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12 months ago
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That brings in a house!
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I'm so excited I can freak.
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Not just this muscle car that gets me excited, it's my guest today.
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Sooth spider is in the in the chat already.
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Look at that, garden variety human.
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That should be good.
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Just give me a sound check if you're in the chat already, please, for this one.
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Just to make sure everybody's lined up, it should be okay, I just started it.
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Thank you there, sir.
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And yes, we are speaking to William M. Briggs today.
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He is a member of this broken science initiative, it's my first BSI guest.
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If you didn't follow my directive yesterday and go and overload the website of
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with your signups, please do it today so that Emily and Greg get a little blip in their
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website traffic and they see when we mention us, it would be really great to show them
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the power of gigo-on-biological.
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Matt, you may recognize Rodney Mullen here in this little spin.
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Oh, yeah.
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Guys, it's sweetheart.
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Oh, my goodness.
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Did you know that he got surgery on his spine and now he can stand up straight like skating
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again like differently and he's got to relearn everything now because his body moves again.
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It's crazy.
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I'll be thought, no, I have no idea.
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Apparently he's got like three more inches on him though.
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I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially...
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I want you to go meet my friend Mark on this show that's now on the screen after this.
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I think he's a really good guy and you guys would be good acquaintances, I think.
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And he's got readers that watch him, you know, so you're a book guy.
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I mean, he's got readers.
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Not that my viewers don't read, I'm not saying that, but Mark has got some really studious
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I really like Mark.
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I think truth is good for kids.
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We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in society.
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We want everybody to feel good.
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That's not the way life is.
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But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people.
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And I have lied.
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I'm sure I'll lie again.
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I don't want to lie, you know, and I don't think I'm a liar.
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I try not to be a liar.
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I don't want to be a liar.
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I think it's like really important not to be a liar.
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Ah, ladies and gentlemen, I'm so excited to be here today and have this show running
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in the afternoon working in sync with my family and I just feels really good to start
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the stream in the afternoon and so I'm really happy that we've got Matt on the show.
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Just a few more seconds.
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I got to get this, the recording in the background running, so I'm going to keep this intro going
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as usual.
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It's like one more minute or so, I think I'm in it 20 seconds.
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If you are joining us for the first time, this is Giga Ohm Biological.
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It's a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
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We are based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the back of a rented garage and yeah, that's
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the state of knowledge and information in our world.
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We're basically working to dispel an enchantment.
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It is an enchantment that has been laid down a long time ago and laid down deep and thick.
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If you have been following me for a while, you're here at the top of the wave where we
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are staying focused on the biology.
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We don't take the bait on TV and social media and we love our neighbors.
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The way it works is that people share this work and some people even financially contribute
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and slowly biology finds new people and more people wake up.
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That's my plan anyway.
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You can find me at GigaOhm and you should be watching at stream.gigohm.vial
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if you're not already, which is the new place that I'm trying to store all these videos.
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I think it's working out really well thanks to our supporter and follower Ted on the other
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side of the planet.
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Mike Vandenberg, mixed date.
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These are the people that make Giga Ohm Biological possible including all of the subscribers
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that are giving some small or large amount monthly or even per year.
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There are also sub-stack subscribers that have recently joined the fight and it's been
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really a privilege to see how far we can get with this.
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I hope that we can continue to bring this biology to the masses.
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This is the independent bright web.
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It's the opposite of the intellectual dark web which is this loosely organized group
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of influencers that was put in place before the pandemic to control the narrative, if
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you will, to set this limited spectrum of debate that we are all trapped within.
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But it's actually an illusion that is sustained only through your active participation.
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You can drop your own hand from your own eyes and escape.
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It is just a question of non-compliance.
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You've got to actually accept that you've been lied to.
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And I think one of the most exciting things about broken science is that it really, although
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to steal a phrase from Greg, it may not be for everybody, but it is for anybody to understand
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how science has been distorted, has been essentially co-opted into something that no longer is
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a real pursuit of knowledge, but it's instead a pursuit of noise or the creation of noise
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and I hope that somebody has sophisticated, unlike me, William M. Briggs is going to
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be able to help us get through this because the distortion of science and the pursuit
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of knowledge has been an integral part of the conscious and intelligent manipulation
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of the organized habits and opinions of the masses, and it is an important element of
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how we are governed.
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In fact, I would argue it is a primary way by which we are governed, and as a recovering
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academic biologist, I really feel as though I have a unique, sad insight into how distorted
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one's mind can become if you pursue questions based on this reiterative, preparean, questioning
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mechanism, and don't realize how easily that can spin out of control and stop producing
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knowledge and instead produce noise.
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I believe that's how the intellectual dark web works, and I believe that's how they've
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essentially removed our ability to exercise informed consent with almost anything with
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regard to socioeconomic status and also with regard to public health, with regard to the
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education of our children.
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We're just so clueless that we just don't have the ability to exercise informed consent
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And one of the primary bats with with barbed wire wrapped around it is this use of academic
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science to create the illusion of knowledge that can then be used against us in a technocratic
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sort of way.
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Oh my gosh, I'm still talking.
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Let me see.
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I got him over here.
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I'm going to put this down and I'm going to shut this music off and I'm going to say hello
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to my good friend, William M. Briggs, actually Matt and I met on a beach and it was very
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Matt was overdressed for the beach and I was flying my kite and I don't know.
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We later met at another meeting and so it was wonderful.
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We've been friends since.
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I don't know.
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Go ahead and introduce yourself.
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Tell us what you're up to and then we'll just, I don't know, randomly discuss our clean
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You know, Greg Glassman and Emily Capin, like you said, the broken science thing.
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They found me and I've been delighted to be able to have found them in return and people
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like yourself.
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There's a core group of people who understand what's going on and what's going wrong with
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science, I should say.
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It's not everybody like you say, like Greg says, but it is, it is some people anyway
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and we, we are trying to gather together and at least speak to those willing to listen
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about what we think is wrong with science and how we could go about fixing it.
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And my background is like yourself, recovering academic, you know, I started off in academia.
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I was in the, I was in the Department of Medicine at Cornell University, you know, the med school.
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I was a statistician there, bio statistician there.
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I'm sorry, but my favorite part is the fact that you were a meteorologist because when
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I was a child, when I was a child, I thought that the weather was also very fascinating.
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And I sat outside in, in thunderstorms and stuff.
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I thought that tornado warnings were kind of cool and my parents never understood it.
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But I just, I was never afraid of these things.
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I just thought they were interesting.
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The reason I got involved, I was in the Air Force a long time ago doing cryptography.
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And I was wondering, should I go get out of the Air Force and do something more useful
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with my life?
