diff --git a/guest.speaking/DeprogrammingWithGracesDad/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad]/README.md b/guest.speaking/DeprogrammingWithGracesDad/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad]/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b7b922 --- /dev/null +++ b/guest.speaking/DeprogrammingWithGracesDad/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad]/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Layers of Deception + +## Streams +- https://rumble.com/v4fmtwc-layers-of-deception.html + diff --git a/guest.speaking/DeprogrammingWithGracesDad/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad]/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad].vtt b/guest.speaking/DeprogrammingWithGracesDad/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad]/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad].vtt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..016c724 --- /dev/null +++ b/guest.speaking/DeprogrammingWithGracesDad/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad]/v4d1kal (2024-02-25) - Layers of Deception [Deprogramming With Graces Dad].vtt @@ -0,0 +1,2618 @@ +WEBVTT + +00:00.000 --> 00:20.840 +We interrupt our program to bring you this important message. + +00:20.840 --> 00:21.840 +Good morning. + +00:21.840 --> 00:24.080 +Today is Thursday, the 22nd of February. + +00:24.080 --> 00:25.160 +My name is Scott Shearer. + +00:25.160 --> 00:28.040 +I am Grace's dad. + +00:28.040 --> 00:34.960 +One of the reasons that God allowed Grace's premature death murder was to wake me up. + +00:34.960 --> 00:40.800 +That's why this program is called Deep Programming with Grace's dad because I needed Grace's + +00:40.800 --> 00:44.320 +death, unfortunately, to wake me up. + +00:44.320 --> 00:50.120 +I'm hopeful through all the advocacy and research that I've been doing that somebody else doesn't + +00:50.120 --> 00:52.200 +have to lose their best buddy. + +00:52.200 --> 00:54.160 +She's the reason we're here. + +00:54.160 --> 01:00.040 +I've often thought how easy it is for comics to get material. + +01:00.040 --> 01:02.720 +They just have to walk around and they get their material. + +01:02.720 --> 01:07.160 +Well, I'm starting to do the same thing, not from a comedy perspective, but from a real + +01:07.160 --> 01:14.800 +life perspective of how this entire antichrist and false profit system that has been for + +01:14.800 --> 01:21.520 +the past 6,000 years has meant to control us on one side and give us the illusion that + +01:21.520 --> 01:23.840 +we're not controlled on the other side. + +01:23.840 --> 01:24.840 +I saw it this morning. + +01:24.840 --> 01:28.840 +I went to the dentist and it's interesting to me. + +01:28.840 --> 01:32.560 +The last dentist I was at, they lied to me. + +01:32.560 --> 01:34.320 +I left the chair. + +01:34.320 --> 01:37.120 +The lady, the hygienist said, you've got to get x-rays. + +01:37.120 --> 01:38.120 +It's a law. + +01:38.120 --> 01:39.800 +I said, it's not a law. + +01:39.800 --> 01:43.720 +Because she lied to me, I left the chair and went to a new dentist and today, every time, + +01:43.720 --> 01:47.520 +I think if you go to the dentist weekly, they'll keep saying you need to get x-rays, you need + +01:47.520 --> 01:48.520 +to get x-rays. + +01:48.600 --> 01:52.120 +I went in for just the six-month cleaning, which is another sigh out. + +01:52.120 --> 01:56.400 +But anyway, regardless, I went in, she said, you're due for your x-rays. + +01:56.400 --> 01:58.720 +I said, I don't ever want to be asked again. + +01:58.720 --> 02:01.000 +I'm not going to do x-rays. + +02:01.000 --> 02:04.400 +And so she said, well, then we've got to have you sign this form. + +02:04.400 --> 02:05.760 +And she gives me the blank screen. + +02:05.760 --> 02:07.600 +I said, I'm not going to sign a blank screen. + +02:07.600 --> 02:08.960 +What's the form say? + +02:08.960 --> 02:14.080 +So we go through the form and it just, I'm basically saying that the dentist, their employees, + +02:14.080 --> 02:16.200 +blah, blah, blah, are not liable. + +02:16.200 --> 02:17.200 +And so that's fine. + +02:17.200 --> 02:19.800 +I'm not asking you to be liable for my decision. + +02:19.800 --> 02:26.440 +It would be interesting to me if I had them sign that they're liable for the radiation + +02:26.440 --> 02:28.880 +from the x-rays on my body. + +02:28.880 --> 02:30.160 +I'm sure they wouldn't do that. + +02:30.160 --> 02:35.560 +And when the dentist finally came in, he said, well, you've got to get these x-rays. + +02:35.560 --> 02:36.760 +I said, well, I'm not doing that. + +02:36.760 --> 02:42.640 +Well, then there's going to be a time where we can't do work for you anymore. + +02:42.640 --> 02:43.400 +So that's fine. + +02:43.400 --> 02:45.040 +Then I'll find another dentist. + +02:45.040 --> 02:46.160 +It's just interesting to me. + +02:46.160 --> 02:49.720 +I mean, it's a simple example, but another one happened. + +02:49.720 --> 02:57.400 +I normally, I'm not reporting news on this program, but yesterday, a lady who is a person + +02:57.400 --> 03:03.720 +I trust sent me, the latest on the UK, the reporting that Medazzalam was used to euthanize + +03:03.720 --> 03:07.960 +COVID patients, there's illegal DNRs on these patients. + +03:07.960 --> 03:13.600 +And, of course, this is all part of the controlled release of the evil. + +03:13.600 --> 03:18.280 +But first, it's coming up from the UK where the United States was number one on the planet + +03:18.280 --> 03:20.680 +with COVID hospital murders. + +03:20.680 --> 03:25.280 +And so this allows the United States to point at these naughty Europeans for doing that + +03:25.280 --> 03:29.800 +when we did it at a rate that's 10 times worse than them. + +03:29.800 --> 03:37.640 +So the layers of deception are hard for me to grasp, but praise God, we've got a guess + +03:37.640 --> 03:42.080 +that is an expert on layers of deception today. + +03:42.080 --> 03:49.080 +Well, before we introduce our guest, as I always do with the show, I want to say something + +03:49.080 --> 03:50.440 +about my best buddy. + +03:50.440 --> 03:54.880 +So Don, can you bring up the actress photo first? + +03:54.880 --> 04:01.440 +So this is Grace after she got done acting in one of the plays that she was in. + +04:01.440 --> 04:05.120 +And she was really good at it. + +04:05.120 --> 04:08.120 +She was a gift. + +04:08.120 --> 04:14.400 +We're going to show a short clip, just a 42nd clip from the sound of music play that + +04:14.400 --> 04:15.400 +she was in. + +04:15.400 --> 04:16.560 +And she was the bower. + +04:16.560 --> 04:22.560 +And she got this part specifically because she asked for it. + +04:22.560 --> 04:27.120 +And she asked if she could add Liv and make it her own and boy did she ever. + +04:27.120 --> 04:29.960 +So Don, can you play that clip, please? + +04:29.960 --> 04:34.760 +Ladies and gentlemen, I have your decision of all this thing. + +04:35.760 --> 04:37.320 +We will start out in third place. + +04:37.320 --> 04:41.760 +In third place, the judges have names that sing a blown down air away again. + +05:04.760 --> 05:16.080 +You know, Grace have down syndrome and people don't realize the capability of somebody + +05:16.080 --> 05:17.360 +with down syndrome. + +05:17.360 --> 05:21.440 +If you let them live and, you know, that applies to all of us. + +05:21.440 --> 05:27.920 +But, you know, I always share these things about grace because, you know, the society + +05:27.920 --> 05:34.040 +is against people with disabilities, especially down syndrome in the United States, 90% of + +05:34.040 --> 05:35.040 +down syndrome. + +05:35.040 --> 05:40.280 +People are murdered in the womb today and Grace was the best thing that God ever gave + +05:40.280 --> 05:41.520 +us second to salvation. + +05:41.520 --> 05:42.520 +All right. + +05:42.520 --> 05:49.040 +Well, moving on to our program, Don, can you bring Jay in, please? + +05:49.040 --> 05:50.040 +Jay, welcome. + +05:50.040 --> 05:51.040 +Good to see you. + +05:51.040 --> 05:58.680 +Good to see you and as well, Scott, it's well, I don't know what to say other than I share + +05:58.680 --> 06:01.480 +my deepest condolences with you for the loss of your daughter. + +06:01.480 --> 06:03.040 +It's a very hard story to hear. + +06:03.520 --> 06:07.240 +Well, thank you very much for that. + +06:07.240 --> 06:12.800 +So Jay is somebody I've been following for quite a while for about two years, and he + +06:12.800 --> 06:17.320 +didn't know it until I tracked him down because I saw a presentation that he did. + +06:17.320 --> 06:20.920 +I thought, oh, my gosh, I wonder if he'd come on this podcast. + +06:20.920 --> 06:24.440 +And I've titled today's program, Layers of Deception. + +06:24.440 --> 06:28.760 +For those of you who don't know Jay, I'm going to have him introduce himself because + +06:28.760 --> 06:34.360 +the bio that he gave has got so many high points, I think he can say it best. + +06:34.360 --> 06:37.400 +So Jay, can you introduce yourself to the audience, please? + +06:37.400 --> 06:38.400 +Sure. + +06:38.400 --> 06:40.200 +Thanks very much, Scott. + +06:40.200 --> 06:46.600 +I'm a guy who answered very young that I wanted to be a doctor, and that's the best + +06:46.600 --> 06:48.360 +answer you can give to adults. + +06:48.360 --> 06:52.720 +Everybody lights up like a light bulb when you say you want to be a doctor. + +06:52.720 --> 06:55.520 +And so I got kind of stuck in that mold for a little while. + +06:55.520 --> 06:59.680 +I went all the way to college and thought I was a pre-med student, and I was on the + +06:59.680 --> 07:05.160 +wait list for five years in a row to like three different med schools in the Chicagoland + +07:05.160 --> 07:06.160 +area. + +07:06.160 --> 07:09.800 +And in that time, I was a bartender and a high school teacher, just kind of treading + +07:09.800 --> 07:13.360 +water, telling everybody that eventually I'm going to be a doctor. + +07:13.360 --> 07:20.040 +And at some point, I was making so much money as a bartender, I decided to stay just a bartender, + +07:20.040 --> 07:24.880 +and that kind of was the start of not necessarily bad things. + +07:25.800 --> 07:30.280 +Put me on a precipice that meant that when I didn't interact well with the bar owner, + +07:30.280 --> 07:32.640 +I lost my job. + +07:32.640 --> 07:37.720 +That put me in the want ads of the Chicago Tribune, and I found a technician job at + +07:37.720 --> 07:42.480 +the University of Chicago that brought me all the way back to my love of biology, got + +07:42.480 --> 07:47.320 +me already again fired up about science, but not from the perspective of med school, but + +07:47.320 --> 07:51.240 +rather from the perspective of doing a PhD and becoming a scientist. + +07:51.240 --> 07:54.920 +And I just never really considered that as a possibility. + +07:54.920 --> 07:55.960 +I didn't understand it. + +07:55.960 --> 07:57.520 +It was just I was going to be a doctor. + +07:57.520 --> 08:00.080 +That's what I had said and what I was going to do. + +08:00.080 --> 08:05.360 +Then I found myself teaching high school and really enjoying the aspect of teaching, but + +08:05.360 --> 08:11.320 +really just disturbed by the whole administration of school and the things that other teachers + +08:11.320 --> 08:14.680 +say and the number of teachers that had given up. + +08:14.680 --> 08:20.320 +So I was pretty disillusioned young adult for a long time between 20 and 30 years old + +08:20.320 --> 08:22.040 +until I found biology again. + +08:22.040 --> 08:27.040 +That was two years or three years of technician work at the University of Chicago. + +08:27.040 --> 08:31.960 +I took a chance and moved to the Netherlands and did my PhD there. + +08:31.960 --> 08:35.280 +I was lucky enough to trick a Dutch woman into falling in love with me. + +08:35.280 --> 08:39.040 +And then I took her to the Norway with me. + +08:39.040 --> 08:45.600 +And we had our first two sons in Norway, and then we came back to the Netherlands hoping + +08:45.600 --> 08:47.120 +to live there. + +08:47.160 --> 08:50.880 +She has a pretty wonderful extended family in the Netherlands. + +08:50.880 --> 08:57.680 +You know, 15 years ago was still a pretty, pretty nice place to live. + +08:57.680 --> 09:01.480 +But that