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1 year ago
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for 16 minutes next.
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He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.
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People everywhere are starting to listen to him.
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It's embarrassing.
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Hey, listen to this gang.
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Teenage sleuth, solved boat hijacking mystery.
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Captain Cutler and his wife taken into custody by sheriff.
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That was some plan they had.
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First spreading the phony story about Cutler,
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and then stealing the yachts from the marina.
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That night on the beach, Cutler was storing extra scuba tanks
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in the graveyard of the ship.
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Yeah, but like his diving suit got covered with that kooky-glowing seaweed.
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And that's where the glowing ghost story came from.
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Well, that cold is the mystery.
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How did Scooby do with that?
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I guess that's another mystery.
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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
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From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this is Gago on Biological.
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I'm going to do something a little bit sneaky tonight.
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Oops, that was a little quick.
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We are going to look at the spectrum of debate that was allowed in 2019
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by looking at a highly produced example of this business in 2019,
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and how this narrative was being laid down and prepared for us in our brain.
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I see you guys mentioning in the chat the CHD interview I did with Dr. Brian Hooker.
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It was a really good interview, but on the live recording or the live release,
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rather, the sound cutouts, they had to re-render the movie.
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The link is now there again, but for the time when it was supposed to be there,
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it actually wasn't there.
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And so that was a little bit disappointing at some moment.
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I was getting really excited about what I was saying, and then the sound went out.
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And so they cut the live stream, and then they re-edited the video, and now it's available.
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And I think the video or the interview is at least okay.
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And so I'm going to watch it at some point, I think, just to make sure that I didn't make any crazy mistakes
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other than the DC sign nonsense that I did there.
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Welcome to the show.
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This is Giga Home Biological Eye Resistance Low Noise Information Stream,
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brought to you by a biologist.
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The biologist is Jonathan Cooey.
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I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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I have three kids and a lovely wife.
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And most things are pretty good here.
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We are blessed to be, I'm blessed to be a staff scientist at Children's Health Defense.
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But in this program, and on this program, I speak for myself and for my little LLC called Giga Home Biological Run Out of My Garage.
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That being said, all the names that are scrolling above my head here in one way or another
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are financially supporting me.
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Some of them have been my financial supporters for several years and are responsible for that time between 2021 and 2022
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when I had nobody else but them.
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So, I don't know what to say other than thank all of you very, very much.
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And thank you for giving me to the point where I can give out such a succinct message as intramuscular injection
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is not a valid means of immunization.
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It's really, really nice.
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If you need something more specific for COVID, just say the transfection is not immunization.
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Oh yeah, so I wanted to plug this.
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I'm not sure why I should have probably put some text here.
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I don't know what I was thinking I was going to accomplish with this slide here.
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And then not to put my head here either.
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This is a video, this is kind of neat.
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It's like a little, this is a video clip or a screenshot from Mr. Eden,
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AKA Mr. Sparkle on September 8th, 2023.
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It's one of my most important streams in the last month.
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And if you're new to the channel or you haven't watched a lot of the stuff that I've done in the last couple of weeks,
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there's a lot of videos to choose from.
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And I suggest you go to this one first.
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Not only because of how succinct and on message Mike Eden is,
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but how I think I tie it up real nice and make sure that it's understandable
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and why it's so important to think about how Steve Kirsch and other people
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through maybe no fault of their own, but maybe some fault of their own.
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Wittingly or unwittingly have changed the way that we think over the last few years.
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And specifically, some of these people really stepped in to make sure
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that we changed the way we think about certain things.
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And that being that there's a novel virus, we had to do something
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and that mRNA might be handy, you know, if it was done right.
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And gain of function is a real danger from which this virus may have originated.
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And so this faith was instituted in people en masse through the TV and through social media.
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And it was done by changing their mind about fundamentals in biology
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that up until 2019 were pretty solid ground in terms of our understanding
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and our admitted lack of understanding.
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But instead they changed our way, the way we think about these things.
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And then doctors were duped into, pressured into, or dumb enough to take part in,
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protocol changes which ended up killing hundreds of thousands of people
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and really just muddying the water in terms of where is this novel entity
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for which we purport to be able to test with a PCR exam,
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but also not if the symptoms are there and we can just make that assumption.
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And then we used a bunch of things that would have otherwise been called poisons
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had they been through the real normal testing procedure of drugs and therapeutics
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like Remdesivir, for example.
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And I believe, and I've been trying to explain this for many weeks now,
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that I believe that it is very likely that an orchestrated effort
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by government entities, intelligence agencies, I don't know who,
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but a large network of individuals and people with like-minded interests
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have carefully crafted this narrative of a pandemic
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so that they can position themselves to be in positions of power in perpetuity
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and these positions of power that they have assumed
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are all based on the idea of this pandemic potential.
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And so you have to believe in the pandemic potential
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and more importantly you have to believe in the idea that there are bad guys
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who flaunted Mother Nature's laws
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and who flaunted Mother Nature's possibilities
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and created a virus that otherwise wouldn't exist
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and it got out and it injured millions of people.
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And so you've got to believe that there's a mystery to solve,
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that there are bad guys to identify and people to punish.
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And there are bad guys to identify and people to punish,
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but the question is what do you, what crime do you accuse them of committing?
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And what they want you to do is accuse a very few people,
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maybe two or three people of shuffling money around in backrooms
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and of combining molecular parts of a virus in a laboratory
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in an irresponsible way that led to the pandemic.
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That's what they want you to believe happened
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so that the real fake monster of the story is never unmasked
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and that fake monster is an RNA viral pandemic.
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That monster can't exist,
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but they have created a scenario with real data,
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real biology or what appears to be real biology
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and real confusion
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and effectively created a pandemic
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not that dissimilar to what Dr. Giordano has described
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many times in the past on my stream.
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And so they lied to us over several decades
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about the pandemic potential found in caves
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and how it can be accessed in cell culture and aminal passage.
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And more recently they've lied to us about how viral particles can be
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stitched together or viral genomes can be stitched together
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to also yield pandemic potential heretofore, undescribed.
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And they want you to believe this pandemic potential
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is almost never ending
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so that they can invert your sovereignty over your body
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and your children to something more of a social debt
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that you owe to society
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and therefore permissions that you have to earn.
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And I believe that many of these people
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wittingly or unwittingly have been co-opted
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into perpetuating this myth of gain of function viruses
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and co-opted into perpetuating this myth of a novel virus
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which circulated the globe for three years
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and is still ever evolving.
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And whether these people really believe what they say or not
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is kind of irrelevant
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because they won't discuss aspects of the biology
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which would otherwise probably set them free
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from the certainty that they are under right now.
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And they are under a spell of certainty
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all of the people in the red triangle
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because all of them are under the spell of certainty
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that a novel virus most definitely was not present in 2018
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became present in 2019
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and then nearly destroyed the global economy in 2020.
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They all believe that we had to do something.
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They all believe that maybe even a large proportion
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of the people that have taken the mRNA
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gained some short-term benefit.
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And for sure all the people on, sorry, on this side
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of the red triangle, they all believe that a gain of function virus is possible
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and it's dangerous and they're doing it.
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It's just that the people down here
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don't believe that this virus was one of those.
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They definitely exist.
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It's just that this wasn't a gain of function virus
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whereas these people up here think it was a gain of function virus.
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The kooky thing is is that the moment you question
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the veracity of the story of an RNA virus being able to perpetuate itself
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for three years through millions and millions and millions of serial cases.
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You get put into this yellow zone over here
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and you no longer get any attention on social media.
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You get everything actually silenced
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not canceled where everybody talks about you
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and promotes you and shares your story on sub-stack
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and sends people to Mexico to look for you
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but canceled in the sense of
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nobody hears from you anymore.
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Nobody can see your account.
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Your Twitch followers stagnate at 2,700 for like a year straight.
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That's what we're talking about here when we say canceled.
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Not canceled like it promoted
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under two more platforms.
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Not canceled like oh I get to whine about it forever to my millions of followers.
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We're talking about actually erased
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where people don't ever acknowledge that you exist
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because that's where all the people in the yellow are here.
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No one talks about Mikey.
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No one talks about Wolfgang Woda.
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No one talks about Nick Hudson
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and very few people are willing to talk about Denny Ranglu.
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You know even Sukhrin Bhakti
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and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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are virtually off limits for mentioning them
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even though Bobby is largely on gain a function narrative
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Sukhrin's not
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but Sukhrin also is not doubting the spread of a virus
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but no one's really shown him Jessica Hakka's data.
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No one's shown Bobby
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Jessica Hakka's data.
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And so I think because I put Bobby on that line
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because he at least had Denny Rancor on his podcast
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and listened to Denny
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and pushed back hard on Denny.
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And so this spectrum of debate
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which we have been captured by this mystery
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the Scooby-Doo mystery that we've been fooled into
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investing our energies into solving
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this Scooby-Doo mystery
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that we've invested ourselves in solving
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and the purported people that are helping us solve it
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are actually all people who are involved in making sure
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that we think when we successfully solve this
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that we understand
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and the goal of Paul Catrell
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and Robert Malone
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who we saw did a stream together in 2021
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Robert Malone doesn't waste his time with clowns
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why in the world would he waste his time
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with Dr. Paul Catrell
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Paul Catrell must be legit
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if Robert Malone took the time to stream with him
