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3 months ago
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Test 1, 2.
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Testing 1, 2.
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Testing 1, 2.
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Now, Dr. Gallo and Dr. Fauci talked a lot about isolation and purification.
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Can you tell me what the difference is between the two?
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What was that?
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Isolation and purification.
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Of the virus?
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Well, you isolate a virus by finding the virus which causes a disease.
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You purify a virus by making a lot of, I mean, just by purifying it so you get a pure virus.
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I don't understand what the issue is.
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Well, they interchanged the two and I wasn't sure if it was the same thing or if it was two totally different.
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No, it depends on how they used it.
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Can you explain the process of HIV isolation?
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Well, didn't Dr. Gallo do that?
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I mean, he actually isolated it, so... I mean, why should I do all of this?
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This is all textbook stuff you're asking me.
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It doesn't matter much at all what you believe about vaccines until we invent really important ones.
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You know, until we have a pandemic that's killing everyone, you know, and, you know, it's not, it's, you know, measles plus, you know, okay, I can tolerate what you think about measles because, you know, not that many people die from it.
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It's just a big hassle in the end, but no, when we have this new pandemic that is, you know, got 75%
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There'll be no pretense of being polite in the face of these beliefs.
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It'll be a moral emergency, because it has to be.
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It's literally turning into worst case scenario.
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It's literally turning into worst case scenario.
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It's literally turning into worst case scenario.
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It's literally turning into worst case scenario.
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Jonathan, who's going to talk about his latest distillation of what the pandemic means to society, to biology, to science, and to democracy, and to the whole kind of idea of empiricism and integrity.
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And then each of us, this incredible preeminent panel that we have, each one of you is going to get a chance to comment
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I think truth is good for kids.
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We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in society.
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We want everybody to feel good.
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That's not, that's not the way life is.
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I think, but you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people.
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And I have lied.
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I'm sure I'll lie again.
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I don't want to lie.
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You know, I don't think I'm a liar.
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I try not to be a liar.
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I don't want to be a liar.
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I think it's like really important not to be a liar.
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I don't care how you get there.
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I don't care what you do to get there.
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The goal is to win.
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Gotta find the right slider here.
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I got this old soundboard I'm using and Channel 1 and 2 just decided to start buzzing this morning.
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Good evening, good morning, good afternoon wherever you are on this great planet of ours.
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It's 1150 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and I'm coming to you live from the back of my garage.
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It's not too cold today so
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I can be dressed normally and the heat doesn't need to be on.
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Thank you very much for joining me.
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I apologize for missing yesterday.
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I'm now one stream behind this week, but I assure you I'm doing my best to keep up with all of this stuff.
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There's a lot of things going on behind the scenes that make it possible for me to scrape a little bit up here and a little bit up there.
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And right now,
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The way that this whole system works here is there's a lot of can shaking on the internet and then there's a lot of scrambling behind the scenes to make sure that we're
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You know, not missing any opportunity to sort of earn a little money here or earn a little money there.
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And so that's what you see happening here.
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I apologize for making promises that I apparently can't keep with regard to schedules.
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But I hope at some point, you know, this will become the primary or only focus of my daily life.
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But right now, just keeping the whole ship afloat right now is getting pretty struggly.
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So that being said, I did have time yesterday to get to the gym with my son and shot a JC on the hardwood.
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And so I'm going to edit that tonight.
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Depending on how much time I have, I have an early practice tonight.
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So I should have some evening time for that.
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We are here again with another one of these Way Back Wednesday study halls.
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And the idea is to try and paint a picture of where we are and why it is a bit absurd that we haven't gotten here already a long time ago.
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And I think if there were any big messages that we were going to try and put out on Wednesdays, it would be that we want to look backwards into recent history so that we can see how much ideological ground we have covered and how much ideological ground we haven't covered, how much we've been led to believe we've covered.
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And I think only with careful reiteration of what did those people say back then?
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What were those people doing back then?
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Because it's very easy for our family and friends to say, are you going to keep bringing that up again?
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How can you keep talking about this?
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But there are people who spend their whole lives doing PhDs in history on deep history.
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And nobody is worried about recent history.
