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11 months ago
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Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
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oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,uni, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's not, it's not, it's not, that's not the way life is.
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This episode is sponsored by Mank. That's MOOP plus FING.
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a month, and if we could accomplish that,
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then COVID would be wiped out.
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We could do it, and actually any municipality
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that could regulate its borders could clear the disease
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if we could accomplish that, but I believe it.
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I believe it.
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But you can tell if someone's lying,
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you can sort of feel it in people.
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And I have lied, I'm sure I'll lie again.
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I don't wanna lie, you know, and I don't think I'm a liar.
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I try not to be a liar, I don't wanna be a liar.
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I think it's like really important not to be a liar.
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Why aren't you playing?
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Man, I'm like an amateur over here. What's going on?
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So I'm gonna address this Ibermectin comment in the chat right now
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Jonston 72 welcome to the show
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I'm only knowledge can dispel the enchantment and so let's just get to the knowledge right now
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If you've been here for a while you're here at the top of the wave if not
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You might be a skilled TV watcher in need of rescue if you're here now for the first time be aware that we're gonna stay focused on the biology
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We aren't gonna take any of their bait on television. We are gonna love our neighbor
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So get ready for that this works because people share it
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So if you're here for the first time, please think about sharing it if you enjoy it
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You can find and share our work at giggleonbiological.com and I say our work because my wife
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Makes this possible. My wife is doing a lot of the answering of emails and
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Coordinating some of the responses and mail and things that have to happen
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And it's made it a lot easier
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You know, she makes everything possible at this stage because all of what we are doing here is Mike Bantonberg next day is
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Is important
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You know, we've got three kids and we've got to find a way to make this work
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It's a lot of work to put this stuff together to keep on top of this
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And and to produce an hour and a half or two hours every day is is tough
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And that's a lot a lot of times why I don't have an hour and a half or two hours produced every day
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But I try as much as I can because of these people. Thank you very much
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There are also people who subscribe at sub stack. There are also people who just send stuff to
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PO box and so this independent bright web is a is an effort of more than
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150 or 200 people right now
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Including the five people in my family and all of you that share the screen. Thank you very much
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It's just, you know, it's an illusion that is sustained by our participation and
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Only if we can start to learn to communicate
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This more effectively are we gonna be able to pull more people out or help?
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Help other people to understand how important United non-compliance is gonna be in the future. I
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United non-compliance is gonna be so important in the future
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You might have it turned up a little bit too loud. Did you lose sound?
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I didn't lose any sound here. Yeah, if anyone else lose sound, I don't think so
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Let's talk about that for a second
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I'm glad you figured it out there Fletch
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So I remecked him. What an interesting blow. That was a little grimy there. Sorry about that
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Let's just go right here and let's switch up to the desk
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Gigo and biological a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you a biologist
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That biologist is named Jonathan Cooey. That's me. I'm coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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This is the back of my garage
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The light is moving back there a little bit. There's some kids on the trampoline and
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Hopefully that won't be too distracting for everybody
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Welcome to the show. It's the 13th of April. I believe it's Saturday
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Yeah, it's Saturday
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We had we've already been to the gym today. That's why I'm a little bit late today
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And we have lots and lots and lots of work to do
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They have the the cordwood is really stacked up at this stage. There is so much
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Just raw material out there waiting to be turned upside down and and inside out so that you can see exactly how
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How grease the wheels were at the beginning of the pandemic how grease the wheels were even before the pandemic was declared
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And how happy everybody was to slide on that grease the moment the pandemic was declared
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There was it was nothing but a room of giddy excited CEOs
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that we watched yesterday
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in fact, it was actually quite alarming to think of the sheer number of hours of
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like per hour charge that would be normally accrued in that room all those people
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Johnson and Johnson Moderna
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Ivermectin I was gonna say
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Inovio, I mean all these
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Regeneron that guy Regeneron. He sure got a lot of was named Ben
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Or something like that. He sure got a lot of tips from from Donald Trump to to add his two cents in
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It really seemed one thing that was quite obvious that I think Jessica Hockett did a really good job of pointing out
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It seemed really
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Conspicuous to me that these people were talking so much
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Paying so much lip service to the value of the flu shot
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Now a lot of these companies don't even really make a flu shot or if they do it's probably not their flagship
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You know sort of product and yet all of them
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Seemed almost obliged as if you know you got to say that the Emperor's new robes look nice
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Or I don't know what what was it that the Arab tail goes like you say a deer is a donkey or something like that
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Or a goat is a deer and then that that was like signaling that you were going along with the
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With the ruse. I don't know that story. Anyway
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It just really felt strange
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And also, you know how
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It's too bad that this is happening, you know, we've lost six lives in America so far that the tragic news of the sixth
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Coronavirus victim was talked about briefly by Secretary Azar and it just all seemed so
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contrived and
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Somebody in the chat yesterday used the term kefabe, you know, this kind of fake wrestling thing. I think that's actually an eric Weinstein
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Intellectual dark web dude
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I think he's the one who said that a lot of this stuff was like that but unfortunately
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As clever as he is he's not able to see that this kefabe or whatever the heck it is
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So however you say it correctly
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That these these people could also have entirely
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pantomime the
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The bioterrorism threat for for several decades now
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Maybe not at first maybe at first they thought yeah in 40 years. We might get it in 20 years
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We might get it
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But now it's it's come time where they don't they don't have it
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It's not there and there isn't this kind of danger and now they need to create it and
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That's what this conscious and intelligent this over here this conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is all about
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It's not just about baseball and Nike shoes. It's not just about buying toilet paper when they want you to buy toilet paper
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It's about what you think
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And what you imagine are the the precarious dangers of the world
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And of course they don't want you to think about the food that you eat or the products that you buy
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They want you to think about imaginary things in mother nature that you have no control over and can't even detect
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Without the help of their products
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Think about how incredible it is that that we were we really allowed them to do this to us all of us did
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Because even if you go back to the youtube videos that I was making in april and may of 2020
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You'll see a guy that's fully on board with the idea that something could have been spilled and be spreading right now
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We could see waves of it for for for a while. I don't know. I didn't know
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And how could any of us have known given the fact that what we saw yesterday there were
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Actually billions of dollars of commercial interest ready to perpetuate this narrative
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Irrespective of the danger
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It was like a damned up. It's like a whole bunch of water behind a dam
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And and you've lined up the dynamite's been blown. There's nothing. This is going
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And so all the people on the rafts up there like whoa here we go
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Finally we've been waiting
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And of course that dam is money
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Unbridled unchecked un
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Unaudited money
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I mean we're yelling and screaming about the
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The money that was given to small businesses for
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For employees to pay for them not being at work and stuff like that and we're worried about that
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We're supposed to be worried about people's student loans getting repaid
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But we're never supposed to worry about corporate bankruptcies that cost the taxpayers
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Millions if not billions of dollars every year
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We're not talking about the corporate bankruptcies that are going to continue to go on into the future
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That will cost the taxpayer billions of dollars in in
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This lost sort of debt
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It gets written off because one weaponized pile of money buys a company and overleverages it or you know divides it into a million pieces
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Whatever the the people do that the that the movie
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Pretty woman was made about for example
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Guy buys a company and then sells all of its assets and then fires everybody and and milks it for all it's worth
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Borrows against it. Whatever they do. I don't know how that stuff works
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But I know it's not friendly. I know it's not great for the economy
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I know it's not building anything in america, but we're supposed to not give a shit about that
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We're supposed to get mad because some student loans might be repaid
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I've got a great and very easy way for us to fix that problem. Why don't we pay back all student loan borrowers
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Let's pay back the student loan borrowers that also paid back their student loans
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That'll solve that problem on it
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I mean at this stage, we've got to be realistic
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These people have been jerking us around by our collars for two decades three decades four
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Five decades six decades. Who knows how many more?
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I had to do it. It was like a sitting right in front of me
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I just feel as though once we start to really speak this truth to young people
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We speak this truth to people that are younger than us
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Just think of it that way
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Whoever's younger than you if you're 70 years old god bless you
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You can tell a lot of people this truth
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If you're only 25 years old well, then you know, it's going to be tough
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But you can do your friends
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You can get your friends you can be on snapchat or whatever it is that the kids like the best
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And you can share this information this basic truth
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This is a basic truth from 1924
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Edward Bernays
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Before any of this social media ever existed they were already thinking this way
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Way before
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Allen Dulles said it
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I mean way before Allen Dulles said it they were already thinking this way
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Don't you see the whole
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Impact of this quote and the reason why Vera Sharab uses it every time she gives
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And talk about this kind of thing because it's from 1924
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And that's how they got us to abdicate and give up this this principle of informed consent
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We we don't even know
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We can't possibly give informed consent to how we are being governed
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We don't understand how our banking system works
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So how can we possibly consent to it how can we possibly know if it's morally and if it if it's
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If it has integrity, how can we know?
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And they've been bamboozling us about that much longer than they've been bamboozling us about our biology and about the
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sacredness of who we are they've only just recently gone for that one
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And that's I think the most spectacular thing about it
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So remember that our hypothesis remains roughly the same
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The reason why I want to go over it is because when we watch this video today from the American frontline doctors in 2020
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When they got on the steps of the capital and claimed to be the the army on white horses
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I want you to see that essentially they don't challenge the tenements of the faith the tenants excuse me of the faith
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There was a novel virus it killed millions millions more could be saved
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It was likely from a laboratory and so it will come again
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It's really that faith that we are fighting
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and what really happened is a
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organized effort across
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Western civilization basically and and beyond
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A coordinated messaging system to take advantage of this illusion
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That it seems as though they kind of were all in on it
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Maybe with a collective agreement like much like bill mar just admitted not too long ago. Check my tweet
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Where he said that abortion is kind of murder
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But he's not against it because there are eight billion people on the planet. We won't miss you
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That's almost verbatim
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What was said by bill mar not two days ago
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And so the truth is now really coming out that these people at the elite levels of governance
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These people at the elite levels of governance both in the government but also in the media
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Now believe that there's kind of an imperative of biological truth
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That the survival of the wisest
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Dictates that we start to do something about our exponentially growing population if you will
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And so if we have to lie or tell stories a little bit, you know, that's just the way it is
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It's better than having a violent revolt
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It's better than than than totalitarianism
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We might as well have people have their toaster ovens and their and their Netflix, right?
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We have to rescue
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The college age kids the young adults at the high school kids. We must rescue them
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from this false history
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We must explain to them what is happening right here. We must explain to them
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That this curve right here
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You couldn't see this yesterday when I was using this slide this curve right here is not real
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And this curve right here in the beginning of 2020 was shown to us has evidence of impending doom something that might continue up
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And this curve was largely not generated numbers generated in New York City in America
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This is all caused mortality every year here in light blue
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This down here in darker blue is is people who die specifically of pneumonia yellow is flu identified
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And the deaths to pneumonia if I move my big head since 2014 have been very stable
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Very stable until 2020 when they increased with a slope heretofore unseen
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In a country that has presumably since 2014 become better
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At basic medical care better at treating pneumonia certainly nothing to explain a three or four time increase in the all-cause mortality due to
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Unless of course we told everybody that there was a novel virus
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And that that novel virus meant viral pneumonia and viral pneumonia doesn't need antibiotics
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We could have said something like that like dr. Griffin says on twiv every night for the last four years
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Viral pneumonia
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For which antibiotics are useless. I think at this stage
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We should start making a list of people who can be
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shown on video or on blog or in a post to have said that
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Because it's kind of
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It's negligence. It's it's
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And if you're a professional at that level then it will it will amount to negligence or some kind of
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What malpractice or something like that it would be like a doctor going on saying, you know, I'm a doctor
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I'm an MD. I work at at at Columbia University
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And I think you should drink motor oil tonight. Well, then you are liable for the people that drink motor oil
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And I think that some of these people need to be held liable
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For having said that viral pneumonia will not is not should not be given antibiotics
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Because viral pneumonia doesn't exist
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Don't I don't think that there is a good
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medical definition of viral pneumonia
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And I think if you have a case of viral pneumonia and you tested for the presence of other bacteria
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I think you would actually find that it wasn't a viral pneumonia
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It might be a co-viral pneumonia if you want to be has as has placated
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Placating to the viral virology club as you want to be but I don't think that they have the
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the ground to stand on to differentiate between a viral pneumonia and a bacterial pneumonia and to make a black and white statement
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That this pneumonia will not respond to antibiotics and you should not use them
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And there were lots of people pushing that exact line
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And scientifically we can follow up on that we could actually do a study and show
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Every time you say it's a viral pneumonia and we use antibiotics. It's still you mean you could you could do it
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We could show that
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We could demonstrate that that was wrong. They're not gonna but that's where we are
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And so the hypothesis is really very simple
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Why isn't it going? There we go
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The who declared a pandemic of a dangerous novel virus. I'm going to blank this out for a second
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And it was detectable by a nonspecific PCR test for RNA viruses applied to a low prevalence population on a hot background
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On a hot background of RNA and DNA signals that
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could easily create false positives
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intentionally or unintentionally
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And this combination of a an illusion of consensus across
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the the who and the cdc and the fda and
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Trump's administration the people sitting at that table that illusion of consensus is what allowed this to take on the significance
25:41.320 --> 25:43.320
of a national security threat
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And that's that that consensus that illusion of consensus that was at that table yesterday
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It was part of that momentum that allowed them to easily convert a much larger all-cause mortality portion
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Then p and i much bigger than this this was p and i can you see my no?