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took the time to stream with him
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and explain the dexamethasone would be a great way
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to increase the number of deaths
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because it just crushes
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COVID patients
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so a great way to make the numbers worse
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and Remdesivir is not as effective as everybody thought it was
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but that's a rabbit hole he didn't want to talk about
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honest he said those things on a stream with Paul Catrell
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basically saying that the
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that the protocols were
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being used to greatly inflate the numbers
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and the deadliness of the virus
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the severity of the disease
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he said that with Paul Catrell
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on a stream in August of 2021
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as part of this crafting of this narrative
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on all parts and all sides
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mainstream media, Fox News
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conservative media
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even on fringe
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not so important podcasts like
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Paul Catrells
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you can't discount that
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that's a very significant
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data point if remember
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Robert Malone's
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cyberstalker list
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included a guy by the name of
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George Webb
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and it included a link to George Webb's
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60 minutes program
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George Webb over here
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considers Paul Catrell to be his
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his best scientific advisor
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Robert Malone was on a stream
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with Paul Catrell in 2021
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Robert Malone says that
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George Webb is his worst
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one of his worst cyberstalkers
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it's a controlled
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dance of performers
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that all make noises in the dark
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at different times and so we're all
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looking over here and looking over there
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and it turns out that they're all
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on each other's webpage
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they're all on each other's podcasts
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they all have each other
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in their phone book
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they're all sharing my phone number
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with Bobby
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I don't know who's making all these
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phone calls in the background
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I got a phone call from Bobby
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but apparently there were phone calls
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from Malone to Rixie and Rixie to Malone
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and Paul Catrell and Robert Malone
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apparently have phone numbers
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right otherwise how would they be on
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a podcast in 2021
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I mean
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this is a whole network of people
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who's all been pushing
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this worst-case scenario
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from the inside and the outside
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I mean while Robert Malone
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was trying to get EUAs for five
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different drugs with
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in contact with what did he say to Paul
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he was in contact with Steve Kirsch
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almost hourly
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while they were doing that
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in 2020
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Paul was on the internet
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pushing the worst-case scenario
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talking to people from Taiwan
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who were telling him that the only thing that was working in Taiwan
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was Remdesivir
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and then he talks to Robert Malone
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and Robert Malone says that Remdesivir
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isn't really working as well
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as everybody thought and that doesn't strike
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Paul Catrell as odd
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because he heard earlier
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than anyone else
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there were millions of people who were going to die
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from some CDC leak
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and then he also got a phone call from Taiwan
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from some lady
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saying that the only thing that was working in Hong Kong
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was Remdesivir
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it's a great big show
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ladies and gentlemen
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and the show started in 2019
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the show started
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in 2019
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the show started in 2019
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check this out
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now I can't show you the very very start
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because it's got this red N
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and then it makes this sound good
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okay so you just imagine
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the red N
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and then something something
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and then here we'll start it
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let's imagine for a second
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all the ways the world could end
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it could be something
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from above
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or something from below
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or it could be something we did
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to ourselves
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but there's one thing that consistently ranks
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as one of the most likely things
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to end the world
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well if you think of anything that could come along
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that would kill millions of people
22:23.820 --> 22:25.820
the pandemic is our greatest risk
22:25.820 --> 22:27.820
a pandemic is a disease
22:27.820 --> 22:29.820
our control
22:29.820 --> 22:31.820
sweeping across the world
22:31.820 --> 22:33.820
killing millions and changing civilizations
22:33.820 --> 22:35.820
we know this because we've seen it before
22:35.820 --> 22:37.820
a few times
22:37.820 --> 22:39.820
in the sixth century
22:39.820 --> 22:41.820
a pandemic killed half the world's population
22:41.820 --> 22:43.820
in the 14th another wiped out
22:43.820 --> 22:45.820
half of Europe
22:45.820 --> 22:47.820
and in the 20th a pandemic killed
22:47.820 --> 22:49.820
almost 5% of the world's population
22:49.820 --> 22:51.820
in just two years
22:51.820 --> 22:53.820
but that was a hundred years ago
22:53.820 --> 22:55.820
we've learned from these past
22:55.820 --> 22:57.820
pandemics and made incredible advances
22:57.820 --> 22:59.820
improved response
22:59.820 --> 23:01.820
improved training
23:01.820 --> 23:03.820
improved workforce
23:03.820 --> 23:05.820
we have improved surveillance systems
23:05.820 --> 23:07.820
improved communications
23:07.820 --> 23:09.820
we have organizations like the world health organization
23:09.820 --> 23:11.820
CDC we have improved diagnostics
23:11.820 --> 23:13.820
improved drugs
23:13.820 --> 23:15.820
therapeutics vaccines
23:15.820 --> 23:17.820
and yet the risk of it happening again
23:17.820 --> 23:19.820
has never been higher
23:19.820 --> 23:21.820
we've done the math on this
23:21.820 --> 23:23.820
we estimate there about five new emerging diseases
23:23.820 --> 23:25.820
happen somewhere on the planet every year
23:25.820 --> 23:27.820
and that rate is accelerated so it is inevitable
23:27.820 --> 23:29.820
that they will become pandemics
23:29.820 --> 23:31.820
mother nature is the ultimate bioterrorist
23:31.820 --> 23:33.820
23:33.820 --> 23:35.820
mistakes couldn't be higher
23:35.820 --> 23:37.820
this simulation estimates that a pandemic today
23:37.820 --> 23:39.820
could kill 33 million people
23:39.820 --> 23:41.820
one billion
23:41.820 --> 23:43.820
months in terms of
23:43.820 --> 23:45.820
one billion a pandemic
23:45.820 --> 23:47.820
would rival even the gigantic wars of the past
23:47.820 --> 23:49.820
there we go
23:49.820 --> 23:51.820
the economy will shut down
23:51.820 --> 23:53.820
the cost to humanity will be unbelievable
23:53.820 --> 23:55.820
unbelievable when is this
23:55.820 --> 23:57.820
this is in 2019
23:57.820 --> 23:59.820
ladies and gentlemen
23:59.820 --> 24:01.820
were they preparing anybody for anything
24:01.820 --> 24:03.820
do you think
24:03.820 --> 24:05.820
I mean if you see it now
24:05.820 --> 24:07.820
and you see it from 2023
24:07.820 --> 24:09.820
it's called explained
24:09.820 --> 24:11.820
and it's the next pandemic
24:11.820 --> 24:13.820
I mean are you shitting me
24:13.820 --> 24:17.820
country will be immune from the problem
24:17.820 --> 24:19.820
this will create
24:19.820 --> 24:21.820
the question is not is the next pandemic coming
24:21.820 --> 24:23.820
there are only three things
24:23.820 --> 24:25.820
that are inevitable in this world
24:25.820 --> 24:27.820
death taxes and flu pandemics
24:27.820 --> 24:29.820
or when is the next pandemic coming
24:29.820 --> 24:31.820
we estimate there around one and a half million
24:31.820 --> 24:33.820
viruses in wildlife
24:33.820 --> 24:35.820
that we don't yet know that
24:35.820 --> 24:37.820
any one of those could be spilling over into
24:37.820 --> 24:39.820
human population right now
24:39.820 --> 24:41.820
the question is
24:41.820 --> 24:43.820
will we be ready for it
24:43.820 --> 24:45.820
influenza pandemics must be taken seriously
24:45.820 --> 24:47.820
the world is fighting the worst Ebola epidemic
24:47.820 --> 24:49.820
in history
24:49.820 --> 24:51.820
mistakes could be any higher bars
24:51.820 --> 24:53.820
can be just as destructive as a bomb
24:53.820 --> 24:55.820
or a mr. Panogenic organism
24:55.820 --> 24:57.820
Vox I mean Vox
24:57.820 --> 24:59.820
you know already what this is right
24:59.820 --> 25:01.820
it's propaganda but still you got to see it
25:01.820 --> 25:03.820
because that's what they did to us
25:03.820 --> 25:05.820
everybody that saw this was
25:05.820 --> 25:07.820
was primed
25:07.820 --> 25:09.820
maybe Brett Weinstein saw this
25:09.820 --> 25:11.820
and that's the reason why he got a bandana
25:11.820 --> 25:13.820
right away and locked down for nine months
25:13.820 --> 25:15.820
no what the future is going to hold
25:15.820 --> 25:19.820
pandemics begin in a world
25:19.820 --> 25:21.820
invisible to the naked eye
25:21.820 --> 25:23.820
microbes were likely the first
25:23.820 --> 25:25.820
living things on earth
25:25.820 --> 25:27.820
many can't replicate on their own
25:27.820 --> 25:29.820
so they hijack other living cells
25:29.820 --> 25:31.820
and today they're all around us
25:31.820 --> 25:33.820
and on us
25:33.820 --> 25:35.820
and in us
25:35.820 --> 25:37.820
many arrive in peace but others
25:37.820 --> 25:39.820
damage or kill our bodies cells
25:39.820 --> 25:43.820
fever coughing sneezing diarrhea
25:43.820 --> 25:45.820
that's our body fighting back
25:45.820 --> 25:47.820
but some are so strong
25:47.820 --> 25:49.820
they can overwhelm our immune system
25:49.820 --> 25:51.820
and kill us
25:51.820 --> 25:53.820
pandemics are mainly caused by
25:53.820 --> 25:55.820
two types of microbes
25:55.820 --> 25:57.820
bacteria and viruses
25:57.820 --> 25:59.820
the interesting thing about viruses is they are
25:59.820 --> 26:01.820
supremely adapted
26:01.820 --> 26:03.820
to jump from one species to another
26:03.820 --> 26:05.820
they're the most likely microbes
26:05.820 --> 26:07.820
to become the next pandemic
26:07.820 --> 26:09.820
as you can probably guess viruses
26:09.820 --> 26:11.820
that cause bird flu come from birds
26:11.820 --> 26:13.820
swine flu comes from pigs
26:13.820 --> 26:15.820
HIV came from chimpanzees
26:15.820 --> 26:17.820
Ebola likely comes from bats
26:17.820 --> 26:21.820
and several diseases come from mosquitoes
26:21.820 --> 26:23.820
when these spill over to humans
26:23.820 --> 26:25.820
the new virus is called a zoonotic virus
26:25.820 --> 26:27.820
and they're extremely dangerous
26:27.820 --> 26:31.820
these are viruses which mutate rapidly
26:31.820 --> 26:33.820
and therefore change the surface
26:33.820 --> 26:35.820
and evade immune responses quickly
26:35.820 --> 26:37.820
they can transform into a new virus
26:37.820 --> 26:39.820
once they get into the human population
26:39.820 --> 26:41.820
now those don't happen
26:41.820 --> 26:43.820
all the time they're quite rare events
26:43.820 --> 26:45.820
but when they do the effects
26:45.820 --> 26:47.820
can be devastating
26:47.820 --> 26:49.820
which brings us to a farm in Kansas
26:49.820 --> 26:51.820
a century ago
26:51.820 --> 26:53.820
experts aren't certain but they believe
26:53.820 --> 26:55.820
the 1918 flu pandemic could have started
26:55.820 --> 26:57.820
when an infected bird and an infected human
26:57.820 --> 26:59.820
met the same pig
26:59.820 --> 27:01.820
the bird had bird flu
27:01.820 --> 27:03.820
a type of influenza virus that had been
27:03.820 --> 27:05.820
infecting chickens, geese and ducks
27:05.820 --> 27:07.820
for at least a hundred years
27:07.820 --> 27:09.820
while the person had a different influenza strain
27:09.820 --> 27:11.820
the seasonal flu that had made
27:11.820 --> 27:13.820
humans feel stuffed up and feverish
27:13.820 --> 27:15.820
for centuries
27:15.820 --> 27:17.820
the two viruses couldn't infect each other's species
27:17.820 --> 27:19.820
but they could both infect pigs
27:19.820 --> 27:21.820
and in one pig cell
27:21.820 --> 27:23.820
those two viruses combined
27:23.820 --> 27:25.820
creating a new zoonotic virus
27:25.820 --> 27:27.820
27:27.820 --> 27:29.820
these parts from the human virus
27:29.820 --> 27:31.820
gave it the ability to infect humans
27:31.820 --> 27:33.820
but these parts from the bird virus
27:33.820 --> 27:35.820
prevented immune systems from
27:35.820 --> 27:37.820
effectively fighting back
27:37.820 --> 27:39.820
a deadly combination
27:39.820 --> 27:41.820
it killed somewhere between
27:41.820 --> 27:43.820
triangles and circles
27:43.820 --> 27:45.820
is a deadly combination
27:45.820 --> 27:47.820
you got to watch out
27:47.820 --> 27:49.820
but it is true that flu can
27:49.820 --> 27:51.820
reassort like that
27:51.820 --> 27:53.820
it's a different sort of process
27:53.820 --> 27:55.820
according to the mythology
27:55.820 --> 27:57.820
for coronaviruses
27:57.820 --> 27:59.820
because flu viruses have separate
27:59.820 --> 28:01.820
RNA molecules
28:01.820 --> 28:03.820
that are independently
28:03.820 --> 28:05.820
sorted into the
28:05.820 --> 28:07.820
28:07.820 --> 28:09.820
and so when you
28:09.820 --> 28:11.820
when you have more than one
28:11.820 --> 28:13.820
flu type inside of your body at once
28:13.820 --> 28:15.820
you can have a reassortment of
28:15.820 --> 28:17.820
those genes in a way that
28:17.820 --> 28:19.820
is apparently
28:19.820 --> 28:21.820
apparently more difficult
28:21.820 --> 28:23.820
in coronavirus because of its
28:23.820 --> 28:25.820
single continuous RNA genome
28:25.820 --> 28:29.820
now you can find
28:29.820 --> 28:31.820
lectures by
28:31.820 --> 28:33.820
Denison and lectures by Ralph
28:33.820 --> 28:35.820
Berwick where they're talking about
28:35.820 --> 28:37.820
recombination in coronaviruses
28:37.820 --> 28:39.820
and it is due to
28:39.820 --> 28:41.820
the fact that the
28:41.820 --> 28:43.820
the RNA dependent RNA
28:43.820 --> 28:45.820
polymerase will hop
28:45.820 --> 28:47.820
from RNA strand to RNA strand
28:47.820 --> 28:49.820
and although you're imagining
28:49.820 --> 28:51.820
that okay well when does that happen
28:51.820 --> 28:55.820
let your imagination run the camera
28:55.820 --> 28:59.820
forward so the virus copies
28:59.820 --> 29:01.820
its own RNA genome
29:01.820 --> 29:03.820
and now it has two copies
29:03.820 --> 29:05.820
of that genome and one of those
29:05.820 --> 29:07.820
genomes is about three
29:07.820 --> 29:09.820
nucleotides different than the
29:09.820 --> 29:11.820
original genome
29:11.820 --> 29:13.820
and now the RNA dependent RNA
29:13.820 --> 29:15.820
polymerase has got to float around
29:15.820 --> 29:17.820
and find the front end of another
29:17.820 --> 29:19.820
RNA and it has a choice of two of
29:19.820 --> 29:21.820
them right now if you think of a
29:21.820 --> 29:23.820
simple cartoon
29:23.820 --> 29:25.820
and as that goes on and on and on
29:25.820 --> 29:27.820
there are more and more viral
29:27.820 --> 29:29.820
RNAs in theory
29:29.820 --> 29:31.820
that are available for this
29:31.820 --> 29:33.820
RNA dependent RNA polymerase which is
29:33.820 --> 29:35.820
in limited quantity
29:35.820 --> 29:37.820
in order for it to make another copy
29:37.820 --> 29:39.820
and so it's not clear
29:39.820 --> 29:41.820
how all that works because they
29:41.820 --> 29:43.820
need to be packaged and gone you know
29:43.820 --> 29:45.820
they need to go into other viral
29:45.820 --> 29:47.820
particles but they've already
29:47.820 --> 29:49.820
documented it in experiments where
29:49.820 --> 29:51.820
these various genomic RNAs
29:51.820 --> 29:53.820
compete for RNA dependent
29:53.820 --> 29:55.820
RNA polymerase time
29:55.820 --> 29:57.820
so that being said when the RNA
29:57.820 --> 29:59.820
dependent RNA polymerase
29:59.820 --> 30:01.820
is going along and traveling
30:01.820 --> 30:03.820
it can
30:03.820 --> 30:05.820
jump off of one template
30:05.820 --> 30:07.820
and leap over
30:07.820 --> 30:09.820
on to another
30:09.820 --> 30:11.820
because according to
30:11.820 --> 30:13.820
pericandenosine up to 25
30:13.820 --> 30:15.820
percent of the genomes
30:15.820 --> 30:17.820
in any given coronavirus
30:17.820 --> 30:19.820
infection are actually recombinant
30:19.820 --> 30:21.820
genomes that recombine between
30:21.820 --> 30:23.820
a co-infection
30:23.820 --> 30:27.820
and so the
30:27.820 --> 30:29.820
co-infection of a coronavirus
30:29.820 --> 30:31.820
is likely to generate recombinant
30:31.820 --> 30:33.820
coronavirus genomes
30:33.820 --> 30:35.820
but flu has this extra
30:35.820 --> 30:37.820
added ability because of its
30:37.820 --> 30:39.820
compartmentalized or I guess you'd
30:39.820 --> 30:41.820
call it fragmented genome
30:41.820 --> 30:43.820
and so those fragments can
30:43.820 --> 30:45.820
reassort more readily. 50 and 100 million
30:45.820 --> 30:47.820
people around the world
30:47.820 --> 30:49.820
it was unlike anything else
30:49.820 --> 30:51.820
in history. You can
30:51.820 --> 30:53.820
think of a disease on two scales
30:53.820 --> 30:55.820
how contagious it is and how
30:55.820 --> 30:57.820
deadly it is. Here is the
30:57.820 --> 30:59.820
seasonal human flu while this
30:59.820 --> 31:01.820
is the bird flu and this
31:01.820 --> 31:03.820
is the 1918 combination.
