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What did you think, Christy? Was it a good video? Was it worth your time? I really, I
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kind of like the way Greg works through it. It's a hard sell, so it's a tough
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subject to put through in 40 minutes. I'm really curious what you thought.
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You're scheduled for 60 minutes.
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What's next? It's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. People everywhere
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are starting to listen to him. It's embarrassing.
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Hey, listen to this gang. Teenage sleuths solved bone hijacking mystery. Captain Cutler
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and his wife take it into custody by sure. That was some plan they had. First spreading
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the phony story about Cutler and then stealing the yachts from the marina. That night on
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the beach, Cutler was storing extra scuba tanks in the graveyard of the ship. Yeah, but
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like his diving suit got covered with that kooky glowing seaweed. And that's where the
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glowing ghost story came from. Well, that clothes is the mystery. How did Scooby do with that?
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I guess that's another mystery.
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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Giggle and biological. A high resistance low noise
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information brief brought to you by a biologist. It's the 21st of September, 2023. So I'm gonna
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be peeking out my mic a little bit and turn myself down. Maybe get some music. I don't know what's going on here.
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Gotta speed this up now. Yeah, so tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. Eastern time, you can watch on CHD TV.
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My podcast with Brian Hooker. I think it's gonna be a really neat one. I think it turned out okay.
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I hope it turned out all right. But at 10 a.m. tomorrow, you can see that on CHD TV.
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I got a really other kind of excellent thing to announce today, which I think is really pretty cool.
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I don't know where it's gonna go, but we're gonna find out right now.
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Yes, that's how it's supposed to go. Just a little bit earlier, maybe would be better. But,
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you know, it's too bad. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Giggle and biological.
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A high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. My name is Jonathan
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Cooey. I'm coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Greetings to all of you. And thank
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you for joining me. The scroll up and above there are the people that are supporting this stream.
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Some of them have been supporting me for as long as two or three years. And so, it's taken me a
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while to figure out how I wanted to do it. But I think it's just best kind of to have them on
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screen most of the time. You can always turn it off later. Again, like I just wanted to say,
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I mentioned in the intro, there's going to be a 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.
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You can watch me be interviewed by Dr. Brian Hooker on CHD TV. I think his show is called
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Doctors and Scientists. I guess doctors, scientists and podcasters now. But yeah, it was a neat talk.
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It was fun because he let me talk in very broad strokes. I got to draw a picture.
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And the people that listened to it thought it was pretty good. So I hope it comes out all right.
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It's a broad discussion about all the reasons why Transfection is in a good idea. And then on
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top of that, why this particular version of Transfection isn't a very good idea.
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And so that's, of course, our message for the last few weeks now or the last few months now.
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We've been trying to say it over and over again, that I think what has happened as a result of
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our exploration of this immunology, our deep dive into this immunology over the last three years
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has made me pretty confident in saying that I think it's not about vaccines, you know,
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what it is is this idea that we can augment the immune system by injecting a combination of
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substances into our muscle. It's just a dumb idea. And I don't know how we really got there.
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I don't know if we need to really figure that out. I just think we need to come to a conclusion
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that we should have come to probably a long time ago, which is that the,
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is there a little black edge to the? Yeah, there sure is.
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Um, that we should have come to this conclusion quite some time ago and we don't know really why
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we haven't. But it might be because of the way this kind of therapeutic class is protected both
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legally and culturally in our Western society. But we really need to wake up and apologize to
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our children for having, um, sort of abdicated this responsibility. I want to point you back
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one more time. I guess I should have taken this slide out, but I'm going to do it anyway. I
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want to point you back one more time to this twiv episode because the twiv episode that I did
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a few days ago discusses how neutralizing antibodies aren't necessary for a guinea pig model of
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viral immunity. And more importantly, in this podcast, they talked very specifically about the
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three dimensional epitopes and the, the idea that the sequence of the protein is not really as
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important as the three dimensional folding. And that's called a quaternary epitope. And that
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discussion is really enlightening because it gets you a much better idea of the breadth and the depth
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of the oversimplification that they've done with regards to trying to tell you that antibodies
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to a spike protein are somehow vital to your survival of a coronavirus infection. And then they go on
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to talk about a second paper, which is basically CRISPR and RNA viruses, but they kind of skirt
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around the idea that they need pure RNA to do this and that pure RNA is really the only way they
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can do any of this RNA virology. So I think it's okay probably to, to pan over here.
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These people have changed the way that we think about stuff. And specifically, they've changed
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the way we think about respiratory disease, our immune response to it all caused mortality and
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where it comes from and how much of it there is and what vaccination is and how, you know,
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intramuscular injection of stuff has worked before. Why won't it work now?
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And this ridiculous change in immunology 101 and this ridiculous, overbearing fear, confusion,
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uncertainty and doubt allowed them to push school boards and town councils and daycare centers
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and everybody to think that these kinds of things were a good idea and top down hospital
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administration driven by the CARES Act drove this, you know, directive of as long as you follow
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the orders of the CDC, we can't be blamed for anything that happens. So if you want to keep your
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job here, you're going to follow the directives of the CDC, which included remdesivir in America,
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Madazolem in the UK. And generally speaking, three pills were just dropped off of the charts of
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being used. And these end up being some of the most effective treatments antibiotics for secondary
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pneumonia. And the way that they've gotten away with this is that they've controlled the spectrum
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of the narrative. And I think it's very important for everybody who's now just joining the stream
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for the first time or has been joining me every night for the last 14 or 15 nights. We've got
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to think carefully about how every one of the steps that we were led through is likely a part
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of this controlled narrative. Hydroxychloroquine was played in a certain way in 2020 and has never
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made its way back into the conversation. Hydroxychloroquine was the solution that the United
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States government stuck 20,000 pills of in 2020. Hydroxychloroquine was the end point drug for which
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several precursor factories, factories that made precursor drugs for hydroxychloroquine or
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finished hydroxychloroquine. Am I saying it right? Yeah. They were burned in 2020. So
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Ivermectin factories didn't burn in 2020, but hydroxychloroquine factories did. The United States
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government did not stock up on Ivermectin pills. They stocked up on hydroxychloroquine pills.
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The late Zevzalenko who treated more than 200 people in Congress used hydroxychloroquine and zinc.
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And so this is a big deal because it's never come back into the discussion because why?
