WEBVTT 00:00.189 --> 00:14.484 I said it was a it was a very interesting perspective worth having a look at in terms of. 00:15.405 --> 00:16.526 Good afternoon, everybody. 00:16.546 --> 00:18.628 This is Jonathan Cooley. 00:18.648 --> 00:19.969 This is GigaOM Biological. 00:19.989 --> 00:23.093 It's a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 00:24.751 --> 00:31.095 I am giving an immunology lecture today for the UK Doctors for COVID Ethics, and so I thought I'd let you join me. 00:31.115 --> 00:38.240 It'll be a few minutes before we're on, but I thought I would kick off the stream a little early to make sure that you guys could all be here. 00:38.260 --> 00:40.862 So I'll be here in a little bit. 00:40.882 --> 00:41.482 Don't worry. 00:41.863 --> 00:43.224 And that's what you hear in the background. 00:54.369 --> 01:01.213 And I'll show you some of the images that we took. 01:26.216 --> 01:32.518 I'm going to transition over right now to the meeting, so the music is going to fade out. 01:32.538 --> 01:38.259 Agenda 2030 wants to eliminate the aviation industry anyway, so he wants planes falling out of the sky. 01:55.413 --> 02:01.178 Well, if you're not allowed to go anywhere, then you don't need the aviation industry, do you? 02:01.378 --> 02:14.450 And yet, if you look at the list of relevant stakeholders – which, of course, is not you and it's not me – who have been part of the secret negotiations for the amendments to the international health regulations, you see 02:14.990 --> 02:19.212 IATA, the International Airlines Trade Association. 02:19.252 --> 02:20.752 You see Ethiopian Airlines. 02:20.832 --> 02:22.533 I wonder how they got to be important. 02:23.473 --> 02:34.578 You see a great many other aviation bodies as part of the group negotiating to eliminate themselves. 02:35.718 --> 02:37.459 Perhaps they're getting something else. 02:37.539 --> 02:38.179 You never know. 02:39.622 --> 02:42.245 Well, that's right. 02:43.006 --> 02:52.539 The question that was, I think it was Teresa who first brought that element of Agenda 2030 to our attention. 02:53.379 --> 03:04.003 when we had a pilot come and speak to it, come and present to us, or sorry, he made an extensive comment as I was doing this work for these pilots here who have lost their jobs. 03:05.124 --> 03:08.625 So, and, you know, that was, that was surprising. 03:08.645 --> 03:14.688 Part of the agenda is to, in fact, dismantle all the airports except one in each country. 03:15.348 --> 03:15.568 Anyway, 03:17.341 --> 03:20.282 Anyway, it's in the question of why would they dismantle that? 03:20.302 --> 03:24.083 Well, people do amazing things for money, Rima, as we know, as we know. 03:26.763 --> 03:36.206 All right, any other announcements of substance of that we need to know in the next two or three minutes before we get formally underway? 03:40.807 --> 03:41.967 Nothing has happened of 03:43.792 --> 03:45.593 of huge moment. 03:45.673 --> 03:49.756 Have we had any news on the update on the Netherlands election by any chance? 03:49.796 --> 03:52.898 Can anyone give us a numbers on that? 03:52.918 --> 04:00.343 Charles, I have something really brief. 04:02.645 --> 04:03.345 Tom, yep. 04:04.066 --> 04:18.693 Yeah, so we came together for an anti-war demonstration in the super very cold weather, but the irony is you get libertarians and green party and PSA and the 04:20.134 --> 04:23.718 In People's Party, they don't want to co-op. 04:24.178 --> 04:27.802 It's only the rogue people from the mainstream that co-op. 04:28.903 --> 04:31.826 So there's a lot of disagreement, unfortunately. 04:31.866 --> 04:35.550 It's like, I won't go to your demonstration because you believe in thus and such. 04:35.710 --> 04:38.373 So it's a real challenge. 04:38.854 --> 04:40.115 Tom, your sound is very low. 04:40.135 --> 04:41.537 Can you increase your input? 04:42.557 --> 04:50.802 Yeah, I'm just saying that getting coalitions with people that have different left right viewpoints. 04:52.323 --> 04:58.107 There's these purity tests and, but we had a really good anti war demonstration with libertarians and. 04:59.668 --> 05:09.014 A little bit of Green Party people, but most of the Green Party people boycotted the DSA, boycotted the PSL people, boycotted. 05:09.754 --> 05:11.135 It's just, it's sad. 05:12.476 --> 05:13.236 Both good and bad. 05:13.476 --> 05:14.197 Alright, pass. 05:16.172 --> 05:16.612 Thank you. 05:16.632 --> 05:20.015 Yeah, well, that's part of the challenge of the EU Parliament, isn't it? 05:20.035 --> 05:21.036 All these different parties. 05:21.316 --> 05:27.021 People say it's a better way to run a country that we have one party running it. 05:27.461 --> 05:36.449 I doubt it when I look at Australia's story, because what happens is one person makes a decision, the prime minister, like the UK system, left and right and bang, that's it. 05:37.229 --> 05:45.116 On the other hand, Vera, give us an update on what's happening in Israel with all the demonstrations which are not being reported in the mainstream media. 05:46.653 --> 06:02.245 Well, you know, I'm not exactly in Israel, you know, I'm in New York, but the demonstrations are, you know, people don't want to give up the judiciary's independence. 06:03.626 --> 06:04.806 You know, I mean, they're right. 06:04.886 --> 06:07.709 Every aspect has been trampled on. 06:07.729 --> 06:09.590 So, yeah. 06:10.467 --> 06:29.233 I do want to say the one thing and maybe sometime you'll invite me to come back to talk about it, which is the five part documentary that I've launched and I'm very busy promoting that and just never again is now global and it features Holocaust survivors. 06:30.714 --> 06:32.155 their children. 06:32.175 --> 06:35.018 I watched all five. 06:35.298 --> 06:37.140 Many people here have watched all five, Vera. 06:37.180 --> 06:39.202 So, Stephen, there you are. 06:39.242 --> 06:41.244 Vera would love to come back and address us on that. 06:41.604 --> 06:42.985 Yes, you're very welcome, Vera. 06:44.427 --> 06:47.410 So, I'm just trying to think you could come 06:49.637 --> 06:55.963 I'm just trying to remember, either Sunday or Tuesday, next Sunday or the Tuesday afternoon. 06:56.043 --> 06:57.524 I don't think I'm free then. 06:57.644 --> 07:00.647 I'm getting booked all over and I'm traveling too. 07:00.787 --> 07:13.980 So at some point I do want to squeeze in and perhaps you can screen one part, which then will open up to questions because it's divided up into five different segments. 07:15.717 --> 07:24.560 So Vera, so which of those five episodes, so I have had one person ask me, which one of these should I watch? 07:24.661 --> 07:31.123 Which do you think, was it the second or the third maybe? 07:31.303 --> 07:43.468 I'm not really sure what to say about Nick and Panda censoring people because they have dropped a couple of people from the website because they had disagreements with them and I wasn't really sure how that worked. 07:44.771 --> 07:50.212 Um, so it's a little, it's a little hard for me to say, um, we can talk about this more though. 07:50.232 --> 07:57.474 If you bring it up again, I can, I can strongly encourage the test Lowry summary that she did with a bear. 07:57.614 --> 07:58.534 It's spectacular. 07:58.554 --> 08:04.975 And that they both did an overview and they covered a number of segments out of, out of the other five. 08:06.576 --> 08:07.216 Thank you Glenn. 08:07.876 --> 08:08.756 And it's shorter. 08:08.836 --> 08:10.657 It's a 45 to 48 minutes. 08:10.677 --> 08:11.657 Someone, something like that. 08:12.979 --> 08:15.442 That would be great to watch that, Stephen. 08:15.563 --> 08:16.143 It's a great idea. 08:16.464 --> 08:21.430 Anyway, I better get into this, but Vera, so we watch that for 45 minutes and then questions would be great. 08:21.790 --> 08:22.912 Excellent, excellent idea. 08:23.052 --> 08:23.873 Whatever you want. 08:23.913 --> 08:32.584 I think that it's always better to, you know, this is the only documentary about the Holocaust that actually is directed and produced by a Holocaust survivor. 08:33.294 --> 08:39.655 So it is also the only one that covers then and now, the parallels. 08:40.155 --> 08:41.195 I understand. 08:41.335 --> 08:42.035 Very important. 08:42.075 --> 08:42.656 Yes, I agree. 08:44.056 --> 08:45.056 Yes, excellent. 08:45.556 --> 08:47.676 But we've liked you from the very beginning, Vera. 08:48.917 --> 08:51.817 OK, well, I had to do this. 08:52.097 --> 08:54.218 So how long are you booked up for? 08:54.558 --> 08:55.458 Just give me an idea. 08:55.518 --> 08:56.398 Well, it varies. 08:56.458 --> 08:57.778 I mean, we can talk offline. 08:57.798 --> 08:58.118 That's OK. 08:58.138 --> 08:58.378 Sure. 08:58.558 --> 09:00.219 I don't want to take everyone's time. 09:00.239 --> 09:00.639 I understand. 09:00.659 --> 09:00.859 Yes. 09:01.539 --> 09:01.919 Very good. 09:02.179 --> 09:02.459 Thank you. 09:03.493 --> 09:05.614 All right, I'll start the recording. 09:07.115 --> 09:11.556 Yeah. 09:11.636 --> 09:12.617 OK, just one moment. 09:15.238 --> 09:16.478 Recording in progress. 09:18.019 --> 09:26.082 So welcome, everybody, to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International. 09:26.282 --> 09:31.685 Welcome to today's discussion with our guest, Jonathan J Kuhi. 09:33.632 --> 09:48.315 This group was founded by Dr. Stephen Frost of Wales in mid 2021 during the darkest days of the COVID scam responses with a desire to pursue truth, ethics, justice, freedom, and health. 09:49.035 --> 09:55.176 Stephen has stood up against government and power over the years and has been a whistleblower and activist. 09:55.697 --> 09:57.637 His medical specialty is radiology. 09:58.477 --> 10:02.758 So he clearly sees through most things and he can particularly see through crap. 10:03.994 --> 10:08.195 Sadly, the need for this group is increasing, not decreasing. 10:08.255 --> 10:11.516 The forces of evil globally are not disappearing. 10:12.376 --> 10:14.657 I'm Charles Kovets, the moderator of this group. 10:14.777 --> 10:17.058 I'm Australasia's passion provocateur. 10:17.638 --> 10:21.539 And my jacket is red because red is the color of passion. 10:22.299 --> 10:27.461 The people who attend this group are indeed passionate about the aims of this group. 10:28.521 --> 10:31.562 I practiced law for 20 years before changing career 30 years ago. 10:33.223 --> 10:41.972 And over the last 11 years, I have helped parents and lawyers to strategize remedies for vaccine damage and damage from bad medical advice. 10:43.034 --> 10:46.357 I'm also the CEO of an industrial hemp company. 10:47.278 --> 10:51.583 We comprise lots of professions, doctors, lawyers, naturopaths, homeopaths. 10:52.403 --> 11:20.232 healers, journalists, engineers, Holocaust survivors, Vera, writers, researchers, film producers, scientists, dentists, nurses, investors, financiers, patent experts, professors and educators, primate experts, military, police, both ex rather than current, thinkers, philosophers, peacemakers and troublemakers. 11:22.052 --> 11:33.760 And we're from the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Argentina, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Borneo, New Zealand, South Africa, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, and from other places. 11:34.041 --> 11:37.463 If you are from elsewhere, please put it in the chat. 11:39.104 --> 11:42.967 Many of us thought the vaccines were okay up to three years ago. 11:43.447 --> 11:49.512 Now, many of us proudly say, yes, we are indeed anti-vaxxers. 11:50.709 --> 11:56.016 If this is your first time here, welcome and feel free to introduce yourself in the chat. 11:56.477 --> 11:59.561 We ask you show your name on the screen so we know who you are. 12:00.102 --> 12:05.429 If you publish a newsletter or a podcast or you have a radio or TV show, or you have written a book. 12:06.496 --> 12:10.997 put the links into the chat so we can follow you, promote you and find you. 12:11.138 --> 12:23.842 And please do so at each of our discussions because people look at their recordings of this and each time we're happy to have those details in the chat. 12:24.602 --> 12:33.765 This group meets at least twice weekly in a true spirit of exploration and discovery to increase our understanding of what's going on and how to more effectively preserve and fight 12:34.474 --> 12:37.576 for truth, ethics, justice, freedom, and health. 12:38.537 --> 12:44.881 Most of us understand that we're in the middle of World War II, and that there are various battle lines as part of this war. 12:44.941 --> 12:54.747 Some of us believe we are in a continuation of World War III, and some of us believe we're in a continuation of World War II, or the 5G war. 12:59.332 --> 13:05.618 Carl Sagan wrote, science requires an almost complete openness to all ideas. 13:06.439 --> 13:11.364 On the other hand, it requires the most rigorous and uncompromising skepticism. 13:13.001 --> 13:14.923 We understand the development of science. 13:15.703 --> 13:23.830 Many of us here have become friends offline and also collaborated to fight World War III together in different ways. 13:24.231 --> 13:29.375 If you want to contribute to someone who's doing some work, put your hand up and say, hey, I'm happy to volunteer. 13:29.415 --> 13:33.699 And there are people who have organized groups in this call who will take you up on your offer. 13:34.662 --> 13:41.708 This meeting runs for two and a half hours, after which, for those with the time, Tom Rodman runs a video telegram meeting. 13:41.788 --> 13:45.491 Tom puts the links into the chat if you are able to join. 13:46.552 --> 13:51.756 We will listen to Jonathan J. Cooey, our guest presenter, for as long as he wishes to speak. 13:53.477 --> 13:58.522 And we're delighted to have him again, of course, because he was with us last week, and this is part two. 13:59.341 --> 14:01.302 And after his presentation, we have Q&A. 14:02.043 --> 14:10.009 If you wish to ask a question after Jonathan finishes speaking, raise your hand using the reactions tab on the bottom of your screen. 14:10.029 --> 14:12.050 I'll just be consistent, JJ, we'll call him. 14:13.051 --> 14:17.214 Stephen Frost, by a long established tradition, asks the first questions. 14:17.374 --> 14:18.575 There is no censorship. 14:19.376 --> 14:23.559 It's a free speech environment, but we have proper, efficient, and effective moderation. 14:24.537 --> 14:26.678 Be patient with the process of the meeting. 14:26.738 --> 14:33.643 Different people have totally different views about what is important, what is relevant, what is nonsense. 14:34.783 --> 14:39.566 Free speech is crucially important in our fight to preserve our human freedoms. 14:40.767 --> 14:47.551 The tragedy these days is that the majority of people would choose security ahead of freedom and then end up with neither. 14:49.161 --> 14:56.647 This group can help you to identify your beliefs and perhaps to help you change those that no longer serve you. 14:56.747 --> 15:03.412 This group can help you raise your self-awareness, a crucial factor in your enjoyment and experience of your life. 15:04.173 --> 15:07.896 If you find yourself upset by anything that is said, look inside yourself. 15:08.316 --> 15:11.059 That's where your upset originates. 15:12.300 --> 15:14.762 If you're offended by anything, be offended. 15:15.963 --> 15:17.664 We are genuinely not interested. 15:18.280 --> 15:24.122 We reject the offense industry that requires nobody to say anything that may offend another. 15:25.322 --> 15:31.584 I have a list of nine standard responses to someone who claims to be offended by something that I said. 15:32.204 --> 15:33.984 If you want a copy, I'm happy to share it. 15:34.204 --> 15:35.925 A number of you have already received copies. 15:36.405 --> 15:40.026 I urge you to never apologize to someone who claims to be offended. 15:41.566 --> 15:43.007 Decide to have an open mind. 15:43.307 --> 15:44.567 It's the fastest way to learn. 15:46.536 --> 15:49.799 We come with an attitude and perspective of love, not fear. 15:50.079 --> 15:51.480 Fear is the opposite of love. 15:51.680 --> 15:54.523 Fear squashes you, suppresses you, depresses you. 15:55.404 --> 16:00.248 Love, on the other hand, expands you, energizes you, enhances you. 16:01.749 --> 16:04.952 Loving those with different views to your own is a challenge. 16:05.932 --> 16:09.335 And we encourage you to embrace that challenge. 16:09.856 --> 16:11.157 If you have a solution or a product, 16:13.002 --> 16:16.045 That will help people put the details into the chat. 16:16.345 --> 16:19.168 If you have links and resources that will be helpful put them in the chat. 16:19.788 --> 16:23.812 The meeting is recorded and is uploaded within a few days onto the rumble channel. 16:23.832 --> 16:26.234 I will put the link into the chat. 16:27.625 --> 16:32.151 And now welcome to JJ, JJ Cooey, a genius. 16:32.932 --> 16:36.917 And we thank for giving us his time again and his wisdom and his insights. 16:36.957 --> 16:43.386 And thank you, Stephen Frost again for creating this group and for organising our presenter today. 16:44.130 --> 16:51.692 JJ, you are a co-host and welcome, and I will put it on to speak of you so that you can do what you did last time. 16:51.712 --> 16:54.233 And Stephen, happy to go? 16:54.413 --> 16:55.273 JJ, happy to go? 16:55.293 --> 16:56.533 I'm ready to go. 16:56.553 --> 16:56.633 Yeah. 16:57.413 --> 16:58.914 Thank you, JJ, for coming on again. 16:58.934 --> 17:01.394 I am definitely ready to go. 17:01.414 --> 17:03.295 Over to you. 17:04.364 --> 17:22.478 So if you want to check me out, if you didn't know who I was from last week, you can go on to PubMed and you can search my last name, C-O-U-E-Y hyphen J-J, and you can find all of my work from my PhD through my postdocs and the stuff that I did up in through Pittsburgh. 17:23.422 --> 17:38.346 It's important for me to say that because although my scientific training is 20 years of my life, I still really define myself as the best friend of my wife, the father of my children, and hopefully a grandfather someday. 17:38.406 --> 17:40.326 So I'm a human just like you are. 17:40.366 --> 17:41.867 I have the same basic goals. 17:43.567 --> 17:51.670 And I have the basic same idea of what I think, excuse me, I'm on the wrong side here, of what I think we are trapped in. 17:51.730 --> 17:56.352 So a lot of people, I've explained this before, think that we've been released, but we haven't been released. 17:56.372 --> 18:00.894 We are still trapped inside of an inversion where we think we need permission to do things. 18:01.314 --> 18:05.536 We need to ask our doctors what's right, and our doctors don't even know because they need to ask the CDC. 18:06.696 --> 18:08.778 And the only way out of this is biology. 18:08.818 --> 18:10.680 We have to learn this biology ourselves. 18:11.180 --> 18:15.304 We have to understand how our immune systems work so that we can take care of ourselves. 18:15.724 --> 18:21.409 We have to understand and acknowledge the mistakes that we've made as adults if we haven't exercised in 40 years. 18:21.910 --> 18:26.434 If we've been eating fast food regularly for 40 years, we need to acknowledge these things. 18:27.441 --> 18:38.550 and not just listen to what the TV tells us, which are all equally vulnerable and we're all equally susceptible to things that are to come out of bat caves and laboratories. 18:39.290 --> 18:47.257 The reason why they've told us these mythologies is because informed consent and exercising that requires understanding. 18:47.297 --> 18:48.497 If you are able to say no, 18:50.066 --> 18:52.988 you have the ability to exercise informed consent. 18:53.028 --> 19:06.639 And I would argue, and a lot of us know this is true, there was no ability to say no because of the coercion, fear, and misleading oversimplification of the biology that we've purported to experience. 19:07.299 --> 19:11.822 So last week, I told you a story about this hypothesis, and I tried to explain 19:12.563 --> 19:32.681 that the illusion of a dangerous novel virus was sustained by a combination of a background for which the PCR test was hot, and perhaps it's possible that they used an infectious clone to create a perfect molecular signature around the world that they could point to and say, see, there's a pandemic. 19:33.567 --> 19:35.568 while the test was picking up a background. 19:36.028 --> 19:38.809 And so the rollout of the test extended this illusion. 19:39.269 --> 19:44.751 And they did this because they want to invert our rights from sovereignty to permissions. 19:45.332 --> 19:49.773 So last week, the presentation was about the clone wars and about how they've done this. 19:49.833 --> 19:51.514 It was about infectious clones. 19:51.994 --> 19:58.017 So how they've overcome the weaknesses of RNA viruses to allow them to be useful on the bench. 19:58.757 --> 20:13.238 And then finally an endemic hypothesis which explained how a previous background of coronaviruses combined with a PCR test that was not specific for a new one could be used to create an illusion of a pandemic. 20:14.059 --> 20:30.647 So this week I want to focus very specifically on one of the four things that they did in order to convince us that bat cave viruses or laboratory viruses or animal passage viruses or even viruses that are stitched together can cause a pandemic. 20:31.568 --> 20:41.813 The reason why they were able to do this and the reason why they did it is again to invert our rights from sovereignty to permissions and they did it in a way 20:43.226 --> 20:44.907 made you believe you were figuring it out. 20:45.728 --> 21:00.376 And so for 20 years, I argue that they've been talking behind the scenes to national security groups, to intelligence agencies, to grant funding groups, to non-governmental organizations like CEPI and the WHO, 21:01.621 --> 21:18.926 and talking about how the dangers of pandemic viruses that exist in bat caves, that can exist in open markets, that can exist in large animal farms, that can be developed in laboratories, or even in garages if you're smart enough to know what to buy on eBay. 21:20.246 --> 21:25.608 And this illusion is going to pin our grandchildren into a cage of 21:26.619 --> 21:32.542 of public health measures and permissions if we are falling for this trick. 21:33.323 --> 21:37.925 And the way that they got us, and I'm just trying to bring everybody to the same page again, I know I'm repeating myself. 21:38.405 --> 21:50.331 The way that they got us is they seeded a common narrative, which was a debate about whether it was a lab leak, of course it was from the market, or whether it was a natural virus. 21:50.371 --> 21:55.074 Of course it came from a bat cave that somebody just got on a train to Wuhan, and the next thing you know, 21:55.950 --> 21:56.890 we have a pandemic. 21:57.910 --> 22:17.615 And this argument was seeded and it was fueled by purposeful, misleading releases of emails, of releases of evidence of censorship, of really loud and obvious examples of censorship thrown in your face. 22:18.510 --> 22:20.031 but controlled versions of it. 22:20.512 --> 22:29.879 For example, Robert Malone is the most censored man on the internet and the purveyor of the most misinformation is Steve Kirsch. 22:31.600 --> 22:37.865 These are all illusions that are designed to get you to fall for this debate so that you think you got to choose one side or the other. 22:37.905 --> 22:42.889 Either you're cheering for the people on TV or you're cheering for these people over here on the dissident side. 22:44.076 --> 22:48.780 And I'm afraid that a lot of the people on both of these sides are playing for the same team. 22:49.480 --> 22:58.868 Just as bad as it looks here with Tom Frieden saying that the only people who are in trouble are under vaccinated and Pax Lovett helps if you would just use it. 22:59.909 --> 23:07.315 It's not that much different than the story that some of the people on our side have been telling or not telling from the beginning. 23:10.325 --> 23:24.037 And so last week I played this video of Robert Redfield explaining that he thinks the next one is going to be a bird flu and that it's obvious that this one was a lab leak. 23:24.898 --> 23:30.342 So after three years of arguing about it, they've convinced the left and the right that they've figured it out. 23:30.843 --> 23:32.044 That is the trap. 23:33.922 --> 23:36.723 And I think the best way out of it is really immunology. 23:36.963 --> 23:55.951 It is understanding who of these people on the screen taught us immunology, who on these people on the screen gave a real effort to try and make it so that we could exercise informed consent with the most understanding, the most knowledge so that we can make informed choices with our children. 23:56.491 --> 23:59.032 How many of the people on this screen really did that? 24:00.265 --> 24:07.549 That's the question you wanna ask yourself, because they have changed the way we think for a reason, and it's been going on for many decades. 24:08.350 --> 24:10.411 So this was the list that I started with last week. 24:10.431 --> 24:12.592 They changed the way you think about a respiratory disease. 24:12.952 --> 24:15.174 They changed the way you think about all-cause mortality. 