26:03.240 --> 26:06.040
This was p and i this blue plus yellow
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And they converted a huge number
26:10.680 --> 26:13.400
Of these regular deaths and added some
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You see
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That's what's so amazing here
26:18.520 --> 26:26.600
Is that they increased all-cause mortality quite abruptly and acutely in 2020 and everybody didn't say why didn't it keep spreading?
26:27.400 --> 26:29.400
What's happening there?
26:30.840 --> 26:37.480
And what they did was that they killed people in hospitals ladies and gentlemen you've got to come to to terms with that
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And people died from the
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Transfections and maybe what they did was that they rolled down the dosage. These are the hottest doses perhaps
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And after that you don't you don't you don't have it because they're trying to adjust the dose
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This is all an experiment
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Without your permission without your informed consent
27:03.240 --> 27:09.400
And it's such an important experiment that i believe it's possible that yes, they could have taken an already hot background
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They could have spent
27:11.480 --> 27:17.960
Several years before the pandemic characterizing it so that they knew exactly what they would find if they rolled out pcr tests
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aimed at certain
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Canonical coronavirus
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27:25.480 --> 27:27.480
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And by understanding what that signal would be
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They already knew what they would get when they rolled it out
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Combination combined that rather
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The idea that they would have sequenced those viruses as well sequenced those things and known
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Already what was there? This is assuming that all virus that those viruses are even there in the first place
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I don't think it's ridiculous for anyone to question the fidelity of that signal
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It could easily be
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That the fidelity of that signal is not near
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What they say it is
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And in that case it would be even easier to take a hot background and misconstrue it as spread
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And that's what I think all of the
28:16.360 --> 28:18.920
Certainty and insistence that a lot of these
28:19.640 --> 28:23.080
Actors show about the existence of a novel virus and how
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Real the sequencing is and how reliable the pcr is or isn't or how it's just about cycles
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Don't actually want to confront the reality
28:34.120 --> 28:38.600
That if you just make it about cycles, then you're not really saying it
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Which is that there could not be
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An RNA molecule sustaining this pandemic as a novel signal
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That's not possible
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And so if you just come to that stage right there the rest is a criminal investigation
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You don't have to explain any more than that and
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I believe a lot of the medlers are constantly trying to get us to come up with a specific set
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Of circumstances that we believe is most likely so that they can debunk apart or all of it
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And make it seem as though we don't know what we're talking about but what we do know
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For sure not very much but what we do know is that an RNA molecule no matter what little
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Tweaks you make to it or how many fear and cleavage sites you put into it
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It's not going to suddenly have the ability to copy itself so well that we could find 15 million
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Sequences of it over the last four years
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Put them up on a database and call it a phylogeny based on a temporal expansion of a molecule
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It started in a mud puddle that's ridiculous and every one of these people knows it
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In fact the thicker their resume is the longer they were in the whitehead institute or the longer
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They were working for the human genome project the more likely it is that they understand exactly how true this statement is
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RNA virology is based on the infectious clone
30:02.760 --> 30:04.680
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Where you find a signature of an RNA that you think is a self-replicating molecule
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You try to find and characterize it as best as you can and then you make a dna copy of it
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So that you can make sufficient quantities to study in either an animal model or a cell culture
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Otherwise it goes nowhere
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It doesn't go anywhere. It can't you can't culture these things
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And if they could culture what was in the sahomas county man they could culture it because it was a clone
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Because a clone is a quantity of and a purity that cannot exist in nature and so for a time
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It does appear to self-replicate because of the enormous quantities of subgenomic RNA that get created
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And so by any sequencing technology, it's going to look like the genome has been replicated thousands of times, but it hasn't
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That's what we got from dissecting the infectious cycle and so we know for sure
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That virology is an exaggeration it could be an all-out mythology, but at
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Absolute best-case scenario for them as it is it is it is an horrible
31:12.920 --> 31:17.960
Exaggeration of a of a background signal with the intent to bamboozle our children about it
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Because they want to invert our sovereignty to permissions. That's where we're at
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We're not going to have any human rights. Whoa
31:25.400 --> 31:29.000
We're not going to have any human rights if we don't wake up right now
31:29.240 --> 31:31.240
31:31.240 --> 31:33.240
So I want to keep explaining this
31:33.880 --> 31:41.720
Because as we look back to this 2020 video, it's really important to have a hakeen awareness of what we're listening for
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If this gets annoying, I won't use it anymore. I got other ones
31:53.240 --> 31:57.320
Renderforest has got hundreds. I just thought this was funny and I really do like that song
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Um, so this is afld june 2020
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Um and just to but you can tell if someone's lying
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You know, you can sort of feel it in people. I want you to use your gut here when I have lied control. I again
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I really I really think it's important. I don't think i'm a liar. I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar
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I think it's like really important not to be a liar
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32:22.520 --> 32:24.040
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I've met a lot of them right. I've met a lot of these people I know
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And a lot of them have lied to my face. So
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The political cut I have on the specialization is always that um
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That uh, if you analyze the politics of science, the specializations should make you suspicious
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It should because if it's gotten harder to evaluate what's going on
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And it's presumably gotten easier for people to lie and to exaggerate
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And then one should be you know a little bit suspicious and that's that's uh, that's sort of my starting my starting bias
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And so we all should have been much more suspicious of everyone at the start of the pandemic
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And I think that once you realize and that the scooby-doo was planned this way
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But planned in a much more intricate way than we thought
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You will see that actually
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We were presented two sides of the coin more than once
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We were presented the good guys and the bad guys more than once and
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A lot of us just didn't couldn't possibly have guessed
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that the operation that was going to be
33:24.440 --> 33:31.480
Used to initiate the controlled demolition of america would be so intricate as to involve so many people masquerading as patriots
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But remember
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And please remember this very very well. I'm going to go back to the front here because I think it's really important to say it right
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Remember this very well think again of a corporate
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tug of war between two
33:46.680 --> 33:48.520
33:48.520 --> 33:52.040
And there's 40 people each and they're all pretty equal
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It would only take a few people to cheat on behalf of one team
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and not pull
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In order for one team to be guaranteed to lose and no one in that team would know
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You could lean back on the rope but not pull very hard
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And because everybody else was pulling really hard your sabotage if there was five of you out of 40 that were cheating for the other team
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You would likely lose for them
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And so i'm not saying that all of american frontlight doctors were bad guys what i'm saying is is that in every one of these groups
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There were bad guys
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And my guess is those bad guys had influence because they worked together
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To create an illusion of consensus even on the inside of these groups to where it would be very hard for anyone
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Of these members who actually was seeing through the truth to have any real effect
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And that's why you'll see erso in the background but not really in the foreground
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And he disappears in marix in there maybe or something like that these
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Really good doctors tend to disappear into the background in these louder
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more dramatic
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censored people get in the front
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That trick was played on us so many times
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Alex berenson
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Brett Weinstein
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Robert Malone
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Every one of these examples of censorship where oh i got censored on linked in and so
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I had to get interviewed by tucker carlson
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And then I got censored on link in so I had to go to this new
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Thing that that I didn't know about but I guess I got paid for gab or whatever it is
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I mean, it's just all absurd
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To pretend that these were all random events in a plinko machine of of reality
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We were being played by these people
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If they wanted to censor Robert Malone, you wouldn't have seen him just like you didn't see me until
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2023 or 2022
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And and that's really what it is
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We are up against something very big and very formidable
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From the start of the pandemic scientists have tried to determine exactly where and how
36:15.640 --> 36:18.200
This novel coronavirus spread to humans
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Did it emerge naturally from the animal world and get transmitted to people in wuhan china?
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Or from a security breach at a research lab also in wuhan and of course, that's the trick right?
36:30.360 --> 36:35.240
That's the whole conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits whoops
36:35.960 --> 36:38.600
Of of our habits and of our thoughts
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Let us to think that there was a mystery to solve we were we were
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Coversed into asking the question is this natural or is this a lab leak? It's got to be a lab leak
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I mean the fear and cleavage site. It's going all over the world
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Normally a virus wouldn't do that but with a fear and cleavage site who knows how far it would go
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How many people do you know had that idea in 2020 how many people were certain?
37:04.120 --> 37:11.160
About that idea in 2020 how many different random people who are certain about the fear and cleavage site?
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in 2020
37:14.840 --> 37:16.840
I can name like six
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I wasn't certain about I didn't even know how the hell they were what what is even a fear and cleavage site?
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I had to read about it
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While these people were already sure that this meant that not only was it a laboratory virus, but man buckle up
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And I can't help but keep wanting to remind people of this because it was really a group of people that were sent out with a mission
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They were recruited for a mission
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To do something
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To break up a group to break up a following to distract people from this person to
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To water down this person's message to step in front of this person. There was so much of that happening
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I suspect that happened with this group up here
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That some of them are were pretty good at the beginning and then
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Got corrupted or or or somebody stepped in front of them
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I think it happened to a lot of people over there too
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I think a lot of those people are medlers or medling
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And have really taken to having friendships with with certain people so that they can keep tabs and and control their messaging
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I think that's really what happens
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And people signed on the line because as dr. Giordano said the the real weapon is the internet
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And so you need people if the real weapon is the internet ladies and gentlemen fifth generation warfare is liars
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And that's the part that gets so frustrating
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When they try to pretend that it's going to be an ai trick or it's an algorithmic trick or its censorship that's doing it. No
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It's liars
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People that are willing to go on camera
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Go on podcasts and tell a story because they know that they are assisting the ruling elite
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They don't have to know any more than that as long as they think they're getting on with that group
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There will be nobody
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Leaking there it's going to be no whistleblowers because they're climbing a ladder that they can't see the top of
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And whose fellow climbers they fear
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So tommy's not going to question hat ville
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He's happy that hat ville talks to him because he knows that hat villes connected to the ruling elite
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And so he feels connected to the ruling elite my goodness why how else could it be be understood
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But nobody not a lot of these people understand the
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The wickedness of what they are involved in
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They might vaguely understand the inevitability that the that the system wants them to feel I don't feel the inevitability anymore
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I do wish that there were some people around that aren't around anymore, but I don't feel the inevitability
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But I do think that the spread of bad ideas is what got us here
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And so let's take a look at this video and see if
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40:26.520 --> 40:28.520
If we can we can figure this out
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Uh intramuscular injection many combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb
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Transspection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic
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Uh, yeah, so what are we going to look for in this talk? We're going to look for
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The faith in a novel virus, right? We're going to look for an ongoing RNA viral pandemic. It would be weird, right?
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If in
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In the summer of 2020 they all agreed that okay, there is a coming disaster. We've got to be careful, but
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There is global spread of something, but
41:05.000 --> 41:09.000
Lockdowns work. I don't know. Are we going to hear that? It's it's going to be curious
41:11.400 --> 41:13.720
But i'm what i'm listening for the faith, okay
41:13.720 --> 41:17.080
I'm listening for the faith and remember the faith also includes
41:17.560 --> 41:22.040
A novel virus for which novel treatments will be needed because we didn't know what to use
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We don't know what to use so we've got to rely on doctors who've got ideas on pre from previous
41:29.480 --> 41:31.480
41:31.720 --> 41:37.080
But that's not really saying then that that there's nothing new that they're saying that there's something new
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But we've got to let doctors treat people for that something new so listen very carefully so that we can really put this into place
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Numbers and fortunately the mortality rate
41:51.240 --> 41:58.280
Of children is about one fifth of one percent so kids are tolerating the infection very frequently
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They're actually asymptomatic
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I also want to say that children on are not the drivers of the of this pandemic
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People were worried about initially of children
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We're going to actually be the ones to push the infection along the very opposite is happening kids are being
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Are tolerating it very well. They're not passing it on to their parents. They're not passing it on to their teachers
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Dr. Mark wool house
42:23.640 --> 42:30.120
From uh from scotlin who is a pediatric infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist?
