diff --git a/twitch/1989194529 (2023-11-27) - TWiV does GOF and PRIONS_! Go figure! --(27 Nov 2023)-- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief/1989194529 (2023-11-27) - TWiV does GOF and PRIONS_! Go figure! --(27 Nov 2023)-- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief.vtt b/twitch/1989194529 (2023-11-27) - TWiV does GOF and PRIONS_! Go figure! --(27 Nov 2023)-- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief/1989194529 (2023-11-27) - TWiV does GOF and PRIONS_! Go figure! --(27 Nov 2023)-- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief.vtt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..577117e --- /dev/null +++ b/twitch/1989194529 (2023-11-27) - TWiV does GOF and PRIONS_! Go figure! --(27 Nov 2023)-- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief/1989194529 (2023-11-27) - TWiV does GOF and PRIONS_! Go figure! --(27 Nov 2023)-- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief.vtt @@ -0,0 +1,2645 @@ +WEBVTT + +00:00.000 --> 00:07.880 +I wonder if I can do this in an hour, I don't know if I can do it in an hour or not, but + +00:07.880 --> 00:10.240 +I would sure like to be done by 10.30. + +00:10.240 --> 00:15.200 +Let's see if I can pull Liz off. + +00:15.200 --> 00:22.200 +Let's see if I can do it in an hour or not, but let's see if I can do it in an hour. + +00:45.200 --> 00:52.200 +Let's see if I can do it in an hour or not, but let's see if I can do it in an hour. + +01:15.200 --> 01:27.440 +Every once in a while I'm going to need a break. + +01:27.440 --> 01:35.120 +I'm going to try and pull off something real strong in December, and real strong in January, + +01:35.120 --> 01:41.800 +and so since the book comes out next week, I'm going to try and take it real, real easy + +01:41.800 --> 01:47.920 +this week and get ready for a huge push all through the holidays. + +01:47.920 --> 01:51.480 +We're going to hit it like we haven't in a very long time. + +01:51.480 --> 01:53.560 +You scheduled for 60 minutes next. + +01:53.560 --> 01:55.640 +Thanks for being here everybody, good to see you guys. + +01:55.640 --> 02:00.800 +Oh, French, British, Italian, Japanese television. + +02:00.800 --> 02:04.680 +People everywhere are starting to listen to him, it's embarrassing. + +02:11.800 --> 02:23.840 +It is kind of ready to start. + +02:23.840 --> 02:29.360 +I think starting next week we're going to be having a PDF, and it's probably going to + +02:29.360 --> 02:35.160 +be every Thursday is the day that we'll do the show with the PDF, a full introduction, + +02:35.160 --> 02:42.400 +a full coverage of what we did the week before, and then the PDF to download. + +02:42.400 --> 02:47.680 +You'll be able to see the update in the broadcast schedule as we move forward on the website, + +02:47.680 --> 02:55.040 +and I am going to start to kind of gently ask people that can and don't mind to support + +02:55.040 --> 02:58.240 +by either subscribing, becoming a producer or a collaborator. + +02:58.240 --> 03:05.120 +Those are just higher commitments, and it would be really appreciated because I think + +03:05.120 --> 03:09.200 +actually this next year is going to be really important because it's a make or break time + +03:09.200 --> 03:16.240 +for a lot of things, and I want to be prepared to pretty much go out on my own, so we'll see. + +04:05.120 --> 04:21.480 +I don't know why that was so loud, sorry about that, I got to reset that slide or something, + +04:21.480 --> 04:25.680 +I don't know what I did with that, that was really loud, I didn't notice it though, but + +04:25.680 --> 04:31.040 +I could see it on the meter. + +04:31.040 --> 04:34.240 +So I don't know if this is really going to catch on, it doesn't matter if it does, it's + +04:34.240 --> 04:35.640 +just a concept, right? + +04:35.640 --> 04:39.240 +I'm not attached to anything or anybody. + +04:39.240 --> 04:44.640 +I do work a day job, but that day job is completely independent of what I'm doing here, so welcome + +04:44.640 --> 05:04.120 +to the show, this is Kego on Biological. + +05:04.120 --> 05:09.080 +We are trying to break this faith in a novel virus because the faith is a lie, I don't + +05:09.080 --> 05:13.480 +know exactly the details, but I do know for sure that intramuscular ejection in any combination + +05:13.480 --> 05:17.920 +of substance to the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb, I do know that + +05:17.920 --> 05:22.440 +transfection, healthy humans is criminally negligent, I do know that bangs are not + +05:22.440 --> 05:33.240 +attached to the integrity's, that's what I know for sure, it's still getting loud + +05:33.240 --> 05:36.840 +in here, sorry about that, I don't know what I'm doing, I got my headphones in so it's + +05:36.840 --> 05:44.480 +not that, but we seem to have lost some viewers because I can't control my sound, sorry, + +05:44.480 --> 05:48.040 +anyway they'll be back if they know it's good for them. + +05:48.040 --> 05:51.800 +We are trying to defend ourselves against this faith in a novel virus that killed millions + +05:51.800 --> 05:57.080 +of people and millions more were saved from, this is Kego on Biological. + +05:57.080 --> 06:04.160 +Hey Vilma's in the house, Vilma in the house, wow that's kind of cool, hey that was supposed + +06:04.160 --> 06:12.720 +to go already, and then here we are here, and then I push, I think this button and then + +06:12.720 --> 06:17.720 +this button and then good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show, this is Kego + +06:17.720 --> 06:24.800 +on Biological, a high resistance low noise information brief, brought to you by a biologist, + +06:24.800 --> 06:30.720 +it is the 27th of November, 2023, I missed my show yesterday for reasons being family + +06:30.720 --> 06:36.880 +and basketball and such, I don't tend to miss very many and I won't, I don't intend on + +06:36.880 --> 06:42.480 +missing very many, however if I do miss one, I will apologize afterward and not before + +06:42.480 --> 06:46.360 +because I'm usually trying to figure out if I can squeeze it in right up until the last + +06:46.400 --> 06:52.760 +minute, which is probably not the best way to do it, but it's the kind of the way that + +06:52.760 --> 07:00.080 +I feel with this thing either I got it ready and I pull the pin and throw the grenade or + +07:00.080 --> 07:04.120 +I put it back on the desk and wait until tomorrow and I'm trying really hard to have + +07:04.120 --> 07:07.040 +a grenade ready every night. + +07:07.040 --> 07:12.880 +I am a former patch clamp physiologist, neurobiologist, I used to be an academic biologist, I'm a + +07:12.920 --> 07:17.000 +recovering academicician if you will. + +07:17.000 --> 07:24.960 +You can find my record of that work on PubMed, you can look COU, EY, dash, J, J will bring + +07:24.960 --> 07:28.840 +up all the articles in which I have participated. + +07:28.840 --> 07:33.720 +The basic gist of what I did was work with mice and rats, it's very seldom but sometimes + +07:33.720 --> 07:40.880 +monkeys and even sometimes tissue taken from humans with glioma surgery that extra tissue + +07:40.880 --> 07:46.680 +comes out, I've even recorded from human neurons, so not to say that that's any big + +07:46.680 --> 07:52.920 +deal, lots of people have done it, but it does put me in a position to at least say that + +07:52.920 --> 07:58.560 +I was a professional academic biologist for long enough to struggle on the tenure track + +07:58.560 --> 08:03.480 +to try and get grants, the whole thing, I know how that hierarchy works and doesn't + +08:03.480 --> 08:08.080 +work, I know the kinds of people that rise up within it and I've struggled to rise up + +08:08.080 --> 08:15.520 +within it myself, mostly from the perspective of not being able to fit in with the reductionist + +08:15.520 --> 08:19.920 +biological aspect of it, the reductionist science of it. + +08:19.920 --> 08:25.000 +The reason why I chose Gigaome biological is because Gigaome is the resistance of the + +08:25.000 --> 08:30.320 +electrical seal that you make with borosilicate pipettes onto the neurons when you record + +08:30.320 --> 08:35.100 +from them and so it just made sense to call this Gigaome biological a high resistance + +08:35.100 --> 08:39.060 +that's low noise information brief, it's just geeky. + +08:39.060 --> 08:43.180 +So we've been trying to figure out this Scooby-Doo for the last three years, we were fooled + +08:43.180 --> 08:49.060 +into believing that there was a mystery to solve, we were fooled by an illusion of consensus + +08:49.060 --> 08:57.060 +on both sides, on Fox News and on MSNBC and although those channels might have seemed + +08:57.060 --> 09:03.020 +to take very different positions, they were different positions within a very limited + +09:03.100 --> 09:09.140 +spectrum of debate and a very vigorous debate within it and so that debate was actually + +09:09.140 --> 09:14.340 +a controlled one and within that controlled debate we were fooled into believing that + +09:14.340 --> 09:22.340 +we were real time solving this mystery of who let the virus out and in solving this + +09:22.340 --> 09:27.940 +mystery what you do is you accept the monsters in the story and in this case the monsters + +09:27.940 --> 09:32.420 +in the story are pandemic potential viruses that can either be in bad caves or be accessed + +09:32.420 --> 09:38.820 +with cell culture, animal passage or genetic stitching and it is with this mythology that + +09:38.820 --> 09:44.340 +we have accepted because we accepted the challenge of the Scooby-Doo and we watched in real time + +09:44.340 --> 09:48.740 +as these people's masks were removed and we realized that it was just eco-health alliance + +09:48.740 --> 09:56.780 +in Tony Fauci in cooperation with the Wuhan lab USAID and Ralph Barrick and thank goodness + +09:56.780 --> 10:01.660 +for people like Robert Malone and Andrew Huff and the other people who've really blown + +10:01.700 --> 10:08.620 +the whistle on this and saved us from catastrophe but because gain of function is real and it + +10:08.620 --> 10:12.940 +could definitely come again it's going to inevitably result in us surrendering our sovereignty + +10:12.940 --> 10:19.860 +to the who and so we better make some underground networks and let it all fall down and we'll + +10:19.860 --> 10:26.580 +reorganize after it collapses that's really the state of things right now and I want to + +10:26.580 --> 10:33.140 +really try to avoid that and the way that I think we avoid that is to identify this illusion + +10:33.140 --> 10:38.140 +of consensus for what it is a faith in a novel virus that killed millions of people from which + +10:38.140 --> 10:44.660 +millions of more were saved the likely source of which is gain of function research and even if + +10:44.660 --> 10:48.980 +it wasn't if we're lucky enough that this was a natural one and that means even things are even + +10:48.980 --> 10:56.540 +worse when the inevitable gain of function lab leak actually does occur and again if you saw + +10:56.540 --> 11:03.900 +the mystery then you also accepted the monsters and these monsters are the mythology that the + +11:03.900 --> 11:09.820 +new world order wants to put on you that's the new world order they want to put on our kids that + +11:09.820 --> 11:18.140 +in reality they've been constructing around us for decades starting with our academic our + +11:18.140 --> 11:29.420 +catamagicians the people that work in universities and in laboratories it is a mythology that has + +11:29.420 --> 11:37.140 +been extended to everyone and everyone's understanding has been brought up to speed and the way that + +11:37.140 --> 11:43.260 +we have been changed they've changed the way that we think about very big ideas including our place + +11:43.340 --> 11:51.420 +in our own ecosystem including our relationship with the sacred even the existence of the sacred + +11:53.180 --> 11:55.820 +that's the spectacular nature of this + +12:01.900 --> 12:06.220 +and so I am trying to break it I'm trying to nobody likes to hear about right foreign + +12:06.780 --> 12:12.780 +I'm trying to break it as a card game and so I want you to think of it as + +12:13.500 --> 12:18.860 +the way that they have you're playing in a card game but all of the hands are all the decks are + +12:18.860 --> 12:24.540 +rigged and so we were dealt a hand and we thought wow okay we're gonna play some cards here right + +12:24.540 --> 12:31.260 +we're gonna we're gonna fool some people but everybody at the tables in on it and even though + +12:31.260 --> 12:35.980 +you think the new guy that came in the room has got to be trustworthy because he came in and he's + +12:35.980 --> 12:41.420 +soaking wet in the rain he didn't have a fancy car he must be trustworthy he's also in on it + +12:43.820 --> 12:48.060 +and the lady who's taking the drinks at the table who's winking at you and stuff and you think oh + +12:48.060 --> 12:52.380 +well she can't be in on it these guys are bad guys but she's not in a she's in on it too + +12:55.500 --> 13:00.300 +and that's what's happened here every time we think somebody's coming out and actually