24:15.614 --> 24:21.457 They changed the way you think about the immune response to disease, and they changed the way you think about immunization. 24:21.497 --> 24:25.640 I'm gonna focus on the last two today, because these are the most diabolical. 24:26.780 --> 24:28.962 Because what they are essentially have done, 24:30.003 --> 24:39.805 is they have oversimplified what should be considered almost sacred in its complexity. 24:40.705 --> 24:56.649 The immune system and how our immune system responds to the outside environment and sorts out food from bad stuff, sorts out pathogens from self, is nothing short of a molecular biological miracle. 24:58.584 --> 25:26.720 And the idea that these people have sold us a dumbed-down, watered-down version of our immune response, that they could convince us that a dumbed-down, watered-down version of a therapeutic was worthy of augmenting it, is one of the worst crimes I've ever experienced in my lifetime, because it has essentially convinced our children that creation isn't that sacred. 25:27.679 --> 25:29.540 and quite simple and pathetic. 25:31.061 --> 25:38.405 And they've done that by changing the way we think about this very complex interaction between the outside world and our body. 25:39.385 --> 25:42.046 They've done this for national security purposes. 25:42.126 --> 25:46.289 I believe that they may have even been instructed in meetings to say, we've got to keep it this simple. 25:46.869 --> 25:48.210 Antibodies are what you need. 25:49.150 --> 25:51.031 And our products provide antibodies. 25:51.111 --> 25:52.812 Don't stray from the narrative. 25:54.411 --> 25:58.453 that we have been pushing for the last 15 years in all of our grant proposals. 25:59.894 --> 26:06.778 And make sure that you don't do this because we don't need any scrutiny of the existing childhood vaccination schedule. 26:06.818 --> 26:10.520 And I've shown you this video before, but I'll show it again because it's so amazing. 26:11.340 --> 26:14.242 Look at how much energy and effort is put into this artwork. 26:15.789 --> 26:24.619 of emphasizing that antibodies can snap-lock to a spike protein and make a normally dangerous virus completely useless and floating away. 26:25.280 --> 26:25.901 What a joke. 26:27.182 --> 26:31.467 And so antibodies are not how you build long-lasting immunity to a respiratory disease. 26:32.625 --> 26:39.832 Not at all, and very few people on this screen ever taught you that in the first year or year and a half of the pandemic. 26:39.872 --> 26:45.177 This woman, in particular, is quite a problem for me. 26:45.758 --> 26:48.521 She is an author of this paper here. 26:48.541 --> 26:51.804 It came out on October 31st, 2020, ironically enough, 26:54.987 --> 26:55.707 on Halloween. 26:56.427 --> 27:16.531 There's so much nonsense in this paper that it's hard for me to even read it out loud, but it's important to understand that after nine months or six months or seven months of a purported pandemic where we had shut down schools, we had terrified college kids as they went back to school, we did everything we could to extend this thing. 27:17.011 --> 27:24.093 She writes a letter to the Lancet saying that we don't know if we can make immunity to this virus. 27:24.853 --> 27:26.413 So we gotta wait for the vaccines. 27:26.433 --> 27:28.194 We're gonna do it super fast this time. 27:28.654 --> 27:30.594 Novel means everybody might die. 27:34.235 --> 27:37.656 We don't even know if you can build immunity to it and your immunity might not last. 27:37.716 --> 27:44.878 Right down here it says, furthermore, there's no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection. 27:44.938 --> 27:52.740 The endemic transmission that would be the consequence of waning immunity could present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future. 27:53.993 --> 27:59.716 Lockdowns and masks work well, so let's mask up and shut it all down until we have the vaccines. 28:00.296 --> 28:04.918 Zero COVID is the only moral choice. 28:07.419 --> 28:08.940 There's no excuse for these words. 28:08.980 --> 28:10.641 There's no excuse for this ignorance. 28:10.681 --> 28:14.263 There's no excuse for the ignoring 50 years of previous immunology. 28:14.663 --> 28:18.144 There's no excuse for any of this except for diabolical malevolence. 28:19.705 --> 28:21.706 And after three years, it's okay to say it. 28:21.986 --> 28:23.247 In 2020, it would have been a bit rough. 28:24.568 --> 28:25.269 But I was saying it. 28:29.933 --> 28:40.403 And so if we look at the list of people who are here, we can see a lot of very interesting human beings that are on social media like Zoe Hyde, like Devi Sridhar. 28:41.264 --> 28:45.849 And here we have the prominent name, of course, of Rochelle Walensky. 28:47.011 --> 28:49.993 So we're talking about some of the real champions on the internet. 28:50.013 --> 28:58.120 They were talking all about the pandemic of the unvaccinated and how everybody who's not getting vaccinated is selfish, yada, yada, yada. 28:59.221 --> 29:07.687 These are the people who are responsible for seeding a narrative where no one understood that this immunology already existed. 29:07.787 --> 29:15.894 No one understood because they, no one understood anything about the warm base of manufacturing and the reason why the flu vaccine even existed. 29:16.806 --> 29:21.727 the way Robert Malone explained it on the podcast, the Defender podcast that I was on a few months ago. 29:22.667 --> 29:27.709 They have accomplished this by overemphasizing antibodies as a correlative immunity. 29:27.729 --> 29:34.730 There was even a Saturday Night Live skit where the song was being sung in a rap spoof. 29:35.610 --> 29:41.772 And they said, I've got, I-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y, that's what I've got, bodies anti. 29:42.648 --> 29:44.950 It was spoofed over and over again. 29:45.450 --> 29:54.756 This is not by chance, ladies and gentlemen, this is a very coordinated effort to make sure that people focused on specific ideas and not others. 29:56.277 --> 30:07.764 And now they're focusing on trying to make us believe that as a serendipitous consequence of the pandemic, we've discovered that mRNA vaccines are safe, powerful, and effective. 30:09.909 --> 30:11.450 And so again, I've shown you this video. 30:11.490 --> 30:14.951 I'm going to show it again because I want you to compare it to an earlier one. 30:15.792 --> 30:23.275 This is again showing mRNA squirting out of the needle and showing all kinds of lipid nanoparticles going all over the place. 30:24.115 --> 30:32.739 But then somehow they just zoom in on the one that goes to the dendritic cell and say, nevermind all those other ones that might go to your ovaries or your bone marrow or whatever. 30:33.639 --> 30:37.061 So transfection is not an appropriate medical therapy for any healthy human. 30:38.308 --> 30:45.534 And so these two principles of immunology, these last two are what I wanna talk about today. 30:45.574 --> 30:47.275 And remember, we summarized this before. 30:47.295 --> 30:58.365 If you do the math correctly, you're gonna subtract from the total all the people that were improperly ventilated, all the people on remdesivir, midazolam, people that didn't get treated secondary pneumonia with an antibiotic immediately. 30:58.885 --> 31:06.671 You're gonna count all the kids that got damaged, all the masking of children, and all the damage that was done to our social fabric before you even think 31:07.372 --> 31:09.373 that there might have been a pandemic. 31:11.735 --> 31:13.296 But it's not a matter of what is true. 31:13.336 --> 31:15.218 It's a matter of what is perceived to be true. 31:15.258 --> 31:16.619 And that's what all these people are. 31:16.679 --> 31:19.181 Very many of them have been involved in for a long time. 31:20.241 --> 31:27.186 And that's why they're tripling down now with this article in Scientific American, where they say that mRNA vaccines are safe, powerful, and effective. 31:27.226 --> 31:27.887 Masks work. 31:27.927 --> 31:29.108 Indoor air quality matters. 31:29.588 --> 31:30.929 Wastewater tracking is useful. 31:30.989 --> 31:33.311 And genomic surveillance is key for viral evolution. 31:34.181 --> 31:35.002 Listen carefully. 31:35.022 --> 31:42.348 — Activating the immune system can be taxing on the body, resulting in brief fatigue, fever, and muscle soreness in some people. 31:43.129 --> 31:45.231 But this doesn't mean the recipient is sick. 31:45.751 --> 31:47.673 It means the vaccine is working. 31:48.313 --> 31:55.119 The body is producing antibodies to fight that viral protein that will then stick around to defend against future COVID-19 infections. 31:57.741 --> 32:04.348 Do antibodies act like wrenches and pull viral particles apart or are they just doing that because it makes people understand? 32:06.530 --> 32:08.331 Do you see how diabolical that is? 32:09.372 --> 32:12.876 That's a gross misrepresentation of what antibodies do. 32:13.436 --> 32:21.204 It's a gross misrepresentation of how antibodies functionally change conformation and what that functional conformation change does. 32:22.816 --> 32:26.519 And now listen to what they say about the target of this protein. 32:26.899 --> 32:30.581 This particular protein is likely to be found in most COVID variants. 32:30.861 --> 32:38.166 These antibodies fight that viral protein that will then stick around to defend against future COVID-19 infections. 32:38.887 --> 32:46.232 And since this particular protein is likely to be found in most COVID variants, these antibodies should reduce the threat of catching. 32:46.992 --> 32:50.616 It is the most variable protein in the coronavirus genome. 32:50.676 --> 32:55.861 It's the reason why, when they find a new spike protein in the wild, they say they found a new virus. 32:57.223 --> 32:59.826 Because most of the other proteins are identical. 33:01.127 --> 33:04.731 Or so homologous that you can't tell the difference and you can't call it a new strain. 33:06.863 --> 33:10.885 It is the most variable protein in the coronavirus genome. 33:11.025 --> 33:19.410 And she just said, because it's most likely the least of change, it's going to be there anyway, then our big monkey wrenches will pull those viruses apart. 33:19.470 --> 33:23.492 Now, yesterday I did a four hour stream on my channel. 33:24.272 --> 33:33.902 featuring Robert Malone and talking about some of the statements that he's made with regard to the vaccine, its effectiveness, and when he said it, and what he was doing in 2020. 33:34.362 --> 33:40.368 And I think it's relevant to point out that in that video, I looked at a 33:41.349 --> 33:58.881 a presentation of him at the WHO in 2011 where he's talking about the transition from egg-based vaccines to DNA and RNA-based vaccines and how it would be very handy to have a vaccine platform where you could just replace the manufacturing target 33:59.864 --> 34:04.269 and not have to retool the whole manufacturing system, i.e. 34:04.810 --> 34:11.657 mRNA and DNA, or growing proteins in plants or in insect cells like we did with some of these vaccines. 34:12.830 --> 34:30.313 And so it's very important to hear this in this video and then go back and maybe check out the video that I showed on my stream yesterday, where you can see that Robert Malone for the last 15 years has been involved in brokering vaccine technologies between non-government organizations and governments. 34:30.853 --> 34:38.575 And these ideas have been prevalent for 15 years, including the idea of being able to replace 34:39.235 --> 34:47.705 the target manufacturing thing in the vaccine with a new one without having to go through all the regulations of FDA again. 34:47.765 --> 34:48.846 Listen to her say it. 34:49.527 --> 34:53.291 This approach offers significant advantages over previous vaccines. 34:53.671 --> 34:59.257 Traditional vaccines contain weakened versions of live viruses or amputated sections of a virus. 34:59.938 --> 35:06.741 both of which require time-intensive research to prepare and unique chemical treatments to safely inject. 35:07.261 --> 35:15.045 But mRNA vaccines don't actually contain any viral particles, so they don't have to be built from scratch to safely adjust each virus. 35:15.845 --> 35:21.148 In fact, every mRNA vaccine could have roughly the same list of ingredients. 35:22.388 --> 35:37.916 Imagine a reliable, robustly tested vaccine that can treat any disease by swapping out a single... But of course, if you're a biologist, you realize how naive this is because it assumes that it doesn't matter what protein you encode. 35:38.976 --> 35:42.958 Because she is pulling the same trick I've been telling you they're gonna pull. 35:43.519 --> 35:49.742 She's pretending that once you test transfection, it doesn't matter what you transfect. 35:50.452 --> 35:52.714 You can transfect frog protein for all you want. 35:53.114 --> 35:54.034 It won't matter at all. 35:54.575 --> 35:59.938 Once we've done it with one mRNA sequence, why can't we swap out another one? 36:00.759 --> 36:05.682 This level of oversimplification is not by chance. 36:06.523 --> 36:15.029 This oversimplification is designed specifically to remove the possibility of informed consent and remove the knowledge 36:15.731 --> 36:19.193 that each of the products should be tested as a pro drug. 36:19.653 --> 36:29.418 Each of the products would have a unique production profile, depending on how they folded and what tissues they were expressed, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 36:29.458 --> 36:30.619 You can't do this. 36:31.519 --> 36:33.060 This product doesn't exist. 36:34.341 --> 36:43.466 And Robert Malone was selling this product already in 2011 in front of the WHO as a potential game changer, a disruptive technology. 36:46.618 --> 36:48.441 And they sold it to us like that now. 36:48.842 --> 36:52.549 A lot of the people on this screen sold it to us like that now. 36:54.372 --> 36:58.560 A disruptive technology like this guy, Paul Offit. 36:59.755 --> 37:11.661 And I believe that this is where we get into the meat of my talk, because I think that this image... JJ, before you do that, I've got speaker view and that's how it's being recorded. 37:11.961 --> 37:13.182 Are you sharing your screen? 37:13.202 --> 37:16.464 Someone said, could we ask you to share your screen? 37:16.484 --> 37:20.146 So I'm a bit confused because I've got you in my full screen. 37:20.326 --> 37:20.506 Yeah. 37:20.546 --> 37:26.789 All you have to do is go up to the upper right corner and click on there and switch it to speaker instead of gallery. 37:26.809 --> 37:28.250 And you'll see what everybody else sees. 37:29.600 --> 37:29.960 Excellent. 37:29.980 --> 37:30.381 Thank you. 37:30.421 --> 37:31.042 Thank you, Diana. 37:31.062 --> 37:31.482 There you are. 37:31.502 --> 37:32.423 There's the answer. 37:32.703 --> 37:33.304 Good. 37:33.484 --> 37:34.225 So we keep going. 37:34.285 --> 37:34.845 No problem. 37:34.865 --> 37:35.406 Paul Offit. 37:35.726 --> 37:37.568 I got exposed to him 11 years ago. 37:37.628 --> 37:38.149 Keep going. 37:38.209 --> 37:39.770 Paul Offit is a great guy, isn't he? 37:40.191 --> 37:43.794 So I think that this cartoon in the background is really key to understand. 37:43.834 --> 37:46.076 This cartoon was first released as a graphic 37:47.177 --> 37:53.080 on Francis Collins's own blog when he was still the director of the NIH in the United States of America. 37:53.760 --> 38:08.087 It was released, I believe, in June or May of 2020, and it was designed to show you how vaccines work better than infection, and it's simply showing you that a spike protein of a particular variant 38:09.076 --> 38:21.624 can be bound to by an antibody from infection or bound to by an antibody from vaccines, but vaccine antibodies will bind to variants in the future that the antibody from infection will not. 38:22.925 --> 38:25.067 Of course, they don't have any evidence for this. 38:25.127 --> 38:26.568 There's absolutely no way. 38:26.648 --> 38:29.450 In fact, there's no possible mechanism to explain this. 38:31.670 --> 38:33.111 but that's what they want you to believe. 38:33.151 --> 38:40.797 That's what Francis Collins was selling the country from the NIH director's blog in 2020. 38:42.738 --> 38:43.659 And he said this in 2021. 38:44.079 --> 38:49.904 Yeah, also you get shorter incubation periods and viruses that are progressively more contagious. 38:50.224 --> 38:55.348 You need even higher levels, higher levels of neutralizing antibodies to prevent a mild illness. 38:56.109 --> 38:57.509 And so make it all the more difficult. 38:57.930 --> 38:59.490 The goal is preventing severeness. 38:59.830 --> 39:02.871 We're trying to keep people out of the hospital and out of the morgue. 39:03.251 --> 39:10.873 And we're doing it with this cartoon joke of an immunological model of how our immune system works. 39:11.294 --> 39:15.275 And this is how NIAID calls for grants. 39:15.775 --> 39:18.656 This is how NIAID calls for proposals. 39:19.076 --> 39:22.317 This is how NIH functions with immunology. 39:26.755 --> 39:31.361 And so you don't believe me, this is him writing the blog on the 28th of July. 39:31.381 --> 39:36.287 Immune T-cells may offer lasting protection against COVID-19. 39:36.788 --> 39:43.836 In case you're not familiar with how the titles of articles are chosen, especially in the field of biology, 39:44.847 --> 39:54.341 The operative words in a title are extremely important because they convey the level of certainty that can be implied by the statement that you're making. 39:54.381 --> 40:00.610 In this case, immune T cells may offer lasting protection against COVID-19 is contrasted very, 40:01.371 --> 40:17.598 very starkly by this title, which is Virus-Specific Memory CD8 T-Cells Provide Substantial Protection from Lethal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection, a paper by Stanley Perlman in 2014. 40:17.678 --> 40:21.220 He has another paper from 2010 that says T-cell responses are required. 40:28.479 --> 40:32.701 And the difference between may offer and required is not insignificant. 40:32.781 --> 40:36.663 And it is in fact, I would say Francis Collins knows better. 40:37.864 --> 40:43.447 Francis Collins knows better, but what he's trying to do is set that narrative that we just don't know. 40:44.307 --> 40:48.590 Despite all the years of studying this stuff, we just don't know about this one. 40:48.610 --> 40:49.830 This one's just so new. 40:50.451 --> 40:52.131 It's just so fresh out of the package. 40:52.151 --> 40:55.053 We have no idea whether T-cells do anything. 40:59.190 --> 41:02.796 And we already knew from Stanley Perlman, even in this, this is another paper from 2014. 41:02.896 --> 41:05.259 It's a review where he talks about it. 41:05.740 --> 41:09.165 And here we are again, talking about T cells. 41:09.726 --> 41:14.353 And it's specifically, he's talking about how infected cells in the airway epithelium 41:16.212 --> 41:35.279 are producing viruses and dendritic cells in the airway epithelium here, pictured in light green, are going to travel back to the draining lymph node and present those antigens to T cells, which will then migrate back to the airway epithelium and destroy the cells that are infected with the virus. 41:35.339 --> 41:36.800 I don't hear any antibodies here. 41:36.820 --> 41:40.621 I don't see any antibodies in this picture. 41:40.661 --> 41:41.722 Where are the antibodies? 41:41.782 --> 41:42.482 Somebody help me. 41:45.540 --> 41:48.942 T-cell response is the primary immune reaction to a coronavirus. 41:50.423 --> 41:58.409 Moderna and Pfizer are not offering you broad T-cell immunity to any of the 31 proteins of the virus. 41:59.890 --> 42:03.673 They're offering you one protein and the epitopes found in it. 42:05.294 --> 42:12.158 And so they're giving you redundant memory focused on one of 31 proteins expressed during infection. 42:16.857 --> 42:21.501 And so dendritic cells migrate to the draining lymph node and present viral protein fragments to T-cells. 42:21.541 --> 42:22.982 T-cells clonally expand. 42:23.002 --> 42:25.023 That means they divide, copy themselves. 42:25.604 --> 42:29.467 And then they migrate back to the infection from the draining lymph node. 42:32.569 --> 42:36.632 And so T-cells are aimed at fighting the cells that are infected. 42:38.133 --> 42:40.835 This comes before there's a bunch of viruses in the blood. 42:41.976 --> 42:44.758 Because those cells are immediately signaling for help. 42:45.119 --> 42:46.640 We're going to talk about that in a little bit. 42:47.895 --> 42:50.817 First, I just want to expand a little bit on the mechanism of T-cells. 42:50.857 --> 43:03.385 You get this infection, the dendritic cells sense it and start presenting antigens of the virus to both CD4 positive T-cells and CD8 positive C-cells. 43:03.445 --> 43:05.666 It's a separate presentation event. 43:06.687 --> 43:13.531 The clonal expansion of CD4 and CD8 positive cells takes place as a result of that activation by dendritic cells. 43:14.752 --> 43:16.733 And then there's a couple things that happen. 43:17.659 --> 43:31.149 The CD4 helper cells can help local cells to start secreting antibodies in a process we'll talk about in a minute, or they can escort the CD8 positive cells back to the site of infection. 43:31.670 --> 43:37.054 And in fact, they do that in addition to going back to the site of infection to help the CD8 positive cells cross 43:39.056 --> 43:43.939 They also are migrating back to orchestrate the local response. 43:43.999 --> 43:51.303 They can reinvigorate the macrophages and the monocytes that are at the site of infection, these cells that are returning back. 43:52.103 --> 44:01.748 So the T helper cells are responsible for coordinating and amping up the response, both inside the draining lymph node and back at the infection. 44:02.229 --> 44:04.830 So you need that expansion and you need that migration. 44:05.510 --> 44:07.892 And you'll notice that the migration has 44:08.812 --> 44:22.895 a location of infected cells, which are signaling, and a gradient away from it, which will not exist if lipid nanoparticles injected in your arm and it distributes randomly throughout your body. 44:22.935 --> 44:24.756 There is no gradient of infection. 44:25.516 --> 44:27.276 There's no source of infection. 44:27.756 --> 44:29.797 There's no signal to follow. 44:30.357 --> 44:35.238 So the activation of T cells is rather aspecific and also non-directional. 44:36.584 --> 44:38.747 So here's a couple graphics explaining what happens. 44:38.787 --> 44:46.439 The CD4 effector T cells are the ones that are able to open the gaps between the endothelial cells and allow the 44:49.642 --> 44:52.143 immune cells to exit the capillary. 44:52.743 --> 45:06.247 Without that permission, then the capillary endothelial cells, endothelium, will keep those tight gaps shut and then they can't enter the space where the infection is taking place and interact with these airway lumen cells. 45:06.627 --> 45:12.409 This also occurs in the female reproductive tract and it also occurs at the blood-brain barrier. 45:13.490 --> 45:15.754 There is a gating that occurs with T cells. 45:16.655 --> 45:21.383 So that's the reason why it's important that they clonally expand because they need to go multiple places. 45:25.322 --> 45:26.302 And so it's required. 45:26.322 --> 45:28.103 We're still not talking about B cells. 45:28.123 --> 45:29.163 I hope that's really clear. 45:29.203 --> 45:35.344 We haven't even gotten to them yet because they're farther down the chain of cells and how they get activated. 45:35.984 --> 45:39.925 So the most important thing to remember here is what we talked about the other day. 45:39.985 --> 45:49.087 The infectious cycle consists of a set of steps that includes the fusion and uncoating of an mRNA that is positive stranded 45:50.047 --> 45:55.809 a positive sense RNA that needs to get translated into RNA that can be made into proteins. 45:56.730 --> 46:14.957 And for that to occur, the first thing that needs to occur is a polyprotein 1A, B, and 1A needs to be constructed and then chopped up into pieces and reassembled to make the replication transcription complex that will do the copying of this positive strand genome. 46:15.970 --> 46:22.512 So this is a very important step because those are the first proteins that are expressed when a cell becomes infected. 46:23.032 --> 46:26.993 And those proteins are highly conserved across coronaviruses. 46:27.034 --> 46:33.756 So chances are, if you're as old as I am, you've seen these proteins before and you have T cell memory to them. 46:35.496 --> 46:37.817 And so the functionally constrained proteins 46:39.918 --> 46:54.447 of polyprotein ORF1AB and the N-protein are excellent targets for T-cell immunity because it's very similar across COVID groups, across, not COVID groups, excuse me, across coronavirus subgroups, alpha and beta. 46:54.467 --> 46:57.949 They just have a very conserved RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. 46:57.989 --> 47:03.873 And the most conserved regions of that are very likely the ones that you made T-cell memory to a long time ago. 47:08.297 --> 47:22.462 And so if we look at this protein, this ORF1A and what it translates to in a polyprotein 1A and polyprotein 1AB, and then these things get chopped up into pieces, all of these non-structural proteins do all kinds of special things. 