didn't work out four years in Rotterdam brought me back to Pittsburgh. + +09:01.480 --> 09:05.280 +And so we tried again to start my scientific career in Pittsburgh. + +09:05.280 --> 09:06.680 +I got a pretty good position. + +09:06.680 --> 09:08.480 +I enjoyed where I was. + +09:08.480 --> 09:13.760 +I was biking to and from Pittsburgh, the University of Pittsburgh on my bike all year + +09:13.760 --> 09:14.960 +around. + +09:14.960 --> 09:19.360 +I was able to teach every once in a while at Carnegie Mellon, which kind of scratched + +09:19.360 --> 09:22.160 +the teaching itch. + +09:22.160 --> 09:23.160 +Everything was going pretty well. + +09:23.160 --> 09:29.920 +And then the pandemic started and I started to very quickly question most of it, especially + +09:29.920 --> 09:34.680 +the sort of what I would consider now almost ridiculous measures that they were trying + +09:34.680 --> 09:39.640 +to get us to do, putting on a mask as soon as you walked into the hospital and walking + +09:39.640 --> 09:43.320 +over to someone at the door and signing in and then getting your temperature taken and + +09:43.320 --> 09:47.640 +put a little sticker on your badge so that they could see that you had your temperature + +09:47.640 --> 09:48.640 +taken. + +09:48.640 --> 09:51.320 +And if you wanted to go between buildings, you had to do it again. + +09:51.320 --> 09:52.920 +And it just seemed so ridiculous. + +09:52.920 --> 09:56.240 +They didn't even want me to bring my bike to work anymore because I was going through + +09:56.240 --> 10:00.280 +the garage and they didn't want me to bring the bike through the lobby. + +10:00.280 --> 10:03.680 +And since I couldn't go through the garage and then come back through the front and they + +10:03.680 --> 10:08.520 +were calling the saying I was a violation of the protocol anyway, at some moment the + +10:08.520 --> 10:12.600 +faculty decided that I was too scary to let to come in anymore. + +10:12.600 --> 10:18.440 +And they basically stopped my research, stopped talking to me and didn't renew my contract + +10:18.440 --> 10:22.640 +and in the university system, you can't move on if you don't have recommendations. + +10:22.640 --> 10:26.800 +If your research just stopped, if you don't have finished papers. + +10:26.800 --> 10:32.800 +And so they basically just ended a 20 year career in neurobiology and I found myself + +10:32.800 --> 10:34.280 +kind of, I didn't know what to do. + +10:34.280 --> 10:40.680 +So I just kept producing more stuff on my YouTube channel where I was teaching immunology + +10:40.680 --> 10:48.760 +and virology and reading the papers and trying to talk everyone back into believing that natural + +10:48.760 --> 10:52.840 +immunity meant something from the very beginning and that a lot of these worst case scenarios + +10:52.840 --> 10:56.120 +they've been telling us about for the last nine months aren't real. + +10:56.120 --> 11:01.400 +And that eventually got the attention of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. + +11:01.400 --> 11:05.400 +I was lucky enough to be able to help him behind the scenes write this Wuhan cover up + +11:05.400 --> 11:07.600 +book that came out. + +11:07.600 --> 11:13.200 +I guess I get my time frames mixed up now, but I think it came out like just this last + +11:13.200 --> 11:14.200 +fall. + +11:14.200 --> 11:15.200 +But anyway. + +11:15.200 --> 11:17.200 +Yeah, I've got a copy rate. + +11:17.200 --> 11:18.200 +Hey, nice. + +11:18.200 --> 11:19.200 +Yeah. + +11:19.200 --> 11:20.200 +Yeah. + +11:20.200 --> 11:21.200 +So that was a copy here. + +11:21.200 --> 11:22.200 +Yeah. + +11:22.200 --> 11:23.200 +And then I got. + +11:23.200 --> 11:25.120 +Yeah, it's a nice book. + +11:25.120 --> 11:28.760 +It's a nice book and there's a lot of good biology in it from me and from other people. + +11:28.760 --> 11:31.840 +There's a couple really important citations that are in that book that aren't in any + +11:31.840 --> 11:33.560 +other book. + +11:33.560 --> 11:38.800 +And then for six months after that I worked for Children's Health Defense and in January, + +11:38.800 --> 11:48.440 +unfortunately, the approach that I take apparently with my stream encroached on the way that + +11:48.440 --> 11:53.320 +CHD interacts with their partners and they decided to let me go. + +11:53.320 --> 11:55.080 +That's the all the details I got. + +11:55.080 --> 12:01.040 +I was offered a small severance package of $8,000 and an NDA and I turned that down + +12:01.040 --> 12:04.760 +because I wanted to be able to tell everybody the truth about what happened and I didn't + +12:04.760 --> 12:09.600 +want people to speculate that somehow I took lots of money from CHD. + +12:09.600 --> 12:11.200 +And so I considered it a donation. + +12:11.200 --> 12:14.160 +I really think that organization is still spectacular. + +12:14.160 --> 12:19.480 +I loved working with Brian Hooker and with Jackie Hines and the other people that I got + +12:19.480 --> 12:20.840 +to work with while I was there. + +12:21.840 --> 12:29.440 +For whatever reason, there's more interests involved in that organization than I guess + +12:29.440 --> 12:31.360 +can cope with a guy like me or something. + +12:31.360 --> 12:32.360 +I don't know. + +12:32.360 --> 12:34.440 +But anyway, I'm back on the internet now. + +12:34.440 --> 12:39.360 +I'm back to teaching as often as I can and usually what I'm trying to do is what I'm + +12:39.360 --> 12:45.800 +going to do for you here, which is try to bring people back to reconsider what happened + +12:45.800 --> 12:52.320 +in 2020 and not buy the narrative on Fox News and not buy the narrative on MSNBC. + +12:52.320 --> 12:56.120 +Because I think there's a way to show everybody that actually both of those narratives led + +12:56.120 --> 13:02.520 +to the same place and if we can do that, I think, and more importantly, if we can get + +13:02.520 --> 13:07.600 +young adults to realize that the ones that we abandoned for a couple years that we sent + +13:07.600 --> 13:15.760 +off to college and didn't keep home and didn't, I think that was one of the biggest mistakes + +13:15.760 --> 13:19.720 +we made is letting our college kids make this decision that, well, college is so important + +13:19.720 --> 13:23.760 +that I'm going to go and I'm going to take tests and I'm eventually going to take a + +13:23.760 --> 13:25.440 +shot in order to go back to college. + +13:25.440 --> 13:31.960 +We should have been there for them and I think if we had been, we might be in a very different + +13:31.960 --> 13:33.320 +place right now. + +13:33.320 --> 13:36.880 +So we have to also apologize to them for that, I think. + +13:36.880 --> 13:37.880 +Should I start this little thing? + +13:37.880 --> 13:38.880 +I'll get it done quick. + +13:38.880 --> 13:45.000 +Yeah, Don, Don, we're going to have Jay start and then we'll come back as we talk. + +13:45.000 --> 13:46.000 +Go ahead. + +13:46.000 --> 13:47.000 +It's all yours. + +13:47.000 --> 13:48.000 +Okay, thanks. + +13:48.000 --> 13:50.600 +So this presentation I gave a little while ago, I'm really happy Scott's letting me do + +13:50.600 --> 13:51.600 +it. + +13:51.600 --> 13:57.760 +I'm just going to give the first introduction to kind of give you an idea of how science + +13:57.760 --> 14:04.280 +and information and discussions can be manipulated and please don't misunderstand this as me + +14:04.280 --> 14:07.440 +representing this as something that I've put together. + +14:07.440 --> 14:12.880 +I'm standing on the shoulders of giants going all the way back to somebody like Thomas Sol. + +14:12.880 --> 14:16.440 +We should not be misleading the young and I guarantee you that that's what they are + +14:16.440 --> 14:19.480 +intending to do right now. + +14:19.480 --> 14:24.920 +The way that this has been best described is by Edward Bernays, the conscious and intelligent + +14:24.920 --> 14:29.840 +manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element of democratic + +14:29.840 --> 14:30.840 +society. + +14:30.840 --> 14:37.120 +This guy lived in the 1920s when there were only newspapers and radio. + +14:37.120 --> 14:43.000 +Imagine the kind of power that we have abdicated to the people that own social media and that + +14:43.000 --> 14:46.960 +own mainstream media and that are no longer held to the standard that even we held our + +14:46.960 --> 14:52.000 +TV stations to in the 80s where you couldn't go on TV and lie. + +14:52.000 --> 14:58.320 +You can now you can literally go on TV and lie then the the NFL is actually entertainment. + +14:58.320 --> 15:00.280 +It is not a sport anymore. + +15:00.280 --> 15:04.560 +So we have to acknowledge these things and more importantly we have to acknowledge this + +15:04.560 --> 15:10.680 +social media isn't the free speech world that we imagine it to be because the algorithms + +15:10.680 --> 15:14.040 +and because money and power are behind it. + +15:14.040 --> 15:18.720 +There are people on the internet that have been for years promoted artificially to make + +15:18.720 --> 15:26.280 +sure that whatever voice you seek, whatever opinion you seek, it is sort of already preconceived + +15:26.280 --> 15:30.520 +by someone that they have control over so that the limited spectrum of debate is enforced + +15:30.520 --> 15:32.240 +whether you know it or not. + +15:32.240 --> 15:37.440 +Now this the selling point I have for the pandemic that I think is most important is + +15:37.440 --> 15:42.760 +to understand that the left and the right, the Tories and the labor, wherever country + +15:42.760 --> 15:48.840 +you want to go in both sides and it's incredible really how often western countries have two + +15:48.840 --> 15:54.400 +sides of the coin but both sides have been fooled into solving a mystery and that's + +15:54.400 --> 15:59.080 +why I call it a an illusion of consensus about this Scooby-Doo. + +15:59.080 --> 16:04.080 +They have agreed on both sides that there is a mystery to be solved and it's a mystery + +16:04.080 --> 16:06.360 +about a lab leak. + +16:06.360 --> 16:11.400 +The important thing to see is that this illusion of consensus didn't start in 2020 with some + +16:11.400 --> 16:15.560 +panic on the television and radio. + +16:15.560 --> 16:21.760 +This illusion of consensus started already a couple decades ago with the funding of the + +16:21.760 --> 16:27.880 +publishing of and the encouragement with more funding of specific lines of investigation + +16:27.880 --> 16:33.440 +which started to imply that pandemic potential existed in mother nature. + +16:33.440 --> 16:40.560 +If you tell scientists with millions of dollars to go find something and show you evidence + +16:40.560 --> 16:45.320 +that something exists and if you find that evidence will give you more money I can guarantee + +16:45.320 --> 16:46.720 +you they're going to find evidence. + +16:46.720 --> 16:51.160 +They might not find good evidence but they will find good reasons to argue that their + +16:51.160 --> 16:54.800 +bad evidence is evidence of what you want to find. + +16:54.800 --> 16:59.600 +They have also conducted over and over again over the years many people are aware of the + +16:59.600 --> 17:06.560 +event 201 but you can go and find several more exercises that have occurred over time + +17:06.560 --> 17:13.320 +which have reinforced this idea that bioterrorism, bioweapons that this possibility is almost + +17:13.320 --> 17:21.120 +limitless and this importantly has led to at the start of the pandemic very many embedded + +17:21.120 --> 17:26.800 +preconceived notions about what worst case scenario is and they have taken advantage + +17:26.800 --> 17:28.120 +of that. + +17:28.120 --> 17:32.480 +All of these people in these meetings that had lanyards on that got to go to the fancy + +17:32.480 --> 17:38.600 +dinners afterward or had some special meeting in Italy because that's where all these people + +17:38.600 --> 17:40.040 +went that year. + +17:40.040 --> 17:44.360 +These people have all preconceived notions about what worst case scenario is and their + +17:44.360 --> 17:48.360 +careers have depended on them respecting it as real. + +17:48.360 --> 17:55.040 +At the beginning of the pandemic now a very diabolical trick I believe was played on us + +17:55.040 --> 18:01.480 +and that they told us