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4 months ago
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And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, I need a caretaker.
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So God made a farmer.
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God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board.
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So God made a farmer.
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I need somebody with arms strong enough to wrestle a calf and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild.
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Somebody to call hogs, tame cantankerous machinery, come home hungry, have to wait lunch until his wife's done feeding visiting ladies, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon and mean it."
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So God made a farmer.
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God said, I need somebody willing to sit up all night with a newborn colt and watch it die and dry his eyes and say, maybe next year.
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I need somebody who can shape an axe handle from a persimmon sprout, shoe a horse with a hunk of car tire, who can make harness out of hay wire, feed sacks, and shoe scraps, who, planting time and harvest season, will finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday noon and then pain in from tractor back, put in another 72 hours."
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So God made a farmer.
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God had to have somebody willing to ride the ruts at double speed to get the hay in ahead of the rain clouds and yet stop in midfield and race to help when he sees the first smoke from a neighbor's place.
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So God made a farmer.
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God said, I need somebody strong enough to clear trees and heave bales, yet gentle enough to yeen lambs and wean pigs and tend to pink-combed pullets who will stop his mower for an hour to splint the broken leg of a meadow lark.
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It had to be somebody who'd plow deep and straight and not cut corners, somebody to seed, weed, feed, breed, and rake, and disc, and plow, and plant, and tie the fleece, and strain the milk, and replenish the self-feeder, and finish a hard week's work with a five-mile drive to church.
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Somebody who'd bail a family together with a soft, strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh, and then sigh, and then reply with smiling eyes when his son says,
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that he wants to spend his life doing what dad does.
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So God made a farmer.
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you you
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I want you to consider the possibility that Jay Bhattacharya is being fooled into believing that he might be Lando Calrissian.
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It's possible that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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is being fooled into believing he might be Han Solo and that together they might be able to save the rebellion, to lead the rebellion.
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That's what's happening here.
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I need you to see that weaponized piles of money are not just trying to convince us what to argue about.
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But the worst case scenario is the weaponized piles of money have convinced these acolytes on social media what to argue about.
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That they are actually under their control, under their influence, because they've been told things.
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And those things have sometimes come true.
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And as a result, they feel as though they are part of an insider group, a rebellion.
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But it's a weaponized pile of money, or many of them, that are coordinatedly fooling these people into believing that they somehow can save America from controlled demolition.
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And they can't, at least not by working with the people they're currently working with.
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And that's what this show is really all about.
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It's about trying to break this illusion of consensus that's been created by these acolytes on social media.
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to break free of their narrative and the mythologies that they've enslaved us by for a couple decades now.
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That's really the goal of GigaOM Biological with the new Biology 101.
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I'm really excited.
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crash the dollar, I don't know, steal the rest of our, what limited treasury value we have left, I don't know.
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But I know for sure that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to healthcare to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary, and more importantly, never be possible.
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Gotta get the dust out of our eyes, ladies and gentlemen.
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Lots of dust in the eyes.
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HG Wells and the Open Conspiracy.
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I'm going to watch a little video just to kind of frame things.
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We're not going to watch the whole thing.
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It's a five-part video or four-part video on YouTube that you can look up and watch.
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And I might load it up to our PeerTube as an archive of it.
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But for now, I just think we're going to have a stream and we're going to discuss some recent happenings and try to get this engine started again.
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And bring your attention, in case you're unaware, to the work that's been done on the hardwood over the last week or two.
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Thanks very much for joining me.
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I'll see you in a few minutes.
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He's scheduled for 60 minutes next.
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He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.
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People everywhere are starting to listen to him.
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It's embarrassing.
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Wow, what happened there?
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A little bit of a tempo problem, but it does kind of feel like that, doesn't it?
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Doesn't it feel like everything just got sped up a little bit?
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Like all these people coming together, coming out of the woodwork all at the same time, competing for our consciousness as usual, but in a more desperate way.
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in court more like a all the chips are in the middle sort of way like these charlatans are barely clinging to the cliff of power um that they're running out of people on the bench to bring in they've been full court press for like five years and these people are not in shape to maintain this um it's it's they're running ragged
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It's starting to look ugly.
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I think some of the second tier players are starting to become skeptical because they're starting to see that the message is never going to evolve to intramuscular injection.
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It's dumb.
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It's never going to evolve to transfection of healthy humans was always criminal.
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It's never going to evolve into RNA cannot pandemic.
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They're never going to get to these truths.
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And some of these secondary players are starting to realize they may be part of a conscious and intelligent manipulation of our organized and habits and opinions on social media.
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They may have unwittingly participated in our governance by creating this illusion of consensus
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and creating this really vigorous debate about things that they didn't understand, and now they're starting to realize they were played.
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The real question is...
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The real question is, will George Webb and Robert Malone be on the Rogan podcast to discuss the novel virus, the millions of people that died, the gain-of-function virus, that it was likely it is or that it will come again?
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That is the real question, because we're almost there.
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George Webb might be on the Dark Horse podcast sometime soon.
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I don't know, but I know for sure that there has been a coordinated effort to create the illusion
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that this mystery virus is responsible for the excess deaths in America and around the Western world, and this is a lie because it is better explained, more parsimoniously explained by murder.
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Murder and lies, and that's why there is no epidemiological evidence of spread.
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That is why there are certain people in place to make sure that the legal arguments in America never revolve around the application of the rational basis test
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or the requirement for strict scrutiny on holding the government to strict scrutiny, we're never going to talk about the seventh amendment or what's jurisdiction stripping used to mean back in the 80s.
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We're not going to talk about that stuff because Aaron Seery will never talk about it because the brownstone lawyers, the fellows, will never talk about it.
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that's because they are trying to avoid the possibility that a new consensus would form, that murder and lies were used to hide the criminal vaccine schedule in America, that murder and lies were used to hide transfection being criminal, that murder and lies are being used to create the illusion that RNA can pandemic so that our children can be enslaved by this mythology.
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and surprisingly few people are able to explain what's going on in these clear and concise terms and instead over the last five years they've been involved in running out the clock and spreading ideas as thin and as long as possible
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And what they have done is create illusions of consensus by sticking to a limited spectrum of debate.
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And that limited spectrum of debate could be that there are no viruses because they haven't isolated them.
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It could be that we have to fear free-range natural viruses because of bat caves.
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Or it could even be that we have to fear free-range laboratory escape molecules.
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But either way, you're always stuck in this limited spectrum of debate where RNA can do stuff that it shouldn't be attributed to doing, can't be attributed to it doing.
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And if we allow this to continue, our children will be governed by a new kind of totalitarianism where acolytes on social media, performing TV shows on social media, will keep everyone distracted, asking the wrong questions while the
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The ruling oligarchy runs the show, keeps the technology for themselves, and pretends like they're in all control.
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It's an illusion.
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That's what Rescue the Republic was about.
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That's what the Heart Group is about.
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That's what Panda is about.
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That's what GHD has become.
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That's what ICANN may have always been.
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Illusions of consensus created by weaponized piles of money and the people they pay.
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And by participating in the argument with these people, you are accepting their narratives by default.
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They're laughing at us behind the scenes with their anonymous accounts, creating these arguments.
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And yeah, if you aren't familiar with who you're listening to, this is Jonathan Cooley from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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You can find a lot of my work on PubMed.
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I was a tenure-chasing neurobiologist for about 15 or 20 years.
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I was a patch clamp physiologist, which means that I made gigaohm seals a lot.
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And those gigaohm seals are the namesake of this stream.
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That little symbol there was actually on some clothes that I made because I thought it would be funny to make a clothing line for patch clamp physiologists.
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And now here we are five years later with a gigaohm biological stream that has its own peer tube website where you can find all of the videos that I've made since February of this year.
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And we're still trying to work out the details of logging in and making a, you know, making an account and all this other stuff.
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But you can see, this is an out of date picture here, actually, because there's a new channel.
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A new channel at slash home.
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And that new channel is JC on the hardwood.
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If you're not familiar with it, I'm hoping to introduce it to you today.
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It has been something that I've been building up to for a while but today first of all I just want to make sure we introduce the idea that we are going to
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Hey, good morning.
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It is 11 34 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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I'm coming to you live from the back of my garage.
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My name is Jonathan Cooley.
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I'm a former tenure chasing neurobiologist.
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And today I want to do a little study hall about HG Wells and the open conspiracy and a video that was sent to me via my friend Uwe in Germany.
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It's just a short video, a 15 minute video that will help frame a recap of the timeline that we're on right now.
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the sort of culminate, accumulating, excuse me, accumulating evidence of a group of meddlers.
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And I'm not really sure how to characterize them because I think DITRA or NATO or all these other things are probably not very likely.
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I gotta say, I think it's probably more likely that the weaponized piles of money that are paying these people are probably big pharma.
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the companies that have the most to gain from the protection of the intellectual property created and defined by the pandemic.
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And so the more that they can control the narrative about what important questions need to be asked, like self-replicating RNA or withdrawing the shots for now because there's some DNA contamination, the more effectively they protect the intellectual property that has been created.
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And that intellectual property, make no mistake about it, shouldn't be valuable.
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It shouldn't be valuable because it's based on old technologies that were widely distributed and understood for more than a decade before the pandemic.
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They may have become cheaper.
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These variants may be new.
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The primers might be new.
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But none of these things represent a genuine intellectual property deserving of patent protection.
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Even the stuff that Peter Kallis has done is likely done in the way that it's done specifically to try and create new intellectual property that can be leveraged for control of this upcoming years and years of market as we continue to manage this population pyramid problem in the West.
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So just to draw your attention to GigaOM Biological's latest work, I'm going to cut over here and put myself down here in the corner.
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JC on the hardwood is only available right now on the peer tube channel.
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I've got three videos.
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The last one is titled RNA mythologies and the bench warmer shortage and make no mistake about it.
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There's no finished product here.
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This is not like, okay, look how good I am at doing this.
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This is a new creation.
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I don't think anyone anywhere on the internet is doing anything like this where they're trying to
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um exercise and and and also discuss biology um i'm sure nobody's doing it with basketball um it's not going to be perfect because it is an uncut triple video so each one of these is shot with three cameras a single audio source and it's just mixed down and the only thing i'm doing is cutting from camera to camera
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There's no time lost from start to end.
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And so sometimes the discussion is going to break up because I'm breathing hard or because I missed a shot or because I lost the ball.
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And that imperfection is going to be annoying.
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It's going to be a source of tension.
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It's going to be a source of why doesn't he edit this pause out?
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But this is a shot across the bow of these people.
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It is a demonstration of what we, so many ways we can go.
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So many different directions that we could go with GigaOM Biological.
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We can do Journal Club on the hardwood.
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We can do biological discussions on the hardwood.
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We can even do Biology 101 or statistics from the hardwood if we want to now.
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I've been working on it for quite some time to figure out how to do it.
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There were some technical difficulties that I had that,
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lasted a lot longer than they should have because I had ruled out the problem.
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erroneously very early on in the troubleshooting process.
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That's not a good thing.
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If your bread's not rising, but you rule out the yeast very early on and realize only later that you shouldn't have ruled out the yeast, that's basically what happened to me.
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And so it's taken a while for this to come.
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I think I said I was gonna level up quite some months ago, and I never really did it.
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Maybe in July or June, I was like talking how hardcore I was gonna be, but it never came until now, and now it's finally working.
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I'm very excited about it.
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And more importantly, it's given me a new way to open some of the discussion on these subjects without necessarily the same
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the same kind of, I don't know.
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I think these live streams sometimes are very intimidating for people that see them for the first time, the speed, the pace, the vocabulary, the way that we talk to one another or the way that I would try to relate to you is one where I'm trying to update a very informed person.
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And so that can be very intimidating for somebody to just walk through the door and be in the middle of the meeting.
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And so I'm trying to see this as a way to reach out to people who aren't following Malone or Sasha or any of these other clowns, but, you know, are genuinely lost in the mainstream narrative.
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The mainstream narrative of The View or the mainstream narrative of PBS NewsHour or Fox News.
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Those people, not very many of those people necessarily know all these other meddlers that we've been chasing around for the last two years or three years or four years or five years.
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And so it's important not to chase their followers too long, even though, of course, you are all well aware that I've been basically trying to convert their followers to be my followers for four and a half years, which is a futile effort.
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It's silly because these are coordinated liars.
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We're never going to convert them.
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We're never going to convert them one at a time.
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In reality, I wasn't going to get Mike Eden to come on my stream and explain clones just right so that Mike Eden would go, wow, I'm sorry.
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Jonathan Cooey's right.
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I was wrong.
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We should all listen to him.
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And yet how many times in retrospect, think about it, how many times have I been baited into believing that that was possible in this stream or the next stream or the next stream?
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That you just have to put your name in one more book, write one more chapter, work one more month, and then finally the truth will get out.
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And so we've got to we've got to take different approaches.
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And this is one of my new tacks.
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And it's going to get better and better as I get better shape.
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And as I get my head around how I'm going to use it.
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This is just scratching the surface, of course, because I'm not in shape.
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Because I haven't figured out all the camera angles yet, because I haven't figured out the work.
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flow of how to get in the gym and get it done and still exercise and be present.
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And I haven't figured out how to plan in these subtle cuts, you know, because there might be certain times when it will be really nice to make a three-pointer and say something profound.
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And so when I stumble upon something profound, I might have to do a couple takes to get that shot right, to get that move right, to
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to insert dunk here.
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And in that case, as we approach this, you know, it's not going to take me more than four or five more weeks, I don't think, before, you know, I will be able to pull this off pretty regularly without the breaks and without the huffing and puffing and without the shortness of breath.
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And that will be a very significant
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addition to the work because it will be harder for these people to refute.
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And in fact, I would go so far as to say that the existence of this will be denied even after I go to put it on the YouTube channel that you see behind here.
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It's already created.
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I just don't have any videos up there yet.
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And when it goes on YouTube, they will ignore it.
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People will ignore it.
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And if it gets strikes, which I don't think it will, then it will attract attention to itself that they can't tolerate because what we're gonna do here is demolish the narrative session by session.
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Little 20 minute, this is a 10 minute video.
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It's a 20 minute video, but like seven minutes of it is just me sharing with you some fun with me and my son.
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So it's 10 minute video, 15 minute video.
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These are,
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These are the videos that people have been complaining that I don't make.
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And I hope that these will start to evolve into something that people see as valuable.
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And if you're wondering where the heck I've been, I've had...
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basketball practice at at 360 every day trying to get this working with my son and then also going to basketball practice for the grade 7b team that I'm now the coach of and my son plays for and so getting into this groove of coaching and planning and also recording this every day or trying to record something a few times a week
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Now we're going to get back to this live streaming stuff too.
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And we're just leveling up, right?
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We're going to double and double down and double down until we are just overwhelming them.
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The steady pressure up until now has been a problem.
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The steady pressure from Mark Kulak has been a problem.
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But now as we continue to apply the steady pressure and more and more cracks appear, it's going to be important for us to keep on top of the,
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of the pile and so what you see here is a what you see here really is uh an example of what they would like all of us to submit to everybody get in the chair everybody participate i just had somebody tell me yesterday that the debate is still on twitter that the truth is still being sorted out on twitter the place for you to put your ideas is still on twitter it's extraordinary
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I just don't believe it.
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I think Twitter is such a trap.
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It's such a military program being weaponized against.
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It doesn't have to be weaponized against everyone.
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It just has to be weaponized against the people who have made it far enough through the camps, climbed high enough that they can actually see the people faking.
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If you get high enough above what's going on, you can see the people acting and coordinating together.
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That's where I am.
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That's where a few people like Mark Kulak, where Joe Marshall is, where you can see and look down and see that, you know, they're sharing language and that's not accidental.
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They're promoting each other all the time and that's not accidental because five years ago, they weren't.
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Five years ago, they were trying to convince me to argue with those people.
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And so we can see it.
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And it's not to say that in an arrogant way, it's to say it in an annoyed way.
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We've seen the alien, we're not happy about it, and we're not necessarily thrilled with the idea that we're stuck with this knowledge for the rest of our lives.
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And so we are trying to seek help with regard to recruiting more people who understand it.
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And so with regard to
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not quite there yet.
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With regard to the limited spectrum of debate and what's going on here, right now what is crucial to see is that anybody that
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Anybody that has connections with me for five years now and interwoven into my particular timeline almost certainly is part of this motorcycle show.
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And that's not to try to be arrogant about it.
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It's to try to say that I am such an anecdote.
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I'm such a one-off.
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because there's no one else in the timeline where these motorcycle people have said here come on go come stand in the middle of the sphere and we'll ride around you and you'll be the star of the show nobody else not one person i mean jessica rose has never been asked to stand in the middle and we'll ride around you
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But I've been asked to stand in the middle and have Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Meryl Nass, and Robert Malone, and Tess Laurie, and Jessica Rose ride around in circles.
33:17.886 --> 33:30.112
I've been asked to stand inside of this sphere, and Andy Kaufman, and Tom Cowan, and Mark Bailey, and Christine Massey, they all rode around on the motorcycles.
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And I've been inside of this sphere in the Steve Kirsch steering committee and even done a rumble stream with them where Stephanie Seneff and Kevin McKernan and Jessica Rose and John Bodwin all rode the motorcycles around and pretended to listen to me.
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There is no one else who has been asked to stand in the circle and pretend that they are part of it.
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There's no one else.
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Everybody else has a motorcycle.
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Everybody else that's ridden on social media is actually part of it.
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From Sasha to Meryl to Pierre Cory and his role in the George Floyd thing.
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It's all the same.
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These people have been added to the show, recruited to the show, briefed on the show.
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And then look at Jay standing in the middle.
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Let's ride around him and make him feel really important.
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That's exactly what this was.
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Now the only question is, does Robert F. Kennedy have a motorcycle and know what he's doing?
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Or is Robert F. Kennedy also just standing in the middle of the sphere while people ride motorcycles around him and make him feel like he's really important?
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Is that what they're doing to Jay Bhattacharya?
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It's possible.
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I think it's more than possible, because that's exactly how this is done.
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Not only to us as peasants, but to the people that they're trying to insert into the governmental narrative, the less that they owe, the better.
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The more they accept, the better.
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That's the reason why it is important to identify these mythologies and see the people who are perpetuating them, because a lot of them don't even know they're doing it.
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because of the desire for power and fame and fortune, and because they've been promised things.
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That's why when you go to Twitter and you look me up, you're not going to see my latest tweets.
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You're going to see a tweet from 2021 and another one and another one.
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Harmless ones.
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The reality is, ladies and gentlemen, is that healthy people don't get sick.
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They don't.
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The reality is, is that the love of family and friends is one of the most important things in your life for health.
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Clean water, clean food, clean environment, of course.
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Exercise is of paramount importance.
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It wouldn't hurt to run a soccer game every day.
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Not one person on earth would be less healthy if they ran a soccer game every day.
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Not one person on earth would be less healthy if they had clean water and clean food every day.
