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Italian, Japanese television.
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People everywhere are starting to listen to him.
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It's embarrassing.
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Well, I can't thank you kids enough.
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Shaggy should get most of the credit.
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Where is Shaggy?
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Oh, no, not again.
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It looks like Shaggy wants to try for the eight-man role in the picture.
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But there's Scooby-Doo in the other chair.
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It's the Scooby hat the eight-man was wearing.
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Now, there's real talent.
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We sure fooled him, Scooby.
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We ought to be in the movies.
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Thank you.
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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
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Good evening, good afternoon, good morning, good evening, good night.
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From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this is Giga on biological.
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Ironically, it doesn't feel that much better today.
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It might sound a little better, but it's not really any better.
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The brick wall is a little more visible today than it was yesterday, though.
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That I know for sure.
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I hope another fish introduction is not too annoying for everybody.
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There was no spread in New York City that we can see.
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Infectious clones are the only real dangerous form of RNA.
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placebo badges were distributed and transferred to healthy mammals as dope.
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Protocols were murdered, gained in functions and mythology.
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The Scooby-Doo is real and you've been fooled to solving it because the players are committed to the lies.
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The question is whether Zappa was trying to save us or just doing what his dad's boss wanted him to do, right?
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That's the question.
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I don't know, it's tough to say.
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Anyway, welcome. This is Giga on biological eye resistance.
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Low noise information brief brought to you by a sore throat biologist.
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It's the 16th of October, 2023.
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And it dawned on me.
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We had on the clips a couple days ago.
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And I thought it would be kind of appropriate to discuss that
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as a model of the Scooby-Doo.
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The bait on TV and social media is not that different than any clips, actually.
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Really not that different at all because it involves so much.
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Stop lying!
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That's what it involves. It involves lying.
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Equipses and equinoxes and knowledge of where the sun would be when and where the moon would be when have been used to create mythologies to control people.
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People have been governed by these mythologies for millennia.
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And so it's not that strange for us to be in a situation where we are being governed by mythologies, by lies, by stories.
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We are inherently a storytelling species. It's how we communicate.
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And they have used this against us to tell us a story about a possible cover-up of a lab leak.
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And yet another book is coming out that talks about the cover-up of a lab leak.
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It's actually called the Great COVID cover-up.
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The author of it is one of the two primary performers in 2020.
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Performing with Tony Fauci on Capitol Hill repeatedly.
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And I would argue that this was part of an elaborate hoax to get you to think that it was not only a mystery to be solved, but that you could see through it.
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That we could all see through the cover-up and we figured it out.
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And I think they did this with all of these people.
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Some of them were wittingly involved, none of them were unwittingly involved, misled by trusted sources who were involved.
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And that's why I thought it was really important to track down, I don't think I have this set up again, I had to track down all of the people that have been involved in this because most or all of them
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seem to have some kind of conflict of interest.
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And that's a big problem.
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Just one second please, just let me get this in focus.
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That's why we've been working on this people map because we want to find out who's telling the truth and who isn't it, who's been recruited and who hasn't and how can we tell them apart.
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And I've come to the conclusion that we can tell them apart by this illusion of consensus about a novel virus, for which we had to do something which might have included repurposed drugs, it might have included Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, it might not have.
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It might have included lockdowns and masks depending on whose story you heard.
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But the illusion of consensus about a novel virus is unshakable.
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The illusion of consensus that the world was in danger and that the world had to do something is unshakable.
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And for the most part, the idea that one of the things we had to do was come up with a vaccine and we did the best that we could with the mRNA's, not so much with the adenoviruses.
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And that after three years it's become obvious that America has been covering up their involvement in the likely lab leak that occurred in Wuhan of a gain of function virus.
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And that through this bamboo summit, through these people, we have been, we have fooled ourselves into believing that gain of function is the source of this pandemic and even if it wasn't, it will be the source of the next one.
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And solving that mystery has been characterized by me as a Scooby-Doo.
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Essentially because the Scooby-Doo cartoon involves teenagers solving a mystery where all they have to do is get up the courage to take the mask off of the monster and they will find an average guy who's a liar.
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An average guy who was in the case of the cartoon lying about being a monster in order to scare people away from his scam.
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And in this case we are being led to believe that if we unmask the monsters, we will solve this mystery.
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If we unmask the criminals, if we pursue putting people in jail, the right people to be put in jail will be put in jail.
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And so all we got to do is push and let these people are the greatest pushers over here.
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Boy, they're so good. They're such good fighters. All we got to do is send money to them.
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Why would I do anything when I could just send my money to Steve Kirsch and let him fight?
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Why would I do anything myself when I could just subscribe as a paid subscriber to Robert Malone, along with his million other subscribers and hope that he can do it?
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I mean, if Robert Malone, the inventor of RNA can't save us who can then, right?
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That's the illusion of consensus.
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There's nothing you can do. All the jobs are filled.
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The argument is taking place and the argument is taking place between people who know much more than you, so why even bother trying to contribute?
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Grab a seat, grab a box of popcorn, and enjoy the ride.
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And so I've been trying to be as critical as possible as I move these pieces around the board.
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I also have myself my role in the assembly of this cluster. You know what?
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On Thursday, I'm going to have Joseph Lee MD on my show again for the second time.
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That show will take place at 5 p.m. Eastern. It's a little earlier than normal right at the end of the work day.
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I hope you'll join us. I think it'll be a very vigorous conversation about the true biology that has been ignored.
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For the duration of the pandemic and a pretty good summary of what I think will be things that we can use.
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I had the Thanksgiving dinner table, et cetera.
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So in case you aren't aware, transfection is not immunization and any combination of substances injected intramuscularly with the intent of augmenting the immune system is also pretty crazy at this stage.
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So it's not a matter of what's true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.
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And we have been victims of a spectacular commitment to lies.
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And what I'm suggesting to you is this show that has been going on for a very long time.
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Much longer than the pandemic.
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This show is almost exclusively produced by lying.
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You don't need a whole lot of real things and actually the less real things you have involved in the show.
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The harder it will be for the audience to see through it and to spot the scenery.
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Because the consistency will remain the same and it will be the consensus that that dupes them.
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The collective commitment of the cast is what makes a play successful.
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It's not the lights or the stage or even the scenery.
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Because in the end you walked in, you paid the ticket, you sat down in the chairs when the lights were still on and the curtain was still closed.
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Then the light went off and the curtain opened.
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So if you are able to suspend your disbelief despite the fact that you know it's vague,
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then the only conclusion to come to it is the commitment of the cast of the play.
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That's why actors get Tony's.
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That's why stage acting is such an art.
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Because it is real communication.
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It's real reenactment of situations, of emotions that are real.
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This art has been developed over thousands of years.
