WEBVTT 04:11.000 --> 04:14.080 I guess he can explain it to the sheriff when he gets here. 04:14.080 --> 04:15.960 I bet you kids are starving. 04:15.960 --> 04:16.960 Groovy! 04:16.960 --> 04:18.640 So, wait! That's for me! 04:21.440 --> 04:23.680 Hey, what's this? 04:23.680 --> 04:26.640 Scooby-Booze was here. 04:26.640 --> 04:28.640 The whole turkey! 04:28.640 --> 04:29.640 Go on! 04:29.640 --> 04:30.640 Whoo! 04:30.640 --> 04:32.640 Well... 04:32.640 --> 04:34.640 Scooby, here we go! 04:41.000 --> 05:04.840 Are we doing the stand to join the city of the age? 05:04.840 --> 05:06.840 Yes, two days ago. 05:06.840 --> 05:08.840 One side state your seat. 05:08.840 --> 05:13.840 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. 05:13.840 --> 05:18.520 This is Giga on Biological, a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you 05:18.520 --> 05:19.520 by a biologist. 05:19.520 --> 05:22.120 It's the 3rd of October, 2023. 05:22.120 --> 05:28.960 You don't understand Mr. Brown. 05:28.960 --> 05:34.960 The bottom is a holy weapon. 05:34.960 --> 05:36.440 Yes. 05:36.440 --> 05:38.800 Thanks very much for the compliments for yesterday's show. 05:38.800 --> 05:44.720 I have to admit that after screwing up a time, all I had to do was really sit there and 05:44.720 --> 05:49.440 then watch the fire go out, basically. 05:49.440 --> 05:54.520 It was wonderful because I think we really saw two people meet and discuss something 05:54.520 --> 05:57.840 that they both had very strong views about it. 05:57.840 --> 06:01.960 I do think that Peter was a little bit freed by that discussion. 06:01.960 --> 06:12.600 I saw a little bit of weightless thought on the show because I thought it was wonderful. 06:12.600 --> 06:19.760 Because I do think that Peter has been trapped, Peter has been pinched, Peter, you can see 06:19.760 --> 06:20.760 his heart broken. 06:20.760 --> 06:28.600 I just don't see Peter as the same way that I see other people in this mess. 06:29.600 --> 06:37.640 I see a good guy there and like Pierre Cori, actually, I see people that came out the earliest 06:37.640 --> 06:43.600 are actually very visually distressed because they are holding back. 06:43.600 --> 06:50.880 They were pigeonholed or co-opted, you know, people and students came to them and said, 06:50.880 --> 06:56.080 you know, I know you can see the brick wall at the back of the theater if you want to 06:56.080 --> 07:00.280 keep doing what you're doing, then you better follow our instructions because now's the 07:00.280 --> 07:08.560 time to do what you're told and, you know, in a way, we are the ones who have to free 07:08.560 --> 07:14.560 those people because we have to make room for them to come out, we have to make room 07:14.560 --> 07:19.920 for them to bring forth the truth because the truth is definitely out there. 07:19.920 --> 07:27.240 I can feel it and there's people just waiting to break this narrative, but they need to 07:27.240 --> 07:34.600 feel safe and that means Cori and Peter McCullough, these people need to feel like there's enough 07:34.600 --> 07:41.800 of us before they're going to come full across the line and say, hey, you know what, we got 07:41.800 --> 07:49.720 phone calls, people came to my house and this is all that crap. 07:49.720 --> 07:57.480 I think it's possible, I think it's actually really possible, I'm starting to almost believe 07:57.480 --> 08:04.120 it when I wake up in the morning and I can tell you when you start to believe something 08:04.120 --> 08:09.280 when you wake up in the morning, it's a really special thing. 08:09.280 --> 08:14.600 I've started to have hope when I wake up and it's weird because it's been a while since 08:14.600 --> 08:19.480 I've been able to wake up like that, so I hope that you also are starting to feel a little 08:19.480 --> 08:28.720 shift in the uncertainty, a little increase in the, I don't know, in the cacophony that 08:28.720 --> 08:35.320 should be there of people screaming and yelling about why we need to back the truck up, so to speak, 08:35.320 --> 08:43.480 not take the bait on TV and social media. I find the crickets rather relaxing if you want my honest 08:43.480 --> 08:49.480 truth. I miss them in the winter time and I definitely miss them in the spring when it's warming 08:49.480 --> 08:53.240 up to sit outside, but they're not there yet and I don't even remember as a kid when they first 08:53.240 --> 08:58.760 came, but it always feels like they're coming later and later, but at least they're there now. 08:58.760 --> 09:05.000 I really like the ones that sit up in the tree and make the really harsh every once in a while, 09:05.000 --> 09:10.840 they're really cool. I have no idea what those are, at our old house we used to be able to hear 09:10.840 --> 09:15.320 frogs in the trees too, but there are no frogs here in the city, at least I don't really hear 09:15.320 --> 09:20.520 them, not like I did out there. So we're here tonight to kind of discuss the Scooby-Doo, I don't 09:20.520 --> 09:26.600 have a guest, I don't have a super big plan, I have some videos lined up, and if you want to 09:26.600 --> 09:31.880 throw in some mean comments in the chat or something like that I'll block you, and if you want to 09:31.880 --> 09:38.520 throw in some questions I'll try and answer them. Good to see everybody in the chat, I'll try and 09:38.520 --> 09:43.480 read some stuff, I see Pamela's here and I'm really happy to see her, I see Marcus here, 09:44.920 --> 09:50.680 a lot of the same people that are here every night, and so I don't know what you guys are doing here, 09:50.680 --> 09:55.240 but thanks a lot for making this happen, I hope you guys are tweeting it out or 09:55.240 --> 10:01.960 Facebooking it or whatever the hell you do. It is not a matter of what is true that counts, 10:01.960 --> 10:07.800 but a matter of what is perceived to be true, this is something that was first said by, 10:08.840 --> 10:12.440 at least I know that, it's a particular quote as coming from Kissinger, 10:13.960 --> 10:20.920 and we have been thinking about this people map, trying to sort out how it is that we were 10:20.920 --> 10:27.480 brought to understand, I have a lot of stuff in my throat tonight, I apologize, but I think 10:27.480 --> 10:35.480 that's a good sign like things are moving. How did we get here where we thought that there was a 10:35.480 --> 10:43.400 magical new sequence of RNA that was capable of disrupting a planet, and indeed became 10:43.400 --> 10:49.720 convinced worldwide that this was true? I think that the way to look around now is to really just 10:49.720 --> 10:54.440 evaluate people on whether they're being honest about this, if they're not using the word 10:54.520 --> 11:01.080 transfection yet, and they're on TV and whatnot, you can pretty much bet that they've been instructed 11:01.080 --> 11:07.560 not to, and so I don't blame anybody for that, I'm just saying that I think that's where that 11:07.560 --> 11:13.160 problem sits, and I think that more and more people are coming to realize, at least in the 11:13.160 --> 11:21.160 United States, that the immunization schedule in the United States is absurd, and indeed, I think 11:21.160 --> 11:30.040 at some point, I think one of my best predictions is that this above statement here is going to 11:30.040 --> 11:36.520 become common knowledge in five to ten years at max, but it could be as short as six months. 11:39.960 --> 11:47.800 Automobile noise is not so great as crickets. I really think that this is the right way to 11:48.680 --> 11:54.760 think about this for now, because what it does is it really describes the absurdity, 11:55.720 --> 12:01.960 and that's how you want these bench immunologists and these people who are trapped inside of what 12:01.960 --> 12:11.000 we've been calling the immunomethology, that they need to understand why it is, they need to ask 12:11.000 --> 12:16.200 that question, how can you say that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances 12:16.200 --> 12:21.560 with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb? Try to make that make sense to me, 12:22.360 --> 12:27.720 and then you can draw that very simple picture of the immune system that I've drawn a couple times, 12:28.520 --> 12:38.040 and I think I drew also on Amadmalaik's podcast, which I think will come out maybe tomorrow, 12:39.480 --> 12:45.400 and I think that's my strategy for the next month or so as we move to Halloween, 12:45.400 --> 12:54.920 and through to Thanksgiving, is to try to get people drilled in on that diagram and on that 12:54.920 --> 12:59.080 pitch so that we can also describe how 13:02.760 --> 13:09.880 kids left the game on. I have to get up and turn that off. The way that we can describe this at 13:09.880 --> 13:14.280 the Thanksgiving table, the way that we can describe this to our family and friends over the holidays, 13:14.280 --> 13:18.840 this has to be our strategy. This is the next window of opportunity for us to, 13:19.800 --> 13:25.880 and we're not going to be able to convince everyone. What we're looking to be is ready for that one 13:25.880 --> 13:32.280 person who you hear at the table with some questions, who's able to not completely just keep their 13:32.280 --> 13:40.280 mouth shut, that after dinner, when everybody's, you know, commiserating and loosening the button 13:40.760 --> 13:46.360 on their pants, you can sit down with football and say, hey, I heard what you said at the dinner 13:46.360 --> 13:52.680 table, you know, I've been watching this show and you can tell them where Giga Home is and we can, 13:52.680 --> 13:59.480 we can get them there because this is how we do it. And then in the next six or eight months, 13:59.480 --> 14:06.280 if there's enough of a movement, enough movement of the needle, then people who were good from the 14:06.280 --> 14:13.800 beginning, who were co-opted by force, who were co-opted by national security priorities, 14:14.440 --> 14:20.680 by dudes in suits, some of those people might feel the courage to finally come forward and say, 14:20.680 --> 14:26.920 hey, you're right. This was, we got to do something because that's what we really need to break this, 14:26.920 --> 14:32.440 that's what we really need. And this, I think, is the way to think about it and the way to try and 14:32.520 --> 14:39.720 bring it. If you can understand why this is the right way to say it, or if you can understand 14:39.720 --> 14:47.160 why this is a good way to say it, then you will also be able to explain in a pretty succinct way 14:47.160 --> 14:53.560 