putting + +13:01.100 --> 13:06.700 +you know some real skin in the game you know like you think of when a person has an autistic child + +13:07.740 --> 13:14.300 +or when you think of a person who's lost somebody to cancer they've got real skin in the game they + +13:14.300 --> 13:21.500 +lost something for real you think that people have sacrificed their careers for this you think + +13:21.500 --> 13:25.900 +that people have put their lives on the line for it but they got a book deal at least good for them + +13:26.460 --> 13:29.900 +they got a super successful stub stack for like three years good for them + +13:30.460 --> 13:35.580 +they've been traveling the world all at all the time all expenses paid treated like a rock star + +13:35.580 --> 13:42.060 +but that's cool it's okay they law they they sacrificed a lot they sacrificed a lot and they + +13:42.060 --> 13:52.460 +were censored this information was available before the pandemic this lady's dead now but she was she + +13:52.460 --> 13:57.180 +was doing tours in the united states before the pandemic the last one nobody likes to hear about + +13:57.180 --> 14:04.780 +right foreign human and animal DNA but i'm going to go there because i'm taking on pharma so why + +14:04.780 --> 14:09.980 +would i not go there why would i sugarcoat it where do you think plant parenthood selling all those + +14:09.980 --> 14:20.140 +babies yeah and where are the churches aluminum the top one on here and no neurotoxin it's linked + +14:20.140 --> 14:24.620 +to breast cancer through traditional deodorant right farm is laughing at us because they have a + +14:24.620 --> 14:31.740 +vaccine for breast cancer that they're developing guess what the adjuvant is aluminum they're + +14:31.740 --> 14:37.420 +blatantly laughing at us holy smokes we need to be out there screaming this from the rooftop + +14:38.540 --> 14:45.900 +oh but everyone says but immunity brandy vaccine saved us immunity does not occur from the arm you + +14:45.980 --> 14:49.020 +cannot bypass the natural immune system + +14:51.020 --> 14:56.140 +and injected in inject things into the arm and have immunity it does not create real immunity + +14:56.140 --> 15:03.740 +temporary rise in antibodies which can last you know months to years and antibodies not real + +15:03.740 --> 15:11.580 +immunity you cannot bypass the immune system and expect real immunity years before the pandemic + +15:11.580 --> 15:21.180 +ladies and gentlemen it's not my idea it's not even close to my idea there's been lots of smart + +15:21.180 --> 15:30.540 +immunologists there's been lots of them lots of smart doctors you just didn't see them because the + +15:30.540 --> 15:37.340 +system already worked very well you just had never heard of them because the system already + +15:37.820 --> 15:42.540 +worked very well it actually got a little bit out of control as the internet became bigger as + +15:42.540 --> 15:51.020 +social media became bigger it got a little bit out of control i assure you used to be a lot + +15:51.020 --> 16:00.220 +better for them back in the day in some ways in the sense that bad unfriendly + +16:00.940 --> 16:08.700 +unhandy information could not run free as easily as it can in theory could have run + +16:08.700 --> 16:15.580 +free a few years ago i'm not so sure it can run very free now but you know via email it could + +16:17.820 --> 16:22.140 +email chains used to be the dangerous thing maybe we need to start those again + +16:23.020 --> 16:29.420 +let's let her finish sorry about that it also bypasses the detox system and that's why we're + +16:29.500 --> 16:36.060 +seeing so much damage so much sickness but you know don't believe a lot that the cdc says + +16:36.060 --> 16:39.660 +but this is a really great report that's probably going to be pulled off the website tomorrow + +16:40.860 --> 16:45.740 +the cdc credits chlorinated water for the reduction in infectious disease + +16:46.700 --> 16:52.300 +chlorinated water not vaccines that's pharma that's pharma spinning it + +16:52.940 --> 17:01.660 +number two killer in the u.s in 1900 the year 1900 tuberculosis cholera was in there too pneumonia + +17:01.660 --> 17:11.020 +no vaccine programs so if vaccines were really saving us we'd all be dead the best defense + +17:11.020 --> 17:18.300 +against disease a healthy strong immune system not overloaded with toxins from food from water + +17:18.300 --> 17:24.380 +from air and this is what everyone in here needs to get everyone they know to understand + +17:26.300 --> 17:33.900 +so it's really not test check this out it's really not new information i have i have it set + +17:33.900 --> 17:41.100 +up now where i can zoom up if i want to get really mad um to me it's uh + +17:41.180 --> 17:48.380 +uh it's just extraordinary that it took me this long to find it i'm still very ashamed + +17:48.380 --> 17:54.300 +of myself i have to very be very honest i've been i i have to be very ashamed that i didn't see + +17:55.020 --> 18:03.740 +how much exaggeration and dumb simple and stupid complicated were being used to really distort + +18:04.380 --> 18:12.140 +where the edge of our understanding was and where the edge of our potential technological limits are + +18:13.500 --> 18:19.420 +just a little hand waving and now suddenly we can do things that you know when i was a kid nobody + +18:19.420 --> 18:24.700 +would have ever waxed intellectual about when we can do what i mean + +18:25.020 --> 18:31.580 +I mean it's it is very shocking so then let's go forward + +18:31.580 --> 18:37.820 +extension health one year we're gonna go one year after the start of the pandemic + +18:38.540 --> 18:45.180 +and i want you to think back to what you were thinking in 2021 in december when they were rolling + +18:45.180 --> 18:50.700 +out the first shots in hospitals what were you thinking about in 2020 were you angry already + +18:51.500 --> 18:58.300 +were you already saying i can't believe they're starting by transfecting the doctors and nurses + +18:58.300 --> 19:05.100 +and old people like it is the most ridiculous thing they have even if there wasn't i mean at + +19:05.100 --> 19:11.740 +that time i had no idea that there might not be evidence of spread but i did know that by this + +19:11.740 --> 19:18.140 +time all of those people who had been on the front lines for six apparently six months had had more + +19:18.220 --> 19:23.660 +than enough exposure to any antigens that would be necessary to protect them from extreme serious + +19:23.660 --> 19:32.940 +disease if all of their basic biological cartoons were true and so when this started out i was losing + +19:32.940 --> 19:39.740 +my mind their first shots victor yes that's right it was a very long time coming but the higher + +19:39.740 --> 19:45.100 +ups here at the hospital they're saying that the vaccines that yes it was a very long time coming + +19:45.100 --> 19:49.980 +so long in fact that it's unlikely that any of these doctors would need the shot + +19:49.980 --> 19:54.940 +natural immunity typically develops after even a mild infection with a normal virus + +19:54.940 --> 20:00.140 +so i don't understand what kind of RNA virus this is but i can't imagine all these people need a + +20:00.140 --> 20:07.020 +shot oh my gosh i can't believe it arrived earlier today our real shot of hope + +20:15.580 --> 20:20.940 +a total of 10 people received the covid vaccination Wednesday at Ascension Providence Hospital + +20:20.940 --> 20:25.180 +leaving many to ask the question could this finally be the end of the pandemic that's + +20:25.180 --> 20:31.580 +plagued the globe for so long the devastation that's been caused by covid is is a once-in-a-lifetime + +20:31.580 --> 20:35.660 +thing now there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel to finally get us through the dark + +20:35.660 --> 20:41.260 +ages of covid-19 and of course it's the hospital workers on the front lines getting the injection + +20:41.260 --> 20:48.860 +first of those 10 was nurse Russell Patel it just feels like we are on the road what a strange + +20:48.860 --> 20:57.660 +symbol that is if you don't see a pyramid floating over like the top of another pyramid in the white + +20:57.660 --> 21:03.100 +part there it's just a little weird i don't know what this is going i don't know what to say anymore + +21:03.100 --> 21:07.980 +this is just so ridiculous how could you have seen all this back then you know i mean but + +21:08.860 --> 21:12.940 +now i just see it i see it all the time you're getting everything back to what we like to call + +21:12.940 --> 21:18.620 +normal and uh just really thrilled and excited about it and family medicine physician jamila + +21:18.620 --> 21:25.740 +taylor you don't know what to expect this is all very new to all of us but you know you take on + +21:25.740 --> 21:30.460 +the responsibility to care for individuals but why is the number wow did you hear that + +21:31.500 --> 21:37.020 +they cut her off because she was bullied listen to how she says you take on the responsibility + +21:37.020 --> 21:44.380 +to care for individuals so this is what they told her you can be an example you can you can + +21:44.380 --> 21:49.660 +set an example i mean you take responsibility you should show them by example that she's trying + +21:49.660 --> 21:54.220 +to rationalize in her head but she just got through saying that it's all brand new you don't know + +21:54.220 --> 22:00.540 +what to expect she was terrified and she was completely coerced into being on tv and being + +22:00.540 --> 22:05.340 +a leader listen to this this is horrible this is really bad wait throw them excited about it + +22:05.340 --> 22:10.380 +and family medicine physician jamila taylor you don't know what to expect this is all very + +22:10.380 --> 22:17.580 +new to all of us uh but you know you take on the responsibility to care for individuals but why + +22:17.580 --> 22:22.460 +is the number stopping at 10 and they didn't even let her spend finish like she was out of breath + +22:22.460 --> 22:25.980 +she was nervous she was giving them a statement and then they cut her off short + +22:27.340 --> 22:33.340 +after they coerced her into doing it no doubt why are these needles so freaking big holy cow what + +22:33.420 --> 22:38.380 +is that like an eight gauge and what is this blue thing this extra protector here + +22:39.820 --> 22:44.380 +super weird i guess so they can load it up and then they can close it over the top of it or + +22:44.380 --> 22:50.700 +something like that like looks like it's already loaded though i don't know that's weird it's + +22:50.700 --> 22:55.420 +you know new products though get new products if you needed to make new new stuff for the new + +22:55.420 --> 23:00.620 +countermeasure that's just more money spending even though the hospital was sitting nearly 2 000 doses + +23:00.620 --> 23:05.180 +this morning that's because the health officials at the hospital want to make sure everything goes + +23:05.180 --> 23:11.420 +smoothly with the vaccine unlike anything they've seen before and so they're taken out they took out + +23:11.420 --> 23:16.380 +10 people gave 10 people the shot the first day and then the next day they're going to do several + +23:16.380 --> 23:21.020 +hundred and that's their way of showing that we're being careful we're trying to make sure we're + +23:21.020 --> 23:26.940 +filling out all the forms and doing it all right um because it's no it's a new thing and so we're + +23:26.940 --> 23:30.220 +not going to teach everybody what what's happening or what we expect to happen + +23:30.780 --> 23:34.940 +we're just telling them it's a vaccine and it's new and they're taking it that's all they're doing + +23:34.940 --> 23:39.660 +it's there's no for informed consent here at all anything they've seen before there's just enough + +23:39.660 --> 23:45.180 +nuances to this that we want to ensure that we're being very thoughtful going through all of our + +23:45.180 --> 23:50.940 +processes tomorrow that number will jump up between three and four hundred our goal is to vaccinate + +23:50.940 --> 23:57.660 +all of our health care our physicians our nurses our associates our partners and even though the + +23:57.660 --> 24:03.580 +future seems bright that doesn't mean we need to let our guard down until we all get it we still + +24:03.580 --> 24:10.860 +need to do the things that work to slow the spread of coronavirus and while that number is expected + +24:10.860 --> 24:16.700 +to rise to three or four hundred starting tomorrow i'm told that in the days coming that number is + +24:16.700 --> 24:21.980 +going to increase day by day until it's available to the general public for now we are reporting + +24:21.980 --> 24:25.820 +alive in front of the hospital victor Williams hopeful all right victor + +24:27.980 --> 24:34.460 +victor Williams is uh yeah he's uh he's a he's a nice funny guy that that's that's um like it's + +24:34.460 --> 24:41.260 +almost like a saturday night live reporter wow i but good for him i hope he's having a great career + +24:41.420 --> 24:48.300 +um but that that was funny uh anyway i'm just going to keep moving