WEBVTT 03:16.680 --> 03:22.120 I was telling him to say it, he should have put Bobby on when he was on his when it was 03:22.120 --> 03:30.080 at his house in November of 2021, not in 2023, 14 months later, he should have had the courage 03:30.080 --> 03:33.360 to speak out when he knew what he didn't. 03:33.360 --> 03:46.160 That's the point we're noticing, numerous times over the past month is means nothing 03:46.160 --> 03:49.480 now means nothing. 03:49.480 --> 04:13.360 He knew in 2020, he knew in 2021 for sure. 04:13.360 --> 04:37.520 Mike Vandenberg, next date, Mike Vandenberg, next date. 04:37.520 --> 05:04.600 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is King of Home Biological, High Resistance Low 05:04.600 --> 05:10.320 Noise Information Brief brought to you by a biologist, it's the 6th of October, 2023. 05:10.320 --> 05:21.160 We are still battling this very limited spectrum of bait, which was basically sculpted by and 05:21.160 --> 05:25.680 crafted by people like Brett Weinstein, who at the beginning of the pandemic made it seem 05:25.680 --> 05:28.960 very possible that the worst case scenario could happen. 05:28.960 --> 05:33.780 He made it very possible to believe that Vandenas could save you, he made it very possible 05:33.780 --> 05:39.900 to believe that locking down and staying away from your grandparents was a great idea. 05:39.900 --> 05:45.760 Brett Weinstein perpetuated the narrative for at least the first two years of the pandemic 05:45.760 --> 05:55.500 which created a perception of this sort of consensus that yeah, it's dangerous. 05:55.500 --> 06:03.620 Yeah, there's a virus, you've got to do something and in doing so, he misled the young. 06:03.620 --> 06:11.260 In doing so, they've all misled the young and that's why we should be pissed. 06:11.260 --> 06:19.900 Because this necessity as a plea, this necessity as an excuse for every infringement of human 06:19.900 --> 06:25.540 freedom, it's the argument of tyrants and it's the creed of slaves, you need to learn 06:25.540 --> 06:37.140 your history before they erase it forever. 06:37.140 --> 06:43.140 I really believe that the Rick Wall at the back of the theater is visible and they are 06:43.140 --> 06:50.100 clearing the tables and chairs because that has become no longer profitable to maintain 06:50.100 --> 06:56.420 this illusion of freedom and so you can see it, I can see it, how are we going and what 06:56.420 --> 07:01.660 are we going to do about the fact that there was no spread in New York City, about the 07:01.660 --> 07:06.420 fact that they keep lying about infectious clones, about the fact that they keep lying 07:06.420 --> 07:13.660 about placebo batches and giving the Nobel Prize for transfection. 07:13.660 --> 07:31.660 Let's get going biological, very happy to be here tonight, thank you for joining me. 07:31.660 --> 07:41.300 Good evening, my name is Jonathan Cooley, I am the biologist that brings you this show 07:41.300 --> 07:48.340 as often as possible almost nightly now for quite some time, we are trying to fight this 07:48.340 --> 07:55.420 idea that the illusion of consensus that is created by TV and social media is now starting 07:55.420 --> 08:01.460 to bait us to hate each other, it's starting to bait us to behave ever more ridiculously 08:01.460 --> 08:06.260 and we need to wake up and apologize to our kids for not seeing through this much earlier 08:06.260 --> 08:12.300 and for falling for this mystery that we all have to solve and I hope that you and your 08:12.300 --> 08:17.140 friends are starting to realize that that's really the trick that they pulled on us and 08:17.140 --> 08:23.540 it's a way of governing us, this is the strategy by which the American government and Western 08:23.540 --> 08:31.780 governments have decided to govern their societies is with a complex web of coordinated lies 08:31.780 --> 08:35.940 and it could very well be that they have completely exaggerated the biological significance 08:35.940 --> 08:43.700 of this event with the express written consent of permanently changing what our kids perceive 08:43.700 --> 08:52.580 to be true and once they've changed what our kids perceive to be true, we're done and that's 08:52.580 --> 08:57.100 something you really need to understand is the reason why I'm mad at Brett Weinstein and Sam 08:57.100 --> 09:02.220 Harris and all these other people who have taken part in laying down the worst case scenario 09:02.220 --> 09:07.820 narrative at the beginning of the pandemic, the conformist narrative at the beginning of the pandemic, 09:07.820 --> 09:14.620 the Jordan Peterson, we should just shut up and take the shot, let's wait six months and see what 09:14.620 --> 09:20.860 happens kind of thing, let's let the Jews get on the train and then we'll check on them in a few 09:20.860 --> 09:28.940 months and see if they're okay. Now you might be a little offended by that last statement but 09:28.940 --> 09:36.060 one of my good friends is someone who has the authority to speak that way and she assures me 09:36.780 --> 09:43.980 that that analogy is apt here. You can't wear the uniform for 20 years and then take it off now 09:43.980 --> 09:53.500 and claim everything is good and you can't have said all of the things that these people said 09:53.500 --> 09:58.380 that the dark web said at the beginning of the pandemic and in the year up to the pandemic 09:59.980 --> 10:05.580 and then just say now you're a good guy. There's no way that you woke up this late 10:05.580 --> 10:11.340 on accident. There's no way you were this on narrative in the first year on accident. 10:13.740 --> 10:21.100 No, there's only one way to explain that and that's really where the heart of this 10:21.980 --> 10:26.940 is right now. We're trying to sort out moving the people on this map that are interesting 10:28.460 --> 10:33.900 because right now the faith is very simple. Well the faith is that there's a novel virus we had to 10:33.900 --> 10:40.620 do something the mRNA saved between 13 and 16 million lives and there's most certainly a virus 10:40.620 --> 10:45.340 coming again because gain of function hasn't been did we haven't done anything about it and because 10:45.340 --> 10:51.580 of the acceleration of our molecular biological techniques it sooner or later is going to be easy 10:51.580 --> 10:58.380 enough to order a kid online and make a coronavirus pandemic in your kitchen. Maybe it'll even be a 10:58.460 --> 11:03.020 high school science project de attenuated pandemic virus poster. 11:08.780 --> 11:13.820 And the way to sort through these people that are parading around as leaders is to scrutinize 11:13.820 --> 11:20.940 their take on the vaccination schedule in America scrutinize their take on the 11:21.740 --> 11:29.260 the CICP on the VICP on the PrEP Act on the difference between the vaccine schedule in 11:29.260 --> 11:37.660 America and in other countries and on the FDA and the CDC because if they're at all 11:37.660 --> 11:43.020 mealy mouth or at all apologetic then you know right away you can see right through them if 11:43.020 --> 11:48.620 they're have the courage to say the transfection is an immunization you might have a real ally 11:48.620 --> 11:54.780 on your hands and if they have the courage to actually admit that it's very possible that all 11:54.780 --> 11:59.980 intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the 11:59.980 --> 12:06.620 immune system is just plain ridiculous then you really might have an ally on your hands. 12:07.900 --> 12:14.940 Now don't get me wrong I'm very well aware that our friend Robert F Kennedy Jr. has never or at 12:15.020 --> 12:21.900 least seems to avoid saying on screen that he thinks that the vaccine schedule in America is bad 12:21.900 --> 12:29.180 and that people shouldn't take vaccines he's very careful to say he wants the schedule tested 12:29.180 --> 12:33.980 he's pro vaccine and that he just wants safe vaccines. 12:35.980 --> 12:42.860 Now if you see him as a lawyer and you see him as a politician and you see him as something other 12:42.940 --> 12:50.140 than a biologist and perhaps it's easy to understand but I have every intention of influencing him 12:51.100 --> 12:56.540 to if at all possible through direct and indirect influences I guess it can only be 12:56.540 --> 13:03.500 indirect at this point because I work for who I work for but I want him to be here I want him to 13:03.500 --> 13:10.700 be where Peter McCullough is and I want him to openly say it before he gets elected not after 13:11.660 --> 13:17.180 but maybe that's not in the cards maybe the only way to the White House is to appease those 13:18.060 --> 13:27.100 sleepers out there who will not have the time or the courage to to figure this out even if 13:27.100 --> 13:32.620 we throw them a lifeline they're not going to grab on tight enough and Bobby may have the right 13:32.620 --> 13:36.860 play here but I want you to understand that Peter McCullough has flipped that around already 13:36.940 --> 13:40.620 and of course we've been paying a lot of attention to Robert Malone and the people that he points 13:40.620 --> 13:47.020 to and the people that he ignores and more importantly we've gone back to early emergent 13:47.020 --> 13:55.260 Robert Malone in 2021 and seen some very curious patterns with regard to who he performs with 13:56.780 --> 14:04.460 and it wasn't the local news in Virginia it wasn't the let's say typical podcaster 14:07.500 --> 14:14.220 we've also had a recent visit by Denny and Peter on the show and although I botched the time it was 14:14.220 --> 14:21.260 a really good interview if you missed it check it out please I did a stream this past couple days 14:21.260 --> 14:27.660 about Philip Buckholtz who's a guy who I believe he testified in front of the South Carolina Senate 14:28.460 --> 14:33.340 about the contents of the mRNA shots and the fact that they had this plasmid contamination 14:34.300 --> 14:39.100 and he spoke very authoritatively and I have no doubt that he found the DNA that he did 14:39.820 --> 14:48.300 he's also intimately involved with testing for coronavirus using PCR early in the pandemic 14:49.340 --> 14:56.700 and is a well in that in that chat or talk he is a self-proclaimed expert but he is an expert 14:56.700 --> 15:01.100 I mean you can see that he's got he's got chops obviously he's much more of an expert than I am 15:03.420 --> 15:09.580 but rather than having any discussion at all he made a pretty weak statement about PCR 15:09.580 --> 15:15.980 which was simply that you know incompetent hands PCR is very accurate and so this is the kind of 15:16.780 --> 15:22.060 shell game that they keep playing and so he blocks me instead of explaining what he meant by that or 15:22.060 --> 15:26.860 addressing the fact that they didn't use nested primers or they addressed the fact that 15:27.660 --> 15:32.060 that their primers that they did choose wouldn't be specific for one coronavirus we're not going 15:32.060 --> 15:37.820 to talk anything about that we're just going to tell the whole world that everybody who doubts 15:37.820 --> 15:43.260 PCR is completely wrong because in competent hands PCR is highly specific 15:46.220 --> 15:50.620 cars don't hurt people because in competent hands cars are amazing 15:52.220 --> 15:56.940 kitchen knives don't hurt people because in competent hands they make great food 15:57.660 --> 16:05.420 I mean even even deer hunting rifles don't hurt people in competent hands they they set the table 16:05.420 --> 16:14.700 so it's a very disingenuous argument but it was used on Twitter as kind of a dunk and then also 16:14.700 --> 16:21.660 when I called him out on that he blocked me no discussion no rebuttal just block very similar 16:22.060 --> 16:28.700 just block very similar to Kevin McCurnan very similar to George Webb very similar to 16:28.700 --> 16:33.180 Robin Martinotti all the people who for whatever reason 16:36.700 --> 16:42.300 aren't interested in finding out how not certain they should be but instead just want to wield this 16:42.300 --> 16:50.380 false certainty as a clungent and it's unfortunate because this is how this illusion of consensus 16:50.380 --> 16:56.940 is created it's created by people who came out very early and were very certain about certain 16:56.940 --> 17:05.180 things think about how odd it is that some random Russian living in Canada was one of the first 17:05.180 --> 17:14.140 people to publish a blog on medium a relatively new web platform about the fear and cleavage site 17:14.940 --> 17:20.860 and so while medium was a pretty struggling platform before the pandemic it's become quite 17:20.860 --> 17:27.020 a strong little thing and more importantly Yuri Dagan made his debut about the fear and cleavage 17:27.020 --> 17:33.580 site very early in 2020 even though he's into I don't know youth genetics or something like that 17:36.220 --> 17:41.020 another person who came out very early about the fear and cleavage site was James Lyons Weiler a 17:41.100 --> 17:53.100 guy who wrote a an autism book with Sky Horse Publishing and it should be right there but I don't 17:53.100 --> 18:05.900 see it right now and I always never recognize the back cover of it it's there but I don't see it 18:05.900 --> 18:13.580 however we'll get it now and James Lyons Weiler also wrote a blog in February of 2020 where he 18:13.580 --> 18:19.900 had already identified the fear and cleavage site as a signal that the virus could be dangerous 18:21.500 --> 18:26.060 now I was very impressed and I remained very impressed with these two guys finding that 18:26.060 --> 18:30.780 identifying that attribute of the early sequence when it was first released 18:31.660 --> 18:42.780 because neither of them is virologists neither of them has any previous evidence in their CV before 18:42.780 --> 18:53.180 2020 of being particularly good at using a blast or working with genetic sequences and scanning them 18:53.180 --> 19:00.460 for fear and cleavage sites or enzyme sites so it's rather curious that both of them happened 19:00.460 --> 19:10.860 upon it almost in the same week and yeah it's strange but remember that this illusion of consensus 19:10.860 --> 19:20.140 was in my humble opinion started at the very very beginning once the plan was was to be executed 19:20.940 --> 19:27.340 the plan included the seeding of these two distinct narratives which is a narrative of 19:27.340 --> 19:34.620 a natural virus escaping from a wet market spreading around the world and a lab leak 19:35.340 --> 19:43.260 happening in the same city you know somewhere between 300 yards and three miles away whatever 19:43.260 --> 19:49.180 the right distance is maybe it's 10 miles away but the point is is the geographic location of 19:49.260 --> 19:57.500 this giant wet market with alien species in it and the five different coronavirus potential 19:57.500 --> 20:03.980 coronavirus laboratories that were there including the the BSL4 lab which really wouldn't have been 20:03.980 --> 20:08.380 used for coronavirus anyway which is kind of like a a red herring as well 20:11.020 --> 20:16.620 where we were set up from the very beginning for that argument to occur for that cover up to be 20:17.580 --> 20:22.540 argued about for it to be used by both sides really because China also used it 20:28.380 --> 20:33.100 and that illusion of consensus of this dangerous novel virus circulating the world 20:34.060 --> 20:40.700 and causing this this excess mortality over there that that's the illusion and that's the 20:40.700 --> 20:47.660 faith that nobody will question up until that the other thing that they won't question of course 20:47.660 --> 20:54.300 is the effectiveness of the mRNA the need to do it and the fact that beside the despite the fact 20:54.300 --> 20:59.820 that we rushed it despite the fact that it had all this contaminants in it it's been surprisingly 20:59.820 --> 21:05.820 