31:03.820 --> 31:05.820
It was so contagious because
31:05.820 --> 31:07.820
it was airborne meaning the virus
31:07.820 --> 31:09.820
could hang in the air infecting
31:09.820 --> 31:11.820
any this is the bird flu.
31:11.820 --> 31:13.820
Now notice that this is not a
31:13.820 --> 31:15.820
scientific graph that says
31:15.820 --> 31:17.820
extremely deadly deadly quite
31:17.820 --> 31:19.820
deadly and deadly less deadly
31:19.820 --> 31:21.820
and then here it says not
31:21.820 --> 31:23.820
contagious contagious very
31:23.820 --> 31:25.820
and extremely contagious
31:25.820 --> 31:27.820
so it's not really clear
31:27.820 --> 31:29.820
why this red space is as big
31:29.820 --> 31:31.820
and this red space is less big
31:31.820 --> 31:33.820
and this base is the smallest
31:33.820 --> 31:35.820
but apparently most of the
31:35.820 --> 31:37.820
diseases are out here
31:37.820 --> 31:39.820
and the extremely deadly
31:39.820 --> 31:41.820
and extremely contagious range
31:41.820 --> 31:43.820
and very few
31:43.820 --> 31:45.820
very few diseases are down here
31:45.820 --> 31:47.820
and the contagious and
31:47.820 --> 31:49.820
and safe they're all quite
31:49.820 --> 31:51.820
deadly already and the
31:51.820 --> 31:53.820
human flu is on the border of
31:53.820 --> 31:55.820
not and quite deadly
31:55.820 --> 31:57.820
and it's not very contagious whereas
31:57.820 --> 31:59.820
the bird flu is only
31:59.820 --> 32:01.820
slightly more contagious but it's
32:01.820 --> 32:03.820
extremely deadly. And this
32:03.820 --> 32:05.820
is the 1918 combination
32:05.820 --> 32:07.820
it was so contagious because it
32:07.820 --> 32:09.820
was airborne meaning the virus
32:09.820 --> 32:11.820
could hang in the air infecting
32:11.820 --> 32:13.820
anyone who inhaled it and in
32:13.820 --> 32:15.820
1918 it infected one in every
32:15.820 --> 32:17.820
people on earth
32:17.820 --> 32:19.820
then it killed almost five percent
32:19.820 --> 32:21.820
of the world's population.
32:21.820 --> 32:23.820
I mean those are some big
32:23.820 --> 32:25.820
ass numbers that's some really
32:25.820 --> 32:27.820
big numbers and it hangs in the
32:27.820 --> 32:29.820
air and could infect anyone
32:29.820 --> 32:31.820
that came in contact with
32:31.820 --> 32:33.820
that's a highly detailed
32:33.820 --> 32:35.820
description of the contagious
32:35.820 --> 32:37.820
of something from a hundred years
32:37.820 --> 32:39.820
ago. Final ingredient was
32:39.820 --> 32:41.820
human technology. Oh here we go.
32:41.820 --> 32:43.820
This flu emerged in the middle
32:43.820 --> 32:45.820
we were sending people across from
32:45.820 --> 32:47.820
the US into Europe for war and
32:47.820 --> 32:49.820
then we're bringing them back so
32:49.820 --> 32:51.820
this virus exploited those
32:51.820 --> 32:53.820
travel patterns and they're not
32:53.820 --> 32:55.820
mentioning the fact that these
32:55.820 --> 32:57.820
boats also had animals on them.
32:57.820 --> 32:59.820
I think Mark has told us many
32:59.820 --> 33:01.820
times that that's a huge
33:01.820 --> 33:03.820
issue with regard to
33:03.820 --> 33:05.820
obviously the crowded boats to
33:05.820 --> 33:07.820
spread around the world very
33:07.820 --> 33:09.820
quickly and very effectively.
33:09.820 --> 33:11.820
In fact in every past
33:11.820 --> 33:13.820
human technology is responsible
33:13.820 --> 33:15.820
for taking diseases around the
33:15.820 --> 33:17.820
33:17.820 --> 33:19.820
The black death arrived in
33:19.820 --> 33:21.820
Europe on ships in the 14th
33:21.820 --> 33:23.820
century. It was two distinct
33:23.820 --> 33:25.820
diseases bubonic plague which
33:25.820 --> 33:27.820
killed as many as 60 percent of
33:27.820 --> 33:29.820
the people who got it and
33:29.820 --> 33:31.820
pneumonic plague which killed
33:31.820 --> 33:33.820
almost everyone who got it.
33:33.820 --> 33:35.820
Then there was smallpox.
33:35.820 --> 33:37.820
It was less deadly than the
33:37.820 --> 33:39.820
black death killing 30 percent
33:39.820 --> 33:41.820
of the people who got it but it
33:41.820 --> 33:43.820
was more contagious.
33:43.820 --> 33:45.820
Humans spread it around the world.
33:45.820 --> 33:47.820
In the 20th century alone
33:47.820 --> 33:49.820
it killed around 400 million
33:49.820 --> 33:51.820
people. These other diseases
33:51.820 --> 33:53.820
have also become pandemics.
33:53.820 --> 33:55.820
But eventually we developed
33:55.820 --> 33:57.820
technology that could defend
33:57.820 --> 33:59.820
33:59.820 --> 34:01.820
The practice of isolating
34:01.820 --> 34:03.820
travelers for a time to see
34:03.820 --> 34:05.820
if they were infected, now known as
34:05.820 --> 34:07.820
quarantine, was first developed
34:07.820 --> 34:09.820
during the black death.
34:09.820 --> 34:11.820
Then we invented microscopes
34:11.820 --> 34:13.820
allowing us to see the enemy for
34:13.820 --> 34:15.820
the first time.
34:15.820 --> 34:17.820
Next we developed antibiotics.
34:17.820 --> 34:19.820
These made these diseases
34:19.820 --> 34:21.820
spread by bacteria far less
34:21.820 --> 34:23.820
deadly. And smallpox led to the
34:23.820 --> 34:25.820
development of the first ever
34:25.820 --> 34:27.820
vaccine which defends us
34:27.820 --> 34:29.820
against some viruses.
34:29.820 --> 34:31.820
The way a vaccine works is we
34:31.820 --> 34:33.820
get injected with proteins from
34:33.820 --> 34:35.820
the virus and we create our
34:35.820 --> 34:37.820
antibodies. These are little
34:37.820 --> 34:39.820
molecules attached to those
34:39.820 --> 34:41.820
proteins and neutralize the
34:41.820 --> 34:43.820
virus and allow it to be swept
34:43.820 --> 34:45.820
out of the body. So when we then
34:45.820 --> 34:47.820
get infected by a real virus we
34:47.820 --> 34:49.820
can rapidly create an immune
34:49.820 --> 34:51.820
response, send out these antibodies
34:51.820 --> 34:53.820
and get rid of the virus.
34:53.820 --> 34:55.820
If enough people in a population
34:55.820 --> 34:57.820
get vaccinated it's almost
34:57.820 --> 34:59.820
impossible for the disease to
34:59.820 --> 35:01.820
spread. So smallpox was
35:01.820 --> 35:03.820
declared eradicated in 1980.
35:03.820 --> 35:05.820
This is why studies show that
35:05.820 --> 35:07.820
fewer people are contracting
35:07.820 --> 35:09.820
infectious diseases today.
35:09.820 --> 35:11.820
But at the same time, the number
35:11.820 --> 35:13.820
of outbreaks is increasing
35:13.820 --> 35:15.820
and that is largely because of
35:15.820 --> 35:17.820
emerging zoonotic viruses.
35:17.820 --> 35:19.820
Out of an estimated 1.6 million
35:19.820 --> 35:21.820
unknowns of the virus,
35:21.820 --> 35:23.820
we can see that the virus is
35:23.820 --> 35:25.820
getting infected.
35:25.820 --> 35:27.820
We can see that the virus is
35:27.820 --> 35:29.820
getting infected.
35:29.820 --> 35:31.820
We can see that the virus is
35:31.820 --> 35:33.820
getting infected.
35:33.820 --> 35:35.820
We can see that the virus is
35:35.820 --> 35:37.820
getting infected.
35:37.820 --> 35:39.820
1.6 million unknown viruses
35:39.820 --> 35:41.820
in wildlife.
35:41.820 --> 35:43.820
We currently know of about
35:43.820 --> 35:45.820
35:45.820 --> 35:47.820
So it's really less than 0.1%.
35:47.820 --> 35:49.820
That means the next pandemic
35:49.820 --> 35:51.820
could be a virus that we're not
35:51.820 --> 35:53.820
prepared for.
35:53.820 --> 35:55.820
So that's also the sales
35:55.820 --> 35:57.820
pitch of meadow biota that
35:57.820 --> 35:59.820
there are billions of viruses
35:59.820 --> 36:01.820
of course, Peter Desak,
36:01.820 --> 36:03.820
the guy who was set up to
36:03.820 --> 36:05.820
be one of these Scooby-Doo villains.
36:05.820 --> 36:07.820
And he was set up
36:07.820 --> 36:09.820
by this movie and many movies
36:09.820 --> 36:11.820
like it and interestingly
36:11.820 --> 36:13.820
by 60 minutes appearances
36:13.820 --> 36:15.820
in the years
36:15.820 --> 36:17.820
between the first stars and this
36:17.820 --> 36:19.820
36:19.820 --> 36:21.820
He has been on 60 minutes
36:21.820 --> 36:23.820
more than once.
36:23.820 --> 36:27.820
And so try to imagine a scenario
36:27.820 --> 36:29.820
where a
36:29.820 --> 36:31.820
36:31.820 --> 36:33.820
group of people
36:33.820 --> 36:35.820
trying to take control
36:35.820 --> 36:37.820
of governments all around the world
36:37.820 --> 36:39.820
has seeded a narrative
36:39.820 --> 36:43.820
of pandemic potential.
36:43.820 --> 36:45.820
And seeded a narrative
36:45.820 --> 36:47.820
really like in the deepest way
36:47.820 --> 36:49.820
you can see it by seeding it
36:49.820 --> 36:51.820
right into academic science
36:51.820 --> 36:55.820
right into the primary literature.
36:55.820 --> 36:57.820
Right into the grant proposals
36:57.820 --> 36:59.820
of DARPA and the
36:59.820 --> 37:01.820
DOD and the NIH and the
37:01.820 --> 37:03.820
37:03.820 --> 37:05.820
that coronaviruses
37:05.820 --> 37:07.820
have pandemic potential.
37:07.820 --> 37:09.820
It's worth investigating.
37:09.820 --> 37:11.820
It gets results.
37:11.820 --> 37:13.820
It gets grants funded.
37:13.820 --> 37:15.820
It gets people on 60 minutes.
37:15.820 --> 37:17.820
And so there's nothing left to do
37:17.820 --> 37:19.820
but pull the trigger
37:19.820 --> 37:21.820
because everybody is
37:21.820 --> 37:23.820
this is the highest produced
37:23.820 --> 37:25.820
I mean come on.
37:25.820 --> 37:27.820
You could tell a story
37:27.820 --> 37:29.820
about anything
37:29.820 --> 37:31.820
with this degree
37:31.820 --> 37:33.820
of media production
37:33.820 --> 37:35.820
and people would buy into it.
37:35.820 --> 37:37.820
Especially over many many years.
37:37.820 --> 37:39.820
Especially if you told the same
37:39.820 --> 37:41.820
story and implanted it in several
37:41.820 --> 37:43.820
Hollywood movies and TV shows.
37:49.820 --> 37:51.820
We know some pretty
37:51.820 --> 37:53.820
wonderful ones but we expect
37:53.820 --> 37:55.820
that there are others out there
37:55.820 --> 37:57.820
that are more lethal that are
37:57.820 --> 37:59.820
better at being transmitted
37:59.820 --> 38:01.820
where we've got no drugs and no
38:01.820 --> 38:03.820
vaccines. They're the big risk.
38:03.820 --> 38:05.820
This is called disease X
38:05.820 --> 38:07.820
and we know we're unprepared
38:07.820 --> 38:09.820
because we've seen them
38:09.820 --> 38:11.820
38:11.820 --> 38:13.820
West market.
38:13.820 --> 38:15.820
West market in Leang,
38:15.820 --> 38:17.820
38:17.820 --> 38:19.820
Unlike markets in much of the
38:19.820 --> 38:21.820
world, they're already dead
38:21.820 --> 38:23.820
when they arrive.
38:23.820 --> 38:25.820
This wet market sells meat
38:25.820 --> 38:27.820
that's very fresh.
38:27.820 --> 38:29.820
It's killed on site.
38:29.820 --> 38:31.820
That's what makes it a
38:31.820 --> 38:33.820
disease X factory.
38:33.820 --> 38:35.820
Many different animal species
38:35.820 --> 38:37.820
are stacked on top of each other.
38:37.820 --> 38:39.820
Their blood and meat mixed
38:39.820 --> 38:41.820
before being passed from human
38:41.820 --> 38:43.820
to human.