a lot of stories about what was happening in expectation that when + +18:01.480 --> 18:06.760 +they transfected us and I will define that later of course when you ask, when they transfected + +18:06.760 --> 18:11.120 +us when they used the countermeasures that they knew they were going to use. + +18:11.120 --> 18:15.760 +They also knew that there would be expected side effects, expected downsides and they + +18:15.760 --> 18:20.760 +seeded that expectation in the story in 2020. + +18:20.760 --> 18:26.800 +There are lots of internet rumors and things like people falling down on the street but + +18:26.800 --> 18:32.000 +also intermediate rumors like heart attacks, waves of heart attacks that were actually + +18:32.000 --> 18:37.720 +caused by and I'm sure Scott's aware of this just do not resuscitate orders that were given + +18:37.720 --> 18:45.160 +to entire EMT teams so that when they went out they were told don't resuscitate people + +18:45.160 --> 18:47.280 +because you might spread the virus. + +18:47.280 --> 18:54.800 +This led to their ability to confound expected problems to come from the countermeasures + +18:54.800 --> 19:00.120 +with problems that they blamed on the virus and this was all done by a team of people + +19:00.120 --> 19:02.520 +that were already ready to go. + +19:02.520 --> 19:07.480 +More importantly where they were going to perform these things like in New York, you + +19:07.480 --> 19:13.360 +must be very very suspicious of New York because the story in New York is very stark. + +19:13.360 --> 19:20.760 +It is twenty four thousand people give or take were killed or died or disappeared + +19:20.760 --> 19:27.800 +or vanished or buried in four weeks in New York City and then the dying basically stopped + +19:27.800 --> 19:29.840 +and went back to Baselay. + +19:29.840 --> 19:31.440 +We don't know where all these bodies are. + +19:31.440 --> 19:32.440 +We don't know who they are. + +19:32.440 --> 19:33.440 +We don't know their names. + +19:33.440 --> 19:37.800 +No, there's no good accounting of them and in fact there are many many people who will + +19:37.800 --> 19:44.760 +tell you that nobody was dying in New York City in 2020 and the real dying started in + +19:44.760 --> 19:46.560 +2021. + +19:46.560 --> 19:53.200 +It's extraordinary because the way this probably worked and this is a pretty good estimation + +19:53.200 --> 19:58.240 +from a lot of different sides is that if this was a national security issue that they were + +19:58.240 --> 20:06.280 +considering worst case scenario possible then in certain places they would have the military + +20:06.280 --> 20:12.360 +industrial complex whoever it is the executive branch HHS DOD would have been waiting for + +20:12.360 --> 20:16.600 +good Samaritan doctors to show up in New York City and a few of them have probably been + +20:16.600 --> 20:24.040 +co-opted co-opted to go along with this worst case scenario why because we don't know at + +20:24.040 --> 20:29.880 +the time if the worst case scenario is going to come and we need to impress on a nation + +20:29.880 --> 20:37.640 +of 350 million people we need to impress upon a planet of 8 billion people that the worst + +20:37.640 --> 20:44.400 +case scenario is possible and that we all need to comply and so this was super important + +20:44.400 --> 20:50.240 +and it has been going on for four years where they have been continuously reinforcing that + +20:50.240 --> 20:54.400 +the reason why they acted the reason why they did what they did the reason why they rushed + +20:54.400 --> 20:59.520 +what they rushed the reason why they lied when they lied whatever the excuse is is because + +20:59.520 --> 21:04.760 +worst case scenario was possible and in fact the worst case scenario gets worse and worse + +21:04.760 --> 21:09.240 +as we go into the future because all of these technologies are supposedly getting easier + +21:09.240 --> 21:14.640 +and easier and cheaper and cheaper and so eventually people are going to make these viruses in + +21:14.640 --> 21:20.480 +their garage with a bachelor's degree in biology what I want is high morbidity I want people + +21:20.480 --> 21:25.560 +to complain so what do I do I go to Des Moines ladies and gentlemen of people on the screen + +21:25.560 --> 21:29.480 +I have nothing against Des Moines I live there for four years I go to Des Moines I infect + +21:29.480 --> 21:35.600 +a couple of Sentinel cases in Des Moines I go to Seattle I infect a couple of cases there + +21:35.600 --> 21:42.040 +I go to North Carolina I go to Wisconsin what I'm doing is I'm using a dispersion methodology + +21:42.040 --> 21:47.400 +to be able to infect Sentinel cases with a highly morbid condition these individuals + +21:47.400 --> 21:51.200 +complain again this is a central nervous system condition so they're complaining of whatever + +21:51.200 --> 21:57.160 +the bug may do so what this guy is describing and this guy's name is James Giordano and + +21:57.160 --> 22:00.640 +you can find him on the internet there's lots of videos off of YouTube you can watch + +22:00.640 --> 22:06.160 +hours of him describing worst case scenarios with regard to bio weapon deployment and how + +22:06.160 --> 22:11.160 +a bio weapon deployment could be exaggerated with the internet and used to destabilize + +22:11.160 --> 22:17.320 +a country and he's got lots of examples of neurotoxins and chemicals and nanobots and + +22:17.320 --> 22:22.400 +all kinds of things that it could be done with now what I would like everyone that's + +22:22.400 --> 22:29.000 +watching to consider is that what he's also revealing actually is that if the right combination + +22:29.000 --> 22:34.800 +of liars got together and decided that they were going to pretend or agree that worst + +22:34.800 --> 22:41.280 +case scenario was happening that a lot of what James Giordano would ascribe to a neurotoxin + +22:41.280 --> 22:47.160 +or a chemical or some kind of magic deployment of new military technology could be simply + +22:47.160 --> 22:53.760 +done with testing and protocols that had financial incentives for people to follow those protocols + +22:53.760 --> 22:59.480 +and unfortunately all of those things actually exist in our current timeline we have a military + +22:59.480 --> 23:05.160 +response that was documented in certain places in America including in New York City we have + +23:05.160 --> 23:09.840 +a co-opted selection group of narrative controllers that have been put in front of us from the + +23:09.840 --> 23:14.960 +very beginning have been selling books about the virus from the very beginning and are still + +23:14.960 --> 23:22.000 +in front of us now they have there was a financial and legal incentive to call things COVID including + +23:22.000 --> 23:26.560 +the fact that if EMTs and doctors called it COVID then they were off the hook for malpractice + +23:26.560 --> 23:32.960 +because this was a novel virus that was protected under the prep act a coordinated propaganda campaign + +23:32.960 --> 23:39.160 +to drill the worst case scenario was combined with scaring doctors by sending the old doctors + +23:39.160 --> 23:44.440 +home and giving them early retirement giving early professor or old professors early retirement + +23:44.440 --> 23:49.880 +at universities was done all around the United States which created this work wow they're they're + +23:49.880 --> 23:55.800 +letting the the chair of the department retire that's crazy this must really be a dangerous virus + +23:55.800 --> 24:02.600 +then they did something absolutely diabolical and they used the protocols to kill people and + +24:02.600 --> 24:09.960 +unfortunately for the the host of this podcast he knows exactly how this was done in one of many + +24:09.960 --> 24:16.760 +different examples of how vulnerable people using protocols that were absolutely amoral and absolutely + +24:16.760 --> 24:23.000 +wrong for for the well-being of the patient were used under the pretense of this worst case scenario + +24:23.000 --> 24:28.120 +and in turn those numbers were used to justify to the rest of the country that the worst case + +24:28.200 --> 24:34.840 +scenario was happening right and this is diabolical they knew they had to do this in order to get + +24:34.840 --> 24:40.920 +compliance and so now the question only is what percentage do you want to attribute to what part + +24:40.920 --> 24:48.840 +of this this murdering scheme because there is no need to have a virus except in the cases where + +24:48.840 --> 24:56.760 +like the Sohomish County man in Washington state you actually claim to have cultured the virus + +24:56.760 --> 25:03.000 +and sequenced its full genome and it's exactly the same as Wuhan well maybe there they have planted + +25:03.000 --> 25:09.000 +something like Giordano has has said to create the illusion of a pandemic maybe they planted + +25:09.000 --> 25:14.200 +the sequence in other places as well so that the sequence would be found and could be confounded + +25:14.200 --> 25:21.800 +with this worst case scenario however grace and and and Rebecca's daughter whose name i can't + +25:21.800 --> 25:29.640 +remember right now and all the other other victims of and people have lost husbands and wives + +25:29.640 --> 25:33.800 +when they went into the hospitals and it was the wrong hospital they weren't coming out + +25:33.800 --> 25:40.440 +and this reality was part of a pre-existing narrative that unlike what Giordano says with + +25:40.440 --> 25:48.520 +magic bioweapons and things like that this is really a very clever combination of misdirection + +25:48.600 --> 25:57.240 +and and and fear confusion frustration doubt that allowed this story of a novel virus that + +25:57.240 --> 26:03.160 +killed millions of people but we saved millions more from by injecting people Paul Offit just + +26:03.160 --> 26:08.600 +said two days ago on his little podcast that the one thing we got right was the mRNA injection + +26:08.600 --> 26:14.520 +wow was that exciting we got it right when we've never used it before it was the most extraordinary + +26:15.400 --> 26:21.080 +lie i'd ever heard in recent memory and of course they're telling us that this virus will come again + +26:21.080 --> 26:30.040 +i have been trying to explain that this pandemic potential in of in a bat cave or in a cell culture + +26:30.040 --> 26:36.840 +or in animal passage or even if you stitch pieces together has been a clever mythology that has + +26:36.840 --> 26:42.040 +been told to us so that we will hand it down to our children so that we will tell our children that + +26:42.120 --> 26:48.040 +the worst case scenario actually didn't happen and that if it did it could be billions of people + +26:48.040 --> 26:53.880 +dead that's what they want us to believe so that we will surrender our sovereignty and we will + +26:53.880 --> 27:00.520 +invert our freedom to a sort of fascism and we will do it gladly because we are afraid that these + +27:00.520 --> 27:07.960 +people are out of control and a lot of these intellectual dark web joe rogan bret Weinstein type + +27:07.960 --> 27:12.360 +people have actually been responsible for us getting to the stage where we believe this + +27:12.920 --> 27:19.400 +this this possibility is real so there were also guys that were talking at the beginning of the + +27:19.400 --> 27:31.000 +pandemic that like this dude biblical i kid you not people come in i get intubated they die + +27:31.560 --> 27:36.600 +the cycle repeats that guy got put on tucker carlson he says that his daughter is also he's + +27:36.600 --> 27:41.400 +scared because his daughter works at another hospital in new york they got people on tv to tell + +27:41.400 --> 27:46.440 +you that what was happening wasn't what was really happening and it was part of this exercise and + +27:46.440 --> 27:52.200 +you can see it because they won't do the math about where these excess deaths come from none of these + +27:52.200 --> 27:58.200 +people will and what this is they don't talk about the fact that they sent these doctors home that + +27:58.200 --> 28:03.240 +they told these emts not to touch anybody they told people that they needed to be ventilated + +28:03.240 --> 28:06.680 +because if you don't ventilate them they might spread it through the whole hospital + +28:06.680 --> 28:11.960 +they