WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:07.120 David has had to defer and J.J. Kooey is jumping into the breach. Welcome to today's discussion. 00:07.120 --> 00:12.560 This group is founded by Dr. Stephen Frost with a desire to pursue truth, ethics, justice, 00:12.560 --> 00:18.960 freedom and health. Stephen has stood up against government and power over the years and has been 00:18.960 --> 00:25.600 a whistleblower and activist. His medical specialty is radiology. We comprise lots of professions 00:25.600 --> 00:32.400 here from all around the world. We're not just medical doctors and many of us thought 00:33.040 --> 00:39.520 that vaccines were okay. Now many of us proudly say, yes, we are passionate anti-vaxxers. If this 00:39.520 --> 00:45.280 is your first time here, welcome and feel free to introduce yourself in the chat. If you publish 00:45.840 --> 00:50.880 anything, use that podcast, put the details into the chat so we can find you, promote you, 00:50.880 --> 00:54.880 even if you've done it previously because we have a floating population, put it into the chat, 00:55.520 --> 01:00.480 don't be shy. Most of us understand we're in the middle of World War III and that there 01:00.480 --> 01:06.960 are various battle lines as part of this war. Most of us understand the development of science 01:06.960 --> 01:11.200 and that the science has never settled. The meeting runs for two and a half hours after 01:11.200 --> 01:17.360 which for those with the time, Tom Rodman runs a video telegram meeting. Tom puts the links 01:17.360 --> 01:21.360 into the chat if you're able to join. We listened to J.J. Kooey for as long as he's thought he's 01:21.520 --> 01:24.400 going to speak a short time and then we're going to have plenty of Q&A and Stephen 01:25.040 --> 01:30.400 Frost via a long established tradition asks the first series of questions for the first 15 minutes. 01:30.400 --> 01:36.160 There's no censorship. It's a free speech environment. If you're offended by anything, be offended. 01:36.160 --> 01:42.640 We're genuinely not interested. We reject the offense industry that requires nobody to say 01:42.640 --> 01:50.000 anything that may offend another. We come with an attitude and perspective of love not fear. Fear 01:50.640 --> 01:57.280 is the opposite of love. Fear squashes you, love on the other hand expands you and in my show last 01:57.280 --> 02:03.200 week I talked about fear porn just to hold those two words in your head. Governments are love it 02:03.200 --> 02:09.200 when you are full of fear. You come to this place to remind yourself to let go of the fear. 02:10.320 --> 02:14.480 If you have a solution or a product or links or resources that will help people put the details 02:14.480 --> 02:18.320 into the chat, the meeting is recorded and is uploaded on the Rumble channel. Some of you will 02:18.320 --> 02:24.240 be watching this by recording. Welcome and now welcome again JJ Kubi who has presented twice to 02:24.240 --> 02:29.680 us before this is his third time and please go back and look at the recordings of his presentations. 02:29.680 --> 02:36.640 They are excellent, they are provocative, they are meaningful and thank you JJ for jumping into 02:36.640 --> 02:42.080 the last moment to replace Dr David Martin and thank you Stephen Frost again for all creating 02:42.080 --> 02:48.320 this agreement for organising JJ. Over to you JJ you have screen sharing rights what we're in 02:48.320 --> 02:55.360 your hands. Thank you very much anybody who's watching now on the zoom if you don't already see me as 02:55.360 --> 03:00.000 the big screen and only the big screen then go up to the right hand corner of your screen click 03:00.000 --> 03:05.040 on view and change it to speaker view instead of gallery because I'm going to control my own 03:05.040 --> 03:10.240 screen and so it will never override that so you need to change to that view and then you'll see me 03:10.240 --> 03:16.000 big and that means if you see that then you should also see me now down here in the corner 03:16.000 --> 03:22.640 and if that's working fine then everything should be good so I first of all I want to 03:23.600 --> 03:28.720 compliment you guys for being here every week multiple times sometimes for the last three years 03:28.720 --> 03:34.720 because we're going to require a certain level of endurance for us to make it across the finish 03:34.720 --> 03:39.440 line in the coming years and I say coming years because I'm quite certain that that's how long 03:39.440 --> 03:45.680 this battle is going to go. We can't take the bait on TV and social media which keeps us focused 03:45.680 --> 03:51.200 on the ground in front of us. I'm starting to really understand that the game is a longer game 03:51.200 --> 03:55.680 than this year or next year and in order for us to get ahead of this game we're going to have 03:55.680 --> 04:01.200 to start thinking a little bit farther ahead than the coming six months and so don't take the bait 04:01.760 --> 04:07.280 don't pay attention to the things that they're throwing in front of you even if it's google fold 04:07.280 --> 04:11.680 and they claim that they've figured out how they can fold all the proteins in the universe 04:11.680 --> 04:15.760 and they've made a little video like the one I'm playing here to trick you into the believing 04:15.760 --> 04:24.240 that. So I've been pitching for a while that essentially the psychological operation of the 04:24.240 --> 04:32.080 pandemic was one way in which they used a series of censorship and very dramatic pronouncements that 04:32.080 --> 04:38.720 were all uniform across the globe in order to trick us into believing that there was a mystery 04:38.720 --> 04:45.360 to solve and that that mystery involved a virus that circulated the globe for more than three years 04:45.360 --> 04:50.240 that that virus was very different and novel from any other previous virus and that that 04:50.240 --> 04:56.560 meant it was likely that it wasn't natural and the mystery has led us the solving of this mystery 04:56.640 --> 05:03.360 has essentially tricked the left and the right into believing that the solution to this mystery 05:03.360 --> 05:08.880 is the truth and so whether you end up believing that it's probably natural or it's probably a 05:08.880 --> 05:14.800 lab leak or that pandemics are something that we need to fear in the future is something that you 05:14.800 --> 05:20.000 won't question so I kind of said that a little awkwardly but if you come to the conclusion that 05:20.000 --> 05:25.520 it was a natural virus or you come to the conclusion that it was a lab leak you are still coming to 05:25.520 --> 05:32.000 the conclusion that we must prepare for the next one and that as our wonderful technology 05:32.640 --> 05:40.320 continues to grow and expand the ease with which anyone who wants to be a creep can create a pandemic 05:40.320 --> 05:47.840 virus will become ever more accessible to people working in their garage and that is essentially 05:47.840 --> 05:54.240 what they would like the average tv viewer to have come to in the last three years and this trick 05:54.240 --> 06:01.520 has been magical because this trick has been pulled off by a number of different people 06:02.560 --> 06:07.760 and I'm not necessarily accusing anyone on the screen here in particular but I'm just 06:07.760 --> 06:13.520 trying to use it as an illustration for how a series or a group of people that could change 06:13.520 --> 06:17.520 the way that we think about respiratory disease that could change the way we think about all 06:17.520 --> 06:22.480 cause mortality that could change the way we think about our immune response to disease 06:22.560 --> 06:29.120 and change the way that we think about vaccination or permanently solidify how we think about it 06:30.400 --> 06:37.280 could essentially allow to happen by just telling people that there's a novel virus and we have no 06:37.280 --> 06:42.880 idea what to do although it looks like pneumonia it's not treatable in the normal way because this 06:42.880 --> 06:52.240 is a novel virus and we have no idea what to do and so with the very standard you know rush to rush 06:52.240 --> 06:56.640 to conclusions and make sure that there's legal protection and there's also financial 06:56.640 --> 07:03.600 incentives they were able to use medazalam in the UK remdesivir in the united states a drug that 07:03.600 --> 07:11.680 has never proven therapeutic for anything and they were able to make it the standard of care 07:12.800 --> 07:18.640 in the united states for more than a year they were able to ventilate people to stop spread 07:18.640 --> 07:24.720 they told paramedics in New York City not to resuscitate heart attack victims 07:24.720 --> 07:33.360 because resuscitation might cause the spread of the disease and so these things are all coming out 07:33.360 --> 07:39.440 now three years later when we finally try to look at the death count in New York City and we find a 07:39.440 --> 07:46.320 four-week bomb of 20,000 excess deaths and then it goes right back to baseline and never goes up 07:46.320 --> 07:53.680 again and now that we have this data and we point out to people they just deny it it doesn't matter 07:53.680 --> 07:59.920 Jessica Hawkins data doesn't matter and now we're starting to see how this was done it was best 07:59.920 --> 08:04.480 described by Noam Chomsky and I'm sorry I said this last time but again I'm not prepared so 08:05.840 --> 08:12.800 the spectrum of debate has been limited by this this cartoon mystery that has been presented to us 08:12.800 --> 08:21.520 on TV and social media thrown into movies years before the pandemic so that we were primed and 08:21.520 --> 08:27.680 ready to go we were already knowing that viruses come out of bat caves we were already told that 08:27.680 --> 08:33.440 it can be accessed in laboratories with animal passage or with cell culture and we've more recently 08:33.440 --> 08:40.560 been told that we can stitch them together and this has always been the plan it has always been 08:40.640 --> 08:46.720 the plan to lie to us about this potential and then come out with a big global drama 08:47.760 --> 08:53.920 in order to solidify it as the new mythology under which we would be governed it is the only way 08:54.720 --> 09:01.360 that you could think about governing a globe you can't govern a globe with different nations 09:01.360 --> 09:07.760 and different languages and different religions and different cultures different music unless they 09:07.760 --> 09:14.960 have one unifying mythology and this is that unifying mythology that there are gain of function 09:14.960 --> 09:23.120 viruses that RNA can be endowed with the ability to travel from person to person with high fidelity 09:23.120 --> 09:29.840 for three years through millions of people and they've convinced us with all of these people 09:30.720 --> 09:36.320 all of these people are on narrative and it's become my life's mission to understand 09:36.880 --> 09:43.360 who was briefed on this silly narrative and I've been able to figure it out based on what they 09:43.360 --> 09:54.240 don't talk about almost no one talks about how how central it was to 2020 and 2021 that PCR was 09:54.320 --> 10:01.040 taken seriously we don't even talk about it anymore but this was a gigantic fraud and how many of 10:01.040 --> 10:06.320 our dissident leaders are talking about it but they should start with it they should start with it 10:06.320 --> 10:13.520 at every talk but they don't masking lockdown the fact that we now have data that shows that there 10:13.520 --> 10:19.280 was no spread in New York City the death certificate frauds that were documented in so many different 10:19.280 --> 10:26.080 states nobody seems to know but me the protocol do not resuscitate frauds that were 10:27.200 --> 10:31.680 were done in New York City for that month no one is still talking about it the way that they 10:31.680 --> 10:36.960 ventilated the way and how they treated people with remdesivir and who's responsible for that 10:36.960 --> 10:43.680 we're not talking about it and who's not talking about it almost everybody in the red triangle 10:43.760 --> 10:51.360 I'm not picking on people not calling people bad guys but you can go through their social 10:51.360 --> 10:59.760 media with a objective electronic comb and you can just query how often do they talk about 10:59.760 --> 11:06.160 remdesivir and when they do what do they say who do they talk about it with have they ever 11:06.240 --> 11:14.480 mentioned medazalam in the UK no american ever does so if you start to really look at it my 11:14.480 --> 11:19.680 friends they start to reveal themselves because they don't actually tell the truth 11:20.880 --> 11:26.000 they tell this story about a novel virus that is responsible for the majority of the damage 11:26.000 --> 11:32.640 and the majority of the crazy behavior we had to make these decisions because of the virus 11:33.360 --> 11:39.200 and none of these people in this red triangle for all practical purposes do not question the 11:39.200 --> 11:46.320 existence of the virus and i'm not saying that there isn't a virus but i am saying that there 11:46.320 --> 11:50.720 isn't something that was released at a point in rulon and then traveled around the world rapidly 11:50.720 --> 11:57.280 for three years changing variant after variant after variant that is definitely a mythology 11:57.840 --> 12:04.080 and in fact anybody that's questioned the protocols first or the spread or the variants 12:04.080 --> 12:08.800 is now in this yellow zone where you can't talk to them anymore they're irrelevant 12:12.000 --> 12:18.640 and so i figured out a way to really piss them off which is to save this stuff in a more correct 12:18.640 --> 12:24.480 way and so i believe this is very close but i've got to caveat it a little bit because some people 12:24.480 --> 12:27.200 don't really like what i'm saying whoops what i'm saying here 12:30.160 --> 12:35.840 but transfection is not immunization that's pretty simple but intramuscular injection of any 12:35.840 --> 12:42.400 combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb is something i've 12:42.400 --> 12:49.280 been saying more recently and it needs a little bit of a caveat if your goal is to augment the 12:49.280 --> 12:58.000 immune system so that the mucosal layer of the lungs and the gut respond in a positive way so 12:58.000 --> 13:06.160 that you are immune to a disease that replicates there then immunizing intramuscularly is dumb 13:07.600 --> 13:13.840 if there are viruses that maintain some kind of you know serum and some kind of concentration 13:13.840 --> 13:19.120 in the serum and therefore you need antibodies there that you got to explain it to me but for now 13:19.680 --> 13:25.360 today i want to end my talk with a little picture that i'll draw where i try to explain the immune 13:25.360 --> 13:31.440 system very simply more importantly in a way that you yourself can explain it to your friends and 13:31.440 --> 13:38.320 family and then explain why intramuscular injection might not be all it's cracked up to be and certainly 13:38.320 --> 13:44.800 transfection is not all it's cracked up to be so this is my latest sort of people map everybody in 13:44.800 --> 13:50.480 yellow is somebody who's still following the faith of the natural or the novel virus that we 13:50.480 --> 13:57.280 had to do something in the MRI probably saved people and uh the virus will come again the red 13:57.280 --> 14:02.000 people are just people that have blocked me and made me sure that they're probably not good players 14:02.000 --> 14:09.120 and the green are people who's consistency with pursuit of the truth has impressed me 14:09.120 --> 14:15.040 enough so that i i think they're their their track record is pretty consistent i'm not this 14:15.040 --> 14:21.200 is not an exhaustive list this is my own personal experience so one that if you don't know who this 14:21.200 --> 14:27.840 is jessica hockett should speak for your group at some point she is a teacher of teachers working 14:27.840 --> 14:33.200 and living in the new york city area i believe her in chicago or yeah chicago she lives in but 14:33.200 --> 14:38.640 she analyzed the data from new york city and compared it to chicago and found some incredible 14:38.640 --> 14:44.480 anomalies which i think are some of the more important discoveries in the american data since 14:44.480 --> 14:50.400 the start of the pandemic and really underscore the illusion that was created and specifically 14:50.400 --> 14:56.160 with new york i'm sure you guys all know who nick hudson is he said some of the smartest stuff 14:56.160 --> 15:01.520 i mean he's not always a hundred percent because he's he's trying very hard to keep as many 15:01.520 --> 15:05.680 possibility doors open even when i think that they're closed but that doesn't make him bad 15:06.240 --> 15:13.120 what i think has been so wonderful about him is because he has so succinctly articulated the 15:13.120 --> 15:20.560 idea that when somebody presents you with a global problem that requires global solutions you know 15:20.560 --> 15:28.560 it's bs and that single ideological contribution to our movement has been spectacular because i 15:28.560 --> 15:34.160 think it sums up about 80 percent of what the messaging needs to be going forward to the people 15:34.240 --> 15:37.200 who are way off the reservation and we need to save 15:38.480 --> 15:45.440 of course you know denny way uh jj we have had nick present to us okay great he's fantastic i don't 15:45.440 --> 15:50.080 know if you've had denny rancor but he's also denny is just fantastic and he's done some of the analysis 15:50.080 --> 15:56.320 of course that's really breaking this wide open now one of the things you might not be so aware of 15:56.400 --> 16:04.560 is this recent development and my work and the work of marqulak we have not really discovered but 16:04.560 --> 16:12.400 kind of uncovered some connections between these people in the beginning of the pandemic which would 16:12.400 --> 16:18.880 seem to suggest that it wouldn't be ridiculous for them to have coordinated their messaging from 16:18.960 --> 16:26.720 the very beginning um there are several examples of robert malone doing live streams when he first 16:26.720 --> 16:35.040 came public in august of 2021 with paul cotrell um paul cotrell was the first person that i ever 16:35.040 --> 16:42.400 live stream with in 2020 and in 2020 i had already uncovered him as fraud um calling himself a 16:42.400 --> 16:49.280 doctor but he's actually uh he actually did a phd in finance and he was doing a biology degree 16:49.280 --> 16:56.800 somewhere but he definitely wasn't a doctor and he actually said believe it or not in february of 16:56.800 --> 17:06.800 2020 that he was streaming a live phone call from taiwan where this woman was describing a situation 17:06.800 --> 17:12.800 in taiwan that was so dire and that the only thing that was working was a drug called remdesivir 17:12.800 --> 17:18.400 and she couldn't pronounce it but paul could now what makes it real curious about paul 17:19.280 --> 17:25.120 is that during every stream that i ever did with him and to me um uh in april of march in april of 17:25.120 --> 17:33.680 may of 2020 he was a proponent of it being a worst case scenario worst case scenario in 17:33.680 --> 17:38.880 new york city