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1 year ago
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Good evening everybody, hi Jill, hi Pamela, hi Jason, solar fire and Artemis, welcome
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to the show. Can you give me a sound check please? And then we'll be on our way.
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Early, what I want is high morbidity. I want people to complain. So what do I
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do? I go to Des Moines. Ladies and gentlemen, the people on the screen, I
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have nothing against Des Moines. I live there for four years. I go to Des Moines. I
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infect a couple of sentinel cases in Des Moines. I go to Seattle. I infect a
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couple of cases there. I go to North Carolina. I go to Wisconsin. What I'm doing
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is I'm using a dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel cases with a
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highly morbid condition. These individuals complain. Again, this is a central nervous
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system condition. So they're complaining of whatever the bug may do. It'll produce
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some cascade of neurological and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms. And
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then what I do, the real bug that I use is the internet. I take attribution for that.
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Yes, I'm a terrorist group. And I have done this by infecting with a highly
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little agent. And the first signs and symptoms of lethality are x, y and z.
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These people are really sick with this. But then I say others who are also infected
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will show subdramal, pre-dramal signs of lethality. And what that will be is anxiety,
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sleeplessness, agitation. What I've now done is I've got every individual who is
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diagonistically hypochondriacal. And I've got every individual who's
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worried well, flooding the public health system, banging on the door. The CDC comes back and says
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nonsense. That's not real. I come back and say, that's fake news. And as a consequence of doing
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that, what I do is I create a schism between the polis and the public health system.
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I fracture the integrity of trust and reliance upon the population and its government.
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It doesn't matter much at all what you believe about vaccines until we invent
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really important ones, you know, until we have a pandemic that's killing everyone,
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you know, and, you know, it's not, you know, measles plus, you know, okay, I can tolerate what
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you think about measles because, you know, not that many people die from it. It's just a big
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hassle in the end. But no, when we have this new pandemic that is, you know, got 75% mortality and
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it's not, it's, there'll be no pretense of being polite in the face of these beliefs. It'll be a
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moral emergency because it has to be. And this is just sheer contingency as to whether in one
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condition or another. I mean, so.
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And I also now know that our friend Jonathan Cooey, who some of you will know from his
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lab leak series early in the pandemic called JC on a bike journal club on a bike,
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that he also has advanced a version of this hypothesis. So I don't claim it to be unique.
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I do think I arrived at it independently.
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So that he said lab leak series. I never noticed that before.
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It wasn't the lab leak series. It was a coronavirus series. I never once called it a lab leak series.
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That's so interesting. Infectious disease to the degree that we could. If we made that public
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enemy number one, we might simultaneously do be doing the best possible thing to limit the
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attractiveness of totalitarian ideology.
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That gets dumber and dumber every time I hear it.
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I'm working on getting some subtitles and a transcript from the interview with Wolfgang.
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I appreciate the, uh, appreciate the compliments. Um, I really looked forward to that interview.
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I was an hour behind schedule life and it just went, it went better almost because I got taken
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off guard. I think it tells us that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially
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a worst case scenario. I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with
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essentially a worst case scenario. I should also point out that our viewers will have noticed
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that we are sitting here unmasked and I should point out that actually we are in an interesting
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sense, a model of something that I believe is not on the public radar. So if I'm correct,
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you Robert have had COVID. I've had COVID and I've been fully vaccinated with Moderna. All right.
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Steve, you have been vaccinated fully vaccinated with Moderna. All right. I am unvaccinated, but I
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am on prophylactic ivermectin and the data actually shocking as this will be to some people. The data
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suggests that prophylactic ivermectin is something like 100% effective at preventing people from
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contracting COVID when taken properly. Aside from the risk that possibly the ivermectin I got
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wasn't real and I have every reason to think it was. It certainly appears to be the genuine
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article. I believe that what we have here is a demonstration of a kind of composite herd immunity
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where through three different routes, COVID vaccine and ivermectin, we are protected and you
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are doubly protected. So I would just say that for anybody who's enthusiastic about the vaccines,
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if you're unconvinced by what we have to say about the hazard of them, one thing to consider
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is that the way to get society to herd immunity and therefore drive COVID-19 to extinction which
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ought to be our goal, the way to do it is to get people into this category one way or the other,
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whether that's through prophylaxis, whether it's through a vaccine or whether it's because
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they've had COVID already. One could argue that if everybody just took ivermectin for a month
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worldwide, really independent. Some will find the title that I have given this episode
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perplexing. I would ask them to stick with the episode through the end and I will explain why
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I titled it as I did. I will save the world in three easy steps. At any moment we decide to utilize
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it to end the pandemic and that it is it is well within reach should we choose to see what is in front
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of us.
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If you think about it, if we're defining vaccine really liberally and these COVID vaccines are
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vaccines, the flu vaccine is okay, but actually they're kind of cheating when they're calling these
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things vaccines and anything with really rapidly fading efficacy such that you need shots within
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a year, you know, Canada saying nine months is as actually JJ Cooley's insistence and I think
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he's right on calling them transfections rather than vaccines.
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He's scheduled for 60 minutes next. He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.
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People everywhere are starting to listen to him. It's embarrassing. Yeah, I got a nod from Paul
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Exander the last couple weeks now and Sage Hana has also been giving me a half tip quite often
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which is appreciated. I don't know who Sage Hana is but she hasn't been like he has not been negative.
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And has been very helpful and critical when necessary. I don't know what to say other than
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I'm happy that there's some sign that we're gaining some momentum. We need momentum. That's for sure.
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We definitely need momentum. We're going to get this stuff out there. We're going to need some
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momentum because there's no question that the algorithms can give them momentum. There's no
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question that that fake censorship can give them momentum. There's no question that these
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these algorithms can give them momentum. So what do we do about it? How do we get through this?
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I don't know. I think we're doing okay.
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The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses
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is an important element in democratic society. And those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of
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society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our countries.
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Talking about America there. Ladies and gentlemen, talking about America there.
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There are people who won't see this ladies and gentlemen. We're going to have to come to the
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terms with that idea. There are people who are not going to see it until we've already won.
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That's not going to be possible for everybody to see it.
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But there is a critical mass that we can reach into the understanding of the AI
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fraud. There is a critical mass understanding that we can reach with regard to how badly we've
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been lied to. And I think a lot of these people the video evidence is still available on the
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internet. I just got to get people to see it. We just have to get people to be able to see it.
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That's tricky because some of them still can't even see the bricks. Some of them see the bricks
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and are ignoring them are playing along so that the audience doesn't figure it out.
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You know, like when the scenery tips over but then a couple people pretend like they don't
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notice it. That's where we're at right now ladies and gentlemen. That's where we're at.
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And so some of the people that we're watching and paying attention to are actively pretending
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that nothing's going wrong. They're still totally on script. Everything is going as planned.
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And in reality that's not the case at all. Ladies and gentlemen, this stream is brought to you by
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1 year ago
a patch clamp physiologist. GigaOhn is a resistance rating and applied to the patch clamp recordings
1 year ago
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1 year ago
that I used to make as an academy edition. It's Gigaohm Biological therefore high resistance low noise
1 year ago
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1 year ago
information. You can find me at gigaohmbiological.com. I've got to say that we've had really great
1 year ago
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outpouring of support. I mean we're getting a few subscribers a day which is really
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you know more than I could ever hope for. And he's scrolled down to the bottom of that first page
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1 year ago
of gigaohmbiological.com. You can find phone number to leave voicemail and different ways to
1 year ago
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subscribe monthly every three months or annually. And this list is a combination of people who've
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decided to do one of those things. And if you see names on here more than once then they've decided
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to do two of those things or something like that. So there are some people who are pretty extra
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committed to this. And me and my family thank them very much. But I got to tell you that if
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I'm going to be honest I think we need a lot more because the idea would be to be here forever
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or for a long time to keep this going. Because if we're going to win we need to keep this going.
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But this information and information related to it needs to be available for the foreseeable future.
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1 year ago
You need to support people like me. You need to support people like Mark Housatonic, Mark Kulacz
1 year ago
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and Housatonic ITS because he's also doing work that I think is indispensable. The archive that
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he's built is an archive of information that can speak to how this faith in a novel virus was
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constructed over the last 20 or 40 years. The main people that are involved and the people that
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you're not hearing about in the news. The people that we're not arguing about. You can hear about
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the people who should have done known. Probably already did know that it was a conflated background
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single all along. We're going to you can see the history of the people that definitely know that
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intramuscular injection made a combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune
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1 year ago
system is dumb. So you know it's me it's Mark Kulacz. It's really only a few people that are trying to
1 year ago
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make well trying to make a difference by putting it all on the line. And I will tell you right now
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my family has it all on the line. And so all of those people that you saw scroll there a minute
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ago are people that are helping fight this mythology by directly supporting give a home biological
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so that we can get this kind of information out the kind of information that Jessica
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1 year ago
Hockett is trying to get out that Mark Kulacz's trying to get out that these people that we've
1 year ago
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come to trust because they understand that it's a spectacular commitment to lies that we're up against
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and these people that we've come to trust because they understand that the protocols are basically
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Well that's the wrong number. Yeah wrong knowledge.
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the show. This is Giga Home Biological High
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Resistance Low Noise Information Brief brought to you by a biologist. This is 21st of January
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2024. And I'm just going to pause this music over here. We're not going to get too fancy tonight.
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I don't know how well that scroll shows up over there. It hasn't been updated in the last couple
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days. So those of you that just subscribed I apologize for that. I've had well if you count
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my eighth grade sons teams game today then we've had five basketball games this weekend. It's been
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pretty tiring and my voice is a little shot but I'm really excited. The boys played really well.
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We did lose but they played really well. They played their best basketball. They got their
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more shots up, more rebounding, more boxing out. Some of the fundamentals are finally coming.
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You know it's strange. It's a sixth grade team but over half of my squad is just basically
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brand new basketball players that have had best who run some other sport like football or soccer.
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And so it's it's an interesting group of kids that we got and my son's actually playing organized
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basketball for the first time and he's he's learning every game and so it's a lot of fun.
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That's right. Sorry. I have to switch slide decks here.
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So tonight I've got an interesting discussion. I'm I'm I'm curious as to what people are going
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to think and how easily people are going to be able to follow along. I do believe at this stage
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that the main thing we're up against is the misleading of the young. The young being these