safe that's going to be the argument that they're always going to make even after we get to the 21:05.820 --> 21:09.660 point where they admit that there's extra DNA in there because they rushed it and they used this 21:09.660 --> 21:13.660 horrible bacterial culture recombinant DNA method 21:15.980 --> 21:17.420 they're still going to point to the 21:18.060 --> 21:25.900 posity quote unquote of of adverse events and say that well yeah I guess we did and then that makes 21:25.900 --> 21:31.980 it even better the record we have right because that's not going to make them turn around and 21:31.980 --> 21:38.060 acknowledge the adverse events that they're already ignoring that they're already in denial of 21:39.020 --> 21:44.060 the DNA in there is not going to convince anybody to suddenly say oh there's is real now 21:44.940 --> 21:51.580 oh I get it and I think that's part of the trick that nobody is really seeing on our side 21:52.460 --> 21:55.500 we can fight for this DNA being in there all we want 21:56.700 --> 22:01.180 but that's not fighting for the fact that people were killed by remdesivir it's not fighting for 22:01.180 --> 22:07.100 the fact that people were killed by opiates and then rolled into this as excess deaths 22:07.180 --> 22:14.380 that that's not keeping track of the fact of who killed who when and why those people died 22:17.820 --> 22:22.940 that's actually keeping our eyes completely off the ball and focused on this crap 22:26.780 --> 22:30.140 because now what are we arguing about again we're arguing about well 22:30.940 --> 22:36.220 this group of people over here thinks that almost nobody has any adverse effects from the shots at all 22:37.100 --> 22:41.740 this group over here thinks that a bunch of people were hurt by the shot and continue to be 22:41.740 --> 22:48.380 hurt by the shot and this group over here says there's a bunch of DNA in it so what are we really 22:48.380 --> 22:54.940 changing even if we convince these people that there was DNA in it we're not even starting 22:55.660 --> 23:02.060 to try to convince them that the that the adverse events that we were already aware of are real 23:02.060 --> 23:08.700 because they don't think they are so i i don't think a lot of people see how we're really 23:08.700 --> 23:13.660 struggling inside of this plastic bag still we're not getting out we're inhaling it 23:15.500 --> 23:19.260 we're sucking in on a plastic bag right now we are not getting out of this 23:20.060 --> 23:25.980 if we're going to argue about the DNA because then what we're not talking about 23:26.700 --> 23:30.620 goes farther and farther and deeper and deeper into the cave 23:32.140 --> 23:35.340 and we keep wandering around following different flashlights 23:37.260 --> 23:40.620 and the hole to the sky was already right there it's just dark now 23:45.980 --> 23:50.700 it's dark now because everybody started to be quiet the the illusion of consensus 23:51.340 --> 23:57.180 for a time has been broken the illusion of consensus that we make fun of here with this 23:57.180 --> 24:00.220 so i'm going to escape from here and we'll come back to that later 24:01.580 --> 24:07.580 i got two videos for you to watch with me tonight the first one is really exciting because 24:08.060 --> 24:27.740 Josh Getsko was on was on Dr. Campbell's show that nurse Campbell guy talking about process one and process two of the Pfizer vaccine production and how the trials were done with 24:28.380 --> 24:30.060 with small batch 24:32.860 --> 24:39.820 small batch what was i calling it a craft brew beer and the large batch was done with miller light 24:40.780 --> 24:46.940 and so we we already knew this of course but now they're coming out with this as if it's a new story 24:47.980 --> 24:51.500 as if we didn't already know this is how they did it but it's nice that we're doing that 24:52.220 --> 24:56.700 and it's nice that Josh is getting some attention because he was of course on our show 24:57.580 --> 25:02.460 at least once you might remember him and i think he was on the show for bears but i don't remember 25:02.460 --> 25:06.780 what we talked about the second time if he was on a second time to take out any impurities after 25:06.780 --> 25:12.140 that PCR process was used again to create the template where then they you know they they use 25:12.140 --> 25:18.140 that to generate the mRNA in process two they use a different method to generate it started over 25:20.060 --> 25:25.740 so uh the Vax is super safe and effective and all that stuff John Campbell's got some here's some 25:26.700 --> 25:31.980 some concerning information about the the Vax that you didn't know 25:33.020 --> 25:38.060 get this did you know that there's two different batches there was the batches they tested 25:38.060 --> 25:43.340 and there's the batches they gave you and they weren't formulated the same did you know that 25:43.340 --> 25:47.260 watch this so you're you're an academic Josh at a Hebrew university but basically you've got 25:47.260 --> 25:51.900 links with the states as well though and um you've been studying some pretty interesting things 25:51.980 --> 25:57.740 and the first one we wanted to talk about is the um the different processes that we used in the 25:57.740 --> 26:03.260 production of the Pfizer vaccine now there seems to be process one and process two and this has 26:03.260 --> 26:07.180 got particular processes we used in the trials just give us a bit of background on that Josh if 26:07.180 --> 26:14.140 you don't mind please okay yeah sure so the key point here is that in the clinical trial that Pfizer 26:14.140 --> 26:20.860 BioNTech ran on their covid vaccine they used uh vaccine doses that were made with one manufacturing 26:20.860 --> 26:26.380 process what you referred to as process one but what was given to the public after the trial 26:26.380 --> 26:32.380 was not the same type of doses instead they used a different manufacturing process an upscale 26:32.380 --> 26:37.740 manufacturing process they call process two and that was what everybody received when they got 26:37.740 --> 26:42.060 vaccinated and now now the question for what's the difference between these two processes does it 26:42.060 --> 26:46.940 matter and and it probably does matter a lot a lot and I can walk you through some of the evidence 26:47.100 --> 26:51.660 of why we think it matters but just to give you sort of the general background and I don't know all 26:51.660 --> 26:56.780 of the technical details of this I know enough to kind of understand it but we all have learned 26:56.780 --> 27:00.860 about pieces so what do you need to do to make an mRNA vaccine you need to create you need to 27:00.860 --> 27:06.620 generate mRNA how do you do that well mRNA is like a copy of a part part of a strand of DNA so you 27:06.620 --> 27:12.860 need DNA as sort of your backbone template that you can then create mRNA off of that DNA okay 27:12.940 --> 27:18.540 so where do you get that DNA from well you can with the process one they were basically using 27:18.540 --> 27:24.220 a PCR process to duplicate DNA right that's what they do with with PCR they want to check do you 27:24.220 --> 27:31.740 have any of any of this remnant of DNA in your nose that we can say was you know covid was 27:31.740 --> 27:35.900 SARS-CoV-2 or whatever right so they replicated right that's the whole idea behind the PCR 27:37.100 --> 27:41.420 and it's relatively clean to do it that way and they were also used to your you know 27:41.580 --> 27:46.700 who does make my that's what they do with with PCR they want to check do you have any any of this 27:48.300 --> 27:52.940 remnant of DNA in your nose that we see you're not going to have a remnant of DNA you're going 27:52.940 --> 27:57.580 to have a remnant of RNA because there's no DNA involved in a coronavirus infection but I think 27:57.580 --> 28:04.380 that's just a slip up and just a mistake when you get tested by a PCR for a coronavirus you are 28:04.380 --> 28:10.780 tested for the RNA because the RNA is first exposed to reverse transcriptase that's why it's called 28:10.780 --> 28:17.580 RT-PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction so in order to generate the DNA 28:18.620 --> 28:26.540 that's used to detect or sampled to detect the coronavirus you use reverse transcriptase to 28:26.540 --> 28:33.020 convert all the RNA of the sample or a lot of it into DNA and then you probe that DNA 28:34.220 --> 28:40.220 so reverse transcriptase is intimately involved in the PCR test for a coronavirus all the time 28:40.780 --> 28:48.140 said clear I hope that's very clear that enzymatic step is singular so if you miss the coronavirus 28:48.140 --> 28:54.220 in that enzymatic step then you you'll never find it and if you find one molecule of something 28:54.220 --> 29:03.020 that overlaps with your primers in that in that reverse transcriptase reaction then you will find 29:04.220 --> 29:08.460 so it's not like you're you're immediately sampling the swab when it comes out your first 29:08.460 --> 29:16.780 making DNA from the swabs RNA then you're doing PCR reverse transcriptase PCR 29:17.500 --> 29:21.900 you can say was you know covid was SARS-CoV-2 or whatever right so they replicated right that's 29:21.900 --> 29:28.220 the whole idea behind the PCR and it's relatively clean to do it that way and they were also using 29:28.220 --> 29:36.140 a very very high quality system using these magnetic these sort of magnetic beads to take out any 29:36.220 --> 29:41.180 impurities after that PCR process was used again to create the template where then they you know 29:41.820 --> 29:48.380 they use that to generate the mRNA in process two they use a different method to generate the 29:48.380 --> 29:54.860 DNA backbone okay where they basically have a DNA template that they put into this thing called a 29:54.860 --> 30:02.540 plasmid which is part of a bacteria okay and so when the bacteria where the plasmids can duplicate 30:02.540 --> 30:07.180 and then the bacteria also duplicates and it turns out to be a far more cost-effective 30:07.740 --> 30:12.140 scalable way you know you can just have the instead of like having to put in a PCR machine 30:12.140 --> 30:15.500 you just have these big bats of I don't know actually how big they are but you know you have 30:15.500 --> 30:21.180 these bats of bacteria growing and they can replicate very very quickly and then you basically you 30:21.180 --> 30:26.060 take the plasmids and you you take their DNA and you make it they make it linear instead of like 30:26.060 --> 30:31.740 wrapped up and then they use that to to generate the mRNA but after that point what they need to do 30:31.820 --> 30:38.380 is they have the plasmid DNA and they have the bacteria still in that goo and they need to clean 30:38.380 --> 30:44.860 that out and purify it okay so he's yeah I think he's getting the sequence a little bit wrong you 30:44.860 --> 30:49.260 got to take the you're going to lice the bacteria which means you're going to break the bacteria open 30:50.060 --> 30:56.540 you're going to extract the circular plasmid DNA from the bacteria then you're going to use 30:56.540 --> 31:03.260 enzymes to cut that plasmid into the piece that you want and I believe you will separate that out 31:03.260 --> 31:12.060 first before you start making your RNA and it's the separation of the spike DNA that you want to 31:12.060 --> 31:21.820 transcribe into RNA that you have to separate from the DNA that was part of the of the plasmid which 31:21.820 --> 31:28.940 allowed it to efficiently be replicated by the bacteria which includes this SV40 promoter series 31:28.940 --> 31:38.300 and etc so you're separating two pieces of DNA from one another I believe because otherwise if 31:38.300 --> 31:43.820 you turn the whole thing into RNA first then you'd also have RNA for the SV40 that you would need to 31:43.820 --> 31:50.380 separate from the RNA of the spike and that would be crazy I can't that's that's got to be wrong 31:51.340 --> 31:56.140 so first you're going to take the plasmid you're going to cut your piece of interest out 31:57.020 --> 32:02.460 and then the trick is you have to separate the piece of interest from all of this stuff which was 32:02.460 --> 32:07.420 necessary to be there in order for the plasmid to efficiently replicate in the bacteria 32:09.100 --> 32:14.700 and so it's that separation that can't go very well because it's DNA from DNA and it's different 32:14.700 --> 32:24.220 weights and so it's never going to be perfect I guess but I could be wrong I'm happy to be 32:24.220 --> 32:29.500 corrected if somebody in the chat wants to correct me that's fine that's where they seem to have 32:29.500 --> 32:34.060 done a terrible job oh and I don't know if you've been following any of the revelations that are 32:34.060 --> 32:37.820 coming out where more and more researchers around the world are replicating this finding 32:38.540 --> 32:46.220 that there are high levels of this plasmid DNA remnants in the vials of the Pfizer vaccine that 32:46.220 --> 32:51.900 have been tested in addition to that we know from Pfizer's own documents that they've submitted to 32:51.900 --> 32:59.740 various regulatory agencies that there's there's some residual lipopolysaccharide the otherwise known 32:59.740 --> 33:05.260 as endotoxin this is the membrane so what is the bacteria that they use for you know duplicating 33:05.260 --> 33:11.660 this is E. coli bacteria and which is a type of bacteria that's known as gram-negative bacteria 33:11.660 --> 33:17.260 and the membranes of gram-negative bacteria are highly inflammatory they're called endotoxin for 33:17.260 --> 33:25.580 a reason and so there are higher levels of this endotoxin in the process to vials and again this 33:25.580 --> 33:33.340 is based on what we know from Pfizer's own filings to the regulator. I just see if I've got this right 33:33.340 --> 33:38.620 so far Joshua we just run this past you so the process one they synthesize the DNA 33:40.140 --> 33:45.180 I assume synthesize it in the right bases in the right order and then they multiply the amount 33:45.180 --> 33:50.140 of DNA with a PCR process now I'm not a forensic specialist but I think we probably do this in 33:50.140 --> 33:54.220 in forensics where there's a tiny amount of DNA found at a crime scene for example or in an 33:54.220 --> 33:58.300 archaeological specimen which is a fascinating field and they're able to multiply up the amount 33:58.300 --> 34:02.780 of DNA so they've got enough to sort of be able to recognize it so they use this duplication process 34:02.780 --> 34:06.540 and that PCR process it's the same as you used in testing where you duplicate the amount of RNA 34:06.540 --> 34:10.380 that's present and of course there's a debate about that and how much it should be duplicated 34:10.380 --> 34:14.620 and whether that can give rise to false positive results of course but leaving that aside so that 34:14.620 --> 34:19.260 here the increase the amount of DNA you use that DNA to make the RNA so the DNA is the code to make 34:19.260 --> 34:25.260 the RNA so it's DNA makes RNA makes proteins that is the way it goes in biology and that's trial 34:25.260 --> 34:30.220 process one but trial process two sounds a bit more like making beer to me and so you can hear 34:30.220 --> 34:36.780 right that the process one versus process two process one can still have spike DNA in it 34:39.180 --> 34:45.100 it just won't have the the promoter series and this other things that are the the antibody 34:45.100 --> 34:51.420 biotic resistance cassette that would be present in the plasmid DNA used in the bacterial culture 34:51.420 --> 34:58.700 version of the grow-up but it could still have spike DNA and that's very likely just because 34:58.780 --> 35:04.140 again for the same reasons it's hard for them to separate these completely even if they digested 35:04.140 --> 35:11.260 them then there's going to be fragments of spike DNA in the original shot and so yeah but there 35:11.260 --> 35:15.820 won't be the the possibility of there being any bacterial components which there is of course 35:15.820 --> 35:20.940 in process two or batch two or whatever they're calling it um you uh you push it put it all in 35:20.940 --> 35:25.900 some big vat instead of using yeast they use bacterium e coli bacteria we believe 35:27.820 --> 35:31.820 oh we know we know we know a lot about their manufacturing method and a lot of it came through 35:31.820 --> 35:37.340 the ema data breach uh other other writings about it there's publications we we know 35:38.620 --> 35:42.940 that's good so the process to you kind of make a batch now a plasmid is basically a way for 35:42.940 --> 35:46.380 transferring genetic material from one bacterium to another as far as i understand it i think 35:46.460 --> 35:50.700 that's right yeah yeah so so the use in this kind of way the DNA is in the plasmid 35:51.420 --> 35:55.260 and uh that means you've got bacterial components there as well and we don't want 35:56.140 --> 36:01.500 DNA from the plasmid and we don't want other things like like like bits of cell membrane 36:01.500 --> 36:06.220 left over right um i would imagine if you gave if you did have cell membrane in any injection 36:06.220 --> 36:09.740 we're not saying the cell membrane in this but if you did have gamma negative cell cell membrane 36:09.740 --> 36:13.260 in the injection that will make you feel pretty rough for a period of time it could and it's 36:13.340 --> 36:18.780 toxic about that later how that might be linked to some of the some of the uh adverse events that 36:18.780 --> 36:24.460 came up and have been um you know so they're saying that this is so he's just said 36:25.740 --> 36:30.940 that there's correct me if i'm wrong what i'm hearing is that he said that the battery totally 36:30.940 --> 36:37.180 different processes for me he also said that the bacterial components could also contribute to 36:37.180 --> 36:42.780 adverse events so here we go almost throwing another oh we are we're throwing another possibility 36:42.780 --> 36:48.540 log on the fire and that's fine i'm not i don't have anything i don't have any problem with that 36:49.820 --> 36:55.420 i just don't want anybody to get the idea that all of these these things can be corrected because 36:55.420 --> 37:02.860 at the end of the day you're still left with transfection the best possible lipid nanoparticle 37:02.860 --> 37:11.420 transfection with the best uniform lipid nanoparticle size the best uniform lipid nanoparticle 37:11.420 --> 37:19.180 concentration of RNA the best purity of RNA transcript the best purity with the least amount of 37:20.060 --> 37:25.500 any contamination would still result in the expression of a foreign protein throughout 37:25.500 --> 37:30.300 your body and anywhere it does that you will be challenging your immune system to clear that 37:30.300 --> 37:38.860 protein by killing your own cells without causing autoimmunity and that is not a game of Russian 37:38.860 --> 37:45.740 roulette that you can play forever it's just not and anybody who's gotten away with four or five shots 37:48.540 --> 37:54.220 you know maybe they got lucky and got a placebo maybe they got lucky and it hasn't manifested 37:54.220 --> 38:01.980 itself yet maybe they got lucky some other way but i think statistically speaking this is just 38:02.060 --> 38:09.340 gonna it's gonna be overwhelming at some point my neighbor right now is is has been in bed for 38:09.340 --> 38:14.380 a couple days and she's apparently as sick as she's ever been in her life thank goodness they 38:14.380 --> 38:19.340 didn't vaccinate their children but they are vaccinated and they are worried because they 38:19.340 --> 38:24.700 tested it it's covid and she's isolating in the whole nine yards but it's never dawned on them 38:24.700 --> 38:28.860 that why doesn't anybody else in their house get sick with this extremely dangerous virus 38:29.100 --> 38:33.980 is it really possible that the isolation in the bedroom is sufficient 38:35.820 --> 38:40.220 i thought the fear and cleavage site made it the most infectious virus in the history of mankind 38:42.380 --> 38:47.420 and yet somehow if you just close the door and everything's good 38:49.260 --> 38:54.300 and people are are very sick i don't know why they are very sick but they apparently are very 38:54.380 --> 39:00.380 sick and none of them not one of them is interested in questioning the possibility that maybe the 39:00.380 --> 39:08.620 last injected medication designed to augment my immune system has made my my immune system worse 39:09.260 --> 39:13.740 has made my immune system prone to overreaction has made my immune system vulnerable 39:14.700 --> 39:19.180 all three of those don't even have to be mutually exclusive it could be additive 39:20.060 --> 39:27.820 it's not the contaminants ladies and gentlemen although it could be in addition to 39:31.180 --> 39:35.660 but it would be very much like saying you know those multicolored sprinkles on your 39:36.620 --> 39:42.300 on your on your five scoop ice cream sunday with a shell of chocolate on it 39:42.300 --> 39:45.820 those multicolored sprinkles have some pretty bad coloration in them 39:46.700 --> 39:53.580 you know blue red and i'm sorry red five and and and four blue those are really toxic 39:54.780 --> 39:57.180 those are really toxic colors you shouldn't eat those 39:59.340 --> 40:03.900 but you go ahead and keep eating three scoops of ice cream with chocolate all over them but 40:03.900 --> 40:06.780 that was that that artificial colors man those are real bad 40:07.100 --> 40:17.100 no the the bad habit is the the eating ice cream three times a day the bad habit is having a 40:17.100 --> 40:22.540 pack of cigarettes the the bad idea is transfecting yourself now if the 40:22.540 --> 40:25.980 transfection also turns out to have crap in it well yeah it's even worse 40:27.740 --> 40:32.300 if your cigarette turns out to have mold in it yeah that's even worse if your cigarette has 40:33.260 --> 40:35.580 has formaldehyde in it yeah that's even worse 40:38.940 --> 40:43.020 if the heroin you bought on the street is also contaminated with something yeah that's 40:43.020 --> 40:48.140 even worse and if you took a transfection and it's got some bacterial 40:48.700 --> 40:53.100 cell wall in it or it's got some bacterial plasmid and that's even worse 40:56.620 --> 40:58.940 but that's the way you need to think about it it's even worse 40:59.660 --> 41:05.900 this isn't why this makes it even worse 41:08.140 --> 41:14.300 Jimmy Dorr if you're watching this show this isn't why there are there are 41:15.500 --> 41:17.820 adverse events this makes it worse 41:19.100 --> 41:24.220 king the vaccine the one that they tested and then the one that they gave you yeah 41:24.220 --> 41:28.220 it's not the same yeah and the way we know this is from Pfizer's own data yeah 41:28.780 --> 41:35.420 and now he's just said that this is being linked to adverse events yeah and it seems that they're 41:35.420 --> 41:40.620 doing this other way because it's more expedient it's cheaper yeah even though it's going to have 41:40.620 --> 41:46.220 more adverse effect if their bottom line goes up and it's just quicker cheaper and they can do it 41:46.220 --> 41:51.260 that way I mean that's what I'm I think well insinuating I think that's what he's saying yeah 41:51.260 --> 41:56.460 but of course the FDA said it's like these guys aren't aware that in the original Pfizer 41:56.460 --> 42:01.100 trial 20 people died in the treated group and only 14 died in the untreated group 42:07.660 --> 42:15.500 as that the vaccine is safe and effective Kurt and it will keep you from being hospitalized sick 42:15.500 --> 42:20.540 or deaf and it's fantastic it's super safe so let's listen well he has a little bit more to say now 42:20.540 --> 42:26.060 he's talking about how it's connected to adverse events written up in the mainstream academic 42:26.060 --> 42:32.460 press that we didn't see hardly at all in the trials so we can talk about that later indeed 42:32.460 --> 42:37.740 now have I got that summary roughly right Josh is that that summary exactly right and okay 42:37.740 --> 42:42.620 before we get past this I want to make this point very clear is that yeah when you're when 42:42.620 --> 42:50.220 you're making a biological medical product or biologic the process is crucial in fact some with 42:50.220 --> 42:56.300 some people say the process is the product because you're dealing with these very complex 42:56.300 --> 43:02.380 you know the process is the product is actually a very pertinent statement here because as Peter 43:02.380 --> 43:07.260 McCullough so aptly pointed out in his appearance on my stream when he was discussing with Denny 43:07.260 --> 43:14.460 Rancour and we were talking about briefly at the end about the Nobel Prize it's ridiculous for anyone 43:14.460 --> 43:20.380 to claim that they invented this mRNA technology because in order to produce 43:21.980 --> 43:27.500 the transfection product which a lot of people are lackadaisically calling a vaccine 43:28.620 --> 43:37.740 in order to produce the transfection product thousands of patented processes ideas devices 43:38.620 --> 43:45.660 solutions algorithms were involved in the production of these transfection products 43:47.180 --> 43:51.340 and so it's really ridiculous to claim that well you know pseudo-uridine was the idea 43:52.780 --> 43:59.500 or codon optimization was the idea because again it's not it was pseudo-uridine is what they said 43:59.500 --> 44:06.300 was the idea and that's what gave them the Nobel Prize but that's not what enabled the production 44:06.380 --> 44:12.220 of a billion doses and that was really what what Peter was trying to say and maybe alluding 44:12.220 --> 44:18.300 to the fact that really we needed to pay attention to what we really claimed to have done 44:19.180 --> 44:27.020 which is make billions of doses of a previously non-existing product that contains lipid nanoparticles 44:27.020 --> 44:36.220 of a particular size and an RNA of a particular claimed purity and if that's really not what they 44:36.300 --> 44:41.500 did that's not what they manufactured or they took shortcuts that they knew 44:42.460 --> 44:47.420 would lead to something that was not that then maybe we have some ground to stand on 44:50.460 --> 44:56.780 chemical interactions large molecules i'll give you an example have you ever heard of the cutter 44:56.780 --> 45:02.700 incident no based on the cutter incident and this there was a book written by one of the you 45:02.700 --> 45:07.580 know high priest effect how can he not know about the cutter incident that's really weird 45:09.180 --> 45:09.500 wow 45:12.300 --> 45:15.180 john camel doesn't know about the cutter incident wow 45:15.740 --> 45:21.100 technology in the u.s. paul off it on this topic but what happened the cutter incident happened 45:21.100 --> 45:26.860 with the original polio vaccines in the 1950s so jones salt you know created this polio vaccine 45:26.860 --> 45:31.900 they ran a trial on about two million children it was very successful and so then they turned it 45:31.900 --> 45:35.580 over to a few different labs and they said okay now we need to make a bunch of this stuff 45:35.580 --> 45:39.820 but they didn't provide them with the precise directions on how to exactly replicate 45:39.820 --> 45:45.500 salt's process can you believe that so i know kurt brought this up on the show originally 45:45.500 --> 45:49.340 that's how i first found out about this the first batches of the polio vaccine 45:50.300 --> 45:56.380 not good so go ahead so what happened in the cutter laboratory they were making vaccines that 45:56.460 --> 46:02.380 had live polio virus and when they injected them into kids they got polio there were over 200,000 46:02.380 --> 46:08.940 kids who got a short-lived polio a few hundred who got permanent polio and a few if you could 46:08.940 --> 46:14.300 actually die this is not conspiracy theory this is not anti-vax mythology you know this is this 46:14.300 --> 46:21.100 is accepted history and one of the key lessons that was learned from that is yeah the guy in the 46:21.180 --> 46:27.980 blue shirt is being interviewed by john campbell and and jimmy dor is showing the interview of 46:27.980 --> 46:35.820 john campbell's youtube video on his youtube show so this is actually like some kind of multi-dimensional 46:35.820 --> 46:41.260 stream because i'm streaming somebody who's streaming someone else's youtube video and so 46:41.260 --> 46:47.500 i'm watching someone else watch someone else's youtube video and if you can't handle that and you 46:47.580 --> 46:52.780 need i'm just teasing i was going to say something tough i'm just teasing you but that's what's 46:52.780 --> 46:56.220 happening that's why you're confused and you're dealing with something complicated like a 46:56.220 --> 47:02.540 vaccine a biological drug you need to be very precise about the method and once you change the 47:02.540 --> 47:06.780 method you change the product and you can't just assume that it's going to have the same effect 47:07.500 --> 47:13.660 on people so you need to do another uh clinical trial on your new product it's not the same product 47:14.220 --> 47:19.020 now we've talked about this many times on stream i'd just like to remind you that the analogy that 47:19.020 --> 47:25.580 i've used a few times that you might remember with a ding is um the idea that your grandma or in my 47:25.580 --> 47:33.340 case my wife makes the most fantastic apple pie with just the hint of lemon the crust is great 47:33.340 --> 47:41.260 everything is magnificent but if you just decided okay let's make 10 000 of those it's not as simple 47:41.340 --> 47:48.300 as saying okay let's make 10 000 of those you can't just make them one by one you're going to scale 47:48.300 --> 47:56.060 things up and you can imagine that very quickly my wife or whoever is going to take the recipe 47:56.060 --> 48:02.540 from my wife is going to have a problem on their hands understanding how to translate this small 48:02.540 --> 48:11.740 scale small batch boutique pie that can go wrong occasionally into something that we can make at 48:11.740 --> 48:17.900 scale the way that you buy the ingredients the way that you mix them how do you mix them how do you 48:17.900 --> 48:22.060 get the pies out where do you go with them how do you package them how do you store them how do you 48:22.060 --> 48:28.940 get them around the country is all very different then come over to my house and have a pie it's 48:28.940 --> 48:36.060 very different than come to my lab and i'll make you nanograms of RNA and we can test it out 48:38.380 --> 48:43.740 and that we have talked about many times even Vincent racking yellows talked about that but he's 48:43.740 --> 48:49.500 talked about it in a very wow isn't that crazy that they went from nanograms to kilograms 48:49.820 --> 48:59.340 nanograms to kilograms is is closer to one apple pie to 500 000 apple pies 49:01.580 --> 49:08.940 think about that i mean 10 000 pies already sounded quite absurd but we're talking about going from 49:08.940 --> 49:18.540 real craft brewery you know like like a barista contest and you know i was about to show you 49:18.620 --> 49:25.100 something dumb there a barista contest and you know here's your cup of coffee sir 49:27.340 --> 49:33.100 i taste the beans are from south america and you've triple done whatever bing bang boom with the 49:33.100 --> 49:36.620 with mushrooms and stuff wow this is the best cup of coffee i've ever had 49:37.420 --> 49:43.020 now let's go open a a franchise in in in 30 cities next week 49:43.900 --> 49:49.420 it doesn't work and so now that is a problem 49:50.940 --> 49:57.980 love watch that just watch out because what that suggests is is that wait so if my doctor 49:57.980 --> 50:04.300 has a little RNA machine then he could make RNA for me and it would be better if we just made 50:04.300 --> 50:09.500 smaller batches it would be better you mean we could make it even safer than it was because 50:09.500 --> 50:15.100 the tv said it was safe i don't know anybody that's really hurt i just can't breathe anymore and 50:15.100 --> 50:21.180 i get sick a lot but i'm not hurt by i mean you see where this goes you see how enticing it is 50:21.740 --> 50:29.660 to think again mystery solved they rushed it mystery solved it's the dna mystery solved it's 50:29.660 --> 50:38.140 the endotoxin careful ladies and gentlemen be careful so that's what will end it so i don't 50:38.140 --> 50:42.540 know how much i'm allowed to say but i'm just going to show what john campbells showed 50:44.380 --> 50:50.220 next one is uh quite fun it's 30 minutes i'm going to speed it up a little bit but i won't speed 50:50.220 --> 51:01.020 it up very much because there is an accent in the show so let's see here i think i'm going to enjoy 51:01.100 --> 51:06.220 this i haven't watched it but i'm excited it's more scooby-doo business 51:11.100 --> 51:15.820 it's also on a balance for me can you imagine internet platforms like google search twitter and 51:15.820 --> 51:21.180 google translate being used to unravel the mystery behind the origins of sasco v2 a crack team of 51:21.180 --> 51:26.460 data scientists mathematicians engineers and biologists did exactly that to amass evidence 51:26.460 --> 51:31.020 that has now compelled the world to set up and take notice of the hypothesis that sasco v2 51:31.020 --> 51:36.460 the virus that causes covid-19 is this too fast or is it okay she's she's already pretty fast but 51:36.460 --> 51:42.060 it'll be all right i think 19 may have emerged from a lab in china the team calls itself drastic 51:42.060 --> 51:46.860 it is an informal amalgam of experts and researchers from across the world who painstakingly pieced 51:46.860 --> 51:51.820 together various strands of data your mouse ready that lab origin of the virus is a plausible 51:52.780 --> 51:56.620 watch my whole family is going to be on discoveries made by drastic a significant 51:56.620 --> 52:01.580 in unraveling the mystery behind the origins of sasco v2 my whole family is going to be on indian 52:01.580 --> 52:04.540 television holy crap 52:08.860 --> 52:14.620 more than 20 researchers there it is oh my gosh look it's my whole family on indian television 52:14.780 --> 52:22.300 oh dear goodness what was i thinking investigating covid-19 what a dumb twitter handle picture 52:29.820 --> 52:33.660 that's not right but steam members had been researching the origins of covid-19 52:33.660 --> 52:38.300 okay maybe they had been researching the origins so this is yuri dagan this is the 52:38.620 --> 52:48.860 the russian living in canada who published with rosza ro rosana sogretto 52:50.060 --> 52:55.660 um and they published a paper about the fear and cleavage site this is mona and her husband who 52:57.100 --> 53:02.780 published the paper about the moyang mine and the fact that ratg 13 the virus which 53:03.340 --> 53:09.340 shengli she reported as being the closest relative to sars covid-19 and their database 53:09.340 --> 53:18.700 was actually also previously published as a virus with the number 491 i believe rs 491 53:19.260 --> 53:26.460 bat corona virus rs 491 and then this is a french researcher who actually is the one that 53:27.420 --> 53:32.300 tucker carlson said had found a drastic and again i would argue that he joined around the 53:32.300 --> 53:38.140 same time that charles rixie joined maybe before charles rixie but not much before 53:41.180 --> 53:47.100 and so was definitely not part of the original drastic team at all and so that's that should 53:47.100 --> 53:52.460 be kept clear before they joined the group then they started working with each other informally 53:52.540 --> 53:59.420 luigi was part of the original group and there's the real one that's the guy who started it all 53:59.420 --> 54:07.660 right billy boston and so there's yuri there's rosana is his co-author andre guffinette is a 54:07.660 --> 54:11.980 md from belgium and he actually reviewed a couple of the papers that i also reviewed i think he 54:11.980 --> 54:19.820 reviewed mona's paper with me and he also reviewed yuri's paper with me um let's see day 54:20.140 --> 54:25.020 was some guy i think who lives in australia and he's got a lot of seems like he's got a lot of 54:25.020 --> 54:32.620 knowledge about about the sequences the seeker is the guy who found the phd thesis and the master's 54:32.620 --> 54:41.260 thesis in chinese about the minors that got sick and luan um yeah so there's a few people to mention 54:41.260 --> 54:47.820 see where we go here after joining there's me again down there he's drastic they worked as a 54:47.820 --> 54:53.500 team sharpening each other's insights and connecting the dots to demystify so luigi warn is a guy who 54:53.500 --> 55:01.900 did um a postdoc with not steven ben cell but the other guy with the funny glasses um and so luigi 55:01.900 --> 55:10.380 warn was actually also involved in the sort of figuring out that sudo yuridine worked here i'm 55:10.460 --> 55:16.300 not really sure what else he did but he definitely was involved in some of the research um at a 55:16.300 --> 55:22.940 crucial time since of covid-19 this website hosts the research work of these twitter detectives 55:22.940 --> 55:29.260 on the origins of covid-19 but these researchers are not the only contributors of this uh i believe 55:29.260 --> 55:36.540 that this website was actually really just started about a month or so after charles rixie joined 55:36.540 --> 55:45.100 and a month or so after antonio i think joined francisco was very early in coronavirus movie was 55:45.100 --> 55:54.060 very early in kevin mck h was very early in um kevin mck h is a really interesting fella that i 55:54.060 --> 56:01.580 you know i could talk about but then i'd probably get killed on the origins of covid-19 but these 56:01.660 --> 56:06.460 researchers are not the only contributors of drastic many of its members prefer to operate 56:06.460 --> 56:13.100 anonymously some of the drastic team members like india based scientists so prefer to operate 56:13.100 --> 56:17.340 anonymously was one of the reasons why i didn't like working with them and i was certainly very 56:17.340 --> 56:20.620 upset when they kind of basically asked me to leave because i wanted to talk about the 56:20.620 --> 56:26.220 transfection but then i asked ever after asking me to leave they kept me in the group kind of 56:26.220 --> 56:32.300 sort of i'm still on their web page etc but when you click on that web page i could never get 56:32.300 --> 56:39.660 billy to put any links to my channels on there or to my twitter on there which is really strange 56:39.660 --> 56:44.780 right i guess my twitter probably was linked but i couldn't get him to link to my youtube or to my 56:44.780 --> 56:51.660 review or to to my twitch and at one point i was told that that's because the person that ran 56:51.740 --> 56:57.820 that website was actually in empt in tie land and they couldn't get in touch with them right now 56:57.820 --> 57:01.660 but as soon as we get in touch with them we'll put all your links up and they're not up 57:03.340 --> 57:09.020 so this is mona i think she's pretty good person at least in so far as what she's done she's pushed 57:09.020 --> 57:15.660 this you know idea that the coronavirus sequences like this were found in a bat cave and it was a 57:15.660 --> 57:20.940 cave that they've been interested ever since they found it ever since these three guys got sick 57:20.940 --> 57:27.260 and died apparently couple dr monali rahalkar and dr rahul bahulikar have been vocal about their 57:27.260 --> 57:33.500 findings in this article published on thirteenth june 2021 in an india based news magazine the week 57:33.500 --> 57:37.980 the scientists duo from pune described their discoveries that can help in clearing the haze 57:37.980 --> 57:43.020 around the origins of the virus they write that as a scientific couple they were intrigued by the 57:43.020 --> 57:48.940 virus and started an online expedition at the end of march 2020 the journey led them to discover 57:49.020 --> 57:53.100 the link between a copper mine in china at the nearest relative of sars kovitu 57:54.540 --> 58:00.380 i rahul my husband we started this uh investigation or searching for kovit 19 origins 58:00.380 --> 58:06.300 last year uh we came across several papers and the two of them actually said that the kovit 19 58:06.300 --> 58:10.620 was uh you know having a zoonotic origin these papers were published in lancet and nature 58:10.620 --> 58:14.860 medicine but we were not completely convinced by these papers reading some more papers we found 58:14.940 --> 58:18.380 that there was a very interesting one published uh from north carotina university 58:18.380 --> 58:23.100 which talked about chimeric karuna viruses so we thought that oh okay such things can also happen 58:23.100 --> 58:27.660 and this paper was written by vinik menachari or the first author and you will be very interested 58:27.660 --> 58:34.620 to know that uh she's angry the um bat woman or the uh center for uh uh emerging diseases head had 58:34.620 --> 58:39.820 also co-authored this paper the scientist couple further write about china's foremost coronavirus 58:40.140 --> 58:45.500 institute housing one of the world's largest elections of bat samples and bat virus trains 58:45.500 --> 58:50.140 the vuhan institute of virology and its lead researcher she zengli who was among the first 58:50.140 --> 58:55.340 to identify horseshoe bats as national reservoirs for sars kov the virus that sparked an outbreak 58:55.340 --> 59:00.940 in 2002 they refer to this article in us based magazine scientific american published on eleventh 59:00.940 --> 59:07.180 march 2020 carrying statements by she zengli referring to a 2012 incident the article reads 59:07.180 --> 59:11.660 she's team had been called in to investigate the virus profile of her mind shaft in unence 59:11.660 --> 59:16.460 mountain and smuji and county the six miners suffered from pneumonia like diseases and to 59:16.460 --> 59:21.980 died after sampling the cave for one year the researchers discovered a diverse group of coronaviruses 59:21.980 --> 59:27.260 in six bat species in many cases multiple viral strains had infected a single animal 59:27.260 --> 59:33.180 turning it into a flying factory for new viruses the article for this a flying factory defined 59:33.180 --> 59:43.580 by multiple positive PCR tests flying factory that's it nothing more multiple s proteins multiple 59:43.580 --> 59:49.340 and proteins meant a flying factory that's it that's all they could find PCR that's it said 59:49.340 --> 59:54.460 the genomic sequence of the virus eventually named sars kov 2 was 96 percent identical to 59:54.460 --> 59:59.820 that of a coronavirus the researchers had identified in horseshoe bats in uni and of course 96 percent 59:59.900 --> 01:00:06.940 identical means that the vast majority of identified t cell epitopes are identical to previous coronaviruses 01:00:07.740 --> 01:00:14.940 related to it from years ago that's significant because it kind of tells you how much coronavirus 01:00:14.940 --> 01:00:20.940 really changes and how much of the coronavirus genome is either stagnant or unknown or undescribed 01:00:20.940 --> 01:00:26.140 or assumed but you can't have it both ways 01:00:27.900 --> 01:00:33.260 significantly the article did not specify the name of the 2012 virus the indian scientific couple 01:00:33.260 --> 01:00:39.500 referred to another article published in nature on third february 2020 and co-authored by she zengli 01:00:39.500 --> 01:00:45.500 which mentions that rat g13 found a new non-probins was 96.2 percent similar and the closest relative 01:00:45.580 --> 01:00:50.940 of sars kov 2 but this is what she zengli did not disclose to readers of scientific american 01:00:50.940 --> 01:00:59.020 and nature she zengli the bad woman did not reveal that this rat g13 had an older name and this 01:00:59.020 --> 01:01:05.340 older name was uh bt kov 491 we found this in a pre-print by a doctor dean benston and it was 01:01:05.340 --> 01:01:11.900 available on the internet in april 2021 uh this was the second law which we uh found uh in scientific 01:01:12.460 --> 01:01:17.660 she zengli was also talking about this mojang mine shop which uh where there was an incident uh 01:01:17.660 --> 01:01:22.700 where uh two of the six miners had died in a pneumonia like illness but she had not revealed 01:01:22.700 --> 01:01:28.380 that uh she got the rat g13 from this mine not to confirm that this particular mine was the same 01:01:28.380 --> 01:01:34.060 we were searching for again and on uh there was a paper in the very famous journal science 01:01:34.060 --> 01:01:38.620 which confirmed that uh they had also written about this incident and this confirmed that 01:01:38.780 --> 01:01:44.540 this was the same mine the mine shop in mojang uh where three miners had died due to a pneumonia 01:01:44.540 --> 01:01:50.940 like illness and uh the mine was the same where rat g13 sample was picked up by she zengli 01:01:51.660 --> 01:01:56.140 coincidentally at least three other researchers reached the same conclusions independently 01:01:56.140 --> 01:01:57.100 around the same time 01:02:00.300 --> 01:02:05.420 us based scientist and entrepreneur hugi baron ockland based engineer and data scientist 01:02:05.420 --> 01:02:10.460 gels demenov and russian canadian biotype entrepreneur eury diggin all of whom were among 01:02:10.460 --> 01:02:16.380 the founding members of drastic later in this article public see later this is not right i 01:02:16.380 --> 01:02:25.820 think it's really weird um i feel like this is out of order but maybe i'm wrong so i'm not 01:02:25.820 --> 01:02:37.420 gonna commit to it yet but they definitely found the phd and master's thesis when drastic 01:02:37.420 --> 01:02:49.660 was already formed and i'm pretty sure they also figured out rat g13 when drastic was already 01:02:49.660 --> 01:02:52.860 formed so i feel like this narrative is wrong but i don't know 01:02:53.020 --> 01:02:58.220 in an american online publishing platform medium on 22nd april 2020 you reported out 01:02:58.220 --> 01:03:02.220 yes on 22nd april 2020 if that's his first one 01:03:03.980 --> 01:03:09.340 i don't think that though she knew about rat g13 she only disclosed it in january 2020 01:03:09.340 --> 01:03:15.260 when i wrote the medium article in april i was already kind of suspicious at whether the ritg 01:03:15.260 --> 01:03:20.060 sample was collected from the same spot as this four nine and one fragment they were both listed 01:03:20.060 --> 01:03:25.260 as coming from unan four nine one was uh more detailed coming from the small jiang mine and 01:03:25.260 --> 01:03:31.260 ritg 13 is actually was very broadly described as coming from the puer city autonomous region 01:03:31.260 --> 01:03:35.260 and so that raised suspicion because you know the genomic fragment match hundred percent 01:03:35.260 --> 01:03:38.860 and this was also noticed by my co-author rasana segretta independently even back in 01:03:38.860 --> 01:03:43.820 pink march and so we put kind of the two and two together and we realized that you know 01:03:43.820 --> 01:03:49.100 a hundred percent match for the fragment so independently two people in canada came to the 01:03:49.100 --> 01:03:57.740 conclusion that these two viruses were the same like really how would they have done that without 01:03:57.740 --> 01:04:01.580 already being in the same group together as the people who discovered