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Not one person on earth would be less healthy if they had more love and more friendships.
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And so bad biology 101 is essentially evolution because DNA.
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Because we discovered DNA, all of these presuppositions of evolution have to be accepted.
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All the predictions that evolutionary biologists make about complex systems have to be accepted because we found DNA.
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And that is wrong.
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That is extremely wrong.
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But it is how I was taught.
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It's how my high school teacher was taught.
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It's how my mentors of my PhD were taught.
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It's how all of the people would teach it at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
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And this is why Gigome Biological has a lifetime, I have a lifetime of work to do.
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I have work to do that I can probably hand down to my son.
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because it took more than a generation to establish this bad biology, and it will take probably a generation to erase it, to undo the damage, to restore our reverence for the sacred, restore our reverence for the irreducible complexity that is God's creation, and to humbly submit.
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That's what this is about.
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Not about converting people to Jesus, but about converting people to the idea that creation is right there for you to see.
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The work of the Creator is right there for you to see.
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So the arrogance should be replaced with humility.
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The certainty should be replaced with reverence.
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And you should start to appreciate that as sacred, not as anything less.
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should want to be outside more.
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And you should see your baby as a pattern integrity across time that you dare not drop a pebble into the stream of, nevermind intramuscularly injecting a combination of substances.
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And so the Human Genome Project is ongoing.
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And that has been recently admitted, and we'll cover that in this stream.
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They understand very little
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They only really understand the builder's materials that are encoded in the DNA.
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There's no evidence that the maintenance and changing through time that is development is encoded in the DNA.
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If it is, they have no clue where it's encoded.
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And yet, if we go back to the people that are the foundational thinkers of these ideas, where they assume that physical and chemical laws will eventually be used to explain life,
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This guy already understood that it's not just the building blocks that need to be encoded in such a periodic crystal, but also the actual plan across time, the architect's plan.
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And it's not an architect's plan that is static, but it's an architect's plan that builds and changes over time through significant stages of development that are required in order to reach that end goal.
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It's not just an assembly project.
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And these guys inherently understood that and told a story about how physical and chemical laws will eventually be able to explain it all.
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And that assumption was immediately ticked off as in checkmate, we've got it, this is it, that's the proof.
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As soon as they found DNA, well, then I guess it's done.
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A matter of time now, it's just gonna be all chemistry and physics.
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And that's also evolution because DNA.
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And that's a lie, because the Human Genome Project didn't done.
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It started as predictions way back when, way back when.
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And those predictions have not been met.
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They have not come true, except in the sense that the complexity has not been found, identified, and codified at all.
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but we have been led to believe it has been by people like Kevin McKernan and Mark Lander and Tony Fauci and Francis Collins for more than a decade, that is for sure.
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And part of the thing you should be concerned about is the system of remanence sales that are done in our hospitals around America, in our abortion clinics, in our medical facilities, in our testing facilities.
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Remnants are being sold to the highest bidder.
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Remnants with stem cells.
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Remnants of placentas.
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Remnants of foreskin.
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Remnants of any material taken away from an operation.
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Remnants of COVID testing and PCR testing that represent whole genome sequencing.
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All of these things are completely ignored by everyone in the narrative because they are central to it.
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Let's fight about the effectiveness of the old vaccine schedule versus the new vaccine schedule instead of admit that this has been going on for decades, that most of the illusion of virology and cell culture and molecular biology is unsustainable without the remnants that are regularly collected from our children and from our medical facilities, from our pregnant women, from our cesarean sections,
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It's all part of the same illusion that something was accomplished with the Human Genome Project.
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Something was started.
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And so that's why it's important, I think, to be focused on life as a pattern integrity with a trajectory across time.
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Because if you think about it that way and see it that way and understand it that way, then conceptually speaking, DNA to RNA to protein doesn't cover that.
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It doesn't cover it at all.
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And instead, we can start talking about fundamental truths, like the fact that intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin.
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So it's hard for me to understand how it is that I've grown up to understand intramuscular injection as a fine methodology for the application of medicine.
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but I think we can think our way out of it.
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I think this unity nonsense is just a demonstration of power, and I think we can bring it to an end, even though they want you to believe that vaccines are the most important invention in the 20th century.
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They want you to fight about vaccines and whether or not they worked.
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They want you to fight about adjuvants.
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That's what Bret Weinstein said a week and a half ago.
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They don't want you to know that there are toxins in vaccines.
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Stop lying!
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Now he also says, you know, they're exempt from liability.
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Yeah, but that's not really the right way to phrase it.
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They're only exempt from liability when an emergency declaration is declared under the rational basis test.
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Only when a law is passed, which says that they are, they have no liability, but it says that they're dangerous.
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They're unavoidably dangerous.
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And so the law even says it.
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the law that they're defending, the law that's already got it in there where there is a, it's actually written down that they have no liability because they're inherently dangerous.
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They're not tested.
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Of course they're not tested, but it's a, it's a stupid debate because intramuscular injection is dumb.
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And so we have a big problem here because again, um, oops, that's not open.
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The, uh,
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The people that are managing this show know very well what they're doing.
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They know very well what they're avoiding saying.
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They know very well what they are trying to perpetuate.
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Um, and so that's why the lab leak thing was so well orchestrated from 2020 all the way until now.
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And why the same people are involved in it.
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Why Vivek Ramaswamy even said after the D the department of energy, uh,
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The Department of Energy report came out that obviously they're covering up a lab leak because this was the way that the PSYOP was going to get you and me and our children, more importantly us to teach our children, that this RNA free-range molecule is responsible for millions of people's deaths and responsible for all the flub ups and responsible for warp speed.
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this Scooby-Doo mystery that we've been tricked into solving, that I threw away my neuroscience career in order to be a hero and solve, the Scooby-Doo mystery that was supposed to be codified in this book is an illusion created by the national security state, the global security state that wants to govern our children based on public health mythology.
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a public health mythology about the illusion that RNA can pandemic, that RNA viruses can go endemic.
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And these biological ideas are wrong.
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They're myths.
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They're awful, malevolent myths that they want us to pass on to our children, and we cannot do it.
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And so, you know, the FDA is corrupt but could be fixed by the right people is exactly what they've been saying for the last five years.
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And it's suddenly dawned on me these past couple months that, oh my gosh, that's the play.
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It's the same play that the antibody patent paradox from 2023 that we covered is so important.
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It's all about the profits and the intellectual property and the future value of these technologies and these companies.
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It's billions and billions of dollars in pharmaceutical industry profits at stake here if the intellectual property of the pandemic isn't preserved as new and novel and all these variations on tried and true methodologies that were already products years before the pandemic.
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If we don't sustain this illusion that there's a bunch of new tech and new intellectual property, then all these people potentially won't be able to protect it in the future.
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They won't have the monopoly on the control that they want to have unless they can establish this intellectual property as being genuinely there, genuinely having worked, and genuinely ready to be personalized for everybody so that we don't even need an FDA anymore.
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Because personalized medicine for somebody like me can't be tested on somebody like you.
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And so, you know, bad food in the USA, the water's dirty too, get that fluoride out of there.
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These are all low hanging fruit that they can use to pretend like they're really fighting for us while they ignore the truth and they allow us or coerce us into teaching our children these mythologies about how they've been saved.
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And I really think it's possible that Bobby Kennedy has been surrounded by influential meddling people that have been controlling what he believes since he's a teenager.
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The stories that he tells of his escapades lead me to believe that he's a very influenceable guy.
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If you get five people in the car with him and they all think something's a good idea, Bobby will think it's a good idea too.
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If Bobby has been sitting in the room with these meddling people, like Meryl Nass and Mary Holland and some of these lawyers and Robert Malone and his wife,
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It wouldn't take very many sessions for him to be Truman showed.
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For him to be Truman showed.
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It's just a bunch of people lying.
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The set doesn't have to be very good.
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The lights can be falling out of the sky and it doesn't matter as long as the five or six people that are lying to Bobby continue to lie and lie consistently in coordination about me, about biology, about Bitcoin, about Trump,
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about the shooting.
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And so what you need to understand is that this is a real demonstration of what can be accomplished.
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Yeah, maybe it is.
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Maybe it is a NATO operation.
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But I can tell you for sure that the shooting of Donald Trump wasn't a NATO thing.
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I'm going to say something here.
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I don't know if I've ever said it on my stream, but the shooting of Donald Trump was faked.
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It was 100% faked.
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And the best way that you can know is because the same people that have been harassing me, ignoring me, following me, misleading me, trying to trip me up for the last five years, had a coordinated chorus
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of streams after the shooting that never questioned the legitimacy of the shooting itself, but instead probed videos and sound and recordings from phones to see how many shooters there were and whether or not they were on the water tower.
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And so again, just like fighting over a natural virus or a lab leak gets you to accept the idea of a novel virus circulating the world,
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And Kevin McKernan and Robert Malone were very good at doing that.
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And Claire Craig and all these other people like Jessica Rose, Epigirl from the Spars pandemic document.
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We also had people demonstrating the power of their social media control by helping to orchestrate the shooting of Donald Trump.
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It was fake.
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It was absolutely fake.
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And you can know because Brett Weinstein,
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John Cullen, Chris Martinson, all of these people coordinatedly worked together to create this urgency about deciding because there's multiple shooters.
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There might be one on the water tower.
51:05.717 --> 51:06.457
You know what?
51:06.997 --> 51:09.218
The Secret Service was sabotaged that day.
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It might've even been the Secret Service.
51:10.859 --> 51:16.281
Look at these women that are Secret Service agents that can't put their guns back in their holster.
51:18.953 --> 51:23.574
Look at all these people wearing a ear bandage for solidarity.
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Look at the sons of Donald Trump who have neither bragged about the scar, neither bragged about their father's surgeon removing the scar, no bragging at all, but they love to pose with dead animals.
51:38.537 --> 51:43.178
But they don't brag about their superhero dad who got shot in the ear without a scar.
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Not one photograph.
51:47.452 --> 51:49.054
Look at dad's earring.
51:49.815 --> 51:51.317
Look at dad's ear scar.
51:53.039 --> 51:54.660
I mean, there would be a meme, right?
51:54.701 --> 52:00.327
There would be a red, white, and blue hope sign with the ear clearly pierced.
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In fact, what you see are these people, these people that are on Twitter and on Rumble and on Substack and on Telegram, they are in greed.
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They have never questioned that narrative, not once, just like they've never questioned the biological principle of RNA going from a mud puddle to endemic.
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Endemic is like there forever, in perpetuity.
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Stop lying!
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And that's, that's despite all of the years and years of consensus that because we found DNA, then evolution is real and all the consequences are true.
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That it's just going to be chemistry and physics in the end because evolution, because DNA, but now RNA can also do it.
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RNA can do everything.
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RNA doesn't need telomeres.
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RNA doesn't need proofreading.
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And the proofreading that it can do, well, yeah, there's this protein, but we only understand it in the context of remdesivir.
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The infectious clone problem still being ignored, the idea that we just transfect cell culture in animals and call it virology, and none of the no-virus people will go there, none of this no-virus people have been able to explain this.
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Instead, they've done these silly control experiments that don't really prove anything other than what I've also agreed with them on.
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that the cytotoxic effects in cell culture are an illusion that can be created with methodological tricks and nothing more.
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So what?
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Why not dunk the ball here?
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Why not score a touchdown?
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Because they're lying.
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Stop lying.
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And so we've got to really understand that the concept of intramuscular vaccination is wrong.
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And that's how we should be attacking these laws.
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That's how we should attack the vaccine schedule in America is that the principle is wrong.
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The biology is wrong.
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And we should be attacking the idea that fundamental rights are being suspended in a PrEP Act emergency.
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And when those fundamental rights are suspended, it is pretty normal for the government to be held to what is called strict scrutiny.
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We need to have lawyers like Aaron Seery, but not Aaron Seery, talking about how we can hold the government to strict scrutiny in these emergency declarations and what that would look like.
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list of criteria would establish that we are holding the government to strict... Somebody define the freaking term besides me.
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Somebody define the term rational basis test and why it's insufficient in some of these scenarios.
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Please, Aaron, do your job.
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And so if I'm right about these things, if I'm right that RNA cannot pandemic and they have to ignore this idea, if I'm right that intramuscular injection is dumb.
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because that's the worst way to be exposed to a toxin.
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If I'm right that the Human Genome Project was started in 2005, that they've been lying about it, that they've been moving billions of dollars around and influencing thousands of academic biologists to make this assumption, to do hypothesis testing based on the assumption that evolution, because DNA,
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Genes because DNA, you know, it's it's terrible ladies and gentlemen.
55:35.922 --> 55:54.860
It is a generational psi war Where we have been misled by the same people that go all the way back to Desjardins They all talked about it before they've all written books about it man in his future is a wonderful example Hilary Koprowski is in here and
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Herman Muller's in here, the guy who thought of telomeres before they were found.
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These were all predictions.
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And when DNA was found, these people agreed across the board to say that, okay, that all these predictions are true and we better put our big boy pants on and start eugenics now.
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Coffee, thank you very much.
56:22.014 --> 56:23.456
Wow, that's a giant mug, I love it.
56:38.189 --> 56:39.569
So, H.G.
56:39.610 --> 56:41.030
Wells and the Open Conspiracy.
56:41.050 --> 56:45.692
I just want to play a short video, pause, and comment on it for a while, and then we're going to continue the rant.
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Because I got a lot more to say and a lot more slides, so let's just see what we got here.
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Did that work?
56:54.737 --> 56:55.257
Oh, no, not yet.
56:55.297 --> 56:55.557
Here we go.
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Why was all this science ever allowed?
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So maybe I should say first, this is part two.
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And if you go online and you look for H.G.
57:06.195 --> 57:12.117
Wells, The Open Conspiracy, you will find 13 or 14 year old videos that are about 15 minutes long.
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This is part two, there are four parts.
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We'll just watch this one, but I encourage you to go ahead and watch the other four in your free time.
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And I will try to make time to archive them as well.
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Why was it ever let begin, science?
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So there was a movie, right?
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HG Wells made a movie.
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I don't remember what the movie is called.
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Maybe they'll tell us here.
57:30.190 --> 57:34.372
But these are clips that are taken from the movie.
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And remember, this is starting in the middle, but I don't want to waste, I don't want to use or dedicate too much time to this.
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Just enough to make points.
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It's an enemy of everything that's natural in life.
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and exploit all these giant possibilities of science that have been squandered hitherto upon war and senseless competition.
57:59.185 --> 58:06.591
Is this any better world than it used to be?
58:06.671 --> 58:08.392
I rebel against this progress.
58:08.873 --> 58:11.295
What has this progress, this world civilization done for us?
58:11.795 --> 58:16.759
Machines... Things to come.
58:20.293 --> 58:21.640
Welcome to EIR Talks.
58:22.122 --> 58:23.087
This is Tony Papert.
58:23.906 --> 58:30.530
It's Wednesday, April 7th, 1999, and with us in the studio is New Federalist Editor-in-Chief Nancy Spanis.
58:31.231 --> 58:37.574
The subject of today's broadcast... I'm almost sure that that New Federalist lady would know what strict scrutiny meant.
58:38.255 --> 58:46.220
I'm almost sure she would know what jurisdiction stripping means, too, in the context of judicial power.
58:46.720 --> 58:48.121
It's really awesome.
58:49.001 --> 58:49.922
| things to come.
58:52.000 --> 58:54.123
We have wars girdling the globe today.
58:55.364 --> 59:01.472
In the Middle East, we've been fighting an undeclared war against Iraq for most of the past nine years.
59:02.353 --> 59:09.703
In Africa, there are countless wars, or many wars, the largest probably being a war taking place in the Republic of Congo.
59:10.507 --> 59:19.970
where, among other things, the armies of five to six neighboring countries are engaged in an effort either to preserve or overthrow the government of Congo President Kabila.
59:20.511 --> 59:25.332
Neighboring Angola is in deepening... I will just agree with Kim Traveler there.
59:25.592 --> 59:31.134
I've seen so many tweets that are starting to say the boomers are bad, bad, bad.
59:31.174 --> 59:34.315
The boomers are an adulterous generation.
59:34.355 --> 59:35.136
The boomers are a
59:36.016 --> 59:36.896
Blah, blah, blah.
59:36.936 --> 59:37.837
And I see it.
59:37.997 --> 59:38.537
I saw it.
59:38.677 --> 59:39.177
I see it.
59:39.377 --> 59:40.177
I'm sure you're right.
59:40.297 --> 59:47.359
The war, as it has been for most of the past decade, in South America, Colombia is at war within its own borders.
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Again, a deepening war which has been going on for years.
59:50.900 --> 01:00:02.263
Now, with the unleashing of a new Balkans war by our sorry Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Vice President Al Gore, we have a new Iraq-style war in the very heart of Europe.
01:00:02.981 --> 01:00:05.802
neighboring five other European countries.
01:00:06.843 --> 01:00:15.587
Now, for the characters of these wars, and this will be a subject throughout our show, look at this undeclared war against Iraq.
01:00:16.348 --> 01:00:18.529
As we sit here today, U.S.
01:00:18.569 --> 01:00:29.754
and British planes are taking off virtually daily for apparently aimless bombing runs on Iraq, hitting such targets as oil pumping stations and other targets of opportunity.
01:00:30.715 --> 01:00:30.855
01:00:32.012 --> 01:00:33.634
more serious for the Iraqis.
01:00:34.235 --> 01:00:48.811
There has been an embargo on Iraq for the entirety of the past nine years, which has doomed its growing young generation to malnutrition, and doomed a substantial proportion of them to lifelong stunting and mental underdevelopment.
01:00:49.312 --> 01:00:51.694
because of the effects of malnutrition in childhood.
01:00:52.095 --> 01:01:00.762
And these were people who hadn't yet been born when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, which is supposedly somehow the reason for the whole exercise.
01:01:01.263 --> 01:01:04.325
Now we're repeating a similar exercise in the Balkans.
01:01:05.026 --> 01:01:11.629
This is not war in the classic sense of Clausewitz or the American Revolutionary War or the American Civil War.
01:01:12.009 --> 01:01:18.232
It's not war in the sense that the government mobilizes the citizenry on behalf of a clear moral purpose.
01:01:18.672 --> 01:01:19.973
There is no other resort.
01:01:20.493 --> 01:01:22.134
Every other resort has been cut off.
01:01:22.574 --> 01:01:31.238
The citizenry mobilizes itself for a great moral effort, for a moral, winnable objective, and goes to war as we did in World War II.
01:01:31.538 --> 01:01:32.058
This is not
01:01:33.059 --> 01:01:34.481
These are not that kind of war at all.
01:01:34.921 --> 01:01:41.669
This is war which, where there's no definite meaning of victory, they're wars which go on indefinitely.
01:01:42.110 --> 01:01:43.732
Nobody can say when they're going to end.
01:01:44.512 --> 01:01:45.273
And they're wars
01:01:46.309 --> 01:01:58.437
which, and you'll see this increasingly, they're wars which involve on the one hand ultramodern tomahawk missiles, other kinds of ultramodern so-called intelligent weaponry.