and arguing that he could see the cooler trucks outside of his 17:39.520 --> 17:45.600 apartment so it didn't matter what jay cooey was saying i can see the reality in new york city 17:46.400 --> 17:53.280 now interestingly george web's favorite source of biology since the beginning of the pandemic is 17:53.280 --> 18:00.480 none other than paul cotrell and to this day george web will defend paul cotrell as one of the heroes 18:00.480 --> 18:07.920 of the biology now at the same time consider the fact that robert melon and george vunden ball 18:07.920 --> 18:13.280 she knew each other from a professional relationship in two thousand seven and eight when they both 18:13.280 --> 18:19.040 worked for salve pharmaceuticals on the flu back seat which in two thousand eleven mark 18:19.600 --> 18:24.800 robert melon was speaking about uh in relation to fill and finish technologies 18:25.680 --> 18:32.160 and also presenting to the hoo directly so multiple governments then so at the start of the pandemic 18:33.120 --> 18:39.280 paul cotrell or sorry at the start of robert melon's emergence on to the public scene he had he 18:39.280 --> 18:45.840 streamed with paul cotrell he had already worked with here at vunden ball at salve so he mentions 18:45.840 --> 18:50.880 here at vunden ball she is one of the authorities almost immediately in his live streams and now 18:50.960 --> 18:58.160 he's saying that that george web over here is one of his worst enemies on the internet but 18:59.280 --> 19:05.360 usefully enough he links to george web's work and he links to george web's appearance on 60 minutes 19:06.480 --> 19:12.080 the same show that had you know peter day sack on a couple times and has had jamie mezel on a 19:12.080 --> 19:18.080 couple times talking about the lab leak so what i think we're starting to see here is that some 19:18.080 --> 19:24.960 of the people that we're pretending to be part of us are actually this fifth generation warfare 19:25.680 --> 19:32.880 kind of thing that have been grooming us to solve the lab leak forget about the protocols 19:33.760 --> 19:38.720 worry about gain a function and give up on figuring out who's responsible for this 19:40.880 --> 19:45.360 i think one of the reasons why you should be skeptical of karat vunden motion's recent position 19:45.360 --> 19:47.920 is that his position relies on the idea that the 19:48.320 --> 19:53.600 transfection faithfully augmented the immune system it's just that it augmented the immune 19:53.600 --> 19:59.760 system in a way that has pushed the virus in a particular direction and that is a spectacular 20:00.640 --> 20:11.040 it's a spectacular mythology where the virus the virus can be pushed around by a transfection 20:11.040 --> 20:16.640 in many people so what a wonderful they get he gets you to accept the power of transfection 20:17.280 --> 20:23.760 the the idea that viruses can transmit around the world all in one alternative theory 20:27.920 --> 20:32.640 and so i've been trying to break this down from the biological perspective but i think 20:33.280 --> 20:37.280 a really good illustration of what has occurred here sorry i got to go back 20:38.080 --> 20:43.520 and if you have seen this already i apologize but this is something that's really hit home 20:44.320 --> 20:48.640 um with people on my stream and so i thought i'd drop it in here and then i'll stop i think 20:49.360 --> 20:59.280 um there is an illusion of consensus that is created when you when you censor all of the people 20:59.840 --> 21:06.960 who you are speaking questionable or alternative views and you amplify all the people who are 21:07.040 --> 21:10.400 hyper on the same thing you know like build back better or whatever it's a horrible 21:10.400 --> 21:17.600 example but it's a good example and my argument is is that this is so complicated 21:18.320 --> 21:26.080 that they actually planned to create an illusion of consensus around the argument 21:27.040 --> 21:32.560 of a lab leak or a natural virus so much so that they have coordinated both sides 21:33.360 --> 21:38.880 with the heminate you know i don't know how to say that word but very vigorous defenders of 21:38.880 --> 21:45.200 the natural virus very vigorous defenders of the lab leak almost ridiculous right 21:45.760 --> 21:50.560 but that's the point because they want you to think that this debate and this consensus 21:51.120 --> 21:57.360 that this is the thing to argue about will lead you to think that well how can i deny it it's very 21:57.440 --> 22:03.440 much like an ash conformity experiment where so many people agree that this is the thing to 22:03.440 --> 22:08.480 figure out they must be the thing to figure out and once you jump on board you're done 22:09.200 --> 22:13.600 where's the illusion of consensus best illustrated is in a sitcom 22:13.680 --> 22:23.600 maybe you'll recall the the soup nazi maybe i'm turkey chili 22:27.600 --> 22:31.600 medium crab best this is one of the legendary episodes of Seinfeld 22:32.960 --> 22:38.080 where this guy's a real mean soup soup monger i didn't get any bread just forget it but it go 22:38.400 --> 22:45.200 oh excuse me i think you forgot my bread bread two dollars extra 22:46.240 --> 22:51.200 and now the illusion of consensus you want bread is audible three dollars 22:53.520 --> 22:54.320 nothing for you 22:56.960 --> 23:00.160 let me try it again and remove the illusion of consensus 23:00.160 --> 23:11.760 medium turkey chili medium crab best 23:17.840 --> 23:23.600 and so let me pause it to you get any bread just forget it let it go without the laughter 23:24.720 --> 23:28.240 it's not quite as funny i think you forgot my bread bread two dollars extra 23:28.960 --> 23:34.240 two dollars everyone in front of me got free bread you want bread yes please three dollars 23:36.560 --> 23:37.360 nothing for you 23:39.920 --> 23:43.600 now what does this say to you i don't know what it says to you but what it says to me 23:44.800 --> 23:49.840 is that intelligence agencies are the perfect medium through which to create 23:49.840 --> 23:56.160 the illusion of consensus on social media that there is a laboratory leak that there's a 23:56.240 --> 23:59.920 batcave virus that they're lying about it that those emails are weird 23:59.920 --> 24:05.360 that those people aren't acting correct rann paul and tony fauci fought live on tv 24:05.360 --> 24:12.160 it must be something significant the cdc leaked uh leaked a slide deck that says the delta 24:12.160 --> 24:16.720 is breaking through the vaccine and that even people who were previously infected are getting 24:16.720 --> 24:23.440 infected with delta oh my gosh the cdc was keeping this from us oh my goodness we found a 24:23.600 --> 24:31.920 d-o-d leaked lab sorry grant proposal from equal health alliance and they were going to insert 24:31.920 --> 24:37.680 fear and cleavage sites in coronaviruses and spray them into batcaves and this was in 2017 24:38.320 --> 24:42.880 so they probably did it and then that caused the pandemic we solved it 24:44.560 --> 24:50.000 and it sounds ridiculous but that's actually where we are the diffuse proposal was leaked 24:50.800 --> 24:56.800 the cdc did leak a slide deck about delta there was a slide deck leaked from the uk 24:57.760 --> 25:02.080 i don't know what that one's called the mhra or something like that also about one of the variants 25:03.280 --> 25:09.440 and they've been doing this repeatedly with the idea of ceding the narrative with social media 25:09.440 --> 25:16.880 personalities and on every you can't underestimate how many of these people are gaining followers 25:16.880 --> 25:23.520 fame comfort a lucrative sub stack simply because they agreed to push one thing 25:24.480 --> 25:32.160 or to not question the novelty of the virus or the necessity of doing something or the fact that 25:32.160 --> 25:38.240 it could come again if you don't question those three things everybody's trapped in this mythology 25:38.240 --> 25:45.760 forever and misleading children about this this is us telling them a new story about Santa Claus 25:45.760 --> 25:50.080 that is the reason instead of giving presents every year is the reason why they're going to 25:50.080 --> 25:58.240 need an electronic chip in their skin and so the tv scenarios are lab leak or batcave virus and 25:58.240 --> 26:05.200 the way to explain this is that in 2008 the earth was free of pathogen and then in 2019 26:05.200 --> 26:12.320 something was leaked or released or whatever and then it by itself went around the world 26:13.040 --> 26:21.840 RNA to RNA to RNA to RNA and that's where the biology breaks down RNA molecules can't do that 26:23.360 --> 26:29.200 and if you just say it that simple you don't need to say there are no RNA viruses you don't have to 26:29.200 --> 26:37.280 get into a debate about what diseases are real and what diseases aren't you just have to say that 26:37.360 --> 26:43.120 that's not how RNA works there might be local outbreaks of an infectious RNA I guess that's 26:43.120 --> 26:52.240 probably possible I don't know but I do know that if you put a thousand identical RNAs in a place 26:52.240 --> 26:57.760 in Wuhan and then put them on the street no matter how perfect they were they would not be able to 26:57.760 --> 27:02.560 jump from person to person with high fidelity all the way until 2024 and we could still call it the 27:02.560 --> 27:10.640 same thing no it's not all works and so a conflated background signal is the best way to think about 27:10.640 --> 27:16.160 it because again we have no data from before 2020 about whether or not anybody would test 27:16.160 --> 27:24.560 positive with any of these PCR tests none none whatsoever it is very similar to starting to measure 27:25.520 --> 27:32.400 the spread of automobiles around the world and saying there were no automobiles in 2019 and 27:32.400 --> 27:40.880 now there's this crazy spread of automobiles and you should look and if you I'm trying to think of 27:40.880 --> 27:49.760 a good analogy here but if you if you go into your garage or go outside of your house and you find 27:49.760 --> 27:58.320 something with four wheels you might already have an automobile and so now the premise there is is 27:58.320 --> 28:03.840 that the only way you would accept that as evidence of spread of automobiles in America 28:03.840 --> 28:10.560 is if you accept a premise that they weren't there yesterday holy crap we have two automobiles 28:10.560 --> 28:16.720 they were here spreading everyone the neighbors have automobiles I can see them holy cow 28:18.000 --> 28:25.520 and so the real biological shell game here is that before 2020 they had not a little data they had 28:25.600 --> 28:33.440 zero data zero nobody's sequencing coronaviruses and people nobody's mass testing for PCR 28:34.160 --> 28:40.320 nobody ever rolled out one of these these products before and if you listen to somebody like 28:42.240 --> 28:48.400 Michael Yieton explained it there's no way to to have products like this made and mass this quickly 28:48.400 --> 28:52.560 with the quality control that would be necessary for them to be reliable diagnostics of anything 28:53.520 --> 28:56.000 it's just absurd but we accepted it all 28:58.560 --> 29:03.840 and so the point here is to remember that it doesn't matter whether it's an endemic background 29:03.840 --> 29:08.880 coronavirus the protocols were murder and transfection is not medicine it doesn't matter if it was an 29:08.880 --> 29:16.640 infectious clone if you want to talk about that a little bit um the very quick summary for that 29:16.720 --> 29:24.240 in case you forgot is that DNA is quite high fidelity copying RNA is not and so that's the same 29:24.240 --> 29:28.400 reason why an RNA virus cannot go around the world with high fidelity for three and a half years 29:28.400 --> 29:37.840 because that's not how RNA works but RNA virology is based on the shortcut or the the cheat where 29:37.840 --> 29:44.080 you can take an RNA sequence that you're able to find in the wild you can synthetically create a 29:44.080 --> 29:50.480 DNA copy of that and then you can use a bacterial culture to make lots of copies of that DNA because 29:50.480 --> 29:57.440 DNA is quite high fidelity to copy meaning that you can make lots of copies of the same thing 29:57.440 --> 30:03.600 and they're pretty close to the same for millions and millions of copies then you can use an enzyme 30:04.320 --> 30:12.000 to change that huge collection of DNA molecules that are all identical to a pretty homogenous 30:12.560 --> 30:20.800 set of RNA and now that's a pure RNA clone of the original RNA sequence that you identified in the 30:20.800 --> 30:28.720 bat but in a purity and in a quantity that you would never be able to prepare by any natural means 30:28.720 --> 30:36.160 you know culturing into the dish or sampling lots of bats because again RNA doesn't copy itself 30:36.240 --> 30:42.000 high fidelity no matter which way and where it grows but if you make a clone of it in DNA and 30:42.000 --> 30:46.160 then you make a lot of that DNA then you can make a lot of that RNA and then you have a lot more 30:46.160 --> 30:54.880 than whatever existed nature and that that could be released in Wuhan in Iran and in America 30:55.680 --> 31:02.960 and anywhere that was released those people would test very PCR positive right on for that sequence 31:02.960 --> 31:09.040 and if you were able to create enough of it you would be able to sequence the whole thing so 31:10.240 --> 31:14.960 let me explain one thing about clones because I came up with this explanation earlier today on 31:14.960 --> 31:23.360 another interview and it'll be fun to put that in here so if you're infected I've told you this 31:23.360 --> 31:31.680 before if you're infected with a virus and and it's a it's a regular natural RNA coronavirus then 31:31.680 --> 31:36.480 as Robert Malone and others have explained a vast majority of the infectious particles that 31:36.480 --> 31:42.480 you inhale and that are produced from the infection are actually non-infectious particles and that's 31:42.480 --> 31:47.840 because the RNA copying is imperfect and the packaging is imperfect and the list is very long 31:47.840 --> 31:55.040 of all the things that are imperfect so we've known that there is an infectious to non-infectious 31:55.040 --> 32:03.680 particle ratio for all viruses and so for coronaviruses it might be 50 to 1 it might be 20 to 1 it 32:03.680 --> 32:10.160 might be 100 to 1 it might be 1000 to 1 nobody's really endeavored to measure it but let's just 32:10.160 --> 32:18.480 say it's 10 to 1 let's say that for every infectious particle that you inhale and it starts to replicate 32:18.480 --> 32:25.760 it will make nine non-infectious particles for every one infectious particle that's a pretty 32:25.760 --> 32:31.600 low ratio because actually a lot of viruses are thought to be between 20 and 50 so this is just 32:31.600 --> 32:39.440 one in 10 okay so I'm going to draw that picture with two squares and those are two different lungs 32:39.440 --> 32:46.800 so we're going to do two different infections okay so the first lung infection is one infectious 32:46.800 --> 32:54.640 particle is going to infect that lung okay and it's going to replicate I know we got to do we got 32:54.640 --> 33:00.320 to do we got to do through we got to do a total of 10 I guess that's that's how this works so we're 33:00.320 --> 33:09.280 going to infect it and so the 10 viral particles that get made in the first round of replication 33:09.360 --> 33:18.880 from this one is one and then one two three four five six seven eight nine two and these are all 33:18.880 --> 33:28.080 infectious or non-infectious particles and then you get one that's a good one okay if you took this 33:28.080 --> 33:35.200 and then this gets coughed out right then we're coughing out one infectious particle and many 33:35.200 --> 33:44.000 non-infectious particles you see so the odds are not great that this coronavirus is going to 33:44.000 --> 33:49.680 transmit it in fact that's the way that they explain coronavirus transmissions highly 33:52.560 --> 33:57.520 how do you say it unreliable transmission is exactly because of this this is what they would 33:57.520 --> 34:02.240 have told you before the pandemic now they don't say it at all but you can find papers discussing 34:02.240 --> 34:08.880 this idea that it's that it's this non-infectious to infectious particle ratio that makes the 34:08.880 --> 34:15.120 reliability of coronavirus infection low and then it's the variability in the copying of the RNA 34:15.120 --> 34:21.040 that makes each infection different from the last one and the RNA changes very rapidly in the 34:21.040 --> 34:28.640 coronavirus sequence and so how we build immunity to coronaviruses is usually through tolerance 34:28.720 --> 34:33.920 you try to ignore them because they're not really doing very much because most of the 34:33.920 --> 34:39.200 particles they make are garbage do you see now what I want you to think about very carefully 34:39.840 --> 34:47.520 is what happens when you get infected with a clone because when you get infected with a clone 34:47.520 --> 34:54.240 you're getting infected with pure RNA pure RNA meaning that if they are packaged correctly or 34:54.240 --> 34:57.680 it's done correctly then when you get infected you get 10 34:59.760 --> 35:06.880 infectious particles that would get made now sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I just said that 35:06.880 --> 35:12.560 wrong number you screw this up darn it darn it darn it darn it so the point is is that in this 35:12.560 --> 35:17.200 in this first illustration where we're being infected by a cough right so this is 35:18.640 --> 35:23.760 this is somebody else transmitting infectious and non-infectious particles and then it replicates 35:23.760 --> 35:29.120 and then we cough if you get sorry I screwed that up if you get infected with a clone 35:30.320 --> 35:34.960 you are being you are inhaling 10 infectious particles 35:36.560 --> 35:44.400 not not nine non-infectious and one infectious particle you're inhaling 10 infectious particles 35:44.400 --> 35:50.800 that will all do what they will all make one infectious particle and 10 non-infectious 35:50.880 --> 35:53.600 particles so after one round of replication 35:55.120 --> 36:02.480 in this person's inhalation you will have four of these one two three four five six seven eight 36:02.480 --> 36:12.000 nine ten yeah ten of these and then you will have nine times four you'll have 36 non-infectious 36:12.000 --> 36:17.440 particles and I won't draw all those out but you don't have 36 of them now I know that this 36:17.520 --> 36:23.440 is a mathematically weak example but what I want you to see is that a natural coronavirus 36:23.440 --> 36:30.880 cannot be weaponized you can't grow this entity in a cell culture and ever get enough for it to 36:30.880 --> 36:38.960 be weaponized but if you take this infectious particle and you sequence it 36:39.760 --> 36:48.160 and you convert it to DNA and then you make a massive quantity of it right 36:50.560 --> 36:56.800 you can make as much as you want in a in a cell culture then when you convert it to DNA or to RNA 36:56.800 --> 37:05.280 again you will have this you will be you will be exposing the animal to you will be sharing with 37:05.280 --> 37:15.120 your colleague a pure high quality and high quantity of this pure