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college age kids and maybe even people under 30 that are genuinely trying to use social media
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to figure it out. And so even if they stumble their way into a place like Children's Health Defense
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or the ICANN network or maybe some of these other things like the FLCCC. Very quickly these people
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1 year ago
are going to find themselves coming face to face with Steve Kirsch and Kevin McKernan or face to face
1 year ago
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with some of these other people like Robert Malone or or even someone like Peter McCullough who
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although they will talk very candidly about the dangers of transfection and the number of people
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that have been hurt they they are very wanted to talk candidly about the evidence of spread
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and the potential for this to have been largely a an operation as opposed to a real bona fide
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spread of a novel pathogen over the last five years and they're definitely very afraid to talk about
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the real biology that underpins it and so over the last few days maybe a week some rather big moves
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on the chessboard have been made and I've been kind of just kind of sitting back and and and
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trying to figure out what exactly the next move is to be and I think at this stage the best move
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is to just let you know what's happening just to try and let you see that we are being manipulated
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by something behind the scenes and the manipulation is pretty it's it's pretty obvious if you can pull
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back far enough and really take it in I apologize for the heater in the background
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and so just for anybody joining us for the first time I know it's possible out of these 66 viewers
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it is possible that some of you are joining for the first time the Scooby-Doo analogy basically
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suggests that most of the TV watching population of the globe in all languages has been led to
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believe that there is a mystery to solve a mystery that involves a spreading RNA pathogen
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that may or may not have been leaked or purposefully leaked or come from a badcave and so the mystery
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solving has resulted in all of the people who are fooled into solving the mystery they have all
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accepted the existence of a novel spreading RNA pathogen and that is actually the magical
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enchantment that they would like us to impart on our children they would like us to raise our
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children with the history that in 2020 a pandemic occurred and we need as urgently as possible to
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try and understand the real biology so that we understand why this is indeed a mythology that
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we have been misled and that we need to re-instruct our children about what happened over the last
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four years and so the pandemic was created very very concisely and it was created with a lot of
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foresight so there were funded scientific programs over the last 20 years which have produced
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a primary literature foundation upon which the claim of pandemic potential is based
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in other words like I explained in the interview with Wolfgang Wodach if you say to scientists
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in academia that there's a billion dollars available for people who look for
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self-replicating RNA pathogens you're going to find a lot of people that have a lot of different
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ideas about how to show them how to investigate them how to test for them how to measure them how
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to quantify them and if you keep funding that research over a period of years you will produce
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a primary literature foundation in other words many many papers which have tested a hypothesis
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related to a self-replicating RNA pathogen which can then be referenced by any new and ongoing
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research that happens in the present and so the longer you fund this research the more
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evidence you have in the background that this is a relevant idea and once there's 10 or 15 years
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of people finding or measuring or trying to quantify the pandemic potential in mother nature you have
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enough literature to claim that there is pandemic potential in mother nature if you combine that
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with very clever tabletop exercises over 20 years in all of the major bureaucracies of America and
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foreign countries then you have an academia and you have an academia and you have a
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a let's say biosecurity state that believes that this is a possibility and then when you finally
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decide that you want to do the swine flu pandemic you have an extra dimension that you add because
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in the swine flu pandemic there was this problem that when the the shots came out there were 1200
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people who got Guillain Barre or got paralyzed in Germany and so the signal was very hot and it
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was very unexpected but if you told people that one of the things that might happen very rarely
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was Guillain Barre and then you spun it as though a lot of this was rare you might have gotten away
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with it and so one of the things that they probably did was change the script and they have been
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rehearsing and altering and tabletop working out the script and so this script seemed to involve
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seeding mass casualty events at the beginning of the pandemic, misconstruing them as spread
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and even more clever they seem to do some things to confound the effects of the novel
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spreading pathogen like what Dr. Giordano explained if you confuse them using the internet saying
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that wow heart attacks are up people are dying from heart attacks and don't tell them that
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EMTs have been told not to resuscitate
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and so if you did that in combination with having a bunch of actors that could go on television that
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could be available for social media that could go on to obscure podcasts like the Shannon Joy podcast
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the giga ohm biological podcast or the Tommy podcast and talk about the worst case scenario
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talk about military gain-of-function experiments talk about the worst case scenario as a distinct
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possibility then you can really confuse people and get people to buy into this scooby-doo
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mystery solving exercise and once they engage in the solving of the mystery they accept the
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monster that is the gain-of-function virus that got leaked from Wuhan and spreading around the
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world for five years and now if you make some of these people aware that it's a national security
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operation that you are helping with the American or the five eyes or or all of the the globe security
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you're working for the who you're working for I don't know whatever it doesn't matter what the
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guys in the suit say as long as they make you feel important and they tell you that you can't
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really reveal that we talk to you you can't really question even if you know that there's really no
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virus right now and everything's fine we need to keep this going because of whatever x y z
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you'll sell a book and you'll get on tv and everything's going to be fine we just need your help
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and there are a lot of people there are a lot of people who are selling a book
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who are selling a book and selling that book only they're not summarizing across the whole
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narrative and none of them none of them none of them have ever even come close to touching
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the possibility that by design the toxicity of the spike that was purported to be founded
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Wuhan was confounded with the toxicity of the spike that was put in the transfection
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so that they could say that anything that was done wrong anything that went wrong with the
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transfection was because we chose the wrong nasty protein which turns out in hindsight
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wow surprise hits again a function protein if we had known that we would have never
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transfected anybody with it never mind that there was dna in there because we rushed it i mean
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oh my gosh so many mistakes but at least in the end millions were saved
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early but i want his high morbidity and so i won't play that now but i will read this list
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a military response with the ability to drive local mass casualty events so was the military
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in new york city making sure that those numbers weren't questioned making sure that anybody that
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ran into the fire would be intercepted and co-opted and make sure that they put forth the right narrative
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that if if Pierre Corrie left that hospital and went out and told anybody that he would say the
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right things that if that doctor that they had on fox news and other places saying it's like hell
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it's like hell that he would say the right things this is exactly what dr girdano would
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describe as necessary in fact would make it possible to use very small numbers of infections or
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transfections to get people to complain and then the rest of it could just be testing on a background
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that's already positive co-opt a pre-select group of narrative controllers a combination
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of background signals sorry i'll go over here um and oops that's how you do this way you do it
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like this first and then that one and then that one and then you're here see um uh financial and
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legal incentive to call covet a combination of background signal and non-specific tests as spread
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of course coordinated propaganda campaign to drill and confuse drill confusing worst case scenario
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that's what we talked about earlier and then an emerging emergency social policies capable
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of increasing all-cause mortality so you're going to ignore these two things you're gonna
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you're going to tweak knobs in hospitals you're going to institute protocols in hospitals it will
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increase all-cause mortality in those hospitals by 15 20 percent everybody that goes on a ventilator
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dies that also works and then you're going to convince the public that a lably cover-up is
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happening before their eyes what does that do well of course that that that that throws off all the
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limits of you know all this stuff that we were talking about at the beginning about i don't even
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know if we can make natural immunity to this well that whole potential was based on the idea the hint
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that it was a gain of function virus that's the only reason why you would ever assume that oh wow
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i don't even know if our bodies can make immunity to this thing isn't that crazy isn't that a crazy
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isn't that a crazy thing to say but they said it from the beginning and in october of 2020 they
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made up they did a publication with a bunch of names on it that included woolensky
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where they said they didn't know if we could make immunity
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and now you use these these nations down under one of the things that i didn't realize until a
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couple days ago use the allied nations down under the demonstrate lockdowns can work
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not only that but make sure that you use them to demonstrate what lockdowns can be
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not only use it to show that lockdowns can work because we're on an island
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but make sure you show them what lockdowns can be like how nasty politicians can get
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how unbelievable lockdowns or or or force quarantine can be what it looks like when
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police officers tackle somebody and make them wear a mask
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because you couldn't have got away with that in america
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but they needed to show us that they needed to show us our intended future
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so they use them to do it and at the same time they got this bonus narrative of being able to
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say there wasn't a there wasn't a 2020 wave in in australia or New Zealand because we locked out
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and you'll find people still saying that Brett Weinstein would probably still say that
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and this is all by design you see this was all table topped it was it was gamed out
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and altered and gamed out again and that's why we are in our fifth year of this this enchantment
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we're in our fifth year of there being a novel virus that killed millions the number is currently
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seven around the world seven million people were killed but many more were saved by the billions of
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transfections that occurred this virus likely came from gain of function we've put there's no
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debating that anymore i mean there's no even not even an art why even argue about it i've got
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video after video saying why even argue about it i don't have time to show
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why even argue i don't have time to show them all this this is a very special stream
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and so they've bamboozled us they've bamboozled us into believing this this gain of function is
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possible that this pandemic potential is accessible and that it represents a worst-case scenario that
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could do out billions of people on the planet and therefore they're justifying taking away
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everything that we consider who we are
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and i would argue that these people are involved they are involved even if they got
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co-opted before the pandemic and had no idea this was coming and are absolutely appalled at how far
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it's gone and holy man i can't say anything because they had me already before the pandemic was even
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sprung on me i don't care then they're lying cowards but it's much more likely that they're
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just dunces that they just aren't clever enough to know that their ego is right in front of their
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nose and so they can't see anything for what it is i don't know maybe they're all liars and they
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know it maybe it's actually as dark as it could be maybe they're all like this guy
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biblico i kid you not
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hell biblico i kid you not
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people come in i get intubated they die the cycle repeats
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you overwhelmed yeah the the systems overwhelmed all over the place my daughters and intern in
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brooklyn first year resident she starts the icn today i couldn't sleep last night it's scary
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nine eleven was nothing compared to this we were open waiting for patients to come who never came
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okay now they just keep coming and they're all ages don't delude yourself into thinking only
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the old will die or we'll get it they're all ages it's incredible hell it's incredible
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and they did it on the news with all the people all the virologists all the academics they even
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had me on my bike riding around saying it had to be a lab leak and they're covering it up
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and because of this wonderful control of the debate and because of the wonderful control of