didn't tell everybody they don't explain to people that they told doctors not to use antibiotics + +28:11.960 --> 28:16.680 +because antibiotics don't work on a virus they told doctors that steroids don't work you can't + +28:16.680 --> 28:21.960 +use those to calm down the cytokine storm they didn't tell everybody that remdesivir would hurt + +28:21.960 --> 28:27.080 +people they didn't tell everybody that mandazalam was overused they haven't told everybody that + +28:27.080 --> 28:32.440 +opioid deaths have gone skyrocketing the last three years and have been mixed in with this excess + +28:32.440 --> 28:36.440 +deaths that have nothing to do with the novel virus they don't talk about the death certificate + +28:36.440 --> 28:41.720 +fraud the financial incentives to do it they don't talk about the track and trace millions of dollars + +28:41.720 --> 28:47.400 +who are spent just in Pittsburgh alone on four different companies that hired people to call + +28:47.400 --> 28:52.920 +people to tell people that somebody you know tested positive for covid they don't talk about + +28:52.920 --> 28:58.520 +the pcr fraud the lateral tense fraud and the sequencing fraud the important thing to see here + +28:58.520 --> 29:03.880 +is it's a spread of bad ideas it's scarier than this RNA virus that they're talking about the RNA + +29:03.880 --> 29:09.160 +molecule that they spread say spread from muhan all around the world and it's still going now + +29:10.200 --> 29:16.040 +and the important thing to understand is that this is done across the board and the best example + +29:16.040 --> 29:21.800 +for this audience might be autism and the reason why i can give you this example is because i'm a + +29:21.800 --> 29:27.640 +neuro neurobiologist and so i was in this field where everybody's trying to study the brain + +29:27.640 --> 29:32.520 +and there are potentially millions of dollars of grant money available if you have a good idea + +29:32.520 --> 29:38.600 +or you have a good um interesting thing that you want to uh that you want to investigate + +29:39.240 --> 29:44.040 +but the problem is is that these millions if not billions of dollars have been + +29:44.040 --> 29:49.880 +focused on particular things by asking these doctors to ask particular questions and in the + +29:49.880 --> 29:56.520 +case of autism and a lot of these other diseases the trick is that they know that + +29:57.800 --> 30:02.680 +how can i explain as quick as possible they know that the only thing that they have to offer and + +30:02.680 --> 30:07.720 +the only thing that they really care about is cracking the human genome and so what they've done + +30:07.720 --> 30:13.640 +with almost all the NIH funding but only thing i can really speak to as clearly as possible is + +30:13.720 --> 30:20.600 +neurobiology the study of the brain they focus on genes and the reason why they focus on genes is + +30:20.600 --> 30:27.240 +because this is the only straw they have to grasp on and because they can create almost an + +30:27.240 --> 30:35.080 +infinite variety of illusions by blaming things on genes and autism is a fantastic example of that + +30:35.080 --> 30:42.680 +where they have invested millions of dollars with grant calls which ask researchers to find + +30:42.680 --> 30:50.760 +connections with particular particular genes and autism with particular uh with particular + +30:50.760 --> 30:57.000 +childhood diseases which resemble autism and the genetic causes of those and then + +30:57.560 --> 31:04.520 +misconstruing those as explaining autism which comes from vaccine injury by uh for example and + +31:04.520 --> 31:12.440 +so this this cleverness extends to almost all science but the science that is most distorted + +31:12.440 --> 31:19.320 +by this level of of disingenuousness is medical sciences it's the sciences that impinges on the + +31:19.320 --> 31:26.840 +healthcare system and drugs and and the intellectual property that supports it and so all of these + +31:27.400 --> 31:33.560 +these investigations are pigeonholed in this way as a biologist it's it's likely that i + +31:33.560 --> 31:41.800 +would not have been able to get grant money to study vaccine injury models of autism so in other + +31:41.800 --> 31:49.640 +words they they come up with lots of grants that are a mouse model of of all Alzheimer's disease + +31:49.640 --> 31:56.040 +or a mouse model of Parkinson's disease but they would never ever fund a mouse model of vaccine + +31:56.040 --> 32:03.640 +injury they will fund a mouse model of genetic causes of autism and if you make a genetic + +32:03.640 --> 32:09.160 +knockout mouse that doesn't socialize well with its mom and you call that a model of autism they'll + +32:09.160 --> 32:14.520 +fund that till the cows come home but if you tell them that you want to make and develop an + +32:14.520 --> 32:20.440 +animal model where you use a vaccine equivalent to inject and then investigate what happens to + +32:20.440 --> 32:25.960 +that animal's physiology you'll get it not a dime and that that's the that's the reality of it so + +32:25.960 --> 32:32.600 +for 10 years they've been putting billions in the uu in america into the genetic causes of all of + +32:32.600 --> 32:38.840 +these things and so now the entire field is more or less convinced that the genetic + +32:38.840 --> 32:43.000 +causes are the only thing that we need to worry about that our interaction with the environment that + +32:43.000 --> 32:48.040 +interference with development that that any of these things are secondary to the genetic causes + +32:48.040 --> 32:54.680 +because first and foremost that's how i get my money and so with regard to the pandemic potential + +32:54.680 --> 33:02.280 +that we are now told is inevitable and exists for all time the same methodology was used you + +33:02.280 --> 33:07.880 +give money you tell people what you want them to find and then they publish papers + +33:07.880 --> 33:13.800 +that says well we kind of found some stuff and if you do that long enough eventually you have a + +33:13.800 --> 33:20.280 +whole trail of papers that can be pointed to and said well pandemic potential exists in mother + +33:20.280 --> 33:30.120 +nature subscript 4 5 6 pandemic potential has been identified in bat caves subscript 2 3 and 4 + +33:30.200 --> 33:34.440 +and if you go back to those papers you find that those papers say the same things well there might be + +33:35.640 --> 33:41.560 +and this limited spectrum of debate is where we now live and we imagine that there's all this + +33:41.560 --> 33:45.400 +certainty and that all these people on the news are correct and that they all know what they're + +33:45.400 --> 33:49.800 +talking about more than we could possibly ever understand so we might as well just give up + +33:49.800 --> 33:57.400 +watch Netflix and not question them and in reality most of what we think is high fidelity biology + +33:57.400 --> 34:03.080 +which is defined a pandemic over the last four years is smoke and mirrors and the most terrible + +34:03.080 --> 34:10.920 +thing is is that the moms and dads who had vaccine injured kids already were onto this fraud the + +34:10.920 --> 34:16.760 +the people that were affected by AIDS and AZT were already onto this fraud and it's just + +34:16.760 --> 34:23.560 +unfortunate that the media machine has already kept us apart for decades and now the pandemic + +34:23.560 --> 34:28.520 +now represents a time where this limited spectrum of debate can kind of be exposed for + +34:28.520 --> 34:34.200 +what it is and we can kind of reorient and try to I guess the best phrase is to take our country + +34:34.200 --> 34:41.160 +back again I don't know what else to say other than that yeah well is that right are you still + +34:41.160 --> 34:50.040 +there I am well thanks Jay that was fantastic you can hear me okay I could hear you no yes sorry I + +34:51.000 --> 34:55.720 +had one down there for a second yeah that was that was really good these layers of deception I + +34:55.720 --> 35:04.040 +mean they create a false science and then base their evidence on something false that that they + +35:04.040 --> 35:11.640 +created I mean that is it's it's really something to me and I want to have Don play this clip + +35:11.640 --> 35:17.080 +about Edward Bernays you introduced him but I want to play this clip and just I want to + +35:17.160 --> 35:22.920 +spend just a couple minutes on him because he really got this idea of propaganda going so + +35:22.920 --> 35:27.720 +Don can you play that clip he's a guy that was brought to my attention by Vera Sharav + +35:27.720 --> 35:35.400 +who's also a good fighter on our team yes she starts her presentation with him every day every + +35:35.400 --> 35:42.440 +time so I give a big shout out to her and her work well I just talked with her this last week + +35:42.920 --> 35:49.320 +she's fast she's writing a book right now she's she has been a gift to me personally with all + +35:49.320 --> 35:55.640 +of her knowledge Don play the Edward Bernays clip please a pioneer in the field of propaganda + +35:55.640 --> 36:01.160 +he's also referred to as the father of public relations Bernays believed that public relations + +36:01.160 --> 36:06.760 +is not a gimmick but a necessity he argued that public relations could be used to shape the + +36:06.840 --> 36:13.640 +response of a general or particular audience he understood that perception often mattered more + +36:13.640 --> 36:21.960 +than reality Bernays was born in Vienna Austria in 1891 and later his family moved to New York City + +36:21.960 --> 36:27.240 +he graduated from Cornell University with a degree in agriculture in 1912 one of Bernays major + +36:27.240 --> 36:33.960 +contributions was his groundbreaking book titled propaganda published in 1928 which rebranded the + +36:33.960 --> 36:39.400 +term propaganda as a consistent enduring effort to create or shape events to influence the + +36:39.400 --> 36:45.560 +relations of the public to an enterprise idea or group in it he expounded his belief that an + +36:45.560 --> 36:50.120 +invisible ruling elite could control the masses through psychological manipulation + +36:51.800 --> 36:57.160 +awesome yeah I think that was a it's a good clip it gives everybody a flavor a couple of things I + +36:57.240 --> 37:04.920 +want to share is are that first of all that man lived to be 104 years old it's interesting + +37:04.920 --> 37:08.440 +yeah it's interesting to me that a number of these people who are + +37:10.680 --> 37:16.440 +really evil they live to be over a hundred we're not going to cover that today but you can just + +37:16.440 --> 37:23.880 +chew on that if you're you're listening the the thing that I want to mention is we had a law in + +37:23.880 --> 37:30.280 +place that was put in place in 1948 called the Smith month act and interestingly the Smith + +37:30.280 --> 37:39.160 +month act said that the United States could only use propaganda against foreign countries all right + +37:39.160 --> 37:46.360 +so it you know that's a that's propaganda in and of itself because now we have this illusion + +37:46.360 --> 37:52.920 +that they're not using propaganda against us and the what I would consider the third largest + +37:52.920 --> 37:59.560 +sign up that we've ever experienced in United States history happened post 1948 which was the + +37:59.560 --> 38:07.320 +JFK murder but that was when that law was in place well then in 2012 the law is repealed so now we + +38:07.320 --> 38:14.680 +can we can lie to our own citizens and it's legal and Jay was mentioning you know he was mentioning + +38:14.680 --> 38:20.280 +that earlier but I wanted to connect the dots on how they do this I mean they they do it with + +38:20.280 --> 38:27.480 +these levels of deception and it's it's mind-blowing to me uh so any comment any further comment on + +38:27.480 --> 38:33.160 +that Jay before we move on no no I just am really happy that we connect on Bernays because he's + +38:34.040 --> 38:40.760 +his historic relevance also I mean he's it's too old not to take seriously if they could + +38:41.480 --> 38:47.240 +think in that way when there were only a few newspapers and word traveled very much by word of + +38:47.240 --> 38:53.960 +mouth what they can do now with cell phones and and social media