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Don't think for one second that everybody who appears to be authentic on television is indeed authentic.
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Don't fool yourself into believing that every influencer, every podcaster, because they seem authentic is authentic.
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There are tricks.
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So you may not remember this movie, you may not have seen it.
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It's Apokolipto.
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It's not a lot of dialogue in the movie, so a lot of people didn't like it.
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What I found so interesting about this was, is that in Apokolipto, there's a scene where his tribe has been captured and they're being sacrificed serially from the top of a Mayan or Aztec pyramid.
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I think it's a Mayan pyramid, but I don't know.
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I apologize if I get it wrong.
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It's Mel Gibson movie, so it's probably culturally incorrect anyway, right?
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So the point is, is an indigenous population in Central or Mexico, Central America or Mexico.
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And there are step pyramids, so it's supposed to be South America.
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And it's one tribe that was captured by a much larger tribe brought back to their city.
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And they've been walked to the top of a pyramid to be sacrificed.
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But what happens is there is an eclipse happening, and the king and the queen and the witch doctors all know that the eclipse is coming today.
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And that's why they're sacrificing all these people today, until the start of the eclipse, and then they will scream to the god, come back, come back if we have sacrificed enough, come back, and then the sun will come back, and all the people will rejoice.
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And there will be a huge consensus made that everybody understands what just happened.
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We were all here.
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We saw it.
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We heard him say it.
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Just like the consensus at the beginning of the pandemic, where we all heard it.
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We all saw it on TV.
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We all experienced the lockdown.
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We were all wearing masks.
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I remember it too.
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Don't you?
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Everybody remembers it.
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So obviously there was a lot. I mean, obviously there was a virus circulating.
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Otherwise, why in the world would we have stopped flying?
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I flew.
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The planes were empty.
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It was crazy.
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Watch carefully, because it's no different.
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So empty winded.
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So good.
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He took the seal.
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Who bought the helmet?
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Come on, get out of here.
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Come on, get out of here.
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Come on, get out of here.
19:03.000 --> 19:05.000
Come on, get out of here.
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Come on, get out of here.
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Excited you, buddy.
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Excited you, buddy.
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He checks again to see if the eclipse has started, and he notices that it has.
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And so he looks at the king, and he tells the king that they're about to do it.
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See this one? Yes.
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Now this guy's going to go nuts.
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A little bit of shamanistic theater.
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Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
20:26.000 --> 20:56.000
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
20:56.000 --> 21:14.280
natural phenomenon go to waste never let a natural phenomenon go to waste perfect
21:14.280 --> 21:20.400
natural phenomenon is an eclipse if you can convince people that you know how
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to dispel an eclipse by sacrificing people all day and that the sun will
21:27.760 --> 21:36.600
come back and answer you you can create the illusion of consensus that's
21:36.600 --> 21:48.120
impossible to break and rule an entire civilization knowing one simple date
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one date that no one else knows how you know even the king doesn't know how he
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knew but it doesn't matter because the king rules based on his show is it any
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different for the rest of the rulers in the world if somebody came and told you
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that you're gonna be able to use a natural signal we're gonna use a natural
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signal to do this to the world and if you don't go along with it you'll be down
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there at the bottom instead of up here at the top with us you don't think that's
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possible I'm sure that's how it happened and it was with this an illusion of
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pandemic potential that could come out of laboratories an illusion of pandemic
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potential that could be accessed through cell culture animal passage and genetic
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manipulation and this modern form of an eclipse has been used to bamboozled
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governments and bureaucracies around the world as well as the citizens that they
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govern into believing this pandemic potential is real however rare it is in
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badcaves it's a lot less rarer in laboratories and therefore they are
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going to invert the way that our kids think about sovereignty
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if you were going on a winter road trip you'd pack warm clothes charge your phone
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and ensure your car had the right tires being prepared can protect you from
23:53.400 --> 23:59.680
troubles ahead so you can be safe your health deserves the same attention this
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winter it's likely that influenza COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses will be
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circulating at the same time but you can protect yourself if you're offered an
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influenza vaccine and a COVID vaccine or booster you should take it especially
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if you're an older person a pregnant woman or having underlying health
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conditions or if you're a health worker vaccines remain your best
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defense they can help prevent severe illness and save your life in addition
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you can protect yourself and your loved ones by constantly assessing your risk
24:37.880 --> 24:42.640
of being exposed to viruses and practicing measures such as hand washing
24:42.640 --> 24:48.280
sons by constantly assessing your risk of being exposed to viruses seeing your