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the local news this fear uncertainty and doubt went on for a very long because of the control
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the numbers we didn't have these numbers in 2020 we had projected numbers we didn't have any
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information that they weren't resuscitating people in in new york we didn't have any idea
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that they were putting people on ventilators and killing them until somebody said it on youtube
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but didn't really say it we had nobody absolutely nobody kyle sidel was not saying anything about
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the lack of antibiotic use kyle sidel was not talking about the lack of use of any of steroids
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he wasn't we weren't even there yet with medazalam and rimdesivir probably
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the opioid deaths have gone up every single year of the pandemic nobody cares
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the death certificate fraud that went on from california to new york nobody cares
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financial incentives that led to it nobody cares the hundreds of companies that went into business
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took millions of dollars from the us government to do tracking trace fold calls and shit sorry
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excuse me and crap the masks the closures the mandates all the ipads and stuff that they bought
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for for schools the pcr fraud the ladder of flow testing fraud i mean come on
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you ordered coronavirus tests from china and shipped them to the uk and then delta showed up
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really we didn't even have tests in the united states we just had swabs that we had to send to
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the cdc i mean are you kidding me they want us to forget about 2020 and 2021 because that was
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just two years of bald face lying obfuscation exaggeration and predation on our system draining
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the last little bit of value out of our our economy out of our budget out of our government
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out of a dollar because that's what this is all about that's why this guy who doesn't talk about
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his dad whose brother works for peter teal who's at the head of one of the biggest
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weaponized piles of money on earth
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and his good friends with some guy he started paint pal with
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are involved in manipulating us they are involved in enslaving us
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while they pretend that they are fighting for our freedom they don't care about our kids
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they don't care about us at all
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brett weinstein has done nothing to help me in all the years that i helped him and all of the
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the tips i gave him all the biology that i taught him he had yuri dagan on his his stream
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in 2020 to see the scooby-doo yuri dagan is some foreign medler who is also in the drastic group
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on twitter that i was being manipulated by and that's all part of the same charade to make sure
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that we all bought in to the solving of the mystery we all got excited about busting them
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catching them in their game catching them in the biological clues of the furin cleavage site
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and these bad ideas are what trapped us these bad ideas and more importantly these bad questions
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that they made us ask we weren't asking the right questions because these people no matter who you
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drew out of the deck didn't matter what random five people you chose from here they were not
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going to help you escape something about them was going to be so contradictory and something
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about them would ignore and you would have this limited spectrum of debate and a very lively
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discussion within it that would help you nothing would help your family not at all
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i'm sure it's a lab leak
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and so they made us confused they made us afraid they put doctors on the tv to say it's hell it's
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biblical and then they sent you home and you got on to social media which is basically like being
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on this road here and getting picked up by the cars that drive by and no matter what car you got
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into they were going to change the way you think and they were going to make sure that you believed
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in a novel virus with the potential to kill millions and if these people would just get their act together
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and let me use this or that or the other novel treatment we could save millions
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i mean it's likely from gain of function the spike protein looks really manipulated
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and therefore i mean you know it's getting easier and easier for a biological you know master
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student to make a a gain of function virus in their garage according to Robert Malone
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and so it doesn't matter this is how it was done they had meetings around the world where they went
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to different countries and they met with those people that were dissidents in that country and said
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hey we got you thanks for joining us on the stage man your insight into this pandemic has been so
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helpful i'm going to take it back to the united states i'm going to put it to good work they've
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been doing that for four years these same people these same people have been doing it for like four years how many times have we seen
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Robert Malone and Meryl Nass and and and one or more of these other people on stage at the same time
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in the last four years all around the world and what have they done they keep spreading the same
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news there is a novel virus and millions of people died it's probably from gain of function maybe even
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the us funded it and the who is a bad guy not that i like the who but this would be ended in no time
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if we just told everybody to close their cdc's and we specifically in america stepped out of the
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who because we are a pretty big funder and we closed our own cdc and we stopped our own vaccine
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schedule we could just do it we could just end the prep act we could elect a bunch of people that
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would strike the get rid of the prep act we could we could fund a bunch of lawyers and and have those
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lawyers bring suits for individuals that were injured by the vaccine and bring suit to federal court
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have the federal court have to say that no we can't see your case because you have to take it through
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the cicp or the vicp and then you as an attorney have to say no that's a violation of my seventh
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amendment and then it goes to assert a federal circuit court and gets struck as an unconstitutional
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law it could be over in six months the prep act the entire legislative foundation of pandemics
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in america could be struck as unconstitutional if we just had an organization or a group of people
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that was willing to do it but we don't maybe giggle and biological should do it none of these
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people are going to do it they don't even know the words strict liability
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they know gain a function really well though and they can tell you all about endonuclease sites and
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that kind of thing and so this is how we got here that we were on that road and it doesn't matter
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whose car you got into at the beginning of this very lucky if you got into the car with Nick Hudson
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very lucky if you got into the car with thomas binder i happened to get into the car with thomas
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binder i happened to get into the car with mike eden i happened to get into the car with wolf
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gang wodock so i was pretty convinced that this was baloney from the beginning and then i got out
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1 year ago
of their car and ended up in the car of Kevin McKernan and Paul Cottrell and a but and charles rixie
1 year ago
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and a bunch of other people and oh my gosh and drastic now those were some crazy carfuls of clowns
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with lots of big ideas about how bad this was going to be how many billions were going to die
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and so i doubled i i checked myself i didn't know if i was right or not i noticed that on twitter
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sasha latipova changed her uh her little her little uh picture from this very
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gentle and sweet uh profile picture here to this one which has a gold jacket on and says work hard
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and die rich um that makes me kind of pessimistic about the whole place at this moment but you know
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1 year ago
i'm just pointing things out tonight actually i would like to talk about the great Kevin McKernan
1 year ago
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um he's neither a doctor nor a phd but he is a guy who worked um for the human genome project
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which means that he crossed paths with a lot of creepy people um a lot of creepy people without
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a creepy ideas back in the day when those creepy ideas were taken a lot more seriously they can't
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than they can be in more recent times when we realized that we are kind of approaching that
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that that border where the irreducible complexity of understanding how genes work you know and
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that kind of thing we're starting to run into that wall again and they've been talking a lot
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of smack for a long time about how once we had the human genome sequenced well i mean the world's
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your oyster right and of course that's turned out to be nonsense and uh the only thing that they
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really have to sell is the idea that it's you can make dna cheaper and you can sequence it cheaper
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but you know that doesn't mean that you understand it at all so anyway the reason why i thought it
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was interesting to talk about is because every once in a while Robert Malone with his four trillion
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subscribers will bless or or um anoint another sub stack with the pleasure and honor of being
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1 year ago
restacked and in this case the smoking gun uh the title of uh a Kevin McKernan
1 year ago
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sub stack was uh restacked or or promoted by robert melon so big boost um and this smoking
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gun is actually about the alex washburn paper with the restriction enzyme sites um and it's
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curious because also ark medic wrote a blog about it as well and it's all about emily cops um uh
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foyer request for more information about the diffuse proposal and then they got some more
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information about communication between the grantee and the grantor or whatever and uh some of those
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details are purported to corroborate the existence of and the authenticity of
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the diffuse proposal now keep in mind i just want to state first and foremost i'm not necessarily
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saying that the diffuse proposal is fake what is a fake proposal if you write a proposal it's a
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real proposal if you submit a proposal it's a real proposal but if it was a proposal that was
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written specifically to put the methodologies that that the scooby-doo mystery required
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to fall into the hands of the dissidents then it could be a real grant proposal about real
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experiments that nobody would ever fund nobody would ever do and if you did them it wouldn't matter
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which is what i would argue i don't think they're really ready for me to argue that but i don't
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think making clones and spraying them into bat caves is going to be a real easy way to start
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a pandemic but what they want you to see is that they were thinking about putting fear and cleavage
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sites into bat cave viruses and that pewding fear and cleavage sites into them is what makes them
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these highly transmissible viruses so just by adding a few amino acids to a protein that isn't
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with very high fidelity made in the first place
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into a genetic swarm that is the exact opposite of homogenous it doesn't really have the biological
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you know the whole biological machinery and and and stuff there to to really make sense so it's a
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lot of hand waving but it's exciting because again all the little pieces of the scooby-doo
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puzzle are present the fear and cleavage site is it or is it not a laboratory made oh my gosh
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look they ordered the same enzymes that Alex Washburn identified as enzymes that could cut
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the SARS-CoV-2 virus in certain little segments well isn't that cool i mean that's like saying
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that you know these people were making cakes and look we found out that they they ordered flour
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and baking soda i mean if you're doing molecular biology and you order a relatively common or
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relatively rare restriction enzyme it doesn't mean much especially again it wouldn't be very hard
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for them to have for for this to be a thing if they wanted us to really feel like wow this scooby-doo
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is really getting solved these are mystery solvers look at these guys go what are they really
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doing they're making diffuse real again because when it first came out it was already not real
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when it first came out i already said that it wasn't real it was too perfect it was too
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perfect and it came out exactly when everybody wasn't buying it anymore
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i'm not even really sure it was in the original script i think the original script really needed
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just lab leak and a lot of a lot of going along and a lot of people didn't go along
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and so i see a very coordinated effort between Robert Malone
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1 year ago
Kevin McKernan a guy by name of Archmetic and Jessica Rose to re-elevate the discussion about the
1 year ago
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endo nuclei sites and the diffuse proposal because we got more data now it looks like they actually
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ordered the enzymes it looks like they were in having email conversations
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and this doesn't convince me at all that any of these experiments were done but even more
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importantly it doesn't convince me at all but even if they were done that it would it would
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generate any kind of pandemic potential that's the whole point they want you to think
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that the debate should be is diffuse real or not did they do the experiments or not
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the real debate is is if they made clones and spread them into bad caves what would happen i
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would tell you absolutely nothing
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and i'm going to tell you i think i've got a really good reason to be confident about this
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number one please recall that i wrote my only article for the defender my only article for the
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1 year ago
defender on october 29th 2022 with three authors Charles Rixey myself and Robert F Kennedy Jr Robert
1 year ago
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1 year ago
F Kennedy Jr was on the phone call until one 30 in the morning Charles Rixey apparently fell
1 year ago
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asleep so he actually didn't write any of this article at all we left him on it i'm not really
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sure why and other people were involved the editing team was involved and so i there are
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other people who could corroborate this story that charles rixie was on the original start of the