that the mine was the same 01:04:01.580 --> 01:04:09.180 you see they're kind of portraying it as though mona figured it out separate from yuri figured it 01:04:09.260 --> 01:04:18.380 out separate from luigi but luigi is actually tweeting i believe knowing that yuri and mona 01:04:18.380 --> 01:04:26.460 are working on this like we're all working on it it's a really weird sort of rewrite of the story 01:04:26.460 --> 01:04:32.140 that so many different people figured it out together independently and then came together as 01:04:32.140 --> 01:04:38.060 drastic because that's not what happened it's weird and all of the details of collection being 01:04:38.060 --> 01:04:43.340 very similar most likely means that you know rpg 13 comes from it's basically the full g 01:04:43.340 --> 01:04:48.620 it fact it's starting to become very clear in my head why they would say this because then drastic 01:04:48.620 --> 01:04:57.740 doesn't mean anything then drastic wasn't this operation to set up a group of people to go out 01:04:57.740 --> 01:05:06.540 and scream lab leak but i know for a fact it was and it united a bunch of people with the same 01:05:06.620 --> 01:05:15.420 suspicions and then the fire was then thrown into that group in the form of phd theses and 01:05:15.420 --> 01:05:20.300 you know sequences and you know these kind of clues and oh yeah what do you think and whatever 01:05:21.820 --> 01:05:27.580 this is a rewrite what this is is trying to make it seem like all kinds of people around the world 01:05:27.580 --> 01:05:31.500 were figuring out the same thing at the same time and that's what brought them together 01:05:31.820 --> 01:05:40.620 when in reality a bunch of skeptics were brought into a group me being one of them 01:05:41.260 --> 01:05:47.180 Dan Saratkin the crazy man being one of them Yuri Degan being one of them Luigi Warren who 01:05:47.180 --> 01:05:55.980 knew all about the RNA being one of them and brought into a group that could then be used to create what 01:05:56.940 --> 01:06:04.540 the illusion of consensus and i think they actually thought that they could influence me not to talk 01:06:04.540 --> 01:06:09.100 about the transfection by making an illusion of consensus that these people all agreed that it 01:06:09.100 --> 01:06:16.380 was most important absolutely the most important thing to figure out was where did this virus come 01:06:16.380 --> 01:06:24.060 from so much so that i had a member of drastic come to my house in Pittsburgh to make sure that 01:06:24.060 --> 01:06:30.060 i understood that where this virus came from was the most important mystery to solve and that 01:06:30.060 --> 01:06:35.660 leaked documents could lead us right to the person we needed to unmask or the people we needed to put 01:06:35.660 --> 01:06:42.060 in jail somebody made the virus and that making of the virus allowed it to go around the world 01:06:42.060 --> 01:06:48.620 like magic and he thinks that he's on to the molecular clue that allowed the virus to go around 01:06:48.620 --> 01:06:59.980 the world like magic you know of the 491 fragment that was published in 2016 an enigmatic person 01:06:59.980 --> 01:07:04.700 from eastern India who calls himself seeker and prefers to stay anonymous helped both Monalia 01:07:04.700 --> 01:07:09.660 and Yuri connect the dots between Ratji one three i agree Catherine but i think Catherine at that 01:07:09.660 --> 01:07:17.180 time they really thought that i was in i was under their control i was under their control i was 01:07:17.260 --> 01:07:22.300 doing what they were encouraging me to do i was saying the things that they wanted me to say 01:07:23.820 --> 01:07:33.020 on my bike so yeah he did lead you to me and people were promoting me at that time and then 01:07:33.020 --> 01:07:40.140 suddenly not anymore around the time when i tried to get in touch with Alina Chan about her paper 01:07:40.140 --> 01:07:46.140 as things started to go south about the time i started talking about natural immunity being the 01:07:46.220 --> 01:07:51.900 only way out that that if the vaccine worked at all we would want to save it for the people who 01:07:51.900 --> 01:07:57.420 need it maybe but we certainly wouldn't want to give it to everybody because that doesn't really 01:07:57.420 --> 01:08:02.620 make biological sense but you know i didn't even know that there were papers and mechanisms to 01:08:02.620 --> 01:08:12.060 describe that yet i was just talking off my gut or ra 491 found in mochiang mine in chanas yunan 01:08:12.060 --> 01:08:18.460 and sas kowi too the seekers email said that actually he had found a master thesis published 01:08:18.460 --> 01:08:24.700 from china and he also sent us a link to the master thesis this thesis talked about the pneumonia 01:08:24.700 --> 01:08:30.140 cases which had happened to this particular minors in the mochiang my shop so it was a very 01:08:30.140 --> 01:08:35.020 detailed account of the illness what happened to the minors which had gone to clean up the mind 01:08:35.020 --> 01:08:41.020 now what happened to these people so these people started experiencing a fever cough and later on 01:08:41.020 --> 01:08:46.140 that cough turned into pneumonia china or chinese doctors could have thought that this could be 01:08:46.140 --> 01:08:53.100 related to sas and therefore they they consulted dr zong nanshan now dr zong nanshan is known as 01:08:53.100 --> 01:08:58.860 the sas doctor of china and he has also provided very important inputs in covid-19 so zong nanshan 01:08:58.860 --> 01:09:04.860 remotely consulted these cases and he described this particular patients pneumonia to be of the 01:09:04.860 --> 01:09:10.060 viral origin so the minors pneumonia resemble covid-19 in all different senses and in our paper we 01:09:10.140 --> 01:09:14.940 have purely compared that in contrast to that she's angry mentioned in her interview with 01:09:14.940 --> 01:09:20.700 scientific american that the minors have contracted a fungal disease and this was there were no 01:09:20.700 --> 01:09:26.620 reasons given by her and so this case becomes even more suspicious in this article in medium 01:09:26.620 --> 01:09:31.980 geeelstemonov points to conclusions in a master thesis under the guidance of sas expert dr zong 01:09:31.980 --> 01:09:36.860 nanshan dr zong was consulted by the kunming hospital after the second minor died and had 01:09:36.940 --> 01:09:42.060 got the two remaining patients and the two recovered ones to be tested again for sas antibodies 01:09:42.060 --> 01:09:47.020 the vohan institute of virology handled these tests which all turned out positive while the 01:09:47.020 --> 01:09:51.660 master thesis concludes that the unknown virus that led to cevia pneumonia could be the sas 01:09:51.660 --> 01:09:56.540 like coronavirus from the chinese rufus horseshoe bat or another bat's sas like coronavirus 01:09:57.100 --> 01:10:02.860 it also juxtaposes this conflicting opinion of she's angry geeelse writes that it's odd that 01:10:02.940 --> 01:10:08.620 a 2016 phd thesis under the guidance of gaufu china's cdc head concluded that the cause of the 01:10:08.620 --> 01:10:14.060 2012 outbreak was not yet clear totally ignoring the opinion and diagnosis of dr zong nanshan 01:10:14.060 --> 01:10:19.020 also ignoring the four sas antibodies test done at the vohan institute of virology that all turned 01:10:19.020 --> 01:10:24.780 out positive besides ignoring the fact that the wiv did indeed follow the lead of dr zong nanshan 01:10:24.780 --> 01:10:31.020 and went sampling bats in that very cave in 2030 when our drastic member the seeker found the 01:10:31.100 --> 01:10:35.340 thesis the master's thesis from the mojiang mine it essentially confirmed that yes the 01:10:35.340 --> 01:10:39.740 four nine one is the same as rpg 13 because it was collected after the miners got started like 01:10:39.740 --> 01:10:44.700 pneumonia and the wohan institute of virology was actually invited to investigate both the 01:10:44.700 --> 01:10:49.900 miners and then the cave later where they sampled several viruses from the bats so that confirmed 01:10:49.900 --> 01:10:54.780 our suspicions and eventually the wohan institute virology was you know forced to admit that yes 01:10:54.780 --> 01:11:00.220 this is the same virus same sample which for some reason they renamed from originally four nine one 01:11:00.300 --> 01:11:04.940 to rpg 13 and that was a very suspicious thing to do because they never mentioned in their paper 01:11:04.940 --> 01:11:10.140 how they came across rpg 13 in the 2020 paper they just you know very short sentence mentioning 01:11:10.140 --> 01:11:14.140 that oh we matched you know small fragment but they didn't say what kind of fragment it was 01:11:14.140 --> 01:11:21.020 and then they made a hint that they sequenced rpg 13 fully only after they noticed the fragment 01:11:21.020 --> 01:11:26.140 which is very odd because also we discovered later that they sequenced rpg 13 and 2018 01:11:26.140 --> 01:11:30.460 basically when they uploaded the sequencing data to jin bank we noticed that it said 01:11:30.460 --> 01:11:35.660 year of sequencing 2017 and 2018 one of our drastic members Francisco diocese noticed this 01:11:35.660 --> 01:11:40.060 and then also we confronted the wohan institute were all jasking when exactly the sequenced rpg 13 01:11:40.060 --> 01:11:44.380 genome and they were forced to again admit that they actually sequenced it much earlier they sequenced 01:11:44.380 --> 01:11:50.860 it in 2018 some plastic people were able to actually show that effectively rpg 13 was nothing else 01:11:50.860 --> 01:11:54.540 that another virus was the same virus under a different name which was four nine nine one 01:11:54.540 --> 01:11:58.140 and that's four nine nine one was the name of the virus in the description of the accident 01:11:59.180 --> 01:12:03.180 of the miners in moshank so when drastic people found the story of the moshank mine 01:12:03.180 --> 01:12:07.420 they found it by four nine nine one and it took a lot of time to actually be able to say well 01:12:07.420 --> 01:12:12.220 actually four nine nine one from the moshank mine is the rpg 13 that she generally is talking about 01:12:12.220 --> 01:12:16.140 so people are suspecting that the change of name may be a way to try to actually 01:12:17.180 --> 01:12:20.860 hide the link to the mine it's not very clear but some people find it quite suspect 01:12:21.420 --> 01:12:26.060 the scientific couple from Pune and Yuri Dagan then independently drew an important link 01:12:26.060 --> 01:12:30.860 between batwoman she's angry his controversial research work in the wohan institute of biology 01:12:30.860 --> 01:12:35.660 and a possible lab origin of sars kovita no sorry it's two years ago 01:12:36.300 --> 01:12:42.700 has denied the fact that they had a sars coronavirus to before the pandemic it is an 01:12:42.700 --> 01:12:47.580 intriguing fact that they had this rpg 13 from the beginning now they were doing various 01:12:47.580 --> 01:12:54.220 experiments which created primary virus is rachi 13 is 96.2 percent related to sars kovita 01:12:54.220 --> 01:12:59.660 so there is a possibility that this particular virus rachi 13 was either not what i wanted 01:12:59.660 --> 01:13:04.380 or a synthetic model my main my main reason for showing this video was because i wanted to show 01:13:04.380 --> 01:13:08.300 you what you can do here to find out how bad it is 01:13:08.700 --> 01:13:14.060 so i am looking at the wrong search here 01:13:17.020 --> 01:13:23.340 hey everybody how's it going i hope that gosh i love him um hey let's see i want to do a dark 01:13:23.980 --> 01:13:27.980 course Yuri 01:13:37.820 --> 01:13:49.580 would you be surprised to know would you be surprised to know that in in 2020 Yuri Dagan 01:13:50.140 --> 01:13:52.220 a member of drastic 01:13:55.100 --> 01:14:01.980 was on the dark horse podcast in june 2020 june of 2020 01:14:03.420 --> 01:14:06.060 before i even knew who the hell bread wine steam was 01:14:13.100 --> 01:14:18.620 hey folks welcome to the dark horse podcast i have with me Yuri Dagan 01:14:18.620 --> 01:14:26.540 who is in moscow he is a tech entrepreneur and longevity researcher who has recently 01:14:26.540 --> 01:14:34.300 come to my attention as someone who has done extensive work looking into the origins of the 01:14:34.300 --> 01:14:41.420 sars kovita pandemic and i was very impressed when i read his paper on medium i talked about it 01:14:41.420 --> 01:14:47.660 previously on the podcast with heather and so many of you have seen his work what you may or may not 01:14:47.660 --> 01:14:53.740 know is that especially this week that work has shown up in a number of mainstream publications 01:14:53.740 --> 01:15:02.140 as a a strong bit of research pointing in the direction of at least not shutting down the 01:15:02.140 --> 01:15:10.060 laboratory origin hypothesis for the virus well what's even worse is if you do this and you realize 01:15:10.060 --> 01:15:19.660 that bread wine steam is actually most likely an orchestrated phenomenon 01:15:24.620 --> 01:15:29.740 let's just take a look at this really quick to make you aware that this is out there and then 01:15:29.740 --> 01:15:36.780 you can do your own research you can watch your own videos i'll put this in here in the chatty chat 01:15:36.780 --> 01:15:42.700 as well let's just check this one out 01:15:47.660 --> 01:15:51.660 that's the that is the end of the liberal arts college that is the end of liberal arts college 01:15:51.660 --> 01:15:53.660 right there all right uh so 01:15:59.900 --> 01:16:04.220 i hope you're ready oh wow that the man at the center of the controversy 01:16:04.940 --> 01:16:11.660 she said milk coffee please yes milk cream testing testing 01:16:13.900 --> 01:16:20.140 look at his face well if you can really yeah how about that the man at the center of the controversy 01:16:21.900 --> 01:16:23.340 she said milk right now yes 01:16:34.220 --> 01:16:48.700 go hey hey oh oh he says he's not going to go hey hey oh oh he's going to want to hear a goddamn thing 01:16:48.700 --> 01:16:53.980 you have to say you can't tell my mother you shut the fuck up he's the white bass father they never 01:16:53.980 --> 01:16:59.100 didn't even be holding him and him and all these people accountable we don't really do it all please 01:16:59.980 --> 01:17:07.740 i want to thank the council for the incredible plan you have put together please let's all give 01:17:07.740 --> 01:17:15.020 him a round of applause 01:17:21.260 --> 01:17:25.500 so is there a beginning to the story and all kind of sort of 01:17:26.460 --> 01:17:31.820 um the beginning of the story is that evergreen 01:17:33.100 --> 01:17:39.260 was the most experimental of experimental i'm going to interrupt him for just one second 01:17:39.260 --> 01:17:43.420 i'm going to go back to the guy who asked this question right here the dude can you see my arrow 01:17:43.420 --> 01:17:48.540 that guy right there that guy is a group a part of a group of three 01:17:49.100 --> 01:17:59.020 the college professors who have been submitting gender studies papers that were fake 01:18:00.060 --> 01:18:06.300 and getting them accepted into big journals to prove that gender studies was a disaster 01:18:08.220 --> 01:18:15.820 and what you see here is him and his two colleagues who are involved in this 01:18:15.820 --> 01:18:22.300 gender studies debunking exercise two of which are putting their faculty positions on the line to 01:18:22.300 --> 01:18:31.100 do it telling Brett Weinstein story and putting Brett Weinstein in front of them as a as a figure 01:18:31.100 --> 01:18:42.060 head or a leader even though they've been busy trying to break this weird fake university whole 01:18:42.060 --> 01:18:47.980 entire departments that are fake trying to break that mythology for a while 01:18:49.580 --> 01:18:53.500 now we put Brett in front of all