I'm afraid none of us + +38:53.960 --> 39:01.000 +understand how bad it is I don't think we can understand how bad it is I I agree I have stopped + +39:01.000 --> 39:06.200 +trying to understand how bad it is because you end up going in these rabbit holes and you can't + +39:06.200 --> 39:12.280 +get out of them you just jump from hall to hall um a you know speaking of newspapers I'm gonna + +39:12.280 --> 39:17.000 +have Don bring up a newspaper clip next on the screen so can you bring up the gold standard + +39:17.000 --> 39:26.920 +all right so this clip is from April 6th of 1933 and what happened on April 5th of 1933 I think + +39:26.920 --> 39:33.160 +is extremely significant as to how they pulled this off and what happened is we went off the + +39:33.160 --> 39:39.000 +gold standard as a country on April 5th and this article says that anybody who doesn't turn in + +39:39.000 --> 39:45.080 +their gold is subject to a ten thousand dollar penalty from the government all right so why do I + +39:45.080 --> 39:53.960 +say that God says the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil well before April 5th of + +39:53.960 --> 40:01.080 +1933 they they meaning everybody in you know the United States is leading the charge here but they + +40:01.080 --> 40:08.040 +had to balance the budget after 1933 they don't have to balance the budget anymore as we have a fiat + +40:08.040 --> 40:15.480 +currency and so now they can use money to literally buy any single person they want + +40:16.360 --> 40:22.840 +and there's no accountability anymore because it's a fiat currency I think it is one of the key + +40:22.840 --> 40:29.720 +tentacles of how they were able to pull off things like COVID but I mean COVID is is I don't want to + +40:29.720 --> 40:35.560 +focus on COVID from the point of view that it's over and all of that I want to focus on COVID + +40:35.560 --> 40:41.880 +because what COVID did to me personally is expose the evil that has been going on for a long time + +40:41.880 --> 40:49.000 +and that's why I showed what happened in 1933 you know and then if you look at you know the the + +40:49.880 --> 40:57.080 +focus on people that are are into eschatology as a scyop you know because they can't stop going + +40:57.080 --> 41:01.560 +down rabbit holes they they're looking for the mark of the beast and they don't realize the + +41:01.640 --> 41:06.680 +mark of the beast is this whole system that we've already been into I mean there's a digital + +41:06.680 --> 41:11.960 +currency okay well I mean we get I mean that's the worst thing we're already in in that era + +41:11.960 --> 41:17.800 +right we only use credit cards we have a fiat currency so the next it's just the next generation + +41:17.800 --> 41:23.720 +of what we're already used to all right I want to uh switch gears and drill down this COVID + +41:23.720 --> 41:27.560 +scyop you know you know a little bit different light from some of the angles that I've been + +41:27.560 --> 41:32.280 +investigating so you know just we'll set the stage I'm going to have Don bring up a couple + +41:32.280 --> 41:39.640 +of clips then and then we're going to do some deep dive into some things that are on my radar + +41:39.640 --> 41:45.240 +screen that I believe you've you're probably one of the only few people who can answer so we'll just + +41:45.240 --> 41:53.000 +start with we know that COVID was a scyop so what is that scyop in in in tail well it entails a + +41:53.000 --> 42:01.400 +virus it entails a pandemic it entails hospital murders and entails a quote vaccine end quote + +42:01.400 --> 42:07.160 +those are the four elements of the the scyop so they had to start this with this three weeks to + +42:07.160 --> 42:12.760 +flatten the curve you know so we kind of all bought into that idea okay well if this is real + +42:12.760 --> 42:17.480 +three weeks to flatten the curve everybody can give up three weeks no biggie right all right well + +42:17.480 --> 42:23.240 +of course that was a lie well then they start the false testing and so now well boy everybody's + +42:23.240 --> 42:28.200 +got COVID we got drive-through testing centers you know this whole you know I'm on just on the + +42:28.200 --> 42:33.480 +surface level here folks but then okay well now it gets serious we got to do the hospital murders + +42:33.480 --> 42:39.320 +and we've got these these refrigerated trucks in New York City with you know people stacked up + +42:39.320 --> 42:45.640 +like cordwood and it's like oh my gosh this is you know this is the scyop that at this point + +42:45.640 --> 42:51.240 +my wife and I were buying into so now we get all COVID prepared at our house right we've got + +42:51.240 --> 42:57.720 +Ivermectin we got vitamins but you know so then once Grace got a cold we tested her with the home + +42:57.720 --> 43:03.960 +test that my wife Cindy got from Walgreens and oh my gosh her oxygen dropped to 88 percent and + +43:03.960 --> 43:07.960 +you know literally Grace would be alive today if we wouldn't have taken her to the hospital + +43:07.960 --> 43:12.920 +and I'm not going to go on that rabbit trail I've talked about on many many shows before well then + +43:13.720 --> 43:19.160 +now we start looking at some truth all right so that's the lay of the land now we look at some + +43:19.720 --> 43:25.320 +some truth if you can look through the headline so Don bring up the first headline the the daily + +43:25.320 --> 43:33.880 +beast screenshot okay so let's read this together Jay Trump's COVID data crunchers seek + +43:34.520 --> 43:40.760 +coronavirus racing down America's major highways all right so they use this as + +43:41.640 --> 43:49.080 +their talking point that we shouldn't travel okay because we're spreading it by traveling + +43:49.080 --> 43:54.280 +and yet what they're doing and I'm going to have you comment in a minute Don bring up the next + +43:55.320 --> 44:02.760 +screenshot because now I went to world data and this this screenshot that Don's going to bring + +44:02.760 --> 44:10.120 +up next okay it's up on the screen now you see it's interesting that if this thing was a virus + +44:10.120 --> 44:16.600 +that we all need to be fearful of you can see the date I picked was September 21st 2020 Jay + +44:16.600 --> 44:23.560 +you can see well why why did certain countries not get it and I'm I picked out specifically if + +44:23.560 --> 44:29.080 +you look at of course Greenland didn't get it and you know there's a whole movie I'm you know + +44:29.080 --> 44:35.160 +getting to Greenland but then the interesting country that didn't get the virus as of September + +44:35.160 --> 44:43.400 +21st of 2020 was Ukraine anyway what is your thought about this you know at this point in the + +44:43.960 --> 44:50.040 +in that whole scheme where there you know I when I started to see these maps that oh wow this is + +44:50.040 --> 44:55.000 +interesting it went along these highway corridors and it didn't it didn't jump certain countries I + +44:55.000 --> 45:02.200 +started okay is this thing even a virus so the show is yours go ahead my response would be that + +45:02.280 --> 45:10.120 +this is in retrospect I think really strong evidence for the play which I think they really + +45:10.120 --> 45:17.000 +planned all along which was that the island that I will step back one second and say that I do + +45:17.000 --> 45:24.120 +think that most of the theater that was engaged in was orchestrated by the five ice countries + +45:24.120 --> 45:32.920 +including ourselves so Canada Australia New Zealand England us and of course that's because + +45:32.920 --> 45:40.440 +these are the people that we can most easily identify with as Americans and so what needed to + +45:40.440 --> 45:47.960 +happen is Americans needed to see examples of lockdowns that were number one much harsher than + +45:47.960 --> 45:55.800 +theirs and number two that worked and so Australia New Zealand are examples of lockdowns that worked + +45:55.800 --> 46:01.960 +and they they locked down in Australia most of us can't remember that they were allowed outside + +46:01.960 --> 46:08.200 +for one hour a day they locked down for hundreds of days in a row they weren't allowed to go from + +46:08.200 --> 46:14.200 +state to state unless they were vaccinated and that level of control they could have never executed + +46:14.280 --> 46:19.480 +in America but they needed to set an example and they needed to be able to say that because we + +46:19.480 --> 46:27.080 +locked down we didn't have any cases until 2021 and so that's the story that I think was there that's + +46:27.080 --> 46:33.320 +the that was the thing we were being shown these ridiculously angry Australian and New Zealand + +46:33.320 --> 46:38.920 +leaders but also the Americans saying well maybe their lockdown is going to work you know and maybe + +46:38.920 --> 46:43.640 +maybe the Japanese are wearing masks and that's why they're not sick all of this speculation was + +46:43.720 --> 46:50.920 +pre-prepared and it's part of this limited spectrum of debate where then the people on TV are arguing + +46:50.920 --> 46:55.240 +not about whether there's a virus but whether or not the lockdowns there are working better + +46:55.240 --> 47:00.520 +than the lockdowns here yep exactly that's exactly what they want they want us to get into these + +47:00.520 --> 47:04.680 +dialectic arguments that have nothing to do with the truth oh we're gonna rattle through a couple + +47:04.680 --> 47:11.160 +more here so what do you think about when they pulled the Johnson and Johnson shot yeah it's + +47:11.160 --> 47:15.720 +exactly the same thing and the worst part about this is is that we can go back to Jesse + +47:15.720 --> 47:21.320 +Gelsinger and know that they already knew that adenovirus wasn't going to be a useful way to augment + +47:22.520 --> 47:28.520 +a human body the functioning human body Jesse Gelsinger is a guy who had a very rare genetic + +47:28.520 --> 47:33.240 +disorder missing a enzyme in his in his liver it's very debilitating you have to have a very + +47:33.240 --> 47:40.440 +special diet yeah yeah yeah and they tried to transfect his liver with the enzyme that he needed + +47:40.440 --> 47:45.960 +using an adenovirus vector which is very similar to Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca + +47:47.080 --> 47:52.120 +and after it worked for about a week or so of course his immune system attacked his liver he had + +47:52.120 --> 47:59.640 +acute liver failure and died this hasn't been improved in any way because you're still encroaching + +47:59.640 --> 48:05.000 +on the same you know barrier and the same immune system that needs to understand the difference + +48:05.000 --> 48:10.760 +between self and non-self and the moment you start transfecting foreign proteins into parts of your + +48:10.760 --> 48:17.560 +body the immune system is not up to that challenge that's not a natural that's not a natural question + +48:17.560 --> 48:22.600 +that the immune system ever has to answer yes and so that's the problem you know there aren't + +48:22.600 --> 48:28.040 +supposed to be cells in your body that are expressing foreign proteins that's that's if they are they + +48:28.040 --> 48:35.720 +need to be eliminated and and so anyway I think that's that's probably the best + +48:36.840 --> 48:43.640 +and the most diabolical part of the rollout because that is pointed to as evidence that the system + +48:43.640 --> 48:49.800 +works and that when there's a red then when there's a bad signal we pulled it from the market and so + +48:49.800 --> 48:54.040 +exactly obviously if we didn't pull the mRNA off the market there was no signal + +48:54.680 --> 49:00.520 +yeah yep it's like it was I'm going to come back to that because I see there's a bigger + +49:00.520 --> 49:07.880 +sacrifice that I think is coming so J&J gets sacrificed for the good of the agenda all right + +49:07.880 --> 49:14.600 +so then you know the first big lawsuit that was filed was the remdesivir lawsuit in California + +49:15.160 --> 49:21.320 +all right and so I have an opinion of that but you have a perspective of the remdesivir lawsuit + +49:21.320 --> 49:27.800 +was that the one about glass in the bottles no this is that there is a number of families + +49:27.800 --> 49:35.480 +got together