42:30.520 --> 42:34.760
Said the following he said there has not been one documented case
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Of covid being transferred from a student to a teacher in the world
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In the world. I think that is important that all of us who are here today realize that our kids are not really the ones who are driving the infection
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It is being driven by older individuals
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And yes, we can send the kids back to school
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I think without fear and this is the big issue right now is is congressman norman alluded to
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This is the really important thing we need to do we need to normalize the lives of our children
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How do we do that? We do that by getting them back in the classroom and the good news is they're not driving this infection at all
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Yes, we can use security measures. Yes, we can be careful
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I'm all for that. We all are but I think the important thing is we need to not act out of fear
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We need to act out of science. We need to do it. We need to get it done
43:29.720 --> 43:30.760
43:30.760 --> 43:37.560
Uh, the barrier and I hate to say this but the barrier to getting our kids back in school is not going to be the science
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it's going to be the
43:40.600 --> 43:43.800
national unions the teachers union the
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National Education Association other groups who are going to demand money
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And listen, I think that is fine to get people money for ppe and different things in the classroom
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But some of their demands are really ridiculous. They're talking about where i'm from in california
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The utla, which is united teachers of los angeles is demanding that we defund the police
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What does that have to do with education? They're demanding that they stop or they shut all private
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Charter schools
44:15.880 --> 44:21.400
Uh privately funded charter schools. These are the schools that are actually getting the kids yet educated
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So clearly there are going to be barriers. The barriers will not be
44:26.120 --> 44:33.240
Science there will not be barriers for the sake of the children. It's going to be for the sake of the adults
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uh, the teachers and everybody else and
44:36.280 --> 44:40.840
For the union. So we that's where we need to focus our efforts and fight back
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So thank you all for being here and let's get our kids back in school
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Hello, um, i'm dr. Stella imano. I'm a primary care physician in houston texas
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You know, um
45:00.040 --> 45:07.800
I actually went to medical school in west african-nigeria where i took care of malaria patients treated them with hydroxyclopin and stuff like that
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So i'm actually used to these medications
45:10.680 --> 45:16.520
I'm here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with covid
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Patients that have diabetes pictures that have high blood pressure
45:20.920 --> 45:29.080
Patients that have um asthma all people i think my oldest patient is 92 87 years old and the result has been the same
45:29.080 --> 45:34.040
I put them on hydroxycloquine i put it on zinc i put it on zero max and they are all well
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For the past few months i've taken care of over 350 patients with not lost one
45:39.560 --> 45:46.200
Not a diabetic not as somebody with high blood pressure not somebody would asthma not an old person who've not lost one patients
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And on top of that i've put myself my staff and many doctors that i know on hydroxycloquine
45:53.880 --> 45:56.840
For prevention because by the very mechanism of action
45:57.080 --> 46:01.960
It works early and as a prophylaxis. We see patients 10 to 15 covid patients every day
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We give them breathing treatments. We only wear surgical masks. None of us has gotten sick. It works
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So right now i came here to washing DC to say america nobody needs to die
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The study that made me start using hydroxycloquine was a study that they did in under the air NIH
46:21.080 --> 46:23.080
In 2005 that's how it works
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Recently i was doing some research about a patient that had hiccups and i found that i even did a recent study in the nih
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Which is our national institute
46:33.160 --> 46:37.240
That is the national nih Institute of health
46:37.720 --> 46:39.720
They actually had a study i'm going to look it up
46:40.120 --> 46:42.040
Type hiccups and covid you will see it
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They treated a patient that had hiccups with hydroxycloquine and it proved that
46:47.640 --> 46:50.840
covid is a symptom of hiccups
46:51.240 --> 46:53.240
It's a symptom of hiccups of covid
46:53.240 --> 46:55.240
So if the nih knows
46:55.720 --> 47:01.240
That treating the patient with hydroxycloquine proves that hiccups is a symptom of covid
47:01.480 --> 47:04.440
Then they definitely know that hydroxycloquine works
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I'm upset
47:06.280 --> 47:08.680
What i'm upset is that i see people that cannot breathe
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I see parents walk in i see diabetics sit in my office knowing that this is a death sentence and they can't breathe
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And i hug them and i tell them it's going to be okay
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You're going to leave and we treat them and they leave none has died
47:22.520 --> 47:27.880
So if some fake science some person sponsored by all these fake pharma companies comes out
47:27.960 --> 47:30.600
Say, oh we've done studies and they found that that it doesn't work
47:30.840 --> 47:35.240
I can tell you categorically is fake science. I want to know who is sponsoring that study
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I want to know who is behind it because there is no way i can treat 350 patients and counting
47:40.920 --> 47:45.240
And nobody is dead and they all did better and then you're going to tell me that you treated
47:45.640 --> 47:47.640
20 people 40 people and and it didn't work
47:48.440 --> 47:52.440
I'm a true testimony. So I came here to Washington DC to tell america
47:52.920 --> 47:54.840
Nobody needs to get sick
47:54.840 --> 47:59.000
This virus has a cure. It is called hydroxycloquine zinc and zitromax
47:59.560 --> 48:01.560
I know you who want to talk about a mask. Hello
48:02.440 --> 48:08.440
You don't need mask. There is a cure. I know they don't want to open schools. No, you don't need to be people to be locked down
48:08.760 --> 48:13.720
There is prevention and there is a cure and let me tell you something. All you fake doctors
48:14.200 --> 48:16.680
Tell me oh, yeah, I want a double-blinded studies
48:16.760 --> 48:21.080
I just tell you speak sounding like a computer double-blinded double-blinded is you I don't know what are your chips?
48:21.080 --> 48:23.080
I'm malfunctioning, but I'm a real doctor
48:23.800 --> 48:29.080
I have radiologies. We have plastic surgeons. We have neurosurgeons like sanjay Gupta
48:29.640 --> 48:32.200
Saying oh, yeah, it doesn't work and it causes heart disease
48:32.520 --> 48:36.360
Let me ask you doctor sanjay Gupta. Hear me. Have you ever seen a COVID patient?
48:37.000 --> 48:42.440
Have you ever treated anybody who had doctor cloping and they died from heart disease when you do come and talk to me
48:42.680 --> 48:46.520
Because I sit down in my clinic every day and I see the special walk in every day scared
48:47.400 --> 48:52.600
She's not really wrong about a lot of this stuff right and hydroxychloroquine is a
48:53.480 --> 48:55.480
I thought it was a zinc ionophore
48:56.840 --> 48:58.840
at least one of the things that it does
48:59.800 --> 49:03.960
I just don't think that she's really wrong about a lot of this and so
49:06.760 --> 49:08.760
It's just an
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It's such in retrospect. It's just such an interesting second speaker
49:14.120 --> 49:18.600
To choose. I'm not saying that she's a bad person. I'm saying that
49:22.840 --> 49:26.360
They they said that she was like a that she engaged in
49:26.840 --> 49:35.880
Witchcraft and stuff in Nigeria or wherever she's from in some of the newspapers that were debunking this lady and and using her
49:37.080 --> 49:38.600
49:38.920 --> 49:46.120
Background as a way of you know getting people to dismiss her and so it's a strange again. It's a strange
49:47.080 --> 49:50.760
Person to open up with if your goal is to try and really
49:51.400 --> 49:54.600
Send a message to the people at home that that
49:56.600 --> 49:59.400
The information they're getting from the CDC is incorrect
50:00.040 --> 50:05.720
And that people are going to die if you don't listen to us. It doesn't seem like the best choice of
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Second speaker when the other guy didn't say anything like this
50:10.600 --> 50:14.360
Didn't say anything about hydroxychloroquine and zinc and zithromax
50:15.800 --> 50:18.760
And I find that interesting almost to the point where
50:19.480 --> 50:24.040
They let her say those things so that people would be less likely to take them seriously
50:28.280 --> 50:34.280
I don't know maybe i'm wrong, but it feels very weird to me that this is the second person to the mic
50:34.520 --> 50:41.880
To the scared to death. I see people driving two three hours to my clinic because some er doctor is scared of the tech sex board
50:41.960 --> 50:44.920
Or they are scared of something and they will not prescribe medication to these people
50:45.080 --> 50:48.840
I tell all of you doctors that are sitting down and watching americans die
50:49.880 --> 50:51.480
you're like
50:51.480 --> 50:56.600
The good nazi the good one the good germans that watch juice get killed. I do not speak up
50:57.720 --> 51:00.360
If they come after me they threaten me
51:00.920 --> 51:05.000
They have threatened to I mean i've gotten all kinds of threats or they're gonna report me to the bots
51:05.400 --> 51:08.440
They're gonna I say, you know what? I don't care. I'm not gonna let americans die
51:08.840 --> 51:13.880
And if this is the mountain in this the hill where I get nailed on I will get nailed on it
51:14.040 --> 51:17.880
I don't care. You can report me to the bots. You can kill me. You can do whatever
51:17.880 --> 51:21.800
But i'm not gonna let americans die and today i'm here to say that america
51:22.040 --> 51:28.440
There is a cure for covid all this foolishness. It's not does not need to happen. There is a cure for covid
51:28.920 --> 51:32.280
There is a cure for covid. It's called hydroxychloroquine
51:32.520 --> 51:37.880
It's called zinc it's called zitromax and it is time for the grassroots to wake up
51:37.960 --> 51:41.880
I said no, we're not gonna take this any longer. We're not gonna die because let me tell you something
51:42.280 --> 51:46.520
When somebody is dead they are dead. They're not coming back tomorrow to have an argument
51:47.000 --> 51:50.920
They're not coming back tomorrow to discuss the double blind death study and the data
51:51.320 --> 51:53.320
All of you doctors that are waiting for data
51:53.400 --> 51:57.960
If six months down the line you actually found out that this data shows that this medication works
51:58.360 --> 52:00.360
How about your patients that have died?
52:00.360 --> 52:04.440
You want a double blind death study where people are dying. It's unethical
52:05.480 --> 52:07.240
52:07.240 --> 52:10.840
Guys we don't need to die. There is a cure for covid
52:16.360 --> 52:21.320
Okay, so there's a cure for covid definitely does not question the novelty of covid
52:21.960 --> 52:28.600
It doesn't question it at all and in fact it suggests that people should just have to decide
52:29.240 --> 52:33.800
Do I need to advocate for the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc if I get
52:34.520 --> 52:37.640
covid or can I trust my doctor to know this?
52:38.760 --> 52:40.760
It's setting up such a
52:41.320 --> 52:43.160
52:43.160 --> 52:45.160
A schism
52:45.560 --> 52:49.800
Between people and their doctor. It's setting it up right now
52:50.600 --> 52:52.120
It's not
52:52.120 --> 52:55.960
Questioning the treatment based on the idea that look
52:56.680 --> 52:58.680
We know how to treat these symptoms
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And these symptoms are not any different than other symptoms that we've had before
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We're just told that they're different
53:06.120 --> 53:09.880
No doctor at this at this mic so far has said that
53:11.080 --> 53:16.120
They are definitely sure there's a new thing kids just don't kids just are not
53:16.520 --> 53:21.800
Mortality in children isn't that high children are not super spreaders children don't spread it to their teachers
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Normalize the lives of our children
53:26.840 --> 53:30.680
There is a cure for covid right after the nazi comparison she made
53:31.400 --> 53:35.400
Man when you look back at this, this isn't that great. This is not that good
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This frightens me now
53:46.920 --> 53:53.640
Dr. Emmanuel also known as warrior before I introduced the next guest. I just want to say that
53:54.520 --> 53:59.640
I wish all doctors that are listening to this bring that kind of passion to their patients and the study that dr
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Emmanuel was referring to is in virology which talks about a SARS
54:05.000 --> 54:08.680
Viral epidemic that affects the lungs that came from china
54:09.480 --> 54:11.480
And they didn't know what would work
54:11.480 --> 54:13.480
The studies show that chloroquine would work
54:13.960 --> 54:16.760
It sounds exactly like it could have been written three months ago
54:17.080 --> 54:19.080
But in fact that's studying virology
54:19.320 --> 54:24.920
Which was published by the nih the national institute of health when dr. Anthony fauci was the director
54:25.320 --> 54:30.520
Again the official publication of the nih virology 15 years ago
54:31.160 --> 54:36.520
Showed that chloroquine. We use hydroxychloroquine. It's the same a little safer
54:37.320 --> 54:42.920
Works they proved this 15 years ago when we got this novel coronavirus, which is not that novel
54:43.000 --> 54:46.680
It's 78 percent similar to the prior version the cove one
54:47.480 --> 54:50.680
Not surprisingly it works. I'm not going to introduce our next speaker
54:53.080 --> 54:55.080
54:55.720 --> 54:57.720
Dr. Dan Erickson
54:58.840 --> 55:04.680
Dr. Gold asked me to talk about the lock a dr. Dan Erickson is the guy who with his
55:05.480 --> 55:07.480
Black-haired colleague
55:07.880 --> 55:14.360
In blue scrubs said at the end of a table. I think it was in los angeles and said all kinds of very intelligent things about
55:14.840 --> 55:19.960
Our previous immunity and how immunity works and how ridiculous it was that we were doing what we were doing
55:20.440 --> 55:25.720
Um, so it's it's interesting to see him here. I want me. I'm really curious as to what he's got to say
55:26.200 --> 55:31.160
Downs how effective they were and do they cause anything non-financial?
