diff --git a/twitch/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024)/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024).vtt b/twitch/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024)/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024).vtt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..12cfc4a --- /dev/null +++ b/twitch/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024)/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024).vtt @@ -0,0 +1,1865 @@ +WEBVTT + +00:54.079 --> 01:07.608 +The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of the of America of the American people Is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us to ruin Maybe America. + +01:07.748 --> 01:14.792 +I don't know crash the dollar I don't know steal the rest of our our what limited Treasury value we have left. + +01:15.012 --> 01:18.074 +I don't know But I know for sure + +01:18.462 --> 01:38.227 +that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to healthcare to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary, and more importantly, never be possible. + +01:38.627 --> 01:44.709 +If you think about it, if we're defining vaccine really liberally, and these COVID vaccines are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine, okay, + +01:45.199 --> 01:48.242 +But actually, they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines. + +01:48.323 --> 01:57.773 +And, you know, anything with really rapidly fading efficacy, such that you need shots within a year, you know, Canada's saying nine months, is as actually J.J. + +01:57.793 --> 02:04.401 +Cooey's insistence, and I think he's right, on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. + +02:15.075 --> 02:16.715 +Thank you. + +02:48.494 --> 03:10.827 +that seems to be only on one side of my headphone but I guess that doesn't really matter that's just weird that keyboard is not it's not showing up on both sides of my head so I like to do some kind of you know startup where I check the sound and stuff and so when that when that doesn't work it's a little weird + +03:12.866 --> 03:15.047 +Um, let me see just very quick. + +03:15.067 --> 03:17.629 +I'm just gonna try a couple things here to make sure. + +03:17.649 --> 03:23.054 +Oh, there it came. + +03:24.375 --> 03:25.376 +It's just the slider. + +03:25.396 --> 03:29.119 +Oh, there it is. + +03:35.234 --> 03:49.265 +okay i think it's just this channel i'm gonna move it quick to a different channel and see if that fixes the problem hold on one second ladies and gentlemen let's see if we can fix the problem it needs to be on two and on one and main and down and up + +03:50.236 --> 03:50.897 +There it is. + +03:53.379 --> 04:00.326 +All right, five, seven, nine, five by nine would be great, but I'll take five, seven, nine. + +04:01.407 --> 04:05.311 +Tony is first in the chat again, just in case anybody really cares. + +04:06.612 --> 04:09.274 +Just one song and then we'll get started ladies and gentlemen. + +04:09.314 --> 04:12.296 +I got to make it a short show today because I've got basketball at 4 30. + +04:13.196 --> 04:14.177 +So we got about an hour. + +04:15.238 --> 04:17.219 +It's not it's not biology 101. + +04:17.439 --> 04:22.842 +It is a special show just kind of want to be sure I'm doing something every day. + +04:22.882 --> 04:23.142 +Here we go. + +04:40.240 --> 05:04.325 +I never meant to be so bad to you One thing I said that I would never do A look from you and I would fall from grace And that would wipe the smile right from my face Do you remember when we used to dance? + +05:06.005 --> 05:08.886 +And incidents arose from circumstance + +05:10.638 --> 05:37.648 +One thing led to another, we were young And we would scream together, songs unsung It was the heat of the moment Telling me what my heart meant The heat of the moment showed in your eyes And now you find yourself in 82 + +05:40.390 --> 05:43.271 +The disco hotspots hold no charm for you. + +05:43.291 --> 05:48.012 +You can consume yourself with bigger things. + +05:49.532 --> 05:54.614 +You'll catch a pull and ride the dragon's wings. + +05:54.794 --> 05:57.895 +Cause it's the heat of the moment. + +05:59.235 --> 06:01.476 +The heat of the moment. + +06:02.716 --> 06:04.596 +The heat of the moment. + +06:04.676 --> 06:05.857 +Showed in your eyes. + +06:40.233 --> 06:47.420 +And when your looks are gone and you're alone How many nights you sit beside the phone + +06:48.888 --> 06:51.989 +What were the things you wanted for yourself? + +06:53.409 --> 06:58.491 +Teenage ambitions you'll remember well. + +06:58.571 --> 07:01.552 +It was the heat of the moment. + +07:02.852 --> 07:07.113 +Telling you what your heart meant. + +07:07.474 --> 07:08.414 +The heat of the moment. + +07:08.794 --> 07:10.895 +Showed in your eyes. + +07:11.235 --> 07:15.116 +It was the heat of the moment. + +07:16.451 --> 07:29.942 +Heat of the moment, heat of the moment, showed in your eyes. + +07:59.377 --> 08:06.583 +Beat of the moment Beat of the moment Beat of the moment + +08:39.028 --> 08:40.970 +He's scheduled for 60 minutes next. + +08:42.030 --> 08:46.814 +He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. + +08:48.215 --> 08:49.997 +People everywhere are starting to listen to him. + +08:51.538 --> 08:52.338 +It's embarrassing. + +08:56.742 --> 08:57.562 +Now that one's off. + +08:59.804 --> 09:00.465 +So bizarre. + +09:18.499 --> 09:20.179 +Well, welcome to the show, everybody. + +09:20.219 --> 09:24.560 +Your consciousness is still the prime real estate that all these people are competing for. + +09:25.421 --> 09:29.441 +And we are just now becoming aware of how diabolical the trap was. + +09:30.142 --> 09:40.384 +Not only did these charlatans have control of us over our biology before the pandemic, but they've had control of it since our parents. + +09:41.364 --> 09:45.105 +We inherited this set of charlatans from our parents. + +09:46.045 --> 09:51.349 +And the new aspect of this is social media and the charlatans on social media. + +09:52.049 --> 09:57.333 +And if we don't realize that this is one big show that is made to govern us, we may never escape. + +09:58.034 --> 10:02.257 +That is what GigaOM Biological intends to be, the escape key for humanity, if you will. + +10:03.238 --> 10:08.344 +Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. + +10:08.784 --> 10:13.690 +Transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic. + +10:13.710 --> 10:16.634 +That's right, viruses are not pattern integrities. + +10:17.555 --> 10:18.856 +And so that's really where we are. + +10:18.876 --> 10:21.480 +Viruses are not pattern integrities. + +10:23.704 --> 10:26.185 +The mystery virus is not equal to excess deaths. + +10:26.266 --> 10:37.392 +They told us all kinds of stories that reinforced the idea that there was a mystery virus by arguing about all kinds of things that had nothing to do with reality. + +10:38.432 --> 10:49.859 +They hid this mystery virus behind a whole list of lies and misconstrued sources of death, misconstrued assignment of death, financial incentives. + +10:51.124 --> 10:53.025 +fraud, and murder. + +10:53.845 --> 11:00.249 +Murder, ladies and gentlemen, in order to cover up the fact that there's really no epidemiological evidence of spread of anything. + +11:01.209 --> 11:17.938 +Murder and lies, ladies and gentlemen, in order to make sure that nobody talks about strict liability or the possibility that we are under a Seventh Amendment violation here with the PrEP Act and the vaccine laws and all these other things that just aren't discussed with any forthrightness. + +11:21.590 --> 11:32.382 +So I think we need a new consensus about transfection being always criminally negligent, about the vaccine schedule in the USA being a criminal enterprise, and the fact that RNA cannot pandemic. + +11:33.063 --> 11:38.890 +We need to teach our children that they would murder and lie about these things in order to make sure that they believed it. + +11:40.492 --> 11:55.534 +We need to teach our children that the free-range RNA virus or the free-range RNA molecule is not to be feared and that it is not just Tony Fauci but also Robert Malone who wants you to believe and fear gain-of-function RNA molecules. + +11:56.601 --> 11:59.823 +And there are few things more dishonorable than misleading the young. + +11:59.883 --> 12:03.745 +I think all these people are doing it and I think they're doing it for social media. + +12:04.446 --> 12:06.247 +Social media is paying them to do it. + +12:06.867 --> 12:09.249 +And social media is that chair over there. + +12:10.189 --> 12:14.072 +Social media is the chair and the