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1 year ago
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I should be live now.
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Peter just called me.
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I talked to him on Zoom for about five minutes.
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His voice sounds awful.
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He can't always get sound out
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and you can hear that there's all kinds of stuff in there.
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You can see that he looks very tired
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and he's been working all day.
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So I told him absolutely not.
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We can reschedule this.
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What I wanted to talk to him about today was two things.
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He had a poster, I believe.
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I'm just going to zoom through these really quick.
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Sorry about that.
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I should have pulled that out.
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He's got a poster about the autopsy findings
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that was actually presented
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at a University of Michigan meeting
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and then also labeled as misinformation.
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And then he also, we also have this
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tell him honey and vinegar indeed.
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Hey, we got a package from you today, Pamela.
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That's very sweet.
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I'm supposed to say thank you.
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And apparently at least one person in the house
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is very happy with that package.
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And the other thing that I wanted to talk about with him
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is this paper about a mild cardial assessment
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of function in the heart of vaccinated
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and unvaccinated people.
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And I thought one of the reasons why it might be nice
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to talk to him about this is to try
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and understand exactly how this paper was done.
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And so I did talk to him for about five minutes.
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And the gist of it is that they can use PET scanning
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to see a shift from fatty acid metabolism
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to glucose metabolism.
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And in general, if your heart is damaged or ischemic,
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usually it's ischemic.
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And there is a shift,
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so ischemic means it's low on oxygen.
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There's a shift from fatty acid metabolism
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to glucose metabolism.
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And people that have taken the shot
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seem to have shifted their heart to glucose metabolism.
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And then they can see some correlation
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with pain in the arm and the more pain in the arm,
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you have the more likely arm to have this uptake
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of this dye, which indicates this change
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in metabolic state of those cells.
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So he said it was a really striking finding
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because of the signal was so incredible and uniform it.
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So I think it's an interesting observation
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that I think Peter is just willing to add
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to one of the many reasons why he would probably agree
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that that, come on, man, what's going on?
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Oh, that's a window, I forgot, that's a window, my bad.
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That's probably why he would agree that,
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and now that's moving, why is that moving?
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Goodness sakes, it's just dumb.
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I'm losing my mind here after having J Balacharion,
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that was a really intense conversation.
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I don't think that at this stage,
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Peter would argue with the statements on this screen,
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except for maybe the bottom one,
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simply because he's not a virologist
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or a biologist in that lane.
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But I think that Peter Makala has recently taken the position
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that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances
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with the intent of augmenting the immune system
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is unadvisable, and transfection in healthy humans
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is criminally negligent, and he may have found
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another aspect of the evidence,
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which I think is his conclusive at this stage,
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that they had to, had to have known
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that the damage that would be done by this
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was simply unjustifiable.
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So there must have been some other national security priority,
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some other objective that they wanted to accomplish
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with this maneuver, other than just responding to a pandemic,
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which we all understand now,
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the claim for a pandemic is dubious at best.
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And the reason why they're doing this
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is because they want to invert our sovereignty to permissions.
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Stop all transfections in healthy humans
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because they are trying to eliminate the control group.
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I hope you won't be disappointed
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if I just leave you to redigest the JB interview with J.C.
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And we'll come back to Peter McSee MD
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as soon as we can with Dr. J.C.
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And so thank you very much for joining me.
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And I think I will sign off now
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and try to help keep peace in the house this evening.
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So thank you very much.
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I'll see you guys again soon.
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Good to see you again, Jeff.
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Thanks for following
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and the other Jeff to their UGG-001.
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Pamela, again, thanks for the package.
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And garden variety human, thanks for showing up.
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Thanks for the kudos.
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I hope that I hope you enjoyed that interview with JB
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as much as I did.
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I felt some friction or some resistance or some disconnect,
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but I didn't...
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Well, I don't know.
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I just know that I've met him a few times in person.
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I really like the guy a lot,
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and I think he's also really trying to solve the process.
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So I hope with further discussion we can get him
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either to push back harder against what we're hypothesizing.
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To either push back more effectively
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on what we're hypothesizing
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or digest a little bit more about what we're hypothesizing
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and help us evaluate it better.
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So either way, I think we made a lot of progress with Jay.
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Can I know that Peter has come a long way since the last time
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we talked to him?
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So I'm really excited about getting his insight into this paper
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and also just talking to him about
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how his views about immunology
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and the vaccinology have changed over the past three years.
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I think it's a really unique opportunity
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to talk to another person who has essentially had a few changes
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apart over the last three years,
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not unlike yours truly.
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So it's been a very humble regret
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that I say that I can't talk to him today
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but I will talk to him soon.
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Thanks guys.