why it's a good way to say it. And that's the key to it is that's the key to being able to teach 14:53.560 --> 14:59.080 this, even if you're not a master, but you can make this argument to an immunologist. And if they 14:59.080 --> 15:04.600 know the immunology, they should also know that what you're saying makes sense, wasted too much 15:04.600 --> 15:10.360 time on that, I apologize. So we're trying to go through this people map, and we've been spending a 15:10.360 --> 15:16.200 lot of time watching old videos, and I think it's really paying off, because we found lots of leads, 15:16.920 --> 15:23.880 and we've tipped things in different directions. That little shift down there was not meant so much 15:23.880 --> 15:33.800 as a day gone on RFK Jr. as a promotion of Peter McCollum to the green zone. After my discussion with 15:33.800 --> 15:44.440 him and Denny Rancur, I really feel as though, I guess it's, I don't know how to say his French 15:44.440 --> 15:52.760 last name, but I know his first name is Denny, and it should be really Denny. He is really such a 15:52.760 --> 16:01.080 wonderful orator about this stuff. But I think that one person in particular has made it very clear 16:01.080 --> 16:11.640 that we still need to iron out a little bit of not necessarily what what Denny says or how he says 16:11.640 --> 16:19.320 it, but what he really means and what his data has with respect to looking at all cause mortality 16:19.320 --> 16:26.920 and where the excess all cause mortality comes from. And so we do have work to do, but I think 16:26.920 --> 16:31.400 it's really nice because we've really made this connection, and it's easy for me to pick up the 16:31.400 --> 16:38.600 phone and call Denny. And so we're trying to come up with a sort of succinct way to ask him useful 16:38.600 --> 16:43.800 questions that will really get him to to nail down what his data shows and what his data doesn't, 16:43.800 --> 16:51.720 and maybe even help to him to interpret it in a more biologically relevant way and an 16:51.720 --> 16:58.600 epidemiologically relevant way, given the, given the parameters of the narrative. I don't even know 16:58.600 --> 17:04.200 if I said anything there, I could have been all bullshit. We've also been looking at these 17:04.760 --> 17:10.680 individuals. I did not hear the live broadcast today, but it's my understanding that there was a 17:10.680 --> 17:18.440 live broadcast involving George Webb today, where he was talking about a rassness lab. And I also 17:18.440 --> 17:26.360 mentioned myself and Mark again, we have made very clear connections between George Webb, Robert 17:26.360 --> 17:32.520 Malone, Paul Catrell, and here at funded boss, not all four of them together playing poker, but 17:32.520 --> 17:39.160 rather they're all united by Robert Malone in a very weird way. And Robert Malone has associations 17:39.160 --> 17:50.120 with or has essentially promoted all of these people. And they have promoted him. And this is 17:50.120 --> 17:58.600 really a key sort of observation that might not have happened. Hadn't Mark and I been insistent 17:59.240 --> 18:11.960 about sort of calling Dr. Paul Catrell the fake, what would he say, Dr. Bus Rider MD, 18:11.960 --> 18:20.360 that he is. Now, I don't really want to disparage anyone or to say bad names or make fun. I guess 18:20.360 --> 18:28.840 we can make fun. And so if we make fun of the tall tales and the the tales of woe that that 18:28.840 --> 18:34.680 Paul Catrell shared at the beginning of the pandemic, right mixed in in the context of, 18:34.680 --> 18:39.080 you know, taking secret messages from Taiwan that included that only Remdesivir worked, 18:39.880 --> 18:48.360 and being aware of all of the basic accepted parameters of a red dragon. And also, I don't know, 18:48.360 --> 18:55.000 being being aware of the the other receptors that would claim to bind the spike protein later 18:55.000 --> 19:03.000 on in the narrative he was on CD 147 before anyone else, for example. So it's just very strange that 19:03.560 --> 19:09.960 as this little wall of people starts to get flashlights shined on them from the wrong angles, 19:10.520 --> 19:16.840 you start to see the scenery behind them for what it is. And it's starting to appear 19:17.560 --> 19:25.800 as though a lot of this has to do with with the value of intellectual property, the value of stocks, 19:26.360 --> 19:34.840 trading, you know, company values, futures, the value of companies in the future, the value of 19:34.840 --> 19:41.560 patent pools, a lot of stuff that is not anything to do with whether there's a dangerous novel virus 19:41.560 --> 19:51.240 around or not. So we also had these two guys on yesterday as a council fire. I think I have that 19:51.240 --> 19:56.840 here. Yeah. And we're going to try and do a council fire every Monday. I'm trying to figure out if 19:56.840 --> 20:01.160 we're trying to schedule Monday's council fire. We're going to try and have two people on that 20:01.160 --> 20:06.120 haven't met each other before and have a little discussion about the pandemic. And hopefully, 20:06.920 --> 20:11.800 hopefully we'll set some kind of precedence where people will find that exciting and fun and that 20:11.800 --> 20:16.440 I don't have to do anything because all I have to do is say go and those two can have a conversation. 20:18.040 --> 20:23.480 And it's a virtual one and I'll just stoke the fire behind, which I think could work out really well. 20:25.560 --> 20:33.960 So today's show is a little bit about this consensus that I feel like is is really now centered around 20:36.440 --> 20:41.800 it should have been and it should have been centered around how this happened and why they lied. 20:42.680 --> 20:48.440 But instead, the consensus has been forced around the mystery of the 20:49.640 --> 21:00.280 mystery of the origins of the virus. And I find it just sad really that the Nobel Prize 21:00.280 --> 21:04.920 in 2023 in physiology or medicine has been awarded to these two. 21:07.480 --> 21:14.200 For a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which is what Peter McCullough said last night 21:14.200 --> 21:22.680 on our program. And that is that there are some thousands of patents, patented processes, 21:22.680 --> 21:28.440 patented items, patented technologies, patented machines, patented processes 21:28.520 --> 21:36.600 that are involved ultimately in making the 1 billion doses of vaccine that were given out 21:36.600 --> 21:44.200 or whatever it is, 13 billion doses and the 14 million lives that were saved by the vaccine 21:44.200 --> 21:52.280 according to one account. Now the real bummer of this is, is that there is really no honesty 21:52.360 --> 21:59.960 about the biology anymore at all. Did they award them because the RNA lasted even longer than they 21:59.960 --> 22:06.280 thought and the results were even better than they thought they would be? Because it's odd to me that 22:08.680 --> 22:17.160 well, it's odd to everyone, but really not because Robert Malone knew this was a possibility because 22:17.160 --> 22:25.240 we know that from their earliest writings in 2020, especially Jill's writings. We also know 22:25.800 --> 22:31.640 that when he came out, he was talking about being the inventor of this and he still is talking about 22:31.640 --> 22:37.720 being the inventor of this. Gary Cole Wiseman get the Nobel and not for inventing mRNA vaccines 22:37.720 --> 22:43.800 because I did that. But for adding the pseudo-uridine that allowed unlimited spike toxins to be 22:43.800 --> 22:48.200 manufactured and what could have been a safe and effective vaccine platform 22:49.560 --> 23:01.000 if safely developed could have known. So I'm not really sure if Robert Malone understands 23:04.760 --> 23:11.240 what this really does for him, but once and for all it becomes very obvious that 23:13.800 --> 23:19.960 if you're not going to say it out loud, right, that they're bad and that we shouldn't have used 23:19.960 --> 23:28.360 them and that it's not safe if safely developed. What is he talking about? Of course, you know what 23:28.360 --> 23:34.280 he's talking about. He's talking about exactly what he said. We said he was going to do two years ago. 23:34.280 --> 23:43.000 Be sure that this vaccine will not cause long-term. Now the trick here is to realize what they said 23:44.040 --> 23:49.320 because again, going back in time, you can see what they said and if what they said doesn't 23:49.320 --> 23:55.080 jive with what we know in the biology and doesn't jive with what they're now saying, 23:56.120 --> 24:03.880 then they're liars. And if there's anyone that you can watch talk about their science and know 24:03.880 --> 24:11.400 that they're lying, it's this Drew Weisman guy in my humble opinion. It is very frightening to me 24:12.280 --> 24:19.320 how literally smiles. It's very frightening to me how little enthusiasm he has. It's very frightening 24:19.320 --> 24:28.120 to me how little depth there ever is anytime he ever speaks. I've watched hours of him talking 24:28.200 --> 24:34.920 and it never goes past high school level biology. It's almost comical. It says if there's really no 24:34.920 --> 24:42.520 magic at all in RNA, there's nothing complicated to understand about how RNA and ribosomes add up 24:42.520 --> 24:52.600 to proteins. It is extraordinary. And if you want him to distill down the complex pattern 24:53.320 --> 24:58.680 integrity that your body is, that your little cells are individually 25:00.120 --> 25:06.280 and listen to him talk about it in a ridiculously simple, what are we calling it? Dumb simple 25:07.080 --> 25:12.840 in a dumb simple way. So that you think that this just has to work, listen to what he said. 25:13.720 --> 25:17.880 This is like before it's like two years ago. 25:18.760 --> 25:23.720 Negative impact in humans. Like that's one of our big questions that we hear a lot. 25:24.680 --> 25:28.040 So the first is to understand what the vaccine 25:29.400 --> 25:37.160 how so how can we be sure that this vaccine will not cause long term negative impact in humans. Like 25:37.160 --> 25:43.160 that's one of our big questions that we hear a lot. So the first is to understand what the 25:43.160 --> 25:50.120 vaccine is. The mRNA in the vaccine is identical to the RNA in your cells. 25:51.240 --> 25:58.760 So the RNA in your cells isn't causing long term adverse events. So the RNA in the vaccine won't 25:58.760 --> 26:08.120 either. The RNA is degraded probably within a week. It's completely gone. The lipid nanoparticles 26:08.120 --> 26:15.960 contain four types of fat. Two of the fats are identical to what's in our cells. They're physiologic. 