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And at that time, this was in the late 80s, early 90s, global warming as it was called
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then was the thing.
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And I thought, hey, this is, this is interesting.
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And I sort of, and I wrote some of the people and the original IPCC, the Intergovernmental
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Panel on Climate Change, some of the scientists involved in that.
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And I was just this, nobody sergeant at a cadina Air Force base in Okinawa.
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I said, hey, can I read this, this in that paper?
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And this one gentleman sent it to me and to my surprise, I could read it.
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So I thought, you know what, maybe I better get out and do something about this.
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It seems so important.
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And I, I bought all this stuff.
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I mean, I thought it was just as dire and, and calamitous as was being predicted and
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so forth because I was young and naive.
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But I, I progressed through my studies and my specialty actually, I got my Ph.D.
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and not, not in atmospheric physics.
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I got, that was my masters, but I got, I did mathematical statistics.
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And the reason is, I was interested in models.
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What makes a good model?
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What makes a good climate model, medical model, biological model, any of these kind of models?
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And how do you tell if it's good or bad?
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And that involves probability and uncertainty and all this kind of a thing.
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So that's how I slowly became a skeptic, the more I learned about how uncertainty really
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works and how, about how over certain everything that they pushing at us is, and not everything
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I should say, you know, you know, we have a pretty good understanding of the way capacitors
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work, for instance, and so forth.
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But these are not political things.
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It's all the stuff that turned political that the over certainty is vast as we've learned
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to our, you know, sadness this last four years.
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Right, right.
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I think over certain is a, is a wonderful way to really overlaps with how I've been saying
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it is that you can almost, you should immediately be skeptical of anyone who's certain and then
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even more if they're certain about a very simple explanation for a complex thing.
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And oftentimes I've started with that basis of interpreting the pandemic, for example,
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is it just can't be this simple that somebody spilled something in Wuhan and now it's everywhere.
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And so anyway, what do you think from the perspective of the broad picture, how can we,
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in your experience, you know, you're selling, you're selling a couple books, which I just
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put up before it, I don't mean it to say it in a bad way.
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I mean it to say it in a good way that, that he is capable of putting down his thoughts
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in a way that I can't and has done it several times.
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I actually, I don't, I, somewhere I can't find everything you believe is wrong book.
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I know I have it, but for some reason I couldn't find it to put on the screen, but I do have
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the book on certainty.
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And I think because that's the one I have, that's the only one I've read.
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That's this one here.
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How do we get people interested in this philosophical level of science in a way that, you know,
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most people won't be, you know, I mean, they'll be interested in the more practical matters
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of here's what these people are trying to sell you and here's why it's wrong.
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I mean, we could clearly see that they're trying to manipulate you into taking certain
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medications and so forth or they're trying to, they're trying to tell you a certain
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Tomorrow I have a thing on gas stoves, now they're going after gas stoves even as they
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tell you they're not going to.
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They want to tell you that they're bad for the, the environment of their bad for your
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health and that kind of stuff.
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So we could show that those kinds of claims are wrong and that's enough for most people
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and that's fine.
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But if you want to know why those things are wrong, how it is that the scientists themselves
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beyond simple matters like fraud and lying and so forth, which we see a lot from top experts
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and rulers and the like, but most scientists are sincere in their beliefs.
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They're just vastly over certain or they're wrong, but they don't know how they're being
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And that's the level at which we need to fix science.
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Now a lot of people can just, you know, follow along, they can gain entry to, you know, podcasts
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like yours and so forth.
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The woman found it.
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Others that show what things are doing wrong.
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That's the other one.
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The woman found it.
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Thank you.
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And then we can get people to sort of grasp these more fundamental things, but they are
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more difficult.
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You know, I mean, it's, it's, you were there, we were all there last week or a week and
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a half ago.
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I guess we were out in back in Arizona for another epistemological boot camp or I guess
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we called it and they were difficult subjects being broached.
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You know, what, what is the nature of probability if we're speaking of uncertainty, we must
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use probability.
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How do we, how do we then understand what probability is and so forth and how does that
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relate across a broad range of sciences, everything from, you know, medicine biology all the way
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to astrophysics, fundamental quantum probability and all those kind of a thing.
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So it's difficult.
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We're not going to get everybody along and that kind of a thing, but we can get people
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to understand that because people are using these procedures that they think is guaranteeing
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them certainty or not, we could just show that they're wrong on that kind of a thing.
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Whether they get delved deeper into the mechanics of why exactly it's wrong, that's, that's,
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that's going to be only for a fraction of people, I think.
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Do you think that, um, one of the things that struck me years ago already was that, um,
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in neuroscience, there was this time, I, I, I've been in neuroscience, I was in neuroscience
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for around 18 years.
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And when I started in neuroscience, I noticed that there was this momentum in the acquisition
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of physicists.
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And the reason why was because physicists could make simple models and models were what
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every, every, uh, every biology's journal wanted you to have a model with a little neuronal
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network that showed how your data was relevant to brain function.
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And because these physicists had this toolbox, you could just bring them in to a, to a department
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and they could be on every paper that needed a model and every paper needs a model in this,
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in this, in this kind of scheme.
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And I was struck by how, what are they doing like transport models and the like that kind
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of thing.
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So just simple network models that show that, you know, something, some connection could
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be relevant.
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Um, it, to me, it's really just a question of again, how are we using them and are we
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using them to advance our understanding or are we using them to, to, I don't know,
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obfuscate obfuscate or, or, or, or to add complexity for the sake of, for the sake of
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complexity, which turns it into science.
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It's funny.
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You mentioned it's just a week ago or two weeks ago that somebody had a paper out that
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looked at literature papers of all things.
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And I guess these are spoof papers.
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They had regular papers and then they had the same papers, but they had equations in them.
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And the ones that had equations in them just for no reason were the ones that were viewed
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as a much more scientific.
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Oh, yeah.
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That, that's the level of stuff.
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I mean, it's easy to create a lot.
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I mean, not, not everybody can do it, but once you, once you learn how it's, it's trivial
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to create models.
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That's one of the problems.
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It's, it's too easy.
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Science is too easy.
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It's, it's difficult to understand that maybe, but because science is so easy to do now in
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a lot.
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Hi, what happened there?
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Is garage is like my garage?
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Come on back now.
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You hear?
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I don't know.
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Maybe you should snap to that might help on he'll call back.
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I want very much to see if there's too many people doing it and numbers of people just
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because there's going to be a lot more error, but it's something, something.
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Here you go.
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There we go.
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It's probably me, the, the camera, it doesn't, it does a visual acuity check on me and sort
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of bocks.