of them and all of their work even though in this 01:18:53.500 --> 01:18:57.980 documentary they will talk about the work that these other people have done Brett is the star 01:18:58.540 --> 01:19:05.020 and that's questionable to the point of why are you'll see later why are there so many good 01:19:05.020 --> 01:19:09.260 recordings the ones we have seen so far weren't that good but they'll get better 01:19:10.060 --> 01:19:17.580 is there a beginning to the story and all kind of sort of um the beginning of the story 01:19:18.860 --> 01:19:26.540 is that evergreen was the most experimental of experimental how do i describe this place 01:19:27.180 --> 01:19:31.420 i find evergreen is i was told that it's a place where a lot of people use drugs 01:19:32.220 --> 01:19:36.860 i can be comfortable for who i am like psychedelic drugs he's very outdoorsy so it gives you that 01:19:37.420 --> 01:19:44.220 ah fresh filling you know i like that an evergreen student is looking for something that 01:19:44.220 --> 01:19:50.300 isn't as common in the educational structure in america they are searching for more independence 01:19:51.260 --> 01:19:53.420 for cadence in life 01:19:55.580 --> 01:20:01.020 it was a place that survived long after the era of the founding of experimental colleges was over 01:20:01.980 --> 01:20:05.900 the core elements of it were a couple things one was 01:20:07.020 --> 01:20:15.180 the literal total freedom of faculty to teach what they want in whatever manner they want 01:20:15.180 --> 01:20:20.780 so long the students showed up to the classes um it was founded by washington state governor 01:20:20.780 --> 01:20:26.380 daniel evins the best friend of bill gates senior in case you're unaware um it's an interesting 01:20:26.460 --> 01:20:30.860 college with an interesting history 16 credits a quarter sometimes 48 quarters 01:20:30.860 --> 01:20:34.940 an entire year so you'd be with one group of students 25 if you're teaching alone 50 if you're 01:20:34.940 --> 01:20:40.540 teaching someone else for 16 hours a week on field trips 24 seven the entire year you're 01:20:40.540 --> 01:20:45.900 just developing community it was actually an extraordinary place to be and to learn 01:20:46.700 --> 01:20:51.740 about the brains of other human beings and also to develop theory which is part of what we were 01:20:51.740 --> 01:20:56.140 doing there so we didn't want anything to start to go around actual theory about what to go 01:20:56.140 --> 01:21:01.420 awry but we don't exactly know i thought they taught evolution a new president george bridges 01:21:01.420 --> 01:21:08.540 was hired hey welcome we are going to have a great year ahead at first he hired a friend of his to 01:21:08.540 --> 01:21:15.740 interview a great many students faculty alumni staff in order to get the lay of the land and 01:21:16.380 --> 01:21:24.220 evergreen being as far left to college as exists in the country was chronically suspicious the 01:21:24.220 --> 01:21:30.780 faculty were of administrators right anything administration wanted to do the faculty would 01:21:30.780 --> 01:21:37.100 if anything they were biased in favor of discussing it more than necessary and not letting anything 01:21:37.100 --> 01:21:42.540 pass because um basically it was labor versus management and everybody's mind the job this 01:21:42.540 --> 01:21:48.140 president who was clearly out to do something had in front of him was how am i getting 01:21:48.140 --> 01:21:55.260 how am i going to convince this very left with faculty to not only look the other way while i 01:21:55.260 --> 01:22:01.740 make radical changes to the college but actually embrace my bloat of administration and my tearing 01:22:01.740 --> 01:22:07.740 down of the evergreen model how can i do that i can do it by embracing equity we have three major 01:22:07.740 --> 01:22:12.140 goals for today's forum the first is to continue to learn about the perceptions and 01:22:12.140 --> 01:22:18.300 experiences of our students faculty and staff of color the second is to create and establish a 01:22:18.300 --> 01:22:22.620 series of i don't think she broke her neck with that one and the third is to inspire every member 01:22:22.620 --> 01:22:27.420 of the evergreen community as we move ahead to advance diversity here on our campus 01:22:29.820 --> 01:22:34.780 i'd like to read a list of core tenets developed by a group of anti-racist educators who was 01:22:34.780 --> 01:22:40.220 who were on a panel at the race and pedagogy conference in Tacoma last year here are the 01:22:40.220 --> 01:22:49.260 tenants racism exists today in both traditional and modern forms racism is an institutionalized 01:22:49.260 --> 01:22:55.100 multi-layered multi-level system that distributes unequal power and resources between white people 01:22:55.100 --> 01:23:01.900 and people of color as socially identified and disproportionately benefits whites all members 01:23:01.900 --> 01:23:07.100 of society are so socialized to participate in the system of racism albeit within varied 01:23:07.100 --> 01:23:14.780 social locations all white people benefit from racism regardless of intentions no one chose to 01:23:14.780 --> 01:23:21.580 be socialized into racism so no one is quote unquote bad but no one is neutral to not act against 01:23:21.580 --> 01:23:29.580 racism is to support racism racism must be continually identified analyzed and challenged no one is ever 01:23:29.580 --> 01:23:37.100 done the question is not did racism take place but rather how did racism manifest in that situation 01:23:38.780 --> 01:23:43.580 the racial status quo is comfortable for most whites therefore anything that maintains white 01:23:43.580 --> 01:23:50.860 comfort is suspect the racially oppressed have a more intimate insight via experiential knowledge 01:23:50.860 --> 01:23:55.660 of the system of race and then their racial oppressors however white professors will be seen 01:23:55.660 --> 01:24:02.700 as having more legitimacy thus positionality must be intentionally engaged resistance is a 01:24:02.700 --> 01:24:08.540 predictable reaction to anti-racist education and must be explicitly and strategically addressed 01:24:08.540 --> 01:24:16.380 wow good how many pages there are i believe these core tenants can be a guide for our work moving 01:24:16.380 --> 01:24:22.220 they are core ten actions to educate our health not tenants ten and our students ten tenants 01:24:22.220 --> 01:24:29.020 we galvanize white privilege in the form of curriculum exulting tenants yeah tenants not 01:24:29.020 --> 01:24:40.220 tenants literature theory and scientific thinking or so we don't examine how those canons are made 01:24:42.060 --> 01:24:47.100 i believe we are capable of unlearning the habits of mind that perpetuate white privilege 01:24:47.420 --> 01:24:54.700 what i am uncertain of is our collective will to examine those habits 01:24:56.540 --> 01:25:03.020 this i believe i believe evergreen can create a more vibrant community this i believe 01:25:03.020 --> 01:25:10.300 i racist activists this i believe he said is that any different than saying this i believe is 01:25:10.940 --> 01:25:18.940 like bret does that vaccines are the greatest invention of mankind in medicine this i believe 01:25:20.620 --> 01:25:25.180 it's in a university but look what we're seeing here look at the production of this 01:25:26.860 --> 01:25:33.180 this is a documentary that is not meant to show these people in a bad light it's giving them 01:25:33.980 --> 01:25:38.220 an opportunity to say exactly what they wanted to say with a great recording 01:25:40.460 --> 01:25:42.700 in both of my ears with no noise 01:25:44.540 --> 01:25:49.020 breath's not explaining it one of these other people isn't explaining it so that we 01:25:49.020 --> 01:25:54.700 understand explicitly how dumb it is from the moment we say it but instead we're allowing them 01:25:54.700 --> 01:25:58.140 to say it at their own pace and their own cadence 01:25:59.020 --> 01:26:08.300 so don't see this movie as a expose on what they did to Brett Weinstein see it as a message 01:26:09.740 --> 01:26:14.940 and Brett Weinstein is the messenger and the message the part of the message is being 01:26:14.940 --> 01:26:20.700 co-opted is the message of the people that actually made this movie that thought that they were 01:26:20.700 --> 01:26:27.980 going to elevate their own cause a fight against gender studies and that kind of nonsense academia 01:26:29.100 --> 01:26:34.700 they were going to elevate their own cause by elevating the cause of Brett Weinstein when instead 01:26:34.700 --> 01:26:42.460 what happened was basically their entire movement was co-opted on our staff and faculty and among 01:26:42.460 --> 01:26:49.580 our students if we break our 45 year pattern of occasionally turning toward these issues 01:26:50.140 --> 01:26:57.340 briefly with deep but short run commitment that fades yes a boat anchor exactly it's like a boat 01:26:57.340 --> 01:27:02.780 a words of action disappearing into the background as we return to business as usual 01:27:04.300 --> 01:27:07.820 breaking this cycle will take sustained and stubborn 01:27:07.820 --> 01:27:13.820 going a little short color critical and audacious goal of eliminating racism and violence in our 01:27:13.820 --> 01:27:21.660 world i believe we're all privileged to engage in that work in a learning community that wants 01:27:21.660 --> 01:27:29.420 to be better and i believe we have the will to do so thank you for coming today an imaginary 01:27:29.420 --> 01:27:37.020 community i don't know if i saw an imaginary there was a faculty meeting with an unusual 01:27:37.740 --> 01:27:50.060 agenda the agenda involved the faculty voting to require our union to insert into our contract 01:27:50.060 --> 01:27:57.500 a provision in which every faculty member would reflect on their own growth relative to their 01:27:57.500 --> 01:28:05.340 personal racism each and every year in their self evaluation there is something preposterous 01:28:05.340 --> 01:28:10.300 about this idea these other these other we all have this internal racism these other two people 01:28:10.300 --> 01:28:15.020 have been asked to personally reflect on our own internal racism every year i still would have 01:28:15.180 --> 01:28:20.140 been troubled by the fact of the assumption that it was present but nonetheless it would 01:28:20.140 --> 01:28:25.180 not have posed the danger in the institutional context of here could you write to us about your 01:28:25.180 --> 01:28:33.180 own racism every year in your self evaluation which then becomes fodder for promotion for firing for 01:28:33.180 --> 01:28:40.860 all sorts of proceedings and so at the point that this faculty meeting occurred i went to it and 01:28:41.020 --> 01:28:50.940 um i stood up and i said i said i've never been afraid to stand before this faculty before but 01:28:50.940 --> 01:28:58.940 i have real trepidation about what i'm about to say i then said look i believe my record is strong 01:28:58.940 --> 01:29:05.660 enough that i can afford the accusation that i expect to come back but this is a terrible idea 01:29:05.740 --> 01:29:12.780 for us we must not vote for this proposal and then we held the vote i think it was 70 to 2 01:29:13.260 --> 01:29:19.020 an anonymous vote no not anonymous i think it would have been very different if it had been 01:29:19.020 --> 01:29:26.940 anonymous because i was leaving the room within 15 minutes i had three conversations where other 01:29:26.940 --> 01:29:35.180 faculty members told me these are tenured faculty members only one of whom was a straight white guy 01:29:35.180 --> 01:29:40.860 told me they agreed with me but could not vote their conscience in that room i totally see that 01:29:40.860 --> 01:29:46.300 and i thought this is insane these are tenured faculty members there's actually nothing that 01:29:46.300 --> 01:29:52.380 can happen to them here and they're safe why can't they vote their conscience my goal one of my 01:29:52.380 --> 01:30:01.100 goals is to have diversity equity race be a part of everything it's not what you do at 10 o'clock 01:30:01.100 --> 01:30:07.980 on the agenda and then you move on to something else so my question we started talking about 01:30:07.980 --> 01:30:16.780 attention that i feel a lot as someone is trying to work on these issues there is white fragility 01:30:16.780 --> 01:30:24.140 people do and i'm thinking of faculty choose not to or choose to engage in this they make 01:30:24.140 --> 01:30:35.340 that choice how do i acknowledge the horror of racism and know that if i speak at that level 01:30:36.140 --> 01:30:42.620 people will leave or not engage the way that you keep them in is the is the you know i'm so 01:30:42.620 --> 01:30:46.940 glad you brought that up i've heard that before can you tell me more here's how you know so that 01:30:46.940 --> 01:30:51.980 kind of welcoming you them to bring it to you so that you can kind of look at it sometimes just a 01:30:52.060 --> 01:30:57.020 question can be really powerful i find it very ironic that she has an amulet on her chest that 01:30:57.020 --> 01:31:04.780 is empty i think it's a symbol for the emptiness that she represents and the emptiness of this 01:31:04.780 --> 01:31:11.580 idea or yeah i used to i used to see that that way too and then somebody shared this and i you know 01:31:11.580 --> 01:31:19.260 so you're just kind of diplomatically but the um the non-cuddling is that you're not letting it 01:31:19.260 --> 01:31:25.580 stop you right and that that's the call you're not giving up or going away you're just trying 01:31:25.580 --> 01:31:30.460 to figure out how to how to diplomatically keep them in and keeping them in is an interruption 01:31:30.460 --> 01:31:36.300 to what they really want to have happen the line about not being able to fire somebody over what 01:31:36.300 --> 01:31:44.060 they believe struck me as really poignant um and for this institution relevant and so far as we have 01:31:44.060 --> 01:31:51.980 this libertarian ethos where faculty autonomy is really privileged i can't make you agree or 01:31:51.980 --> 01:31:58.620 disagree i hate to even use that language of a career disagree but nonetheless um but when you're 01:31:58.620 --> 01:32:05.900 here you are required by your job to create an atmosphere in which all children can learn that 01:32:05.900 --> 01:32:12.140 idea that this is trying to control people's thinking no but um not addressing these kinds of 01:32:12.140 --> 01:32:17.660 attitudes does affect people's abilities to learn that is part of your job it's it's a theoretical 01:32:17.660 --> 01:32:24.300 framework just like any other theoretical framework but that's the one that where this this 01:32:24.300 --> 01:32:29.020 institution stands behind and that you're going to have to grapple with right so i mean that might 01:32:29.020 --> 01:32:32.460 be a great note to end on right so thank you so much 01:32:32.460 --> 01:32:41.020 at some point i confront she's awesome she's awesome and i've said you're remaking the college 01:32:41.020 --> 01:32:44.220 you haven't left enough time in faculty meetings you're burning up all the time in 01:32:44.220 --> 01:32:49.740 faculty meetings on these announcements you have to let us discuss these things and so he arranged 01:32:50.620 --> 01:32:55.820 something like six meetings that were supposed to solve this problem where 20 people at a time 01:32:55.820 --> 01:33:00.380 could sign up to have a discussion with the president so the email list was the only place 01:33:00.460 --> 01:33:05.180 left at which we could access every other member of the faculty and have a discussion 01:33:05.180 --> 01:33:11.900 which is why i repeatedly went to the email list and said look we've got a problem we've got 01:33:11.900 --> 01:33:17.260 authoritarianism taking over the college this intersectional stuff is dangerous and being