WEBVTT 00:54.320 --> 00:56.320 Very sorry for the late start but 00:56.760 --> 01:02.400 No janitor kicking us out of the gym tonight, so I got here pretty late 01:03.800 --> 01:10.400 But I'm a little committed to the streak in this stage, so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sustain it 01:10.400 --> 01:15.120 But I'm feeling it now. I just gotta be conservative and get it done 01:26.320 --> 01:28.320 I 01:31.120 --> 01:35.160 Got a lot of work done today though. Holy man did I get a lot of work done today? 01:36.240 --> 01:41.800 and then I had practice at seven thirty until nine and then 01:42.800 --> 01:44.800 we got home 01:46.560 --> 01:48.560 Actually, I'm gonna change my hat right now 01:56.320 --> 01:58.320 I 02:00.520 --> 02:05.040 Gotta figure out how to cut that little that's sure you scheduled for 16 minutes next 02:05.840 --> 02:11.000 He's going on French British Italian Japanese television 02:12.040 --> 02:16.520 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. It's embarrassing 02:26.320 --> 02:28.320 So much 02:56.320 --> 02:58.320 Oh damn 03:24.000 --> 03:26.000 True Drew good to see you 03:26.320 --> 03:29.160 Pamela 03:56.320 --> 04:12.760 Well here we are again, I feel like I've got to give them, you know 04:12.760 --> 04:17.320 I got to give them a little airtime because I want to be fair and balanced 04:17.320 --> 04:24.960 I think there's some TV program or some news channel. It's fair and balanced. I like the sound of that fair and balanced 04:24.960 --> 04:26.960 Hey mark what's going on? 04:27.480 --> 04:31.280 That guy's been up to his eyeballs and concrete lately, I think 04:32.360 --> 04:34.360 He's a beastly man that mark 04:44.920 --> 04:50.720 Yes, this is going biological a high-resistance low noise information brief. It's the 17th of November 04:51.440 --> 04:52.720 2023 04:52.720 --> 04:59.520 We are still trying to fight our way out of this limited spectrum of debate that these people have held us in 05:00.320 --> 05:04.360 that have sort of reinforced the views of the system and 05:04.880 --> 05:06.880 We've got to fight our way out 05:07.160 --> 05:13.280 Fair and balanced is the Fox News Network. Well, I don't know. I guess I could be a worse company, right? I don't know 05:13.280 --> 05:15.280 I 05:18.200 --> 05:23.480 See this face sliding back there behind our history keep sliding back there and then he's gone again 05:23.480 --> 05:28.160 I keep seeing there he goes again. See him. I saw the simple step we can take and our 05:28.640 --> 05:31.140 We can encourage our family and friends to take 05:31.680 --> 05:33.680 Is to not take part in the lion 05:35.880 --> 05:41.000 That that that's something that we can ask all of our family and friends to consider 05:41.560 --> 05:44.600 Just stop perpetuating the lies stop testing 05:45.120 --> 05:47.480 Stop talking about it like it's out there 05:48.240 --> 05:52.240 Stop pretending like the only reason why you wash your hands is because of cold 05:53.120 --> 05:59.880 Stop pretending that the only reason why you're concerned about your health is because of COVID. That's just ridiculous 06:00.720 --> 06:04.120 You should have been done eating better for 20 years already 06:04.640 --> 06:08.920 He should have been taking care of your body already for the last 20 years. That's the problem 06:09.920 --> 06:15.520 So many of us owe a debt to our to our body and we need to pay it back 06:19.200 --> 06:24.720 Yeah, anyway the brick wall at the back of theater is definitely visible. I know you can see it 06:25.400 --> 06:28.840 It's just a question of how can we teach it to our family and friends? 06:28.840 --> 06:31.400 I think a really good way to say it is challenge people to 06:32.040 --> 06:37.080 Explain why there's no evidence of spread in New York City get them to explain why 06:38.080 --> 06:40.080 The spread didn't cross borders 06:41.120 --> 06:43.840 Tell them that lockdown is not a good enough reason 06:44.560 --> 06:48.240 Infectious clones are the only real threat. We've got a we've got a I admit 06:48.240 --> 06:53.240 I've got to do a little bit better teaching that biology in the next couple weeks thumbnail that don't worry 06:54.000 --> 06:55.880 placebo batches were likely distributed 06:55.880 --> 07:00.680 I think everybody understands why that could screw things up and in transfection healthy mammals is dumb 07:01.560 --> 07:06.400 Sometimes you just got to say it like it is like protocols for murder gain a function is a mythology 07:07.400 --> 07:14.720 Scooby-Dooers is real and the layers are committed to lies. It's a spectacular commitment to these lies right here 07:15.200 --> 07:22.000 Lies about a novel virus lies about millions of people being killed by it lies about millions more being saved from it 07:22.720 --> 07:28.760 Lies about gain a function being a real thing and lies about viruses that will come again 07:28.760 --> 07:38.000 This is giggle and biological. That's right giggle and biologicals of information brief brought to you by a biologist 07:38.480 --> 07:41.720 Who sometimes feels like he's trapped on a starship 07:44.040 --> 07:48.280 Sometimes it hasn't been it's been a while since I've felt trapped on a starship. I guess that was 07:49.080 --> 07:51.080 And I owe you another one I didn't 07:54.480 --> 07:56.480 Didn't switch out all this 07:58.760 --> 08:00.760 There we go 08:03.640 --> 08:11.880 Hello, my name is Jonathan Cooey, and this is giggle and biological a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist in the back of his garage 08:11.880 --> 08:13.880 It is the 17th of November 08:14.080 --> 08:18.600 2023 it is 8 after 10 in the evening where I am and 08:19.240 --> 08:24.920 I am very thankful for the people that subscribe and share the work of giggle and biological 08:24.920 --> 08:28.840 Our general message is usually the same 08:29.920 --> 08:32.640 Don't take the bait on TV and social media 08:34.280 --> 08:39.880 Because it is not a matter of what's true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true 08:39.880 --> 08:45.280 That's kind of an awkward quote, but it's from a very very very influential man 08:47.200 --> 08:52.280 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 08:52.680 --> 08:55.720 Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent 08:56.240 --> 09:02.440 These two phrases are a little bit more skippy and a little bit more zippy and they're from somebody who nobody knows or cares about 09:02.680 --> 09:09.600 But I assure you there the biological principles that they talk about and stand for are solid as a rock and 09:10.320 --> 09:15.880 You can tell a lot from someone if they talk about me and they don't talk about this slide right here 09:15.880 --> 09:18.280 They're basically not talking about my work 09:18.800 --> 09:24.800 Because everything else that I'm gonna present over the next weeks and months and maybe even years is 09:25.160 --> 09:27.160 Gonna be biology that more or less 09:28.280 --> 09:30.720 Edifies these ideas that are to my 09:31.480 --> 09:33.000 stage 09:33.000 --> 09:35.000 right 09:35.000 --> 09:36.440 Anyway 09:36.440 --> 09:38.440 That's the end of that show 09:38.440 --> 09:41.760 I think I've got another show somewhere, right? 09:42.560 --> 09:44.560 Do I have another one of these somewhere 09:44.560 --> 09:53.440 Or did I save that one as a funny one now I was gonna do this one I guess so 09:56.360 --> 09:58.360 We are on this Scooby-Doo kick 09:59.200 --> 10:06.480 And it is a real Scooby-Doo kick in the sense of trying to help people to understand what was done to them 10:06.480 --> 10:09.840 Sorry for that rough transition from music to no music 10:10.680 --> 10:16.040 I think it's really important as we approach Thanksgiving to try and give it one more world 10:16.760 --> 10:21.200 In terms of really selling this to the people that don't really get it yet 10:23.560 --> 10:30.360 It is much more convincing to brainwash someone by getting them to think that they solved a puzzle 10:31.600 --> 10:35.000 you can imagine fooling four and five-year-olds by 10:35.680 --> 10:42.160 Making them feel like they're solving a puzzle and then they could really come to the conclusion that wow those footprints on the floor 10:42.160 --> 10:45.960 I mean that there is a monster in the house somewhere and oh wow the 10:46.440 --> 10:49.360 Close on the floor mean that wow they might they might have 10:49.760 --> 10:55.920 They might have went through your stuff and oh wow look the food on the counter means that they must have stolen some food 10:55.920 --> 11:00.040 And they ate it and then oh the back door is open so they must have went out the back door 11:00.040 --> 11:02.040 And 11:02.520 --> 11:09.320 So then when they go out by outside and they find that I don't know the barbecue is on you can also convince the kids that wow 11:09.320 --> 11:15.480 that monster that went through the house that left the footprints that ate the cookies and then went out the back door also lit the barbecue and 11:17.640 --> 11:21.320 Now imagine a scenario where an intricate 11:22.960 --> 11:26.720 combination of bureaucrats programmed for an emergency and 11:27.720 --> 11:31.920 And media scared into believing there's an emergency and 11:32.720 --> 11:37.120 secret meetings being used to orchestrate the response to and 11:38.080 --> 11:41.640 coordinate the the censorship of the response to 11:42.520 --> 11:45.520 this new perceived emergency and 11:46.960 --> 11:52.320 Now imagine if they had rehearsed it five six seven times at a table and 11:53.120 --> 11:55.120 two or three times for real 11:55.760 --> 11:57.760 How good would we be at this? 11:58.400 --> 12:00.400 how how 12:00.480 --> 12:04.840 Accurately would be it would we be able to execute it now what I want you to imagine is 12:05.680 --> 12:09.160 That successful execution of this theater 12:09.920 --> 12:15.440 results in huge shifts in power huge transfers of wealth and 12:16.240 --> 12:22.400 So now is the impetus on the system to allow mother nature to dictate how and when this occurs 12:23.040 --> 12:25.920 Or do you think it's much more likely that at some point? 12:26.560 --> 12:28.560 This might be the way that we are governed 12:29.440 --> 12:33.160 That the system itself would say well, we're not going to wait for mother nature 12:33.960 --> 12:39.480 To cause all these changes to happen to cause all this wealth to shift to cause all this power to 12:40.400 --> 12:42.400 be available 12:43.160 --> 12:45.160 We'll just simply orchestrate it ourselves 12:46.160 --> 12:48.160 And it would be so easy 12:48.920 --> 12:50.920 so easy to do it 12:51.880 --> 12:58.600 Because again these plans these emergency plans these contingency plans have been rehearsed and orchestrated 12:59.560 --> 13:04.680 and gamed at tables and exercises over the last two or three decades 13:06.280 --> 13:08.280 And those of you who know your history 13:08.520 --> 13:16.280 Know very well that that's exactly what they've been doing for a very long time and it's very hard to differentiate what we are now experiencing from 13:17.000 --> 13:19.000 Just such an exercise 13:19.960 --> 13:26.120 where the combination of a controlled media and a well-brief bureaucracy and 13:27.200 --> 13:34.040 a national security apparatus capable of dictating behavior to those levels of governance 13:35.480 --> 13:42.120 Simply by saying that certain things are classified certain things are required certain security measures are currently in place 13:43.160 --> 13:48.700 And so therefore you can only say certain things and we have to consider the worst case scenario as a distinct 13:49.000 --> 13:51.000 possibility on the table 13:51.000 --> 13:52.600 and 13:52.600 --> 13:58.680 Once the worst case scenario is the distinct possibility on the table. We are right where they want us 13:59.800 --> 14:05.080 Once as a society we have accepted that they declared an emergency for a good reason 14:05.960 --> 14:11.360 That the reason that they declared the emergency is actually a bona fide danger that could have happened again and 14:12.360 --> 14:16.240 That we learned some things worked and some things didn't and we have to improve 14:16.880 --> 14:22.000 Before the next one happens then we are essentially accepting this faith right here in pink 14:22.480 --> 14:27.200 There was a novel virus millions of people died from it. More millions more were saved from it 14:29.440 --> 14:33.840 The very scary possibility is is that it came from a gain of function laboratory 14:35.040 --> 14:38.400 And therefore a virus