But remember, these things are designed. 01:03:02.280 --> 01:03:04.040 The pangolins come from Malaysia. 01:03:04.040 --> 01:03:08.720 Malaysia is beastly hot in the summer. 01:03:08.720 --> 01:03:16.240 This virus wouldn't get very far by aerosol amongst the pangolins if temperatures really 01:03:16.240 --> 01:03:18.840 killed it off that quickly. 01:03:18.840 --> 01:03:24.240 So it's a little bit different than taking your mask off and throwing it in a hot dryer 01:03:24.240 --> 01:03:26.760 for three minutes, okay? 01:03:26.760 --> 01:03:31.560 Or ironing it with a steam iron. 01:03:31.560 --> 01:03:34.360 This is an autoclaving. 01:03:34.360 --> 01:03:42.920 So environmental temperatures really, now I will say, arctic temperatures do preserve 01:03:42.920 --> 01:03:44.320 these things. 01:03:44.320 --> 01:03:46.200 Arctic temperatures, nice. 01:03:46.200 --> 01:03:53.560 Very, very cold temperatures, facilitate the virus hanging around longer in the air. 01:03:53.560 --> 01:03:57.280 Also arctic temperatures, what's happened to the humidity? 01:03:57.280 --> 01:04:00.480 It's frozen out on the ground. 01:04:00.480 --> 01:04:01.480 Snow. 01:04:01.480 --> 01:04:03.840 So it's drier. 01:04:03.840 --> 01:04:05.120 I'm going to speed this up. 01:04:05.120 --> 01:04:06.120 I can't take it in. 01:04:06.120 --> 01:04:11.320 With respect to environmental, very cold weather is ideal for viruses. 01:04:11.320 --> 01:04:12.320 Very cold weather. 01:04:12.320 --> 01:04:14.480 They can withstand it up to a point. 01:04:14.480 --> 01:04:18.000 It's not the best for them, but they can withstand it for a while. 01:04:18.000 --> 01:04:20.520 It sounds like an episode of Drunk History that I'm going to leave it. 01:04:20.520 --> 01:04:21.520 I like it. 01:04:21.520 --> 01:04:22.520 I like that. 01:04:22.520 --> 01:04:24.000 We're going to leave it at the regular speed. 01:04:24.000 --> 01:04:26.920 So stay outdoors in the sun. 01:04:26.920 --> 01:04:27.920 It is. 01:04:27.920 --> 01:04:28.920 It's drunk biology. 01:04:28.920 --> 01:04:32.360 What you're saying is heat doesn't kill the sun. 01:04:32.360 --> 01:04:33.360 I'm sure he's had a bourbon. 01:04:33.360 --> 01:04:37.360 The humidity, UV rays, the oxygen- 01:04:37.360 --> 01:04:38.360 These are the primary. 01:04:38.360 --> 01:04:40.840 Heat will kill it. 01:04:40.840 --> 01:04:42.560 You're going to be real careful here. 01:04:42.560 --> 01:04:50.040 Heat will kill it, but is it going to have any effect, person-to-person transmission? 01:04:50.040 --> 01:04:56.400 Well, no, because you can be in the heat, but you're going to go indoors. 01:04:56.400 --> 01:04:59.360 If it's hot out, where are you going to be? 01:04:59.360 --> 01:05:04.160 You're going to be in an air-conditioned dehumidified atmosphere. 01:05:04.160 --> 01:05:09.120 So no, hot weather is not going to slow it down. 01:05:09.120 --> 01:05:17.120 Now, cold weather can increase it because the virus will hang around longer, but hot 01:05:17.120 --> 01:05:19.880 weather isn't going to stop it. 01:05:19.880 --> 01:05:22.320 Is that clear? 01:05:22.320 --> 01:05:23.320 It is. 01:05:23.320 --> 01:05:24.320 Thank you. 01:05:24.320 --> 01:05:25.320 Is that clear? 01:05:25.320 --> 01:05:26.320 Do you understand? 01:05:26.320 --> 01:05:27.320 Okay, good. 01:05:27.320 --> 01:05:33.880 Can it help a patient to recover more quickly being in that environment, or is it too late 01:05:33.880 --> 01:05:37.760 at that point the virus has already set up shop in their body? 01:05:37.760 --> 01:05:43.920 Well, the virus has set up shop in the body, but if you had them outdoors, it would reduce 01:05:43.920 --> 01:05:47.000 environmental contamination. 01:05:47.000 --> 01:05:50.880 Look at the Ebola hospitals in West Africa. 01:05:50.880 --> 01:05:55.120 Look how they were constructed. 01:05:55.120 --> 01:05:56.480 There was free to circulate. 01:05:56.480 --> 01:06:00.680 They were tents, essentially. 01:06:00.680 --> 01:06:03.560 They were subject to atmospheric humidity. 