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And I think that's what makes someone like Mark Kulak of Housatonic ITS, Housatonic Live, so interesting and so nice to follow because he is someone who's interested in recent history, history that can still be verified or attempted to follow up or corroborated.
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And all of these things are very difficult to do if you're looking at early Syrian history, you know, 400 AD or something like this.
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And so that's really where I think the rubber meets the road right now.
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People like Joe Marshall, people like
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Grace's dad, Scott Shara, people that are working on recent history, the recent crimes, the recent cataloging of and archiving of the recent history in terms of legal cases, in terms of legal concepts, in terms of the way legal concepts and legal language have slowly changed over the last decade, specifically
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I think to work in harmony and in chorus with these other operations that are being done by the people that govern us, to get our children to accept the idea that sovereign individual doesn't really mean something very glorious and specific.
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It doesn't mean something very reverent and sacred, but instead it means something that's selfish and foolish and short-sighted.
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And it is this very nature of the divinity of the individual, the responsibilities of an individual, the capabilities of an individual, the potentials of an individual are what being taken away from our children by the schools, by the narratives, by the social media.
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And so I am very, very excited to be at the stage where I think we can play excited music.
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I'm sorry, I'm checking my email at the same time as I'm still talking.
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I just wanted to be sure that wasn't an important one.
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I'm very excited because I really think we have hope.
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We have hope in the sense of there is a potential to create the momentum in a useful direction in terms of understanding our health and our biology, changing the way that young people understand their biology, and rather than
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what the intention of our rulers is, or the powers that be, I believe, have the intention of ushering our children into a future where their dependence on machines and their dependence on programs and dependence on software, their dependence on the system provided to them by the state,
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for safety and for communication and for free speech is the intention.
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And we need to steer our children to an understanding of their biology that leads them to the natural conclusion that they are sovereign individuals.
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They are divine incarnations of the truth.
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And they have a responsibility to their creator to do the best with what they've been given.
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not to surrender what they've been given to the will of the state or the will of technocrats or this idea that we as a species have also a responsibility.
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No, first and foremost, our responsibility is to our creator and to our family, to our local communities, to the people that we love.
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This really needs to be the underlying message of this show whenever possible, because we don't have much time to portray the truth correctly to our children so that they don't dismiss it, so that they don't buy what's on social media.
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We have to show them that the truth is in the family, the truth is in the Creator, the truth is in Mother Nature, the truth is in
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Whatever incarnation gets you to the stage where you have a respect, a reverence for the sacred, irreducible complexity of a newborn child.
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And that for as long as possible, children grow up thinking of themselves as an irreducible complexity, perfect when born.
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Maybe only fearful of death.
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And only in the most abstract way.
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because all around them they are constantly being shown the beauty that they are a part of, maybe even a caretaker of, but not the owner of, or the commander of, or the master of.
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And that's the difference.
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We've got to teach our children humility.
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And if there's anything parallel with this in basketball, oh my goodness, just look on the basketball court with young kids.
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talk to young refs and old refs on the on the sidelines of today's youth basketball and if you can find a ref with any experience at all they will all universally agree oh my goodness it's gotten so bad there is no respect for adults anymore from these children and it is a horrible place that we are entering as these children become young adults absolutely
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Precarious is the only word that I can describe it.
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And therefore, we really need to assume positions of responsibility.
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We need to assume positions of authority.
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And we need to start speaking up that some of these places that we have been brought to are absolutely ridiculous.
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And there is a very succinct description and a very succinct argument to be made against them.
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And so a lot of it has to do with this slide right here, that healthy people don't get sick.
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And that there is a lot to be said for clean water and clean food and clean environment.
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We can all agree on this, but we cannot let this be the thing that we finally get the government to recognize in 2025 with Trump
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That cannot be the conclusion that we come to as that's the best America can do because we could have been at this list.
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And in fact, we were at this list long before the pandemic started.
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But there were other agendas at hand.
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There were other weaponized piles of money influencing the opinion on the media.
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And so this wasn't the prevailing
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narrative, but you could find doctors all the way back to the 90s and the 80s that would say the same thing.