joystick and the goggles and the Star Wars. + +12:15.069 --> 12:30.946 +And as long as you think you're going to tweet away the empire by retweeting Robert F. Kennedy or retweeting Steve Kirsch or donating to the Steve Kirsch Vaccine Safety Research Council or subscribing to the substack of Kevin McKernan, + +12:32.245 --> 12:39.049 +or by getting into the locals group of Brett Weinstein, it's all the same nonsense. + +12:39.950 --> 12:51.558 +Because we are experiencing a new kind of totalitarianism that Aldous Huxley warned us about all the way back in the 60s, because all these books were written in the 30s, the 40s, the 50s, and the 60s. + +12:51.598 --> 12:57.982 +These acolytes have trained by reading these books, the same books that their mentors read, that promise that someday + +13:00.020 --> 13:04.929 +Someday we would crack the puzzle and we would be lords over our own biology. + +13:05.009 --> 13:12.863 +And that's the reason why the true biology that GigaOM Biological is trying to teach these three basic statements over here have been heard by... + +13:14.011 --> 13:30.719 +misconstrued, obfuscated, and ignored by all these people on Twitter that at one point in time called themselves my friends, at one point in time said they loved what I do, and now they are definitely, can only be identified as part of this weaponized pile of money show. + +13:31.693 --> 13:39.456 +and they are the acolytes on social media that are convincing us what to argue about and with whom to argue, especially if you want to argue with them, they would love it. + +13:40.257 --> 13:49.461 +And the reason why, of course, is because participating in the argument accepts the premise of their narrative, their narrative being Tony Fauci's narrative, their narrative being + +13:50.141 --> 14:07.284 +Robert Malone's narrative, their narrative being the exact story that NIH and CDC and FDA and all of HHS needs you to believe and your children to believe and school boards to believe and lawyers to believe, everyone to believe. + +14:08.544 --> 14:17.086 +Because we are governed by a theater that spans from mainstream media to all social media platforms and includes all sides of these mythologies, all sides. + +14:18.919 --> 14:32.488 +That's why it's really hard for people to accept that Donald Trump's probably not on a real white horse and really coming to our rescue, even if at one point in time in his adult history he was, he's not anymore. + +14:33.289 --> 14:35.650 +And I think we can be very sure of that. + +14:35.731 --> 14:36.531 +Now, who am I? + +14:36.891 --> 14:38.332 +Who are you listening to right now? + +14:38.352 --> 14:40.634 +You're listening to a patch clamp physiologist. + +14:41.374 --> 14:45.677 +It's a guy who used to work under a microscope and use live animals and do live surgeries and, + +14:46.835 --> 14:58.740 +use confocal microscopy and two-photon laser stimulation of channelrhodopsin and other rhodopsins in order to map neurocircuits in the brain. + +14:58.800 --> 15:04.202 +Now, what that means basically is that I'm a recovering akademagician. + +15:04.362 --> 15:13.866 +What it really means is that this little symbol here above my head of gigaohm biological actually came from when I was still joking around in the laboratory and actually + +15:14.786 --> 15:23.873 +making my own clothes, you know, printing my own clothes with this symbol on it, thinking that I was going to make a hip sportswear for patch clamp physiologists. + +15:23.913 --> 15:28.536 +I thought it would be really funny to add to my neuroscience bike ride at some point. + +15:28.636 --> 15:30.498 +And so it never dawned on me that these + +15:31.258 --> 15:50.071 +t-shirts that I was making would end up to be the symbol of a news program that would be in its fifth year in 2024 because I thought that this track record of mine, this 15, 16, 17 year track record of being a neurobiologist was sufficient nose and stone grinding + +15:50.911 --> 15:52.672 +that I would have a job for the rest of my life. + +15:53.393 --> 16:04.459 +I thought that my skills as a teacher and my enthusiasm for teaching when in a group of people that doesn't want to teach and wants to spend all their time in the laboratory, I thought that would also benefit me in a faculty somewhere. + +16:09.282 --> 16:10.203 +But that wasn't the case. + +16:12.489 --> 16:13.891 +And so who are you listening to? + +16:13.932 --> 16:20.383 +I just want to run through this list briefly in case anybody isn't really familiar with it all or hasn't heard a very brief summary of it. + +16:20.403 --> 16:22.246 +But who are you really listening to? + +16:22.366 --> 16:24.009 +Where are we really at right now? + +16:24.089 --> 16:24.610 +Who am I? + +16:27.056 --> 16:33.018 +I am the only USA medical school faculty to lose a career, as far as I know. + +16:33.058 --> 16:40.180 +I'm sorry that these are such tiny little things, but it's a really long list, and so I don't know how to display it any other way than have it be tiny. + +16:40.240 --> 16:41.761 +Maybe I'll have to make a PDF of it. + +16:42.221 --> 16:49.323 +I'm the only one in the USA that was a medical school faculty member at the start of the pandemic and lost their career. + +16:50.183 --> 16:51.364 +as a result of speaking up. + +16:51.424 --> 16:52.804 +No one else can make that claim. + +16:53.245 --> 16:55.186 +You know, Robert Malone didn't lose his career. + +16:55.686 --> 16:57.347 +Meryl Nass didn't lose her career. + +16:57.467 --> 16:58.527 +Robert F. Kennedy Jr. + +16:58.548 --> 16:59.628 +got to run for president. + +17:00.889 --> 17:02.610 +Jessica Rose didn't lose her career. + +17:03.110 --> 17:04.911 +Matt Crawford didn't lose his career. + +17:05.411 --> 17:10.254 +Charles Rixey didn't lose his career, even though it sounds like it was a really good one at the beginning of the pandemic. + +17:11.014 --> 17:13.855 +Kevin McCarran was already medically retired from his career. + +17:14.356 --> 17:23.960 +Kevin McKernan was busy starting yet another business in another entrepreneurial way and definitely didn't lose anything for speaking out at the start of the pandemic. + +17:23.980 --> 17:34.045 +So just keep that in mind as you subscribe to Substax and share posts and retweet people who've never really suffered. + +17:34.065 --> 17:34.625 +In fact, + +17:35.285 --> 17:37.188 +Most of the heroes didn't lose a job. + +17:37.208 --> 17:39.991 +They just fell into more money, usually entrepreneurial. + +17:40.372 --> 17:48.462 +Maybe they started their own business, went in their own practice, started a sub stack that became huge, or maybe even have some other social media based income. + +17:48.502 --> 17:51.987 +Hell, they may have even got a Skyhorse Chelsea book. + +17:54.724 --> 17:55.945 +I was an official U.S. + +17:56.086 --> 18:06.677 +faculty reviewer of all of the peer-reviewed drastic papers that supported the idea of a lab leak, that talked about the fear and cleavage site, that talked about the Ph.D. + +18:06.757 --> 18:07.378 +and M.D. + +18:07.498 --> 18:15.587 +and master's students' theses, that talked about the bat cave viruses in Wudang and in the Moyang + +18:16.508 --> 18:18.150 +province of China in 2007. + +18:18.631 --> 18:25.018 +And yet I was the only, the only person that was thrown out of drastic in 2020. + +18:25.359 --> 18:29.624 +And it was because I wanted to talk about transfection and not the origins of the virus anymore. + +18:31.775 --> 18:40.939 +I was invited to learn in a day trading Slack group that contained a number of members of drastic in 2021 and was given a code to use on Ameritrade. + +18:41.399 --> 18:57.466 +When I met Matt Crawford in a signal chat along with Alexandros Marinos and Chris Martinson and Brett Weinstein, I offered him to have this code to use it, to see how it worked, to maybe even crack it or to bust it. + +18:57.806 --> 18:59.047 +And he wasn't interested at all. + +18:59.987 --> 19:06.971 +Remind yourself that he claims that he's traded over a billion dollars on Wall Street when he was like 18 and dropped out of high school as a math genius. + +19:09.232 --> 19:13.054 +It's the first clue of many clues that I had that Matt Crawford was a liar. + +19:13.494 --> 19:23.379 +I'm the only biologist that can plausibly explain why the no virus position was specifically curated and I publicly agreed with most or all of their assertions about SARS-CoV-2 in 2022. + +19:23.419 --> 19:24.720 +See number 12 and see number 16 in this list. + +19:28.928 --> 19:37.270 +I'm the only biologist talking about how the term infectious clone is semantic cover for transformation and transfection