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Yeah, it's all good.
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So, we were talking about models and it just took for a couple of seconds.
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So it's okay.
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What is different?
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I mean, for the, for example, you were in meteorology, they could only get away with,
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they can't get away with crappy models, right?
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If they use a crappy model, then they're, they're prediction for even tomorrow would
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be off, right?
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But to a certain, this is, this is, this is a, you bring up a good point, an excellent
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point, as a matter of fact, because it's one of the few fields.
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In fact, one of the very, very few fields that model goodness, the idea of what we call
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it, the technical term is verification, model verification.
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That's where it was really born.
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That's where all the statistics and the probability and the understanding of the philosophy of
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model goodness arose from meteorology, because it's for obvious reasons.
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They make weather forecasts, they come out at least twice a day, and they want to verify
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how good they're doing.
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And because they did, they developed all kinds of ideas, all kinds of measures, like numerical
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measures that show you how good the predictions are behaving and the like.
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And they use those to sort of feedback and improve the models.
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And they have meteorological models over the last 50 years or so, they've increased
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They're now very accurate out to a short, short period of time, out to like four or five
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days, they're great, out to beyond that, they diminish in quality fairly rapidly.
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And you know, they, for technical reasons, you know, the atmosphere is just chaotic and
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it's, it's not cooperative at, at times past that.
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And let me ask you this, just in the context, if they had more measuring devices with these
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models become better or the models are already at their peak sort of in that sense.
21:09.320 --> 21:10.320
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So not really.
21:11.960 --> 21:12.960
21:12.960 --> 21:18.520
Part of the problem, they have, we have satellite data and they can sort of make satellite data
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for a lot of a lot more points and so forth.
21:22.360 --> 21:27.120
But their computational power becomes one of the, one of the bottlenecks.
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The other is the atmospheric chaotic.
21:29.360 --> 21:30.360
Good Lorenz.
21:30.360 --> 21:34.440
He was one of the, a meteorologist at the time using early versions of computers.
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He was running a program, very simple dynamical model, very simple dynamical model.
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I think he coded it in Fortran.
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And he was running the thing and then he had to step away or something like this and he
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came back and somebody else had used the time on the computer.
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Back then you had to get time on a computer, you didn't have personal use of it.
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You had to sort of subscribe for time.
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And he wanted to restart the computer exactly where it left off.
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So he reprogrammed in the, you know, using punch cards, the constants that the model
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spit out at a certain point, but he didn't get them to the exact decimal level all the
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way out to however many digits the computer did.
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And he found to his surprise that diverged wildly.
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And chaos as a science was born from his paper.
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And it's amazing.
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And it turns out to be sensitivity to initial conditions is sort of defining characteristic
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of chaos.
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In other words, you could have a perfectly defined rigorously analytic dynamical system
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that because it starts off in a slightly, just the tiniest little, you wouldn't make
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any difference initial point, but can diverge wildly from a model that starts off slightly
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different from it.
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So that's the way the atmosphere sort of behaves, people are discovering that you can
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kind of get away with that by making your predictions coarser.
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And only speaking of averages and the like and do a little bit better in that respect.
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But it's still meteorology that led the way.
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And that's how I learned of all this kind of stuff, because that's how I started doing
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and doing model goodness, how do you check?
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So you could apply this, these same tools to all kinds of models, like we were being
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foisted upon us all the time.
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And it turns out a lot of the models just stink.
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They're terrible.
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They're never verified.
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In fact, the leading practice of most science, the leading practice of most science and most
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science papers is to fit a model to data, announce the quality of the fit and stop.
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That's it.
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And then they act as if they've found something.
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But as we already discussed, anybody could fit a model to data, anybody could fit any
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kind of model to any kind of data.
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It just doesn't take that much ingenuity anymore.
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And therefore, we're flooded with, you know, just acres and acres of this stuff of bad
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science of just good model fits.
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Well, so what?
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These models are never checked against reality after that.
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But everybody takes it as if it was.
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It's a huge problem.
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And I think you could formulate that in the reverse and say that if your scientific paper
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doesn't start out with, my model predicts the following.
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So we checked or measured the following, then you're really not, you're really not verifying
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a model.
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You're actually, again, as you said, making observations and then fitting a model to it,
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which is big deal.
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That's a big difference.
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You can almost say anything you want if you use that strategy.
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But the vast majority papers, biology and medicine, and all of the soft sciences, almost
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all their models are like this.
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They just fit a model and they're all ad hoc models, for the most part, in the soft sciences.
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They fit the model to the data.
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They announced after they manipulate the data and the model that the model fits well.
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And that's it.
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And now we're supposed to take their word that they have found some causative agent in
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And it's just not the case.
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They may have happened upon something.
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They may have gotten lucky.
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But it's not because of their procedures that they're correct.
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It's just by chance, by luck, that they're off and right.
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Or by some intuition too, a lot of scientists are smart guys, but it doesn't mean that
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the procedures they're using are guaranteeing them the kind of veracity that they tell us
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that they have.
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That's why when people say, follow the science, no, it isn't like that.
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We should not follow the science and tell that science has been independently, by disinterested
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parties, checked and its accuracy, its predictive accuracy, otherwise we've never known.
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One of the things that I've been thinking about is how can, because broken science
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brings together this really weird group of people where there can be lots of owners
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of CrossFit gyms or athletes or martial artists or people interested in nutrition
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or training, and then also, you know, physicists and people like yourself with a million different
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things in their background.
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And what I'm wondering is a lot of times we get so deep into that discussion that we can't,
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we need, I love the list that Greg has made of all of the pseudo sciences.
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But I felt like the last meeting was missing a little session about concrete examples,
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which is what you said earlier.
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And I almost want to suggest that somebody should build a website of concrete examples
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of what the model is and how it's not ever tested.
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I mean, the ones that I've been plugging for a long time are the model of antibodies
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equals immunity, but they never really test that.
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And when they do, they don't get the answer that their model predicts they should get,
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but they don't care.
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And so I wonder if it wouldn't be useful for us to make a list like that.
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That was my first thing.
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And I also have a thing about funding, but what do you think about that?
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Is there a...
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I think it's a fantastic idea, of course, absolutely.
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I do these things all the time, you know, maybe once or twice a week, I publish a piece daily,
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but maybe once or twice a week is looking at bad papers and from all range of science
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that use these techniques.
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So yeah, it would be very worthwhile.
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That's a good project.
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I'm going to consider that and how to bring it about putting it on a more systematic basis.
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I think that's a fantastic idea.
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I mean, neuroscience is just littered with models of how the brain works that have like
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two variables.