01:06:03.560 --> 01:06:09.160 There was sunlight everywhere on the outside. 01:06:09.160 --> 01:06:12.520 These are the type of hospitals you want for a communicable disease. 01:06:12.520 --> 01:06:16.160 Wow, we've got to have hospitals outside, not indoor hospitals. 01:06:16.160 --> 01:06:18.160 We need tents. 01:06:18.160 --> 01:06:19.600 Wow. 01:06:19.600 --> 01:06:22.000 You want it open. 01:06:22.000 --> 01:06:26.240 I've got a whole mass of virus here, but if I put it up in the air, it's going to dilute 01:06:26.240 --> 01:06:27.240 out. 01:06:27.240 --> 01:06:35.120 It's going to get more and more dilute, which means the amount of virus for each area of 01:06:35.120 --> 01:06:38.120 breath that I take in has been decreased. 01:06:38.120 --> 01:06:40.840 It's diffusing out. 01:06:40.840 --> 01:06:42.920 I think there's a lot of value in watching this. 01:06:42.920 --> 01:06:47.960 The reason why I think there's a lot of value in watching this is because you really need 01:06:48.040 --> 01:06:53.480 to see how bad it was in March of 2020. 01:06:53.480 --> 01:06:57.760 Why we were thinking the things that we were thinking and what these people were saying, 01:06:57.760 --> 01:07:02.600 because Stephen Hatfield has been on several streams with Robert Malone because he was 01:07:02.600 --> 01:07:12.600 on stage with Denny Rancor not even three weeks ago. 01:07:12.600 --> 01:07:14.040 That's why we need to watch this. 01:07:14.040 --> 01:07:20.280 We need to understand this guy because he is an actual player on the board. 01:07:20.280 --> 01:07:21.680 He's repeatedly showed up. 01:07:21.680 --> 01:07:23.440 He's repeatedly pushed the narrative. 01:07:23.440 --> 01:07:34.200 He's repeatedly interjected when there's no real reason for him to be interjecting, right? 01:07:34.200 --> 01:07:46.360 I mean, there's no reason for him to be doing the Tommy podcast with Robert Malone. 01:07:46.360 --> 01:07:56.080 There's no reason for him to be in Romania on stage with a bunch of coronavirus dissidents, 01:07:56.080 --> 01:08:08.480 including Meryl Nasse, Jill and Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, all these people, Nick Hudson 01:08:08.480 --> 01:08:11.280 and Denny Rancor and I don't know who else was in that picture. 01:08:11.280 --> 01:08:23.360 I can't remember off the top of my head anymore, but quite a few people we know, Brett Weinstein. 01:08:23.360 --> 01:08:25.000 It's really important. 01:08:25.000 --> 01:08:31.080 Inside, it's just recirculating around unless your air conditioning says he's not guessing 01:08:31.080 --> 01:08:32.240 here. 01:08:32.240 --> 01:08:37.040 He's talking with certainty as he tells people to wear an apron as they take care of their 01:08:37.040 --> 01:08:41.080 sick children until you get them tested or something like that. 01:08:41.080 --> 01:08:48.320 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the worst case scenario, the team worst case scenario. 01:08:48.320 --> 01:08:54.360 Everybody who was spreading this narrative in 2020 is part of team worst case scenario, 01:08:54.360 --> 01:08:57.680 otherwise you would just be like, I don't know. 01:08:57.680 --> 01:08:58.880 This is not, I don't know. 01:08:58.880 --> 01:08:59.880 This is detailed. 01:08:59.880 --> 01:09:00.880 I know. 01:09:00.880 --> 01:09:01.880 This is detailed. 01:09:01.880 --> 01:09:02.880 I'm sure. 01:09:02.880 --> 01:09:03.880 This is detailed. 01:09:03.880 --> 01:09:04.880 I'm certain. 01:09:04.880 --> 01:09:05.880 This is ha. 01:09:05.880 --> 01:09:11.440 It's not, it's not scary for me because I know what's going on. 01:09:11.440 --> 01:09:16.600 You can't see it any other way. 01:09:16.600 --> 01:09:21.680 I mean, you guess you can, but I would really like it if you didn't. 01:09:21.680 --> 01:09:25.640 We can find the medlers if we're willing to look for them. 01:09:25.640 --> 01:09:30.360 We can find the people who laid the worst case scenario narrative down for our family 01:09:30.360 --> 01:09:36.480 and friends to ingest for the people on TV to imbibe for the people on the TV to repeat 01:09:36.480 --> 01:09:42.640 for the people on social media to circulate and for the YouTube to make go viral. 