47:23.283 --> 47:25.843 One of the more important ones here, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. 47:25.884 --> 47:34.767 Another one very important is this EXON to a lot of coronavirus virologists because this is the protein that's responsible for proofreading. 47:35.447 --> 47:44.109 but it's also the protein that's responsible for recombination, which also often results in defective non-infectious particles. 47:48.711 --> 48:00.694 So if we look, just read this very carefully, of the 121 epitopes recognized by T cells in the patient cohort, five were determined as immunodominant based on the presence of T cell recognition in greater than 50% of the samples. 48:03.854 --> 48:10.821 And so we're talking about ORF1A and N-protein, the most conserved regions of all coronaviruses. 48:10.901 --> 48:18.409 And then here's Paul Offit a couple of years into the pandemic saying, protection against severe disease isn't mediated by neutralizing antibodies. 48:18.449 --> 48:24.035 Wait, you told me that I needed even more neutralizing antibodies to get rid of them. 48:25.034 --> 48:33.300 Now, he's backing up a little bit, because after two and a half years, they finally had to cede a little bit of the previous immunology was right. 48:34.001 --> 48:38.564 It's mediated by T-cells, and more importantly, they recognize conserved regions. 48:39.565 --> 48:53.236 This master of disguise, though, was still talking about the spike protein, and he hadn't even alluded to the fact that there were 29 other proteins, many of which were far more conserved in evolution, and therefore, much more appropriate and likely targets of your immune system. 48:54.315 --> 49:03.740 just pushing the narrative while pretending to give in that the T-cells do something, but not teaching you exactly what the T-cells do. 49:04.380 --> 49:08.883 This is the exact kind of clone wars that has been waged on us for three years. 49:09.343 --> 49:14.185 It is a deception, an illusion, because these papers say it out loud. 49:15.206 --> 49:15.746 Here we go. 49:16.387 --> 49:19.488 These are all N protein epitopes. 49:19.748 --> 49:22.630 This is almost exclusively N when they look in the right way. 49:23.700 --> 49:27.344 And if we look very carefully at this, this is a Nature paper summary. 49:27.945 --> 49:41.279 Theoretically, individuals exposed to coronaviruses might just prime ORF1, that's open reading frame one, what we've been talking about for a while, where the most conserved proteins of that copying complex are found. 49:43.172 --> 50:02.864 ORF1-specific T cells, as the ORF1-coded proteins are produced first in coronavirus-infected cells and are necessary for the formation of the viral replicase transcriptase complex that is essential for subsequent transcription of the viral genome, which then leads to expression of various RNA species. 50:03.485 --> 50:06.447 Those are the subgenomic RNAs that we've talked about with nanopore. 50:07.187 --> 50:11.490 Therefore, ORF1-specific T cells could hypothetically abort 50:12.472 --> 50:21.615 viral production by lysing, that means breaking, SARS-CoV-2 infected cells before the formation of mature virions. 50:23.175 --> 50:32.078 This is why you don't get a common cold for the rest of your life, because once you have a T cell that remembers the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase's most conserved regions, 50:33.234 --> 50:44.201 They can't multiply in your cells anymore because when they present these proteins, there are cytotoxic T-cells waiting to find them and trigger apoptosis. 50:44.761 --> 50:47.022 This is why T-cells are so important. 50:47.523 --> 51:00.711 This is how T-cells also prevent cancer and why a lymphocytopenia focused on T-cells would be dangerous to anyone who has a cancer under control or in remission. 51:01.604 --> 51:08.204 or could potentially gate the formation of a cancer because your T cells that had it under control would be weakened. 51:09.028 --> 51:15.374 So if we just keep looking at data sets, I'm just going to move my cursor around here to emphasize what you should be looking at. 51:15.414 --> 51:17.356 And I know they're too complicated to explain. 51:17.956 --> 51:22.800 But if you look at this picture right here, you're going to see the immunodominant epitopes in this paper. 51:23.241 --> 51:33.970 Four of them are from ORF1 and one of them is from N. And if they look at the whole complement of the number of patients that have these, the spike protein is really not very represented. 51:34.724 --> 51:38.346 And the vast majority of the immunodominant epitopes come from this ORF1A. 51:38.406 --> 51:40.968 Again, this is the replication transcription complex. 51:41.028 --> 51:43.749 It's very conserved across coronaviruses. 51:44.189 --> 51:47.271 And that's why if we go to this one, you can see my arrow, right? 51:47.311 --> 51:50.053 A patient up here, healthy donor over here. 51:50.073 --> 51:54.916 And look, the healthy donor has almost all of the epitopes memorized already. 51:56.797 --> 51:58.898 All of these are T cells in a healthy donor. 52:00.794 --> 52:02.635 It's not by accident, ladies and gentlemen. 52:02.655 --> 52:04.576 This is how your immune system works. 52:04.656 --> 52:05.757 It's beautiful like this. 52:07.038 --> 52:22.607 So if we go to this paper here, this paper was in July, I believe of, no, October of 2020, 31 days before Walensky declared that we might not be able to make robust immunity to this virus and we might be at this forever. 52:25.748 --> 52:29.311 This paper unfortunately makes the same error that all the other papers make. 52:29.351 --> 52:37.078 They invert the B-cells and the T-cells and they report the B-cells first even though I just told you and I'll tell you again, the T-cells precede B-cells. 52:39.059 --> 52:40.200 So, I'm going to reverse that. 52:40.220 --> 52:42.742 I'm going to go with the way that the figure should be. 52:42.783 --> 52:46.265 So, this is a figure about T-cells if we zoom in on this table. 52:47.193 --> 52:50.657 We're looking at the experimental groups here on the right side. 52:51.097 --> 52:52.339 We have blood donors from 2019. 52:52.419 --> 52:53.320 We have blood donors from 2020. 52:53.880 --> 52:54.841 We have the experimental group. 52:58.530 --> 53:00.191 which is the people that we're looking at. 53:00.691 --> 53:03.213 Then we have mild cases. 53:04.053 --> 53:06.394 So not experimental group, excuse me, exposed group. 53:06.815 --> 53:10.297 And we have mild cases, and then we have severe cases. 53:10.377 --> 53:17.721 And the exposed group, which is in the middle here in the peach color, are people who lived with the mild cases or the severe cases. 53:18.888 --> 53:23.491 And so what they show you here first is T-cell activation to specific epitopes. 53:23.571 --> 53:25.852 On the top here is S, that's the spike protein. 53:26.533 --> 53:28.634 M is matrix, that's a protein in the shell. 53:29.215 --> 53:32.457 And N, that is the protein that the RNA is coiled around. 53:33.057 --> 53:37.780 So notice that the severe cases in red are all making T-cells to the N-protein. 53:38.280 --> 53:41.322 All making T-cells to the N-protein are the mild people. 53:41.802 --> 53:46.646 And almost all the people who showed no symptoms but lived with those people 53:47.560 --> 53:49.562 develop T-cells to the N-protein. 53:50.082 --> 54:10.778 If you can recall my talk from earlier this week where we looked at nanopore sequencing of a clone and we saw that the N-protein mRNA was represented 400,000 times to one compared to ORF1, it might make sense why people who are exposed to a person who's sick would develop 54:12.162 --> 54:18.271 T cell memory to those mRNAs that are overexpressed in that infection. 54:18.331 --> 54:20.113 So that's the same with S, you have less. 54:21.001 --> 54:23.261 developing of S if we go to the antibodies. 54:23.782 --> 54:25.082 So first of all, I should clear this up. 54:25.122 --> 54:27.582 This is CD4 up on top here. 54:27.622 --> 54:28.483 This is CD8. 54:28.503 --> 54:29.783 So these are the helper cells. 54:30.363 --> 54:36.824 These are the cytotoxic cells, the pair of cells that migrate back to the infection up here in Stanley's paper. 54:36.884 --> 54:47.406 If we look at the antibodies, we see a very similar thing, except notice that more of the exposed group converted T cells than B cells. 54:48.246 --> 54:49.187 So what am I saying there? 54:49.207 --> 54:50.267 We're gonna go back one time. 54:51.192 --> 54:52.513 This is the T-cell group. 54:52.613 --> 54:56.214 The middle group are people who just lived with people who were sick. 54:57.015 --> 55:11.921 And almost all of them converted to M T-cells, and they almost all converted N T-cells, meaning that they made new T-cell memory to the N protein or reactivated it, and also to the M and less to the S protein over here. 55:12.862 --> 55:20.025 If we look at the antibodies, which again come after B-cell activation, you see that far fewer 55:21.372 --> 55:30.555 of the exposed group are making the jump over the dotted line to being positive, over the dotted line to be positive, over the dotted line to be positive. 55:31.055 --> 55:31.115 Why? 55:31.915 --> 55:38.717 Because T cell activation was enough, and they weren't exposed to sufficient antigen to activate a B cell. 55:39.237 --> 55:39.677 Wait, what? 55:40.257 --> 55:41.058 You need antigen? 55:41.538 --> 55:41.838 Yes. 55:42.932 --> 55:49.898 because antibody response is aimed at the cleanup of the infection, the overspill of the infection. 55:49.938 --> 55:55.702 The targeted attack of the infection is done by T-cells, not B-cells. 55:57.123 --> 56:05.730 And so, memory B-cells are formed when antigen reaches a secondary lymph node and stimulates a B-cell that's asleep. 56:06.811 --> 56:07.732 That's depicted here. 56:10.089 --> 56:18.898 So an antigen needs to go from the lungs in the lymph, float around, get to the lymph node and bump into the B cell receptor of a naive B cell. 56:18.938 --> 56:24.304 And at the same time, that antigen has to be separately presented. 56:24.404 --> 56:30.451 Can you see my arrow down here to a T cell to activate that T cell to the same antigen. 56:31.738 --> 56:41.000 then that T cell will come up here, awake, and this B cell will have taken the antigen in, processed it, and presented it. 56:42.161 --> 56:54.444 And so when it presents that antigen to a T cell, which can recognize it because it has been activated by a dendritic cell, then that T cell will make antibodies. 56:55.652 --> 57:02.517 And then so a patient who has only been exposed to someone who's sick will not have a lot of antigens in circulation. 57:03.198 --> 57:07.781 They don't build an antibody response like somebody who has viremia. 57:09.059 --> 57:12.121 So again, all of these things make sense if they're explained correctly. 57:12.181 --> 57:15.984 Another real interesting signature of antibodies is a class switch. 57:16.624 --> 57:25.230 You may have heard that when you activate a naive B cell in this scenario, that they don't start with an immediate production of IgG. 57:26.071 --> 57:34.617 They actually produce IgM, which is a fivermer of a double, so it makes like a 10-pointed antibody. 57:35.980 --> 57:38.701 And they're less specific for their antigen. 57:38.721 --> 57:43.844 And then after subsequent remodeling and class switch, they become more specific. 57:43.884 --> 57:50.767 But the first response that comes up when you are exposed to a new antigen is IgM. 57:50.807 --> 57:54.149 And then a couple, three weeks later, you make a class switch. 57:55.069 --> 57:55.929 to IgG. 57:56.890 --> 58:07.795 So an interesting thing to look at with regard to an infection for a virus like this would be what antibody levels do we see during a novel infection? 58:08.735 --> 58:14.038 And indeed, they looked at that in severe patients in Japan, and they found a very interesting phenomenon. 58:17.048 --> 58:26.856 If you look carefully at the IgM responses to N, sorry, here's my arrow, IgM responses to N and IgM responses to S1, they're not very big. 58:29.378 --> 58:39.227 But the IgG response to N and the IgG response to S are actually pretty robust right away, 10 days, 13 days before symptom onset. 58:39.267 --> 58:40.328 If they look closer, 58:42.363 --> 58:48.324 They see a lot of difference between critical and mild, which is just to show you that the antibodies are different in critical and mild. 58:49.405 --> 58:51.865 So let's look again very carefully at these graphs. 58:51.925 --> 58:52.745 I'll walk you through it. 58:53.425 --> 59:02.067 The circles are IgM and the triangles are IgG. 59:04.028 --> 59:09.109 The red is N protein and the blue is S protein. 59:10.492 --> 59:30.264 So if this was a exposure to a novel virus with a novel spike protein awakening naive B cells, then we should see an IgM response to the N protein, which should be red circles, come up before the IgG response, which is red triangles. 59:31.204 --> 59:31.705 And it doesn't. 59:33.426 --> 59:36.268 Red circles should come before red triangles. 59:37.068 --> 59:37.408 It doesn't. 59:39.249 --> 59:39.930 And in fact, 59:41.004 --> 59:43.945 Blue circles should come before blue triangles. 59:44.045 --> 59:44.645 Blue circles. 59:44.685 --> 59:45.585 Don't even come up here. 59:46.145 --> 59:46.725 Blue circles. 59:46.765 --> 59:47.665 Don't even come up here. 59:48.546 --> 59:49.146 Blue circles. 59:49.186 --> 59:50.106 Don't even come up here. 59:51.306 --> 01:00:07.570 And in every one of these graphs, the red triangle is coming up before the greens are the red circles, which means that IgG is coming up before IgM, which means we are activating memory cells, memory B cells to previous Corona viruses. 01:00:08.823 --> 01:00:12.246 Our entire response to this virus has been T cell based. 01:00:12.466 --> 01:00:18.571 And that's the reason why the vast majority of anyone getting infected with a coronavirus as an adult is asymptomatic. 01:00:19.952 --> 01:00:23.675 PCR tests being non-specific for a background made this a disaster. 01:00:25.777 --> 01:00:35.545 And RNA transfection stimulating the immune system to build redundant memory to one protein from 2020, the most variable protein in the deck is absurd. 01:00:38.424 --> 01:00:41.565 And so now I'm going to take you through a very quick cartoon and then we'll be done. 01:00:41.605 --> 01:00:44.086 I know I'm always too long, but 15 more minutes, I promise. 01:00:44.406 --> 01:00:45.926 How are these two processes different? 01:00:45.946 --> 01:00:48.087 This is the process I really want you to understand. 01:00:48.427 --> 01:00:58.509 It's called linked recognition, and it has to do with how B cells and T cells cooperate, which is what I showed you on that review paper, but now with my own diagram. 01:00:59.659 --> 01:01:04.746 So this diagram I'm using to always do the immune system. 01:01:05.267 --> 01:01:09.794 These are epithelial cells and the infected ones are in pink. 01:01:10.615 --> 01:01:11.876 Natural killer cells are in red. 01:01:11.897 --> 01:01:12.838 I have a little thing up here. 01:01:12.878 --> 01:01:15.562 Maybe I can move it just a bit over. 01:01:19.243 --> 01:01:23.025 And what we have here is just the idea of what these cells are doing. 01:01:23.045 --> 01:01:27.126 We're going to zoom in a little bit here on these guys and just give you an idea. 01:01:27.187 --> 01:01:30.028 Cells that are actively producing viral particles are in pink. 01:01:30.648 --> 01:01:38.092 They present viral fragments on MHC1, which are human leukocyte antigen receptors on their surface. 01:01:38.991 --> 01:01:46.013 They activate internal molecular cascades that work against the virus and signal to the immune system and nearby cells that a viral infection is present. 01:01:46.833 --> 01:01:55.516 Two basic immune types are available to detect and terminate infected barrier cells, natural killer cells and memory T cells. 01:01:56.036 --> 01:01:57.977 So notice the difference I'm trying to portray here. 01:01:58.617 --> 01:02:01.858 These normal cells aren't presenting very much. 01:02:02.838 --> 01:02:04.779 And what they present is self proteins. 01:02:05.822 --> 01:02:15.829 Cells that are infected not only present foreign proteins depicted here as little moons, but they present more than non-infected cells. 01:02:15.849 --> 01:02:17.590 So there are more MHC molecules. 01:02:17.650 --> 01:02:26.396 And this combination of signaling attracts the natural killer cells and the memory cells, in addition to the fact that they're secreting cytokines. 01:02:28.342 --> 01:02:42.622 And so these natural killer cells come around as a result of the cytokine signaling and interferon signaling, and also the cells nearby start to ramp up the same enzymatic cascades to prevent their own infection. 01:02:44.178 --> 01:02:49.000 And so there are two basic cell types that are available to detect and determine those. 01:02:49.060 --> 01:02:56.343 Those are memory T cells, again, CD8 positive memory T cells, and these natural killer cells. 01:02:56.383 --> 01:03:04.026 They recognize the cells, they cause them to go into apoptosis, and then, of course, they release their contents for clearance. 01:03:04.923 --> 01:03:08.645 Because when a cell dies, all of the stuff that's inside of it comes out. 01:03:09.145 --> 01:03:14.728 All the impartial fragments of virus, all the RNA, all the endogenous stuff, everything. 01:03:15.209 --> 01:03:17.990 In an infection, this process occurs at a cell barrier. 01:03:18.610 --> 01:03:26.034 It occurs in your gut, it occurs in your lungs, it could occur at your skin, but it's not going to occur in the middle of your muscle. 01:03:26.355 --> 01:03:27.895 It's not going to occur in your ovary. 01:03:28.396 --> 01:03:34.139 After transfection, the only expression of a foreign protein is somewhere in your body. 01:03:35.151 --> 01:03:39.252 And so infection is not recapitulated by this intramuscular transfection. 01:03:39.312 --> 01:03:54.518 Don't think for a second because infection is so spatially organized and functions on concentration gradients that are created by, you know, a hotspot over here and a lymph node over there, rather than just a signal everywhere in the body. 01:03:56.803 --> 01:04:01.849 And so again, what gets released when these cells are being lysed by the immune system? 01:04:01.889 --> 01:04:04.071 Well, N-protein is in high amount. 01:04:04.111 --> 01:04:17.266 We've seen that because the subgenomic RNA is at 400,000 times the concentration of the full genome, but also replicase proteins, M, S, and E proteins, and all other structural proteins that are present are released. 01:04:18.424 --> 01:04:20.485 Those get taken up by macrophages. 01:04:20.846 --> 01:04:27.090 They can activate memory B cells that are waiting to see the antigen they saw before, like an end protein. 01:04:28.591 --> 01:04:46.382 And those antigens go in the lymph where they can float back to the draining lymph node and encounter B cells in the same flow as the dendritic cells that are collecting the antigens are going to go back to the draining lymph node to activate T cells. 01:04:46.442 --> 01:04:47.163 It's parallel. 01:04:49.195 --> 01:04:53.618 And so, antigens from the infection site float back to B cells. 01:04:54.019 --> 01:05:04.066 Dendritic cells and other antigen-presenting cells bring back antigens from the antigen site to present to naive T, CD8 and CD4 cells. 01:05:05.207 --> 01:05:15.255 The point being is that defective, interfering particles, all those viruses that aren't replication competent, are part of this cadre 01:05:15.911 --> 01:05:19.172 of antigens that's floating back to the draining lymph node. 01:05:19.572 --> 01:05:28.756 If any part of those defective interfering particles lands on a naive B cell that recognizes it, the naive B cell will process that antigen by taking it in 01:05:31.997 --> 01:05:37.621 It will be activated better if more than one of its receptors is activated at the same time. 01:05:37.661 --> 01:05:50.489 And then they will all be pulled into the cell, and whatever they bound to will be processed chemically, broken up into pieces, and then presented on the outside, hoping that a T cell will recognize something. 01:05:50.970 --> 01:05:59.996 Now understand, if a defective particle containing the N protein, the M protein, and the S protein 01:06:01.155 --> 01:06:15.159 connected to itself, comes into the B-cell, and the B-cell binds to the N-protein and then pulls that particle in, it will present epitopes from the E-protein, the S-protein, and the N-protein. 01:06:15.799 --> 01:06:24.681 And any of those epitopes are potential T-cells, which could activate the B-cell, which originally recognized the N. 01:06:26.297 --> 01:06:37.338 And that's linked recognition because the N-protein's antibody is linked to the M-protein by the T-cell that knows the M-protein and not the N-protein. 01:06:38.766 --> 01:06:39.647 Do you see how that works? 01:06:39.687 --> 01:06:42.648 Let me explain it one more time because that's the Monte Carlo effect. 01:06:42.969 --> 01:06:56.737 That's the random sorting that your immune system does that makes your immune response unique and completely different from that of your husband, completely different of that from your wife, and completely different from that from your kids. 01:06:57.778 --> 01:07:01.961 Because the assortment of antibodies that flows through from your infection is unique. 01:07:02.912 --> 01:07:05.092 The B cells that recognize them are unique. 01:07:05.432 --> 01:07:10.753 The proteins complements that they express or present as a result are unique. 01:07:11.113 --> 01:07:15.114 And the T cell complements that get activated by those antigens are unique. 01:07:15.834 --> 01:07:25.216 And so the combinations of antigens recognized by B cells that get activated by helper cells remembering something else is linked recognition. 01:07:26.156 --> 01:07:30.957 And it's this unique combination that forms uniquely in every infection 01:07:32.537 --> 01:07:37.061 that can't form if everybody gets immunized to the same tiny protein. 01:07:39.583 --> 01:07:46.449 And so they process these bound antigens, they present the epitopes, and they hope they're recognized by a T cell, but it doesn't have to be the same one. 01:07:48.450 --> 01:07:54.295 Because these antigens are all linked, and the B cell processes them in a way different than the T cells. 01:07:54.315 --> 01:07:59.660 This is a very complicated process that is not as simple as, you can just let the, let the, 01:08:00.868 --> 01:08:03.870 teach the immune system a new wanted poster. 01:08:06.351 --> 01:08:17.817 And so the problem is right above my head is that in transfection, you have spike protein alone and cells randomly expressing it, getting destroyed by the immune system. 01:08:17.837 --> 01:08:26.521 And then the immune system doing its best to clean up, but not knowing what to present because those cells weren't calling for help with the interferon system. 01:08:26.541 --> 01:08:27.782 They weren't calling for help. 01:08:28.802 --> 01:08:29.803 They were transfected. 01:08:30.899 --> 01:08:34.701 And they were expressing a foreign protein on the outside, not on MHC two. 01:08:35.141 --> 01:08:35.541 I'm sorry. 01:08:35.561 --> 01:08:39.343 I'm not on MHC one, but just expressing it, showing it. 01:08:40.603 --> 01:08:42.024 And so they needed to be destroyed. 01:08:42.084 --> 01:08:45.586 The immune system couldn't differentiate between that and cancer or anything else. 01:08:45.626 --> 01:08:46.426 Just get rid of it. 01:08:47.707 --> 01:08:58.992 And then the link recognition that is possible here is extraordinary because all of the fragments of the spike are contained in anything that gets presented. 01:09:00.205 --> 01:09:12.709 It's like limiting the overlap to a very, very tiny set of possibilities, which means that you'll get way too many T-cells recognizing the same thing as a B-cell. 01:09:13.369 --> 01:09:20.411 And way too many times that happens from a perspective of antibodies means, wow, our product really works well. 01:09:20.891 --> 01:09:22.552 We make a lot of antibodies. 01:09:24.195 --> 01:09:32.897 And it's a lot of antibodies because you make redundant linked recognition based on the exact same protein instead of a random assortment of proteins. 01:09:36.618 --> 01:09:43.780 And I would love to go through that again if anybody didn't catch that or didn't fully understand how hugely different that is. 01:09:44.693 --> 01:09:49.554 But if we go through the ABCs of coronavirus infection, epithelial cells are infected with a replicating virus. 01:09:50.214 --> 01:09:58.277 The presence of double-stranded RNA and other pathogen-associated molecular patterns initiates this interferon pathway, which calls for help. 01:09:58.997 --> 01:10:06.879 The primary and initial response of a coronavirus is macrophages, natural killer cells, natural killer T-cells, and memory T-cells and B-cells. 01:10:08.100 --> 01:10:15.284 because all of this immunity is based on previous coronavirus exposure, and the fact that you make memory to the genes that don't change. 01:10:16.504 --> 01:10:25.249 Resident respiratory tract dendritic cells are activated by these same antigens, and they go back to the draining rimp nodes where they present antigens to naive T cells. 