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And it's extraordinary.
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I mean, and then they would take an fMRI measurement and look, there it is.
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We got some difference between these two relative signals and it looks a lot like our model.
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That's a perfect example of the type of thing where models...
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It's model upon model.
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The fMRI...
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You'd know this better than I do, but for your listeners probably know it better than
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I do too.
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But the fMRI...
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The output from that is already a model.
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It's already a model.
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It's not like they've gone into the brain and dissected, taking a look at this mirror
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and saying, oh, yeah, this is a bigger fashion over here.
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No, this thing is an inverse problem and it's already a model.
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So there's uncertainty already in the data that you have out of it.
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And then they use this uncertain data as if it were certain downstream and further models.
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And to some of the most preposterous things, I mean, Sam Harris was...
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He has one I picked apart a long time ago.
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Ridiculous things.
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People are more likely to believe in Santa Claus if the sublocutist area of the brain
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lights up in their effort.
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All kind of statistical nonsense that they try to pull off because it shows how well their
29:15.960 --> 29:19.720
model could fit, the model of the model.
29:19.720 --> 29:25.840
So yes, all he's there is they all suffer from the same problems over modeling.
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What do you have to have models in science, but they're not verified.
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Another place that models probably play a more reasonable role in describing reality
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is in business where uncertainty equals risk.
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Is there any way we could use the idea that businesses don't use models that don't work?
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Insurance companies don't use models that don't work.
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So there have to be people that understand that model verification is at the heart of
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knowledge generation.
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Oh, yeah, sorry.
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Did you hear what I just said?
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I'm going to let that come back.
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Yeah, business models of verification and business models use uncertainty as risk.
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And so there's a lot of sort of feedback in business for their models in actuarial science
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and whatever.
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So there have to be people that from a professional perspective understand how if they do it like
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this at work, but academic science doesn't like that, then there ought to be lots of
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people that could be woken up very easily who just because of their professional background
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are, this will just snap into their head, don't you think or?
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I think you're absolutely right, actuaries are an excellent point because if the insurance
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companies didn't model accurately, they would stand to lose a lot of money.
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Of course, the other problem after that is not scientific, but sociological, the government
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comes in and begins to regulate them because their models are sometimes too accurate and
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they're not politically desirable accuracies, that's so that's a whole other problem.
31:05.760 --> 31:06.760
Oh, wow.
31:06.760 --> 31:08.360
I didn't know that that happened.
31:08.360 --> 31:09.360
31:09.360 --> 31:13.600
Well, you know, you ever you know, we don't want to talk about all this idea, but you
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know, there's official, you know, there's some groups need more need more help from
31:21.440 --> 31:23.000
the government dollars.
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And so the government steps in and and and modifies it.
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Well, you know, you're not you're not allowed to have noticing of certain things.
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And so now I see what you mean, yeah, there is that, but but actuaries do do a good job
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of looking at how well their models portray.
31:38.520 --> 31:44.880
And because, you know, they're not the most complex models in the world, they're more
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or less just, you know, counting.
31:49.040 --> 31:50.040
Here's what happened.
31:50.040 --> 31:53.320
And here's what we can expect to happen again in the future, which is a very good way to
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do things.
31:54.320 --> 31:55.320
31:55.320 --> 31:56.320
Not that the math is simple.
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I don't mean that.
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But I mean, to say that as far as model complexity goes, it's not that not that difficult.
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Would you would you want to, um, for my viewers, just take a crack at a brief explanation
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of how the the no hypothesis falsification thing isn't actually verifying models and,
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you know, pull an example out of your out of your brain at random?
32:22.400 --> 32:23.400
Is that a?
32:23.400 --> 32:26.280
Yeah, it's a it's a very good question.
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Not the null hypothesis and statistics is kind of the straw man of statistics.
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And everybody knows the straw man is a sort of informal fallacy.
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It's it's set up to be able to knock down and knock down easily.
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Normally, what happens is you set up an ad hoc model, something like a regression, very common
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thing, and you relate some X to some Y, some, some measure to some observable thing that
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you're interested in.
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The null hypothesis is that whatever your X is has nothing to do with this Y.
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And you encapsulate that into a probability model, a parameterized probability model,
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and you set the value of that parameter at some level, typically zero, you say, if this
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parameter exactly equals zero precisely exactly equals zero, why that's my null hypothesis.
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And then you calculate all kinds of numbers, namely, like a P value, a bit of arcane magic
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that if it's small enough, you can go waving your we P value in front of people saying,
33:30.560 --> 33:37.640
look how small my P value is, I have disproved my null hypothesis and therefore the opposite
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of the contrary of the null hypothesis must be true.
33:40.880 --> 33:47.920
If we've said this parameter is exactly precisely equal to zero, and the parameter is a very
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sort of measure of strength, therefore it's not zero, the null hypothesis has been shown
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to be false, and so not zero, therefore it must be important, this X must be important
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in describing this Y. Of course, it's not true. For one thing, you've never disproved
34:09.160 --> 34:13.280
the null hypothesis, you've just made an active will, you said, you know what, I'm going
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to decide that this null hypothesis is not significant, and what does significant mean?
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Significant means the P value is small. And what does the P value being small mean? Well,
34:23.640 --> 34:30.040
it means significant. It's a circular definition. It's just an active will to say, I think this
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correlation is causation. And that's it. I think this correlation that I have found
34:36.760 --> 34:42.480
is causation. And you have some mathematical apparatus that helps you in this ritual. One
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of the guys who was at the thing last week, Greg Gigarenzer, it's his phrase, the ritual
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of statistics or ritualized statistics or something. Just following these things to sort of bless
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your results, you run these typical procedures over them, and if things work out, well then
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you claim that you have found something. So null hypotheses, we can eliminate them entirely.
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We don't need them in science at all. We can instead form our models in this predictive
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sense. If you say that X, knowing what X is, tells you something about Y. So one of my
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favorite examples is, I've used this example many times, attendance at a Fourth of July
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parade when you're young. That's our X. The attendance at a Fourth of July parade when
35:37.040 --> 35:41.960
you're young, predicts whether or not you're going to turn out to be a Republican. That's
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our why. You're frozen again, just hold on one second. Darn it. He's got to fix that
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camera. At least he stopped at a place where I can accurately characterize where he needs
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hypothesis is catching up again, your camera parade attendance has. Yeah, sorry, your camera
36:04.320 --> 36:08.280
just caught you off. So I don't know what the deal is. It's a it's okay. You're at
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perfect. It's right at the part where you said, okay, parade attendance predicts whether
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or not you're going to be a Republican and then it stopped. So all right. So the null
36:17.800 --> 36:21.680
hypothesis is parade attendance has nothing to do with it. Whether you're going to be
36:21.680 --> 36:27.080
a Republican or Democrat or something like this. So you form this model, you put it
36:27.080 --> 36:31.520
in a regression, you get a VP value, which is what these researchers from Harvard did.