deployed 01:33:17.260 --> 01:33:25.660 in a way that's a hazard to the core values of the institution and one of the other things that 01:33:25.660 --> 01:33:32.300 you said i believe uh was we keep on hearing that we are at an incredibly racist institution 01:33:32.300 --> 01:33:41.100 and we have yet to hear any credible evidence for racism here on campus we have a problem with 01:33:41.100 --> 01:33:48.460 racism here on campus and we have a problem with other folks not being treated the way that they 01:33:48.460 --> 01:33:52.700 should be treated and this isn't going to continue on my watch 01:33:57.980 --> 01:34:01.100 the field is the same or asking for a period of inertia there is a canoe 01:34:02.060 --> 01:34:06.700 whether ever being stayed college we do diversity well you go get the nation in diversity 01:34:08.220 --> 01:34:10.460 but one thing we're not leading the nation in is equity 01:34:10.460 --> 01:34:20.300 and what that means is that some of y'all sit in these seats and some of y'all sit in these seats 01:34:21.820 --> 01:34:25.420 i've had experiences but it ain't been right 01:34:29.020 --> 01:34:30.220 the cost is too high 01:34:32.620 --> 01:34:37.500 and the implications are too much it's hilarious because who the hell is this 01:34:38.380 --> 01:34:43.980 what life experience does he have that trumps the life experience of all the other people in the room 01:34:45.180 --> 01:34:51.580 i'm sure he's not a holocaust survivor i mean who the hell is this guy he's got a pretty god damn 01:34:51.580 --> 01:34:54.540 nice suit for being the victim of systemic racism 01:34:58.860 --> 01:35:04.780 and at some point in time if this campus is going to stand up for what it espouses to be 01:35:05.580 --> 01:35:12.460 needs to say enough is enough i established in charge trying this equity council this 01:35:12.460 --> 01:35:18.220 incredible equity council with developing a plan for institutional change how do we have this 01:35:18.220 --> 01:35:23.900 footage did they really film it like this did they really film it with such high def i don't know 01:35:23.900 --> 01:35:29.660 very many institutions that film with this high def you might have a camera in the back on a tripod 01:35:29.660 --> 01:35:37.980 but you see what i'm saying here ladies and gentlemen systemic change that would enable 01:35:37.980 --> 01:35:42.060 evergreen to acknowledge and address the equity gaps that are pervasive on our campus 01:35:43.260 --> 01:35:49.740 and i want to thank with immense gratitude is that two different camera angles for the work 01:35:49.740 --> 01:35:57.260 you've invested the heartbreaking effort you have gone through and for the incredible plan 01:35:57.260 --> 01:36:00.620 you have put together please let's all give them the right 01:36:04.620 --> 01:36:11.980 so what they changed to another camera there's another camera there's another there's two cameras 01:36:11.980 --> 01:36:19.260 on it it was not a forum it was a celebration of the equity plan which had supposedly been 01:36:19.260 --> 01:36:23.660 distributed to the faculty but wasn't actually not available to them until i emailed the faculty 01:36:23.740 --> 01:36:28.940 with this document you know irony of ironies i'm the one sending out this plan and saying actually 01:36:28.940 --> 01:36:37.500 y'all should read this um so the meeting occurs it is a celebration at the celebration architects 01:36:37.500 --> 01:36:45.900 of the plan essentially say this plan is going to happen because it is no longer acceptable 01:36:45.900 --> 01:36:48.860 that our mission and vision only applies to a few 01:36:51.740 --> 01:36:57.260 so as we think about this plan we should be thinking about how are we unscrewing 01:36:57.260 --> 01:37:03.980 the screws and it will take many hands to do this to unscrew the structure of institutional racism 01:37:05.500 --> 01:37:11.420 we have a beginning to do this and our hope is that we are inviting you and what it is is this 01:37:11.420 --> 01:37:17.660 really it's a bizarre inversion very oh i got to get my microphone i hear the rain 01:37:20.860 --> 01:37:27.340 shit sorry about that i'm coming right back 01:37:42.300 --> 01:37:49.580 it's a severe inversion from and it's very similar to the inversion of the protocols 01:37:49.580 --> 01:37:54.940 versus the virus and i think that they've done this with a lot of things in american culture 01:37:54.940 --> 01:38:01.500 but the very gist of it is that what you're looking at is a person who hears the whole 01:38:02.620 --> 01:38:09.740 of of her experience in life and what the tv and social media has done is convinced her 01:38:09.820 --> 01:38:20.380 that almost this entire thing is stained exclusively by systemic racism everything contained within 01:38:20.380 --> 01:38:29.500 the experience of her life has been tainted by systemic racism tainted in a way that her own 01:38:29.500 --> 01:38:36.780 input to her destiny could never overcome tainted in a way that her own actions can never overcome 01:38:37.660 --> 01:38:41.260 tainted in a way that her choices had no effect on 01:38:43.740 --> 01:38:49.420 just like people have been led to believe that if this is the total number of people that died 01:38:49.420 --> 01:38:53.340 in the last three years the vast majority of them have been killed by covid 01:38:57.340 --> 01:39:03.420 it's the exact same illusion that they have gotten you to ask the wrong question how do we fix this 01:39:03.420 --> 01:39:10.700 systemic racism that's held me and my people back if you're asking that question then you're 01:39:10.700 --> 01:39:15.180 not asking how you can improve yourself and improve your family and improve your day 01:39:15.180 --> 01:39:22.780 and improve your habits improve your schools and improve your communities you're asking how to fix 01:39:23.420 --> 01:39:30.860 systemic racism which means you're never going to fix a lot of things in the community that need 01:39:30.940 --> 01:39:38.140 fixing because you're focused on a non-problem a problem that actually has a lot more to do with 01:39:38.140 --> 01:39:47.740 individual choices individual prejudices and individual experiences systemic racism is an illusion 01:39:48.860 --> 01:39:55.500 it may be a factor just like wind is a factor when you drive your car down the road but you know 01:39:55.500 --> 01:40:01.500 unless the wind's blowing really hard generally speaking wind doesn't affect automobiles 01:40:02.620 --> 01:40:10.060 and unless you're really weak I mean really weak sticks and stones may break my bones but 01:40:10.060 --> 01:40:15.020 names will never hurt me it's gonna have to be some really loud yelling 01:40:18.060 --> 01:40:21.900 and that's what i'm talking about here we need to stop this we need to 01:40:22.300 --> 01:40:28.540 they're misleading our children with this mythology about systemic racism being more 01:40:28.540 --> 01:40:34.220 important than what they do with their own lives the choices that they make the words that they 01:40:34.220 --> 01:40:37.100 say the promises that they make and the promises that they keep 01:40:41.260 --> 01:40:47.740 rather than teaching them the stoic stoic idea of thinking about how well you did your day and 01:40:47.740 --> 01:40:51.660 making it better tomorrow let's think about how the system holds me back 01:40:57.740 --> 01:41:02.140 instead of thinking about driving a car better i'm going to think about all the ways that the 01:41:02.140 --> 01:41:13.020 wind is getting in my way you to come along we're going to do it don't get it twisted 01:41:13.660 --> 01:41:20.460 but we would like for you to join us on this road on this journey 01:41:23.180 --> 01:41:28.700 so we invite you we want more conversation and we know there's much more work to be done 01:41:28.700 --> 01:41:36.300 we invite that conversation but if you want to be an obstructionist to work on your own 01:41:36.860 --> 01:41:39.100 she's crying 01:41:43.420 --> 01:41:48.220 so the charge for them was to do something relatively small from the present and they 01:41:48.220 --> 01:41:53.020 go into how we're going to start hiring in the future and how you know just they they go 01:41:53.020 --> 01:42:02.140 way beyond what it is mission and just mission leap how about yeah um and some of the things 01:42:02.220 --> 01:42:07.820 that they argue some of the things that this plan which we know that no one has seen because 01:42:07.820 --> 01:42:11.580 it literally has not been made available even though the claim was that it was available 01:42:12.620 --> 01:42:21.020 are things like from now on not just individuals hired to positions need to have an equity 01:42:21.020 --> 01:42:26.060 justification but every single position itself needs to have an equity justification 01:42:26.540 --> 01:42:31.820 wow which means wow how do you hire a chemist does chemistry have an equity justification 01:42:32.780 --> 01:42:37.340 how do you hire an artist who doesn't happen to be engaged in in social justice issues 01:42:37.340 --> 01:42:43.340 that's the end of the liberal arts college so is it more important to fight the equity movement 01:42:43.340 --> 01:42:49.740 at evergreen state or would it be more important to feature the fact that these other three people 01:42:49.740 --> 01:42:55.660 who they're barely showing on the camera have been writing ridiculously false papers in the 01:42:55.660 --> 01:43:03.900 social sciences including gender studies and getting them published potentially cracking the 01:43:03.900 --> 01:43:13.020 narrative of gender studies and breaking this this hold that they have on academia which is the 01:43:14.300 --> 01:43:18.300 the intellectual bedrock upon which this transgender movement in 01:43:18.460 --> 01:43:28.460 in our society is based i find this highly disturbing that these people who are doing 01:43:28.460 --> 01:43:35.500 such a courageous thing are making a movie about the wine steams and the equity issues 01:43:35.500 --> 01:43:42.940 at evergreen instead of the wine steams calling attention to their attack on an entire academic 01:43:43.020 --> 01:43:51.420 field or fields and how that would clean up universities around the world certainly around 01:43:51.420 --> 01:43:59.100 the united states as opposed to worrying about a bunch of lame-os in in a conch in a college 01:43:59.100 --> 01:44:04.460 that's in the middle of nowhere and isn't sending their graduates anywhere of consequence so who 01:44:04.460 --> 01:44:12.060 cares why not feature the wonderful work of these other three people who keeps barely getting in 01:44:12.060 --> 01:44:19.180 the shot who have written academic papers that are fake which have shown the gender studies as 01:44:19.180 --> 01:44:26.300 a field is fake seems like a lot bigger football the spike is the end of liberal arts college right 01:44:26.300 --> 01:44:31.660 there right so that is that is one of many things in this document you know i i have i have i have 01:44:31.660 --> 01:44:35.900 my we printed it out and i have my hand scrawled like every single page like what are they doing 01:44:35.900 --> 01:44:41.420 oh my god so we're gonna do something for you today that we did as a group in in august 01:44:42.220 --> 01:44:47.100 and we're going to ask for key stakeholders that are on this campus 01:44:49.180 --> 01:44:57.500 to get on board our journey to equity so what i'm going to do first is ask this is the council 01:44:57.500 --> 01:45:01.820 our council is large expansive and we're going and we're going to get on a canoe 01:45:03.260 --> 01:45:08.620 okay and we're going to get on a canoe what is with the super giant necklace like what's that 01:45:08.940 --> 01:45:15.740 is that a is that a cultural thing i don't know the culture that uses big giant plastic black 01:45:15.740 --> 01:45:25.180 makelases it's gonna sometimes have fierce weights unbearable headwinds and sometimes 01:45:25.820 --> 01:45:31.740 intentional or unintentional extra rocking of the boat because we're not on the same page or on the 01:45:31.740 --> 01:45:39.900 same heartbeat the canoe was a metaphor for the journey to this magical land of what they were 01:45:39.900 --> 01:45:45.580 calling equity and so the idea i mean the whole thing is almost too preposterous to believe but 01:45:45.580 --> 01:45:53.260 with uh distinctly non hospitable to canoe the lady back here this lady is brilliant 01:45:53.820 --> 01:46:00.620 she's hilarious she's sharp as a knife and we should make movies about her i think i think 01:46:00.700 --> 01:46:05.340 Lindsay's really cool i think this guy over here peat is also really cool and really smart 01:46:06.620 --> 01:46:13.340 and i don't really know but it just is very suspicious to me that their work is being overshadowed 01:46:13.340 --> 01:46:18.860 by Brett's work in this documentary we're calling equity and so the idea i mean the whole thing is 01:46:18.860 --> 01:46:26.780 almost too preposterous to believe but with uh distinctly non hospitable to canoe shots of a rocky 01:46:26.780 --> 01:46:33.180 coastline on which waves are breaking heavily and the sound of those waves breaking so if we 01:46:33.180 --> 01:46:41.420 can bring this canoe forward so we can make sure it's a straight canoe if we need to have our canoe 01:46:41.980 --> 01:46:45.340 john let me know if this is not okay can there be can it be three wide 01:46:46.700 --> 01:46:51.660 two wide okay so we got to make this happen i mean the whole thing didn't hang together uh visually 01:46:51.660 --> 01:46:56.300 auditorily conceptually mathematically really the canoe was not well thought out 01:46:56.300 --> 01:46:58.860 that's really it seems good it's we're sending the college down the river 01:46:59.660 --> 01:47:04.780 well i mean you know i did and i must say this is very uncomfortable for me because i think if 01:47:04.780 --> 01:47:09.500 there are two populations that really have an extremely strong claim in the u.s. to 01:47:10.940 --> 01:47:17.740 consistent structural oppression it's indians and africans people of african origin 01:47:18.060 --> 01:47:22.940 yeah especially with love to come on board with the idea of you know a canoe journey to 01:47:22.940 --> 01:47:28.460 somewhere but this looked like they had cloaked a freight train in the imagery of a canoe oh hold 01:47:28.460 --> 01:47:37.340 on one second um the senior administrators um you have to ask for permission and commit 01:47:38.300 --> 01:47:43.020 some things before boarding the canoe so can we step back out 01:47:43.340 --> 01:47:50.060 so uh i would like to board the crew because i'm committed to enhancing and furthering 01:47:51.660 --> 01:47:55.100 inclusion and equity campus community all school students and staff 01:47:55.660 --> 01:47:58.540 faculty and to do that with compassion and kindness 01:48:00.700 --> 01:48:07.980 um personally i am committed to making evergreen a more student ready campus and as a provost 01:48:08.940 --> 01:48:14.140 i am committing resources help train our faculty become 01:48:16.620 --> 01:48:22.700 be able to promote equity inclusion in the classroom and outside the classroom 01:48:25.820 --> 01:48:29.900 i carry with me the legacy of boarding schools and i carry with me the legacy 01:48:29.900 --> 01:48:33.980 but wouldn't you agree then that that's weird right if james lindsey has published books 01:48:33.980 --> 01:48:40.300 and is actually working on this if that lady and pete i apologize i don't remember the other 01:48:40.300 --> 01:48:45.820 lady's name are working on this and attacking it from the inside 01:48:48.060 --> 01:48:52.860 i don't really understand how we're able to tell this story so well why is this story so well 01:48:52.860 --> 01:48:57.420 produced why is there so much good footage with different angles of this stunt 01:48:57.660 --> 01:49:01.740 unless it was always intended to be a stunt 01:49:02.780 --> 01:49:07.500 unless bret Weinstein might have always been