01:09:42.640 --> 01:09:49.520 This is a YouTube video that never went and got discredited or censored from March of 01:09:49.520 --> 01:09:51.480 2020 onward. 01:09:51.480 --> 01:09:59.600 So apparently it's pretty dead on balls accurate, right? 01:09:59.600 --> 01:10:01.400 I think it's really important. 01:10:01.400 --> 01:10:08.160 Some has these special filters on it and they're very expensive and hospitals do not routinely 01:10:08.160 --> 01:10:13.760 filter the HIPAA era that goes in and out because these filters have to be replaced every 01:10:13.760 --> 01:10:14.760 few months. 01:10:14.760 --> 01:10:20.000 Sounds like we have a lot to learn and in building our hospitals for our communicable 01:10:20.000 --> 01:10:21.600 diseases. 01:10:21.600 --> 01:10:27.560 Well, we know how to do it. 01:10:27.560 --> 01:10:32.880 There's never been the urgency and we're out of time now. 01:10:32.880 --> 01:10:38.040 This is going to run its course, so we'll see what happens. 01:10:38.040 --> 01:10:43.840 Is it really still safe, do you think, for people in the community to go to the local 01:10:43.840 --> 01:10:49.680 coffee shop and have coffee to go to their local restaurant and eat, or should we be 01:10:49.680 --> 01:10:53.320 pulling back from those things at this time? 01:10:53.320 --> 01:10:56.480 We should be pulling back from those things at this time. 01:10:56.480 --> 01:10:57.480 There you go. 01:10:57.480 --> 01:10:58.480 I'm sorry. 01:10:58.480 --> 01:10:59.480 I like to go out and eat. 01:10:59.480 --> 01:11:07.120 I like to go to the movies, but not for a month or so. 01:11:07.120 --> 01:11:09.040 And if you're riding mass transit. 01:11:09.040 --> 01:11:12.760 I mean, Paul Catrell says 60 days. 01:11:12.760 --> 01:11:17.400 And it's just not proud to go to sit there and wipe everything down with an alcohol-based 01:11:17.400 --> 01:11:21.280 wipe before you sit down. 01:11:21.280 --> 01:11:27.280 Do you ever see the Big Bang Theory? 01:11:27.280 --> 01:11:32.240 Sheldon Cooper had his bus pants that he would wear when he rode the bus. 01:11:32.240 --> 01:11:35.560 That's not a bad idea this time around. 01:11:35.560 --> 01:11:41.760 Remember, we said you should wash your clothing immediately when you come home from work. 01:11:41.760 --> 01:11:42.760 Wow. 01:11:42.760 --> 01:11:43.760 I mean... 01:11:43.760 --> 01:11:45.320 And go take a shower. 01:11:45.320 --> 01:11:46.720 And go take a shower. 01:11:46.720 --> 01:11:51.760 So in case the virus is on your hair or on parts of your neck. 01:11:51.760 --> 01:11:52.760 Wow. 01:11:52.760 --> 01:11:53.760 Yeah. 01:11:53.760 --> 01:11:55.760 You only need 500 particles. 01:11:55.760 --> 01:12:02.440 I don't know if I've got a one to two percent chance of dying from a virus. 01:12:02.440 --> 01:12:03.920 One to two percent chance of dying. 01:12:03.920 --> 01:12:05.120 Or getting really sick. 01:12:05.120 --> 01:12:08.400 And this virus makes you sick for a couple of weeks. 01:12:08.400 --> 01:12:09.840 Makes you sick for a couple of weeks. 01:12:09.840 --> 01:12:10.840 You'll live. 01:12:10.840 --> 01:12:14.560 But most people live. 01:12:14.560 --> 01:12:16.440 Some people don't even know they have it. 01:12:16.440 --> 01:12:21.000 But how do I know that rule of the dice is going to affect me that way? 01:12:21.000 --> 01:12:24.760 Or how much virus I got into me? 01:12:24.760 --> 01:12:29.160 So are they really that silly of precautions? 01:12:29.160 --> 01:12:31.960 Well, no. 01:12:31.960 --> 01:12:37.320 You weigh what you have to lose with what you have to gain. 01:12:38.320 --> 01:12:45.320 And if taking your shoes off when you come into the house is a game, well, you probably 01:12:45.320 --> 01:12:47.320 should be doing that. 01:12:47.320 --> 01:12:48.320 Yeah. 01:12:48.320 --> 01:12:50.960 Agreed. 