26:17.160 --> 26:27.400 The other two are present at incredibly low levels. They are gone within 24 to 48 hours. They're just 26:28.360 --> 26:36.040 the body degrades them. They're gone. So nothing of the vaccine is left after days to a week or so. 26:36.040 --> 26:42.520 The question that comes from then how do you get a long term adverse event? Well you can't 26:42.520 --> 26:50.520 from any components of the vaccine because they're gone. The mRNA does not integrate into the DNA. 26:50.520 --> 26:57.480 It doesn't affect the DNA. It doesn't change the DNA. It doesn't mutate the DNA. It does nothing to 26:57.480 --> 27:05.880 the DNA. So that's one of the social media myths that you have to throw out. It doesn't do anything 27:05.880 --> 27:18.040 to the DNA. It's just hard to imagine how it could have long term effects. 90% of adverse events 27:18.040 --> 27:25.560 the vaccines happen in the first six weeks. We haven't seen anything. 15 million people have 27:25.560 --> 27:36.680 gotten the vaccine already. The only DNA. But so it's just hard to imagine how it could have 27:36.680 --> 27:43.240 long term effects. 90% of adverse events the vaccines happen in the first six weeks. 27:44.760 --> 27:52.200 We haven't seen anything. 15 million people have gotten the vaccine already. The only really 27:52.200 --> 28:00.440 serious adverse event is this anaphylaxis like reaction that we're seeing in about one in 100,000 28:00.440 --> 28:07.160 people. Other than that there really nothing you know 15 million people have been injected. 28:07.160 --> 28:13.000 It's spectacular because he's not reading it. He just talks like this. This Nobel Prize winner 28:13.000 --> 28:21.320 this is as fast as he processes. Even late at night this is as fast as he goes. Even when he knows 28:21.320 --> 28:26.360 he's about to win the Nobel Prize. Even when he's saving he's making more money than he ever 28:26.360 --> 28:37.800 imagined. This is how fast he talks. This is the energy level. You know why? Because there's no 28:37.800 --> 28:44.760 real science in what he's done. Is he a chemist? You know like what what did he do? He figured out 28:44.760 --> 28:54.920 a way to change all the uracils to pseudo uridine like like that's it. We tried a bunch of them. 28:54.920 --> 29:01.240 One of them was really good. One of them caused the least inflammation so we used that one. 29:02.120 --> 29:10.600 Boy aren't we smart. Even the whole idea of using MRNA as a vaccine is not like clever. 29:11.560 --> 29:19.480 I mean I don't want to be a creep but it's not clever. The idea would be of course okay I'll use 29:19.480 --> 29:26.760 MRNA and if the MRNA encodes a foreign protein for like a virus then maybe the immune system will 29:26.760 --> 29:32.920 make a response to it. Well it's pretty in-depth. You're really smart until you think about the 29:33.000 --> 29:39.880 immune response coming in and creating a possibility for autoimmunity. 29:41.960 --> 29:46.840 Until you think about where the transmission occurs and what might happen if it occurs in 29:46.840 --> 29:58.200 X tissue. And so this is the kind of thing the kind of ridiculously dumb really dumb simple stuff 29:58.200 --> 30:01.560 that they were throwing at us from the very beginning. In consensus 30:04.280 --> 30:11.960 not only is it simple for you to understand mouth breather but everybody on social media and 30:11.960 --> 30:21.480 everybody on TV agrees. So how can you possibly go against this illusion of consensus no matter 30:21.480 --> 30:30.840 how dumb it is. No matter how dumb simple it is. It's got four different fats. This MRNA is 30:30.840 --> 30:36.440 the same as your MRNA. He hasn't even gotten to the fact that they're supposed to be protein 30:36.440 --> 30:45.880 expression. The MRNA will be gone in a week or so. So the whole concept of how is the immune 30:45.880 --> 30:52.200 system activated. How is this different than an infection. How is this different than how does 30:52.200 --> 30:58.520 this differ throughout the body. None of these questions are asked. None of them are answered. 30:58.520 --> 31:06.120 None of them are implied or even acknowledged by this Nobel Prize winner. Boy is he really 31:06.120 --> 31:12.600 understand what he's doing doesn't he. He understands it so well he can barely talk about it in depth 31:12.840 --> 31:19.080 which makes the perfect stooge for this kind of operation. 31:28.040 --> 31:30.200 I mean it's terrible to think but you know 31:32.600 --> 31:37.320 a guy that I used to work for named Edward Moser and a woman that I used to work for named 31:37.320 --> 31:42.520 Maybread Moser won the Nobel Prize in 2012 was it. 31:47.720 --> 31:54.760 And that was for a lifetime of work and awarded to another person that they had studied under 31:55.560 --> 32:08.120 John O'Keefe for discoveries over 20 years which led to a pretty reasonably compelling 32:08.120 --> 32:17.560 understanding of how the hippocampus might and code experience somehow. Certainly it's the 32:17.560 --> 32:23.400 most insight that we've purported to have in any part of the brain ever really besides the 32:23.400 --> 32:31.480 visual cortex. And now they're giving Nobel Prizes away for chemistry experiments. 32:33.560 --> 32:36.680 Chemistry experiments that led to profit I guess 32:38.600 --> 32:43.960 with no measurable benefits I guess because the only measurable benefits are 32:44.920 --> 32:47.160 increased all caused mortality Denny. 32:49.960 --> 32:51.080 I mean that's what we see. 32:53.240 --> 32:59.160 So it's still an illusion of consensus because there are people who believe this and say it 33:00.040 --> 33:12.040 and recited to each other in zoom calls on live streams, on talk shows, on news broadcasts, 33:14.840 --> 33:23.560 perfect. Isn't it funny how news broadcasts lately they've added more people and what 33:23.560 --> 33:29.880 they're doing there is they're creating an illusion of consensus. It's four people in agreement 33:29.880 --> 33:37.800 about something so harder for you to disagree with. If it's just one person standing there you 33:37.880 --> 33:44.520 can get in an argument with that guy. Oh whatever whatever Tom Brokaw you don't know what you're 33:44.520 --> 33:50.440 talking about but once it's three people and they're all going yeah yeah that's right oh yeah 33:50.440 --> 33:58.840 you're right too and yes you too Ellen then it's much harder it's subconsciously much harder 33:59.640 --> 34:05.560 to disagree. They figured that out it's a very powerful trick. 34:06.680 --> 34:14.520 Conversations where people come to agreement are mystifying our magical can be enchantments 34:15.640 --> 34:20.840 especially when they are amplified especially when they are repeated especially when they seem 34:20.840 --> 34:24.200 to occur between all these different people. 34:24.520 --> 34:32.040 I mean this kind of nonsense it's just extraordinary what he says in this video 34:33.480 --> 34:42.920 it's the same and yourselves. So the RNA in yourselves isn't causing long-term adverse events 34:42.920 --> 34:50.920 so the RNA in the vaccine won't either. The RNA is degraded probably within a week it's completely 34:50.920 --> 34:56.840 gone. I mean isn't it kind of absurd to think that the gears and the cooking clock 34:57.640 --> 35:02.840 all work together perfectly and none of those gears cause any problems. 35:03.640 --> 35:10.600 So if we just throw like 50 more gears into the clock and shake it around a little bit 35:10.600 --> 35:13.560 the clock will still work fine and nothing will go wrong. 35:13.560 --> 35:22.600 I mean it doesn't even make any sense if you actually understand what biology is as far as 35:22.600 --> 35:32.600 a cell and tissues and organs and an organism is but I mean if you just you know if you understand 35:32.600 --> 35:40.120 biology like a I don't know like a bad eighth grader then maybe you can have this kind of 35:40.200 --> 35:47.880 interpretation where it's just all the same but I mean you know the sugar and the flour 35:47.880 --> 35:54.120 and the yeast and the whatever you put in your bread is in there so if you add a little bit more 35:54.120 --> 36:00.040 it's not going to be a big deal it'll still be bread come on. I mean is this a joke? 36:00.040 --> 36:10.600 That that kind of thinking doesn't work for a bread recipe how in the hell does it work for 36:10.600 --> 36:13.240 RNA in ourselves? Are you joking? 36:16.120 --> 36:22.600 Holy shit numbers. The lipid nanoparticles contain four types of fat. 36:23.560 --> 36:28.360 Two of the fats are identical to what's in our cells they're physiologic. 36:29.080 --> 36:39.240 The other two are present at incredibly low levels they are gone within 24 to 48 hours 36:39.240 --> 36:42.680 they're just the body degrades them they're gone. 36:43.640 --> 36:45.560 They're gone as in they're undetectable. 36:48.840 --> 36:54.280 I have no idea if the body degrades them kids have bad reactions to peg all the time. 36:55.240 --> 36:58.920 I mean it's just extraordinary the kind of arrogance that's here. 36:58.920 --> 37:03.720 So nothing of the vaccine is left after days to a week or so. 37:05.320 --> 37:10.760 The question that comes with how do you get a long-term adverse event? Well you can't from any 37:10.760 --> 37:18.760 components of the vaccine they're gone. The mRNA does not integrate into the DNA it doesn't 37:18.840 --> 37:25.960 affect the DNA it doesn't change the DNA it doesn't mutate the DNA it does nothing to the DNA 37:26.840 --> 37:32.920 so that that's one of the social media myths that that you have to throw out that it doesn't 37:32.920 --> 37:42.920 do anything to the DNA but so you know it's just hard to imagine how it could have long-term effects 37:43.480 --> 37:48.360 90% of adverse events the vaccines happen in the first six weeks. 37:49.880 --> 37:55.080 We haven't seen anything 15 million people have gotten the vaccine already. 37:55.720 --> 38:03.640 The only really serious adverse event is this anaphylaxis like reaction that we're seeing in 38:03.640 --> 38:10.760 about one in a hundred thousand people other than that there really nothing you know 15 million 38:10.760 --> 38:16.680 people have been injected that's that's a lot of people and if we were going to see an unusual 38:16.680 --> 38:25.080 adverse event you know if would you care about something that occurred less than one in 15 billion? 38:29.320 --> 38:33.640 I don't have better I have worse ads than that with the lottery right? Exactly. 