like this one or even worse could come again 14:40.720 --> 14:42.720 And people as 14:43.680 --> 14:49.760 Varied as Rand Paul Tony Fauci Peter Dasek Richard Ebright 14:52.720 --> 14:54.720 Kevin Esfelt 14:55.280 --> 15:01.440 Jonathan Cooley in 2020 in 2021 Brett Weinstein now Robert Malone now 15:02.640 --> 15:05.760 Are all in perfect agreement that this is the truth 15:07.440 --> 15:12.240 So many people are excited that massy passed a bill that ban gain of function 15:12.880 --> 15:14.880 And 15:14.880 --> 15:20.560 By banning it you make it even more real because if it wasn't real, why would you need to ban it? 15:24.800 --> 15:31.280 And so this carries on as the Scooby-Doo continues we are continually being reinforced that 15:32.320 --> 15:33.760 you know 15:33.760 --> 15:37.840 More and more people on both sides of the aisle are coming to the conclusion that this was a lab leak 15:38.720 --> 15:41.920 And now what you're going to find very stunning ladies and gentlemen 15:43.680 --> 15:49.280 Is that as we approach this wall of obfuscation and this wall of medlers 15:51.600 --> 15:57.600 And right now this wall of medlers actually doesn't have any of the no virus crew on it 15:58.800 --> 16:01.040 I think we're about to hear a video today 16:02.720 --> 16:08.640 That is essentially going to say almost what i've said up until now in this very video from Sam Bailey 16:08.640 --> 16:10.640 And 16:10.640 --> 16:13.680 So i'm i'm really interested when i'm going to find i'm 16:14.400 --> 16:16.400 cautiously optimistic 16:17.120 --> 16:22.320 But again, there are a few patterns of behavior with these people that I need you to understand are not 16:22.880 --> 16:24.880 congruent with them 16:24.880 --> 16:26.880 wanting to 16:26.880 --> 16:28.880 Save as many people as possible 16:30.160 --> 16:32.560 And the most striking one is their 16:34.000 --> 16:35.840 unwillingness 16:35.840 --> 16:38.560 to really defend their position 16:39.600 --> 16:45.680 Under any circumstances that are more or less equal or free they have to be completely defined by them 16:46.320 --> 16:48.880 And you have to agree to certain terms 16:49.840 --> 16:51.840 and certain boundaries 16:51.920 --> 16:53.920 and certain topics 16:54.400 --> 16:55.600 And 16:55.600 --> 16:58.960 The best example I can have is uh, dr. Malick 16:59.680 --> 17:00.720 um 17:00.720 --> 17:06.960 Dr. Amad Malick is a podcast that i've been on he's a little bald guy from the uk really sweet 17:08.800 --> 17:10.720 Really sweet gentleman 17:10.720 --> 17:16.480 And he was going to have sam bailey on his show actually a couple weeks before he had me on his show 17:17.360 --> 17:22.080 And at some point apparently she found out that he was not a no virus 17:22.560 --> 17:27.360 Person that he was open-minded about the existence of sars kobe 2 17:27.920 --> 17:30.240 And she promptly canceled her interview with him 17:31.440 --> 17:34.560 And so again here you see there's a certain 17:36.880 --> 17:42.560 There's a certain dubiousness to their behavior and so i'm as I said i'm cautiously optimistic and open-minded 17:42.560 --> 17:48.160 And I since I want to have this be a rather efficient stream and it's already 10 20 minutes after 10 17:48.960 --> 17:51.600 I'm just going to see what we can do here with this one now 17:53.040 --> 17:55.040 Do I have it already? Yes, I do 17:55.920 --> 17:57.920 But it's just on this one 17:57.920 --> 17:59.920 I'll just move it over here 18:25.040 --> 18:27.040 You 18:55.040 --> 18:57.040 You 19:25.040 --> 19:27.040 You 19:55.040 --> 19:57.040 You 20:25.040 --> 20:27.040 You 20:55.040 --> 21:05.600 Children's health events were added again with fear-based narratives about lab engineering viruses 21:06.160 --> 21:10.880 They reported that in his new book deception the great covid cover-up 21:11.360 --> 21:17.280 Senator rand paul details the catastrophic failures of the public health emergency during the pandemic 21:17.760 --> 21:22.800 Addressing the gain of function research funded in part by the us government paul claims dr 21:22.800 --> 21:30.240 Anthony fauci and his scientific yes men not only knew the sars kobe 2 virus originated at china's wuhan institute of 21:30.240 --> 21:35.760 irology but worked to cover it up and attack anyone threatening to reveal the truth 21:36.240 --> 21:41.040 You may get the feeling that many people have been deeply asleep during the past four years 21:41.600 --> 21:45.360 Mentioned two weeks to flatten the curve and you'll get a blank look 21:45.920 --> 21:50.240 Even from those that dutifully repeated the foolish metro back in 2020 21:50.880 --> 21:55.440 Those espousing the lab like cover-up story also seem to be missing things 21:56.080 --> 22:03.440 Or they have forgotten that in early 2020 it was one of the narratives being promulgated by the mainstream media 22:04.000 --> 22:07.920 For example, the some published a story in april that year that stated 22:08.400 --> 22:14.960 It was revealed earlier this month ministers fear the deadly pandemic could have started after a leak from a lab 22:15.680 --> 22:21.440 USan british intelligence officials suspect bungling scientists at the wuhan institute of virology 22:21.840 --> 22:26.160 Accidentally spread the color during risky coronavirus tests on bats 22:26.720 --> 22:33.120 The story included a map showing the proximity of the institute to the huwanan seafood market 22:33.440 --> 22:40.800 And photographs said to be from inside the facility that were openly published by china daily the state run media platform 22:41.120 --> 22:45.680 But shh it's all top secret folks then in 2021 22:45.760 --> 22:52.720 We had the united states senate chiming in as though there was a lab leak cover-up going on and apparently caught red-handed 22:52.960 --> 22:55.520 Big tech platforms were now reversing the censorship 22:56.000 --> 23:00.800 We know that facebook recently reversed their decision 23:01.520 --> 23:05.440 on taking down any kind of information 23:05.920 --> 23:09.360 That said it came from the lab in wuhan 23:09.840 --> 23:15.680 So the overt product placement has been done since 2020 through the mainstream media 23:16.080 --> 23:23.200 Politicians and big tech but the lab leak proponents think that this is something that the public is not supposed to know about 23:24.160 --> 23:29.760 Lab leak nonsense has continued to be splashed across corporate media headlines in 2023 23:30.320 --> 23:34.320 And yet somehow the so does anybody really know whether she's 23:35.200 --> 23:42.720 She or her husband or tom kowen or any of these other people have actually tied it together like this before 23:43.440 --> 23:50.800 I've never heard her say it as explicitly as the lab leak was set up to 23:52.160 --> 23:59.440 From the beginning to be a theater to make people think that the pandemic was occurring and that the only debate was whether it was a natural 23:59.440 --> 24:01.440 Virus or whether it was a lab leak 24:02.160 --> 24:08.560 She seems to be saying that now, but I I don't get the feeling that they have been saying this from 24:09.840 --> 24:11.840 from the start 24:13.600 --> 24:17.120 And I don't know how long they've been saying it or whether they're actually absorbing 24:17.920 --> 24:21.680 some of the things that our side has been saying now and 24:22.560 --> 24:28.960 Kind of making it sound as though, you know, since 2020 we've known that this was it's different 24:31.440 --> 24:35.440 It's a different kind of claim right and I I hope you can see that that if 24:37.920 --> 24:41.040 If the theater was the primary operation 24:42.400 --> 24:47.200 Then it is still very dangerous to harp on there are no viruses. There are no viruses 24:47.200 --> 24:53.120 There are no medicines. We don't need medicine and all this other stuff if really what they lied about was the pandemic 24:54.080 --> 24:56.080 So i'm still trying to figure out 24:56.880 --> 24:58.880 I 24:58.880 --> 25:01.040 Yeah, I'm I'm confused. I mean look here 25:04.640 --> 25:06.000 I 25:06.000 --> 25:09.360 I think it's really cool. She said the PCR test in the very beginning 25:10.240 --> 25:16.320 She said that in 2021 the lab leak narrative was pulling a lot of this story along as she had this music on 25:16.320 --> 25:18.400 I didn't really understand. That's why I wrote that there 25:19.040 --> 25:22.640 She points out that the emails the papers and everything they don't mean danger 25:22.640 --> 25:26.080 It doesn't mean these things are being made it certainly doesn't mean they're creating 25:26.720 --> 25:33.280 Gain a function or rather. They're not creating pandemic potential in the laboratory and I've said that I've got slides of it for many many 25:34.000 --> 25:36.400 many months if not a year or more now 25:38.000 --> 25:42.400 when these people have tried to harass me and tried to you know 25:43.680 --> 25:45.280 get me 25:45.280 --> 25:47.280 They attacked me quite 25:47.760 --> 25:50.560 Quite more than they needed to when really I was trying to 25:51.520 --> 25:55.680 In a way point out to them that you know, we're really not that far off 25:58.720 --> 26:03.040 They they talk about the Rand Paul book when I just talked about two days ago. I mean, okay, that's great 26:03.680 --> 26:09.040 So first the lab leak then the cover up then the censorship theater. I mean we're all talking about the same stuff now 26:10.720 --> 26:17.280 And I have been saying the scooby-doo for a while now and before that I was still telling it like this so 26:18.240 --> 26:22.320 I'm totally on this page. I'm just not on the page of 26:23.360 --> 26:24.880 of 26:24.880 --> 26:29.920 How it's being said here. I don't know it's it's strange to me. It feels very conceited or something, but 26:31.120 --> 26:32.560 I don't want to 26:32.560 --> 26:38.960 Maybe it's just the New Zealand accent to make it sound like that likes of Rand Paul are portraying this as a high level cover up 26:39.600 --> 26:45.920 One thing that has been consistent during the covid era is the blanket censorship and suppression 26:46.320 --> 26:48.080 Of the no virus arguments 26:48.720 --> 26:56.320 I am unable to post covid related content on my youtube channel and even my video on polio was banned after just six minutes 26:56.800 --> 27:02.480 For the past four years my viewers have informed me that simply posting a link to one of my videos 27:02.720 --> 27:05.440 Can result in a suspension of their facebook account 27:06.080 --> 27:10.960 Meanwhile the proponents of the gain of function narratives can post links to the new york times now 27:11.520 --> 27:18.880 Rand Paul's entire analysis has a fatal flaw and that is taking the virologist claims at face value 27:19.200 --> 27:22.320 He does not examine the methodologies being employed in virology 27:22.720 --> 27:30.560 So he runs with words like isolation and gain of function to sustain the narrative that an infectious disease causing particle 27:30.800 --> 27:34.880 Has been physically isolated and then modified to make it even more dangerous 27:35.360 --> 27:39.280 In reality, nothing of the sort has ever been demonstrated 27:39.840 --> 27:45.680 As well as covering the work of ron fusciƩ, ralf barrack and petitacic in videos 27:46.080 --> 27:50.880 My husband mark also discussed the lab leak fallacy in a farewell to virology 27:51.280 --> 27:53.360 His formal refutation of the virus model 27:53.760 --> 27:58.880 We have broken down these papers numerous times to expose their pseudoscientific nature 27:59.120 --> 28:01.760 That pervades the entire field of virology 28:02.320 --> 28:09.600 In their promotional piece on rand paul when they stated the gain of function research funded in part by the u.s 28:09.680 --> 28:14.080 Government chd provide a link to an article by dr. joseph mccollar 28:14.320 --> 28:17.920 They posted on the website in april 2022. This was titled 28:18.720 --> 28:21.520 1000 plus document make make no mistake about it 28:22.480 --> 28:30.320 This is the second time now. She's mentioning chd in particular and she is mentioning it without actually calling it children's health defense 28:30.960 --> 28:32.960 Without actually saying what they do 28:35.120 --> 28:38.160 Now to me, this is spectacular because again 28:38.400 --> 28:47.360 They've been on chd multiple times chd has held the defender has held some kind of podcast with them and maryll nasse and a few other people before 28:48.880 --> 28:54.320 And they've talked to david or david resnick before and or if that's that that's that guy's name 28:55.120 --> 29:03.520 They've they listened to everybody chd has people on that I I wouldn't necessarily say they should have on but they they talk to everybody 29:05.280 --> 29:12.800 And so it's almost like biting the hand that feeds you and you know, you can barely get your message out anywhere and one of the few places 29:13.600 --> 29:19.600 That is willing to get your message out. You just constantly send emails to people complaining that 29:20.400 --> 29:28.000 You don't that they don't back you or that they don't give you enough credence or that they're not saying exactly what they should say 29:28.560 --> 29:30.400 Who are they're giving? 