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call or he was notified that we wanted to write this article and then he fell asleep
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and so when we were calling back and forth about the writing of the article eventually we couldn't
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get a hold of him anymore but bobby was on the phone with us until one 30 in the morning
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and we talked about clones
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and they didn't get into this article but in this article we talk about
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endonuclease sites and about the idea that they had their indication that they were making clones
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that they intended that it came from a clone and i totally agree with that
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of course that's what i've said the only way to work on a coronavirus is to find the sequence
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using any number of computational and sequential methods where you have these short sequences and
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use an algorithm to assemble them into a consensus coronavirus and then you make a DNA
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1 year ago
construct of that using the kinds of technology that Kevin McKernan has probably very lucrative
1 year ago
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patinson seeing he's he's had like a couple companies that he's sold for sequencing methodologies and
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technologies and so he knows what he's doing and he knows that that coming down in cost is one of
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these big sales pitches as to why it is that we're eventually going to crack the human genome because
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we can we can read it ever cheaper but that's that's not that's not that's not fixing any problems
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about understanding so if you read this one you can see um uh this little analogy here is actually
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from me consider how a brit would spell color maneuver a pediatric the choice of how to spell
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a word can reveal your native origin similarly these nearly implecable imperceptible changes
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in the viral sequence give away the laboratory origins of this virus so this is really like a
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a small smidgen of of what ends up in the red book um the wuhan cover up and in this we could
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have easily put the clones in this article but it needed to be a shorter article bobby didn't
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want to split it in two um and then uh by the time i got hired by i would have gotten hired by
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chd only in july of 23 so at this time i was still just a consultant for bobby and just a consultant
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for the book so when i wrote for the defender here i was actually not being paid by by the defender
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but but as a consultant so hard not by the defender but not by chd but as a consultant i wasn't i
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wasn't a scientist then um and then i got hired by chd as a staff scientist in july of 23 and then
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i was laid off in january fourth of this year um so anyway the point is is that i also am aware
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of this paper i was i was on it the same day it was out and uh i've been paying attention to the
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diffuse proposal the diffuse proposal is actually here in this um thing you can see it right there
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and so if we go back to this and uh try to kind of discuss what's going on here
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one of the interesting things that i was made aware of is that in the
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the in the comments um somebody had referenced me or clones
54:05.120 --> 54:14.880
1 year ago
and uh mr Kevin McKernan um kind of went off so i'm going to first read his his uh paragraph here
1 year ago
54:14.880 --> 54:21.440
and then i'll try to break it down a little bit um but i'm kind of feeling like hold on just let me
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think about this for a second i think i'm going to move this one up here and then i'm going to
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keep this going so this will work but then i just moved up a video that i want to watch
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after this so i'm going to read this and then i'm going to show you a video that comes from uh
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st patrix day i believe a year and a half ago where i explain the clone hypothesis as best i can
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1 year ago
to an audience of Kevin McKernan Jessica Rose
1 year ago
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1 year ago
Stephanie Seneff and John Beaudoin and in that explanation of the clone hypothesis Kevin McKernan
1 year ago
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and i have a back and forth about the biology and it's very insightful to compare that back
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and forth which is really the last time that i would have interacted with him before he eventually
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blocked me on twitter for something which i don't really know
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1 year ago
so let's read this this is common jj couey bio babble folklore coronaviruses circle the globe
1 year ago
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every year there is no reason why an engineered version could not do the same given it was derived
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from parts of viruses that have been doing this for millions of years
55:44.560 --> 55:51.600
so so far he's the dinging refers to the fact that he's right on the principles of
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virology as written by vince at rancid yellow and others this one right here this two part volume
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um in this case someone spent the effort to hyper optimize the covid 19 ace two binding affinity
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such that it would spread far and wide that's another very interestingly early on seated narrative
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we had this guy patrovsky from australia who published this very detailed analysis from
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all different ace two receptors across the animal kingdom and it was like 16 times more
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affinity than the next closest one whoa was that nuts
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his next squid ink is to claim it could not spread as fast as it did and thus needs to be
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seated from clones well that's just that's just completely misrepresenting what i've said
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of course i've never said that it couldn't spread as fast i've said that it couldn't spread with
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as high fidelity
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maybe spreading fast as part of that but it's the high fidelity that i have a problem with
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and i'm sure i'm absolutely sure that kevin in his multi-million dollar mansion on the
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atlantic coast with his hundred million dollars in the bank with all of his patents i'm sure that
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he understands that he is grossly misrepresenting my ideas here and really pigeonholing them into
57:22.320 --> 57:28.560
a tiny little dumb compartment instead of the absolutely monumental possibility space that
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they represent that none of these medlers will discuss let's go further into this obfuscation
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circus the fault in this logic is assuming the spread initiated when the chinese claimed it did
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in 2019 when there is in fact evidence of prior circulation well that's another complete failure
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because you know and i know that i've been saying it's a background signal that may even extend
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back into in perpetuity the background could signal could be insanely loud for all we know
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we have no data from before the pandemic i've been claiming that from the beginning for him
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to turn it around and pretend as though the fault in this logic is assuming spread initiated
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when the chinese claimed it did prior circulation gives time for it to achieve an endemic state
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1 year ago
no kidding really Kevin wow what a ridiculous misrepresentation now i'm really curious because
1 year ago
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we're going to be able to look at a video that comes from over a year and a half ago
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1 year ago
where i explain it to Kevin and so i wonder if he has the exact same response that that's that's
1 year ago
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kind of dumb because because because i wonder if it's going to be there i bet it's not
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so seeding clone hypothesis is chemtrail retarded the most efficient mechanism would be
59:01.760 --> 59:07.680
the package of virus and infect a few people in a city huh so package of virus and infect
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a few people in the city do you mean like make um do you mean like make a transfection product
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do you mean like virus-like particles what do you mean by that do you mean like lipid nanoparticles
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with RNA in them what exactly are you talking about you see how silly this is you see how disingenuous
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this is a guy who blocked me on twitter after having been on my stream twice in the last four years
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not a doctor or a phd just a guy who sold out very early a long long time ago
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transportation takes care of the rest dropping clones everywhere hoping for a magical
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transfection to occur while having an endless parade of spies dropping and spreading these
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clones around his keystone cop move when the package virus will perform all of this skull
59:58.640 --> 01:00:04.640
doggery for you how does he think that clones and and viruses are different in any of the
01:00:04.640 --> 01:00:12.160
experiments that we've read where they apply the RNA to a cell culture and then take the super named
01:00:16.320 --> 01:00:20.160
how does how does he see that as any different is that not preparing viruses
01:00:21.360 --> 01:00:27.840
is that not preparing very pure viruses i don't understand really this is just being
01:00:28.400 --> 01:00:34.080
this is just being obtuse this is somebody who's pretending to dunk on me but he's
01:00:34.080 --> 01:00:37.840
absolutely exposing himself as a fraud
01:00:41.120 --> 01:00:46.400
leaking the virus provides camouflage and plausible dye and dye and deniability as folks
01:00:46.400 --> 01:00:52.240
question the source for years the keystone cop clone chemtrail hypothesis requires a team
01:00:52.240 --> 01:00:57.520
of covert people and is frankly stupid if you know how to package a virus he wants you to
01:00:57.520 --> 01:01:03.600
believe that clones and viruses are different and that if you make viruses they can go around
01:01:03.600 --> 01:01:13.040
the world but clones can't do that do you see how awful it is it's an absolute inversion of the
01:01:13.040 --> 01:01:20.160
truth that all virology is basically based on making RNA clones any study of a coronavirus that
01:01:20.160 --> 01:01:26.000
can be replicated starts from a clone and they apply that clone to a cell culture
01:01:27.600 --> 01:01:34.080
cell culture packages it up i guess because they gets their their their machinery hijacked
01:01:35.920 --> 01:01:41.040
and then that supernatant can be applied and used as virus i don't know what he means by
01:01:41.040 --> 01:01:48.560
prepare virus if he doesn't mean that and in fact in the video i'm about to show you he's
01:01:48.560 --> 01:01:52.400
gonna say that he doesn't think that clones are much different than the natural thing and that's
01:01:52.400 --> 01:02:00.960
where he's obviously wrong because if you can make 40 liters of the DNA and then you can use a
01:02:00.960 --> 01:02:06.800
commercial polymerase to change that to RNA what you get in this vat over here of RNA is going to
01:02:06.800 --> 01:02:15.920
be a quantity and a purity that is unattainable with whatever he's talking about here packaging
01:02:15.920 --> 01:02:21.680
the virus what let's listen to this video
01:02:26.720 --> 01:02:33.520
your latest video with Paul was amazing JJ really nice compliment thank you very much can you
01:02:33.520 --> 01:02:40.400
hear me better now or not nice voice nice voice it was really like it nailed down two things for me
01:02:40.480 --> 01:02:48.000
but i finally really understand the infectious clone idea and i think it's very very likely
01:02:48.000 --> 01:02:54.320
what happened it aligns so well with the fact that i don't think anybody has been wrong so far
01:02:54.320 --> 01:03:01.040
it's just nobody had a complete picture and this kind of suits all of these things there was a
01:03:01.040 --> 01:03:06.480
misinterpretation of the real question that was being asked and what people really wanted to know
01:03:06.560 --> 01:03:12.560
is this SARS 2 thing of virus that's the real question not whether or not viruses exist in general
01:03:12.560 --> 01:03:17.920
i mean i think that just got mixed up they get mixed up in there indeed and i think that people
01:03:17.920 --> 01:03:23.600
get yeah they get swept away in that and and it's it's a very much more i think the people that are
01:03:23.600 --> 01:03:29.600
actually misrepresenting the no virus angle and i do believe there are people that are doing it
01:03:29.600 --> 01:03:35.920
are purposefully not curious about what happened they're just sure that say didn't happen and that
01:03:35.920 --> 01:03:40.320
part of it really bothers me it drives me bananas and it's the reason why i don't think
01:03:40.320 --> 01:03:45.520
it makes complete sense that's a perfect segue by the way to go to jj's ideas about the
01:03:45.520 --> 01:03:51.680
the infectious clones i mean it's fascinating idea and it makes so much sense it gives credence
01:03:51.680 --> 01:03:57.840
to the they did it on purpose as a biological weapon idea you want to go jj yes thank you i'll
01:03:57.840 --> 01:04:04.720
go so i've been active like a lot of these these humans um in trying to get the word out about
01:04:04.720 --> 01:04:11.840
basic biology and um i've been kind of focused on learning the immunology again um after having
01:04:11.840 --> 01:04:18.480
learned it as an undergraduate as a grad student and trying to figure out where the line of fidelity
01:04:18.480 --> 01:04:28.000
in virology is really drawn um and after about a year and a half of this struggle i had my my path
01:04:28.080 --> 01:04:35.760
cross uh the path of robert f Kennedy jr and so um since then i've been uh a scientific advisor for
01:04:35.760 --> 01:04:43.520
him behind the scenes and a lot of my recent work has been spurred by questions and specifically
01:04:43.520 --> 01:04:49.840
questions about what does what is an infectious clone what do they mean when they say this um
01:04:49.840 --> 01:04:56.160
was a question that was posed to me by bobby and over the course of trying to figure out what this
01:04:56.160 --> 01:05:00.080
what the implications of this methodology where i've come to realize that
01:05:00.960 --> 01:05:08.000
i think it's possible that um there are more smoke and mirrors than anybody wants to really
01:05:08.000 --> 01:05:14.960
admit um so let me just switch over here hopefully if you have it set to um speaker i can just switch
01:05:14.960 --> 01:05:22.000
like this and i can put myself down here in the corner um so let's just go forward and say first
01:05:22.080 --> 01:05:28.960
of all they've told you that bat coronavirus is out of a cave um are capable of uh of the verb
01:05:28.960 --> 01:05:36.000
pandemic um they're capable of pandemicking um they've also told you that this this ability to
01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:42.560
cause a pandemic or rather the potential to cause a pandemic can be accessed if you take a virus out
01:05:42.560 --> 01:05:50.560
of the wild and you passage it successively through a special cell culture or even in some cases a
01:05:50.560 --> 01:05:57.840
series of animals um and at the end you get pandemic potential and i'm gonna argue that in fact
01:05:57.840 --> 01:06:04.080
they've told you these stories because they don't want you to know the real biology can't support
01:06:04.080 --> 01:06:10.880
this idea and their goal is to use a relatively harmless background pathogen to try and coerce
01:06:10.880 --> 01:06:16.880
us out of our individual sovereignty and do a kind of global conversion from you know individual
01:06:16.960 --> 01:06:23.040
sovereignty to individual permissions and i think that is going to be achieved if we don't
01:06:23.760 --> 01:06:29.440
make it become common knowledge that these gain of function mythologies are are exactly that
01:06:29.440 --> 01:06:37.040
they're largely mythologies so the trick is just think about the the cartoon um that they've told
01:06:37.040 --> 01:06:41.040
you on television which is that when you're infected with a virus you have a bunch of copies of it in
01:06:41.040 --> 01:06:44.800
your lungs and you cough those on your family members and that's how this works because it's
01:06:44.800 --> 01:06:51.920
actually not true more importantly all of virology knows that it's not true they know that there is
01:06:51.920 --> 01:06:58.640
a ratio to be measured between infectious particles and particles which are non-infectious because
01:06:58.640 --> 01:07:03.440
they have a genome with too many errors i'm just gonna stop it for one second to get rid of these
01:07:03.440 --> 01:07:11.680
things because they're just in the way seeing genes or missing proteins etc this quantity or
01:07:11.680 --> 01:07:18.240
let's say this ratio has been very poorly characterized since it was first recognized
01:07:18.240 --> 01:07:24.320
and in fact you might even suggest that there's been a paucity of effort to characterize this
01:07:24.320 --> 01:07:29.680
i'm going to suggest to you that this would be one of the key things to figure out as we try to
01:07:29.680 --> 01:07:34.640
parse out really what coronavirus infection is and how does our immune system deal with it
01:07:35.360 --> 01:07:42.880
i'm going to suggest to you that and my viewers that there's um there's one sort of anecdotal
01:07:42.880 --> 01:07:47.040
story that always gets told about coronavirus as it goes along with this one as well and that is
01:07:47.040 --> 01:07:53.680
that it's very difficult to culture them you can read papers about the the Wuhan Institute of Virology
01:07:53.680 --> 01:07:57.680
sampling from hundreds if not thousands of animals and only coming up with a few
01:07:58.560 --> 01:08:04.240
imperfect and incomplete sequences and maybe able to culture one that they get a Sanger sequence
01:08:04.800 --> 01:08:10.560