01:10:25.869 --> 01:10:34.014 B cells can also be activated by soluble antigens, antigens that are opsonized, which means that they are bound by antigen. 01:10:34.514 --> 01:10:39.315 I mean, sorry, bound by antibody, and they can also be presented to by even some dendritic cells. 01:10:39.896 --> 01:10:46.838 Presentation of antigen to naive T cells occurs by these dendritic cells, and then you activate these different helper T cells. 01:10:47.578 --> 01:10:49.318 And there's more to this yet, of course. 01:10:50.138 --> 01:10:55.400 And then memory CD8 and CD4 positive cells with relevant specificity exist in everyone. 01:10:57.369 --> 01:11:02.851 And so depending on the final distribution of RNA, different cells in the body will express after transfection. 01:11:02.891 --> 01:11:06.333 And some fraction of the total amount of expressed protein will enter circulation. 01:11:06.373 --> 01:11:08.033 And this will go all over the place as well. 01:11:08.654 --> 01:11:11.955 Cells expressing the foreign protein are recognized as foreign and destroyed. 01:11:12.975 --> 01:11:16.577 This process will introduce spike proteins into the circulation. 01:11:17.449 --> 01:11:27.813 This process could lead to a whole host of incorrect interactions because you're forcing the body to decide between self and non-self in a scenario where it never has to do that. 01:11:28.754 --> 01:11:39.378 Understand that the epithelium of your lungs is a place where the immune system understands that epithelial cells can die, epithelial cells replicate, yada, yada, yada. 01:11:40.270 --> 01:11:52.875 Your immune system is not used to going into random places in your bone marrow, or random places in your ovaries, or random places in your bladder, or random places in your skin to find foreign proteins. 01:11:52.915 --> 01:11:53.575 That's not normal. 01:11:55.339 --> 01:12:12.709 And so this is all compounded by the fact that they've used pseudo-uridine modification and changed the codons in a way that we just don't understand what protein is being made and the amount of variability in it, which again, would contribute to even more unknown side effects with regard to augmenting the immune response. 01:12:13.109 --> 01:12:14.190 Here's where it gets crazy. 01:12:14.850 --> 01:12:19.493 I can't, after an hour and 10 minutes, I'm only halfway done and I have to skip the rest. 01:12:20.514 --> 01:12:23.976 Because if I was to tell you about tolerance and how this 01:12:24.881 --> 01:12:30.065 and this immune virus, sorry, this respiratory virus interacts with your gut, it's extraordinary. 01:12:30.105 --> 01:12:39.152 But suffice it to say, there's an extraordinary amount of information missing because, again, your immune system protects you from the outside. 01:12:40.372 --> 01:12:52.682 So if you're gonna think about this correctly, you should turn your little body here into this model that's behind my head, where you have a tube that goes through from your mouth to your other end, and that tube has a little branch that goes to your lungs. 01:12:53.533 --> 01:12:58.595 And the blue line in this picture is where your immune system functions. 01:12:58.635 --> 01:13:04.718 Your skin, the epithelium of your lungs, and the epithelium of the lining of your gut. 01:13:05.518 --> 01:13:12.921 The black portion of this figure is the inside of your body that your immune system is protecting from the outside. 01:13:14.462 --> 01:13:20.564 And so injecting antigens into the inside already defeats the purpose and organization of your immune system. 01:13:21.085 --> 01:13:21.785 Interestingly, 01:13:22.935 --> 01:13:27.879 And think about this very carefully because I'm not going to have any more graphics about it because we would be here for another hour and a half. 01:13:28.900 --> 01:13:49.757 As you make defective interfering particles in your lungs and you cough them out, most of them stay in your mucus, which then goes down your throat, passes your stomach because it's mucus, and delivers defective interfering particles and replication competent particles to your gut where your body absorbs food. 01:13:51.624 --> 01:13:59.546 And so unlike where you are in your lungs, there is a very special challenge for your immune system in your gut because it should allow things to pass. 01:14:00.867 --> 01:14:11.290 It should allow food to pass and fatty lipid particles, lipid soluble things need to dissolve in the lymph in order to be absorbed. 01:14:12.250 --> 01:14:15.591 You cannot absorb lipid soluble things into your blood. 01:14:16.721 --> 01:14:22.002 And so your gut has two absorption areas that are essentially your blood and then also your lymph. 01:14:23.543 --> 01:14:29.124 And this absorption of materials into the lymph has to be governed, of course, by your immune system. 01:14:29.864 --> 01:14:45.728 Your immune system governs this area of your body, and in so doing, generates tolerance to a lot of antigens that come through your gut that are produced by the gut bacteria that are produced in response to digestion. 01:14:46.863 --> 01:14:53.547 And any allergies you have to food are a result of this system not producing the tolerance that it should. 01:14:54.047 --> 01:15:06.455 Now, please let it suffice to say that as you swallow defective interfering particles that are coming out of your lungs and go down into your gut, your gut processes those particles as well. 01:15:07.416 --> 01:15:13.760 And the processing of those particles leads specifically to tolerance generating T cells 01:15:14.696 --> 01:15:21.971 which at the site of infection interact with the T cells that are bent on infection destruction. 01:15:23.173 --> 01:15:24.416 And it is a harmony. 01:15:25.120 --> 01:15:43.411 between the tolerance built in the digestive tract and the Peyer's patch T-cells and the intolerance that's built at the barrier of the lungs that interact to form the crescendo and decrescendo of an infectious immune response. 01:15:44.071 --> 01:15:53.517 Without both of these ends, you do not have the balance that's required to ramp up the attack and then bring it back down to baseline. 01:15:54.557 --> 01:16:03.786 And again, the accurate and useful augmentation of the immune system must take this wing of the immune system into account. 01:16:04.226 --> 01:16:12.574 And I don't think I need to remind anybody of how little we know, nevermind talk about, the immune system and its interaction with gut flora, et cetera. 01:16:13.959 --> 01:16:38.379 And so we are far from understanding this, but my point would be to say that they started us out a year and a half ago with this extremely, three years ago, with this extremely simplified version of immunity to a respiratory virus, and they beat it into the heads of every man, woman, and child that didn't have the background necessary to penetrate this lie. 01:16:39.680 --> 01:16:43.143 And as a result, they've sold us the idea that these vaccines work, 01:16:44.025 --> 01:16:48.248 They've managed to make us forget that antibody dependent enhancement was a real thing. 01:16:48.288 --> 01:16:51.650 And that's why we couldn't vaccinate against a lot of these targets before. 01:16:52.911 --> 01:17:09.343 And we have now seeing those reactions in auto antibodies, which counteract the, for example, the interferon response that I talked about earlier, when cells try to signal to one another, they try to send an alarm with interferon to other cells. 01:17:09.823 --> 01:17:11.724 And now it seems we're making antibodies 01:17:12.825 --> 01:17:15.266 which interfere with this, if you will. 01:17:15.866 --> 01:17:22.708 And these, again, are found especially in people who are stimulated by this transfection to the spike. 01:17:22.748 --> 01:17:36.232 So again, remember how much functionality is contained within these two polyproteins that are conserved across coronaviruses that you make all your memory to and that they've never talked about since the beginning of the pandemic. 01:17:36.312 --> 01:17:37.873 Antibodies do not equal immunity. 01:17:38.533 --> 01:17:40.275 They've always been a convenient correlate. 01:17:40.716 --> 01:17:46.964 They're indicative of a recent immune response and easy to detect, but they don't mechanistically define immunity at all. 01:17:47.705 --> 01:17:51.710 Antibodies are indicative, actually, of a T cell response that occurred much earlier. 01:17:52.451 --> 01:17:57.477 And in respiratory coronavirus infections, T cells can respond to many proteins besides the spike. 01:17:59.107 --> 01:18:12.015 Pre-existing overlapping T and B cell memory has been demonstrated to exist before significant spread in California and New York and blood donations from 2020 and 2019 and in previous SARS infected patients infected in 2003. 01:18:13.556 --> 01:18:18.338 Robust T and B cell immunity is consistently demonstrated in people who are in close contact. 01:18:18.378 --> 01:18:19.659 That was a paper we talked about as well. 01:18:19.699 --> 01:18:23.902 An incorrect subordination of immunity to immunization 01:18:24.602 --> 01:18:28.124 So natural immunity to immunization has been consistent and blatant. 01:18:28.184 --> 01:18:29.965 They're still doing it today. 01:18:32.346 --> 01:18:34.767 And so they've changed the way we think about vaccination. 01:18:34.887 --> 01:18:41.850 And of course, that means that we have not been able to exercise the principle of informed consent. 01:18:42.250 --> 01:18:46.292 SARS were accidentally released several times and didn't disappear, but went endemic. 01:18:46.512 --> 01:18:48.413 And they are part of that background swarm. 01:18:48.453 --> 01:18:51.915 They've failed to adequately explain the immune response to a respiratory virus. 01:18:52.515 --> 01:19:04.321 by omitting T-cells, omitting tolerance, omitting the dangers of antibody-dependent enhancement, omitting the dangers of antigenic sin, and recommending the product that produces antibodies. 01:19:04.961 --> 01:19:12.065 They have failed to accurately describe the dangers and risks of transfection as a candidate immunization methodology by calling them 01:19:12.725 --> 01:19:14.246 investigative vaccines. 01:19:15.047 --> 01:19:21.951 If the principle of informed consent on PBS NewsHour would have looked like this, previous immunity protected healthy humans from day zero. 01:19:22.611 --> 01:19:32.618 T-cell immunity for a respiratory virus like SARS is focused on non-structural proteins that are highly conserved across RNA viruses, including the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. 01:19:33.598 --> 01:19:43.764 High seroprevalence to structural proteins of many other viruses has led to antibody-dependent enhancement, and therefore emphasis of this as an immune correlate is dangerous. 01:19:44.344 --> 01:19:55.690 And finally, transfection has not worked for endogenous proteins in rare genetic disorders, so it's likely that we will encounter similar problems expressing an exogenous or foreign protein. 01:19:56.091 --> 01:19:58.472 That's what it would have looked like if they were going to tell you the truth. 01:20:00.000 --> 01:20:03.242 So if you don't mind, I think it's really cool to watch this. 01:20:03.302 --> 01:20:04.983 It'll only take about six minutes. 01:20:05.483 --> 01:20:09.465 This is the lady who made the mRNA vaccine. 01:20:09.986 --> 01:20:15.929 And I want you to hear just how extraordinarily off she is about the biology. 01:20:15.949 --> 01:20:22.773 I'm gonna stop it occasionally to wax intellectual about how ridiculous it is, but I have it at one and a half speed. 01:20:23.193 --> 01:20:24.734 So we'll get through it quick and then I'll be done. 01:20:25.825 --> 01:20:27.430 Again, this is part of the bamboozlement. 01:20:27.470 --> 01:20:28.854 This is from September of 2022, I believe. 01:20:28.874 --> 01:20:29.616 It's just extraordinary. 01:20:40.663 --> 01:20:47.109 Now, many of the people watching this talk by now will have had one, two, three, or even four doses of a messenger RNA vaccine. 01:20:47.269 --> 01:20:53.054 With billions of these shots now in arms, it's clear that this new way of making vaccines is both remarkably safe and incredibly effective. 01:20:53.754 --> 01:20:56.357 But did you know it's not the vaccine itself that's keeping you safe? 01:20:57.077 --> 01:20:57.638 It's actually you. 01:20:58.703 --> 01:21:03.304 because the human body has amazing powers to both prevent and cure disease by making its own medicines. 01:21:04.024 --> 01:21:05.564 You just need to know what medicine to make. 01:21:06.165 --> 01:21:11.106 And that's what your vaccine gave you, simply a set of instructions for how to protect yourself against SARS-CoV-2. 01:21:12.166 --> 01:21:13.306 Now, vaccines are only the beginning. 01:21:14.046 --> 01:21:19.928 As said before, the advent of mRNA vaccines is heralding in an entirely new era of medicines. 01:21:20.648 --> 01:21:26.149 mRNAs give us the ability to not only prevent disease, but also treat previously intractable disorders. 01:21:26.889 --> 01:21:31.375 But before I get to that, let's talk about, really, what is this new way of medicines really about? 01:21:31.956 --> 01:21:33.638 Well, it all comes down to proteins. 01:21:34.299 --> 01:21:40.767 Now, you may think of protein as simply something that you need to eat, an important part of your diet, something that's important for you to build muscle. 01:21:41.385 --> 01:21:43.026 But it's not just muscle that contains protein. 01:21:43.426 --> 01:21:48.750 Protein makes up a huge fraction of the incredibly complicated ecosystem that's your entire body. 01:21:49.070 --> 01:21:56.134 In many ways, your body functions like a large city, full of myriad buildings, interconnected buildings, with lots of different structures. 01:21:56.695 --> 01:22:01.878 Now, just as the word building fails to capture the incredible variety of structures that make up any large city, 01:22:02.438 --> 01:22:08.166 The generic term protein gives no clue as to the incredible variety of molecular architectures at the molecular level. 01:22:08.466 --> 01:22:10.008 Like buildings, proteins are not monolithic. 01:22:10.689 --> 01:22:19.741 Our body makes many proteins, some like the collagen in our skin that makes our skin tough, but pliable, like the actin and myosin in our muscles that enable us to move. 01:22:20.623 --> 01:22:28.469 or our blood is full of hemoglobin ferrying oxygen around, antibodies protecting us from disease, and clotting factors that close up our wounds. 01:22:29.269 --> 01:22:32.692 And for any of you that have ever cracked a biochemistry textbook, this should look familiar. 01:22:33.332 --> 01:22:35.294 This is the metabolic chart of the human body. 01:22:35.854 --> 01:22:40.017 These are all of the reactions in your body that are keeping you alive and well right now. 01:22:40.718 --> 01:22:45.221 And each one of those reactions is catalyzed by a different protein, whose names are shown here in blue. 01:22:46.030 --> 01:22:52.014 So proteins are not only what make up the bulk of your body, they're also what make your body tick and keep you well. 01:22:54.376 --> 01:22:59.179 Now, if we think again about buildings, the structures of buildings may look quite different in the end. 01:23:00.120 --> 01:23:01.000 Ah, darn it! 01:23:01.941 --> 01:23:10.627 So what I want you to do here in this part is think very carefully about how you know buildings are built in Japan. 01:23:11.687 --> 01:23:18.771 with no nails, and with exquisite carpentry where the joints are interlocking and last for centuries. 01:23:20.292 --> 01:23:30.858 And the idea that she's going to characterize the way the buildings are built by the materials that they contain rather than the way that the materials are arranged, and she glosses over 01:23:31.621 --> 01:23:38.263 the arrangement of materials and just says that there's a wide variety of them that get organized in different patterns. 01:23:39.084 --> 01:23:55.169 And it's such an oversimplification and such an insult to the beauty of our biology, but I need you to see this because this is the kind of regular exposure to this kind of mythology leads people to believe that this stuff is true. 01:23:55.329 --> 01:23:57.010 Make your body tick and keep you well. 01:23:59.389 --> 01:24:07.574 Now, if we think again about buildings, the structures of buildings may look quite different in the end, but they're all made of a limited set of building materials. 01:24:07.954 --> 01:24:13.738 And how those building materials, which of those building materials are used, and how they're arranged, and how they're attached to one another, gives the buildings their final form. 01:24:14.479 --> 01:24:15.539 The same is true of proteins. 01:24:16.040 --> 01:24:23.844 If we zoom down to the molecular level, we can see that proteins, if we unravel their three-dimensional architecture, are actually just long strings of building blocks. 01:24:24.545 --> 01:24:27.607 And these building blocks have different shapes and different propensities to interact with one another. 01:24:28.147 --> 01:24:33.629 So it's which building blocks are used and the order in which they are in the chain that gives a protein its three-dimensional shape. 01:24:34.389 --> 01:24:44.472 Now, here I'm only showing three proteins, but creating and maintaining a healthy human requires the combined action of over 100,000 different types of protein, and our bodies make them all. 01:24:45.132 --> 01:24:47.353 Thus, our bodies are remarkable protein factories. 01:24:48.453 --> 01:24:50.934 At the molecular level, the numbers are truly mind-blowing. 01:24:51.756 --> 01:24:58.562 Each of the 30 trillion cells in your body, that's 3 with 13 zeros, contains between 1 and 10 billion protein molecules. 01:24:59.262 --> 01:25:05.908 That means that you have as many protein molecules in your body as there are stars in the known universe. 01:25:06.648 --> 01:25:16.276 And what Melissa Moore is implying here is that despite the fact that you have an orchestration of nearly as many proteins as there are stars in the universe, 01:25:17.355 --> 01:25:22.499 they can augment the function of that orchestra with their mRNA product. 01:25:24.060 --> 01:25:26.942 Imagine the kind of arrogance that's on display here. 01:25:27.342 --> 01:25:41.472 She just got through saying that among the 30 trillion cells in your body, there are more proteins being orchestrated, built, destroyed, reorganized, recompartmentalized than all the stars in the sky. 01:25:42.603 --> 01:25:53.210 And we are entering a new kind of immunology where we can augment the entire human system with our mRNA. 01:25:53.550 --> 01:25:56.733 This is a level of arrogance that is really malevolent. 01:25:56.833 --> 01:26:00.235 The cell type in your body makes a different kind of protein, a different set of proteins. 01:26:00.635 --> 01:26:07.720 Like the rods and cones in my eye that are detecting light right now and the neurons in my brain that are interpreting that light and enabling me to see you right now. 01:26:08.300 --> 01:26:10.562 So they make a particular set of proteins unique to it. 01:26:11.283 --> 01:26:21.091 And like any complex building project, you can imagine that the process of protein synthesis needs to be tightly regulated so that the right protein is made at the right time and in the right place. 01:26:21.731 --> 01:26:27.576 But of course, with anything so complicated, it's perhaps not surprising that there's an occasional mistake, a fault in the algorithm. 01:26:28.837 --> 01:26:29.998 Let's go back to that metabolic chart. 01:26:30.518 --> 01:26:35.722 It's estimated that one in a thousand newborns are born without the ability to make one of the proteins on this chart. 01:26:36.803 --> 01:26:40.326 Therefore, they have lifelong complications due to inborn metabolic errors. 01:26:40.854 --> 01:26:49.442 So inborn metabolic errors are children that are born without one of the proteins on this chart, and she's about to propose that with mRNA, we can put that protein back. 01:26:50.803 --> 01:26:51.984 Let's take just one of those. 01:26:52.465 --> 01:26:54.847 Let's talk about von Gierke's disease, or glycogen storage disease 1. 01:26:55.808 --> 01:27:05.036 This is due to the lack of a protein circle here in red, whose job it is to release stored sugars so that you can maintain a healthy blood sugar level while you're fasting. 01:27:05.999 --> 01:27:07.980 So, von Goethe's disease patients can't fast. 01:27:08.501 --> 01:27:14.585 They must constantly eat small amounts of carbohydrates, including getting up every one or two hours during the night to eat raw cornstarch. 01:27:15.365 --> 01:27:16.966 Now, imagine the toll that this takes on parents. 01:27:17.487 --> 01:27:23.070 If they are ever to miss a feeding of their child, their child could slip into severe hypoglycemia, seizures, and possibly death. 01:27:23.731 --> 01:27:32.076 But even if these patients can keep up this endless feeding cycle, they are plagued by lifelong complications, including delayed puberty, frequent infections, kidney disease, and liver cancer. 01:27:32.907 --> 01:27:37.013 So, von Gierke's disease is just one example of a disorder where we know what protein is missing. 01:27:38.195 --> 01:27:41.339 What if we could give those patients back the ability to make that missing protein? 01:27:42.060 --> 01:27:44.985 Then we could actually treat their disease instead of just managing their symptoms. 01:27:45.433 --> 01:27:48.796 Okay, now I'm going to just save you the pain of having to watch the rest of this. 01:27:48.836 --> 01:27:50.797 I thought it was going to go faster, but it's too slow for me. 01:27:51.318 --> 01:28:00.124 The basic gist of it is, is that she's going to claim that they did this, they put the protein back in the liver and for a brief period of time it worked, but in reality it didn't work at all. 01:28:00.765 --> 01:28:05.749 It eventually resulted in autoimmunity and it eventually resulted in the failure of the trial. 01:28:06.883 --> 01:28:21.457 And just like Robert Malone waxed intellectual when he was a grad student about how in 10 years there were gonna be gene editing scientists at every hospital fixing childhood diseases with retroviruses, this is the same kind of nonsense talk. 01:28:22.418 --> 01:28:28.579 They haven't been able to achieve what she's going to say that they've achieved any more than they've achieved with this vaccine. 01:28:28.599 --> 01:28:31.660 I think the most important thing to hear is destruction. 01:28:31.700 --> 01:28:38.342 And so when I went on clinicaltrials.gov, a small protein, if that protein is only needed once, then maybe a single time of 45 days. 01:28:38.702 --> 01:28:42.342 Cancer patients were creating personalized cancer vaccines to attack their cancers. 01:28:42.542 --> 01:28:43.263 Listen carefully. 01:28:43.363 --> 01:28:44.243 These are truly person. 01:28:45.359 --> 01:28:50.903 Now, for personalized cancer vaccines to be the most effective, we need to get them made and back to the patient as quickly as possible. 01:28:51.523 --> 01:28:52.964 We aim for a turnaround time of 45 days. 01:28:54.673 --> 01:29:02.658 By January of 2020, we had already manufactured, quality controlled, and delivered to several dozen patients personalized cancer vaccines. 01:29:03.179 --> 01:29:08.142 So we had the know-how and the capacity to manufacture vaccines quickly. 01:29:08.943 --> 01:29:24.573 Thus, when the... When you're allowed to give an RNA vaccine to a person who's otherwise going to die, and you can manufacture that vaccine in 45 days, it's not exactly the same thing as being able to manufacture a vaccine in 45 days to give to healthy people. 01:29:25.694 --> 01:29:28.695 But she's making that equivalence here as part of the war on us. 01:29:30.376 --> 01:29:35.038 A sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was posted to a public web server on January 10th, 2020. 01:29:36.039 --> 01:29:37.059 We got immediately to work. 01:29:37.640 --> 01:29:44.063 Within two days, we had agreed with our collaborators at NIH on exactly which form of the spike protein to put in our vaccine. 01:29:44.963 --> 01:29:53.628 Because we had done so so many times before, it then took our mRNA design team just one hour to design the mRNA that we immediately 01:29:58.382 --> 01:30:13.152 One hour to design the mRNA that they've injected in 13 billion doses to augment the immune system of billions of human beings on the planet with very little understanding of how it would affect their bodies. 01:30:13.232 --> 01:30:14.853 Remember that we talked about the swarm. 01:30:15.293 --> 01:30:16.934 This is just another very brief one here. 01:30:16.954 --> 01:30:19.356 Remember replication-competent variants. 01:30:19.376 --> 01:30:24.700 This is another graphic that I already had from two and a half years ago that I found when making this talk. 01:30:25.200 --> 01:30:32.789 I divided it into replication-competent and replication-incompetent, and then I drew different-sized circles to say that this ratio matters a lot. 01:30:33.269 --> 01:30:43.761 And then I said what to think about, how many percent of them are pseudovirans, how toxic are they, how high-fidelity are they, and what mechanism has the immune system evolved to deal with this phenomenon. 01:30:44.242 --> 01:30:45.343 It is very simple. 