38:34.520 --> 38:41.800 Yeah I mean that's a guy who's been convinced I think by someone that that nobody's being hurt 38:45.400 --> 38:51.160 and that he's just convinced that anti-vax people and are crazy people and they can be dismissed 38:52.120 --> 38:54.840 there's no real other way to interpret it he's too 38:56.920 --> 39:02.200 he's too inarticulate and slow not to be inarticulate and slow just like he is 39:03.160 --> 39:09.000 and I think he's just a pawn in this you know he's no he's not sophisticated enough to know 39:09.800 --> 39:15.160 how bad he just sounded there as a biologist I mean it's clear right you would never 39:15.720 --> 39:18.760 no biologist worth their salt whatever say those words 39:20.920 --> 39:29.000 I mean it's just absurd to me and and that's really where we are there's so many people out there 39:29.880 --> 39:32.120 that 39:33.480 --> 39:40.920 they carry a the calling card of a biologist and they just aren't biologists they don't get it 39:42.200 --> 39:47.080 they don't start with the fact that all life on earth is patterned integrity 39:48.040 --> 39:49.560 they don't even know what that means 39:51.400 --> 39:56.520 and they don't start with this idea that there is a complexity at the heart of life which is 39:59.240 --> 40:06.600 it's not dissectable anymore and we can't really simplify it anymore there is a barrier there that 40:06.600 --> 40:15.400 we don't really understand yet because it's too much it's way beyond clockwork and try as we might 40:16.280 --> 40:20.920 that clockwork is going to be impenetrable for us for a very long time and we shouldn't 40:21.560 --> 40:30.040 we shouldn't be enticed by these liars who have been trying to make us believe that 40:32.280 --> 40:36.760 I don't know maybe that's appropriate the sirens but trying to make us believe 40:37.720 --> 40:45.800 that these walls of of mystery these walls of sacred are going to come down very very soon 40:45.800 --> 40:52.360 like in the next five years we're almost there we're going to be able to implant things in your 40:52.360 --> 41:00.040 head and make you smarter it's just ridiculous and it is ridiculous to say that we can inject 41:00.040 --> 41:04.840 some RNA in your arm and augment your immune system and it's absolutely ridiculous 41:06.440 --> 41:13.800 and the idea that this guy is a biologist and he believes the sales pitch that he just gave 41:13.800 --> 41:21.160 is ridiculous something is completely and totally incongruent it's like a pirate who can't swim 41:21.160 --> 41:31.080 it doesn't have a ship I mean then what do you do if this guy gave a biology 101 class without 41:31.080 --> 41:39.480 notes I guarantee you you and I would both know immediately that it's a scam that's the trick 41:39.480 --> 41:47.400 give me a whiteboard and a marker and a room full of guys like him and ask me any question you 41:47.400 --> 41:56.600 want try your hardest that's where we're at here some of these players know that everybody that 41:56.600 --> 42:04.040 they're talking to gives them exceptional credit and so the default is if he's really talking very 42:04.040 --> 42:09.800 simple then it must just be that he thinks that I don't know and so I'm going to be respectful and 42:09.800 --> 42:17.640 not cut him off I'll just let him say stuff and I've had that happen a lot of times on my show where 42:17.640 --> 42:25.000 people start with like you know you know there's a in a way kind of Denny did it last night Denny 42:25.000 --> 42:34.680 was pretty expansive pretty in-depth explained why there was a seasonal component to all cause 42:34.680 --> 42:41.480 mortality but I would assume that that Peter knew that I certainly understood it but maybe that was 42:42.680 --> 42:47.800 you know not understood he already did it for the the audience as well I guess I get that 42:48.840 --> 42:53.640 but we're really talking about some serious baloney here and this goes on you know what our 42:53.640 --> 43:00.360 biggest enemy is in America this is where frankly we know that when we go back remember 43:00.360 --> 43:07.640 that in the context of the rollout of the vaccine where people like the Nobel Prize winners we're 43:07.640 --> 43:14.120 saying that the RNA lasts for a few weeks that nothing is couldn't be safer that all these 43:14.120 --> 43:21.000 components are natural and the other ones are disappearing in no time and that it's protecting 43:21.080 --> 43:28.920 everyone and all sort of stuff at the same time that that illusion of consensus was going on 43:29.480 --> 43:36.040 on television and social media there was an another illusion of consensus going on can't trust the 43:36.040 --> 43:42.520 unvaccinated now is the time to do what you're told this is not the biggest enemy is in America 43:43.320 --> 43:49.400 our fellow Americans frankly we know that we can't trust the unvaccinated now is the time to do 43:50.200 --> 43:57.800 what you're told this is not about freedom or personal choice no screw you freedom apologize 43:57.800 --> 44:04.040 for every variant to come walking around warfully unvaccinated that's iconic 44:05.240 --> 44:13.160 I'm patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us vaccinated 44:13.160 --> 44:18.040 person having a heart attack yes come right on him we'll take care of you unvaccinated guy you 44:18.040 --> 44:24.200 gobbled horse goo rest in peace wheezy you unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals 44:24.760 --> 44:30.200 we're over running emergency rooms in intensive care units leaving no room for someone with a 44:30.200 --> 44:37.560 heart attack or pancreatitis yush muk this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated f*** them f*** 44:37.560 --> 44:45.800 their freedom I want my freedom to live you have to be conscious of what happened and remember 44:45.800 --> 44:51.640 exactly how it happened because again there are people who haven't woken up from that spell 44:53.160 --> 44:59.560 there are people who haven't woken up from that spell and think that people who didn't get vaccinated 44:59.560 --> 45:06.440 are still selfish and still lucky that the virus didn't get them still lucky 45:08.120 --> 45:13.800 that they managed not to kill anybody with their selfishness that's what people think 45:14.760 --> 45:22.120 I've heard them say it I've asked them so they have really created the biggest rift 45:22.120 --> 45:29.080 cognitive rift that could be created with regard to this mythology and we are at a very 45:29.080 --> 45:33.880 dangerous tipping point of course with the election in America coming up next year 45:35.240 --> 45:38.200 do you ever think we will find the origins of SARS-CoV-2 45:39.080 --> 45:47.560 what do you think Amy would we find the origins no why is that because we didn't find the origins 45:47.560 --> 45:55.960 of SARS-CoV-1 we found viruses that have pieces of the thing all in one cave but this didn't come 45:55.960 --> 46:04.920 from one cave so no so you think we should keep looking Amy why 46:09.080 --> 46:13.240 I'm asking you I'm just asking I don't under I don't know what the point is 46:14.120 --> 46:21.320 I don't know what the point is to keep looking so first of all as Eddie Holmes has stated numerous 46:21.320 --> 46:28.120 times by the time by the time we got there we the virus has changed so significantly that 46:28.120 --> 46:33.160 it would be hard to even be to determine that it was the origin 46:33.240 --> 46:38.840 I don't see the point in this exercise 46:41.640 --> 46:46.280 that's why Eddie is not a proponent of surveying bats for their viruses right 46:48.440 --> 46:53.800 yeah that's why he says by the time you do it it's all changed yeah but right so what the 46:53.800 --> 46:58.840 point of this exercise so for SARS-CoV-1 it took 10 years to do that they found they found pieces 46:58.840 --> 47:04.840 of the original virus right right but they didn't find the virus no but it's okay you could 47:04.840 --> 47:11.240 find pieces which put together would give SARS-1 so 10 years they found pieces that put together 47:11.240 --> 47:17.160 you could get SARS you could get parts of SARS-CoV-2 it didn't take 10 years yeah but that was in 47:17.160 --> 47:23.320 lough and you know so what how do you know that it didn't it didn't come over the border in the 47:23.400 --> 47:31.880 in on somebody's shoe or in some truck that was bringing some I don't know papayas who knows you 47:31.880 --> 47:36.840 want to frozen food packages came in with SARS-CoV-2 on it that's what China says 47:40.440 --> 47:41.080 Scooby-Doo 47:43.480 --> 47:48.040 when when we in the in the White House when Debbie Birx and I proposed 47:48.920 --> 47:57.000 the 15-day shutdown followed by a 30-day shutdown you may not remember but that was when the 47:58.200 --> 48:05.240 meat packing freezer trucks were parked in front of Elmer's hospital because they I remember because 48:05.240 --> 48:11.320 Paul Catrell was telling us he could see him out his window I remember because Paul Catrell was 48:11.320 --> 48:16.920 telling us almost nightly about it and bragging about how he was in New York so he knew better 48:17.000 --> 48:24.520 than anybody even though he was on the bus to like med school or whatever it was not really 48:24.520 --> 48:29.960 med school but at the stuff you do before med school but I but George Webb says like med school 48:29.960 --> 48:35.320 and doctor and doctor and med school and med school and med school and medical school and medical 48:35.320 --> 48:39.960 school and medical school and medical school and Paul Catrell medical school well I wasn't medical 48:39.960 --> 48:48.600 schools before medical school that's how it's done that's how it's been done for three and a half 48:48.600 --> 48:55.480 years now these people are liars they are spectacularly committed to the lie and anybody 48:56.120 --> 49:05.400 that is onto them or onto the plan has been co-opted by force comfort money drugs I don't know what 49:05.400 --> 49:15.480 professional standing fame travel but I assure you ladies and gentlemen that Pierre Corey for example 49:16.120 --> 49:22.920 is not faking it when he first came out on Brett Weinstein's podcast and was telling the story 49:22.920 --> 49:29.720 about how no one would let him treat anybody in Wisconsin so he went to New York and when he 49:29.800 --> 49:39.240 got to New York what did he meet he met the setup when he got to New York what did he meet he 49:39.240 --> 49:48.920 met the setup he met the setup that was being mystically