29:30.400 --> 29:34.160 You know airtime or attention to the gain of function narrative. I 29:34.960 --> 29:37.680 Can't say I totally disagree with some of that 29:41.200 --> 29:47.760 But it's like pick your battles like what what are what do they what do they really want to have happen here? 29:48.480 --> 29:50.480 It's it 29:50.480 --> 29:51.920 to me 29:51.920 --> 29:57.600 Putting this on the screen, but not really just trying to make I guess they think they've already done it 29:57.600 --> 30:01.840 Right the the farewell to virology is their thing and it's checkmate and so 30:02.720 --> 30:06.400 The way that they win arguments is that they wave that around and they say well 30:07.360 --> 30:11.600 If you've read that and you don't submit to us then I guess you're an idiot 30:12.480 --> 30:14.480 and I have read it 30:15.200 --> 30:17.200 And the papers that they choose 30:17.760 --> 30:19.760 They refute them great 30:20.000 --> 30:26.560 They say that the papers don't definitively show isolation of viruses or purification of viruses 30:28.480 --> 30:32.080 But some biological phenomenon is going on there that we can sequence 30:33.600 --> 30:35.840 That shows up in these reactions 30:38.880 --> 30:45.040 And it's just unfortunate that really it seems to be an all-out denial of molecular biology 30:46.000 --> 30:48.800 So they they go to old papers 30:49.760 --> 30:53.920 And they can show you that these old papers aren't showing any direct evidence of anything 30:53.920 --> 30:56.880 They're just showing indirect evidence of some phenomenon 30:57.600 --> 31:01.120 That those authors clearly didn't understand totally agree 31:03.520 --> 31:05.520 But now to be 31:06.320 --> 31:12.080 Sort of slam dunking the ball without wanting to figure out what really happens what really is going on here 31:12.640 --> 31:15.360 What are these signals? 31:16.560 --> 31:19.200 What is this biology? They just want to throw it all out 31:19.200 --> 31:22.800 Well, never mind all of immunology silly all of medicine is silly 31:22.800 --> 31:26.720 We should just eat better food and exercise and drink water and everything will be fine 31:29.280 --> 31:35.200 Irrespective of whether we're being transfected by air or sea or food or water 31:36.320 --> 31:38.320 or lipid nanoparticle or 31:38.960 --> 31:40.640 or 31:40.640 --> 31:43.200 vaporized virus-like particles 31:45.520 --> 31:49.760 This part of the no virus thing is what's frustrating 31:50.800 --> 31:53.840 Because what they want you to believe is it's all lies 31:55.760 --> 31:58.800 When we know that they've been trying to weaponize 31:59.440 --> 32:02.320 DNA and RNA for more than 20 years 32:03.680 --> 32:06.640 They've been trying to weaponize these small 32:07.520 --> 32:10.960 packets of information for more than 20 years 32:12.400 --> 32:14.240 And so they may not be very good at it 32:15.120 --> 32:17.520 They may not be able to do it with very high fidelity 32:19.040 --> 32:24.080 But I assure you they can make things that will annoy your immune system. I assure you they can make things that will 32:25.200 --> 32:27.680 Disrupt physiology in your body 32:28.880 --> 32:32.480 And these may not be viruses. They may not replicate very well 32:33.200 --> 32:36.160 They may not do all the things that virology says they do 32:37.120 --> 32:39.120 But 32:40.640 --> 32:46.720 But I think that they can be used to orchestrate fear frustration confusion and even 32:47.760 --> 32:51.600 Real biological signals that molecular biologists can find and 32:54.640 --> 32:57.120 And confound into a pandemic 32:59.440 --> 33:02.720 And I really feel as though there's a lot of 33:03.360 --> 33:05.360 There's very little rather 33:05.360 --> 33:09.680 Attempt at making forward progress with people understanding what's going on 33:10.720 --> 33:15.440 And it's a lot of attacking and whining and and arrogance 33:18.000 --> 33:23.600 And knowing that they won't have a conversation with you unless you agree that there are no viruses or unless you start by 33:24.320 --> 33:31.120 Having to argue about farewell and farewell to virology. You can't have a conversation with them as you start there first 33:32.800 --> 33:34.800 I 33:35.760 --> 33:39.280 If you wanted to talk about what health freedom means they would first want to say 33:39.280 --> 33:43.440 Well, do you believe in viruses or not because if you don't believe if you believe in viruses 33:44.320 --> 33:48.080 Or you believe in infectious clones like that crazy dr. Cooley guy 33:48.960 --> 33:50.560 Then uh 33:50.560 --> 33:52.560 Then no, we don't want to talk to you 33:53.280 --> 33:56.000 And this is really not this is the problem 33:57.600 --> 34:01.040 And so this is the second time now we're bringing up chd 34:02.000 --> 34:05.520 Even though we're just reposting joe marcola here who 34:06.240 --> 34:10.720 You know, I don't know if joe marcola is a good guy or a bad guy, but he certainly seems to be 34:11.600 --> 34:16.640 A patriot and doesn't seem to really uh, I don't know. I just I can't believe 34:18.800 --> 34:25.200 That's revealed disturbing details about high risk. I'm very surprised that that chd is even in this video 34:25.280 --> 34:28.880 That's what I'm that's what I'm you're seeing me deal with right now because 34:29.680 --> 34:35.760 Gigo and biological supposed to be my show and it's not I've been trying very hard not to 34:37.360 --> 34:42.400 Cross over too much and when I have crossed over it's always it's always 34:43.360 --> 34:45.040 sketchy 34:45.040 --> 34:51.600 As to whether it's good idea or not and so I didn't really expect a second article to be in this video 34:51.680 --> 34:55.360 And so I'm a little frustrated by that, but I'm going on and a function experiments 34:55.680 --> 35:00.320 But what exactly was it referring to an investigative report by vanity fair? 35:00.880 --> 35:07.520 I kid you not mccolla and the chd think that vanity fair are going to reveal the truth about 35:08.320 --> 35:10.320 to the public 35:21.440 --> 35:25.200 This wasn't the first time vanity fair had presented this narrative 35:25.520 --> 35:30.080 In fact, they published a huge feature article in july 2021 35:30.720 --> 35:37.520 If you read this article you will see it contains nothing more than talk about people who talk about viruses 35:38.160 --> 35:44.240 These peripheral stories about politics grants and government documents may be fascinating for the naive 35:44.640 --> 35:47.920 But it is all fluff when you are looking for scientific evidence 35:48.560 --> 35:55.520 Where is the virus the second vanity fair expose the one referred to in the mccolla chd article 35:56.080 --> 35:58.080 suffers from the same problem 35:58.240 --> 36:03.600 Amongst the a hundred thousand plus documents. Where do we find any evidence for a virus? 36:04.240 --> 36:06.960 Halfway through the article we do see a citation 36:07.440 --> 36:14.160 The author states that she Zengli and a preeminent coronavirus researcher at the university of north carolina 36:14.480 --> 36:20.720 Ralph barrack mixed components of sars like viruses from different species and created a novel chimera 36:20.800 --> 36:23.120 That was able to directly infect human cells 36:23.840 --> 36:28.640 And the paper they linked to is this one that appeared in nature medicine in 2015 36:29.280 --> 36:34.720 A sars like cluster of circulating back coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence 36:35.360 --> 36:41.920 So this is the evidence they are presenting for a virus existence and laboratory engineering of such claimed viruses 36:42.720 --> 36:44.720 Let the day section begin 36:44.800 --> 36:50.640 As with any virology paper, you don't get distracted by the title or the abstract which contain 36:50.880 --> 36:56.320 Venceful claims. You need to focus on the ticklish spot, which is the method section 36:56.960 --> 37:03.280 Here we find it opens by stating wild type sars co v urbani mouse adapted sars co v 37:03.760 --> 37:11.440 M a 15 and chimeric sars like co v's were cultured on zero e six cells obtained from united states army medical research 37:11.920 --> 37:13.440 of infectious diseases 37:13.440 --> 37:15.840 So right here the whole thing falls apart 37:16.480 --> 37:20.880 They are claiming that they already know they have viruses in the starting samples 37:21.440 --> 37:26.720 Without establishing anything of the sort they can then state that the culture cells were quote 37:27.200 --> 37:31.280 Inoculated with virus see so that's really it's sad 37:33.120 --> 37:36.560 It's really sad because if we go back to this 37:38.800 --> 37:40.800 Those are three clones 37:42.560 --> 37:44.560 So 37:46.080 --> 37:52.320 They're just saying it right here wild type sars co v urbani a clone 37:54.080 --> 37:56.080 A cDNA clone 38:00.080 --> 38:09.040 It's transferred made into RNA and put on cultured on zero e six cells. That's exactly what they do 38:09.760 --> 38:11.760 They have another clone 38:11.920 --> 38:20.160 Of a mouse adapted sars co v which is ma 15 they make RNA they put it on the zero six cells 38:21.360 --> 38:25.680 That's culturing the virus. That's how you culture a clone 38:28.480 --> 38:33.760 And those cells spit out exosomes with that RNA in it like 38:34.720 --> 38:36.720 It's that simple 38:37.200 --> 38:40.080 They can even do it with the circular dna and tr and 38:40.960 --> 38:42.960 electropyrated into the 38:42.960 --> 38:48.240 Vero six cells and then have the Vero six cells make it into RNA and and put it out 38:48.880 --> 38:50.880 But I don't I don't know if that works 38:51.680 --> 38:57.680 I really think they take the dna and they make it into RNA. That was that infectious RNA on the Vero e six cells 38:58.240 --> 39:00.080 That's how it's done 39:00.080 --> 39:02.080 That's the standard cloning method 39:02.480 --> 39:08.240 So the wild type sars or banny which is named after the guy who got infected by that virus 39:09.280 --> 39:11.280 And the first patient 39:11.920 --> 39:16.480 And that's a clone of his of the sequence of the sars 39:17.040 --> 39:20.240 One that he was infected with it's a clone in dna 39:21.360 --> 39:25.440 They can send that dna anywhere. They can also grow that dna in a plasmid 39:26.000 --> 39:28.320 Or a series of plasmids five I think 39:29.040 --> 39:30.240 in 39:30.240 --> 39:33.440 Bacterial dna or bacterial chromosomes grow it up 39:34.480 --> 39:36.400 Ligate it back together 39:36.400 --> 39:40.880 And then they can convert that to RNA and put that on cell culture. They that's how they do it 39:44.720 --> 39:46.720 They have viruses and the starting samples 39:47.360 --> 39:52.640 Without establishing anything of the sort they can then state that the culture cells were quote 39:53.120 --> 39:55.120 And inoculated with virus 39:55.440 --> 40:00.640 In reality, they're not inoculated with virus. So here she's going to see it. She's going to say it as clones right here 40:00.720 --> 40:06.640 See they have a mixture of culture cells proteins and genetic sequences along with fetal serum 40:06.960 --> 40:09.520 Some antibiotic and antifungal agents 40:09.920 --> 40:15.280 The nonsense then gets on stilts with the section construction of sars like chimeric viruses 40:15.680 --> 40:22.640 Here they claim to be making a quote and features clone by using spike sequences from their samples along with quote 40:23.120 --> 40:27.120 Six contiguous complementary dna's using published sequences 40:27.840 --> 40:33.440 Don't take your eye off the ball here. These sequences have never been shown to come from a virus 40:33.680 --> 40:43.440 They have simply been fraudulently classified as viral on genetic data banks from processes that never physically isolated any viruses 40:43.680 --> 40:46.640 Okay, but she's right about that, but that doesn't matter 40:47.440 --> 40:52.560 As i've tried to explain they find RNA and dna's signals 40:53.440 --> 40:55.280 in the wild 40:55.280 --> 41:01.040 And the only way to find out what these