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Because the discussion has been very carefully curated by people like Brett Weinstein who pushed
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Ivermectin as one of the three ways that strangers could hang out together in June of 2021. You could
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be vaccinated and infected like my friend Robert Malone or you could be double vaccinated like
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my friend Steve Kirsch or you could use smart prophylaxis like me, Brett Weinstein and take
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Ivermectin. And so I find it very curious that hydroxychloroquine the only substance that has a
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paper in 2005 which is specifically looking at in vitro inhibition of coronavirus uptake in cell
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culture. The only drug that showed any promise the only drug actually that Tony Fauci himself is
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actually on videotape probably not videotape but video recording saying that hydroxychloroquine
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is a drug that shows promise for combating SARS viruses and it's not in the conversation anymore
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but there are books being written about Ivermectin. Why is that ladies and gentlemen do you think
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that's real? I don't think that's real and I'm trying very hard to dive into that I'm going to
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bring some more ammunition to that fire as we go along but for now I just wanted to preface that
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thought tonight to make sure that your wheels are still thinking you're still looking back
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while your memory is still sharp enough to remember it because if we let them keep rushing
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us into the future and distracting us with all kinds of other things we're going to forget about
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2020 when everybody was doing the most lying when everybody was doing the most lying
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or let's say the most look-away doctrine I don't know I ain't looking there
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don't let them let you forget you have to remember the only way we're going to get out of this is
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an accurate history of what happened in 2020 and 2021 it's the only way they lied to us about this
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stuff in order to swap our rights around and I think some of these people
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wittingly or unwittingly are involved in this lie and if we look carefully back at 2020 I believe
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that we can see and when we can see then we can see our way out we can show other people the way
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out because that's where the light is as crazy as it sounds we've got to look at 2020 and 2021 if
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we're going to find how this narrative trap was created and I think we have to look back at the
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people who have been telling us the story over and over again who have been falsely
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falsely censored you know like Russell Brand is being censored right now so censored that
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everybody on the internet is talking about it so censored that Jimmy Dorr has five different little
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shorts about it so censored that he's going to go on everybody's podcast and talk about it now
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wow so YouTube's not paying you anymore must be rough it sounds like the same game they played with
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with Brett Weinstein when Robert Malone was on his podcast it's not really censorship
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if it gets you more popular it's not really censorship if it funnels all of your people
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into your subscribership it's not really censorship if everybody in the world starts talking about it
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then it's more like the opposite of censorship it's promotion no publicity's bad publicity ladies and
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gentlemen and so these people you know we've been talking about all these people and so I thought
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for our for our throwback Thursday we would go back to a couple people that we know
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and I thought you might find it curious that of all the people that Robert Malone has done a
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podcast with would you find it surprising that he's done a podcast with Paul Catrell in 2021
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about a month after he was on the Brett Weinstein podcast
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that's a little interesting isn't it the extremely fake MD from New York City the guy that was running
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or trading for years before that he lived like once block away from Wall Street
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but supposedly according to the very reliable and highly trustworthy George Webb he was traveling
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back and forth to Harvard on a bus to do med school actually it's biology before you go to med
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school but I'll repeat med school med school med school med school it's actually the biology
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program that you do before med school but but Dr. Paul Catrell who did chaos theory and in
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equities trading that's his PhD and that's the guy that Robert Malone decided to do a podcast with
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would you find that at all curious would you find it at all curious if Robert Malone in 2021
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had done a podcast with Paul Catrell
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Paul Catrell bus Dr. MD George Webb's most trusted scientific advisor
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and incidentally remember that George Webb is listed in Robert Malone's worst cyberstalkers
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where Robert Malone conveniently links to George Webb's appearance on 60 minutes in 2020
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I mean it's almost like a laughable joke but I have to watch the video and you have to watch
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the video so that you understand that this isn't a joke not when all the videos are still on YouTube
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it's evidence it's evidence in plain sight that we are being played by a group of people
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who has ulterior motives that I don't know what they are but they're not the well-being of the
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conservative wing of the United States I'll tell you that much who ha let's see if we can find
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these futurists here I'm going to escape from this for a minute there he is look at that guy
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I think he was thinner back then in 2021
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after 9-11 I've worked with virtually all of the nature and it does start like that so I apologize
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but it starts with N9-11 so I'm not really sure what they cut out there but Dr. Paul Catrell is there
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and then the global enlightenment radio network is what you see
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vaccine candidates for bio-defense purposes I was at the tip of the spear in in bringing
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the public health agency Canada vaccine forward that we now call the Merck Ebola vaccine I got
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Merck involved and I got the money from the Norwegian government that funded the ring vaccination trials
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and then I have also been right at the forefront of drug repurposing for first for Zika there's a
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number of papers relating to Zika and Zika pathogenesis and drug repurposing started a company that went
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bankrupt I've done I think four different startups in my life and because there was no funding for
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drug repurposing and then since the beginning of this outbreak I got a call from a
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and remember the intelligence community that was in Wuhan that I've published with in the past
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was in Wuhan during the fourth quarter of 2019 and he called me on January 4th of 2020 and
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told me that I need to get my team spun up because this new pathogen so we started working on
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computational screening and docking of entire library of licensed drugs and that eventually
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led to my self administering some of those when I okay so he said computational screening he didn't
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say he didn't say that he made a model of x-ray crystallography he said something about docking
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but that could be an x-ray crystallography model of proteins and then docking them
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but it's not clear if he ran all the known pharmaceuticals through this x-ray crystallography