RNA so if they wanted to do this 37:15.120 --> 37:21.360 and make it look like a coronavirus was circulating around the world knowing that a coronavirus can't 37:21.360 --> 37:30.240 do that well the technology that they have that is the basis for all laboratory coronavirus and 37:30.320 --> 37:40.160 RNA virus work is the DNA recombinant infectious clone this RNA infectious clone right here 37:40.720 --> 37:47.600 and so now imagine if they sprayed that in the subway what would happen people would get very 37:47.600 --> 37:55.280 sick but they would shed the same cloud of non-infectious particles so these people would 37:55.280 --> 37:59.520 definitely be sick they would definitely sequence positive they would probably have 37:59.520 --> 38:06.480 a very severe infection because they're inhaling all infectious particles not 38:06.480 --> 38:14.880 annoying immunogenic or antigenic particles but particles that will cause replication of that 38:14.880 --> 38:21.200 DNA and production of viral proteins which is the reason why infection starts to trigger the 38:21.680 --> 38:27.760 the whole immune cascade in the first place and you can see why in this natural infection 38:28.560 --> 38:35.120 the the tendency of the immune system is not to go to a cytokine storm but in in a situation like 38:35.120 --> 38:41.920 this where every cell has a replication competent RNA now you can imagine a scenario where this is 38:41.920 --> 38:48.640 a really great model of of infection in the laboratory to use it's extremely reliable it's 38:48.720 --> 38:55.280 extremely robust and more importantly it goes back to a DNA construct that can be shared with 38:56.000 --> 39:04.320 with an and catalog for all time and so to virologists this is just the way it's done 39:05.120 --> 39:09.920 but they haven't made the connection that this is the only thing that can be produced in large 39:10.000 --> 39:18.880 enough quantities to create the signal that we saw if you let an RNA loose and the only way it's 39:18.880 --> 39:25.520 going to get around the world is this way and there ain't no pandemic and that is the trick 39:26.400 --> 39:32.400 if we can get people to understand this it is really you know the problem is that it's DNA and 39:32.400 --> 39:37.280 RNA and so i've got another little drawing that i think i want to share and then i'll be quitting 39:37.280 --> 39:44.000 i promise this drawing is designed um that anybody can do it on a napkin to explain number 39:44.000 --> 39:49.120 one how the immune system works and number two why vaccination intramuscularly for most 39:49.920 --> 39:56.560 if not all things is in reality pretty dumb so i'm going to try and draw the simplest vertebrate 39:56.560 --> 40:03.680 body i can to illustrate what the immune system does and in so doing i'm going to draw it like this 40:04.640 --> 40:09.040 and this is also a drawing that any of you can make 40:12.400 --> 40:16.640 that's great okay perfect so you're going to think oh that's the lungs no it's not 40:17.360 --> 40:24.640 this right here is the lungs this right here is your GI tract and this these two areas here are 40:24.640 --> 40:37.200 your body so there is an outside and an inside and it is this barrier here 40:39.680 --> 40:45.520 that the immune system defends and it fends it defends it in a directional way 40:46.320 --> 40:56.400 inside out and we know that because this directional this rather this barrier is fortified by a network 40:56.400 --> 41:03.600 of lymph nodes where the immune system that that guards this barrier and this this illustration 41:03.600 --> 41:09.920 this might be the skin the lymph nodes are the headquarters of the immune system that man this 41:09.920 --> 41:14.560 barrier and of course all the mds and all the people that have been reading into this biology 41:14.720 --> 41:21.120 are aware that this barrier is continuous through the lungs and actually through the gut 41:22.400 --> 41:29.120 and it's only the change in the manning of that barrier that determines what happens at that barrier 41:29.840 --> 41:35.520 for example at the lung barrier i'll just put an L here for the lungs at the lung barrier it's 41:35.520 --> 41:42.640 almost all intolerance we don't really tolerate anything there now you might say that we tolerate 41:42.640 --> 41:47.840 pollen and that kind of stuff but in general it's still being cleared efficiently by the mucus 41:47.840 --> 41:54.480 and that's why we're not having to tolerate it but in general at the lungs it's intolerance 41:55.520 --> 42:02.400 on the other hand in the gut we need to absorb all the all the fatty um all the 42:02.960 --> 42:08.480 all the things that are not soluble in water have to be dissolved into the lymph which is of course 42:09.040 --> 42:15.600 also the main travel pathway of the immune system and therefore what happens in the gut is actually 42:15.600 --> 42:21.360 the opposite it's closer to a tolerance filter than anything else letting almost everything through 42:22.080 --> 42:28.880 and needing to be very careful about not letting foreign things in so remember when you're teaching 42:29.680 --> 42:36.640 your your your family that this is also the outside this is also outside 42:38.800 --> 42:43.840 and that's the point is that when you start to think about the gut as the outside and the lungs 42:43.840 --> 42:49.120 is the outside and start to understand that there's a continuous mucus membrane between the lungs 42:50.080 --> 42:52.720 and the gut 42:57.280 --> 43:06.160 then you will see that actual response to a respiratory pathogen is a response of intolerance 43:06.960 --> 43:14.720 to viral replication in the lungs and tolerance to the presence of viral proteins in the gut 43:15.440 --> 43:23.440 and what that does is it creates two very yin and yang differences in the different populations 43:23.440 --> 43:31.760 in the T cells which are sometimes called T regulatory cells in the gut and then of course T 43:31.760 --> 43:38.400 helper cells and cytotoxic T cells up here but in reality I think that that whole nomenclature is 43:38.400 --> 43:42.880 probably a little bit too simplified for the kind of orchestration that happens but I think it's 43:43.440 --> 43:48.720 for our purposes of teaching our family and friends it's important for them to understand 43:49.520 --> 43:54.800 just from that explanation that because food and nutrients need to pass through the gut freely 43:54.800 --> 44:02.560 without us building immunity to them which would be an allergy there is a very different complement 44:02.560 --> 44:08.960 of immune cells that's found here in the payer's patches then there are found in the lymph nodes 44:08.960 --> 44:16.880 which serve the lungs but it is the crescendo of the immune system created by the intolerant 44:16.880 --> 44:25.280 response of the lung cells the immune system protecting the lungs that is counterbalanced 44:25.280 --> 44:31.840 by the tolerance that builds as the viruses replicate and move down into the gut and those 44:31.840 --> 44:38.640 proteins are then processed by this wing of the immune system so that these T regulatory cells 44:38.640 --> 44:45.840 have the exact specificity necessary to turn down the ones that are driving the immune response 44:45.840 --> 44:53.440 at the lungs and this localization of these different responses and the coordination 44:53.440 --> 45:02.400 between those cell groups is vital to the proper identification of what B cells need to go into 45:02.400 --> 45:07.760 storage and what B cells can go into apoptosis what T cells need to go into dormancy and what don't 45:08.960 --> 45:16.160 it is an orchestration of this response at all of these barriers that are that are exposed to 45:16.160 --> 45:24.080 these RNAs and if we don't understand exactly how that works I'm fine but I assure you that it is 45:24.080 --> 45:30.560 the orchestration of these two responses and more that is the sum total R of R immune response which 45:30.560 --> 45:39.280 means that injecting a vaccine intramuscularly here is about the dumbest thing you can imagine 45:39.280 --> 45:46.160 doing if you want to augment this system it might work for something I don't know but my guess is 45:46.160 --> 45:52.000 my feeling is my gut feeling is already months ago that this is the right way to explain it 45:52.800 --> 45:59.520 that the immune system is designed specifically for this task and if you put something on the 45:59.520 --> 46:06.240 inside you have essentially created a scenario where the immune system is going to be challenged 46:06.800 --> 46:13.200 not to make a mistake and now even more important to understand is that in transfection 46:15.040 --> 46:21.920 whatever cell is going to express the spike protein is going to need to be removed 46:21.920 --> 46:28.080 and in removing that so that it goes to make an S over this and that's the spike protein 46:28.640 --> 46:34.320 any cell that needs to be removed is going to be removed by the immune system and that means that 46:34.320 --> 46:41.280 every time a cell is transfected and gets removed you are challenging we are challenging our immune 46:41.280 --> 46:47.360 system to be sure and not choose any of our own proteins to present and if it does choose our 46:47.360 --> 46:52.800 own proteins to present you better hope there isn't a T cell waiting or autoimmunity is non-stop 46:52.800 --> 47:02.400 and never going back and this die this this Russian roulette is played at every cell that gets 47:02.400 --> 47:09.680 transfected faithfully with an RNA and it doesn't matter what what tissue it is the potential for 47:09.680 --> 47:17.520 that error to occur is now real and i believe that that is the main danger of transfection 47:18.160 --> 47:23.280 that they are trying to hide behind saying that the spike protein is toxic or that the lmp's are 47:23.280 --> 47:29.360 toxic or that there's dna in the shot what i'm trying to say is that even if all those things 47:29.360 --> 47:35.360 weren't the perfect transfection would still put your immune system in a situation where it needs 47:35.440 --> 47:41.680 to make a choice it shouldn't have to make because it's designed to defend these barriers 47:42.240 --> 47:48.640 in a coordinated fashion and if you try to augment it by bypassing those barriers 47:48.640 --> 47:54.400 you have also taken the whole orchestration of the immune response out of the equation 47:54.400 --> 48:01.920 and forced it to make novel choices essentially and i can't stress enough how it doesn't matter how 48:02.080 --> 48:09.840 how often this doesn't occur we'll never know because autoimmunity many times will not show up 48:09.840 --> 48:15.680 for years the symptoms might not be something that you're ever going to connect you will never 48:15.680 --> 48:21.440 connect it to this it's horrible but i think that's one of the reasons why they're so focused on 48:21.440 --> 48:28.960 the cardio of the cardio the cardiac effects is to try and distract from this what i am sure is 48:29.680 --> 48:36.640 a ridiculously disturbing bouquet of possibilities that again gets horribly randomized 48:36.640 --> 48:40.800 in every single person because it is essentially a crap shoe where it goes 48:42.400 --> 48:47.440 if it goes to your bone marrow when would you know if it goes to your kids bone marrow when would 48:47.440 --> 48:53.040 you know if it goes to your kids spleen how would you know if it goes to your kids brain 48:53.760 --> 49:00.160 how would you know what would it show up like i mean these are these are endless questions 49:00.160 --> 49:05.200 with endless possibilities that compound one another and that's in the best case scenario of a 49:05.200 --> 49:13.680 transfection now add on the fact that the lmp might be might be poisonous or add on the fact 49:13.680 --> 49:20.560 that there's dna in there don't start with that add that on top of the fact that in the best case 49:20.640 --> 49:27.600 scenario this wasn't suitable for anything in a healthy human they were only using it on people 49:27.600 --> 49:32.400 who were going to die that had a genetic disease that was going to kill them anyway 49:32.400 --> 49:38.960 or was so ridiculously debilitating that well you got nothing to lose it's never worked 49:40.160 --> 49:46.960 so we need to really really start to have ways of opening our family and friends eyes i think a 49:46.960 --> 49:51.120 little simple drawing of the immune system is one way to do it a little simple explanation of 49:51.120 --> 49:57.600 why the immune system is and shouldn't be making this choice because it's used to making this 49:57.600 --> 50:05.360 choice at a barrier and in a cell type that is regularly patrolled for cancer i mean that's the 50:05.360 --> 50:11.920 reason why you shed your skin cells as part of your defense system and so if you're defending on a 50:11.920 --> 50:18.640 barrier that has that attribute and then you find antigens floating around behind that barrier 50:18.640 --> 50:25.360 what do you do how do you organize your response where's the cytokine uh where's the cytokine 50:25.360 --> 50:30.960 concentration gradient to orchestrate the cells moving from from the lymph node to the in fact there 50:30.960 --> 50:39.600 is none and this all missing means that no matter what you say this does it is not usefully augmenting 50:39.600 --> 50:46.800 the immune system for most in most scenarios i'm saying most because i want to hedge my bets but 50:47.520 --> 50:53.760 if i mean if i'm i'm speaking to friends here and and and everybody that i love then for sure i say 50:53.760 --> 50:59.200 that i think that they're completely wrong i think this picture right here should be the sales pitch 50:59.200 --> 51:03.920 of why intramuscular injection is really great for them but it's not really great for us 51:04.800 --> 51:09.840 um i think i could leave it there i already talked too long and then uh you can open up 51:09.840 --> 51:16.160 with questions i guess hope that was all right wonderful wonderful wonderful so if you stop 51:16.160 --> 51:20.720 sharing your screen uh so you probably have you think go back to gallery everybody 51:22.240 --> 51:32.160 top right corner click on view and choose gallery jjj thank you for sharing those thoughts as you 51:32.160 --> 51:40.320 were talking about intramuscular injections i keep hearing judy mike of it's a passionate 51:41.040 --> 51:48.480 exhortation to us don't inject anything in your bodies as she's told us on numerous occasions 51:48.480 --> 51:55.520 no more injections and and certainly as you have all heard me say it was 12 years ago that i got 51:55.600 --> 52:04.400 exposed to this whole game that was going on and the problem is that people aged over 40 52:04.400 --> 52:09.920 have grown up in an environment that is totally different now so that in australia in the first 52:09.920 --> 52:17.920 four years you need 43 you need 43 substances pumped into your body in the first four years of 52:17.920 --> 52:23.840 life in america jj's it's 72 in the first eight years oh sorry first 18 years this is the shit 52:23.840 --> 52:29.760 that's being pumping to everybody and that's why in my introductory statement i said many of us 52:29.760 --> 52:38.080 were supportive of vaccines and now many of us are passionate anti-vaxxers and your explanation 52:38.080 --> 52:45.360 has really reinforced you know my my thinking on this developed over 12 years my five my four 52:45.360 --> 52:51.280 children got minimal i got four vaccines in the first five years and as we all know 52:52.000 --> 52:58.400 no proper trials have been done on pumping in australia or else we're 43 bloody antigens into 52:59.280 --> 53:05.440 beautiful babies which by the way of course and i'll come back to the spiritual elements of 53:05.440 --> 53:11.920 this god jj's clearly incompetent that's the point you know this immune system that god 53:11.920 --> 53:18.000 designed is clearly incompetent so that's why we need all these injections right now that was 53:18.080 --> 53:24.240 just really i was just giving steven a moment but i really you articulated beautifully in this 53:24.240 --> 53:33.040 whole the the benefit of covid is going to be all of us understanding why on earth are we 53:33.040 --> 53:43.920 injecting stuff into babies steven and jim thought gave his don't you wouldn't have seen it jj but 53:44.000 --> 53:52.320 two weeks ago uh jim jim gave his confession here jj where he said where he said there was 53:52.320 --> 53:58.320 some 12 years ago jim that you said hey maybe injecting these babies is not a great idea so 53:58.880 --> 54:06.560 that was also that was also very instructive for us to see a man of jim's reputation and 54:06.560 --> 54:15.440 capability steven so jj um uh so i'm not going to give you hero status but i am going to say that 54:16.160 --> 54:22.800 you are exactly the kind of person we want on our side one because you're humble and you have 54:22.800 --> 54:29.280 a track record of changing your mind previously at least once when you were pretty sure that you 54:29.280 --> 54:34.560 were right the first time but you were honest with us and told us that you actually started 54:34.560 --> 54:40.640 all over again having actually thought that you'd save the world as you put it i think 54:41.600 --> 54:49.920 um so i wanted to ask you jj i agree with you that i don't think people can comprehend the um 54:51.440 --> 54:59.360 the multiplicity of lies that have been told and false leads and uh just extraordinary the whole 55:00.240 --> 55:05.840 thing the run pool thing i i wanted to ask you about that whether you think that run pool knows 55:05.840 --> 55:12.160 that that conversation he was having with fauci was leading people astray and would uh would 55:12.160 --> 55:17.440 actually do the big farmer and all the rest of them they've worked for them in promoting the 55:17.440 --> 55:25.840 possibility which you and i deny that these uh deadly viral pandemics are a threat to us 55:25.840 --> 55:34.240 in the future forever more it's just ridiculous the whole thing um i agree with you jj and uh so 55:35.200 --> 55:40.320 on what you said i think you said on one of the calls i i think you've been on more than twice 55:40.320 --> 55:47.040 actually um but you said uh that you didn't think you didn't think it was possible 55:47.920 --> 55:56.400 for them to do what they were threatening to i.e you know the lab uh the creation of a lab virus 55:57.120 --> 56:02.720 and you also didn't think it was possible for a virus to be transmitted uh for from a 56:02.720 --> 56:10.640 uh an animal to a human um and uh i think you said that uh so that got me thinking that maybe 56:10.720 --> 56:16.880 actually they were just uh trying to create a narrative which they could use to fear 56:16.880 --> 56:22.640 manga people forever more and that's exactly what they've done in my opinion but i think it was 56:22.640 --> 56:26.080 the way you were thinking the way i was thinking that they both collided and then 56:26.880 --> 56:32.320 i would really like to uh just before you go out any further like address that because it's 56:32.320 --> 56:38.080 important there's there are details there that are really important um first of all i i think 56:38.720 --> 56:46.320 that it's very likely that RNA exosomes of some kind or another can cause illness when you're 56:46.320 --> 56:54.960 exposed to them from either people conspecifics or from uh from animals and i don't