signals might do be they exosomes or or waste or 41:01.600 --> 41:04.400 Horror packets of information or noise 41:05.840 --> 41:10.160 Is to make a clone of them put them on a cell culture and see what they do 41:11.680 --> 41:13.680 Do they replicate or not? 41:14.160 --> 41:20.560 Guess what? Ralph barracks already figured out it seems that if you have a certain minimum 41:22.240 --> 41:24.240 gene set 41:24.720 --> 41:31.600 This RNA dependent RNA polymerase and rf1a and a couple others you basically have self replicating RNA 41:33.680 --> 41:39.200 They don't understand it, but that's what they found in these in these samples. That's how I understand it 41:40.160 --> 41:42.800 And so if they make a dna copy of it 41:42.800 --> 41:47.440 They can make enough of that RNA and then put it in a cell culture. It seems to replicate for a little while 41:49.280 --> 41:55.360 If they run a gel they actually see the RNA replicating, but it makes a lot of 41:56.160 --> 42:01.120 Subgenomic RNA so they don't really fully understand how the system works 42:02.240 --> 42:05.680 But they get a few full genomes. It seems to replicate 42:06.400 --> 42:08.400 It's kind of cool 42:08.480 --> 42:10.480 I admit that they don't understand it 42:10.960 --> 42:15.040 But I can tell you for absolute certain that using this six 42:15.760 --> 42:21.360 These little dna after the plasmids containing the wild type genome frameworks are amplified exercise ligated and purified 42:21.920 --> 42:28.960 In vitro transcription reactions were then performed to synthesize full-length genomic RNA. I assure you 42:30.800 --> 42:36.320 That these people are capable of making this full-length genomic RNA in some quantity 42:37.280 --> 42:40.000 And if they start with a dna 42:41.040 --> 42:48.000 Plasmids and they grow it up in bacteria and then they ligate it with specific enzymes. I assure you they can do that 42:51.280 --> 42:53.280 Molecular biology is real 42:54.640 --> 43:00.080 Refuting what occurs when they make these sequences and then cells 43:00.800 --> 43:06.240 Start to react to these sequences of being being being transfected to these sequences 43:07.120 --> 43:13.600 By exporting them, expelling them, packaging them, whatever you want to call it 43:15.120 --> 43:18.960 If that's not viral replication, I'm totally down with that 43:21.440 --> 43:24.640 But if they found a way to use zero-six cells to 43:25.680 --> 43:27.680 to package 43:28.480 --> 43:29.920 full-length 43:29.920 --> 43:31.920 self-replicating RNA 43:32.640 --> 43:35.600 And then they can for a little while play with it in a laboratory 43:36.960 --> 43:41.040 And they can make quantities of it and spray it around in the in the air 43:43.600 --> 43:46.640 Then I assure you that they can transfect people with it 43:48.240 --> 43:53.680 And you don't have to believe in any viruses being in the wild save an occasional 43:54.400 --> 43:55.600 you know 43:55.600 --> 43:59.200 RNA that gets into you and gives you some symptoms. I mean 43:59.760 --> 44:02.560 It's hard for me to imagine that people are so insistent that 44:03.040 --> 44:07.600 They've never they've been sick, but they themselves don't believe that it passes all this other stuff 44:08.720 --> 44:10.720 You got to throw out a lot of 44:11.200 --> 44:13.200 of grandmother's wisdom 44:13.840 --> 44:15.840 to believe that there aren't 44:18.080 --> 44:20.080 Contagious 44:20.080 --> 44:21.840 symptomologies 44:21.840 --> 44:30.560 Whether these contagious symptomologies are transferred by RNA or DNA noise from one kind specific to another is a question that needs answering 44:31.520 --> 44:33.520 But there's no question that the 44:34.640 --> 44:36.640 the substrate exists 44:36.880 --> 44:45.280 There's no question that that substrate exists. There's no question that the immune system needs to either be responsive or tolerant to that substrate 44:47.760 --> 44:54.960 If you want to say that that substrate is largely benign and that we don't it's not full of pandemic potential. I'm all about it 44:56.240 --> 44:59.360 But if you're going to sit here and say that for the last 40 years 45:00.080 --> 45:02.080 the people who have been working on 45:02.560 --> 45:07.920 the basics on how to ligate DNA together and how to work with basic DNA 45:08.880 --> 45:18.080 Molecules and how to make large quantities of of DNA molecules that they somewhat understand the composition of I'm afraid I've got you lost me there 45:22.480 --> 45:29.280 Because it isn't an illusion that some of these geneticists have this idea that we are really close to being able to do 45:29.360 --> 45:31.360 something useful 45:31.920 --> 45:34.560 Because we are starting to get tools that are 45:36.000 --> 45:39.920 Surprisingly accurate in their application to a certain extent 45:39.920 --> 45:48.320 And so it is easy to imagine a future where these tools will become precise enough to be used for certain limited applications given our 45:49.360 --> 45:51.920 Limited understanding of how these things work 45:54.320 --> 45:58.720 But you must see how deceptive it is if you're just so dismissive 45:59.440 --> 46:02.400 to all of the molecular biology here that you can't 46:03.120 --> 46:05.120 usefully differentiate between 46:05.760 --> 46:07.760 the exaggeration 46:08.000 --> 46:10.000 of a natural phenomenon 46:10.160 --> 46:16.000 That's RNA and DNA floating around and calling it pathogens calling it pandemic potential 46:18.320 --> 46:24.800 And and kind of going like oh wow, that's that's a little far far fetched and saying it's all lies even this 46:25.600 --> 46:28.560 They can't make a lot of DNA 46:29.040 --> 46:32.800 They can't make a lot of DNA of the sequence that they want 46:33.280 --> 46:38.160 They can't make a lot of DNA of the sequence they want and then turn it into RNA. No, they can't 46:38.960 --> 46:40.960 Of course they can 46:42.960 --> 46:49.280 And so even if these self replicating RNAs aren't something that exists in the wild in any quantity or something that 46:49.840 --> 46:53.600 They are making up out of whole cloth. They can do it like this and lie about it 46:54.880 --> 46:58.400 And those cells may very well package exesomes full of this 46:59.360 --> 47:02.240 subgenomic RNA and full genomes and cause 47:02.960 --> 47:06.720 immunogenic reactions and all this other stuff, but what are they doing then? 47:08.240 --> 47:10.240 They're not just playing here 47:12.480 --> 47:16.640 If you believe that there are no viruses in the wild and that this is evidence of it 47:16.640 --> 47:20.480 And you believe that they are telling stories about gain of function and this is evidence of it 47:20.960 --> 47:24.880 Then you must explain this and the best most parsimonious 47:25.600 --> 47:27.600 forward-looking 47:27.840 --> 47:29.840 evil acknowledging 47:30.320 --> 47:35.440 Explanation is that this is just a massive cover-up for them trying to find ways 47:36.400 --> 47:39.680 To advance their understanding of genetic technologies 47:41.360 --> 47:48.560 So they got these self replicating RNAs and they say that they found them in the wild so that they can pretend that they're working on wild things 47:49.360 --> 47:55.760 When in reality they could be goofing around in the laboratory with self replicating RNAs that they call viruses 47:55.760 --> 47:57.760 But this is really technology 47:58.800 --> 48:03.120 And the way they make it is through this infectious clone thing this recombinant DNA 48:04.240 --> 48:06.880 Turned into RNA and then they transfect stuff with it 48:08.880 --> 48:10.880 Now wouldn't that be a much more 48:11.760 --> 48:17.280 A much more invigorating and motivating and enticing explanation for this biology than just saying 48:17.680 --> 48:22.000 Oh, don't watch the ball. They're making fun of you. They're making all kinds of stuff up 48:25.600 --> 48:28.000 Kevin McCurnan isn't lying about everything 48:30.240 --> 48:36.320 You think that that buck halter guide a buck halts guy does nothing. Well, you're crazy 48:40.320 --> 48:42.320 What they do they do well 48:44.000 --> 48:46.560 What they do they can do with pretty high precision 48:47.280 --> 48:52.880 How that transfers to the wild how that transfers to the natural world how that transfers to 48:53.520 --> 48:55.520 A patient is very different 48:55.920 --> 48:57.920 But in laboratory conditions 48:58.480 --> 49:06.720 With laboratory generated DNA laboratory generated enzymes laboratory directed evolution optimized enzymes 49:08.880 --> 49:10.880 We can do a lot with DNA 49:11.600 --> 49:15.600 And that means we can make a lot of pure or relatively pure RNA 49:16.560 --> 49:22.240 You don't believe there's any self replicating RNA or DNA viruses in the wild. That's great 49:23.280 --> 49:27.920 But if you don't think that people have been trying to figure out how to make something like that 49:28.480 --> 49:30.480 Now that's that's a completely 49:31.040 --> 49:33.040 Gigantically ridiculous position 49:34.560 --> 49:37.200 But it's very convenient for the people who do it 49:39.120 --> 49:41.360 Because then there's no challenge from 49:41.680 --> 49:45.920 Sam Bailey and her followers to any of the dangers that are represented here 49:48.240 --> 49:54.000 Shouldn't Sam Bailey then really be saying that the real danger is gene drives 49:56.240 --> 49:59.760 The real danger is directed evolution of enzymes and toxins 50:01.600 --> 50:03.600 Why isn't she saying that then? 50:04.720 --> 50:10.000 Because she doesn't understand that biology. She doesn't read those papers or she thinks those papers are nonsense too 50:12.160 --> 50:15.600 That's where this little magic show breaks down 50:16.560 --> 50:18.560 There's no next step 50:19.040 --> 50:21.040 It's just all nonsense 50:21.360 --> 50:27.920 They're just throwing millions of dollars out the window on stinky bottles of brown liquid that they do nothing 50:28.720 --> 50:32.560 And all these people are so stupid that they they really don't get it 50:33.120 --> 50:37.600 Those gels and everything they're so excited and those patterns and everything, but it means nothing 50:37.680 --> 50:39.680 I 50:41.200 --> 50:46.400 Wow what a spectacular bamboozlement nice using published sequences 50:47.120 --> 50:52.800 Don't take your eye off the ball here. These sequences have never been shown to come from a virus 50:53.040 --> 51:02.720 They have simply been fraudulently classified as viral on genetic data banks from processes that never physically isolated any viruses 51:03.120 --> 51:12.720 These complementary DNA sequences were then transcribed into RNA and mixed with zero monkey kidney cells to supposedly make viruses 51:13.040 --> 51:19.680 So the statement that chimeric and full-length viruses were confirmed by sequence analysis before using these studies 51:20.160 --> 51:27.280 As a case of circular reasoning. They had already declared in advance that these sequences were viral 51:28.240 --> 51:32.160 That's true. That's true. So she's making a semantic argument here 51:33.200 --> 51:36.960 Right. So the sequences are real 51:38.240 --> 51:40.160 But they made them 51:40.160 --> 51:44.160 And then they put them into a cell culture and whatever the cell culture did with it 51:45.040 --> 51:50.400 They sequenced and said that was evidence of a virus. So I totally agree 51:52.160 --> 51:53.280 But 51:53.280 --> 51:54.240 I 51:54.240 --> 51:56.240 disagree with the 51:56.640 --> 52:00.800 attribution that there's nothing going on in this experiment because what's happening 52:01.600 --> 52:05.040 Is the DNA is being changed to RNA 52:05.600 --> 52:12.480 And you're getting a large quantity of RNA that you would never have in the wild never exist in the wild 52:13.280 --> 52:17.120 And then they take that RNA and they put it on a pure cell culture 52:17.920 --> 52:19.040 and 52:19.040 --> 52:21.280 The cell culture releases particles 52:22.320 --> 52:24.320 supposedly 52:24.960 --> 52:28.080 And it could just be that they put a bunch of RNA on that 52:28.240 --> 52:29.760 on 52:29.760 --> 52:31.760 That cell culture and then when they 52:32.400 --> 52:38.400 They dissociate the cell culture now they have have cell fragments and membrane fragments and 52:40.000 --> 52:42.000 Mycels 52:42.000 --> 52:43.760 full of RNA 52:43.760 --> 52:46.320 Basically, they're making lipid nanoparticles by by 52:47.200 --> 52:49.040 by cell culture 52:49.040 --> 52:55.760 So they put all those RNAs in the cell culture and then they break up the cell culture into small little lipid bubbles and they have 52:56.560 --> 52:58.000 made like 52:58.160 --> 53:00.160 garage level 53:00.160 --> 53:01.680 Mycels 53:01.680 --> 53:03.680 M-I-C 53:04.000 --> 53:06.000 E-L-L-E 53:07.520 --> 53:10.720 Right, I think that's the word. It's like big lipid nanoparticle 53:11.520 --> 53:14.480 So I totally agree with this argument except 53:15.600 --> 53:17.600 the idea that 53:17.600 --> 53:20.880 This isn't sufficient to create the illusion of a pandemic 53:21.760 --> 53:24.400 That they couldn't make truckloads of this and spray it around 53:24.960 --> 53:31.200 And that people wouldn't get sick from it. Of course they would get sick from it. It's RNA in a lipoprotein coat 53:33.040 --> 53:40.480 And so if this is a way of manufacturing RNA in a lipoprotein coat and it's not a virus, but it's something 53:42.800 --> 53:50.240 Then what you're really uncovering is is that gain of function research and viral research in coronavirus is in particular is really 53:50.880 --> 53:54.720 a giant cover for bioweapons research for genetic research really 53:56.720 --> 54:00.160 And the only way that they can come up with a rationale 54:00.960 --> 54:06.400 for exploring genetic research in this way with self-replicating RNAs is to 54:08.080 --> 54:14.720 disguise them as viruses and then they get the added bonus of this perpetuating this mythology of 54:15.440 --> 54:19.920 Mother nature of being out to get us and that you know, you need public health and vaccines 54:21.200 --> 54:24.000 So why aren't they on that part? You see 54:24.800 --> 54:27.680 That's the part that bothers me too. They're so hot 54:28.560 --> 54:30.720 on CHD and the viruses 54:31.360 --> 54:36.880 But CHD's main message is that the vaccine schedule in America is is like 54:37.600 --> 54:39.600 criminal 54:40.080 --> 54:44.160 And so if you agree with CHD on that which I presume Sam Bailey does 54:44.480 --> 54:52.160 Then why would you want to attack CHD so hard? Why wouldn't you want to be more like, you know, CHD is a great organization 54:52.160 --> 54:55.840 And they're really fighting for the right things except they get this virus story wrong 54:58.160 --> 55:02.640 Instead, it's 100% antagonism 100% taking the legs out 55:03.840 --> 55:07.280 Of one of the only organizations in America that's really trying 55:09.360 --> 55:12.720 And is composed of people who have real skin in the game 55:14.720 --> 55:16.720 like Brian Hooker and 55:17.680 --> 55:19.680 and Laura Bono and 55:20.240 --> 55:22.240 And yeah, I mean the list is very long 55:23.680 --> 55:25.680 Real people 55:27.040 --> 55:32.080 And it's just not a it's not in in 2023. Are we really still here? 55:33.440 --> 55:36.560 That they don't have a better more succinct stick 55:37.520 --> 55:39.760 That they can get to the heart of the matter quicker 55:40.560 --> 55:46.720 I mean, are they going to analyze New Zealand's all-cause mortality at some point and start to get pissed off about people being 55:46.960 --> 55:50.720 Transfected or are they just going to be stuck on this isolation issue forever? 55:51.920 --> 55:55.920 Doesn't matter whether they were in the form of CDNA or RNA 55:56.480 --> 56:05.360 Unfortunately, this quote infectious clown business has fooled a number of people's who can uh, I do believe Mark Bailey believes in in 56:06.320 --> 56:11.840 Um, in bacteriophages. Absolutely. I think he does continue to ignore the provenance issue 56:12.240 --> 56:15.920 If there is no physical isolation of any particle shown to be viral 56:16.320 --> 56:20.480 How can it be claimed that these sequences come from inside one? 56:21.200 --> 56:23.200 So at this point all they have are 56:23.760 --> 56:28.480 Vero cell mixtures including various proteins and genetic sequences 56:29.040 --> 56:33.040 To clarify a virus is said to be a replication competent particle 56:33.440 --> 56:36.000 Consisting of a genome and approach a nation's coat 56:36.480 --> 56:40.160 It is supposed to be an intracellular parasite that causes disease 56:40.800 --> 56:45.280 Anyone thinking that this has been established at this point is seeing things 56:45.920 --> 56:49.360 The methodology is clearly insufficient to make such a claim 56:50.080 --> 56:56.160 Their case rests on starting with samples from the us army medical research institute of infectious diseases 56:56.640 --> 57:02.320 And you would have to be pretty new to this game to believe that they have ever physically isolated any viruses 57:03.120 --> 57:05.120 Such a sweet kid 57:05.680 --> 57:08.880 We then move to the next section of the barrack study 57:09.520 --> 57:11.520 mice and in vivo infection 57:12.000 --> 57:16.560 Where they exposed mice to their mixture that contained the imaginary viruses 57:17.120 --> 57:22.240 Not just any mice, but highly inbred albino ba alb mice 57:22.800 --> 57:27.520 They inethetize the mice and then squirted 50 microliters into the nose of each mouse 57:27.920 --> 57:30.160 This may not sound like much fluid 57:30.240 --> 57:36.720 But by weight it is equivalent to injecting half a cup or four fluid ounces into a human's nose 57:37.600 --> 57:41.840 While they are asleep the tomfoolery continued when they stated 57:42.240 --> 57:46.800 No blinding was used in any animal experiments and animals were not randomized 57:47.200 --> 57:54.000 They presented this chart showing weight loss and lethality after injecting the two mixtures into the mice 57:54.720 --> 58:02.000 Because it was not a scientific study. There was no control group and the actual lethality was apparent mostly caused by 58:02.400 --> 58:05.120 Sacrifice due to the study protocols 58:05.680 --> 58:08.000 But however, they abused these animals 58:08.320 --> 58:12.480 It was all pointless from the start as they have not shown an infectious particle 58:12.880 --> 58:16.720 Thus all of their results are built on a false premise 58:17.440 --> 58:21.200 For example, this does not represent a quote viral tighter or 58:21.600 --> 58:22.400 infection 58:22.400 --> 58:27.760 But levels of selected nucleic acid sequences in their in vitro cell culture experiments 58:28.160 --> 58:34.880 The study also features some histological slides and antibody essays without valid controls again 58:35.360 --> 58:40.720 But aside from that, they are all indirect measures that do not require the existence of viruses 58:41.680 --> 58:43.680 So there is the trick, right? 58:44.000 --> 58:50.400 They are all indirect measures that do not require the existence of viruses and could also be explained by 58:50.880 --> 58:56.720 Transfection could also be explained by exposure to the RNA not the replication of it 58:57.760 --> 59:05.200 It could be the exposure to the cell culture materials and not the replication of it very possible 59:10.000 --> 59:16.080 But it's hard for me to imagine that they're making these clones and that they're not doing it well 59:16.080 --> 59:18.080 I 59:19.360 --> 59:21.360 Have used 59:21.600 --> 59:28.960 in particular a product an adenovirus product where DNA is used in adenovirus 59:30.480 --> 59:32.480 in particles to 59:33.120 --> 59:35.120 Transfect neurons 59:35.920 --> 59:37.920 in the brain of a mouse 59:38.160 --> 59:40.160 under specific genetic promoters 59:41.120 --> 59:42.400 and 59:42.400 --> 59:46.400 The precision with which we can do that in the short term is extraordinary 59:47.680 --> 59:48.880 now 59:48.880 --> 59:50.480 again 59:50.480 --> 59:52.480 it is 59:52.720 --> 59:53.760 Out of my 59:53.760 --> 01:00:00.720 Expertise to be able to say whether what I was getting from the suppliers and from the people that were making them for me were 01:00:01.440 --> 01:00:03.440 we're actually bona fide 01:00:03.840 --> 01:00:06.080 adenoviruses 01:00:06.080 --> 01:00:12.080 But what they did and what we were capable of doing with them was very predictable very precise 01:00:12.400 --> 01:00:14.400 and very repeatable 01:00:15.040 --> 01:00:20.880 And although I could not verify directly that the genes were being expressed the fluorescence showed up where it should be 01:00:21.840 --> 01:00:26.400 and their sensitivity to blue light was within milliseconds 01:00:27.360 --> 01:00:29.360 of the application of the laser 01:00:30.240 --> 01:00:38.080 And I was recording ionic currents in real time using patch clamp physiology with a resolution far far far 01:00:38.400 --> 01:00:42.720 beyond what is necessary to see that these signals are real 01:00:43.600 --> 01:00:49.680 So we can put RNA and DNA into neurons in a mouse and get them to express proteins 01:00:49.680 --> 01:00:52.560 which have functional consequences that can include 01:00:54.160 --> 01:00:58.080 rapid open and closing of protein channels to blue light 01:00:59.040 --> 01:01:02.800 rapid and open and closing of channels that are gated by drugs 01:01:03.760 --> 01:01:09.440 And we can upregulate and downregulate protein expression we can interfere with it with 01:01:09.920 --> 01:01:11.920 small interfering RNAs 01:01:12.560 --> 01:01:16.480 And we can make lots of copies of those small interfering RNAs 01:01:17.040 --> 01:01:21.120 that are accurate enough to knock down one protein and not another 01:01:22.240 --> 01:01:23.200 one 01:01:23.200 --> 01:01:28.240 Sub-transcript of another one subunit of a protein or another 01:01:29.680 --> 01:01:31.680 And these are not 01:01:31.920 --> 01:01:35.840 unchecked or unrepeated experiments. They are done worldwide 01:01:36.880 --> 01:01:40.720 Asking different questions. So molecular biology exists 01:01:42.320 --> 01:01:45.440 The question is do wild viruses exist? 01:01:48.080 --> 01:01:56.160 And that's the part that they get wrong because they really really are careless about how they talk about this stuff 01:01:56.800 --> 01:02:02.400 So imprecise that oftentimes they are in effect in the minds of the listener 01:02:03.120 --> 01:02:07.600 Throwing out all of molecular biology with the virology bathwater 01:02:08.160 --> 01:02:13.040 So here it is a colorful depiction. It was certainly created in a lab, but 01:02:13.920 --> 01:02:15.440 it's not a virus 01:02:15.440 --> 01:02:22.080 Vanity Fair did not bother to analyze this paper in any way and reported that this gain of function 01:02:22.160 --> 01:02:29.360 Experiment which had begun prior to the moratorium was so fraught that the authors flagged the dangers themselves 01:02:29.760 --> 01:02:34.880 Writing scientific review panels may deem similar studies too risky to pursue 01:02:35.600 --> 01:02:40.000 The only risk they're running is that more people start waking up to the fraud of virology 01:02:40.640 --> 01:02:45.120 Instead of so I just want to entertain what Moderna has just put in the chat at 1102 01:02:45.120 --> 01:02:48.400 Are you damaged the mouse neurons that you think you found a signal? 