01:01:59.038 --> 01:02:05.222
And on the other hand, they involve a rock to the skull, a stick to the back of the head.
01:02:06.042 --> 01:02:11.706
And not just modern armies fighting, but neighbor against neighbor, and brother against brother.
01:02:13.430 --> 01:02:19.114
So we have the world covered by these kinds of wars, if you could look at it this way from outer space.
01:02:19.915 --> 01:02:22.737
They're not all small wars by any means.
01:02:23.318 --> 01:02:42.072
They're not yet as big as World War II or World War I. But if these wars unite themselves in one general conflagration, it will be a kind of World War III, which we've not seen on this planet since the 17th century, a war of all against all with no end.
01:02:43.689 --> 01:02:49.996
Now, Nancy, you've been studying the British New Dark Ages faction of the 19th and 20th century.
01:02:50.577 --> 01:02:53.140
Is there a plan behind all these wars and warfare?
01:02:53.601 --> 01:02:54.842
New Dark Ages?
01:02:54.862 --> 01:02:58.807
Oh, now that's an interesting destination, isn't it?
01:02:59.625 --> 01:03:13.868
It's quite eerie, Tony, when you go back and you look at the grouping that was—were the publicists for the British imperialists at the end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century.
01:03:14.308 --> 01:03:22.090
And you look particularly at people like, in the Fabian society, people in the coefficients club like H.G.
01:03:22.130 --> 01:03:25.891
Wells and Bertrand Russell, Lord Bertrand Russell.
01:03:26.813 --> 01:03:27.333
01:03:27.393 --> 01:03:28.294
Bertrand Russell.
01:03:28.314 --> 01:03:29.114
Hold on one second.
01:03:29.134 --> 01:03:30.214
I think I got a book of his.
01:03:30.674 --> 01:03:31.014
I do.
01:03:37.096 --> 01:03:38.457
I got all kinds of books.
01:03:40.457 --> 01:03:43.558
It's about the only thing I have done, really, is buying books.
01:03:44.259 --> 01:03:49.540
And then I gotta, I gotta buy a scanner like Mark Kulak has bought and start scanning them.
01:03:50.340 --> 01:03:51.121
Uh, let's see.
01:03:51.141 --> 01:03:54.702
01:03:58.098 --> 01:03:58.258
01:03:58.979 --> 01:03:59.639
Is that not on?
01:04:00.259 --> 01:04:01.279
Did I not turn it on?
01:04:02.159 --> 01:04:03.159
I don't think I turned it on.
01:04:03.919 --> 01:04:05.960
Okay, well I'll come back to that for a second here.
01:04:06.820 --> 01:04:07.740
Did I turn it on now?
01:04:08.360 --> 01:04:08.880
Yes, I did.
01:04:09.780 --> 01:04:11.581
Give a second for the GP to go.
01:04:12.941 --> 01:04:19.122
So I got a book named, it's just Bertrand Russell's Best, sent to me by a viewer.
01:04:20.282 --> 01:04:23.423
This is just a leftover discussion here, so I'll just wipe that.
01:04:24.585 --> 01:04:25.205
Here's the book.
01:04:26.066 --> 01:04:28.967
I'll just open it to a random page here.
01:04:32.208 --> 01:04:44.634
Fitch laid it down that education should aim to destroy free will so that after pupils have left school, they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.
01:04:45.509 --> 01:04:47.669
But in his day, this was an unattainable ideal.
01:04:47.709 --> 01:04:51.450
What he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx.
01:04:51.570 --> 01:04:58.212
In the future, such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship.
01:04:58.292 --> 01:05:09.854
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine from a very early age to produce a sort of character and a sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable.
01:05:11.792 --> 01:05:16.594
and any criticisms of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.
01:05:17.635 --> 01:05:25.918
Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy because the government will tell them that they are so, wow.
01:05:27.419 --> 01:05:31.361
This book is full of this kind of crap because that's how they thought.
01:05:32.541 --> 01:05:36.563
That's the point to realize is that we are inheriting charlatans
01:05:38.143 --> 01:05:48.971
that think the same as these charlatans, as Aldous Huxley and Erwin Schrodinger and Teilhard de Chardin and Hilary Koprowski and Herman Muller.
01:05:49.632 --> 01:05:59.319
They inherited those ideas and believe with all of their soul that because we found DNA, these people were right.
01:06:02.813 --> 01:06:06.154
And it only takes a few of them to sustain it.
01:06:06.354 --> 01:06:08.475
A few of them that know it's nonsense.
01:06:08.515 --> 01:06:11.256
A few of them to know it's an illusion, a mythology.
01:06:11.617 --> 01:06:12.897
And the rest of them will go along.
01:06:13.037 --> 01:06:15.918
Mandy from the CDC is gonna go along.
01:06:16.358 --> 01:06:17.899
Walensky is gonna go along.
01:06:18.299 --> 01:06:19.580
Birx is gonna go along.
01:06:19.700 --> 01:06:21.040
Fauci is gonna go along.
01:06:21.420 --> 01:06:22.801
Collins is gonna go along.
01:06:23.241 --> 01:06:30.064
Even if they know that the real goal is to create an illusion of consensus so deep
01:06:31.067 --> 01:06:32.168
that it's unquestionable.
01:06:32.748 --> 01:06:37.753
A mythology that is so right in your face, it's unquestionable.
01:06:39.514 --> 01:06:42.997
Evolution because DNA is exactly that.
01:06:44.246 --> 01:07:01.535
And you see that they had a plan for reorganizing the world that would permit permanent control by their class, by Bertrand Russell's class, Wells was a commoner, but that would allow them to control through
01:07:03.004 --> 01:07:10.128
mind control, through drugs, through culture, the entire power over the universe.
01:07:10.909 --> 01:07:13.490
And they wrote about it quite openly.
01:07:13.730 --> 01:07:20.414
They said there was a faction around Ruskin in the late 19th century that openly said we want to go back to a new dark age.
01:07:20.874 --> 01:07:22.075
But these characters in
01:07:24.116 --> 01:07:35.904
ostensibly wanted human progress, and they talked about human progress, but they actually wrote and more than wrote propagandized and
01:07:37.097 --> 01:07:56.687
manipulated a whole layer of culture and popular entertainment and drugs and all sorts of other artifacts which have shaped our culture today to create a kind of situation that we're facing now at the end of the 20th century.
01:07:57.407 --> 01:08:00.049
Lyndon LaRouche has often said in the last few
01:08:01.477 --> 01:08:13.645
years that you can't understand the shift that the United States, in particular, has gone through since the Kennedy assassination without understanding H.G.
01:08:13.685 --> 01:08:13.926
01:08:13.946 --> 01:08:20.550
He wrote an article at the end of 1997 called The Wells of Doom, which is something that I looked at.
01:08:22.111 --> 01:08:37.077
just recently again, and it's absolutely eerie that the ideas that were being written in 1896, 1913, 1933, are the ideas that people think they come up with by themselves.
01:08:37.558 --> 01:08:43.880
They think that they are denying technology to the third world because something happened.
01:08:44.241 --> 01:08:45.341
It's not because of that.
01:08:45.641 --> 01:08:48.002
It's because these ideas were put into circulation.
01:08:48.042 --> 01:08:49.683
They've been surrounded by them.
01:08:50.443 --> 01:08:52.565
in culture over this period.
01:08:52.705 --> 01:08:57.288
Do you understand that she's saying that before social media, they were able to do this?
01:08:57.948 --> 01:09:02.211
Before social media, using influential thinkers, influential books.
01:09:02.691 --> 01:09:05.013
I mean, look, let me just show you what I'm talking about.
01:09:05.613 --> 01:09:08.215
There is no way that this is accidental.
01:09:12.638 --> 01:09:14.339
Um, where did those books go?
01:09:14.679 --> 01:09:15.540
I don't see them now.
01:09:18.479 --> 01:09:21.722
I'm going to push this over here because I got to keep looking at the same time.
01:09:21.742 --> 01:09:24.124
There's little small books.
01:09:24.344 --> 01:09:25.084
I don't know where they went.
01:09:25.685 --> 01:09:26.606
Oh, they're down here.
01:09:26.786 --> 01:09:27.106
01:09:28.427 --> 01:09:30.429
They are already on the floor queued up.
01:09:33.891 --> 01:09:35.152
Find my cord again.
01:09:36.794 --> 01:09:44.240
So, I mean, you know, Isaac Asimov writing a book about the human brain in when?
01:09:47.869 --> 01:09:54.214
This is written in 1963.
01:09:54.274 --> 01:10:03.400
The Genetic Code by Isaac Asimov with sheep on the front.
01:10:04.021 --> 01:10:05.041
This book is written in 1962.
01:10:05.261 --> 01:10:06.442
And look.
01:10:10.629 --> 01:10:14.230
The chemical compound is found and then that means that they've broken it.
01:10:14.290 --> 01:10:18.311
You see, the whole thing, man is coming closer and closer to the secret of life.
01:10:18.891 --> 01:10:23.613
Perhaps someday he himself may be able to create life in new and unforeseen forms.
01:10:23.653 --> 01:10:28.974
You see, these ideas have already been there a long, long, long, long time.
01:10:29.034 --> 01:10:37.837
And so all they need are acolytes that accept those ideas and to perpetuate them, to protect them, to curate them like a garden of lies.
01:10:38.877 --> 01:10:44.018
and make sure that it's as enticing and as exciting as possible.
01:10:44.058 --> 01:11:02.563
And in the meantime, in the background, they're actually planning to find ways to breed better people, basically, or prevent yucky people from breeding is maybe a better way to describe it, but definitely to breed better people, stronger human race.
01:11:03.243 --> 01:11:07.544
And they see themselves as stronger because they're the wisest.
01:11:09.915 --> 01:11:13.356
The people that get it are the people that are going to go forward.
01:11:13.396 --> 01:11:15.157
Their genes are gonna go forward.
01:11:15.197 --> 01:11:20.859
Brett Weinstein thinks he gets it and thinks he's part of this group of people that gets it.
01:11:20.879 --> 01:11:24.580
And so it's okay for him to be part of this.
01:11:25.180 --> 01:11:39.045
It's okay for him to be part of this because it's a multi-generational maturation of our understanding of how we should govern ourselves, of how we should relate to our God.
01:11:40.165 --> 01:11:48.448
This guy is a Jesuit priest who got thrown out of the Catholic church because he hyped up the Pithdown Man as evidence of evolution.
01:11:48.928 --> 01:11:55.030
He was excited because if evolution was real, then God is a hands-off God.
01:11:55.110 --> 01:11:58.991
He blew life into the universe and got this clock working.
01:11:59.011 --> 01:12:00.932
And then after that, he kind of stepped aside.
01:12:00.992 --> 01:12:07.374
And so now that we've had the knowledge revealed to us, we better take control and responsibility
01:12:11.596 --> 01:12:13.316
It's all interwoven here.
01:12:14.197 --> 01:12:15.917
It's all interwoven here.
01:12:16.017 --> 01:12:16.577
And H.G.
01:12:16.637 --> 01:12:21.179
Wells is just one tiny example of how it's all interwoven here.
01:12:21.299 --> 01:12:31.482
And it's these ideas have been perpetually present, perpetuated, and evolved in time with the scientific discoveries that could edify them.
01:12:32.002 --> 01:12:36.243
And at some moment, the discovery of DNA made all the presuppositions accepted.
01:12:36.623 --> 01:12:37.704
Who really was H.G.
01:12:37.744 --> 01:12:38.024
01:12:38.104 --> 01:12:41.286
I mean, most of our readers, listeners, I'm sure, are familiar with his name.
01:12:42.366 --> 01:12:53.553
He was a, I think he was a middle class Briton who made a name for himself writing science fiction novels in the 1890s.
01:12:53.733 --> 01:12:55.574
One of them, People in the United States
01:12:55.814 --> 01:13:04.104
became very familiar with in the late 1930s called War of the Worlds when it was broadcast on radio and people thought we were being invaded from Mars.
01:13:05.046 --> 01:13:11.273
He wrote quite grisly science fiction movies, but then
01:13:12.314 --> 01:13:21.961
was picked up in a more serious way in the early part of the 20th century and began to write more what you would call scenarios.
01:13:22.301 --> 01:13:37.272
What we're going to look at today, this movie Things to Come, which Wells was involved personally in producing in 1933, came from a book that he wrote called Shape of Things to Come, which he did in
01:13:39.774 --> 01:13:49.343
earlier in the 30s, and was an attempt to rationally lay out how a one-world government would come into being.
01:13:50.324 --> 01:13:50.944
It flopped.
01:13:50.964 --> 01:13:56.890
I mean, one thing that Wells did is he made his money by writing, so he would write these
01:13:57.390 --> 01:14:00.091
long things that would be serialized and he would make money.
01:14:01.212 --> 01:14:04.073
So in this case it was very long and it didn't work.
01:14:04.593 --> 01:14:09.415
So he did this, hooked up with a fellow here in the United States called Alex Korda.
01:14:09.575 --> 01:14:15.078
And fortunately the movie, which was shown in the late 1930s, it was done in 1936,
01:14:17.899 --> 01:14:29.551
what is in the public domain, so we are able to actually take a look at sections of it, and people can begin to get the idea of what was set into motion here.
01:14:29.992 --> 01:14:31.873
Now, a couple other things about Wells.
01:14:32.694 --> 01:14:40.963
Those who do know him, conspiracy buffs and so forth, will know him as the man who wrote a whole one-world government manifesto.
01:14:41.403 --> 01:14:43.626
in the early part of the century.
01:14:43.646 --> 01:14:44.467
The Open Conspiracy?
01:14:44.687 --> 01:14:45.968
Open Conspiracy, yes.
01:14:46.048 --> 01:14:49.172
And this was, this is soup to nuts.
01:14:49.292 --> 01:14:56.640
It's eliminate sovereign governments, population control, and all the way down the line.
01:14:58.073 --> 01:15:10.626
The second thing he did that is less well-known, I believe, is in 1913, he wrote a monograph saying, well, mankind is developing a new technology.
01:15:10.666 --> 01:15:12.247
It's nuclear technology.
01:15:13.128 --> 01:15:20.376
We can foresee a time when we can bring mankind under control with limited nuclear wars.
01:15:32.222 --> 01:15:52.333
And in fact, this concept where he was tied into the leading edge of British science at the time and was aware of the fact that nuclear energy was being developed was something that was evolved into what people today would know as Dr. Strangelove in the movie of the 1960s, was it?
01:15:55.995 --> 01:16:04.880
The man who was the model for Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Leo Szilard, was actually a protege of HG Wells.
01:16:05.300 --> 01:16:08.041
And he didn't come up with this idea on his own.
01:16:08.101 --> 01:16:14.484
And the idea, if people are not familiar, is literally what's being discussed in strategic circles today.
01:16:14.925 --> 01:16:22.749
That if this process of endless war, which you were discussing, gets to the point where it's
01:16:23.789 --> 01:16:32.493
the United States against the other nuclear superpower, which is Russia, still, then we could make a deal.
01:16:32.914 --> 01:16:45.440
And the deal could be, well, we knock off one of your cities with nuclear weapons, and you knock off one of ours, and, say, 50 million people die, but that—it will blow off steam, and we'll have
01:16:45.760 --> 01:16:48.041
a modus vivendi and will be able to proceed.
01:16:48.661 --> 01:17:13.168
Now, I'm not saying that it would happen that way, and I don't, this is a utopian concept that the British Empire has, but you get the idea of the maniacal willingness to see a devastation of human life and civilization that these characters have in hopes of being able to main control after the catastrophe has actually happened.
01:17:13.488 --> 01:17:15.269
Not that that would happen, in fact.
01:17:16.750 --> 01:17:29.216
LaRouche has often pointed out in the recent period, too, they're really, and as we can see by the demise of the United Nations in some respects, this idea of having... The demise of the United Nations?
01:17:29.336 --> 01:17:30.196
Wow, that's interesting.
01:17:30.377 --> 01:17:37.140
One world government which can contain any kind of conflict is really passé.
01:17:37.200 --> 01:17:38.601
You're either going to have
01:17:39.736 --> 01:18:03.893
a total degeneration into barbarism, or you're going to have the kind of proposals of sovereign nation cooperation that Lyndon LaRouche has put forward in his new Bretton Woods proposals, and which call for the alliance of China, Russia, and the United States bringing in other sovereign nations to actually begin to rebuild the world.
01:18:04.992 --> 01:18:12.281
So the only way you can really understand this war process is to understand that it's being orchestrated,
01:18:16.923 --> 01:18:33.971
fingertip control, but in broad control of the strategic thinking of policymakers and your strategic thinking by a British-American Commonwealth faction, the inheritors of H.G.
01:18:33.991 --> 01:18:35.632
Wells and Bertrand Russell's ideas.
01:18:38.937 --> 01:18:46.722
I want to review and we'll show a few clips of the Things to Come movie because I think it will underscore.
01:18:47.102 --> 01:18:54.747
In case you're not watching the chat, I know through the work of Mark Kulak of Housatonic Live
01:18:55.991 --> 01:19:05.536
that the guy that she just mentioned that was a HG Wells protege named Szilard or whatever his name was, he co-founded the Salk Institute.
01:19:05.876 --> 01:19:07.196
The Salk Institute.
01:19:07.616 --> 01:19:09.497
The Salk Institute.
01:19:09.537 --> 01:19:13.219
You know, the Salk Institute where Robert Malone was trained.
01:19:14.420 --> 01:19:17.141
Salk Institute, you know, where, oh my gosh,
01:19:21.454 --> 01:19:41.369
the point we're making, with people having to recall that this was done in 1933, it was prior to the Second World War, and obviously people in Britain were aware that they were headed toward a war with Germany, but this had not yet happened.
01:19:42.029 --> 01:19:44.531
and none of our modern civilization.
01:19:44.551 --> 01:19:51.656
This does not feature nuclear war, but it does feature other aspects of what we actually see going on right now.
01:19:51.676 --> 01:19:55.359
Now she's talking about the movie again, The Things to Come or something like that.
01:19:55.399 --> 01:19:57.541
So they're going to show a clip from it, I think, right here.
01:19:58.962 --> 01:20:02.704
So the movie opens in 1940.
01:20:06.493 --> 01:20:13.497
at which point, right before bombs begin to fall on a place called Everytown, which is clearly London.
01:20:15.419 --> 01:20:24.545
And what is, there's a little debate between the characters who are there and they say, well, is this war going to be good for us?
01:20:25.325 --> 01:20:28.968
the way many stupid Americans and others say today, well, gee, a war would be good.
01:20:28.988 --> 01:20:30.630
We can get our industry started again.
01:20:32.191 --> 01:20:36.875
Or the British say, when they want to get their enemies fighting, let's have a splendid little war in the colonies.
01:20:38.677 --> 01:20:43.201
So one side is that, the other side says, well, this may not be the same this time.