think it's very 56:54.960 --> 57:01.520 often i don't think it's very contagious because of the nature of RNA but i'm not willing to dismiss 57:02.480 --> 57:06.880 respiratory disease as being possibly caused by RNA because we have 57:08.560 --> 57:17.680 uh a a panoply of data that shows that we have so many control mechanisms designed to respond 57:17.680 --> 57:24.880 to these signals and make sure that that they're mopped up we have you know just the idea that 57:25.520 --> 57:34.160 what i'm afraid of is that we are being led down a path where where the false information 57:34.160 --> 57:39.360 you know like there is no viruses there are no measles there's no whatever these kinds of things 57:39.360 --> 57:47.280 are we're getting very close to saying that when in reality we have to acknowledge first and foremost 57:48.080 --> 57:54.480 i think if you want to accept the biology that i'm pushing then you have to accept that in 2002 57:55.120 --> 58:03.600 somebody released an infectious clone and whatever the quantity of it was it was able to go from 58:03.600 --> 58:11.360 China to several other countries that infect about 10 000 people it killed 700 and when they 58:11.360 --> 58:17.920 sequenced it it changed about 50 amino acids between each sequence that they were able to 58:18.880 --> 58:27.360 to generate so compared to this virus which in the first six months changed less than 10 amino 58:27.360 --> 58:35.200 acids so something very different happened here but my argument would be that you could release a 58:35.200 --> 58:43.760 quantity of infectious clone equal to that which was released in 2002 and infect about 10 000 people 58:43.760 --> 58:51.760 and get limited spread which could kill as many as 800 and now if you did that in multiple places 58:51.760 --> 58:59.680 with the same clone then you would get multiple people multiple chains of limited spread until 58:59.680 --> 59:06.320 the fidelity of the infectious clone diluted enough so that it was gone would that be three 59:06.320 --> 59:12.720 people two people one person half a person meaning sometimes it wouldn't sometimes it wouldn't i don't 59:13.680 --> 59:20.720 but i know that if you did it with the biology that's described in all those books and described 59:20.720 --> 59:26.400 in all the papers about coronavirus you wouldn't get 10 000 people infected it's not the way it works 59:26.960 --> 59:32.560 when there's an outbreak of a human coronavirus they're able to track it through 30 people 59:33.200 --> 59:39.840 or through 10 children or two daycare centers but it's not like you can track it through a whole 59:39.920 --> 59:46.640 country like the Netherlands even when they have the kind of social monitoring and and system that 59:46.640 --> 59:53.280 they do they have never been able to do such a thing even though they've tried so to me that's 59:53.280 --> 59:59.920 the trick is to understand that there definitely is there are signals at this size scale that include 59:59.920 --> 01:00:06.400 DNA and RNA some of them may be infectious some of them may aggravate your immune system and cause 01:00:06.400 --> 01:00:12.480 a whole suite of respiratory disease some of them may even have a characteristic 01:00:13.120 --> 01:00:21.760 protein complement like measles or polio but but the way that they transmit and how they transmit 01:00:21.760 --> 01:00:30.000 and how fast they can go around the world has been grossly exaggerated in order to get you to be 01:00:30.000 --> 01:00:36.800 confused about the potential that's in nature versus the potential that would be in a pure bottle 01:00:36.800 --> 01:00:43.920 of this size that could never exist in nature just like trying to get you confused and think 01:00:43.920 --> 01:00:51.040 that the uranium that's found in all the soil outside of my house is the same danger as the 01:00:51.040 --> 01:00:58.160 purified uranium in a bottle of this size and that's really the trick this RNA can't do what 01:00:58.160 --> 01:01:03.760 they said it does out there but it can definitely do it if they make appear a quantity of it and 01:01:03.760 --> 01:01:11.040 spray it around and that I don't know how far it would transmit I don't know how many people would 01:01:11.040 --> 01:01:15.360 get sick from it I don't know if I had it would I cough something out it would make my family sick 01:01:15.360 --> 01:01:23.280 maybe I don't know but it's real because they can make it and they can make it in large quantities 01:01:23.280 --> 01:01:28.480 and that's detectable that's PCR positive that's sequinsable and it's culturable 01:01:29.040 --> 01:01:34.640 which is all the things they would need it to be if they wanted to convince the virologists in Iran 01:01:34.640 --> 01:01:42.240 in Wuhan in China in the UK and in America independently while something is spreading 01:01:42.240 --> 01:01:46.720 and it's the same sequence as they reported that's how you would do it you would do it with a call 01:01:47.600 --> 01:01:57.600 so JJ can you explain given that a deadly virus kills its host and the words deadly viral pandemic 01:01:57.600 --> 01:02:01.680 but deadly and pandemic cannot coexist in the same sentence in my view 01:02:04.240 --> 01:02:10.560 and endless deadly viral pandemics is what they're offering us now and we're all at risk from these 01:02:11.120 --> 01:02:21.760 endless deadly viral pandemics deadly if you believe in viruses then deadly viruses kill their host 01:02:22.640 --> 01:02:31.600 and they can't by definition obviously create a pandemic and oh people say well what if they 01:02:31.600 --> 01:02:39.440 cause serious disease same thing so it's on a kind of interplay in my mind 01:02:40.320 --> 01:02:46.240 yeah I agree I just think that sometimes transmissibility people can't get their heads 01:02:46.240 --> 01:02:52.160 around this can you think of a simple explanation yeah I mean I'm trying to to get there in the 01:02:52.160 --> 01:02:57.520 sense of you know once you start playing the discussion of viral dynamics you're actually not 01:02:57.520 --> 01:03:06.240 really fighting them anymore and I think that's where the no virus crew has their their game down 01:03:06.240 --> 01:03:13.600 to a science because essentially we should be allies with them they should be allies with us and 01:03:13.600 --> 01:03:22.640 they should love this clone theory because this clone idea is an idea which explains why virology 01:03:22.640 --> 01:03:29.440 might be grossly overstated and why a lot of this this science that they hate and say is fake is 01:03:29.440 --> 01:03:35.200 probably very much exaggerated or misinterpreted and that's fantastic for them but instead 01:03:36.000 --> 01:03:43.760 as soon as I proposed that maybe this was all done with infectious clones I became a virus guy 01:03:43.760 --> 01:03:49.200 and I had to but there are no viruses and I had to argue whether there were viruses or not and 01:03:50.000 --> 01:03:52.880 I said I don't want to argue about viruses when there are clones 01:03:54.640 --> 01:04:01.840 JJ I think the no virus people by the very fact that they talk about nothing else and do not want 01:04:01.840 --> 01:04:06.560 to talk about anything else other than that there's no virus they don't want to talk about the 01:04:06.560 --> 01:04:12.160 Russia war they don't want to talk about right okay but I guess what I'm saying is though Stephen 01:04:12.160 --> 01:04:20.160 is that the the the magical power that they have is that we haven't been good enough at stopping 01:04:20.160 --> 01:04:26.000 playing the virus game so when you are talking about a virus is killing its its hosts so that it 01:04:26.000 --> 01:04:34.480 can't pandemic or that you say that it's too transmissible and therefore it can't kill everybody 01:04:35.120 --> 01:04:42.960 these are all scenarios of viral spread absolutely yeah but I did preface it by saying that if one 01:04:42.960 --> 01:04:48.560 believes in viruses which I'm not sure I do yeah I don't think but I think you can believe in viruses 01:04:48.560 --> 01:04:53.440 and just not believe that they have the fidelity that you can there can be viruses they could be 01:04:53.920 --> 01:05:00.560 exosomes that are produced by every animal all the time for all we know and sometimes when we 01:05:01.120 --> 01:05:06.160 when we meet someone who's producing exosomes that are annoying to our immune system then we 01:05:06.160 --> 01:05:12.160 produce respiratory symptoms which expel those exosomes and maybe they also come from animals 01:05:12.160 --> 01:05:20.080 and occasionally those are especially irritating but the idea that that could create a phenomenon 01:05:20.160 --> 01:05:27.600 like a domino train is the part that they've exaggerated that's all that's all we need for 01:05:27.600 --> 01:05:33.840 that most of that viral virology to be kind of real but then the pandemic to be a lie 01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:42.400 so JJ so the porosity with which they argue about no viruses to the exclusion of all else no they 01:05:42.400 --> 01:05:49.120 don't want to so so they may well be right I I have conceded that many times to these people 01:05:49.760 --> 01:05:55.440 but they don't want to talk about anything else and so that seems very strange you know it's not 01:05:55.440 --> 01:06:03.120 in our interest because it's like a cult and there's no other way to describe it it is a cult 01:06:03.120 --> 01:06:08.160 I agree but I just want to be sure that that that everybody you know you guys are all pretty 01:06:08.160 --> 01:06:14.960 serious and so at this stage you know it's you got to be pretty nuanced in order to to 01:06:15.040 --> 01:06:22.240 absolutely to associate how how right they are about a lot of things and yes but having said that 01:06:22.240 --> 01:06:27.600 even if you are not sure about whether they're right or wrong and we haven't got time to actually 01:06:27.600 --> 01:06:35.200 prove it beyond reasonable doubt at the moment or even peer review it but we do suspect that then 01:06:35.200 --> 01:06:40.400 you know the whole virus thing should it might have been pushed at the expense of brilliant 01:06:41.120 --> 01:06:47.760 human immune system which is the science of immunologist and interestingly JJ I can't remember 01:06:47.760 --> 01:06:56.480 what I've told you this but someone who's intimately involved in the HIV nonsense in London told me 01:06:57.280 --> 01:07:04.720 about three months ago that the the immunologists the beginning of their decline was in the 80s 01:07:04.720 --> 01:07:11.840 which is of course coincides with the rise of virology so you wonder whether that was intentional 01:07:11.840 --> 01:07:17.360 they took away the the influence and power of immunologists who when I was at medical school 01:07:17.360 --> 01:07:25.600 the kings of medicine and they they increased the power of an influence of virologists and that 01:07:25.600 --> 01:07:33.200 was a construct in my view for what happened in 2020 what do you think I mean again I'm I'm not 01:07:33.840 --> 01:07:42.560 I like Michael Eden's response I'm not I'm not interested in viruses enough to to try to disprove 01:07:42.560 --> 01:07:49.200 them I'm just interested in saying that the biology that I understand with regard to RNA 01:07:49.920 --> 01:07:57.680 does not facilitate the kind of picture that we are being painted and and I don't know we need 01:07:57.680 --> 01:08:05.360 to go any farther than that because it absolutely it's it's really kind of that simple but 01:08:06.960 --> 01:08:11.200 yeah but the point is for the purposes of what happened in the last three and a half years 01:08:12.320 --> 01:08:20.160 do you think there was a pandemic was there I mean does the data say that there was pandemic I 01:08:20.240 --> 01:08:27.920 believe that it doesn't but also Jessica Naka's data says there was no pandemic Dennis says 01:08:27.920 --> 01:08:34.960 there's no pandemic but there were incidences of simultaneous symptoms there were incidences 01:08:34.960 --> 01:08:43.680 of simultaneous change of behavior in hospitals and change of behavior in ambulances which could have 01:08:44.560 --> 01:08:50.560 probably did I'm pretty sure accounts for the vast majority of the damage that it was done and 01:08:50.560 --> 01:08:56.400 now whether or not that was triggered with a few cases that were seeded with a clone so that the 01:08:56.400 --> 01:09:02.160 sequence would be the same I think it's almost certain but I don't think you need to think of 01:09:02.160 --> 01:09:09.440 it as thousands of people I think everyone needs to try and exercise their the simulation in their 01:09:09.520 --> 01:09:17.120 head of what would happen if you just told everybody that there was a dangerous novel pathogen that 01:09:17.120 --> 01:09:23.920 could kill anyone that needed to be avoided and that we didn't have any treatments for it but it 01:09:23.920 --> 01:09:30.320 was killing people and people were dropping in the street in China and you told them that there's 01:09:30.320 --> 01:09:38.800 money there's tests and there's protection from malpractice as long as you follow this protocol 01:09:40.000 --> 01:09:44.880 and put a protocol out there how many doctors would go against the protocol how many doctors 01:09:44.880 --> 01:09:50.320 would go against the tv and facebook how many of the doctors would go against the nightly news 01:09:50.320 --> 01:09:56.400 briefings about the pandemic none of them would have protocols that's another thing doctors should 01:09:56.400 --> 01:10:02.480 not have protocols and guidelines okay but that's something that's certainly not protocols that's 01:10:02.480 --> 01:10:08.640 something that that we have become awakened to now but the reason why the the protocol this 01:10:08.640 --> 01:10:15.440 sorry the pandemic was able to unfold was because hospitals and their financial structure and 01:10:15.440 --> 01:10:21.760 managerial structure in America and other places permitted this kind of top-down direction of 01:10:21.760 --> 01:10:29.680 doctors they could form because they had to there was evil intent always to take take 01:10:30.480 --> 01:10:37.520 but everybody was afraid and confused and and terrified and so at some point we've got to forgive 01:10:37.520 --> 01:10:44.000 these people and let them wake up you know i mean and not everyone can be expected to reject 01:10:44.000 --> 01:10:50.000 the things on television or because it is an illusion of consensus just like the the clapping 01:10:50.000 --> 01:10:57.120 audience you you can't expect most people to be immune to that level of pressure and it's not like 01:10:57.120 --> 01:11:04.480 an ash conformity experiment where the the wrong answer is obvious this is a very sophisticated 01:11:05.040 --> 01:11:11.200 ash conformity experiment where people on tv and people on social media and influencers are all 01:11:11.760 --> 01:11:17.760 weirdly saying the same stuff and so how in the world are people supposed to wake up it didn't 01:11:17.760 --> 01:11:24.800 fool me so how did it fool and it's just we just we just maybe we were in the right place at the 01:11:24.800 --> 01:11:29.600 right time maybe we're lucky maybe whatever but you know there's one thing that all doctors in the 01:11:29.600 --> 01:11:33.840 world should have known about and that was informed consent which is part of the nuremberg code as 01:11:33.840 --> 01:11:39.440 you know they should have known about that and they didn't and even when i mentioned that 01:11:39.440 --> 01:11:45.520 in december 2020 they didn't want to talk about it because they knew that was a killer argument 01:11:45.520 --> 01:11:52.320 and they didn't want to talk about nuremberg so what they did they took the they took power away 01:11:52.320 --> 01:12:00.320 from the autonomous individual doctor driven by medical ethics in the name of his or her patients 01:12:00.400 --> 01:12:06.880 and that was evil and the doctors should have understood about ethics if they didn't understand 01:12:06.880 --> 01:12:14.560 about anything else anyway so that's anyway that's very steven that's 20 minutes i quickly that goes 01:12:14.560 --> 01:12:22.480 great conversation okay everybody um thank you steven thank you jj we got hands up so 01:12:22.800 --> 01:12:31.040 so one of the things that i think is is at the start i said the science is never settled jj 01:12:31.040 --> 01:12:37.200 as steven has commented on your willingness to change your minds you know it's very interesting 01:12:37.200 --> 01:12:40.800 the opinions that we hold and seeing some of the comments in the chat i don't follow it very 01:12:40.800 --> 01:12:49.760 carefully because i'm paying attention to what jj says but you know i i repeat the chinese 01:12:50.640 --> 01:12:56.880 i'm told it was a chinese saying that says to be uncertain can be uncomfortable 01:12:57.840 --> 01:13:05.520 to be certain is ridiculous and in the issues that we're dealing with people who are certain 01:13:05.520 --> 01:13:12.800 about their opinions being right um i think is ridiculous absolutely and i'd say so many times 01:13:12.800 --> 01:13:18.080 this certainty that people i'm certain that's the answer and then a few weeks down the track 01:13:18.080 --> 01:13:24.640 it's changed so i just make that observation in this group hey it's great to share ideas here 01:13:24.640 --> 01:13:30.320 but you don't have to fight to the death for your ideas so that's the that's the that's the 01:13:31.040 --> 01:13:36.640 thought i wanted to say let's go amy amy then jim then rose and then jim uh two jims 01:13:38.960 --> 01:13:47.200 hello um i just wanted to ask i haven't seen um all of jj's lectures and this might have been 01:13:47.200 --> 01:13:53.200 covered before so if this is old territory never mind but as far as this model for some sort of 01:13:53.200 --> 01:13:59.920 exposure to new or the you know the clone of the original mrna through some sort of distribution 01:13:59.920 --> 01:14:07.360 mechanism other than viral transmission um does this have any effect on what you think should 01:14:07.360 --> 01:14:14.160 happen as far as with the injections some sort of shedding or contamination to non vaccinated 01:14:14.160 --> 01:14:20.800 people who are exposed to the people who were subjected to the vaccination the mrna vaccination 01:14:21.600 --> 01:14:26.160 um it's a good question it's something that i tend not to broach very much because 01:14:27.040 --> 01:14:33.600 it's i don't have enough expertise really to to speak extremely specific about it but 01:14:33.600 --> 01:14:39.520 number one it depends on the success of the transfection so how much rna reaches a cell 01:14:40.240 --> 01:14:46.000 and then how much of that rna gets faithfully trans translated into a functional protein and 01:14:46.000 --> 01:14:52.160 then how much of that could go into circulation or get extruded um i think will all depend on what 01:14:52.160 --> 01:14:59.280 tissues are transfected and so it's probably different in every person um but there is potential 01:14:59.920 --> 01:15:07.920 for excess a protein to be excreted and sweat um it's possible that it could be also in saliva 01:15:08.880 --> 01:15:15.840 and any other fluids because number one the makers of these shots warned in their own paperwork 01:15:15.840 --> 01:15:21.600 that people who are transfected shouldn't be having sex with with other people who aren't 01:15:21.600 --> 01:15:27.680 be presumably because