38:43.820 --> 38:45.820
All the while their viruses are
38:45.820 --> 38:47.820
mixing and mutating, increasing
38:47.820 --> 38:49.820
from 2002.
38:49.820 --> 38:51.820
Back then, some wet markets in
38:51.820 --> 38:53.820
China sold wild animals like
38:53.820 --> 38:55.820
snakes, civet cats, and bats.
38:55.820 --> 38:57.820
And demand for them was high.
38:57.820 --> 38:59.820
On November 16th, a man in
38:59.820 --> 39:01.820
Foshan, China, got sick after
39:01.820 --> 39:03.820
preparing a meal of chicken,
39:03.820 --> 39:05.820
cat, and snake.
39:05.820 --> 39:07.820
He had the symptoms of pneumonia,
39:07.820 --> 39:09.820
fever, cough, and trouble breathing.
39:09.820 --> 39:11.820
When treatments for pneumonia
39:11.820 --> 39:13.820
didn't work, Chinese officials
39:13.820 --> 39:15.820
reported it simply as
39:15.820 --> 39:17.820
39:17.820 --> 39:19.820
Michael Podinger was involved in
39:19.820 --> 39:21.820
the early spreading of this
39:21.820 --> 39:23.820
story, and Michael Podinger
39:23.820 --> 39:25.820
is also involved in this pandemic
39:25.820 --> 39:27.820
and in several other things in
39:27.820 --> 39:29.820
39:29.820 --> 39:31.820
Mark is much better at
39:31.820 --> 39:33.820
explaining this first star
39:33.820 --> 39:35.820
story, and the people involved
39:35.820 --> 39:37.820
in it than I am.
39:37.820 --> 39:39.820
But then it started spreading,
39:39.820 --> 39:41.820
and people started dying.
39:41.820 --> 39:43.820
There were reports of
39:43.820 --> 39:45.820
hospitals in China.
39:45.820 --> 39:47.820
But we're used to that.
39:47.820 --> 39:49.820
There were strains of
39:49.820 --> 39:51.820
influenza virus that caused
39:51.820 --> 39:53.820
flu in Asia many times over.
39:53.820 --> 39:55.820
And we always noted them, and
39:55.820 --> 39:57.820
there was always concern, but
39:57.820 --> 39:59.820
they were not particularly
39:59.820 --> 40:01.820
scary to us.
40:01.820 --> 40:03.820
But people like the CDC and the
40:03.820 --> 40:05.820
World Health Organization start
40:05.820 --> 40:07.820
to take notice of these rumors
40:07.820 --> 40:09.820
of illness and went to the
40:09.820 --> 40:11.820
Chinese government and asked
40:11.820 --> 40:13.820
about it.
40:13.820 --> 40:15.820
Is that someone from one of
40:15.820 --> 40:17.820
those towns decided to go
40:17.820 --> 40:19.820
to Hong Kong.
40:19.820 --> 40:21.820
Hong Kong was a uniquely
40:21.820 --> 40:23.820
bad place for this to happen.
40:23.820 --> 40:25.820
In 2003, Hong Kong was
40:25.820 --> 40:27.820
home to about 7 million people.
40:27.820 --> 40:29.820
Over 16 million tourists
40:29.820 --> 40:31.820
visited each year, and
40:31.820 --> 40:33.820
over 500 international
40:33.820 --> 40:35.820
flights took off and landed
40:35.820 --> 40:37.820
there every day.
40:37.820 --> 40:39.820
On February 21st,
40:39.820 --> 40:41.820
one man arrived.
40:41.820 --> 40:43.820
He was already feeling sick.
40:43.820 --> 40:45.820
He checked into the
40:45.820 --> 40:47.820
Metropole Hotel and headed up
40:47.820 --> 40:49.820
to his room on the ninth floor.
40:49.820 --> 40:51.820
There he threw up or coughed,
40:51.820 --> 40:53.820
spewing droplets all over the
40:53.820 --> 40:55.820
elevator and hallway.
40:55.820 --> 40:57.820
That's how he infected 16 people
40:57.820 --> 40:59.820
who would spread the disease
40:59.820 --> 41:01.820
around the world.
41:01.820 --> 41:03.820
The man in this room boarded a
41:03.820 --> 41:05.820
flight the following day,
41:05.820 --> 41:07.820
arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam,
41:07.820 --> 41:08.820
and checked himself into the
41:08.820 --> 41:10.820
41:10.820 --> 41:12.820
He expected doctors and nurses.
41:12.820 --> 41:14.820
One of those doctors then took
41:14.820 --> 41:16.820
the disease to Bangkok.
41:16.820 --> 41:18.820
That's when the World Health
41:18.820 --> 41:20.820
Organization declared an
41:20.820 --> 41:22.820
international emergency
41:22.820 --> 41:24.820
and officially named the
41:24.820 --> 41:26.820
41:26.820 --> 41:28.820
Survey acute respiratory syndrome
41:28.820 --> 41:30.820
or SARS for short.
41:30.820 --> 41:32.820
A few days later, scientists
41:32.820 --> 41:34.820
found the cause.
41:34.820 --> 41:36.820
A virus they had never seen
41:36.820 --> 41:38.820
into the hospital.
41:38.820 --> 41:40.820
I remember sitting there, my kids
41:40.820 --> 41:42.820
were there, and I was watching
41:42.820 --> 41:44.820
the news, and all of a sudden
41:44.820 --> 41:46.820
I saw a picture of my hospital
41:46.820 --> 41:48.820
and outside a hospital on the
41:48.820 --> 41:50.820
41:50.820 --> 41:52.820
That was the first time it hit
41:52.820 --> 41:54.820
home that this was going to be
41:54.820 --> 41:56.820
a problem.
41:56.820 --> 41:58.820
It was about a week later
41:58.820 --> 42:00.820
when we identified that there
42:00.820 --> 42:02.820
were a substantial number of
42:02.820 --> 42:04.820
staff at the hospital who were
42:04.820 --> 42:06.820
in the hospital.
42:06.820 --> 42:08.820
We have to get somebody else to
42:08.820 --> 42:10.820
be on call on Tuesday.
42:10.820 --> 42:12.820
What was their job, what was
42:12.820 --> 42:14.820
going to fill in for them?
42:14.820 --> 42:16.820
Sometimes just losing one senior
42:16.820 --> 42:18.820
resident in our department
42:18.820 --> 42:20.820
throws the whole department into
42:20.820 --> 42:22.820
42:22.820 --> 42:24.820
I was feeling fine when I got
42:24.820 --> 42:26.820
home, but I woke up in the
42:26.820 --> 42:28.820
middle of the night, not feeling
42:28.820 --> 42:30.820
well with a fever.
42:30.820 --> 42:32.820
That was probably what I had.
42:32.820 --> 42:34.820
Early symptoms were subtle and
42:34.820 --> 42:36.820
hard to identify, causing
42:36.820 --> 42:38.820
outbreaks even in advanced
42:38.820 --> 42:40.820
42:40.820 --> 42:42.820
Back in Hong Kong, a nightmare
42:42.820 --> 42:44.820
was taking place, SARS was
42:44.820 --> 42:46.820
spreading faster than ever.
42:46.820 --> 42:48.820
A man with SARS was in this
42:48.820 --> 42:50.820
unit of an apartment complex.
42:50.820 --> 42:52.820
He had diarrhea, and when he
42:52.820 --> 42:54.820
used his toilet, the SARS
42:54.820 --> 42:56.820
virus was carried through the
42:56.820 --> 42:58.820
pipes to the unit below where a
42:58.820 --> 43:00.820
fan blew the virus back up
43:00.820 --> 43:02.820
and it was likely blowing the
43:02.820 --> 43:04.820
virus to nearby buildings, making
43:04.820 --> 43:06.820
it much more difficult to contain.
43:06.820 --> 43:08.820
That's truly a nightmare scenario.
43:08.820 --> 43:10.820
You're not physically in contact
43:10.820 --> 43:12.820
with a known infected person.
43:12.820 --> 43:14.820
So it's much harder to track
43:14.820 --> 43:16.820
because we don't necessarily know
43:16.820 --> 43:18.820
the source of the contamination.
43:18.820 --> 43:20.820
What are they talking about?
43:20.820 --> 43:22.820
29 people were infected in
43:22.820 --> 43:24.820
this apartment complex, and
43:24.820 --> 43:26.820
hundreds were quarantined.
43:26.820 --> 43:28.820
By now the world was panicking.
43:28.820 --> 43:30.820
Someone was talking about this
43:30.820 --> 43:32.820
in America and
43:32.820 --> 43:34.820
postulating as to whether
43:34.820 --> 43:36.820
rodents were carrying the
43:36.820 --> 43:38.820
virus in these apartment complexes
43:38.820 --> 43:40.820
and that's why they had closed
43:40.820 --> 43:42.820
the apartment complexes.
43:42.820 --> 43:44.820
So one of the things you have
43:44.820 --> 43:46.820
to see here or think about here
43:46.820 --> 43:48.820
is that this was a
43:48.820 --> 43:50.820
possible clone release
43:50.820 --> 43:52.820
or clone release.
43:52.820 --> 43:54.820
And so if a clone was released
43:54.820 --> 43:56.820
43:56.820 --> 43:58.820
and spread
43:58.820 --> 44:00.820
in this manner,
44:00.820 --> 44:02.820
you might start to make
44:02.820 --> 44:04.820
a rough estimate in your mind of
44:04.820 --> 44:06.820
okay, so what happens when
44:06.820 --> 44:08.820
people are infected with a clone?
44:08.820 --> 44:10.820
This might be what it
44:10.820 --> 44:12.820
happens. This might be the
44:12.820 --> 44:14.820
extent to which
44:14.820 --> 44:16.820
a replication
44:16.820 --> 44:18.820
competent RNA infectious clone
44:18.820 --> 44:20.820
insufficient quantities
44:20.820 --> 44:22.820
could be spread. Maybe even
44:22.820 --> 44:24.820
move from country to country on
44:24.820 --> 44:26.820
Earth for a little while.
44:26.820 --> 44:28.820
But how far does it go?
44:28.820 --> 44:30.820
And how many people really get
44:30.820 --> 44:32.820
it before it changes
44:32.820 --> 44:34.820
and goes away? Because that's
44:34.820 --> 44:36.820
what Alina Chan's paper shows.
44:36.820 --> 44:40.820
That there were 50 amino acid
44:40.820 --> 44:42.820
changes per person, per infection
44:42.820 --> 44:44.820
that was sequenced
44:44.820 --> 44:46.820
in the first SARS outbreak.
44:46.820 --> 44:48.820
And in the first six months
44:48.820 --> 44:50.820
of SARS-CoV-2, there was less
44:50.820 --> 44:52.820
than 10 amino acids changed in
44:52.820 --> 44:54.820
the world.
44:54.820 --> 44:56.820
The only way that can happen is
44:56.820 --> 44:58.820
with a clone.
44:58.820 --> 45:00.820
A simultaneous application
45:00.820 --> 45:02.820
of a clone or a bunch of
45:02.820 --> 45:04.820
people with a clone sent to
45:04.820 --> 45:06.820
different places and allowed
45:06.820 --> 45:08.820
to infect people. Maybe that's
45:08.820 --> 45:10.820
the case too. I don't know how
45:10.820 --> 45:12.820
they did it. I'm just calling
45:12.820 --> 45:14.820
in the crime.
45:14.820 --> 45:16.820
Fear that dogs and cats can carry
45:16.820 --> 45:18.820
SARS has led some residents in
45:18.820 --> 45:20.820
Beijing to abandon their
45:20.820 --> 45:22.820
points to test cab drivers
45:22.820 --> 45:24.820
for high temperatures, one of
45:24.820 --> 45:26.820
the symptoms of SARS.
45:26.820 --> 45:28.820
In part, it's all down to how
45:28.820 --> 45:30.820
much we, the public, trust what
45:30.820 --> 45:32.820
we're told by officials.
45:32.820 --> 45:34.820
Is it absolutely out of the
45:34.820 --> 45:36.820
question that this could have been
45:36.820 --> 45:38.820
something inflicted upon people
45:38.820 --> 45:40.820
by a terrorist agent of some sort?
45:40.820 --> 45:42.820
I think in March of the year
45:42.820 --> 45:44.820
2003, we exclude nothing.
45:44.820 --> 45:46.820
1755 people were infected in
45:46.820 --> 45:48.820
Hong Kong and 300 died.
45:48.820 --> 45:50.820
With cases in at least 26 other
45:50.820 --> 45:52.820
45:52.820 --> 45:54.820
Ultimately, SARS killed
45:54.820 --> 45:56.820
774 people. About 10 percent
45:56.820 --> 45:58.820
of those had infected.
45:58.820 --> 46:00.820
But then SARS did something
46:00.820 --> 46:02.820
totally unexpected.
46:02.820 --> 46:04.820
The funny thing about SARS is that
46:04.820 --> 46:06.820
after a while, it just kind of goes
46:06.820 --> 46:08.820
away. SARS just wasn't that
46:08.820 --> 46:10.820
hearty of SARS. We didn't know
46:10.820 --> 46:12.820
that when it started, but that's
46:12.820 --> 46:14.820
how it turned out. But I don't
46:14.820 --> 46:16.820
think that.
46:16.820 --> 46:18.820
SARS are supposed to behave.