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And they said, yes, attendance at a Fourth of July parade, when you're young, predicts
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whether or not you're going to be a Republican. And that's the that was what the headlines
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read. So, you know, these young patriotic little kids you're imagining are being radical
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on ice into into being far right extremist leg waivers by attending Fourth of July parade,
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but they cheated. They didn't use for the July parade attendance. What they did was
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they looked at people's residents when they were young, the address that they thought
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they lived at when they were young. And then they went back into the meteorological records
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and looked whether or not it rained on the Fourth of July. And if there was any precipitation
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on the Fourth of July, they said there was no parade. And the child could not have gone.
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And if it did not rain, if it was any kind of cloudy or clear day, they said, well, there
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must have been a Fourth of July parade and there must have been the kid attending it.
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That's the level of science. It's absolutely absurd because I always use this joke, but
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in San Francisco, of course, it never rains on the Fourth of July, almost never. And so
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the city should be teeming with Republicans because they would all go to these parades
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and so forth. But because we have this null hypothesis that's so easy to swap down. I
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mean, if you're not getting, if you're not rejecting your null hypothesis, you're not
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trying hard enough. It's always possible to do just just requires a little bit of ingenuity
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and you could do it. That's why we have so much bad science.
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Yeah, wow, that's a really good example because there you're really actually testing for
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even raining on Fourth of July. It's not even the parade, right? So that's one thing. But
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I really feel like that's a very good analogy for how far we are from actual understanding
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of what happened during the pandemic. They want you to believe it's as simple as some
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RNA molecules filled in a puddle and Wuhan. And now it's everywhere. But there's so much
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involved in that it's a massive pile of assumptions in the end. And I think it's useful to think
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of that as a model of reality that makes predictions. If you say that that's the way the pandemic
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worked, then that makes all kinds of predictions about how future RNA should transmit around
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the world and how these future signals could be found. And I think those that's where this
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whole thing would really fall apart like a like it should. I mean, because again, if
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you challenge them to make predictions, they can't. And that's I feel another side of the
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coin with regard to models being fitted to data versus, you know, making a model and
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then going out and seeking validation of it. I don't know. Absolutely. I don't know where
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I was going with that question, but no, no, it's absolutely right. You're absolutely right.
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If you can't make observe predictions of observables, it's the whole point is these
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observables are the things that are supposed to matter to us. And if you can't make, you
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can't make skillful predictions, it's a technical term, skillful predictions of these things,
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then you have no business feisting it off onto the public and making us follow the science
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is just, it's absurd, it's absurd.
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Well, that's the reason why I think it's important for people to understand then that if if done
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well, and even with malevolence, for example, if they want to create the illusion of pandemic
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potential using academic biology, they can do it. And they can even put p values behind
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it. And they can get peer review behind it. And so this whole system, right, has been
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distorted into, they call it knowledge, but it's not knowledge, it's not generating knowledge.
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And I really feel that big picture is something that a lot of people can get a grasp on. And
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if they do, it might put them in a place of healthy skepticism that gives them also a
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short, rather a small toolbox. You know, if you approach these problems as okay, what
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is the model that they are presenting to me and try to understand the cartoon version
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of reality that they are foisting upon you with the story that they tell and then evaluate
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whether or not that model makes any predictions that have value. I don't think that's hard
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for well, it could be hard for some people, but I think there are a lot of people who
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are capable of doing it.
41:07.520 --> 41:13.800
Couldn't be. It shouldn't be difficult. I mean, the best science we have, all science
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uses models. It's not using models. That's the problem that we should emphasize. You
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have to have a model, because you can't encompass all of reality all at once. You have to have
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a slice of it. You have to have some abstraction and some kind of model that that's not wrong.
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But the model should at least have proved itself. And fitting past data is nothing.
41:38.080 --> 41:44.800
It's absolutely zero. It's necessary, but it's far from sufficient, because any set
41:44.800 --> 41:51.600
of past data that you give me and any field, I can fit not just one, but any number of
41:51.600 --> 41:59.720
models to it and to any arbitrary precision. I can fit them perfectly. I can always find
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at least one model that will fit that past data perfectly. And this is a trivial, absolutely
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trivial mathematical exercise. So that we have sophisticated models done on a computer
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and they're done by experts and the model has been peer reviewed by people who also
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create their own models means nothing. It's absolutely nothing. It adds nothing to it.
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Like you say, it's not generating knowledge. It's generating noise. It's only when these
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models are verified and we're found. And again, it has to be by disinterested people.
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It can't be the same people who create the model and then make predictions to say, yeah,
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trust us. Everything's fine. No, no, we should know enough about now how the world works
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that we cannot have people who have an extreme interest in their own project, be that their
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own judge. There's legal maximums that guide this kind of a stuff. We need those same
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maximums to guide science. That was one of the useful discussions. I think we had two over
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the last week. Right. Right. I think a concrete example for people that are listening or watching
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for what Matt just said would be a mechanical model of the solar system. And you could crank
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it backwards and you can see that, Oh, wow, last month, it's okay. And the month before that,
43:16.840 --> 43:21.800
it's okay. And wow, it works for that eclipse from two months ago. But then you crank it
43:21.880 --> 43:28.040
forward and you go to tomorrow and the moon is backwards. And then you go a week a farther than
43:28.040 --> 43:32.680
that. And it's like the earth turns upside down. Then something inside of that box is not working
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correctly. Because even though when you crank it backwards, it seems to recapitulate the past
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astronomical data, when you crank it forward, if it doesn't make a prediction that happens in
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the future, then those gears are not working. And I think if you if you apply that to some of
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these biological models, or these nutritional models, or these, you know, a lot of this pandemic
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models, you get to the point where when you crank that thing forward, it's useless. It's
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absolutely useless. That's precisely it. And it's even worse than the picture than you're painting.
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Because think about this, think about that model we have now, we do have a model of the solar
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system, like a Copernican type model, we do crank it forward. And we do see that it does work rather
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well. However, there was an older model, a tolemaic model that had all these epicycles of things
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spinning this way and that way. That model also predicted very well. It predicted beautifully.
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So even if this is why it's a bare minimum to get the model to make good predictions,
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that's the first entry. After that, it still doesn't mean that you have proved you found a real
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cause of something. I love that. Oh, I love that you have a lot more to do.