01:12:50.960 --> 01:12:52.120 Things are being addressed. 01:12:52.120 --> 01:12:55.880 I think there's five vaccine candidates. 01:12:55.880 --> 01:12:56.880 I mean, incredible. 01:12:56.880 --> 01:13:05.240 But it takes some time because you can't put a vaccine out there unless the benefit you 01:13:05.240 --> 01:13:11.400 get is worth any possible minor side effect. 01:13:11.400 --> 01:13:14.320 You can't legally do that. 01:13:14.320 --> 01:13:16.080 Or morally. 01:13:16.080 --> 01:13:20.720 And it's the testing and certification that takes so much time. 01:13:20.720 --> 01:13:25.720 You can only do so much with animal tests or cell culture tests at this stage. 01:13:25.720 --> 01:13:28.440 That's the level of our science. 01:13:28.440 --> 01:13:34.480 Eventually, you have to go to phase one, two, and three clinical trials. 01:13:34.480 --> 01:13:37.360 And this is where it takes the time. 01:13:37.360 --> 01:13:39.280 And very often, I'll show you a dengue fever. 01:13:39.280 --> 01:13:42.080 It's a really nasty thing, transmitter. 01:13:42.080 --> 01:13:49.520 And there's these huge outbreaks every couple of years, 200, 300,000 cases in South America. 01:13:49.520 --> 01:13:51.480 So they've been working a long time on a vaccine. 01:13:51.480 --> 01:13:52.880 They finally got it out there. 01:13:52.880 --> 01:13:55.240 It's undergoing large snow. 01:13:55.240 --> 01:13:59.880 And it was really hurting people and they had to stop the trial. 01:13:59.880 --> 01:14:03.880 And this was after quite a bit of work on this thing. 01:14:03.880 --> 01:14:10.160 So you've got to be sure that this is as safe as possible before you even start your 01:14:10.160 --> 01:14:14.760 clinical trials. 01:14:14.760 --> 01:14:16.080 And it takes time. 01:14:16.080 --> 01:14:18.640 Not making the vaccine. 01:14:18.640 --> 01:14:24.800 Not making sure it's safe and that it's effective. 01:14:24.800 --> 01:14:32.480 I think your flu shot this year was only about 50% effective. 01:14:32.480 --> 01:14:33.480 It's a virus. 01:14:33.480 --> 01:14:34.480 Relative risk. 01:14:34.480 --> 01:14:35.480 Right. 01:14:35.480 --> 01:14:37.480 Now it takes us six months to make a flu vaccine. 01:14:37.480 --> 01:14:40.480 Well, that time has been cut down now with new technology. 01:14:40.480 --> 01:14:43.200 Oh, he knows that already. 01:14:43.200 --> 01:14:44.200 Nice. 01:14:44.200 --> 01:14:47.040 But the virus has changed in six months. 01:14:47.040 --> 01:14:48.520 They're moving ahead. 01:14:48.520 --> 01:14:55.640 I've never, I see a little bit from the sides and I've never seen anything move this quickly. 01:14:55.640 --> 01:14:56.640 Wow. 01:14:56.640 --> 01:14:58.200 Warp speed, they call it. 01:14:58.200 --> 01:15:01.240 The fact our drugs are made overseas, virtually all of them. 01:15:01.240 --> 01:15:03.320 That had fallen under the radar. 01:15:03.320 --> 01:15:10.600 This is rapidly being addressed and at a breakneck speed. 01:15:10.600 --> 01:15:13.160 We'll get through this. 01:15:13.160 --> 01:15:19.120 There's no, I'll tell you when it's time to lose your mind, okay? 01:15:19.120 --> 01:15:20.120 It's not yet. 01:15:20.120 --> 01:15:22.360 It's going to be a little rough. 01:15:22.360 --> 01:15:28.680 This virus has a predilection for the older population over 50. 01:15:28.680 --> 01:15:31.840 Which I think are youngsters. 01:15:31.840 --> 01:15:42.160 But it may take a toll on our older generation. 01:15:42.160 --> 01:15:45.960 The kids seem to be doing pretty well. 01:15:45.960 --> 01:15:57.560 But they're virus factories and adults in their middle years, most of them will get 01:15:57.560 --> 01:16:02.480 over this. 01:16:02.480 --> 01:16:07.000 Thank you so much for giving us so many practical steps that we can take. 01:16:07.000 --> 01:16:12.320 Each of us in our own homes and with our own families to help to deter the spread of two 01:16:12.320 --> 01:16:13.320 cameras. 01:16:13.320 --> 01:16:15.320 I hope it's well produced. 