24:48.280 --> 24:52.920
risk of being ex constantly assessing your ones by constantly assessing your
24:52.920 --> 24:56.920
risk of being exposed to viruses
24:56.920 --> 25:04.040
vaccines are that's extraordinary don't you think by constantly assessing your
25:04.040 --> 25:10.040
risks to viruses in addition you can protect yourself and your loved ones by
25:10.040 --> 25:14.960
constantly assessing your risk of being exposed to viruses and practicing
25:14.960 --> 25:19.760
measures such as hand washing sneezing into your elbow ventilating in
25:19.760 --> 25:23.960
clothes this is the European commercial distancing or wearing a mask sent to me
25:23.960 --> 25:30.840
by someone in all good preparation is key to prevention so get vaccinated now
25:30.840 --> 25:36.480
and continue to protect yourself and others for a healthier winter and enjoy
25:36.480 --> 25:39.640
life's adventures
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it's not stopping sorry try this one this is a really nice one I think vaccines
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are about to change the world vaccines are about to change the world again for
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generations vaccines have helped us live longer safer lives protecting us from
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smallpox, polio, measles, and other devastating diseases now a new type of
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vaccine can make even more diseases from HIV to coronaviruses a thing of the
26:17.640 --> 26:19.600
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mRNA is gonna get rid of age two vaccines usually work like this a tiny part of a
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virus called an antigen is injected into your body it's not enough to make you
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sick but it's just enough to make your immune system notice your immune system
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then creates antibodies, soldier cells that are trained to fight a particular
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antigen once this happens your body will remember how to quickly produce more
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antibodies if so if you're ever exposed to the real virus your body will already
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know exactly how to defend itself but what if you could skip that part and just
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train your immune system to make antibodies for specific diseases that's
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what mRNA vaccines do mRNA stands for messenger how did it skip any genetic
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code that tells ourselves what to do like make new proteins or repair damage
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mRNA is naturally found in all of ourselves but in 2005 so mRNA tells cells
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to make proteins and to repair damage and so we can use mRNA to make proteins
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and repair damage this is University of Penn where they came from these two
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careco and and Wiseman and this is the kind of cartoon crap that they've been
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shoving down my parents neck for three years and my brother's neck for three
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years and all of the teachers at the school that my kids go to for the last
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three years complete BS biology made dumb simple and they just said that it
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was gonna kill or cure HIV and coronavirus they did devastating diseases all
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around the world are cured by vaccines every year
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that's what mRNA vaccines do mRNA stands for messenger RNA it's a piece of
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genetic code that tells ourselves what to do like make new proteins or repair
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damage mRNA is naturally found in all of ourselves but in 2005 infectious
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disease experts at Penn Medicine discovered how to modify mRNA to safely
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make ourselves create protein similar to those found in some viruses once those
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proteins are made our immune systems can then create antibodies for that virus
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today the same technology is being used by scientists around the world to
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develop vaccines for all kinds of diseases including coronaviruses that
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can cause future pandemics researchers at Penn Medicine are developing mRNA
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vaccines for diseases like herpes HIV sickle cell anemia and even cancer and
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as we continue to push for new breakthroughs in mRNA technology we're
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paving the way for a safer healthier future for all of us
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why should you find that scary well one of the things that I haven't talked
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about yet that people have been testing me about for a while that they're right
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about but it gets more complicated comes back to the objection and observation
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that doctor sorry not doctor but Kevin McKernan made on my stream a couple times
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in 2021 or 2022 when he came on my stream both of the times he came on my
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stream to talk about how the RNA itself it was supposedly packaged in the shot
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was impure and that actually the RNA was full of fragments and rather than a
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nice tight band at a certain weight of the spike protein RNA was a smear all
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the way up so are all the way down so lots of tiny fragments of mRNA from the
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spike apparently but they didn't sequence them all because they couldn't do that
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there's a trouble with small RNA molecules small RNA molecules can
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interfere with other RNA molecules because if they have a mology they can
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bind to one another not so dissimilar to how two strands of DNA can get a
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needle two strands of RNA with overlapping reflective sequences can
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and kneel together and that can cause their degradation because double
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stranded RNA is intolerated so one of the ways that neuroscientists and
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physiologists around the world have found to perturb systems on the bench is to
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inject small interfering RNAs with the intention of creating short strands of
31:09.400 --> 31:14.360
double stranded RNA related to a protein that they would like to knock down and
31:14.360 --> 31:19.040
then the mRNA for that proteins expression will be degraded because the
31:19.040 --> 31:23.080
double stranded RNA will be degraded and therefore the messenger RNA will be
31:23.080 --> 31:29.360
destroyed so in these shots which Kevin McCurnan came on my stream two years ago
31:29.360 --> 31:36.240
to show us with the mRNA was impure any endogenous transcripts which are
31:36.240 --> 31:44.560
expressing mRNA which have some overlap or homology with the RNA
31:44.560 --> 31:51.240
fragments which are found in the LNP's could have the effect of being a short
31:51.240 --> 31:56.800
interference RNA binding to endogenous RNAs and causing their premature
31:56.800 --> 32:02.560
degradation changing the way that they would be expressed and their
32:02.560 --> 32:08.000
regulation who knows how long this would last who knows how long it would occur
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who knows how often it would occur with all the pseudo uridine substitutions
32:11.480 --> 32:17.360
that are in there so this is something that I haven't talked about but I've been