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I love that you said that. Wow, that's really spectacular. I love that you said that. And that's
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really where where the grinding of science happens when there are two models that work pretty well.
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And now you need to come up with experiments that's able to dissect their their predictive
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value like that. That I imagined as a kid was what what all scientists were doing was at the
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me too, the cutting edge of knowledge deciding between the two best models
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with a clever experiment that got them a lab like obviously, isn't that what they're all doing?
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I don't know. Sometimes we can't always do experiments, you know, like in cosmology and so
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forth, or they're very limited. But yeah, that's it. That's it. We have to find, like I'm always
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saying, you we have to, this brings us back to broken science. One of the things that's broken
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about science is is the metaphysics. In order to do physics, you have to first have a metaphysics.
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So we need to understand the limits of the metaphysics that we currently use and of
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possible replacements and the superiority of replacements and so forth. But that's a whole
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other discussion. That's that's why it's very difficult to explain these kinds of things because
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we have to first get past the point where we recognize we've had a broken model and then we
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have to get to the point where we realize that models are not being used in a predictive sense.
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And then we have to realize that we have to have a firm understanding of what it means to cause
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and what what does cause something mean and all that kind of thing. So we really have to we really
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have to fix the foundations of science. And that's that's kind of what this broken science
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things about. I heard you leading a disc or having a discussion randomly between sessions.
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And it had to do a little bit with this, the idea that the table doesn't exist because actually
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it's mostly space. And then if we go farther and farther and farther, all of a sudden there's
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no causes at all or something like this. And that's really kind of where in a sort of,
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I'm terrible at these kinds of discussions, but that's sort of where where Sam Harris is with
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regard to, you know, free will and everything else is just we're all particles moving, right?
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And if we just had enough data, we would be able to predict the future and everything.
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Of course, I think that's false. And that he does. He's the kind of guy that there's not the
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table's not really there because it's mostly mostly empty space. And my metaphysics says the
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table's here. It's real. And in fact, the particles don't exist in it anymore. They only exist virtually
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in potentia. They're now part of the thing that is the table. There's no separation of
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particles and atoms anymore that makes the table. It just is a table, just as common sense
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shows it to you. And of course, about free will, I always make the joke. It's a standard joke,
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but it's true that you read these guys papers who try to prove to you that free will doesn't
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exist. And every one of these papers, they always say, if only people understood they couldn't make
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choices, they would make better choices. They always want to save the world by telling us that
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we really can't make choices. That's absurd. It's absurd. Here, what are they doing? They're
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using their free will to write it. That contradiction, when you call them on it, they'll just say,
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Oh, no, no, it doesn't work. It's an illusion. Okay. Fine. It's an illusion. Who is having the
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illusion? Right. Wow. Yeah. Who is having the illusion? It's a bluff. It's always a fluff. There's
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a lot of bluffs in science. And that's one of them. Yeah, that's wonderful way to put it. That's
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great. I'm I'm just sort of humbled by the fact that the first couple of these meetings were so
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overwhelming to me that the big picture of how to use this is a way to bring people to the light
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of things. It really felt like this was the first time where Greg nailed it, where other people nailed
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it and where I was comfortable enough in my seat to absorb it. And so I'm very, very excited about
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being able to to apply these ideas as you do now to biological papers and to like think about
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what I'm really calling out as far as what's broken with how they're doing it. And the other
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thing that was missing from my descriptions was understanding that there were lots of people
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who've thought about this, right? It's not some kind of secret. I mean, people have written books
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like you, but before you as well that that that part of the reason why we're here is because people
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like Popper wrote stuff. And yeah, and so it is important. I was pretty naive to all of that,
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that literature. And so it's been a big eye opening experience for me to realize that in the
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best. Well, that's just it. You could go through as a scientist. I did. I went through the whole
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thing. Cornell, I got my master's and atmospheric, you know, PhD, whatever. Many, many people,
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you never once have to be confronted by any of these philosophical matters. Never.
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Never. You can go through and finish. You don't, at the end, you're going to ask, what is science?
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Well, science is what I do. Yeah, right. You know, that's an answer, but it's not, it's not a very
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good answer. But that's what most people's answer is. And if they've absorbed anything,
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they've absorbed this idea of the Popperian, you know, falsifiability, and you now see the limits of
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that. But most scientists don't because they sort of dismiss a lot of philosophers.
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Well, I think they should dismiss a lot of them. There's a lot of these academic philosophers,
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you know, kind of postmodernistic kind of nonsense that they preach. It doesn't seem to have any
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bearing on what a scientist does. And they're right, it doesn't. But there's, there's, you still
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can't operate and be a scientist without some philosophy. You might not recognize that it's a
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philosophy, but you have one. You absolutely must have a philosophy in order to apply
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the skills that you've learned to, to build your models, to understand your models,
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to know what a model is, make predictions, all these kinds of things.
51:04.120 --> 51:10.840
I mean, I'll give you an example of how, I mean, how bad I'm going to burn myself here, but I
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think it's an important example. I think you'll be able to see this. So if you, if you had a
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neuron and a slice of brain where I used to work, and it would be surrounded by other neurons,
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of course. And in that slice, there would also be axons, which were coming in from other brain
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regions that were cut off, but were still transmitting neurotransmitter to the neuron
51:36.440 --> 51:41.560
that you're going to record from. And so one of the measurements that you would get from this
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recording would be these spontaneous events, which would look like this. And they're basically
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signals that are coming from these synapses, which have been cut, but are still active.
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And you can see the synaptic events in real time as this neuron receives them. Now, interestingly,
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one of the main, not one of the main, one of the ways that you create this, this scenario where
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you can write a paper about it would be to apply a drug here. And if the baseline amount of this
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signal were to change, then you would say that somehow or another, that drug is interacting with
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with these, the receptors or the proteins on these and changing the release probability
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of the glutamate there. And so then you start to understand how the drug works or doesn't work.