in cell culture and animals as virology. + +19:37.751 --> 19:41.632 +None of the no virus people are picking that up, even though they could have picked it up two years ago. + +19:43.132 --> 19:54.675 +I am the only biologist able to plausibly explain why academic bench scientists might assume the PCR tests used in pandemic myth medicine to be more accurate than they actually are. + +19:55.556 --> 19:56.276 +I'm the only one. + +19:57.657 --> 20:11.528 +Kevin McKernan's never explained why they fall short methodologically, even though he wrote a paper about how they fell short methodologically in 2022, or 2020, with a bunch of other meddlers like Claire Craig from Heart. + +20:15.271 --> 20:20.115 +I'm the only biologist discussing how powerful placebo would be in controlling the narrative. + +20:20.155 --> 20:21.036 +I mean, think about it. + +20:21.076 --> 20:25.320 +Kevin McKern actually did experiments where he claims that he found no phosphate + +20:26.480 --> 20:35.210 +No RNA, but he's never talked about how a placebo could be weaponized to control the narrative of transfection and make it seem like it was much safer than it was. + +20:35.630 --> 20:39.014 +I'm the only person in five years to come up with that idea. + +20:40.629 --> 20:44.171 +Everybody else is arguing about hot batches and not so hot batches. + +20:44.971 --> 20:51.814 +I'm the only biologist who has been suggesting since 2020 that a hot background could be misconstrued as spread. + +20:51.834 --> 20:55.716 +The only other person that suggested that in 2020 was Kevin McKernan himself. + +20:56.476 --> 20:57.937 +But he just said it might have started in 2019. + +20:58.357 --> 21:01.959 +And it wasn't novel because it was somewhere else, but it's still kind of novel. + +21:04.161 --> 21:07.564 +I was told by Senator Ron Johnson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. + +21:07.624 --> 21:14.031 +on the same day in April 2022 that Robert Malone recommended they watch my January 2022 broadcast. + +21:14.971 --> 21:15.912 +That's just a fact. + +21:18.155 --> 21:26.643 +Merrill, Nass, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Robert Malone, Tess Laurie, and Jessica Rose have never assembled to discuss anyone else ever, just me. + +21:28.686 --> 21:36.390 +Mark Bailey, Kaufman, Cowan, Zeck, and Christine Massey have never assembled to discuss anyone else ever, except for me. + +21:38.431 --> 21:40.712 +Not Robert Malone, not Jessica Rose. + +21:41.413 --> 21:46.536 +You know, you'd think these five would get together and debunk all the heroes, right? + +21:46.796 --> 21:48.096 +All the virology heroes. + +21:48.176 --> 21:49.097 +But no, just me. + +21:49.577 --> 21:49.897 +That's it. + +21:50.418 --> 21:50.878 +Nobody else. + +21:52.406 --> 21:57.169 +Boudwin, Seneff, McKernan, and Rose have never assembled for anyone else but me. + +21:57.209 --> 22:01.971 +They've not like, that's not a group that gets together very often, except for in Steve Kirsch's steering committee. + +22:02.451 --> 22:04.292 +Oh yeah, and on St. + +22:04.332 --> 22:11.396 +Patrick's Day to discuss clones, where Kevin McKernan tried to argue with me, but failed on video, like miserably. + +22:11.776 --> 22:14.198 +Every citation that he brought up, I could counter. + +22:15.083 --> 22:15.783 +It was a joke. + +22:16.023 --> 22:24.546 +And after that is actually when Kevin McKernan argued about infectious clones on his substack and called it a chemtrail retarded idea. + +22:24.986 --> 22:33.568 +He's never addressed any other molecular biological concept in a stream arguing with somebody, but he's done it with me at least three times. + +22:35.444 --> 22:38.565 +and then wrote a sub stack about how the idea was chemtrail retarded. + +22:39.085 --> 22:48.528 +You know, the same reason why the no virus people got together to talk and the same reason why Robert Malone, Meryl Nass, Tess Laurie and Jessica Rosen, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. + +22:48.568 --> 22:49.428 +got together to talk. + +22:49.528 --> 22:58.871 +Infectious clones being, you know, chemtrail retarded idea, according to Human Genome Project, Kevin McKernan. + +23:01.769 --> 23:12.332 +Hockett and colleague assembled once for Senator Ron Johnson's staff in 2024, and then with no one else prior, and then blocked me and disappeared without explanation a couple weeks later. + +23:12.792 --> 23:25.435 +The reason why this is really interesting is because you heard up here, Senator Ron Johnson called me personally and said that Robert Malone recommended he watch my stream, but then never really asked for anything again. + +23:26.295 --> 23:28.536 +Sometimes he would send, can you send me a brief? + +23:28.696 --> 23:31.918 +But I honestly can say that I didn't believe him. + +23:33.798 --> 23:35.619 +And I think I was right not to believe him. + +23:36.199 --> 23:37.760 +Because who, what happened then? + +23:38.240 --> 23:43.823 +Well, Jessica Hockett didn't ask me to get her in touch with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. + +23:44.663 --> 23:48.505 +She just happened to use Elon Musk's platform, Twitter, + +23:50.556 --> 23:56.601 +X to get in touch with Senator Ron Johnson's staff and serendipitously get an audience with them. + +23:57.141 --> 24:02.806 +And then brought her colleague that I've never met before and myself in front of Senator Ron Johnson's staff. + +24:03.346 --> 24:11.352 +And we were supposed to each present for 15 minutes and she presented for 40, her friend presented for 20 and I did about 10 at the end. + +24:13.073 --> 24:16.997 +After Jessica had exhausted them with 40 minutes that was supposed to be 15. + +24:18.888 --> 24:24.770 +And then right after releasing that video under some cloak and dagger, like, Ooh, do you have a video? + +24:24.810 --> 24:25.971 +Can I release the video? + +24:26.991 --> 24:28.171 +She released the video. + +24:28.271 --> 24:35.474 +And then the day after sent me a very sweet voicemail message, and then also threatened to call the cops on Mark Kulak and blocked me and him. + +24:38.095 --> 24:40.496 +I'd have no explanation because she never called me. + +24:41.636 --> 24:47.138 +She emailed me and asked me if I wanted to have a meeting with Jonathan Engler of Panda and Heart. + +24:48.240 --> 24:49.982 +in order to discuss the problem. + +24:51.464 --> 24:52.766 +But I didn't see that email. + +24:53.667 --> 24:54.888 +So we never had that meeting. + +24:54.989 --> 25:04.140 +And instead, I think she kind of blew it and revealed the fact that she is cooperating as an American with a bunch of foreigners in the UK and in South Africa. + +25:05.154 --> 25:12.360 +to sort of dilute the message of the dissident movement, just like a lot of these other people are. + +25:13.100 --> 25:15.582 +And she's probably been working for them from the very beginning. + +25:15.622 --> 25:20.986 +She claimed to be Catholic, which is really interesting because, of course, we have J.D. + +25:21.066 --> 25:23.368 +Vance and Peter Hotez. + +25:24.429 --> 25:51.856 +Tony Fauci, and Peter Thiel, and Francis Collins, and Georgetown University, and Hilary Koprowski, and Stanley Prusiner, and Jeffrey Sachs, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and oh my gosh, there's an awful lot of interesting Jesuit, Catholic-connected, Vatican-connected, oh my goodness, what's going on here? + +25:57.048 --> 26:16.155 +And so a man in Japan who invited me to a series of streams with people adjacent to George Webb in 2020, five streams, in fact, in 2020, and who spent 2020 publicly declaring his opposition to Kaufman and Bailey has spent 2020 onward attacking me and is currently making memes with shotguns in my mouth. + +26:16.215 --> 26:19.596 +There's nobody else who has a Kevin McCarron on their tail. + +26:20.756 --> 26:23.817 +Nevermind Kevin McCarron and Charles Rixey for a few years. + +26:24.618 --> 26:25.178 +No one else. + +26:28.976 --> 26:31.417 +No one else has memes of a shotgun in their mouth. + +26:31.477 --> 26:32.857 +Jessica Rose never got that. + +26:32.997 --> 26:34.438 +Robert Malone never gets that. + +26:35.578 --> 26:45.422 +Jicky Leaks won't even suggest that Robert Malone might be a bad guy and part of the same show as Tony Fauci, even though he's been playing that game for 20 years. + +26:45.482 --> 26:55.045 +And it was a member of a declared member of DITRA, the government subsidiary that did all the sequencing for at least the first year of the pandemic. + +26:56.479 --> 26:59.442 +But Jickie Leakes is sure that Robert Malone is basically a good guy. + +27:00.083 --> 27:15.260 +Ladies and gentlemen, we