01:02:49.120 --> 01:02:51.120 So i'm not going to take that 01:02:51.760 --> 01:02:54.240 Personally just because that shows exactly how 01:02:55.440 --> 01:02:59.280 Like shallow your understanding is of what i'm talking about and that's okay because 01:03:00.000 --> 01:03:06.480 I'm making a pretty casual reference to a pretty sophisticated set of technologies and their use in 01:03:07.280 --> 01:03:09.280 laboratory animals 01:03:09.280 --> 01:03:11.280 but we can express 01:03:12.240 --> 01:03:14.160 algal proteins 01:03:14.160 --> 01:03:16.160 in mouse neurons 01:03:16.320 --> 01:03:20.560 And use blue lasers to make those neurons spike 01:03:21.200 --> 01:03:23.040 or have sub 01:03:23.040 --> 01:03:25.040 threshold signals 01:03:25.040 --> 01:03:27.520 on the timescale of close to 01:03:28.960 --> 01:03:30.800 a 10th of a millisecond on and off 01:03:32.960 --> 01:03:38.480 And depending on the fluorescence of the neuron we can also predict the relative 01:03:39.200 --> 01:03:42.560 Magnitude of that signal because we have a tag on those 01:03:43.360 --> 01:03:45.760 On those ion channels and so the more of them there are 01:03:46.480 --> 01:03:48.240 The more fluorescent the 01:03:48.240 --> 01:03:54.800 Neuron will be and that is linearly related to the electrical signal we see when we turn on the blue light. It's not damage 01:03:56.000 --> 01:03:59.680 The neurons are functioning normally the animals are behaving normally 01:04:02.880 --> 01:04:10.800 And we can modify the behaviors by turning on the red the blue light because those neurons then function differently when they are depolarized by the algal protein 01:04:13.200 --> 01:04:15.200 And you can't use it for everything 01:04:15.520 --> 01:04:18.480 But with elegant application of 01:04:18.960 --> 01:04:20.960 Transfection of this 01:04:20.960 --> 01:04:28.320 Of this methodology you can do very ask very elegant questions about how neurons work together. You can't cure cancer 01:04:30.720 --> 01:04:32.720 But we're talking about very basic 01:04:33.520 --> 01:04:38.560 Questions on how neurons talk to one another that's that's the neurobiology that matters 01:04:38.640 --> 01:04:39.760 that's the 01:04:39.840 --> 01:04:45.600 Stuff that I was interested in doing that you can't get grants for because because you're not trying to cure a disease 01:04:47.920 --> 01:04:49.920 You're not trying to make a vaccine 01:04:51.920 --> 01:04:53.840 So try not to be too 01:04:56.640 --> 01:04:58.640 Too dismissive of what 01:04:58.880 --> 01:05:03.760 Academic biologists are capable of and what academic biology does when it's done right 01:05:04.640 --> 01:05:09.040 There is good science in every field. There are good questions being asked. There are 01:05:09.600 --> 01:05:11.600 worthwhile experiments 01:05:12.320 --> 01:05:18.880 The question is are there a hundred billion dollars worth of good experiments being done and the answer is obviously no 01:05:20.080 --> 01:05:26.560 But there are good scientists out there who can ask ask very basic questions that move that basic understanding forward 01:05:28.400 --> 01:05:32.160 And there are lots of applications of Transfection that work great for that 01:05:32.720 --> 01:05:34.720 Molecular biology is real 01:05:34.720 --> 01:05:39.120 That's what's frustrating about their stick because it really feels like they want you to cast 01:05:39.680 --> 01:05:42.640 Has wide a net of doubt as possible 01:05:43.200 --> 01:05:49.520 On as wide a field base as possible in biology and that's a really big mistake 01:05:51.840 --> 01:05:57.760 Lab lakes that look like something out of outbreak. They will understand. Oh, come on now. Really 01:05:58.480 --> 01:06:01.200 Really I didn't say I was playing with live viruses 01:06:01.200 --> 01:06:07.280 I said I was transfecting and transforming cells using DNA and RNA and some protein you know 01:06:07.920 --> 01:06:09.360 Some coat 01:06:09.360 --> 01:06:12.880 Some particle some application I get a little tube 01:06:14.000 --> 01:06:16.000 It's got DNA in it 01:06:17.280 --> 01:06:21.120 I mean, this is where you know, you start to sound like 01:06:22.640 --> 01:06:24.960 That this this little shtick has worked on you 01:06:26.320 --> 01:06:30.480 Because you're not sophisticated enough to know where the bs starts 01:06:31.200 --> 01:06:35.760 And that's exactly what people like kevin mccernan kevin mccernan chuck kownan 01:06:36.720 --> 01:06:38.320 Is that with their 01:06:38.320 --> 01:06:42.560 Really stupid complicated explanations about how these sequencing reactions work 01:06:43.280 --> 01:06:48.480 We're just going to go limp and not learn the details well enough so that we know where the real 01:06:49.200 --> 01:06:53.040 You know bonafide measurements can be made and where the bs starts 01:06:54.080 --> 01:06:56.080 And if you're not willing to do that work 01:06:56.560 --> 01:07:01.040 And you shouldn't be in this audience because this audience is doing that work in real time 01:07:02.000 --> 01:07:05.440 And it's kind of sad if you want to sit in the chat and then 01:07:06.080 --> 01:07:10.160 Rag on me and defend her when this is exactly what she's doing 01:07:11.040 --> 01:07:15.360 Casting such a wide doubt a net of doubt that she would throw out 01:07:16.000 --> 01:07:23.680 Almost any anything that works anything that's measurable anything that's understandable with respect to these signals 01:07:24.640 --> 01:07:28.720 It's just a it's just a it's just terrible disingenuousness 01:07:32.000 --> 01:07:34.480 That like the film it is pure fiction 01:07:35.120 --> 01:07:41.280 Sadly though the headlines are being promulgated by dr mccollar rand paul and the chd 01:07:41.680 --> 01:07:45.040 Without any of them discussing the actual science in these papers 01:07:45.680 --> 01:07:49.760 If they are unable to understand the so-called gain of function experiments 01:07:50.160 --> 01:07:53.360 Then shouldn't they say I don't know and leave it at that 01:07:54.000 --> 01:08:01.680 On that front we are often asked to talk to prominent health freedom individuals who have called fraud on various covid responses 01:08:02.080 --> 01:08:04.240 But it's still subscribing to the virus model 01:08:04.720 --> 01:08:12.080 Almost universally they do not want to discuss the methodologies of the virologists and start discussing peripheral phenomena 01:08:12.640 --> 01:08:15.760 As tom kowin has publicly announced several times 01:08:16.160 --> 01:08:20.880 The offer is open to walk through a virological paper step by step 01:08:21.360 --> 01:08:28.160 At each step we would like them to state whether they think it is following the scientific method and whether there are valid controls 01:08:28.640 --> 01:08:34.080 We would also like them to look at a paper like the barrack one I have just presented and indicate 01:08:34.400 --> 01:08:39.920 Which part they think demonstrates the existence of a virus as defined by the virologists 01:08:40.320 --> 01:08:46.880 See so she's really stuck on this defining the virus and which one is defining the virus 01:08:48.320 --> 01:08:53.200 And she doesn't want to acknowledge that infectious clones are simply transfections 01:08:55.360 --> 01:08:59.360 And if they transfect a plate of zero six cells 01:09:00.480 --> 01:09:05.040 They get particles that have RNA in them and if they put that RNA in an animal 01:09:05.760 --> 01:09:07.760 They can see the RNA 01:09:07.920 --> 01:09:11.360 Replicate for a short period of time make partial copies of itself 01:09:12.160 --> 01:09:18.400 I don't know what they see they see an immune response that includes antibodies to some of the proteins that are encoded by the RNA 01:09:20.240 --> 01:09:26.000 The fact that they don't understand what they're doing is very different than them doing nothing 01:09:28.080 --> 01:09:31.040 And so by discounting the entire experiment 01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:34.880 You're ignoring the fact that they can make that DNA 01:09:34.880 --> 01:09:38.880 You're ignoring the fact that they can take that DNA and they combine it with a t6 01:09:39.280 --> 01:09:42.400 polymerase and they can make it into an RNA 01:09:43.200 --> 01:09:45.600 And they can put that RNA on a cell culture 01:09:46.480 --> 01:09:50.480 And the cell culture will package it or put it in vesicles or something 01:09:52.320 --> 01:09:59.920 And they can make that mixture then and they can put it somewhere else and it seems like the RNA replicates some make some copies of itself 01:10:00.560 --> 01:10:06.000 That's already back in the 80s. Okay, so you can see the argument that we've made 01:10:10.640 --> 01:10:12.800 And we've talked about in a book like this one 01:10:14.240 --> 01:10:16.240 So in a book like this one 01:10:16.960 --> 01:10:18.800 Where they tried to do what they could? 01:10:19.920 --> 01:10:24.240 They were already doing gels like this and the gels they don't really know what they're doing 01:10:24.240 --> 01:10:28.560 But the gels do show you one thing when one thing weighs the same as another thing 01:10:28.560 --> 01:10:33.600 they go to the same part of the gel and so you can do pretty simple control experiments 01:10:34.480 --> 01:10:38.960 And they could show that some of these RNAs were self-replicating 01:10:39.600 --> 01:10:42.320 They weren't doing it very well because they were making really 01:10:43.200 --> 01:10:48.400 Small truncated copies of certain parts of the RNA and they still don't understand why this is 01:10:49.520 --> 01:10:55.600 But they can see leader sequences there and the leader sequences have something to do with when the RNA polymerase stops 01:10:56.080 --> 01:10:58.080 And 01:10:58.080 --> 01:11:03.120 So they see what I can believe for the last 20 years are some kind of really crappy 01:11:04.720 --> 01:11:08.400 Signals of self-replicating RNA that occasionally they get a clue 01:11:09.760 --> 01:11:11.760 And so they've been combining these 01:11:12.160 --> 01:11:15.200 These hints these molecular things together 01:11:15.760 --> 01:11:20.720 Hint cell cultures and colon them viruses pretended to go out into the wild and find more 01:11:25.600 --> 01:11:33.280 But it is very very dangerous to discount all of molecular biology to discount the fact that they can make a lot of a lot of something 01:11:34.960 --> 01:11:38.000 If they wanted to they can make a lot of DNA 01:11:39.120 --> 01:11:41.440 If they wanted to they can make a lot of myelin 01:11:42.240 --> 01:11:45.440 If they wanted to they can make a lot of any protein that they wanted to 01:11:46.000 --> 01:11:49.120 If they wanted to make a lot of any RNA they could 01:11:50.080 --> 01:11:55.440 And so if they wanted to transfect Sam Bailey and all of her family with a vaporized 01:11:56.640 --> 01:11:58.000 RNA 01:11:58.000 --> 01:12:00.000 I think they could do it 01:12:02.400 --> 01:12:05.200 And if that RNA or that DNA 01:12:06.160 --> 01:12:11.360 Was was detected with a PCR test. I think they could they could make that pretty replicable too 01:12:12.720 --> 01:12:16.880 It might not be a self-replicating RNA pathogen 01:12:20.000 --> 01:12:25.600 But you can't discount the fact that they have technologies to put these sequences in places 01:12:25.680 --> 01:12:31.760 They have technologies that can transfect and express these proteins in places 01:12:31.840 --> 01:12:33.840 That means that they can do things 01:12:38.240 --> 01:12:42.480 That means they can create signals they can create illusions they can create real 01:12:43.760 --> 01:12:45.760 Pathologies 01:12:46.720 --> 01:12:54.400 Because there are real toxic proteins there are real immunogenic proteins there are real allergenic proteins 01:12:57.360 --> 01:12:59.760 And autoimmunity is real 01:13:01.920 --> 01:13:07.200 If you make a salmonella bacteria that can express the the myelin protein on its outside 01:13:07.760 --> 01:13:13.520 You can cause people to go into advanced muscular multiple sclerosis by getting salmonella 01:13:14.480 --> 01:13:17.200 That's not an imaginary story. That's a real thing 01:13:20.160 --> 01:13:22.160 Because the immune system is a real thing 01:13:25.760 --> 01:13:30.960 But we have to be very careful about how this no virus narrative is being wielded as this 01:13:31.680 --> 01:13:32.800 really 01:13:32.800 --> 01:13:34.800 Bull in a china shop style 01:13:35.280 --> 01:13:37.280 nonsense 01:13:37.600 --> 01:13:44.480 Where everybody who believes in anything to do with this molecular biology just has to be discounted as an idiot 01:13:47.200 --> 01:13:51.520 And then now now mary holland and and 01:13:52.240 --> 01:13:57.760 All of the other great leaders of chd are equivalent to tony fauci in her mind 01:13:58.240 --> 01:14:02.480 Because now she's going to play tony fauci after she just what was that slide of? 01:14:02.480 --> 01:14:04.480 Oh 01:14:06.080 --> 01:14:10.640 It's not the stand that like the film it is pure fiction here sadly though 01:14:10.720 --> 01:14:16.160 The headlines are being promulgated by dr mccollar Rand paul and the chd 01:14:16.560 --> 01:14:19.760 Without any of them discussing the actual science in these papers 01:14:19.760 --> 01:14:24.640 I don't know what science you're talking about. If they are unable to understand the so-called gain of function experiments 01:14:25.040 --> 01:14:28.320 Then shouldn't they say I don't know and leave it at that 01:14:28.960 --> 01:14:30.960 On that front we are often here 01:14:31.040 --> 01:14:34.160 So look comedy. This is mccolla. This is the guy who 01:14:34.720 --> 01:14:38.320 Stopped vaccinating his office until he lost his job 01:14:38.960 --> 01:14:43.520 This is a guy who's spoke out very early about hydroxychloroquine being 01:14:45.360 --> 01:14:50.160 Wrongly blamed for swollen hearts and heart attacks and all this other stuff and has come full 01:14:51.360 --> 01:14:57.760 Through the pandemic all the way to the point now where he says that the vaccine schedule in america is super sketch 01:14:58.480 --> 01:15:04.560 He actually says this in a more forceful and direct manner than robert f Kennedy jr. We'll say 01:15:07.120 --> 01:15:11.680 She's got him on here with del and pure cori and 01:15:13.120 --> 01:15:17.200 Who's that? Is that robert melon without him? What is that? Is that robert melon? I don't know 01:15:18.800 --> 01:15:22.480 I just I I think this is really you know here's 01:15:22.560 --> 01:15:26.080 Naomi wolf. I'm totally down with that. We