55:31.560 --> 55:35.880
They always talk about the financial, but you have to realize that lockdowns
55:36.200 --> 55:39.160
We haven't taken a 21 trillion dollar economy and locked it down
55:39.640 --> 55:43.160
So when you lock it down it causes public health issues
55:43.720 --> 55:46.520
Our suicide hotlines are up 600 percent
55:47.160 --> 55:52.120
Our spousal abuse different areas of alcoholism are all on the rise
55:52.200 --> 55:56.200
These are public health problems from a financial lockdown
55:56.600 --> 56:00.760
So we have to be clear on that fact that there is it's not like you just lock it down and have
56:01.480 --> 56:07.640
Consequences to people's jobs. They also have consequences health consequences at home. So we're
56:08.520 --> 56:13.400
You know, we're talking about having a little more of a measured approach a consistent approach
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If we have another spike, you know coming in cold and flu season
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Let's do something that's sustainable. What's sustainable? Well, we can
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We can socially distance and wear some masks, but we can also open the schools
56:29.240 --> 56:32.680
And open businesses so this measured approach i'm talking about
56:33.160 --> 56:38.440
Isn't made up it's going on in sweden and their deaths are about 564 per million
56:38.760 --> 56:41.480
UK full lockdown 600 deaths per million
56:41.560 --> 56:47.560
So we're seeing that the lockdowns aren't decreasing significantly the amount of deaths per million
56:47.880 --> 56:53.000
Some of their Nordic neighbors have less deaths for a variety of reason i don't have time to go into today
56:53.080 --> 57:00.040
So what my quick message here in a minute or two is just that we need to take an approach that's sustainable
57:00.520 --> 57:04.040
A sustainable approach is slowing things down
57:04.760 --> 57:09.640
Opening up schools opening up businesses and then we can allow the people to have
57:10.440 --> 57:17.560
Their independence and their personal responsibility to choose to wear masks and socially distance as opposed to putting edicts on them
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You know kind of controlling them let's empower them with data
57:22.360 --> 57:28.040
And let them study what other countries have done and make their own decision. That's what i'd like to share. Thank you
57:29.000 --> 57:33.400
I want to listen to that a little bit again because he did say interesting things hold on
57:33.960 --> 57:37.960
Aren't decreasing significantly the amount of deaths per million
57:38.280 --> 57:43.400
Some of their Nordic neighbors have less deaths for a variety of reason i don't have time to go into today
57:43.480 --> 57:50.440
So what my quick message here in a minute or two is just that we need to take an approach that's sustainable
57:50.920 --> 57:54.440
A sustainable approach is slowing things down
57:55.160 --> 58:00.040
Opening up schools opening up businesses and then we can allow the people to have
58:00.840 --> 58:07.960
Their independence and their personal responsibility to choose to wear masks and socially distance as opposed to putting edicts on them
58:08.600 --> 58:16.760
You know kind of controlling them let's empower them with data and let them study what other countries have done and make their own decision
58:16.920 --> 58:18.920
That's what i'd like to share. Thank you
58:20.360 --> 58:23.000
Now that still seems to me
58:23.560 --> 58:29.160
I mean, I'm not saying it's his intention, but that still seems to me to set up a position where if I go to
58:29.720 --> 58:36.280
Home Depot this weekend. I can expect to have a lot of people think it's my personal responsibility to put on a mask
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Not my he didn't say my choice. He didn't say anything about sovereignty. He didn't say anything about our rights
58:44.280 --> 58:51.000
As as free human beings. He said let it be let's give them data and then let's make it their personal
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You know put it their personal responsibility his basically coercing us. I'm sorry, but it is
58:57.240 --> 59:01.240
It's the wrong language. It's shitty language. I'm going to just say it
59:01.800 --> 59:09.960
And i'm disappointed that that he said that when his original message when he was at that table was all about natural immunity and health
59:10.680 --> 59:16.600
And the microbiome and how this was much more complicated than than what they were telling us on the tv
59:17.000 --> 59:20.840
And now he gets invited and then he's supposed to say these things
59:21.560 --> 59:24.280
A sustainable approach. How long do you want it to go?
59:31.640 --> 59:34.920
I don't I didn't like that that one at all. I didn't like that at all
59:34.920 --> 59:38.520
I would I'm actually very disappointed in that that was not good
59:39.960 --> 59:41.960
That wasn't good at all
59:46.440 --> 59:49.800
Hmm that's shocking to me. That's unfortunate. Sorry
59:52.840 --> 59:55.000
Are there any questions? Are there any questions?
59:55.000 --> 01:00:00.280
Why are you guys here so excited why i'm from the south of coda? You might have a question
01:00:00.280 --> 01:00:02.280
Yes, yes, so
01:00:04.040 --> 01:00:07.240
You know south to cody did something interesting and it's interesting that you're from there
01:00:07.320 --> 01:00:11.240
So the governor did not restrict access to hydroxychloroquine
01:00:11.400 --> 01:00:14.200
I'm saying that he didn't say that it's a it's a choice
01:00:14.360 --> 01:00:17.880
I hope i'm not arguing with you maggie, but I just want to clarify
01:00:18.520 --> 01:00:22.280
I don't care if people want to wear masks. That's fine with me wear masks
01:00:22.280 --> 01:00:27.720
But if you start to use words like personal responsibility and let's arm them with data
01:00:28.120 --> 01:00:30.520
Then basically he's saying let's argue about it
01:00:30.520 --> 01:00:35.240
Let's let's have people give each other papers about whether or not they should wear a mask
01:00:35.640 --> 01:00:36.760
And so
01:00:36.760 --> 01:00:40.120
Already making it a question that we have to answer
01:00:41.080 --> 01:00:44.280
And then you get somebody like my brother who will say well
01:00:44.680 --> 01:00:50.600
It doesn't hurt you it bit better to err on that side wouldn't it be the better to safe than sorry, wouldn't it be
01:00:51.560 --> 01:00:55.880
I mean you got some personal responsibility to the rest of the people around you, don't you?
01:00:56.520 --> 01:00:58.840
That's exactly how my brother got suckered in
01:00:59.880 --> 01:01:05.320
And so I don't think that message was very good. It didn't really help us at all even though it's supposed to sound like it did
01:01:05.480 --> 01:01:07.160
I don't think it did
01:01:07.160 --> 01:01:08.440
01:01:08.440 --> 01:01:12.760
Right and you were I believe you were the only state in the union that did that and
01:01:13.560 --> 01:01:15.560
There's been studies out there that
01:01:15.560 --> 01:01:21.000
To show that it doesn't work they're inaccurate because they're given at the wrong time the wrong dose the wrong patient either too much
01:01:21.000 --> 01:01:26.120
Or at the long time so south dakota did better because it had access to hydroxychloroquine. Thank you so much
01:01:36.040 --> 01:01:38.600
That's the number one question we're all asked every day
01:01:40.760 --> 01:01:41.960
Oh my gosh
01:01:42.600 --> 01:01:47.960
How can I get it so the congressman can't get it. It's tough luck for the average american joe getting it
01:01:48.280 --> 01:01:52.600
It's very difficult. You have to overcome a few hurdles. Wait a second. Wait a second. Wait a second
01:01:52.600 --> 01:01:56.200
Read the science with a critical eye and have eliminated the job science
01:01:56.280 --> 01:01:58.280
Many studies have been retracted as you know
01:01:58.760 --> 01:02:02.200
And number two the pharmacists they show anymore. Oh wow
01:02:04.200 --> 01:02:06.200
There's almost nobody there
01:02:06.200 --> 01:02:08.520
Did something interesting and it's interesting that you're from there
01:02:08.520 --> 01:02:12.440
So the governor did not restrict access to hydroxychloroquine
01:02:13.240 --> 01:02:14.520
01:02:14.520 --> 01:02:18.040
Right and you were I believe you were the only state in the union that did that
01:02:18.520 --> 01:02:21.880
How can we see how can we see this as anything other than a stunt then
01:02:25.320 --> 01:02:29.480
I'm sorry. I guess I was being silly. I thought this was kind of like a rally
01:02:30.280 --> 01:02:32.280
You know like their supporters were there
01:02:33.080 --> 01:02:38.680
But they all just flew there and put on white coats and stood out in the sun and and had somebody film them
01:02:42.280 --> 01:02:44.280
This is the same thing that uh
01:02:45.080 --> 01:02:50.280
That james lion's wiler did somewhere in downtown pittsburgh at city hall or something
01:02:50.280 --> 01:02:55.320
Just put on a suit and went there and gave an announcement about a lab leak or some sh i mean
01:02:57.240 --> 01:02:59.240
What is going on other than
01:03:00.200 --> 01:03:02.200
Absolute theater here
01:03:02.360 --> 01:03:04.360
Now it doesn't have to be
01:03:04.360 --> 01:03:07.720
Theater that all these people don't I mean they can take it seriously
01:03:07.800 --> 01:03:11.400
I'm not saying that you know, maybe they some of them actually think wow we have to do this
01:03:11.400 --> 01:03:14.120
There's a great idea. I think it says everything we need to say
01:03:14.520 --> 01:03:19.240
We'll put it up on social media. It's going to go viral and we'll get this message out and they think but
01:03:20.520 --> 01:03:26.200
You could also see that as the people with this idea are part of those tug-of-war saboteurs
01:03:27.320 --> 01:03:29.160
Setting it up
01:03:29.240 --> 01:03:35.000
This is how we're going to do it and and the people some of these people in the background are good people and some of them aren't
01:03:37.080 --> 01:03:45.080
And because of the commitment to the national security priority because of the commitment to climbing the ladder of the elite ruling class
01:03:47.000 --> 01:03:50.600
The people that are the medallors in this group are never ever
01:03:51.320 --> 01:03:53.320
Going to break character ever
01:03:54.120 --> 01:04:00.200
Not late at night at the poker table not early in the morning over coffee and breakfast
01:04:01.960 --> 01:04:03.960
Not on the beach in the sun
01:04:06.360 --> 01:04:08.360
That's what you're dealing with
01:04:11.720 --> 01:04:14.760
Once you see it, I think it's very very simple and
01:04:15.480 --> 01:04:18.600
There's been studies out there that attempt to show that it doesn't work
01:04:18.600 --> 01:04:22.040
They're inaccurate because they're given at the wrong time the wrong dose the wrong patient
01:04:22.360 --> 01:04:28.120
Either too much or at the long time. So south Dakota did better because it had access to our directive coroquine. Thank you so much
01:04:38.120 --> 01:04:42.280
That's the number one question we're all asked every day. I want you to know that you're not alone
01:04:42.680 --> 01:04:46.680
I've had many congressman ask me. How can I get it? So the congressman can't get it
01:04:47.080 --> 01:04:51.240
It's tough luck for the average american joe getting it. It's very difficult
01:04:51.480 --> 01:04:56.200
You have to overcome a few hurdles your doctor has to have read the science with a critical eye
01:04:56.600 --> 01:05:00.280
And have eliminated the junk science many studies have been retracted as you know
01:05:00.760 --> 01:05:07.720
And number two the pharmacist has to not restrict it many states have empowered their pharmacists to not honor physician prescription
01:05:07.880 --> 01:05:12.680
That's never happened before that interference with the doctor patient relationship where the patient talks to the doctor
01:05:12.760 --> 01:05:16.040
Honestly and the doctor answers the patient honestly has been violated
01:05:16.280 --> 01:05:19.000
So you have a very difficult time as the average american
01:05:19.240 --> 01:05:24.920
Some of the information we'll share later this afternoon is to show the mortality rates in countries where it's not restricted
01:05:25.000 --> 01:05:29.240
And the mortality rates where it is restricted. So i friends all over the world now because of this
01:05:29.720 --> 01:05:31.240
And in indonesia
01:05:31.240 --> 01:05:34.040
You can just buy it over the counter. It's in the vitamin section
01:05:34.200 --> 01:05:37.640
And i'm here to tell the american people that you could buy it over the counter in iran
01:05:37.960 --> 01:05:42.200
Because the leaders in iran the moles in iran think that they should have more freedom than americans
01:05:42.680 --> 01:05:44.280
I have a problem with that
01:05:44.280 --> 01:05:47.480
My my colleagues have problems with that. We don't like to watch patients die
01:05:49.000 --> 01:05:51.000
Because the most people have problems
01:05:51.480 --> 01:05:53.480
Ways to be picking up the phone
01:05:54.120 --> 01:05:56.120