01:20:43.761 --> 01:20:44.963
This time, when we have war,
01:20:46.992 --> 01:20:49.174
Is there a concept of victory, as you were saying?
01:20:49.234 --> 01:20:50.355
What will happen?
01:20:50.995 --> 01:20:58.942
And what proceeds over the next good 15 minutes or so of the movie is a process.
01:20:59.062 --> 01:21:01.344
You see a process of endless war.
01:21:01.684 --> 01:21:05.267
And the war in the movie goes on from 1940 to 1965.
01:21:05.307 --> 01:21:11.192
Wait, what happened there?
01:21:12.894 --> 01:21:14.235
Did I not download the whole thing?
01:21:18.205 --> 01:21:19.085
Wait, what happened there?
01:21:19.185 --> 01:21:21.167
I gotta check this for a second.
01:21:21.207 --> 01:21:23.909
Maybe I have to play three then too, because I watched more.
01:21:26.771 --> 01:21:28.632
So was that really it?
01:21:29.252 --> 01:21:30.053
Let me see again.
01:21:30.073 --> 01:21:31.674
That was it.
01:21:31.914 --> 01:21:32.014
01:21:32.034 --> 01:21:33.395
Let me just see.
01:21:36.097 --> 01:21:36.798
Yeah, 15.
01:21:36.898 --> 01:21:37.658
And we have war.
01:21:37.678 --> 01:21:41.401
Okay, so let me just put on- Is there a concept of victory, as you were saying?
01:21:41.441 --> 01:21:42.822
Let me just put- What will happen?
01:21:42.882 --> 01:21:43.662
Part three there.
01:21:43.682 --> 01:21:45.924
And what proceeds over the next,
01:21:47.026 --> 01:21:48.447
Welcome back to EIR Talks.
01:21:48.487 --> 01:21:49.347
This is Tony Papert.
01:21:49.367 --> 01:21:50.148
It's Wednesday, April 7, 1999.
01:21:51.668 --> 01:21:54.750
With us is Nancy Spanos, the editor of New Federalist newspaper.
01:21:55.270 --> 01:22:10.397
Before the break, I had asked Nancy about the role of Zbigniew Brzezinski in landing us in this terrible blunder of a Balkans war, because Brzezinski's leading student, our unfortunate Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,
01:22:10.877 --> 01:22:18.101
was instrumental in changing the Rambouillet peace negotiations into a process that inevitably led to war.
01:22:18.681 --> 01:22:26.406
And Nancy has been reviewing EIR's file on Mads Bygne-Pryzinski, President Carter's national security advisor.
01:22:27.372 --> 01:22:41.531
Yes, last time we saw Brzezinski, I think people will think of him in the last days of the Carter administration, when he was ecstatic about the launching of war in Afghanistan.
01:22:42.512 --> 01:22:47.076
also of the most devastating long-term no-win wars.
01:22:47.597 --> 01:22:57.927
And this was part of something he picked up from a British geopolitician, as he picks up most of his things, called the arc of crisis around the Soviet Union.
01:22:58.587 --> 01:23:02.311
And it was just a horrible
01:23:03.869 --> 01:23:07.610
way of trying to deal with the world situation.
01:23:07.630 --> 01:23:10.411
Of course, the Soviet Union was quite different from Russia today.
01:23:10.731 --> 01:23:12.812
They did have a world domination plan.
01:23:13.272 --> 01:23:26.477
But Brzezinski, having been tutored by William Yandell Elliott and a whole series of British geopoliticians, was approaching this from the standpoint of not any common
01:23:27.337 --> 01:23:45.351
national interests between peoples and nations in the world, but to try to inflame and create wars in the whole circle around the Soviet Union and play off China against Russia and essentially create a situation where
01:23:46.031 --> 01:23:55.115
the British geopoliticians would continue to dominate through raw materials, financial flows, and prevent any kind of world peace.
01:23:55.655 --> 01:24:01.078
Now- I like that she says that it's based in Britain and America, because I think there's a lot of reason to believe that.
01:24:01.558 --> 01:24:04.879
Robert Malone's wife is related to British intelligence.
01:24:05.039 --> 01:24:07.621
Robert Malone's dad is related to American intelligence.
01:24:09.902 --> 01:24:14.744
I think there's a lot of reason to believe that it has something to do with the connection between
01:24:16.452 --> 01:24:27.369
The people that allowed the Civil War to feel like it was won, but still remained loyal to the crown, we are working against, or we are being worked against by descendants of these families.
01:24:27.409 --> 01:24:30.975
That's one pretty good working hypothesis, I think.
01:24:31.235 --> 01:24:35.797
Brzezinski, I don't know exactly what he's been doing since 1980.
01:24:36.277 --> 01:24:38.158
Very prominent in the media at this moment.
01:24:38.178 --> 01:24:43.460
But recently, he's made a big comeback.
01:24:43.480 --> 01:24:49.703
1997 was really the beginning, I believe, when he wrote a book called The Grand Chessboard.
01:24:49.743 --> 01:24:54.005
There's a long subhead, too, something about geopolitical something.
01:24:55.306 --> 01:25:00.428
And this book was first actually picked up in Russia.
01:25:01.089 --> 01:25:06.867
because of its highly provocative nature, because he picked up effectively where he had left off in 1980, but now...
01:25:09.278 --> 01:25:21.521
going after the Russian Republic and saying that we now have the opportunity in the United States to dominate the world with one sole superpower.
01:25:21.642 --> 01:25:29.784
We can dominate Eurasia, which is the whole area from Europe all the way through China, and we can do this.
01:25:29.944 --> 01:25:36.826
We just have to make sure that Russia does not have... Well, I think one of the calculations that has to be made here
01:25:38.367 --> 01:25:52.096
is when we say weaponized piles of money, we have to be realistic because the larger weaponized piles of money that exist in the world are likely weaponized piles of money that were already weaponized in the 1700s.
01:25:53.697 --> 01:26:03.404
Let me just say something like, think about the idea of British furniture and go on the Antiques Roadshow
01:26:04.310 --> 01:26:30.344
and look at how a broken plate from 1600 made of of delftware found in the dirt broken in pieces could be worth 10,000 pounds and then understand that there are not just antiques from those time periods that are valuable but there are people and wealth and fortunes that were big back then
01:26:31.252 --> 01:26:43.616
that were buying that furniture back then, making that furniture back then, paying the artisans back then, and those piles of money weren't all spent and taxed away and disappeared.
01:26:45.097 --> 01:26:49.878
Those piles of money gained interest and built more wealth.
01:26:50.539 --> 01:26:54.080
The ones that were managed best are inordinately large.
01:26:56.291 --> 01:27:11.909
You gotta assume that the East Indies company and Dutch East Indies company, that the English East India company, that these weaponized piles of money have some descendant in modern times.
01:27:12.450 --> 01:27:15.994
You have to assume that the Vatican wasn't just rich back then.
01:27:18.407 --> 01:27:26.876
And that is part of the illusion that I think gets created every time somebody says BlackRock, StageStreet, Vanguard, BlackRock, StageStreet, Vanguard.
01:27:29.398 --> 01:27:33.562
I don't think piles of money the size of billions of dollars are that significant.
01:27:33.602 --> 01:27:41.310
I think piles of money the size of ancient artifacts, the size of World War II data, the size of
01:27:42.150 --> 01:27:54.143
the proof of this mythology, the size of the real data on world population, the real data on the selling of medical remnants in America.
01:27:54.223 --> 01:27:57.746
These are the things that we don't want to talk about.
01:27:57.787 --> 01:28:03.773
We can talk about BlackRock all you want, but let's not talk about the weaponized pile of money that Shell descends from.
01:28:07.426 --> 01:28:08.467
an alliance with China.
01:28:08.648 --> 01:28:21.924
We have to make sure Russia does not have undue influence, he says, in Central Europe, which have been the natural economic partners of Russia, particularly Germany.
01:28:22.405 --> 01:28:25.028
And then we also, he says, to do this
01:28:26.369 --> 01:28:37.294
really make it easier for the Russians, he suggests, that they break themselves up into three areas, Eastern Russia, Central Asia, and Far Asia.
01:28:37.374 --> 01:28:50.440
And then there's a lot of discussion in this book, all of these guys always have their hand in the till at the same time, discussing with oil companies, raw materials, cartels, and others, how they can loot Russia, particularly in the Central Asia region.
01:28:51.661 --> 01:29:10.612
So in 1997, after he wrote this, the Russians, who already were quite alarmed at the impact of the IMF conditionalities on their country and saw behind that an attempt to destroy them as a nation, and were afraid that was from the United States.
01:29:11.072 --> 01:29:12.253
I want to go forward here.
01:29:12.473 --> 01:29:15.195
It's not that I don't think this is valuable in some contexts.
01:29:15.235 --> 01:29:19.938
You can definitely listen to it, but I'm going to skip forward a little bit to see if I can get to the part that I remembered.
01:29:21.140 --> 01:29:35.943
that came after the nuclear war part, the part about sickness and the part about the technology being brought back after the collapse of nation states, which I think is a very interesting discussion.
01:29:39.785 --> 01:29:43.607
in order to supposedly get world peace.
01:29:44.648 --> 01:29:48.350
What this is reminiscent of is, again, the movie.
01:29:48.430 --> 01:30:01.078
One thing that I forgot to mention, not only the Freemasonry of Science, but also this idea- The Freemasonry of Science actually gets mentioned at some point, where the people in the movie are talking about
01:30:02.018 --> 01:30:10.404
using technology as a way of governing, so that the technology is controlled by and doled out by the right people.
01:30:10.604 --> 01:30:12.225
Well, how do you get peace?
01:30:12.726 --> 01:30:23.994
In their idea, and we didn't think to go through this, the pacification of the boss happens through the dropping of a peace gas.
01:30:24.614 --> 01:30:32.799
not any kind of rational coming to the idea of common interest, but a psychedelic experience.
01:30:32.899 --> 01:30:44.485
And in fact, this is the kind of thing that Brzezinski wrote about in his Technotronic Era book, which was written very closely in association with NATO back in the late 1960s.
01:30:44.865 --> 01:30:48.487
So this is what is behind and what is going on here.
01:30:48.627 --> 01:30:51.449
And when the Russians therefore respond
01:30:52.289 --> 01:31:07.460
to NATO's action in Yugoslavia by saying, this isn't really about what they say it's about, this is about destroying Russia, they can point to chapter and verse, effectively, to show this is the case.
01:31:07.480 --> 01:31:08.381
Right, right.
01:31:08.401 --> 01:31:15.906
So by declaring Russia the enemy, he's in effect making Russia into an enemy of the United States, or intending to do so, and vice versa.
01:31:16.505 --> 01:31:24.689
And he then goes on TV and says, you know, no problem, ground troops, we can whip the Yugoslav army.
01:31:24.769 --> 01:31:27.190
Don't, you know, don't worry about it.
01:31:27.250 --> 01:31:28.410
They're demoralized.
01:31:28.471 --> 01:31:31.392
Speaking as the great Eastern European expert, Hawking's true.
01:31:32.012 --> 01:31:45.907
So the responsible people are, most responsible out front, are Tony Blair for the British Empire, Madeleine Albright, whose role we discussed, very instrumental in bringing this war about, and Al Gore, who we discussed on previous shows.
01:31:45.967 --> 01:31:50.192
I mean, what is Gore's responsibility, as you see it, for this current war in the Balkans?
01:31:51.314 --> 01:31:55.319
Well, I think we'd have to look at that in two ways.
01:31:55.539 --> 01:32:08.736
One is what we went through last week on the show, which was his specific role in preventing Primakov from coming to the United States and finally having a meeting with President Clinton.
01:32:09.296 --> 01:32:37.487
and to be able to convince, to try to come to a modus vivendi, because if you wanted to stop genocide in the Balkans, you had to have a meeting between, was the British, one of the mission who's been promoted, between materials, moves, convinced that this was necessary, but even he has to have seen in the immediate period afterwards, how what was done did not do, I mean, only excel,
01:32:39.208 --> 01:32:47.231
In particular, I'm sure there are many Americans who think, well, the Pope is just for peace at any price, or something like that.
01:32:47.491 --> 01:32:48.431
But this is not true.
01:32:48.511 --> 01:32:58.334
He supported the bombing in Bosnia, where there was an Bosnian army on the ground that was fighting for its survival against this genocide.
01:32:58.374 --> 01:33:01.775
He called for it well before, and obviously not in the words, give us bombing.
01:33:01.815 --> 01:33:03.836
But he called for it and strongly supported it.
01:33:04.256 --> 01:33:06.759
But in this case, he doesn't see a just war.
01:33:07.260 --> 01:33:12.526
The Pope also strongly supported the vaccines, the transfections that were saving people.
01:33:12.546 --> 01:33:14.829
He said it was a selfish thing not to do it.
01:33:16.543 --> 01:33:26.570
because what is being done is simply a ploy which results in more genocide and which is intended to create the conflict between NATO.
01:33:27.190 --> 01:33:35.296
It's intended to promote a new NATO doctrine that eliminates sovereignty, like the Freemasonry of Science, that creates a
01:33:36.196 --> 01:33:39.979
war with Russia in a... How different are we than right now?
01:33:40.039 --> 01:33:45.322
We have a Freemasonry of science that controls public health and the narrative around it.
01:33:45.362 --> 01:33:52.487
We have the WHO, we have CEPI, we have Bill Gates and his money, we have the CDC, we have the captured FDA.
01:33:53.168 --> 01:34:04.015
Ladies and gentlemen, we're right here, right now, exactly where they drove us here, and these people that are currently in front of us don't want us to expand our time horizon wide enough to see it.
01:34:05.540 --> 01:34:24.825
but they are simply the trained acolytes of these same clowns that have descended from these same authors and they are perpetuating the same narrative that 10 years from now or 20 years from now will finally solve all these basic puzzles and in the meantime just assume that evolution is real because of DNA
01:34:25.689 --> 01:34:27.791
Stop lying!
01:34:27.831 --> 01:34:31.794
...prevents the kind of solutions which are necessary on the ground.
01:34:32.555 --> 01:34:52.030
And you would have to ask, as Lyndon LaRouche has, if these people are so concerned about genocide, what are they saying about what's going on in Africa, where you have British Foreign Office-sponsored wars, who have already, over the course of from 1983 to now,
01:34:54.692 --> 01:34:56.973
killed an approximate 6 million people.
01:34:57.433 --> 01:35:03.615
What are they doing about Iraq, as you pointed out, where you have this whole generation of children being killed?
01:35:04.136 --> 01:35:09.418
And what are they doing about the International Monetary Fund in general, if you had to pick
01:35:11.865 --> 01:35:20.351
an agency which has been responsible for more genocide in the recent decades than any other force.
01:35:20.751 --> 01:35:23.493
You would have to say the International Monetary Fund.
01:35:23.553 --> 01:35:39.784
They are responsible for imposing the conditions that resulted in the breakdown of nations and the wars in Africa, that is resulting in the breakup and devastation of Indonesia, that has devastated the continent of Ibero-America.
01:35:40.144 --> 01:35:41.305
Again, like Africa,
01:35:41.325 --> 01:35:49.697
an incredibly rich continent in terms of population and raw materials and cultural resources.
01:35:50.438 --> 01:35:54.484
Tell us any more about this ongoing, what in my view is ongoing genocide in Iraq.
01:35:56.139 --> 01:36:10.851
There have been some recent reports coming out of there, which we intend to be publishing, by one in particular, a fellow who's on tour named, I think, Dennis Halliday, was of this.
01:36:10.991 --> 01:36:12.952
What the Iraqis say, and it's absolute take.
01:36:14.033 --> 01:36:19.117
First, Al Gore's National Security has constantly changed.
01:36:19.497 --> 01:36:23.941
And there's no way that the people who have this in effect
01:36:25.924 --> 01:36:30.987
conceive that the Iraqis could actually comply, Saddam Hussein or no Saddam Hussein.
01:36:31.307 --> 01:36:44.295
There's a very chilling interview that was given by Leon Firth, Al Gore's national security adviser, who recently had a heart attack, but I understand he's still intimately involved in discussions of strategy through
01:36:45.115 --> 01:36:47.136
secured phone lines and other things like that.
01:36:48.577 --> 01:36:56.340
Fourth was Gore, has been Gore's advisor on national security for I believe almost 20 years, and he was involved in
01:36:57.811 --> 01:37:22.073
uh... advising gore during the gulf war and who has a national security advisor for twenty years advising him to support it and the follow-up policy of technological apartheid against iraq and what i think this was firth it could have been gore one of the interviews that was done at the time uh... firth just was asked by somebody who was naive and honest
01:37:23.957 --> 01:37:33.126
Look, I mean, don't you need high technology if you're going to have a modern society to provide medicine and education for your people?
01:37:33.926 --> 01:37:37.790
And he said, the world doesn't need Iraqi scientists.
01:37:38.050 --> 01:37:38.451
My God.
01:37:39.156 --> 01:37:45.179
So in other words, there are going to be those who are going to get technology and have a decent living standard.
01:37:45.539 --> 01:37:52.763
And there are those who will be on the dole if we decide that they're going to get any of this at all.
01:37:53.543 --> 01:37:55.524
So this is really what's happening now.
01:37:55.584 --> 01:38:00.706
The United Nations, this has not been just the British-American Commonwealth operation.
01:38:00.726 --> 01:38:06.569
The United Nations has all been complicit in this operation with this Wellesleyan idea.
01:38:09.005 --> 01:38:10.705
It's been extremely unfortunate.
01:38:10.766 --> 01:38:20.068
I think the sharpest thing that was ever said about it, the regime of sanctions, came from Mahathir Mohamad, actually, in 1990.
01:38:20.348 --> 01:38:25.509
The fall of 1990, he said, I thought we gave up siege warfare.
01:38:25.529 --> 01:38:27.430
This is the prime minister of Malaysia.
01:38:27.570 --> 01:38:31.291
Yeah, prime minister of Malaysia, when we left the Middle Ages.
01:38:31.551 --> 01:38:32.571
But that's what this is.
01:38:32.631 --> 01:38:34.092
This is siege warfare.
01:38:35.072 --> 01:38:36.953
until... Starved them out, in other words.
01:38:36.993 --> 01:38:40.696
Starved them out, cut off their water supply, cut off their food supply.
01:38:41.317 --> 01:38:43.838
But unlike the Middle Ages, it's until what?
01:38:44.459 --> 01:38:44.699
01:38:44.979 --> 01:38:45.219
01:38:45.259 --> 01:38:52.224
They already signed surrender, and yet there is no relief actually in sight.
01:38:52.765 --> 01:38:56.607
So this is paradigmatic of what we can see in the entire world.
01:38:56.707 --> 01:39:04.373
And when places, therefore, like Russia and China, look at the United States throwing itself whole hog
01:39:05.407 --> 01:39:10.592
under the influence of Gore and Brzezinski, and strongly under the influence of Blair.