and this one's considered to be quite a successful expedition and they tell you that's because they
01:08:10.560 --> 01:08:15.520
don't have the right culture they don't have the right cell type they don't know how to do it
01:08:15.520 --> 01:08:20.960
but in reality i think it could be related to the the infectious cycle and the fact that they
01:08:20.960 --> 01:08:27.760
have misled us about the purity of it and the the fidelity of viral replication to tell us a story
01:08:28.400 --> 01:08:32.880
and the stories that they've told us are these and then i'll be done the first story that you
01:08:32.880 --> 01:08:37.440
can accept is that this is a natural bat cave virus each of these sets of earths is a year
01:08:38.000 --> 01:08:43.520
so at the beginning of the pandemic the bat cave virus was released the following year it was
01:08:43.520 --> 01:08:49.440
delta i guess or alpha beta gamma delta i don't know which at some point there was an omicron
01:08:49.440 --> 01:08:54.320
variant which first appeared in south africa that omicron variant also took over the world
01:08:54.880 --> 01:09:01.040
and now we're here at some green variant in this model the green earths indicate that the lockdowns
01:09:01.040 --> 01:09:07.600
didn't hurt anybody we can also say that the false positives were were rare we can say that
01:09:07.600 --> 01:09:12.080
novel coronavirus has jumped and caused a pandemic and we can say that we've spent money on gain
01:09:12.080 --> 01:09:19.760
a bunch of research and it's all okay in the laboratory bat cave zoanosis story maybe you
01:09:19.760 --> 01:09:24.400
think that the protocols hurt more people so we'll start with green earth but then right away we'll
01:09:24.400 --> 01:09:28.880
turn it to yellow because some of the protocols weren't correct but you still believe that there's
01:09:28.960 --> 01:09:34.880
a virus circulating the earth that came from one point on earth and spread all around you might
01:09:34.880 --> 01:09:41.120
even think that omicron is a second release either way you still think there was a virus that circulated
01:09:41.120 --> 01:09:46.320
the earth consistently for three years replicating itself in different lines but always coming back
01:09:46.320 --> 01:09:52.000
to the same variant in this scenario it's the exact same thing we spend money on gain a
01:09:52.000 --> 01:09:57.600
function research novel viruses can jump from nature or from a lab and pcr false positives are
01:09:57.600 --> 01:10:03.360
relatively rare you could also say that there's another scenario where maybe the vaccines are
01:10:03.360 --> 01:10:09.440
hurting people but there was a real virus and the lockdowns worked but all of these still have
01:10:09.440 --> 01:10:14.080
this virus in the background that wasn't there before it doesn't matter where it came from it
01:10:14.080 --> 01:10:20.480
wasn't there before and it's here now the other scenario that's very seductive and sucking a lot
01:10:20.480 --> 01:10:25.440
of people in is the no virus scenario now what if i told you actually i think every person that
01:10:25.440 --> 01:10:30.480
believes any of these scenarios is actually not wrong they're just confused and that there
01:10:30.480 --> 01:10:36.720
is a single biological narrative which can explain why the no virus story holds a lot of water
01:10:36.720 --> 01:10:42.400
while the laboratory virus holds a lot of water and the natural virus story seems to hold a lot of
01:10:42.400 --> 01:10:50.000
water and that is a previously endemic background if you will recall sars was released or found in
01:10:50.080 --> 01:10:56.800
2002 but then there were three more coronavirus leaks from china in 2004 then there was a leak
01:10:56.800 --> 01:11:03.920
from taiwan in 2006 then there was a leak from china again in 2009 and there were at least 484
01:11:03.920 --> 01:11:11.760
reported leaks by the cdc in their own reports from american labs so it's likely it's kind of likely
01:11:11.760 --> 01:11:16.160
that there are some sars viruses in the background along with the other endemic coronaviruses that
01:11:16.240 --> 01:11:21.440
are always there so if we make the the initial story that there are a bunch of coronaviruses
01:11:22.240 --> 01:11:27.440
then we can say well we don't know because we weren't unfortunately we weren't testing for them at all
01:11:28.480 --> 01:11:38.320
um so anyway imagine that in order to explain how the the the beautiful beautiful signal molecular
01:11:38.320 --> 01:11:44.000
signal is released all around the world it's so uniform that it's actually not supported by
01:11:44.560 --> 01:11:50.240
the RNA biology that we understand that underlies coronaviruses and incidentally
01:11:50.960 --> 01:11:56.640
requires them to make coronaviruses into a cDNA copy in order to work on them in a laboratory
01:11:57.200 --> 01:12:05.280
a cDNA copy that makes every virus the same it makes every genome the same in the clone
01:12:06.000 --> 01:12:11.760
and so it's a very convenient methodology that's been around since 1987 invented by
01:12:11.760 --> 01:12:18.560
1 year ago
David Baltimore and Vincent Racaniello and is a way of making an RNA virus that's almost
1 year ago
01:12:18.560 --> 01:12:24.080
impossible to culture and sustain in a lab sustainable in a laboratory for years
01:12:25.280 --> 01:12:32.960
and it's jj sorry yes go ahead are you going to do the cd and tape analogy because that really
01:12:32.960 --> 01:12:39.200
really hit home for me and i think people will would love to hear that analogy because they can
01:12:39.200 --> 01:12:43.280
a relate to it and then be really understand the significance of
01:12:46.000 --> 01:12:51.200
i forgot how much jessica rose helped me out in this talk i was kind of going off onto the
01:12:52.000 --> 01:12:57.760
going off into the ditch there for a little bit talking about trying to get myself back to talking
01:12:57.760 --> 01:13:05.440
about clones and what clones are and why they're so interesting to think about that they enable
01:13:05.440 --> 01:13:13.200
unculturable very untractable RNA signals to be recreated by using a dna construct
01:13:13.200 --> 01:13:18.800
and in fact i was trying to make the argument that if we've been trying to understand these
01:13:18.800 --> 01:13:23.920
dna and rna ghosts in the wild for a long time and the only way that we've come to
01:13:23.920 --> 01:13:29.120
understand them is using dna clones to create the ghosts and study them in the laboratory
01:13:29.680 --> 01:13:35.840
we might we might be creating something that is not really related to nature anymore and it is
01:13:35.840 --> 01:13:40.880
fact a higher quantity and higher purity that can exist in nature and therefore whatever
01:13:41.520 --> 01:13:48.320
potential that we're studying is already exaggerated hundreds of fold and so then real danger just
01:13:48.320 --> 01:13:53.200
becomes quantity and the real way that you would get the same sequence in many places is to use
01:13:53.200 --> 01:13:58.320
1 year ago
the clone so hopefully i'll figure it out here and the rest of this and then of course Kevin
1 year ago
01:13:58.320 --> 01:14:05.120
1 year ago
McKernan's going to ask questions you know the the lab versus the wild type thing i love you
1 year ago
01:14:05.120 --> 01:14:08.880
for saying it because i cut it out i wanted it to be short but i'll put it in it's only going to
01:14:08.880 --> 01:14:14.400
take me two more seconds john forgive me it's such a good analogy so i think it's it's like it'll
01:14:14.400 --> 01:14:20.000
drive home what you're saying for people who don't really have the the background thank thank you
01:14:20.000 --> 01:14:25.840
1 year ago
Jessica um i owe you one so when they typically get infected they say that the virus is all the
1 year ago
01:14:25.920 --> 01:14:30.880
same right and i've already told you that that's not the case and that that's the reason why this
01:14:30.880 --> 01:14:35.120
story doesn't make sense that it's really hard to culture well if the virus was making perfect
01:14:35.120 --> 01:14:40.720
copies of itself it would be easy to culture but it's not it's making very poor copies of itself
01:14:40.720 --> 01:14:46.000
many of the copies are non-replication competent that makes it difficult to culture coronavirus is
01:14:46.000 --> 01:14:51.920
from the wild the solution that they've come up with is to take that RNA sequence that they find in
01:14:52.000 --> 01:14:58.240
the wild turn it into cDNA constructs that can be grown in high quantities in a bacterial culture
01:14:58.240 --> 01:15:04.320
they can then use any number of ways to convert that cDNA to RNA you don't have to get into that
01:15:04.320 --> 01:15:08.160
1 year ago
now and in fact because we're going to talk with with somebody like Kevin McKernan it would be
1 year ago
01:15:08.160 --> 01:15:12.960
really silly for me to try and wax intellectual about all the details of that but the point is
01:15:12.960 --> 01:15:18.320
is that when they do this they are able to create a purity level of a single copy
01:15:19.120 --> 01:15:25.360
many many copies of a pure RNA that can't exist in nature because of the nature of replicating RNA
01:15:26.000 --> 01:15:33.600
now the the trick is is that up until now no one has really tried to measure the infectious ratio
01:15:33.600 --> 01:15:38.960
of a coronavirus swarm in an animal or in nature or anywhere else but my guess is it's a lot different
01:15:38.960 --> 01:15:44.880
than one to one or ten to one or even fifty to one the point is is that if you make an RNA copy
01:15:45.440 --> 01:15:51.200
or sorry a DNA master copy you can make lots of copies of the same RNA and you will have
01:15:51.200 --> 01:15:56.480
averted this problem that makes it so difficult to culture coronaviruses from the wild
01:15:56.480 --> 01:16:02.960
so are you suggesting that they're making so you know if you put that infectious clone into a
01:16:02.960 --> 01:16:09.120
million cell you're going to get a very similar output to what um sorry status right the the
01:16:09.120 --> 01:16:13.440
replicated machinery is going to make this really odd array of different expression from the
01:16:13.440 --> 01:16:22.640
engine the m gene and this is where he's already getting it wrong he's already distorting it
01:16:22.640 --> 01:16:27.920
right and he did this back then and he he tries to do it all the time but if you make a clone
01:16:28.720 --> 01:16:36.560
with a large quantity of pure DNA and then you convert that to RNA you're going to have a quantity
01:16:36.560 --> 01:16:46.160
of RNA that when you put it on your cell culture it is more pure and way more pure than anything
01:16:46.160 --> 01:16:54.720
that you're ever going to get out of a bat anus in your sampling of bat caves because there you're
01:16:54.720 --> 01:17:00.800
going to get a single RNA and a swarm of RNA is best we can tell and when you put that into cell
01:17:00.800 --> 01:17:06.800
culture it doesn't go anywhere in a 96 well plate you might get two plate two wells that show
01:17:07.520 --> 01:17:12.480
psychopathic effects and you might get lucky if you can sequence one of those wells
01:17:13.440 --> 01:17:20.000
and then that sequence needs to be turned into a clone and then made into more RNA before you can
01:17:20.000 --> 01:17:27.360
study it and so are you suggesting that you would put these RNAs into cell culture and then they
01:17:27.360 --> 01:17:34.400
would make yes and then they would make all the subgenomic RNAs exactly the same as we think the
01:17:34.400 --> 01:17:43.120
coronavirus does but he would be starting with a hell of a lot more pure genomes than you would
01:17:43.120 --> 01:17:50.560
ever start with from any sample in the wild and so the result would also be much more robust than
01:17:50.560 --> 01:17:57.760
anything you would start with in the wild and so the idea that a clone is the same as what you
01:17:57.760 --> 01:18:06.160
find in the wild is only true if you think one molecule to one molecule and you buy their entire
01:18:06.160 --> 01:18:12.080
cartoon which is that this molecule has to translate itself into a bunch of subgenomic RNA templates
01:18:13.360 --> 01:18:17.600
and only every once in a while makes a copy of itself but then it still needs to make a copy
01:18:17.840 --> 01:18:24.240
right it's got to be positive stranded so I don't know if you're aware of that they need to make a
01:18:24.240 --> 01:18:29.760
negative strand then that negative strand needs to be copied again and the positive strand needs
01:18:29.760 --> 01:18:40.320
to be packaged in the new virus so we're really getting close here to exposing this for for the
01:18:40.320 --> 01:18:47.920
sham that it is because this is not a valid argument what he's calling a a chem trail retarded
01:18:48.960 --> 01:18:51.520
it's he's not calling it chem trail retarded here
01:18:56.400 --> 01:19:00.720
because it has to right if you want to actually stoichiometrically put one genomic piece of
01:19:00.720 --> 01:19:06.560
DNA or RNA into a capsid you have to make like a hundred to a thousand spikes a hundred to a thousand
01:19:06.560 --> 01:19:10.720
you know end proteins envelope protein so so they're going to express a lot more that junk at the
01:19:10.720 --> 01:19:15.680
end of the molecule just to make that assemble correctly are you suggesting that that to do an
01:19:15.680 --> 01:19:20.240
infectious clone release you'd have to like take the clones grow them in a co-lide like they're
01:19:20.240 --> 01:19:26.560
doing through the vaccines and then purify them and then make a lot of t7 like RNA off of it and then
01:19:26.560 --> 01:19:31.200
infect people with the RNA somehow because in that case it would be it would be linear it all be
01:19:31.200 --> 01:19:36.000
one molecule it wouldn't be all diced up and having this this different type of um expression
01:19:36.000 --> 01:19:41.920
profile that we see in nature right so that would be kind of my point is that if you did that you
01:19:41.920 --> 01:19:48.880
would have a an infectious but it would still work the same it would still need to make an RNA
01:19:48.880 --> 01:19:56.720
dependent polymerase and all the other replicates uh cooperative proteins in order to copy itself
01:19:56.720 --> 01:20:03.200
all the the cartoon of coronavirus doesn't change because we make a clone of it
01:20:04.480 --> 01:20:10.480
I mean I'm just playing the game here he's the one who insists that coronavirus circle the globe
01:20:10.480 --> 01:20:14.560
every year and that we've made coronaviruses that can do it because we're using parts that have
01:20:14.560 --> 01:20:19.040
been circulating the globe for millions of years if we're gonna work on that assumption then come
01:20:19.120 --> 01:20:27.280
on let's be honest do you see do you see how crazy it is that this guy pretends he can't understand
01:20:27.280 --> 01:20:33.760
the difference he's supposed to be a guy who didn't do his PhD or his MD went right straight to the
01:20:33.760 --> 01:20:48.880
human genome project he was so sharp clone would be and not an accurate representation of what
01:20:48.880 --> 01:20:54.160
SARS does when it's on its own and so if they released a large even a small quantity
01:20:54.880 --> 01:21:00.480
of an RNA infectious clone with the identical molecular signature in these different places
01:21:01.040 --> 01:21:06.720
that all of this symptomology and all of the molecular signals would line up perfectly
01:21:06.720 --> 01:21:11.920
for a brief period of time while the clones purity was pure enough for that to happen
01:21:12.720 --> 01:21:19.760
yeah so I mean I'm with you that this this allowable like two by five opinion card and Wuhan versus
01:21:19.760 --> 01:21:25.200
wet market is ridiculous right like but that's not when it started and all they had to do is like
01:21:25.200 --> 01:21:31.120
turn on the PCR lights if you will and you can start seeing patterns of viruses moving through
01:21:31.120 --> 01:21:37.040
the population and they could have done this on HQ HKU1 if they wanted to just by simply looking
01:21:37.120 --> 01:21:43.600
in ringing your arm bells I wonder if they could do it with primers that weren't specific for any
01:21:43.600 --> 01:21:49.040
particular RNA signal I wonder if they could tell us they were looking for an N protein when really
01:21:49.040 --> 01:21:55.440
they were just looking for a signal they knew was already there do you see how easy it would be
01:21:55.440 --> 01:21:59.920
we're already there he's already agreeing with me here he's not he's not opposing any of this
01:22:00.880 --> 01:22:06.160
where's the chemtrail retarded part this is a year and a half ago
01:22:09.360 --> 01:22:14.400
did I catch him off guard where's the chemtrail retarded part here
01:22:20.400 --> 01:22:25.280
I guess what I'm trying to see is like how is the infectious clone RNA expression different
01:22:25.280 --> 01:22:29.280
than what the virus does because when I when I see that I'm like it's the same polymerase
01:22:29.360 --> 01:22:37.040
making the same errors making the same yeah so it's starting with a giant quantity of pure DNA
01:22:38.720 --> 01:22:42.960
what part of that doesn't he understand I hope I explain it right here
01:22:44.960 --> 01:22:49.600
oh the problem is though think about it and this is the way I think about it so I'm yeah I would
01:22:49.600 --> 01:22:57.840
love you to help me think better if if if the best case scenario was you took an infectious clone
01:22:57.920 --> 01:23:03.120
and put it on an airline and everybody on the airplane or everybody in the room had it then you
01:23:03.120 --> 01:23:08.080
put them all on different airplanes wherever they landed that infectious clone would still go off
01:23:08.080 --> 01:23:14.960
now in a relatively random direction in my imagination yeah rather than all going to delta
01:23:14.960 --> 01:23:20.320
than all going because these are all different chains of infection it's not like so the only way
01:23:20.320 --> 01:23:25.280
that it Italian doctors for the first month could have measured the same sequence as people in
01:23:25.840 --> 01:23:31.040
in Seattle as if the people that got infected were infected with the same clone otherwise there
01:23:31.040 --> 01:23:36.640
would have been a molecular difference because we saw that in the first SARS between every patient
01:23:37.920 --> 01:23:41.440
oh between SARS one you're saying yes there's so much divergence between
01:23:42.320 --> 01:23:47.040
does SARS one have the same I'm it must have the same error proofing a lead a champ baby I think
01:23:47.040 --> 01:23:51.200
it sure does it's a long gene I mean it's a long it's a long genome so therefore it's
01:23:51.280 --> 01:23:56.400
I mean the air rates I've read on that there's something like one in 10,000 maybe one in 100,000
01:23:56.400 --> 01:24:02.560
when there's an exon engine in there and then I it wasn't reading the it seemed pretty similar to
01:24:02.560 --> 01:24:09.840
human R&AP human R&AP is what if you put this clone inside of a human cell the first round of
01:24:09.840 --> 01:24:15.040
making the template RNA off the clone is going to be from probably RNA polymerase or R&AP and
01:24:15.040 --> 01:24:20.160
that has an error rate of like one in 100,000 but then after that's made SARS starts doing its
01:24:20.160 --> 01:24:26.400
business and RDRP takes over which has an error correcting polymerase which ends up being almost
01:24:26.400 --> 01:24:30.880
in the same ballpark it's a little bit a little bit more noisy than the human one but but it's only
01:24:30.880 --> 01:24:37.360
that one cycle of making human R of going off the clone into making human RNA after that it's
01:24:37.360 --> 01:24:41.200
going to be the machinery it's going to get read by the ribosome and then all the expression is
01:24:41.200 --> 01:24:45.120
going to change you're going to start getting too much N protein I shouldn't say too much just
01:24:45.120 --> 01:24:52.560
more and protein more and you know envelope and whatnot so I don't know how the mutation spectrum
01:24:52.560 --> 01:24:59.440
changes going this way you know but I don't think it did my argument is the mutation spectrum is
01:24:59.440 --> 01:25:04.560
being chosen from the background of SARS viruses they're already there that's why Omicron was
01:25:04.560 --> 01:25:08.880
present the whole time they just brought it up when they decided to cause like target failure
01:25:09.360 --> 01:25:16.000
a real so wait I thought he just dunked on me a minute ago on January 19th of 2024 I just thought
01:25:16.000 --> 01:25:21.440
he dunked on me saying that yeah but the big assumption that Jay says is that it didn't spread that
01:25:21.440 --> 01:25:26.240
fast and therefore it had to be there earlier but the easy explanation is it was already endemic
01:25:29.280 --> 01:25:34.560
don't you see how disingenuous it is can you not see that he's actually I don't know how to use
01:25:34.560 --> 01:25:45.120
any other word then he's a liar he's lying in that in that comment answer that he posted on his own