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And you can find doctors in the 90s and the 80s and the 2000s that were completely anti-vaccine, didn't vaccinate their children in their practice.
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The truth has always been out there, ladies and gentlemen.
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That's the sad part.
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That's the part that is at the same time very hopeful.
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because don't misunderstand, I only figured this out in 2023.
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I only really understood the vaccine thing in 2022.
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And before that I was all in, naively.
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So, you know, I understand exactly where people are because I was just there a couple of years ago.
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I understand exactly where these academic biologists, because I was there, I wanted it, I wanted it bad.
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And I can remember getting in many arguments over after a few bottles of wine at conferences or at conferences and dinners about how evolution and whatever worked, discussions, sure of myself.
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And this is what happens when you engage in this level of lifelong mystery solving.
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working under the wrong pretenses.
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And I worked for my entire adult life, mystery solving under the wrong pretenses.
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The pretenses being that this Human Genome Project was a real thing that solved a real puzzle, and that I was engaging in studying the brain using those tools provided to me by the Human Genome Project.
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And any
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Any way that I could incorporate a genetic component into my research would probably benefit my future success greatly.
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Any way that I could incorporate a genetically modified mouse model into my research, the more likely it was that I would succeed in the future.
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And I understood this all.
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I understood the game that they were playing.
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I understood what I was trying to do.
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I wasn't very good at it because there are a lot of contradictions if you play this game.
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And so trying to find a way to avoid obvious contradictions or obvious non-starters is quite difficult.
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But you got to play the game within the grant proposal.
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You got to play the game within the grant proposal.
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So no one's ever going to say something as profound as this that's present on social media with any following at all.
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Even though there are supposedly people out there for a very long time who have been interested in dispelling the illusion of vaccines,
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I can't find anybody who ever got to the stage before the pandemic where they were saying intramuscular injection is just dumb.
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And if you just think about what intramuscular injection is and what it is intended to provide and the purported physical mechanism by which it provides it, it's just absurd.
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It's obnoxious if you think about it too long.
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And yet all of these people from the worst, people engaged in long-term grifts, like I think Meryl Nass and Mary Holland and a few others have been engaged in.
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Now, not to say that some of these people don't have damaged kids.
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They may very well have damaged kids.
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But if you think about it, if the powers that be
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that know that these myths are myths, that know that these myths have been myths since the Human Genome Project, since AIDS, and know that the vaccine schedule is a myth, well then the way that they're gonna overcome that myth is recruit a few actual victims with an actual claim, take very good care of them, give them an opportunity for fortune and fame, and taking care of their kid.
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and then give them a limited spectrum of debate to promote.
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You know, like it is a specific component of the MMR vaccine that I think hurt my child.
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I'm not against vaccines.
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I just want them tested.
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I want the components tested, says Mary Holland in 2015 on the same program as Paul Offit and the same program as Rand Paul and the same program as a lawyer who says anti-vax is crazy.
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And since 2015, we've been running in this same hamster wheel where everyone from as diverse as Mary Holland, to Merrill Nass, to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to Brian Hooker, to Susan Humphreys, and all these people, you know, James Lyons Weiler.
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I mean, the list is endless.
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No one's ever been able to, not one MD has ever been able to get to the stage where they could say, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
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Now that I think about it, intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin.
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The single worst way to know exactly what's happening when we inject somebody with something.
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And that's probably the single worst way to deliver something on what is supposed to be a time spread out release or something like that.
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You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that.
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You just don't.
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But somehow or another, we have been raised by parents who believed the same nonsense.
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And so since we've accepted it since we were a little kid and we've never heard anyone question it, we still think, yeah, it sounds good.
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But I think there's a possibility that in the decades to come, there will be a whole society of humans that will look back in horror
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to think that there were a couple generations of humans that used intramuscular injection as a way of administering medicine to healthy people.
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And they got away with it because they sterilized the needles and they were pretty good with that kind of thing.
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It's crazy to think about it that we're now transfecting people and the CDC is recommending that babies after six months of age receive the full three doses of transfection to the whatever protein is encoded by those products.
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That's where we are.
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So we have a side of the debate where any intramuscular injection of a combination of substances is just unjustifiable.