the attorneys filed against Gilead for producing remdesivir because remdesivir + +49:35.480 --> 49:44.040 +killed their loved ones okay so you know I see the remdesivir lawsuit as what's the best case + +49:44.040 --> 49:53.560 +scenario you know the best case scenario is Gilead has to pay the people who were killed by + +49:54.200 --> 49:59.080 +remdesivir assuming it can be proven which you know it's easily proven but I mean you're trapped + +49:59.080 --> 50:05.240 +in the court system first but assuming that they win what what do they get they get a payment + +50:06.120 --> 50:13.320 +relative to a drug that killed them it doesn't stop anything because all it is is a the worst case + +50:13.320 --> 50:20.680 +scenario is a money judgment so I see that as simply another distraction and they're moving on + +50:20.680 --> 50:26.600 +to substantially worse things while people are thinking you know putting their hopes in a remdesivir + +50:26.600 --> 50:33.400 +lawsuit one okay I want to move on to one that I'm guessing you that's everything I don't want + +50:33.400 --> 50:40.280 +you to move on yet I think it's a really interesting um I don't disagree with you at all it's just + +50:40.280 --> 50:45.560 +the first time I've ever heard anyone characterize there any remdesivir lawsuit could almost fit + +50:45.560 --> 50:52.280 +into that category exactly if you're going for financial damages which inevitably is what people + +50:52.280 --> 50:58.520 +go for then you're not solving the problem at all actually and that's that's really interesting + +50:59.320 --> 51:05.320 +well we structured Grace's lawsuit specifically to go after the people who pulled the trigger + +51:05.400 --> 51:11.800 +that's why our lawsuit is extremely expensive because we didn't you know the the attorneys just + +51:11.800 --> 51:16.680 +wanted us to go against Ascension Hospital System because that's where the money is but we named five + +51:16.680 --> 51:24.760 +doctors and two nurses to make a statement that the people who pulled the trigger are responsible + +51:24.760 --> 51:30.840 +for pulling the trigger you can't blame the hospital that they loaded the gun somebody still pulled + +51:30.840 --> 51:39.320 +the trigger and that's the same thing with remdesivir and the reason it's it's true with remdesivir is + +51:39.320 --> 51:46.600 +because you know you could you could say in the first three weeks four weeks maybe of the hospital + +51:46.600 --> 51:55.080 +stays that well we didn't know but now you've got the COVID era is 39 months and they're still using + +51:55.320 --> 52:01.800 +it and it has a 75% kill rate well now you're responsible because you you know nobody is that + +52:01.800 --> 52:06.840 +dumb to not see the kill rate in the hospital that you work at and same with same thing with + +52:06.840 --> 52:12.200 +ventilators so you could use remdesivir and ventilators same thing you know you're you're not + +52:12.200 --> 52:18.600 +you know people are responsible remdesivir is not responsible ventilators and aren't responsible + +52:18.600 --> 52:24.040 +people are responsible so people have to be held to account that's the only way to you know if + +52:24.040 --> 52:29.160 +we're going to use the system wow god i've never heard anyone say this it's so extraordinary + +52:29.160 --> 52:37.720 +to me that i've never heard anyone say this before well i it's not it but i'm just a dad so + +52:37.720 --> 52:43.880 +anyway i just see the leader you you you have come off to me in our in our previous conversations as + +52:43.880 --> 52:51.320 +being a guy who has been um meddled with on this and encouraged to go in the wrong direction or + +52:51.320 --> 52:56.440 +or in a useless direction several times and hearing use is simply describe it this way is + +52:56.440 --> 53:01.800 +really enlightening to me and it's something that i know i can take and repeat because it makes + +53:01.800 --> 53:10.760 +perfect sense to me to think this way um i i really like it a lot um and it will also it also i think + +53:10.760 --> 53:18.600 +this this concept also will put more onus on all of these health care practitioners to understand + +53:18.600 --> 53:24.280 +what they're doing and to think a little bit more about about their responsibilities to their + +53:24.280 --> 53:29.880 +patient because right now i think they do kind of hide behind the the you know i'm just part of + +53:29.880 --> 53:36.680 +the system i just do it i'm told kind of thing yeah yeah i agree all right i want to go through + +53:36.680 --> 53:43.880 +another one i was asked this one is because i was on a show and they asked me do you think that + +53:43.960 --> 53:49.080 +there was ever a virus and you know i'm don't have any credentials like you do but i mean the + +53:49.480 --> 53:55.080 +the research that i have been exposed to i thought no this was this was never a virus + +53:55.880 --> 54:01.880 +and so the lady who was the host said well what what do you make then of the patents the patents + +54:01.880 --> 54:06.920 +for the virus i said well how do you know that the patents weren't planted to get us to think that + +54:06.920 --> 54:14.120 +it was a virus so anyway your perspective on planted patents yeah so that's i i'm right there + +54:14.120 --> 54:19.800 +with you um i just want i would like to maybe clarify just a little bit to make sure that + +54:19.800 --> 54:30.760 +the people that are listening um get it uh the the point is uh a rather simple one um + +54:30.760 --> 54:36.520 +and i'll just you don't have to go away um i'll just use it here uh hold on one second + +54:38.920 --> 54:48.440 +and this needs to go away and this needs to come back and so i will just use this one slide here and + +54:48.440 --> 54:53.480 +just show you this picture so this is a little animation of what's supposed to happen inside + +54:53.480 --> 54:59.640 +of your cell as a virus is assembled this little tiny red string there is supposed to be the genome + +54:59.640 --> 55:03.800 +of the virus that's wrapped around these bigger pink proteins which are the end protein + +55:04.360 --> 55:10.840 +and then the virus gets enveloped into this endosome and uh it's going to repeat again now here + +55:10.840 --> 55:14.920 +so you see again the genome gets packaged around the end protein and then it gets + +55:14.920 --> 55:19.960 +invaginated into the endosome and the endosome already has spike protein expressed on the inside + +55:19.960 --> 55:26.680 +of it so then at the end you get this little ball so this is a cartoon which has been given to us + +55:26.680 --> 55:32.600 +by the pbs news hour and bill gates and all these virologists and because the cartoon is so pretty + +55:32.600 --> 55:40.040 +and detailed it's very tempting to believe that their their understanding of this process is as + +55:40.040 --> 55:47.000 +pretty and as detailed and that would be a complete lie um it's important to understand that they + +55:48.120 --> 55:54.760 +they have a loose idea of how viruses replicate but for example i wonder if anybody in your in + +55:54.760 --> 56:00.200 +your audience understands that the influenza virus needs to carry an enzyme with it in order + +56:00.200 --> 56:06.200 +to make copies for itself and a coronavirus supposedly doesn't need an enzyme with it because it makes + +56:06.200 --> 56:11.720 +its enzyme after it gets inside of your cells already a huge difference that they never talk + +56:11.720 --> 56:17.480 +about with regard to these viruses but it's very different in their cartoon the reason why this is + +56:17.480 --> 56:23.720 +important is because the cartoon that they have told you is one where the virus goes into your + +56:23.720 --> 56:29.640 +lungs and it makes copies of itself and then those copies come out and go to other people but + +56:29.640 --> 56:37.960 +if you read virology pre-pandemic and you try to understand the phenomenon of RNA viruses you + +56:37.960 --> 56:44.200 +understand that none of the real virologists on the ground believe that cartoon that the virus + +56:44.200 --> 56:50.200 +goes into your lungs makes copies of itself and comes back out they understand all kinds of things + +56:50.200 --> 56:55.960 +are not real about that cartoon they know that the virus can't make copies of itself very well + +56:55.960 --> 57:01.240 +it's very hard for it to grow in new tissues or to jump from animal to animal in their own + +57:02.120 --> 57:08.280 +best estimation they can never really find full sequences in the wild and instead they need to + +57:08.280 --> 57:13.880 +find fragments of it and then fill in the blanks to get a best guess of what this RNA might have + +57:13.880 --> 57:19.560 +been had they been able to retrieve the whole virus from the bat or from the cave or from whatever + +57:19.560 --> 57:24.760 +sample they had it in from the sample of the patient and so this important distinction about + +57:24.760 --> 57:32.600 +what viruses are and what they aren't in a laboratory has been obfuscated since basically AIDS and + +57:32.600 --> 57:38.120 +they have been using similar techniques that are actually indirect measurements of the presence of + +57:38.120 --> 57:44.600 +something and never definitively show that this structure is related to this effect or these + +57:44.600 --> 57:49.400 +proteins are related to this effect but they're all co-present or correlated with + +57:50.280 --> 57:55.880 +it's never a direct measurement so the most important thing to think about here is whether or not the + +57:55.880 --> 58:03.080 +virus can make copies of itself and how well it does that because in in RNA virology they can't they + +58:03.080 --> 58:08.520 +know that they can't and they used to whine about it that RNA viruses are so hard to study because + +58:08.520 --> 58:16.200 +we can't ever get them to grow and the reason why that is is more because of the aspects of + +58:16.200 --> 58:25.720 +DNA versus RNA DNA is a double-stranded molecule DNA has a number of enzymes that work together + +58:25.720 --> 58:32.840 +that can copy it and also proofread the copies RNA is single-stranded most of the time in nature + +58:32.840 --> 58:38.200 +and most of the time when we use it in our bodies messenger RNA is single-stranded and therefore + +58:38.680 --> 58:45.800 +if you were to try and copy it you wouldn't have two copies to compare to so proofreading it would + +58:45.800 --> 58:51.720 +be more difficult and in fact the mechanisms that are used on double-stranded DNA can't be used on + +58:51.720 --> 58:57.800 +RNA because RNA is single-stranded so coronaviruses are actually single-stranded RNA and if you think + +58:57.800 --> 59:04.040 +about coronaviruses like a mixtape if you want to make coronaviruses in the laboratory and you + +59:04.120 --> 59:09.640 +assemble them and you find one you can't make copies of a mixtape over and over and over again + +59:09.640 --> 59:15.000 +because the tape copies will get more and more terrible nobody will want to use them in headphones + +59:15.000 --> 59:21.400 +because the sound deteriorates CDs on the other hand can be copied you can share them with your + +59:21.400 --> 59:26.200 +friends you can and they can make copies of the copies that you made and they don't deteriorate + +59:26.200 --> 59:34.680 +in in quality this analogy is pretty close to how RNA versus DNA would be copied in any + +59:35.480 --> 59:40.840 +mammalian or or well eukaryotic system it doesn't matter what biology you're talking about + +59:40.840 --> 59:47.720 +copying DNA is high fidelity and copying RNA if it's even done his lower fidelity than this + +59:47.720 --> 59:54.040 +copying process so what that translates to very simply is that RNA virology doesn't work very + +59:54.040 --> 01:00:00.360 +well in a dish he can't really grow them very often and if you look at these coronavirus papers + +01:00:00.360 --> 01:00:04.840 +that from all these crazy laboratories that everybody's pointing out has gained a function + +01:00:04.840 --> 01:00:11.880 +you will find that they never can grow the virus they always find the sequence they always reconstruct + +01:00:11.880 --> 01:00:19.000 +the sequence retrieve the sequence and then the sequence is instead translated into DNA + +01:00:19.880 --> 01:00:28.360 +and that DNA