01:25:45.120 --> 01:25:50.880
sub stack about my idea and what he understands about it he completely misrepresented it
01:25:52.960 --> 01:26:01.440
here I am explaining it to him live on rumble a year and a half ago I'm explaining it to him
01:26:01.440 --> 01:26:04.400
it's the third time we've been live together
01:26:11.040 --> 01:26:18.320
it's absolutely disgusting this man is worth a hundred million dollars and he's attacking
01:26:18.320 --> 01:26:22.640
somebody who's got kids and no job and I'm renting this house
01:26:25.440 --> 01:26:30.560
and he's spending his time he was spending his time attacking me on twitter until he decided
01:26:30.560 --> 01:26:36.880
to block me he's spent his time sending complaining letters about me
01:26:40.880 --> 01:26:47.760
a guy who lives on the Atlantic Ocean in in in Boston has spent an exorbit amount of time
01:26:48.320 --> 01:26:56.880
trying to ruin and defame and slander somebody who streams out of their back of their garage
01:26:56.960 --> 01:27:02.000
with a thousand three thousand subscribers are you kidding me how can you not see how
01:27:02.000 --> 01:27:08.000
diabolical how malevolent it is that this grad school dropout
01:27:09.840 --> 01:27:14.880
is wasting his time actually actively ruining my family's life
01:27:15.360 --> 01:27:27.840
I think I dunk on him here a positive right right right so there is no evolution and DARPA is
01:27:27.840 --> 01:27:33.040
controlling these sequences it's not like it's an open source database that that random sequences
01:27:33.040 --> 01:27:37.680
can be thrown into my argument is the mutation spectrum is being chosen from the background of
01:27:37.680 --> 01:27:42.480
SARS viruses they're already there that's why omicron was present the whole time they just
01:27:42.480 --> 01:27:48.400
brought it up when they decided to cause like target failure a real a positive right right right
01:27:49.120 --> 01:27:54.080
so there is no evolution and DARPA is controlling these sequences it's not like it's an open source
01:27:54.080 --> 01:28:00.880
database that that random sequences can be thrown into you mean the g said yeah yeah maybe yeah
01:28:02.880 --> 01:28:06.480
there are there are several million like six point seven or something in ncbi which is more
01:28:06.480 --> 01:28:10.880
open source but I don't know how quickly they get there they may not be as real time as g said
01:28:11.760 --> 01:28:15.760
all right go on so I interrupted no no you didn't interrupt at all was perfect interruption actually
01:28:15.760 --> 01:28:23.760
it was very helpful um so so keeping in mind what Kevin just said um that yeah that um
01:28:24.720 --> 01:28:32.640
that I'm there is some difference between RNA and DNA and the the most important thing for my model
01:28:32.640 --> 01:28:38.880
is the idea that DNA can be accurately copied into much larger accurate quantities
01:28:39.520 --> 01:28:45.760
relative to RNA you can make a lot of RNA if you start from DNA but if you're making copies of RNA
01:28:45.760 --> 01:28:52.480
using the traditional viral proteins that do it there's going to be a certain walk that occurs
01:28:52.480 --> 01:28:57.360
that doesn't necessarily have to occur if you're on a molecular bench using the state-of-the-art
01:28:57.360 --> 01:29:02.080
1 year ago
molecular techniques that have been invented by Kevin McKernan and other people DNA is very
1 year ago
01:29:02.080 --> 01:29:08.080
high fidelity what that means is is that we can kind of think about RNA viruses as being like a
01:29:08.160 --> 01:29:13.120
mixtape so if you remember making a mixtape for your girlfriend it's a tape that's derived from
01:29:13.120 --> 01:29:17.200
original albums that you bought at the store that are of the highest quality when you put
01:29:17.200 --> 01:29:22.080
them on the mixtape they lose a little bit of quality but they're not too bad the problem is
01:29:22.080 --> 01:29:27.600
is that fear they can't make a copy of that because then there will be too much hiss too much noise
01:29:27.600 --> 01:29:31.040
you won't want to listen to it in your headphones and if you turn it loud in your car it'll smell
01:29:31.120 --> 01:29:38.000
like garbage but CDs fixed all that suddenly CDs once we could copy them we could we could
01:29:38.000 --> 01:29:43.520
share albums with people and sharing the album you could even make a mixtape and share it with them
01:29:43.520 --> 01:29:49.600
because you didn't lose the fidelity with each copy that you did with this mixtape so my argument
01:29:49.600 --> 01:29:57.200
is is that if they've tried to study what is essentially an imperfect genetic pathogen or
01:29:57.200 --> 01:30:02.800
something like that and they've tried to study it by first modeling it with a perfect copy
01:30:03.840 --> 01:30:09.920
and this has resulted in a whole field of science there's no question about it that you can study
01:30:09.920 --> 01:30:15.920
the natural sequences by making a synthetic version of them and then putting them in cell
01:30:15.920 --> 01:30:21.840
culture in large quantities using electroporation or something like that the the the particles that
01:30:21.840 --> 01:30:27.520
are produced will cause animals to get sick they will cause antibodies to to neutralize them they
01:30:27.520 --> 01:30:32.480
will even be shareable with people around the world but the trick is to realize that it is a
01:30:32.480 --> 01:30:39.200
horrible approximation of the natural infection and because of this we can look at what I think
01:30:39.200 --> 01:30:44.560
we can look at what happened in this pandemic and come to a conclusion that maybe it might not have
01:30:44.560 --> 01:30:51.280
been the story that they say so if you think of it this way a real simple explanation for why
01:30:51.280 --> 01:30:59.840
the molecular pattern was so uniform is because on a background of SARS viruses which is depicted
01:30:59.840 --> 01:31:07.680
here they released in some places around the world a brief bout of an infectious clone so that all
01:31:07.680 --> 01:31:14.160
the molecular signals would be the same and then now they just go forward as the clone disappears
01:31:14.160 --> 01:31:19.360
they just announced new sequences they just omit the ones that don't fit they might have even already
01:31:19.360 --> 01:31:25.360
known what the background was before they started the show but the reason why this is cool is because
01:31:25.360 --> 01:31:31.520
now the no virus people aren't crazy now the molecular biologists aren't crazy now even debunk
01:31:31.520 --> 01:31:36.160
the funk is not crazy for saying the PCR is pretty accurate when you have nested primers
01:31:37.280 --> 01:31:43.040
and this all lines up a bunch of things that can make people that are that seem to be very
01:31:43.040 --> 01:31:48.640
zealous about the thing that they understand actually write and if we could sort of get people
01:31:48.640 --> 01:31:52.880
to just think in this direction i'm not saying i'm correct but i'm just saying that maybe a good
01:31:52.880 --> 01:32:02.640
goal is to find a hypothesis that gets more of us to agree on on the biology think about how dangerous
01:32:02.640 --> 01:32:08.320
what I was saying there was and the reason why when I said all this stuff I was also asked to write
01:32:08.320 --> 01:32:17.920
a letter for CHD to the no virus people to explain what I thought what what these clones made possible
01:32:18.720 --> 01:32:23.600
was the illusion of a pandemic so that all of us could be right that all of us are fighting
01:32:23.600 --> 01:32:28.960
about things that we don't understand and I wanted people to be able to come together on this idea
01:32:29.600 --> 01:32:36.960
just as i'm saying here a year and a half ago and instead what happened the no virus people
01:32:36.960 --> 01:32:43.840
1 year ago
trashed the idea Kevin McKernan eventually blocked me on twitter and now calls me chem trail
1 year ago
01:32:43.840 --> 01:32:55.760
1 year ago
retarded chem trail retarded i'm not sure how much more is left so i think i'm gonna let it play
1 year ago
01:32:55.760 --> 01:33:01.760
but we might be done or any that's that's where i've been thanks for for pushing me to add that
01:33:01.760 --> 01:33:09.280
a little bit Jessica that was great yeah so for for people who who are have brains like me
01:33:09.920 --> 01:33:19.440
um maybe they're wondering uh in your um from your point of view is there a way to prove this
01:33:19.440 --> 01:33:24.880
yeah i i'm sorry i thought i was directed at me no i was directed at me and i was puzzled
01:33:24.880 --> 01:33:29.120
1 year ago
sorry i'm just okay Kevin please i thought for something that i yes please we want to
1 year ago
01:33:29.120 --> 01:33:34.160
we want to know the background like what is the mutation rate of like hku one or seasonally
01:33:34.160 --> 01:33:41.200
because um you know is that in fact mutating so quickly such that it can arise from a point source
01:33:41.200 --> 01:33:44.720
or is it different than the mutation rate that we're seeing in in cv's right because
01:33:45.280 --> 01:33:51.200
the i think the premise of what you're saying jj is that um the mutation rate should not make it
01:33:51.200 --> 01:33:56.560
there shouldn't be these homogeneous waves of different variants from from alpha delta gamma to
01:33:56.560 --> 01:34:02.080
omochron uh to take over the world uh what seemed to be at a too quick of a rate is that my my
01:34:02.080 --> 01:34:07.200
summarizing that correctly yeah i i think it's part of it yes definitely it implies a level of
01:34:07.200 --> 01:34:12.560
fidelity that i don't think can exist there should be more branches um okay all right so so yeah
01:34:12.560 --> 01:34:17.040
i guess to try to tease that apart we have to because the one thing that's going on Jessica is that
01:34:17.040 --> 01:34:21.600
we turned on massive scale PCR and sequencing surveillance for the first time in human history
01:34:21.600 --> 01:34:28.400
and viruses in in 2020 right so we don't really know what this looked like in 2019 and did we were
01:34:28.400 --> 01:34:33.840
we seeing waves of these things that were just not there that we couldn't see right um and that
01:34:33.840 --> 01:34:39.600
may in fact be the case that um you know that that may give us some some some idea of what the actual
01:34:39.600 --> 01:34:44.960
viruses look like naturally yeah we might need some we might need some data spectrum we might need
01:34:45.040 --> 01:34:51.440
some data might be nice to have some data yeah i i think the the area that will you'll you'll
01:34:51.440 --> 01:34:57.680
probably meet some pushback maybe the virologist field maybe the the ransanellas and um i probably
01:34:57.680 --> 01:35:02.400
shouldn't speak for them but i think i think that you know they would probably say okay there's no
01:35:02.400 --> 01:35:09.280
reason to believe the mutation rate of the clone is necessarily more stable than um then the virus
01:35:09.280 --> 01:35:14.960
mutation rate unless unless it is that you actually are like you're launching alpha delta gamma in
01:35:14.960 --> 01:35:20.320
multiple cities at the same time with uh with the clones uh to to make these radical changes
01:35:20.800 --> 01:35:26.400
um and maybe that's that's you know part of what you're suggesting but um they would probably
01:35:26.400 --> 01:35:31.440
argue that if you put a clone into us into into a million cell its mutation spectrum is going to
01:35:31.440 --> 01:35:35.360
be much different once you get into the RNA world because the first step is i agree if you replicate
01:35:35.360 --> 01:35:40.240
the DNA it's got high fidelity it's like one one error in a million right but the moment in
01:35:40.240 --> 01:35:43.920
RNA polymerase hits that thing you're you're already kicking off at like 10 to the minus
01:35:43.920 --> 01:35:48.880
fifth 10 to the minus fourth error rates uh and that's not much worse than the virus but there
01:35:48.880 --> 01:35:54.080
he's saying it again if you do the DNA you can make lots of DNA high fidelity but then when you make
01:35:54.080 --> 01:36:00.720
the RNA it's going to be a little shoddy that's totally true but you're making RNA from a perfect
01:36:00.800 --> 01:36:08.160
DNA template over and over and over again when the virus replicates when you get a virus out of an
01:36:08.160 --> 01:36:14.320
animal and you follow the cartoon instructions you take that virus and you grow it in a cell
01:36:14.320 --> 01:36:24.320
culture so it starts already in a in a in a state of purity with a clone that cannot cannot
01:36:24.320 --> 01:36:31.040
exist in nature and in fact is scalable because it all depends on how much DNA you make first
01:36:32.960 --> 01:36:42.320
and it doesn't seem to be possible that he's able to ignore this but he is he's able to ignore that
01:36:42.320 --> 01:36:50.240
DNA allows it to be scalable to commercial sized RNA production just like they made the shots which
01:36:50.320 --> 01:36:57.680
is what he said earlier i'm sorry i just find this extraordinary i can't i'm having a hard time
01:36:57.680 --> 01:37:02.560
understanding how it is that he ever thought that he could write such a comment like that without
01:37:03.120 --> 01:37:10.000
this video this video existed already like we had this conversation a year and a half ago it's so
01:37:10.800 --> 01:37:19.200
incredible that i would have a dream job
01:37:23.360 --> 01:37:33.920
and lose it because i'm telling the truth about robber Malone about other medlers
01:37:34.640 --> 01:37:41.200
who don't have the right to take off the uniform after three decades of working for them
01:37:42.640 --> 01:37:45.680
and claim that this is you know a mistake
01:37:48.960 --> 01:38:00.160
and i have asserted that this person is playing the DNA contamination card exactly as they want
01:38:00.240 --> 01:38:05.840
it to be played and that is his job right now other than apparently also to ruin the life
01:38:06.640 --> 01:38:08.480
of a family of five in Pittsburgh
01:38:11.920 --> 01:38:18.640
to interfere with a business relationship of mine to the extent to which maybe he played a role i
01:38:18.640 --> 01:38:29.680
don't know i do know that he he tried and why because because some unemployed biologist in
01:38:29.760 --> 01:38:36.080
Pittsburgh was saying some bad things out of stream on twitch that nobody watches no
01:38:37.680 --> 01:38:41.840
because i was suggesting that there was a biologically plausible explanation
01:38:45.200 --> 01:38:51.600
that would allow a national security state to execute the most amazing psychological operation
01:38:52.640 --> 01:38:56.960
and convince everybody to solve a mystery about a spreading pathogen
01:38:57.840 --> 01:39:03.120
and by solving that mystery they would teach their kids that that was a potential forever
01:39:04.080 --> 01:39:10.320
and we could be governed by that mythology and i cannot imagine that he does not understand the
01:39:10.320 --> 01:39:16.720
idea that i'm trying to explain to him better and that he just missed the opportunity to say that
01:39:16.720 --> 01:39:24.240
this was chemtrail retarded a year and a half ago i don't think that's the case i don't i don't
01:39:24.320 --> 01:39:29.600
think that's the case is it a year and it might only be a year ago it might have been just last
01:39:29.600 --> 01:39:36.400
year so you know nine months ago ten months ago he's not missing the opportunity here ladies and
01:39:36.400 --> 01:39:45.600
gentlemen there was no opportunity it's a fabulous idea and the idea that this recombinant there's a
01:39:45.600 --> 01:39:51.600
there's an accessory protein that causes proofreading and coronaviruses is belied by the fact that
01:39:51.680 --> 01:39:57.760
denizen himself the guy who found it mark denizen also stated that this increases the recombination
01:39:57.760 --> 01:40:04.480
rate of coronaviruses during co-infection recombination will almost always result in a bad thing in
01:40:04.480 --> 01:40:13.040
terms of making a full genome copy we're still hand waving a lot about what happens when a
01:40:13.040 --> 01:40:19.280
positive stranded RNA virus goes into your cells and then translates itself into a negative strand
01:40:19.280 --> 01:40:24.960
and subgenomic RNA and a negative strands that still can't go through your ribosome
01:40:31.760 --> 01:40:37.840
i'm gonna let it play it's not very long left i'm just shocked i'm shocked so that they can both
01:40:37.840 --> 01:40:41.920
start making errors it sounds like what you're suggesting is maybe there's the possibility of
01:40:41.920 --> 01:40:49.760
someone seeding a consensus through dna first yeah and and that's what is maybe being used to
01:40:49.760 --> 01:40:55.760
make the pcr systems like have s gene dropping see and that's the thing it can be both you can use
01:40:55.760 --> 01:41:01.360
the RNA to transfect people you can use the RNA to transfect people with a spike protein that
01:41:01.360 --> 01:41:07.200
will annoy their lungs you could you could use the dna that gets left over from that process because
01:41:07.200 --> 01:41:13.840
there will be dna left over from that process and just dump it in the sewer and if you dump that
01:41:13.840 --> 01:41:19.520
huge quantity of clone dna into the sewer every time you do it you get you get you get dna signals
01:41:19.520 --> 01:41:28.480
in the in the sewer it's super easy you get both from this process you get the dna that you use
01:41:28.480 --> 01:41:34.080
to make quantity then you get the RNA that you derive from it but the dna doesn't get destroyed
01:41:34.160 --> 01:41:40.400
in that process it's still there you can send that dna all around the world don't you see
01:41:43.200 --> 01:41:48.560
and spraying that dna might not make you sick but it will make a pcr positive it'll make the
01:41:48.560 --> 01:41:58.160
the the surfaces of a screw ship positive i mean it's just absurd it's not keystone cop chem
01:41:58.160 --> 01:42:06.160
trail retarded it is most likely how it was done and i think that they all know it oh darn
01:42:07.120 --> 01:42:13.040
did i just hit escape shoot okay i gotta go and do that again sorry about that your latest video
01:42:13.040 --> 01:42:19.120
with paul was and that's not much worse than the virus uh so that they they can both start making
01:42:19.120 --> 01:42:22.960
errors uh it sounds like what you're suggesting is maybe there's the possibility of someone
01:42:22.960 --> 01:42:30.640
seeding a a consensus through dna first yeah and and that's what is maybe being used to make the
01:42:30.640 --> 01:42:35.360
pcr systems like have s gene dropout and and and sort of be chasing its tail
01:42:36.800 --> 01:42:41.440
yeah maybe that is i mean again i'm i'm still trying to work through this too the the most
01:42:41.440 --> 01:42:48.720
important thing that the infectious clone idea came brought to me is an understanding of how
01:42:49.440 --> 01:42:54.720
i mean it's so ubiquitous in virology you can't believe it and i mean almost every
01:42:55.600 --> 01:43:01.760
paper starts with an infectious clone and so it's it's the only way to study RNA viruses
01:43:02.400 --> 01:43:07.200
yeah indeed it's it's the storage system like everyone puts things in plasmids stores them and
01:43:07.200 --> 01:43:11.200
you can ship them around the world they're stable that's that's the way you mail these things around
01:43:11.200 --> 01:43:16.400
no doubt because it's uh it's uh it's it's it's a high-sability storage system we can i ask one more
01:43:16.400 --> 01:43:21.600
thing before i'm no i'm taking up too much time but the EXON gene which you were saying is
01:43:21.600 --> 01:43:27.680
appropriating gene was also reported by um barrack and denison to be responsible for recombination
01:43:27.680 --> 01:43:33.920
and i've been wondering if the homology of the end protein the homology of the RNA dependent RNA
01:43:33.920 --> 01:43:41.040
polymerase but the non homology of the spike could be that instead of tracking a virus we
01:43:41.040 --> 01:43:45.600
should really be thinking about tracking the remainder of this toxic spike as it recombines
01:43:45.600 --> 01:43:51.200
with other coronaviruses in the swarm does that make sense to you at least yeah yeah so part of the
01:43:51.200 --> 01:43:57.280
reason they think that evolves is that um viruses that are this long that don't have like typically
01:43:57.280 --> 01:44:01.680
viruses like the flu have multiple segments of the genome that can recombine and that that's
01:44:01.680 --> 01:44:08.240
part of its evolutionary adaptation coronavirus is being 30 kb long don't have recombination
01:44:08.240 --> 01:44:12.800
capability with the with the same strain per se you want them to recombine with something else
01:44:12.800 --> 01:44:16.880
to get that and so the exon engine has made it really accurate at a single nucleotide level
01:44:16.880 --> 01:44:22.080
so they can make a 30 kb piece of RNA but one of the tricks it evolved is to be able to recombine