They can be calling their state
01:05:56.760 --> 01:06:01.720
And their federal representatives and senators and say we are the american people
01:06:03.320 --> 01:06:05.320
Let me see what we think
01:06:06.920 --> 01:06:08.920
You guys
01:06:09.880 --> 01:06:11.400
Okay, thank you
01:06:11.400 --> 01:06:13.400
Thank you, Julie. That is exactly right
01:06:13.960 --> 01:06:20.840
If you hear what you're when you hear this if you're concerned and wondering why you may not be able to get access to it
01:06:21.480 --> 01:06:22.920
We need you to make
01:06:22.920 --> 01:06:28.040
Four calls call your governor call both of your senators and call your congressman
01:06:28.680 --> 01:06:30.680
And tell them that you want to know why
01:06:31.160 --> 01:06:35.640
You're not able to get access to a drug that doctors are telling you will help
01:06:36.200 --> 01:06:41.880
End this and help us reduce the number of hospitalizations and reduce the number of deaths
01:06:42.200 --> 01:06:44.680
Urge them to read dr. Harvey rish's
01:06:45.320 --> 01:06:51.000
Study from yale. He's a Yale professor of epidemiology and from there you'll find other studies
01:06:54.840 --> 01:06:57.880
I wanted to ask how do people press the data that they
01:06:58.440 --> 01:07:00.440
Looking at every day the numbers are so very
01:07:01.400 --> 01:07:02.760
John Hopkins
01:07:02.760 --> 01:07:04.600
CDC which divides
01:07:04.600 --> 01:07:06.600
COVID deaths in different categories
01:07:07.160 --> 01:07:09.160
01:07:13.560 --> 01:07:18.360
So the only number that I think is worth paying any attention to and even that number is not so helpful
01:07:18.440 --> 01:07:20.840
But is mortality because that's a hard and fast number
01:07:21.160 --> 01:07:24.200
So the case number is almost irrelevant
01:07:24.360 --> 01:07:29.400
And that's because there's a lot of inaccuracies with the testing and also even if the test is accurate
01:07:29.880 --> 01:07:34.120
Most people are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. So it's not that important to know
01:07:34.440 --> 01:07:37.720
So the case number which you see rising all the time in the news
01:07:38.040 --> 01:07:42.840
Is basically irrelevant and if you had told us a few months ago that that was the number that the medium is going to go crazy over
01:07:43.000 --> 01:07:46.760
We all would have just laughed at that. I mean that's essentially herd immunity. There's a lot
01:07:47.480 --> 01:07:49.480
So here we go. I understand
01:07:50.040 --> 01:07:54.520
That you can't get it right in 2020 and so i'm not saying that
01:07:55.480 --> 01:07:59.160
That I know for sure that this is one of the medlers
01:08:00.040 --> 01:08:01.080
01:08:01.080 --> 01:08:03.080
But I don't really think
01:08:05.000 --> 01:08:10.360
Well, I mean we're not questioning the novel virus. We're not questioning the need for novel treatments and so
01:08:11.000 --> 01:08:16.040
Um, this is a pretty a hard hard and fast commitment to the basic idea
01:08:16.280 --> 01:08:21.000
Lots of people out there who have tested positive without symptoms or with very mild symptoms
01:08:21.320 --> 01:08:25.240
So the only number that's worth paying attention to is mortality when you look at the mortality
01:08:25.240 --> 01:08:30.840
This is a disease that takes that unfortunately kills our most frail members of society
01:08:30.920 --> 01:08:37.080
People with multiple comorbid conditions specifically diabetes obesity is a big one. We don't talk about that, but it is
01:08:37.160 --> 01:08:42.760
It's a fact um coronary artery disease severe coronary artery disease people like that and also if you're older
01:08:42.840 --> 01:08:46.120
It's a risk factor, but the biggest risk factor is if you have comorbid conditions
01:08:46.440 --> 01:08:52.120
If you're young and healthy, this is not you'll get a recover if you're under 60 with no comorbid conditions
01:08:52.360 --> 01:08:57.880
It's less deadly than influenza. This seems to come as great news to americans because this is not what you're being told
01:08:58.440 --> 01:09:01.400
Um, I would say the answer is it's very difficult to get accurate numbers
01:09:11.400 --> 01:09:13.400
01:09:13.400 --> 01:09:15.480
Have a meeting with a frontline doctor
01:09:16.040 --> 01:09:18.040
And maybe I need to say that into the microphone
01:09:18.280 --> 01:09:19.640
My message to
01:09:19.640 --> 01:09:25.240
Dr. Anthony Fauci is to have a meeting with these frontline doctors who are seeing real patients
01:09:25.400 --> 01:09:28.280
They're touching human skin. They're looking people in the eye
01:09:28.440 --> 01:09:32.280
They're diagnosing them and they're helping them beat the virus
01:09:32.600 --> 01:09:39.080
They're the ones who are talking to the patients have meetings with them and do it every single day and
01:09:39.720 --> 01:09:43.320
Find out what they are learning about the virus firsthand
01:09:44.280 --> 01:09:46.520
And this is it it's important to understand
01:09:47.400 --> 01:09:51.800
We have doctors here who are not emergency room doctors. They're preventing doctor
01:09:52.360 --> 01:09:55.160
Preventing patients from even hitting the emergency room
01:09:55.400 --> 01:10:00.280
So if they're only listening to emergency room or ICU at the very tragic
01:10:01.160 --> 01:10:02.120
01:10:02.120 --> 01:10:06.040
Of a person's life. They're they're not getting the full story
01:10:06.200 --> 01:10:09.720
They need to come back and hear the earlier the earlier portion
01:10:10.040 --> 01:10:14.520
And they also need to understand what the lockdowns and the fears are doing
01:10:14.920 --> 01:10:19.800
To to patients around this country because there are a lot of unintended consequences
01:10:19.800 --> 01:10:21.800
Which the doctors can speak about
01:10:24.440 --> 01:10:26.440
My message to Dr. Anthony Fauci is
01:10:27.160 --> 01:10:29.640
When is the last time you put a stethoscope on a patient?
01:10:30.760 --> 01:10:33.720
That when you start seeing patients like we see on a daily basis
01:10:34.120 --> 01:10:40.920
You will understand the frustration that we feel and you need to start feeling for American people like we the frontline doctors feel
01:10:41.400 --> 01:10:42.680
I need to start
01:10:42.680 --> 01:10:46.440
Realizing that they are listening to you and if they are gonna listen to you
01:10:46.600 --> 01:10:50.120
You got to give them a message of hope. You got to give them a message
01:10:50.680 --> 01:10:54.600
That goes with what you already know that hydroxychloroquine works
01:11:02.360 --> 01:11:05.320
You mentioned before some remarkable results that you had
01:11:13.160 --> 01:11:15.160
We're working on publishing it right now
01:11:15.640 --> 01:11:20.600
We're working on that, but this is what I'll say people like doctors tell me all the time publish the data
01:11:20.680 --> 01:11:25.000
And my question is and that will make you see patients. There's no data around the world
01:11:25.160 --> 01:11:27.960
Yes, my data will come out when that comes out. That's great
01:11:28.040 --> 01:11:32.120
But right now people are dying. So my data is not important for you to see patients
01:11:32.360 --> 01:11:35.880
I'm saying that to my colleagues out there that talk about data data data
01:11:37.880 --> 01:11:39.880
There is a lot
01:11:40.440 --> 01:11:44.520
On this not every clinician needs to publish that data to be taken seriously
01:11:44.840 --> 01:11:48.200
That media has not covered it. There is a time that is true
01:11:48.200 --> 01:11:54.360
And I think that that's one of the arguments that a lot of people were making very early on doctors should have been talking to one another
01:11:54.440 --> 01:11:57.400
And this would have spread very quickly if there was something to treat
01:11:57.880 --> 01:12:04.120
And there's something that worked then doctors would have shared this information by themselves. It would have done just fine
01:12:04.760 --> 01:12:08.920
And that was what peter mcculler for example has cited is so strange
01:12:10.120 --> 01:12:13.720
And one of the reasons why they really needed peter mcculler to be under control
01:12:14.920 --> 01:12:22.280
Was because very early on he pointed out that why don't all of these prestigious institutions have their own covid protocol
01:12:23.800 --> 01:12:33.160
All of these prestigious institutions have their own protocols for everything that's different than the other prestigious institutions has their own special twist on it
01:12:33.480 --> 01:12:38.520
But with regard to covid everybody did it exactly like they were told from the exact same playlist
01:12:39.320 --> 01:12:41.320
01:12:41.320 --> 01:12:47.560
None of these people are talking about that problem. There's no talk about misuse of ventilators here
01:12:49.160 --> 01:12:52.840
There's no talk about misuse of oxygenation in people
01:12:55.400 --> 01:13:01.400
No questioning how people are treated just that they should get hydroxychloroquine instead of the other things
01:13:02.120 --> 01:13:04.120
that are killing them
01:13:04.680 --> 01:13:06.680
So it's not really
01:13:07.560 --> 01:13:11.880
Saying what needs to be said yet, right and maybe it's too early, but you know
01:13:11.880 --> 01:13:13.800
I'm just pointing out that
01:13:13.800 --> 01:13:20.520
That how far and deep we were and if the consensus was this in the summer of 2020, can you forgive me?
01:13:21.960 --> 01:13:23.960
For not having figured it out yet
01:13:24.520 --> 01:13:29.880
Because this is part of the illusion of consensus. These people are supposed to be resisting
01:13:31.000 --> 01:13:33.000
But they have accepted the virus
01:13:33.000 --> 01:13:37.640
They're sure there's a virus. They treat people 15 people a day
01:13:40.680 --> 01:13:42.680
Is what she said or 50
01:13:43.800 --> 01:13:45.800
I don't know
01:13:47.960 --> 01:13:53.480
It's it's it's something to see it really is just see it. I've got a compendium on america's front line
01:13:53.800 --> 01:14:00.200
Doctors.com. Yep. There is a compendium of all the studies that work with hydroxychloroquine the mortality rate was publishing
01:14:00.200 --> 01:14:05.640
Detroit less than it was July 4th weekend. They publish it mortality by half in the in the critically ill patients
01:14:05.960 --> 01:14:07.560
the patients who
01:14:07.560 --> 01:14:13.800
Are get it early. It's been estimated that one half to three quarters of those patients wouldn't be dead
01:14:14.040 --> 01:14:20.360
We're talking 70,000 to 105 70 to 100,000 patients would still be alive if we had followed this policy
01:14:20.440 --> 01:14:22.440
There's plenty of published aid. I'm sorry
01:14:22.840 --> 01:14:27.880
Dr. Reach published data recently. So there's a lot of data out there. They don't need mine to make it to reach again
01:14:30.760 --> 01:14:32.760
Just a few days ago
01:14:33.320 --> 01:14:35.320
Who's that guy?
01:14:35.320 --> 01:14:37.320
Who's that tall dude?
01:14:37.560 --> 01:14:40.600
As from your perspective, do you feel that this is the power forward?
01:14:40.680 --> 01:14:44.200
Possibly died from some other condition. It was wrongly attributed to probate 19
01:14:44.360 --> 01:14:49.480
Or there's some other reason why she would have died. I will not I will not be able to say that till I look at it
01:14:49.480 --> 01:14:51.480
He was the power forward. The little girl girls
01:14:52.360 --> 01:14:58.840
History and whatever happened. I know I've taken care of a lot of family members and I and I see a lot of children
01:14:58.840 --> 01:15:02.120
And they usually get mild symptoms back and I talk about it kids that I've not looked at
01:15:03.720 --> 01:15:05.720
What was the age of the child again?
01:15:06.120 --> 01:15:09.160
Okay, so listen there are children who are dying of this infection
01:15:09.640 --> 01:15:13.320
And the reality is that when they do die they seem to have comorbidities
01:15:13.720 --> 01:15:16.120
Really you have to kind of look at the each individual
01:15:16.760 --> 01:15:17.960
01:15:17.960 --> 01:15:25.960
Uniquely there have been a little over 30 patients in the entire country in the age category of 15 and below who have died of covid
01:15:26.360 --> 01:15:31.880
Frequently they do have comorbidities like heart disease. They have asthma. They have other pulmonary issues
01:15:31.880 --> 01:15:37.080
So I I don't know we don't know the answer to this nine-year-old girl tragically. She passed
01:15:37.400 --> 01:15:40.680
It could get viral pneumonia and not get antibiotics and die
01:15:41.560 --> 01:15:44.760
They could get sepsis from that they could get I mean
01:15:45.960 --> 01:15:47.640
It's incredible
01:15:47.640 --> 01:15:53.000
There are children dying from this disease says the doctor
01:15:53.480 --> 01:16:00.200
Dang it. This really got us. I mean this really got us then she's no longer with this, but
01:16:01.160 --> 01:16:04.600
There's probably if you dig into it, there's probably a story behind it
01:16:11.400 --> 01:16:15.880
I mean, I think that is it is common knowledge that the with the schools not
01:16:16.760 --> 01:16:21.160
Not being open when you think about what your experience in junior high and high school. What do you think about?