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modeling program and then tried to dock them with the three cl protease but anyway he describes
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it differently every time this is a 2021 description so maybe he's pretty
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it became infected with the biogen outbreak at the end of February 2020 and that led to the
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discovery of femotidine or pepcid I wrote the north well contract for that together with Jim
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Talton on north well screwed up those trials but we've carried on I've got multiple papers
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published or impressed involving femotidine and then the combination of femotidine and
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cellicoxid and it's taken the first of those papers was uploaded in July of 2020 it's been
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through peer review three times and still not been published it's been approved in peer review
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three times and then pulled by the editors of frontiers at the last minute just like Pierre
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Corey's paper was but those those are the trials that we finally have FDA clearance to proceed on
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so I'm one of not very many people that understand this whole spectrum of vaccines
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pandemics drug repurposing pharmacology and molecular virology so there's a new drug that is
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in clinical trials three I believe it's called I mean you're pronouncing wrong but
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malnew pyro kind of talking about the Merck product yeah yeah yeah it's originally called
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the IDD 2801 it was initially funded by the crew that I work with at the defense threat reduction
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agency we tried to get it in as part of the formulations we freezing a multi drug approach
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and we wanted to include it as so I think that's kind of interesting because it's kind of rare
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that he mentions ditra and here he mentions it right away the team that I work with I'm just
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gonna spool it back so we can hear that that seems to be missing from recent talks yeah yeah it's
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originally called the IDD 2801 it was initially funded by the crew that I work with at defense
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threat reduction agency we tried to get it in as part of the formulations we freezing a multi drug
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approach and we wanted to include it as the antiviral in our in our combination the other
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agents are anti-inflammatories but Merck acquired it from Ridgeback the same character that I was
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just referring to that works for the three letter agencies used to report to the assistant secretary
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for preparedness and defense Bob Cadillac he helped broker the Merck deal so yeah EIDD 2801
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there are so the the name it has to do with the Emory drug discovery group Ration Aussies a famous
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member of that so that's the origin of the original acronym and there are others at Emory that feel
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that this is a highly inappropriate compound to be advancing because of potential reproductive
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toxicology issues that they're concerned about we'll see how that bears there's also so this
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is this is one of the new hopes for direct acting antiviral the other one is the Pfizer
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three seal protease inhibitor so when Tony Fauci kind of did his great pivot two weeks ago and
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suddenly started talking about well we need drugs that we can administer early and turn
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cob it into something like the common cold he was only really thinking about these two agents and
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he he has no enthusiasm for repurposed drug um at the DOD fortunately we're entirely separate
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from Dr. Fauci's control and oversight and so we're able to pursue the science that we see
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as most appropriate and we've been focusing on drug repurposing as I okay um is anyone else
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hearing this I think I have to scroll it back again I mean this is a real
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what is he doing did he just say we the DOD and we several times the DOD and we did you hear it
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remember Katherine Watt and a bunch of other people said that the DOD is doing this
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remember that Sasha latipova said hey you know the DOD is doing all of this it's the DOD
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what did he just say listen carefully because this is vital to understanding how this story has
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evolved see how that fares there's also so this is this is one of the new hopes for direct acting
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antiviral the other one is the Pfizer uh three seal protease inhibitor so when Tony Fauci
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kind of did his great pivot two weeks ago and suddenly started talking about well we need drugs
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that we can administer early and turn and cob it into something like the common cold he was only
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really thinking about these two agents and uh he he has no enthusiasm for repurposed drug um
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at the DOD fortunately we're entirely separate from uh Dr. Fauci's control
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and oversight and so we're able to pursue the science that we see as most appropriate
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and we've been focusing on drug repurposing as I said from the beginning of the of 2020
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and uh we actually uh in the trials we had designed a three-arm outpatient trial that would be placebo
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versus silicoxib and formatidine versus silicoxib formatidine and ivermectin but the FDA created
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such a storm with their objections to including ivermectin they put clauses in there that were
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so intenable would have taken us six months to a year to satisfy them so we just drop the ivermectin
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arm but the data suggests that the triple combination is really potent and and surprisingly the
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addition of so we've been very laboratory focused in terms of so the formatidine and silicoxib
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combination even in certainly in outpatients but in inpatients we can see uh a point of
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inflection in a lot of the key labs uh that are predictive of outcomes of cob it when we start
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administering drug it's quite striking we we now can manage cob it um using classical laboratory
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assays and make decisions about clinical management one of the things that was intriguing about the
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addition those with ivermectin is that we saw much more rapid improvement of leukocyte
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fraction um in the cbc parents uh and uh it it appears that there is some benefit in terms of
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lymphocyte recovery and uh but then there's the recent data out of israel that that i had thought
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was was not going to be forthcoming there's long been speculation that ivermectin might have
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some direct acting anti-viral activity and and the new israeli double-blame randomized clinical
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trial with only 55 i think is right around 50 or 60 patients its statistical significance
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um and demonstrated that there is an antiviral component to the ivermectin activity so uh you
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know i we'll we'll be testing uh for monidine and silicoxib because that's what we could get
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through the fda and that took us three months of negotiation uh but uh i suspect that in the end
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people will find that the triple might be even more useful there so for three months
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robert malone was in negotiation for trials for combinations of
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femotidine silicoxib ivermectin and then he dropped ivermectin and it's these three other ones
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for at least three months so that would be what january february march february march april
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something like that and already by april i was saying natural immunity and we didn't need
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to shut down and i think we're we're exaggerating and what's going on