there could be exposure to the protein um i guess it wouldn't be because the 01:15:27.680 --> 01:15:33.520 rna could be could be transmitted from person to person but i i assume they're assuming that 01:15:33.520 --> 01:15:42.080 the protein could um i think you can also go from from anecdotal um experiences in your own life 01:15:42.080 --> 01:15:46.880 if if you ate enough garlic would it come out in your sweat i think the answer is definitely yes 01:15:47.440 --> 01:15:54.560 and i think um that goes pretty much for a lot of a lot of things that we eat and a lot of things 01:15:54.560 --> 01:15:58.400 that we expose ourselves to so there's really no reason to believe that if you had excess 01:15:58.960 --> 01:16:03.120 of this spike protein in your body was more or less tolerating and at some point it would come 01:16:03.120 --> 01:16:09.040 out in your sweat um i don't know if that would happen on the first shot um but as your body builds 01:16:09.040 --> 01:16:13.760 tolerance to this spike protein it's very possible that later shots could produce an excess amount 01:16:13.760 --> 01:16:19.280 of protein that then gets secreted but i honestly i don't know i could be completely wrong and it's 01:16:19.280 --> 01:16:25.680 the first shot that has the most but the idea that it wouldn't happen again is a certainty that i'm 01:16:25.680 --> 01:16:28.880 not definitely not willing to state i definitely think it's possible 01:16:30.160 --> 01:16:35.680 okay thank you so much yep thank you thank you thank you thank you amie and i think 01:16:35.680 --> 01:16:40.240 amie you raised a good point the fact that it's you know jj might have spoken about something in 01:16:40.240 --> 01:16:44.320 the past and he weren't here on a previous call doesn't matter because we have such a shifting 01:16:44.320 --> 01:16:50.240 population and the people watching this recording will have a question so all questions are 01:16:50.880 --> 01:16:52.480 wonderfully provocative jim 01:16:54.880 --> 01:17:03.360 hey thanks jj great talk number one are you aware of cocsiella bernetti and its similarities to the 01:17:03.360 --> 01:17:10.640 symptoms of covid it can be sprayed over miles janet woodcock when asked about it refused to 01:17:10.640 --> 01:17:18.080 comment about it it is an intelligence weapon i have heard of it before and um i have and it 01:17:19.120 --> 01:17:25.840 it you know it's one of these more complicated scenarios that i think will only be discovered 01:17:25.840 --> 01:17:34.160 in an investigation um but i do think that there's been a number of potential explanations that 01:17:34.160 --> 01:17:44.080 include a toxin for the the bump in in symptoms uh you know clones for whatever little experiment 01:17:44.080 --> 01:17:52.080 are needed to fool molecular biologists and then the rest was just madness um and so i i don't mind 01:17:52.080 --> 01:17:59.600 that explanation um it would be interesting if that explanation uh would naturally offer some 01:17:59.600 --> 01:18:04.400 kind of alternative biological prediction like what would be there in evidence of that 01:18:04.400 --> 01:18:10.000 instead um but if it's as simple as people getting secondary pneumonia and it being bacterial then 01:18:10.960 --> 01:18:12.720 you know but that's treatment that's what happened 01:18:14.160 --> 01:18:21.600 treatment for cocsiella is hydroxychloroquine icy induction well then you know if i did hear 01:18:21.600 --> 01:18:28.800 i will without any double blind placebo controlled studies he did it by deduction yeah well it is 01:18:28.800 --> 01:18:34.800 done again there's there's there's lots of anecdotal evidence there for that being a possibility and 01:18:34.800 --> 01:18:43.280 if you if you i mean one of the best examples of why i think that this is plausible and one of the 01:18:43.280 --> 01:18:54.160 reasons why this clicks with me is that i feel and sense that they want you to feel like i vermectin 01:18:54.160 --> 01:19:00.800 is the drug that was suppressed but in actuality the drug that was suppressed first and much much 01:19:00.800 --> 01:19:08.880 harder was hydroxychloroquine and um i think that is a part of this narrative that i haven't been 01:19:08.960 --> 01:19:14.000 able to get enough handhold yet on how to teach it but this might be one of the reasons why 01:19:14.720 --> 01:19:21.840 that's the right answer is that hydroxychloroquine is actually a treatment for a for a wide variety 01:19:21.840 --> 01:19:29.040 of these respiratory diseases and it was actually as you're probably aware also um a in vitro confirmed 01:19:30.560 --> 01:19:36.560 preventing uh sars infection as well in 2005 so there was very good reason for that to be on a 01:19:36.560 --> 01:19:42.320 shortlist of substances and it was the first one that was censored and i still have the clip 01:19:42.320 --> 01:19:50.320 somewhere but in 2020 in february already abc news reported that the united states government put 01:19:50.320 --> 01:19:57.520 20 000 hydroxychloroquine pills in their in the in storage or whatever and their in their strategic 01:19:57.520 --> 01:20:05.120 stockpile and donald trump ramped up the production of hydroxychloroquine in florida until 01:20:06.000 --> 01:20:14.320 a a plant in taiwan that made the precursor i think or maybe i'm just getting the two confused 01:20:14.320 --> 01:20:20.160 but a plant in taiwan that also made hydroxychloroquine or a required precursor of it burnt down 01:20:21.120 --> 01:20:27.920 um so there was like a number of things that all it's much worse with hydroxychloroquine in terms 01:20:27.920 --> 01:20:34.080 of how hard they tried to go against it um then ivermectin and there's been books there are books 01:20:34.160 --> 01:20:38.400 about ivermectin but there's no books about hydroxychloroquine and that's a big sign 01:20:39.520 --> 01:20:43.360 i can talk you offline about that one more question about jason mcclellan 01:20:43.360 --> 01:20:49.120 who invented the sars covid 2 spike protein that is allegedly made by the mrna when injected 01:20:49.120 --> 01:20:54.640 jason mcclellan out of the university of texas austin put in the six proline restraints 01:20:56.400 --> 01:20:59.040 he developed it on a supercomputer called long horn 01:20:59.520 --> 01:21:03.680 hmm the spike protein looks like it's generated by computer 01:21:06.080 --> 01:21:13.440 um what do you what are your thoughts on well um my thoughts on that are that if the 01:21:14.720 --> 01:21:22.000 if the pandemic was meant to be orchestrated then there was a very specific problem that they had 01:21:22.000 --> 01:21:30.080 to solve and that was how are they going to guarantee that the mrna that they use will be 01:21:30.080 --> 01:21:37.280 effective and can be sold as being effective and so if the way that they solve that problem is by 01:21:37.280 --> 01:21:46.080 designing a coronavirus spike protein that had immunogenic properties and then lied about that 01:21:46.080 --> 01:21:52.800 sequence being found either by planting it uh probably by planting it with clone 01:21:53.680 --> 01:22:01.280 then you get this okay so we plant our our we make our RNA uh infectious clone release it in 01:22:01.280 --> 01:22:06.800 wuhan and iran they sequence it and report the sequence and lo and behold it's a sequence that 01:22:06.800 --> 01:22:13.520 we know will work to generate antibodies after multiple shots and so we'll just pretend well 01:22:13.520 --> 01:22:20.320 we'll just choose the spike protein lucky for us it works and then later on say that maybe it 01:22:20.320 --> 01:22:25.200 worked too well or that it was toxic or something like that and then the narrative is useful on both 01:22:25.200 --> 01:22:32.160 sides of the coin um and again i don't have i don't have molecular evidence for that but i 01:22:32.160 --> 01:22:40.720 don't think it's implausible at all to think that if this was an orchestrated operation then the idea 01:22:40.720 --> 01:22:49.680 would be to guarantee that they would have a a a shoe in working countermeasure that they wouldn't 01:22:49.680 --> 01:22:55.280 have to roll the dice on that would for sure work um and when they rolled it out they could point 01:22:55.280 --> 01:23:00.000 to the antibodies when they did the trials they knew it would work the way to do that would have a 01:23:00.560 --> 01:23:06.800 protein that already they already knew worked in the sequence that was found but that's getting 01:23:06.880 --> 01:23:14.560 pretty good yeah and and this is the plot of rainbow six it's known as quote the project 01:23:15.200 --> 01:23:21.520 and uh a quote virus is released at an olympic games spreads around the world in a in a soon 01:23:21.520 --> 01:23:26.560 after the games is over the vaccine is more deadly than the virus engineered by radical 01:23:26.560 --> 01:23:32.720 environmentalists to depopulate the earth in the name of climate change that's the plot of rainbow 01:23:32.720 --> 01:23:40.960 six competency yeah it's it's i'm aware it's um you know they're the the new planet of the apes is 01:23:40.960 --> 01:23:46.400 also a viral movie where they talk about antibodies neutralizing a virus six times in the first movie 01:23:46.400 --> 01:23:50.320 and then the second movie starts out with the virus spreading around the world with red dots and 01:23:50.320 --> 01:23:58.000 airplanes and uh and uh all the people being wiped out and so and they even call it a zoonotic virus 01:23:58.000 --> 01:24:04.320 and stuff it's it's there's no doubt that that the mythology of a pandemic is meant to be 01:24:05.040 --> 01:24:10.960 the new governing structure and the the the the temptation of course is to try and figure out 01:24:10.960 --> 01:24:18.240 exactly how they did this um but i think our task still really remains trying to bring more people 01:24:18.240 --> 01:24:24.480 on the side of understanding that we were lied to and let's fight about what the lies were later 01:24:24.480 --> 01:24:31.440 because right now we're we're really you know preaching to the choir all the time here we're not 01:24:31.440 --> 01:24:37.120 i don't need to convert you and you don't need to convert me and so we have to i feel like my job 01:24:37.120 --> 01:24:42.880 now is to come up with a message that converts new people without getting them to accept that all 01:24:42.880 --> 01:24:48.800 governments are bad at the first moment that they that they open their mind to this obviously that's 01:24:48.880 --> 01:24:55.280 where we want them to go but um there's so many people that are so sucked into this right now 01:24:55.280 --> 01:25:02.160 and so convinced that that consensus is real um and so it's going to take a lot of work to save 01:25:02.160 --> 01:25:08.400 them and and i don't know how we're going to do it but um i think the first thing and the first thing 01:25:08.400 --> 01:25:13.120 to start with is that they were lying and they've been planning this lie for a very very long time 01:25:13.120 --> 01:25:18.160 and i think the book that you cite along with all the other books that are out there the movies the 01:25:18.720 --> 01:25:25.200 x-files episodes the tv shows the cartoons that have all laid this narrative out they're all part 01:25:25.200 --> 01:25:32.160 of it and it's not it's i've said this in another interview today they're playing for all the marbles 01:25:32.160 --> 01:25:37.840 and their time frame isn't five years from now their time frame is 50 years at 100 years from now 01:25:37.840 --> 01:25:44.320 and it has been that time frame for several generations i mean if you want to think about it 01:25:44.320 --> 01:25:50.560 like i think about it i think you should think that the united states government or sorry the 01:25:50.560 --> 01:25:56.720 united states populace was fooled into believing that they rebelled against the crown and won 01:25:56.720 --> 01:26:01.840 their freedom when in reality most of the united states government and it's inner working stayed 01:26:01.840 --> 01:26:08.080 loyal and we are still under their control and in fact this is the culmination of a plan to grind 01:26:08.080 --> 01:26:13.840 us into the ground for breaking away from them in the first place and that's where the intelligence 01:26:13.840 --> 01:26:20.640 agencies come in that's where this this whole plan is not a government it's bigger than that 01:26:20.640 --> 01:26:27.440 because the idea is to grind america into the dirt because we're the last the last legislature 01:26:27.440 --> 01:26:33.120 of sort of bastion of freedom possible anymore the other ones are all gone already so this is the 01:26:33.120 --> 01:26:39.600 one they have to smash but that was on keep in mind on topic and keep in mind if the intelligence 01:26:39.600 --> 01:26:45.200 agencies invented it they know the antidote well i still am tempted by the idea that there's 01:26:45.200 --> 01:26:48.560 no antidote necessary they just have to make you convinced that there's needed one 01:26:50.080 --> 01:26:56.400 um then i know that that's not always true but that's my yep excellent rainbow six everybody 01:26:56.400 --> 01:27:02.560 we had it mentioned a few times before excellent reminder and uh jj in answer to that question of 01:27:03.120 --> 01:27:10.320 how are we going to influence in my view there's going to be a match that sets off the bushfire 01:27:10.320 --> 01:27:17.520 of united resistance of eight thousand million against one million and it will be something like 01:27:17.520 --> 01:27:25.520 a judge and peter huga mentions it it'll be something like a judge a highly placed judge in 01:27:25.520 --> 01:27:34.960 a court whose child has died from myocarditis pericarditis or a top business man who comes out 01:27:34.960 --> 01:27:42.960 and says i have been telling lies and that one match is what could be it jj and let's keep our 01:27:42.960 --> 01:27:50.960 eyes peeled because because the judges have been corrupted and some some of them will awaken 01:27:50.960 --> 01:27:56.480 eventually and steven's comments about nuremberg we don't know what the match will be 01:27:57.200 --> 01:28:02.000 but i'm very comfortable that there will be a match i'm also comfortable that it might be in 01:28:02.000 --> 01:28:08.800 two three years time so we don't stop as you've taught on us at the start so jj i remind everybody 01:28:08.800 --> 01:28:17.680 that you also said global problems are bullshit i love that idea that global problems are bullshit 01:28:17.760 --> 01:28:23.280 that's nick hudson all credit to nick hudson when they say global problems need global solutions 01:28:23.280 --> 01:28:32.640 you know it's global bs beautiful rose jj first off i love your breakdown of the science with clones 01:28:32.640 --> 01:28:40.000 that was very helpful to me so i want to give a twist to the comment that you made regarding 01:28:40.000 --> 01:28:47.440 that they're giving people to go down the wrong avenue when you were talking about oh gain a function 01:28:47.440 --> 01:28:53.920 versus natural yada yada yada so i want to do a twist on that exact same thing regarding the actual 01:28:53.920 --> 01:29:00.560 science i've been in health care for 40 years and as a health care consultant have been fighting 01:29:00.560 --> 01:29:08.880 behind the curtain with the unnecessary dust massive fraud doing the health analytics for 20 01:29:08.880 --> 01:29:16.640 years i've been alone voice crying out going guys you know title five of the aca we've got 01:29:16.640 --> 01:29:22.640 dummy down clinicians they can pass boards they don't know what they're doing we've got unnecessary 01:29:22.640 --> 01:29:30.880 deaths going on with hospital acquired infections conditions medical errors in 2016 i was invited 01:29:30.880 --> 01:29:38.000 to the who's who of health care in the united states where they declared open fraud on the stage 01:29:38.080 --> 01:29:45.680 and the room applauded and they openly said about how they're hiring convicts at john's hopkins 01:29:45.680 --> 01:29:55.200 because they want to do social experiments so my point being is that all of health care 01:29:55.200 --> 01:30:04.640 has been corrupted now for a very long time and i think you know the average person can't absorb 01:30:04.640 --> 01:30:12.720 the science they can't they're so bombarded with the political narratives that i think that 01:30:12.720 --> 01:30:22.880 in of itself is the distraction from the overall problem that all of health care has been corrupted 01:30:22.880 --> 01:30:31.440 and the staff has been dummy down and we haven't had informed consent across the board for a very 01:30:31.520 --> 01:30:38.880 long time so i'd like to throw that out to the group of is the science being a distraction because 01:30:38.880 --> 01:30:50.880 when we're trying to get to a billion people that can't handle the talk if we can kind of get back 01:30:50.880 --> 01:30:59.680 to the root issues of health care itself so that it's more palatable for the people to get on board 01:31:00.240 --> 01:31:05.280 with all of the issues so i just want to kind of throw that out to the group because i love the 01:31:05.280 --> 01:31:11.520 way that you were saying how we're being distracted and pulled and right now it's a bombarding of 01:31:11.520 --> 01:31:18.080 information and then on the on the virus talk i break it down to the average person of it's 01:31:18.080 --> 01:31:26.240 spiked protein it's a protein let's talk about spiked protein and not about viruses 01:31:26.560 --> 01:31:29.360 so i wanted to get your thoughts on that jj 01:31:31.680 --> 01:31:37.840 sorry i muted myself um yeah so i don't know how i would comment on that i mean it's a 01:31:38.720 --> 01:31:46.160 it's a it's a system-wide phenomenon one of the worst and biggest failures that i see in the 01:31:46.160 --> 01:31:52.080 pandemic is the absolute abject failure of every academic biologist who isn't aware that this is 01:31:52.160 --> 01:31:57.600 a fraud already and there are millions of them people at the university of pittsburgh that in my 01:31:58.400 --> 01:32:03.520 neurobiology uh department was more than a hundred faculty members and none of them have 01:32:03.520 --> 01:32:09.600 ever called me to say wow you were right or holy man i'm sorry that happened to you or anything 01:32:09.600 --> 01:32:16.320 like that they've all injected their kids and shown it on on on instagram and on facebook 01:32:16.960 --> 01:32:25.760 so these are these are academics who purport to be biologists who have just given up on the 01:32:25.760 --> 01:32:30.240 on their responsibility to understand what's really going on and have decided that they're 01:32:30.240 --> 01:32:35.440 just going to even though they know in their heart that something isn't right they're just gonna 01:32:36.000 --> 01:32:40.560 go on with their lives and go on with their grant applications and go on with their courses 01:32:40.560 --> 01:32:45.760 and go on with their supervision and and go on with the daycare and and they're not going to 01:32:45.760 --> 01:32:51.040 question the big picture around them because they're too busy they've got too much to do they're 01:32:51.040 --> 01:32:56.080 up for 10 year next year their husband lost their job so we're not sure if they're going to move 01:32:56.080 --> 01:32:59.920 and you know their kids are going to go to high school they're not sure what school they're 01:32:59.920 --> 01:33:07.440 going to go to and so all of us as she says as rose said have been driven to the