01:16:15.320 --> 01:16:21.480 We hope that everyone in the background on both cameras and stay well. 01:16:21.480 --> 01:16:25.960 Good boca on both cameras nicely backlit from that side and not from that side. 01:16:25.960 --> 01:16:31.720 It's a really well produced video for March 2020. 01:16:31.720 --> 01:16:35.560 I got to say I'm pretty impressed. 01:16:35.560 --> 01:16:40.960 And I got to say that I think it was nothing more than the initiation of the train dance 01:16:40.960 --> 01:16:44.520 with lots and lots of people pretending that there was something to stop and that they 01:16:44.520 --> 01:16:50.400 were contributing to stopping it by starting a discussion about all this stuff. 01:16:50.400 --> 01:16:54.120 I think one of the things that came out of the talk that I did yesterday for the Doctors 01:16:54.120 --> 01:16:59.840 for COVID ethics group is that there are lots of doctors that now have come to the 01:16:59.840 --> 01:17:06.960 conclusion that arguing about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin was another piece of this puzzle 01:17:06.960 --> 01:17:12.800 because hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin could very well have antibiotic anti-inflammatory 01:17:12.800 --> 01:17:17.800 properties that in general make them useful. 01:17:17.800 --> 01:17:23.160 And so the usefulness of these drugs which were not being used before the pandemic and 01:17:23.160 --> 01:17:28.720 their rollout now has led some doctors to believe that the overall benefits of these 01:17:28.720 --> 01:17:35.160 drugs are directly related to their specific application to COVID rather than to secondary 01:17:35.160 --> 01:17:44.360 pneumonia rather than to inflammation or respiratory disease. 01:17:44.360 --> 01:17:51.680 And it is possible that people who planned this elaborate display were very well aware 01:17:51.680 --> 01:17:58.360 of the fact that these two drugs have a wide variety of benefits and that their perceived 01:17:58.360 --> 01:18:02.800 usefulness would be very easy to feign. 01:18:02.800 --> 01:18:09.480 It would be very easy to get a couple people to advocate for them and make a couple stories 01:18:09.480 --> 01:18:15.000 and do a couple things and get people to argue about whether or not a certain trial was fair 01:18:15.000 --> 01:18:18.520 and before you know it everybody's taking the drug. 01:18:18.520 --> 01:18:23.960 Some people it makes feel better and that for them means that there's definitely a 01:18:23.960 --> 01:18:27.840 COVID that means that there's definitely a SARS-CoV-2 that means that it definitely 01:18:27.840 --> 01:18:31.840 cured them and it couldn't possibly have been bacterial pneumonia, it couldn't have possibly 01:18:31.840 --> 01:18:40.560 been pinworms, it couldn't have possibly been any number of imbalances in your gut flora 01:18:40.560 --> 01:18:45.320 that are somewhat helped by ivermectin treatment. 01:18:45.320 --> 01:18:50.040 It couldn't be any other thing other than i think i had COVID and then ivermectin cured 01:18:50.040 --> 01:18:52.480 it in a day. 01:18:52.480 --> 01:18:58.600 Hydroxychloric when prevented me from getting it all these stories are part of the train, 01:18:58.600 --> 01:19:06.440 the train stopping exercise where they converted all caused mortality and the excess deaths 01:19:06.440 --> 01:19:15.640 that could be imagined to happen here if your brain can see a pattern from 2014 and 01:19:15.640 --> 01:19:23.320 see that that pattern was disrupted here and you're not told to subtract all of the things 01:19:23.320 --> 01:19:31.240 that actually happened to produce these local mass casualty events, non-spreading local mass 01:19:31.240 --> 01:19:37.480 casualty events and that lack of geographic spread is not displayed in this graph then 01:19:37.480 --> 01:19:41.960 people can make the argument that look at how many extra people died this year, obviously 01:19:41.960 --> 01:19:48.960 we've had a pandemic but it requires them to ignore all of these things. 