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And then we have the other side of the spectrum where pregnant women and children over the six months of age can be transfected safely.
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Pregnant women and children over the age of six months can be transfected safely to protect them from a wide variety of respiratory diseases.
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Stop lying!
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That's where we are.
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And so we have a big battle ahead, a big fight ahead that's gonna require a lot of patience and a lot of frustration and maybe even years of this kind of crap.
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But if we also at the same time start to really assemble this new, there we go, now I can hear how hot it is, sorry about that.
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if we assemble this new biology and understand life in a different way, not only will we strive to draw the line where life is and where life isn't or what life is and what life isn't and what that pattern integrity is, because don't get me wrong, I don't think that
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If I say life is a pattern integrity, that that should just, oh, okay, now I understand.
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No, I think actually one of the main things that, the main work that we would have to do as we approach new biology 101 is to really work to establish what that pattern integrity is.
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And if that pattern integrity that includes exosomes and signaling and pheromones and hormones and
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Do you see what I mean?
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We need to understand how our bodies interact with other conspecifics, other humans.
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We need to understand how our senses interact, how our immune systems interact.
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and understand it at a level that we have not acknowledged at this stage.
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And so it could be that part of the pattern integrity that we eventually need to acknowledge is this exosomal communication that may be part of this background signal that has been misconstrued as a novel coronavirus.
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That's what we don't know.
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And I'm fine with saying that we don't know.
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What I know for sure is that they have not bothered to care about proving to us that anything new and special has happened in 2020.
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They made us take their word for it.
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And we did.
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And so we are in 2024.
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Let me see if I can do this right here.
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We are in 2024.
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It is December 18th.
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My ear itches a little bit because I put these things in there all the time.
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And I am going to shoot another, I've shot another episode, going to edit another episode of JC on the hardwood, which I'm very excited about.
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And I'm going to continue to dedicate as much time and energy as I can find for it.
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Because I think it's a, it's a nice way forward and the better I get at it and the more, you know,
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useful I can do with it the better I think.
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So we'll see what happens.
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Sorry about that.
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It's Wednesday and we've got to go way back.
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Normally what we do then is we talk about the calendar so I just want to reiterate how I'm using this calendar to discuss the years.
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I have zoomed in a little bit now so the year 2018 is here.
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You can see that somewhere in 2019 there's a lab leak that happens and then
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that lab lead goes around the world changing colors every year and now we are in 2024 and this is the high resistance low noise info brief um and we have this uh come see us doing live shows we'll be in los angeles so this is you know like this week atlantic city coho's new york providence rhode island go to for a link for tickets and only
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So just real quickly also, the event 201, what was Peter Thiel's connection?
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So if people don't know what event 201 was, they did a mock.
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They pretended they were doing a mock.
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Hey, what would happen if a virus got out and how do we handle it?
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They did that like five seconds before we had to go into lockdowns for coronavirus.
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And who's they that did that?
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Tell people who the they is.
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Right, so event 201 was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which previously the people that ran that, which included one of the moderators for event 201, are the people that did the simulation before the 2001 attacks that directly predicted what would happen just several months later.
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When the anthrax attacks did happen and obviously the anthrax attacks were intended to go much farther Until but a lot of their plans for utilizing the aftermath of the anthrax attacks sort of Things didn't go according to plan basically when it got traced back to the u.s.
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Military anthrax was from the u.s.
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Military, right?
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Yeah, so
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Event 201 was a simulation very much like that involving a lot.
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So I think that's short through the corner to say that the anthrax came from the military.
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Of course it did.
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That was the story they told us on TV back then.
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So for me, this now starts to smell very different.
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And again, a lot of this smell very different is because it has been brought to my attention
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by several people that the only real source of the story that we have of Mike Callahan calling Robert Malone that Mike Callahan was in Wuhan in 2019 is a story written by Whitney Webb.
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And then of course, Robert Malone telling that story repeatedly on podcasts that only we would watch, that none of our family and friends would ever see.
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And so it's interesting here for her to, again, I always think that it's a red flag, given what I've learned over the last five years about the complexities of the bureaucracy of the American government.
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I always think it's really, the Dutch phrase is short through the corner.