then can be used to grow lots of copies like a CD lots of copies of itself + +01:00:29.400 --> 01:00:34.760 +now if it's a coronavirus they've realized that they have to make it into pieces to make lots + +01:00:34.760 --> 01:00:39.320 +of copies of it and they reassemble it but that doesn't matter for this purpose it's to understand + +01:00:39.320 --> 01:00:45.320 +that it wouldn't grow in culture but it does they can make a DNA copy of it the nice thing about + +01:00:45.400 --> 01:00:52.040 +this is is that this uses very standard industrial techniques for making any biologic you just grow + +01:00:52.040 --> 01:00:59.640 +it in an E. coli culture the E. coli faithfully makes copies of your DNA after you take the E. coli + +01:00:59.640 --> 01:01:07.400 +out of those cultures you can convert that DNA to RNA and now you have a form of the virus that + +01:01:07.400 --> 01:01:12.280 +never existed in nature that you couldn't retrieve from the cave that you couldn't pull out of the + +01:01:12.280 --> 01:01:19.480 +bat and it's super pure because it came from one single sequence of DNA that was copied many times + +01:01:19.480 --> 01:01:29.320 +so instead of having a swarm of incomplete RNAs which is the best possible virus model that the + +01:01:29.320 --> 01:01:37.000 +virology experts could be left with at this stage if it's not just all mythology that that still is + +01:01:37.720 --> 01:01:44.040 +is artificially recreated with this process to a purity level and to a quantity that can't + +01:01:44.040 --> 01:01:49.000 +exist anywhere in nature this would allow them to send it around to all their friends so that all + +01:01:49.000 --> 01:01:54.280 +their friends can do the same experiments using the same RNA and more importantly you could make + +01:01:54.280 --> 01:01:59.160 +large quantities of this and you could distribute it anywhere you wanted to and wherever you look + +01:01:59.160 --> 01:02:04.200 +for it you would find it and it wouldn't be variable like one from mother nature it would be pure + +01:02:04.760 --> 01:02:11.400 +the signal would be great the PCR primers would work perfect the the RNA would culture in a dish + +01:02:11.400 --> 01:02:16.760 +and you would be able to sequence it and report a full sequence unlike any virus that you could + +01:02:16.760 --> 01:02:21.480 +find in mother nature and the crazy thing is is that they've known that they can do this there's a + +01:02:21.480 --> 01:02:29.000 +paper before the the um I won't go into that now with you there are many papers before the pandemic + +01:02:29.000 --> 01:02:35.320 +which have tried to look at the replication fidelity of coronaviruses and found this same thing + +01:02:35.320 --> 01:02:39.720 +that they just don't replicate very well and the best thing that we can do the way that we + +01:02:39.720 --> 01:02:45.560 +can make the most infectious materials to start with a DNA clone make lots of RNA from that and + +01:02:45.560 --> 01:02:51.800 +then do all of our experiments from this stock which has nothing to do with whatever phenomenon + +01:02:51.800 --> 01:02:57.640 +they call SARS-CoV-2 that supposedly came from a laboratory in Wuhan that's the big that's the + +01:02:57.720 --> 01:03:04.680 +big trick that they've pulled on us wow I'm glad you have those slides at your disposal that + +01:03:04.680 --> 01:03:11.800 +they do a fantastic job of explaining and you have a gift at putting words to the slide so thank you + +01:03:11.800 --> 01:03:18.680 +for that I want to move on to one more talking point before we close today which is you know how + +01:03:18.680 --> 01:03:26.600 +they're setting this whole thing up now to be up all about COVID and the setup the first setup was + +01:03:26.600 --> 01:03:34.120 +Congress illegally ended COVID on April 10th of 2023 and if you start looking at everything since + +01:03:34.120 --> 01:03:41.240 +April 10th of 2023 you start seeing uh these are these are purposely the the narratives are + +01:03:41.240 --> 01:03:48.200 +purposely being released to get us to look at we've got to have responsibility for what happened + +01:03:48.200 --> 01:03:55.720 +with COVID and or COVID was we made mistakes but we'll get it right next time that's what's going on + +01:03:55.720 --> 01:04:03.000 +now and I see every headline through that lens and bigger picture so when I think when you and I + +01:04:03.000 --> 01:04:10.920 +talked a couple weeks ago Jay we talked about the movie sound of freedom so when you watch sound + +01:04:10.920 --> 01:04:17.960 +of freedom you see you know it was a fine film but then if you look at okay what's really going on + +01:04:17.960 --> 01:04:23.960 +here well why did it take them five years to release it why didn't they talk about the real + +01:04:23.960 --> 01:04:33.720 +issue which is what's behind the the child trafficking the the killing of children for organs the + +01:04:33.720 --> 01:04:38.520 +killing of children for the satanic rituals why didn't they talk about that and the real + +01:04:38.520 --> 01:04:43.400 +clothes the real hook to that movie was right at the end and I saw the hook of course I can't + +01:04:43.400 --> 01:04:48.440 +watch anything now like I used to because there's no fun in watching it I'm always looking for + +01:04:48.440 --> 01:04:55.800 +the gotcha and the gotcha in that film is the man who it was based on they showed his testimony + +01:04:55.800 --> 01:05:00.920 +his live testimony you know wasn't live in the film but his his real testimony in front of congress + +01:05:00.920 --> 01:05:06.040 +and that congress is making a commitment to end this that we're going to have legislation + +01:05:06.040 --> 01:05:12.520 +oh my gosh congress is in on it congress is in on this whole COVID science so you can't have + +01:05:12.520 --> 01:05:17.960 +congress do an investigation of itself or pass a law against itself when they're in on it + +01:05:17.960 --> 01:05:24.760 +all right so now that being said we my wife and I watched the movie shot dead and I know the + +01:05:24.760 --> 01:05:33.320 +director and producer of the the documentary she's she's one I believe is trustworthy so I'm not + +01:05:33.320 --> 01:05:39.080 +looking at that film as as bad but it was all about vaccine deaths and injuries and it was it + +01:05:39.080 --> 01:05:45.000 +was well done as soon as I got done with it I said to my wife I said Pfizer is going to be a sacrifice + +01:05:45.640 --> 01:05:53.080 +and I think that's coming we have to have a monster sacrifice so the agenda continues realize the + +01:05:53.080 --> 01:06:00.520 +agenda is what they're after so if they make a big sacrifice so they sacrifice J&J before I said + +01:06:00.520 --> 01:06:05.560 +I'm going to come back to that I think Pfizer is going to be a sacrifice to keep the agenda going + +01:06:05.560 --> 01:06:11.720 +so what's going on is you know we've got the election cycle which that diverts 70 percent of + +01:06:11.800 --> 01:06:18.040 +the population right there but then you know they've reduced gas prices everything's back to normal + +01:06:18.040 --> 01:06:23.560 +you know that's part of the scyop to get us focused on okay now that COVID's over everything's + +01:06:23.560 --> 01:06:28.840 +back to normal we've got to have accountability for COVID and I'm going to have Don play a clip + +01:06:28.840 --> 01:06:32.840 +and tell you why I played and then J.J. I'm going to let you rip on that so go ahead and play the + +01:06:32.840 --> 01:06:40.200 +clip Don we shouldn't be told that we have to take a vaccine speakers at the rally arguing their + +01:06:40.200 --> 01:06:45.240 +loved ones could still be alive if medical protocols were different during the pandemic + +01:06:45.240 --> 01:06:51.080 +I think people had to suffer I think many people died that didn't have to they're now calling for + +01:06:51.080 --> 01:06:56.840 +accountability we should not have to worry when we go to our doctor are we going to be on the right + +01:06:56.840 --> 01:07:02.840 +side of politics it is time that we have an investigation here in Oklahoma there was people + +01:07:03.000 --> 01:07:10.680 +who've been trained who who are medical positions that should have known better than this and they + +01:07:10.680 --> 01:07:17.800 +have a responsibility to treat patients and not listen to what they know is untrue representative + +01:07:17.800 --> 01:07:23.160 +Humphrey says the rally is one of the first steps taken to eventually make laws in the state to + +01:07:23.160 --> 01:07:28.600 +prevent something like this from happening again I appreciate all the doctors and nurses and + +01:07:28.600 --> 01:07:35.080 +the ones who who fought through it worked and at risk of their own life and who did that so + +01:07:35.080 --> 01:07:41.320 +they're much appreciated this is not any kind of attack on the medical field this is an attack on + +01:07:41.320 --> 01:07:50.280 +how that we allowed politics and money to overtake our medical agencies and medical departments and + +01:07:50.280 --> 01:07:55.720 +make medical decisions he says next they will request an interim study and collect evidence to + +01:07:55.720 --> 01:08:06.360 +present to the attorney general interestingly his name is JJ Humphrey I just picked up on that + +01:08:06.360 --> 01:08:13.000 +coincidence I met him last this past Saturday I flew to Oklahoma City to speak at the state + +01:08:13.000 --> 01:08:20.760 +capital for this event and so the local Fox station does this coverage and my wife showed it to me I + +01:08:20.760 --> 01:08:26.280 +didn't know that they had done the coverage she she showed it to me and I instantly said + +01:08:26.920 --> 01:08:33.400 +that is complete bullshit and the reason is just he's got like all you can just listen to these + +01:08:33.400 --> 01:08:38.200 +politicians they go right through the talking point so first I just jotted them down as I was + +01:08:38.200 --> 01:08:43.880 +listening so first we need to have a choice relative to take the vaccination or not well so you see + +01:08:43.960 --> 01:08:50.840 +that we still are on the vaccination agenda okay vaccinations are it's all a saiap the whole + +01:08:50.840 --> 01:08:56.120 +vaccination agenda is a saiap then he said that you know we've got to have accountability for + +01:08:56.120 --> 01:09:02.680 +the pandemic we need to have an investigation I mean who's going to investigate this the only + +01:09:02.680 --> 01:09:09.000 +people qualified are guys like you and I Jay and then this is not about the doctors and nurses + +01:09:09.000 --> 01:09:13.640 +well the heck it isn't I mean those are the people who pulled the trigger so anyway he hit + +01:09:13.640 --> 01:09:19.080 +all the talking points that they're trying to sell us right now so that we can have + +01:09:19.080 --> 01:09:25.960 +accountability and we all buy into okay we got the best government on earth anyway I probably + +01:09:25.960 --> 01:09:32.360 +gave you all the answers already but I still want your perspective no I I don't think I'm even + +01:09:32.440 --> 01:09:40.120 +seeing it as as well as you but I what I'm what I'm most fascinated by now because you're really + +01:09:40.120 --> 01:09:48.680 +getting me excited about it is how do we how can we what is the right idea do you think what we + +01:09:48.680 --> 01:09:56.840 +need to do is I just I'm processing this in real time can we get for example the the doctors + +01:09:57.800 --> 01:10:02.760 +to turn on their administration then like in other words once you + +01:10:03.480 --> 01:10:07.720 +make this momentum so that okay now people understand that actually you should blame the doctor + +01:10:08.680 --> 01:10:13.720 +now the doctor has to say okay well hey wait a minute I was told and I needed now the doctors + +01:10:13.720 --> 01:10:20.200 +got to turn and and up the chain I don't think that's such a bad idea + +01:10:21.480 --> 01:10:25.640 +essentially it seems like some of these people are suggesting we should skip all those people + +01:10:25.640 --> 01:10:33.000 +and go right to the top of the chain go right for the NIH or something or the CDC instead of + +01:10:33.000 --> 01:10:40.840 +prosecuting the doctors but I do see your point it's it's extraordinary I was jotting down other + +01:10:40.840 --> 01:10:52.120 +notes so it's a it's a it to me I don't I don't doubt at all do you know who Ted Gunderson is + +01:10:52.760 --> 01:10:58.760 +I don't oh Ted Gunderson is a guy who used to work for the FBI you should look him up + +01:11:00.040 --> 01:11:08.520 +he might not be alive anymore but Ted Gunderson was after the the networks of the sound of freedom + +01:11:09.160 --> 01:11:15.640 +back in the 90s already actually dropped out of the FBI because the FBI wouldn't do anything about it + +01:11:16.440 --> 01:11:23.000 +and became quite a whistleblower for a long time tour in the United States like just giving away + +01:11:23.000 --> 01:11:28.040 +packets of information he used to be the head of the FBI on the whole west coast actually + +01:11:28.040 --> 01:11:34.680 +Ted Gunderson the this fight has been going on a long time Ted Gunderson is the guy who woke me up + +01:11:34.680 --> 01:11:43.720 +about some of the the history that I lived through when I was a teenager and I have no doubt in my + +01:11:43.720 --> 01:11:51.080 +mind that that what we experienced over the last four years was an unprecedented level of + +01:11:52.360 --> 01:11:58.760 +of an attempt to invert our understanding of of what reality is and make sure that none of us + +01:11:58.760 --> 01:12:06.760 +had a solid footing that mattered and and that's that's really it's one of those things where I + +01:12:06.760 --> 01:12:11.960 +still find that the people that are now opposing us Scott are trying very hard to get us to commit + +01:12:11.960 --> 01:12:17.640 +to one particular explanation when it's a crime scene I'm not supposed to come up with the the + +01:12:17.640 --> 01:12:21.800 +explanation for how they did it I just know that it's a crime and I know that these people are lying + +01:12:21.800 --> 01:12:28.120 +about what actually happened and your point is really it's really sinking very deep + +01:12:30.520 --> 01:12:34.440 +and it also makes me kind of sad because I don't know maybe you've you've obviously thought about + +01:12:34.440 --> 01:12:40.600 +it longer than I have what do we if we can't and I agree we probably can't turn to the current + +01:12:40.600 --> 01:12:47.480 +city in Congress is is one possible solution to elect people like you and me should we start + +01:12:47.480 --> 01:12:53.640 +running for office is that a solution or not really yeah it's a great question and it actually + +01:12:53.640 --> 01:12:59.880 +brings up it's I'm going to answer that in the frame of starting to wrap things up sure sure + +01:12:59.880 --> 01:13:03.400 +you're going to come on my show anyway and we're going to do this again yeah we're going to talk + +01:13:04.040 --> 01:13:13.000 +yeah you'll have another week of process yeah you know the the solutions that are being + +01:13:13.000 --> 01:13:20.920 +proposed are all man-made so you know having us guys like you and I run for Congress + +01:13:21.640 --> 01:13:27.800 +those type of things are all under I see them all under the false profit system power back to the + +01:13:27.880 --> 01:13:36.200 +people because it doesn't acknowledge how we got here we got here by rejecting God and we can't + +01:13:37.000 --> 01:13:43.080 +there's nobody going to be held accountable for for the real psi up here you know they're going + +01:13:43.080 --> 01:13:50.040 +you know if Pfizer is a sacrifice that will look like accountability but it's all to set up you + +01:13:50.040 --> 01:13:56.920 +know if the false profit system looks like hey we're going to go back to the gold standard we're + +01:13:56.920 --> 01:14:03.000 +going to have Nuremberg two trials we need to give control back to the people those are all + +01:14:03.000 --> 01:14:09.160 +great talking points that are being sold right now if you watch you'll see these talking points + +01:14:09.160 --> 01:14:18.440 +are being sold as so a way to say this succinctly is the plant there's there's a plan to take down + +01:14:18.440 --> 01:14:26.440 +the cabal so the cabal we look at okay this whole you know the great reset this is all the cabal + +01:14:26.440 --> 01:14:31.640 +has got this all set up well the plan to take down the cabal was written by the cabal + +01:14:32.920 --> 01:14:38.680 +so this really gets people in the right frame of mind for the solution because the solution + +01:14:38.680 --> 01:14:42.840 +has nothing to do with the proposals that you're hearing the solution + +01:14:43.480 --> 01:14:51.320 +is understanding everything that's happening through a biblical worldview and what God said + +01:14:51.400 --> 01:14:57.320 +I'm just going to read a scripture reference j in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 10 through 12 + +01:14:57.320 --> 01:15:03.800 +it says they perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved for this reason God + +01:15:03.800 --> 01:15:10.840 +sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned + +01:15:10.840 --> 01:15:16.760 +who have not believed the truth but delighted in wickedness so I see the powerful delusion I + +01:15:16.760 --> 01:15:24.120 +mean I could be wrong with this but I see the powerful delusion as the anti-Christ evil system + +01:15:24.120 --> 01:15:31.080 +and then the red pill false prophet less evil system the two sides of the satanic coin + +01:15:31.640 --> 01:15:37.480 +are the powerful delusion and it's called the world and we get sucked into that and thinking + +01:15:37.480 --> 01:15:45.160 +men can save us is been around for a long time you know the people who were led directly by God + +01:15:45.160 --> 01:15:51.240 +the Israelites in first Samuel chapter 8 you know they wanted a king you know and they begged + +01:15:51.240 --> 01:15:57.000 +Samuel give us a king and Samuel pleaded with God and said hey you know what should I do here + +01:15:57.560 --> 01:16:06.200 +and God said give them their king so God won't go against what we what we want and we want a king + +01:16:06.200 --> 01:16:13.640 +we want somebody to save us from this mess and it's already set up anyway so that's what I see I + +01:16:13.640 --> 01:16:18.360 +think the answer to this is repentance I think covid was a call to repentance + +01:16:18.920 --> 01:16:25.640 +that's how I see it now and I I really can't see it any other way so when I look at Grace's lawsuit + +01:16:25.640 --> 01:16:30.440 +for example Jay I don't see it about money at all we've already said if we get any money we're not + +01:16:30.440 --> 01:16:35.960 +taking it and that's why we did the more expensive path that's why we didn't haven't taken money + +01:16:35.960 --> 01:16:41.320 +from people who have offered to sponsor our case it's got to be above reproach we're using the case + +01:16:41.800 --> 01:16:48.520 +to shed light on evil and that's the purpose of the case and that's why I've been on 800 shows + +01:16:48.520 --> 01:16:55.960 +and I just want to keep sharing so that people can wake up and you have a chance to save yourself + +01:16:55.960 --> 01:17:00.920 +from a hospital stay of course physically but more importantly to the spiritual message that + +01:17:00.920 --> 01:17:04.920 +I'm sharing right now so anyway that's my my two cents worth + +01:17:05.240 --> 01:17:12.120 +um it's uh I want you to have the last the last word of course so go out you thought all yours now + +01:17:12.840 --> 01:17:21.960 +um I don't know I don't know how to approach this because I I don't I don't typically um on my show + +01:17:21.960 --> 01:17:28.440 +I don't really talk about um these kinds of issues I try to stay very much a biologist um but I hint + +01:17:28.440 --> 01:17:35.960 +at the idea that that at the heart of my understanding um lies this idea that somewhere + +01:17:36.840 --> 01:17:43.720 +in in all of my work and reading and and investigation I keep running into this + +01:17:43.720 --> 01:17:51.000 +irreducible complexity that that is everything that makes us sacred and and and makes our you + +01:17:51.000 --> 01:17:56.200 +know we can study biology and bugs and how animals work it's of course you want to understand how + +01:17:56.840 --> 01:18:01.480 +God's creation is connected and and how it all sings together and what our place is when within + +01:18:01.480 --> 01:18:10.920 +it but but um most of the the impetus for our investigation in academic biology is trying to + +01:18:10.920 --> 01:18:20.840 +undermine that or trying to dispel that as a right as a as a sacred idea and so um I don't know what + +01:18:20.840 --> 01:18:27.800 +it is about me and my in my being that drew me out of academia but I always knew that what was + +01:18:27.800 --> 01:18:35.080 +going on there wasn't the appreciation of the sacred that I wanted it to be and and instead what it + +01:18:35.080 --> 01:18:43.000 +was was the demystifying of it and the the um the almost uh desecrating of it in many in many labs + +01:18:43.080 --> 01:18:51.880 +um and this took a long time for me to wake up to um and I'm trying my best to craft a message + +01:18:51.880 --> 01:19:01.400 +which um the presence of of God and Christ is behind me and and visible um without necessarily + +01:19:01.400 --> 01:19:09.880 +me always calling him to to mind by name um and and it's really important um I tell my kids this a + +01:19:09.880 --> 01:19:15.720 +lot I say it to my wife a lot um it's really important that that's there otherwise I don't I + +01:19:15.720 --> 01:19:23.240 +would never have been able to keep um the the hope alive that that what I'm doing might contribute + +01:19:23.240 --> 01:19:30.520 +to something that will keep our grandchildren safe um and and as you've outlined it you know we are + +01:19:30.520 --> 01:19:37.240 +up against it's this is for all the marbles this is from generations past already things are + +01:19:38.040 --> 01:19:43.400 +are are crescendoing right now in our lifetimes that unfortunately or fortunately + +01:19:44.120 --> 01:19:48.440 +um it's in our lifetimes that this is happening I mean I I can't tell you how + +01:19:49.480 --> 01:19:55.720 +awesome it would have been if I would have grown up in the 50s and been a biologist in the 60s um + +01:19:56.440 --> 01:20:03.240 +I would be dying right now as uh as a happy uh go lucky emeritus biologist you know that + +01:20:03.800 --> 01:20:09.640 +that spend his time hiking with his grandkids and and and if I could have gone out in 2019 like + +01:20:09.640 --> 01:20:15.400 +that it wouldn't have been a bad way to go but we we have been chosen to be here um for whatever + +01:20:15.400 --> 01:20:23.640 +reason um and I can't thank you enough for for sharing your story as as often and as widely as + +01:20:23.720 --> 01:20:32.280 +you do it takes a lot of courage and I'm sure um it costs a lot um it's it you know it's uh + +01:20:33.320 --> 01:20:39.560 +well you know it's really it's something really special and I don't I can't imagine losing one + +01:20:39.560 --> 01:20:45.480 +of my children um I'm sure that the reason why I haven't is because I would not have been able to + +01:20:46.200 --> 01:20:50.520 +and be a good example as a Christian like you are um I probably would have done + +01:20:51.080 --> 01:20:57.960 +or acted much differently and so you're in my prayers man I don't know what to say I feel like + +01:20:57.960 --> 01:21:02.520 +I'm uh I'm definitely lucky to have ever run into you and cross pass with you so + +01:21:05.160 --> 01:21:07.720 +I I feel the same I mean I uh + +01:21:10.040 --> 01:21:16.840 +God gets all the credit here I mean I am shocked at what is inside of me I mean he he truly + +01:21:17.640 --> 01:21:23.240 +um is in charge the coincidences there there's no coincidences all the things that he set up + +01:21:24.280 --> 01:21:33.880 +for a time such as this for me to be active and have no fear in what we're doing and you know + +01:21:33.880 --> 01:21:40.920 +there's there's so many things but it's it's all him so Jay thanks so much for coming on and I will + +01:21:40.920 --> 01:21:45.640 +see you next week if you just want to hang around for a minute here at the end we'll say goodbye after + +01:21:45.640 --> 01:22:01.560 +Dan signs us off okay very good + +01:22:04.600 --> 01:22:09.320 +please stand by for further details we return you now to your regularly scheduled program + +01:22:15.640 --> 01:22:18.280 +you +