32:17.360 --> 32:20.360
asked to talk about a couple times it's definitely something to be concerned
32:20.360 --> 32:25.600
about but it's one of these things that it's a compounding set of variables that
32:25.640 --> 32:30.680
doesn't just add another few possibilities it adds a whole another layer of
32:30.680 --> 32:37.960
complexity to the problem but small interfering RNAs are real and the RNA
32:37.960 --> 32:44.480
contamination in the mRNA shots which as I said was discussed multiple times on
32:44.480 --> 32:51.600
my stream by myself and particular on my stream with Kevin McCurnan as
32:51.680 --> 32:56.640
potential for interference with endogenous RNAs and that potential can't
32:56.640 --> 33:01.080
really be adequately assessed without sequencing all those small RNAs and
33:01.080 --> 33:05.160
finding out what they are should they be derived from the spike then we're
33:05.160 --> 33:11.360
still looking for short homologies in the spike sequence with endogenous
33:11.360 --> 33:17.280
transcripts which we know already from Dolores Cahill and others analysis that
33:17.280 --> 33:22.520
there's a lot of mimicry there with regard to proteins so the only question
33:22.520 --> 33:27.920
is whether there's mRNA overlap there from the codon optimizing and from the
33:27.920 --> 33:32.960
pseudo uridine chemical substitutions that would lead to that hybridization
33:32.960 --> 33:39.200
and destruction of endogenous transcripts I'll explain that in some in some
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coming stream hi everyone it's Mandy Cohen CDC Director and I am here at Morris
33:47.280 --> 33:52.080
Brown College I'm here with the president Dr. James and I'm here with a great
33:52.080 --> 33:56.560
partner of ours from the conference of national black churches this is Jackie
33:56.560 --> 34:02.000
Burton and she's amazing and they have been working with the CDC on vaccinations
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throughout the pandemic they've done more than a million COVID vaccines and I
34:06.600 --> 34:10.200
can't tell you how important a partnership with our historically black
34:10.200 --> 34:14.200
colleges and partnerships with our black churches around the country has been I
34:14.200 --> 34:17.400
just wanted you guys to get a chance to meet them so why didn't I turn it over
34:17.400 --> 34:21.420
to Dr. James first and then I'd love to hear from Jackie as well sure my name is
34:21.420 --> 34:25.600
Kevin James I'm honored to serve as a president of Morris Brown College HBCU
34:25.600 --> 34:30.840
founded in 1881 142 years ago we are related to partner with you all today
34:30.840 --> 34:34.280
to provide this service to our community continue to watch Morris Brown
34:34.280 --> 34:37.480
College as we continue to expand what we're doing here that will be called
34:37.480 --> 34:41.960
the hard reset welcome thank you all right and Dr. Burton tell us about your
34:41.960 --> 34:46.440
just a legend so did you say the hard reset tell me about the work tell us
34:46.440 --> 34:50.680
about your just there will be called the hard reset welcome thank you all right
34:50.680 --> 34:56.120
and Dr. Burton tell us about your just a legend so first thank you all but tell
34:56.120 --> 35:00.200
me about the work that you've been doing vaccinating the community great the
35:00.200 --> 35:06.680
CDC contacted us at at the CNBC the conference of national black churches
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when the pandemic first started and said can you help us get the word into the
35:11.160 --> 35:15.560
african-american community well of course we can black churches or the center of
35:15.560 --> 35:18.280
our communities this is from yesterday and it is
35:18.280 --> 35:22.520
work they have I won't give you the number but multi millions of dollars
35:22.520 --> 35:28.280
since 2020 and we are delighted we're a third year of funding and looking
35:28.280 --> 35:32.520
toward the fourth year but it is a made made a difference our churches
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through our sixth largest historically black denominations
35:35.800 --> 35:39.800
have worked very hard and that's how we ended up with this
35:39.800 --> 35:43.880
over a million vaccines through our churches through community centers
35:43.880 --> 35:48.040
nursing homes even some hospitals but it has made a difference
35:48.040 --> 35:53.240
we could not have done this unless CDC believed in us well we love that
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partnership and we've been talking a lot about building trust and so
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making sure that we have access points for folks can get the vaccine close to
36:00.840 --> 36:04.280
their community as well as from people that they trust
36:04.280 --> 36:08.840
and hear from folks that they trust so we are grateful again to be here
36:08.840 --> 36:12.680
at historically black universities and to partner with
36:12.680 --> 36:16.280
our black churches make sure you're going out and protecting yourself get
36:16.280 --> 36:23.320
vaccinated today covid flu and RSV covid flu and RSV
36:23.320 --> 36:30.440
holy crap going through the black churches
36:31.240 --> 36:34.760
giving them millions of dollars
36:38.280 --> 36:41.640
i feel an obligation to get in touch with those people and try to change their
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minds but i don't got millions of dollars
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i'm speechless this is from today this is
36:56.120 --> 37:00.680
christian jorston the guy who came up with the pcr test at the beginning of the
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pandemic for the who and it got reviewed and published in less than 24 hours
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and then about two weeks later kevin mccurnan and
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peter mcculler and a couple other people came out
37:13.080 --> 37:18.200
mike eden maybe or maybe not peter mcculler maybe it was mike eden
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who came out against the pcr test but not against the pcr as a diagnostic
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against the primers that the who used so kevin mccurnan has been
37:29.000 --> 37:31.720
an operator since the very beginning of the pandemic
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and i don't mean that in necessarily a great way
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he has been helping to control the narrative and control
37:38.840 --> 37:42.760
dissident people for quite some time
37:42.760 --> 37:48.200
and linking him so early with a couple people like mike eden is really
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unfortunate but it also shows the consistency of his presence
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listen to what christians got to say here and then the other issue as
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as we are with the virus is communication and disinformation
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and this is such a complex issue there are many media people here who exactly
38:05.960 --> 38:09.160
know what i'm speaking about
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this is really the intervention in the beginning of a pandemic
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so there are two interventions that are really efficient before we have
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a drug or vaccine this is diagnostic testing
38:20.440 --> 38:25.080
and then it's political decision making and once this political decision making
38:25.080 --> 38:29.400
is influenced and contorted by disinformation and propaganda
38:29.400 --> 38:34.920
we are lost and there are rules that are not being fulfilled
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by the media themselves they really have to look in the mirror
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and there is another role that some sometimes
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ignored a little bit which is the role of science itself
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so we shouldn't have anybody who has some academic degree
38:51.320 --> 38:56.040
talking about the heart of the issue in the middle of a pandemic we
38:56.040 --> 38:59.560
have to address the institutions of science to make
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some selection to set up panels of experts who are really experts
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and who wouldn't push into the media but who are
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somehow qualified to summarize the state of knowledge
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and this can only happen via the institutions of science these