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maybe we shouldn't be ventilating everybody and i'm not an md but it seems like that's what
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everybody's complaining about and why are we talking about natural immunity why are we talking
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about antibodies who's using masks and he was spending three months working with the fda to try
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and get trials and euas for these repurposed drugs and here in this particular discussion he's
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not talking about hydroxychloroquine at all even though when he went on joe rugen he mentioned it
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let's see maybe i'll keep going by by address that spectrum of pharmaceuticals and so you saw
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the fluvoxamine data came in positive today that's more news um something like 38 percent
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35 percent our protection in rct's ivermectin and that same trial did not show efficacy
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but they administered the ivermectin late and it relatively low doses so okay it's going to be
31:03.720 --> 31:07.880
made that that one was kind of set up to fail for the ivermectin arm but the fluvoxamine definitely
31:07.880 --> 31:13.160
hit statistical significance so we now need to add fluvoxamine as another agent uh that we already
31:13.160 --> 31:20.680
knew that i mean think about how absurd it is that we're talking about just drugs you know
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patented drugs that have no real use on the market and now we're trying to use them to apply to everyone
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who has a viral disease that's detectable by a pcr and this guy who's a master of molecular
31:37.000 --> 31:44.840
biology has been working on retroviruses since the start is not at all worried about the pcr being
31:44.840 --> 31:52.840
used incorrectly he's not at all worried about the a specificity of of laminar flow tests he's
31:52.840 --> 31:59.800
not at all worried about the misapplication of pcr without nested primers he's only worried
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about getting EUAs for these repurposed drugs to save people's lives you know because there was a
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38 percent you got to see it for what it is ladies and gentlemen at the time in 2021 this still
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sounded like really smart and really great and while at least he's doing something can't believe
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this guy came forward aren't we lucky that he's on our team
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but it's not really like that ladies and gentlemen this is august 2021 when everybody
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already should have been saying stop when i had already published something that said stop in may
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that i started writing in december of 2020 and should have really published in january of 2021
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we need to really consider what this means we need to really see what it means
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and then we need to reevaluate whether this faith in a novel virus that we had to shut down for
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that the mRNA saved a lot of people from and that although it was rushed it can be better
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and that this was gain of function and so we need to be afraid about it coming again this
33:24.040 --> 33:31.480
faith we need to get rid of it we need to dismiss it and this guy is one of the central priests
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and if you see him on any podcast now in 2023 he will not go against any of those
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tenements that there was a novel virus that we had to shut down he spent three months trying to
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find repurposed drugs with ditra the mRNA saved millions of people and it was again a function
33:58.280 --> 34:02.600
virus so another one will come again uh you know i i don't know how it turned you have been
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to the fluboxamine story but uh i'm i'm in touch with steve kirsch you know almost hourly he's the
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one that funded the george washington studies gw new uh um this is a different he's in touch with
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steve kirsch almost hourly
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prince so this is now the fourth study about fluboxamine uh that's something that i'm aware of
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that's great you know see the main the watchers need to realize that there is
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there's more tools in the toolbox as researchers like yourself um are hey look those screens work
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usually those screens are just blank but it looks like they actually do work that's kind of cool
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investigating compounds to try to fight the disease coven 19 or you know the virus stars coke too
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sir isn't necessarily the vaccine and the way fauci has been spinning it it was
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moderna moderna moderna from very from the kick call you know it was like that scene right
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that scene of the rc and moderna was created by darva um so uh there's yeah there's all kinds of
35:09.080 --> 35:13.400
angles here that i prefer not to go into having to do with bill and will indicate
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foundation and the tight relationships there and they're lobbying and uh you know zuckerberg
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chan and uh robert with johnson and w h o and facebook and there's just a huge array of folks
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that are with with money and power that have gone all in on vaccines as the only solution
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and i think i i'm a vaccinologist but my assessment from the outset was that
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that the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement based on prior work with coronavirus vaccine
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development was so great that in the timelines to demonstrate a safe and effective vaccine
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were so long and the uh risk that this was going to hit the states remember i started in in the
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beginning of january i was docking compounds on january 11th after the uh seafood market
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wuhan seafood market virus sequence was first uploaded he was docking compounds now i'm not sure
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if this refers to the model of x-ray crystallography that he talked about in later videos this year
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from earlier this year or earlier last year remember this is 2021 we're now in 2023
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this is pretty long time ago and mark twain told us a very wise observation that he always told
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the truth because then he didn't have to remember anything and so it's pretty easy to keep all your
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details straight if you're telling the truth it gets harder to keep your details straight when
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some of those details are not the truth and so i can't make any statements about what's the truth
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and what's not with anyone else talking but i can tell you that after listening to hours and hours
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of robert melones description of how he entered the race for a coronavirus cure
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and then how he stepped out of it as he went on the bread wine steam podcast that narrative has
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changed narrative has evolved and i'm not sure that that necessarily belies honesty it could also
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suggest something else and here i think is a good couple things that we've caught him on the
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we and the d-o-d we're able to do things aside from fauci so he referred to himself as part of
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the department of defense and he also said that the team that he's working with was dtr a detra
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defense threat reduction agency and the scientific director or the head of the scientific part of
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that organization is david hone a guy who used to sleep on his couch back in postdoc days
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so there's a lot of interesting things in this video that aren't necessarily repeated in the
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video with with steven hatville or in the videos with with uh alison or or with chan and joy for
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example i didn't focus on three cl pro which is what the uh um fizer drug is is inhibiting it's
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protease and rather i focused on the pat pain like protease because i knew that there was
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already a lot of candidates out there and a lot of attention on three uh cl pro i so the pat pain
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like proteases the protease which cuts the poly protein into its functional parts so in case
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you're unaware the way the cartoon of the infectious cycle goes the virus enters the cell it somehow