on a year later + +24:49.660 --> 24:55.020 +when they went down the teens ambassadors are a group of diverse students from all over + +24:55.020 --> 25:00.460 +philadelphia and beyond who have come together to provide facts about the covid vaccine + +25:01.020 --> 25:07.420 +teen-to-teen conversations have a different impact than teen adult conversations just because + +25:07.500 --> 25:12.540 +we know how to communicate with with other teens because we're teens ourselves so we + +25:12.540 --> 25:17.100 +understand the communication for kids they're kind of afraid and nervous about the vaccination + +25:17.100 --> 25:22.380 +so what philateen vax is in to do is to kind of change that perspective it's more of a oh it's a + +25:22.380 --> 25:28.460 +fun thing to help protect our community and so by bringing in the vaccine we also bring the + +25:28.460 --> 25:35.260 +information and the party-like atmosphere to the communities reconnecting them it kind of shows + +25:35.260 --> 25:40.780 +that in our community there are teenagers who do care about the vaccination and we do care that + +25:41.340 --> 25:46.700 +this influences our health and our families and our community philateen vax definitely has made + +25:46.700 --> 25:53.740 +a positive impact within philadelphia because we're getting teenagers our age vaccinated spreading + +25:53.740 --> 26:00.700 +information and just providing a community that has a bigger uptake in vaccine i often ponder and + +26:00.780 --> 26:06.940 +think about the way that this has really helped the philateen vax ambassadors themselves i've grown + +26:06.940 --> 26:14.460 +in my knowledge of vaccines and the medical system and how it works personally i learned that like + +26:14.460 --> 26:20.700 +i really want to get more into public health and see that as a career in the future especially + +26:20.700 --> 26:25.980 +with helping my community i'll keep my mind open to new things now and actually approach + +26:25.980 --> 26:31.340 +people confidence because i know that we will walk relate to something they've been provided + +26:31.340 --> 26:37.180 +with so many opportunities to speak out and know what that feels like and to have a voice and to + +26:37.180 --> 26:44.700 +have a voice as a teen is really important so what's so frightening about this is the the idea that + +26:44.700 --> 26:50.700 +that they kind of soft land on a number of issues that in theory sound really good you know it's + +26:50.700 --> 26:57.260 +important for teens to have a voice of course it is you know the idea that they've + +26:59.820 --> 27:04.780 +they've taught these kids they've misled these children to believe that this is the kind of + +27:04.780 --> 27:09.100 +activism that they should be doing there there's no informed consent here are they + +27:09.900 --> 27:13.500 +are they going around teaching the immunology of transfection + +27:15.100 --> 27:20.140 +are they going around you know with a little clips of of peter coles saying that it does we + +27:20.140 --> 27:27.420 +can't make it stay anywhere in the body are they going around with with with videos of + +27:27.420 --> 27:37.420 +you know it's just brutal to me right now where we are and how lost my fellow adults are our fellow + +27:37.420 --> 27:43.260 +adults are it's hard for me really hard for me to have the parents pick up the boys after + +27:44.620 --> 27:49.180 +after basketball practice it's really hard for me to go to those games and see all those + +27:49.180 --> 27:55.420 +parents there and know that some portion of them is completely on board with this idea + +27:56.300 --> 28:01.340 +and the rest of them while they might not be on board with the covid things are still not aware + +28:02.620 --> 28:08.540 +of the dangers that HPV vaccine poses to their daughters and sons for example and many of them + +28:08.540 --> 28:13.340 +are probably going to give it to their children very soon in my schools because of the age of my kids + +28:19.980 --> 28:23.820 +i'm not really sure how we move forward ladies and gentlemen but i am in a very privileged + +28:23.820 --> 28:31.580 +position to be be able to give some part of my daily time to an organization like children's + +28:31.580 --> 28:38.300 +health defense and so it is with very trepidatious words that i say i would also like to + +28:38.380 --> 28:50.540 +to request support for my own work but i do feel like we're at a stage now where + +28:51.500 --> 28:57.420 +it may be that after helping children's health defense for a year that it will be better and + +28:57.420 --> 29:05.100 +stronger for everybody if i'm independent and of course i will still be plugging broken science + +29:05.180 --> 29:10.540 +initiative i will still be plugging CHD if i'm not working for them anymore because they're an + +29:10.540 --> 29:15.900 +organization of people with skin in the game you're not going to find that anywhere else + +29:17.260 --> 29:24.540 +not like it's CHD and that's why i believe no matter what else occurs no matter what people say + +29:24.540 --> 29:30.460 +about CHD doing this or doing that or speculating about what's wrong with them they are a group + +29:30.460 --> 29:36.220 +of beautiful people trying their best to push this message forward and also at the same time + +29:36.220 --> 29:44.140 +trying to assemble a tent which has room and capacity for all these other misfits that + +29:45.900 --> 29:51.660 +this this new system of governance just doesn't have room for because it's not about freedom + +29:51.820 --> 30:01.580 +and so i just as we move forward although i think it is important for us to keep doing the work + +30:01.580 --> 30:07.020 +that i'm we're doing with study halls and talking about the illusion of consensus and what people + +30:07.020 --> 30:19.980 +are doing we need to inspire more people to take more concrete action than this if this is what i'm + +30:19.980 --> 30:26.300 +supposed to do which is which is rant and teach then that's okay that i'm going to rant and teach + +30:26.300 --> 30:35.020 +but if if the next step is is i don't know who's got who's going to run for office if we don't run + +30:35.020 --> 30:41.740 +for office we need to get candidates in every state that are running for office on the basis + +30:41.740 --> 30:47.580 +on the basis of health freedom on the basis of preserving the doctor-patient relationship on the + +30:47.580 --> 30:55.340 +basis of reinstating or establishing for the first time strict liability for all pharmaceutical + +30:55.340 --> 31:04.620 +products including vaccines and so if you think about ways to get out of this ways to get out of + +31:04.620 --> 31:10.460 +this aren't making an underground network of doctors that can function in the background + +31:10.700 --> 31:18.620 +ways to get out of this are not to buy a bug-out cabin and stock up with food even though that may + +31:18.620 --> 31:27.900 +be a good plan it might be just as good a plan to organize your small town organize your small + +31:27.900 --> 31:35.420 +county with a group of like-minded people who understand the quandary that we're in and understand + +31:35.500 --> 31:42.460 +that burning down the house may not be the best plan when the roof is leaking even if the roof + +31:42.460 --> 31:47.820 +has been leaking for years even if they've been telling us that the roof isn't leaking and it is + +31:47.820 --> 31:56.300 +leaking and there's mold and everything if it's an old stone house like ours is it's not worth + +31:56.300 --> 31:59.820 +burning down it's not worth wrecking it's not worth throwing out the foundation + +32:00.540 --> 32:04.940 +it's worth repairing the masonry of this chimney + +32:08.940 --> 32:11.260 +it's worth putting a metal roof on the house + +32:14.380 --> 32:18.780 +and in this case it's definitely not worth taking america down to the studs + +32:19.500 --> 32:25.100 +and reinventing what our republic is it is taking it back ladies and gentlemen it is putting people + +32:25.100 --> 32:30.700 +in office that believe in the principles that we believe in and can clean up this mess + +32:31.580 --> 32:36.300 +will it be easy no is it a nearly impossible yes + +32:39.260 --> 32:44.780 +but if we don't try america will be controlled demolished from the outside and in + +32:45.660 --> 32:48.060 +the culture will be continued to be debased + +32:48.220 --> 32:58.460 +stars on the red carpet will continue to not dress up not look classy the media will continue + +32:58.460 --> 33:02.780 +to promote people who aren't classy who aren't a good example for your kids + +33:07.420 --> 33:12.780 +and continue to promote examples not of hard work but luck circumstance + +33:13.100 --> 33:17.980 +that's what we are facing here + +33:20.940 --> 33:26.380 +and that's why you see things like this where teenagers are empowered to brainwash other + +33:26.380 --> 33:32.940 +teenagers teenagers are empowered to coerce other teenagers into accepting things that they + +33:32.940 --> 33:40.220 +don't understand you like that is that good should i use that every once in a while or just keep myself + +33:40.220 --> 33:43.660 +tiny all the time if you like the tiny head i totally understand + +33:46.700 --> 33:51.580 +theater for more than 10 years and along the way earned three i wasn't sure whether to put this + +33:51.580 --> 33:58.220 +oh i wasn't sure whether to put this video in but i put it in because i wanted just for the + +33:58.220 --> 34:03.340 +people that are here watching and have been here all week do you remember the video of + +34:03.340 --> 34:09.260 +my fellow longhair uh the literature teacher who was talking about ovid ovid excuse me + +34:09.260 --> 34:16.700 +and ovid being this greek uh greek story or series of stories rather about metamorphosis + +34:16.700 --> 34:21.180 +and the the main theme that he was trying to get around or get off to his students + +34:21.820 --> 34:29.820 +was the idea that um order is imposed in its temporary according to ovid and in fact chaos + +34:30.540 --> 34:37.980 +is from which all things are are emerging and so from chaos order is imposed and + +34:38.940 --> 34:45.820 +i was just kind of thinking talking about how um this theme of metamorphosis is around all the time + +34:45.820 --> 34:52.620 +and in fact my friend matt crawford was one of the people was the person who cued me into the idea + +34:52.700 --> 35:00.380 +that ovid and covid um and covid might be a thing but i don't think that when matt and i were + +35:00.380 --> 35:06.620 +talking about this or when matt was explaining it to me that we were aware that when robert + +35:06.620 --> 35:11.900 +melon first came out that he was calling it covid and not covid and i only made that connection + +35:11.900 --> 35:16.780 +later on um so anyway i played you a video last week where the guy was explaining this and how + +35:17.740 --> 35:24.620 +uh then it might be that as the roman empire collapsed and created this chaos then new order + +35:24.620 --> 35:32.940 +emerges from it it might be kind of the theme of covid covid the idea that they needed to create + +35:32.940 --> 35:39.340 +chaos before they could change from this system based on nation states and sovereign currencies + +35:39.340 --> 35:46.620 +to changing to this global system where the nation state is subordinate or even non non + +35:46.620 --> 35:53.660 +meaningful and local currencies are also non meaningful because of the digital currencies that + +35:53.660 --> 36:00.620 +will come out and so in order to change this order what i made the argument was is a lot of + +36:00.620 --> 36:06.780 +philosophers will say that it will be better to create chaos and then a new order will be imposed + +36:06.860 --> 36:13.180 +on that chaos as opposed to starting with an old order and trying to rearrange it or modify it into + +36:13.180 --> 36:20.860 +a new one and so we're not really interested in having this new one so it's okay for us to think + +36:20.860 --> 36:27.660 +about the old one as a starting point before moving forward especially since the old one still + +36:27.660 --> 36:34.460 +basically exists right in front of our face they just don't want us to think it's useful anymore + +36:35.340 --> 36:39.180 +they don't want us to think it's salvageable anymore they want us to think that all of our + +36:39.180 --> 36:43.660 +kids have been raised with the bad morals and so it's fine if it all falls apart we'll be fine + +36:44.460 --> 36:50.220 +we'll pick up the pieces afterward that feels like the narrative they're selling to us now and + +36:50.220 --> 36:55.580 +it's starting to frighten me that a lot of americans on both sides the aisle are buying it and in fact + +36:55.580 --> 37:01.260 +what really frightens me is if trump gets elected a lot of americans would love to buy it like let's + +37:01.260 --> 37:11.500 +burn it all down for sure and so it really feels like a bonfire is being built stacked up + +37:11.500 --> 37:17.580 +getting ready to go and we have to make sure that it is a dam of information a dam of biology a + +37:17.580 --> 37:24.380 +dam of truth that gets that floods that bonfire before