01:30:46.084 --> 01:30:49.628 This quasi-species swarm thing has been around for a long time. 01:30:50.068 --> 01:30:53.151 They understand it and we've summarized it very simply. 01:30:53.532 --> 01:31:05.644 They've told you a story about how you can make antibodies or you make similar copies of a virus until they start coming out of your mouth, but it's somehow very hard to culture them. 01:31:06.145 --> 01:31:08.287 It was trying to blame barrack 01:31:08.607 --> 01:31:19.456 for figuring out how to make these things and finding some signature in here that finally lit the lid, finally lit the light in my head that said, wait a minute, this isn't about Barrick making these things. 01:31:20.236 --> 01:31:24.660 This is about the idea that they're very hard to culture because they're RNA. 01:31:25.361 --> 01:31:27.022 And all Barrick did... ...produces viruses. 01:31:27.222 --> 01:31:33.387 Matter of fact, in most cases, a large fraction, if not the majority of the virus particles that are produced are defective. 01:31:34.665 --> 01:31:35.405 and I'm good for anything. 01:31:35.666 --> 01:31:39.568 And so when I heard Robert Malone say that, I knew immediately what was going wrong. 01:31:39.608 --> 01:31:56.177 I knew immediately why they couldn't be cultured all the time, and I knew immediately why they needed to change a cassette tape into a CD, why they needed to change an RNA into a DNA, because then they could make large quantities of it using standard bench materials like E. coli cultures, etc. 01:31:57.369 --> 01:31:59.930 and then they convert that to RNA with simple enzymes. 01:32:00.650 --> 01:32:04.651 Then they transfect that into a cell culture like Vero6 cells. 01:32:05.151 --> 01:32:07.492 Now they have viruses they can make animals sick with. 01:32:07.992 --> 01:32:11.714 Now they have viruses that they can do cytopathic effect assays with. 01:32:12.134 --> 01:32:16.135 And now these cassette tapes are doing what the natural one does. 01:32:16.535 --> 01:32:21.877 But in the meantime, they have this CD that they can always go back to and generate as much as they want to. 01:32:22.857 --> 01:32:23.857 This is not natural. 01:32:24.397 --> 01:32:25.818 This is synthetic virology. 01:32:26.926 --> 01:32:28.687 And it wasn't invented by Ralph Baric. 01:32:28.727 --> 01:32:35.311 It was invented by Vincent Ransom Yellow and David Baltimore in the early eighties with the polio virus. 01:32:35.912 --> 01:32:39.754 It is taking an RNA and making a DNA version of it. 01:32:40.155 --> 01:32:49.521 And it gets rid of this problem, this deceptive, annoying issue here that, you know, we don't know how many of these viruses are competent. 01:32:49.541 --> 01:32:50.801 So we'll just say they all are. 01:32:50.821 --> 01:32:55.665 And we'll just draw pictures and we'll tell everybody that these things are scary. 01:32:55.845 --> 01:32:56.005 No, 01:32:57.659 --> 01:32:59.620 Bat cave viruses are cassette tapes. 01:33:01.061 --> 01:33:03.642 Laboratory viruses in cell culture are cassette tapes. 01:33:04.482 --> 01:33:06.823 Laboratory viruses in animals are cassette tapes. 01:33:06.924 --> 01:33:15.868 And even viruses that are made in a laboratory and then stuck together are cassette tapes until you make a DNA version of them. 01:33:16.908 --> 01:33:21.471 And then they become clones, and then they become dangerous because you can make large quantities of them. 01:33:22.871 --> 01:33:25.953 And they want you to believe that all these cassette tapes are dangerous. 01:33:26.735 --> 01:33:29.036 and they all represent pandemic potential. 01:33:29.056 --> 01:33:32.318 When there is no pandemic potential in RNA viruses, period. 01:33:34.659 --> 01:33:42.803 They turned an event like this into a drama by ignoring all-cause mortality. 01:33:42.863 --> 01:33:44.044 This is my theory. 01:33:45.066 --> 01:33:51.129 dangerous virus, PCR test, maybe a clone to invert your rights from sovereignty to permissions. 01:33:51.189 --> 01:33:56.292 This is a WHO centered idea along with the World Health Organization. 01:33:56.612 --> 01:34:00.674 That's also the United Nations and a lot of other stuff that I'm not an expert in. 01:34:01.114 --> 01:34:06.937 If you want to know the numbers, there wasn't a virus because all cause mortality doesn't support it. 01:34:07.477 --> 01:34:11.619 Please stop transfections in all humans because they're trying to eliminate the control group. 01:34:11.639 --> 01:34:12.980 Sorry, I went an hour and a half. 01:34:15.546 --> 01:34:17.387 JJ, wow. 01:34:19.709 --> 01:34:20.650 Wow, wow, wow. 01:34:22.952 --> 01:34:23.532 Great work. 01:34:24.053 --> 01:34:24.293 Good. 01:34:26.174 --> 01:34:26.715 Amazing. 01:34:26.995 --> 01:34:36.342 Just everybody, just take a deep, take a deep breath and be grateful that we have JJ to share his extraordinary research with us. 01:34:38.824 --> 01:34:40.445 Thanks very much for being so patient. 01:34:40.485 --> 01:34:41.286 I really appreciate it. 01:34:41.326 --> 01:34:45.309 I know I go long, but I don't want to give you half the story and I still had to, so. 01:34:46.989 --> 01:34:47.649 That's wonderful. 01:34:47.729 --> 01:35:00.314 And there's, we've had a couple of people say they want you to come back for version three for what you weren't able to cover, but just hold that thought for the moment, Steven, I'm giving you a moment to get your thoughts in order for questions. 01:35:00.334 --> 01:35:02.654 We've got two hands up already. 01:35:03.735 --> 01:35:05.075 So Steven, are you ready to go? 01:35:05.095 --> 01:35:09.757 I think as ready as I ever will be. 01:35:10.177 --> 01:35:12.618 Um, so, um, 01:35:14.113 --> 01:35:17.675 So I'm not an expert on immunology or even biology. 01:35:18.776 --> 01:35:20.277 Sorry, I can't see where you are, JJ. 01:35:20.377 --> 01:35:22.278 Oh, there you are, yeah. 01:35:22.658 --> 01:35:25.860 You're in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. 01:35:29.470 --> 01:35:33.573 So it's difficult to, so I wanted to ask you. 01:35:33.633 --> 01:35:42.320 So while I remember, I need to ask you this because there was a stage when I was saying, well, we don't know what's in these injections called vaccinations. 01:35:44.322 --> 01:35:55.892 So that is another reason why informed consent was never possible because no doctor in the world knew what was in these injections. 01:35:56.986 --> 01:36:06.789 So he couldn't explain to the patient, obviously, sufficiently for the patient to be able to give informed consent. 01:36:06.830 --> 01:36:13.692 So informed consent was never possible from my point of view, but also from your point of view, JJ. 01:36:13.732 --> 01:36:14.592 So that's interesting. 01:36:15.092 --> 01:36:22.355 So you're looking at it as a biologist, and I'm looking at it as a medical doctor, hopefully from an ethical viewpoint. 01:36:22.775 --> 01:36:24.376 But I wanted to ask you, so I was asking, 01:36:25.730 --> 01:36:32.352 I don't know, about a year ago now that, you know, nobody knew what was in these so-called vaccinations. 01:36:34.272 --> 01:36:40.033 Goodness knows how they've managed to keep it so secret that there've been no whistleblowers, as far as I understand. 01:36:40.633 --> 01:36:42.914 We still don't know what's in these damned injections. 01:36:43.714 --> 01:36:49.475 And, you know, we certainly don't know whether the same things are in all the injections. 01:36:50.215 --> 01:36:52.056 So in the different batches, are they different? 01:36:52.116 --> 01:36:52.416 I don't know. 01:36:54.336 --> 01:37:05.544 So do you believe the story which they put about, and they've told so many lies, it seems to me reasonable to assume that they're telling lies about the things that they want to put about. 01:37:06.205 --> 01:37:10.208 So the spike protein, everybody is speaking about spike protein. 01:37:11.428 --> 01:37:18.675 Do you think the spike protein is in these damn vaccinations and that it has the importance that they say it has? 01:37:19.115 --> 01:37:23.579 Also, the mRNA, is that also to get people going down the wrong track? 01:37:24.921 --> 01:37:26.802 So I just wonder whether you've thought about that. 01:37:27.283 --> 01:37:29.385 If you haven't thought about it sufficiently to be able to 01:37:32.031 --> 01:37:36.313 express a view, then of course, you know, you may want more time. 01:37:36.333 --> 01:37:41.535 So I think, I think the, the feeling that I have is it's either, it's one of two things. 01:37:41.615 --> 01:37:49.858 It's either very simply, they didn't care and they just put the spike in like Melissa Moore in that video seems to say that they did. 01:37:49.918 --> 01:37:54.619 They just took an hour and changed some, some codes and, and went with it. 01:37:55.279 --> 01:37:56.480 Or maybe it wasn't there at all. 01:37:57.222 --> 01:38:08.236 Well, I think there's a better possibility given the fact that these people behind the scenes have been working on universal vaccine technology for a while. 01:38:08.436 --> 01:38:13.302 And the one thing that has sat in the back of my head for a very long time 01:38:14.306 --> 01:38:16.687 And it's because I'm a very diabolical thinker. 01:38:16.767 --> 01:38:19.428 I've written a lot of grants that never got funded. 01:38:20.828 --> 01:38:23.949 And I've come up with lots of ideas for how to get funded. 01:38:24.049 --> 01:38:31.432 And one of the things that strikes me as extraordinary when I've read these grant calls is that if you could ever come up with 01:38:32.401 --> 01:38:47.554 a proprietary sequence of 12 amino acids that would guarantee the immune system to be annoyed and produce antibodies to it, and you kept it a secret, you could produce a vaccine for anything. 01:38:48.254 --> 01:39:08.004 Essentially think of it like a magnet that nobody knew was there and you just put that magnet in the sequence and now you can make what looks like a Zika virus vaccine because when you transfect people to it the immune system is attracted to that proprietary sequence and whatever is next to it you get an antibody response to. 01:39:08.064 --> 01:39:09.465 Now I'm not saying that exists 01:39:10.512 --> 01:39:13.814 I'm suggesting that there's lots of companies that have looked for it. 01:39:13.854 --> 01:39:33.124 I've heard Robert Malone, for example, talk about this technology in 2011, 2020, where he talks about you can use computer modeling to find a consensus protein sequence that will bind to certain HLA subtypes, and then that will get you a T cell and B cell response directly 01:39:33.825 --> 01:39:38.630 Or you can just express the protein and let your immune system sort it out. 01:39:39.171 --> 01:39:47.721 And so these guys are aware of the fact that there are certain protein sequences that are very annoying to the immune system, and it wouldn't surprise me 01:39:48.562 --> 01:39:55.593 if part of their plan was to say, Hey, we found this virus and it just happens to have this sequence. 01:39:56.154 --> 01:40:03.486 And this sequence just happens to work really well to produce antibodies, even when you inject four times. 01:40:05.049 --> 01:40:11.374 And so I see a very simple bait and switch where they just put something in that they could point to and say it works. 01:40:11.874 --> 01:40:14.196 And then they said there was a virus that had that. 01:40:14.536 --> 01:40:20.340 So they'd have a real easy excuse to put Melissa Moore on stage and say, we only took an hour to figure it out. 01:40:22.372 --> 01:40:37.905 I know it sounds crazy, but that's what I think, because then it makes sense why people were primed to say that the spike protein was dangerous, primed to say that the spike protein could cause problems because the spike protein had this immune toxin in it. 01:40:38.686 --> 01:40:43.329 Some people are saying there's a parallel between part of the spike protein and, um, 01:40:44.289 --> 01:40:51.677 and Staphyloenterotoxin B. There's been some other super antigen sequences that have been found in the spike. 01:40:51.717 --> 01:41:01.268 The question is whether those occurred by accident or whether they're part of the design in order to get that into the transfection with an excuse of, well, we took an hour and that's what we came to. 01:41:02.079 --> 01:41:02.339 Yeah. 01:41:02.640 --> 01:41:08.649 So did they absolutely have to have the spike protein or say that the spike protein was in the vaccine? 01:41:08.689 --> 01:41:10.412 That's the most amazing thing, though. 01:41:10.793 --> 01:41:12.415 I don't think that that's even the best. 01:41:13.236 --> 01:41:17.022 If they were going to choose the best antigen, they would have chosen the N protein. 01:41:17.836 --> 01:41:36.927 So it's strange to me from all the other papers that came up before this, they had already kind of rejected the glycoprotein, the binding glycoprotein as a primary immunogen because of its variability and because of the inability to get antibodies to focus on the receptor binding domain. 01:41:37.367 --> 01:41:40.349 But often you get off target antibodies that don't do anything. 01:41:40.909 --> 01:41:43.371 So why do you think they focused on the spike protein then? 01:41:44.176 --> 01:41:53.700 again because I think it is a protein for whatever reason gets them a high antibody response and that's their claim for effectiveness. 01:41:57.242 --> 01:42:02.804 So do you think it's possible that there is no spike protein in any of these damned vaccines? 01:42:04.905 --> 01:42:05.626 I'm just asking. 01:42:05.666 --> 01:42:09.968 It's not very likely because there's too many neutral molecular biologists. 01:42:10.028 --> 01:42:10.228 I mean 01:42:11.326 --> 01:42:18.228 I'm sure that there's problems with the sequence, there's problems with the fidelity, there's problems with the purity. 01:42:18.248 --> 01:42:27.672 And so that means that how much pure spike protein gets produced is probably very low and the rest of it is random or cut short or misfolded. 01:42:29.092 --> 01:42:32.773 So that's definitely a problem, but those are different, I think. 01:42:35.828 --> 01:42:40.996 Do you think there's spike protein in there, or do you know there's spike protein in there? 01:42:41.377 --> 01:42:43.060 I was asking this question a year ago. 01:42:43.080 --> 01:42:44.923 I couldn't get an answer from anybody. 01:42:49.316 --> 01:43:01.906 Do you know, in your own mind, with your knowledge of biology, very high knowledge of biology, that the spike protein, and for that matter, the damned mRNA, is there any mRNA in these vaccines? 01:43:01.926 --> 01:43:02.607 Do we know that? 01:43:02.667 --> 01:43:03.988 As far as I can tell, yes. 01:43:04.088 --> 01:43:07.231 I mean, everybody that's analyzed it and looked at it has found it. 01:43:07.371 --> 01:43:09.172 So who's done that though, JJ? 01:43:09.793 --> 01:43:11.114 Kevin McKernan has done it. 01:43:12.826 --> 01:43:21.454 We've had him on here, you know, he's a very nice guy, he's very bright, but he's one of these super specialists who doesn't see the other stuff that he doesn't know about. 01:43:21.474 --> 01:43:34.406 Yeah, but he's the guy who has been, I think, leading the way now, also showing that the DNA plasmid that is used, the cDNA plasmid that's used to generate the RNA is also present in the shots. 01:43:35.356 --> 01:43:38.458 and that's terrible because that DNA can integrate directly. 01:43:38.518 --> 01:43:41.259 That DNA is definitely gonna be immunogenic. 01:43:42.380 --> 01:43:49.884 So all of the response of these shots is tainted if it has a significant quantity of that double-stranded plasmid in it. 01:43:50.424 --> 01:43:56.527 So- So you don't think the spike protein story is like the gain of function story, which we agree. 01:43:57.147 --> 01:44:00.109 The gain of function story is to reinforce the story 01:44:01.522 --> 01:44:13.589 in the public's mind that there is a danger of a pandemic both from these created viruses in labs, so that creates the fear which is necessary. 01:44:13.689 --> 01:44:15.731 So we agreed last week that 01:44:16.570 --> 01:44:18.611 That was never a possibility in our minds. 01:44:18.851 --> 01:44:23.334 And we also agreed that a pandemic was not possible from natural viruses. 01:44:23.414 --> 01:44:26.916 I think the one thing that you're missing, though, is that it's too big of an opportunity. 01:44:26.976 --> 01:44:34.260 They had the opportunity to inject billions of people with varied levels of a new therapeutic. 01:44:35.120 --> 01:44:39.344 And the assumption is they didn't keep track of any of this stuff, when I think that's ridiculous. 01:44:39.484 --> 01:44:41.405 I think they kept track of all purities. 01:44:41.966 --> 01:44:53.375 They kept track of all distribution so that they could crack the numbers and see what purities worked, what purities didn't, what purities had high levels of, of events and what's didn't. 01:44:53.936 --> 01:44:55.357 And they have all of this data. 01:44:55.477 --> 01:44:58.520 And if they don't, they missed a huge opportunity to get it. 01:44:59.517 --> 01:45:14.724 It would be crazy to think that after 15 years of planning to convert traditional egg-based flu vaccines to an RNA-based and DNA-based manufacturing set, after all that time, that they would roll this out and then 01:45:15.720 --> 01:45:30.450 just completely bungle it and miss the opportunity to titrate doses, to titrate concentrations, and to titrate purities, to test different manufacturing sets, all of this stuff, it would be a hugely missed opportunity. 01:45:31.071 --> 01:45:34.633 And they've been planning it for too long for that to be a missed opportunity. 01:45:35.174 --> 01:45:35.474 No way. 01:45:36.363 --> 01:45:44.728 But JJ, it already is a missed opportunity because it seems to me that people now are questioning all the vaccinations when previously they didn't, me for one. 01:45:45.328 --> 01:45:47.309 I'm not saying they did it perfect. 01:45:47.369 --> 01:45:50.791 I'm saying that they would have seen this coming and they definitely wouldn't have missed it. 01:45:50.831 --> 01:45:51.211 That's all. 01:45:51.752 --> 01:45:54.973 So the other question I wanted to ask you is probably more important. 01:45:55.934 --> 01:46:01.037 So what are the most important things for the public to understand from what you told us tonight? 01:46:02.413 --> 01:46:09.418 So what the public are interested in is whether they've been lied to or not, whether they realize now that they've been lied to or not. 01:46:09.978 --> 01:46:13.881 What do you think is the best message for us to put about? 01:46:15.282 --> 01:46:16.343 Maybe you need to think about it. 01:46:16.963 --> 01:46:30.672 Yeah, I mean, it is a it is the message that everybody has in their stomach in this group, that a holistic approach to health that includes nutrition and exercise and a 01:46:31.952 --> 01:46:53.569 a reasonably objective assessment of how well you've taken care of yourself over your adult life can put you in an adequate position to judge, you know, what sickness is a result of crazy gain-of-function viruses and what sicknesses are probably a result of really bad choices. 01:46:53.749 --> 01:46:59.133 And there are so many people in America who have no concept of exactly how 01:47:00.114 --> 01:47:03.796 how bad their health is because they're surrounded by peers. 01:47:04.556 --> 01:47:05.956 And so they don't really see it. 01:47:06.296 --> 01:47:09.158 And I think that's a real big problem. 01:47:09.178 --> 01:47:20.642 You can see it when you pick up your kids at school, that there's just such a contrast between kids that are being raised on healthy food and kids that just don't have the time or the money to be raised on healthy food. 01:47:20.682 --> 01:47:21.683 It's a real disaster. 01:47:23.603 --> 01:47:25.004 I don't know what the right answer to that is. 01:47:25.564 --> 01:47:36.302 But to get people to listen to us about that, JJ, we need to somehow get the message through to them that they've been lied to, and not just lied to on small lies, massive lies. 01:47:36.843 --> 01:47:38.686 So who do you think 01:47:39.656 --> 01:47:41.137 but be careful with libel. 01:47:41.558 --> 01:47:44.020 So if you don't wanna say, don't say. 01:47:44.340 --> 01:47:47.703 Who do you think personally, but public officials, I don't think you can libel. 01:47:47.763 --> 01:47:49.164 So Valensky and people like that. 01:47:50.665 --> 01:47:56.410 Who's told the worst lies about the stuff you've talked about tonight in your opinion? 01:47:56.490 --> 01:48:07.439 I guess the one has to be Fauci because he's been telling the lies the longest and everybody that works at the Vaccine Research Center in America, you know, Barney Graham and all these people that run that show, 01:48:08.340 --> 01:48:14.728 are running that show based on the ideas that T cells are very elusive to study and there's not very many nice assays for them. 01:48:15.289 --> 01:48:18.032 But we can get very easy assays for antibodies. 01:48:18.533 --> 01:48:23.139 And so let's just, you know, move billions and billions of dollars based on antibodies. 01:48:23.940 --> 01:48:25.202 And who cares what comes out? 01:48:25.342 --> 01:48:25.562 I mean, 01:48:26.683 --> 01:48:42.465 It's a disaster because the whole spending spree of vaccinology in America and around the Western world is based on seroprevalence being primary instead of, you know, at the very, very end of the cascade. 01:48:44.494 --> 01:48:44.754 sure. 01:48:45.955 --> 01:49:13.451 Also Sukrit Bhakti is an immunologist I think you know so he's in my mind he's one of the foremost well he's a doctor he's also an immunologist he's a is he a toxicologist he's an epidemiologist and and he's another special I can't remember there are four specialties anyway so Sukrit Bhakti would you say he's up there amongst the the the best immunologists 01:49:14.252 --> 01:49:16.273 I mean, I don't know who else you would put there. 01:49:16.373 --> 01:49:16.754 What? 01:49:17.554 --> 01:49:18.555 I mean, well, exactly. 01:49:18.595 --> 01:49:20.396 I don't know any other. 01:49:20.836 --> 01:49:30.343 The point is that besides Byron brittle, no one has really bothered to teach the danger of expressing a foreign protein and endothelium or anywhere else. 01:49:31.303 --> 01:49:33.545 And lots and lots of people are trying to 01:49:34.571 --> 01:49:51.080 to avoid using autoimmunity, avoid using the complement system to explain what's going on when autoimmunity and the deposition of complement is probably what's causing almost all of the problems with the shot. 01:49:51.180 --> 01:49:54.802 And it's already was known to be a problem with other transfections. 01:49:54.842 --> 01:49:55.382 So it's really, 01:49:56.550 --> 01:50:11.576 It's really something that to me summarizes the whole pandemic, because the guy who discovers the complement system tells you that the complement system might be being activated by the antibodies that are produced by the transfection, and then you call him a crazy person. 01:50:12.136 --> 01:50:13.577 That's pretty spectacular, I think. 01:50:14.369 --> 01:50:16.430 And actually, Sukrit Bhakti has pointed that out. 01:50:16.490 --> 01:50:20.011 I think it was in Athens when he spoke to the Greek people in Athens. 01:50:20.752 --> 01:50:23.433 I think Rainer Fulmik set that up. 01:50:24.073 --> 01:50:24.794 It's a great video. 01:50:24.814 --> 01:50:25.654 I don't know if you've seen it. 01:50:26.574 --> 01:50:29.616 I mean, he was presenting this idea very, very early. 01:50:29.696 --> 01:50:31.236 It came to him very early. 01:50:31.757 --> 01:50:33.217 Yeah, he was talking about the compliments. 01:50:33.237 --> 01:50:33.898 Yeah, exactly. 01:50:34.418 --> 01:50:38.780 So the leading immunologists in the world, would you say, 01:50:39.600 --> 01:50:41.382 Well, it's hard after the last three years. 01:50:41.923 --> 01:50:42.764 They've all described. 01:50:42.844 --> 01:50:57.820 Well, you can't really look at immunologists because they're they're these kinds of doctors that are that are trapped in their little tiny shave of their, you know, I work on T regulatory type two cells, so I don't know about anything else. 01:50:58.801 --> 01:51:07.929 And very few immunologists are willing to give a general talk like I just gave, even though it's the only one that really matters because the details are all great. 01:51:07.949 --> 01:51:18.678 So the next question, JJ, remember me saying that genomics, in my view, genomics, evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and virology could have been constructed by these criminals. 01:51:19.059 --> 01:51:26.125 Was immunology also constructed possibly by these criminals so that they could do exactly what they've done now and mislead the public? 01:51:26.536 --> 01:51:37.519 Well, the only thing that I would say for sure is a misnomer is the idea that retroviruses are a pathogen in the sense that they describe them. 01:51:37.579 --> 01:51:46.701 Because really what likely happened was we injected materials that were manufactured in other organism tissues. 01:51:47.341 --> 01:51:54.223 Those organism tissues contained retroviruses from that organism and our immune system was incompatible with them. 01:51:54.881 --> 01:52:06.246 And the likely reason why this is, is because all of our tissues in our body use exosomes, which are small viral-like particles to send RNA signals to one another. 01:52:06.887 --> 01:52:14.350 And more importantly, it's very likely that a primary user of exosomes and retroviral signaling is the immune system. 