are under attack by an international group of meddlers that includes people like Kauffman and Bailey and Kevin McCairn and Kevin McKernan and Tony Fauci and Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric. + +27:17.421 --> 27:27.954 +And probably Senator Ron Johnson, probably all these people know in general, their job is to make pandemics real, to make sure that RNA can pandemic in the minds of children. + +27:29.616 --> 27:34.862 +And they're doing it for the National Security State because they know that's how America and the world are governed. + +27:35.623 --> 27:36.965 +And we need to break this illusion. + +27:41.075 --> 27:43.697 +I was hired by CHD after working for RFK Jr. + +27:43.737 --> 27:48.199 +for a year and fired six months later for talking about Robert Malone and Meryl Maas on my broadcast. + +27:48.239 --> 27:49.100 +That's just facts. + +27:50.500 --> 27:56.164 +And I have presented at the Doctors for COVID Ethics International UK four times. + +27:56.224 --> 28:08.351 +I've presented at the Doctors for COVID Ethics once and I've presented at Panda three times and now openly declare that Panda, Heart and CHD are all corrupted by individuals that I have personally named. + +28:09.369 --> 28:13.974 +I've actually said the names out loud, not insinuated. + +28:14.375 --> 28:17.198 +I've actually said it because people have lied to my face. + +28:17.278 --> 28:19.981 +Meryl Nass has lied to my face and in email. + +28:20.561 --> 28:23.565 +Mary Holland has, I'm sure, lied to my face. + +28:26.226 --> 28:31.811 +Mary Holland has got to be one of the worst people in that movement, and you can see it from the very beginning. + +28:31.851 --> 28:41.399 +She was playing the same theater that Wakefield and Polly and all of them were playing, because they picked one shot, the MMR, and they stuck to it. + +28:41.499 --> 28:46.823 +And then they stuck to thimerosal or aluminum or mercury. + +28:47.984 --> 28:49.085 +Robert F. Kennedy Jr. + +28:49.105 --> 28:50.487 +played the same song and dance. + +28:50.587 --> 28:52.569 +Meryl Nass played the same song and dance. + +28:52.629 --> 28:54.611 +Robert Malone's played the same song and dance. + +28:55.092 --> 29:03.560 +The entire vaccine industry in America has played that entire song and dance, the whole thing from beginning to end, for decades now. + +29:03.600 --> 29:06.003 +And that's why it's so hard for most people to see it. + +29:07.318 --> 29:14.647 +And that's why this list is so long, because I kept giving people the benefit of the doubt, thinking that the next person was a good one. + +29:15.008 --> 29:16.510 +The next group of people would listen. + +29:16.830 --> 29:18.833 +The next group of people would really understand. + +29:18.873 --> 29:20.795 +The next group of people would let me teach them. + +29:20.835 --> 29:21.696 +And every time. + +29:29.164 --> 29:34.969 +And so it's September 12, 2024, and we are still strapped on this starship. + +29:35.009 --> 29:44.858 +And there's one more thing that I really feel like I should add to that list that I don't add to it very often because I don't think that's the way it should be done. + +29:44.898 --> 29:48.662 +I don't think that that's the way I was taught it should be done. + +29:50.143 --> 29:53.866 +But the other extraordinary thing on that list is, for me, + +29:54.929 --> 30:03.956 +and make sure that you understand who you're listening to is what that slide, if I go back, that slide is titled, who are you listening to? + +30:05.137 --> 30:07.799 +And so I wanna be very clear about who you're listening to. + +30:08.860 --> 30:23.232 +And I would like to be very, very clear about it by showing you a movie clip that I think is gonna be so shocking to you because you will realize in an instant that they don't make movies like this anymore. + +30:23.985 --> 30:24.826 +They simply don't. + +30:25.746 --> 30:28.568 +They don't make movies with messages like this anymore. + +30:28.588 --> 30:39.475 +And I want you to think about how incredibly perplexing it is to realize that this is a movie that actually showed in America and around the world and was very popular. + +30:39.495 --> 30:42.777 +It was Kobe Bryant's favorite movie. + +30:44.738 --> 30:45.659 +Just one scene. + +30:49.380 --> 31:00.365 +Just one scene so you know exactly how twisted the world has become that we used to make movies like this with messages like this and we don't make messages like this anymore. + +31:00.405 --> 31:02.245 +We don't make movies like this anymore. + +31:05.247 --> 31:06.747 +We have social media instead. + +31:08.008 --> 31:10.169 +Hang on to your pantyhose because this one's good. + +31:19.070 --> 31:19.430 +Yeah. + +31:24.574 --> 31:25.194 +Oh, hi, Roland. + +31:25.214 --> 31:25.515 +Come in. + +31:30.798 --> 31:32.500 +I want Rudy to dress in my place, coach. + +31:33.540 --> 31:34.181 +He deserves it. + +31:38.944 --> 31:40.005 +Don't be ridiculous. + +31:41.386 --> 31:43.788 +Georgia Tech is one of the top offensive teams in the country. + +31:52.967 --> 31:54.728 +You're an All-American and our captain. + +31:54.848 --> 31:55.368 +Act like it. + +31:57.729 --> 31:58.509 +I believe I am. + +32:08.973 --> 32:09.673 +Me too, Coach. + +32:11.193 --> 32:12.434 +I'll root your address in my place. + +32:12.454 --> 32:17.876 +Coach, this road. + +32:22.827 --> 32:31.490 +for Rudy Coach. + +32:36.212 --> 32:51.538 +I want you to imagine a movie that you would see in 2024 from an American movie company that would show you, that would show you an all-American, an all-American black man + +32:53.089 --> 33:07.206 +An all-American black man that was captain of his team, walking underneath the cross of Christ to do a selfless act and lead his team in a selfless act of sacrifice. + +33:11.897 --> 33:15.940 +and have that black man be the guy who shows the leader, shows the coach what's up. + +33:16.000 --> 33:21.743 +That's a black man who he says, you are an all American and our captain act like it. + +33:21.783 --> 33:32.610 +And he says, I believe I am not a white man, a black man, a tall, handsome black man under the cross of Christ. + +33:34.881 --> 33:46.685 +And then a bunch of other people following the example of that tall, handsome black man under the cross of Christ and making the same sacrifice as he did for their fellow teammate. + +33:49.105 --> 33:50.686 +Now, I don't give a shit about football. + +33:56.948 --> 33:58.848 +But if you want to know who I am, that's who I am. + +34:01.889 --> 34:03.049 +This movie is Rudy. + +34:10.213 --> 34:11.914 +I want Rudy to dress in my place, Coach. + +34:12.955 --> 34:13.596 +He deserves it. + +34:18.359 --> 34:19.420 +Don't be ridiculous. + +34:20.801 --> 34:23.243 +Georgia Tech is one of the top offensive teams in the country. + +34:32.411 --> 34:34.853 +You're an All-American and our captain act like it. + +34:37.174 --> 34:37.915 +I believe I am. + +34:48.427 --> 34:49.007 +Me too, Coach. + +34:49.048 --> 34:51.890 +I want Rudy to dress in my place. + +34:54.792 --> 34:57.854 +Coach, this is for Rudy. + +34:57.874 --> 35:02.998 +This is for Rudy, Coach. + +35:07.041 --> 35:09.824 +Now when I say where are we, I mean it, man. + +35:10.724 --> 35:12.466 +Where are we as America right now? + +35:13.476 --> 35:15.617 +Because we aren't making movies like this anymore. + +35:16.017 --> 35:17.498 +You want to see something crazy? + +35:17.818 --> 35:19.599 +There's another clip that I clipped out. + +35:21.679 --> 35:22.540 +And guess what it is? + +35:23.560 --> 35:25.541 +It's the do not quit scene. + +35:26.562 --> 35:28.722 +And who else is in that do not quit scene? + +35:28.782 --> 35:30.483 +It's Rudy and a black man. + +35:33.324 --> 35:35.265 +And the black man is telling the truth. + +35:35.325 --> 35:41.848 +The black man is telling that want to give up white boy that he shouldn't give up. + +35:43.962 --> 35:54.030 +Think about an American movie that portrayed black people, like leaders, like wise sages. + +35:54.751 --> 35:56.392 +When's the last time you saw that? + +35:57.173 --> 35:58.273 +Because it used to happen. + +35:58.614 --> 36:02.417 +It happened all throughout my childhood and all through my young adult life. + +36:04.298 --> 36:11.224 +And you people that are too young to remember it, I'm just sorry that you don't see what we are fighting for, what we want back. + +36:13.473 --> 36:18.075 +There was a time when you could put the right message on the screen and it actually made sense. + +36:18.455 --> 36:18.836 +Watch. + +36:23.057 --> 36:23.998 +Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. + +36:25.178 --> 36:25.799 +What you doing