01:44:22.080 --> 01:44:27.680
with other coronaviruses uh so that it it can it can actually accommodate some of what it's missing
01:44:27.680 --> 01:44:32.320
compared to flu um now i don't i don't know what that means in terms of the swarm theory other than
01:44:32.320 --> 01:44:38.320
i think we we we may have a harder time tracking that uh you know the the the thing to keep in mind
01:44:38.400 --> 01:44:43.680
is when they when they are doing a lot of this PCR to track uh all the viral sequences um they
01:44:43.680 --> 01:44:48.400
have like a hundred different primer pairs and they're redundantly tiling the genome so they should
01:44:48.400 --> 01:44:53.360
be capturing some of that i just don't know how effective they're getting it all right and one
01:44:53.360 --> 01:44:58.880
more question can they can that recombination result in in in non-infectious particles because
01:44:58.880 --> 01:45:03.760
it's like absolutely yeah yeah i'm sure it does yeah in fact i bet most of them are are dead ends
01:45:03.840 --> 01:45:08.160
like you like you like you mentioned i also think inside the cell when it's actually churning out
01:45:08.160 --> 01:45:13.440
all this RNA um not all of those are going to end up in a in a perfect particle with one genome and
01:45:13.440 --> 01:45:17.280
all the right proteins you're going to end up with all the shrapnel that's misassembled uh that has
01:45:17.280 --> 01:45:22.480
just maybe sub-genomic RNA and goes nowhere um so i just don't know that if you put an infectious
01:45:22.480 --> 01:45:28.080
clone into a cell that it doesn't anything different i think in fact i think you you need those genes
01:45:28.080 --> 01:45:32.720
to be expressed at different levels to get proper assembly of the of the virus because it's not like
01:45:32.720 --> 01:45:37.360
one spike protein per one dna it's like a hundred to a thousand spike proteins per one piece of
01:45:37.360 --> 01:45:43.760
of RNA genome so it needs to have that imbalance of expression in order to build the capsid correctly
01:45:43.760 --> 01:45:47.680
i saw but i doubt that it's a hundred percent efficient where it's putting these all together
01:45:47.680 --> 01:45:51.520
like an assembly line and doesn't leave any parts aside i bet i bet it's somewhat random
01:45:51.520 --> 01:45:57.760
and build some some just you know some uh some uh unproductive he doesn't want to say exesomes
01:45:58.480 --> 01:46:05.120
unproductive very awesome i i i i'm really happy thank you unproductive viriums is not what it was
01:46:05.120 --> 01:46:13.760
right it's not so what's going on here this is common jj kui babble folklore coronaviruses
01:46:13.760 --> 01:46:24.080
circle the globe every year hyper optimizing the receptor binding domain equals spread i thought
01:46:24.160 --> 01:46:29.920
it was the fear and cleavage site that caused the spread i'm i'm confused because in this one
01:46:29.920 --> 01:46:35.280
he says that they hyper optimize this coven 19 ace two binding affinity so that it could spread
01:46:35.280 --> 01:46:41.040
far and wide i'm sure that that was the receptor but it wasn't the receptor binding domain affinity
01:46:41.040 --> 01:46:46.560
but it was the fear and cleavage site that made it spread so fast that's what james lion's
01:46:46.560 --> 01:46:53.840
wiler said that's what yuri dagan said that's what bret weinstein said
01:46:57.920 --> 01:47:02.720
it couldn't spread as fast that's not at all what i said i said that it was endemic a long
01:47:02.720 --> 01:47:07.680
time ago from lab leaks and other stuff or just background is what i think it is now there's not
01:47:07.680 --> 01:47:15.920
no reason to give them circulating viruses if they haven't proven it and then that task are on that
01:47:15.920 --> 01:47:23.600
note i agree with the no virus people completely assume the virus originated in 2019 i assumed
01:47:23.600 --> 01:47:30.640
that it was it's an endemic signal from long long ago again he's he's completely misrepresenting
01:47:30.640 --> 01:47:38.320
what he had a personal presentation of and reacted to and discussed
01:47:38.320 --> 01:47:46.560
prior circulation is claimed by him in this thing even though he just got through hearing
01:47:46.560 --> 01:47:54.880
me explain to him that that's exactly my idea seeding clone hypothesis is chemtrail retarded
01:47:54.880 --> 01:48:00.400
and again he didn't say that in that interview at all in that discussion at all sounded pretty
01:48:00.480 --> 01:48:01.360
plausible to him
01:48:04.000 --> 01:48:10.080
infect a few people and transfect a few people he says giro dano says i said he never said that
01:48:12.640 --> 01:48:16.320
and certainly not said it that's my idea like what what's wrong with it
01:48:19.600 --> 01:48:26.240
keystone cop clone chemtrail hypothesis can't keep in mind how ridiculous it is for him to say that
01:48:26.560 --> 01:48:35.440
not leaking the virus is better so he's sustaining the the the novel virus narrative that a virus
01:48:35.440 --> 01:48:43.760
can go around the earth and a clone can't i suspect that's what mccair and and rixie were on about
01:48:43.760 --> 01:48:48.400
when they went on matthew crawford stream that they were going to try and make this silly argument
01:48:49.040 --> 01:48:54.080
and absolutely positively all the time that this guy spends on the internet
01:48:54.800 --> 01:49:01.440
when he could be starting companies he spends his time with absolutely no mention of what
01:49:01.440 --> 01:49:07.360
excess deaths can tell us no mention of the lack of of evidence of spread the jessica hocket and
01:49:07.360 --> 01:49:14.720
jonathan angler and martin niel are showing that daddy rancor has found evidence of no math at all
01:49:14.720 --> 01:49:22.880
about what protocols have done nothing nothing zero just weed genetics and viral genetics that's
01:49:22.960 --> 01:49:32.240
it that's all he does at least jessica still cites me at the bottom of this very very bottom of this
01:49:33.360 --> 01:49:35.360
2022 october
01:49:37.280 --> 01:49:42.720
sub stack where she says by the way a massive thank you to can you see that massive thank you to jonathan
01:49:42.720 --> 01:49:49.040
cooey matthew crawford john bodeman and mark jeera doh for the thursday night chats
01:49:50.000 --> 01:49:56.800
what are those chats do you think those are the steve curse steering committee
01:50:01.520 --> 01:50:06.880
basically what i did was spend my days correcting their nonsense and making sure that they were
01:50:06.880 --> 01:50:14.720
staying on immunology 101 in light of the fact that although jessica has it on the top of her
01:50:15.680 --> 01:50:20.560
her twitter that she is a computational biologist what is it
01:50:26.960 --> 01:50:31.760
it's uh where is it darn it now i screwed it up
01:50:34.000 --> 01:50:36.400
it's like 10 different things though um
01:50:38.240 --> 01:50:43.520
it's a applied mathematician immunologist computational biologist molecular biologist
01:50:43.600 --> 01:50:51.840
biochemist musician writer and logger i think logger means surfer but anyway it's jj's idea
01:50:53.680 --> 01:50:59.200
and after our conversation last night i dreamed only about clones it was like a matrix of puzzle
01:50:59.200 --> 01:51:02.960
pieces were floating around the dark matter of my subconscious waiting for me to put them
01:51:02.960 --> 01:51:07.680
together i didn't manage to yet but this hypothesis of an engineered clone makes a lot of sense to me
01:51:07.840 --> 01:51:17.600
she's still got a show with chd she can still do programs with them i was ever never actually
01:51:17.600 --> 01:51:22.400
offered a show i think i was somebody asked me if i wanted to do it and they they said not right now
01:51:26.160 --> 01:51:32.720
it's fine they hired me to do more important things um but i'm definitely not confused by
01:51:32.720 --> 01:51:38.400
this okay this is what i thought he would do this is what i told everybody he was doing before
01:51:38.400 --> 01:51:46.320
anybody believed me that he was doing it that every time he came at me with more objections
01:51:46.320 --> 01:51:51.120
to the clone hypothesis i was already well read enough to argue back that's what i walked him into
01:51:51.120 --> 01:51:57.440
in that video i walked him into that that's a denizen mark denizen papers that establish the
01:51:58.480 --> 01:52:01.520
proofreading in coronavirus i walked him right into that question
01:52:02.880 --> 01:52:07.920
first i made him say yeah combination happens all the time it makes him really good and then
01:52:07.920 --> 01:52:12.400
i said yeah but doesn't recombination a lot of times result in dead end so yeah i does sure it
01:52:12.400 --> 01:52:22.000
does yeah absolutely and so we kept circling back to the infectious cycle cartoon being horribly
01:52:22.000 --> 01:52:27.760
wrong the infectious cycle cartoon is horribly wrong and the way you overcome it is to make a
01:52:27.760 --> 01:52:34.720
lot of pure RNA and he just didn't want to see it he doesn't want to understand it because it's
01:52:34.720 --> 01:52:39.680
his job not to understand it or to make sure that the people that are listening have the least
01:52:39.680 --> 01:52:45.120
likelihood of understanding it when he's around and that's what this is about that's why you call
01:52:45.120 --> 01:52:52.000
it chemtrail retarded and make it seem like all the the ideas that make sense are his
01:52:52.080 --> 01:52:58.080
even though none of the ideas in this whole paragraph are his they're either tv narrative
01:52:58.080 --> 01:53:04.560
about ace 2 affinity or they're my clone hypothesis being made fun of but not really being made fun
01:53:04.560 --> 01:53:11.360
of at all just being misrepresented this is a guy that's sold companies this is a guy whose
01:53:11.360 --> 01:53:18.000
brothers have cancer companies this is a guy whose family is probably worth 250 million dollars
01:53:18.080 --> 01:53:26.400
this is a guy who's got a house that's worth more than my entire ancestry owns
01:53:28.240 --> 01:53:30.560
and he spends his time ridiculing me
01:53:32.960 --> 01:53:38.240
a guy who just got laid off after six months of working for chd who's supposed to be this
01:53:38.240 --> 01:53:42.560
organization that would support a guy like me and help get this truth out
01:53:43.360 --> 01:53:49.600
one of the reasons why i got in trouble at chd was because i covered a podcast
01:53:50.960 --> 01:53:57.600
where two members of chd interviewed this guy and i criticized what he said in the interview
01:53:58.560 --> 01:54:06.160
and i tried to protect the two people from chd from him and i was reprimanded for it
01:54:06.160 --> 01:54:18.880
so somewhere in the upper echelons of this theater are people in every single spot that need to be
01:54:18.880 --> 01:54:25.680
there and that doesn't mean that chd is a bad organization it doesn't mean that i can is a
01:54:25.680 --> 01:54:30.240
bad organization it doesn't even mean that the people that are working for steve kirsch are bad
01:54:30.240 --> 01:54:38.880
people they are being misled and it only takes a few people in a tug of war to sabotage a team
01:54:39.920 --> 01:54:46.400
and it's really easy to fake helping in a tug of war and that's what this is if you set up
01:54:46.400 --> 01:54:54.400
to argue about this stuff if you start pulling on the rope that they offer you you're already
01:54:54.400 --> 01:55:01.120
playing along and you start pulling harder and you put all your energy into the rope in the
01:55:01.120 --> 01:55:06.560
meantime they've already stopped pulling they're letting you do it all because that's what they
01:55:06.560 --> 01:55:12.800
1 year ago
wanted you to do and that's why i've been ignoring Kevin McKernan for the last six months because
1 year ago
01:55:12.800 --> 01:55:18.640
that's what he wants me to do he wants me to argue about this stuff but we already argued about it
01:55:18.640 --> 01:55:25.200
a year ago and he lost and now he's turning around and make it seem like that conversation
01:55:25.200 --> 01:55:30.640
never happened i hope you will review what we just listened to to see how obnoxiously
01:55:33.040 --> 01:55:35.040
disingenuous this paragraph is
01:55:38.080 --> 01:55:43.600
and how damaging it could potentially be to my family and what other things that he did behind
01:55:43.680 --> 01:55:48.800
the scenes what other emails did he write what other kind of crap is going on
01:55:51.200 --> 01:55:55.600
quite frankly i wouldn't be able to be in the same room with this guy without needing somebody
01:55:55.600 --> 01:56:02.080
to be between us so i'm a real skinny wimp but i would put all of my power behind it i'll tell you
01:56:02.080 --> 01:56:10.000
what because this is really this is really nonsense this is really malevolence
01:56:15.280 --> 01:56:20.080
you can't see this as two people struggling to save the world you can't see this as two people
01:56:20.080 --> 01:56:22.880
struggling to get out the biological truth of the pandemic
01:56:22.880 --> 01:56:38.240
and it was all to make diffuse real again melon cooperating with with mccurnan cooperating
01:56:38.240 --> 01:56:44.880
with ark medic cooperating with jessica rose all selling the same story that lo and behold look
01:56:44.880 --> 01:56:50.160
at this the endo nuclease sites that we thought we found a few months ago it turns out they ordered
01:56:50.240 --> 01:56:56.880
the right enzyme for them it turns out they were sending emails discussing this stuff see it's
01:56:56.880 --> 01:57:06.480
obviously true it's all a charade to make diffuse real again and it was never real and it was never
01:57:06.480 --> 01:57:10.320
a real danger you don't if you make clones and spray them into back caves you're not going to
01:57:10.320 --> 01:57:16.080
get a pandemic just like if you make clones and you spray them in a few cities around the world
01:57:16.160 --> 01:57:21.840
you don't get a pandemic you get a signal that you can test for a little while for
01:57:23.040 --> 01:57:28.000
and so if you test right you could you could you could confound it and that's it
01:57:30.320 --> 01:57:37.520
and the diffuse proposals and elaborate ridiculous comic book level scheme that's supposed to imply
01:57:38.080 --> 01:57:43.920
that they already did the experiments duh they put fear and cleavage sites in man
01:57:47.920 --> 01:57:56.560
you got to make RNA real again we need to make RNA and what it can and can't do for itself real
01:57:56.560 --> 01:58:03.920
again and we need to make RNA clones real again real like we understand what they are what they do
01:58:03.920 --> 01:58:10.880
how pure they are how ridiculously unequal they are to whatever we can possibly identify in nature
01:58:12.640 --> 01:58:17.360
the foundation of all the objections of the farewell to virology document and all the
01:58:17.360 --> 01:58:24.240
subsequent discussion is about this RNA clones overcome whatever nonsense
01:58:25.840 --> 01:58:32.640
is the biology that results in psychopathic effects and lack of pure sequences this is all
01:58:33.600 --> 01:58:36.240
covered by this illusion here
01:58:38.880 --> 01:58:48.800
and I am sure I am sure that somebody like Steve Hatfield has probably sat in a room where they
01:58:48.800 --> 01:58:56.320
talked about this I'm pretty sure Robert Malone with all of his long back experience with some
01:58:56.400 --> 01:59:02.880
of the granddaddies of virology I'm sure he sat in a room where this has been discussed
01:59:08.640 --> 01:59:15.040
and since the first papers that Jessica Rose ever did for her were virology papers where she did
01:59:15.040 --> 01:59:21.520
computer simulations of virology or viruses or viral replication or something she may even know
01:59:21.520 --> 01:59:32.240
but Weinstein he doesn't know he's he's really not as sophisticated as a biologist as he would
01:59:32.240 --> 01:59:39.280
like you to believe and I'm pretty sure well I don't know I don't know I don't know anybody
01:59:39.280 --> 01:59:43.200
any of these people I don't know about any of these people I just know for sure
01:59:45.120 --> 01:59:49.920
that there was an elaborate operation where a lot of people were involved in a tug of war and
01:59:49.920 --> 01:59:54.960
most of them weren't pulling where a lot of people were pretending to stop and start a train
01:59:54.960 --> 02:00:01.600
when they weren't playing any role at all and they were given comfort and fame and a book deal
02:00:02.400 --> 02:00:06.560
just keep doing this with this guy would you just keep helping this guy pretend to stop the train
02:00:06.560 --> 02:00:14.400
until we're done and so all of these arguments were that the discussion of everybody's vulnerable
02:00:14.400 --> 02:00:19.040
the PCR cycle counts have nothing to do with reality lab leak spike
02:00:20.720 --> 02:00:24.720
well nobody talked about antibiotics or steroids nobody talked about the biohazard
02:00:25.680 --> 02:00:31.520
the the ventilation nobody talked about the financial incentives that were twisting this all up
02:00:32.960 --> 02:00:38.400
nobody talked about the lack of discussion of of nutrition it was all this was all things right
02:00:38.560 --> 02:00:44.400
all things to fight about oh but they're not giving anybody vitamin D
02:00:45.600 --> 02:00:53.920
it's vitamin D deficiency ivermectin hydroxychloroquine these things work for this novel virus
02:00:56.880 --> 02:01:01.520
some very curious people were involved in perpetuating the ivermectin narrative
02:01:01.520 --> 02:01:06.720
Brett Weinstein I showed you in the beginning claimed that it was 100% effective as a prophylaxis
02:01:07.680 --> 02:01:14.080
and that if we just forced everybody to take ivermectin for six uh six weeks we would be done
02:01:14.080 --> 02:01:23.680
with this 60 days I want to argue that the DNA contamination in the shot is being used as another
02:01:23.680 --> 02:01:29.840
opportunity to make many fake helpers which will join the vigorous discussion that will never
02:01:29.840 --> 02:01:36.320
question the necessity of that countermeasure and they will also not question the general
02:01:36.320 --> 02:01:42.000
application of transfection as a vaccination methodology that's like the the buckholtz guy
02:01:42.720 --> 02:01:51.040
1 year ago
and Kevin McKernan both of them have been very instrumental in pushing this this DNA contamination
1 year ago
02:01:51.040 --> 02:01:59.120
idea forward and now we have the the florida the florida surgeon general saying that we should
02:01:59.120 --> 02:02:03.440
stop the shots because there's DNA contamination in them and that they could integrate now whether
02:02:03.440 --> 02:02:09.920
or not that's true doesn't matter it's that it doesn't it's irrelevant to the to the wholly
02:02:10.720 --> 02:02:13.760
inappropriate nature of transfection for healthy people
02:02:15.840 --> 02:02:20.480
it suggests that and and buckholtz actually said that when he was presenting in front of the
02:02:20.480 --> 02:02:24.400
South Carolina Senate that if this DNA wasn't in there then the shot would be great
02:02:25.920 --> 02:02:30.080
but as long as the DNA is in there I'm not sure I want to give it to my daughter wow
02:02:30.960 --> 02:02:38.000
and those statements can be seen as somebody also helping this guy fake stop and start the
02:02:38.000 --> 02:02:45.120
train that's what buckholtz did he's faking this faking the resistance the faking the discussion
02:02:45.120 --> 02:02:52.640
about what's important and the diffuse proposal and the discussion of its contents it's DARPA
02:02:52.640 --> 02:02:59.280
rejection and the likelihood that the experiments described in it were already done is another
02:02:59.360 --> 02:03:05.920
example of the limited spectrum of debate maintained by these actors so that we argue about stuff
02:03:05.920 --> 02:03:11.440
that gets us to accept the Scooby-Doo like other aspects of the narrative by accepting its relevance
02:03:11.440 --> 02:03:17.040
you accept the premise of RNA pandemics and that a fear and cleavage site could play a role in it
02:03:17.040 --> 02:03:25.440
and that molecular modification was key that is an illusion but if you see how they all line up
02:03:25.440 --> 02:03:30.720
they're all trying to get us to believe and teach our kids that gain a function is real
02:03:31.920 --> 02:03:35.680
that's what they need us to do if we teach our kids the gain of function is real
02:03:36.320 --> 02:03:41.680
then they're on the train forever if we teach them that this worst case scenario is real
02:03:41.680 --> 02:03:46.800
they're on the train forever they're stuck in the car with these people but we can get them out
02:03:48.400 --> 02:03:54.080
we can get them out by realizing that these people don't do the math they don't talk about zero
02:03:54.160 --> 02:03:58.320
epidemiological evidence of spread they don't talk about the massive health care costs that
02:03:58.320 --> 02:04:04.000
were saved around the world with this operation they don't talk about strict liability they don't