01:16:22.040 --> 01:16:27.720
You think about parties and you think about football games party socializing those are the things we think about
01:16:29.400 --> 01:16:31.400
Nobody's nobody's having
01:16:32.680 --> 01:16:37.560
And I will tell you that these are critical years of life to be out mixing with other kids
01:16:37.880 --> 01:16:42.360
Other people and that is been shut down. So yes, there are lots of comorbidities
01:16:42.760 --> 01:16:47.800
Uh that go along with shutting down. We're talking about anxiety. We're talking about depression loneliness
01:16:48.200 --> 01:16:49.640
01:16:49.640 --> 01:16:51.640
Abuse is happening
01:16:52.120 --> 01:16:54.120
And kids who have particular
01:16:54.760 --> 01:17:02.200
Children who have special needs kids are not doing well either. So there is a long list of complications that occur when you
01:17:02.760 --> 01:17:04.760
quarantine and lockdown people
01:17:17.800 --> 01:17:22.600
Moms go back to school that the elderly grandparents are right. Well, there you know, this is the big
01:17:23.240 --> 01:17:29.240
Sure. Yeah, this is a big issue because people are afraid not that their children are going to get particularly ill because I think they're
01:17:29.560 --> 01:17:34.680
Learning the the truth that this infection is is being tolerated well by children
01:17:34.680 --> 01:17:39.080
But certainly they look at their environment. They're a particular unique family
01:17:39.560 --> 01:17:42.840
And I think in some situations that may be an appropriate fear
01:17:43.320 --> 01:17:47.480
However, I do think that as a general comment
01:17:48.040 --> 01:17:51.320
A general rule through the country kids can go back to school
01:17:51.640 --> 01:17:55.640
Maybe a few kids here and there they you know, they're a living situation
01:17:56.040 --> 01:17:58.840
Who they're being cared for that can be a potential problem
01:17:59.080 --> 01:18:05.000
But again for younger children in particular, they're not the ones passing on the disease to the adults
01:18:11.000 --> 01:18:13.400
Well, hydroxychloroquine. Yeah, I mean
01:18:14.360 --> 01:18:17.560
Well, you want to give kids that that can be done. Yes, that can be used
01:18:19.960 --> 01:18:21.960
01:18:21.960 --> 01:18:26.600
Okay, we're talking about we can't go to open our businesses we can go to school and
01:18:27.160 --> 01:18:33.640
Parents are scared to get treated and I personally have put over a hundred people on hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis
01:18:34.440 --> 01:18:38.600
Doctors teachers people health care workers my staff me
01:18:39.080 --> 01:18:40.280
I see over
01:18:40.280 --> 01:18:44.600
15 to 20 sometimes 20 15 10 patients a day. I use a surgical mask
01:18:45.000 --> 01:18:48.360
I've not been infected. Nobody. I know has been infected. That's around me
01:18:48.680 --> 01:18:54.840
So this is the answer to this question. You want to open schools everybody get on hydroxychloroquine
01:18:55.240 --> 01:18:58.120
That is the prevention for covid one tablet
01:18:58.920 --> 01:19:03.160
Every other week is good enough and that is what we need to get across the american people
01:19:03.320 --> 01:19:08.200
There's prevention and there is cure. We don't have to lock down schools. We don't have to lock down our businesses
01:19:08.360 --> 01:19:12.760
There's prevention and there is cure. So instead of talking about mask instead of talking about lockdowns
01:19:13.320 --> 01:19:20.200
So it would be just crazy right of this lady who treated pneumonia or I mean malaria before in her career
01:19:20.760 --> 01:19:26.040
Just had the answer wouldn't it? It would be just crazy if peter de varro ordered like
01:19:27.160 --> 01:19:32.360
Hundreds of thousands of pills to be put in the national stockpile. It would be crazy if
01:19:32.920 --> 01:19:34.120
01:19:34.120 --> 01:19:38.360
Factories that make the precursor to hydroxychloroquine started on fire
01:19:39.240 --> 01:19:40.760
in 2020
01:19:40.760 --> 01:19:42.760
It would be just crazy wouldn't it?
01:19:47.560 --> 01:19:50.520
I think zebzalenko was giving hydroxychloroquine to
01:19:51.560 --> 01:19:53.560
to people in um
01:19:54.360 --> 01:19:55.320
in uh
01:19:55.320 --> 01:19:56.440
01:19:56.440 --> 01:20:00.760
Along with zinc of course. Yeah, but all these things put our teachers on hydroxychloroquine
01:20:00.920 --> 01:20:04.840
Put those that are high risk on hydroxychloroquine those that want it if you want to catch covid
01:20:04.840 --> 01:20:08.920
That's cool, but you should be given the right to take it and be prevented
01:20:09.160 --> 01:20:12.360
So that's the message. We don't all this stuff that we're putting together
01:20:12.360 --> 01:20:18.200
It's not necessary because hydroxychloroquine has a prevention. It's called hydroxychloroquine is a prevention for covid
01:20:20.680 --> 01:20:22.680
01:20:25.480 --> 01:20:27.480
01:20:31.000 --> 01:20:36.440
Doctors have used it, but they use it in the wrong dosage. So I keep hearing the drug
01:20:36.440 --> 01:20:38.440
But then what is the right dose?
01:20:41.080 --> 01:20:45.480
Yeah, that you're gonna discuss with you. That's a gonna discuss with your doctor. Well, let me make the product also take that
01:20:46.440 --> 01:20:52.520
Yeah, that's a that's a great question because the fear of this drug has driven the the the whole
01:20:53.400 --> 01:20:58.840
Political situation has driven the fear towards this drug. So let's address that this drug is super safe
01:20:58.920 --> 01:21:02.760
It's safer than aspirin motrin towel and all it's super safe. All right
01:21:03.320 --> 01:21:09.480
So what the problem is in a lot of those studies they did very very high doses massive doses all through the country
01:21:09.880 --> 01:21:12.120
They did the remap study the solidarity trial
01:21:13.000 --> 01:21:16.440
That was the world health organization trial and also the recovery trial
01:21:16.520 --> 01:21:17.560
They used
01:21:17.560 --> 01:21:20.600
2,400 milligrams in the first day all you need is
01:21:21.240 --> 01:21:23.720
200 twice a week for prophylaxis
01:21:24.280 --> 01:21:30.680
They used massive toxic doses and guess what they found out when you use massive toxic doses you get toxic results
01:21:30.920 --> 01:21:36.040
The drug doesn't work when you give toxic doses. Okay, there are very it's a very safe drug
01:21:36.040 --> 01:21:39.800
It concentrates in the lungs 200 to 700 times higher in the lungs
01:21:40.040 --> 01:21:43.800
It's an amazing drug because in the bloodstream you're not going to get high levels
01:21:43.800 --> 01:21:45.640
But you get massive levels in the lungs
01:21:45.880 --> 01:21:48.520
So you're going to find yourself if you're prophylaxis
01:21:48.840 --> 01:21:52.520
As soon as the virus gets there, it's going to have a hard time getting through because the
01:21:52.600 --> 01:21:55.960
Hydroxchloroquine blocks it from getting in and then once it gets in
01:21:56.680 --> 01:21:58.520
It won't let the virus
01:21:58.520 --> 01:22:03.560
It won't let it actually replicate it actually actually bring in zinc and zinc will there it is
01:22:03.560 --> 01:22:08.040
That's up the copy machine called the RDRP. So with with the combination of drugs
01:22:08.200 --> 01:22:13.960
It's incredibly effective in the early disease by itself. It's incredibly effective as a prophylaxis
01:22:14.520 --> 01:22:16.520
So I hope that is that answer the question
01:22:17.240 --> 01:22:18.200
Yeah, I
01:22:18.200 --> 01:22:22.680
I want to emphasize on something that dr. Ursa just said because I love the question
01:22:23.240 --> 01:22:29.000
This is a treatment regimen. That's very simple and it should be in the hands of the american people the difficult
01:22:29.960 --> 01:22:33.000
Aspect of this is that at the moment because of politics
01:22:33.880 --> 01:22:38.360
It's being blocked from doctors prescribing it and it's being blocked from pharmacists
01:22:38.840 --> 01:22:42.120
Releasing it they've been empowered to overrule the doctor's opinion
01:22:43.000 --> 01:22:50.120
Why is this not over the counter as you can get it in much of the world in almost all of latin america in iran in indonesia
01:22:50.520 --> 01:22:58.040
In sub-Saharan africa, you can just go and buy it yourself and the dose my friends is 200 milligrams twice in a week
01:22:59.160 --> 01:23:01.160
And zinc daily
01:23:01.400 --> 01:23:03.400
That's the dose
01:23:03.960 --> 01:23:08.040
I'm in favor of it being over the counter. Give it to the people. Give it to the people
01:23:12.120 --> 01:23:13.720
This information
01:23:13.720 --> 01:23:18.360
Hi, I'm uh, i'm dr. James there. I just want to add a couple comments to what dr. Gold was saying
01:23:18.680 --> 01:23:23.720
If it if it seems like there is an orchestrated attack that's going on against hydroxychloroquine
01:23:23.800 --> 01:23:29.160
It's because there is when have you ever heard of a medication generating this degree of controversy
01:23:29.880 --> 01:23:36.680
A 65 year old medication that has been a the world health organizations safe essential list of medications for years
01:23:37.080 --> 01:23:39.080
Okay, it's over the counter in many countries
01:23:39.560 --> 01:23:41.560
And what we're seeing is a lot of information
01:23:41.960 --> 01:23:46.920
So I co-authored the first document on hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for coronavirus
01:23:46.920 --> 01:23:50.920
This is back in march and that kind of kicked off a whole series of of a storm on it
01:23:51.320 --> 01:23:52.120
01:23:52.120 --> 01:23:56.520
Since then there's been a tremendous amount of censorship on doctors like us and what we're saying and in
01:23:56.920 --> 01:24:01.400
A number of us have already been such a that google document that I co-authored was actually pulled down by google
01:24:02.040 --> 01:24:05.720
And this is after now many studies have shown that it is effective and it is safe
01:24:05.880 --> 01:24:11.320
I wholeheartedly agree with the person in the chat saying that I think zinc is a large portion of it
01:24:11.320 --> 01:24:14.520
Zinc is a co-factor for a lot of enzymes that
01:24:15.320 --> 01:24:17.320
01:24:17.800 --> 01:24:23.080
Well stuff in the cell and let's not try to pretend that we understand too many details of this because
01:24:23.880 --> 01:24:29.240
We know and acknowledge that a lot of this the sort of underlying science is probably questionable at best
01:24:29.240 --> 01:24:30.760
But we do know
01:24:30.760 --> 01:24:33.880
That many protein machines need other
01:24:34.520 --> 01:24:36.520
Big ions as a sort of
01:24:37.080 --> 01:24:45.720
Central core that provides a sort of electric potential a ionic potential that otherwise can't be created by a full protein
01:24:46.440 --> 01:24:50.440
But if you can fold the protein in such a way that it can kind of take advantage of
01:24:51.080 --> 01:24:52.760
the extreme
01:24:52.760 --> 01:24:55.080
Sort of polarity of such an ion
01:24:56.120 --> 01:25:00.360
Then you can create a machine using that in an interaction with water
01:25:00.440 --> 01:25:04.520
I found this wonderful video today where this guy's trying to explain how protein folding works
01:25:05.000 --> 01:25:07.000
and he talks about water like
01:25:07.880 --> 01:25:09.480
01:25:09.480 --> 01:25:16.440
Not ever evoking the charge aspect of it never evoking the idea that some amino acids have a different charge distribution than others
01:25:16.920 --> 01:25:21.880
Not evoking the idea of hydrogen bonds and how those might work not evoking the idea of how organized
01:25:22.520 --> 01:25:25.560
Lattices of water could change the way that proteins fold
01:25:26.440 --> 01:25:28.440
01:25:28.440 --> 01:25:35.880
So if proteins come out of a ribosome into a highly organized lattice of water then there will be a certain way that they will fold
01:25:37.640 --> 01:25:42.120
If they come out of a ribosome in an unorganized lattice of water they may fold differently
01:25:42.760 --> 01:25:47.320
If they come out of a ribosome with a number of charged proteins
01:25:48.040 --> 01:25:52.600
localized around the opening of the ribosome they may come out in and yet another shape
01:25:55.560 --> 01:25:57.560
And so it's very very
01:25:57.640 --> 01:26:01.800
Interesting to see this because I think as the zinc ionophore has
01:26:02.680 --> 01:26:06.760
Has basically quesareton. I don't know how to say it, but that's how you spell it
01:26:07.400 --> 01:26:10.840
um this green tea extract that um
01:26:11.640 --> 01:26:13.000
01:26:13.000 --> 01:26:17.160
Zeb Zolenko was saying was the most effective zinc ionophore
01:26:18.680 --> 01:26:20.520
01:26:20.520 --> 01:26:22.600
And zinc itself
01:26:22.680 --> 01:26:26.840
And in fact Zeb Zolenko one of his last videos that he filmed in his car
01:26:27.640 --> 01:26:29.640
Was that quesareton and zinc