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institutions have to offer this function to society
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and these institutions of science they are actually consisting of scientists
39:27.480 --> 39:32.920
of top scientists and it's really about being a little bit less
39:32.920 --> 39:36.840
opportunistic as a scientist being a little bit
39:36.840 --> 39:42.840
more of service to society that's my wow
39:42.840 --> 39:46.040
that is amazing
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he's just said that we can't just have everybody with a little bit of
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expertise talking about the pandemic during a pandemic
39:57.400 --> 40:01.640
and that academic institutions have to play a role in controlling this
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in the selection he's describing a technocracy
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he's describing an ivory tower wherein the the priests of the ivory tower choose
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their representatives who go to the top of the pyramid and
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tell us when the eclipse is going to come and what the eclipse means
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and whose heads are going to roll down the stairs of the pyramid
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because misinformation and disinformation once they get a hold
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then everything is lost and so the most important thing at the beginning of
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the pandemic is to control the information says the German
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the German liar
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this is about the use of an eclipse to control the world
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we have been told that an RNA molecule can circle the globe like a brush fire
41:10.680 --> 41:19.400
and endanger economies and cultures and generations of people
41:20.360 --> 41:24.280
that's no different than being led to believe that a a morning of human
41:24.280 --> 41:28.200
sacrifice can make sure that an eclipse only
41:28.200 --> 41:32.440
lasts six minutes instead of 60 years
41:34.680 --> 41:39.400
this is precisely what has happened to us
41:39.400 --> 41:44.680
and this what you see here is spectacular commitment to that lie
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spectacular commitment to what the eclipse means
41:49.000 --> 41:55.000
and spectacular commitment to why the eclipse went away and it's all lies
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it's all lies
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it just makes it seem like it's just different sides fighting all the time
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but at certain moment it stopped being that right it kind of became something
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different and i don't know really what it is i don't know i don't
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i don't tend to want to care too much either because
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there are so many more people with skin in the game than me
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and gaza has a border with egypt
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and it's just way too complicated for me to wade into a history
45:35.640 --> 45:41.160
that even with a phd level of study i probably couldn't still claim to be an
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and this video kind of belittles the more recent history of the land
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by equating it with the ancient history of the land
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as if it's just always been fighting and it's always been kind of fair
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because everybody can kill everybody
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and i i'm not really sure that it's always been fair and i i've heard a lot of
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people argue otherwise a lot of smart people argue
46:11.080 --> 46:16.040
otherwise from presidents to diplomats to
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academic thinkers
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and yet suddenly the whole theater has started again and it's a theater just
46:23.720 --> 46:27.240
like any other of this theater where
46:27.240 --> 46:31.640
extreme views that can't possibly be correct
46:31.640 --> 46:34.760
are the only ones that are really offered up
46:34.760 --> 46:39.720
as alternatives to choose from
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so i'm going to let it play out but i just want you to know that i'm not playing
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it because i think it's a great video like that
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adequately describes the history i'm going to play a second video after this
46:49.240 --> 46:54.360
that i think is more important to hear because it's a message from someone with
46:54.360 --> 46:57.800
more skin in the game than me
46:57.800 --> 47:03.240
um i'm going to escape this here i'm going to find that video for you now
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because it didn't want to play in powerpoint which was kind of annoying
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i think it'll play when i just play it outside of powerpoint
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47:34.360 --> 47:38.440
oh man it's not translating so i got to go get it off of youtube sorry about
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this i apologize this is me not having a team
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this is me not having a team
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let's see i want to
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come on joker joker
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yes here we go
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i'm taking my self off screen because i really this is about gabor
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this is one of the issues that's closest to my heart and it has been for a long
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time so you know my history i don't know to repeat it but i'm a i'm personally a
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holocaust survivor as an infant um i barely survived
48:34.200 --> 48:38.040
my my grandparents were killed in Auschwitz
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and most of my extended family was killed um that's my personal background
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i grew up ashamed of my Jewishness in uh in Hungary
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after the war i was still bullied for being Jewish
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and i remember one of my friends coming to my rescue once
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saying leave him alone is not his fault that he's Jewish
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it's a fault but it's not his fault this was the defense
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so i grew up with that in my teenage years in canada i became a Zionist
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this dream of the Jewish people resurrected in their
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historical homeland and the barbed wire of Auschwitz being replaced by the
49:21.320 --> 49:26.120
boundaries of a of a Jewish state with a powerful army
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i i funded liberating it was exhilarating to believe in that dream
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and i absorbed all the all that perspective all that point of view and
49:37.240 --> 49:43.320
i really believed in it and then i found out that it wasn't exactly like that
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that in order to make this Jewish dream a reality we had to visit a nightmare
49:47.960 --> 49:54.840
on the local population you couldn't there was a Zionist slogan called
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a land without a people for a people without a land
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but there was no people but there was no land without a people
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there was people living there who'd been living there
50:07.560 --> 50:14.520
for hundreds and years or even longer as a matter of fact
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do you want to hear something really interesting and david bongoyon was the