01:19:48.960 --> 01:19:58.560 It required a number of actors to ignore these things, a number of actors which instead stuck 01:19:58.560 --> 01:20:07.400 to the TV scenario about a bad cave, zoonosis and that illusion of consensus that the lockdowns 01:20:07.400 --> 01:20:14.800 and stuff were necessary, they saved people from this virus and that's the faith, asymptomatic 01:20:14.800 --> 01:20:21.280 spread, gain a function, the whole thing and we need to save our children from this faith 01:20:21.280 --> 01:20:25.520 because if we don't then they're going to be on this train forever and it's not very 01:20:25.520 --> 01:20:33.520 long now, if we don't start to wake up pretty quick, you know, in the next two to three years 01:20:33.520 --> 01:20:40.080 there's going to be too many college kids which will have imbibed this, too many post-college kids 01:20:40.080 --> 01:20:46.880 who have imbibed it, too many young kids in high school who have imbibed it, we've got to break 01:20:46.880 --> 01:20:53.200 this faith right now, we've got to tell the truth about vaccines, we've got to tell the truth 01:20:53.200 --> 01:20:57.840 about immunology, we've got to tell the truth about transfection, we've got to tell the truth 01:20:57.840 --> 01:21:06.800 about viruses and that may include AIDS and a lot of other stories that we've been told, 01:21:08.080 --> 01:21:12.880 I don't know which ones will fall, I don't know which ones will have some biological basis in fact 01:21:13.600 --> 01:21:20.720 but we have a lot of work to do and I don't think farewell to virology is the document which does 01:21:20.720 --> 01:21:29.760 the work, it's a far cry from that actually but I do agree that this faith is a lie especially 01:21:29.760 --> 01:21:35.600 with regard to coronaviruses, I am certain the coronaviruses as in a phenomenon have been exaggerated 01:21:36.480 --> 01:21:42.960 coronaviruses as a phenomenon in 2023 have been grossly exaggerated 01:21:45.680 --> 01:21:50.320 and why have they done it because they want us, they want our children, they want to invert the 01:21:50.320 --> 01:21:54.560 way that our children think about themselves, they want their children to think about themselves 01:21:54.560 --> 01:22:01.280 as flawed, not perfect, they want the children to think about themselves as malleable, not flawless, 01:22:01.280 --> 01:22:10.160 they want to think about, they want our children to think of themselves as well unnatural or 01:22:10.720 --> 01:22:15.200 un-sacred is the right word, sorry, they want our children to 01:22:17.760 --> 01:22:21.040 essentially desecrate the temple that is their body 01:22:23.680 --> 01:22:29.520 that's what they want, I know that's what they want and so stop all transfections in humans 01:22:30.560 --> 01:22:34.880 and I will definitely be here tomorrow 01:22:34.880 --> 01:22:41.440 because that's what we do, I don't know if it'll be a long stream tomorrow, you know it's always 01:22:41.440 --> 01:22:45.920 like that, hopefully everything's going to be fine, intramuscular injection of any combination 01:22:45.920 --> 01:22:51.600 of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb, transfection in healthy 01:22:51.600 --> 01:22:59.920 humans is criminally negligent and viruses are not patterned integrity, I really think it's just 01:22:59.920 --> 01:23:04.800 because I yelled a lot at basketball practice last night but I am gonna try and take it easy, 01:23:04.800 --> 01:23:11.120 if my voice feels like this tomorrow it's possible that I might come on and not talk 01:23:11.120 --> 01:23:18.720 very much or something like that, oh it's messing with my stuff there, hold on let's cut it over 01:23:18.720 --> 01:23:34.640 Thanks guys, I'll see you again tomorrow night 01:23:48.720 --> 01:24:14.720 Roger that, Toyota Corolla, most popular car ever, for analogies, gotcha, Roger that, good night, omies 01:24:18.720 --> 01:24:34.640 I believe it's much more likely that it's a lab leak