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unencapsulates the RNA and the RNA finds a ribosome and it translates
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uh or f open reading frame one a an open reading frame one a encodes for poly proteins one a and
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one b or one a and one a b and those are all those two poly proteins actually need to be cut into
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several other proteins which can then assemble into the subunits of the RNA dependent RNA polymerase
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and its chaperone proteins and so you could go for a number of different enzymes but one of the
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enzymes is required to cut that up i think that's the pat pain uh protease if it's not
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then that protease does a similar job with another aspect of of the genome of the virus
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and and the Pfizer is one of many that are that are candidates for inhibitors of three seal pro
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these are both serine proteases and serine proteases inhibitors are notoriously nonspecific in the
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pharmaceutical industry and prone to uh dose limiting toxicity and complications so uh time
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will tell how that plays out and i you know i wish them the best but in with my group of pharmaceutical
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experts uh we've always been very wary of the potential risks associated with focusing on serine
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protease so so the potential risks for focusing on serine protease i presume is what he's implying
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is that it's not very specific so when you take a protease inhibitor you're also going to inhibit
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your own proteases which could have all kinds of effects that we don't really know i presume
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that's what he's saying so i see invasion one is that the name the invasion
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invasion one if he knew the risk of ad was so high that why would he ever take a jab for
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something that he had just recently had there's no question that that's 100 correct and it makes
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robermalone not look very smart for a guy who really knows everything about the immune system and
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viruses and virology and genetics and patents and and fill and finish technologies for
41:16.200 --> 41:22.520
for vire uh vire vaccine production it's certainly pretty silly to write a paper
41:23.320 --> 41:31.080
about antibody dependent enhancement get the virus at the biogen conference in in february and then
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take the shot before you go on on bread wine steins podcast because you had to travel
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like you're not clever enough to get a vaccine card without getting the vaccine because you know
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it's dangerous i mean it's extraordinary it's extraordinarily tall tale of woe
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the cocktail that you've been investigating is that with or without the corticosteroids
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great individual that matter of fact we've got strong data that if you add dexamethasone you
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kill people uh that they no i'm not kidding you can laugh the paper is out there we just had
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it provisioned yeah paul control just laughed about how many people in there to hear him
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that if you add dexamethasone you kill people uh that they no i'm not kidding you can laugh the
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paper is out there we just had it provisionally accepted i just got to make a couple modifications
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about how many people i mean don't get mad at him for laughing he's not an m d
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his phd that he calls himself dr paul control it's right there
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dr paul control i have to yell really loud before you can see on the side of my screen that it says
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that it says jonathan jay cooey phd but it doesn't say doctor cooey
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and there's a reason why i make that choice and there's a reason why paul control makes that choice
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robert malone doesn't have to do his podcast robert malone can do a million podcasts he just
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came out two months before this on bret wine steam he's the most interesting man in the world
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right now why in the heck is he on a podcast with paul control who's laughing about the fact
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that if you add dexamethasone to his cocktail of cures you can actually kill people or you can
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laugh about it but it's uh funny we've got strong data that if you add dexamethasone you kill people
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that they no i'm not kidding you can laugh the paper is out there we just had it
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provisionally accepted i just got to make a couple modifications about how many people in the
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study group were smokers uh which you know affects not a risk um and not always in a negative way
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so um they were not active smokers they were recovered smokers uh in that actually because of
43:45.480 --> 43:51.000
the groups they were in it actually makes our conclusions even stronger but uh you know if
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if your readers or if you want to post a link um i can send you the uh we put everything up on
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preprint servers right away because of the nature of the emergency and uh so the formatidine
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plus celococcib with them without dexamethasone paper it's readily available um on a preprint
44:07.400 --> 44:13.160
server and it clearly shows uh we jump from zero percent case fatality rate in hospitalized
44:13.160 --> 44:20.040
cobbid wcho you know four to six um to uh something like 23 or 25 mortality in the presence of dexamethasone
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we then verified it's not generally understood by most docs but the uh the data supporting dex
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is really quite tenuous it it took a lot of statistical manipulation to show statistical
44:33.560 --> 44:38.520
significance it's in a very small cohort that it does reach statistical significance it's very
44:38.520 --> 44:43.640
limited um it should not be used as widely as it's being used based if you're going to go fully
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evidence-based uh and um we're there's overlap in terms of the mechanism of action with celococcib
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any more if the uh the data supporting dex is really quite tenuous oh dexamethasone
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a lot of statistical manipulation to show statistical significance it's in a very small cohort
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that it does reach statistical significance is very limited um it should not be used as
45:06.680 --> 45:12.280
widely as it's being used based if you're going to go fully evidence-based uh and um we're
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there's overlap in terms of the mechanism of action with celococcib when you add the two
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they're definitely more toxic and lethal and uh this was verified in a platform trial called
45:23.320 --> 45:28.280
iSpyte that hasn't been published yet uh that we also funded through DoD. Absolutely somebody in
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the chat therapy McDonough is pointing out that just a minute ago he told us that it reached
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statistical significance for 37 percent of the people and so he got his p-value and now
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his his drugs are significant but dexamethasone needed extra special statistical treatment or
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something like that it's pretty disingenuous if you're going to use p-values and then criticize
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other people for using p-values it's pretty weak we had we had counseled that they should not
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proceed with the trial arm in the presence of dex but they insisted that they do so because
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they considered it standard of care in their uh they're basically a WHO56 cohort so this is under
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high flow oxygen or or intubation and uh so that is where dex is indicated uh they insisted that
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we had to have dex on board and they wanted to go ahead with the trial and in fact they verified
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that uh the trends were such that we would be uh um i don't know how to say this delicately uh
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more more patients would be lost on the triple combination their study also has a standard of
46:34.680 --> 46:40.200
care remdesivir and and i suspect that your viewership may be aware that remdesivir's efficacy is
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not quite what we led to believe uh in and uh most would say that it doesn't support the license
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that it has right now the authorization in any case that's that's a tangent that's going down