created in New York with a series of 49:48.920 --> 49:57.560 orders and changes in human behavior never before seen do not resuscitate orders no treating of 49:57.560 --> 50:05.400 pneumonia I mean the list is absurd and included in that is probably probably probably 50:07.240 --> 50:14.040 some doctors that were there and were recruited to tell parts of the story 50:15.400 --> 50:21.960 to tell specific parts of the story and make sure that those parts of the story were amplified 50:22.040 --> 50:30.040 and that they would be amplified if they did or you can disappear or you can be cast out or you 50:30.040 --> 50:35.880 can never practice medicine again or we can do any number of things to you because this is a 50:35.880 --> 50:43.320 national security issue we don't know how bad this virus is going to be remember Peter McCullough 50:43.800 --> 50:51.560 and Pierre Corey were acting at the very beginning of the pandemic so if there was an infectious 50:51.560 --> 50:58.680 clone in the places where people were getting sick or if they were just naive enough 51:00.120 --> 51:06.200 to believe that the illusion of consensus on television and the illusion of consensus in 51:06.200 --> 51:11.960 their meetings with their administrators and the illusion of consensus that they saw in social 51:11.960 --> 51:19.320 media that they decided that that respiratory disease might actually be a new one 51:20.600 --> 51:26.680 that that PCR test might actually be identifying a new one and therefore I better be careful 51:27.960 --> 51:34.200 because rumor has it it might be a lab virus and if that's the case you might not want to get this 51:34.200 --> 51:39.480 one do you not think that that was going on behind the scenes I most assure you it was 51:40.360 --> 51:41.560 because I was part of it 51:45.320 --> 51:48.920 this is where we are at this is how extraordinary things are 51:50.680 --> 51:56.680 because there is an illusion that was set from the very beginning used behind the scenes to scare 51:56.680 --> 51:59.800 people into being less brave 52:02.200 --> 52:07.400 scaring people behind the scenes at congress scaring the people behind the scenes in secret 52:07.400 --> 52:11.400 meetings scaring people behind the scenes at ground zero 52:14.520 --> 52:19.240 and that's how you get people on board that's how you co-opt 52:22.840 --> 52:28.360 you get them as part of the actual national security operation 52:30.680 --> 52:31.880 co-opt them as leaders 52:32.280 --> 52:37.880 now this guy's not aware of all that going on because he's also being used 52:40.760 --> 52:46.200 I think he's been used for a very very very long time and eventually he must have become aware 52:46.200 --> 52:50.520 that he's being used but I think it's one of those lookaway doctrine type things 52:52.120 --> 52:59.080 where he knows that the governing powers of the world have been using him and others to do this 52:59.160 --> 53:05.400 but you know they're going to take care of my family if I shut my mouth and just keep doing this 53:06.120 --> 53:11.720 they're going to take care of my family that's where we're at this is for all the marbles there's 53:11.720 --> 53:17.800 no more games and so you can start thinking of you should have started thinking of people's behavior 53:17.800 --> 53:25.080 in this context a while ago it's for all the marbles a few lies here and there when everybody 53:25.080 --> 53:30.840 else in the whole world is telling lies it's pretty enticing 53:35.640 --> 53:43.080 how to put the bodies in there because the morgues were overflowing the same thing was seen in boston 53:43.080 --> 53:50.520 in front of mass general and the Brigham so when you have a tsunami of cases where you have to shut 53:50.600 --> 53:58.120 it off immediately you can't say let's wait x number of months until we get a vaccine or let's 53:58.120 --> 54:03.080 wait x number of months until we do this when you're running out of hospital beds and you're 54:03.080 --> 54:08.200 running out of ventilates you got to do something draconian because otherwise there would have been 54:08.200 --> 54:18.040 a lot more lives lost however you've got to balance that and continually testing whether 54:18.600 --> 54:22.440 it's still worth luck you could even see the AIDS 54:23.400 --> 54:31.640 AIDS thing as a as a test run of this operation let's try it with the gays because nobody cares 54:31.640 --> 54:36.280 about them nobody's gonna speak up for them we'll do this practice epidemic 54:38.280 --> 54:45.320 and then the real one is this one and it's all the same nonsense we had to shut it down you see his 54:46.200 --> 54:51.800 his arm movement there we had to just shut it down because there was a tsunami of cases 54:52.760 --> 54:58.600 a tsunami of cases created by panic on television and a nonspecific PCR test 54:59.400 --> 55:06.360 and liars on tv liars on social media liars that were coordinated and committed 55:07.000 --> 55:17.640 coordinated to a lie about bioweapons about vaccine leaks about AIDS vaccine leaks about 55:18.920 --> 55:27.080 what was it uh i don't know d oh i can't even remember anymore it's just so crazy how much of 55:27.080 --> 55:35.800 these these narratives all weave together now from this in retrospect uh retrospect is always 55:35.880 --> 55:42.920 2020 hindsight is always 2020 and it is just extraordinary what you can see if you look back 55:42.920 --> 55:50.520 the pattern is there and it is crystal clear they wove this story from the very beginning 55:50.520 --> 55:54.680 and they used it from the very beginning when it was necessary in the beginning they used it to 55:54.680 --> 55:59.960 scare people when it was necessary they used it in the beginning to get everybody in line 56:00.040 --> 56:08.440 and now they're using it to perpetuate the need to perpetuate the danger to perpetuate the threat 56:09.160 --> 56:15.560 no not dissimilar to what they did with the war on terror but now this one affects everybody 56:17.960 --> 56:23.320 it doesn't matter what country you're in it doesn't matter what songs you sing it doesn't 56:23.320 --> 56:31.400 matter what church you go to or what books you read you need to fear this and you need to fear 56:31.400 --> 56:39.560 climate change king down the initial lockdown reason was a life-saving reason how long you close 56:39.560 --> 56:46.920 the school how long you do you know you diminish activities on the outside has to be a dynamic 56:46.920 --> 56:53.960 process which you've got to evaluate in real time now is the risk benefit still in favor 56:54.600 --> 57:01.000 of restriction or is the risk benefit leading much more towards loosening up and that's what's 57:01.000 --> 57:06.200 going to be interesting because we're going to go back and examine that is worth things done 57:06.200 --> 57:14.680 too long or not but the initial decision to lock things down unequivocally saved a lot of lives 57:14.680 --> 57:23.800 no doubt about that not even close what did he just say lock things down unequivocally 57:23.800 --> 57:31.160 but the initial decision to lock things down unequivocally saved a lot of lives no doubt about 57:31.160 --> 57:40.760 that not even close it's a pretty extraordinary statement and when he says it and people listen 57:40.920 --> 57:47.000 and agree and an audience like that it's an illusion of consensus not that is similar to 57:47.560 --> 57:56.680 studio audience laughter in a sitcom that's also of course true with covid right we are all 57:56.680 --> 58:02.200 only as healthy as our neighbor is on our street and our city and our region and our nation and 58:02.200 --> 58:07.480 globally and did we solve that like did we actually manage to vaccinate everyone in the world no 58:08.040 --> 58:13.640 so highlighting water as a global commons and what it means to work together and see it both 58:13.640 --> 58:17.640 out of that kind of global commons perspective but also the self-interest perspective because it 58:17.640 --> 58:21.640 is it does have that parallel it's not only important but it's also important because we 58:21.640 --> 58:27.000 haven't managed to solve those problems which which had similar attributes and water is something 58:27.000 --> 58:31.480 that people understand you know climate change is a bit abstract some people understand it really 58:31.480 --> 58:36.840 well some understand it a bit some just don't understand it water every kid knows how important 58:36.920 --> 58:40.280 it is to have water when you're playing football and you're thirsty you need water 58:40.280 --> 58:44.280 so there's also something about really getting citizen engagement around this and really 58:44.920 --> 58:49.160 in some ways experimenting with this notion of the common good can we actually deliver 58:49.160 --> 58:53.960 this time in ways that we have failed miserably other times and hopefully we won't keep failing 58:53.960 --> 59:01.560 on the other things but anyway i'm not even really sure what that was 59:01.880 --> 59:08.920 but they want the water of course that's one of the resources. Hi everyone Dr. Mandy Cohen 59:08.920 --> 59:14.440 from CDC and wanted to tell you about some new data that was just released by the CDC 59:14.440 --> 59:21.000 which adds to the evidence that vaccinations during pregnancy helps protect patients and newborns 59:21.640 --> 59:26.280 today i'm going to answer a few questions about getting vaccinated when you're pregnant first 59:26.280 --> 59:34.040 question when during pregnancy should a person get a COVID-19 flu and RSV vaccine 59:35.160 --> 59:41.640 so the COVID and flu vaccines are recommended for everyone over six months and that includes 59:41.640 --> 59:47.960 moms who are pregnant you can get a COVID or flu vaccine at any point during pregnancy 59:48.600 --> 59:54.920 for the RSV vaccine you can get that vaccine if you are between 32 to 36 weeks pregnant 59:55.720 --> 59:59.880 what is this necklace can you tell me what this is 01:00:02.840 --> 01:00:09.560 and the second question i really have is this is not dissimilar to Drew Weisman 01:00:10.680 --> 01:00:17.240 this is a person who in all the videos you'll ever find she doesn't get past eighth grade level 01:00:17.240 --> 01:00:24.280 biology like all of them if you go back and look at Fauci when he was younger 01:00:24.760 --> 01:00:30.760 or you look at interviews from the 90s he actually talks fairly in depth about the failures of 01:00:30.760 --> 01:00:36.200 vaccines and why they didn't work for HIV and the complexity of HIV and the complexity of 01:00:36.200 --> 01:00:45.240 virology the