here? + +36:25.819 --> 36:26.639 +Don't you have practice? + +36:28.980 --> 36:29.621 +Not anymore. + +36:29.681 --> 36:30.161 +I quit. + +36:31.321 --> 36:31.421 +Oh. + +36:32.762 --> 36:34.323 +Well, since when are you the quitting kind? + +36:37.664 --> 36:38.045 +I don't know. + +36:38.085 --> 36:39.165 +I just don't see the point anymore. + +36:39.685 --> 36:40.926 +So you didn't make the dress list. + +36:42.193 --> 36:44.234 +There are greater tragedies in the world. + +36:44.694 --> 36:47.455 +I wanted to run out of that tunnel for my dad. + +36:48.375 --> 36:50.196 +To prove to everyone that I was... Prove what? + +36:52.897 --> 36:53.777 +That I was somebody. + +36:53.977 --> 36:55.658 +Oh, you are so full of crap. + +36:57.738 --> 36:58.999 +You're five feet nothing. + +36:59.999 --> 37:00.839 +A hundred and nothing. + +37:01.700 --> 37:03.880 +And you got hardly a speck of athletic ability. + +37:04.561 --> 37:08.222 +And you hung in with the best college football team in the land for two years. + +37:09.349 --> 37:13.172 +And you're also going to walk out of here with a degree from the University of Notre Dame. + +37:14.232 --> 37:17.695 +In this lifetime, you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself. + +37:18.856 --> 37:24.700 +And after what you've gone through, if you haven't done that by now, it ain't going to never happen. + +37:29.683 --> 37:30.624 +Now go on back. + +37:34.764 --> 37:51.849 +Now you need to be prepared because right now you're going to watch a Hollywood movie portrayal of a black man saying that he thought it was race and that he's regretted it for the rest of his life that he got so worked up about it when he should have just done it. + +37:54.030 --> 37:57.711 +Listen carefully because Hollywood used to tell the truth. + +37:58.551 --> 38:02.232 +They used to make movies where God mattered. + +38:03.902 --> 38:05.222 +Where faith was real. + +38:07.003 --> 38:09.344 +Where perseverance has consequences. + +38:11.465 --> 38:13.105 +And where giving up is discouraged. + +38:15.026 --> 38:16.266 +Not fake it till you make it. + +38:16.286 --> 38:19.528 +I'm sorry I never got you to see your first game in here. + +38:23.149 --> 38:25.350 +Hell, I've seen too many games in this stadium. + +38:26.570 --> 38:27.750 +I thought you said you never saw a game. + +38:27.790 --> 38:29.591 +I've never seen a game from the stands. + +38:31.392 --> 38:32.172 +You were a player? + +38:34.850 --> 38:36.611 +I rode the bench for two years. + +38:38.593 --> 38:40.794 +Thought I wasn't being played because of my color. + +38:40.814 --> 38:42.536 +I got filled up with a lot of attitude. + +38:43.396 --> 38:44.057 +So I quit. + +38:45.858 --> 38:48.000 +Still not a week goes by I don't regret it. + +38:48.720 --> 38:54.084 +And I guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out, letting them get the best of you. + +38:58.988 --> 39:00.289 +You hear me clear enough? + +39:04.611 --> 39:08.233 +So it ain't, it ain't, it's not, we can't, okay, we can't. + +39:09.374 --> 39:15.057 +There is no way, there's no way for us to get around this. + +39:17.058 --> 39:22.660 +We will regret it for the rest of our lives if we let these people get the best of us these five years. + +39:23.741 --> 39:31.005 +If we don't accurately look back to 2020 and 2021 and hold all these people to account, if we don't accurately + +39:34.144 --> 39:42.769 +chronicle our recent history that's still accessible to us in the publication record and in the archives. + +39:43.750 --> 39:58.199 +If we don't access it and archive it and properly assess what actually happened here and come to the realization that a lot of these people are in on it and it's not impossible, it is likely. + +40:01.189 --> 40:11.252 +Because once you find out that there's another team to play for that the rest of the world doesn't know about, of course you're going to want to play for that team. + +40:13.072 --> 40:16.553 +And I can guarantee you that all these people play for that team, and I don't. + +40:18.013 --> 40:20.994 +Because every time they've offered me a position, I've told them no. + +40:22.279 --> 40:25.721 +either wittingly or unwittingly, I've told them no. + +40:26.121 --> 40:41.369 +By sticking to my integrity, sticking to my gut feeling, following my heart, and praying every day that I get a chance to shed just a little tiny speck of Christ's light on the world. + +40:41.469 --> 40:42.629 +Just a little speck. + +40:45.330 --> 40:46.251 +Just one sparkle. + +40:49.960 --> 40:53.965 +And I guarantee you that this guy's not spending his time worried about that. + +40:55.167 --> 41:01.696 +The guy who was speaking in front of a Contagion Infectious Disease Today banner in 2017 has not come to save us in 2020. + +41:05.319 --> 41:23.642 +because he was getting repurposed drugs ready to go, working for DITRA and the domain server, which is probably a joke, until he came out on Brett Weinstein's podcast, you know, the brother of Eric Weinstein, the advisor of Peter Thiel, the sons of Les Weinstein, the patent lawyer that worked for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' + +41:23.602 --> 41:24.002 +'s dad. + +41:27.763 --> 41:31.124 +That's why Steve Kirsch has got lots of contact with Lee Minyan. + +41:31.964 --> 41:33.084 +Photographs in Hawaii. + +41:36.906 --> 41:37.927 +These aren't good people. + +41:38.587 --> 41:43.531 +This is one of the largest private donors to the Democratic National Committee for the last 15 years. + +41:43.591 --> 41:44.511 +I mean, give me a break. + +41:44.931 --> 41:46.613 +He didn't invent an optical mouse. + +41:47.053 --> 41:49.314 +He couldn't think his way out of a wet paper bag. + +41:59.341 --> 42:03.304 +Oh, I see something's happening here with my crash monkey. + +42:04.465 --> 42:05.546 +Crash monkey. + +42:06.721 --> 42:35.622 +gonna have to get out there we go and so that's why we also have this you know this guy's still working on on YouTube still didn't lose a job just like Vinay Prasad didn't lose a job just like Jay Bhattacharya didn't lose a job they didn't get they created the illusion of consensus about this gain-of-function laboratory virus they helped create the illusion of consensus by debating only lockdowns or + +42:37.993 --> 42:39.573 +debating who should be locked down. + +42:40.654 --> 42:44.554 +That's the reason why Kevin McKernan and Claire Craig are equal. + +42:44.794 --> 42:48.475 +That's why George Webb and Jessica Rose are equal. + +42:48.515 --> 42:53.616 +That's why Robert Malone and Dr. ZDogg are all equals. + +42:53.716 --> 43:00.337 +They're just part of this illusion of consensus that all agrees on basically what happened and on basically what they lied about. + +43:00.397 --> 43:03.658 +And none of it has to do with the biology of viruses. + +43:04.747 --> 43:07.289 +None of it has to do with the fidelity of virology. + +43:07.349 --> 43:15.194 +None of it has to do with the fidelity of PCR, the fidelity of sequencing, or the hot or cold of the background. + +43:15.234 --> 43:15.534 +None of it. + +43:16.775 --> 43:29.418 +It is a whole acceptance of the virology that was defined by Tony Fauci, defined by Gallo and Hotez and Birx. + +43:29.658 --> 43:37.160 +All that biology is not being questioned by George Webb or McKernan or any of these people. + +43:37.220 --> 43:38.840 +They don't question that biology at all. + +43:38.860 --> 43:43.201 +Maybe Nick Hudson is questioning RNA can pandemic, but he's not pointing everybody to me. + +43:45.748 --> 43:50.690 +He's protecting the Claire Craig of Hart by saying, oh, you know, there's lots of views on testing. + +43:51.470 --> 44:00.493 +He protects Jonathan Engler, even though he wrote the worst virology review ever and tried desperately to get me to write it with him. + +44:02.373 --> 44:06.815 +And Nick and Professor Neal, Martin Neal. + +44:07.856 --> 44:21.008 +All these people with Jessica Hockett trying to get me to write a virology review about real virology using the peer-reviewed literature, but then ignoring me when I tried to teach them what infectious clones were. + +44:21.449 --> 44:31.859 +And now we're in 2024 and Jessica Hockett doesn't talk to me any more than Meryl Nass or Pierre Cory or Robert Malone talked to me because they're all covering the murder and lies. + +44:33.083 --> 44:44.716 +I mean, even Jessica Hockett is kind of covering the murder in lies because even though she pretended to be all hot and bothered by Pierre Cory, she seemed to conveniently forget that he was a witness in the George Floyd trial. + +44:44.756 --> 44:50.142 +And only after Mark figured that out did, oh