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It's cheating to just say it was the DOD, that the anthrax was traced back to the DOD.
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I mean, isn't that,
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Doesn't that seem to be a little bit cheap or easy?
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And in fact, that's really what I think.
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I don't even know if she's intending to do it.
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It's just the way that the language works.
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We're not being precise enough when there is precision to be had.
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And that starts to stick out like a sore thumb if you listen long enough.
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And over and over on different podcasts, you hear the same,
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set of circumstances and facts reiterated by the same people, you start to understand that there is some, I hate to keep going back to Noam Chomsky, but there's some limited spectrum of debate that they are sticking to and a limited spectrum of words that they're sticking to and coming back to and repeating that some people seem to be hypnotized and other people seem to be doing the hypnosis.
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of actors that benefited hugely from COVID-19 policies.
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And one of the, it's not a Peter Thiel connection, but it is a Palantir connection.
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So one of the longest running consultants for Palantir is a woman named Avril Haines, who was a CIA deputy director under Obama serving under John Brennan.
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Now, I think Avril Haines is an interesting character.
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I don't think she's sophisticated enough to know biological mythologies from reality.
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I think she's somebody who, from very early on, has been climbing up the ladder of something.
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She's from Columbia University, where also Mary Holland is from, and Vincent Rack and Yellow is from, and a lot of these, let's just say, less than optimal academics who are currently in the narrative cut their teeth.
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So, to me, I'm not hearing a lot here yet.
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I'm just gonna let it keep playing to cue me up again.
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Avril Haines was one of, you know,
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these people involved directly in the event 201 simulation.
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And she under Biden is the top intelligence official in his administration.
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Sometimes I think they choose slightly different words for things that have already been in your head so that they create like double space and that they also kind of seem to magically reinforce one another.
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So there was never anybody before
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before now that I've ever heard call it event 201.
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And so in my, you know, I don't know anything about this stuff.
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I'm completely clueless about neurolinguistic programming.
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I haven't even, I haven't taken a course or anything like that.
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And there are courses that you can take, but it seems to be pretty obvious to me that one of the things that might work really well is to slightly misname something, but in such a way that
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no ambiguity could exist.
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So if you, and then you're correcting her in your head, right?
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That's the point, is that if you say it slightly differently, you know, like, like, Children's Health Defense Fund,
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Now, that's one of these tricks that the opposite side plays a lot of times in that the Children's Health Defense says, oh, it's so annoying.
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Everybody says this Children's Health Defense Fund.
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But actually, that benefits everybody.
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because it creates confusion, it provokes different ideas in different people's heads.
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If you already know that Children's Health Defense is Mary Holland and Meryl Nass and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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with superhero outfits arranged in a triangle standing in front of a lightning storm, then when they say Children's Health Defense Fund, you still get that image and you're just mad because some other people might not get that image.
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See the difference?
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Because the other people who see or hear Children's Health Defense Fund also hear Bobby Kennedy Jr.
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and whoever works for him, but maybe not in a superhero outfit, maybe not as a hero, but as a controversial figure.
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And so you see the effect is actually on the people that follow CHD.
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It's not on the people that don't follow CHD.
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And anybody that doesn't follow CHD that's interested in figuring that out would just catch that mistake.
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And for the longest time, I thought as an ally of CHD that this was such a diabolical tool of them that they mention us, but they don't mention us.
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But actually, what I've come to realize and come to see it as is that that only affects the people that are already on that team.
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It's actually not what I thought it was.
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And a lot of what this is is not what
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I would have thought it was a long time ago.
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This is actually reinforcement.
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This is actually going to lead anybody that is enticed by this to look back and figure out that, wow, Whitney Webber really was way ahead of this.
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She reported this guy Mike Callahan in Wuhan.
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Holy man, she knows everything.
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But if she was put in place with certain nuggets of information,
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told to focus on certain things for a long time.
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And now in 2024, she's circling back to some of these Scooby-Doo narratives again.
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Then you see it's a wheel.
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It's not a linear progression toward understanding and enlightenment.
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It is a wheel.
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And like it or not, Jimmy Dore is participating.