complexity of the immune system and its challenge to recognize a changing viral target 01:00:46.440 --> 01:00:51.000 and so he's able to at least articulate why it is that he was having so much trouble and why he was 01:00:51.000 --> 01:00:54.040 failing all the time with coming up with a cure 01:00:56.520 --> 01:01:02.520 now we've dumbed simple it's so much that there's nothing to really argue about because it's so dumb 01:01:02.520 --> 01:01:10.600 simple just get it it's fine we have data that shows just get it it's fine you know there wasn't 01:01:10.600 --> 01:01:15.160 data before now there's data what are you gonna argue there's data we have data that shows 01:01:15.960 --> 01:01:17.560 we have p values that show 01:01:20.840 --> 01:01:25.640 and this is the kind of coercion that's going to go on and on and on as they try to mislead the 01:01:25.640 --> 01:01:33.000 younger the next and the next years i don't know we've got to really 01:01:36.040 --> 01:01:39.720 i think we've really got to think hard about what's coming up in the next few months and be 01:01:39.720 --> 01:01:46.360 really aware of of how far they're going to push it because this is this is a person without the 01:01:46.360 --> 01:01:55.960 expertise to be where she is and that's on purpose because the people that are actually running this 01:01:57.000 --> 01:02:03.320 wanted exactly like that and we have to come to understand what's going on here you really do 01:02:03.960 --> 01:02:09.800 get vaccinated during pregnancy you pass on your antibodies to your baby and they are born with 01:02:09.800 --> 01:02:15.880 some protection through your vaccination this is great news for keeping yourself as healthy as 01:02:15.880 --> 01:02:21.080 possible during pregnancy and to protect the health of your baby and what they're saying there is 01:02:21.080 --> 01:02:26.680 antibodies right they can detect antibodies that's all they're talking about it antibodies equal 01:02:26.680 --> 01:02:36.280 immunity so mom makes antibodies to vaccine mom is immune antibodies show up in breast milk 01:02:37.640 --> 01:02:46.920 mom passes immunity on to baby mom could also pass antibodies which make the baby very sick when 01:02:46.920 --> 01:02:55.960 she is exposed to the RNA and the proteins of the virus in question and that is not 01:02:55.960 --> 01:03:01.000 a rare event it's happened often with RNA viruses in the past 01:03:03.720 --> 01:03:10.760 and so without precedence a single observation for a short period of time is enough to dismiss 01:03:11.320 --> 01:03:18.360 all of previous assumptions in biology all in previous basically theories in biology or 01:03:18.360 --> 01:03:26.200 hypotheses in biology about how to respect the sacredness of the developing fetus inside of a 01:03:26.200 --> 01:03:35.880 pregnant woman and moving the shot to the third drymaster is simply insufficient given what we know 01:03:38.280 --> 01:03:41.800 it's a wonderful wonderful thing though to hear these people really 01:03:41.960 --> 01:03:56.280 because they're just so off they're just so off they wouldn't pass a year 2019 graduate school 01:03:56.280 --> 01:04:05.240 basic entry exam at a whiteboard ever none of these people would that's the extraordinary thing 01:04:06.040 --> 01:04:14.520 you know they would get they would go like dna his tres his RNA and then RNA becomes protein 01:04:15.080 --> 01:04:25.480 that's how stuff works and cells are surrounded by lipids and ribosomes make proteins and sometimes 01:04:25.480 --> 01:04:33.640 the ribosomes are in a er which stands for endoplasmic reticulum and dna stands for deoxyribal nucleic 01:04:33.720 --> 01:04:41.800 acid so i'm really smart and it's it's it's ridiculous and they treat 01:04:43.000 --> 01:04:52.280 they are purposefully speaking in these terms as if it's it's obviously beyond your pay grade to 01:04:52.280 --> 01:05:01.400 be told anymore so that's how i'm going to talk to you and it's it's exactly how this was pulled 01:05:01.400 --> 01:05:07.400 off an illusion of consensus from the very beginning led by fauci and others 01:05:08.520 --> 01:05:17.000 an illusion of consensus that also had this undercurrent of a lab virus and the undercurrent of a lab 01:05:17.000 --> 01:05:25.240 virus was able to mystify people behind the scenes scare people into falling in line with the 01:05:25.960 --> 01:05:32.840 with the national security priority and it took a very long time before that was going to be 01:05:32.840 --> 01:05:38.280 questioned because the only person that was only people that were really questioning it were who 01:05:39.000 --> 01:05:41.240 the people that said there were no viruses at all 01:05:44.840 --> 01:05:52.440 and so the illusion of consensus was very powerful it kept almost everyone almost everyone from 01:05:52.520 --> 01:05:58.200 questioning the concept that there could be an RNA sequence that could do this 01:06:00.360 --> 01:06:01.000 all of us 01:06:03.960 --> 01:06:10.520 now that's what's impressive it's not the idea the idea is silly but it's impressive that they 01:06:10.520 --> 01:06:19.480 were able to convince us all that a RNA molecule endowed with the right sequence is capable of 01:06:19.480 --> 01:06:27.480 circling the globe for years and disrupting everything that we knew as our global economy 01:06:28.680 --> 01:06:36.440 disrupting our health care systems and fundamentally changing how we think about our place on the 01:06:36.440 --> 01:06:44.920 planet it's just absurd and yet they've done it and they're sustaining it by misleading all of the 01:06:44.920 --> 01:06:51.080 young because there are very few kids that watch this program there are very few kids that understand 01:06:51.080 --> 01:06:57.720 this there are very few kids that really get it i don't even know if my kids fully get it and they 01:06:57.720 --> 01:07:06.040 hear it every night at the table from me i don't know do we need to listen to the rest of that lady 01:07:06.280 --> 01:07:09.880 do you want to hear that maybe you want to hear that 01:07:14.760 --> 01:07:20.120 this is great news for keeping yourself as healthy as possible during pregnancy and to protect the 01:07:20.120 --> 01:07:29.480 health of your baby next question is getting vaccinated for covid flu and rsv during pregnancy 01:07:29.480 --> 01:07:36.520 safe for me and my baby another great question and one a lot of people are asking the answer is 01:07:36.520 --> 01:07:43.720 yes getting the covid flu and rsv vaccine during pregnancy is safe for you that is extraordinary 01:07:43.720 --> 01:07:53.560 they are man wanted that to pause that's really extraordinary getting vaccinated for covid 19 01:07:53.560 --> 01:08:00.920 flu and rsv during pregnancy safe for me and my baby and the answer is yes that is just 01:08:02.680 --> 01:08:08.120 that's all you need to know the sacred is gone you know the one nine months where you're not 01:08:08.120 --> 01:08:17.080 supposed to do anything you don't even put makeup on are you joking are you joking 01:08:17.240 --> 01:08:25.000 but you know why not she probably believes that Drew Weissman is not a liar 01:08:26.200 --> 01:08:32.120 Drew Weissman knows how his Nobel Prize winning mRNA works and he says it's only in there for a 01:08:32.120 --> 01:08:39.880 few days and it's just the same as every mRNA that we have and it's only four fats and the 01:08:39.960 --> 01:08:49.320 other two that aren't are natural are gone in days maybe hours and she probably believes that too 01:08:51.080 --> 01:09:00.680 that's the whole reason why this works because their biology is so shallow that they bought it 01:09:01.960 --> 01:09:06.520 and I know it seems crazy that the Nobel Prize winner would have that level of but but it's 01:09:06.520 --> 01:09:10.680 evident to go watch his videos try to find one if you find a good one send it to me 01:09:12.120 --> 01:09:16.440 find me the most complex lecture that you can find Drew Weissman giving 01:09:20.040 --> 01:09:29.160 it'll be the same as Mandy there's nothing it is just comical these people are are something 01:09:30.040 --> 01:09:37.480 being used to govern us I don't know who's winningly and unwittingly involved but we are 01:09:37.480 --> 01:09:43.640 being governed by an elaborate mythology being pushed by people who are either too 01:09:44.280 --> 01:09:52.600 unsophisticated to know don't want to know don't mind not knowing knowing that they're on the 01:09:52.680 --> 01:10:01.240 winning team and some of them are probably eugenics eugenicists some of them are probably worse 01:10:04.360 --> 01:10:11.000 but a lot of them are just in it to win it and they've been told who the winning team is going to be 01:10:11.000 --> 01:10:14.520 and it's pretty obvious to them that they might be right so they said what the hell 01:10:16.840 --> 01:10:21.880 the sales pitch is really easy if you don't do it the next person I offer it to is going to do it 01:10:23.160 --> 01:10:29.560 it's just that I've never gotten that offer mark use eugenics never gotten that offer no one's 01:10:29.560 --> 01:10:36.120 ever shown up with suitcase full of money and four wheelers and a deed to a farm 01:10:38.600 --> 01:10:41.160 but if they did I would ask for two of everything 01:10:43.080 --> 01:10:44.920 and if I got it I don't know what I would do 01:10:46.840 --> 01:10:49.480 I'm sure that all these people have been offered something 01:10:50.280 --> 01:10:55.240 if not just you know you can be the famous CDC director 01:10:55.240 --> 01:11:02.120 pregnancy safe for me and my baby another great question and one a lot of people are asking 01:11:02.120 --> 01:11:08.200 the answer is yes getting the COVID flu and RSV vaccine during pregnancy is safe for you 01:11:08.200 --> 01:11:14.360 and your baby the vaccines have not been linked to any increased risk of negative effects during 01:11:14.360 --> 01:11:20.040 pregnancy or for the baby and the good news is when you get vaccinated during pregnancy 01:11:20.040 --> 01:11:25.240 you pass on your antibodies to your baby and they're born with some protection through your 01:11:25.240 --> 01:11:35.480 vaccination so you know not a real great biology lesson there but it's a great sales pitch 01:11:37.640 --> 01:11:43.000 and that sales pitch is for this right the sales pitch is for a virus that's definitely worth 01:11:43.000 --> 01:11:49.560 emergency use authorizations and a virus that's dangerous enough that's definitely 01:11:50.440 --> 01:11:57.560 means that shutting down saved so many people and that's transfecting people to a spike 01:11:57.560 --> 