02:04:04.000 --> 02:04:09.200
talk about the strategy of going at the seventh amendment or going at it as a violation of the
02:04:09.200 --> 02:04:13.680
seventh amendment the prep act they don't talk about the prep act they don't talk about getting
02:04:13.680 --> 02:04:22.400
rid of it and so all the solutions that these people present us will not reveal this scheme
02:04:23.200 --> 02:04:29.040
and they will not reveal that the toxicity of this imaginary virus has been confounded with
02:04:29.040 --> 02:04:34.480
transfection so the transfection could be said to be relatively successful they will say that
02:04:35.040 --> 02:04:40.800
because we rushed it because it's contaminated because it's imperfect because we chose the wrong
02:04:40.800 --> 02:04:48.480
protein but they're not going to question the overall story and they overall need none of them
02:04:48.560 --> 02:04:52.000
none of them Robert Malone is still saying that antibodies are real
02:04:53.920 --> 02:04:54.960
and that they're important
02:04:57.360 --> 02:05:02.880
so does Vincent so does carrot fund and bullshit's talking about antibodies all the time this
02:05:02.880 --> 02:05:14.000
picture is from the NIH director's own blog in 2020 Francis Collins it's a very nice well drawn
02:05:14.080 --> 02:05:17.360
computer-generated picture of spike proteins in different flavors
02:05:18.800 --> 02:05:24.880
and how antibodies from infection are not quite as good as antibodies from vaccine
02:05:26.960 --> 02:05:32.080
this is misleading the young this is lying to our children this is lying to parents of children
02:05:32.080 --> 02:05:34.080
this is lying to prospective parents
02:05:37.440 --> 02:05:43.840
it is the most malevolent photograph illustration that I've ever seen in the pandemic it is
02:05:43.840 --> 02:05:50.960
awful and it's all contains everything here the variants are only in the spike
02:05:52.560 --> 02:05:59.120
the antibodies only are for the spike which means you only need B cells which means it's
02:05:59.120 --> 02:06:04.320
become stupid simple stupid complicated or dumb simple this is dumb simple
02:06:04.720 --> 02:06:13.760
and so your perception of the pandemic really depends on who you're paying attention to
02:06:15.280 --> 02:06:16.160
you could be here
02:06:19.280 --> 02:06:24.720
or you could be here and depending on who you're listening to and who you're seeing you're going
02:06:24.720 --> 02:06:28.800
to have a very different outlook and a very different feel about what's happening in the
02:06:28.800 --> 02:06:33.360
world but it could be that the vast majority of people are still completely trapped and we'd
02:06:33.440 --> 02:06:34.000
never know
02:06:37.360 --> 02:06:42.640
we could be having 131 viewers or we could have 131,000 viewers right now how would we know
02:06:47.440 --> 02:06:52.640
but this is going to fade away this is going to be erased and the past will become truth if the
02:06:52.640 --> 02:06:59.520
lie will become truth if we don't teach it to our children now I went over this biology already
02:06:59.520 --> 02:07:04.560
it's not sufficient I think what's happening is existing cellular machinery for exosome production
02:07:04.560 --> 02:07:10.960
is being hijacked by these self-replicating RNAs are these self-replicating RNAs out there in the
02:07:10.960 --> 02:07:18.240
wild are they produced by mammals are they capable of making a variant like this you see how much
02:07:18.240 --> 02:07:25.120
detail they put into the endosomal construction and packaging of viruses to make you believe
02:07:25.840 --> 02:07:32.480
that they understand this process this is the kind of illustration upon which
02:07:32.480 --> 02:07:38.880
1 year ago
Kevin McKernan's own understanding of how the infectious cycle works is based on cartoons like
1 year ago
02:07:38.880 --> 02:07:45.840
this it's not based on experiments he's done they're all based on the same papers same papers that
02:07:45.840 --> 02:07:48.960
don't adequately justify a cartoon like this
02:07:49.760 --> 02:07:56.960
and that's why I think it's really important to understand the mixtape idea I think it's really
02:07:56.960 --> 02:08:00.960
understood important to understand that they can't culture them but what they can do is sequence
02:08:00.960 --> 02:08:07.600
them they can make them into plasmids those plasmids can be grown and if you ligate them
02:08:07.600 --> 02:08:13.200
together you can make a large quantity of an RNA that you claim can only be found in nature
02:08:13.200 --> 02:08:19.520
and doesn't really quantify it doesn't really culture but now you can make a lot of it you can
02:08:19.520 --> 02:08:23.760
always go back to the DNA you can make animals sick with it you can share it with your family
02:08:23.760 --> 02:08:29.600
and friends and you can also make industrial sized quantities of it which would allow you to
02:08:29.600 --> 02:08:33.520
transfect a lot of people would allow you to put a signal in a lot of places would allow you to
02:08:33.520 --> 02:08:42.080
spike a lot of sewers and I want to remind you that there are papers where they look at this
02:08:42.080 --> 02:08:50.320
expression of this positive strand RNA and when they find these these subgenomic RNAs here what
02:08:50.320 --> 02:08:55.760
1 year ago
Kevin McKernan was talking about they are in the hundreds of thousands of times more abundant
1 year ago
02:08:55.760 --> 02:09:03.840
I'm going to skip this one more abundant than the whole genome these are up here at 10 to the 4th
02:09:04.400 --> 02:09:12.080
these are thousands of copies of the N thousands of copies of the E the M and the S protein
02:09:13.200 --> 02:09:20.400
very very few copies of RF1A and RF1B these are the replicase proteins and accessory proteins that
02:09:20.400 --> 02:09:28.480
are required to copy the virus again and so any of these RNAs that are produced here in the thousands
02:09:28.480 --> 02:09:33.600
of times more abundant are not going to produce variants they're going to produce proteins only
02:09:33.680 --> 02:09:40.320
in fact in this paper they found exactly two that could qualify as full genome length and
02:09:40.320 --> 02:09:47.840
both of them are incomplete this is a much older paper showing you a very similar technique of
02:09:47.840 --> 02:09:53.280
trying to make infectious clones and when they do that and they look for the RNA of the whole
02:09:53.280 --> 02:10:00.800
virus they don't find it it's not there it's very very faint just as the same as this paper
02:10:01.680 --> 02:10:09.680
where you get one and two the blue and the pink one and the rest are thousands and thousands of
02:10:09.680 --> 02:10:17.600
sub genomic RNAs mostly for the N the E the 4 protein and the S and they see the same thing
02:10:18.400 --> 02:10:28.480
decades ago when they do the the more traditional RNA gel here and so the confounding has occurred
02:10:29.200 --> 02:10:35.520
through the use of a worst case scenario narrative that was carefully curated for the last four years
02:10:36.240 --> 02:10:42.080
and they have achieved a lot they have avoided an exponential increase in Medicare costs they
02:10:42.080 --> 02:10:48.400
have protected against a growing skepticism they have been protecting against a growing skepticism
02:10:48.400 --> 02:10:55.200
in vaccines they have trans started to make us accept a transition to digital currency they have
02:10:55.280 --> 02:11:00.400
transitioned us to a genetic form of vaccines for the entire population it's pretty much
02:11:00.400 --> 02:11:06.160
already accepted at least in the in the bureaucracies that matter they have confounded the toxicity of
02:11:06.160 --> 02:11:11.280
the virus and transfection to allow the pandemic to prove transfection successful for number four
02:11:11.840 --> 02:11:17.600
they are transitioning our youth into submission with full digital control and that will include
02:11:17.600 --> 02:11:22.000
them needing to identify themselves on their games and in social media to protect them
02:11:22.720 --> 02:11:27.920
and there are people complaining about that on social media as well even adults are asking for
02:11:28.640 --> 02:11:35.200
ID so that people can't anonymously harass me and then they have edified the mythology of
02:11:35.200 --> 02:11:41.840
pandemic viruses around the world across languages they're also disrupting family formation they
02:11:41.840 --> 02:11:46.720
also have maybe shortened the lifespan of billions of people by transfecting them
02:11:46.800 --> 02:11:49.760
are they going to kill billions of people with a gain of function virus
02:11:50.800 --> 02:11:56.560
no they are not are they going to destroy the cultural fabric of america with this story by
02:11:56.560 --> 02:12:02.000
ripping us right down the middle absolutely they are and are they trying to create the
02:12:02.000 --> 02:12:07.040
the chaos necessary for a fundamental reorganization of how the world is governed i think they are
02:12:08.000 --> 02:12:11.600
and i don't think they would mind if the united states fell apart while they did it
02:12:11.600 --> 02:12:19.440
so if you want that to stop we've got to learn the biology that they are trying to get us to accept
02:12:20.640 --> 02:12:26.640
you've got to really dig in and learn and teach your children that we didn't get rid of every
02:12:26.640 --> 02:12:33.360
disease with vaccination in the past it was also water treatment and sewer it was also nutrition
02:12:33.360 --> 02:12:41.120
and better hygiene novel coronaviruses do not jump regularly and cause pandemics they might
02:12:41.120 --> 02:12:44.080
jump from species you might be able to get sick from animals
02:12:45.840 --> 02:12:50.640
but it's not something that can cause a domino effect that that travels around the world for many
02:12:50.640 --> 02:13:00.400
years. PCR's aren't false positives are not rare they're just irrelevant asymptomatic spread is not
02:13:01.280 --> 02:13:06.960
real variants are not evidence of spread if they're if they're just an endemic signal
02:13:07.680 --> 02:13:12.960
and we have not been studying viruses with gain of function research that's just an illusion of
02:13:12.960 --> 02:13:21.200
things that they do on the bench it's the illusion that they want to trap us in that's the new world
02:13:21.200 --> 02:13:28.880
order that's why i use that bat i think it's just brilliant because it is it's it's it's pandemic
02:13:28.880 --> 02:13:34.160
potential and badcaves is the mythology the new world order they want us to pass on to our children
02:13:34.720 --> 02:13:38.400
and once this lie becomes truth they're never going to be able to escape from it
02:13:39.840 --> 02:13:44.000
in a very similar way that most of us were trapped in the idea that vaccines were great
02:13:44.800 --> 02:13:46.720
and it would be nuts to be anti-vaccine
02:13:50.160 --> 02:13:54.560
our kids will be trapped in a much much more malevolent mythology than that
02:13:56.960 --> 02:14:00.720
this faith in a novel virus has to be broken one of the ways to break it is to point out to
02:14:00.720 --> 02:14:04.800
people that we're in our fifth year i mean that should really shake some people fifth year
02:14:08.480 --> 02:14:09.440
we're in the fifth year
02:14:13.200 --> 02:14:18.000
1 year ago
and i want to very much emphasize again that Kevin McKernan has been about as disingenuous
1 year ago
02:14:18.000 --> 02:14:25.760
as one can be um a lot like maybe a flat earther in fact i think he actually used that before
02:14:26.320 --> 02:14:31.200
Robert Malone used that before and in fact Vincent Renson yellow used it in twiv
02:14:31.760 --> 02:14:38.880
not too many days ago as well saying that talking about there being no pandemic or debating about
02:14:38.880 --> 02:14:44.160
the fidelity of viruses or talking about chemtrail retarded things like the clones
02:14:45.120 --> 02:14:51.280
is the equivalent of flat earth discussion it's comical really because again we have already
02:14:51.360 --> 02:14:55.840
known this for a long time that that's what flat earth and some of these other things we're going
02:14:55.840 --> 02:15:02.480
to be used for that's one of the reasons what i think somebody like tom kawan does when he talks
02:15:02.480 --> 02:15:11.760
about water storing emotional energy when you freeze it and and confusing that with
02:15:12.960 --> 02:15:16.960
the water memory that luke montane was investigating for example
02:15:17.760 --> 02:15:24.720
and so on one hand you have tom kawan super right about analysis with regard to isolation
02:15:24.720 --> 02:15:31.040
and and purification of viruses but then in the same podcast you might talk about how there's
02:15:31.040 --> 02:15:37.680
some lady in New Zealand who can freeze water and it'll store memories in it trying to confound
02:15:37.680 --> 02:15:45.280
the research of the late luke montane into the ability of water to store memory of dna
02:15:47.440 --> 02:15:52.160
that's how you can see how this whole this whole charade is nonsense
02:15:55.360 --> 02:15:59.680
so if you want to break out of this we've got to advocate for a stopping of all childhood
02:15:59.680 --> 02:16:03.200
vaccines in the united states and we would make that argument based on the fact that
02:16:03.840 --> 02:16:08.080
there's no other western country that does it like we do that does it as early as we do
02:16:08.080 --> 02:16:13.520
and as often as we do and it's just stupid we also have to advocate for strict liability
02:16:13.600 --> 02:16:17.440
at all pharmaceutical products it's a real simple thing lawyers understand it everybody
02:16:17.440 --> 02:16:21.600
understands it especially the pharmaceutical companies and especially the cdc
02:16:22.160 --> 02:16:27.920
who's actually the largest vaccine supplier in america investigate the use of deadly protocols
02:16:27.920 --> 02:16:33.360
to cause mass casualty events this would be all of the things including remdesivir but not just
02:16:33.360 --> 02:16:38.720
that anything and everything investigate the use of these same mass casualty events and
02:16:38.720 --> 02:16:47.280
transfection perhaps clones to seed the idea of a narrative of a pandemic i also want to advocate
02:16:47.280 --> 02:16:50.720
for claiming sovereignty over our bodies and those of our children i want to advocate for
02:16:50.720 --> 02:16:57.600
getting out of the who and the un entirely ending our cdc entirely maybe reorganizing our fda
02:16:58.160 --> 02:17:02.720
but to see the medlers you need to see them for who they are they won't really speak out against
02:17:02.720 --> 02:17:08.720
the vaccine schedule although i won't use the words strict liability they won't talk about the
02:17:08.720 --> 02:17:14.480
deadly protocols and you know what john bodewin was on high wire and john bodewin talked about
02:17:14.480 --> 02:17:20.080
the protocols and the high wire guy tried to cut him off but john bodewin called it murder
02:17:20.080 --> 02:17:24.720
john bodewin called it murder more than once so here's to you john bodewin i'm going to try
02:17:24.720 --> 02:17:32.160
and do a show about that uh that interview tomorrow um and they attack people instead of ideas and
02:17:32.160 --> 02:17:34.880
they're unable to summarize across the entire show
02:17:35.920 --> 02:17:40.480
robert melon's a key example of how he's not able to summarize across the entire show
02:17:41.120 --> 02:17:45.520
a couple years ago he would summarize across the entire show by saying that he has a friend in
02:17:45.520 --> 02:17:52.160
the cia and another one at ditra and he made an uh computer model of x-ray crystallography of the
02:17:52.160 --> 02:17:59.440
three c three cl protease and then he interfaced that crystallography model with all of the known
02:17:59.520 --> 02:18:05.440
pharmaceuticals in the fda's in the fda's catalog and he did that in about three weeks and he
02:18:05.440 --> 02:18:11.360
identified remdesivir and uh fomotidine and a couple other things that steve kirsch investigated
02:18:11.360 --> 02:18:18.080
as combinations that could be patentable and now he tells a completely different story
02:18:18.720 --> 02:18:23.440
he doesn't start out with i invented all this stuff these things are saving the world
02:18:24.240 --> 02:18:33.360
like his wife does or did his story has changed because it's hard it's hard to consistently tell
02:18:33.360 --> 02:18:40.800
a story when it's not the truth it's hard when the narrative is being pushed back against and
02:18:40.800 --> 02:18:46.640
the script needs to be rewritten it's hard when everybody is starting to see through your ai
02:18:47.200 --> 02:18:53.200
lie it's hard when everybody's starting to see through your clone lie it's hard to see
02:18:53.840 --> 02:18:59.600
it's hard to move forward when you have to keep changing the script and adding new actors all
02:18:59.600 --> 02:19:05.840
the time because the original script just didn't stick the original script being it's a laboratory
02:19:05.840 --> 02:19:11.440
leak with all kinds of crazy problems and so everybody better take the shot like jordan peterson
02:19:11.440 --> 02:19:14.560
set take the damn shot so we can get it over with
02:19:16.320 --> 02:19:19.920
artificial general intelligence is the next myth they're going to push on us
02:19:20.720 --> 02:19:25.360
they're going to use that to try and justify digital id and we don't need those
02:19:26.080 --> 02:19:30.880
but the digital id is kind of a joke to me because in reality we already have digital id
02:19:32.160 --> 02:19:38.640
there's no question in my mind that all digital id is already solved right here in the phone right
02:19:38.640 --> 02:19:43.120
i mean we carry it around it's got gps it's got everything that they could possibly want even a
02:19:43.120 --> 02:19:51.840
microphone and a camera i think digital id is probably a little bit of a a hoax and in reality
02:19:51.840 --> 02:19:57.440
we should all be advocating for like a phone that's anonymous with no tracking and no gps and all
02:19:57.440 --> 02:20:02.240
other stuff and you know apps that can't track you and we're not we're not worried about that at all
02:20:02.640 --> 02:20:08.480
i think digital id is probably a joke but but digital currency is not so stop all
02:20:08.480 --> 02:20:13.360
transfections and healthy humans they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means
02:20:13.360 --> 02:20:19.280
necessary i assure you but it is deeper than that of course they want us to to sign our kids up in
02:20:19.280 --> 02:20:26.480
our our grandchildren up for testing forever intramuscular injection of any combination of
02:20:26.480 --> 02:20:30.880
substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb transfections and healthy
02:20:30.880 --> 02:20:36.320
humans is criminally negligent and i'm talking to all you academic biologists out there who
02:20:36.320 --> 02:20:45.040
should have done known better viruses are not patterned integrity i don't know what to say
02:20:45.040 --> 02:20:52.720
ladies and gentlemen but this seems like a pretty significant landmark here when somebody like
02:20:52.800 --> 02:20:59.440
1 year ago
Kevin McKernan just i don't know if it's i don't know how to how to characterize what this what this
1 year ago
02:21:00.800 --> 02:21:03.600
what this landmark is other than somebody that i hoped
02:21:05.280 --> 02:21:09.440
would turn out to be just someone that we were getting our wires crossed and stuff
02:21:10.000 --> 02:21:14.880
it's it's really become pretty obvious that he's a medler it's actually become pretty obvious
02:21:14.880 --> 02:21:21.680
that he's been meddling with me for a long time and uh so here we are uh if you can support this
02:21:21.680 --> 02:21:27.440
stream it would be really great if you'd go to giga ohmbiological.com and stroll the scroll down
02:21:28.480 --> 02:21:35.840
and subscribe or even a one-time um support link is right here and also join me at giga ohm.bio where
02:21:35.840 --> 02:21:40.720
we have this ongoing conversation that sometimes i'm participating in and sometimes i forget about
02:21:40.720 --> 02:21:47.520
because i'm on twitter yuck um and then here's gonna be a schedule and uh phone number and then
02:21:47.600 --> 02:21:53.920
here's where you can subscribe um and i will update the list uh tomorrow so that it's up to date for
02:21:53.920 --> 02:22:00.000
the next stream um and i will see you tomorrow i think i'm gonna cover john boedwin's um high wire
02:22:00.000 --> 02:22:04.400
interview because i do think it was a really good one and i do think that he did a very good job
02:22:04.960 --> 02:22:10.880
of underscoring how this the whole thing has just been a giant lie and they won't stop lying about
02:22:10.880 --> 02:22:16.640
it and so i'm i'm very pleased with what john boedwin did on the high wire and so i want to amplify
02:22:16.640 --> 02:22:20.880
that a little bit so i'm probably going to do that tomorrow thank you all very much for joining
02:22:20.880 --> 02:22:35.680
me and i will see you again boy this heater is so loud