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He's riding a motorcycle right now.
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It's the only way to see it.
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And some people might not realize that riding a motorcycle is participating in the enslavement of our grandkids.
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But I think the pay and whatever should tell them something.
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If they really believe that there was something malevolent happening in 2020, and they think now that they overcame it, and now they're winning against that malevolency, that seems to be quite naive to me.
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So the Director of National Intelligence.
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So basically, the CIA's boss.
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And so who and how what's your connection to Palantir?
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Now, he's a long time.
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Now, the interesting thing is you can do the research.
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Director of National Intelligence is not a position that has existed forever.
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It's hard for me to understand the difference between the chief of staff and the Director of National Intelligence and the
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the head of the Joint Chiefs, and you know, there's a lot of heads of things.
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And the Director of National Intelligence is not just the CIA's boss, as far as I know.
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I mean, National Intelligence would be somewhere 17 or 18 odd agencies, right?
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And so this was something also very funny that I thought that Denny Rancourt said in the interview with myself and hosted by Jason Levine, where he proposed to me that all these rich people in America were taking orders from the CIA.
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And I was like, what?
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37:00.872 --> 37:10.796
So you're just gonna ignore the other 16 or 17 intelligence agencies in America, all the private intelligence, all the private contractors, all the, what?
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You can't come up with any weaponized piles of money that might also be engaged in similar levels of activity with much less government oversight and much less, what is he even talking about when you think about it?
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And I think it's a reasonable question to ask, what is she talking about when she says the director of national intelligence is Averill Haynes and she's the boss of the CIA and she was at event 201, is all part of an enchantment to make sure that you think that you are still part of this ongoing solving of the Scooby-Doo mystery where the lab leaked virus is finally acknowledged by all the governments around the world and you knew it before they did.
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And so did your heroes.
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I'm consultant for them.
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But as soon as she joined the Biden campaign, she tried to delete it from her biographies online.
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Come see us doing live shows.
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We'll be in Los Angeles, Honolulu, Baltimore.
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And so remember, I showed you last week that the Scooby Doo mystery was solved.
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I played two videos, one where we're talking about the Department of Energy with
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with Vivek Ramaswamy, and he's sure that, you know, it's proven now.
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And we also talked with this lady, where they were showing all kinds of pictures from COVID, and talking about how, you know, this is ridiculous, but, you know, it's probably not likely, but it still could be.
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I mean, look at this propaganda.
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This is 2023, where they're declaring basically, you know, lab leak theory draws some scrutiny.
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It's probably true.
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And so the Scooby-Doo mystery is essentially solved, and now we're just still celebrating that for like a year.
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It's pretty extraordinary.
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But I think that's what participation in daily use of social media does to us, is that it creates incredibly short time horizons.
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And so when we are on this wheel,
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We become unaware that, wow, wait, this one is really a lot like what happened last year.
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We don't notice it anymore because, again, because we're on this wheel.
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And we're not willing to acknowledge that we're being governed by that wheel.
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But we most certainly are.
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It's a wheel of mythology.
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And the story progresses a little bit every year.
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So the wheel is slowly moving forward, but only moving forward in the direction that they want to.
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And as long as we keep running in the wheel, this thing is not going to change direction.
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And so if we go back to 2021, maybe we can see how really we have been running in a wheel.
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And I think 2021 is rich with evidence of the wheel.
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And more importantly, the evidence of the bringing together of lots of different ideas into the wheel.
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I think that a lot of these people think of their job as herding cats because, of course, people like Mark Kulak and myself, they needed to be kept apart.
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while all the other people that just needed an alternative narrative, they just needed to be kept together.
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So the ones that bought into the alternative hypothesis where there are no viruses and there's no contagion and maybe bacteria are fake or something like that, it's detoxification.
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If there are people that will believe that, we've got to have people that will keep them running in that wheel for about five years.
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If there are people over here that will believe the 5G is causing COVID, then we got to get those people over here running in that wheel for at least a couple years.
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If there are people that will believe that the spike protein of the lab leak virus that people are covering up, the spike protein is responsible for amyloidosis and prion disease.
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And so it's a, we could all, we have to lock down forever.
