guest.speaking/MedicalDoctors4CovidEthicsIntl-CharlesKovess/v5gp0hp (2024-10-16) - Dr Sucharit Bhakdi talks with Dr JJ Couey [Charles Kovess]/
_Note: A diarized version of this transcript is also in this folder (\*.diarize.vtt). Diaraization just means that the speakers are identified. Some speakers (e.g. SPEAKER_01) may be replaced by actual names, but not all. Humans may submit or request corrections overtime and they may eventually get updated._
guest.speaking/MedicalDoctors4CovidEthicsIntl-CharlesKovess/v5gp0hp (2024-10-16) - Dr Sucharit Bhakdi talks with Dr JJ Couey [Charles Kovess]/v5gp0hp (2024-10-16) - Dr Sucharit Bhakdi talks with Dr JJ Couey [Charles Kovess].diarized.vtt