46:18.820 --> 46:20.820
That's why I really believe that
46:20.820 --> 46:22.820
SARS was probably an example of
46:22.820 --> 46:24.820
the release of a clone or the
46:24.820 --> 46:26.820
leak of a clone in a semi
46:26.820 --> 46:28.820
legit quantity.
46:28.820 --> 46:30.820
But nothing
46:30.820 --> 46:32.820
on the order of, you know,
46:32.820 --> 46:34.820
hundreds of liters.
46:34.820 --> 46:36.820
And again, it wouldn't matter
46:36.820 --> 46:38.820
because you still have this
46:38.820 --> 46:40.820
limitation of what RNA can do.
46:40.820 --> 46:42.820
And so unless you artificially
46:42.820 --> 46:44.820
put it in a bunch of different
46:44.820 --> 46:46.820
viruses, it would be
46:46.820 --> 46:48.820
impossible for this virus.
46:48.820 --> 46:50.820
The virus that was
46:50.820 --> 46:52.820
spread to Canada
46:52.820 --> 46:54.820
was in no way shape or form the
46:54.820 --> 46:56.820
same virus that was found
46:56.820 --> 46:58.820
originally in the first
46:58.820 --> 47:00.820
outbreak in China.
47:00.820 --> 47:02.820
They were different by
47:02.820 --> 47:04.820
hundreds of amino acids by
47:04.820 --> 47:06.820
them. And that's a really
47:06.820 --> 47:08.820
important thing to realize
47:08.820 --> 47:10.820
that a zoonotic virus or a
47:10.820 --> 47:12.820
virus that's not adapted to
47:12.820 --> 47:14.820
humans is still going to
47:14.820 --> 47:16.820
change quite significantly
47:16.820 --> 47:18.820
when it goes through
47:18.820 --> 47:20.820
thousands of them.
47:20.820 --> 47:22.820
And so if a virus has the
47:22.820 --> 47:24.820
ability to go through
47:24.820 --> 47:26.820
thousands of them, then it
47:26.820 --> 47:28.820
will have also the requisite
47:28.820 --> 47:30.820
changes that will occur after
47:30.820 --> 47:32.820
those thousands, if not
47:32.820 --> 47:34.820
hundreds of thousands of copying
47:34.820 --> 47:36.820
47:36.820 --> 47:38.820
And so they make it seem like
47:38.820 --> 47:40.820
SARS did something magic.
47:40.820 --> 47:42.820
But SARS did exactly what you
47:42.820 --> 47:44.820
would expect it to do.
47:44.820 --> 47:46.820
If it started extremely
47:46.820 --> 47:48.820
47:48.820 --> 47:50.820
if it started extremely
47:50.820 --> 47:52.820
pure rather than at the
47:52.820 --> 47:54.820
normal swarm state
47:54.820 --> 47:56.820
where the vast majority of
47:56.820 --> 47:58.820
particles in any given infection
47:58.820 --> 48:00.820
are not infectious
48:00.820 --> 48:02.820
but it started in a very
48:02.820 --> 48:04.820
high purity state
48:04.820 --> 48:06.820
and it started in a few people
48:06.820 --> 48:08.820
being exposed
48:08.820 --> 48:10.820
and it's very easy to imagine
48:10.820 --> 48:12.820
how if those people
48:12.820 --> 48:14.820
exposed a few other people
48:14.820 --> 48:16.820
and it spread to them
48:16.820 --> 48:18.820
and it still remained
48:18.820 --> 48:20.820
relatively replication
48:20.820 --> 48:22.820
competent and high purity
48:22.820 --> 48:24.820
and they got it at an airplane
48:24.820 --> 48:26.820
or got it on a train
48:26.820 --> 48:28.820
you're going to see some
48:28.820 --> 48:30.820
48:30.820 --> 48:32.820
Because if you get infected
48:32.820 --> 48:34.820
by an RNA infectious clone
48:34.820 --> 48:36.820
you have many more
48:36.820 --> 48:37.820
competent particles than somebody
48:37.820 --> 48:39.820
that's very simple.
48:41.820 --> 48:43.820
It's a success story.
48:43.820 --> 48:45.820
I think a lot of that is just
48:45.820 --> 48:47.820
48:47.820 --> 48:49.820
Because a lot of mistakes were made.
48:49.820 --> 48:51.820
Chinese health officials only
48:51.820 --> 48:53.820
admitted there was an outbreak
48:53.820 --> 48:55.820
after 18 people had already
48:55.820 --> 48:57.820
died and hundreds of others
48:57.820 --> 48:59.820
were sick.
48:59.820 --> 49:01.820
After the SARS epidemic
49:01.820 --> 49:03.820
the World Health Organization
49:03.820 --> 49:05.820
brought together 196 countries
49:05.820 --> 49:07.820
and they all committed to
49:07.820 --> 49:09.820
improving their ability to
49:09.820 --> 49:11.820
detect, assess, notify and
49:11.820 --> 49:13.820
report public health events
49:13.820 --> 49:15.820
including outbreaks.
49:15.820 --> 49:17.820
In 2014 only a third of them
49:17.820 --> 49:19.820
were in compliance.
49:19.820 --> 49:21.820
The big problem with the
49:21.820 --> 49:23.820
pandemic is we don't know
49:23.820 --> 49:25.820
when it will come
49:25.820 --> 49:27.820
and so it's very easy
49:27.820 --> 49:29.820
to put off to another day.
49:29.820 --> 49:31.820
It really takes an extraordinary
49:31.820 --> 49:33.820
act of political will to say
49:33.820 --> 49:35.820
that right now things don't
49:35.820 --> 49:37.820
look that bad but we're going to
49:37.820 --> 49:39.820
send funding to public health
49:39.820 --> 49:41.820
anyway because we know that
49:41.820 --> 49:43.820
someday it will be bad.
49:43.820 --> 49:45.820
SARS showed how far and fast
49:45.820 --> 49:47.820
a virus can travel in our modern
49:47.820 --> 49:49.820
49:49.820 --> 49:51.820
SARS went around the world in
49:51.820 --> 49:53.820
49:53.820 --> 49:55.820
It's entirely possible that the
49:55.820 --> 49:57.820
next will go around the world in
49:57.820 --> 49:59.820
days. That's far faster than we
49:59.820 --> 50:01.820
could ever catch up.
50:01.820 --> 50:03.820
SARS began at the source.
50:03.820 --> 50:05.820
SARS began as a virus
50:05.820 --> 50:07.820
living silently in a wild
50:07.820 --> 50:09.820
50:09.820 --> 50:11.820
Experts believe it was bats
50:11.820 --> 50:13.820
here in southern China.
50:13.820 --> 50:15.820
These scientists have been coming
50:15.820 --> 50:17.820
to these caves since the outbreak
50:17.820 --> 50:19.820
catching bats and scanning
50:19.820 --> 50:21.820
them for viruses similar to
50:21.820 --> 50:23.820
50:23.820 --> 50:25.820
And they're finding a lot
50:25.820 --> 50:27.820
which is allowing them to create
50:27.820 --> 50:29.820
an early warning system.
50:29.820 --> 50:31.820
And when we find them we raise the
50:31.820 --> 50:33.820
alert and the government of China
50:33.820 --> 50:35.820
comes in and tries to reduce
50:35.820 --> 50:37.820
the exposure of those populations
50:37.820 --> 50:39.820
to viruses.
50:39.820 --> 50:41.820
China is not the only place these
50:41.820 --> 50:43.820
viruses are being found.
50:43.820 --> 50:45.820
This map shows where a new
50:45.820 --> 50:47.820
virus is most likely to emerge.
50:47.820 --> 50:49.820
The front line for disease
50:49.820 --> 50:51.820
emergence are places like the
50:51.820 --> 50:53.820
end of the road in a tropical
50:53.820 --> 50:55.820
forest where someone's just
50:55.820 --> 50:57.820
built a new mining concession
50:57.820 --> 50:59.820
in the garden hunt wildlife.
50:59.820 --> 51:01.820
Or it's a farm in southeast
51:01.820 --> 51:03.820
Asia that's been expanding and
51:03.820 --> 51:05.820
intensifying that has bats
51:05.820 --> 51:07.820
nearby that spread.
51:07.820 --> 51:09.820
What's extraordinary is that this
51:09.820 --> 51:11.820
guy was able to procure millions
51:11.820 --> 51:13.820
of dollars from the US and USAID
51:13.820 --> 51:15.820
for funding of this nonsense
51:15.820 --> 51:17.820
just by telling these stories
51:17.820 --> 51:19.820
in an English accent.
51:19.820 --> 51:21.820
Stories of 1.7 million
51:21.820 --> 51:23.820
viruses waiting to zoonautically
51:23.820 --> 51:24.820
51:24.820 --> 51:26.820
Stories of third world countries
51:26.820 --> 51:28.820
like the US and USAID
51:28.820 --> 51:30.820
for us is being cut down.
51:30.820 --> 51:32.820
That's where it's really
51:32.820 --> 51:34.820
dangerous because these people
51:34.820 --> 51:36.820
are eating bush meat.
51:36.820 --> 51:38.820
I mean we might as well have
51:38.820 --> 51:40.820
Brent Weinstein on here to tell
51:40.820 --> 51:42.820
us how AIDS and everything else
51:42.820 --> 51:44.820
came from bush meat.
51:44.820 --> 51:46.820
And this most certainly came
51:46.820 --> 51:48.820
from bush meat.
51:48.820 --> 51:50.820
And this guy maybe got millions
51:50.820 --> 51:52.820
of dollars in grants, hundreds
51:52.820 --> 51:54.820
of thousands of dollars in
51:54.820 --> 51:56.820
their life.
51:56.820 --> 51:58.820
And the other thing that I think
51:58.820 --> 52:00.820
is the way that they
52:00.820 --> 52:02.820
hypothesize is that
52:02.820 --> 52:04.820
that these zoonautic jumps will
52:04.820 --> 52:06.820
52:06.820 --> 52:08.820
These people were telling stories
52:08.820 --> 52:10.820
they weren't really making
52:10.820 --> 52:12.820
52:12.820 --> 52:14.820
They weren't really going to put
52:14.820 --> 52:16.820
fear and you think this guy
52:16.820 --> 52:18.820
was going to put fear and cleavage
52:18.820 --> 52:20.820
sites into 20 different
52:20.820 --> 52:22.820
coronaviruses and then make a
52:22.820 --> 52:24.820
52:24.820 --> 52:26.820
And do you really believe that
52:26.820 --> 52:28.820
or do you believe that this guy
52:28.820 --> 52:30.820
is you know all about
52:30.820 --> 52:32.820
telling stories?
52:32.820 --> 52:34.820
All about telling stories
52:34.820 --> 52:36.820
so that people can go on
52:36.820 --> 52:38.820
and tell stories about his
52:38.820 --> 52:40.820
52:40.820 --> 52:42.820
And so that Dr. Giordano can tell
52:42.820 --> 52:44.820
stories about his stories.
52:44.820 --> 52:46.820
And collectively we can
52:46.820 --> 52:48.820
bamboozle the world
52:48.820 --> 52:50.820
about the importance of public
52:50.820 --> 52:52.820
52:52.820 --> 52:54.820
Because even though it doesn't
52:54.820 --> 52:56.820
seem important right now we
52:56.820 --> 52:58.820
should invest in it because we
52:58.820 --> 53:00.820
know it's going to be important
53:00.820 --> 53:02.820
in the future.
53:02.820 --> 53:04.820
This is a revolutionary way to
53:04.820 --> 53:06.820
defend ourselves against future
53:06.820 --> 53:08.820
pandemics but it won't catch
53:08.820 --> 53:10.820
every new disease.
53:10.820 --> 53:12.820
For that we need to improve our
53:12.820 --> 53:14.820
53:14.820 --> 53:16.820
If a disease comes along that we
53:16.820 --> 53:18.820
haven't seen before typically
53:18.820 --> 53:20.820
that disease.
53:20.820 --> 53:22.820
And new technologies might
53:22.820 --> 53:24.820
shorten those times.
53:24.820 --> 53:26.820
That's why an organization called
53:26.820 --> 53:28.820
SEPI was founded and they're
53:28.820 --> 53:30.820
developing a vaccine for
53:30.820 --> 53:32.820
disease acts.
53:32.820 --> 53:34.820
Traditional vaccines inject
53:34.820 --> 53:36.820
protein molecules from a virus
53:36.820 --> 53:38.820
and manufacturing these proteins
53:38.820 --> 53:40.820
is a long and expensive process
53:40.820 --> 53:42.820
but this new vaccine doesn't use
53:42.820 --> 53:44.820
53:44.820 --> 53:46.820
It injects genetic material that
53:46.820 --> 53:48.820
actually forms the
53:48.820 --> 53:50.820
manufacturer creating the
53:50.820 --> 53:52.820
protein molecules and then the
53:52.820 --> 53:54.820
antibodies for them.
53:54.820 --> 53:56.820
My shortness times.
53:56.820 --> 53:58.820
That's why an organization called
53:58.820 --> 54:00.820
SEPI was founded and they're
54:00.820 --> 54:02.820
developing a vaccine for
54:02.820 --> 54:04.820
disease acts.
54:04.820 --> 54:06.820
Traditional vaccines inject
54:06.820 --> 54:08.820
protein molecules from a
54:08.820 --> 54:10.820
virus and manufacturing these
54:10.820 --> 54:12.820
proteins is a long.