it ever gets lit theater for more than 10 + +37:24.380 --> 37:29.740 +years and along the way so this free obi awards that's the highest honor this is uh + +37:30.300 --> 37:35.660 +tonight he shares his brief but spectacular take on love joy and the first this is what they do on + +37:35.660 --> 37:41.420 +pbs news hour they feature cultural icons and and influential humans and they give them a + +37:42.540 --> 37:48.620 +a brief but the spectacular moment when they can express themselves about their art and many times + +37:48.620 --> 37:58.780 +of course it's it's one of these hyper politically correct people who in this case + +37:59.180 --> 38:08.460 +um who's sexual orientation gender whatever jewelry nail polish + +38:14.540 --> 38:19.180 +and then what he says and i just i think it's just so i just strikes me i don't know + +38:20.380 --> 38:24.940 +you know it's hard for you hard to broach this subject without immediately being so easily + +38:24.940 --> 38:33.420 +classified as a bigot or whatever but i just want you to notice for what it is because this is + +38:33.420 --> 38:40.140 +never just random because they're sending this out to millions of people this is the + +38:41.340 --> 38:47.260 +the whitest bread news there is and i mean that from the from the generic kitchen perspective not + +38:47.260 --> 38:54.860 +from the race perspective but like you know it's the generic sugar the generic bread the + +38:54.860 --> 39:02.940 +generic cheese and and black and white dishes and a black and white floor it's it's exactly what + +39:05.820 --> 39:14.140 +it's the cartoon narrative of america and so if you see this what you're basically seeing is what the + +39:14.140 --> 39:21.020 +ideal perspective from the ruling class perspective would be for us to have let me say that again + +39:22.460 --> 39:30.220 +in the ideal for the ruling class we would buy every single thing that pbs has got selling now i + +39:30.220 --> 39:37.100 +understand that we don't buy it right but we don't buy it because the limited spectrum of debate is + +39:37.100 --> 39:43.500 +actually just to the left and just to the right of it and there are very loud voices on the left + +39:43.500 --> 39:48.940 +and on the right that yell about it and then this is the one in the middle that is pretending to be + +39:48.940 --> 39:58.060 +calm cool and collected and listen to both of those signs and so the presuppositions of the state + +39:58.060 --> 40:03.420 +and the narrative that the state wants to preserve are perfectly represented on the pbs news hour + +40:04.860 --> 40:11.660 +so as nauseating as it is to watch for me and i i take this one for us for the team and so if + +40:11.660 --> 40:17.340 +there's any reason to donate to my work donate because i put hours into watching the pbs news + +40:17.340 --> 40:25.820 +hour so that i can get this this information out to this idea of what they're trying to send to + +40:25.820 --> 40:31.420 +you so that the scooby-doo can be brought into sharp focus and i'm totally being sarcastic here + +40:31.420 --> 40:39.500 +so don't take me serious when i say this stuff listen to this suit of happiness i am a creative + +40:40.220 --> 40:45.340 +a doula is a person who actually helps to birth the ideas the child the playwright or the director + +40:45.340 --> 40:50.060 +or the mother and the father and i'm helping them to birth that thing so the world can see it and the + +40:50.060 --> 40:58.540 +world can be changed by it my work at the national black theater is a 50-year-old organization i've + +40:58.540 --> 41:04.540 +been there for about 11 years we have been able to dream up and to believe into 50-year-old organizations + +41:04.540 --> 41:20.140 +my work at the national black theater is a 50-year-old organization i've been there for about 11 years + +41:20.140 --> 41:25.980 +we have been able to dream up and to believe into dr barber and tears original vision which was + +41:25.980 --> 41:30.540 +the creative space where people can live serve and work and we use our theory of change as a way + +41:30.540 --> 41:35.420 +in which to make that happen which is black liberation plus art plus placemaking equals the + +41:35.420 --> 41:40.220 +conditions for humans to be transformed if we imagine ourselves as butterflies what is possible + +41:40.220 --> 41:45.260 +if we imagine ourselves to be butterflies what is possible who are we then if we imagine ourselves + +41:45.260 --> 41:52.620 +to be unfettered and unreleased from that husk imagining that maybe three years was a cocoon for + +41:52.620 --> 41:58.300 +us three years was an imagination for us to be able to see witness and become something new + +41:58.380 --> 42:04.140 +who did you become when i think about what it means to be full body three years was a + +42:04.140 --> 42:12.540 +metamorphosis for us three years has changed us three years who did you become in these three + +42:12.540 --> 42:21.580 +years you became a slave a mental slave is what you became a coward a weakling without a voice a + +42:21.580 --> 42:26.780 +person without principles is what a lot of people became that's what i think now see i could have + +42:26.780 --> 42:30.460 +used this but i was afraid if i had said those words with my big head then it would have been + +42:30.460 --> 42:37.900 +very scary so i just kept myself little okay here we go i didn't fully present i really have a + +42:37.900 --> 42:43.500 +conversation with how are we um reckoning with some of the western traditions that have actually + +42:43.500 --> 42:49.420 +allowed us to commodify ourselves instead of seeing ourselves as really powerful beings everything + +42:49.420 --> 42:55.100 +around us everything that we're able to cultivate is of our own doing and is our own becoming you + +42:55.100 --> 43:01.420 +are the cultivation of wisdom wrapped in flesh you are the cultivation of possibility made real + +43:02.140 --> 43:07.500 +in every breath that you get to take something is shifting inside this planet futures are being + +43:07.500 --> 43:11.980 +written that we have never even known and those futures that are being written is what i need + +43:11.980 --> 43:17.340 +is what our future need is what our children need i was crafted from that kind of technology + +43:17.340 --> 43:23.660 +that my ancestors ancestors of slaves ancestors of people who are born into fortitude also ancestors + +43:23.660 --> 43:29.500 +who are kings and queens but those ancestors actually said one day there would be a jonathan and i'm + +43:29.500 --> 43:35.660 +going to show up for him in this moment i'm going to wrap my words with joy and from that joy i + +43:35.660 --> 43:41.820 +love for something magical to show up that is what i'm asking for you to understand that your presence + +43:41.820 --> 43:48.140 +right here is a gift that's really what i mean about the power of presence the ability to share + +43:48.140 --> 43:53.500 +love and to show love to any and everything that you understand that there is only good in the + +43:53.500 --> 43:58.460 +world and that through that good you're radically transformed and transformation doesn't mean that + +43:58.460 --> 44:04.620 +it's always comfortable it means you live in the discomfort of your growth remember that breath + +44:04.620 --> 44:12.860 +was a gift the next one is a gift energy turned into manifesting something real what + +44:12.860 --> 44:18.140 +realness will you do with the time you have with the seconds that you're given + +44:21.500 --> 44:28.140 +my name is jonathan mccory and this is my brief but spectacular take on love joy and the pursuit + +44:28.140 --> 44:34.700 +of happiness now you can have a very negative idea of this and think that you know he's he's + +44:34.700 --> 44:42.620 +doing a performance for them he works for them um you can also just think of it as a guy who is just + +44:42.620 --> 44:49.740 +trying to be himself and is a very enthusiastic creator of theater and was asked to do a brief + +44:49.740 --> 44:56.620 +spectacular moment on pbs news hour and this is what come out of it but i just have a hard time + +44:56.620 --> 45:03.260 +with that at this stage and you heard it as well as i did i saw somebody mentioned in the chat in + +45:03.260 --> 45:10.700 +the chat uh um hitari mama mentioned it in the chat that he said technology i'm not i'm made + +45:10.700 --> 45:17.180 +of the same technology these are not mistakes these are not subtle choices of words these are + +45:17.180 --> 45:26.140 +real choices of words the inversion of the humbleness to the universe as opposed to i am i am i am i + +45:26.140 --> 45:35.020 +am um is is really antithetical to everything that i grew up with antithetical to all the humility + +45:35.020 --> 45:41.180 +that i have for my very limited time and and what i can possibly do with it + +45:43.660 --> 45:50.380 +and in a way you know we've gone from imagining ourselves to be to being + +45:51.500 --> 45:58.060 +having a career and being a good parent to every single one of us having to imagine we could change + +45:58.060 --> 46:03.740 +the world that every breath we take the universe is breathing with us + +46:05.500 --> 46:11.340 +not that we are part of this larger piece but this piece is a larger part of us that we are we are + +46:11.340 --> 46:18.220 +all it matters even if that's not really what he means that's definitely what he said + +46:20.540 --> 46:22.380 +and there was no god ever mentioned + +46:23.260 --> 46:27.660 +that's what i hear + +46:31.020 --> 46:36.940 +and a lot of what i don't hear and that's what pbs news hour is doing for us right now that's + +46:36.940 --> 46:42.060 +what they're doing that's the message that they're sending out at the middle so at the extreme + +46:43.100 --> 46:47.340 +there might be something okay and at the extreme there might feel like there's something okay for + +46:47.340 --> 46:53.580 +both people both sides both opinions but even those extremes are still safe + +46:55.820 --> 47:03.420 +those extremes are still safe and i think you will find that the extremes of christianity in + +47:03.420 --> 47:09.900 +america that are actually promoted that are actually numerically successful + +47:10.620 --> 47:18.780 +that's probably something very wrong with them + +47:21.740 --> 47:29.900 +and i've had a lifetime of exploring that possibility and i know that even extremely large + +47:30.460 --> 47:37.340 +extremely successful on the outside churches like like willow creek in chicago + +47:38.140 --> 47:41.500 +can have at the heart of them people who are liars + +47:43.900 --> 47:50.780 +and it's unfortunate but that's how this debate has been controlled for the last + +47:51.820 --> 47:58.620 +20 or 30 years it's not just the scientists it's not just the army and the navy the air force + +47:58.620 --> 48:05.020 +and marines it's not just the politicians it's also the very successful pastors + +48:05.820 --> 48:11.660 +the tv evangelists these are all people that have been contacted + +48:14.380 --> 48:18.300 +i assure you we are under attack ladies and gentlemen + +48:19.260 --> 48:26.140 +and a long standing organized attack to debase america to control the militia + +48:28.860 --> 48:33.900 +and the easy out is to allow it to happen the easy out is to take the excuse that this can't + +48:33.980 --> 48:37.740 +be fixed that this is beyond repair that my neighbors are idiots + +48:38.700 --> 48:43.420 +that's exactly what these people want us to think because that's exactly how america falls apart + +48:46.860 --> 48:48.460 +so let's watch some twib for fun + +48:50.060 --> 48:55.180 +and then uh oh my gosh i have 10 minutes and this is so long this is so long um + +48:56.860 --> 48:59.420 +i don't know what to do other than to go forward here we go + +48:59.500 --> 49:04.780 +first is an article in science by joselyn kizer they're going to do three articles + +49:04.780 --> 49:10.380 +approves ban on gain of fun the first article is about the ban of function of gain of + +49:10.380 --> 49:17.420 +the ban of gain of function research representatives now they banned research federal funding for + +49:17.980 --> 49:22.700 +gain of function research that modifies risky pathogens in ways that can make them more harmful + +49:22.700 --> 49:28.860 +to people and this may not become law because the senate has to vote on it + +49:29.660 --> 49:35.820 +as you know the senate is mildly democratic so i don't know why this should be a politicized + +49:35.820 --> 49:39.340 +issue at all it should be a scientific issue because because why not because everything's a + +49:39.340 --> 49:44.860 +politicized issue now that's exactly what people are up in a rage about everything the best world + +49:44.860 --> 49:50.300 +yeah allen do you remember as silomar when the scientists decided to i don't remember it but i + +49:50.300 --> 49:54.860 +certainly have read about it yeah they decided hey you know this recombinant dna stuff it could + +49:55.020 --> 50:01.580 +be dangerous let's take a pause and talk about it so they did and that's what should be done here + +50:01.580 --> 50:07.340 +so what is it