01:39:11.072 --> 01:39:15.697
Behind this policy, they are incredibly alarmed.
01:39:15.977 --> 01:39:28.329
I mean, there's been great alarm, as we've been told, in the Vatican and in the Kremlin, where you had people who thought they had a decent relationship with
01:39:30.095 --> 01:39:35.818
President Clinton that they had an understanding of the common aspirations of their people, which they did.
01:39:36.599 --> 01:39:41.521
And all of a sudden it's as if there's been a body snatching of President Clinton.
01:39:41.581 --> 01:39:47.685
He's operating instead on this technological apartheid idea.
01:39:47.745 --> 01:39:53.548
So Iraq is a symbol in many respects and that's what they see happening to them.
01:39:53.608 --> 01:39:57.850
If it could happen, if it can continue without end and without
01:39:59.211 --> 01:40:07.618
any idea of a just peace to Iraq, then it could happen to any country in the world if this regime is allowed to proceed.
01:40:07.658 --> 01:40:09.099
That's what I neglected to say at the beginning.
01:40:09.119 --> 01:40:15.184
I should have said is that a just war is fought in behalf of the peace to follow the war.
01:40:15.624 --> 01:40:20.849
But the people who are launching these wars have no notion of any sort of peace to follow the war.
01:40:21.289 --> 01:40:22.629
They only know how to unleash war.
01:40:23.050 --> 01:40:25.290
And they have duped our president.
01:40:25.790 --> 01:40:34.493
And so that it seems to me, in a way, the more he violates his own inner convictions on behalf of this duping, the more violent and crazy he seems.
01:40:34.553 --> 01:40:37.134
For instance, the Pope proposed an Easter ceasefire.
01:40:37.494 --> 01:40:41.995
Clinton didn't only reject the ceasefire, but he rejected it by debating theology with the Pope.
01:40:42.515 --> 01:40:48.301
saying the proper way to celebrate the Prince of Peace is not by permitting ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.
01:40:48.481 --> 01:40:53.846
So our president has been brainwashed and will suffer a tragic fate if this is not reversed quickly.
01:40:53.886 --> 01:40:57.710
Now, Zhu Rongji, the Prime Minister of China, is in the United States.
01:40:58.590 --> 01:41:07.499
I would say that's a little dangerous, saying that President Clinton doesn't know what's being done or is not along with the agenda or is being led by his nose or fooled.
01:41:09.042 --> 01:41:12.283
is very similar to how they often talk about Donald Trump.
01:41:12.323 --> 01:41:14.504
They often talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:41:14.524 --> 01:41:17.325
They talk about a lot of these people and that's the danger here.
01:41:19.246 --> 01:41:21.407
We can't give these people any outs anymore.
01:41:21.487 --> 01:41:30.410
If you are an adult and you are unaware that this is being done to you, then you deserve what you get and you're part of the criminal, criminality.
01:41:30.450 --> 01:41:30.870
That's it.
01:41:31.370 --> 01:41:32.811
There are no excuses anymore.
01:41:33.411 --> 01:41:34.872
It's just like the Nazis.
01:41:34.912 --> 01:41:35.932
You went along with it.
01:41:36.012 --> 01:41:36.932
You didn't stop.
01:41:36.992 --> 01:41:38.113
You didn't, you didn't,
01:41:38.922 --> 01:41:42.446
You didn't speak up, and that makes you complicit.
01:41:44.208 --> 01:41:49.593
President Clinton was definitely complicit, and it's a little scary to hear them talking that he wasn't.
01:41:50.034 --> 01:41:59.524
For his summit meetings with President Clinton, this potentially offers a way out, as you've been discussing, along the lines of the new Bretton Woods proposal of Lyndon LaRouche.
01:42:02.226 --> 01:42:07.912
According to all... So let's just address the stuff that's in the chat about the Trump shooting.
01:42:08.012 --> 01:42:11.896
So are you really willing to believe that they wouldn't shoot innocent people?
01:42:13.837 --> 01:42:22.666
Are you really willing to believe that the people that are orchestrating this wouldn't shoot random people at a Trump rally in order to get Trump elected?
01:42:23.446 --> 01:42:24.848
Do you really believe that?
01:42:26.894 --> 01:42:55.585
Given the fact of what's at stake, the billions of dollars of intellectual property, the trillions of dollars of potential spending before the dollar is crashed, the potential for Bitcoin and the regulation of other cryptocurrencies, the capture of the FDA, the destroying of the FDA, the controlled demolition of America and the draining of the remaining wealth of this country and the sale of it to the highest bidder, you don't think these people would be willing to shoot a couple people
01:42:56.125 --> 01:43:01.250
outside of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, and blame it on a young kid from my kid's high school?
01:43:02.311 --> 01:43:05.414
Because I'm really, I'm really okay with that.
01:43:05.454 --> 01:43:08.437
That doesn't seem very far away at all.
01:43:11.058 --> 01:43:34.464
And now, especially when you factor in the fact that all the people on the internet and on X who were sure that there were more than one shooter, who were sure that audio files needed to be analyzed, that the videos needed to be analyzed, that we needed a three-dimensional model of the fairgrounds so that we could accurately portray the trajectories and the sounds and to make sure that there was no shooter on the water tower,
01:43:38.035 --> 01:43:51.911
Those are the same people that were in signal chats with me in 2020 saying that they had to, yeah, you're smart and stuff, but what is this transfection stuff that we're trying to get me hyped up about the evolution of the virus or the gain of function stuff?
01:43:51.951 --> 01:43:53.053
These are the same liars.
01:43:55.387 --> 01:44:11.718
that have known the truth that I lost my career for, have known it since 2020 when I first told them were the ones that went on YouTube and had guests and discussions about these sleuths that were figuring out, the witnesses that were being interviewed.
01:44:14.020 --> 01:44:16.882
And Donald Trump's sons didn't brag about the scar.
01:44:17.622 --> 01:44:18.323
Stop lying!
01:44:21.810 --> 01:44:22.931
reports that we have.
01:44:22.951 --> 01:44:24.891
Zhu Rongji is the best guy to be here.
01:44:25.132 --> 01:44:29.674
If anyone can do it, he might be able to do it.
01:44:29.934 --> 01:44:39.018
People should be aware that, as President Clinton actually said before this bombing campaign started, Zhu came here against tremendous opposition in his own country.
01:44:39.698 --> 01:44:41.739
I wonder if it's the first one.
01:44:42.199 --> 01:44:45.381
I think the first thing he did was make some trade concessions.
01:45:00.316 --> 01:45:17.989
We should be friendly and involve China and bring them into the World Trade Organization, something which is humorous and capable and knowledgeable of American history, as you find many of these current crop of Chinese post-Mao leaders are.
01:45:18.009 --> 01:45:19.150
I'm going to play part one.
01:45:19.330 --> 01:45:23.733
Maybe it was part one that had all this part in it that I remember.
01:45:24.373 --> 01:45:26.054
Why was all this science ever allowed?
01:45:26.094 --> 01:45:27.095
Why was it ever let begin?
01:45:27.115 --> 01:45:27.355
01:45:28.815 --> 01:45:30.777
It's an enemy of everything that's natural in life.
01:45:37.862 --> 01:45:44.627
And exploit all these giant possibilities of science that have been squandered hitherto upon war and senseless competition.
01:45:45.627 --> 01:45:51.512
So the possibilities of silence, science, are being squandered on endless wars.
01:45:53.524 --> 01:45:55.045
Is it any better world than it used to be?
01:45:55.125 --> 01:45:56.826
I rebel against this progress.
01:45:57.347 --> 01:45:59.728
What has this progress, this world civilization, done for us?
01:45:59.748 --> 01:46:01.289
01:46:04.011 --> 01:46:06.072
What has this world civilization done for us?
01:46:06.092 --> 01:46:07.353
Listen, this is in the Globe today.
01:46:08.594 --> 01:46:23.104
In the Middle East, we've been fighting an undeclared war against Iraq for most of the past... The characters of these wars, Iraq-style war in the very heart of Europe, neighboring five other European countries.
01:46:24.159 --> 01:46:32.925
Now, for the characters of these wars, and this will be a subject throughout our show, look at this undeclared war against Iraq.
01:46:33.645 --> 01:46:34.766
As we sit here today,
01:46:35.601 --> 01:46:35.841
01:46:35.881 --> 01:46:38.222
and British planes are taking off virtually daily.
01:46:38.282 --> 01:46:40.102
This is the part I should have watched in the beginning.
01:46:40.122 --> 01:46:40.342
I apologize.
01:46:40.362 --> 01:46:44.943
For apparently aimless bombing runs on Iraq, hitting such targets as oil pumping stations.
01:46:45.523 --> 01:46:46.723
I'm going to fast forward a little bit.
01:46:46.743 --> 01:46:51.984
And otherwise, or the Amarillo Reservoir, their wars with Japan and brother against brother.
01:46:52.144 --> 01:46:53.344
Where did I play this one already?
01:46:53.404 --> 01:46:58.105
In the Fabian Society, people in the Coefficients Club, like H.G.
01:46:58.145 --> 01:46:58.465
01:46:58.485 --> 01:46:59.745
Then maybe I didn't play two.
01:47:00.285 --> 01:47:01.086
Verging into 1970.
01:47:03.567 --> 01:47:06.708
where, and civilization itself is wiped out.
01:47:07.128 --> 01:47:14.631
What you see is just constantly, you know, tanks, planes, gas warfare, which of course had been done.
01:47:14.651 --> 01:47:19.272
So unfortunately, the way that I did it was I played part one, then I played part three, and then I played part four.
01:47:19.312 --> 01:47:22.633
And I skipped this one, which was the one that I really wanted to show in the first place.
01:47:24.842 --> 01:47:27.865
And the third one is the one that said that H.G.
01:47:27.905 --> 01:47:32.068
Wells said there was going to be some limited nuclear war and that kind of thing, which was already hilarious.
01:47:32.128 --> 01:47:45.880
This is the one that's going to predict that we're going to go down into, the nation state's going to break down, we're going to break down into chaos, and then they're going to come back and rescue us, which is the most frightening part of the narrative.
01:47:45.920 --> 01:47:48.122
War one was very well known to people.
01:47:49.662 --> 01:47:57.665
and ultimately the elimination of the ability to even fix anything that was destroyed.
01:48:01.326 --> 01:48:03.207
It's very easy to imagine that, right?
01:48:03.267 --> 01:48:06.828
If the internet goes down, the internet is destroyed, how are we going to rebuild that?
01:48:06.888 --> 01:48:08.489
We wouldn't be able to rebuild it.
01:48:09.169 --> 01:48:12.110
You can't get a bunch of people in Pittsburgh together and rebuild the internet.
01:48:14.465 --> 01:48:18.108
We can't start manufacturing the chips we need or anything like that.
01:48:18.148 --> 01:48:19.449
I mean, that's where we are.
01:48:19.469 --> 01:48:27.835
The dark age could be instituted in a heartbeat at this point with simply turning off the internet and breaking the grid.
01:48:28.815 --> 01:48:30.977
Sense of where this, and at the conclusion.
01:48:32.478 --> 01:48:47.782
their disease breaks out of a sort that is clearly meant to be reminiscent of the plague of the initial Dark Ages, wiping out one half of the population of the planet.
01:48:48.422 --> 01:48:54.703
And we have a clip here that will give the viewers a sense of how Wells portrays that.
01:49:03.090 --> 01:49:10.393
The repurposed drugs are running out!
01:49:10.834 --> 01:49:11.714
What are we gonna do?
01:49:11.734 --> 01:49:11.874
01:49:12.054 --> 01:49:14.855
01:49:15.015 --> 01:49:15.776
Zombies are dying!
01:49:34.403 --> 01:49:49.427
why don't you shoot them it's their lives or ours
01:50:08.553 --> 01:50:10.674
That's how they dealt with the pestilence in the dog ages.
01:50:11.775 --> 01:50:26.483
So we see there the sickness taking over, the plague, they called it the wandering sickness, the total elimination of the modern capability of dealing with this by science, and a return of barbarism in the world.
01:50:26.543 --> 01:50:36.489
In fact, you could say that's precisely, I mean, what that reminds me of is Iraq, as you said, where the bombing campaign has in fact eliminated the most advanced
01:50:37.029 --> 01:50:44.693
medical capability that existed in the Middle East so that no longer, and in Russia, where in many places of Russia it's no longer possible.
01:50:45.513 --> 01:50:50.456
So having done this, created this horror scene that H.G.
01:50:50.496 --> 01:50:58.920
Wells does, he then moves to set up what might be the solution.
01:50:59.640 --> 01:51:03.782
At first what appears is
01:51:05.987 --> 01:51:07.815
groupings of primitive
01:51:08.732 --> 01:51:17.156
national tribes, in effect, organized around bosses, who are trying to reset up civilization.
01:51:17.936 --> 01:51:21.378
And this guy's called- Let's rebuild public health.
01:51:21.938 --> 01:51:31.082
The boss, and he's taken over, and he's trying to mobilize the technology and get his country back together again.
01:51:31.902 --> 01:51:35.764
When suddenly, out of the blue, come
01:51:37.242 --> 01:51:55.527
the high technology alternative to this and from here this alien invasion anyone is the hero of so-called the film is a fellow by the name of cabal spelled as you would expect cabal his name is cabal
01:52:09.105 --> 01:52:20.253
And Cabal represents the challenge of the one world order against these people scraping to survive as national governments.
01:52:20.713 --> 01:52:29.038
And if you want to think of this next scene that we see as NATO versus Milosevic, I don't think you would have a very big stretch.
01:52:29.399 --> 01:52:38.865
So let's take a look at the essence of what Wells is trying to get across as the phony alternatives before us in the strategic plan.
01:52:39.165 --> 01:52:39.566
01:52:41.087 --> 01:52:43.669
This is an independent sovereign state at war.
01:52:44.489 --> 01:52:45.990
I know nothing about any old order.
01:52:46.931 --> 01:52:51.074
I'm the chief here, and I'm not taking any orders old or new from you.
01:52:51.094 --> 01:52:54.517
I suppose I've walked into trouble.
01:52:54.657 --> 01:52:56.118
Yeah, you can take that as right.
01:52:59.721 --> 01:53:00.661
Where did you come from?
01:53:01.782 --> 01:53:03.804
I flew from my headquarters in Balzac this morning.
01:53:04.941 --> 01:53:07.942
We have some hundreds of new-type planes and we're building more, fast.
01:53:08.302 --> 01:53:09.483
The factories are working again.
01:53:09.863 --> 01:53:12.985
We're gradually restoring order and trade in the whole Mediterranean area.
01:53:13.245 --> 01:53:15.426
We're scouting this region now to see how things are.
01:53:15.506 --> 01:53:16.386
You'll find out.
01:53:17.346 --> 01:53:19.387
This is an independent, sovereign state.
01:53:19.867 --> 01:53:21.228
Yes, we must talk about that.
01:53:21.388 --> 01:53:22.629
We don't discuss it.
01:53:23.529 --> 01:53:25.930
We don't approve of independent, sovereign states.
01:53:25.990 --> 01:53:27.171
You don't approve?
01:53:27.591 --> 01:53:28.571
We mean to stop them.
01:53:28.951 --> 01:53:29.612
That's war.
01:53:29.932 --> 01:53:30.472
If you will.
01:53:30.492 --> 01:53:32.413
Now, in fact,
01:53:33.760 --> 01:53:41.666
You may not see that in the press from day to day, but that is the concept behind the British American Commonwealth grouping.
01:53:41.966 --> 01:53:43.907
There is no sovereign nation state.
01:53:43.947 --> 01:53:50.512
That is what, in the broad sense, that President Clinton right now is blinded from seeing.
01:53:51.413 --> 01:54:00.359
President Clinton is not blinded any more than Donald Trump is blinded, any more than Joe Biden or Kamala Harris were blinded.
01:54:00.419 --> 01:54:02.581
They all know they're participating in this.
01:54:04.158 --> 01:54:09.822
The governance of our collective society by lies and mythologies.
01:54:11.323 --> 01:54:12.403
They know it for sure.
01:54:12.424 --> 01:54:14.725
I'm absolutely sure of it.
01:54:16.626 --> 01:54:29.015
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to remind you that it's 2024 and there is a new channel of videos out there called JC on the Hardwood.
01:54:29.952 --> 01:54:31.793
And I will continue to produce these videos.
01:54:31.833 --> 01:54:37.257
I recorded one yesterday that I'll try to edit tonight, but I've got practice tonight and I gotta update the schedule.
01:54:37.297 --> 01:54:39.218
We've got our first game on Wednesday next week.
01:54:41.399 --> 01:54:49.545
But I want you to know what I've been up to besides not streaming here, but I will be streaming more like daily now again, as I got the groove going.
01:54:50.669 --> 01:55:00.197
I want to remind you that I still think it's a valid theory to look at Robert Malone as a central player in whatever these meddlers were up to.
01:55:01.138 --> 01:55:08.524
And I think that it's very easy to see that why they have gotten us to run on a lot of these hamster wheels for the last
01:55:09.184 --> 01:55:21.697
decade or so, the real hamster wheel that they are running in is protecting these old, well understood, recycled technologies called transfection and transformation.
01:55:22.198 --> 01:55:29.445
They are protecting them as investigational vaccines because they are trying to establish them as new intellectual property
01:55:30.146 --> 01:55:47.011
and reset the patent clock and actually establish the patent protection that they can go forward with in the next 10 years as these old people of the boomer generation are eliminated and used as experimental animals to fine tune what they're going to call
01:55:47.591 --> 01:55:48.812
personalized medicine.
01:55:48.972 --> 01:55:52.034
Again, personalized medicine isn't gonna need an FDA.
01:55:52.634 --> 01:56:00.759
And so again, that's why they had to surgically insert these people when Byron Bridle came out and said, whoa, these things don't work like they said.
01:56:01.420 --> 01:56:10.545
The reason why they had to step in front of Byron Bridle is because he was going to reveal that these old technologies had known downsides.
01:56:10.746 --> 01:56:12.327
And so they're not new IP.
01:56:13.047 --> 01:56:15.829
Even if Peter Cullis says they are, they're not.
01:56:17.458 --> 01:56:32.832
And so I think that what's actually happening here is a coordinated effort to obfuscate the relationship to previous likely military intellectual property by propelling and protecting a narrative of a novel virus pathogen going endemic.
01:56:34.513 --> 01:56:42.080
And it's important to understand that the idea of endemicity, the whole concept of endemicity is wrong.
01:56:42.120 --> 01:56:44.162
It doesn't work, especially for RNA.
01:56:47.421 --> 01:56:48.801
A mosquito might go endemic.
01:56:51.622 --> 01:56:57.303
A rodent released from ships might go endemic where it wasn't.
01:56:58.463 --> 01:57:00.343
But an RNA molecule can't do that.
01:57:00.903 --> 01:57:02.664
And I am absolutely sure of that.