01:52:14.370 --> 01:52:15.131 We've always been 01:52:16.131 --> 01:52:31.148 Immunologists have always been trying to figure out how these independently operating units of T cells, macrophages, you know, monocytes, acinophils, how do they all orchestrate all together while they're all amoebic and all alone? 01:52:31.588 --> 01:52:36.213 It's because they communicate with exosomic signaling and viral 01:52:37.287 --> 01:52:49.254 Virology is really a usurping of that biology by ignoring it and then assuming that everything in that fraction is viruses rather than the majority of it being endogenous signaling. 01:52:50.333 --> 01:53:01.725 It was an absolutely brilliant talk you gave once again, and I just wonder how many more talks you could produce on those lines, because if you can, then you're welcome here again. 01:53:02.846 --> 01:53:03.947 We're very grateful to you. 01:53:04.167 --> 01:53:06.009 It's really brilliant stuff. 01:53:06.289 --> 01:53:07.690 And one last question. 01:53:08.171 --> 01:53:09.853 Why do you think so few people 01:53:11.649 --> 01:53:16.032 There must be honest people who know about immunology as well as you and Sucrit Bacti. 01:53:16.312 --> 01:53:17.633 Yeah, you've got to like to teach though. 01:53:17.693 --> 01:53:19.073 So few of them have spoken out. 01:53:19.113 --> 01:53:20.354 You've got to like to teach though. 01:53:20.454 --> 01:53:22.735 It's challenging to teach and it takes a lot. 01:53:22.755 --> 01:53:25.517 I mean, I've been doing it for three years now. 01:53:25.577 --> 01:53:27.398 I was not this smooth in 2020. 01:53:27.438 --> 01:53:32.461 Are you in touch with Sucrit Bacti, JJ? 01:53:32.661 --> 01:53:37.684 Not recently, but I was in that group for a while, so maybe I should get in touch with them again. 01:53:39.164 --> 01:53:40.664 Well, you've got his email address, have you? 01:53:40.884 --> 01:53:42.785 I think so, but I wouldn't mind if you'd help me. 01:53:43.665 --> 01:53:44.505 OK, very good. 01:53:45.225 --> 01:53:45.485 Excellent. 01:53:45.505 --> 01:53:45.886 All right. 01:53:46.566 --> 01:53:48.246 Thank you, Stephen. 01:53:49.306 --> 01:53:50.526 Here we got a lot of questions. 01:53:50.566 --> 01:53:51.007 Hands up. 01:53:51.227 --> 01:53:54.127 Winston the G from Canada. 01:53:54.847 --> 01:53:55.728 JJ. 01:53:56.608 --> 01:54:01.749 Wow, wow, wow, wow and wow. 01:54:02.269 --> 01:54:04.249 That's a medical doctor, by the way, JJ. 01:54:05.770 --> 01:54:07.150 I have to say, 01:54:08.348 --> 01:54:09.369 I don't know if you're hearing me. 01:54:09.389 --> 01:54:09.889 I don't know. 01:54:10.149 --> 01:54:10.630 I can hear you. 01:54:10.670 --> 01:54:11.270 Yes, we can. 01:54:11.831 --> 01:54:12.571 Yeah, we can hear you. 01:54:12.611 --> 01:54:15.433 That was an excellent talk. 01:54:15.834 --> 01:54:16.274 Excellent. 01:54:16.354 --> 01:54:21.077 And I am going to promote you today from doctor to professor. 01:54:21.618 --> 01:54:23.899 I think you are an excellent teacher. 01:54:24.300 --> 01:54:25.120 Thank you very much. 01:54:25.140 --> 01:54:27.542 I was able to follow some of what you did. 01:54:27.582 --> 01:54:29.383 And I think you should continue. 01:54:29.564 --> 01:54:32.085 I certainly would like to hear you again and again and again. 01:54:32.105 --> 01:54:35.528 And I think that it would be nice for me if I could spend the next 10 years 01:54:35.970 --> 01:54:40.193 just being taught by you because you clarify things beautifully. 01:54:40.974 --> 01:54:43.916 So with that, I have to ask you a question. 01:54:43.956 --> 01:54:48.599 It is my impression, and I am only a humble, retired psychiatrist. 01:54:48.659 --> 01:54:50.140 I don't know very much of anything. 01:54:51.001 --> 01:54:55.364 But my understanding is that COVID was whatever it is. 01:54:57.185 --> 01:54:59.707 It is a respiratory illness fundamentally. 01:54:59.727 --> 01:55:01.028 And that 01:55:04.494 --> 01:55:28.020 In that case, the T cells that you spoke about so eloquently, and CD4, CD8 in particular, at least as important, if not more important than the antibodies which were injected into people, along with whatever else is in that injection, so-called vaccine. 01:55:28.840 --> 01:55:31.121 So I understand that there's an IG, 01:55:32.236 --> 01:55:40.521 that IgG and IgA in the blood, but there's a secretory IgG in the respiratory mucosa. 01:55:40.961 --> 01:55:42.962 Can you comment on that and the differences? 01:55:43.262 --> 01:55:45.583 Yeah, so you have it slightly mixed up, I believe. 01:55:45.663 --> 01:55:51.346 It's IgM and IgG are in the plasma and IgA is in the mucosal. 01:55:52.827 --> 01:55:56.890 But there could also be IgM in the mucosa and there could also be IgG in the mucosa. 01:55:58.246 --> 01:56:03.229 I could be incorrect on that, but I believe the primary antibody in the mucosa is IgA. 01:56:03.329 --> 01:56:11.234 And so, the trick is to realize that the antibodies that are in the blood can't pass the lung blood barrier. 01:56:11.914 --> 01:56:15.316 So, any antibodies that are in the plasma aren't going there. 01:56:16.057 --> 01:56:22.261 And so, the only way that that can get there are the B cells that are already present and have migrated into the mucosa. 01:56:24.066 --> 01:56:36.269 I'm not an expert on mucosal antibody production, but I know that they are less specific for particular viruses because they are aimed at glycoprotein repeating patterns. 01:56:36.349 --> 01:56:45.851 So many of the typical pathogens that grow in your lungs, bacteria, have these glycoproteins, which are proteins that have a lot of sugars on them. 01:56:46.451 --> 01:56:48.672 And specifically, it's a mannose-based sugar. 01:56:49.312 --> 01:56:56.193 And so you have a number of A-specific antibodies, both IgM and IgA, that are aimed at mannose lectins. 01:56:57.134 --> 01:57:04.315 Mannose baster, I can't remember the right word, but these mannose lectins are foreign signals, basically. 01:57:04.335 --> 01:57:11.837 We reuse very few of them, and as a result, it's okay to just make antibodies to them because they inevitably identify foreign things. 01:57:12.357 --> 01:57:18.698 And so a lot of these IgAs will bind to the spike protein because the spike protein is a glycosylated protein as well. 01:57:19.198 --> 01:57:20.258 I hope that helps a little bit. 01:57:21.679 --> 01:57:25.561 Well, yeah, but I think you've taken me from year one of study to year four. 01:57:26.241 --> 01:57:28.842 So I need to spend more time with you. 01:57:29.082 --> 01:57:35.164 But listen, again, just this one thing you said just now that perhaps I should ask you to clarify. 01:57:35.665 --> 01:57:43.068 So you mentioned the B cells taking something from the plasma to the lung. 01:57:43.088 --> 01:57:43.568 Is that correct? 01:57:44.971 --> 01:57:49.292 Dendritic cells do that, taking something from, say it again, ask me. 01:57:50.672 --> 01:58:10.396 Yes, yeah, it sounds as though you said the distinction I elaborated isn't so clear, but the M cells, I think it is you said, the B cells, take the inflammation from the blood to the lung, because otherwise it can't get across. 01:58:11.930 --> 01:58:12.250 I see. 01:58:12.290 --> 01:58:13.771 No, it's the T cells that do that. 01:58:13.791 --> 01:58:19.575 So again, it's very tricky without the pictures and I understand why it's confusing. 01:58:19.635 --> 01:58:28.380 But when your lung cells are infected, there are antigen-presenting cells that are waiting there to clean up the mess. 01:58:28.420 --> 01:58:34.483 And once they are activated, they will migrate back to the draining lymph node and present to T cells. 01:58:34.523 --> 01:58:38.686 And then those T cells expand their numbers and migrate back. 01:58:38.786 --> 01:58:40.707 And it is the T helper cells 01:58:41.900 --> 01:58:51.710 that facilitate the passage of the cytotoxic T cells through the endothelium at the site of infection in the lungs. 01:58:51.911 --> 01:58:57.837 If there weren't the helper T cells to allow those cells to pass, then they wouldn't pass. 01:58:57.997 --> 01:59:02.262 And you're right, when the B cells are activated and they migrate back, 01:59:02.782 --> 01:59:04.744 to the infection site. 01:59:04.784 --> 01:59:14.052 They are also licensed to pass through the endothelium cells by those present T helper cells, but that's a cooperative effort as well. 01:59:15.373 --> 01:59:16.454 I hope that was your question. 01:59:17.074 --> 01:59:17.455 Thank you. 01:59:17.475 --> 01:59:18.335 Thank you again. 01:59:18.356 --> 01:59:23.900 And as I said, I appreciate what you do, what you did today. 01:59:24.261 --> 01:59:25.181 Thanks again, professor. 01:59:26.646 --> 01:59:27.627 Yes. 01:59:28.267 --> 01:59:33.130 And honoree, Winston has just awarded you your professorship, JJ. 01:59:33.190 --> 01:59:34.031 Congratulations. 01:59:34.231 --> 01:59:38.213 And Winston, just send the check for the enrolment fee to JJ. 01:59:39.294 --> 01:59:41.575 Jerry Waters from Ireland. 01:59:41.595 --> 01:59:46.799 Hello, Jerry. 01:59:50.301 --> 01:59:51.161 You're muted, Jerry. 01:59:56.858 --> 01:59:57.799 Almost there. 01:59:58.699 --> 01:59:59.439 Stay on target. 01:59:59.560 --> 02:00:00.100 Unmute. 02:00:00.360 --> 02:00:02.121 Almost there. 02:00:02.341 --> 02:00:02.961 Unmute, Jerry. 02:00:02.981 --> 02:00:03.622 Come on, Jerry. 02:00:04.742 --> 02:00:05.503 Stay on target. 02:00:06.523 --> 02:00:07.144 He's panicked. 02:00:10.706 --> 02:00:11.066 He can't. 02:00:12.366 --> 02:00:13.927 We can wait. 02:00:14.247 --> 02:00:16.569 Let's do Rima first while Jerry's looking. 02:00:16.749 --> 02:00:17.669 No pressure, Jerry. 02:00:17.769 --> 02:00:18.670 Rima, you first. 02:00:18.690 --> 02:00:19.870 Then back to Jerry Waters. 02:00:21.751 --> 02:00:22.192 Thank you. 02:00:22.492 --> 02:00:24.573 And let me echo the intent. 02:00:24.923 --> 02:00:28.164 incredible appreciation that other people are expressing. 02:00:28.664 --> 02:00:35.826 Wonderful presentation, fantastically complex stuff laid out beautifully so that it makes sense. 02:00:36.486 --> 02:00:37.967 Once again, thank you. 02:00:39.427 --> 02:00:48.930 My question goes back to last week's presentation, JJ, and I may have gotten it wrong, but I thought that you were saying 02:00:49.406 --> 02:01:13.555 that in order to have the phenomenology of widespread disease or widespread reported disease that we were alleged to have and that was given the name pandemic, there was spraying that took place of people around the world of pathogenic material to engender illness. 02:01:14.258 --> 02:01:24.100 If I understood that correctly, my question is, is that a hypothesis or do you have documentation or evidence that such spraying took place? 02:01:24.140 --> 02:01:37.223 We know that there's all kinds of geoengineering of crap going on in the skies of our planet, but I'm wondering whether that was, first of all, did I understand you to be saying that correctly? 02:01:37.783 --> 02:01:40.024 Did I correctly understand you to be saying that? 02:01:40.104 --> 02:01:41.364 And second of all, if so, 02:01:42.213 --> 02:01:45.899 Do you have documentation that that is so or is that a hypothesis? 02:01:46.721 --> 02:01:48.544 So let me do this first. 02:01:48.564 --> 02:01:50.808 The theory that I have 02:01:57.692 --> 02:02:03.735 revolves around the idea that there's background virus that the PCR test is not specific for. 02:02:03.795 --> 02:02:12.099 So when you use the PCR test, you don't know what coronavirus you're picking up, but the TV has told you that you're picking up the new special one, right? 02:02:12.139 --> 02:02:13.159 That's so far so good. 02:02:14.300 --> 02:02:20.003 What I think is important to understand is that the only real evidence we have 02:02:20.831 --> 02:02:28.875 that there is a novel virus are any of the places where they claim to have sequenced it from a patient sample. 02:02:29.555 --> 02:02:33.817 And as far as I can tell, that happened in Wuhan, for a nature paper. 02:02:34.397 --> 02:02:41.200 It happened in Washington State, in Seattle, in a CDC publication that went to New England Journal of Medicine. 02:02:42.121 --> 02:02:46.663 And they may have done it in Spain, and in Italy, and in Iran. 02:02:47.870 --> 02:03:00.197 And so my argument is if those molecular biological signatures are true, then they must have planted those molecular biological signatures in some way. 02:03:00.357 --> 02:03:01.417 They could have sprayed them. 02:03:01.477 --> 02:03:03.218 They could have dosed people. 02:03:03.338 --> 02:03:04.779 They could have planted it in. 02:03:04.799 --> 02:03:07.961 I don't know how they did it, but the only way 02:03:08.877 --> 02:03:24.787 that the molecular signature could be identical in those geographically disparate places at the same time is if they distribute it because an RNA virus can't maintain fidelity over that period of time and that number of people. 02:03:27.149 --> 02:03:31.652 Unless, indeed, there was no such sequencing and it was 02:03:32.385 --> 02:03:33.346 Um, a lie. 02:03:33.706 --> 02:03:47.675 And so that's why, that's why I was suggesting that what you heard, which was that in reality, all the other people that seem to have gotten sick in these places, but were never sequenced. 02:03:48.789 --> 02:03:50.710 would not have had to have a clone. 02:03:50.790 --> 02:03:52.010 They could have had anything. 02:03:52.070 --> 02:03:58.772 They could have had an irritating spray of something completely unrelated to viruses. 02:03:59.312 --> 02:04:09.695 I don't know what it would be, but anything that could make people cough for a few days would have been enough to cause panic if there was again, this molecular signature. 02:04:09.755 --> 02:04:12.296 So I'm not suggesting I have evidence for it. 02:04:12.836 --> 02:04:17.418 What I'm suggesting is, is that we should work together to find 02:04:19.031 --> 02:04:25.575 ways to, ways to prove that there was no virus. 02:04:25.655 --> 02:04:43.025 And I think the way to prove that there was no virus is to, is to look if there's, one of the things that has come up that I haven't really been able to figure out how to push forward, and you guys could help, I'm sure, is what samples exist from pre-pandemic that we could test for things. 02:04:43.685 --> 02:04:46.547 So are there pre, are there pre-pandemic 02:04:48.306 --> 02:05:04.653 Pneumonia samples taken from bronchiolovage or their pre-pandemic samples of blood or their pre-pandemic samples of plasma, like there were in these papers, where we can look for signatures which would definitively tell us that this pathogen isn't new or that the background was really there. 02:05:05.093 --> 02:05:10.535 And I think if we look for those things, we're going to find that the background is there, which means the PCR wasn't specific. 02:05:11.095 --> 02:05:12.736 And then now we're in big trouble. 02:05:13.564 --> 02:05:26.550 because we know in retrospect, talking to our doctors, that the protocols killed people, that the tests were misused, that the diagnostics were exaggerated because of the financial incentives. 02:05:26.590 --> 02:05:39.755 And so then the number of people necessary to have had this novel disease is just ever decreasing asymptotically to essentially a person in Wuhan and a person in Seattle. 02:05:40.356 --> 02:05:40.896 And that's it. 02:05:42.016 --> 02:05:42.317 And so- 02:05:43.470 --> 02:05:44.471 Anyway, go ahead. 02:05:45.431 --> 02:05:53.096 I don't know anything at all about the scientists who published the papers that you're referring to. 02:05:53.117 --> 02:05:56.399 I have not looked at them at all. 02:05:56.779 --> 02:06:07.206 But it would seem to me instructive for those people who are good at teasing out the histories and financial connections and cross-contaminations 02:06:07.871 --> 02:06:21.906 of people as they move through and build their careers, it would seem to me instructive to find out whether these are, in fact, scientists who were, shall we say, on marionette strings and published what they were told to publish. 02:06:22.166 --> 02:06:25.550 Absolutely. 02:06:25.790 --> 02:06:27.232 There's no doubt that this is true. 02:06:27.312 --> 02:06:28.393 I think I can recommend 02:06:29.734 --> 02:06:32.255 a channel on YouTube, Housatonic Live. 02:06:32.355 --> 02:06:33.716 It's H-O-U. 02:06:34.296 --> 02:06:35.497 He's fantastic. 02:06:35.677 --> 02:06:43.901 And he's really on this idea of what are the mentor chains that have led to the current group of people that's running this theater. 02:06:44.461 --> 02:06:46.342 And the mentor chains are pretty tight. 02:06:46.882 --> 02:06:50.544 And the mentor chains go right back to retroviruses and AIDS. 02:06:51.044 --> 02:06:59.308 And all the same, people seem to be involved in manipulating this narrative to create a world of pathogenic potential. 02:07:00.302 --> 02:07:02.083 What's the name of that site, JJ? 02:07:02.664 --> 02:07:04.045 Housatonic Live. 02:07:04.726 --> 02:07:06.787 I'll get it up on my thing and then put it in the chat. 02:07:07.548 --> 02:07:08.188 Thank you, JJ. 02:07:08.308 --> 02:07:10.330 I wrote to you, and you're a busy man. 02:07:10.390 --> 02:07:13.553 But if you have a chance to respond to my email, that would be lovely. 02:07:13.793 --> 02:07:14.193 No problem. 02:07:14.213 --> 02:07:15.314 Thank you so much for your work. 02:07:15.434 --> 02:07:16.015 You're welcome. 02:07:16.655 --> 02:07:16.935 Thanks. 02:07:17.316 --> 02:07:17.776 Thank you. 02:07:18.417 --> 02:07:19.377 Rima, well done. 02:07:19.397 --> 02:07:21.119 John Baldwin has put the link in there. 02:07:21.159 --> 02:07:21.799 JJ, done. 02:07:22.000 --> 02:07:24.061 Oh, man, John, you're like a lightning bolt. 02:07:26.023 --> 02:07:26.223 Yeah. 02:07:26.889 --> 02:07:29.091 All right, Jerry Waters has unmuted himself. 02:07:29.151 --> 02:07:31.874 Congratulations on your technological skills, Jerry. 02:07:32.314 --> 02:07:33.335 Oh man, come on now. 02:07:34.372 --> 02:07:36.153 Now, look at the hair here, JJ. 02:07:36.194 --> 02:07:37.875 This is the real Jerry. 02:07:38.355 --> 02:07:39.656 Yeah. 02:07:40.637 --> 02:07:44.060 It's it's a tribute to you, JJ, to try and make a connection. 02:07:44.460 --> 02:07:59.272 The reason I have I had difficulty unmuting myself is that I've had a self-imposed exile from the Zoom meeting due to the rudeness of Stephen on every last occasion I spoke where he endeavored to try and get me to move on. 02:08:00.052 --> 02:08:00.172 And 02:08:01.033 --> 02:08:09.623 The reality, you know, I've got a number of questions, but I will, Stephen, keep it short and not go too technical. 02:08:10.064 --> 02:08:15.129 The last time, JJ, we were talking, we were talking about the insertion. 02:08:15.870 --> 02:08:20.636 Again, it comes back to the concept of gain of function with the assertion of the 02:08:21.937 --> 02:08:30.744 19 nucleotides into the furin cleavage site, if you remember that, and you were explaining how the furin cleavage site worked. 02:08:33.126 --> 02:08:56.646 Again, it comes back to the whole idea that, you know, whether this virus was, in effect, a gain of function, and it appears that there was a degree of gain of function, whether it increased the infectivity or the transmissibility or whether it increased the pathogenicity of it, it appears that there seems to have been some manipulation with it. 02:08:57.338 --> 02:09:00.159 Now, you know, there's a number of things I want to point out. 02:09:00.179 --> 02:09:10.265 I think it's very important that you pointed out the fact that anything that's in the gut or anything that's in the lungs is, in effect, outside the body. 02:09:10.665 --> 02:09:18.009 That's a hard concept for people to understand, that even something that's in the alveoli 02:09:19.530 --> 02:09:20.451 is outside the body. 02:09:23.534 --> 02:09:26.877 Again, most people think that if it's in the if it's in the gut, it's inside the body. 02:09:26.917 --> 02:09:27.177 It's not. 02:09:27.237 --> 02:09:28.118 It's outside the body. 02:09:28.818 --> 02:09:30.680 And you pointed that out very successfully. 02:09:31.221 --> 02:09:33.563 I give talks to two groups of lay people. 02:09:33.903 --> 02:09:35.765 So it's important that I understand this. 02:09:35.785 --> 02:09:37.627 So I'm going to ask some some questions. 02:09:38.427 --> 02:09:43.612 And the first one is, when you talk about the dendritic cells picking up the 02:09:45.550 --> 02:09:50.511 the virus or acknowledging the virus, which is outside the body. 02:09:51.431 --> 02:09:55.552 Again, you know, it comes down to what's inside and what's outside the body. 02:09:56.052 --> 02:10:07.335 The IGAs, I had a tutorial from Dolores Cahill and Dolores Cahill, as far as I'm concerned, is one of the great immunologists 02:10:08.095 --> 02:10:10.777 But I had, as I say, I had a tutorial from Dolores. 02:10:10.797 --> 02:10:22.087 I had a number of tutorials from her to try and bring myself up to speed, because I didn't really want to expose myself as particularly ignorant when you start giving lectures to people. 02:10:22.948 --> 02:10:27.312 And she tells me that, in effect, the IGA's are outside the body. 02:10:27.953 --> 02:10:29.094 And that's what you're saying, is it? 02:10:29.730 --> 02:10:30.531 Yes, that's correct. 02:10:30.571 --> 02:10:44.299 And I want to just, because you brought it up, I just go back to a slide to show you, to show you what I mean, because it's, it's actually something they don't talk about very much, but it's in every slide that they show with dendritic cells. 02:10:46.550 --> 02:10:49.533 But keep asking, I'll get this thing up while you're still listening. 02:10:49.613 --> 02:11:04.989 So my question is, what part of the virus, which protein, is it the end protein that the dendritic cells recognize at the initial contact in the respiratory system? 02:11:05.630 --> 02:11:07.112 Or is it the spike protein? 02:11:08.587 --> 02:11:28.343 So it's interesting because when they display, they make a very good point in most of the papers that I've read, that dendritic cells are amoebic cells and that they are able to reach to the outside of the alveolus and actually reach into the airway epithelium and the mucosal layer. 02:11:28.483 --> 02:11:36.449 So the interesting thing is, is that a virus, which is, if you can see my arrow, a virus that is bound by IgA, 02:11:38.140 --> 02:11:46.422 will necessarily attract the immune system because again, binding of antibodies is an indicator of flagging of a foreign particle. 02:11:46.482 --> 02:11:57.885 So when these are bound by IgA, when these dendritic cells reach in between the endothelial cells to look for antigens, they will specifically find things that are bound to IgA. 02:11:58.925 --> 02:12:01.345 And so they can reach outside and then bring them in. 02:12:01.405 --> 02:12:03.126 So I think that's what occurs. 02:12:03.926 --> 02:12:10.152 So what is required is the presence of the IgA in effect outside the body. 02:12:10.292 --> 02:12:10.833 Absolutely. 02:12:10.893 --> 02:12:11.113 Yep. 02:12:11.533 --> 02:12:13.795 And it also causes this opsonization. 02:12:13.855 --> 02:12:16.478 So it binds the multiple particles together as well. 02:12:16.498 --> 02:12:17.459 It causes them to clump. 02:12:18.119 --> 02:12:21.162 So that's the use of the word dendritic cells. 02:12:21.182 --> 02:12:25.026 Dendritic would imply sort of little arms or little tentacles on this. 02:12:25.586 --> 02:12:38.233 So that makes sense that those little tentacles could kind of reach up through the epithelial cells of the alveoli and make contact with the bound virus to the IgA. 02:12:38.454 --> 02:12:39.014 That's correct. 02:12:39.134 --> 02:12:45.858 And it's actually, there's an even beautiful thing that occurs when the dendritic cell passes the barrier of the draining lymph node. 02:12:46.398 --> 02:12:48.880 There are actually B cells that wait at the 02:12:49.640 --> 02:13:15.748 at the opening of the lymph node, and they can steal antigens from the dendritic cell and present them themselves, which is one of the ways that nonspecific B cells, which provide IgM, are activated nonspecifically, is that when the dendritic cells first come through the door, these B cells are just waiting, and they take antigens and activate themselves so that they can make IgM immediately. 02:13:15.788 --> 02:13:16.909 It's a recently found 02:13:17.889 --> 02:13:19.990 non-specific attack on viruses. 02:13:21.770 --> 02:13:36.433 The other question I'd ask then would be the memory T-cells, they recognize the presence of a previously recognized virus. 02:13:37.433 --> 02:13:44.915 So again, this comes back to the idea that it would probably have been the N protein 02:13:45.942 --> 02:13:59.714 as opposed to the spike protein, which again, the last time we were discussing it, we're saying that the spike protein had been all altered through gain function by the insertion of 19 nucleotides. 02:14:02.556 --> 02:14:03.377 Am I right there? 02:14:03.657 --> 02:14:04.277 Yeah, you are. 02:14:04.337 --> 02:14:07.920 But I think that the trick that everybody might be missing 02:14:08.857 --> 02:14:15.241 is that they try to tell you that the fear and cleavage site makes it more infectious and it's super dangerous. 02:14:15.822 --> 02:14:17.863 And we've never seen a fear and cleavage site before. 