notably it notably it turned out to be not dangerous yeah turn out not to be dangerous + +50:08.060 --> 50:15.020 +and one of the experiments they cite here is the influenza h5n1 work of fushein kauoka of the + +50:15.020 --> 50:21.500 +2015ish i think where they passage the virus so it became transmissible in the air among ferrets + +50:22.220 --> 50:24.940 +which they cite is horribly dangerous and + +50:26.780 --> 50:32.060 +neglect the fact that it's we learned a lot from it it was done safely under bsl-3 conditions + +50:33.020 --> 50:38.620 +i'd like to make a proposal that we changed the name of that a branch of government to the house + +50:38.620 --> 50:44.380 +of misrepresentation i don't know why they're getting involved i bet most of them don't even + +50:44.380 --> 50:48.620 +understand what gain of function that's the point that is but gain of function is giving a new + +50:48.620 --> 50:54.300 +property to any kind of organism any kind not just viruses it doesn't have to be something that + +50:54.300 --> 51:00.140 +you think might be nasty it could be putting a new enzyme into a yeast so it makes flavorful + +51:00.140 --> 51:05.580 +beer or something like that it just a new function maybe with enough education they can have gain + +51:05.580 --> 51:13.900 +of function for themselves the thing that's um particularly um unfortunate about this + +51:14.540 --> 51:22.460 +is that it this bill also contains other it has amendments one would ban gain of function studies + +51:22.460 --> 51:28.620 +at the the hamlet the laboratory in hamilton montana the nich lab all right and the third + +51:28.620 --> 51:33.340 +amendment would cut three point seven million from the nich director's office budget because it gave + +51:33.340 --> 51:39.660 +a grant for that amount to eco health alliance so you may remember trump cut eco health alliance + +51:39.660 --> 51:45.260 +grant and so recently the director of nih restored it so now they're going to cut that money away + +51:45.260 --> 51:51.020 +from them because they said you shouldn't have done that it's all punitive yes and and the other + +51:51.020 --> 51:57.980 +thing to note is that this amendment is different than some other um bills on this because it's a + +51:57.980 --> 52:04.140 +total ban instead of allowing for review um if somebody wants to you know propose something and + +52:04.140 --> 52:08.380 +get it reviewed and say why it could be useful this is just nope not allowed in any way and this + +52:08.380 --> 52:16.460 +whole thing is just obviously a rush job political patch uh they don't define potential pandemic + +52:16.460 --> 52:25.100 +pathogen mm-hmm which could be anything right you're working with e coli could that be a pandemic + +52:25.100 --> 52:33.900 +pathogen again here what we're dealing with is a controlled spectrum of debate a a limited spectrum + +52:34.060 --> 52:40.460 +debate and a very lively discussion within it's not very lively i thought i recorded it at 1.5 + +52:40.460 --> 52:49.180 +speed it's possible that this is 1.5 speed but anyway the idea is here that these people are one half + +52:49.180 --> 52:54.620 +of the debate the other half of the debate are people saying that this is definitely a lab leak + +52:54.620 --> 53:00.140 +maybe even it's a bio weapon maybe it's a combination of bio weapons + +53:03.740 --> 53:11.420 +and that is the scooby-doo because if you accept that as a mystery that you have to solve a debate + +53:11.420 --> 53:16.620 +that you have to listen to and understand and on take a side on then you've accepted their + +53:16.620 --> 53:23.260 +monsters that's it the monsters are real and you've decided to decide which and who's responsible + +53:23.260 --> 53:28.620 +for the monster that's it that's the whole trick it's not even that complicated + +53:29.740 --> 53:36.700 +that's the beauty of it and they gained this thing out over several different exercises that + +53:36.700 --> 53:44.140 +ended and culminated in event 201 that our own director of intelligence sat at + +53:45.020 --> 53:52.060 +that the oh they're a director of the cdc of china sat at + +53:54.300 --> 54:00.540 +i mean it's all right there in front of you now he can't say that you weren't warned + +54:02.620 --> 54:04.380 +you can't say that you haven't been told + +54:06.780 --> 54:11.580 +and over the next month or so you're we're going to be able to tell people that there + +54:11.660 --> 54:15.500 +there you can't say that there weren't videos that could have helped you understand it + +54:18.860 --> 54:21.340 +we're not going to be doing twitter spaces so we can + +54:21.980 --> 54:27.340 +teach people this stuff we're going to be making slide decks and then we're going to be talking + +54:27.340 --> 54:31.660 +about the slide decks so that people understand them they're going to be annotated well enough + +54:31.660 --> 54:34.860 +they're going to be citing papers that we've talked about for three years + +54:37.020 --> 54:40.860 +and we're going to start to circulate this stuff via email to all of our friends and + +54:40.860 --> 54:45.260 +they're going to send it to their friends and eventually everybody on earth is going to have a + +54:45.260 --> 54:59.100 +copy of basic immunology 101 and a basic infectious clones hypothesis it's not going to be that + +54:59.100 --> 55:06.620 +hard i'm just surprised somebody else didn't write it up by now again because people like + +55:06.700 --> 55:10.780 +brandy vaughn have been out there for decades some of them have been killed like her + +55:12.700 --> 55:18.220 +but the information has been out there the illusion of consensus has been + +55:18.220 --> 55:21.260 +congeiliating over our eyes for decades + +55:25.500 --> 55:29.260 +oh allen allen allen allen allen + +55:30.140 --> 55:32.540 +well maybe you know + +55:33.580 --> 55:35.740 +influencer just say making an influencer + +55:35.740 --> 55:42.300 +influencer gosh yeah we've got historic pandemics of that but any any virus um any + +55:42.860 --> 55:47.580 +transmissible pathogen of any kind could be potential pandemic + +55:49.900 --> 55:54.060 +they also have an amendment that would curb diversity so now + +55:54.700 --> 55:58.700 +please tell me you understood what he just said + +55:58.700 --> 56:05.580 +we've gone from it being required for the last three years to have a fear and cleavage site + +56:06.300 --> 56:11.500 +in order to make it super hyper transmissible like no virus we've ever seen in the history of + +56:11.500 --> 56:21.420 +of mankind to allen here saying that any transmissible pathogen is a potential pandemic + +56:21.420 --> 56:30.300 +any any transmissible pathogen is a potential pandemic well that's impressive + +56:33.180 --> 56:40.300 +that's impressive i mean man oh man first yes and NIH funded research on topics like gender + +56:40.300 --> 56:45.900 +affirming care i mean this is just this is part of this whole idiotic culture wars + +56:46.540 --> 56:50.700 +campaign talking point that's been just yeah + +56:53.020 --> 57:00.780 +anyway this is highly um ill advised because uh as i said i i think it's partially in in + +57:00.780 --> 57:05.180 +retribution for tony fauci telling rann paul he didn't know what he was talking about which is true + +57:05.180 --> 57:09.180 +i would say when it comes to gain a function every member of the house probably doesn't know + +57:09.180 --> 57:15.820 +anything about it someone told them they should vote against this and uh they did but i suppose + +57:15.820 --> 57:22.220 +the senate will not vote for it so i'm not sure the scientific community even has a good grip + +57:22.220 --> 57:29.420 +on a definition for a good question or for uh potentially potential pandemic pathogen yeah right + +57:29.420 --> 57:34.380 +i mean that that's that's one of the one of the problems here is that all those concepts are + +57:34.380 --> 57:40.940 +pretty slippery and it's not because one of the problems is is that the idea of a pandemic where + +57:41.020 --> 57:45.500 +something can go around the globe because it's it can it can it can replicate + +57:46.460 --> 57:52.540 +is something that even the best insect can't do very fast the best insect can't do it without a + +57:52.540 --> 58:01.660 +lot of help from boats and stuff and yet somehow or another viruses boy oh boy they can this one + +58:01.660 --> 58:09.020 +this one this one virus could go from a point release in a market in luhan and coat the globe + +58:09.020 --> 58:16.540 +with itself i mean it's in every every other house on my street right every other house on + +58:16.540 --> 58:24.940 +your street and in 2019 it was in none of those houses do you understand that that that's the + +58:24.940 --> 58:32.060 +concept here that these guys seem to think is just a natural yeah that's sure that works + +58:32.940 --> 58:38.460 +they are attributing superpowers to something that's not even a pattern integrity + +58:41.100 --> 58:50.700 +and and insects can move fast breed fast they're very adaptable they eat lots of stuff and yet + +58:50.700 --> 59:00.700 +insects can't cover the globe in themselves in oh but that's because they don't have a niche + +59:00.780 --> 59:07.660 +the niches are all taken up and we were talking about niches for viruses the other week and these + +59:07.660 --> 59:12.620 +guys were arguing about the fact that you really can't call them niches because they're not species + +59:12.620 --> 59:18.060 +but they still haven't understood that the whole concept of a virus and the way that we + +59:18.060 --> 59:24.940 +talk about them is essentially treating them as pattern integrates treating them as living things + +59:24.940 --> 59:35.740 +with the capacity to engage in behavior and have emergent properties that we have here + +59:35.740 --> 59:42.380 +to for only ascribe to pattern integrates pattern integrity is being things that use energy + +59:42.380 --> 59:48.780 +and material to maintain a form they have homeostatic homeostatic mechanisms + +59:49.020 --> 59:56.460 +they can be said to engage in homeostasis there's no homeostasis in an RNA wrapped in + +59:56.460 --> 01:00:04.300 +lipoproteins and there's no pandemic potential in them + +01:00:09.100 --> 01:00:16.620 +we have to wake people up to this absolute illusion and these people may never wake up + +01:00:16.620 --> 01:00:21.100 +they may never understand it even if I had them each on my show and we talked about it + +01:00:21.100 --> 01:00:26.540 +they may not quite get it but some of them might that girl in the corner might get it this lady + +01:00:26.540 --> 01:00:34.380 +right here might get it she just did her postdoc in in Vincent's lab she's just bamboozled by her + +01:00:34.940 --> 01:00:40.220 +by her PhD supervisor this guy might get it this is the guy who didn't and didn't agree with the niches + +01:00:40.380 --> 01:00:50.300 +maybe I need to be at about 80 instead of 90 or 100 like that it's a really big hand and if I + +01:00:50.300 --> 01:00:54.380 +was a little bit smaller I could point a little better at all of them anyway I'm going to let them + +01:00:54.380 --> 01:01:00.300 +go they have more to say there's more to say I mean it's just because of the limits of the science + +01:01:00.300 --> 01:01:06.140 +really because you can't you can't predict what's going on here and that's that's one of the reasons + +01:01:06.220 --> 01:01:14.220 +that it in my mind at least makes most sense to have some process by which from the ground up + +01:01:14.220 --> 01:01:18.540 +and this is one of the things that's suggested in some of these things from the ground up these + +01:01:18.540 --> 01:01:22.300 +things can be considered on a case-by-case basis by people who know what's going on + +01:01:23.500 --> 01:01:31.980 +I'm glad to see some information from ASM against this year I mean this is clearly clearly a job + +01:01:32.620 --> 01:01:38.220 +for the National Academy of Sciences they should be advising Congress on these issues and + +01:01:39.580 --> 01:01:43.340 +they're not even seeking their advice and that's that's wrong also because they're + +01:01:43.980 --> 01:01:48.300 +they're not turning over every stone before they make decisions they're not seeking their advice + +01:01:48.300 --> 01:01:53.980 +because they don't want data right they don't want us yes that's right this is not about facts + +01:01:53.980 --> 01:02:02.700 +there would be nice to have a meeting and of scientists and talk about this exactly and maybe + +01:02:02.700 --> 01:02:08.780 +even some people who do risk assessment right you throw them in there and they could talk about + +01:02:08.780 --> 01:02:15.820 +it would be very useful instead of having politicians make these edicts I've probably said this before + +01:02:15.820 --> 01:02:23.900 +but this when I consider this it reminds me of when I actually it wasn't when I first joined + +01:02:23.900 --> 01:02:30.860 +now it was when I renewed my certification that's the National Association of Underwater + +01:02:31.900 --> 01:02:38.060 +Instructors I think yeah yeah that's a scuba diving organization and like the first thing + +01:02:38.060 --> 01:02:43.740 +out of the instructors it's not instructors who are behind on their mortgage the first thing + +01:02:43.820 --> 01:02:51.420 +out of the instructors mouth was listen we have a number of safety protocols and sort of + +01:02:52.620 --> 01:03:00.460 +we have our own self-regulatory process he said it's everybody's obligation to pay close + +01:03:00.460 --> 01:03:06.220 +attention to this stuff because if we don't regulate ourselves the government will and that + +01:03:06.220 --> 01:03:13.820 +will be addressed there's no pun intended in regularly I hope yeah good fix it it might be + +01:03:13.820 --> 01:03:19.900 +good here if you were able to put in that paper that was in the three journals at the same time + +01:03:19.900 --> 01:03:26.620 +the ASM journals yeah that talked about that gain of function research and had that really + +01:03:26.700 --> 01:03:35.100 +important table that yes listed examples of the kinds of benefits to human kind and + +01:03:36.700 --> 01:03:42.700 +agricultural good idea animals and plants from we'll put that in so-called gain of function research + +01:03:44.300 --> 01:03:48.780 +okay all right next thing is a chronic wasting disease here we go + +01:03:49.660 --> 01:03:59.100 +which is a disease is a prion disease of what is servants servants deer elk in a moose right + +01:03:59.900 --> 01:04:07.180 +yes and a prion disease is a neurological disease where a protein that you have in you + +01:04:07.180 --> 01:04:12.540 +and this goes for deer as well start to the misfold and you get a neurological generation + +01:04:12.540 --> 01:04:17.500 +which is ultimately fatal and a number of years ago it started to be picked up in deer a number + +01:04:17.500 --> 01:04:27.020 +of animals have it humans do and others mink and many other sheep now deer and this one is in + +01:04:27.020 --> 01:04:33.900 +Tennessee and they have a lot of cases they they basically take deer that have been harvested + +01:04:34.940 --> 01:04:44.540 +for hunting and they look for a presence of the prion and last year they tested 20,762 samples + +01:04:44.620 --> 01:04:52.860 +and 813 were positive so the concern hearing yes go ahead go ahead + +01:04:54.300 --> 01:04:58.460 +no right so no we're getting we're getting to this year now you know the concern is that it + +01:04:58.460 --> 01:05:02.780 +would spread from deer so the first question that comes to mind is what's the test + +01:05:04.700 --> 01:05:09.500 +what does the test do they use do they sequence for it are they have a lysotest for it is it + +01:05:10.140 --> 01:05:15.100 +you know antibodies what are they looking for because supposedly one particle + +01:05:15.900 --> 01:05:22.540 +just one particles enough supposedly that's how prions work i heard it from an expert the other + +01:05:22.540 --> 01:05:29.180 +night actually two experts the other night said that it's just one particle one particle is enough + +01:05:29.180 --> 01:05:35.980 +and it's over game over dominoes falling so i really wonder what the test is and how + +01:05:36.300 --> 01:05:41.500 +how certain they can really be that they found it given the test 800 were positive + +01:05:43.100 --> 01:05:46.700 +interesting interesting interesting stuff here interesting stuff + +01:05:47.420 --> 01:05:54.380 +the other animals right humans like to eat deer i understand they hunt them and the dressing + +01:05:54.380 --> 01:05:59.020 +in the field how do the deer catch it the people who hunt deer and dress them in the field + +01:05:59.900 --> 01:06:04.300 +if they don't know that the deer so the deer the deer appear to catch it from each other each + +01:06:04.380 --> 01:06:09.420 +other yes but where they got it to start with is another question that's another question and this + +01:06:09.420 --> 01:06:15.420 +is an this is an issue with prion diseases in general because these are they're not viruses + +01:06:15.420 --> 01:06:20.700 +just to be clear but virologists have ended up kind of with prions in our field because nobody + +01:06:20.700 --> 01:06:28.700 +else wanted them and so they're they're proteins and they are naturally occurring proteins of course + +01:06:28.700 --> 01:06:35.340 +that are often doing essential functions but under certain circumstances one of them can + +01:06:35.340 --> 01:06:41.660 +misfold and if you you know studied virology or listened any infants and selectures you you know + +01:06:41.660 --> 01:06:46.700 +that the folded shape of a protein is very important but what's different about prion proteins is that + +01:06:46.700 --> 01:06:53.820 +they have a misfolded configuration that can happen that then allows that misfolded protein + +01:06:53.820 --> 01:07:02.780 +to catalyze a transition in other proteins one thing that just came to mind + +01:07:03.980 --> 01:07:08.620 +yeah you got to just be a little smaller i think but one thing that just came to mind which i + +01:07:08.620 --> 01:07:13.340 +find very interesting is that it supposedly google has figured out how all the proteins fold + +01:07:14.700 --> 01:07:19.180 +they have this program you know that had that three-dimensional thing flying over my head with + +01:07:19.180 --> 01:07:23.020 +all those proteins that was actually from some google fold program where they were + +01:07:23.740 --> 01:07:28.620 +announced earlier this year that they had actually figured out how all proteins fold they have this + +01:07:28.620 --> 01:07:34.780 +new ai that can do it so then my assumption would be that that ai can easily explain + +01:07:35.340 --> 01:07:42.220 +how prions work and exactly what structures in proteins can result in the catalytic misfolding + +01:07:42.220 --> 01:07:48.380 +of other proteins around them it should be very obvious i mean if they have an ai that's capable + +01:07:48.380 --> 01:07:54.700 +of folding any and telling you what any tertiary sequence of a of a protein is given its amino + +01:07:54.700 --> 01:08:01.500 +acid list then i can't imagine that with this kind of computing power this kind of a breakthrough + +01:08:02.060 --> 01:08:07.020 +that they can't figure out how given that they have the sequence of these things + +01:08:07.020 --> 01:08:12.140 +that they can't put that sequence in this folding program and find out how they fold together folding + +01:08:12.140 --> 01:08:17.660 +folders and make those folding folders fold the wrong way so that instead of folding and folding + +01:08:17.660 --> 01:08:22.460 +and working they fold and then they fold up other things that get f'd up + +01:08:26.860 --> 01:08:32.940 +so these are real real biologists they're all academic biologists but none of them seem to be + +01:08:32.940 --> 01:08:38.700 +able to really take this problem and work it to its final end to where you can get some useful + +01:08:39.500 --> 01:08:45.820 +thinking done i don't really get it how can you be a biologist and not have this gigantic + +01:08:46.780 --> 01:08:50.140 +battleship size question in your head about weight how does this work + +01:08:51.580 --> 01:08:56.220 +and since we know all this stuff about how proteins fold why can't you explain it to me + +01:08:58.380 --> 01:09:05.020 +why does it stop with little photos or little cartoons of alpha helix and beta pleated sheets + +01:09:05.020 --> 01:09:10.460 +and then some hand waving about how yeah these sequences boy they can go they can go bananas you + +01:09:10.460 --> 01:09:14.780 +know like when you put three rubic cubes together and then they all solve themselves + +01:09:15.580 --> 01:09:17.980 +well if you put them on the right colors that's what happens + +01:09:19.420 --> 01:09:23.500 +you know some of the rubic cubes are magnetic so that can work or you know the rubic snake + +01:09:23.500 --> 01:09:28.220 +those things those rubic snakes boy if you put them in the box the right way you would get them + +01:09:28.220 --> 01:09:32.460 +out and they would all be folded the same sitting right next to each other it was pretty cool + +01:09:32.700 --> 01:09:41.660 +they have no mechanism they have no explanation despite all of our structural protein knowledge + +01:09:42.460 --> 01:09:49.740 +they have no data to explain to you a mechanism by which this occurs other than your intuition + +01:09:49.740 --> 01:09:55.660 +that this makes sense that sometimes proteins fold incorrectly and sometimes they fold incorrectly + +01:09:55.660 --> 01:10:01.420 +and it causes other proteins to fold incorrectly you know like when one folding chair causes another + +01:10:01.420 --> 01:10:12.860 +folding chair to break and they all break it doesn't really really make sense yet but i'm sure + +01:10:12.860 --> 01:10:19.260 +someday they'll they'll use google fold to figure out how beta pleated sheets and alpha helices can + +01:10:19.260 --> 01:10:25.660 +result in some kind of pseudo three-dimensional domino effect where one misfolded protein can + +01:10:25.660 --> 01:10:30.300 +cause a regularly folded protein to go bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla now everybody's + +01:10:30.300 --> 01:10:36.380 +misfolded darn it that's too bad that happened 20 amino acids and we're all screwed darn it + +01:10:43.260 --> 01:10:50.060 +to misfold them like a 3d chain reaction of misfoldings yeah yeah yeah um and these will + +01:10:50.060 --> 01:10:57.100 +often they'll they'll polymerize into tendrils like in the nervous tissue uh which is characteristic + +01:10:57.100 --> 01:11:02.140 +of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's but in this case it's a pathogenic protein that's + +01:11:02.140 --> 01:11:06.620 +making these polymers of something that should be going about its normal function but now it's + +01:11:06.620 --> 01:11:11.900 +making these threads that are damaging the neurons and you get all these various sequelae + +01:11:11.980 --> 01:11:20.300 +med cal disease bse scrapian sheet what is the core core in trisalt yachos kuru + +01:11:22.140 --> 01:11:27.340 +so all these different diseases have all different variations of the same protein + +01:11:27.340 --> 01:11:33.740 +misfolding but they still can't tell us how it works they're not showing us no papers out there + +01:11:33.740 --> 01:11:38.860 +show us a picture of the different proteins and what's parallel with them what's what's in common + +01:11:38.940 --> 01:11:42.460 +with all these these proteins that are causing all these troubles + +01:11:44.220 --> 01:11:49.740 +can we see a crystallization of these proteins or maybe we can use a computer model of x-ray + +01:11:49.740 --> 01:11:56.940 +crystallography because roberm loans got one of those and he modeled the entire pharmaceutical + +01:11:56.940 --> 01:12:04.220 +library of the fda of all approved products with that computer model of x-ray crystallography so + +01:12:04.220 --> 01:12:11.420 +i'm sure he could model a few hundred a few what 20 amino acids and show you how that 20 amino + +01:12:11.420 --> 01:12:21.420 +acids can magically make another 20 amino acids misfold the proposition + +01:12:22.940 --> 01:12:29.500 +is a cartoon their understanding is a cartoon their explanation is a cartoon so how can we be + +01:12:29.500 --> 01:12:39.260 +led to believe this cartoon is real are there sick deer yes there are has any human ever caught + +01:12:39.260 --> 01:12:51.900 +this disease from a deer no they haven't hmm interesting it's interesting interesting days + +01:12:51.900 --> 01:12:57.260 +here ladies and gentlemen because there's a lot of interesting parallel double downs that + +01:12:57.260 --> 01:13:03.580 +shouldn't be parallel that was some eating brain yeah yeah yeah brain so that's why i'm asking + +01:13:03.580 --> 01:13:09.100 +about deer they're not they're not meeting they're not eating brains but the the prions are in + +01:13:09.740 --> 01:13:15.980 +other parts of the body including apparently they can be detected in the deer urine yep + +01:13:16.860 --> 01:13:22.700 +probably and that's a major scent cue for deer so they're marking their territory they're sniffing + +01:13:22.700 --> 01:13:28.300 +their territory they're getting and the prions are very these um cw prions are very durable in the + +01:13:28.300 --> 01:13:32.860 +environment sure they're very durable in the environment and they're peeing all over your + +01:13:32.860 --> 01:13:38.540 +backyard so if your kids go out in the yard they could get these prions all over them and they're + +01:13:38.540 --> 01:13:45.100 +very durable in the environment i mean not like RNA that just did just you know gets degraded by + +01:13:45.660 --> 01:13:52.380 +RNases and and UV light these proteins are durable in the environment and they're in deer urine + +01:13:56.300 --> 01:14:01.500 +something about this cartoon seems to be incongruent with our reality + +01:14:04.860 --> 01:14:07.820 +but they're going to tell the story of the cartoon anyway + +01:14:09.100 --> 01:14:12.460 +and they're going to mislead our children with the cartoon anyway + +01:14:13.260 --> 01:14:16.860 +because that's the way they govern us with cartoons + +01:14:20.780 --> 01:14:25.820 +so one of the control measures that they