01:57:03.264 --> 01:57:09.165
You can look at Robert Malone's long timeline and just pick any random 30 things and you'll find a meddler.
01:57:09.765 --> 01:57:16.066
You'll find an evolving narrative, not somebody who came out to tell the truth, but somebody who came out to control it.
01:57:18.662 --> 01:57:36.149
And that involved all the way until 2024, where he started to make admissions about the role of anonymous accounts, about the use of anonymous accounts to create the illusion of consensus, and more importantly, his tie to George Webb and Addy Ads and Paul Cuttrell.
01:57:36.889 --> 01:57:37.870
and Kevin McCairn.
01:57:37.970 --> 01:57:40.411
That tie is not accidental.
01:57:40.471 --> 01:57:41.492
That tie is real.
01:57:42.132 --> 01:57:45.234
That's why Robert Malone promoted George Webb as a bad guy.
01:57:45.294 --> 01:57:48.556
That's why 60 Minutes promoted George Webb as a bad guy.
01:57:48.976 --> 01:57:55.500
It is all one global national security operation, controlled demolition of America.
01:57:56.920 --> 01:58:01.063
And it is being done by these foreign agents and traders that are cooperating with them.
01:58:02.887 --> 01:58:16.217
It is my unique story that brings this full circle because again, he doesn't give you any links to the people as he plays this video, but instead he gives links to the anonymous ex account, which is of course part of the military programming.
01:58:16.737 --> 01:58:20.420
He is part of this anonymous rodent army.
01:58:21.201 --> 01:58:27.025
The video clip is of course taken from Kevin McCarron's stream where Charles Rixey is also a regular appearance.
01:58:28.046 --> 01:58:30.808
That means that they are likely connected from the very beginning.
01:58:31.815 --> 01:58:33.916
and the use of Meredith Miller, I don't really know.
01:58:33.936 --> 01:58:43.041
I think Meredith is who she says she is, and she's probably an innocent victim in this as well, simply because Robert Malone also doesn't give any links or names to Meredith.
01:58:43.141 --> 01:58:47.503
And of course he uses a clip of Mark Kulak, another ally of mine.
01:58:47.983 --> 01:58:53.806
And so here we are, no links to any of us, just the general insinuation that Mark and I are apparently bad guys.
01:58:54.467 --> 01:58:58.849
And we're such bad guys and so exposed that we've decided to paint ourselves as victims.
01:58:59.659 --> 01:59:02.161
And of course, Meredith showed that this was ridiculous.
01:59:02.782 --> 01:59:17.096
And in fact, Meredith has previously shown that actually Robert Malone may be engaged in that by pretending to be a rape victim and a PSD victim from the Salk Institute and how hardcore it was when he was a naive grad student.
01:59:19.261 --> 01:59:29.389
So what you were saying from your study on the cancer cells, sequencing the cancer cells, you were finding these things, these plasmids in the cancer cells, how much later?
01:59:29.449 --> 01:59:31.270
This was like a year later.
01:59:31.330 --> 01:59:35.253
Yeah, this person was four X vaccinated and four times a year later.
01:59:35.293 --> 01:59:37.054
So, and then what does that mean?
01:59:37.274 --> 01:59:38.895
Does that, what does that mean for them?
01:59:39.676 --> 01:59:44.985
the fact that it's still in these cells, were these cells there prior or were these cells created?
01:59:45.005 --> 01:59:50.473
And then what does this mean for people that aren't vaccinated that are in proximity to these people?
01:59:51.414 --> 01:59:53.176
All right, that's a couple points there.
01:59:53.216 --> 01:59:56.480
So this patient's deceased, unfortunately.
01:59:56.560 --> 02:00:01.485
A year after vaccination, they got their first biopsy.
02:00:02.486 --> 02:00:03.948
A week after that, they got another biopsy.
02:00:04.268 --> 02:00:05.630
And then in four weeks, they were dead.
02:00:06.911 --> 02:00:08.913
And they got a post-mortem biopsy as well.
02:00:08.933 --> 02:00:10.615
We sequenced the post-mortem in the first one.
02:00:12.377 --> 02:00:15.702
and we're looking at the differences between those two.
02:00:16.003 --> 02:00:16.583
There is a plasma.
02:00:16.603 --> 02:00:22.752
So my first argument would be that cancer and the dysregulation of the immune system would have been a known downside of transfection.
02:00:22.792 --> 02:00:25.677
And so they put Human Genome Project dropout,
02:00:27.179 --> 02:00:46.099
Mark Lander, Tony Fauci, and Francis Collins' protege and acolyte, Kevin McKernan, in place in 2020 to make the debate about the specific details of PCR, the specific details of when the virus emerged, and the specific details of scanning pot for SARS-CoV-2.
02:00:51.721 --> 02:00:59.725
He came out not to reveal the truth, but to control it and to make sure that the time that they had was long enough in order to pull this off.
02:01:00.946 --> 02:01:07.549
To protect the intellectual property that was being created by recycling old military technologies.
02:01:07.689 --> 02:01:11.291
Oops, I gotta go back because I don't want that to be at the end of the video.
02:01:14.047 --> 02:01:15.928
So this patient's deceased, unfortunately.
02:01:15.968 --> 02:01:19.511
They have a year after vaccination.
02:01:19.791 --> 02:01:24.755
Make sure you realize that that shirt has his $5,000 cats on it.
02:01:24.835 --> 02:01:29.559
So this is a custom shirt with both the redhead cat and the black cat.
02:01:31.040 --> 02:01:32.961
This one being the one with the laser eyes.
02:01:33.882 --> 02:01:38.926
This is a real custom shirt for a very fancy, pansy man with no kids.
02:01:39.526 --> 02:01:40.627
They got their first biopsy.
02:01:41.628 --> 02:01:43.089
A week after that, they got another biopsy.
02:01:43.390 --> 02:01:44.751
And then in four weeks, they were dead.
02:01:45.051 --> 02:01:45.291
02:01:46.052 --> 02:01:48.034
And they got a postmortem biopsy as well.
02:01:48.074 --> 02:01:50.336
We sequenced the postmortem in the first one.
02:01:51.517 --> 02:01:52.838
And we're looking at the differences.
02:01:52.978 --> 02:01:54.299
Is Kevin McKernan married?
02:01:54.840 --> 02:01:56.341
I've just got this sudden question.
02:01:56.401 --> 02:01:57.042
Is he married?
02:01:57.442 --> 02:01:58.323
Does he have kids?
02:01:58.943 --> 02:01:59.544
Or is he gay?
02:02:01.215 --> 02:02:02.095
Interesting question.
02:02:02.235 --> 02:02:03.736
A week after that, they got another biopsy.
02:02:03.796 --> 02:02:05.917
Because I think Francis Collins is gay.
02:02:06.697 --> 02:02:08.678
And they got a post-mortem biopsy as well.
02:02:08.698 --> 02:02:10.959
We sequenced the post-mortem in the first one.
02:02:12.159 --> 02:02:13.980
And we're looking at the differences between those two.
02:02:15.280 --> 02:02:17.341
There is a plasmid in there that codes for spike.
02:02:17.441 --> 02:02:19.522
The sequence of that spike is a little different.
02:02:19.882 --> 02:02:24.024
It's a lot different than the spike that Pfizer has in the vaccines we've sequenced previously.
02:02:25.244 --> 02:02:36.809
So this has raised a question as to what is really the source of this plasmid, because the differences there have raised alarm bells, like it's not exactly what... So he's trying to tell you that it's a different spike than what was supposed to be in there.
02:02:36.849 --> 02:02:53.275
So now the narrative is getting very complicated, because not only is there endotoxin, and not only is there double-stranded DNA, because you can't purify this stuff, even though everyone, including Kevin McKernan and Michael Yeadon and all these people that have worked in pharma their whole lives,
02:02:54.516 --> 02:02:58.498
Like, Jonathan Engler, they all knew how biologics were made.
02:02:58.558 --> 02:03:07.663
They knew that biologics were purified by a certain process called hand-eye and exchange chromatography, and they knew that it wouldn't be useful in cleaning up an RNA product.
02:03:07.683 --> 02:03:12.045
They could have known this and said it in 2020, but they didn't because they're liars.
02:03:12.065 --> 02:03:12.646
Stop lying!
02:03:15.908 --> 02:03:21.450
And he definitely would have known that these many downsides were expected, and that's why he was put in place.
02:03:21.991 --> 02:03:25.272
We saw, and now we've only sequenced like two other lots before.
02:03:26.292 --> 02:03:30.094
So we don't have good surveillance of all the different lots for Pfizer.
02:03:30.114 --> 02:03:31.555
They could have different plasmids in each one.
02:03:31.575 --> 02:03:32.335
They could all be the same.
02:03:32.355 --> 02:03:32.795
We don't know.
02:03:32.855 --> 02:03:35.116
We need to do more to sort that out.
02:03:35.777 --> 02:03:42.680
But there is another hypothesis that could be at play here that leads to a much more frightening scenario, I think, in my mind, which is
02:03:44.260 --> 02:03:48.022
In the middle of pandemic, there's a paper that was published that really went unnoticed.
02:03:48.542 --> 02:03:57.466
It was a group in Seattle that showed that their lab people were testing positive for COVID, but didn't have COVID.
02:03:57.926 --> 02:03:59.107
And they only tested positive.
02:03:59.127 --> 02:04:03.229
If you remember the COVID test, they actually had three assays usually testing for the virus.
02:04:03.269 --> 02:04:06.270
They would look at the spike, they'd look at nucleocaps, and they look at the envelope.
02:04:06.650 --> 02:04:08.473
Wow, what a lie that is!
02:04:08.954 --> 02:04:11.338
What a tremendous lie that is!
02:04:11.778 --> 02:04:19.351
There was not one single test on the market with an EUA that used more than one Amplicon, you liar!
02:04:21.781 --> 02:04:25.883
None of them use nested primers, and none of them use more than one amplicon.
02:04:25.923 --> 02:04:29.424
A lot of them didn't even use an endogenous control amplicon.
02:04:29.864 --> 02:04:38.568
And you have never bothered to explain this for five years, you lying, traitorous, holy cow!
02:04:42.389 --> 02:05:03.598
Nevermind the fact that all three of those proteins that were listed don't have a real specific sequence for SARS-CoV-2, and making primers specific for the E protein or the N protein of SARS-CoV-2 would not be necessarily trivial, given the highly conserved nature of these proteins across these supposed coronavirus backgrounds.
02:05:04.459 --> 02:05:05.159
Stop lying!
02:05:05.459 --> 02:05:07.240
These people are awful.
02:05:08.536 --> 02:05:17.505
And the spectacular commitment to lies here requires that they ignore me because they can't have conversations with me.
02:05:17.986 --> 02:05:26.174
If they have a conversation with me, it will become obvious that what they are talking about is nonsense because I have questions that they can't answer.
02:05:30.976 --> 02:05:31.356
a region.
02:05:31.416 --> 02:05:34.478
So if all three lit up, they were pretty confident the virus was there.
02:05:34.998 --> 02:05:36.799
Occasionally, one of them would drop out.
02:05:37.179 --> 02:05:46.823
That is amazing because that is such a lie that one of the three amplicons could fall out?
02:05:47.264 --> 02:05:48.604
Stop lying!
02:05:48.904 --> 02:05:52.106
That is spectacular level of lying.
02:05:53.735 --> 02:06:02.280
And it's very similar to what Claire Craig said in 2021 when she came out in June about how PCR is kind of like food.
02:06:02.681 --> 02:06:07.944
You know, you got to pay a lot of money and then it'll be tasty, but it's not going to be fast.
02:06:09.385 --> 02:06:12.687
And if you want it fast, then it's not going to be very tasty and it might be cheap.
02:06:13.207 --> 02:06:17.450
This is so, so, so frustrating.
02:06:18.564 --> 02:06:45.969
and also a battleship-sized admission in 2024 that this was one coordinated show of liars, coordinated by people like him, the Department of Energy, Human Genome Project, DITRA, State Department, I don't care what he is, he's definitely part of the illusion that Francis Collins wants to retire from sustaining, that Lander wants to retire from sustaining, that Fauci is definitely tired of sustaining.
02:06:47.642 --> 02:06:49.085
and their bench is empty.
02:06:58.502 --> 02:07:04.745
S-target failure was simply spike failure, which they then called omicron for a year.
02:07:05.105 --> 02:07:14.188
Because they didn't want to get rid of all these tests that worked so well, so we'll just keep using those tests, and when the spike protein doesn't come up, we'll just say it's omicron.
02:07:14.709 --> 02:07:16.029
Stop lying!
02:07:16.509 --> 02:07:22.572
It's a really shitty explanation for what happened, coming from the guy who supposedly knows all the details.
02:07:28.004 --> 02:07:31.429
So what was happening in Seattle in this lab is only the nucleocapsid test was going off.
02:07:31.449 --> 02:07:32.230
And that was really weird.
02:07:32.270 --> 02:07:34.033
It was in all their lab staff.
02:07:35.275 --> 02:07:43.026
And it turned out that same lab was working on a vaccine that had nucleocapsid cloned into something very similar to Pfizer's plasmid there.
02:07:44.269 --> 02:07:45.690
So that's somehow infected.
02:07:46.030 --> 02:07:54.755
All he's admitting is that they can create pure signals and those pure signals, if they contaminate or they are released, can result in positive PCRs.
02:07:55.075 --> 02:08:08.043
He's actually telling you that making an infectious clone or making a clone, meaning a lot of DNA that encodes the end protein, is sufficient to create a whole environment that would be PCR positive.
02:08:08.806 --> 02:08:14.929
He's actually confirming exactly what I've been trying to tell you for the last three and a half years.
02:08:15.349 --> 02:08:23.092
And he just said it right there, that they were making the DNA for the end protein because that's what their test needed.
02:08:23.613 --> 02:08:26.674
And that's what their vaccine needed.
02:08:26.874 --> 02:08:32.336
And it resulted in, I don't know, just unfortunately a background PCR signal.
02:08:32.697 --> 02:08:33.397
Stop lying.
02:08:37.563 --> 02:08:40.024
people, and then it got out of the lab and infected their housemates.
02:08:41.205 --> 02:08:45.006
And so the paper got out of their lab?
02:08:45.407 --> 02:08:46.687
How did it get out of their lab?
02:08:46.707 --> 02:08:49.248
Was it a self-replicating RNA, you liar?
02:08:49.348 --> 02:08:54.671
No, it was just produced in sufficient enough quantity and not contained.
02:08:55.071 --> 02:08:56.832
It was spilled.
02:09:00.393 --> 02:09:03.155
Just understand that that's 100% confirmation that I'm right.
02:09:04.295 --> 02:09:05.716
He just said it right to Danny.
02:09:07.188 --> 02:09:10.910
and anybody that's thinking he's a hero to just go right over their head.
02:09:12.230 --> 02:09:16.892
But he just explained to you how any PCR positivity could be easily seeded.
02:09:17.792 --> 02:09:28.717
If they wanted to find the spike protein in Wuhan, all they'd have to do is make a little bit of it and put it in a vape, make a little bit of it and just DNA is stable.
02:09:31.590 --> 02:09:34.562
DNA would be very stable if you wanted to find it on a cruise ship.
02:09:34.643 --> 02:09:36.952
I mean, come on, ladies and gentlemen, you just said it!
02:09:40.131 --> 02:09:46.074
hypothesized that, OK, this must be because this is a shuttle vector that can grow in a coli and can grow a million cells.
02:09:46.114 --> 02:09:47.215
That means it's transmissible.
02:09:47.915 --> 02:09:51.717
Our vaccine in the lab infected our staff and got out into the wild.
02:09:53.018 --> 02:09:55.720
This was another lab leak that didn't hit the radar anywhere.
02:09:56.100 --> 02:10:01.383
And they kind of another lab leak, another lab leak.
02:10:01.403 --> 02:10:03.164
Would it have been made of DNA, though?
02:10:03.866 --> 02:10:04.526
Sounds like it.
02:10:05.527 --> 02:10:11.870
Again, the lack of specificity, the lack of real details, the lack of actual honesty here.
02:10:12.390 --> 02:10:14.051
I mean, this is just shit.
02:10:15.572 --> 02:10:18.454
This is an absolute traitor to our grandkids.
02:10:18.594 --> 02:10:29.459
He has admitted that he's working with Kevin McCairn, with John Bodwin, with Steve Kirsch, with Robert Malone, with Stephanie Seneff, with Jessica Rose.
02:10:29.519 --> 02:10:32.361
These people are all in Steve Kirsch's podcast.
02:10:32.961 --> 02:10:33.702
steering committee.
02:10:34.022 --> 02:10:39.948
These people are all in in the background of CHD, all in in the background of these books being written.
02:10:40.028 --> 02:10:42.310
They are all in on controlling the narrative since 2020.
02:10:43.331 --> 02:10:45.794
That's why he was on the Vance Crowe podcast in 2020.
02:10:47.195 --> 02:10:48.877
No worries, it's nucleocapsid, it's not spike.
02:10:48.897 --> 02:10:54.563
You know, if it were spike, you know, maybe we could have gotten those people some spikopathy because the spike protein itself is really pro-inflammatory.
02:10:55.143 --> 02:10:56.884
Nucleic acid, perhaps not as much.
02:10:57.965 --> 02:10:59.787
They kind of wrote the paper as, hey, watch out.
02:10:59.847 --> 02:11:04.651
Your PCR tests might be giving you false positives if you're working on these vaccines on the side.
02:11:05.571 --> 02:11:12.056
But for someone like me who reads that paper, I'm like, no, you just had a huge bioleak in Seattle and it should have been followed up by the CDC.
02:11:12.076 --> 02:11:12.557
They should have run.
02:11:12.657 --> 02:11:15.179
He was going to say bioweapon leak and then he didn't.
02:11:15.259 --> 02:11:16.240
He almost said it, though.
02:11:16.340 --> 02:11:18.341
This is just it's extraordinary.
02:11:18.481 --> 02:11:21.244
And all over Seattle and looked for this and all their housemates and everyone else.
02:11:22.233 --> 02:11:35.678
All right, so there are hundreds of labs around the world doing those same types of experiments, where they're taking spike proteins that have been sequenced, and there's some differences, and they want to characterize those differences, those variants of concern, right?
02:11:35.918 --> 02:11:38.339
You may have heard of this, like there's Omicron, Delta, Alpha.
02:11:38.399 --> 02:11:38.899
Right, right, right.
02:11:39.119 --> 02:11:48.584
All of these differences, there is a lab somewhere out there cloning that difference, putting it into one of these vectors and putting them into mammalian cells to see, okay, is it worse or is it better?
02:11:49.604 --> 02:11:55.487
And that's how they could gauge whether Omicron was like less pathogenic than let's say alpha or delta.
02:11:55.948 --> 02:12:05.933
So think of hundreds of labs around the world cloning different forms of the spike protein into vectors like this that have the capacity to shuttle between mammals and E. coli.