point where 01:33:07.440 --> 01:33:13.440 paying attention to this unless you're someone like me who's just mentally ill and can't not pay 01:33:13.440 --> 01:33:21.200 attention to it you are forced to deal with the inflation and the the impact on your life and on 01:33:21.200 --> 01:33:26.960 your kids and what's going on you can't pay attention to this public health thing that's still rolling 01:33:26.960 --> 01:33:35.200 forward rolling forward like a massive um sort of unstoppable juggernaut where all these people 01:33:35.200 --> 01:33:41.760 are planning for the next thing and the next move and no one no one no one no one in our bureaucracies 01:33:42.560 --> 01:33:49.840 seems to be willing to look back and say wow we really we really screwed that up and the reason 01:33:49.840 --> 01:33:57.440 why is because they're all in on this change that is coming and so the the scary part is I guess that 01:33:58.400 --> 01:34:04.160 that it's going to take something much more than just awareness like really a lot of people are 01:34:04.160 --> 01:34:08.960 going to have to decide to get up and do something and and so there's a lot of momentum we still 01:34:08.960 --> 01:34:16.000 need to generate so it's tricky because it is hard to start getting people to think like this 01:34:16.000 --> 01:34:22.400 because it's it's harder to think like this than it is to you know just just watch Netflix and 01:34:24.000 --> 01:34:28.000 and worry about you know everyday things which is really what everybody should 01:34:28.000 --> 01:34:34.720 should be having the the freedom and privilege to do but yeah and I guess what I'm saying is that 01:34:34.720 --> 01:34:39.600 in the overall picture of what I've been battling for almost 20 years now 01:34:40.640 --> 01:34:48.480 covid is actually a small element it's it's so much bigger and and I guess to your point I have 01:34:48.480 --> 01:34:56.720 come across that with my hc aware presentations I get wide eyed open jawed stuns silence when they 01:34:56.720 --> 01:35:04.160 actually understand the big picture of the brokenness that covid is such a small piece of it 01:35:04.800 --> 01:35:09.360 yeah it's unfortunate that I think it's even as you're probably hinting at it's much worse than 01:35:09.360 --> 01:35:14.320 this in the sense of you know if we're if we're really honest and talk about everything that's on 01:35:14.320 --> 01:35:22.640 the table the financial system of America is is is overextended by that's saying it mildly and 01:35:22.640 --> 01:35:30.000 they have seen this coming for some time and one of the biggest signals that something is very wrong 01:35:30.000 --> 01:35:34.240 was something that I already said before I moved to Europe in 2002 which is how in the 01:35:34.240 --> 01:35:40.800 hell is it possible that somebody like Nancy Pelosi or somebody like Mitch McConnell is still 01:35:41.520 --> 01:35:48.000 in government it's just not possible unless it's corrupt and I was saying that 20 years ago and 01:35:48.000 --> 01:35:55.360 guess who are still in office now and that should be that should be terrifying to us that there isn't 01:35:55.440 --> 01:36:03.120 someone in Kentucky between the ages of 50 and 60 or between 40 and 60 with a successful track 01:36:03.120 --> 01:36:08.560 record of keeping their arms straight and having principles when they're needed that could serve 01:36:08.560 --> 01:36:15.360 as a better senator than that guy but our system is is very very far gone I guess where I'm going 01:36:15.360 --> 01:36:21.760 with the health care is is like again I love our talks around the science but to try to get to 01:36:21.760 --> 01:36:29.280 more and more average people the science is just too overwhelming and so how can we get them to 01:36:29.280 --> 01:36:36.560 understand there's a lack of informed consent for everything the nurses and doctors now in the 01:36:36.560 --> 01:36:42.480 hospitals aren't trained they don't know what yeah I see I see that I see that that's tough though I 01:36:42.480 --> 01:36:51.120 get that I do understand that point but that's why I'm for example trying to give a very you know 01:36:51.120 --> 01:36:58.480 cartoonish representation of the immune system which gets closer to the mark because I think 01:36:59.520 --> 01:37:05.280 that we've got to be very careful and not fall into the trap of this is too complicated to 01:37:05.280 --> 01:37:09.520 explain to people because I don't think it is that's the whole trap that you know the 01:37:09.520 --> 01:37:14.160 technocracy wants you to buy into is that I'm not an expert in that and therefore I have to defer 01:37:14.160 --> 01:37:21.040 to the experts who are and that's the excuse that everybody in in in academia uses because 01:37:21.040 --> 01:37:28.320 I work on hippocampal neurons and I work on long-term potentiation in in CA1 and so since I'm only an 01:37:28.320 --> 01:37:33.840 expert on the hippocampus in mice then what would I know about the immune system and its response 01:37:33.840 --> 01:37:42.080 to a coronavirus and this you're giving up your your it's not it is a responsibility you know I'm 01:37:42.080 --> 01:37:47.040 not a weatherman so I don't know if I should I'll just lose into the TV and decide what to wear 01:37:47.040 --> 01:37:52.080 because I'm not a weatherman I can't tell whether I should bring a jacket or not it's the same kind 01:37:52.080 --> 01:37:58.800 of attitude but now to your children's future your children's gender and your immune system's 01:37:58.800 --> 01:38:05.440 augmentation at the whim of a corporation or a government or a or a global entity and that's 01:38:05.440 --> 01:38:10.640 that's it's an incredible place for us to have gone in the last three years I'm sorry I got off 01:38:10.640 --> 01:38:17.920 topic there no that's good thank you thank you Rose now before we go to Jim JJ I'm going to say to 01:38:17.920 --> 01:38:26.160 you that you've been on this call now and I'm interested in health your health I say to you that 01:38:26.160 --> 01:38:29.920 if you haven't had to go to the toilet yet in two hours you're not drinking enough water 01:38:32.240 --> 01:38:36.320 I can agree with that um the bottle is still very full though so I'll keep drinking 01:38:37.120 --> 01:38:43.920 keep drinking keep drinking and everybody drink lots of water and not fluoridated water 01:38:44.560 --> 01:38:50.160 so JJ we've got half an hour to go we've got two four hands up and then Stephen's closing questions 01:38:50.160 --> 01:38:55.040 we're finishing on the two and a half hour mark so if you need to go to the toilet go now 01:38:55.040 --> 01:39:03.520 give the last half hour up to you you okay no I'm okay I'm playing right okay dr Jim here you are 01:39:03.520 --> 01:39:06.240 giving me some health now here you are Jim over to you 01:39:07.440 --> 01:39:16.080 JJ it's such an honor and privilege to listen to you and you're really I'm extraordinarily impressed 01:39:16.080 --> 01:39:25.520 with your presentation if you know I'm 44 plus years out of medical school and I was taught 01:39:25.520 --> 01:39:32.800 nothing in medical school about vaccines and if if I had my dr others if I had the power 01:39:33.360 --> 01:39:39.680 of putting a medical school curricula for every medical school in the United States of America 01:39:40.480 --> 01:39:46.000 you would be a mandatory lecture once a week for the first two years of every medical student 01:39:46.000 --> 01:39:55.920 in this country amen and to my question is um you're this positive of your simplistic diagram 01:39:56.400 --> 01:40:03.200 I've never seen anything like that it's it's and I've I've been interested in the immune system for 01:40:03.200 --> 01:40:12.560 for 44 years it's brilliant it's it's it's and it's physiologic and it's it's it's spot on I'm 01:40:12.560 --> 01:40:19.840 very very impressed with that I love it thank you very much I mean it's uh it was I can tell you 01:40:19.840 --> 01:40:27.440 the honest truth it was um something that I I was on my motorcycle and I knew at once that I had it 01:40:27.440 --> 01:40:32.800 I saw the whole picture um and I knew that I had to teach it that way and that was the first day 01:40:32.800 --> 01:40:38.560 that I actually put that slide up that said intramuscular injection might be dumb it's beautiful thank 01:40:38.560 --> 01:40:47.040 you I want to just go to one question and I'll let you maybe maybe two questions is I'm very very 01:40:47.120 --> 01:40:52.640 interested and you may I don't want to put you on the spot but the highlight of those you know the 01:40:52.640 --> 01:40:58.560 prominent um leaders that you had in the beginning of your presentation somewhere in a grain somewhere 01:40:58.560 --> 01:41:04.640 in a yellow and somewhere in a red frame and I'm just wondering if you might you may may not be 01:41:04.640 --> 01:41:14.880 willing to um to amplify on that like why were some of the folks in red from your perspective why 01:41:14.880 --> 01:41:22.400 were some of those in yellow and um and and and then the and I'll let you go on with that and 01:41:22.400 --> 01:41:30.560 I'll shut up thank you um I I would I can go back and just kind of say a little bit um and I just 01:41:30.560 --> 01:41:38.640 want to want to emphasize that the the reason why I would go back is because um I just want to make 01:41:38.640 --> 01:41:45.280 sure that you understand that it's it's uh it's it's my own personal experience that I'm trying to 01:41:45.280 --> 01:41:54.800 share and and the reason why that's important is because I was entangled with many of these people 01:41:55.680 --> 01:42:02.960 from the very beginning because I got involved in this group drastic on twitter which ended up 01:42:02.960 --> 01:42:08.880 being central to the narrative of the lab leak and who figured it out and whatever and reported 01:42:08.880 --> 01:42:16.320 on Tucker Carlson and Vanity Fair now don't get me wrong drastic was reported but it was attributed 01:42:16.320 --> 01:42:24.320 to people that weren't in drastic as would you would typically expect but more importantly drastic 01:42:24.320 --> 01:42:28.800 was a group of people most of whom were anonymous and the person who formed the group is still 01:42:28.800 --> 01:42:37.840 anonymous and so at some point I became skeptical of that group but in that first year I was 01:42:37.840 --> 01:42:45.520 contacted by many many many different people in various phone calls emails and these people 01:42:45.520 --> 01:42:54.560 turned out to be influential people later on or or continued to play certain roles later on and so 01:42:55.520 --> 01:43:01.440 one of the people that I have up here for example is Brett Weinstein and he's in yellow but in 01:43:01.440 --> 01:43:05.840 reality I would say that he actually should be in red because Brett Weinstein is someone who 01:43:06.720 --> 01:43:15.360 without a doubt um I taught most of the biology that I just presented here I taught to him in 2021 01:43:15.360 --> 01:43:22.400 in a signal chat that he personally invited me to join and in that signal chat instead of saying 01:43:22.480 --> 01:43:27.360 wow that's really great I can't believe how much you've taught me he said at some point that he 01:43:27.360 --> 01:43:32.080 didn't understand what I was talking about and he didn't think a zoom discussion with me would 01:43:32.080 --> 01:43:40.560 help him to help him understand it and so I stopped communicating with him now in this same signal 01:43:40.560 --> 01:43:50.080 chat I was in that signal chat in 2021 with Brett when he interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his 01:43:50.080 --> 01:43:56.720 house now if you're not aware that was November of 2021 but Brett didn't release that video 01:43:57.280 --> 01:44:06.080 until February of 2023 and now you can't imagine can you imagine having Robert F. Kennedy Jr. come 01:44:06.080 --> 01:44:10.640 to your house and record a three-hour podcast and then you're just casually not releasing it for 14 01:44:10.640 --> 01:44:17.680 months now there's also Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone on here and the reason why they're on here 01:44:17.680 --> 01:44:23.520 in yellow is because they came out on Brett Weinstein's podcast that's the first place that 01:44:23.520 --> 01:44:30.720 they came public when they came out publicly the three of them stated that they were demonstrating 01:44:30.720 --> 01:44:36.480 a combination of strategies that would allow strangers to hang out with each other Robert Malone 01:44:36.480 --> 01:44:43.760 was vaccinated and also infected he had hybrid immunity Brett Weinstein had never been infected 01:44:43.760 --> 01:44:49.440 but was using ivermectin prophylactically and Steve Kirsch had been vaccinated twice 01:44:50.400 --> 01:44:56.080 and so they started their podcast in the first 10 minutes by laying down a narrative that there 01:44:56.080 --> 01:45:01.680 was a novel virus for which these countermeasures are effective and that maybe it's a lab leak and 01:45:01.680 --> 01:45:09.600 it'll come again now I can keep going on and on and on but all of these people have essentially 01:45:09.600 --> 01:45:15.440 played some pretty critical like Nurse Aaron down here for example on the bottom is a person 01:45:15.440 --> 01:45:21.760 who who admits to being in the army admits to being in the psychological operations group 01:45:21.760 --> 01:45:31.600 in the army and started an anti-vax group two of them in 2018 and 19 in Florida before the start 01:45:31.600 --> 01:45:38.640 of the pandemic when she moved up to New York and was in present in this Elmer's hospital to make 01:45:38.640 --> 01:45:44.880 all these videos and show that they were mixing COVID patients with regular patients and and that 01:45:44.880 --> 01:45:50.400 it was spreading and that it was all this people getting hurt and then she wrote a book and did a 01:45:50.400 --> 01:45:58.960 tour you can you can go on and on Kevin McCurnan is a guy who who's as best as I can tell has made 01:45:58.960 --> 01:46:04.560 hundreds of millions of dollars if tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars selling companies 01:46:04.560 --> 01:46:10.560 that have all to do with his years and years of experience in the human genome project where he 01:46:10.560 --> 01:46:16.800 dropped his PhD and immediately went to work for the government in the 90s whenever that project 01:46:16.800 --> 01:46:23.840 started he's got like really young pictures of him and Francis Collins walking around the original 01:46:23.840 --> 01:46:29.440 lab or the original sequencing was done in the original human genome project that was featured on 01:46:29.440 --> 01:46:39.280 time this guy has a as a 7,000 square foot house on the ocean in Boston and yet he spends or used 01:46:39.280 --> 01:46:46.240 to spend an inordinate amount of time on Twitter tweeting against me telling me that infectious 01:46:46.240 --> 01:46:50.720 clones were a mythology that I didn't understand and that they were the same as regular coronavirus 01:46:50.720 --> 01:46:57.120 isn't that Jay was dumb a guy who has no business even having a Twitter account never mind paying 01:46:57.120 --> 01:47:06.320 attention to a guy like me with 3,000 followers on twitch so the behavior of these people has been 01:47:06.320 --> 01:47:15.920 so extraordinary nine days nine days after I was on Robert F Kennedy jr's podcast with Robert Malone 01:47:15.920 --> 01:47:22.560 I met Robert Malone in person and he jerked his hand away and said that I've never met you I don't 01:47:22.560 --> 01:47:29.600 know who you are and I've never introduced you to Robert F Kennedy jr however Bobby told me 01:47:30.240 --> 01:47:36.480 that it was Robert Malone who sat him down to watch my stream and that's the reason why he hired me 01:47:37.120 --> 01:47:42.960 so I guess according to Robert Malone Bobby Kennedy is lying to me it's possible but Robert 01:47:42.960 --> 01:47:47.600 Malone's the one who pulled his hand away and said I don't know who you are nine nine days after he 01:47:47.600 --> 01:47:55.520 was on a podcast with Bobby and me so it's strange because the the behavior of all of these people 01:47:55.520 --> 01:48:00.320 has been really extraordinary I mean give me another example here's a tonic this Mark Koolack 01:48:00.320 --> 01:48:06.240 guy that's underneath the arrow right here is a guy who from the very beginning of the pandemic 01:48:06.240 --> 01:48:13.120 was working with George Webb and George Webb I started to notice a pattern where George Webb was 01:48:13.280 --> 01:48:21.920 taking Mark's work and kind of twisting it around making mistakes when he would report it and kind of 01:48:21.920 --> 01:48:25.760 saying the opposite of what he should have said but then still giving Mark credit for being a great 01:48:25.760 --> 01:48:32.880 journalist and I started after a while really seeing this pattern to the point where I was starting 01:48:32.880 --> 01:48:37.200 to get a little frustrated with Mark because he wouldn't see it he was just like you know you gotta 01:48:37.200 --> 01:48:42.800 use everybody and at least I get publicity from George but what I could see behind the scenes was 01:48:42.800 --> 01:48:48.800 that his association with George was discrediting him among people who already considered George 01:48:48.800 --> 01:48:56.080 Webb to be to be a Medler and so interestingly enough I'm going to keep expanding on this again 01:48:56.080 --> 01:49:02.240 but you know all of these people are connected by actually talking about the worst case scenario 01:49:02.240 --> 01:49:11.120 together on the internet and that's very extraordinary because no one should have been certain in 2020 01:49:11.120 --> 01:49:17.760 about where this was going to go where it came from or who was in trouble no one but I 01:49:17.760 --> 01:49:24.800 I think well I say jay stop jay jay because you've done it you've done a great explanation jay jay's 01:49:24.800 --> 01:49:31.760 previous recording on our rumble channel go through beautifully how jay jay crafted that so when 01:49:31.760 --> 01:49:36.960 if you've got more time worth going through because jay jay that's about an hour on that well worth 01:49:36.960 --> 01:49:41.440 understanding but it's quite question so we've got to go we've got three more questions and sorry about 01:49:41.440 --> 01:49:48.480 jay jay 20 minutes so james it's very important you understand that in the video that of jay jay 01:49:48.480 --> 01:49:55.120 in his previous presentation at last presentation he went through about 50 people from memory connected 01:49:55.120 --> 01:50:02.000 with and it and it is it's not a case of jay jay trying to cause trouble in because he keeps his 01:50:02.720 --> 01:50:09.280 but he's just it's very interesting to listen to his observations and i think 01:50:09.280 --> 01:50:18.080 would be incredibly interested james yeah agree very good um thank you thank you jim marvin marvin 01:50:18.080 --> 01:50:27.280 john tom and then steven uh jay jay i'm going to ask you one of my most compelling factoids is 01:50:27.280 --> 01:50:36.560 bill gates buying a million shares of moderna in september 2019 what what is one or two of your 01:50:36.560 --> 01:50:45.120 most compelling lies about the last three years what an interesting question that's really great 01:50:45.120 --> 01:50:52.720 so the first one that i really think is important is is the pcr as uh as a readily 01:50:53.680 --> 01:51:01.040 manufacturable product so i'm not saying that pcr didn't work before the pandemic 01:51:01.760 --> 01:51:08.800 i'm saying that making pcr into a commercial product as a diagnostic tool didn't really 01:51:08.800 --> 01:51:15.280 exist before the pandemic and making it for a coronavirus was a lie there is no such thing 01:51:15.280 --> 01:51:22.000 as a specific test for a specific coronavirus you can have a test that identifies a coronavirus 01:51:22.640 --> 01:51:26.880 but that doesn't tell you that something new is spreading around that would be the first one 01:51:26.880 --> 01:51:34.560 um the second one is definitely the prevailing narrative that we don't know if we can build 01:51:34.560 --> 01:51:41.600 natural immunity to this virus the only reason to say that is if you thought that this was some kind 01:51:41.600 --> 01:51:48.240 of some kind of toxin right or you knew that it was some kind of toxin that you didn't build 01:51:48.320 --> 01:51:53.040 immunity to that every time you were exposed to it you were going to have symptoms that's a 01:51:53.040 --> 01:52:00.160 toxin that's not a pathogen so that discussion was really rampant for the first five months and it 01:52:00.160 --> 01:52:06.480 really i really had to argue with a lot of people about the the the actual biology that would support 01:52:06.480 --> 01:52:13.440 that concept um and then i guess the last one is this idea that transfection can be immunization 01:52:13.440 --> 01:52:20.240 because it's really not and when you when you break it down they are playing a semantic game because 01:52:20.880 --> 01:52:28.000 again uh this is something that really is specific for people that worked in biology in the on the 01:52:28.000 --> 01:52:36.080 bench in universities um Marvin let me tell you that at the University of Pittsburgh it would surprise 01:52:36.080 --> 01:52:45.120 me if there are more than 10% of the active research faculty at the medical school that do not use 01:52:45.760 --> 01:52:51.760 transfection in their laboratory meaning that almost every laboratory there that's working on 01:52:51.760 --> 01:52:58.960 any animal model any human not any human any animal model of a disease any animal model 01:52:59.680 --> 01:53:07.360 of a disorder any animal investigation into the function of any system in its body or its brain 01:53:08.080 --> 01:53:14.880 is going to use transfection in order to modify that system meaning that they are going to generate 01:53:14.880 --> 01:53:21.680 a synthetic RNA in a laboratory commercial laboratory they're going to have it packaged in 01:53:22.560 --> 01:53:29.920 any number of of of transfection materials that include liposomes which are lipid nanoparticles 01:53:29.920 --> 01:53:34.080 just with a different name and then they're going to get that a commercial product they're going to 01:53:34.080 --> 01:53:38.160 bring it into their laboratory they're going to inject it in the place that they want the protein 01:53:38.160 --> 01:53:44.400 to be expressed and they will transfect the animal in the place that they want to change the protein 01:53:44.400 --> 01:53:49.920 expression they will observe the changes in the animals physiology or behavior then they will 01:53:49.920 --> 01:53:54.960 sacrifice the animal and do whatever other histology is necessary to publish the data 01:53:55.600 --> 01:54:02.160 and so every one and at every university it's the same it is a standard technique 01:54:02.880 --> 01:54:11.600 for modulating modifying moving around pushing buttons inside of a real organism is transfection 01:54:11.600 --> 01:54:18.000 and if you use RNA it's transfection if you use an adenovirus with DNA in it then it's called 01:54:18.000 --> 01:54:23.840 transformation and these products have been available for upwards of 20 years they've just 01:54:23.840 --> 01:54:29.360 become cheaper and cheaper and cheaper because it's cheaper to make this stuff and everybody 01:54:29.360 --> 01:54:35.840 that works in academic biology should have immediately said that's not a vaccine that's a 01:54:35.840 --> 01:54:42.000 transfection and the difference is again you know you can inject you can inject chemicals 01:54:42.960 --> 01:54:49.440 you can inject chemicals in your in your body and that's vaccination but if you start 01:54:49.440 --> 01:54:57.360 transfecting your cells then you're doing even more potentially bad things than vaccination 01:54:57.360 --> 01:55:04.080 could ever do because vaccination is really just toxins and proteins the toxin is the adjuvants 01:55:04.640 --> 01:55:11.040 the proteins are what and they hope that your immune system will pay attention to with transfection 01:55:11.120 --> 01:55:17.680 it's completely different in transfection they are relying on your immune system to destroy your 01:55:17.680 --> 01:55:23.600 own cells and it hopes that they won't make a mistake and the horrible part about it is Marvin 01:55:23.600 --> 01:55:30.080 is that every academic biologist should have known that we don't use transfection with the idea 01:55:30.080 --> 01:55:34.720 of augmenting an animal forever i'm going to give you the best example i've got from my work and 01:55:34.800 --> 01:55:45.040 i'll be quiet we used to use an algal protein algae an algae protein that was a sodium channel 01:55:45.600 --> 01:55:51.760 meaning that would allow sodium through if it was exposed to blue light what this means is is that 01:55:51.760 --> 01:55:58.480 if you transfected neurons in the brain of a mouse with this protein and then put a light 01:55:58.480 --> 01:56:04.480 through their skull whatever neurons were expressing the protein you could control you can turn them 01:56:04.480 --> 01:56:11.600 on or turn them off now it's important to understand this modification is only temporary 01:56:12.160 --> 01:56:16.560 and the brain and its immune system will clear those neurons out in time or those neurons will 01:56:16.560 --> 01:56:23.200 die in time so when we get a remote control mouse that does a particular behavior when we turn the 01:56:23.200 --> 01:56:28.560 blue light on that's a very simplified version of the experiment but it could work that way 01:56:29.520 --> 01:56:35.520 that mouse is not now a blue light responsive mouse for the remainder of its life and then it 01:56:35.520 --> 01:56:42.720 just goes on to to live merrily until it's dead if you transfect the brain of a mouse you have 01:56:42.720 --> 01:56:47.280 a limited period of time before those neurons will die of toxicity or the immune system will 01:56:47.280 --> 01:56:52.480 remove them and then that animal will never be the same again and your experiment will be 01:56:52.480 --> 01:56:56.960 worthless because you can't go into the brain and find out who you change because they're gone 01:56:57.840 --> 01:57:06.480 and so my point is is that this lie about transfection being a candidate for vaccination is the 01:57:06.480 --> 01:57:13.040 really diabolical lie because it's investigational vaccine maybe it will work and that's that's 01:57:13.600 --> 01:57:18.320 totally wrong we should have known that from the very beginning and every one of these damn 01:57:18.320 --> 01:57:24.400 biologists that uses it on their bench in their animals should have known that that's the reason 01:57:24.480 --> 01:57:29.520 why it's a limited a limited tool they should have known because they know for their animals 01:57:29.520 --> 01:57:35.680 saw the hell couldn't they know for grandma that's the third lie hope that was a good answer beautiful 01:57:36.720 --> 01:57:43.200 yeah well done thank you Marvin okay john Tolman then Steven let's go 10 minutes to go 01:57:44.720 --> 01:57:52.960 I just have a couple of comments to make one is kudos to dr Thorpe you know I don't hardly ever hear 01:57:53.600 --> 01:57:59.120 a doctor make a statement like that that you know there was a possibility I just want to 01:57:59.120 --> 01:58:05.520 congratulate dr Thorpe for coming out and saying what he did because you know it's hard to admit 01:58:05.520 --> 01:58:12.000 that there may be a possibility you've been miseducated or under educated and I guess it's 01:58:12.000 --> 01:58:17.840 you know what you do with that knowledge now right I wanted to say something that 01:58:18.720 --> 01:58:29.200 that I think speaks to an earlier point JJ made about us I guess getting caught up in jargon 01:58:29.200 --> 01:58:35.680 and language you have to be very careful about this you know it's kind of I pick on Jim a lot 01:58:35.680 --> 01:58:42.400 because he's caught up in the medical literature that got me all misdirected so many times I just 01:58:42.400 --> 01:58:50.960 don't really trust it anymore but I think it's an important analogy that to make about you know 01:58:50.960 --> 01:58:56.720 you think about things like chat GPT right these large language learning modules how do they 01:58:56.720 --> 01:59:02.400 really operate you know they they reduce language to a mathematical sort of algorithm that just 01:59:02.960 --> 01:59:09.520 puts things together based on how many times it's seen something put together and just that way it 01:59:09.520 --> 01:59:14.560 answers questions this way it can't really answer a question it could just kind of produce 01:59:15.360 --> 01:59:24.400 a silly answer with this mathematical model of probability right so what they fooled us into 01:59:24.400 --> 01:59:31.360 doing I think by making everybody an expert releasing all this medical jargon into the public and 01:59:31.360 --> 01:59:37.040 letting everybody use it without you know really understanding the definitions of the language 01:59:37.120 --> 01:59:45.520 that they're using it is a gigantic human version of chat GPT and I think when you look at it that 01:59:45.520 --> 01:59:52.000 way and you listen to some people speak you can almost hear this this computer putting together 01:59:52.000 --> 01:59:56.640 an answer for you I mean would you agree JJ that that's kind of the way a lot of it hits me 01:59:57.360 --> 02:00:01.760 yeah I mean I get the point you're trying to make and I think it's a valid one they 02:00:02.560 --> 02:00:08.880 they it's kind of similar to the ash conformity argument in the sense of you know 02:00:10.160 --> 02:00:14.560 if you don't get a joke you might as well laugh along and because you might get it later 02:00:15.280 --> 02:00:22.240 and I think a lot of people have been challenged so much as as Rose said to understand this biology 02:00:22.240 --> 02:00:26.160 that they kind of just go along with it because they don't understand it but they know what the 02:00:26.160 --> 02:00:32.160 right response is and they can they can fake that so you know they can go along with it and 02:00:32.960 --> 02:00:37.440 you know what an intelligent response sounds like but if it lacks intelligence they don't 02:00:37.440 --> 02:00:42.560 have a way to discern correct you know my own study of this one of the reasons why I appreciate 02:00:42.560 --> 02:00:50.560 your work so much JJ is because you know you have a way of aerodietly simplifying things 02:00:51.520 --> 02:00:58.080 you know I got more out of your lectures than a year's worth of medical study I really did so 02:00:58.080 --> 02:01:05.760 you know thanks for thanks for doing that and you know I have this other kind of opinion about 02:01:05.760 --> 02:01:12.800 why PCR was deployed aside from some of the more obvious ones that we know I think it was deployed 02:01:12.800 --> 02:01:18.160 as an effectiveness measure right to see how effective their clone deployment measures were 02:01:18.160 --> 02:01:25.200 right they want to test everything the wastewater the people the animals the air the plant they 02:01:25.200 --> 02:01:32.720 want to test everything but what is PCR you know PCR is a Xerox machine right and they're looking 02:01:32.720 --> 02:01:40.480 for evidence that their genetic spam mail is actually taking hold somewhere I'm not in the camp that 02:01:40.960 --> 02:01:48.560 is scared of any of that but I think that you know it's interesting I like that that's an 02:01:48.560 --> 02:01:53.680 interesting idea I didn't think of it that way it's cool I like that that would definitely get 02:01:53.680 --> 02:01:58.160 data from that that's actually really something I hadn't thought about that's interesting 02:02:00.160 --> 02:02:06.960 I'm I'm not it doesn't really interface well though with the with the idea of overcycling and 02:02:06.960 --> 02:02:16.800 the idea of a specificity but I do see your point yes do use yeah yeah I see it very good 02:02:16.800 --> 02:02:23.120 yeah okay that's all right thank you thank you john and everybody check out john's links to his 02:02:23.120 --> 02:02:32.880 website to further expansion of john look at just thinking tom hey jj yeah you're you seem to be on 02:02:32.960 --> 02:02:38.960 a roll I think I've watched about four twitches I think you've done maybe like all week in a row 02:02:38.960 --> 02:02:45.920 that's it's great and I know you covered that neural implant video about you know how it'd be 02:02:45.920 --> 02:02:52.160 so wonderful to have your brain monitor all the continuously but I'm going to put a bunch of 02:02:52.160 --> 02:03:00.560 questions in the chat I'm sure we only get to one or two but you recently covered that makala 02:03:01.120 --> 02:03:05.520 bombshell thing where he he basically said he didn't he wouldn't if you were a parent he would 02:03:05.520 --> 02:03:13.840 not get any jabs and then you compared that to Malone um but on a more down-to-earth 02:03:14.720 --> 02:03:19.600 issue I have this friend who's just constantly telling me so-and-so just got 02:03:19.600 --> 02:03:25.440 covid so-and-so she's very social you know yummy yummy oh three people just got covid they're 02:03:25.520 --> 02:03:32.000 using these grocery store tests and so I put a I guess it's called a covid wrap at 02:03:32.000 --> 02:03:39.440 antigen tests I put the manual in the chat um so if you can comment on that and and maybe 02:03:40.800 --> 02:03:47.280 you made some discussion about no spread in New York City or you can maybe touch on New York City 02:03:47.280 --> 02:03:54.560 and then the last thing would be the um just informing people of your idea the swarm of variants 02:03:54.560 --> 02:04:02.880 all evolving in parallel and that may be a way to debunk the idea that they're they keep deploying 02:04:02.880 --> 02:04:11.600 these new clones as variants because that seems to be in the nose too thanks yeah you bet so um 02:04:11.600 --> 02:04:17.200 when he's talking about the swarm um he's talking about a little bit of what I mentioned in my early 02:04:17.200 --> 02:04:22.800 part of the discussion where I was saying that when RNA makes a copy of itself it's never perfect 02:04:23.520 --> 02:04:29.520 and if you want to try and do an exercise in your head um to to follow along with this you have 02:04:29.520 --> 02:04:35.600 to have a little stick and this is the stick that's going to get copied and so remember that the 02:04:35.600 --> 02:04:41.200 enzyme that copies an RNA will copy it from one end to the other right and then it's got to go 02:04:41.200 --> 02:04:46.000 and back to the other end and start again it doesn't go backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards 02:04:46.560 --> 02:04:53.440 so think of the consequences of this in the cartoon of RNA replication this is the first RNA 02:04:54.080 --> 02:04:59.120 the second RNA that gets produced when this one is copied has a minimum of three errors in it 02:04:59.120 --> 02:05:05.840 because that's the nature of copying RNA the virus jumps off and now it's going to join 02:05:05.840 --> 02:05:14.640 our replicate one of the two RNA by RNAs that are present because there's the first RNA 02:05:15.120 --> 02:05:20.640 you just said the virus jumps off does that mean not the virus sorry the immune the the 02:05:20.640 --> 02:05:27.760 enzyme so if if in the replication cycle you have the first RNA and it gets copied into a second RNA 02:05:27.760 --> 02:05:34.080 but this second RNA has three errors in it minimum because of the narrownius nature of RNA dependent 02:05:34.080 --> 02:05:42.160 RNA polymerase copy so depending on which of these two RNA gets amplified you might have another 02:05:43.040 --> 02:05:49.360 RNA produced with three or four errors in it or you might have a copy of this one made that will 02:05:49.360 --> 02:05:54.160 add additional three errors from the original sequence and now you'll produce one with six 02:05:55.200 --> 02:06:01.760 and so as this goes on and on you can see that very quickly the original sequence gets lost in a 02:06:01.760 --> 02:06:08.960 swarm of variants that have point mutation scattered throughout their genome and included in that 02:06:09.440 --> 02:06:14.240 are places when the RNA polymerase just gets about halfway or third of the way and just stops 02:06:15.280 --> 02:06:21.840 and so there are in almost an infinite supply of incomplete genomes partial genome sub 02:06:21.840 --> 02:06:30.800 genomic RNAs and miscopied not miscopied but less than perfectly copied because that's the way it is 02:06:30.800 --> 02:06:36.800 swarm copies of the original virus so what I need you and everyone to start imagining is 02:06:37.440 --> 02:06:45.360 that if the if the background signal is a swarm of coronavirus is that makes everybody sick every 02:06:45.360 --> 02:06:50.320 year spreads around most of the time and most of the time our immune system ignores it but little 02:06:50.320 --> 02:06:57.200 kids get sick a lot and as we build tolerance to this whatever it is RNA signal in the background 02:06:57.200 --> 02:07:02.720 we become less sick every year and eventually we don't have common colds anymore then the point 02:07:02.800 --> 02:07:10.880 would be that if we started sequencing that background we would be sequencing the swarm 02:07:10.880 --> 02:07:17.840 and you can find lectures from Vincent Rancid yellow and other very rachen yellow you can find 02:07:17.840 --> 02:07:24.640 many lectures from virologists that discuss the swarm and how the sequence of a virus is actually 02:07:24.640 --> 02:07:33.440 a consensus sequence based on an average of all those those individual genomes that are present 02:07:34.000 --> 02:07:42.160 and aligned on a computer and decided what the average or consensus sequence is what that means 02:07:42.880 --> 02:07:50.320 is that in that huge swarm of variants every single one of the variants that we're currently 02:07:50.320 --> 02:07:54.640 tracking could have been there and they could have said okay now we're going to make it could 02:07:54.640 --> 02:08:00.800 there be could there be some geographical localization sure absolutely absolutely and then they move 02:08:00.800 --> 02:08:06.960 back and forth and whatever absolutely that that's all possible even in that dominant where one 02:08:06.960 --> 02:08:12.880 variant is dominant all the other parts of the swarm are probably there but just in a smaller 02:08:12.880 --> 02:08:18.640 and i really think that us taking their their we're taking their word for it that this particular 02:08:18.640 --> 02:08:25.200 sequence is the new dominant variant when in reality understand that they could have sampled 02:08:25.200 --> 02:08:31.040 this variation for five years before the start of the pandemic and had all the the phylogenetic 02:08:31.040 --> 02:08:36.240 tree ready to go and then said okay we're