implement in places with seed actually i think this is + +01:14:25.820 --> 01:14:32.700 +probably most places now um is uh traditionally deer hunters have used deer urine as a lure + +01:14:34.300 --> 01:14:39.100 +so they'll buy bottles of deer urine and and dribble it on some trees and then you know deer + +01:14:39.100 --> 01:14:45.660 +will come and check it out um but uh many states now regulate this and tennessee is among them + +01:14:46.220 --> 01:14:53.900 +um so that you can you can only use synthetic lures or deer urine that's been produced i think + +01:14:53.900 --> 01:15:00.060 +it has to be produced in the state from a certified facility that does all sorts of tests to make + +01:15:00.060 --> 01:15:06.300 +sure that they don't have the cwd prion in it they also don't want you to put out food and salt licks + +01:15:06.300 --> 01:15:13.020 +which is i presume to interrupt transmission they don't want you to put out food and salt licks + +01:15:13.020 --> 01:15:20.780 +because that's cheating that's like being shitty to the deer that's why i mean come on this is just + +01:15:20.780 --> 01:15:27.500 +crazy we're talking about oh my goodness this is so funny coming from Wisconsin it's just really + +01:15:27.500 --> 01:15:31.340 +hard to hear people talk about deer hunting when they don't know what they're talking about i mean + +01:15:31.340 --> 01:15:37.900 +it's just sad oh yeah it could have started in deer as a spontaneous misfolding many years ago + +01:15:37.900 --> 01:15:44.860 +in one deer and then it spread from deer to deer ha from deer to deer from one deer over many years + +01:15:44.860 --> 01:15:54.140 +that's how it happened i'm sure yes just you know that darn joker card got in my deck and then + +01:15:54.140 --> 01:15:59.740 +more joker cards got out of my deck and got in your deck and then those joker cards multiplied + +01:15:59.740 --> 01:16:04.940 +and got into other people's deck and before you knew it there was joker cards in every deer urine + +01:16:08.700 --> 01:16:16.220 +it's just such a ridiculous story that attributes a pattern integrity's attributes to a protein + +01:16:22.060 --> 01:16:22.380 +try + +01:16:22.940 --> 01:16:30.940 +it's just very very frustrating i think we're finally here though so you have to see it as a + +01:16:30.940 --> 01:16:38.700 +happy day has a happy time because we've made progress with being able to explain what's wrong + +01:16:38.700 --> 01:16:45.900 +with this mythology and what's wrong with it is that we continually are being baited into applying + +01:16:45.900 --> 01:16:51.420 +biological principles that heretofore have only been applied to patterned + +01:16:51.420 --> 01:17:00.460 +integrity's that can be described as species that actually evolve through selective pressure + +01:17:00.460 --> 01:17:07.500 +and selection at least that's what we think and so we've come up with all these + +01:17:08.060 --> 01:17:18.780 +descriptive terms which identify phenomenon that seem to be emergent in these pattern + +01:17:18.780 --> 01:17:25.020 +integrity's we've learned a lot from birds we've learned a lot from monkeys we've learned a lot + +01:17:25.020 --> 01:17:30.140 +from the phylogenies of animals that we've tried to assemble based on their genetic relations + +01:17:31.020 --> 01:17:32.220 +to one another + +01:17:35.260 --> 01:17:44.300 +and those principles of evolution and phylogeny have been applied to viruses without necessarily + +01:17:44.300 --> 01:17:52.380 +establishing that they are patterned integrity's worthy of that description even the very thought + +01:17:52.380 --> 01:17:59.100 +that these are phylogenetically descended from one ancestor in Wuhan is an imposed mythology + +01:18:01.020 --> 01:18:07.580 +it is an imposed mythology that this illusion of consensus from the craziest people on the internet + +01:18:07.580 --> 01:18:16.060 +in March 2020 to the most mainstream people on the internet in 2020 has been preserved for four years + +01:18:17.900 --> 01:18:25.340 +this idea that we can think of viruses mostly as alive mostly as evolving mostly as pathogens + +01:18:25.500 --> 01:18:29.820 +mostly as pathogens even though all of those attributes are reserved for patterned + +01:18:29.820 --> 01:18:35.580 +integrity's all of those concepts have been heretofore only applied to patterned integrity's + +01:18:35.580 --> 01:18:39.820 +and these virologists these molecular biologists have inverted our thinking + +01:18:40.540 --> 01:18:46.140 +to thinking that something that is a molecule wrapped in other molecules is a patterned integrity + +01:18:46.140 --> 01:18:53.340 +endowed with something sacred and it's not whereas a mouse + +01:18:54.300 --> 01:19:02.540 +or let's use a rat in your backyard as nasty a vermin it is it's a patterned integrity + +01:19:04.620 --> 01:19:09.420 +that's why putting the trays of poison out in the backyard don't quite get rid of all of them + +01:19:12.300 --> 01:19:18.140 +because they're patterned integrity's it's not paint you can't just clean it up you can't just + +01:19:18.700 --> 01:19:25.260 +use alcohol and wipe the bench and now it's clean but you can do that with viruses yep you can + +01:19:31.500 --> 01:19:37.980 +because it might be that viruses are not patterned integrity's and i think that's where we are + +01:19:39.260 --> 01:19:46.140 +and prions are not patterned integrity's so it is impossible to explain their spread + +01:19:46.140 --> 01:19:52.140 +as starting from a single animal where it just was an event where some protein folded badly + +01:19:53.020 --> 01:19:59.340 +if that was the case then one protein folding badly 50,000 years ago would have wiped out + +01:19:59.340 --> 01:20:08.220 +in the entire the entire branch that we call mammals are you kidding me let's just rewind + +01:20:08.220 --> 01:20:15.740 +time a little bit and think about this as a possibility apparently all that has always existed because + +01:20:15.740 --> 01:20:21.820 +we didn't find the prion protein for the first time in humans or in deer or in this contemporary + +01:20:21.820 --> 01:20:31.020 +time these guys all must believe in the dogma of biology that we've been using dna and rna and + +01:20:31.020 --> 01:20:37.420 +proteins for millions of years so then that means prions have been around for millions of years + +01:20:37.420 --> 01:20:43.340 +which means that at any point in time previous to this one the misfolding of a protein could + +01:20:43.340 --> 01:20:51.020 +have led to a domino effect which wiped out the whole freaking mammalian branch of life + +01:20:54.540 --> 01:20:55.100 +but it didn't + +01:20:58.460 --> 01:21:03.100 +these people just are claiming that they understand phenomenon that they can barely even describe + +01:21:03.100 --> 01:21:07.980 +succinctly they they're claiming that they understand biological phenomenon and all the + +01:21:07.980 --> 01:21:12.940 +implications of them and all the various ways of controlling them when they can't even describe + +01:21:12.940 --> 01:21:20.220 +the mechanism by which that phenomenon works a plausible one even just a bunch of hand waving + +01:21:20.220 --> 01:21:27.260 +about how a protein can misfold and cause other proteins to misfold like you know sometimes when + +01:21:27.260 --> 01:21:33.420 +that occasionally that one sock folds itself in the laundry and then all the laundry comes out + +01:21:33.420 --> 01:21:39.180 +folded you know sometimes that happens it's just not very often but sometimes a shirt will fold + +01:21:39.180 --> 01:21:45.660 +itself and because it folded itself all the other laundry will fold itself you know how entropy + +01:21:46.460 --> 01:21:46.940 +works + +01:21:50.220 --> 01:21:55.820 +unbelievable and the concern is spreading to other animals including humans there haven't been any + +01:21:55.820 --> 01:22:02.780 +human cases yet oh you know you have to be careful and also to cows who would graze in a pasture + +01:22:02.780 --> 01:22:09.260 +where deer go in they've shown that prions in the soil can be taken up with the plant roots and + +01:22:09.260 --> 01:22:15.820 +go up to the leaves and they're infectious there so theoretically a cow could lick it and acquire + +01:22:15.820 --> 01:22:22.540 +them so a lot of and they're infectious there but what does that mean infectious there when nobody's + +01:22:22.540 --> 01:22:29.660 +had one no animal no human has gotten it from the deer so how is it infectious there if prions + +01:22:29.740 --> 01:22:34.540 +from the soil can go up into plants and get into the cows what is he talking about + +01:22:39.980 --> 01:22:46.060 +all our children would be dead if this was true our children wouldn't even exist right now if + +01:22:46.060 --> 01:22:54.540 +this was true or we're going on a slow roll and we're in the midst of the extinction of the mammals + +01:22:54.540 --> 01:22:58.780 +I guess it's just a matter of time it just takes one + +01:23:03.580 --> 01:23:08.140 +concerns here and then isn't some of that related to how scrappy happens in a lot of sheep + +01:23:10.220 --> 01:23:18.700 +yeah sheep maybe sheep gets scrappy and I thought it could be due to sort of some of the contamination + +01:23:18.780 --> 01:23:26.140 +in the pasture that would make sense because they also are you know herbivores and of course + +01:23:26.700 --> 01:23:35.100 +since we're talking about sheep cows in the UK were fed ground up sheep and they got prions + +01:23:35.100 --> 01:23:40.700 +from the sheep and that started the mad cow disease outbreak which spilled over into people + +01:23:41.660 --> 01:23:48.620 +wait burgers because you can't inactivate these by cooking or anything very difficult to inactivate + +01:23:48.620 --> 01:23:55.900 +so the the the so why can't you inactivate them why why do they have a protein + +01:23:56.780 --> 01:24:03.900 +why do they have a attribute of a protein that no other protein has there is a term called denaturing + +01:24:04.860 --> 01:24:11.260 +where when you heat a protein beyond a certain temperature it can no longer sustain its + +01:24:11.260 --> 01:24:17.900 +tertiary folding structure that was it gained as a result of its manufactured by ribosomes + +01:24:19.180 --> 01:24:25.420 +so i'm curious as to how it is that a protein can lock itself into a position which renders it + +01:24:25.420 --> 01:24:31.260 +temperature impervious it doesn't really jive with the chemical nature of the proteins that + +01:24:31.260 --> 01:24:37.420 +we've understood up until this stage and in fact it suggests that prions are not prions + +01:24:37.420 --> 01:24:41.020 +that they're not proteins that there's something else or whatever they're looking at is not what + +01:24:41.020 --> 01:24:43.500 +they think they're looking at if they're looking at anything at all + +01:24:50.620 --> 01:24:55.500 +i think it's it's getting scary in a way because we're being forced to really question the basic + +01:24:55.500 --> 01:24:59.580 +tenets of biology the basic tenets of of these + +01:25:03.260 --> 01:25:10.860 +these claims and it's very very strange to me that some of these more outlandish + +01:25:11.740 --> 01:25:19.020 +and and lack of lacking foundation theories in biology are now being pursued and pushed to the + +01:25:19.020 --> 01:25:26.300 +four prion disease is not something that we study a lot because there aren't very good examples + +01:25:26.300 --> 01:25:31.500 +of it there it also supposedly is so dangerous that when people study it they die + +01:25:33.660 --> 01:25:37.740 +but they have no mechanism for how it works they can't explain how it works + +01:25:37.740 --> 01:25:42.300 +and they can't show you any diagrams of how it works even though it can be as little as 20 amino + +01:25:42.300 --> 01:25:51.580 +acids according to some experts even though it only takes one one particle one single molecule + +01:25:52.380 --> 01:25:57.660 +according to some experts they still can't explain to you how those 20 amino acids result in other + +01:25:57.660 --> 01:26:03.420 +proteins and a cascade of misfolding they just they don't have an explanation + +01:26:03.580 --> 01:26:14.220 +and they don't seem to be interested in one and this sounds a lot like the rest of virology + +01:26:15.660 --> 01:26:22.860 +where the cartoon is sufficient where the hand waving is sufficient the assumptions are okay + +01:26:24.380 --> 01:26:26.140 +it doesn't matter it's a good ballpark + +01:26:26.140 --> 01:26:37.980 +we've got to be very careful ladies and gentlemen because the train is still moving at full speed + +01:26:38.540 --> 01:26:45.420 +and nobody cares we're the only ones who are paying attention right now and a lot of other + +01:26:45.420 --> 01:26:50.540 +people are still being bamboozled by those on our side who are pushing the worst case scenario + +01:26:51.500 --> 01:26:57.100 +the worst case scenario of bioweapons the worst case scenario of prion disease the worst case scenario + +01:26:57.100 --> 01:27:00.220 +of nothing to do with protocols + +01:27:03.740 --> 01:27:10.140 +they talk for hours about prions they talk for hours about bioweapons they talk for hours