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first prime minister of isro actually subscribed to this he said this
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who are the Palestinians because the jews
50:29.080 --> 50:32.840
in uh roman times never all all of them never left
50:32.840 --> 50:37.960
Palestine many of them stayed there and some of them hundreds of
50:37.960 --> 50:43.320
leaders converted to islam so guess what the Palestinians are
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in some way there might be descendants of ancient jews
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there are cousins to say the least no matter you look at it
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and you know in there's no way you could have ever created
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a Jewish state without oppressing and expelling the local
51:04.840 --> 51:11.240
population which is what they did in 1947 beginning in 1947
51:11.240 --> 51:15.640
and first of all the british empire protection
51:15.640 --> 51:19.240
you know but they did this and then in 1948
51:19.240 --> 51:24.120
Israeli historians Israeli historians Jewish Israeli historians
51:24.120 --> 51:28.120
have shown without a doubt that the explosion of the Palestinians was
51:28.120 --> 51:32.040
persistent it was pervasive it was cruel
51:32.040 --> 51:37.560
it was murderous and with deliberate attempt
51:37.560 --> 51:44.280
so that's what's called the nakpa in arabic the disaster or the catastrophe
51:44.280 --> 51:50.360
now in isro now in canada there's a law that you cannot deny the holocaust
51:50.360 --> 51:55.160
i don't believe in such laws by the way but in isro you're not allowed to mention
51:55.160 --> 51:58.680
the nakpa even though it was at the very basis of the
51:58.680 --> 52:05.240
foundation of the state so once i became aware of all this
52:05.240 --> 52:11.320
i was okay well yeah we created this beautiful dream
52:11.320 --> 52:14.840
but we imposed a nightmare on somebody else
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and then i visited the occupied territories
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russell during the first end of fire
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i cried every day for two weeks and what i saw
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the brutality the occupation the petty harassment
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the murderousness of it the burning down of al-
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the palestinian or cutting down of palestina all of groves
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the denial of water rights the humiliations
52:49.240 --> 52:53.720
and this went on and it's much worse now than it was then
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so this is the background and it couldn't have been in any other way
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because again you couldn't have created that exclusive jewish state
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without oppressing or explaining the local population
53:07.720 --> 53:12.360
it's the longest ethnic cleansing operation
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in the 20th and 21st centuries it's still going on
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and who are these people in gaza now you have to go to gaza
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you have to go there to really appreciate it it's a small area
53:24.040 --> 53:27.480
where there are these multiple hundreds of thousands of people
53:27.480 --> 53:32.520
who are those people the direct children or grandchildren of the people
53:32.520 --> 53:37.240
that are expressed from isro or what is not isro now here's the outrage
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and i'd like to use iron's friend in the states to tell me this
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i as a jew
53:44.760 --> 53:49.800
i could land in Tel Aviv tomorrow and demand citizenship
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under the right law of the writer return
53:53.320 --> 53:56.840
but my palestinian friend in Vancouver, Panakawas,
53:56.840 --> 54:00.360
who was born in jewish so on can't even visit
54:00.360 --> 54:04.440
so what stands as a note so who is gaza this desperate
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blockaded uh let me stop again am i talking too
54:10.040 --> 54:13.720
long about this i'm sorry i just this is so important to me and i know so much
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about it that i i don't even know where to stop
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so then you have these miserable people packed into this horrible
54:20.040 --> 54:24.680
people call it the world's largest outdoor prison which is what it is
54:24.680 --> 54:29.320
incredible poverty 50 unemployment
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from us is an islamic organization that was originally
54:34.920 --> 54:38.600
encouraged by isro and supported by isro is a
54:38.600 --> 54:43.960
counterweight to the secular palestinian liberation organization
54:43.960 --> 54:47.560
which is what i didn't want to deal with
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and given those conditions of course people will go for extremist leadership
54:54.040 --> 54:57.080
that's what people do when they're miserable and hopeless
54:57.080 --> 55:02.920
deprived of any possibly whatsoever you don't have to support hamas policies
55:02.920 --> 55:06.360
to stand up for palestinian rights but that's a complete
55:06.360 --> 55:10.840
falsity but there were free elections in gaza
55:10.840 --> 55:16.040
monitored by international community they were declared to be the
55:16.040 --> 55:19.560
freest elections ever held in the in the air world
55:19.560 --> 55:25.160
and hamas happened to win and when happened hamas won that election
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israel united states immediately organized their military coup against
55:28.840 --> 55:34.520
them which hamas defeated for which the punishment was
55:34.520 --> 55:39.640
this blockade that deprives hamas of not hamas but gaza
55:39.640 --> 55:45.240
of food of medical supplies of sufficient water
55:45.240 --> 55:51.960
i could go on and on and on and then you have this conflict
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and then every time there's a conflict israel
55:56.120 --> 55:59.160
moves the lawn that's the expression they use you know what they call it
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they call it mowing the lawn by which they mean
56:02.040 --> 56:05.320
the mass murder of palestinian civilians
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now is it true that that doesn't shoot rockets into israel
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killing innocent civilians yes it is do i support that
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no i don't but when it comes to the death of innocent
56:20.200 --> 56:24.280
civilians israel killed 20 000 lebanese civilians
56:24.280 --> 56:28.440
in 1982 using illegal weapons like cluster bombs
56:28.440 --> 56:32.360
in the war that ignores justification whatsoever
56:32.360 --> 56:37.000
i could go on and on and on and on except i'll say that
56:37.000 --> 56:41.560
the disproportionate power and responsibility and oppression
56:41.560 --> 56:46.520
is so markedly on one side that you think the worst thing you can say about
56:46.520 --> 56:51.000
hamas multiplied by a thousand times
56:51.000 --> 56:55.480
and it still will not meet the israeli repression and killing
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and this possession of palestinians if we can
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if after two thousand years we can look for liberation and freedom
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why can't the palestinians if you look at the western press
57:10.920 --> 57:16.040
when hong kong demonstrators throw stones at the police in hong kong
57:16.040 --> 57:20.280
that's considered to be heroism in the american press
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when in me and mar the demonstrators throw
57:24.360 --> 57:27.800
slingshots at the army at the oppressive army
57:27.800 --> 57:30.600
they considered to be heroes in the western press
57:30.600 --> 57:34.840
when palestinian kids throw stones at the israel soldiers
57:34.840 --> 57:40.040
they're called terrorists and israel gets away with a lot more without
57:40.040 --> 57:43.640
much less criticism in the western press than any other
57:43.640 --> 57:48.600
country um i'll say one more thing i was recently
57:48.600 --> 57:52.520
contacted by a palestinian woman from jergal
57:52.520 --> 57:56.600
she runs a program for palestinian children who spend time in israeli
57:56.600 --> 58:02.040
jails 14 15 16 years or jail for months or years