02:12:07.174 --> 02:12:24.475
That means they're like little zoonotic So what he's saying is is that they can produce sufficient quantities of it so they can put it wherever they wanted to and it would replicate in your bacteria of your gut the bacteria of your mouth not in your respiratory cells not in your lungs not causing air
02:12:25.335 --> 02:12:28.877
we're talking about replicating in your gut and giving you false positivity.
02:12:29.378 --> 02:12:34.680
So he's saying that there are labs around the world that could do this and are doing it.
02:12:35.041 --> 02:12:50.209
And he's telling you without saying it, that this is the easiest way for the national security state or a global security state to seed a narrative of a mythology, a mythological biology, a RNA background signal, and they can control it.
02:12:51.826 --> 02:12:53.767
It doesn't even have to be one that exists.
02:12:53.807 --> 02:12:54.908
They can control it.
02:12:54.988 --> 02:12:56.089
They can maintain it.
02:12:57.230 --> 02:12:58.711
He's telling you how they could.
02:13:01.453 --> 02:13:12.261
He's admitting that's the only thing the Human Genome Project has produced is the ability to produce quantities of pure DNA and pure RNA, which of course will give you perfect PCR positivity.
02:13:14.701 --> 02:13:16.743
And so what better way to tell H.G.
02:13:16.783 --> 02:13:17.623
Wells' story?
02:13:18.084 --> 02:13:20.566
What better way to tell Mark Lander's story?
02:13:20.606 --> 02:13:29.874
What better way to tell Jonas Salk's story, the survival of the wisest, than to make sure that all the dumb people think there's all kinds of biology that isn't real.
02:13:30.694 --> 02:13:33.817
That they're in complete control of because it's just baking cakes.
02:13:37.080 --> 02:13:40.122
That's why this guy is the last of the bench players.
02:13:40.162 --> 02:13:41.984
That's why there is nobody left.
02:13:42.674 --> 02:13:48.358
bombs, if you will, that if they get into the lab and they get out, they could spread at their own unknown rate.
02:13:49.199 --> 02:13:51.280
We don't know what the R0 is of that type of transmission.
02:13:51.340 --> 02:13:52.081
It's not been followed.
02:13:52.121 --> 02:13:53.282
It's not been tracked very closely.
02:13:53.342 --> 02:13:55.723
But there is one case of it in the peer-reviewed literature already.
02:13:55.783 --> 02:14:06.151
He's seeding the narrative that RNA that replicates with an E. coli promoter can perpetually circulate.
02:14:09.465 --> 02:14:15.469
The really interesting thing about that is, is if they made a bacteriophage, that biology is all real.
02:14:16.129 --> 02:14:24.935
Even the no-virus people understand that a bacteriophage is real and that bacteriophages cause bacteria to express proteins.
02:14:24.975 --> 02:14:27.397
And if those proteins are toxic, you could
02:14:29.178 --> 02:14:54.243
What's really interesting about that is that the PCR test that I worked on in regards to the case in California is a PCR test that control, the control of the PCR test was a bacteriophage, an M2 bacteriophage expressing the spike protein made in China.
02:14:58.908 --> 02:15:18.002
And so all of the possibilities for how the PCR positivity would be planted in the background, how it could be controlled and manipulated, could all be done with commercially available bacteriophages and commercially available processes to make the DNA signal that they would purport to find.
02:15:20.804 --> 02:15:23.566
And one of the only people who can keep that mythology hidden
02:15:24.375 --> 02:15:25.215
is Kevin McKernan.
02:15:25.696 --> 02:15:30.597
And the only way he can keep it hidden is if they keep him away from me and everyone else away from me.
02:15:30.877 --> 02:15:31.838
It happened in Seattle.
02:15:31.918 --> 02:15:37.380
So that tells me if there's hundreds of other labs working on this, there could be leaks out there that we don't know about.
02:15:38.380 --> 02:15:42.622
So when I find something like this in a tumor biopsy that isn't identical to Pfizer, my head goes in that direction.
02:15:43.342 --> 02:15:46.723
It's that, okay, this plasmid that we found it in is called PCDNA3.
02:15:46.843 --> 02:15:51.205
It is the most commonly used vector for people to study spike protein mutations.
02:15:52.542 --> 02:15:56.183
So some lab could have leaked this and gotten to this patient somehow.
02:15:56.764 --> 02:16:01.365
You can't pin it 100% to Pfizer because it's not the fingerprint Pfizer gave to the FDA.
02:16:02.466 --> 02:16:06.367
Unless Pfizer is playing with multiple plasmids, which their paper shows they are.
02:16:06.447 --> 02:16:08.188
They just haven't- Oh man.
02:16:08.308 --> 02:16:15.971
So now you can see how Pfizer is going to be thrown under the bus and how they're going to throw it under the bus and say that if you'd have just stuck to the plan, then it would have been fine.
02:16:16.011 --> 02:16:17.371
But you guys are screwing around.
02:16:17.431 --> 02:16:19.472
And so you can see it already, right?
02:16:20.848 --> 02:16:22.190
You can see how it's going to happen.
02:16:22.230 --> 02:16:23.732
Transfection isn't the problem.
02:16:25.835 --> 02:16:27.417
The technology is not the problem.
02:16:28.558 --> 02:16:29.860
It's the arrogance of Pfizer.
02:16:34.181 --> 02:16:35.002
disclosed what they are.
02:16:36.123 --> 02:16:44.490
So we're stuck with two hypotheses here, that it could be something that is contamination in Pfizer's lab that got into this guy's four shots.
02:16:44.550 --> 02:16:46.892
He gets it, he ends up with the tumor cancer a year later.
02:16:47.513 --> 02:16:51.917
Or it could be this person knew somebody at a lab that was in close proximity and got it from them.
02:16:52.618 --> 02:16:59.704
And that this ended up replicating in his body and ends up in his colon cancer in some way.
02:17:01.441 --> 02:17:08.127
So we don't know, but I think the important message I want to get across to people is that the current gain of function debate isn't talking about this.
02:17:08.967 --> 02:17:12.810
The gain of function debate is people like Barrick making these full viruses.
02:17:13.651 --> 02:17:25.501
But all the research labs that just want to take a tiny piece of the virus out and say, I want to study what this new, what this Omicron thing is doing in the laboratory, they've got to be very careful if they put that into a shuttle vector that can infect humans and E. coli.
02:17:26.001 --> 02:17:26.722
That can't get out.
02:17:27.502 --> 02:17:32.344
because yes, the Seattle paper showed it can travel to housemates of the people working in the lab.
02:17:32.925 --> 02:17:39.748
So they have to make sure that when they do those studies that they have a kill switch in those plasmids to some extent that doesn't allow it to.
02:17:40.048 --> 02:17:46.031
I'm absolutely sure that this narrative was always planned to be rolled out because again, bacteriophages are real.
02:17:47.471 --> 02:17:55.395
Because again, the control for many PCR tests coming out of China from the BGI company, the collaborator of the Human Genome Project,
02:17:57.377 --> 02:18:01.220
they were using M2 bacteriophages encoding these proteins.
02:18:01.420 --> 02:18:20.612
So if those bacteriophages were to get out, the proteins would be expressed by, you know, the E. coli in your gut, which also makes it interesting from the perspective of Sabine Hazan, who was promoted by CHD and has become very important for having sequenced SARS-CoV-2 in the gut.
02:18:22.794 --> 02:18:26.216
The only real viruses may be bacteriophages.
02:18:27.816 --> 02:18:42.786
And so the only way to create the illusion of an RNA pandemic would have been using bacteriophages mass-produced, and then releasing them on populations that some of might get sick from the toxic protein, but all of them would be PCR positive in a very predictable way.
02:18:44.707 --> 02:18:47.149
Bacteriophages are real, guys!
02:18:47.209 --> 02:18:48.170
I don't know what to tell ya!
02:18:49.994 --> 02:18:51.135
This guy's not real though.
02:18:52.076 --> 02:19:01.025
To jump between different organisms, like only put in a million, something that can replicate in a million cells or only E. coli, but not both.
02:19:01.045 --> 02:19:02.847
Or they've got to just track them a lot more carefully.
02:19:02.867 --> 02:19:10.155
So, you know, if Rand Paul's listening or anyone who's working on sort of the biosafety now thing, they have to look into that Seattle thing.
02:19:10.175 --> 02:19:11.015
Rand Paul!
02:19:13.308 --> 02:19:18.530
And they have to take a look at the data that we found in this colon cancer thing to see, is it anywhere else?
02:19:18.650 --> 02:19:22.072
Like start using PCR to screen tumor biopsies.
02:19:22.092 --> 02:19:24.753
These tumor biopsies, people throw them out after two years.
02:19:25.914 --> 02:19:28.315
Unless they paraffin fix them, they can store them longer.
02:19:28.335 --> 02:19:29.795
But most biopsies are gone in two years.
02:19:29.835 --> 02:19:30.536
Pathologists don't keep them.
02:19:30.556 --> 02:19:30.996
That's crazy.
02:19:31.736 --> 02:19:38.700
So they've got to go and start looking to see, is this an N of one or are there other turbo cancers out there that are spiking?
02:19:38.720 --> 02:19:42.982
Are we supposed to believe that pharmaceutical companies haven't been buying these remnants?
02:19:44.343 --> 02:19:45.744
Are you really serious?
02:19:45.884 --> 02:19:46.404
Come on.
02:19:47.224 --> 02:19:47.825
What a joke.
02:19:48.425 --> 02:19:59.791
Spike positive and have plasmids in them that are transmissible because if spike is in fact causing turbo cancers, they have a transmissible form of spike going through all the research laboratories right now.
02:20:00.839 --> 02:20:04.922
So that essentially you're saying this SV40 turbo cancer would become contagious.
02:20:05.583 --> 02:20:08.405
Well, it- See, that's weird, right?
02:20:08.445 --> 02:20:10.287
Because that's not what he just said.
02:20:10.467 --> 02:20:11.968
SV40, it was not what he said.
02:20:12.008 --> 02:20:14.010
He said spike was causing turbo cancers.
02:20:14.630 --> 02:20:23.037
As if spike is in fact causing turbo cancers, they have a transmissible form of spike going through all the research laboratories right now.
02:20:23.537 --> 02:20:27.861
So wait, then Danny goes back to the script and says, wait, but I thought it was SV40.
02:20:28.281 --> 02:20:29.142
Is that what happens here?
02:20:29.778 --> 02:20:33.880
So that essentially you're saying this SV40 turbo cancer would become contagious?
02:20:34.520 --> 02:20:43.884
Well, it would move, whether it would manifest in cancer in every patient is something I can't predict, but they at least should be able to track it with PCR.
02:20:44.224 --> 02:20:46.925
You can go and track the, like, okay, is it leaking anywhere?
02:20:46.965 --> 02:20:48.146
Is it jumping from person to person?
02:20:49.326 --> 02:20:52.868
And are we finding it in more than just N of one biopsies here?
02:20:53.709 --> 02:20:56.570
We found it in both biopsy, but it was the same person, two different time points.
02:20:56.750 --> 02:21:01.613
But actually we had three time points, they all had it, but the sequencing was only done on the first and last.
02:21:02.513 --> 02:21:12.238
But we do have to see if there's a trend here, if they keep finding this plasmid in other biopsies from people with turbo cancer, okay, that starts to build a thesis here.
02:21:12.999 --> 02:21:15.560
And then they have to go and review which lab
02:21:17.912 --> 02:21:19.633
And what was the purpose of the human genome?
02:21:19.693 --> 02:21:21.214
Or what was it for people who don't know?
02:21:21.234 --> 02:21:21.535
Well, all right.
02:21:21.575 --> 02:21:22.676
So, yeah, I'll back up on that.
02:21:22.716 --> 02:21:27.699
So we wanted to, the whole, it was really, this is an important history, actually, that you cover.
02:21:27.719 --> 02:21:28.300
I'm glad you asked.
02:21:28.320 --> 02:21:37.707
So the goal back then and the dream and how it was sold to the American public was really, ironically, through Francis Collins, who we'll probably get to later.
02:21:38.627 --> 02:21:41.228
And the pitch there was, we want to go to personalized medicine.
02:21:41.248 --> 02:21:45.829
We want to sequence everyone's genome, figure out their differences, and drug them accordingly.
02:21:46.109 --> 02:21:49.130
Instead of this- And drug them accordingly.
02:21:49.930 --> 02:21:53.331
And send it across- What a selection of words that was.
02:21:53.351 --> 02:21:55.291
The idea was, no, we're going to get more precision about this.
02:21:55.311 --> 02:22:01.673
We're going to actually, when you have cancer, sequence your genome, and then sequence the genome of your tumor, which will be different in most cases,
02:22:02.513 --> 02:22:05.996
and see if we can find druggable differences that will kill the tumor, not kill the patient.
02:22:06.076 --> 02:22:07.337
Druggable differences.
02:22:07.397 --> 02:22:22.047
I think Dave Rasnick just did a presentation that actually polyploidy and aneuploidy are the source of cancer, and now we're also having Lee Merritt say that cancer is parasites, and that's why ivermectin works.
02:22:22.127 --> 02:22:24.128
And we have this guy named Merrick in his
02:22:26.569 --> 02:22:32.391
or malice in Canada saying it's a combination of ivermectin and other drugs.
02:22:42.137 --> 02:22:46.620
I wonder, Housatonic Live thinks that that's a different drug that he's actually mispronouncing.
02:22:46.960 --> 02:22:50.462
I don't know if he's followed up on that to figure that out or not, but this sounds sketchy.
02:22:50.482 --> 02:22:53.584
It was Dan Haber of MGH that did this and Matthew Meyerson.
02:22:53.905 --> 02:22:54.745
Dropping names.
02:22:54.965 --> 02:23:05.072
They discovered that if you took that drug and actually looked at people's EGFR receptors, there was like a 15 base pair insert, a deletion inside that gene that if you had it, the drug worked, and if you didn't, it did not work.
02:23:06.532 --> 02:23:17.017
So the whole idea again is to make the argument that the FDA needs to start screening people because there are genetic differences which underlie the effectiveness of drugs.
02:23:18.158 --> 02:23:33.545
And that's what he's going to pitch as the reason why we have to sequence all these cannabis things and we can make cannabis just for you because we know your genetic vulnerabilities to the different cannabinoids and so then we'll breed a cannabis plant with cannabinoids that work for you.
02:23:35.168 --> 02:23:38.370
That's the illusion, the shtick that he's pushing right now.
02:23:39.870 --> 02:23:47.434
The same guy on this same podcast also said that Rixey helped Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
02:23:47.554 --> 02:23:49.175
write his Wuhan book.
02:23:49.775 --> 02:23:57.639
He said that Rixey helped him write the Wuhan book and that Rixey knows all about the lab leak.
02:23:57.659 --> 02:24:04.723
He's got the entire story of the endonuclease sites and it's Rixey and Alex Washburn.
02:24:08.140 --> 02:24:17.411
Rixey is not listed in the acknowledgements of this book, and he's not found in the index, and he's not found in the cast of characters.
02:24:18.956 --> 02:24:23.000
The person with the most quotes in this book is Jonathan Cooey.
02:24:23.420 --> 02:24:33.751
The person with the most quotes covering the most text is Jonathan Cooey, who's also in the cast of characters, who's also listed in the glossary.
02:24:34.572 --> 02:24:39.757
And Jonathan Cooey is actually listed as the first expert in the acknowledgments.
02:24:40.782 --> 02:24:46.985
This book would not have been possible without the expertise and invaluable insights provided by Jonathan Cooey and then Gavin DeBecker.
02:24:47.505 --> 02:24:48.986
Gavin DeBecker is his best friend.
02:24:51.607 --> 02:24:53.828
Right in the middle of the page, the first guy listed is me.
02:24:54.268 --> 02:25:09.455
And Charles Rixey is not listed, but somehow or another, Team Robert Malone extraordinaire member, Human Genome Project prodigy, Kevin McKernan, says on a podcast with more than a million subscribers that it's Charles Rixey, not me.
02:25:12.438 --> 02:25:17.702
Charles Rixey, the guy who insisted at the CHD conference.
02:25:17.722 --> 02:25:19.064
So he promotes Risky.
02:25:19.884 --> 02:25:25.929
Kirsch offered to send me to Japan to work with McCarran and Rixey on their hamster experiments, but of course I laughed.
02:25:27.571 --> 02:25:33.576
Rixey came to my house in 2022 in January to convince me that the defuse proposal was real.
02:25:35.080 --> 02:25:37.001
that I had to rejoin Drastic.
02:25:37.661 --> 02:25:43.404
And in fact, on that podcast that we were just watching, Kevin McKernan says that the defuse proposal is real.
02:25:43.964 --> 02:25:46.766
You wanna find out why it's not real, why it's preposterous?
02:25:46.826 --> 02:25:57.031
Watch the two streams that Housatonic Live cleaned up that he made a couple years ago already, showing that this defuse proposal was absurd.
02:25:57.471 --> 02:26:01.373
What's really funny is that McKernan says that Rixey is the guy who leaked it.
02:26:02.452 --> 02:26:03.453
But Rixey didn't leak it.
02:26:03.473 --> 02:26:09.539
He gave it to an anonymous group of foreigners called Drastic, and they held onto it for three months to make a report.
02:26:10.000 --> 02:26:22.152
And then when they released their report, the weird thing is that Veritas, O'Keefe's group, said that they got the release from the master sergeant, whatever his name was.
02:26:23.954 --> 02:26:25.576
And so McKernan says it was Rixey.
02:26:27.708 --> 02:26:32.551
RFK actually went on a hike with O'Keefe after that.
02:26:32.591 --> 02:26:42.537
There's a picture of him and O'Keefe and his girlfriend on the dog walk with RFK when O'Keefe released the stuff about Diffuse.
02:26:42.657 --> 02:26:46.660
And when they released it, they didn't say anything about Drastic and mentioned nothing about Rixie.
02:26:48.902 --> 02:26:59.190
So that's actually a really big problem here because again, Kevin McKernan seems to be promoting a particular side of the narrative that's different than the part that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
02:26:59.231 --> 02:27:13.102
was promoting and incidentally different than Robert Malone was promoting because Robert Malone did a stream commenting about the diffuse proposal and the O'Keefe and Veritas leaks of the Pfizer stuff.
02:27:16.885 --> 02:27:17.906
It's all one big show.
02:27:20.839 --> 02:27:37.377
From John Goodman and John Cullen and Kevin McCarron and Addie Adds and George Webb, all the way up to Dodd and Malone and Nass, Holland, Sabine Hazan, all of them.
02:27:38.942 --> 02:27:44.126
Because on the same day in April, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
02:27:44.466 --> 02:27:56.494
and Senator Ron Johnson called me to tell me that Robert Malone had sat them down and insisted that they watch the stream from January that Charles Rixey was on.
02:27:58.116 --> 02:28:08.403
And got, tried to get me to be excited about the fact that I was the expert on the diffuse proposal, that I was an American member of DRASTIC who knew about the diffuse proposal.