54:12.820 --> 54:14.820
Did you know that SEPI was
54:14.820 --> 54:16.820
formed specifically to develop
54:16.820 --> 54:18.820
genetic vaccines so then SEPI
54:18.820 --> 54:20.820
also funded Moderna I suppose?
54:20.820 --> 54:22.820
54:22.820 --> 54:24.820
Long and expensive process but
54:24.820 --> 54:26.820
this new vaccine doesn't use
54:26.820 --> 54:28.820
proteins. It injects genetic
54:28.820 --> 54:30.820
material that tells the body to
54:30.820 --> 54:32.820
produce those proteins itself.
54:32.820 --> 54:34.820
Your body becomes the
54:34.820 --> 54:36.820
manufacturer creating the
54:36.820 --> 54:38.820
protein molecules and then the
54:38.820 --> 54:40.820
antibodies for them.
54:40.820 --> 54:42.820
Scientists can customize the
54:42.820 --> 54:44.820
material to get the body to
54:44.820 --> 54:46.820
produce the protein molecules of
54:46.820 --> 54:48.820
almost any virus.
54:48.820 --> 54:50.820
Once they figure out how to
54:50.820 --> 54:52.820
deliver this into the body it
54:52.820 --> 54:54.820
could reduce the time it takes to
54:54.820 --> 54:56.820
develop a new vaccine from
54:56.820 --> 54:58.820
several years to just 16 weeks.
54:58.820 --> 55:00.820
There was the rub.
55:00.820 --> 55:02.820
Once they figure it out how to
55:02.820 --> 55:04.820
deliver this to the body it could
55:04.820 --> 55:06.820
reduce from six years to 16
55:06.820 --> 55:08.820
weeks. Listen carefully.
55:08.820 --> 55:10.820
It injects genetic material that
55:10.820 --> 55:12.820
tells the body to produce those
55:12.820 --> 55:14.820
proteins itself.
55:14.820 --> 55:16.820
Your body becomes the
55:16.820 --> 55:18.820
manufacturer creating the
55:18.820 --> 55:20.820
protein molecules and then the
55:20.820 --> 55:22.820
antibodies for them.
55:22.820 --> 55:24.820
Scientists can customize the
55:24.820 --> 55:26.820
material to get the body to
55:26.820 --> 55:28.820
produce the protein molecules of
55:28.820 --> 55:30.820
almost any virus.
55:30.820 --> 55:32.820
Once they figure out how to
55:32.820 --> 55:34.820
deliver this into the body it could
55:34.820 --> 55:36.820
reduce the time it takes to
55:36.820 --> 55:38.820
develop a new vaccine from
55:38.820 --> 55:40.820
the body.
55:40.820 --> 55:42.820
Meanwhile scientists are trying to
55:42.820 --> 55:44.820
develop a universal influenza
55:44.820 --> 55:46.820
vaccine. One shot that could
55:46.820 --> 55:48.820
immunize us from every possible
55:48.820 --> 55:50.820
flu strain for life.
55:50.820 --> 55:52.820
I mean think about how stupid
55:52.820 --> 55:54.820
that story is.
55:54.820 --> 55:56.820
Think about how ridiculous that
55:56.820 --> 55:58.820
story is knowing what you know
55:58.820 --> 56:00.820
about the immune system after
56:00.820 --> 56:02.820
hanging out with me for a little
56:02.820 --> 56:04.820
56:04.820 --> 56:06.820
They've been talking about a
56:06.820 --> 56:08.820
little bit about how she was
56:08.820 --> 56:10.820
56:10.820 --> 56:12.820
I mean come on.
56:12.820 --> 56:14.820
This is crazy talk.
56:14.820 --> 56:16.820
And this was from 2019.
56:16.820 --> 56:18.820
It's a Netflix show man.
56:18.820 --> 56:20.820
From a series called
56:20.820 --> 56:22.820
56:22.820 --> 56:24.820
And this one was called the
56:24.820 --> 56:26.820
next pandemic.
56:26.820 --> 56:28.820
I mean this is just as
56:28.820 --> 56:30.820
damning as Brett Weinstein
56:30.820 --> 56:32.820
having Sam Harris on his
56:32.820 --> 56:34.820
podcast in December of
56:34.820 --> 56:36.820
56:36.820 --> 56:38.820
This is the anti-vex
56:38.820 --> 56:40.820
attitude if there's a real
56:40.820 --> 56:42.820
56:42.820 --> 56:44.820
This is absolutely insane.
56:44.820 --> 56:46.820
We have been
56:46.820 --> 56:48.820
56:48.820 --> 56:50.820
This is not a mystery that needs
56:50.820 --> 56:52.820
56:52.820 --> 56:54.820
This was a mystery that we were
56:54.820 --> 56:56.820
56:56.820 --> 56:58.820
Forced fed.
56:58.820 --> 57:00.820
Tied down.
57:00.820 --> 57:02.820
Our eyes were pinned open.
57:02.820 --> 57:04.820
It was a mystery.
57:04.820 --> 57:06.820
It was a mystery.
57:06.820 --> 57:08.820
None of those
57:08.820 --> 57:10.820
universal flu vaccines
57:10.820 --> 57:12.820
as they're called are
57:12.820 --> 57:14.820
anywhere near to being deployed
57:14.820 --> 57:16.820
in the population yet.
57:16.820 --> 57:18.820
But the U.S. federal government
57:18.820 --> 57:20.820
and governments in Europe
57:20.820 --> 57:22.820
have been supporting that
57:22.820 --> 57:24.820
research in a way that they
57:24.820 --> 57:26.820
didn't in a couple of decades
57:26.820 --> 57:28.820
57:28.820 --> 57:30.820
Because they understand that
57:30.820 --> 57:32.820
it's not a mystery.
57:32.820 --> 57:34.820
Because human technology
57:34.820 --> 57:36.820
has made the next pandemic
57:36.820 --> 57:38.820
57:38.820 --> 57:40.820
Deforestation is bringing more
57:40.820 --> 57:42.820
wild animals into contact
57:42.820 --> 57:44.820
with more people.
57:44.820 --> 57:46.820
And factory farming is pushing
57:46.820 --> 57:48.820
animals closer together
57:48.820 --> 57:50.820
giving their viruses more
57:50.820 --> 57:52.820
opportunities to combine
57:52.820 --> 57:54.820
into one that could infect us.
57:54.820 --> 57:56.820
Then we give them more ways
57:56.820 --> 57:58.820
than ever to spread.
57:58.820 --> 58:00.820
We've been in this race since
58:00.820 --> 58:02.820
life on Earth began.
58:02.820 --> 58:04.820
When a pandemic comes along
58:04.820 --> 58:06.820
of any size, we always look
58:06.820 --> 58:08.820
back and wish we'd invested more.
58:12.820 --> 58:14.820
We are far short of what
58:14.820 --> 58:16.820
needs to be done.
58:20.820 --> 58:22.820
Well, I hope I've convinced
58:22.820 --> 58:24.820
you that this is no joke.
58:24.820 --> 58:26.820
They have been planning this
58:26.820 --> 58:28.820
at some time and they've been
58:28.820 --> 58:30.820
brainwashing people for some
58:30.820 --> 58:32.820
58:32.820 --> 58:34.820
And we're not going to do this
58:34.820 --> 58:36.820
58:36.820 --> 58:38.820
And so it's really something that
58:38.820 --> 58:40.820
we've got to be aware of.
58:40.820 --> 58:42.820
We've got to be alert to.
58:42.820 --> 58:44.820
We've got to understand that
58:44.820 --> 58:46.820
that's happening.
58:46.820 --> 58:48.820
And it's really something that
58:48.820 --> 58:50.820
needs talking about regularly.
58:50.820 --> 58:52.820
So that's why I'm going to keep
58:52.820 --> 58:54.820
repeating myself here
58:54.820 --> 58:56.820
that was the show.
59:00.820 --> 59:02.820
I'm not sure if that's
59:02.820 --> 59:04.820
59:04.820 --> 59:06.820
59:06.820 --> 59:08.820
pyramid or if that's from Hollywood
59:08.820 --> 59:10.820
59:10.820 --> 59:12.820
They told us that there
59:12.820 --> 59:14.820
was an especially dangerous pandemic
59:14.820 --> 59:16.820
but it really wasn't. It was a bunch of
59:16.820 --> 59:18.820
protocols. And the only reason
59:18.820 --> 59:20.820
why we're buying it is because of this illusion of
59:20.820 --> 59:22.820
59:22.820 --> 59:24.820
Is a lot like the laugh track
59:24.820 --> 59:26.820
on Seinfeld.
59:26.820 --> 59:28.820
Not only does it tell you when to laugh
59:28.820 --> 59:30.820
but it actually tricks your
59:30.820 --> 59:32.820
brain into thinking
59:32.820 --> 59:34.820
that a lot of other people think what's
59:34.820 --> 59:36.820
happening on the screen is funny
59:36.820 --> 59:38.820
and that makes it funnier for you.
59:38.820 --> 59:40.820
You might be not aware of this
59:40.820 --> 59:42.820
but actually that's also the reason
59:42.820 --> 59:44.820
why a joke is funnier
59:44.820 --> 59:46.820
when you tell it to lots of people
59:46.820 --> 59:48.820
that's why a comedian is much funnier
59:48.820 --> 59:50.820
when there's lots of people in the
59:50.820 --> 59:52.820
that's why a rock concert is
59:52.820 --> 59:54.820
more enjoyable when you go
59:54.820 --> 59:56.820
with your friends. That's why a
59:56.820 --> 59:58.820
church service is more
59:58.820 --> 01:00:00.820
invigorating than watching a church service on
01:00:00.820 --> 01:00:02.820
Zoom because
01:00:02.820 --> 01:00:04.820
being around other people
01:00:04.820 --> 01:00:06.820
that are sharing an experience with
01:00:06.820 --> 01:00:08.820
you and enjoying
01:00:08.820 --> 01:00:10.820
the same experience or
01:00:10.820 --> 01:00:12.820
fearing the same experience
01:00:12.820 --> 01:00:14.820
can amplify the emotion of the
01:00:14.820 --> 01:00:16.820
experience for you because
01:00:16.820 --> 01:00:18.820
we're social animals
01:00:18.820 --> 01:00:20.820
and that's how it works.
01:00:20.820 --> 01:00:22.820
That's also why when somebody tells a joke
01:00:22.820 --> 01:00:24.820
and you don't know that it's funny
01:00:24.820 --> 01:00:26.820
but everybody else laughs
01:00:26.820 --> 01:00:28.820
you tend to laugh along
01:00:28.820 --> 01:00:30.820
maybe you'll get it later
01:00:30.820 --> 01:00:32.820
maybe you won't
01:00:32.820 --> 01:00:34.820
but at least you won't feel like
01:00:34.820 --> 01:00:36.820
left out or like an idiot
01:00:36.820 --> 01:00:38.820
and this impetus is real
01:00:38.820 --> 01:00:40.820
and this impetus can be
01:00:40.820 --> 01:00:42.820
hijacked by social media
01:00:42.820 --> 01:00:46.820
if every time you open your phone
01:00:46.820 --> 01:00:48.820
you scroll past 50 people
01:00:48.820 --> 01:00:50.820
who all think the same thing
01:00:50.820 --> 01:00:52.820
it's going to be harder
01:00:52.820 --> 01:00:54.820
for you to disagree with
01:00:54.820 --> 01:00:56.820
that same thing than it
01:00:56.820 --> 01:00:58.820
would have been before you opened your phone
01:00:58.820 --> 01:01:00.820
if you
01:01:00.820 --> 01:01:02.820
watch a news program
01:01:02.820 --> 01:01:04.820
with four people talking and all
01:01:04.820 --> 01:01:06.820
those four people agree about
01:01:06.820 --> 01:01:08.820
something to do with the city council
01:01:08.820 --> 01:01:10.820
it's going to be hard for you
01:01:10.820 --> 01:01:12.820
or harder for you
01:01:12.820 --> 01:01:14.820
than it was before that news program
01:01:14.820 --> 01:01:16.820
to go against that idea
01:01:16.820 --> 01:01:18.820
simply because of the illusion
01:01:18.820 --> 01:01:20.820
of consensus
01:01:20.820 --> 01:01:22.820
if you remove the illusion of consensus
01:01:22.820 --> 01:01:24.820
it becomes clear how powerful it is
01:01:32.820 --> 01:01:34.820
medium turkey chili
01:01:37.820 --> 01:01:39.820
medium crab bis
01:01:45.820 --> 01:01:47.820
you didn't get any bread
01:01:47.820 --> 01:01:49.820
just forget it but it go
01:01:52.820 --> 01:01:54.820
excuse me I think you forgot my bread
01:01:54.820 --> 01:01:56.820
bread two dollars extra
01:01:56.820 --> 01:01:58.820
two dollars but everyone in front of me
01:01:58.820 --> 01:01:59.820
got three bread
01:01:59.820 --> 01:02:00.820
you want bread?