58:02.040 --> 58:05.080
sometimes they can't see their families for months
58:05.080 --> 58:07.720
and she runs a program for them you know she does
58:07.720 --> 58:12.760
she meditates with them she does sufis or sufi dura she dancing with them
58:12.760 --> 58:17.800
swirling dancing to bring them out of their stress day she says we don't have
58:17.800 --> 58:22.440
post-traumatic stress disorder here because the trauma is never post
58:22.440 --> 58:27.880
but traumas daily she said i just wish your Zionist friend
58:27.880 --> 58:32.680
would visit the occupied territories and Gaza like i have
58:32.680 --> 58:37.960
and let him speak the way he speaks now he's got any ounce of humanity left
58:37.960 --> 58:40.840
he would cry like i did for two weeks when i was there
58:40.840 --> 58:45.160
now we're not living in anti-jurmani anybody can go on youtube
58:45.160 --> 58:49.080
and listen to illan papi an israeli historian
58:49.080 --> 58:53.720
told the eloquent on israeli history who's living living in england now
58:53.720 --> 58:57.000
because life became in israel too difficult for him
58:57.000 --> 59:00.920
anybody can listen to normal fickenstein a jewish professor
59:00.920 --> 59:07.720
world expert on gaza who was denied ten tenure at his university
59:07.720 --> 59:11.960
because of his public speaking against israeli policy
59:11.960 --> 59:16.680
you can listen to any number of in uh israeli defense forces soldiers
59:16.680 --> 59:21.160
who talk about the brutality that they now regret having committed
59:21.160 --> 59:24.920
you can listen to israeli pilots who talk about
59:24.920 --> 59:32.360
why they refuse to fly over gaza because of the atrocities they're made to commit
59:32.440 --> 59:37.240
you can get all the information you want
59:37.240 --> 59:41.240
so if anybody these days doesn't know it's not because the information is not
59:41.240 --> 59:44.280
available it's not what you know it's what you
59:44.280 --> 59:49.640
could know if you wanted to find out there are no two sides
59:49.640 --> 59:55.560
i mean it's always a complex question but in terms of power and control and
59:55.560 --> 59:59.480
it's pretty straightforward there was a land with the people living there
59:59.480 --> 01:00:02.760
and other people wanted it they took it over
01:00:02.760 --> 01:00:06.360
and they continue to take it over and they continue to do
01:00:06.360 --> 01:00:13.240
to discriminate against or press and dispossessed that other people
01:00:13.240 --> 01:00:22.760
that's what happened and that's what's happening
01:00:29.480 --> 01:00:36.600
thank you for watching you can get my book the myth of normal
01:00:36.600 --> 01:00:43.160
in heart cover of course like always we're selling a book there
01:00:43.160 --> 01:00:48.280
um but the reason why i play that video is because i really want
01:00:48.280 --> 01:00:55.080
to make the impression that what i said yesterday still remains true
01:00:55.080 --> 01:00:58.600
i don't really think that i know what happened
01:00:58.600 --> 01:01:03.480
i am just absolutely exquisitely sure that we've been lied to for much longer
01:01:03.480 --> 01:01:07.000
than since 2020
01:01:07.000 --> 01:01:11.400
but i think that if we focus on the biology and the lies about biology that
01:01:11.400 --> 01:01:15.960
we've been told specifically about RNA fidelity
01:01:15.960 --> 01:01:23.880
about infectious clones about the swarm about replication and
01:01:23.960 --> 01:01:29.000
competent variants about all cause mortality
01:01:29.000 --> 01:01:33.000
about T cell immunity about linked recognition
01:01:33.000 --> 01:01:37.000
about the differences between infection at a barrier
01:01:37.000 --> 01:01:40.040
and transfection
01:01:42.760 --> 01:01:50.520
and i think that focusing on this can help us to unite the world
01:01:50.520 --> 01:01:55.880
in a way because we were all lied to in one specific way you know the
01:01:55.880 --> 01:01:59.640
the jewish people are being lied to in a certain way about what happened to
01:01:59.640 --> 01:02:03.160
them americans are being lied to in a certain way
01:02:03.160 --> 01:02:07.080
about what happened here the EU countries are lying to their
01:02:07.080 --> 01:02:10.440
respective citizens about what happened there
01:02:10.440 --> 01:02:16.920
but there are red threads that run through all of those lies
01:02:16.920 --> 01:02:20.680
which could allow everybody in israel and everybody in america and everybody
01:02:20.680 --> 01:02:26.200
in the EU to see that wow they lied to us about a novel virus
01:02:26.200 --> 01:02:29.560
about the vulnerability that everybody would have to it
01:02:29.560 --> 01:02:32.760
about the need to do something about it
01:02:32.760 --> 01:02:37.480
about the effectiveness of vaccines in the past and the present
01:02:37.480 --> 01:02:42.280
and about the dangers of gain of function research research as a source
01:02:42.280 --> 01:02:49.160
of the pandemic and a potential source of a future one
01:02:49.400 --> 01:02:53.560
and they had every intention of doing this because they started with a lie
01:02:53.560 --> 01:02:57.400
about a novel virus that we were all vulnerable to
01:02:57.400 --> 01:03:02.760
and they started with a lie about a series of tests that could find it
01:03:02.760 --> 01:03:07.000
and they started with a lie about those for the fidelity of those tests and
01:03:07.000 --> 01:03:12.520
they've formed a consensus in hospital administrations
01:03:12.520 --> 01:03:17.560
school boards state health boards through a combination of financial
01:03:17.560 --> 01:03:24.360
incentives and coercion it is possible that these sequences
01:03:24.360 --> 01:03:27.480
were real at the early part of the pandemic and that they were seated
01:03:27.480 --> 01:03:30.760
using an infectious clone that's the way that they would do it
01:03:30.760 --> 01:03:34.920
it's also possible that no virus ever escaped from anywhere
01:03:35.000 --> 01:03:38.120
and that it all was an elaborate media hoax
01:03:38.120 --> 01:03:43.960
that is possible although i don't really see how they could fool all the
01:03:43.960 --> 01:03:50.040
molecular biologists and all the the people that went
01:03:50.040 --> 01:03:52.840
along with it and tried to do their best
01:03:52.840 --> 01:03:56.760
still had to be fooled by the diagnostics and still had to be fooled by some of
01:03:56.760 --> 01:04:03.320
the biology and that's why i think by using an infectious clone
01:04:03.320 --> 01:04:07.240
to create the illusion of natural spread
01:04:07.240 --> 01:04:09.240
would be the way that they could do that where
01:04:09.240 --> 01:04:16.120
biologists themselves who might realize how ridiculous
01:04:16.120 --> 01:04:20.920
the concept of a pandemic is would still be fooled by the apparent evidence of
01:04:20.920 --> 01:04:23.960
a pandemic happening
01:04:24.040 --> 01:04:28.040
and that's this illusion of consensus about the biology is going to be used to
01:04:28.040 --> 01:04:32.840
invert our kids rights from sovereignty to permissions
01:04:32.840 --> 01:04:37.000
this illusion of consensus was created by people on purpose
01:04:37.000 --> 01:04:40.040
and i'm hot on their trail i believe and so are you
01:04:40.040 --> 01:04:43.400
by watching this stream
01:04:43.400 --> 01:04:48.600
they have roped us into believing that there's a mystery to solve
01:04:49.000 --> 01:04:52.840
and in solving that mystery we've also accepted its premises which include
01:04:52.840 --> 01:04:56.440
this novel virus and that we don't understand anything about it in that
01:04:56.440 --> 01:05:00.120
vaccination is a great way to save ourselves from such a novel virus
01:05:00.120 --> 01:05:03.560
but in the meantime we've had a ventilate to prevent spread
01:05:03.560 --> 01:05:06.040
remdesivir medazolab are better than nothing
01:05:06.040 --> 01:05:07.480
etc etc
01:05:12.280 --> 01:05:16.280
where i forgot to take that out i apologize so
01:05:16.280 --> 01:05:19.960
it is a consensus that there's a mystery to solve and these are the answers and
01:05:19.960 --> 01:05:22.440
we don't need
01:05:22.760 --> 01:05:25.800
to go through this too much but people have asked me to read this
01:05:25.800 --> 01:05:28.200
so one time i'm just going to do that tonight
01:05:28.200 --> 01:05:32.040
so in this scenario we've defeated with disease and epidemics in the past
01:05:32.040 --> 01:05:37.000
using vaccination novel coronaviruses can jump from other species and can
01:05:37.000 --> 01:05:41.720
pandemic pcr false positives are rare
01:05:41.720 --> 01:05:47.240
asymptomatic spread is real and there's only some over counting
01:05:47.240 --> 01:05:50.440
variants are evidence of both spread and continuing evolution of a single
01:05:50.440 --> 01:05:53.880
SARS virus and we spend money studying viruses
01:05:53.880 --> 01:05:56.520
including gaining function research those are all
01:05:56.520 --> 01:06:00.120
parts of this part of the illusion
01:06:00.520 --> 01:06:03.880