02:28:09.554 --> 02:28:10.915
And so Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
02:28:10.955 --> 02:28:12.635
hired me to get that shit into the book.
02:28:14.176 --> 02:28:14.997
And I didn't put it in.
02:28:16.297 --> 02:28:26.162
From the very beginning, I said that the diffuse proposal was fake, that these people are pushing it on us because then this makes it really easy to tell a story about a lab leak virus that I think is probably nonsense.
02:28:28.303 --> 02:28:37.767
And it was in the course of writing the book that I figured out the biology that edifies that idea, the biology that does not support RNA pandemics, RNA endemicity.
02:28:40.120 --> 02:28:54.390
Rixey said at the Knoxville CHD conference, the first time I ever, the second time I met him in person, that three times during that weekend, he said that it was really weird that Robert Malone didn't remember you, but he definitely remembered me and invited me to his ranch.
02:28:56.532 --> 02:29:04.618
Matt Crawford and his wife, along with Meryl Nass, were connected there because Meryl Nass is the one that got them in, even though that they didn't have to register.
02:29:05.973 --> 02:29:13.534
Matt Crawford and his wife had lunch with Robert Malone and Jill Glasspool Malone at the CHD conference and talked about stuff.
02:29:13.594 --> 02:29:16.235
Apparently, the wellness companies, bad, bad, bad.
02:29:17.515 --> 02:29:32.158
John Bodeman was on Shannon Joy a week ago saying that Kevin McKernan shouldn't be confused with Kevin McCairn, which is an admission that the steering committee of Steve Kirsch knows both of those people.
02:29:35.919 --> 02:29:52.589
And so Steve Kirsch's Steering Committee, which was composed of Jessica Rose and John Bodwin and Matt Crawford and Kevin McKernan and Stephanie Seneff and Peter McCullough, the list is crazy.
02:29:52.669 --> 02:30:03.355
I mean, Marc Giraudoux, just a nonstop list of fake people, right down to EpiGirl, Jessica Rose.
02:30:04.349 --> 02:30:07.812
And so Charles Rixey is fired by CHD.
02:30:07.852 --> 02:30:08.813
That's what they told me.
02:30:08.853 --> 02:30:24.569
That's what the people at CHD told me, that they fired Rixey because live on screen, Rixey was in a hotel room with the manuscript to this book open, and in that hotel room was Kevin McCairn.
02:30:25.492 --> 02:30:35.759
When I told my fellow coworkers at CHD who Kevin McCarran was and told them to Google him, they decided that Rixey better explain that quick or we're gonna fire him and Rixey didn't explain it.
02:30:36.819 --> 02:30:42.883
Rixey went and streamed with Kevin McCarran for two days straight and didn't reply to that email and he got fired.
02:30:43.704 --> 02:30:52.570
Then Charles Rixey spent the next three years with Kevin McCarran telling everybody that I got him fired, that I sabotaged him.
02:30:54.175 --> 02:30:57.476
The curious thing is, is that that was three years ago.
02:30:57.496 --> 02:31:02.478
Now we have Kevin McKernan saying that indeed he wasn't fired.
02:31:02.838 --> 02:31:04.099
He helped him write the book.
02:31:08.120 --> 02:31:11.642
But that's so verifiably false.
02:31:13.983 --> 02:31:20.045
And as far as I know, there are several people of the editorial group that I could name
02:31:21.038 --> 02:31:30.406
that know what happened to Charles Rixey, know who did it, know who fired him, know who made the decision, know who called Bobby to say that they were gonna do it.
02:31:32.268 --> 02:31:33.489
I can name those names.
02:31:33.589 --> 02:31:36.872
I have those SMSs, those texts, those emails.
02:31:38.213 --> 02:31:48.142
And so if any of these people were lying about that, were participating in the use of the writing of this book to keep me locked in,
02:31:51.092 --> 02:32:00.297
to keep me off of discovering the real Biology 101 that I'm now on, then we just have a traitorous organization.
02:32:00.357 --> 02:32:05.179
I'm sure Mary Holland's in, I'm sure Meryl Nass is in, but I don't know about these other people.
02:32:05.200 --> 02:32:06.000
They could be in too.
02:32:10.022 --> 02:32:11.863
They could have been briefed that it was necessary.
02:32:11.923 --> 02:32:17.246
I don't know, but I know they're not my friends because they're not in contact with me anymore.
02:32:19.465 --> 02:32:30.754
And so this illusion of consensus about fearing RNA molecules is going on strong and is still being sustained by all the same people that at one point in time told me I was great and we needed more people like me.
02:32:30.794 --> 02:32:31.655
But it's an illusion.
02:32:31.815 --> 02:32:32.836
We're part of the matrix.
02:32:32.896 --> 02:32:33.976
They're part of the matrix.
02:32:35.217 --> 02:32:36.979
That's why Kevin McCarran is on Locals.
02:32:39.858 --> 02:32:42.020
They're all working for the slavers, ladies and gentlemen.
02:32:42.060 --> 02:32:46.786
What we've seen is a demonstration of power, a demonstration of what can be accomplished.
02:32:46.806 --> 02:32:49.329
That's likely what Panda is, what Heart is.
02:32:49.729 --> 02:32:53.673
That's the reason why I was interviewed by Germ Warfare, a good friend of Nick Hudson.
02:32:53.754 --> 02:32:59.080
And now Nick Hudson is basically saying the one new thing that I said on that podcast two weeks ago.
02:33:00.049 --> 02:33:10.295
which was the same new thing that I said at the Red Pill Conference, which is intramuscular injection is the worst way to be exposed to a toxin, which makes intramuscular injection in general dumb.
02:33:11.295 --> 02:33:13.816
And what did Nick Hudson start saying in the last two weeks?
02:33:13.916 --> 02:33:15.077
Those very things.
02:33:16.478 --> 02:33:22.021
What's interesting is that the anonymous accounts on Twitter say that lots of people have been saying that for years, but I can't find them.
02:33:24.298 --> 02:33:29.500
And so that's the reason why Panda asked me to present three times, but you can't find those videos anywhere.
02:33:29.900 --> 02:33:32.221
You can find all kinds of videos from all the meddlers.
02:33:32.681 --> 02:33:34.862
You can search for their names and find Jessica.
02:33:34.882 --> 02:33:36.182
You can find Matt Crawford.
02:33:36.202 --> 02:33:37.583
You can find Meryl Nass.
02:33:37.603 --> 02:33:39.484
You can find Jessica Hockett.
02:33:39.524 --> 02:33:41.384
You can find Jira Do.
02:33:41.404 --> 02:33:43.005
You can find Josh Getzko.
02:33:43.025 --> 02:33:45.766
You can find all these people, but you can't find me.
02:33:47.085 --> 02:33:56.730
And I gave them three presentations, including one that Dr. David Wiseman called an immunology lecture like he'd never heard before and should be required for every medical student on earth.
02:33:58.011 --> 02:33:59.051
Thanks, David Wiseman.
02:34:01.293 --> 02:34:02.413
So call this guy out.
02:34:03.214 --> 02:34:11.098
My podcast still hasn't been released yet, but Nick Hudson's all over Twitter saying all the stuff that I said, because that's how this is done.
02:34:11.997 --> 02:34:15.580
It is a NATO, five eyes, rich country.
02:34:15.640 --> 02:34:16.481
I don't know what it is.
02:34:16.661 --> 02:34:18.042
Pharmaceuticals, I don't know.
02:34:19.143 --> 02:34:21.425
But these people are all coordinating their actions.
02:34:21.485 --> 02:34:22.626
They're all working together.
02:34:22.646 --> 02:34:31.593
That's why there's somebody called Epi Girl in the SPARS pandemic document, exercise document on page 48 through 53.
02:34:31.973 --> 02:34:34.935
And that Epi Girl is this head shaker right there.
02:34:36.917 --> 02:34:40.440
She's fake, just like Brett Weinstein is fake.
02:34:42.691 --> 02:34:43.852
They are all fake.
02:34:44.032 --> 02:34:49.475
They are all part of this team that is protecting the recycled intellectual property as new.
02:34:50.376 --> 02:34:52.837
When it's not, it's transformation and transfection.
02:34:52.877 --> 02:34:56.479
And those two words are the most dangerous words that I've said in five years.
02:34:56.899 --> 02:34:57.940
That's why they ignore them.
02:34:58.500 --> 02:34:59.581
Other than murder, of course.
02:35:01.994 --> 02:35:04.375
I think there's still a chance that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
02:35:04.415 --> 02:35:16.978
is just being fooled by an illusion of consensus created by these meddlers that descend all the way from all these meddlers in the past, where these ideas were seeded before there was any biology to back them up.
02:35:17.018 --> 02:35:21.339
That's why I think the way out is the concept of intramuscular vaccination is just wrong.
02:35:21.399 --> 02:35:21.899
It's dumb.
02:35:24.090 --> 02:35:29.571
And we can teach that biology to our kids, even if the ruling elite is not going to allow it.
02:35:29.651 --> 02:35:35.173
We can still teach our kids what strict scrutiny is, what jurisdiction stripping means.
02:35:35.253 --> 02:35:43.055
We can point them to the Federalist Society and let them read it so that some new young lawyer might figure it out.
02:35:46.375 --> 02:35:47.596
Guess what, ladies and gentlemen?
02:35:48.196 --> 02:35:52.917
There's a video where you can see the population problem as it approached.
02:35:54.087 --> 02:35:57.109
There's a video where you can see what happened right after World War II.
02:35:57.729 --> 02:35:58.749
Everybody had babies.
02:35:59.470 --> 02:36:13.717
And so as healthcare becomes better and people live longer lives, then more and more people are gonna end up reaching maturity and reaching retirement age where they become Medicare and Social Security burdens.
02:36:14.618 --> 02:36:19.881
Look at this great big bump that was the result of the prosperity after World War II.
02:36:19.921 --> 02:36:22.502
This great big bump is approaching maturity
02:36:23.613 --> 02:36:38.407
Approaching maturity as of 2019 or 2020 this increase in all-cause mortality was foreseen And so they used it They used the excuse to manage it.
02:36:38.427 --> 02:36:48.096
Look at the size of this bump in 88 That's the reason why ted turner was talking about this shit on tnt in the 90s because look at this bump
02:36:49.229 --> 02:36:54.194
When these people age out, they are going to double their costs in Medicare.
02:36:54.534 --> 02:36:57.196
Their last year of life is going to bankrupt America.
02:36:57.236 --> 02:36:58.618
That's what they've been screaming.
02:36:59.959 --> 02:37:01.380
And Scotland had this problem.
02:37:01.400 --> 02:37:02.662
The UK had this problem.
02:37:02.702 --> 02:37:04.063
The Netherlands has this problem.
02:37:04.483 --> 02:37:08.287
That's why immigration had to be increased because this problem.
02:37:12.332 --> 02:37:14.354
And that's why Denny Rancor won't say it.
02:37:14.434 --> 02:37:17.677
He's been in place since May to make sure that nobody says this.
02:37:18.777 --> 02:37:22.721
That's why Knut Witkowski got eliminated because they don't want anybody to say this.
02:37:27.165 --> 02:37:28.326
Look at it go up.
02:37:29.426 --> 02:37:34.611
And when that thing reaches 60 years old, they declared the pandemic.
02:37:35.612 --> 02:37:36.532
That's all he did.
02:37:37.475 --> 02:37:41.598
And now they can manage us as experimental animals.
02:37:41.858 --> 02:37:43.220
They can age us out.
02:37:43.380 --> 02:37:49.224
They can test vaccines on us and they can call it a public health crisis.
02:37:49.665 --> 02:37:50.425
That's what they've done.
02:37:51.726 --> 02:37:57.371
And all the Western nations had this problem and all of the nations in Africa did not.
02:37:57.811 --> 02:38:02.755
And that's why in Africa, they could not create the illusion that they could create in Western nations.
02:38:04.636 --> 02:38:10.618
That's why it's very important that all these people were in place with the idea that the worst case scenario is endemicity.
02:38:10.658 --> 02:38:23.021
That a real dangerous RNA molecule could go from a few copies to infinite copies in the background for infinite time is the most biologically ridiculous idea I've ever heard.
02:38:23.081 --> 02:38:27.262
And it took me almost four years to hear it clear enough to know how ridiculous it was.
02:38:29.252 --> 02:38:37.435
and know why they had to have people in place to make sure that we never realized that a background signal could have been planted, a background signal could have just been characterized.
02:38:38.256 --> 02:38:46.619
But it could have been planted using human genome project technologies and using tried and true bacteriophage methods.
02:38:51.441 --> 02:38:52.201
That's where we are.
02:38:52.241 --> 02:38:56.363
That's the reason why these people had to be put in place very early with these elaborate
02:38:58.055 --> 02:39:08.307
elaborate narratives about the spike protein because what they were doing was putting people in place to see the narrative specific for transfection so that they could obfuscate this for years.
02:39:08.648 --> 02:39:12.412
And that's why this guy has been obfuscating it for years.
02:39:13.073 --> 02:39:14.495
He didn't come on to tell the truth.
02:39:14.535 --> 02:39:16.017
He came out to control it.
02:39:17.779 --> 02:39:24.801
And the way they are controlling it to this day is by not talking about 2020, but only talking about the shots being bad.
02:39:24.841 --> 02:39:28.442
They won't talk about the murder all over the place, like in Scotland.
02:39:29.202 --> 02:39:37.924
They won't talk about, you know, they're setting up these new rivalries now with the firecracker Epstein researcher, Whitney Webb.
02:39:38.365 --> 02:39:41.806
She is now opposing some of these people, but it's all false.
02:39:42.086 --> 02:39:43.426
It's probably all a setup.
02:39:45.745 --> 02:39:49.606
And it's probably all set up and you can see it because they won't talk about the background.
02:39:49.626 --> 02:39:50.947
They won't talk about oxygen.
02:39:51.647 --> 02:39:57.528
They won't talk about how PCR works great in universities, but none of those methodologies were used for COVID.
02:39:57.849 --> 02:40:04.270
They have people like Kevin McKernan on the Danny podcast saying that there were three amplicons.
02:40:04.891 --> 02:40:05.611
Stop lying.
02:40:06.638 --> 02:40:11.101
They have people out there that won't say transformation and transfection, he's one of them.
02:40:11.661 --> 02:40:14.183
They have people out there saying gene therapy instead.
02:40:14.543 --> 02:40:25.009
They have, he's one of these people that's out there that would never have, had to be out there to control the narrative that the purest form would have been bad, that transfection would have been inappropriate for healthy humans.
02:40:25.029 --> 02:40:26.310
They have to have a guy like him.
02:40:27.891 --> 02:40:32.654
They have to have a guy like him who's gonna try and pretend like he doesn't understand what I mean by infectious clone.
02:40:33.450 --> 02:40:34.611
and the implications of it.
02:40:34.691 --> 02:40:35.732
That's why he's there.
02:40:35.832 --> 02:40:39.935
That's why he was on that podcast on St.
02:40:39.975 --> 02:40:45.600
Patrick's Day with the Steve Kerr Steering Committee with me, because that's all they've got left.
02:40:45.700 --> 02:40:47.261
That's all the bench is left.
02:40:47.382 --> 02:40:51.065
It's Seneff, it's McCairn, it's McKernan, it's Rixey.
02:40:51.745 --> 02:40:52.566
The bench is empty.
02:40:53.707 --> 02:40:58.691
And the reason why the bench is empty is because they are in trouble, because RNA cannot pandemic.
02:41:00.376 --> 02:41:03.739
They're in trouble because the truth is getting out there that healthy people don't get sick.
02:41:04.179 --> 02:41:11.585
The truth is out there that RNA can't pandemic, that intramuscular injection is stupid, and the Human Genome Project has just begun.
02:41:11.605 --> 02:41:29.520
And if I'm right about these things, then our kids are in grave danger, our grandchildren are in grave danger, but we also have a keen opportunity to end this generational warfare to spread the truth and restore the reverence for the sacred.
02:41:30.495 --> 02:41:35.241
Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
02:41:35.682 --> 02:41:39.807
Transfection of healthy humans was always criminal and RNA cannot pandemic.
02:41:39.867 --> 02:41:42.290
Ladies and gentlemen, the way they're doing it is not talking about 2020.
02:41:42.731 --> 02:41:43.652
It's really simple.
02:41:44.714 --> 02:41:46.496
It's not a very complicated shtick.
02:41:48.809 --> 02:42:00.797
The real complication is, is that we have been fooled into believing that if we engage with these people on social media, or we engage with other people on social media, that somehow we might reach a collective understanding of what has happened.
02:42:00.817 --> 02:42:01.597
And that is wrong.
02:42:02.018 --> 02:42:02.918
That is a lie.
02:42:03.298 --> 02:42:04.599
We need a new consensus.
02:42:04.659 --> 02:42:12.244
And the only way it's going to happen is you sending emails, and you sharing PeerTube, and you sending emails, and you sharing PeerTube.
02:42:12.284 --> 02:42:12.685
That's it.
02:42:12.765 --> 02:42:13.585
That's the only way my
02:42:15.066 --> 02:42:39.620
Messages are going to get out because twitch is broken because youtube will be broken and maybe Maybe jc on the hardwood on youtube will work, but it's going to require you Emailing people you sharing this stuff you writing an email that convinces people to watch my stuff Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for being here If you want to find a way to support the stream, please go to giga on and do so We are running on fumes.
02:42:39.660 --> 02:42:41.721
We just paid rent this month, but uh
02:42:42.301 --> 02:42:44.162
You know, we're collecting rent for next month again.
02:42:44.282 --> 02:42:48.864
So anybody thinks that this is going well is mistaken.
02:42:48.904 --> 02:42:51.305
We've only lost subscribers over the last month.
02:42:51.365 --> 02:43:01.570
And apparently me only posting on PeerTube and not coming on Twitch has also lost, have some people lost faith or can't afford it.
02:43:01.630 --> 02:43:03.671
And I know it's all struggling and hard right now.
02:43:03.771 --> 02:43:05.292
So, you know, anybody that can,
02:43:07.062 --> 02:43:10.124
it would be great because right now there's only a few people floating this boat.
02:43:10.164 --> 02:43:11.464
Thank you very much for being here.
02:43:11.984 --> 02:43:17.347
And if you want to share the stream or find, you know, JC on the hardwood, it's GigaOM Biological.
02:43:18.228 --> 02:43:22.390
It's not the place where you can find it there, but you can go to and it's there.
02:43:22.450 --> 02:43:23.390
Thank you very much guys.
02:43:23.870 --> 02:43:24.731
And I'll see you again soon.
02:45:11.650 --> 02:45:14.837
Thanks again guys for being here and I hope to see you tomorrow.
02:45:14.857 --> 02:45:19.808
We'll see what's what's going on with But you know, we have a long Thanksgiving weekend.
02:45:19.828 --> 02:45:20.850
So lots of stream coming