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Now, of course, this assumption would be backed up by pharmacological blocking here and all kinds
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of other things like that. But my point is more abstract in the sense of if you imagine how complex
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the brain is, it's pretty easy to get here and have a significant result when you pharmacologically
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alter the circuit. Now, the reason why I'm saying this is because I feel as though we're at the
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verge of being able to explain to people how it is. And with where I wasn't, I'm going to stop
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talking very soon. When I was in grad school, no one ever used the word straw man to describe
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the null hypothesis. And that was partly because it was kind of a sacred ritual. You would never
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be so, be so, how would you say coy or, or, or sorry, it's almost like sarcastic and not,
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it's not the right word. But you're being so honest, if you said that, that it was a straw man, and
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but it would be so useful from the perspective of teaching a graduate student exactly what this
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game is. Quite frankly, I feel as though knowing what I know now in broken science, I could go
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back to academia and be much more successful, because I understand what the formula is asking
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for. And it's not clouded by this ideal of what I imagine I'm doing. Can you can you relate to that
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illusion that I created for myself? That's absolutely it. That's that's that's how people
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that you described how a lot of people wake up from the rituals that they're practicing and
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understanding that this this method just doesn't give what they they wanted to give. I mean,
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you're trying to what you're trying to do there, you're trying to fundamentally fundamentally
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understand the causes at play. And that's exactly the right way to do it. That's absolutely the
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right way to do it. But it's brutal hard work, right? I mean, there's all kind of you realize
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after you set up a little simple experiment that you just drew right there. And and you saw the
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signals and suddenly you realize or you have other evidence that comes in later, you know,
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there's other things that could account for that change in signal to. And you have to keep
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eliminating them one by one by one. And it takes a very long time. It's very difficult to do the
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very best. Brutal brutal brutal hard work. Absolutely. That's what science is really like.
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But we've tried to make it too easy and it is now far too easy just apply this formula. And if it
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pops out this number pops out, well, then you you you prove what you want to do it. It's very sweet
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the way you say it because actually I I felt when I was stepping out of neuroscience or when I was
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my career was waning before I got let go. It was because I was still having to put in
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hundreds of hours to get my data set. I couldn't just roll someone into an fMRI machine and then
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go back to my computer for a couple weeks and then publish a paper. I had to find something that
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was in effect and then do some other experiments that showed that the effect wasn't from something
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else. And that was the pharmacological blocking and this kind of thing. And so I did feel
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a little bit like I was part of a small group of people that was still and I'm not trying to
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to my own horn. I'm trying to say how I felt it didn't fit in. I didn't have this
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five papers a year machine going. I couldn't figure I couldn't see it. I didn't I didn't
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have an answer to that problem, which was, you know, you're going to need eight papers in the next
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three years or you're not going to make it. And it's like what if you tell me that I could say
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immediately in that meeting, well, then I'm not going to make it because what I do doesn't work
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like that. And so do I need more students? Do I don't know what the answer was? But I was already
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finding that wheel unable to grind. I just couldn't do it anymore.
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Oh, yeah. For everybody who hasn't been exposed to academia, it's toxic in that way.
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It really is publisher parish. It's terrible. It's terrible. That accounts for the flood of bad
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papers. I mean, they're pushing out a lot of nonsense just because they have to keep their
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positions or to bring in grants to pay for themselves and their lab or and most importantly to to provide
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kickback to the deans in the form of overhead. That's you could write one paper a year or even
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none if you're bringing in good overhead. If you're bringing in that, which is, you know,
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it was at Cornell at one point, I think it was up to like 60%, 59 and a half percent overhead.
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I mean, so you get the grant grants a million dollars and then they tack on another $590,000
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overhead, and that just goes to the college, which becomes part of the slush funds for the
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deans. Yeah, absolutely. When my grant application or my grant, R01, for example, if I had
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when my supervisor got an R01, he paid 155% of my salary to the university. So 55% of my salary
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was rent. And he did that for every student and himself. So that's quite a, that's quite a load of
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money. If you think there are 130 faculty members just in that department that are all
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working under the same model and all those grad students walking around are all paying rent
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to the tune of thousands of dollars a year. I mean, it's extraordinary amount of money. That's why
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they can pay deans millions of dollars a year. They pay deans as much as they pay basketball
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coaches these days. Yep. It's extraordinary. So how about this? How about this? What have we got
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a bunch of weaponized money and started funding science that was, you know, we do have that in
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the way though, private companies that are not tied up with the government that are not tied up
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with the government that that proviso is the strongest one I could possibly make. You can say
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it's what I have an interest with the government and it becomes political. Well, that's just the
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same as being the government. That's where things can be done. So it's exactly that. It's private
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money in a patronage-like system trying to discover things for the sake of discovering them.
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They could be towards the desire of having a useful product or something. There's nothing
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per se wrong with that. It's only when it becomes, you know, as we saw with COVID, when it becomes,
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you know, a very political thing that the whole thing becomes somewhat difficult. And it becomes
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no different than regular academia. And you know as well as I do that same people go in and out of
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these corporations into the government that judges the granting agencies and all this kind of stuff.
59:23.320 --> 59:32.120
It's the same set of people. Yeah. It's a very difficult problem to get your head around. I
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think one of the things that I liked that I heard somebody say at the meeting, which I also think
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is something that can get people's wheels turning if they haven't thought about this before, is that
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all the real good sciences top secret, all the, I don't know to what extent that's really true
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or if it's just funny, but I do think that they're that identifying places like, you know, meteorology,
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like actuarial science, where models are required to verify, we can find examples where, you know,
01:00:04.920 --> 01:00:10.680
we can we can push science in that direction over time. We can teach, you know, if we can break
01:00:10.680 --> 01:00:15.640
into a university and teach and teach this to undergraduates, that would be great. We probably
01:00:15.640 --> 01:00:23.960
ruin their graduate experience, but I don't know. I'm still trying to do it. We can do it. The tools
01:00:23.960 --> 01:00:29.960
are there. Like I say, the tools, the tools we have, it's not it's not unknown. I mean, there's all
01:00:29.960 --> 01:00:35.560
kinds of investigations that can go on to improve these tools and so forth, but the basic set
01:00:36.440 --> 01:00:43.080
are there waiting for us to be used. Can I ask you a personal question now? Hey, can I ask you
01:00:43.080 --> 01:00:48.920
a personal question? What what do you do for, for, you know, to make ends meet? Are you teaching
01:00:48.920 --> 01:00:54.440
anywhere? Do you do you have online course or I mean, why not do it online? I should do an online
01:00:54.520 --> 01:01:01.240
course. No, I I basically have private clients. Okay. Would you want would you want enough?
01:01:01.800 --> 01:01:06.840
Would you want any help with an online course? Like I could be your technical guy or or I could
01:01:06.840 --> 01:01:11.800
I do need to figure out. I do need to do it. I keep swearing. I'm going to, but video is not
01:01:11.800 --> 01:01:18.040
I'm very naive about video. Oh, but you could, for example, you could record it in your own home.