but if you understand that it's a conflated background signals a natural
01:06:03.880 --> 01:06:07.640
phenomenon like an eclipse that was going to happen anyway
01:06:07.640 --> 01:06:12.040
like a bunch of RNA that's in the background anyway
01:06:12.040 --> 01:06:16.600
and now we're going to use pcr to find it
01:06:16.600 --> 01:06:20.200
and we're going to tell you that that pcr is evidence of spread of a novel
01:06:20.200 --> 01:06:23.880
virus instead of just something that was always there
01:06:23.880 --> 01:06:28.520
now you understand why the eclipse analogy is so good
01:06:28.520 --> 01:06:33.640
this afternoon the gods have demanded that we start sacrificing because that's
01:06:33.640 --> 01:06:37.240
why it's so drowdy around here
01:06:37.240 --> 01:06:40.520
so let's get some prisoners and we're going to take them up on top the temple
01:06:40.520 --> 01:06:43.720
and start rolling them down
01:06:43.880 --> 01:06:47.400
and when the eclipse comes we'll ask god to come back
01:06:47.400 --> 01:06:53.000
if we've done what he pleased to please him and then he'll come back
01:06:54.040 --> 01:06:57.880
so let's just use a novel background signal that we'll test really vigorously
01:06:57.880 --> 01:07:01.560
for in the first year and then slowly but surely dial up the specificity of
01:07:01.560 --> 01:07:08.280
the test and slowly dial up the stringent use of it
01:07:08.280 --> 01:07:12.440
so that essentially with a predictive
01:07:13.080 --> 01:07:20.520
cycle of the sun we can make a disease appear and disappear again
01:07:20.520 --> 01:07:24.920
and we can blame it on whatever we want to from lockdowns and masks
01:07:24.920 --> 01:07:29.240
to the rollout of a highly effective vaccine that saved 19 million people in
01:07:29.240 --> 01:07:32.680
the first year of its rollout
01:07:33.640 --> 01:07:38.840
it's nothing more than an eclipse taking advantage of a pre-existing
01:07:38.840 --> 01:07:45.320
natural phenomenon to tell a story that you can govern people by
01:07:45.320 --> 01:07:48.760
it's a little trickier than any eclipse because
01:07:48.760 --> 01:07:53.560
we know more nowadays we're smarter as we think we are
01:07:53.560 --> 01:07:56.600
and so the hoax needs to be a little bit more elaborate than predicting a
01:07:56.600 --> 01:07:59.400
natural event
01:08:00.680 --> 01:08:03.880
but it doesn't really matter whether it's endemic coronaviruses and they're
01:08:03.880 --> 01:08:06.600
lying about them protocols were murder and
01:08:06.600 --> 01:08:10.520
transfection is not medicine if it's an infectious clone that they released
01:08:10.520 --> 01:08:15.480
in different places and then sequenced it cultured it claimed wow look at this
01:08:15.480 --> 01:08:19.800
need on it the PCR tests are not specific for a
01:08:19.800 --> 01:08:22.920
particular virus the PCR tests have sources of false positive
01:08:22.920 --> 01:08:27.800
besides high cycle count respiratory disease that leads to secondary
01:08:27.800 --> 01:08:31.400
ammonia is a regular cause of death that now went skyrocketing because they
01:08:31.400 --> 01:08:35.320
decided not to use antibiotics
01:08:35.400 --> 01:08:38.280
and that's what changing the protocol does
01:08:38.280 --> 01:08:41.960
additional arms were also caused by the lockdown and specific agents like
01:08:41.960 --> 01:08:45.720
medazlam and rendezivir but early treatment must be
01:08:45.720 --> 01:08:50.040
considered protocol by protocol and we've spent money making sure
01:08:50.040 --> 01:08:54.760
dangers pandemic pand dangerous zoonotic pandemics are
01:08:54.760 --> 01:09:00.200
taken seriously but we haven't spent money to show that they're real
01:09:00.200 --> 01:09:03.880
we've just spent money to make sure that they're dangerous taken seriously
01:09:03.880 --> 01:09:12.520
that's what this these scenarios of a conflated background signal really mean
01:09:12.520 --> 01:09:16.840
and this is not a viable scenario because they just don't acknowledge any molecular
01:09:16.840 --> 01:09:19.480
biology then and that there are no signals anywhere and there's no
01:09:19.480 --> 01:09:24.120
diseases or nothing that's just not possible
01:09:24.120 --> 01:09:27.320
the worst part is is that i've said it last night and i'll say it again they're
01:09:27.320 --> 01:09:32.120
more concerned about you pledging and promising that you
01:09:32.120 --> 01:09:35.560
don't believe in viruses before they'll talk to you
01:09:35.560 --> 01:09:38.680
and then when they talk to you they want to talk to you about foyer requests and
01:09:38.680 --> 01:09:40.920
what those mean
01:09:40.920 --> 01:09:44.520
rather than talking about transfection not being medicine
01:09:44.520 --> 01:09:48.040
and the protocols being murdered
01:09:50.520 --> 01:09:54.120
it's a conflated background signal ladies and gentlemen and the players who are
01:09:54.120 --> 01:09:58.840
covering this background signal use up this eclipse
01:09:58.840 --> 01:10:02.920
they won't address PCR as a fraud they won't address variants and sequence as
01:10:02.920 --> 01:10:06.520
a fraud they won't address death certificate fraud
01:10:06.520 --> 01:10:10.760
they won't address the RNA purity fraud the possibility of small interfering
01:10:10.760 --> 01:10:14.520
RNAs they won't address the protein folding
01:10:14.520 --> 01:10:18.120
problem and the idea that some epitopes are not just
01:10:18.120 --> 01:10:22.760
the sequence of the protein but how the protein folds in three dimensions and
01:10:22.760 --> 01:10:26.280
epitopes that are created by the folding
01:10:26.280 --> 01:10:30.040
and so if the codon optimization and the pseudo uradines have caused the
01:10:30.040 --> 01:10:33.800
protein to fold differently then we're having different epitopes than the
01:10:33.800 --> 01:10:37.080
natural viral protein they're not talking about
01:10:37.080 --> 01:10:40.200
transfection in general and since the very beginning unlike me they haven't
01:10:40.200 --> 01:10:44.280
talked about natural immunity they're still not doing it
01:10:44.280 --> 01:10:47.640
and the reason why is because they want to continue to bamboozle your children
01:10:47.640 --> 01:10:52.520
with stupid stupid stupid biology really dumb simple
01:10:52.600 --> 01:10:58.200
or stupid complicated so that they surrender so that they go limp
01:10:58.200 --> 01:11:01.720
and turn over their medical data and their genetic data of themselves and
01:11:01.720 --> 01:11:06.840
their kids before this beautiful packed planet of
01:11:06.840 --> 01:11:11.400
diverse genomes is gone forever
01:11:14.120 --> 01:11:17.880
Immunization is not transfection ladies and gentlemen
01:11:17.880 --> 01:11:22.680
and yeah any combination of substances injected
01:11:22.680 --> 01:11:27.320
the intention of augmenting your immune system is pretty dumb
01:11:27.320 --> 01:11:31.640
please stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate
01:11:31.640 --> 01:11:35.160
the control group i apologize if they're getting a
01:11:35.160 --> 01:11:40.360
little redundant ladies and gentlemen i've got to kind of
01:11:40.360 --> 01:11:43.800
keep my wits about me here i can produce a show like this in about an
01:11:43.800 --> 01:11:48.440
hour and a half and then it takes me another hour to give it
01:11:48.440 --> 01:11:53.480
if i want to teach a journal club or i want to do a immunology course it's
01:11:53.480 --> 01:11:56.360
quite a bit more work so it's not that i'm not going to
01:11:56.360 --> 01:11:59.720
do that again and we're not going to start with that stuff again
01:11:59.720 --> 01:12:04.520
but i feel like this illusion needs so much breaking
01:12:04.520 --> 01:12:08.120
and it is an illusion of the consensus that people are
01:12:08.120 --> 01:12:12.840
agreeing on stuff and so i don't know what we gain by
01:12:12.840 --> 01:12:16.840
muddying the water with new science or muddying the water with new neuroscience
01:12:16.840 --> 01:12:23.800
right now because this we're at a crucial moment
01:12:23.800 --> 01:12:25.720
i don't know if we're going to get another chance at
01:12:25.720 --> 01:12:31.080
2023 and 2024 but after that i think all bets are off
01:12:31.080 --> 01:12:35.240
if we don't get this out there and it become common knowledge before the
01:12:35.240 --> 01:12:38.920
election i don't really know how it ever gets out
01:12:38.920 --> 01:12:42.440
so there is going to be more stuff coming but i'm
01:12:42.440 --> 01:12:45.560
probably going to keep this kind of pace until
01:12:45.560 --> 01:12:49.800
halloween and then we're going to make a a choice on schedule and a choice on
01:12:49.800 --> 01:12:53.240
place including going back to youtube as well
01:12:53.240 --> 01:12:58.040
lots of plans lots of things in the works don't worry
01:12:58.040 --> 01:13:01.800
we're far from done we've shifted up like one level but we've got many more
01:13:01.800 --> 01:13:05.880
years to go you know biological is a
01:13:05.880 --> 01:13:10.040
is a jog or not that hasn't even woken up
01:13:10.040 --> 01:13:15.080
can't wait for halloween