02:14:17.903 --> 02:14:27.749 But what they didn't tell you was that the fear and cleavage site means that a very small portion of the spike protein becomes a free circulating protein. 02:14:27.769 --> 02:14:32.993 And very few things are better at activating the immune system than a small free circulating protein. 02:14:33.813 --> 02:14:44.145 And it could be that their idea was to use that fear and cleavage site to make the immune system focus on that free circulating spike. 02:14:45.066 --> 02:14:51.970 And so that their immunization to it would be more specific to that portion, which would be the neutralizing antibody. 02:14:52.591 --> 02:15:13.304 So I see, what I see is some kind of weird deception where in order to shortcut the real mechanistic development of immunity, they have substituted this A specific activation of B cells that they can point to and pretend is immunity. 02:15:13.724 --> 02:15:16.909 And that's likely why this insertion was put in there. 02:15:17.730 --> 02:15:23.498 Well, I suppose this comes back to, you know, a question that has been asked, what was the point of all this? 02:15:24.119 --> 02:15:28.445 Like, you know, you know, was this was this an intentional call? 02:15:29.706 --> 02:15:37.329 are, was it purely to, as you say, an experiment, you know, driven on by mad scientists? 02:15:37.589 --> 02:15:42.590 Like, as far as you're concerned, what was the point of getting this? 02:15:43.211 --> 02:15:52.834 We have to accept that there's enough people saying that messenger RNA and lipid nanoparticles and perhaps graphene have been injected into 02:15:53.814 --> 02:15:56.955 into seven or what, six billion people around the world. 02:15:56.975 --> 02:16:01.697 I would say, Jerry, I would say that no one under 40 is saying that. 02:16:02.877 --> 02:16:07.439 I would go so far as to say that no, no one under 30 is saying that. 02:16:07.519 --> 02:16:08.219 They don't dare. 02:16:08.299 --> 02:16:08.839 Saying what? 02:16:09.119 --> 02:16:10.380 Saying what you just said. 02:16:12.521 --> 02:16:19.723 Everybody under 30 believes that something good happened and that we did the best we could and that these vaccines work and that they'll take it again. 02:16:20.796 --> 02:16:23.978 There is there are very few young adults. 02:16:23.998 --> 02:16:25.899 Well, I'd have to disagree with you. 02:16:26.240 --> 02:16:27.120 I hope you're right. 02:16:27.941 --> 02:16:29.562 Well, I was in my contact with people. 02:16:29.582 --> 02:16:32.064 And as I say, I deal with lay people. 02:16:32.364 --> 02:16:36.206 I talk to groups of people, small groups, big groups. 02:16:36.266 --> 02:16:36.747 I don't care. 02:16:36.807 --> 02:16:37.767 I go out and talk to them. 02:16:38.348 --> 02:16:42.651 And my experience is that pretty much everybody smells a rat. 02:16:43.873 --> 02:16:45.475 I hope so. 02:16:45.595 --> 02:17:03.270 And I would say, again, purely from my experience, you know, I possibly fairly unique in this from from I'm a doctor who actually goes out and visits with groups of people and talks to them and can spend four or five hours talking to people. 02:17:03.290 --> 02:17:11.176 A talk can can start at seven o'clock in the evening and go on on to 11 and we're thrown out of an establishment. 02:17:11.216 --> 02:17:11.937 Well, I wonder, Jerry, 02:17:12.197 --> 02:17:20.564 I really wonder if Ireland is small enough and they went hard enough with the vaccine passports and everything that they actually overstepped. 02:17:20.684 --> 02:17:23.327 And Ireland is more awake than other places. 02:17:23.627 --> 02:17:24.127 I don't know. 02:17:24.147 --> 02:17:24.708 I don't know. 02:17:24.728 --> 02:17:27.210 I can I can only say what my experience is. 02:17:27.710 --> 02:17:32.154 And I've been I've been struck off two years ago, over two years, years ago. 02:17:32.174 --> 02:17:40.021 And so I would have become a sort of beacon in Ireland as somebody who publicly went against it from the very beginning. 02:17:40.801 --> 02:17:40.922 And 02:17:41.602 --> 02:17:43.784 So all right, well, I will accept it. 02:17:43.804 --> 02:17:46.827 Perhaps I'm speaking to the converted, you know, like me. 02:17:46.867 --> 02:17:48.268 We're going to move, Jerry. 02:17:48.308 --> 02:17:50.149 We've got 10, 15 minutes to go. 02:17:50.169 --> 02:17:50.910 Got a lot of hands up. 02:17:50.930 --> 02:17:53.472 We'll probably go another 15 minutes, JJ, if you can. 02:17:53.893 --> 02:17:55.494 And Jerry's done a great job out there. 02:17:55.934 --> 02:17:57.195 And I'm with Jerry on this. 02:17:57.456 --> 02:18:01.339 I don't I don't get this desire to take more jabs. 02:18:01.359 --> 02:18:02.940 But anyway, we will see, JJ. 02:18:02.980 --> 02:18:04.221 I hope Jerry and I are correct. 02:18:04.461 --> 02:18:06.063 I'm talking from an Australian perspective. 02:18:07.410 --> 02:18:09.311 Can I just make one last point? 02:18:11.472 --> 02:18:23.737 The principal crime and the first crime about this was the panic spread by the propaganda and the lies to force people into the vaccine. 02:18:24.237 --> 02:18:28.419 And I don't think I think it's very, very important that we don't lose sight of that. 02:18:28.639 --> 02:18:33.701 We can go into the sort of technicalities and the science of, you know, 02:18:35.002 --> 02:18:49.832 fury and cleavage fights and all that but at the end of the day the principal crime was the crime of lying to people and that was through mis-certification of debts and I know as a GP we were we were mandated to in effect 02:18:51.050 --> 02:18:55.992 switch the cause of deaths from everything else. 02:18:56.512 --> 02:18:57.432 Where did the flu go? 02:18:57.713 --> 02:18:59.273 From everything else to COVID. 02:18:59.473 --> 02:19:02.814 And that was the first and principal crime, as far as I'm concerned. 02:19:03.075 --> 02:19:04.615 And that is what I continue to push. 02:19:05.155 --> 02:19:05.756 I agree. 02:19:05.776 --> 02:19:06.096 Correct. 02:19:06.896 --> 02:19:07.076 Yep. 02:19:07.396 --> 02:19:08.377 We're in heated agreement. 02:19:08.397 --> 02:19:09.017 Well done, Gerry. 02:19:09.037 --> 02:19:10.337 OK, Shasta. 02:19:10.357 --> 02:19:18.100 Hi, JJ. 02:19:18.340 --> 02:19:18.820 Hello. 02:19:19.661 --> 02:19:20.061 Thank you. 02:19:21.534 --> 02:19:26.538 I definitely am learning a lot about immunology from you, which I really do appreciate. 02:19:28.659 --> 02:19:41.227 I'm an acupuncturist and we don't, from my perspective, there's many other causes of diseases like chill, wind, damp, dry, weakness of the body that would make somebody be sick. 02:19:41.347 --> 02:19:43.929 So I don't totally, 02:19:44.449 --> 02:19:59.948 by endoverology, but I wanted to know what, you know, my confusion with your hypothesis of virus clones is how you're alleging that if we can't find an original isolate of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 02:20:01.550 --> 02:20:21.544 I've read through all of the original research papers of all the the original Wuhan man who got it, the one guy who had it, and I know that the sequences changed like within 24 hours according to the documentation there was no real clear one set sequence. 02:20:22.285 --> 02:20:22.765 So I 02:20:23.908 --> 02:20:26.831 You know, I agree with you that we've been lied to. 02:20:26.851 --> 02:20:30.135 I believe we've been all the way lied to. 02:20:30.716 --> 02:20:32.818 There wasn't even anything. 02:20:32.898 --> 02:20:36.462 I think they just relabeled the flu and many other things. 02:20:36.502 --> 02:20:43.891 There may have been some 2019 flu vaccine with 5G that may have made some people sick in a different way. 02:20:45.256 --> 02:20:50.499 from my experience in my clinic, there were less people sick that year, and I believe around the world. 02:20:50.919 --> 02:20:59.523 So, how do you have this hypothesis of a virus clone when we can't find an actual clear isolate of a SARS-CoV-2 virus? 02:21:00.283 --> 02:21:12.890 So, it's a good question, but I think, again, you're, you are part of, partly trapped in this, in this idea that no virus is a position that's valid. 02:21:13.720 --> 02:21:14.281 And it's not. 02:21:15.001 --> 02:21:16.883 And I'm not trying to be condescending. 02:21:16.923 --> 02:21:22.307 I'm trying to suggest that you can't take the position that automobiles don't exist because they're outside. 02:21:23.088 --> 02:21:28.753 And you can't take the position that viruses don't exist because we have a hard time isolating them. 02:21:29.373 --> 02:21:35.638 So I'm totally on the team of saying that how we find coronaviruses is very 02:21:37.519 --> 02:21:48.264 low fidelity, that we look for genetic signatures in the wild that most of the time we can't culture and we can never sustain in a laboratory setting. 02:21:49.284 --> 02:21:53.826 And we look for that genetic signature and make a DNA approximation of it. 02:21:54.686 --> 02:21:57.307 And that's what all of RNA virology is. 02:21:57.407 --> 02:22:03.029 Now, if you want to argue that that means that most of RNA virology is smoke and mirrors, you're totally on side. 02:22:03.069 --> 02:22:04.270 And I totally agree with you. 02:22:05.094 --> 02:22:19.683 But what I'm suggesting is, is that the molecular biologists who think they know what they're doing are not just moving around little Lego pieces and pretending that they're getting the results that they get. 02:22:20.578 --> 02:22:35.884 When they sequence with 99 nested primers and they get 98 amplicons and they put them and they assemble them in Italy and they assembled them in Washington, they assembled the sequence that was incredibly close to one another. 02:22:36.812 --> 02:22:38.655 And those experiments aren't fake. 02:22:39.055 --> 02:22:49.550 How they did it, they took a sample from a patient, they put it in a cell culture, they got a bunch of RNA, they made a sequence, and they said they found a virus. 02:22:49.970 --> 02:22:50.952 Is that legitimate? 02:22:51.553 --> 02:22:52.214 I'm not sure. 02:22:53.271 --> 02:22:56.753 But what they find there is definitely a genetic sequence. 02:22:57.514 --> 02:23:17.308 And I have, over the past few lectures, delineated known methodologies that have been used in hundreds of labs around the world for decades to take an RNA sequence and make it a DNA approximation of it and use that as a proxy in a laboratory. 02:23:17.828 --> 02:23:19.910 And that known technology 02:23:20.782 --> 02:23:34.087 would be sufficient to create the molecular signal that the WHO, the CDC, the EU, the CEPI, and all of these other organizations have pointed to that indicates a pandemic. 02:23:34.187 --> 02:23:42.930 It's not a pandemic, but I'm trying to give you a plausible way that a crime scene could be created that had the real data. 02:23:43.890 --> 02:23:46.151 It's not an isolation of a real virus. 02:23:46.211 --> 02:23:48.532 It's not proving a real pathogen. 02:23:49.380 --> 02:23:53.886 but it is creating the crime scene that appears to look like that. 02:23:54.326 --> 02:24:01.395 And so when you say there's no virus, you're not wrong, but you're saying there's no virus means there's no crime. 02:24:02.236 --> 02:24:06.762 And there was definitely a crime because they didn't just convince people to tell a story. 02:24:07.674 --> 02:24:19.903 without a reason in the same way that the buildings fell on 9-11, but maybe not for the reason that everybody thinks, but the buildings had to fall or the war on terror would have never been started. 02:24:19.944 --> 02:24:21.865 And the Patriot Act would have never been passed. 02:24:22.285 --> 02:24:27.669 And I'm arguing that some of these molecular signatures at the beginning were probably real. 02:24:28.110 --> 02:24:30.872 And we've had the technology to plant them for decades. 02:24:31.472 --> 02:24:32.033 That's what I mean. 02:24:33.639 --> 02:24:44.083 I got that, but I don't think that asking if something's isolated means that I don't think there was a crime, because I definitely think there was. 02:24:44.643 --> 02:24:46.884 I think we both want the same thing. 02:24:46.904 --> 02:24:59.969 I look at the Seventh-day Adventists as Christian scientists, the Amish, and even myself as a holistic medicine person who doesn't believe in viruses at this point, only because of what I learned over the last three years. 02:25:01.830 --> 02:25:22.710 if we don't believe in it, and those people have chosen not to, and they didn't end up getting very sick or impacted the way the 81-year-olds, 90% of the people who allegedly got it in America were 81 years old, then is it possible that all of that story of 02:25:25.713 --> 02:25:35.237 original viruses and virus clones could just be people have been poisoned or psychosomatically working themselves up into being sick. 02:25:36.518 --> 02:25:37.378 Is that possible? 02:25:37.859 --> 02:25:39.639 That it could be certain kinds of poison? 02:25:39.699 --> 02:25:45.722 I guess you're not really listening because you really want me to say that there's no virus. 02:25:46.603 --> 02:25:47.703 No, I don't want you to say it. 02:25:47.723 --> 02:25:48.503 I'm trying. 02:25:48.603 --> 02:25:50.444 I've already said that. 02:25:50.724 --> 02:25:53.866 I've already said that you only need to really wait. 02:25:54.881 --> 02:25:55.721 I've already said it. 02:25:56.321 --> 02:26:02.843 I've already said that it could be an aerosolized poison like cyanide or anything else that was done. 02:26:03.283 --> 02:26:21.848 I've said that multiple times because the only cases in the beginning that needed to have a clone would be ones that were really sequenced, really cultured, like the guy in Washington that supposedly they took a sample and it grew in Vero6 cells and they could sequence it and send it to the CDC. 02:26:22.808 --> 02:26:24.690 That's normally not possible. 02:26:25.451 --> 02:26:32.259 And so if that really occurred, and it really happened in a laboratory where a technician was like, look, it's growing. 02:26:32.919 --> 02:26:36.203 And then they put it in a sequencing machine and they really got a sequence. 02:26:36.664 --> 02:26:38.506 And all those people were fooled. 02:26:39.126 --> 02:26:40.308 They could have done it with a clone. 02:26:41.161 --> 02:26:43.542 and they would not have needed to do it anywhere else. 02:26:44.163 --> 02:26:46.204 Everybody else could have been normally sick. 02:26:46.764 --> 02:26:54.289 Everybody else could have been mistreated by the wrong protocols and because there was a financial incentive to apply the test. 02:26:54.989 --> 02:26:56.670 I'm not disagreeing with you. 02:26:57.150 --> 02:27:00.172 I just don't know why you need to insist. 02:27:00.512 --> 02:27:01.553 I'm not arguing with you. 02:27:02.293 --> 02:27:03.113 I'm inquiring. 02:27:03.133 --> 02:27:04.814 Okay Shasta, come on, come on, come on. 02:27:04.974 --> 02:27:05.955 We've explored it. 02:27:05.975 --> 02:27:07.435 We've got to keep, we've got a lot of hands up. 02:27:07.836 --> 02:27:09.076 I don't have any more questions. 02:27:09.296 --> 02:27:09.737 Thank you. 02:27:09.797 --> 02:27:10.337 I'm sorry. 02:27:10.397 --> 02:27:14.679 I just, it is frustrating because it's, it's, it's a lot of disagreement over nothing. 02:27:16.760 --> 02:27:17.520 Thank you Shasta. 02:27:18.160 --> 02:27:18.381 Jack. 02:27:18.401 --> 02:27:20.802 Thank you. 02:27:20.822 --> 02:27:21.162 Okay. 02:27:21.242 --> 02:27:23.863 We're going to be quick everybody. 02:27:23.883 --> 02:27:25.224 We've got two, four, six hands up. 02:27:25.524 --> 02:27:28.505 Uh, JJ, are you okay till, let's go 15 minutes over. 02:27:28.545 --> 02:27:28.805 I'm fine. 02:27:28.885 --> 02:27:29.246 I'm fine. 02:27:29.266 --> 02:27:29.706 It doesn't matter. 02:27:30.593 --> 02:27:31.473 OK, 20 minutes, everybody. 02:27:31.513 --> 02:27:32.574 We're going to be tight. 02:27:33.314 --> 02:27:33.574 Jack? 02:27:33.634 --> 02:27:40.356 Well, JJ, I was very impressed with the extreme complexity of your deconstruction of this. 02:27:41.536 --> 02:27:44.437 And I'm a retired psychologist. 02:27:45.617 --> 02:27:52.779 And my first year of duty as a psychologist was with the US Army during the Vietnam War. 02:27:53.379 --> 02:27:55.999 So I've been watching this empire for a long time. 02:27:58.658 --> 02:28:07.541 I've seen a continuous pattern of terrorism by our government against our people. 02:28:10.662 --> 02:28:20.225 The only time any atom bombs have ever been dropped is by us, two of them, to end the World War II, and they were unnecessary. 02:28:20.465 --> 02:28:21.325 We were lied to. 02:28:21.345 --> 02:28:24.886 The Gulf of Tonkin never happened. 02:28:25.461 --> 02:28:26.461 We were lied to. 02:28:29.662 --> 02:28:30.903 The towers fell down. 02:28:30.923 --> 02:28:32.763 It was obviously an inside job. 02:28:33.224 --> 02:28:40.526 George Bush declared the very same day that bin Laden did it, and that we were lied to. 02:28:41.466 --> 02:28:46.628 There were anthrax released right after that, and we were lied to about that. 02:28:46.688 --> 02:28:47.949 They came from Fort Detrick. 02:28:48.709 --> 02:28:51.130 They were trying to frame Saddam or bin Laden for this. 02:28:52.871 --> 02:28:55.112 There were no WMDs in Iraq. 02:28:55.172 --> 02:29:00.994 How many times do we have to be lied to and terrorized into submission? 02:29:02.635 --> 02:29:04.896 This has happened throughout my entire life. 02:29:05.536 --> 02:29:05.936 The U.S. 02:29:05.976 --> 02:29:12.399 government has never told us the truth, never, about any important event of this kind. 02:29:13.419 --> 02:29:16.241 So of course we were lied to about this COVID thing. 02:29:17.121 --> 02:29:19.422 And that was pretty obvious right from the beginning. 02:29:20.379 --> 02:29:26.944 Now, I agree with you, JJ, about the likely distribution of the viruses. 02:29:26.984 --> 02:29:33.969 There probably were viruses, because the CIA can distribute anything it wants, anywhere it wants, anytime it wants. 02:29:34.770 --> 02:29:41.755 And what struck me initially, very interesting, is that it appeared suddenly in Wuhan, in China, our number one economic rival. 02:29:42.355 --> 02:29:47.459 Then it suddenly turns up in Iran, our number one regime change target. 02:29:48.419 --> 02:29:54.023 Then it showed up in Northern Italy, and I wondered, well, why would the CIA be targeting Italy? 02:29:54.283 --> 02:29:56.364 I looked up something about the government of Italy. 02:29:57.025 --> 02:30:00.087 They had a government at that time that was talking about leaving the EU. 02:30:00.827 --> 02:30:02.588 That would have collapsed the EU. 02:30:03.089 --> 02:30:04.690 They were talking about leaving NATO. 02:30:05.510 --> 02:30:08.432 And all of a sudden, their intentions are distracted by this. 02:30:09.833 --> 02:30:12.115 So I think you're absolutely right about your 02:30:13.479 --> 02:30:14.439 your speculations. 02:30:14.499 --> 02:30:21.182 And the important thing to me is that as a psychologist is how difficult this was for you to explain. 02:30:21.902 --> 02:30:31.286 I mean, it took so much time, so much study, so much detail, so much exactness, way beyond what the general public will ever understand. 02:30:32.326 --> 02:30:35.027 And it's the same with every other terror campaign. 02:30:36.228 --> 02:30:37.168 It's been communist. 02:30:37.428 --> 02:30:39.569 Look out for unattended briefcase. 02:30:39.609 --> 02:30:42.150 You can't tell a communist from a human being, you know. 02:30:42.958 --> 02:30:47.379 And then when the Soviet Union collapses, we have terrorism. 02:30:47.539 --> 02:30:55.781 Well, you can't tell a terrorist from any other black hair, tan skin person, right? 02:30:55.801 --> 02:30:57.961 I mean, 90% of the world could look like a terrorist. 02:30:58.321 --> 02:31:05.283 So we have been constantly terrorized by phenomena that were essentially invisible, indiscriminable. 02:31:06.463 --> 02:31:10.185 And the COVID scenario fits into the same pattern. 02:31:10.886 --> 02:31:12.887 It's opaque. 02:31:13.107 --> 02:31:16.529 It's very difficult to prove or to explain. 02:31:17.150 --> 02:31:18.571 And so it just fits perfectly. 02:31:18.931 --> 02:31:21.953 So I agree totally with that. 02:31:21.973 --> 02:31:29.137 And I'm very appreciative of the enormous time and effort you've put into trying to unravel this mystery. 02:31:31.059 --> 02:31:32.300 Thank you very much for the compliment. 02:31:33.991 --> 02:31:35.852 Well said, well said, Jack. 02:31:36.152 --> 02:31:36.432 Jim? 02:31:41.293 --> 02:31:42.014 Jim, you're muted. 02:31:43.094 --> 02:31:43.414 Thank you. 02:31:46.535 --> 02:31:47.215 Thanks, JJ. 02:31:47.235 --> 02:31:47.716 That was great. 02:31:50.959 --> 02:31:55.240 I am not sure if this is working right now. 02:31:55.640 --> 02:31:57.181 I see it. 02:31:57.561 --> 02:31:58.441 I can hear you. 02:31:59.041 --> 02:31:59.261 Great. 02:31:59.701 --> 02:31:59.941 Thanks. 02:32:02.362 --> 02:32:14.065 You're right on point with everything, including that the T cell and NK cells are the real immune system that we have to use but not measure. 02:32:15.841 --> 02:32:23.005 And I gave an example in there and somebody here is they was the primary care of a ten-year-old who? 02:32:23.666 --> 02:32:28.289 Got I who got kovat symptoms kovat kovat symptoms. 02:32:28.349 --> 02:32:30.650 I put that in quotes and then what? 02:32:32.251 --> 02:32:40.617 Tested with a blood test IgM IgG positive, excuse me IgM positive but not IgG positive ten-year-old and 02:32:41.198 --> 02:32:49.804 was given chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, very low dose for a couple of days, symptoms went free, took the blood test again. 02:32:50.884 --> 02:33:01.051 This time IgM negative, IgG negative, never went to IgG positive, all right? 02:33:01.691 --> 02:33:02.652 That's critical. 02:33:03.613 --> 02:33:05.074 What happened with that 10-year-old? 02:33:05.968 --> 02:33:09.672 exactly what you said, T cells, NK cells. 02:33:10.473 --> 02:33:11.735 That's the issue. 02:33:11.935 --> 02:33:12.235 Okay. 02:33:12.275 --> 02:33:14.818 And we have the primary care doc on this chat. 02:33:14.858 --> 02:33:16.220 I won't signal that person out. 02:33:16.981 --> 02:33:17.321 Okay. 02:33:18.983 --> 02:33:20.204 That's very important. 02:33:20.545 --> 02:33:23.748 Now, a couple of more things that you said that are very critical. 02:33:25.050 --> 02:33:26.612 Only late in the infection 02:33:27.674 --> 02:33:33.659 does that glycosylated protein go out and attach to T cells, okay? 02:33:34.059 --> 02:33:44.407 Early on, the glycosylated protein is concentrating on the ACE2 receptor aspect of it, where it's killing your, where it's replicating itself, okay? 02:33:45.088 --> 02:33:48.251 But only late in the game, in the, in the, um, 02:33:50.686 --> 02:33:54.108 the study that was done at the Veterans Administration, okay? 02:33:54.529 --> 02:34:02.114 Only late in the game did the study in the Veterans Administration show that the people with the T-cell damage had the worst outcomes. 02:34:04.135 --> 02:34:08.379 So I want you to think about this, and you've already gotten it right. 02:34:10.180 --> 02:34:15.984 The T-cells, early in the infection, the T-cells aren't killed off by the GP120, GP41 spike, okay? 02:34:19.777 --> 02:34:31.665 afterward, when there's so much spike protein that is pouring out of your nose and you're PCR positive, only then do you get the T cell damage. 02:34:32.205 --> 02:34:32.546 You see? 02:34:34.087 --> 02:34:40.531 And that fits in with your theory, where early on, if you treat it early with the hydroxychloric, when you block the ACE2 receptor, 02:34:41.727 --> 02:34:43.108 then nothing happens. 02:34:43.749 --> 02:34:51.055 Then you get your, as the 10 year old did, your NK cell and your T cell fix. 02:34:52.196 --> 02:34:56.660 So I think I sent you an email and I'd like to communicate with you further on this stuff. 02:34:57.701 --> 02:35:07.249 So a couple of things, the intelligence agencies, if you think about this as an intelligence agency operation, they would only have to invent the spike protein. 02:35:08.948 --> 02:35:12.091 Okay, not the coronavirus, spike protein. 02:35:12.271 --> 02:35:13.392 I agree with that totally. 02:35:13.452 --> 02:35:20.037 The other thing to realize is that directed evolution techniques are only useful on a protein binding basis. 02:35:20.057 --> 02:35:23.300 They're not useful for like for a virus. 02:35:24.881 --> 02:35:38.112 So if the intelligence agencies invented the spike protein, took the furin cleavage site and put it in there between the S1 and the S2 segments, and there's a TMPRSS2 cleavage site at the same place, 02:35:39.013 --> 02:35:41.914 that gives some specificity to it I can talk about later on. 02:35:43.275 --> 02:35:48.077 So if they put that in there, and they put in the and they have the GP 120 GP 41 in there, then 02:35:51.297 --> 02:36:03.485 First off, the ACE2 receptor binds and replicates, and then the T cell, only after the replication of the spike protein so much that you're getting PCR positive, is coming in. 02:36:03.526 --> 02:36:04.086 Well, you get that. 02:36:04.146 --> 02:36:05.247 I'm going to go to the next topic. 02:36:05.587 --> 02:36:06.448 You asked a question. 02:36:06.868 --> 02:36:12.772 What could they spread for miles and give you the same symptoms as COVID? 02:36:13.693 --> 02:36:15.694 And the answer is coxillia bernetti. 02:36:17.175 --> 02:36:18.676 Are you familiar with Q fever? 