saw Naomi wolf yesterday was 01:15:26.080 --> 01:15:34.960 To talk to prominent health freedom individual but you don't want to talk to prominent health freedom individuals because they believe in viruses and it's such a weird 01:15:38.400 --> 01:15:45.520 It's such a weird stance because it's not it's not being genuine because they can make dna and they can make rna 01:15:45.600 --> 01:15:48.240 And so if they're lying about what they're doing with it if they're 01:15:49.040 --> 01:15:51.280 obfuscating what they can and can't do with it 01:15:52.080 --> 01:15:59.840 That's something completely different and and you you could be a lot more precise about it and make a lot more progress than just saying to argue about 01:16:00.560 --> 01:16:06.800 vigils who have called on various covid responses, but it's still subscribing to the virus model 01:16:07.280 --> 01:16:14.640 Almost universally they do not want to discuss the methodologies of the virologists and start discussing peripheral phenomena 01:16:15.120 --> 01:16:18.240 As tom cowin has publicly announced several times 01:16:18.720 --> 01:16:23.440 The offer is open to walk through a virological paper step by step 01:16:23.920 --> 01:16:30.720 At each step we would like them to state whether they think it is following the scientific method and whether there are valid controls 01:16:31.200 --> 01:16:36.640 We would also like them to look at a paper like the barrack one i have just presented and indicate 01:16:36.960 --> 01:16:42.560 Which part they think demonstrates the existence of a virus as defined by the virologists 01:16:43.040 --> 01:16:48.640 Ironically, they say fauci is lying when it comes to vaccines drugs and public policy 01:16:49.040 --> 01:16:52.960 But when it comes to fauci's basic virology everything is spot-on 01:16:53.760 --> 01:16:58.160 Because I represent science as we have explained a virus mania 01:16:58.480 --> 01:17:04.480 Fauci has been one of the major drivers of establishment virology for the past four decades 01:17:04.800 --> 01:17:08.320 And was probably the most powerful AIDS official in the united states 01:17:09.040 --> 01:17:15.360 Public belief in the virus model is the single most important factor keeping the whole show together 01:17:15.840 --> 01:17:22.480 Coming back to the title of the video. It means that there is no evidence that viruses exist in nature 01:17:23.120 --> 01:17:29.520 Trying to find and isolate such particles directly from humans animals or plants failed long ago 01:17:30.160 --> 01:17:37.360 Christine massy has tirelessly requested this evidence from hundreds of institutions around the world and they have all turned up a blank 01:17:37.840 --> 01:17:41.520 Not only for SARS-CoV-2, but for any alleged viruses 01:17:42.240 --> 01:17:44.720 This point is crucial for people to understand 01:17:45.360 --> 01:17:49.120 Viruses have never been seen in nature 01:17:49.680 --> 01:17:57.200 They are created in laboratories, but only as fictional constructs in the imaginations of the virologists 01:17:57.840 --> 01:18:05.600 This can be through calling particles and cell breakdown experiments viral and then blaming the breakdown on the particles 01:18:06.000 --> 01:18:10.560 Or it could be through silly experiments where mixtures are injected into animals 01:18:10.880 --> 01:18:17.840 And then the responses are attributed to imagined viruses or it could be through creating a quote genome 01:18:18.320 --> 01:18:21.600 Even though the provenance of the genetic material was not established 01:18:22.160 --> 01:18:28.400 This latter technique is increasingly favored by virologists as it largely takes place in the dry lab 01:18:28.880 --> 01:18:31.440 That is on their computer simulations 01:18:32.240 --> 01:18:38.480 None of this translates to infectious replicating and disease causing particles as biological entities 01:18:39.040 --> 01:18:45.760 Because there is no evidence that they exist there is no evidence that there is anything contagious to leak from a lab 01:18:46.400 --> 01:18:50.960 So what goes on in top secret facilities is nothing to do with actual viruses 01:18:51.520 --> 01:18:57.120 If they really had evidence for such a thing they would have showcased it to the public long ago 01:18:57.600 --> 01:19:02.800 Those who have studied the history of virology can see that despite their best efforts 01:19:03.120 --> 01:19:05.840 They have a fatal problem of the missing virus 01:19:06.720 --> 01:19:12.640 The lab leaks sleuths who are mining the genetic databases and looking at government reports 01:19:13.040 --> 01:19:17.840 Are not finding breadcrumbs accidentally left behind by stealthy virologists 01:19:18.400 --> 01:19:23.440 They are finding giant lobes of bread that are designed to go along with the circus 01:19:24.080 --> 01:19:29.680 If they looked upstream they might notice that they are dealing with pseudo scientific constructs 01:19:30.240 --> 01:19:36.000 Perhaps they should consider why the virologists have not done the blinded and controlled experiments 01:19:36.320 --> 01:19:39.440 That we propose to them in the settling the virus debate statement 01:19:40.080 --> 01:19:45.360 As always I encourage everyone not to get swept up in fair narratives 01:19:45.920 --> 01:19:49.840 The virus model has been one of the greatest tools of manipulation 01:19:50.320 --> 01:19:52.720 And its influence has been catastrophic 01:19:53.120 --> 01:19:55.120 Particularly in the last four years 01:19:55.760 --> 01:20:02.160 Many of us have learned to ignore the model in our own lives and the health of our families is all the better for it 01:20:04.480 --> 01:20:08.320 So when I have a big problem with the way that this goes because 01:20:08.960 --> 01:20:12.960 Is your family better for it because you ignore that there are viruses 01:20:14.000 --> 01:20:17.680 Or is it because you stopped using or never used vaccines 01:20:18.400 --> 01:20:20.400 So 01:20:20.880 --> 01:20:27.360 That's the problem that I have with her then attacking chd because chd has an open mind about 01:20:28.000 --> 01:20:31.200 The biology and a not open mind about the 01:20:32.080 --> 01:20:35.760 The medical application of vaccines for this 01:20:37.120 --> 01:20:39.920 And one of them is really hurting people 01:20:41.120 --> 01:20:43.120 And the other one is 01:20:43.280 --> 01:20:45.680 Actually not hurting people really 01:20:46.160 --> 01:20:52.400 Except for if they believe in it and then if they believe in it they still have to take back scenes in order for them to get hurt 01:20:53.760 --> 01:20:55.520 So 01:20:55.520 --> 01:21:01.600 On the other hand if the government is using these stories of gain of function as cover for 01:21:02.560 --> 01:21:04.560 them looking for 01:21:05.040 --> 01:21:08.480 Signals in the wild that can be useful in genetic engineering 01:21:09.440 --> 01:21:11.440 because exosomes are real 01:21:12.000 --> 01:21:13.040 and 01:21:13.920 --> 01:21:17.120 There is a whole field of biology 01:21:17.840 --> 01:21:21.280 that works on exosomal communication between tissues 01:21:22.480 --> 01:21:23.520 and 01:21:23.520 --> 01:21:24.800 between 01:21:24.800 --> 01:21:25.840 species 01:21:25.840 --> 01:21:27.840 between con specifics 01:21:28.160 --> 01:21:30.480 And it's just a very very difficult 01:21:31.120 --> 01:21:32.960 size scale 01:21:32.960 --> 01:21:34.960 to work on 01:21:34.960 --> 01:21:36.640 so 01:21:36.640 --> 01:21:38.640 It is very likely 01:21:38.640 --> 01:21:47.920 That a background signal composed of RNA and DNA and enzymes or or RNA and DNA coding for enzymes 01:21:48.640 --> 01:21:50.480 is there 01:21:50.480 --> 01:21:58.720 Because cells send signals to each other because the immune system sends signals to other parts of the immune system using these small packets of information 01:22:01.920 --> 01:22:03.920 But a 01:22:04.960 --> 01:22:07.520 A conflated background signal that has been 01:22:08.320 --> 01:22:13.360 You know distorted into a signal of pathogens. I'm totally down with this idea 01:22:15.040 --> 01:22:17.600 I'm not totally down with it being like about 01:22:18.800 --> 01:22:20.800 about the pretty girl 01:22:21.200 --> 01:22:23.760 I'm totally not down with it being about the 01:22:24.960 --> 01:22:26.960 the 01:22:27.680 --> 01:22:30.800 It's this is not about this is something wrong with this 01:22:31.760 --> 01:22:38.160 Because we're not doing the hard work of okay, so they're they're lying about this stuff 01:22:38.160 --> 01:22:43.840 And they're they've exaggerated about this stuff and a lot of these experiments don't have controls 01:22:44.400 --> 01:22:50.800 But what do we do about all of this technology which can make large quantities of DNA and large quantities of RNA? 01:22:51.280 --> 01:22:53.280 What do we do about that technology? 01:22:53.840 --> 01:22:56.240 Do you actually think that they're not doing anything with it? 01:22:57.040 --> 01:23:01.120 Do you actually think that all of these labs are doing nothing? 01:23:03.200 --> 01:23:11.040 Or do you think that they're actually using this very highly developed RNA and DNA technology for something? 01:23:13.920 --> 01:23:16.080 That's the part of this that's so frustrating 01:23:17.680 --> 01:23:20.960 Is because we're we're contorting and distorting 01:23:22.160 --> 01:23:23.600 Taking away 01:23:23.680 --> 01:23:30.880 Support from an organization full of people trying to do their best to end the scam of vaccines 01:23:33.440 --> 01:23:40.320 And the only thing you can say is that they're just dummies because they don't they don't know how to read a virology paper like me and my husband do 01:23:42.000 --> 01:23:46.000 And then wave your wave your hair around and take pictures like this 01:23:47.840 --> 01:23:49.520 And pump 01:23:49.520 --> 01:23:51.520 pump plastic into your lips 01:23:52.480 --> 01:23:57.360 Seriously, I tried to talk to her in the first year of the pandemic and she wouldn't do an interview with me 01:24:02.080 --> 01:24:05.840 I mean at some point I really thought that they were actually pretty good people 01:24:06.880 --> 01:24:09.680 And just that they were they just needed to understand that 01:24:10.320 --> 01:24:14.400 There might not be wild viruses, but they figured out a way to make little tiny 01:24:15.200 --> 01:24:19.200 Self-replicating RNAs and they're playing around with them and calling them viruses 01:24:19.280 --> 01:24:24.800 And maybe some of these self-replicating RNAs are signals that we use ourselves that other animals use themselves 01:24:26.720 --> 01:24:30.000 Maybe they're especially abundant in in bats for all I know 01:24:33.600 --> 01:24:38.640 But they're not going to get these ideas from nowhere. They're not going to find these little genes nowhere 01:24:41.280 --> 01:24:44.880 But they do find them I kind of believe that 01:24:45.200 --> 01:24:47.200 But 01:24:47.200 --> 01:24:55.200 The question of them being a signal of a pathogen or a signal of a pathogenic potential even is a bit over the day that it's a bit ridiculous 01:24:55.200 --> 01:24:57.200 A bit exaggerated. I'm totally fine with that 01:24:58.480 --> 01:25:02.640 But I'm not fine with attacking everybody on the health freedom unit side 01:25:03.520 --> 01:25:08.640 With one blanket attack of well, they won't accept it that they can't read virology like we can read it 01:25:09.760 --> 01:25:12.400 They don't understand this biology like we do 01:25:13.040 --> 01:25:17.280 All of those people are crazy and me and my husband were the best 01:25:19.040 --> 01:25:21.040 And Tom Cowan too, he's great 01:25:21.280 --> 01:25:27.040 But I'm not going to mention Andy Kaufman anymore because he's kind of a weirdo and he spoke about exosomes for the first year 01:25:29.360 --> 01:25:31.360 I think this is very disingenuous 01:25:32.000 --> 01:25:34.000 I'd be happy to have them on my show 01:25:35.200 --> 01:25:41.040 To discuss this and to discuss what what infectious clones might be 01:25:42.400 --> 01:25:44.400 And what these applications might be 01:25:45.200 --> 01:25:47.040 um 01:25:47.040 --> 01:25:55.600 And how easy it would be for them to seed the molecular biology of a pandemic and claim that it is there and actually try to perpetuate this 01:25:56.320 --> 01:26:02.240 Idea of their being pathogenic viruses out there and that they're very dangerous and that some of them could be getting a function 01:26:02.240 --> 01:26:04.240 We totally agree on this 01:26:04.880 --> 01:26:06.880 In fact 01:26:06.880 --> 01:26:08.880 It's in this book 01:26:09.520 --> 01:26:11.520 That we agree on that 01:26:11.520 --> 01:26:19.120 