01:12:04.840 protein saved so many people and it's the illusion of consensus that this is true 01:12:05.480 --> 01:12:08.360 that has gotten us here that made it possible 01:12:12.840 --> 01:12:20.600 and the laughter that you hear signifies the story of the of the worst-case scenario 01:12:21.320 --> 01:12:28.520 that was percolating in the background that this is a lab leak bio-weapon vaccine gone wrong 01:12:28.600 --> 01:12:35.800 de attenuating virus that was the word i was looking for before de attenuating virus 01:12:36.840 --> 01:12:43.800 so it was an attenuated virus and it was made to be a it was made to be a an AIDS vaccine 01:12:43.800 --> 01:12:49.000 and then it like got out and now it's totally like reverting and now once it reverts it's going to 01:12:49.000 --> 01:12:58.040 be like flying AIDS and if you remove the illusion of consensus the whole story sounds stupid 01:12:59.160 --> 01:13:11.320 because in RNA molecule with a couple extra amino acids like PRSS in the final protein or 01:13:11.320 --> 01:13:25.480 whatever a protein with four extra amino acids is not going to endow an RNA molecule with the 01:13:25.560 --> 01:13:32.600 ability to replicate perfectly to suddenly not travel the way it has always traveled to way 01:13:33.560 --> 01:13:40.200 is a is a barely a phantom of a signal in biology 01:13:42.040 --> 01:13:46.840 so it's extraordinary to me that as we make progress in this narrative 01:13:48.120 --> 01:13:54.120 and we see through these this elaborate show what it really comes down to is this illusion 01:13:54.120 --> 01:14:00.040 of consensus of the virus we had to do something that the mRNA was pretty useful but it could have 01:14:00.040 --> 01:14:05.960 been damn well better and because this was likely a gain of function virus this will most certainly 01:14:05.960 --> 01:14:15.640 come again they're even pushing now that old narrative about the idea that that you don't want 01:14:15.640 --> 01:14:20.280 to get infected at all because every time you get infected it's an added you know added again 01:14:20.280 --> 01:14:26.760 and added again and added again and so what does that narrative do that narrative almost 01:14:26.760 --> 01:14:30.920 without saying it suggests that you should get vaccinated over and over again to avoid 01:14:30.920 --> 01:14:39.320 get infected over and over again infection in that model is defined by what PCR 01:14:41.000 --> 01:14:49.000 is defined by what symptoms so it's all circular logic of nonsense as long as you believe in the 01:14:49.000 --> 01:14:54.840 virus as long as you believe that something special is circulating you need a laugh track 01:14:56.280 --> 01:15:01.800 because if you don't have a laugh track nobody will follow along nobody will believe you and the 01:15:01.800 --> 01:15:11.640 laugh track is created by social media and the promotion of the wrong people promotion of people 01:15:11.640 --> 01:15:17.480 that will provide the track laughter or more importantly warm question the script 01:15:21.960 --> 01:15:30.360 they created an illusion of consensus around a virus around the need to do something drastic 01:15:30.360 --> 01:15:34.760 because you know it's a freaking lab leak most likely we can't tell everybody this 01:15:36.040 --> 01:15:37.960 because when we tell everybody this they'll panic 01:15:38.840 --> 01:15:46.840 and so you need to shut your hole about it until next year and then next year we'll roll that out 01:15:48.360 --> 01:15:52.120 where you know they're going to fight about it in front of congress and we'll leak some emails 01:15:52.120 --> 01:15:57.560 and it'll slowly become obvious but we can't tell everybody in February that this is a lab leak 01:15:59.800 --> 01:16:06.440 or we'll have bedlam so we're going to control up this we're going to ease it into them 01:16:08.200 --> 01:16:13.880 and this easing in will result in them convincing themselves and maybe this was a lab leak so we 01:16:13.880 --> 01:16:21.240 better done do what we better listen do what we're told and that incongruency was seen in their 01:16:21.240 --> 01:16:26.520 behavior if you say it's a natural virus but we got it locked down like right now 01:16:28.120 --> 01:16:34.600 or we're not going to save any lives that doesn't really make sense that's how I saw it if it's a 01:16:34.680 --> 01:16:37.800 natural virus from a bad cable what do we got to worry about nothing really 01:16:40.360 --> 01:16:45.240 and we have previous immunity so you know I don't really see the panic but if it's a lab leak maybe 01:16:45.240 --> 01:16:53.320 that's why they're panicking that made sense to me and it wasn't until three years later that I 01:16:53.320 --> 01:17:02.360 learned enough virology and more importantly read enough about the molecular biology in virology to 01:17:02.360 --> 01:17:07.160 understand what their claims were and once you understand what their claims were 01:17:07.960 --> 01:17:12.840 you can understand how in the context of previous virology and virological limits 01:17:14.440 --> 01:17:17.880 their claims didn't make any sense unless they use clones 01:17:19.880 --> 01:17:25.960 and that's when this illusion of consensus became very obvious to me because once I started talking 01:17:26.040 --> 01:17:34.600 about clones most of these people started ignoring me started attacking me started saying I was a 01:17:34.600 --> 01:17:41.560 divider started saying whatever and whatnot because this illusion of consensus was about to be disturbed 01:17:41.560 --> 01:17:48.120 because I was pointing out that we've been fooled into solving this mystery by all these people 01:17:48.120 --> 01:17:58.360 and in so doing we allowed this change in how we think to occur because you know we bought into 01:17:58.360 --> 01:18:07.720 the novelty of this whole thing as long as there's a new the virus then all bets were off that was 01:18:07.720 --> 01:18:15.720 the sales pitch but it's a new virus so we don't know I mean it's a new car we don't know how fast 01:18:15.800 --> 01:18:20.280 it'll go or how it works or whether you put gas in it or not I mean it's a whole new thing 01:18:21.160 --> 01:18:25.320 we have no idea how it works we don't even know if it's got doors 01:18:27.720 --> 01:18:33.000 and since this new car is out there you're gonna have to stay in your house not drive for a while 01:18:33.000 --> 01:18:38.600 until we we see where this thing spreads it's a new car we don't know anything about it it's not a 01:18:38.600 --> 01:18:43.560 very good analogy except for the idea that it's a new virus that we don't know anything about 01:18:44.360 --> 01:18:51.320 our immune system that has been building immune memory to all the RNA that we've ever been 01:18:51.320 --> 01:18:57.080 exposed to all the self-replicating RNA we've ever been exposed to now suddenly there's a new one 01:18:58.280 --> 01:19:06.360 and it's so new that everybody's vulnerable it was just the worst story ever and then along with 01:19:06.440 --> 01:19:12.120 that they dumbed out our immunology they made sure that everybody bought into the 01:19:13.640 --> 01:19:17.480 i-m-m-u-n-i-t-y that's what I got body's anti-crap 01:19:19.560 --> 01:19:26.280 antibodies equal immunity was the illusion that I've been trying to dispel since 2020 01:19:27.000 --> 01:19:32.520 with a slide that said exactly that should go back to one of those old slides that sometime 01:19:32.520 --> 01:19:41.160 and see how far on we were and so then on this scooby-doo we are you know we ventilated people 01:19:41.720 --> 01:19:47.640 whoops we ventilated people were emdesivir medazalam untreated pneumonia 01:19:50.120 --> 01:19:56.440 and so rolling in flu deaths as covid deaths doesn't increase all cause mortality 01:19:56.920 --> 01:20:04.920 you've got to kill people that's what the protocols did that's what the extra opioid deaths did 01:20:05.480 --> 01:20:11.320 that's what all the extra deaths that they did you've got to spread them out as much as possible 01:20:11.320 --> 01:20:19.080 everything goes up and then the excess deaths equal covid and now what we really need to get 01:20:19.080 --> 01:20:24.840 Denny Rancour to understand that and be able to articulate that quickly and succinctly 01:20:25.400 --> 01:20:31.640 because he's really close and he said it to Peter McCullough isn't it strange that the excess 01:20:31.640 --> 01:20:36.280 deaths are exactly equal to covid almost like they're telling us a story because that's what 01:20:36.280 --> 01:20:46.040 they are doing the music from the game is surprisingly appropriate tonight it's almost like i got a 01:20:46.040 --> 01:20:52.360 sound guy back there i don't know if you can hear that you might not be able to hear that 01:20:52.840 --> 01:20:59.800 so they've lied to us about this pandemic potential but even worse they've created an illusion of 01:20:59.800 --> 01:21:08.440 consensus about it and the illusion of consensus about gain of function in the background is 01:21:08.440 --> 01:21:15.560 ultimately what keeps everybody pinned to the narrative it's really the faith this is like the 01:21:16.520 --> 01:21:23.320 you know the the mystery of all the mysteries and belief that we can 01:21:24.280 --> 01:21:32.680 endow viruses with pandemic potential that we can endow viruses with pandemic potential is the faith 01:21:35.080 --> 01:21:43.480 because that is a baby sized version of the faith that we can change the human genome we can 01:21:43.560 --> 01:21:51.480 make personalized medicine we can cure genetic diseases we can take control of our destiny 01:21:53.160 --> 01:22:01.960 it's a little tiny microcosm of that little little seed version of that idea we can do this 01:22:03.080 --> 01:22:05.640 soon we'll be able to do it for everything 01:22:05.640 --> 01:22:16.600 kymeric viruses are so 2020 we're making kymeric fake synthetic bacteria now 01:22:17.560 --> 01:22:24.680 soon we're going to make synthetic organisms made of silicon all these other stories that they will 01:22:24.680 --> 01:22:33.000 tell us this is the beginning this is like the little gateway drug idea we can stitch together 01:22:33.000 --> 01:22:36.760 RNA and make it pandemic that's the faith 01:22:39.880 --> 01:22:44.760 and the illusion of consensus that got us here is this idea that we've got to figure out whether 01:22:44.760 --> 01:22:52.360 it's a natural virus with this incredible superpower or whether it's a lab virus with this incredible 01:22:52.360 --> 01:23:00.840 superpower and that mystery completely obfuscates the idea that we have always known that RNA can't do 