01:02:00.820 --> 01:02:01.820
yes please
01:02:01.820 --> 01:02:03.820
three dollars
01:02:03.820 --> 01:02:05.820
nothing for you
01:02:07.820 --> 01:02:09.820
no soup for you
01:02:09.820 --> 01:02:11.820
and you can tell that these players
01:02:11.820 --> 01:02:12.820
are all playing along
01:02:12.820 --> 01:02:14.820
because they're ignoring the things that could
01:02:14.820 --> 01:02:16.820
reduce the impact
01:02:16.820 --> 01:02:18.820
of the novel virus
01:02:18.820 --> 01:02:20.820
reduce the need
01:02:20.820 --> 01:02:22.820
for the intervention
01:02:22.820 --> 01:02:24.820
reduce the excuse
01:02:24.820 --> 01:02:26.820
for the application
01:02:26.820 --> 01:02:28.820
of the blind protocols
01:02:28.820 --> 01:02:30.820
you see the whole excuse
01:02:30.820 --> 01:02:32.820
for stumbling into remdesivir
01:02:32.820 --> 01:02:34.820
and stumbling into ventilation
01:02:34.820 --> 01:02:36.820
was the unknown aspect
01:02:36.820 --> 01:02:38.820
of the novel virus
01:02:38.820 --> 01:02:40.820
but if you remove the unknown aspect
01:02:40.820 --> 01:02:42.820
of the novel virus
01:02:42.820 --> 01:02:44.820
then it becomes clear
01:02:44.820 --> 01:02:46.820
what really happened is a crime
01:02:46.820 --> 01:02:48.820
iatrogenic murder
01:02:48.820 --> 01:02:50.820
that's why
01:02:50.820 --> 01:02:52.820
Robert Malone is very curious
01:02:52.820 --> 01:02:54.820
talking to Paul Catrell
01:02:54.820 --> 01:02:56.820
on a stream
01:02:56.820 --> 01:02:58.820
in August of 2021
01:02:58.820 --> 01:03:00.820
saying the dexamethasone
01:03:00.820 --> 01:03:02.820
could be used to drive up the kill rate
01:03:02.820 --> 01:03:04.820
and that remdesivir
01:03:04.820 --> 01:03:06.820
was a rabbit hole that he didn't want to go down
01:03:06.820 --> 01:03:08.820
well isn't that curious
01:03:08.820 --> 01:03:10.820
how can we stop saying that?
01:03:10.820 --> 01:03:12.820
why didn't he say that
01:03:12.820 --> 01:03:14.820
on Brett Weinstein's street?
01:03:20.820 --> 01:03:22.820
one of the three tv scenarios
01:03:22.820 --> 01:03:24.820
is a laboratory or a bad cave zone
01:03:24.820 --> 01:03:26.820
and we saw that in spades
01:03:26.820 --> 01:03:28.820
on that program
01:03:28.820 --> 01:03:30.820
with Peter Dasek and Bill Gates
01:03:30.820 --> 01:03:32.820
here on Netflix
01:03:32.820 --> 01:03:34.820
and that is the mystery that we were supposed to solve
01:03:34.820 --> 01:03:36.820
and we were supposed to argue
01:03:36.820 --> 01:03:38.820
that the lab leak had come on
01:03:38.820 --> 01:03:40.820
it can't be a lab leak
01:03:40.820 --> 01:03:42.820
it just came from those dirty markets
01:03:42.820 --> 01:03:44.820
and then with the cover up
01:03:44.820 --> 01:03:46.820
and people lying and covering up their emails
01:03:46.820 --> 01:03:48.820
and slack messages
01:03:48.820 --> 01:03:50.820
it became clear
01:03:50.820 --> 01:03:52.820
that even people on the natural
01:03:52.820 --> 01:03:54.820
zoonosis side
01:03:54.820 --> 01:03:56.820
were covering up their
01:03:56.820 --> 01:03:58.820
suspicions that it was a lab leak
01:03:58.820 --> 01:04:00.820
so now the whole world
01:04:00.820 --> 01:04:02.820
has kind of come to the conclusion
01:04:02.820 --> 01:04:04.820
that it's a lab leak
01:04:04.820 --> 01:04:06.820
that means that a lab leak
01:04:06.820 --> 01:04:08.820
can come in the future
01:04:08.820 --> 01:04:10.820
and there's nothing you can do about it
01:04:10.820 --> 01:04:12.820
as Robert Malone said
01:04:12.820 --> 01:04:14.820
it's easier and easier to build the
01:04:14.820 --> 01:04:16.820
by the equipment on eBay
01:04:16.820 --> 01:04:18.820
and do it in your garage
01:04:18.820 --> 01:04:20.820
for goodness sakes
01:04:20.820 --> 01:04:22.820
but I'm suggesting
01:04:22.820 --> 01:04:24.820
that the PCR test
01:04:24.820 --> 01:04:26.820
independently unable to differentiate
01:04:26.820 --> 01:04:28.820
from a conflated background signal
01:04:28.820 --> 01:04:30.820
could easily be used
01:04:30.820 --> 01:04:32.820
as a psychological weapon
01:04:32.820 --> 01:04:34.820
to drive people mad
01:04:34.820 --> 01:04:36.820
and to think that there's the spread
01:04:36.820 --> 01:04:38.820
of a novel virus because they're naive
01:04:38.820 --> 01:04:40.820
and because the TV
01:04:40.820 --> 01:04:42.820
and the social media can be used
01:04:42.820 --> 01:04:44.820
to create an illusion of consensus
01:04:44.820 --> 01:04:46.820
that not very many people
01:04:46.820 --> 01:04:48.820
are immune to
01:04:50.820 --> 01:04:52.820
and so the way they did it
01:04:52.820 --> 01:04:54.820
it could have been a many many many
01:04:54.820 --> 01:04:56.820
different things it could have been
01:04:56.820 --> 01:04:58.820
an endemic background coronavirus
01:04:58.820 --> 01:05:00.820
and they're just lying
01:05:00.820 --> 01:05:02.820
because the robustness
01:05:02.820 --> 01:05:04.820
of the early signals
01:05:04.820 --> 01:05:06.820
and they're
01:05:06.820 --> 01:05:08.820
let's say gusto
01:05:08.820 --> 01:05:10.820
in displaying the
01:05:10.820 --> 01:05:12.820
apparent fidelity
01:05:12.820 --> 01:05:14.820
of these early molecular signals
01:05:14.820 --> 01:05:16.820
leads me to believe
01:05:16.820 --> 01:05:18.820
that the protocols were murder and
01:05:18.820 --> 01:05:20.820
transfection is not medicine
01:05:20.820 --> 01:05:22.820
but it's actually an infectious clone
01:05:22.820 --> 01:05:24.820
release around the world
01:05:24.820 --> 01:05:26.820
in many places
01:05:26.820 --> 01:05:28.820
especially in Iran
01:05:28.820 --> 01:05:30.820
people or certain
01:05:30.820 --> 01:05:32.820
certain sentinel cases
01:05:32.820 --> 01:05:34.820
in places
01:05:34.820 --> 01:05:36.820
around the world
01:05:36.820 --> 01:05:38.820
in those sentinel cases
01:05:38.820 --> 01:05:40.820
that were intended to be sequenced
01:05:40.820 --> 01:05:42.820
most certainly had
01:05:42.820 --> 01:05:44.820
the intended viral sequence
01:05:44.820 --> 01:05:46.820
present because of an infectious clone
01:05:46.820 --> 01:05:48.820
01:05:48.820 --> 01:05:50.820
that infectious clone included
01:05:50.820 --> 01:05:52.820
a spike protein that may or may not
01:05:52.820 --> 01:05:54.820
have been designed to be immunogenic
01:05:54.820 --> 01:05:56.820
so that when it was applied
01:05:56.820 --> 01:05:58.820
as an mRNA
01:05:58.820 --> 01:06:00.820
01:06:00.820 --> 01:06:02.820
that it would be effective
01:06:02.820 --> 01:06:04.820
in generating a robust antibody response
01:06:04.820 --> 01:06:06.820
and so what better way to do it right
01:06:06.820 --> 01:06:08.820
you don't want to take any chances
01:06:08.820 --> 01:06:10.820
so you might as well release
01:06:10.820 --> 01:06:12.820
an viral clone that has a sequence
01:06:12.820 --> 01:06:14.820
you've already tested
01:06:14.820 --> 01:06:16.820
and know
01:06:16.820 --> 01:06:18.820
at least have a good idea
01:06:18.820 --> 01:06:20.820
that when you transfect somebody with this
01:06:20.820 --> 01:06:22.820
you're going to get an antibody response to it
01:06:22.820 --> 01:06:24.820
that doesn't make it medicine
01:06:24.820 --> 01:06:26.820
could have been a
01:06:26.820 --> 01:06:28.820
transfection agent release
01:06:28.820 --> 01:06:30.820
you could think of an infectious clone as that
01:06:30.820 --> 01:06:32.820
but you could also think of a
01:06:32.820 --> 01:06:34.820
transfection agent just carrying the spike protein
01:06:34.820 --> 01:06:36.820
might be enough
01:06:36.820 --> 01:06:38.820
aerosolized DNA of the spike protein
01:06:38.820 --> 01:06:40.820
would definitely be enough to give you
01:06:40.820 --> 01:06:42.820
a PCR positive
01:06:42.820 --> 01:06:44.820
but protocols remain murder
01:06:44.820 --> 01:06:46.820
and transfection is not medicine
01:06:46.820 --> 01:06:48.820
it could also just be a conflated background
01:06:48.820 --> 01:06:50.820
signals where the protocols kill
01:06:50.820 --> 01:06:52.820
there's no release, no spread
01:06:52.820 --> 01:06:54.820
of a background signal and nobody cares
01:06:54.820 --> 01:06:56.820
still means that the protocols
01:06:56.820 --> 01:06:58.820
are murder and transfection is not medicine
01:06:58.820 --> 01:07:00.820
the people who are saying there are no viruses
01:07:00.820 --> 01:07:04.820
are just flat out
01:07:04.820 --> 01:07:06.820
01:07:06.820 --> 01:07:08.820
and I do believe that you have to
01:07:08.820 --> 01:07:10.820
characterize this as somewhat disingenuous
01:07:10.820 --> 01:07:12.820
because again there is
01:07:12.820 --> 01:07:14.820
transfection, there is aerosolized
01:07:14.820 --> 01:07:16.820
RNA and DNA, there is
01:07:16.820 --> 01:07:18.820
these applications
01:07:18.820 --> 01:07:20.820
for the molecular biology that we do
01:07:20.820 --> 01:07:22.820
know exists
01:07:22.820 --> 01:07:24.820
and we do know that we can make large quantities
01:07:24.820 --> 01:07:26.820
of it, we can fill this whole bottle
01:07:26.820 --> 01:07:28.820
full of spike protein DNA
01:07:28.820 --> 01:07:30.820
or spike protein RNA
01:07:30.820 --> 01:07:32.820
if we wanted to
01:07:32.820 --> 01:07:34.820
and that bottle would be enough to
01:07:34.820 --> 01:07:36.820
01:07:36.820 --> 01:07:38.820
transfect people with symptoms
01:07:38.820 --> 01:07:40.820
and detectable levels of the protein
01:07:40.820 --> 01:07:42.820
or the DNA or the RNA
01:07:42.820 --> 01:07:44.820
hundreds or thousands or
01:07:44.820 --> 01:07:46.820
maybe even hundreds of thousands of people
01:07:46.820 --> 01:07:48.820
with just this bottle
01:07:48.820 --> 01:07:50.820
depending on how efficiently you were able to distribute it
01:07:50.820 --> 01:07:52.820
so the idea that a
01:07:52.820 --> 01:07:54.820
signal that could be called
01:07:54.820 --> 01:07:56.820
a pandemic couldn't be created
01:07:56.820 --> 01:07:58.820
is just absurd, of course it could be created
01:07:58.820 --> 01:08:00.820
of course that
01:08:00.820 --> 01:08:02.820
01:08:02.820 --> 01:08:04.820
where in the hell is my mouse
01:08:04.820 --> 01:08:06.820
of course that signal could be created
01:08:06.820 --> 01:08:08.820
the point is, is there a conflated
01:08:08.820 --> 01:08:10.820
background signal?
01:08:10.820 --> 01:08:12.820
is there one?
01:08:12.820 --> 01:08:14.820
how conflated is it?
01:08:14.820 --> 01:08:16.820
how are we going to solve that problem?