That the molecular biology exists for them to create the illusion of a pandemic right down to the sequences right down to the limited 01:26:19.600 --> 01:26:21.600 Culturability of it 01:26:23.200 --> 01:26:28.480 And that's the part that I believe that these people are wittingly or unwittingly covering up 01:26:29.680 --> 01:26:35.760 That yes, there are very little good evidence for wild viruses with any 01:26:36.400 --> 01:26:41.520 Real capability of causing spreading pathogenesis over a long period of time 01:26:41.520 --> 01:26:44.560 There's almost there's no evidence for that not very good at all 01:26:46.800 --> 01:26:53.680 And our best chance at understanding that kind of phenomenon would be the polio virus or the measles virus or something like that 01:26:54.000 --> 01:26:56.160 maybe pertussis 01:26:56.160 --> 01:26:58.160 Or whooping cough 01:27:00.320 --> 01:27:05.120 But the bottom line is is that we don't understand how our immune system deals with these signals 01:27:05.120 --> 01:27:10.480 We don't understand the significance of these signals. We're not really sure how they work or how they become generated 01:27:12.080 --> 01:27:14.080 And we do know that the military 01:27:14.720 --> 01:27:19.520 And the government have a vested interest in us not understanding that on the back of this 01:27:21.440 --> 01:27:29.040 Is a multi-billion dollar effort to understand how to augment the genome and so we have used every trick in the book 01:27:29.760 --> 01:27:31.760 to allow us to explore 01:27:32.160 --> 01:27:33.520 the broad 01:27:33.600 --> 01:27:35.120 applications of 01:27:35.120 --> 01:27:37.440 Transfection and transformation 01:27:38.400 --> 01:27:41.520 And the broad search for ways to accomplish it 01:27:43.040 --> 01:27:47.920 And if gain-of-function virology is an elaborate mythology to hide their 01:27:48.480 --> 01:27:52.960 Experimenting experimenting with these technologies. I'm totally down with that 01:27:56.720 --> 01:28:01.280 But if we're going to stop at there are no viruses and everybody who thinks that there's a virus 01:28:01.440 --> 01:28:06.240 I don't care what else they're fighting for health freedom-wise. I'm not going to work with them 01:28:08.000 --> 01:28:12.880 That I think you're full of it. I think you're full of it. That's what I think. I think you're full of it 01:28:13.120 --> 01:28:17.280 If you enjoyed this video, please visit support.disam.com 01:28:23.840 --> 01:28:27.520 I don't know. I don't I don't I don't like that. I just don't think it's 01:28:28.080 --> 01:28:32.000 It's as genuine as they want you to believe it is. I just don't think it is 01:28:32.560 --> 01:28:39.040 So that's that's all I'm going to say about that. I think I don't need to say any more about that 01:28:42.960 --> 01:28:46.800 And in fact, I think I'm just going to summarize it right here 01:28:48.400 --> 01:28:50.400 that 01:28:52.400 --> 01:28:54.400 That's this one 01:28:54.880 --> 01:28:56.880 and I just 01:28:56.960 --> 01:28:58.960 I can't believe that 01:28:59.760 --> 01:29:01.280 You know 01:29:01.280 --> 01:29:03.520 after spending a full year almost 01:29:04.480 --> 01:29:06.480 Talking about how the PCR is nonsense 01:29:07.120 --> 01:29:12.000 She mentioned PCR in exactly one sentence at the very beginning of the video and then never again 01:29:13.040 --> 01:29:15.840 as to how that could be used to fool people 01:29:17.920 --> 01:29:19.920 And I think that's a much better 01:29:20.720 --> 01:29:27.040 argument than some of these other things about there being a virus or no virus because it is very complicated for 01:29:27.280 --> 01:29:29.280 For the average person to understand 01:29:29.760 --> 01:29:33.600 These subtle arguments about well, what's a virus and what's a clone and all this other stuff? 01:29:33.600 --> 01:29:35.600 It takes a lot of background knowledge, but 01:29:36.160 --> 01:29:42.880 To say that they were using a test that basically detected a conflated background signal is pretty easy for everybody to understand 01:29:44.480 --> 01:29:49.040 And that was a story that they were pushing for the first year that they don't push anymore at all ever 01:29:49.760 --> 01:29:55.040 Strange right because I told you that that's what they do. They don't say anything about that 01:29:59.280 --> 01:30:03.040 And it essentially protects the faith because it's such an absurd 01:30:04.880 --> 01:30:07.120 Position that it doesn't threaten the faith at all 01:30:08.800 --> 01:30:14.560 The position that threatens the faith is when you start identifying that the faith is the novel virus 01:30:14.640 --> 01:30:20.000 It's not that there's no RNA and DNA floating out there. It's not that our immune systems don't do anything 01:30:20.000 --> 01:30:23.360 It's not that our immune systems aren't challenged by mother nature all the time 01:30:25.200 --> 01:30:28.400 It's that that challenge has been grossly exaggerated 01:30:29.360 --> 01:30:31.360 and that challenges 01:30:33.040 --> 01:30:37.760 Threat to you has been grossly exaggerated relative to the threats of 01:30:38.480 --> 01:30:40.640 malnutrition and 01:30:41.280 --> 01:30:45.920 Toxins in your environment toxins that you put on your skin, etc, etc, etc 01:30:48.560 --> 01:30:50.560 And so it's just a weird 01:30:50.880 --> 01:30:53.600 message that's missing so much of 01:30:54.320 --> 01:30:57.520 the precision that that we're trying to get and 01:30:58.240 --> 01:31:02.400 You know in a lot of ways as I said on this notes and elsewhere we agree 01:31:02.880 --> 01:31:06.320 We agree that the gain of function story is a complete hoax 01:31:06.880 --> 01:31:11.120 We agree that they actually set out to use that as a hoax 01:31:11.600 --> 01:31:16.640 We agree that they use that hoax to fool people in believing that wow we caught him in a lie 01:31:18.720 --> 01:31:23.120 And that's how they got people to believe that there was a pandemic. I absolutely agree with that 01:31:23.120 --> 01:31:25.600 But why and how did they do it? 01:31:29.360 --> 01:31:32.880 With really intentional lies with very very wicked lies 01:31:33.840 --> 01:31:36.080 About sequences and about culturing 01:31:38.240 --> 01:31:40.560 And about the significance of infectious clones 01:31:41.280 --> 01:31:43.680 And it's really curious that she actually 01:31:44.400 --> 01:31:49.120 Said infectious clones in that video and actually failed to explain it 01:31:50.800 --> 01:31:57.520 But just explained it away as fake. It's not viruses. No, it's not viruses because viruses can't make 01:31:58.320 --> 01:32:04.720 Pure quantities of an RNA genome. They can't it's they can't find that in the wild. We talked about that 01:32:05.280 --> 01:32:07.280 Of course they can't 01:32:09.680 --> 01:32:14.000 But as best we can tell it seems like they can find some signal that resembles the 01:32:14.720 --> 01:32:16.720 the 01:32:17.520 --> 01:32:21.520 Resemble something of an RNA signal that can be moved between animals 01:32:22.400 --> 01:32:24.400 And 01:32:24.400 --> 01:32:27.440 So their best approximation of it is an infectious clone 01:32:30.560 --> 01:32:35.120 And is it a good approximation? No, it's completely different. It's completely synthetic 01:32:35.120 --> 01:32:38.800 It's completely way pure that anything that's ever been in nature ever will be 01:32:39.680 --> 01:32:41.680 Because RNA doesn't do that 01:32:44.640 --> 01:32:48.000 And so do they ever talk about why they're doing this? Do they ever talk about it? 01:32:48.960 --> 01:32:52.720 Do they ever say that if you don't believe in viruses that'll keep the digital idea way 01:32:54.160 --> 01:32:57.760 Do they ever say that if you don't believe in viruses that'll keep the CBDC away 01:33:04.160 --> 01:33:07.120 Do they ever talk about just stop, you know 01:33:08.080 --> 01:33:13.040 She spent 18 minutes telling people that there's no viruses, but then that's an indirect statement 01:33:13.040 --> 01:33:16.000 I guess we shouldn't take the vaccines or or what 01:33:16.960 --> 01:33:18.960 What about the vaccine schedule 01:33:20.080 --> 01:33:25.920 What about all the other issues that that people want to understand or is it just about viruses? I don't know 01:33:26.480 --> 01:33:28.480 I think that was a 01:33:29.040 --> 01:33:34.560 Pretty fair evaluation of a pretty disingenuous presentation that zeroed in on 01:33:35.360 --> 01:33:37.600 CHD children's health defense 01:33:38.240 --> 01:33:41.360 Joseph Mercola and a few other people for no good reason 01:33:42.080 --> 01:33:44.080 other than to 01:33:44.080 --> 01:33:45.760 other than to 01:33:45.760 --> 01:33:49.120 I guess draw attention to support Sam Bailey.com 01:33:50.160 --> 01:33:52.160 I really don't understand 01:33:52.640 --> 01:33:54.640 What the motivation is there 01:33:56.160 --> 01:33:58.560 They really are fighting for some good things 01:33:58.640 --> 01:34:05.200 But because they don't agree with us and can't read virology like we can they're just on the bench like everybody else 01:34:07.120 --> 01:34:12.240 Haha, the danger is the eliminated the elimination of the control group. She also didn't say that at all 01:34:12.320 --> 01:34:19.360 She also didn't say anything about intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 01:34:19.920 --> 01:34:25.040 That's actually a really pretty straightforward statement that gets a lot of work done really quick 01:34:25.760 --> 01:34:30.640 And doesn't make people grind their gears about a lot of virus realer. Did they uh 01:34:31.360 --> 01:34:34.560 Are they able to isolate viruses or is a FOIA request? 01:34:35.200 --> 01:34:37.120 Proof that they don't buy aisle 01:34:37.120 --> 01:34:39.520 I don't understand if you get a FOIA request 01:34:40.000 --> 01:34:44.480 And they answer it. Does that mean that they didn't isolate the virus or they did isolate the virus? 01:34:45.440 --> 01:34:50.160 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent. Thanks for joining me tonight. I'll see you guys tomorrow 01:34:51.440 --> 01:34:53.440 Boop-bye 01:34:55.040 --> 01:34:57.600 Ego is not questioning yourself what 01:34:59.920 --> 01:35:03.200 It's a fair question. I don't even know what you're talking about anymore 01:35:04.880 --> 01:35:07.520 Should actually make you rethink your methods 01:35:08.480 --> 01:35:14.000 Looking for an immune response to i g i g g what are you talking about? 01:35:14.640 --> 01:35:16.640 I didn't know man. I don't know 01:35:17.840 --> 01:35:23.600 I'll keep reading your chat for a little while, but uh, I honestly I think you're struggling there fella 01:35:24.480 --> 01:35:30.480 Just start treading water for a little while and uh, I'll go back to immunology 101 in a week or so 01:35:31.840 --> 01:35:34.960 Um, and and we'll start talking about stuff again 01:35:35.120 --> 01:35:37.120 I 01:35:37.120 --> 01:35:40.720 Don't know. I don't know what to tell you sunday. I'm presenting to the uh 01:35:41.680 --> 01:35:47.360 To the doctors, uh, the medical doctors for covid ethics in the uk the group that's hosted by 01:35:48.320 --> 01:35:49.920 uh, steven frost 01:35:49.920 --> 01:35:55.280 Uh, monday morning. I'm gonna have uh j about a charia on and monday 01:35:55.840 --> 01:36:01.520 I guess that's really early monday afternoon and then monday early evening. Um, I think at six o'clock 01:36:02.000 --> 01:36:06.240 Eastern time. I'm gonna have peter mccullis. So monday is a big day for me 01:36:06.800 --> 01:36:07.680 Um, and sunday 01:36:07.680 --> 01:36:10.320 I'm gonna be presenting to the doctors in the uk 01:36:10.320 --> 01:36:11.760 So that'll be a good 01:36:11.760 --> 01:36:17.040 summary and maybe you'll even get some of your clone thing that you want in there and a little bit more about the pcr and a 01:36:17.040 --> 01:36:24.320 Little bit more details about the science and the backing it up again. You know, it's been three years doing this already 01:36:24.400 --> 01:36:29.280 It's not like uh, the the papers aren't out there. It's just getting tiring after a while 01:36:29.280 --> 01:36:34.480 You know, I kind of feel like the balies, you know, if you don't want to listen to all the stuff that I did before 01:36:34.560 --> 01:36:36.560 Well, then i'm not going to talk to you now 01:36:37.360 --> 01:36:39.360 I'm just kidding. I'll see you guys again tomorrow 01:36:44.400 --> 01:36:48.080 The ego out take the ego out he says take the ego out 01:36:49.520 --> 01:36:52.240 He tried to be on stream for three years straight 01:36:52.640 --> 01:36:58.080 Shaking a can on the internet and tell me about ego. I got none brother. I got none