01:23:00.840 --> 01:23:07.240 this and that's what made it so hard to study RNA viruses for so long in the lab 01:23:08.280 --> 01:23:12.760 and the only way we've been able to kind of overcome it is to make these RNA sequences 01:23:13.400 --> 01:23:22.280 from scratch or with synthetic recombinant mechanized methodologies and then if we you know do some 01:23:22.280 --> 01:23:32.440 laboratory experiments it seems to kind of do stuff and move around and transmit from an animal 01:23:32.440 --> 01:23:37.960 to an animal if we take stuff out of one animal and squirt it in the other animal 01:23:40.120 --> 01:23:42.600 an illusion of consensus ladies and gentlemen 01:23:44.520 --> 01:23:48.600 it's really a conflated background single it doesn't matter whether it's an endemic virus 01:23:49.160 --> 01:23:52.680 a background coronavirus if you want to call it that protocols are murder and 01:23:52.680 --> 01:24:00.840 transmission is not medicine if you want to call it an infectious clone release because you really 01:24:00.840 --> 01:24:05.880 are convinced that there was a real molecular signal and lots of people identified around the 01:24:05.880 --> 01:24:11.480 world this is the way it was done if you want to call it a transfection agent release i think 01:24:11.480 --> 01:24:18.360 that's also a very valid way to call it because again using RNA to express protein in in cells 01:24:18.360 --> 01:24:24.280 where it's not normally expressing it is called transfection and so if you spray it in people's 01:24:24.280 --> 01:24:29.080 lungs or put it on their skin or put it in their food or whatever they would have done with it 01:24:30.120 --> 01:24:36.120 if that RNA ends up transcribing protein sorry being translated into 01:24:36.760 --> 01:24:45.720 what you know transcribed if it makes protein then you've 01:24:45.720 --> 01:24:53.640 transfected that animal that human that whatever and so again it's it doesn't really matter what 01:24:53.640 --> 01:24:59.160 you call it as long as you call it something as long as you say that the protocols were murder 01:25:00.200 --> 01:25:07.720 and that that transfection is in medicine it's totally okay but no viruses discounts 01:25:07.800 --> 01:25:16.200 the many many many many many many many many many many known synthetic options for 01:25:17.640 --> 01:25:22.760 transfection and transformation it ignores that we can really make 01:25:22.760 --> 01:25:28.040 adenoviruses like little particles that have stuff inside of them we can make those we can't 01:25:28.040 --> 01:25:35.960 make them with great purity but we can make those we can make lipid nanoparticles in small nanoparticles 01:25:35.960 --> 01:25:43.480 and and other lipid droplets that contain RNA in them and that can allow transfection 01:25:45.000 --> 01:25:51.800 and in the coming week I think I've just been gifted a whole truckload of of new ideas and 01:25:51.800 --> 01:25:55.640 things to talk about this week and a lot of it has to do with these ideas these 01:25:57.800 --> 01:26:01.800 the concept of transfection has been patented more than you know 01:26:02.600 --> 01:26:08.920 and the number of patents that are involved in this patent pool which likely underlies this 01:26:10.440 --> 01:26:17.400 release of military technology to the world of pharmaceutical industries 01:26:19.400 --> 01:26:24.760 change in patent law all this stuff is happening behind the scenes while we're arguing about is 01:26:24.760 --> 01:26:31.320 there a virus or not and while we're arguing about you know whether it was a lab leak or a natural 01:26:31.320 --> 01:26:36.200 virus or whether they're no virus people and that's all that's silly doesn't matter at all 01:26:36.920 --> 01:26:41.080 the protocols for murder transfection isn't medicine and they are trying to reorganize 01:26:41.720 --> 01:26:48.040 the intellectual property space around the entire biopharmaceutical industry 01:26:49.240 --> 01:26:56.440 and that reorganization is expressing itself and is visible in the way that the pandemic 01:26:56.520 --> 01:27:01.080 technologies have been rolled out and the way the the direction of this entire 01:27:02.600 --> 01:27:08.360 industry is going and we're going to be able to expose it we're going to be able to show it 01:27:08.920 --> 01:27:14.360 and so we're going to be able to see how this had to have been planned it's an orchestrated 01:27:14.360 --> 01:27:21.960 pivot and the pivot may be a couple different parties that are involved in responding to the 01:27:21.960 --> 01:27:26.840 pivot but it's more than likely that all the parties involved are aware that the pivot is 01:27:26.840 --> 01:27:35.000 going to happen and it's not isolated to this one thing but it is one one of one of the things 01:27:35.000 --> 01:27:42.520 that many of the dissident characters that we've been following for three years have to be involved 01:27:42.600 --> 01:27:51.320 in it's almost impossible that that's not the heart of of what is really happening here with 01:27:51.320 --> 01:27:54.840 with all these people maps that we've been watching and thinking about 01:27:56.520 --> 01:28:05.720 so it was definitely a a orchestrated novel virus idea that's spread around the world by 01:28:05.720 --> 01:28:11.160 incentive spread around the world by previous drilling and pre-programmed responses 01:28:11.960 --> 01:28:19.880 spread around by fear and rumor about a lab leak and the potential of what a lab leak could do 01:28:19.880 --> 01:28:26.440 versus what a regular virus would do and the perpetuation of the worst-case scenario idea that 01:28:26.440 --> 01:28:32.360 we know nothing we can do nothing we have nothing and this thing's going to kill 3.4 percent from 01:28:32.360 --> 01:28:40.520 everybody that infects and that illusion only needed to last for so long in so many people in 01:28:40.600 --> 01:28:46.520 order for this to have occurred it only had to be perpetuated for so long on tv in order for this 01:28:46.520 --> 01:28:53.000 to occur and now we're here and if we're going to get out we have to actively free 01:28:54.280 --> 01:28:59.640 our fellow citizens from this illusion as many of them that are willing to take a lifeline 01:29:00.600 --> 01:29:11.560 and so over the next coming weeks we are going to re-examine we are going to re-examine immunology 01:29:11.560 --> 01:29:17.960 101 a few times we are going to get good at making a few simple diagrams together 01:29:18.840 --> 01:29:25.800 and we are going to get good at elevator pitches about this lying scenario we're going to collaborate 01:29:25.800 --> 01:29:30.280 hopefully with michael yeden and a few other people we're going to have council fires on every 01:29:30.280 --> 01:29:38.040 monday that we can and uh we're going to keep bringing people together and trying to create a 01:29:38.040 --> 01:29:47.080 new consensus that isn't an illusion because we are at a time point where um 01:29:47.640 --> 01:29:56.520 um our our governance the people that are that believe themselves are currently are in control 01:29:56.520 --> 01:30:04.600 of world governance are making changes and they're making changes for a wide variety of reasons 01:30:05.640 --> 01:30:11.480 and we need to go in eyes wide open and the first thing is we need to get out of this cave 01:30:11.560 --> 01:30:15.640 whoa what's this why didn't they play something isn't right 01:30:19.400 --> 01:30:24.680 but that didn't work right what in the heck 01:30:35.080 --> 01:30:38.920 why didn't that work that's strange we try that again 01:30:42.440 --> 01:30:47.960 there we go so you can visit gig ombiological.com 01:30:49.320 --> 01:30:54.040 if you scroll down from the front page you can find a place where you can subscribe at various 01:30:54.040 --> 01:30:58.280 levels if you really want to support the stream um but the best way to do it is to share 01:30:59.400 --> 01:31:05.000 um you can also join the conversation there at gig omb.bio um it's kind of like a 01:31:05.000 --> 01:31:11.800 twitter but just for us um but it's accessible to everybody and uh you can support my work there 01:31:11.800 --> 01:31:16.680 if you feel the need to donate one time or would like to donate one time that's one place to do 01:31:16.680 --> 01:31:23.160 it as well and i thank everybody that has done it in the past um intramuscular injection of any 01:31:23.160 --> 01:31:27.880 combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb short way of saying 01:31:27.880 --> 01:31:34.920 that for now his transaction is not immunization so Nobel prize was awarded we knew that was 01:31:34.920 --> 01:31:39.560 going to happen we predicted it um step all transfections and humans because they're trying 01:31:39.560 --> 01:31:42.360 to eliminate the control group by any means necessary 01:31:45.720 --> 01:31:53.880 and that is the show don't forget to share the broken science initiative um and uh yeah 01:31:53.880 --> 01:31:58.200 this has been gig ombiological high resistance low noise information stream brought to you by 01:31:58.200 --> 01:32:08.280 biologists my name is Jonathan Cooey thanks very much um we're going to try and get a weekly 01:32:08.280 --> 01:32:16.440 rhythm where we do journal club where we do a question and answer kind of open forum kind of 01:32:16.440 --> 01:32:24.760 thing where we do a council fire and where we do the fire hose kind of thing like this and where 01:32:24.760 --> 01:32:33.640 we do watch along so it should be like five kinds of shows or five kinds of daily streams 01:32:33.640 --> 01:32:39.560 which will make it a little easier for me to keep the pace up um but it also keep it a little variable 01:32:40.680 --> 01:32:46.200 and then after all this talk i just wanted to put my money where my mouth is and let you know that 01:32:47.160 --> 01:32:52.280 it's taken me a long time to figure out how to do it and and what the story will be but i think 01:32:52.280 --> 01:33:02.360 we finally got it and so on the halloween i will be streaming for on and off most of the day 01:33:03.480 --> 01:33:09.320 um certainly after work hours i can't remember what day it is during the week 01:33:11.880 --> 01:33:22.120 and i will be streaming to you live from a from a from the deck of the starship 01:33:22.120 --> 01:33:29.240 enterprise and i think halloween is the Tuesday night okay so it'll be like after five on Tuesday 01:33:29.240 --> 01:33:35.160 i'll probably be streaming for like five hours from the enterprise as a kick off of that star 01:33:35.160 --> 01:33:45.080 track that i promised you a long time ago so look forward to that see you soon