wait, maybe she never started talking about that. + +44:50.682 --> 44:53.866 +It never became part of her skepticism with regard to Cory. + +44:54.898 --> 44:55.599 +Interesting, right? + +44:56.359 --> 45:11.314 +And as soon as we started to hammer on the idea that they were giving people supplementary oxygen to the tune of 60 liters a minute is when Jessica Hockett started to panic and tried to get me to do other things like write a virology review with a bunch of clowns from another country. + +45:13.556 --> 45:19.782 +Jessica Hockett is a huge traitor and probably has more loyalty for the Catholic Church than she does for America. + +45:20.819 --> 45:23.480 +Or she could be military too, because she has that vibe as well. + +45:23.500 --> 45:25.920 +She's got a niece in the Coast Guard or something like that. + +45:25.940 --> 45:28.401 +I think she sent me a picture of her and her niece in the Coast Guard. + +45:28.701 --> 45:32.262 +I've never sent a picture to any of these people, so I don't know why they send pictures to me. + +45:33.362 --> 45:41.545 +All I know is there's a very good explanation for how PCR can both be highly accurate on the academic bench and also be a complete lie for SARS-CoV-2. + +45:42.165 --> 45:47.426 +But even people as sophisticated as Jessica Rose or Kevin McKernan have never bothered to explain that at all. + +45:48.727 --> 45:49.887 +That's because they're liars. + +45:52.637 --> 45:56.080 +You know, so many different types of tests were used, but you know, that's okay. + +45:56.100 --> 46:12.555 +They don't bother to talk about that because they make a lot of money from that stuff and how virology can be a lie, but transfection and transformation can be misconstrued as virology and cell culture and animals is also something that I guess Jessica Rose and Kevin McKernan and all these other people are just not sophisticated enough to understand. + +46:13.055 --> 46:18.981 +Even though I can summarize it in a single fricking sentence, it's still just way over their head. + +46:20.916 --> 46:24.850 +And that's because indeed murder and lies is the primary thing they need to cover up. + +46:24.991 --> 46:26.115 +Murder and lies. + +46:27.441 --> 46:33.783 +And murder and lies may have happened all around the world to some extent, but in America it was done with reckless abandon. + +46:33.863 --> 46:42.625 +That's why we need a new consensus about the vaccine schedule in America being a criminal enterprise, that transfection was always criminally negligent, and that RNA cannot pandemic. + +46:42.665 --> 46:44.005 +That's the message of this stream. + +46:44.505 --> 46:48.906 +It's really funny that all these people that we talk about for all these years don't ever have a message like this. + +46:49.406 --> 46:50.887 +Robert Malone's on his second book. + +46:51.860 --> 46:59.546 +And this book's about the Psywar, which I would argue he's actually a part of, maybe even a coordinator of, as his membership in DITRA might suggest. + +47:00.587 --> 47:08.052 +Don't forget that DITRA descends from the Nunn-Lugar laws and the cleanup of nuclear weapons, and so it's the highest level of security. + +47:08.473 --> 47:11.555 +It's up there with the State Department and the Department of Energy. + +47:11.575 --> 47:14.177 +It would be right up there with the Human Genome Project at its start. + +47:15.882 --> 47:26.585 +And so it's starting to turn out like Robert Malone kind of wandering his way through RFK's infiltration of the Trump administration could just land him at the FDA. + +47:26.625 --> 47:34.507 +And it'll be a strikingly similar to a pattern that happened with Margaret Hamburg, because her dad was a member of DITRA. + +47:34.527 --> 47:35.507 +He actually founded it. + +47:35.547 --> 47:41.709 +Of course, you'd know all this if you were watching Mark Kulak's stream, although nobody watches him, because why would you want real history, right? + +47:43.717 --> 47:45.238 +And so that's why they don't want to talk about 2020. + +47:45.879 --> 47:48.721 +They don't want to talk about the 1950s, that's for sure. + +47:48.741 --> 48:05.495 +They don't want to talk about Joshua Lederberg or David Baltimore or Paul Nurse, for that matter, this long line of molecular biologists that has been in charge of sort of inverting our reverence for biology to indifference. + +48:18.817 --> 48:21.660 +And so, you know, what can I say about Mike Yeadon? + +48:21.720 --> 48:23.782 +I mean, he knows who I am. + +48:23.802 --> 48:26.704 +I know that he knows that I should be paid attention to. + +48:26.785 --> 48:29.927 +I don't know if he is paying attention to me, but if he is, hello, Mike. + +48:30.007 --> 48:33.110 +I think you've still kind of bought into the wrong parts of it because + +48:33.951 --> 48:37.052 +You're not paying attention to the very specific thing that I say. + +48:37.612 --> 48:54.357 +Now remember, Mike, one of the problems with me trusting you is that you were already on my stream a couple times, and one time with Paul Alexander where I explained very succinctly what clones were and how they could be used to misconstrue evidence of spread with a background, with a + +48:54.757 --> 48:59.742 +with a seeded sequence or a seeded small spike protein sequence. + +48:59.782 --> 49:04.145 +Any number of ways they could have seeded the narrative or just used a hot background. + +49:04.185 --> 49:09.910 +And you had that explained to you pretty well and still seemed to kind of sort of less ignore it. + +49:09.951 --> 49:12.233 +Now I'm not willing to write Mr. Sparkle off yet. + +49:12.873 --> 49:34.058 +but hopefully very soon he's gonna come to the realization that what I'm pushing and what I'm suggesting kind of eclipses the no virus position, kind of has enough nuance to actually take into account most of the observations that we've made over the last 200 years and presents a new way of understanding them. + +49:34.098 --> 49:40.220 +Essentially what Buckminster Fuller suggested we should do rather than trying to rearrange the old model, provide a new one, + +49:40.680 --> 49:43.963 +And if the new one works much better than the old one, then it'll just be accepted. + +49:43.983 --> 49:46.426 +And I think that's what we're doing with Biology 101. + +49:46.546 --> 49:48.608 +Now today, I don't have time for Biology 101. + +49:49.028 --> 49:58.477 +We had a bunch of things to do today with the dog and then also because my son is dropping out of public school, the bus riding public school. + +50:00.472 --> 50:05.558 +We had to do some things for that today, and so I got a little distracted and carried away, so I apologize for that. + +50:05.599 --> 50:18.054 +I just want to watch a very quick video that I've downloaded of Paul Offit talking about the Project 2025, which is this Heritage Foundation document that apparently is supposed to have everybody scared about what + +50:18.695 --> 50:20.777 +Donald Trump's going to do when he gets in office. + +50:20.797 --> 50:25.701 +And I want you to see that actually this document isn't very scary at all. + +50:25.741 --> 50:36.109 +In fact, it's not very dissimilar to the Wuhan cover-up or any of these other supposedly dissident narratives, supposedly alternative approaches to public health or something. + +50:36.149 --> 50:36.650 +This is no + +50:37.250 --> 50:38.571 +This is not dangerous at all. + +50:38.671 --> 50:40.552 +In fact, it is par for the course. + +50:40.612 --> 50:43.074 +This is just the opposite side of the vaccine coin. + +50:43.574 --> 50:45.976 +Yeah, we want some free speech to talk about it. + +50:46.076 --> 50:51.359 +Yeah, we don't want to be forced to take every single one, but of course we believe vaccines save people. + +50:51.379 --> 50:54.261 +Of course we believe that the COVID vaccine saved people. + +50:54.281 --> 50:55.602 +I mean, that would be crazy, right? + +50:56.869 --> 51:03.153 +And of course, it doesn't take very long to look at that document and find out that in fact, it doesn't really challenge anything. + +51:03.193 --> 51:06.295 +It's just public health light. + +51:06.796 --> 51:09.737 +But of course, we're gonna have Paul Offit make a really big deal about it. + +51:09.777 --> 51:10.838 +And that's what's kind of funny. + +51:10.858 --> 51:16.762 +This is Beyond the Noise, episode number 47, recorded on September 5th, 2024. + +51:25.390 --> 51:29.593 +I'm Vincent Racaniello, and joining me today is your host, Dr. Paul Offit. + +51:30.113 --> 51:30.613 +Hi, Vincent. + +51:31.674 --> 51:39.299 +This is the video version of Paul's column on Substack Cold Beyond the Noise, Cutting to the Chase on Important Health