gonna say we found this one then we're gonna say we 02:08:36.240 --> 02:08:42.800 found this one then we're gonna say we found this one and for the most part the sequencing is based 02:08:42.800 --> 02:08:49.360 on the 99 primer sets that are in the sequencing reaction that is distributed so if the control 02:08:49.920 --> 02:08:56.960 of those 99 primer sets is under the control of the right people then as they want to find new 02:08:56.960 --> 02:09:02.800 variants they just change that primer set and they'll find the new variant that they already know is 02:09:02.800 --> 02:09:10.080 just waiting to be sequenced and that's what i mean by conflated background again okay any 02:09:10.240 --> 02:09:16.000 test that's the only my second question i'll stop yeah that i'm gonna can i get back can i get 02:09:16.000 --> 02:09:20.640 back to you on it because i can't see what kind it is and i'm not i don't want to make it i'll 02:09:20.640 --> 02:09:26.000 say something really dumb accidentally but i'll definitely get back to thank you thank you you're 02:09:26.000 --> 02:09:33.680 welcome all right john just your quick question before we go to the last bit yeah jj have you 02:09:34.160 --> 02:09:40.080 looked into any of the ramblings of Harold Krause Bella can you say that name again 02:09:41.280 --> 02:09:47.600 Harold Krause Bella you know i'll put it in the chat thank you um i don't want to waste a lot 02:09:47.600 --> 02:09:53.440 of time on this this guy has you know an overarching cosmology that is a little bit distracting but 02:09:54.480 --> 02:09:59.840 he is pretty brilliant and you know he explains a lot of things that i think are open questions 02:09:59.920 --> 02:10:03.680 that we have but he engages with that biophotonics 02:10:05.920 --> 02:10:11.680 line of thinking and pretty much ties together a tremendous number of variable they've got a 02:10:11.680 --> 02:10:17.280 whole library of this guy talking but if you've never heard of them just maybe watch that one 02:10:17.280 --> 02:10:23.600 it's a little long but see what jumps out at you at that maybe the next time you know you talk to 02:10:23.600 --> 02:10:29.840 us you might be able to expound a little bit on that see what there is useful okay i'll check 02:10:29.840 --> 02:10:36.400 it out i'm a little nervous but i'll definitely check it out okay okay thanks john now before we 02:10:36.400 --> 02:10:43.760 go to you steven jj i have one thing i want to bring to i want to raise and that's this book 02:10:46.080 --> 02:10:48.800 slow death by rubber duck oh nice what's that 02:10:49.680 --> 02:10:57.680 essentially by two Australian researchers published 10 some 10 years ago slow death by rubber duck 02:10:57.680 --> 02:11:04.720 everybody and in fact the year of publication was dah dah dah dah dah 02:11:07.120 --> 02:11:15.680 it just shows you know how to get bloody publication dates on i read 2009 so 14 years old now the 02:11:15.760 --> 02:11:21.840 point about this is that you kill your child by giving them rubber ducks to chew on 02:11:24.160 --> 02:11:30.560 why slow death by rubber duck two University of Queensland researchers who said i wonder what 02:11:30.560 --> 02:11:39.920 my child is chewing on and this book articulates there's over 80 000 synthetic chemicals that are 02:11:39.920 --> 02:11:46.480 are in products and a number of our members our participants have commented on you have also 02:11:46.480 --> 02:11:54.640 jj made this distinction between toxicity and pathogens this book i recommend it to all of you 02:11:54.640 --> 02:12:01.040 very readable very enjoyable 80 000 synthetic chemicals less than five percent of them have 02:12:01.040 --> 02:12:08.800 been tested for safety okay and then we've got you we've got elik zek who gave us a slide and i 02:12:08.800 --> 02:12:16.240 remind all of you with this slide with 37 symptoms of toxicity that are identical to covid 02:12:16.240 --> 02:12:25.680 and common cold and flu symptoms and so everybody whilst we talk about common cold are you sure 02:12:25.680 --> 02:12:30.800 you're not being poisoned and many of us on this call would say yes we are and what i'm jj you 02:12:30.800 --> 02:12:40.160 you're a wonderful exposition and and this since 1970 my naturopath 1970 when i have a cold my 02:12:40.160 --> 02:12:50.240 father would say i'm i don't have a cold i am eliminating and so these symptoms from a disease 02:12:50.240 --> 02:12:55.360 versus getting slow death by rubber duck everybody jj just bring it to your attention 02:12:55.520 --> 02:13:01.360 nice thank you go into it but jump but the toxicity versus an infection stay the last 02:13:01.360 --> 02:13:07.600 questions to you for the next few minutes so jj this is a really important question now so 02:13:08.240 --> 02:13:14.080 um i've been thinking about it a lot over the past three months um but it's kind of coming to a 02:13:14.080 --> 02:13:20.720 head and so i don't want to kind of talk about me but i was involved together with other doctors 02:13:21.360 --> 02:13:28.720 in a massive fight with the british government over uh dr david kelly and so we had a massive 02:13:28.720 --> 02:13:37.520 information we we became experts we were told this by the daily mail and um the top three people at 02:13:37.520 --> 02:13:44.080 the daily mail one of them was the godfather of fleet street uh so-called hall daker and 02:13:44.160 --> 02:13:52.800 we became experts we we fought a very tight campaign without lawyers we we were on our own 02:13:52.800 --> 02:13:58.480 and uh we got letters published in six letters published in the guardian one in the new states 02:13:58.480 --> 02:14:06.960 one the one in the new states one i think cost the editor his job um unfortunately um but anyway 02:14:06.960 --> 02:14:14.640 pointed to this we then got the best lawyers in the united kingdom liday in london the human 02:14:14.640 --> 02:14:20.400 rights lawyers claimants only they were the the government the british government tried to take 02:14:21.040 --> 02:14:30.480 liday out because they had a thousand clients in iraq and there was a four-year uh um investigation 02:14:30.480 --> 02:14:37.680 of liday this huge uh london firm uh on behalf of the british government by the solicitors regulatory 02:14:37.680 --> 02:14:44.720 authority anyway the point was that we got these lawyers on board we didn't even know we were 02:14:44.720 --> 02:14:50.640 going to be litigants but we did become litigants but we didn't realize it there was so brilliant 02:14:51.600 --> 02:14:57.600 and one of the brilliant things they did um so there was one lawyer in particular called 02:14:57.600 --> 02:15:05.520 francis swain and she was absolutely brilliant um but she was incredibly modest that's probably 02:15:05.520 --> 02:15:14.800 why she was so brilliant and she was the kind of chosen one if you like of uh martin day of liday 02:15:14.800 --> 02:15:24.480 so he was the kind of uh formed the company with lee leige his name was martin day it took me four 02:15:24.640 --> 02:15:30.400 there were four recommendations to get to him and then he immediately got francis swain 02:15:30.400 --> 02:15:35.360 swain because i thought it would be martin day taking charge of this very important case 02:15:36.000 --> 02:15:42.800 and it was francis swain so then i'm not sure it was her idea but it probably was her idea 02:15:43.440 --> 02:15:50.560 she instructed a lawyer on the on our behalf because he had all this information very like now 02:15:51.520 --> 02:15:59.200 and so the strategy was this a brilliant strategy i've forgotten about it and it's what we should 02:15:59.200 --> 02:16:04.720 do in my opinion i hope that you'll agree and if you do then we need to work together to identify 02:16:05.760 --> 02:16:12.080 exactly what they honed in on and what they honed in on so they knew we'd formed a very tight campaign 02:16:12.080 --> 02:16:18.640 concentrating on the medicine always making points that we knew that they couldn't answer 02:16:18.720 --> 02:16:24.240 and that's exactly what happened and so a lot of people said oh we didn't succeed in getting a 02:16:25.440 --> 02:16:30.640 uh an inquest but in the end we didn't need an inquest because actually what we were trying to 02:16:30.640 --> 02:16:36.480 do was change public opinion from dr david kelly according to the british government having committed 02:16:36.480 --> 02:16:44.720 suicide and changing that public opinion to oh he was bumped off which is what people say now 02:16:44.720 --> 02:16:51.600 who wants it and so what the lord lawyer this lawyer i think was francis swain she brilliantly 02:16:51.600 --> 02:16:59.440 honed in on instructing a barrister called richard herma and the tactics seem to be to me 02:17:00.160 --> 02:17:06.880 but i'm not sure i never had it confirmed but uh they wanted a barrister a very able barrister 02:17:07.440 --> 02:17:15.120 but a hungry barrister i.e. someone who was going to be qc in the next two or three years you know 02:17:15.120 --> 02:17:23.360 qc's queens council now king's council so richard herma fitted the bill he was absolutely brilliant 02:17:24.000 --> 02:17:31.920 and his his task was to identify the single point weakest point of the british government when it 02:17:32.000 --> 02:17:39.280 came to dr david kelly and to identify what it was and also that point had to be 02:17:40.480 --> 02:17:48.640 understood by the people very importantly and so what he came up with out of this massive 02:17:48.640 --> 02:17:55.680 information much a bit medical well a lot of a lot of it medical and uh about coroner's law and 02:17:55.760 --> 02:18:02.080 inquests he said that the single most important point out of all the many points which could be 02:18:02.080 --> 02:18:08.160 made and the one that the lawyers and we should concentrate on was that it was not possible 02:18:08.800 --> 02:18:18.560 to bleed to death from an owner archery which is the small archery on the on the medial aspect of 02:18:18.560 --> 02:18:26.800 the ventral surface of the wrist and that was a brilliant strategy because they were 02:18:26.800 --> 02:18:33.120 stumped before but they were really stumped when they had to argue against that so my question to 02:18:33.120 --> 02:18:42.400 you is jjj what is the biggest lie and secondly what is the part of the narrative that they're 02:18:42.400 --> 02:18:48.240 most vulnerable to attack on and unable to defend himself because that was the case with the 02:18:49.120 --> 02:18:57.040 bleeding to death from from a severed owner archery oh that's that's a tricky question yeah 02:18:58.000 --> 02:19:03.280 it's a tricky question um i don't know if i have the right answer off the top of my head but my gut 02:19:03.280 --> 02:19:11.760 says that um michael eden would agree with me that that vulnerability is the story of an RNA 02:19:11.760 --> 02:19:17.280 based pandemic so the story that we have to accept and we're going to go along with their 02:19:17.280 --> 02:19:23.360 story is that there wasn't something there and then in the end of 2019 there was something in a point 02:19:24.160 --> 02:19:29.920 that then spread from that point around the world on airplanes and is continuing to spread 02:19:29.920 --> 02:19:38.400 around the world now i really think that is the the giant lie because that's not a small lie that's 02:19:38.480 --> 02:19:45.360 a magnificently gigantic massive lie about the potential for RNA to replicate and 02:19:46.560 --> 02:19:50.880 so i think that's where they're the most vulnerable that's where the public understand that that's 02:19:50.880 --> 02:19:55.680 that's the that's the point i don't think that it's impossible for the public to understand that 02:19:55.680 --> 02:20:00.720 yes they're going to resist and yes the tv will will tell the public that they can't possibly 02:20:00.720 --> 02:20:06.560 understand it but it's a very simple explanation that gets simpler every time i give it and i don't 02:20:06.560 --> 02:20:12.000 think that anybody that's really interested if you start with as this is michael eden's strategy 02:20:12.560 --> 02:20:18.080 start with they lied and then when people are curious enough to say what did they lie about 02:20:18.080 --> 02:20:26.000 start with the fidelity of RNA the idea that an RNA molecule if granted the right sequence 02:20:26.000 --> 02:20:32.400 can replicate with high fidelity and go around the world that infect millions of people in a way 02:20:33.040 --> 02:20:39.200 that it's never happened before not even close not even if you give them three orders of magnitude 02:20:39.200 --> 02:20:46.320 it's still never happened and so it's i think that that's where i got with my friend just the 02:20:46.320 --> 02:20:50.400 other day who came into town who hadn't heard me and didn't know where i was working okay jib what 02:20:50.400 --> 02:20:56.560 about they think that's where you start what there was no diagnosis covid-19 because that stops people 02:20:56.560 --> 02:21:00.480 in the tracks i've tried and steven hang on hang on hang on hang on we're we're now you've got the 02:21:00.480 --> 02:21:05.760 answer it's a great answer steven stick with that answer right because i like that's a great thing 02:21:05.760 --> 02:21:10.080 for us because that's what i had questioned that's what marvin passed it's not just one answer to 02:21:10.080 --> 02:21:15.600 this we need to discuss no no you asked for an answer he gave you one answer yeah you know and 02:21:15.600 --> 02:21:20.000 and it's it's it's tied because we're gonna have not half an hour for another conversation but it's 02:21:20.000 --> 02:21:27.200 a great question and so let's stick with that gosh how would we explain that steven what jj is 02:21:27.200 --> 02:21:32.480 saying he says it's getting simpler each time because i take your point the tip of the spear 02:21:32.480 --> 02:21:38.960 the david kelly metaphor is an excellent one for us absolutely all right steven one more minute one 02:21:38.960 --> 02:21:43.360 more jj if you've got a second one that steven wants that's exactly what i was going to ask him 02:21:43.360 --> 02:21:49.280 next one what's that you want a second one that their boner one yeah well second then the second 02:21:49.360 --> 02:21:53.920 one is their their ridiculous model of immunity that has to do with anybody's floating in your 02:21:53.920 --> 02:21:59.760 blood so we just have to challenge people to understand how dumb that is and why that was 02:21:59.760 --> 02:22:06.960 inserted already decades ago but but the point that the thing i'd like just like to say is that 02:22:06.960 --> 02:22:14.800 people are so wedded even in this group to having had covid 19 they're shocked when when a doctor 02:22:14.800 --> 02:22:22.480 turned round for example and says there was no reliable diagnosis covid 19 and that it was a 02:22:22.480 --> 02:22:29.840 fraud the whole thing that there was no symptom which was pathognomonic for covid 19 and there was 02:22:29.840 --> 02:22:36.640 the pcr test of course was a joke and should never have been deployed so then shocked when i as a 02:22:36.640 --> 02:22:43.360 medical doctor say and look them in the eye and say i'm sorry i know you want to want to stick with 02:22:43.360 --> 02:22:49.200 that story that you've had covid 19 but there was no diagnosis of covid 19 in my opinion right 02:22:49.200 --> 02:22:55.440 i just think the the danger of that is is that the planners of this orchestration have thought 02:22:55.440 --> 02:23:01.200 of that already and they have done something so the question is like Jim earlier said did they 02:23:01.200 --> 02:23:07.280 release a bacterial pathogen that caused respiratory disease and then said it was a coronavirus and 02:23:07.280 --> 02:23:12.480 sampled from a conflated background signal or did they use clones to make people sick 02:23:13.040 --> 02:23:19.360 that part of the crime we don't know but there's a lot of people who had something at the same 02:23:19.360 --> 02:23:26.480 time as other people had something and i don't necessarily say that you're wrong and that is it 02:23:26.480 --> 02:23:32.560 JJ points i'm trying to make is that this tactic this strategy came from one of the most brilliant 02:23:32.560 --> 02:23:38.720 lawyers in the world and that's why i'm arguing that if you try to make people say that what they 02:23:38.800 --> 02:23:45.040 experienced isn't what they experienced that's more challenging than to say they lied and that 02:23:45.040 --> 02:23:50.480 they lied about this biology of our day that's what i mean because you can get there later we're 02:23:50.480 --> 02:23:55.760 going so what i'm trying to do is highlight the strategy in your mind that yes i get it 02:23:56.640 --> 02:24:02.960 if we can work on that he's got it JJ thank you so much you're very welcome no we could go for 02:24:02.960 --> 02:24:08.080 another four hours we cleave but you should be pleased JJ next time you come on you can do a 02:24:08.080 --> 02:24:12.960 five-minute intro we'll hit the questions going without any drama so at least at least we've got 02:24:12.960 --> 02:24:17.600 some of your knowledge to handle our difficult questions steven thank you for organizing 02:24:17.600 --> 02:24:24.320 JJ thank you for jumping in at the last a minute and thanks everybody for participation for your 02:24:24.320 --> 02:24:32.320 insights for thoughts for provocative thoughts um we fight the fight and JJ i was was saying this 02:24:32.320 --> 02:24:38.720 is a six-year war world war three someone with spiritual information says now it's a seven-year 02:24:38.720 --> 02:24:43.680 war so we're three and a half years into a seven-year war so everybody just get rejuvenated 02:24:43.680 --> 02:24:49.120 steven with a three and a half more years of these meetings okay everybody enjoy all right thanks 02:24:49.120 --> 02:24:57.200 for being here bye thank you so much thank you and everybody else thank you JJ while it's funny 02:24:57.200 --> 02:25:02.960 you said that uh charles about seven years check out revelation not 02:25:03.600 --> 02:25:10.560 it was a great way to hear it all right i just signed off thank you guys for sitting in um i hope 02:25:10.560 --> 02:25:14.320 i'm going to be able to hang out with my friend tonight and that means i won't stream later this 02:25:14.320 --> 02:25:19.760 was my stream for today um i apologize for the short notice i got called at the last minute because 02:25:20.560 --> 02:25:26.720 um david martin decided not to show up um it was an impromptu little thing i don't know how far off 02:25:26.720 --> 02:25:35.280 the rails i sounded um but anyway thanks for joining me i'll stream this song out um and i will 02:25:35.280 --> 02:25:42.880 see you guys again tomorrow um i probably won't do two hours and 24 minutes tomorrow but i had to 02:25:42.880 --> 02:25:58.800 do that when i get get off for a guide platform so thanks very much guys for for being here 02:26:12.880 --> 02:26:27.760 so 02:26:42.880 --> 02:26:49.880 I have no responsibility for the current pandemic. 02:26:49.880 --> 02:26:52.880 Stop lying! 02:26:52.880 --> 02:26:56.880 I have no responsibility for the current pandemic. 02:26:56.880 --> 02:27:01.880 Stop lying! Stop lying! 02:27:01.880 --> 02:27:05.880 I have no responsibility for the current pandemic. 02:27:05.880 --> 02:27:10.880 Stop lying! Stop lying! 02:27:10.880 --> 02:27:19.880 I have no responsibility for the current pandemic. 02:27:19.880 --> 02:27:20.880 Stop lying!