about + +01:27:10.140 --> 01:27:17.260 +anthrax they never talk about the protocols and how protocols and opioid deaths were used to + +01:27:17.340 --> 01:27:22.940 +create excess deaths that were then blamed on covid that were used to tell the narrative + +01:27:22.940 --> 01:27:28.460 +because you had to have excess deaths to point to and there were only a few ways for them to + +01:27:28.460 --> 01:27:35.180 +create them and not all of them were as reliable or as as useful as others once the narrative + +01:27:35.180 --> 01:27:40.300 +started to break down you couldn't use ventilators forever you weren't going to get away with using + +01:27:40.300 --> 01:27:47.180 +remdesivir forever you weren't going to get away with not using antibiotics forever but they got + +01:27:47.180 --> 01:27:52.940 +away with it long enough to create the event and then they were on top of this worst case + +01:27:52.940 --> 01:28:01.020 +scenario narrative that had been laid by everyone from Rand Paul to Tony Fauci to Paul Catrell to + +01:28:01.660 --> 01:28:02.380 +George Webb + +01:28:05.820 --> 01:28:11.580 +they all were laying a worst case scenario narrative about a gain of function virus and we know nothing + +01:28:17.740 --> 01:28:24.300 +and we're still being misled right now as we speak today of the same things by the same people + +01:28:25.340 --> 01:28:30.940 +worst case scenario is still on the table worst case scenario is still being prepared + +01:28:30.940 --> 01:28:36.940 +worst case scenario still coming in the future worst case scenario still has many facets that you + +01:28:36.940 --> 01:28:46.060 +don't understand and while they're talking about worst case scenario for hours and hours and hours + +01:28:46.140 --> 01:28:51.900 +they never reflect on the PCR fraud or on the death certificate fraud or the do not resuscitate + +01:28:51.900 --> 01:28:58.620 +orders in New York or all the other fraud that led to the excess deaths that they called COVID + +01:28:58.620 --> 01:29:05.580 +that these people called the bio weapon that these people said we're giving this is the the crux of it + +01:29:09.740 --> 01:29:15.740 +the people who repeated over and over in 2021 that a million people have been killed those people + +01:29:17.020 --> 01:29:21.500 +while they knew that protocols would did the majority of it while they knew that the majority + +01:29:21.500 --> 01:29:25.900 +of it was based on lies they said that a million people were killed by COVID + +01:29:31.900 --> 01:29:36.700 +these are liars ladies and gentlemen these are liars and we need to sort out the liars + +01:29:37.820 --> 01:29:42.220 +from those that have misled the others because the others are just following their lead + +01:29:43.180 --> 01:29:49.100 +the others are our trusting people they shouldn't trust and you can't always fault people for that + +01:29:51.100 --> 01:29:58.060 +you can't not in this stressful time not in this this evil malevolent time + +01:29:59.420 --> 01:30:06.220 +people were desperate to find people to trust and people were very good trained liars highly skilled + +01:30:06.220 --> 01:30:13.340 +and the illusion of consensus about a dangerous novel virus that killed millions of people the + +01:30:13.340 --> 01:30:18.220 +millions of more were saved from and is likely from a gain of function lab was a consensus that + +01:30:18.220 --> 01:30:23.660 +was almost impossible to break because almost all of these people were involved in sustaining + +01:30:23.660 --> 01:30:34.940 +part of it by not questioning it if all you ever did was fight for one thing if all you ever did was + +01:30:34.940 --> 01:30:41.020 +become known for one thing during the pandemic chances are you were not fighting for us + +01:30:44.620 --> 01:30:51.180 +that's the bottom line if you weren't an integrator at some point and adding up all of the things + +01:30:51.180 --> 01:30:55.740 +that you knew were wrong with this adding up all of the things that were incongruent and telling + +01:30:55.740 --> 01:31:01.420 +people man i can't believe how much of this stuff people didn't get then you were you are + +01:31:01.420 --> 01:31:08.060 +probably not fighting for us like if you had one message you know one thing that you always + +01:31:08.060 --> 01:31:14.060 +get invited to talk about one thing that you go all around the world complaining about one thing + +01:31:14.940 --> 01:31:19.980 +and you probably weren't fighting for us because there were lots of things to talk about and + +01:31:19.980 --> 01:31:25.500 +everybody should have been talking about them it should have been okay for any one of these people + +01:31:25.500 --> 01:31:31.740 +to go and talk about it you wouldn't need all the people to go unless all the people had to go + +01:31:31.740 --> 01:31:38.860 +in order to perform a theater where this was never questioned this faith was never questioned + +01:31:39.580 --> 01:31:43.420 +and that's what i think's going on here that's why i'm building this map that's why i want to + +01:31:43.420 --> 01:31:49.340 +meet all these people talk to them and DM them tweet with them because i want to figure out why + +01:31:49.340 --> 01:31:56.780 +they can't see the obvious that this is not a mystery virus until you do the math excess deaths + +01:31:56.780 --> 01:32:03.820 +is not the mystery virus because there are lots of known sources of this excess deaths that people + +01:32:03.820 --> 01:32:09.580 +should be talking about and there's no evidence of spread + +01:32:13.420 --> 01:32:18.140 +and so all of these people are engaged in a train pulling and pushing exercise where they're + +01:32:18.220 --> 01:32:23.100 +faking the stopping and starting the train they are participating in it together the reason why + +01:32:23.100 --> 01:32:29.180 +it's important to understand the participation part is because if this guy does it by himself + +01:32:30.220 --> 01:32:35.100 +he doesn't need to coordinate with anyone he doesn't need to stay out of anyone's way + +01:32:35.980 --> 01:32:41.500 +he can just pretend that he's doing it all by himself but by himself he would never be able + +01:32:41.500 --> 01:32:45.740 +to convince a group of children that he was really having any meaningful effect on this trade + +01:32:46.540 --> 01:32:54.620 +however with a bunch of his friends dressed big and strong with lights and with little machines + +01:32:54.620 --> 01:33:04.060 +that made sparks and 40 of them lined up equally spaced along that train making noises and not + +01:33:04.060 --> 01:33:11.340 +getting in each other's way by carefully coordinating their movements and timing those 40 guys with + +01:33:11.340 --> 01:33:17.820 +lighted suits and sparks could make those children think that they were actually stopping and starting + +01:33:17.820 --> 01:33:24.460 +the train themselves and that's what needed to be done with this pandemic by giving everybody a + +01:33:24.460 --> 01:33:33.340 +separate job and making sure that no one was allowed to always be on top of everything but + +01:33:33.420 --> 01:33:42.140 +everyone had a single part of the train to push and fake that they were pulling and pushing on + +01:33:44.140 --> 01:33:50.300 +so you fake and push and pull on the last car i'll fake and push and pull on the third car + +01:33:50.300 --> 01:33:55.740 +you fake and push and pull on the fifth car and other five of us will fake and push and pull on the + +01:33:55.740 --> 01:34:01.660 +last car and collectively we will fool all of these children into believing we're stopping the car + +01:34:02.220 --> 01:34:07.660 +stopping the train and starting it again and that's what all of these things were that's what the + +01:34:07.660 --> 01:34:17.420 +arguments about individual early treatments that's what the argument of of protocols was about + +01:34:19.180 --> 01:34:24.540 +Richard Fleming had a protocol with Remdesivir on it for the first nine months of the of the pandemic + +01:34:24.540 --> 01:34:36.620 +go figure right that's what arguing about the the misuse of steroids is that's what the + +01:34:37.340 --> 01:34:44.220 +argument of the the use of antibiotics was all of these things separately were fought for by + +01:34:44.220 --> 01:34:50.380 +different people and discussed or represented by different people heart officially or synthetically + +01:34:50.380 --> 01:34:57.100 +or or by just the grassroots randomness of it and then once all those things were sorted they + +01:34:57.100 --> 01:35:02.620 +were promoted that way and if somebody like Byron Bridal came out early with something they didn't + +01:35:02.620 --> 01:35:09.580 +expect and they threw someone else in front of him so the Byron would never really be able to have + +01:35:09.580 --> 01:35:15.180 +the impact that he wanted to have and they could ruin his career and bog him down with legal + +01:35:15.180 --> 01:35:20.940 +challenges and then put someone else on Brett Weinstein's podcast who would speak out in a more + +01:35:21.900 --> 01:35:27.020 +nuanced way about the transfections while never actually calling them transfections + +01:35:29.020 --> 01:35:34.540 +and slow roll the realization that maybe this wasn't going to work as planned + +01:35:35.820 --> 01:35:40.940 +and slow roll it in a way so that the vast majority of people in America would still believe that this + +01:35:41.180 --> 01:35:48.700 +whole thing was that was happening and that's what this slow roll was they have convinced us + +01:35:48.700 --> 01:35:55.740 +that the earth was clean before 2019 and then something got out and it covered the earth in itself + +01:35:55.740 --> 01:36:00.620 +that is not possible but somehow there's an illusion of consensus that it's obviously happened + +01:36:03.180 --> 01:36:08.300 +and despite the fact that the EUAs and the lockdowns were kind of bad for some people millions were + +01:36:08.380 --> 01:36:17.740 +killed by a virus and millions more were saved by less than perfect lockdown measures but it was + +01:36:17.740 --> 01:36:26.060 +again a function virus what else could we have done that's what this faith is and the faith is + +01:36:26.060 --> 01:36:34.140 +definitely a lie and that's what they're doing to us they're just lying to us right through their + +01:36:34.460 --> 01:36:39.420 +teeth and so we've got to show those lies to our children we've got to teach them that they've + +01:36:39.420 --> 01:36:46.140 +been lied to teach them in the right way though you've got to teach them compassion to understand + +01:36:46.140 --> 01:36:52.220 +that their teachers were frightened into believing this stuff that the TV has bullied them into + +01:36:52.220 --> 01:36:56.140 +believing this stuff just like we believed it a few years ago ladies and gentlemen + +01:36:57.020 --> 01:37:04.300 +just like i believed it a few years ago and gave kind of kids all their shots + +01:37:08.620 --> 01:37:12.860 +ladies and gentlemen stop transfection and help the humans quite frankly get off the vaccines + +01:37:12.860 --> 01:37:20.620 +schedule quite frankly just stop it all if you're a new parent don't give them anything + +01:37:21.260 --> 01:37:28.140 +if you're thinking about having kids understand that children are so resilient and beautiful + +01:37:28.140 --> 01:37:31.660 +that if you don't give them any vaccines you might actually have a kid that sleeps through the night + +01:37:32.460 --> 01:37:38.300 +you might have a kid that doesn't have earache or sore throat or anything you might have a kid + +01:37:38.300 --> 01:37:44.700 +that grows up to be a super genius oh ladies and gentlemen they are trying to eliminate the + +01:37:44.700 --> 01:37:49.180 +control group by any means necessary and they really already have right i'm not in the control + +01:37:49.260 --> 01:37:52.860 +group if you talk about all vaccines but i am compared to my children + +01:37:55.420 --> 01:38:00.540 +i had a few they've had many but none of them have been transfected and you shouldn't + +01:38:00.540 --> 01:38:05.020 +transfect anybody you love either ladies and gentlemen thanks for joining me it was definitely + +01:38:05.020 --> 01:38:09.020 +not an hour it was an hour and 36 minutes but you know that's how it goes + +01:38:09.020 --> 01:38:13.260 +intra muscular injection many combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune + +01:38:13.260 --> 01:38:18.700 +system is dumb transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and viruses are not pattern + +01:38:18.700 --> 01:38:27.100 +integrities i don't know if this is the intellectual bright web the interdependent + +01:38:27.100 --> 01:38:33.020 +bright web the interdisciplinary bright web the invisible bright web but it is definitely + +01:38:33.020 --> 01:38:48.940 +giga ohm biological thanks for joining me i'll see you again tomorrow + +01:39:03.020 --> 01:39:05.020 +i + +01:39:22.460 --> 01:39:27.420 +hundred and four people here thank you very much for joining me guys i really appreciate it please + +01:39:27.420 --> 01:39:43.340 +share it um and yes i'm going to bed i'm going to bed good night ladies and gentlemen good night + +01:39:57.420 --> 01:39:59.660 +you +