intended to testify in front of the senate 01:49:08.220 --> 01:49:21.420 and to be elevated to a status of internet biology equity guy just in time for the start of a 01:49:21.580 --> 01:49:32.300 uh biological crisis just in time to have his eighth podcast have sam harris on it in december 01:49:32.300 --> 01:49:39.900 of 2019 for them to say that when there comes a particularly deadly pandemic we won't have time 01:49:39.900 --> 01:49:49.900 for the anti-vax mentality i'm trying to show you that there is a possibility that this red thread 01:49:49.900 --> 01:49:58.300 doesn't run back straight through north carolina and eco-health alliance and nih so much as it runs 01:49:58.300 --> 01:50:07.340 straight through peter teal elan musk the intellectual dark web which includes all of those people 01:50:08.540 --> 01:50:15.180 and all of the people that they influence and have brought up and have have lifted out of the 01:50:15.180 --> 01:50:25.100 algorithmic fog and into prominence as podcasters teo van you know i don't know there's lots of these 01:50:25.900 --> 01:50:33.100 mid-level podcasters that all pay homage all the way up to pyramid to the wine steins and rogan 01:50:36.300 --> 01:50:43.260 and i'm trying to tell you that this was orchestrated and their rise to prominence 01:50:43.260 --> 01:50:48.460 around rogan was orchestrated rogan might have been spontaneous and co-opted by people like 01:50:49.100 --> 01:50:57.180 brat wine stein i mean brat wine stein claimed to be the the scientific advisor to joe rogan that 01:50:57.180 --> 01:51:02.380 joe rogan calls him he said that to us in the signal chats but there's no question that 01:51:03.100 --> 01:51:09.900 something is here and this high level of documentation of this stupid little po-dong college 01:51:10.540 --> 01:51:18.540 and it's stupid little equity freak out in whenever this was 2016 is orchestrated 01:51:19.500 --> 01:51:24.700 of adoption where's the adoption and i'm here because i refuse i think this is the sound of 01:51:24.700 --> 01:51:30.140 wings that they're they're stimulating in the room it's not me and i refuse to let whiteness 01:51:30.140 --> 01:51:37.180 consume me and i'm going to say that word explicitly whiteness i refuse i refuse for my mother 01:51:37.180 --> 01:51:41.900 i refuse for her mother for my grandfather for my ancestors for my brothers and sisters my 01:51:41.900 --> 01:51:51.580 relatives today i refuse i'm here and i commit the position of privilege and power i occupy as 01:51:51.580 --> 01:51:57.020 the president of this college to invest in this council its initiatives and its homes 01:52:05.660 --> 01:52:06.780 is the hat authentic 01:52:12.860 --> 01:52:20.220 i'm sitting there in this room with several hundred other people and i can wow in my mind 01:52:20.220 --> 01:52:24.540 almost count the people in the room who understand that something terrible is a foot 01:52:24.540 --> 01:52:29.180 who understand that a this is a bizarre way to do this b it's duplicitous they've 01:52:29.580 --> 01:52:33.260 they've told us that they're sharing this document they've they've told us that we're going to be 01:52:33.260 --> 01:52:38.380 able to discuss it and then they've threatened us for daring to think about questioning it and 01:52:38.380 --> 01:52:46.220 so there's a way in which sitting in that room you know i knew that heather was a couple blocks away 01:52:46.300 --> 01:52:50.300 and that she would understand this exactly as i did i knew that there was 01:52:51.580 --> 01:52:56.220 ah i hesitate to say it but there was a dean in the room who i knew wasn't going to say anything 01:52:56.220 --> 01:53:01.820 but he knew how wrong this was and so there's a way in which you just there's a sea of people 01:53:01.820 --> 01:53:08.540 engaged in a shared delusion and then there's a few people witnessing the delusion and isolated 01:53:08.540 --> 01:53:15.820 unable to exchange words or anything that sense of being alone in a crowd is profound and that 01:53:15.820 --> 01:53:19.740 really was how that meeting felt in a crowd of people who are supposed to be your colleagues 01:53:19.740 --> 01:53:29.020 yeah who are sleepwalking structural institutionalized inequality or racism right so an anti-racist 01:53:29.020 --> 01:53:35.100 frame understands racism as a system while individual players partake in it it's not dependent on 01:53:35.100 --> 01:53:40.780 individual players right it's embedded in the fabric of the society in all the institutions 01:53:40.780 --> 01:53:45.980 the norms the practices the policies the unbelievable the way that history is told 01:53:45.980 --> 01:53:51.580 and the and it functions to ensure an unequal distribution of basically everything between 01:53:51.580 --> 01:53:55.900 people of color as a whole and white people as a whole world i had started attending every 01:53:55.900 --> 01:54:02.300 faculty and going to every presentation because there were bomb shells dropped every time and 01:54:02.300 --> 01:54:05.580 nobody appeared to be tracking all of it if you can just take a moment to look at this image 01:54:06.300 --> 01:54:11.100 and look at the two different realities that these students face at the same place 01:54:12.140 --> 01:54:17.740 so for folks that are younger don't think this is some distance memory a far far long ago okay 01:54:18.460 --> 01:54:24.540 it's about us as faculty and staff but you know what it's also not about you most of the people 01:54:24.540 --> 01:54:30.060 who have their mental faculties about them we're learning to avoid these things because every single 01:54:30.060 --> 01:54:34.220 one of them put you in a bind i can't emphasize this enough this is not what do you think happened 01:54:34.300 --> 01:54:40.620 to Brett Weinstein when he lost his job at Evergreen State have you ever looked it up 01:54:42.140 --> 01:54:47.660 was it like me where they just made him go home and live out his contract paid it out and then 01:54:47.660 --> 01:54:55.900 ignored him where he could never go on and have a career and since Brett is from a poor family that 01:54:55.900 --> 01:55:01.020 doesn't even deserve a note in his is Wikipedia i guess we can assume that he got basically 01:55:01.100 --> 01:55:07.020 thrown out on the street right no he settled for a half a million dollars and we don't know what 01:55:07.020 --> 01:55:13.340 Heather got so just get rid of it it is not possible to avoid being socialized into a racist 01:55:13.340 --> 01:55:18.300 worldview if you're white it's not possible it's coming out as 24 seven the only way to resist 01:55:18.300 --> 01:55:24.220 it is to be able to see it and think it through so to deny it is not going to help you i encourage 01:55:24.220 --> 01:55:30.220 you to look them up as well marsha p johnson and sylvia ruevera their actions were initially 01:55:30.300 --> 01:55:35.740 to throw a heavy weight and a bottle at cops that's a good place oh it is very very different 01:55:35.740 --> 01:55:43.660 strategies right one is political organizing another one is uh non-traditional maybe you know 01:55:43.660 --> 01:55:52.220 more resistance more violent kind of action and also prayer three different political strategies 01:55:52.220 --> 01:56:02.300 through education violence and prayer boy them three different strategies maybe violence 01:56:02.300 --> 01:56:11.660 and prayer wow entire of waiting for change to happen they forcefully took the island back 01:56:12.540 --> 01:56:19.420 and i tell this story because of first generation students first generation students of color 01:56:20.380 --> 01:56:26.460 we all share similar struggles the students are taking a stand they're not powerless they're not 01:56:26.460 --> 01:56:31.740 objects in the sense they're subjects in the sense they're powerful they said we're going to have 01:56:31.740 --> 01:56:38.940 these conversations one way or another and that administration still said no and then now that 01:56:38.940 --> 01:56:49.100 administration ain't there anymore so we'll watch part two some other time 01:56:49.900 --> 01:56:55.580 um i i don't i don't think it's not worth our time because it does get interesting at some 01:56:55.580 --> 01:57:02.780 point how the the narrative evolves um if you would like to watch Brett Weinstein and Yuri Dagan 01:57:03.340 --> 01:57:12.540 i can give you that link here um if you want to watch the original special broadcast of 01:57:12.540 --> 01:57:22.540 the drastic from 2021 you can look here and if you want to see the latest jimmy door where he's 01:57:22.540 --> 01:57:30.140 having josh getsco um and john rewatching a john campbell episode you can watch it there 01:57:30.940 --> 01:57:38.060 um i really think we're making a lot of progress you know it is an illusion of consensus 01:57:39.020 --> 01:57:45.100 that they have created and it is the illusion of consensus that we need to get rid of or get 01:57:45.100 --> 01:57:52.700 get back from um and so i don't think you can us to underestimate the importance of cracking 01:57:52.700 --> 01:57:59.740 this illusion of consensus because the illusion of consensus is everything a consensus that vaccines 01:57:59.740 --> 01:58:06.220 are great a consensus that the mRNA it was rushed but it would otherwise have worked even better 01:58:06.940 --> 01:58:12.300 a consensus that it's likely a lab leak and they lied about it and the lying about it was actually 01:58:12.300 --> 01:58:18.380 the best evidence and that because they lied about it was likely gain a function and so it 01:58:18.380 --> 01:58:25.500 will come again and of course by accepting that you're also accepting that we don't always know 01:58:25.500 --> 01:58:29.100 how to treat a respiratory disease and doctors don't always know what will work 01:58:29.100 --> 01:58:36.460 and that there can be a new cause of death that arrives on the scene and and and sweeps the world 01:58:36.460 --> 01:58:43.340 like a fog but we don't need to look at all cause mortality to see it we don't need to learn how the 01:58:43.340 --> 01:58:48.540 rest uh the immune system works because it's just antibodies and that's the same way that vaccines 01:58:48.540 --> 01:58:55.820 work and by misleading our kids about these stupid with this stupid biological principles 01:58:56.700 --> 01:59:01.980 our kids may never come to realize that the vast majority of people that were killed between 01:59:01.980 --> 01:59:11.660 2020 and 2023 were killed by protocols and by the transfection rather than by a dangerous novel 01:59:11.660 --> 01:59:15.340 virus that was released from a laboratory in Rulon and circulated the globe for three years 01:59:16.700 --> 01:59:20.300 but they're growing up thinking that because that's what the universities tell them that's 01:59:20.300 --> 01:59:24.700 what the university professors tell them that's what 60 minutes tells them that's what the tv tells 01:59:24.700 --> 01:59:29.500 them that's the only stuff that facebook allows and that's what tiktok tells them 01:59:30.060 --> 01:59:33.020 tiktok even tells them that their government's responsible for it 01:59:37.900 --> 01:59:43.500 and so they have misled our young they have misled us and a planet about the potential for 01:59:43.500 --> 01:59:48.860 pandemics and they have misled us by an illusion of consensus nobody disagrees with it even the 01:59:48.860 --> 01:59:58.460 dissidents don't disagree and that's what allowed them to get us to focus on solving the mystery 01:59:58.460 --> 02:00:05.100 of the Batcave zoneosis instead of considering the fact that we know nothing about the background 02:00:05.100 --> 02:00:12.780 signal that this would have found had we rolled out this suite of tests in 2019 and it gets you 02:00:12.780 --> 02:00:18.460 distracted from the fact that an endemic coronavirus signal with a PCR test that could find it would 02:00:18.460 --> 02:00:23.900 have been enough to roll out deadly protocols and justify the rollout of a 02:00:23.900 --> 02:00:31.100 transfection across the world they also could have released released an infectious clone to see that 02:00:31.740 --> 02:00:38.300 very sequence around the world and then use that background coronavirus and that non-specific 02:00:38.300 --> 02:00:42.700 PCR test to perpetuate it so that they could justify the use of protocols that were murder 02:00:43.340 --> 02:00:48.540 and roll out a transfection that wasn't medicine it could have been a transfection agent done 02:00:48.540 --> 02:00:54.540 for the same reasons again no virus doesn't make any sense because we know that there are lots 02:00:54.540 --> 02:01:01.020 of molecular techniques that could and will transfect can be aerosolized can be applied 02:01:02.300 --> 02:01:07.420 and we do know that infectious clones are real coronavirus is not being might not be all 02:01:07.420 --> 02:01:10.940 they're cracked up to be many viruses might not be all they're cracked up to be that's very 02:01:10.940 --> 02:01:13.020 different than there are no viruses at all 02:01:15.900 --> 02:01:21.180 protocols were murder transfection is not medicine they led us to believe something by 02:01:21.180 --> 02:01:26.540 getting us to disregard the old cause mortality to accept a test there wasn't really a test 02:01:27.260 --> 02:01:31.580 and to ignore the financial incentives that applied that test they don't want you to think 02:01:31.580 --> 02:01:36.380 about infectious clones is the only way that they can really use RNA against you because they want 02:01:36.460 --> 02:01:42.460 to invert your rights into privileges and they want you to ask for permission for everything 02:01:42.460 --> 02:01:47.500 and more importantly they want your kid to ask permission for everything including can I have 02:01:47.500 --> 02:01:54.620 my medical data back ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to follow me or communicate with me you can 02:01:54.620 --> 02:01:58.940 do that at giggle and biological.com if you scroll down from the front page you can subscribe 02:01:59.580 --> 02:02:04.300 and get a notice of when I go on and also occasionally an email which really 02:02:04.380 --> 02:02:08.140 is kind of falling dead since I've done my everyday streams where we're going to get 02:02:08.140 --> 02:02:12.940 there eventually I'm just building the stream and building the steam if you want to communicate 02:02:12.940 --> 02:02:17.260 we also have this thing that's kind of like twitter but it's not just have to put your email in and 02:02:17.260 --> 02:02:21.820 then you can start chatting with us there you can read everything without without registering 02:02:22.620 --> 02:02:26.620 and if you want to support with a one-time donation you can do that at the front page as well 02:02:26.620 --> 02:02:32.220 but that's not necessary the best thing to do would be to share my work so post it everywhere you can 02:02:32.940 --> 02:02:37.340 take a screenshot of this particular shot to make sure that everybody understands this is the main 02:02:37.340 --> 02:02:42.220 message intramuscular injection or any combination of substances meant to augment the immune system 02:02:42.220 --> 02:02:47.260 is dumb and if you want to say it's short and sweet for the current set then just say 02:02:47.260 --> 02:02:52.300 transfection is not immunization and we need to stop all of that transfection stuff because they 02:02:52.300 --> 02:02:59.820 are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary thanks very much for joining me 02:02:59.820 --> 02:03:05.260 guys don't forget about the broken science initiative I have a lot of really cool 02:03:06.060 --> 02:03:12.060 I went fast a lot of really cool podcasts and little shorts and Emily's put together so 02:03:12.060 --> 02:03:16.380 check them out this has been ging on biological see you guys again tomorrow night boy I'm hungry 02:03:16.380 --> 02:03:20.380 and thirsty whoa 02:03:42.060 --> 02:03:55.500 so 02:04:42.060 --> 02:04:44.060 You