01:26:30.120 --> 01:26:34.840
Was good against any RNA virus and so this was a national security secret
01:26:36.680 --> 01:26:40.360
And if they deploy anything else in the future you still got to turn to
01:26:41.080 --> 01:26:45.320
Zinc and a zinc ionophore and I don't think it's crazy. I think it's actually sound
01:26:45.960 --> 01:26:51.400
Biology because that's about all we know about enzymes is that they they have co-factors
01:26:53.240 --> 01:26:58.840
And zinc is one of them and a lot of us could be short on zinc because of the food that we choose to eat
01:27:05.160 --> 01:27:09.080
You still can't read that article and there's also this misinformation out there and unfortunately
01:27:09.080 --> 01:27:12.360
This has reached the the highest orders of medicine
01:27:13.240 --> 01:27:19.080
In may there was an article published in the lancet. So this is one of the world's most prestigious medical journals in the world. Okay
01:27:19.720 --> 01:27:21.720
The world health organization
01:27:21.720 --> 01:27:29.720
Stocked all their clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine because of the study and it was independent researchers like us who care about patients who care about the truth
01:27:29.960 --> 01:27:33.240
That dug into the study and determined that it was actually fabricated data
01:27:33.640 --> 01:27:35.480
The data was not real
01:27:35.480 --> 01:27:41.560
And it was so we did this so convincing that this study was retracted by lancet less than two weeks after it's published
01:27:42.040 --> 01:27:46.200
It's almost unheard of especially for I think an acetyl cysteine is a
01:27:47.000 --> 01:27:50.520
Antioxidant more than anything else. I'm not really down with that
01:27:51.640 --> 01:27:58.440
I'll tell you why I'm not down with nac because I used to use nac to make brain slices in my mice and
01:27:59.160 --> 01:28:01.160
If I replaced sodium
01:28:03.400 --> 01:28:09.080
With I you part of part of my replacement was nac and
01:28:09.560 --> 01:28:11.560
01:28:13.000 --> 01:28:19.720
If you use too much of it the recordings didn't work if you use too much of it other weird things happened and so I don't know I
01:28:21.000 --> 01:28:22.840
Somebody sent me some I'm not
01:28:23.800 --> 01:28:29.960
I didn't I'm not taking any of that. I don't know what it does. I don't understand it. It could be great. But um for me
01:28:31.400 --> 01:28:33.400
Quasaritin and zinc
01:28:33.480 --> 01:28:35.000
Seems legit
01:28:35.000 --> 01:28:39.560
Hydroxychloroquine probably works in a similar way as far as I understand it's a zinc ionophore
01:28:40.280 --> 01:28:43.560
So again, hydroxychloroquine could be ideally suited for this
01:28:44.040 --> 01:28:48.600
And that's why we're not talking about hydroxychloroquine. We're talking about ivermectin for the last few years
01:28:49.720 --> 01:28:55.800
Study of this magnitude. So it's you know, I apologize to to everyone for the fact there is so much misinformation out there
01:28:55.800 --> 01:29:00.920
It's so hard to find the truth and unfortunately it's going to take looking at other places for for the truth
01:29:00.920 --> 01:29:07.000
It's going to be that's why we formed frontline doctors here to try to help get the the real information out there
01:29:08.200 --> 01:29:10.200
I'm dr. James today. Oh
01:29:10.760 --> 01:29:14.440
Yeah, so um most of my thoughts. I actually publish on twitter
01:29:15.400 --> 01:29:21.080
This twitter has been great lately. So my my james tadaro m d t o d a r o
01:29:21.560 --> 01:29:28.680
Md but I also have a website medicine uncensored.com which contains kind of a lot of the information about hydroxychloroquine
01:29:28.680 --> 01:29:32.200
I think is is much more objective than what's going on in other media channels
01:29:38.680 --> 01:29:40.680
For twitter there
01:29:48.120 --> 01:29:51.000
So so i'll go ahead and address that real quickly
01:29:51.240 --> 01:29:56.520
I would say facebook and youtube have taken the most draconian measures to silence and censorship people
01:29:56.680 --> 01:30:02.040
And this is coming from the ceo of youtube as well as marx dockerburg saying anything that goes against what the world health organization has said
01:30:02.520 --> 01:30:07.960
Is subject to censorship and we all know the world health organization has made a number of mistakes during this pandemic
01:30:08.120 --> 01:30:10.360
They have not been perfect by any means twitter
01:30:10.520 --> 01:30:16.200
Although they have some flaws and faults and flags certain contents of they really still remain one of the freest
01:30:16.760 --> 01:30:22.760
platforms to share dialogue intelligent discussion regarding this information and many of us here today actually
01:30:23.240 --> 01:30:26.200
Connected on social platform mediums like that
01:30:33.880 --> 01:30:35.880
Sure thing sure
01:30:36.280 --> 01:30:42.440
Dr. Joe latipo i'm a physician at ucla and i'm a clinical researcher also
01:30:43.000 --> 01:30:46.120
And i'm speaking for myself and not on behalf of ucla
01:30:46.840 --> 01:30:54.840
So i i want to say that um so i'm thinking of the people who are behind the screens that that are watching what you guys are broadcasting
01:30:55.240 --> 01:31:02.920
And i want to share with you because there's there's so much controversy and and the atmosphere so full of of conflict right now
01:31:03.400 --> 01:31:07.640
That what this group of doctors is trying to do
01:31:08.600 --> 01:31:12.440
Fundamentally is really to bring more light
01:31:13.080 --> 01:31:16.920
To this conversation about how we manage
01:31:17.640 --> 01:31:24.120
COVID-19 and the the huge challenge and that's what this is that's what this is ultimately about
01:31:24.760 --> 01:31:26.760
And bringing light to something means
01:31:27.400 --> 01:31:32.840
Thinking more about trade-offs about one of my colleagues said um
01:31:33.800 --> 01:31:42.120
Unintended consequences and i actually think that's not even the right uh that's not the right word the right word is unanticipated consequences
01:31:42.600 --> 01:31:48.920
Really thinking about the implications of the decisions we're making in this really
01:31:49.480 --> 01:31:51.720
You know really extraordinary time that we're in
01:31:52.680 --> 01:31:57.080
So, you know, so i'm sure people are listening to some of the discussion about
01:31:57.480 --> 01:32:02.200
um hydroxychloroquine and wondering what are these doctors talking about and you know
01:32:02.200 --> 01:32:07.800
These are these are doctors that take care of patients board certified med school great med schools all of that
01:32:08.040 --> 01:32:10.520
You know, how could they possibly be saying this?
01:32:10.760 --> 01:32:14.840
You know, i walk cnn and nbc and they don't say anything about this
01:32:15.320 --> 01:32:19.960
And and that's actually that's the point. There's like there's um
01:32:20.440 --> 01:32:25.480
There are issues that are moral issues that really there should be a singular voice, you know, so for me, you know
01:32:26.120 --> 01:32:33.240
Issues related to whether people are treated differently based on their sex or race or you know or or you know
01:32:33.240 --> 01:32:38.280
There's sexual orientation. I think those are I personally think those are moral issues and there's only one
01:32:38.680 --> 01:32:42.120
Position on those but coven 19 is not a moral issue
01:32:42.440 --> 01:32:48.760
Coven 19 is a challenging complex issue that we benefit from having multiple perspectives on
01:32:49.160 --> 01:32:56.440
So it's not good for the american people when everyone is hearing one perspective on the main on the main stations
01:32:56.760 --> 01:32:59.560
There's just there's no way that's going to service
01:33:00.200 --> 01:33:04.760
So, you know, so the perspective most people have been hearing is that hydroxychloroquine
01:33:05.320 --> 01:33:10.840
Doesn't work, right? That's the perspective that most people have been hearing on the main street television
01:33:10.920 --> 01:33:12.920
And I believe that perspective too
01:33:12.920 --> 01:33:20.120
Until I started talking to doctors who would look more closely that some of the physicians behind me here
01:33:20.440 --> 01:33:23.720
Would look more closely at the data and at the studies
01:33:24.520 --> 01:33:28.840
So it is a fact that several randomized trials have come out so far
01:33:28.840 --> 01:33:34.680
That's our highest level of evidence and have shown that hydroxychloroquine their findings have generally been
01:33:35.160 --> 01:33:39.880
There's no significant effect on health in those on on
01:33:40.360 --> 01:33:42.200
There's no significant health benefit
01:33:42.280 --> 01:33:46.840
So that's the fact that the randomized controlled trials have come out to so far that have come out
01:33:47.000 --> 01:33:52.840
In fact, there were two or three big ones that came out over the last two weeks and annals of internal medicine newly journal of medicine
01:33:53.080 --> 01:33:55.080
And I think one other journal
01:33:55.800 --> 01:34:00.360
It is also a fact that there have been several observational studies
01:34:00.440 --> 01:34:05.960
So these are just not randomized controlled trials but patients who are getting treated with this medication
01:34:06.440 --> 01:34:10.360
That have found that hydroxychloroquine improves outcomes
01:34:11.000 --> 01:34:15.160
So both of those things are true. So there's evidence against it and there's evidence for it
01:34:15.880 --> 01:34:19.880
It is also a fact that we are in an extraordinarily challenging time
01:34:20.600 --> 01:34:22.840
So I find this interesting because
01:34:23.400 --> 01:34:30.200
Domain already kicked out the name ivermectin domain already kicked out the name remdesivir domain already kicked out the name
01:34:30.360 --> 01:34:33.880
Coxib and already kicked out the name femotadi
01:34:35.320 --> 01:34:37.320
And yet these doctors are
01:34:38.040 --> 01:34:41.160
Are very adamant that it's actually hydroxychloroquine
01:34:41.640 --> 01:34:49.960
That works and haven't mentioned any of those other drugs that the flcc all uses in combination, right? They use all kinds of different things
01:34:51.080 --> 01:34:56.600
And this group is really hydroxychloroquine and zinc hydroxychloroquine and zinc right to the
01:34:57.240 --> 01:35:02.840
Finish line which is an interesting just just note that that's what we have here
01:35:03.640 --> 01:35:05.640
Again, you could see this as
01:35:06.120 --> 01:35:12.120
As a certain team a certain side there's a very distinct opinion that's different from the other side that might say
01:35:12.600 --> 01:35:15.720
Ivermectin or or something like that. So I find it
01:35:17.720 --> 01:35:20.120
Given those given those considerations
01:35:21.000 --> 01:35:23.880
How can the right answer be to limit?
01:35:24.840 --> 01:35:27.000
How can the right answer be to limit?
01:35:27.640 --> 01:35:32.680
Physicians use of the medication that that can't possibly be the right answer
01:35:33.000 --> 01:35:39.160
And when you consider that this medication before coven 19 had been used for decades, right?
01:35:39.240 --> 01:35:45.560
By patients with rheumatoid arthritis by patients with lupus by patients with other conditions by patients who needed, you know
01:35:45.560 --> 01:35:49.800
Who are traveling to west africa and needed malaria prophylaxis?
01:35:50.040 --> 01:35:53.720
They we've been using it for a long time, but all of a sudden it's
01:35:54.360 --> 01:35:58.360
It's elevated to this area of looking like some poisonous drug
01:35:59.080 --> 01:36:01.080
That that just doesn't make sense
01:36:01.800 --> 01:36:06.120
And and then when you add on to that the fact that we've had two
01:36:06.760 --> 01:36:13.560
Of the biggest journals in the world new normal journal of medicine and lancet as my colleagues say retract studies that found
01:36:14.200 --> 01:36:16.600
Interestingly that hydroxychloroquine
01:36:17.240 --> 01:36:23.320
Harm patients right both of these studies and they had to retract these studies, which really is unheard of
01:36:24.040 --> 01:36:28.680
That's that should raise everyone's concern about what is going on
01:36:29.160 --> 01:36:36.360
So at the very least we can live in a world where there are differences of opinion about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine
01:36:36.680 --> 01:36:43.320
But still allow more data to come, you know still allow physicians who feel like they have expertise
01:36:43.640 --> 01:36:49.800
With it use their use that medication and still you know talk and learn and and get better
01:36:50.200 --> 01:36:52.040
At helping people with covid-19
01:36:52.360 --> 01:36:58.600
So so why we're not there is is not is not good doesn't make sense and we need to get out of there
01:36:59.640 --> 01:37:01.640
Wow, is that really an anagram?