01:08:16.820 --> 01:08:18.820
I don't know
01:08:18.820 --> 01:08:20.820
but again I'm calling 911
01:08:20.820 --> 01:08:22.820
I shouldn't have to explain
01:08:22.820 --> 01:08:24.820
the motivations of
01:08:24.820 --> 01:08:26.820
the intruder, I shouldn't have to explain
01:08:26.820 --> 01:08:28.820
what he's trying to get, what he's doing there
01:08:28.820 --> 01:08:30.820
01:08:30.820 --> 01:08:32.820
or whatever
01:08:32.820 --> 01:08:34.820
all I should have is the cops coming
01:08:34.820 --> 01:08:36.820
and right now we need to call this
01:08:36.820 --> 01:08:38.820
what it is, protocols for murder,
01:08:38.820 --> 01:08:40.820
transfection is not medicine, so somebody's in trouble
01:08:40.820 --> 01:08:42.820
for this because they knew this
01:08:42.820 --> 01:08:44.820
already a long time ago
01:08:44.820 --> 01:08:46.820
I actually think a lot of the performers
01:08:46.820 --> 01:08:48.820
knew this a long time ago
01:08:50.820 --> 01:08:52.820
a lot of the performers
01:08:52.820 --> 01:08:54.820
knew this a long time ago
01:08:54.820 --> 01:08:56.820
but their job is to change our mind
01:08:56.820 --> 01:08:58.820
about this stuff and more importantly
01:08:58.820 --> 01:09:00.820
their job is not to question the faith
01:09:00.820 --> 01:09:02.820
their job is not to question
01:09:02.820 --> 01:09:04.820
the pandemic potential
01:09:04.820 --> 01:09:06.820
of viruses in mother nature
01:09:06.820 --> 01:09:08.820
is the greatest bioterrorist
01:09:08.820 --> 01:09:10.820
they're definitely not supposed to question
01:09:10.820 --> 01:09:12.820
the possibilities and potentials
01:09:12.820 --> 01:09:14.820
that are accessible in cell culture
01:09:14.820 --> 01:09:16.820
or in animal passage
01:09:16.820 --> 01:09:18.820
and nobody can question the potential
01:09:18.820 --> 01:09:20.820
01:09:20.820 --> 01:09:22.820
available with CRISPR, CAS9
01:09:22.820 --> 01:09:24.820
and all these other fancy techniques
01:09:24.820 --> 01:09:26.820
that we can use to stitch viruses
01:09:26.820 --> 01:09:28.820
together from scratch
01:09:28.820 --> 01:09:32.820
and they won't question this mythology
01:09:32.820 --> 01:09:34.820
because they are part of a movement
01:09:34.820 --> 01:09:36.820
which is designed to get rid of
01:09:36.820 --> 01:09:38.820
national borders
01:09:38.820 --> 01:09:40.820
to get rid of individual sovereignty
01:09:40.820 --> 01:09:42.820
to get rid of sovereignty
01:09:42.820 --> 01:09:44.820
of parents
01:09:44.820 --> 01:09:46.820
and their kids
01:09:46.820 --> 01:09:48.820
that that that's sovereignty of the family
01:09:48.820 --> 01:09:50.820
they're trying to get rid of all of that
01:09:50.820 --> 01:09:52.820
in the name of public health
01:09:54.820 --> 01:09:56.820
because you're too dumb to know
01:09:56.820 --> 01:09:58.820
and because this this is way too
01:09:58.820 --> 01:10:00.820
freaking dangerous
01:10:00.820 --> 01:10:02.820
and that's what they want you to believe
01:10:02.820 --> 01:10:04.820
so that you'll surrender
01:10:04.820 --> 01:10:06.820
they want you to think
01:10:06.820 --> 01:10:08.820
holy man
01:10:08.820 --> 01:10:10.820
people like Peter Desak
01:10:10.820 --> 01:10:12.820
I mean
01:10:12.820 --> 01:10:14.820
I don't want to trust Bill Gates either
01:10:14.820 --> 01:10:16.820
but I mean come on
01:10:16.820 --> 01:10:18.820
if you have to choose between those two guys
01:10:18.820 --> 01:10:20.820
I'll trust Bill Gates any day
01:10:20.820 --> 01:10:22.820
give me a vaccine
01:10:22.820 --> 01:10:24.820
that's what they want you to think
01:10:24.820 --> 01:10:26.820
that's how scared they want you to be
01:10:26.820 --> 01:10:28.820
that's why they changed
01:10:28.820 --> 01:10:30.820
how you think about
01:10:30.820 --> 01:10:32.820
a coronavirus swarm
01:10:32.820 --> 01:10:34.820
and they all cause mortality
01:10:34.820 --> 01:10:36.820
and respiratory virus
01:10:36.820 --> 01:10:38.820
in response to it as well as vaccines
01:10:38.820 --> 01:10:40.820
so that they could ventilate people
01:10:40.820 --> 01:10:42.820
and you wouldn't say anything
01:10:42.820 --> 01:10:44.820
so they could roll out a brand new thing
01:10:44.820 --> 01:10:46.820
called Remdesivir
01:10:46.820 --> 01:10:48.820
and nobody would question it
01:10:48.820 --> 01:10:50.820
and that's why Robert Malone said
01:10:50.820 --> 01:10:52.820
it was a rabbit hole he didn't want to go down
01:10:52.820 --> 01:10:54.820
in August of 2021
01:10:54.820 --> 01:10:56.820
when he could have spoke out
01:10:56.820 --> 01:10:58.820
against Remdesivir
01:10:58.820 --> 01:11:00.820
and ended all those deaths
01:11:00.820 --> 01:11:02.820
those people who were still going to receive
01:11:02.820 --> 01:11:04.820
Remdesivir for another year
01:11:04.820 --> 01:11:06.820
but he didn't because it was a rabbit
01:11:06.820 --> 01:11:08.820
all he didn't want to go down
01:11:08.820 --> 01:11:10.820
and dexamethasone is another way
01:11:10.820 --> 01:11:12.820
to blow up the numbers
01:11:12.820 --> 01:11:14.820
by the way
01:11:14.820 --> 01:11:16.820
why would they want to blow up the numbers Robert
01:11:20.820 --> 01:11:22.820
so they lied to us
01:11:22.820 --> 01:11:24.820
about the PCR being able to
01:11:24.820 --> 01:11:28.820
detect a dangerous novel virus
01:11:28.820 --> 01:11:30.820
and they made people
01:11:30.820 --> 01:11:32.820
follow these orders with
01:11:32.820 --> 01:11:34.820
financial incentives
01:11:34.820 --> 01:11:36.820
that included, you know,
01:11:36.820 --> 01:11:38.820
bonuses for people that were ventilated
01:11:38.820 --> 01:11:40.820
and bonuses for deaths
01:11:40.820 --> 01:11:42.820
there was an RNA infectious clone
01:11:42.820 --> 01:11:44.820
that was likely used to see the sequence
01:11:44.820 --> 01:11:46.820
in certain places
01:11:46.820 --> 01:11:48.820
so that a spike protein
01:11:48.820 --> 01:11:50.820
of their choice could be used
01:11:50.820 --> 01:11:52.820
as the vaccine target
01:11:52.820 --> 01:11:54.820
or vaccine candidate
01:11:54.820 --> 01:11:56.820
and I think there has been a plan
01:11:56.820 --> 01:11:58.820
all along
01:11:58.820 --> 01:12:00.820
to surrender our individual sovereignty
01:12:00.820 --> 01:12:02.820
to force a global fundamental
01:12:02.820 --> 01:12:04.820
inversion from basic human rights
01:12:04.820 --> 01:12:06.820
to basic granted permissions
01:12:06.820 --> 01:12:08.820
because we are at a time point
01:12:08.820 --> 01:12:10.820
where human diversity is at its peak
01:12:10.820 --> 01:12:12.820
for all time
01:12:12.820 --> 01:12:14.820
there will never be more genetic diversity
01:12:14.820 --> 01:12:16.820
available again so they need to collect it
01:12:16.820 --> 01:12:18.820
that's why they need to change the minds
01:12:18.820 --> 01:12:20.820
of the young
01:12:20.820 --> 01:12:22.820
they're specifically after young people
01:12:22.820 --> 01:12:24.820
they're not after people like me
01:12:24.820 --> 01:12:26.820
they're 51 years old
01:12:26.820 --> 01:12:28.820
they're not after people like me
01:12:28.820 --> 01:12:30.820
they're after my kids kids
01:12:30.820 --> 01:12:32.820
if they can convince
01:12:32.820 --> 01:12:34.820
my 14 year old son
01:12:34.820 --> 01:12:36.820
that his dad's nuts and the diseases
01:12:36.820 --> 01:12:38.820
are real
01:12:38.820 --> 01:12:40.820
and the genetics are way beyond him
01:12:40.820 --> 01:12:42.820
and he might as well turn his over
01:12:42.820 --> 01:12:44.820
then he'll grow up
01:12:44.820 --> 01:12:46.820
into a digital prison that he'll never be able
01:12:46.820 --> 01:12:48.820
to escape and might even not even realize
01:12:48.820 --> 01:12:50.820
is there
01:12:50.820 --> 01:12:52.820
because it'll govern his behavior
01:12:52.820 --> 01:12:54.820
in every part of his life
01:12:54.820 --> 01:12:56.820
even to the point of deciding when
01:12:56.820 --> 01:12:58.820
many kids he can have
01:12:58.820 --> 01:13:00.820
that's the plan
01:13:00.820 --> 01:13:02.820
that's the plan ladies and gentlemen
01:13:02.820 --> 01:13:04.820
the plan is to collect
01:13:04.820 --> 01:13:06.820
2 billion genomes in the next 10 years
01:13:06.820 --> 01:13:08.820
and all of the data associated with them
01:13:08.820 --> 01:13:10.820
they want it to be normal
01:13:10.820 --> 01:13:12.820
for us to just give all of our data
01:13:12.820 --> 01:13:14.820
from birth
01:13:14.820 --> 01:13:16.820
because you know I mean it's good for the community
01:13:16.820 --> 01:13:18.820
it's good for the country
01:13:18.820 --> 01:13:20.820
it's good for everybody
01:13:22.820 --> 01:13:24.820
ladies and gentlemen you can find me
01:13:24.820 --> 01:13:26.820
at gigalombio.com
01:13:26.820 --> 01:13:30.820
and that's here
01:13:30.820 --> 01:13:32.820
up at the top
01:13:32.820 --> 01:13:34.820
01:13:34.820 --> 01:13:36.820
and you can also find me
01:13:36.820 --> 01:13:38.820
at gigalombiological.com
01:13:38.820 --> 01:13:42.820
I think
01:13:42.820 --> 01:13:44.820
yes, transfection is not immunization
01:13:44.820 --> 01:13:46.820
intramuscular injection
01:13:46.820 --> 01:13:48.820
of any combination of substances
01:13:48.820 --> 01:13:50.820
to augment the immune system is pretty dumb
01:13:50.820 --> 01:13:52.820
and I believe that wholeheartedly
01:13:52.820 --> 01:13:54.820
I think over the next few years
01:13:54.820 --> 01:13:56.820
that's going to be the main job
01:13:56.820 --> 01:13:58.820
that we have is trying to convince people
01:13:58.820 --> 01:14:00.820
that this is not a crazy idea
01:14:00.820 --> 01:14:02.820
but it's something that we should have come to a long time ago
01:14:02.820 --> 01:14:04.820
please stop all transfections
01:14:04.820 --> 01:14:06.820
and humans because they're trying to eliminate
01:14:06.820 --> 01:14:08.820
the control group by any means
01:14:08.820 --> 01:14:10.820
01:14:10.820 --> 01:14:12.820
this has been gigalombiological
01:14:12.820 --> 01:14:14.820
high-resistance low noise information stream
01:14:14.820 --> 01:14:16.820
brought to you by a biologist
01:14:16.820 --> 01:14:18.820
I'm just a big shout out to the
01:14:18.820 --> 01:14:20.820
Broken Science Initiative
01:14:20.820 --> 01:14:22.820
the live release glitched out
01:14:22.820 --> 01:14:24.820
of the doctors and scientists
01:14:24.820 --> 01:14:26.820
interview that I did with Brian Hooker
01:14:26.820 --> 01:14:28.820
but they fixed it
01:14:28.820 --> 01:14:30.820
and it's up now and
01:14:30.820 --> 01:14:32.820
I guess I can probably find that link
01:14:32.820 --> 01:14:34.820
really quick
01:14:34.820 --> 01:14:36.820
I bet I can find it really quick
01:14:36.820 --> 01:14:40.820
let's see where it is
01:14:46.820 --> 01:14:48.820
here it is
01:14:48.820 --> 01:14:50.820
oh Christy you beat me
01:14:50.820 --> 01:14:52.820
you demon
01:14:52.820 --> 01:14:54.820
how did you do that
01:14:54.820 --> 01:14:56.820
wow Christy beat me to the link
01:14:56.820 --> 01:14:58.820
that's really fast
01:14:58.820 --> 01:15:00.820
okay thanks very much for joining me guys
01:15:00.820 --> 01:15:02.820
I will see you again tomorrow
01:15:02.820 --> 01:15:04.820
tomorrow's Saturday
01:15:04.820 --> 01:15:06.820
that I'll try to be on
01:15:06.820 --> 01:15:08.820
my friend
01:15:08.820 --> 01:15:10.820
just Janarito in the chat
01:15:10.820 --> 01:15:12.820
just clued me into a person
01:15:12.820 --> 01:15:16.820
who apparently is an old school
01:15:16.820 --> 01:15:18.820
a lot of the stuff that goes on
01:15:18.820 --> 01:15:20.820
in the FDA in the early years
01:15:20.820 --> 01:15:22.820
01:15:22.820 --> 01:15:24.820
I'm looking forward
01:15:24.820 --> 01:15:26.820
01:15:26.820 --> 01:15:28.820
watching a couple of these
01:15:28.820 --> 01:15:30.820
01:15:30.820 --> 01:15:32.820
it looks like the guy's name is
01:15:32.820 --> 01:15:34.820
Peter Huber
01:15:34.820 --> 01:15:36.820
so I think tomorrow
01:15:36.820 --> 01:15:38.820
we're going to watch a video
01:15:38.820 --> 01:15:40.820
by Peter Huber
01:15:40.820 --> 01:15:42.820
who's going to be talking about
01:15:42.820 --> 01:15:44.820
personalized medicine in the 21st century
01:15:44.820 --> 01:15:46.820
I'm going to look up some stuff about him
01:15:46.820 --> 01:15:48.820
before I get to that tomorrow
01:15:48.820 --> 01:15:50.820
thanks very much guys
01:15:50.820 --> 01:15:52.820
I'll see you again have a great night