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a rabbit hole going down a rabbit hole you don't want to just say that they're poisoning people
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with it Robert that's going down a rabbit hole it doesn't have the efficacy that we were sold on it
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are you kidding me and i don't want to talk about it that's going down a rabbit hole so i'll just
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leave it there in august of 2021 when you could have said you know all of my drugs work better
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than remdesivir but they've been given remdesivir for a year already because when did they start
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giving remdesivir ladies and gentlemen who's the first person they treated with remdesivir
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thanks to marcusatonic marculac we know without a doubt that it's because of sahomich county man
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in washington state where the first guy was treated for what passionate compassionate
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whatever with remdesivir the guy wasn't even really sick we don't even know where the hell he went
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but we sequenced his virus was so much so that we built our PCR test on it
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and that guy was the first case where we used remdesivir a few weeks later tony fauci would
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sit on the couch of the white house right next to uh debra burks and explain how similar it was
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to with the early part of aids when we didn't know what to use against aids and now we don't
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know what to use against coronavirus but here we are and we're reducing hospitalization from 14 to 11
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days and so we're giving it an EUA and we're telling everybody in the united states to use it in
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hospitals and after a year of doing that more than a year of doing that that's what robert melon
48:47.560 --> 48:58.520
has got to say about it uh but yeah remdesivir's efficacy is and and i suspect that your viewership
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may be aware that remdesivir's efficacy is um not quite what we were led to believe uh in uh most
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would say that it doesn't support the license that it has right now the authorization in any case
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that's that's a tangent that's going down a rabbit hole uh but yeah stay away from the steroids if
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you're going to use fomotic and cellophaxis and it's a good thing and you'll see in a paper
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you've got a lengthy discussion he just stopped that's it that's all he's going to say about
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remdesivir it's being used nationwide he's just going to stop right there no more because it's a
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rabbit hole why because somebody said snake venom maybe should uh in that one uh in which
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I extensively quote tony fauci for an interesting review paper he did on decks a few years ago um
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decks decks is like a great big hammer to the immune system and uh absolutely not you know a
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case can be made that that decks is a great drug if you've got hospitalized coven and you want to
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pump your numbers up by getting them out the door and transferring them to a extended care facility
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instead of having them die in your hospital to be a little bit jaded but in fact that's what goes
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on is there's a lot of manipulation of hospital case fatality rates by offloading uh um uh
50:16.120 --> 50:23.080
patients to uh um various triage options and and decks is a great way to stabilize and get out
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the door and that is one way that is used in some hospital environments that's very interesting
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so let's let's pin it to the antibody dependent enhancement and vaccine associated disease
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enhancement now what's your take on what's going on with delta i'm from your observation where you're
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where you're sitting and all the resources you're doing i see high processes um so there's a
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that i just mentioned the Lancet paper that's just out that you haven't had a chance to read yet uh
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which takes patients that were uh basically two months out from vaccination that are break
50:53.480 --> 50:58.360
your cases and examines their characteristics so there's no real solid control in in the sense
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that you don't have um delta in uh unvaccinated or delta in um you know there's kind of like three
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cohorts right there's vaccinated there's previously infected unvaccinated and then there is uh naive
51:13.560 --> 51:20.040
unvaccinated those are three key cohorts and this only examines the one which is vaccinated at a
51:20.040 --> 51:24.680
time point it's a slice of patients that are breakthroughs at a time point of approximately
51:25.560 --> 51:30.920
eight weeks after vaccination so basically at completion of those two so this is peak
51:31.720 --> 51:38.360
for immune response uh in theory and what they found was that in the patients who
51:39.320 --> 51:45.080
had these breakthrough infections i think the number i don't have a paper here in front of me so
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fact checkers please don't skewer me uh forgive me for my elderly mind that is not a steel trap
51:52.120 --> 52:00.760
as it might once have been but i think it was 20 plus fold higher levels of of viremia then observed
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um uh with uh previously with alpha variant and this is in the vaccinated cohort uh infected
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with delta so comparing historic data involving alpha infections in the unvaccinated two uh
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delta infections in the uh previously vaccinated times two months prior uh in those breakthroughs
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they saw a huge increase in the overall titer relative to the comparator but then uh what they
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found was the characteristics of the breakthrough cases was that they were the subset that had
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relatively low titers uh so basically it's not that the the case is being made that it's not the
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distribution of breakthroughs is not uniform in this cohort that is two months out after vaccination
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but rather is is uh skewed into the cohort of vaccine recipients that were relatively low
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responders why does this matter um what we're seeing in the israeli data and now uk and some
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of the other countries that are coming online is that particularly in the israeli case delta hit
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at about six months you know four to six months after they finish their massive vaccine campaign
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and in israel we had uh really good vaccine uptake that's part of why Pfizer selected
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and did a special deal with uh um israel uh in that has some interesting contract terms i'm told
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having to do with uh um prohibited disclosure of adverse events that are collected um but yes
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i have this straight eatedly from his early scientists uh it's not publicly disclosed so so
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they they Pfizer went into israel because it's a very compliant population in fact they got very
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good vaccine uptake and then you may recall a few weeks ago Pfizer announced that the uh
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vaccine was going to need to be boosted at six months because the durability was poor
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and uh you may recall dr fauci reprimanding them for making that statement and then two weeks later
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this became u.s government policy and they're now about to roll out uh revax nation uh dose number
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three at six months in uh high-risk elderly and immunocompromised so that's pretty well an
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admission of this so the thing about the israeli getting group getting hit by delta at a brown six
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months is that that is just the window when they're starting to move into their the majority
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of their population being in the uh uh waning phase or uh no longer effective phase of the primary
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vaccine that they received and as you know and i'm understanding that your viewership is a more
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sophisticated audience uh the highest risk for antibody-dependent enhancement is in the waning
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phase because the slope is long so there's kind of like two windows of high risk if you can think of