Topics. + +51:40.079 --> 51:48.384 +Today we are on part three of a series of columns on Project 2025 versus the public's health. + +51:48.484 --> 51:49.925 +Today is the NIH. + +51:50.786 --> 51:52.707 +So remind us, Paul, what is Project 2025? + +51:54.548 --> 52:06.836 +So project 2025 is kind of a conservative manifesto for how government agencies will be handled Should we have a republican president beginning in january of next year? + +52:07.336 --> 52:15.301 +And and among those agencies we've talked about the cdc The fda and nih three federal agencies that deal with public health, right? + +52:15.681 --> 52:19.484 +That's right so I have no idea why um + +52:21.354 --> 52:25.737 +why Paul Offit is gonna be shaking the whole time, but he's shaking the whole time. + +52:25.957 --> 52:35.703 +And yes, there is an owl in front of the NIH headquarters in the garden in the front, but they didn't show it to you here, but there is an owl there. + +52:35.723 --> 52:36.864 +You can see it very clearly. + +52:37.264 --> 52:40.146 +NIH, the National Institutes of Health. + +52:41.027 --> 52:45.229 +Oh boy, I've had a long association with NIH, and so have you. + +52:45.770 --> 52:47.371 +What is the NIH and what does it do? + +52:48.271 --> 53:02.819 +So the National Institutes of Health is a, and it's institutes, so more than one institute, but it includes National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Dr. Tony Fauci headed, looks at studies. + +53:03.379 --> 53:05.760 +I'm sorry, but I hope he's old enough to retire. + +53:05.820 --> 53:09.983 +I hope that shaking means that he's about to retire because this is one of the worst + +53:11.241 --> 53:17.324 +meddlers of all because he's been involved in it for decades and I bet he's been read in on it for decades. + +53:17.564 --> 53:21.086 +He knows that this biology is a lie that's why he's so rude about it. + +53:21.286 --> 53:28.730 +He's a variety of infectious diseases as well as other issues to do basic science research that ends up being + +53:29.370 --> 53:33.053 +often very important in the medical products that we have. + +53:33.333 --> 53:42.940 +And it's been, for decades, been an important funder of basic science research that has helped us live longer, better lives. + +53:44.406 --> 53:55.598 +And so the NIH funds external research, like laboratories at your place and mine, but they also fund, they do research at the NIH campus, right? + +53:55.638 --> 53:56.018 +That's right. + +53:56.058 --> 53:58.241 +So both in-house and out-of-house research. + +53:58.281 --> 54:06.830 +But I was funded by, for more than 25 years, by NIH, and that allowed us to do the basic science studies that ended up being rotavirus vaccine. + +54:07.538 --> 54:14.604 +and I was funded for 40 years to work on various enteroviruses, like poliovirus. + +54:15.625 --> 54:30.858 +I didn't make any vaccines, but I think- Various enteroviruses that he just found out last week, or maybe even this week, require the processing of conjugated and unconjugated bile acids in order to gain entry through the gut wall. + +54:32.711 --> 54:49.662 +He's been an expert on what he calls enteroviruses for 40 years, and he just found out that they use bile acids, conjugated and unconjugated ones, to move and can affect the way that they are able to express their bile. + +54:49.762 --> 54:55.426 +It's just extraordinary the level of arrogance that these people have in light of how little they actually know. + +54:56.773 --> 54:59.497 +made some basic science advances nonetheless. + +54:59.517 --> 55:07.428 +So it's, for me, I wouldn't have had a research career without the NIH and many other people probably would say the same thing. + +55:08.860 --> 55:23.235 +Okay, now in this document, they claim that scientific research is controlled by a few insiders at NIH, and I wonder if you could tell us whether that's correct or not. + +55:23.435 --> 55:28.440 +Right, so if you don't mind, let me sort of read everything that they said, because it was a frightening few sentences. + +55:29.139 --> 55:30.340 +This from Project 2025. + +55:30.621 --> 55:41.250 +Funding for scientific research should not be controlled by a small group of highly paid and unaccountable insiders at the NIH, many of whom stay in power for decades. + +55:41.811 --> 55:44.854 +The NIH monopoly on directing research should be broken. + +55:45.510 --> 56:00.439 +More recently, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci's division of the NIH, owns half of the patent for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, and several NIH employees receive annual royalties from Moderna vaccine sales. + +56:01.299 --> 56:09.284 +That would be the same experimental mRNA vaccine that the CDC now wants to force on children who are at little to no risk from COVID + +56:10.185 --> 56:12.568 +but at great risk from public health officials. + +56:12.688 --> 56:15.131 +So this sort of lets you know where they're coming from. + +56:15.952 --> 56:16.933 +So many things in there. + +56:17.033 --> 56:17.294 +Okay. + +56:18.595 --> 56:22.100 +But note, these are claims without data. + +56:22.220 --> 56:24.783 +They never say what's the data that support this. + +56:26.570 --> 56:34.075 +in my experience, and I'm sure yours as well, research isn't controlled by a few individuals at NIH, is that correct? + +56:34.415 --> 56:34.855 +Not at all. + +56:35.356 --> 56:45.262 +Except Robert Malone says that he's sat on review committees or grant committees for decades and given away over 50 billion dollars, and the people that sit on those + +56:46.277 --> 56:49.725 +committees are often the same, but they don't stay there forever. + +56:49.825 --> 56:56.178 +Although Tony Fauci has been in some position of power for many, many, many years, and Paul Offit has as well. + +56:57.545 --> 57:08.953 +And so it's a really weird thing to you know, I don't want to listen to them very much That's not really the plan here The plan is to take a look at this document because this is of course the document, right? + +57:09.053 --> 57:24.202 +This is the document that he's talking about right here scrolling up to the mandate of leadership for conservative promise and what I would thought I would do is look for the word vaccine to see if we could get any clues about about what What + +57:26.371 --> 57:27.632 +Sorry, I thought I had this working. + +57:32.814 --> 57:35.136 +Oh my goodness, my mouse wasn't there, okay. + +57:35.936 --> 57:36.817 +Okay, so here we go. + +57:36.857 --> 57:41.839 +We're just gonna look and I'm gonna click and I will get to different vaccines, right? + +57:41.919 --> 57:45.721 +So, whether it be mask or vaccine mandates. + +57:46.041 --> 57:48.523 +Uh-oh, I think I can see the theme already here. + +57:49.203 --> 57:50.584 +Oh, I'm gonna make myself smaller, sorry. + +57:52.850 --> 57:53.390 +Let's see. + +57:53.570 --> 57:53.870 +Click. + +57:54.551 --> 57:56.311 +Vaccine mandates again. + +57:56.852 --> 57:58.612 +Vaccine mandates again. + +57:58.972 --> 58:00.613 +Vaccine mandates again. + +58:00.873 --> 58:02.554 +Vacc- COVID vaccine. + +58:04.855 --> 58:08.376 +Personnel who were dismissed for refusing to take the COVID vaccine. + +58:08.416 --> 58:09.557 +At least they have it in quotes. + +58:09.597 --> 58:11.697 +They could call it a transfection and that would fix that. + +58:12.558 --> 58:15.299 +India is a global leader in vaccine production. + +58:16.209 --> 58:42.635 +During COVID pandemic, the United States provided millions of doses of vaccines and other emergency health support, un-American mask and vaccine mandate, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, Moderna vaccine sales, the mRNA vaccine, the vaccine makers, vaccine-related mass firings, vaccine mandates, vaccines and therapeutic and private companies, + +58:44.212 --> 58:48.354 +Vaccine safety including the VAERS report and vaccine safety data link. + +58:50.095 --> 58:59.440 +Vaccine safety data link vaccines with aborted fetuses cell lines insensitive to the consciousnesses of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people. + +59:00.353 --> 59:11.120 +who object to taking a vaccine with human parts in it, because as long as they could get rid of these cell cultures, then a bunch of people would have no problem with vaccines. + +59:11.180 --> 59:15.162 +What an interesting document this is that the Heritage Foundation made. + +59:15.222 --> 59:17.624 +It sure sounds very skeptical of vaccines. + +59:19.225 --> 59:19.565 +Not. + +59:23.287 --> 59:25.649 +It's just really extraordinary what's going on here. + +59:28.018 --> 59:29.119 +I don't really