01:37:02.520 --> 01:37:04.520
That's a little bit of that
01:37:05.080 --> 01:37:10.760
I have seen 350 patients and counting put them on hydroxychloroquine. They all got better
01:37:11.240 --> 01:37:13.240
This one I would say to all those studies
01:37:13.800 --> 01:37:18.120
They had high doses. They were given the wrong patients. I will call them fake science
01:37:18.680 --> 01:37:21.960
Any study that says hydroxychloroquine doesn't work is fake science
01:37:22.280 --> 01:37:24.840
And I want them to show me how it doesn't work
01:37:25.080 --> 01:37:32.600
How is it gonna work for 350 patients for me and they are all alive and then somebody say it doesn't work guys all them studies fake science
01:37:34.680 --> 01:37:36.680
Thank you
01:37:41.640 --> 01:37:43.640
01:37:56.680 --> 01:38:00.440
Yeah, I don't understand I don't understand how you would go to that conclusion
01:38:00.600 --> 01:38:05.000
If the problem was if the schools are shut down and it's causing it and we need to open up the schools
01:38:05.800 --> 01:38:10.280
Wow, that's really interesting that dynamic at that. Yeah, I would go to the school
01:38:10.280 --> 01:38:16.520
I would open up the schools because the most important thing for children is to socialize and to be with other kids and to learn. Yeah
01:38:17.720 --> 01:38:19.880
Yeah, let's get kids back in school
01:38:22.840 --> 01:38:26.280
Kids back in school your favorite kids back and thank you everyone
01:38:28.600 --> 01:38:30.440
Thank you very much
01:38:30.520 --> 01:38:36.200
And we are going to be going back live on continuing our summit so you can continue watching
01:38:36.440 --> 01:38:40.680
Once we get back. We may be running a couple minutes late, but we'll be back right around three o'clock
01:38:40.920 --> 01:38:44.680
Thank you so much everyone and thank you for coming for the the press conference
01:38:46.360 --> 01:38:48.360
Oh, he's given more statements over there
01:38:49.320 --> 01:38:51.320
It's a fake
01:38:58.760 --> 01:39:04.200
So depression is caused by low zinc levels and low and when you go into a hospital now
01:39:05.240 --> 01:39:06.040
01:39:06.040 --> 01:39:08.840
Covid loss of sense of smell loss of taste right
01:39:09.720 --> 01:39:15.720
And the reason is because zinc is the natural thing that used to fight the covid what happens is
01:39:16.680 --> 01:39:19.000
The zinc stops RNA polymerase
01:39:21.160 --> 01:39:25.480
And the hydroxychloroquine allows the zinc to go into the cells
01:39:26.120 --> 01:39:27.960
I'm wondering to stop the RNA polymerase
01:39:27.960 --> 01:39:29.000
Because there was a
01:39:29.000 --> 01:39:31.720
It was about the period of the science behind it
01:39:31.720 --> 01:39:36.840
So the so you so if you allow the zinc I understand and yeah, let me explain it a little bit better
01:39:37.320 --> 01:39:42.840
The zinc stops RNA polymerase and it's used up by yourselves in the normal fighting of covid
01:39:42.840 --> 01:39:46.680
So if you never took hydroxychloroquine, you'd still be zinc depleted
01:39:47.160 --> 01:39:52.440
We're in a natural state of zinc depletion in the united states, but the covid decreases your zinc even more
01:39:52.840 --> 01:39:54.840
01:39:54.840 --> 01:39:56.840
01:39:57.400 --> 01:40:03.880
So he's saying that when you fight the novel pathogen when you fight the RNA you use up your zinc
01:40:05.080 --> 01:40:08.040
And because it's spreading around the united states right now
01:40:08.440 --> 01:40:12.120
Everybody's in a zinc depleted state because we've been fighting
01:40:12.600 --> 01:40:16.040
the coronavirus holy balls
01:40:19.080 --> 01:40:22.040
That's that's something very special
01:40:22.840 --> 01:40:30.360
And the insistence on needing to say the RNA polymerase that zinc fights the RNA polymerase
01:40:30.920 --> 01:40:35.000
I want to teach you the science behind it RNA polymerase
01:40:36.440 --> 01:40:41.080
If you're not going to tell this lady what a polymerase is what the hell does that mean to her
01:40:42.920 --> 01:40:44.920
01:40:47.400 --> 01:40:49.400
01:40:49.560 --> 01:40:51.560
I mean wow
01:40:53.160 --> 01:40:55.160
01:40:57.800 --> 01:41:02.120
Problem with children on psych units that they have losing levels
01:41:03.720 --> 01:41:05.800
No, no, no, we're talking about the covid and how that
01:41:06.680 --> 01:41:13.160
Okay, so my question was about if federal funds should be diverted to helping therapists
01:41:13.720 --> 01:41:19.080
Social workers and other frontline workers to deal with the psychological issues that were meant to think of all of the
01:41:20.520 --> 01:41:26.040
Think of all of the just it's a perpetual list of nonsense questions that you ask
01:41:26.680 --> 01:41:31.080
Once you start accepting the faith in a novel virus that could kill millions of people
01:41:31.880 --> 01:41:38.600
There's all kinds of crazy questions to ask what should we do about x y z a b and c
01:41:41.880 --> 01:41:47.800
Wow, it's amazing and all these people think that they're engaging and figuring it out together
01:41:48.200 --> 01:41:55.160
That shutdowns in the government and school closures cause an increase in suicidal ideation and substance abuse and anxiety
01:41:56.040 --> 01:42:00.280
But so those environmental factors are what caused those mental health issues
01:42:00.680 --> 01:42:07.480
So doesn't it stand to reason that then funds to help those institutions deal with the problem should be receiving more funding
01:42:07.960 --> 01:42:09.960
I'm going to defer to my psychiatry
01:42:13.240 --> 01:42:18.040
Yeah, and then I mean first we need to take care of the biological basis
01:42:18.440 --> 01:42:20.200
Which is the zinc?
01:42:20.200 --> 01:42:22.600
Which is the vitamin d lack of vitamin d?
01:42:23.080 --> 01:42:25.080
We're dumping our milk
01:42:25.880 --> 01:42:28.920
We're dumping our milk in the gutters right in the middle pitch right now
01:42:28.920 --> 01:42:33.000
And if we would get that to the kid that's hard to believe if we would get that to the kids out of school
01:42:33.320 --> 01:42:36.280
That would be very helpful. Okay, so I'll defer to my
01:42:37.160 --> 01:42:39.400
So my question. I still haven't gotten a clear answer
01:42:40.200 --> 01:42:42.520
I'm trying to answer it's not you know public policies. Not my answer
01:42:43.880 --> 01:42:46.520
Oh, no, it's not really about it's not my expertise either actually
01:42:47.320 --> 01:42:52.520
I'm wondering since your colleague said that as a result of school closures and government shut
01:42:53.400 --> 01:42:57.960
What caused an increase in suicidal ladies and anxiety substance abuse and a variety of other issues
01:42:58.840 --> 01:43:01.560
I'm wondering if federal funding should be diverted to
01:43:02.120 --> 01:43:05.480
Only a couple more minutes. It's only a couple more minutes
01:43:06.440 --> 01:43:08.600
I see it this way
01:43:08.600 --> 01:43:12.840
Harm has already come is what we're saying so the answer the question is harm has already come
01:43:12.840 --> 01:43:17.880
Which should we do about that harm and I don't I don't know the inner workings of the government but the actual
01:43:18.760 --> 01:43:22.200
To say that harm has already come and say that we're going to do something about it makes sense
01:43:23.160 --> 01:43:27.720
To me as a doctor, I think if we know harm has come if you and I know we already got run over by a car
01:43:28.200 --> 01:43:30.200
I think it makes sense. So let me go ahead and go
01:43:33.240 --> 01:43:37.720
Yeah, so I think it makes a lot of sense. So I'm going to just say to me makes sense
01:43:38.840 --> 01:43:44.440
And I think it's fair. I appreciate the well-rounded concern. It just kind of stops with concern and it doesn't
01:43:45.160 --> 01:43:47.160
Continue into action
01:43:47.160 --> 01:43:50.440
And the congressman and I'm not sure who it was. Maybe you could actually
01:43:50.440 --> 01:43:54.040
Give patience in the you guys. This is not pretty bright part news
01:43:54.840 --> 01:43:56.200
01:43:56.200 --> 01:44:02.120
The faith in a novel virus was definitely not questioned at all there right and it wasn't questioned at all there
01:44:02.120 --> 01:44:07.000
And they actually were very certain about their particular solution hydroxychloroquine and zinc
01:44:07.560 --> 01:44:12.440
Hydroxychloroquine and zinc there was nothing else at play all the ventilation doesn't matter
01:44:12.440 --> 01:44:16.120
We don't need to talk about excess oxygen being given to people who don't need it
01:44:16.440 --> 01:44:19.720
We don't need to talk about the irrelevance of pulse ox or
01:44:20.360 --> 01:44:26.440
Or the role of of core morbidities and any of the other people dying co-morbidities are just in kids
01:44:28.600 --> 01:44:34.600
I don't know if you noticed that or not, but that's the only time they talked about co-morbidities in people dying in hospitals was kids
01:44:35.640 --> 01:44:41.800
Not adults being given remdesivir or adults that are being ventilated to stop spread or adults that are being given
01:44:42.280 --> 01:44:45.640
60 liters of oxygen a minute or whatever it was that
01:44:46.280 --> 01:44:50.600
That we found in in Mark's video that he just recently posted
01:44:55.000 --> 01:44:58.760
And so it doesn't matter because this faith is a lie we've got to figure it out
01:44:58.760 --> 01:45:06.120
But if the faith is definitely a lie and staging the pandemic required murder and that means that you need people to explain it
01:45:06.360 --> 01:45:08.360
01:45:08.360 --> 01:45:11.640
Need people to make sure that you don't see it as murder
01:45:12.600 --> 01:45:15.720
It's just that they're not giving them hydroxychloroquine and zinc
01:45:16.440 --> 01:45:20.920
They don't mean to kill them. They're following the protocols. We've just got to get this out
01:45:21.240 --> 01:45:24.760
If we can get this information out, I'm sure we can turn this train around
01:45:28.200 --> 01:45:33.480
And so a trackable gain of function RNA went endemic and now we're going to
01:45:34.200 --> 01:45:36.600
To fix the problem. That's basically it
01:45:37.480 --> 01:45:44.600
That's really where they were and they didn't get any farther than that because that's all they've got and uh, we're fighting that now
01:45:44.920 --> 01:45:46.120
01:45:46.120 --> 01:45:49.720
Not going to do the whole summary here because i'm hungry and I need to eat
01:45:50.440 --> 01:45:54.280
Um, I hope that you understand that we are at a point now
01:45:55.000 --> 01:45:56.280
01:45:56.280 --> 01:46:03.400
They have told themselves this lie for so long that AI and computers if we have enough data can solve all these problems
01:46:03.560 --> 01:46:05.000
Can make us
01:46:05.000 --> 01:46:09.000
Reach the transgenic goal of of of immortality
01:46:09.720 --> 01:46:12.200
Of uploading our consciousness, whatever it is
01:46:13.000 --> 01:46:16.680
These lies have been told for a long long time and the people with
01:46:17.320 --> 01:46:24.280
With the control over weaponized piles of money actually still believe a lot of these lies are possible in the very near future
01:46:24.840 --> 01:46:29.320
And that's why they want us to teach this mythology of a new world order where
01:46:30.120 --> 01:46:36.680
Dangerous viruses can come out of batcaves or laboratories to our children so that they can enslave our children under these
01:46:37.480 --> 01:46:38.920
01:46:38.920 --> 01:46:44.120
And it's not much different than us allowing them to use social media on our children
01:46:44.920 --> 01:46:51.880
If your teenager is depressed like mine is it might be because we are allowing them to use social media that depresses them
01:46:52.520 --> 01:46:57.400
We are allowing other men to control us with machines. It's not AI
01:46:58.120 --> 01:47:00.120
It's just programming
01:47:01.960 --> 01:47:08.040
You don't have to have a magic box that we don't understand what's going on when people are willing to just program things
01:47:08.760 --> 01:47:12.040
To promote certain people and to silence other people
01:47:14.040 --> 01:47:16.600
And then to lie about it. It's just an algorithm, man
01:47:17.720 --> 01:47:24.120
Ladies and gentlemen, stop all transfections and humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary
01:47:28.360 --> 01:47:36.440
This has been giggle and biological where intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb
01:47:37.720 --> 01:47:38.680
01:47:38.680 --> 01:47:43.400
Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic
01:47:44.120 --> 01:47:47.240
Um, you can find me at giggle and biological.com
01:47:47.240 --> 01:47:50.840
We had a little hiccup on stream dot giggle home dot bio yesterday
01:47:50.920 --> 01:47:52.920
And we testing it again today to see what happened
01:47:53.560 --> 01:47:58.280
Some strip error made the stream not upload to the back server
01:47:59.080 --> 01:48:02.280
So we're trying to fix that now. I don't know if anybody checked
01:48:03.080 --> 01:48:05.960
The stream over there at stream dot giggle and dot bio
01:48:06.360 --> 01:48:12.360
I'm gonna start I think in the next month doing a stream exclusively on that one every once in a while
01:48:12.920 --> 01:48:16.200
Just to force people to try and use it so I can figure out how well
01:48:17.080 --> 01:48:19.080
It's working for a live stream
01:48:19.160 --> 01:48:23.000
This has been a production of the independent right way of that's a group of people who
01:48:23.560 --> 01:48:27.960
Trust one another because of our track record and trust one another because we say what we mean
01:48:27.960 --> 01:48:33.160
And we mean what we say we correct ourselves when necessary and we're humble enough to do that. Um
01:48:34.280 --> 01:48:36.280
I don't know what's gonna be here
01:48:36.760 --> 01:48:39.640
Oh, that that's funny. That's another new one. I got there
01:48:41.080 --> 01:48:43.080
Check that out
01:48:46.520 --> 01:48:48.520
Anyway, I'll see you guys again soon
01:48:49.080 --> 01:48:51.080
01:49:05.080 --> 01:49:09.960
Already got in touch with uh at griffin. I think i'm gonna talk to him tomorrow on the phone
01:49:09.960 --> 01:49:12.280
He's already invited me to the red pill expo
01:49:13.000 --> 01:49:18.600
Um, I'm so excited to talk to him. Um, it's crazy. Thank you very much for helping that happen
01:49:19.320 --> 01:49:24.120
Um, there were a couple people who were working on getting me connected with
01:49:25.800 --> 01:49:31.000
With ed griffin and it has actually happened he called me yesterday and uh, we were gonna talk today, but
01:49:31.800 --> 01:49:36.040
Schedules got kind of crossed and so i'm gonna try and call him tomorrow, but for sure
01:49:36.760 --> 01:49:43.480
Um, we are connected and that's really something that I mean is in 20 years in the making man 20 years in the making
01:49:43.480 --> 01:49:48.120
So it's really exciting. Thank you very much. And uh, I'll see you guys again tomorrow
01:49:48.120 --> 01:49:53.080
We're trying to make this a daily thing and i'm not i'm not trying to talk smack anymore. I'm trying to be serious
01:49:55.400 --> 01:49:57.400