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my uh intersection of these two straight lines of my hands uh if if you imagine the peak uh here
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is um shortly after uh completion of two doses the the ascending phase of the immune response is
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fairly steep and so the time the delta t in which you cross between um the threshold of immune
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response response necessary for protection and as you're climbing towards peak response it's fairly
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short it's very brief and then there's a long declining phase and so when you cross that window
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where you still have antibodies but insufficient tighter of antibodies and presumably insufficient
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tighter of the most potent antibodies uh because of the waning phase you have a much longer window
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of stability we still have antibodies around it combined the virus but if you don't have enough
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it will neutralize so he's really just finishing off here with the idea that anybody's antibodies
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right and and and actually paul asked him to go right into antibody-dependent enhancement and
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and and uh vaccine-induced uh disease enhancement or something like that which is all basically
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the same thing you make antibodies which can protect the virus from complement attack you make antibodies
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that can make the virus uh more likely to be taken up by other cell types you can protect the virus
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from neutralizing antibodies you can stabilize the spike protein in an open configuration after
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fear and cleavage with uh the right antibody there's almost infinite possibilities because of what
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we talked about with regard to what epitopes really are they're not sequences of amino acids
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they are three-dimensional electrostatic shapes and these three-dimensional electrostatic shapes
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are selected from the tertiary structure of the protein that is being processed and presented
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by the immune system there's no way for us to predict that that's a combinatorial nightmare of
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the possibilities that exist there and we have no idea how the body how the immune system sells
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decide about how that three-dimensional puzzle should be solved but here they are
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talking about potent antibodies and not so potent antibodies um it's all the same
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and so that's the end of the video but uh it was you know it's a it's a it's a throwback
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Thursday I mean that was the idea it's not um it's not maybe not surprising that it's uh that
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it's like that um and so yeah let's just remember some things and then we'll go to go to sleep
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early I'm going to be done before 10 while that's exciting what is this saying
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so they told us this story about a dangerous novel virus right and how did they get us
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to believe it they got us to believe it with this consensus of an illusion of consensus rather
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it's the it's the laughter in the background it's the uniformity across every newscast
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it was the uniformity of of opinion created by censorship
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the yin and the yang of that or the yang of that would be the the laugh track
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in Seinfeld excuse me I think you forgot my bread bread dude the laugh track is an illusion of
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consensus that makes this funnier you want bread yes please three dollars nothing for you
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and without that illusion of consensus it has a very different feel
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and without the illusion of consensus them telling you that there was a dangerous novel virus
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spreading from the from the from somewhere in china and it was going to kill up to a billion
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people would have seemed absurd if there wasn't this illusion of consensus
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this illusion of consensus in the background and in the foreground and on tv and in what they
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covered up and what they lied about and the emails created an illusion of consensus that
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made all of us believe that something very dangerous was happening otherwise why would we
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shut down why would we shut down schools why would we close businesses why would we give kids
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iPads why would we separate people who have been married for 50 years on their deathbed
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why would we separate them if it wasn't just an absolute nightmare of a virus
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all these people aren't talking about what's important notice that Robert Malone again master
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of molecular biology when discussing the fraud of the pandemic the fraud of the pandemic never
01:00:00.040 --> 01:00:08.200
evolved around PCR testing it never even came close to revolving around PCR testing he was too
01:00:08.200 --> 01:00:15.960
busy getting EUAs when the PCR test was being used to justify all the lockdowns to justify the spread
01:00:15.960 --> 01:00:25.720
of a novel virus whose sequence was found all over the world in a week and the guy who's been working
01:00:25.720 --> 01:00:30.520
with people like you know a Murray gardener the guy who brought the AIDS virus home in a
01:00:30.520 --> 01:00:37.240
eppendorf tube in his pocket after having stolen it from the lab in France and he brought it back
01:00:37.240 --> 01:00:50.040
to gallows lab as I recall Robert Malone worked with him this is not nobody this is a guy who has
01:00:50.920 --> 01:01:02.920
intellectual and scientific roots that go right down to the the clay bottom the moistest soil of the
01:01:02.920 --> 01:01:14.200
swamp his roots go deep and long into this history and for whatever reason his the vine of his
01:01:14.920 --> 01:01:23.000
history weaves right through it all and a lot of these people need more scrutiny because they're
01:01:23.000 --> 01:01:28.040
just not talking about things that they could be talking about where is anybody but Jessica
01:01:28.040 --> 01:01:35.080
Hockett talking about what happened in New York City Pierre Corey left a job in Wisconsin to go
01:01:35.080 --> 01:01:42.120
work in New York City why isn't Pierre Corey shouting from the rooftops about Jessica Hockett's data
01:01:44.200 --> 01:01:51.000
he threw away his career at the University of Wisconsin as an ER guy critical care guy and went
01:01:51.000 --> 01:01:55.320
to New York City because they wouldn't let him treat patients the way he wanted to be treated
01:01:55.320 --> 01:02:02.600
they to treat them in Wisconsin and then he went to New York and what did he find I don't know he
01:02:02.600 --> 01:02:12.680
wrote a book about Ivermectin he lied to us about this stuff ladies and gentlemen
01:02:14.920 --> 01:02:20.840
they lied to us about this by not talking about the light blue area by not talking about the between
01:02:20.840 --> 01:02:28.200
50 and 60 thousand people that die every week in America and instead they told us a story about
01:02:28.200 --> 01:02:35.720
a dangerous novel virus that could be detected by 250 different PCR tests and people like Robert
01:02:35.720 --> 01:02:41.080
Malone and all the other people at the head of this are not questioning the PCR test at all
01:02:41.080 --> 01:02:49.640
anymore when they go in front of the EU they're only talking about the Scooby-Doo that this is a
01:02:49.640 --> 01:02:56.360
dangerous virus that was released from a laboratory gain a function you bad guys and that's not possible
01:02:56.360 --> 01:03:05.080
because a natural coronavirus swarm cannot pandemic but an NIAID funded infectious clone may very well
01:03:05.080 --> 01:03:12.280
have been used to seed the molecular sequence around the world and then the PCR test used to
01:03:12.280 --> 01:03:21.240
rope in all-cause mortality the protocol changes could have easily resulted in this excess mortality
01:03:21.240 --> 01:03:26.920
that was here and the goal has always been a total surrender of individual sovereignty
01:03:27.640 --> 01:03:31.320
and an enforcement of global fundamental inversion from basic human rights
01:03:31.960 --> 01:03:34.840
to basic granted permissions
01:03:39.800 --> 01:03:46.280
in scenarios one through three of the Scooby-Doo mystery it is a batcave virus that wasn't here
01:03:46.280 --> 01:03:54.360
before and then showed up later went around the world for the last three years killed millions
01:03:54.360 --> 01:04:00.440
of people maybe we made some mistakes maybe we didn't maybe the mRNA was rushed maybe it wasn't
01:04:01.000 --> 01:04:04.840
but there was definitely a novel virus we definitely had to do something it could definitely come
01:04:04.840 --> 01:04:13.800
again because it's gain a function and what i'm saying is is that if you believe in a in that then
01:04:13.800 --> 01:04:20.920
you you you might as well buy some igloos in florida because they have told us nothing about the
01:04:20.920 --> 01:04:27.720
signal that was in 2018 nothing about the signal that was present in 2019 because there's no data
01:04:28.600 --> 01:04:34.840