01:01:18.040 --> 01:01:23.160
I have I have a chalkboard. Right. But then you then you send me the video and I edit it for you and
01:01:23.160 --> 01:01:28.680
add subtitles and all that stuff. I can do all that. I would be happy to do it. And we'll chat
01:01:28.680 --> 01:01:33.960
about that. Okay. I would think this would be really a good idea. And also, I would obviously
01:01:33.960 --> 01:01:39.160
learn from it a lot too. I think that's where we need to go. I think we need people like you
01:01:40.360 --> 01:01:45.320
taking over this thing. You know, I mean, if you could it, well, how awesome would it be if you
01:01:45.320 --> 01:01:52.200
meet somebody randomly? Oh, yeah, I took Matt Briggs's course last year. Bang. It should be a it should
01:01:52.200 --> 01:01:57.080
be something that people put on their website or people put on their social media. It I think
01:01:57.080 --> 01:02:02.600
you're a guy who, you know, you have the kind of charisma that can do it. You're you're a good
01:02:02.600 --> 01:02:07.640
speaker. And you and you've got all of the work done already in your books. You've already thought
01:02:07.640 --> 01:02:12.440
about this and develop these ideas. And so there's nothing I would have colored chalk. Well, there
01:02:12.440 --> 01:02:17.960
you go. I mean, is it the fancy stuff from Japan or is it just good? No, that's the one I got that
01:02:17.960 --> 01:02:24.600
got the one to this Korean. Yeah, yeah, that's good too. Yeah, no dust.
01:02:27.480 --> 01:02:31.080
That's fabulous. Oh my gosh, that's great. I love writing. That's awesome.
01:02:32.520 --> 01:02:36.920
If we are at like 59 minutes and I don't know what we said for time, but it feels like a very
01:02:36.920 --> 01:02:41.560
good time to wrap up and you just promised to come back because I'll have you on with more material
01:02:41.560 --> 01:02:46.440
and more more questions next time we can go into something specific that I get out of James as I
01:02:46.440 --> 01:02:52.600
read it. Oh, absolutely. Okay, cool. So I'm going to put this link up one more time.
01:02:52.600 --> 01:02:57.000
This is where you can find, unfortunately, it's an Amazon link, but that's the easiest for me.
01:02:57.000 --> 01:03:01.800
You can see his full name William M Briggs. You can see the books that he's got available.
01:03:01.800 --> 01:03:06.440
I would recommend the yellow one and everything you believe is not wrong, although he has contributed
01:03:06.440 --> 01:03:13.480
to this price of panic, which is specifically about the COVID COVID thing. And you can also find
01:03:13.480 --> 01:03:18.120
him at I think William M Briggs dot sub stack, something like that is at William Briggs.
01:03:18.120 --> 01:03:26.440
W M W M Briggs at sub stack. So thank you very much, Matt, for joining me.
01:03:26.440 --> 01:03:32.280
Can you remind me again? Well, maybe I'll do that offline. But I wanted to say hello to your wife
01:03:32.280 --> 01:03:37.560
as well. And for whatever reason, my mind is blanking on a name. So please give her a hug and say hello
01:03:37.560 --> 01:03:43.000
for me. And we will we will have you on within a month. I guarantee it unless you really object
01:03:43.640 --> 01:03:47.720
anytime. Cool. Very good. Very good. Thank you, Matt, for joining me. And I will talk to you again soon.
01:03:51.720 --> 01:03:57.080
Bao, Zawi. Okay, that went well. Thank you very much, guys, for joining me. I'm going to put this
01:03:57.080 --> 01:04:02.600
little slide back up again. This is, of course, the broken science meeting that happened a couple
01:04:02.600 --> 01:04:07.400
weeks ago. I hope Matt wasn't surprised that I let him go there so quick. I'll call him back on
01:04:07.400 --> 01:04:16.360
the phone. We are a group of people loosely organized around two people named Emily Kaplan
01:04:16.360 --> 01:04:22.520
and Greg Glassman. Greg Glassman is the originator, the creator of CrossFit, a very smart guy who
01:04:22.520 --> 01:04:28.440
actually had a very smart Papa named Jeff Glassman who worked for Hughes Aviation. And it was his
01:04:28.440 --> 01:04:33.720
upbringing with his very intelligent dad that has brought him all the way to understanding this
01:04:33.720 --> 01:04:40.520
stuff because CrossFit ran into legal problems with fake science. Basically, science, fake science
01:04:40.520 --> 01:04:45.960
was published to try and say that CrossFit enters people. And over the course of investigating this,
01:04:45.960 --> 01:04:50.600
he found out that his dad's been right about science his whole life. And it has put him on this
01:04:50.600 --> 01:04:57.960
crusade to try and, you know, leave a legacy for his children and for our children of his dad and
01:04:58.920 --> 01:05:06.760
these philosophers like Stove, these thinkers like Stove, and also our contemporaries like Matt
01:05:06.760 --> 01:05:13.560
Briggs. And so I really think this is one of the most worthwhile sort of initiatives and I'm so
01:05:14.120 --> 01:05:19.560
humbled to be considered a small part of it. So thank you, Emily. Thank you, Greg. And thank
01:05:19.560 --> 01:05:25.720
you, Matt, for coming on the show. And I think we're going to have a lot of interesting conversations
01:05:25.800 --> 01:05:30.120
as we go forward. At some point in time, of course, we're going to have Greg on the show. But I don't
01:05:30.120 --> 01:05:34.920
want to, I don't want to play that card too early because I don't, number one, I'm no, he's a busy
01:05:34.920 --> 01:05:39.560
guy. And so that'll be hard to organize. But number two, I want to have all of my ducks in a row and
01:05:39.560 --> 01:05:44.360
already have been paid back a little bit to him, the stuff that I've learned through a series of
01:05:44.360 --> 01:05:49.240
streams that this is the first one of. So thank you very much, guys, for joining me. This has been
01:05:49.240 --> 01:05:55.320
Giga Ohm Biological, a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
01:05:55.320 --> 01:06:02.840
19th of March, 2024. The afternoon shows are going to be a street because I really like this time frame.
01:06:05.080 --> 01:06:11.400
Thanks for joining me, guys. 73 people in the chat. Very understandable conversation. I hope
01:06:13.000 --> 01:06:17.240
good to see you, Pamela. Thanks for the link in the chat. She's always good for that.
01:06:17.240 --> 01:06:22.680
Can I see Janet Reno in the audience? Awesome. I didn't see you there earlier. I'm sorry, Janet.
01:06:22.680 --> 01:06:30.360
Janet's one of my favorite anonymous viewers because obviously it's not Janet Reno. It might be,
01:06:30.360 --> 01:06:39.000
it might be Ford. Some reason I think it might be Ford or something like that anyway. Thanks very
01:06:39.000 --> 01:06:47.080
much for joining me, guys.
01:07:17.240 --> 01:07:23.240
Thanks for joining me, and I'll see you in the next video.