02:36:19.276 --> 02:36:19.497 Yes. 02:36:21.132 --> 02:36:23.154 Axellia burnetii can spread for miles. 02:36:23.934 --> 02:36:24.314 Okay. 02:36:25.695 --> 02:36:29.298 And that gives the identical symptoms to COVID. 02:36:30.039 --> 02:36:35.302 And it's treated by exactly what COVID is treated with hydroxychloroquine. 02:36:36.643 --> 02:36:41.807 The person who came up with that treatment did not do a double blinded placebo controlled study. 02:36:42.928 --> 02:36:45.229 Yet that person is 02:36:46.660 --> 02:36:48.881 Who came up with that, the treatment for it? 02:36:49.481 --> 02:36:51.282 It's under the CDC protocol. 02:36:51.422 --> 02:36:55.044 And it was the same guy who was chastised from France. 02:36:55.664 --> 02:36:56.204 Give me his name. 02:36:56.244 --> 02:36:57.705 I'm forgetting his name. 02:36:58.345 --> 02:36:59.085 Yeah. 02:36:59.725 --> 02:37:00.586 No, not Montagnier. 02:37:01.806 --> 02:37:04.247 Didier Raoult, thank you. 02:37:04.788 --> 02:37:06.828 Didier Raoult came up with that treatment. 02:37:07.309 --> 02:37:09.569 He did not do a double blind placebo control. 02:37:09.610 --> 02:37:13.111 He said this fits with this, this fits with this, treat him with hydroxychloroquine, boom, gone. 02:37:13.897 --> 02:37:21.522 And if we prophylax, and here's the secret, if we prophylax with hydroxychloroquine, we won't get the damn Q fever. 02:37:22.803 --> 02:37:23.824 And here's another secret. 02:37:24.544 --> 02:37:29.667 Before you give the Q fever vaccine, you must test for antibodies. 02:37:30.008 --> 02:37:30.388 You know that? 02:37:31.549 --> 02:37:34.070 Yeah, it's like dengue fever and a lot of others as well. 02:37:34.150 --> 02:37:35.091 Okay, Jim, hurry up. 02:37:35.131 --> 02:37:36.392 We're running out of time. 02:37:36.452 --> 02:37:38.073 It's very, it's very terrible. 02:37:38.093 --> 02:37:38.153 Yep. 02:37:38.956 --> 02:37:40.697 Yeah, I know, but we haven't got endless time. 02:37:40.717 --> 02:37:43.158 I apologize. 02:37:43.438 --> 02:37:51.282 So the question is, is the SARS-CoV-2, so why didn't the Congress, so my question is, why didn't Congress ask to declassify the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein? 02:37:51.522 --> 02:37:51.762 Thank you. 02:37:52.834 --> 02:38:08.335 I don't know about declassifying it, but I do think it's important to reflect back on the lady that was asking about there not being a virus and piggyback on what was just said by Jim, and that is the transfection of the spike alone 02:38:09.176 --> 02:38:14.421 in the lungs would cause a lot of the symptomology, the ARDS and everything else. 02:38:14.441 --> 02:38:23.628 So again, you wouldn't even need to release a clone of an entire SARS-CoV-2 with the exception of the idea of getting the whole sequence to show up in the lab. 02:38:24.429 --> 02:38:31.851 The reason why you might not need to do that is because the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and the N-protein are homologous across coronaviruses. 02:38:32.352 --> 02:38:40.034 So if you express the spike and those other two were just there in the background, you would also get a PCR positive on all three amplicons. 02:38:40.094 --> 02:38:46.396 But I think that's less foolproof than putting a clone in a few places, but it's possible for sure. 02:38:48.266 --> 02:38:49.327 OK, thank you. 02:38:49.667 --> 02:38:53.089 Jim, there's another Jim in the queue before Teresa and then Glyn. 02:38:53.109 --> 02:38:55.190 I presume that's yours. 02:38:55.931 --> 02:38:56.291 That was me. 02:38:56.331 --> 02:38:56.611 I'm out. 02:38:57.351 --> 02:38:58.012 OK, Teresa. 02:38:58.472 --> 02:38:59.713 Teresa, then Glyn. 02:39:00.033 --> 02:39:00.553 Jesus. 02:39:01.514 --> 02:39:01.794 Hi. 02:39:01.834 --> 02:39:02.294 Sorry. 02:39:02.594 --> 02:39:03.115 Thanks, Charles. 02:39:05.396 --> 02:39:07.938 OK, I'm going to have a very brief rant here. 02:39:08.851 --> 02:39:10.112 There's three main questions. 02:39:10.132 --> 02:39:11.653 Time for a break for Ed. 02:39:11.753 --> 02:39:12.754 It's the question. 02:39:13.314 --> 02:39:14.635 Virus versus no virus. 02:39:14.675 --> 02:39:15.876 Look, I can deal with that, OK? 02:39:16.196 --> 02:39:16.876 There's a toxin. 02:39:17.016 --> 02:39:20.739 It appears that they're using multiple vectors, including synthetic viruses. 02:39:20.839 --> 02:39:21.780 I can get behind that. 02:39:22.620 --> 02:39:25.322 COVID-19 versus no COVID-19. 02:39:25.842 --> 02:39:28.184 That makes me want to stick knitting needles in my eyes. 02:39:28.744 --> 02:39:32.487 Many people in this group have been severely sick with COVID-19. 02:39:32.587 --> 02:39:33.908 It's not the flu. 02:39:34.688 --> 02:39:37.670 But the question, is there a spike protein? 02:39:38.050 --> 02:39:41.793 Now that makes me want to scoop my eyeballs out with spoons and deep fry them. 02:39:42.353 --> 02:39:43.554 We've got the murder weapon. 02:39:43.874 --> 02:39:45.775 The spike protein is cardiotoxic. 02:39:45.835 --> 02:39:47.777 People are dying of cardiotoxicity. 02:39:48.337 --> 02:39:49.478 It's neurotoxic. 02:39:49.698 --> 02:39:50.859 It's got a prion domain. 02:39:51.379 --> 02:39:53.220 It's causing dementia and CJD. 02:39:53.260 --> 02:39:56.442 I've got two aunties that have got severe dementia after their jabs. 02:39:56.863 --> 02:39:59.224 People are dying from this neurotoxicity. 02:39:59.264 --> 02:40:00.005 We've got dementia. 02:40:00.025 --> 02:40:00.605 We've got CJD. 02:40:01.906 --> 02:40:07.733 Despite protein is cytotoxic, immunotoxic, it's destroying CD8 killer T cells or making them kill themselves. 02:40:08.153 --> 02:40:11.297 It's interfering with the BRCA and p53 systems. 02:40:11.657 --> 02:40:14.961 It's triggering cancers and preventing the suppression of tumors. 02:40:15.301 --> 02:40:17.083 People are dying of turbo cancer. 02:40:17.143 --> 02:40:18.424 I've lost two relatives. 02:40:19.085 --> 02:40:27.349 Okay, the spike proteins interfering with the mitochondria in the brain cells people are struggling struggling with What's the question even me right? 02:40:27.570 --> 02:40:32.612 Can we please stop questioning the existence of the spike protein JJ? 02:40:32.632 --> 02:40:37.555 You're highly Valued by this group you are respected by this group. 02:40:37.955 --> 02:40:41.717 Can you please help me put this one to rest because believe me? 02:40:41.817 --> 02:40:45.619 I don't want to scoop my eyeballs out, but I'm on the verge of it so 02:40:48.408 --> 02:40:56.935 I agree, but I have a hard time with the separation of the shot from the virus. 02:40:57.015 --> 02:41:09.487 So it's still not clear to me if the... I don't know really how to say it other than I don't know that we can 02:41:11.858 --> 02:41:29.137 For me right now, the most important data that just came out was that they analyzed women who were having menstruation problems that were not vaccinated and those women still had spike protein in their bodies when they were working in places where there were people vaccinated, so they seem to have 02:41:30.018 --> 02:41:36.925 direct evidence that not only is the spike protein being shed, but it's interacting with other people's immune systems. 02:41:37.386 --> 02:41:47.276 Of course, you know that this was in the papers of the investigational vaccines from the FDA, and they said that you shouldn't have sex with people that are vaccinated, yada, yada, yada. 02:41:47.756 --> 02:41:52.881 So they knew that the protein was going to be produced in enough quantity that you might shed it. 02:41:53.562 --> 02:41:56.403 And so they also knew that shedding it would be a problem. 02:41:56.443 --> 02:42:00.185 Now, if they thought that the protein was inert, then why would it be a problem? 02:42:00.245 --> 02:42:02.626 So I'm not disagreeing with you. 02:42:04.526 --> 02:42:08.448 I just don't know how to reconcile how we 02:42:10.700 --> 02:42:15.643 I don't know how to reconcile the people that got sick in 2019 with the people who got sick with 2020. 02:42:16.064 --> 02:42:19.566 I don't know how to reconcile the people who got very sick after they went to the hospital. 02:42:20.487 --> 02:42:29.433 The people that I do take seriously are people like myself, who had two really bad sicknesses the spring or really early spring of 2019. 02:42:29.473 --> 02:42:32.595 And then again, in the fall of 2020 or the fall of 2019, I was super sick. 02:42:33.015 --> 02:42:34.056 The most, 02:42:39.099 --> 02:42:44.162 chills and like painful lungs that I had had in my, I could remember in my adult memory. 02:42:46.323 --> 02:42:48.543 But that was before the pandemic was declared. 02:42:48.604 --> 02:42:53.146 And so I would say, yes, I also had something like that, but I don't have long COVID. 02:42:53.186 --> 02:42:55.246 I don't have, didn't have any long-term side effects. 02:42:55.727 --> 02:42:57.187 I was on my bike the next week. 02:42:58.128 --> 02:43:02.710 So I just don't know how sure we can be 02:43:03.601 --> 02:43:06.565 that what we just had was some kind of anomaly. 02:43:07.285 --> 02:43:13.773 I don't know if five years from now I'm not gonna be sick like that again and then look back and say, hey, wait a minute, maybe what I had in 2019 was just a rare normal thing. 02:43:16.158 --> 02:43:19.661 And so I'm not discounting anybody that got sick. 02:43:20.281 --> 02:43:23.044 I'm discounting the fact that nobody got sick before this. 02:43:23.684 --> 02:43:24.405 Of course we did. 02:43:24.765 --> 02:43:26.967 And of course people went to the hospital with pneumonia. 02:43:27.327 --> 02:43:33.633 And of course people didn't go to the hospital with pneumonia and stayed home and had the worst sickness of their recent life. 02:43:34.414 --> 02:43:35.975 That's been happening for all time. 02:43:36.555 --> 02:43:39.596 Maybe I had pneumonia in 2019 and didn't go to the hospital. 02:43:40.036 --> 02:43:48.919 It sure hurt, but I don't know if that necessarily means now there's a novel pathogen that's never encountered a human before, because that's a big jump. 02:43:50.940 --> 02:43:51.720 Well, okay. 02:43:51.780 --> 02:43:52.540 Thank you, JJ. 02:43:53.301 --> 02:43:54.941 No, thank you, Teresa. 02:43:55.181 --> 02:43:59.243 Glenn is next, and then Stephen, and then we're stopping. 02:43:59.263 --> 02:44:03.264 So Sandra and John, no time. 02:44:05.842 --> 02:44:10.907 I'm in a tornado area, so that's why I've got my video off. 02:44:10.947 --> 02:44:13.209 I'm going to put it on, hoping I don't lose the signal. 02:44:15.251 --> 02:44:17.733 All right, Vera, I'm so glad you're still here. 02:44:17.793 --> 02:44:21.897 If you could come off, Mike, so you could contribute to this discussion, I'd very much appreciate it. 02:44:21.997 --> 02:44:22.677 No discussion. 02:44:22.717 --> 02:44:23.538 We're going to be quick. 02:44:23.558 --> 02:44:24.539 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 02:44:24.819 --> 02:44:26.020 Give me a moment, child, please. 02:44:26.281 --> 02:44:26.421 No. 02:44:27.512 --> 02:44:29.253 Come on, I've already given 15 minutes. 02:44:29.313 --> 02:44:29.894 Go quick. 02:44:30.374 --> 02:44:32.016 I I excuse me. 02:44:32.176 --> 02:44:35.458 The reason I use the Lord's name in vain was an emotional one. 02:44:35.538 --> 02:44:36.439 I thought I was next. 02:44:36.719 --> 02:44:38.060 I was in fact time order. 02:44:38.181 --> 02:44:40.422 I was ahead of both Teresa and Jim. 02:44:40.943 --> 02:44:44.285 In order for you to see the order, you have to look at gallery mode. 02:44:44.466 --> 02:44:46.587 OK, I'm going to I've been in go. 02:44:46.627 --> 02:44:47.388 Don't argue with me. 02:44:48.214 --> 02:44:51.997 All right, so my focus here is around saving humanity. 02:44:52.357 --> 02:45:01.664 And as part of that, I would like to advance, JJ, one of the things that you brought up last time in a subtle way this time. 02:45:02.044 --> 02:45:05.687 And that's how do we make progress and how do we make steps forward? 02:45:06.047 --> 02:45:12.692 And you indicated a concern that you have started to get more of JFK's opinion 02:45:13.582 --> 02:45:18.667 Uh, but unfortunately too much of his opinion is still being shaped by Robert Malone. 02:45:19.167 --> 02:45:26.774 And, and that, that is, uh, potentially dangerous because we, many of the things he is saying are suspect now, uh, 02:45:28.553 --> 02:45:47.805 I, I believe there are a range of people here that are still here that have been on for a long time that have connections with, with RFK and could help influence him to believe more in you because that you, you are so brilliant, both on a, on a tactical and detail level, as well as a strategic one. 02:45:48.625 --> 02:45:55.930 And, and if we could get more of your opinion to be adopted by, uh, by JFK, I think that'd be wonderful. 02:45:56.310 --> 02:45:57.291 Now I have a. 02:45:57.984 --> 02:46:06.467 and all the specific things, but this is why Charles, I wanted to have Vera be able to respond. 02:46:06.667 --> 02:46:15.210 I believe she has strong connections and whether or not she could help JJ and all of us from saving humanity. 02:46:15.230 --> 02:46:17.790 I wonder if I just short through the corner here. 02:46:19.571 --> 02:46:20.752 Bobby called me last night. 02:46:21.513 --> 02:46:23.856 I talk to him probably once a week. 02:46:25.297 --> 02:46:31.403 I'm probably not going to talk to him this month now because he's doing all kinds of traveling and I'm helping him with the Wuhan book that he's writing. 02:46:33.185 --> 02:46:38.270 As far as I can tell, right now when Bobby has a hard question about this, he calls me. 02:46:39.652 --> 02:47:08.082 And as far as I can tell You know that that's that's the pattern that we're having going forward now It's not to say that he doesn't respect Robert and he doesn't still think that Robert has put his career on the line to help save the world and Whether or not I agree with that Interpretation is irrelevant because I see Robert F Kennedy jr as the kind of guy who would keep his enemies even closer than his friends and so even if even if 02:47:09.588 --> 02:47:11.772 Bobby doubts Roberts integrity. 02:47:12.393 --> 02:47:22.169 He's going to keep him close and he's going to hold him close because again, he came out through him and through Brett Weinstein and it's his best interest not to 02:47:23.948 --> 02:47:41.531 I see Bobby as being somebody who has to balance on such a dangerous ball of influence and control and he has to push the ball in directions that he knows he can get away with while very carefully walking certain lines to avoid complete and total annihilation in the public sphere. 02:47:42.252 --> 02:47:49.013 And so coupled with the fact that there's all these people that are just waiting for him to screw up, I think that 02:47:49.833 --> 02:47:57.237 long after he has decided to stop being influenced by a particular person, that person will find out. 02:47:57.457 --> 02:48:13.125 And so I think it's important to keep optimistic because I am, I am, I do have his ear and I am able to send him emails and he does read them and so far we are still collaborating. 02:48:13.165 --> 02:48:15.546 So I would be very optimistic and 02:48:16.607 --> 02:48:23.050 You know, I'm just trying to do it as subtly as I possibly can because Robert Malone sues people that he doesn't agree with. 02:48:23.130 --> 02:48:32.374 And so I'm just trying to ask questions and point out that his track record before the pandemic is one of an extreme insider. 02:48:33.474 --> 02:48:41.098 And now that he's a horse breeder, we shouldn't think of him as a poor farmer because horse breeding is a very rich person's hobby. 02:48:42.000 --> 02:48:45.381 And so we're really not looking at somebody who's struggling. 02:48:45.421 --> 02:48:52.704 We're looking at somebody who has done very well as a vaccine technology broker for more than 15 years. 02:48:52.804 --> 02:48:56.865 And if he has indeed burnt those bridges, that's wonderful. 02:48:57.385 --> 02:49:05.188 But I don't think that that conclusion is the most obvious one to come to given his, you know, track record of the last two years. 02:49:05.288 --> 02:49:07.329 I would say that's about where I'm at right now. 02:49:08.149 --> 02:49:10.530 And I don't think that, that, um, 02:49:11.895 --> 02:49:14.036 the people that you're worried about are unaware of that. 02:49:14.716 --> 02:49:15.656 That's the way I would say it. 02:49:16.936 --> 02:49:23.338 Okay, so now let me ask the question that for specifically what my looking to and going forward. 02:49:24.058 --> 02:49:31.040 In general, I believe the way you describe things, that no matter what your spiritual grounding is, 02:49:32.068 --> 02:49:43.801 that everyone should trust in God's creation because of what a marvelous set of flesh that he has created and capable of handling so many different things. 02:49:44.242 --> 02:49:51.350 So because of your skill set of going across both detail and tactical and strategic, 02:49:52.591 --> 02:50:10.402 My recommendation to you is that this video you've just done be the key thing that gets repeated, that you don't need to go on a roadshow and have your time consumed, and that would be so much better off joining a strategic team around being in the centerpiece of the planning. 02:50:10.422 --> 02:50:11.342 Okay, that's a comment, not a question. 02:50:11.382 --> 02:50:11.843 Hold on. 02:50:12.763 --> 02:50:19.988 So then my question is, are you willing to join my team together with 02:50:21.010 --> 02:50:35.873 Jerry Brady and Sam Dubay and Raymond Strom, all of us who are on this call and active in trying to promote a world strategy that engages the public and moves us forward. 02:50:35.893 --> 02:50:36.353 Absolutely. 02:50:36.473 --> 02:50:37.633 Just give me an email. 02:50:37.673 --> 02:50:38.353 I would love to. 02:50:38.493 --> 02:50:40.074 I mean, this is what I do. 02:50:40.094 --> 02:50:41.034 Okay, there's your answer. 02:50:41.494 --> 02:50:41.854 Excellent. 02:50:42.174 --> 02:50:42.854 Great question. 02:50:43.654 --> 02:50:44.034 Thank you. 02:50:44.074 --> 02:50:44.354 Thank you. 02:50:44.554 --> 02:50:46.775 Stephen Frost, last question, and then we're finishing. 02:50:46.815 --> 02:50:47.755 We're way over time. 02:50:49.232 --> 02:50:52.234 And there we go, the Tom Rodman group for all of you with endless time. 02:50:53.555 --> 02:50:54.716 So just two seconds. 02:50:54.756 --> 02:50:56.717 So I'll just get myself on. 02:50:57.177 --> 02:50:58.318 Sorry, I'm trying to get the. 02:50:59.639 --> 02:51:07.604 So, JJ, I agree with you that RFK Jr., if only because of his name and 02:51:10.868 --> 02:51:16.693 the people who preceded him is a massive target, so he has to be extremely careful. 02:51:17.573 --> 02:51:37.008 And he hasn't screwed up so far, but I think that he, I hope, because I did recommend you to him and to Mary Holland, but also he's possibly seen last week's video, I don't know, but he may be listening to you a lot more than even you think. 02:51:39.364 --> 02:51:48.608 And so when you came on, I can't remember, was it six months ago or something, I thought, wow, this guy's right on track. 02:51:48.708 --> 02:51:50.969 And I don't know why your name slipped out. 02:51:51.069 --> 02:52:00.332 Oh, well, we were in contact before Christmas, if you remember, and we were going to do something, but that was the fault of other people, I think. 02:52:01.272 --> 02:52:07.235 So I don't think Glenn needs to be worried about, because 02:52:08.171 --> 02:52:16.616 Human beings are very good at recognizing, well, they're not all very good, but I think someone like RFK Jr. 02:52:17.236 --> 02:52:26.301 would have those skills very much to the fore when he's choosing people around him, but it's very difficult for him. 02:52:28.683 --> 02:52:29.563 But thank you very much. 02:52:30.123 --> 02:52:34.866 So I would say one thing that people being damaged neurologically, 02:52:37.059 --> 02:52:44.524 by these injections and in other ways is not proof of existence of the spike protein, but we won't get into that argument again. 02:52:44.584 --> 02:52:46.745 That's my comment on what we say. 02:52:46.765 --> 02:52:47.325 Okay, beautiful. 02:52:48.086 --> 02:52:48.506 Excellent. 02:52:48.526 --> 02:52:51.128 Thank you for that comment, everybody. 02:52:51.468 --> 02:53:05.077 You know, we have to, the reason why we're on two and a half hours is people plan their lives, you know, and huge amount, like someone said, we had a fire hose of information and all of you, I said, Glenn, right at the start, there are groups, Glenn is in a group who wants to volunteer 02:53:05.817 --> 02:53:10.201 you know, like, please put your hand up and we'll farm you out to these groups. 02:53:10.622 --> 02:53:13.184 Glenn, JJ, Glenn will be in touch with you. 02:53:13.224 --> 02:53:14.225 Jerry Brady's working. 02:53:14.465 --> 02:53:16.607 There's some wonderful groups doing wonderful work. 02:53:16.967 --> 02:53:19.410 Thank you all for being here. 02:53:20.351 --> 02:53:23.473 Thank you, JJ, again, your wonderful work. 02:53:23.533 --> 02:53:25.936 And I think you articulated something very important. 02:53:25.956 --> 02:53:30.019 You said it's taken you three years to become articulate in this. 02:53:31.235 --> 02:53:41.281 And if we're not willing to invest our time in learning about this, and then I think John Lukacs made a comment, don't have arguments with people who haven't done the research. 02:53:41.742 --> 02:53:42.282 Not worth it. 02:53:42.362 --> 02:53:44.063 It's a waste of your time. 02:53:44.723 --> 02:53:46.805 So that's what we're dealing with, everybody. 02:53:46.965 --> 02:53:50.587 And it's a challenge in our tight time frame. 02:53:51.187 --> 02:53:56.791 I come back to, hey, we're all about ethics, justice, truth, health. 02:53:57.603 --> 02:53:59.384 We're coming from love, not fear. 02:53:59.424 --> 02:54:01.785 We have different opinions, we have different stuff in the chat. 02:54:02.305 --> 02:54:09.668 Come on, you know, we're working for the same goal and we have different views and be passionate about it, but we're supposed to love each other. 02:54:09.708 --> 02:54:10.468 So try that. 02:54:10.708 --> 02:54:12.209 OK, everybody, thanks for being here. 02:54:12.229 --> 02:54:13.729 I've saved the chat. 02:54:14.990 --> 02:54:19.611 And more information you would like to share with us or is that it for the moment? 02:54:20.212 --> 02:54:21.052 That's good for me. 02:54:23.053 --> 02:54:23.713 It's good for me. 02:54:24.954 --> 02:54:25.574 Let us know when 02:54:26.769 --> 02:54:28.651 when you have more. 02:54:28.811 --> 02:54:32.114 As soon as I have the gut part done, I'll come back and give the second one. 02:54:32.134 --> 02:54:32.454 Oh, excellent. 02:54:32.494 --> 02:54:34.756 Yes, I was going to ask you about Sabine Hassan's work. 02:54:34.856 --> 02:54:36.057 Do you know of her? 02:54:36.077 --> 02:54:36.157 I do. 02:54:36.177 --> 02:54:37.558 I haven't been able to interview her yet. 02:54:37.598 --> 02:54:39.920 That's part of the reason why I don't do the gut lecture yet. 02:54:40.201 --> 02:54:44.084 So as soon as I get in touch with her and get it approved by her, I'll do the gut lecture. 02:54:44.845 --> 02:54:45.225 Excellent. 02:54:45.405 --> 02:54:46.006 Thank you very much. 02:54:46.106 --> 02:54:46.806 Thank you, guys. 02:54:47.247 --> 02:54:47.947 I really appreciate it. 02:54:47.967 --> 02:54:48.468 Thank you, everybody. 02:54:48.988 --> 02:54:49.388 Thank you, JJ. 02:54:49.529 --> 02:54:50.449 Thanks, everybody. 02:54:50.489 --> 02:54:51.030 God bless. 02:54:51.670 --> 02:54:53.212 Go to Tom Rodman if you can. 02:54:53.272 --> 02:54:54.293 Happy Palm Sunday. 02:54:57.607 --> 02:54:59.129 Wow, that was really tiring. 02:54:59.229 --> 02:54:59.769 I'm done. 02:55:00.290 --> 02:55:03.113 Thank you very much for joining me guys for staying around for that. 02:55:03.713 --> 02:55:10.641 That was really very tiring, but I'll trim it and put it on the website as well, but we'll just leave the raw one up here. 02:55:10.661 --> 02:55:13.003 I can't thank you enough for joining me. 02:55:13.644 --> 02:55:16.625 I'm going to need a little break here, so I'm not going to do much of a sign off. 02:55:17.565 --> 02:55:21.285 I have been reading the chat and seeing you guys and supporting me has been really helpful. 02:55:21.766 --> 02:55:22.646 I hope you enjoyed it. 02:55:23.066 --> 02:55:24.166 Those guys are always funny. 02:55:25.386 --> 02:55:33.568 And Jerry's got this really long, curly gray hair, the Irish guy, and he always takes his hair down when he asks me a question. 02:55:33.608 --> 02:55:34.128 It's hilarious. 02:55:34.168 --> 02:55:36.608 I should have showed him, but they're not supposed to be on camera. 02:55:36.628 --> 02:55:37.589 So thank you guys very much. 02:55:37.649 --> 02:55:38.129 I'll see you soon. 02:55:43.696 --> 02:55:47.719 I don't know what that was. 02:55:48.019 --> 02:55:50.741 Sorry about that. 02:55:50.802 --> 02:55:58.507 See you guys later. 02:55:59.488 --> 02:56:00.208 Thanks for coming. 02:56:00.268 --> 02:56:03.451 I really, really, really appreciate it a lot. 02:56:04.372 --> 02:56:05.873 So many of you guys are here. 02:56:06.153 --> 02:56:07.774 So many of you guys are here every day. 02:56:08.555 --> 02:56:11.777 It's just really amazing how many of you guys show up and how long you stay. 02:57:33.007 --> 02:57:33.912 Stop lying. 02:57:35.420 --> 02:57:36.908 Stop lying.