nobody was doing PCR for a coronavirus RNA dependent RNA polymerase or a coronavirus
01:04:34.840 --> 01:04:42.040
end protein in 2019 so we have no baseline and so wherever we rolled out the test we got a certain
01:04:42.040 --> 01:04:45.640
number of positives but they didn't correlate with symptoms all the time so then what
01:04:49.080 --> 01:04:53.000
that's the problem this conflated background signal
01:04:53.000 --> 01:05:00.920
using a PCR test that can't differentiate from it is how you turn some little bit of a signal into
01:05:00.920 --> 01:05:08.280
a huge signal you take a little tiny signal in luhan and a bigger signal in iran and a few cases
01:05:08.280 --> 01:05:15.880
in america like sohomish county man sequence them show everybody that the sequences are highly
01:05:15.880 --> 01:05:21.960
correlative and say that something new is spreading just like in the picture above my head there's
01:05:21.960 --> 01:05:31.160
the bat getting out of the petri dish but on the background of other viruses other signals other
01:05:31.160 --> 01:05:42.040
RNA positives other PCR positives and so you don't have to have a perfect explanation it could be
01:05:42.040 --> 01:05:48.280
endemic coronavirus if you like that one protocols were murder and transfection is not medicine
01:05:49.240 --> 01:05:54.680
it could be an infectious clone release that's also fine
01:06:03.400 --> 01:06:08.920
but then transfection is still not medicine and it could be a transfection agent release
01:06:08.920 --> 01:06:17.080
that too why not but then it's still protocols were murder and transfection is not medicine
01:06:19.240 --> 01:06:25.160
and so i think we've got to come to this you know this is the one that covers the most ground
01:06:25.160 --> 01:06:31.800
this is the one that covers the most possibility space this is the one that takes into account
01:06:31.800 --> 01:06:38.520
things in the correct ratios if the protocols were murder and transfection is not medicine
01:06:39.720 --> 01:06:45.960
if the PCR tests they used in 2020 and 2021 were not specific for a particular coronavirus
01:06:46.680 --> 01:06:51.720
then there is no other story to tell you want to find the clone let's go find it
01:06:52.760 --> 01:06:55.480
you want to find the background signal let's go find it
01:06:57.880 --> 01:07:04.200
but if you want to look for again a function virus and you want to look for spike protein
01:07:05.320 --> 01:07:09.880
and you want to look for all these other stories about you know viruses being released over and
01:07:09.880 --> 01:07:18.120
over and over again then you're not you're not adequately exploring this this first and most
01:07:18.120 --> 01:07:23.800
parsimonious possibility that there is a background signal that is being conflated as a pandemic
01:07:25.480 --> 01:07:32.040
much much easier than repeated releases of all kinds of clones and then careful coordination
01:07:32.040 --> 01:07:38.680
of the sequencing of them and careful monitoring of their spread might sound very enticing
01:07:39.960 --> 01:07:48.280
but it's highly unlikely because again once you realize that everybody's lying why wouldn't they
01:07:48.280 --> 01:07:56.360
lie about that too once you realize that the foundation of this is lies he can't take anything
01:07:56.360 --> 01:08:02.680
for granted anymore least of all again a function virus still spreading like wildfire around the
01:08:02.680 --> 01:08:05.080
01:08:07.880 --> 01:08:14.600
uhah i don't know maybe i'm saying too much here but this is definitely it i'll skip the no virus
01:08:14.600 --> 01:08:18.520
one for this time they changed the way we think they changed the way we think about certain things
01:08:18.520 --> 01:08:24.280
and that's why they were able to get us to do certain things and the vast majority of those
01:08:24.280 --> 01:08:29.640
changes were detrimental to our society and that's remained detrimental to our society
01:08:29.720 --> 01:08:34.280
those are the things that people don't want to talk about like Robert Malone in this video
01:08:34.840 --> 01:08:42.440
from 2021 where he doesn't want to talk about remdesivir because it's a rabbit hole
01:08:44.440 --> 01:08:49.960
remdesivir doesn't have the efficacy that his you know sophisticated users obviously know that
01:08:50.600 --> 01:08:57.400
are sophisticated viewers of Paul Catrell's podcast know that that remdesivir doesn't have
01:08:57.400 --> 01:09:02.440
the efficacy that we were sold with it is but i don't really want to go into that because it's
01:09:02.440 --> 01:09:10.920
a rabbit hole it's on my list it's on marx list of things that killed more people than the virus
01:09:10.920 --> 01:09:22.920
by multiple orders of magnitude and even if there was a clone or a virus spreading the remdesivir
01:09:22.920 --> 01:09:31.320
would never have helped clear it you want to make some argument that that denizen and and uh
01:09:31.320 --> 01:09:36.280
Ralph Barrack said in a seminar that if you give it in the first day of infection it has some
01:09:36.280 --> 01:09:44.040
effect fine but how do you know when that is and so it's irrelevant remdesivir is useless
01:09:44.040 --> 01:09:51.240
unless you're using a clone and you're just you're using it like you're deploying it and so therefore
01:09:51.240 --> 01:09:56.360
you know when you're going to be exposed to it otherwise remdesivir makes no sense at all
01:09:57.080 --> 01:10:04.680
and it's a poison because as Robert Malone said when you interfere with protein synthesis it's
01:10:04.680 --> 01:10:11.720
pretty a specific remdesivir does doesn't interfere with protein synthesis of viral proteins it
01:10:11.720 --> 01:10:17.640
interferes with all protein synthesis in the body of a person who takes it so how's that gonna work
01:10:17.640 --> 01:10:22.600
out sure it shows up as kidney failure but does that mean that that's all it does
01:10:31.160 --> 01:10:36.840
this is the hypothesis that i think covers us this is the hypothesis that i think everybody
01:10:36.840 --> 01:10:42.600
needs to be able to hold in their head as a form you know like a baseball or a basketball
01:10:43.560 --> 01:10:49.160
if i say that and i say imagine holding a leather basketball in your hand most people can imagine
01:10:49.160 --> 01:10:54.280
what that feels like the rough weight and size and we've got to get people to understand the
01:10:54.280 --> 01:11:00.440
biology of the of the immune system and the biology of transfection and the biology of our
01:11:00.440 --> 01:11:07.400
name versus DNA and the fidelity impossibility here we've got to get people to understand
01:11:07.960 --> 01:11:15.960
this as a hypothesis so that they can see how plausible this is and how comparatively absurd
01:11:16.520 --> 01:11:23.240
most of the other parts of this are forms of this narrative are we've got to make people
01:11:23.800 --> 01:11:28.680
be able to get across that finish line of understanding this biology that's the goal for the following
01:11:28.680 --> 01:11:36.040
year because before we're going to be able to break free and wake people up they need to understand
01:11:36.040 --> 01:11:41.720
that and then we can get them to understand this that it's about data it's about collecting
01:11:41.720 --> 01:11:47.560
it's about what Jamie Metzel said yesterday at his opening speech for the Bayer conference
01:11:48.200 --> 01:11:53.080
it's about collecting a billion or two billion genomes at all the medical and bioinformatics
01:11:53.080 --> 01:12:03.400
that go along with it you can find me at gigome dot bio it's https colon backslash backslash like
01:12:03.400 --> 01:12:10.360
that you know just that little thing up there it's like a twitter but it's not twitter and
01:12:10.360 --> 01:12:15.240
we're all there now and it's starting to work out okay so I think this might catch on and you can
01:12:15.240 --> 01:12:22.600
watch to follow other people as well there it's just that open fetaverse of decentralized servers
01:12:22.600 --> 01:12:28.200
all sharing their their data and then you can find all my links there excuse me as well
01:12:28.360 --> 01:12:34.760
please remember the transfection is not immunization and actually intramuscular injection of any
01:12:34.760 --> 01:12:40.040
combination of chemicals to augment the immune system seems pretty dumb to me please stop all
01:12:40.040 --> 01:12:46.120
transfections in humans and that's because they're trying to eliminate the control group by any
01:12:46.120 --> 01:12:56.200
means necessary in case you're forgotten um this is gigome biological high resistance low noise
01:12:56.200 --> 01:13:05.000
information stream brought to you by a biologist tomorrow at 10 a.m oh yeah thanks to the broken
01:13:05.000 --> 01:13:09.160
science initiative if you haven't seen Greg's talk I'm going to do that I think some one of these
01:13:09.160 --> 01:13:16.040
days coming up very shortly um support the the broken science initiative by sharing their podcasts
01:13:16.040 --> 01:13:21.880
and stuff like that I'm not suggesting you need to support them or go buy stuff but they are a
01:13:21.880 --> 01:13:28.680
really great idea um and they're moving forward with curriculums and books and and stuff so right
01:13:28.680 --> 01:13:34.360
now the podcast is the thing to share and just get the word out that this exists in the Greg and
01:13:34.360 --> 01:13:40.920
and Emily are working so hard to push this aspect of of broken science out of our society
01:13:41.960 --> 01:13:47.400
and then tomorrow morning at 10 a.m eastern time if you go to the chd website you will see live on
01:13:47.480 --> 01:13:55.240
chd tv the recording from yesterday will show up at 10 a.m so um I hope it's okay I do make
01:13:56.200 --> 01:14:01.400
I will say right here that I do make a little mistake about dc sign because I get it mixed up
01:14:01.400 --> 01:14:10.040
in my head and I I kind of am right that it's that it can stimulate T cell uh activate T cells
01:14:10.040 --> 01:14:14.600
it can stimulate receptors on T cells it can also stimulate receptors and it's a receptor
01:14:14.600 --> 01:14:21.000
found on dendritic cells but I didn't adequately characterize it I kind of mentioned it and stumbled
01:14:21.000 --> 01:14:25.400
around on it so that's probably the one part of this that I'm not going to be happy about when I
01:14:25.400 --> 01:14:31.080
see it tomorrow but anyway I hope you enjoyed the uh the stream tonight it's done before 10 o'clock
01:14:31.080 --> 01:14:34.520
so I'm really happy about that I might get to bed on time thanks very much for joining me I'll
01:14:34.520 --> 01:14:44.520
see you guys again tomorrow
01:16:04.520 --> 01:16:19.640
01:16:34.520 --> 01:16:36.520