understand. + +59:30.480 --> 59:32.021 +Let me move my head and keep going here. + +59:32.541 --> 59:36.263 +I'm sure there'll be somewhere where they just say vaccine schedule in general is bad, right? + +59:36.443 --> 59:39.825 +I mean, it can't just be all vaccine mandates in Moderna. + +59:40.706 --> 59:41.987 +Vaccine importation. + +59:44.864 --> 59:59.553 +are not allowed to receive vaccines that are derived through or tested on fetal abortion cells, therefore ethically derived alternatives abroad that have been used safely for decades, but the FDA makes it exceedingly difficult for Americans to import them. + +59:59.613 --> 01:00:03.115 +So here we're talking about getting different vaccines. + +01:00:03.135 --> 01:00:04.896 +We're not challenging vaccines yet. + +01:00:05.196 --> 01:00:05.677 +You see this? + +01:00:06.477 --> 01:00:10.778 +Challenging vaccine mandates is very different than challenging the biology of vaccines. + +01:00:11.218 --> 01:00:15.019 +Apparently the Heritage Foundation thinks that the biology of vaccines is fine. + +01:00:16.919 --> 01:00:31.942 +Vaccines, MMR vaccines, Japanese made vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 vaccine, Moderna vaccine, NIAID will earn millions from this vaccine's revenue. + +01:00:32.952 --> 01:00:36.355 +Moderna vaccine sales on vaccine efficacy. + +01:00:37.175 --> 01:00:39.397 +The data have come from outside the United States. + +01:00:40.958 --> 01:00:46.863 +Receiving COVID-19 with or without complying, the onerous masking requirements, vaccines and universal masking. + +01:00:47.684 --> 01:00:48.765 +Vaccine mandate. + +01:00:49.525 --> 01:00:51.927 +Vaccine and mask requirements should be rescinded. + +01:00:52.568 --> 01:00:54.569 +Vaccine supplies disappeared. + +01:00:56.270 --> 01:00:58.152 +Oh my gosh, look at the narrative here. + +01:00:58.212 --> 01:01:00.574 +During the transition to the Biden administration, + +01:01:02.719 --> 01:01:07.920 +IHS abandoned tribes as their source of tests and vaccine supplies disappeared. + +01:01:07.941 --> 01:01:08.481 +Hmm. + +01:01:08.621 --> 01:01:08.921 +Wow. + +01:01:09.001 --> 01:01:09.501 +Interesting. + +01:01:09.561 --> 01:01:10.041 +Interesting. + +01:01:10.161 --> 01:01:10.701 +Interesting. + +01:01:12.562 --> 01:01:12.982 +Huh. + +01:01:13.042 --> 01:01:16.643 +Cannot good conscious taker administer vaccines, including those made. + +01:01:16.683 --> 01:01:21.144 +So again, we're talking about vaccines tested in aborted fetus cell lines. + +01:01:21.184 --> 01:01:24.165 +So it's not the same thing as objecting to the vaccine in general. + +01:01:24.245 --> 01:01:30.747 +Oh, and then, or now we're in the, uh, that's vaccine patent dispute, huh? + +01:01:31.528 --> 01:01:36.893 +So now we're already into the end of the citation list, the bibliography. + +01:01:36.933 --> 01:01:42.759 +And so you can see that Project 2025 is not at all frightening. + +01:01:43.539 --> 01:01:46.923 +It doesn't challenge the childhood vaccination and schedule. + +01:01:47.043 --> 01:01:51.827 +At most, it challenges the idea of putting a COVID shot on the vaccines, at most. + +01:01:53.449 --> 01:01:55.411 +At most, that's all it does. + +01:01:56.656 --> 01:02:07.335 +And yet to make sure that the limited spectrum of debate that they want you to engage in is properly enforced, they've done a whole Twib episode about it where Paul the... + +01:02:08.373 --> 01:02:18.983 +Paul the dog off it is on here just telling you like it is and making sure that you realize that the other side of this is Project 2025, which is really just crazy. + +01:02:19.703 --> 01:02:22.686 +Can you imagine if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. + +01:02:22.746 --> 01:02:26.770 +came into the Trump White House and made us test vaccines again? + +01:02:28.888 --> 01:02:30.069 +I'll tell you what they are going to do. + +01:02:30.089 --> 01:02:35.473 +They're going to come into the Trump White House and take your guns because Trump was shot at and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' + +01:02:35.453 --> 01:02:36.674 +'s dad and uncle were shot. + +01:02:37.155 --> 01:02:40.277 +And so suck an egg, you're going to give up your guns. + +01:02:40.417 --> 01:02:47.563 +Or at least they're going to put some gun laws in place that they otherwise would never have and certainly wouldn't tell you before the election they're going to do. + +01:02:49.185 --> 01:02:52.287 +And they're going to spend a lot of money on testing vaccines. + +01:02:53.828 --> 01:02:56.931 +Bobby will probably figure out which ones are safe and then mandate them. + +01:02:59.778 --> 01:03:02.842 +Then Paul Offit will say that he's actually a better guy than I thought. + +01:03:06.106 --> 01:03:07.948 +Ladies and gentlemen, I gotta go to basketball. + +01:03:09.158 --> 01:03:17.043 +But we need a new consensus about transfection and healthy humans always being criminally negligent. + +01:03:17.083 --> 01:03:20.226 +We need a new consensus about RNA not being able to pandemic. + +01:03:20.246 --> 01:03:24.969 +And we need a new consensus about the vaccine schedule in America being a criminal enterprise. + +01:03:24.989 --> 01:03:30.633 +We need a new consensus about the fact that these people would murder Americans and lie about it in order to make sure + +01:03:31.684 --> 01:03:34.425 +that this mythology was passed on to our children forever. + +01:03:34.605 --> 01:03:38.646 +If you liked what you saw, please go to GigaOMBiological.com and find a way to support. + +01:03:39.206 --> 01:03:53.070 +And if you would like to share this after the video has already streamed, maybe you can use https://stream.gigaom.biom because that is my site that you and all my viewers pay for. + +01:03:53.590 --> 01:03:58.691 +And I also put a little space there for Mark Kulak's work because I think he too is a patriot. + +01:03:58.792 --> 01:03:59.892 +I'm a patriot, why? + +01:04:00.732 --> 01:04:09.756 +Because I live in America, so it's not really crazy if my kids also live in America and live on this dirt, that I want this dirt to be the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world. + +01:04:10.177 --> 01:04:14.439 +It's not crazy for me to want that as an American with kids in America. + +01:04:15.920 --> 01:04:16.960 +And so that's what I am. + +01:04:17.020 --> 01:04:24.164 +I'm an American patriot who believes in God and Christ, and I pray as often as I can, and I play basketball as often as I can. + +01:04:24.644 --> 01:04:26.805 +Thank you very much for watching, and I'll see you again tomorrow. + +01:05:35.074 --> 01:05:37.017 +I wanted to reply to Endless Current. + +01:05:37.417 --> 01:05:42.403 +The animations are made on the website that's called Renderforest. + +01:05:44.298 --> 01:06:08.904 +Render Forest has a whole bunch of these animations that you can just kind of put together with the text and they kind of kind of builds itself a little bit so it's not like I did all this myself but you have to pay a yearly subscription and that's how I make almost all of my you know like the Rubik's Cube and this thing at the end here with the shuriken they're all made by on Render Forest so + +01:06:09.944 --> 01:06:12.285 +Don't think I've got a crew. + +01:06:12.365 --> 01:06:14.846 +I just, you know, I take shortcuts. + +01:06:16.006 --> 01:06:18.727 +I'm trying to keep up with people who have a great crew. + +01:06:20.128 --> 01:06:30.252 +And, you know, like that guy from the Diary of the CEO, he actually has a staff of 50 people producing his videos. + +01:06:31.164 --> 01:06:45.940 +Um, people like, you know, Robert Malone probably have a staff that's writing his AI generated sub stacks and a staff that's taking care of his multiple horses and a staff that books all of his flights and a staff that, I mean, it's, it's, uh, yeah. + +01:06:46.621 --> 01:06:47.141 +I love you guys. + +01:06:47.181 --> 01:06:47.582 +See you tomorrow. + diff --git a/twitch/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024)/README.md b/twitch/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024)/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f701e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/twitch/2249381359 (2024-09-12) - Where are we right now_ -- (12 Sept 2024)/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# Where are we right now? -- (12 Sept 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief + +## Streams +- https://twitch.tv/videos/2249381359 +- https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/vzwUJo9E5AreBQMJqqF9yf +- https://rumble.com/v5ep6wl-gigaohm-biological-high-resistance-low-noise-information-brief.html +