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Then we have to get all those people over here and we have to have a person to control them and keep them running in the wheel.
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And more importantly, these people in this wheel have to be directed some skepticism to people in other wheels so that they're not very tempted to start to go into depth into what those people think or they might jump wheels.
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Or more importantly, they might realize that none of these wheels, if taken seriously, make sense.
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But that's what they did to us.
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And the lab leak or natural virus was really the key.
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And so I'm really curious as to how they did it.
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And I think we can see how they did it if we go back to things that were recorded when this narrative was really starting to congealate in everybody's head, both on the left and the right.
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And also, most importantly,
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the narrative of the spike protein being a toxin that was theoretically okay to argue might be a reasonable vaccine target.
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But at the same time, unfortunately, because of its gain of function aspects, because of things that they didn't know about or didn't take into account, it could also be toxic.
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And therefore, using it as a vaccine could have also been a terrible idea.
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And so both of those
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Both of those conceptual spaces blame the spike protein and the biological properties tied to it for the damage that will be caused by the virus and by the subsequent immunization for the virus.
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And the important thing to see here is that in 2020-21, that was a very, very important place for everyone to be.
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Because in the end, we want most people on the planet to confound the effects of the strange and novel virus and its spike protein with the effects of the countermeasures designed to fight that spike protein, designed to activate your immune system to that spike protein.
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And that narrative is still grinding on as we speak right now.
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There's still talk of how the spike is toxic.
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There's still talk of how
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There are spike detox nutraceuticals.
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And the spike detox nutraceuticals implies the idea that the spike protein itself has something that you need to fix instead of the idea that what's wrong with your system now is that your system is altered because you were transfected.
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They want you to believe that your system was altered because the spike protein is a toxin.
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And that's still going on now.
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It's still going on with the same people who were saying it's a lab leak, saying it's a coverup, saying we need repurposed drugs in 2021.
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And again, all of the narratives that you will see seated here in this very long presentation with four people presenting,
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All the narratives that you will see here are narratives which presuppose the existence of a novel virus, presuppose the spreading of a novel virus, and rather only question the severity of the crisis and the response to it.
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And that is exactly what I am suggesting was the trap all along.
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And people were recruited.
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during the laying of the trap, during the springing of the trap, and before were put in place so that when the trap was sprung, it would seem like there was a spontaneous rise of dissidents on the internet and a spontaneous censorship of people on the internet who would then rise on spontaneously appearing new social media and that social media would be the new free media or the media that was purchased would be made free
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And then these people that seemed to be censored at the beginning of the pandemic seemed to already be speaking out before the pandemic or having podcasts before the pandemic were now in place to have this limited spectrum of debate and make it very exciting and eventually put on motorcycle suits and motorcycle helmets and get inside of that cage and ride around with fireworks.
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And everybody was going to be really impressed when they rode back out and completed the stunt.
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That's the plan.
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And so what you see here are sort of, you know, audition moments and fine tuning of the narrative.
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And how far do we really have to go is a question that a lot of these people that are orchestrating this alternate narrative, how far do we really have to go?
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How many people do we really need to herd?
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How many cats are out there that need a narrative and need a hero that isn't on national television, that's only on alternative media?
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Keep in mind, Tucker Carlson is not on TV anymore.
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So appearing on Tucker Carlson is really appearing on the internet.
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And the artificial representation of that is just spontaneous rising of some guy.
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It's not.
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It's a program.
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It's a military program.
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They're all military programs.
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Let's watch this video and see what we get.
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And I might stop it.
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Play the video separately because maybe we have to play it faster Walter Chestnut has been on this show a couple times and Yeah, Walter Chestnut has been on this show a couple times and he's one of those guys who might be innocent in the sense of I
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just having been unwittingly brought in and encouraged to pursue the spike protein because you're right.
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Maybe he was given some money, you know, and supported and encouraged that way.
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And so he just went along with it and went along with it and went along with it because comfort and fame is nice.
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I think he's done better than I have on X. And he certainly gets much more promotion from Team Robert Malone than I do.
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I know people like Jessica Rose and Kevin McCairn and others are regularly promoting him still.
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So again, even if he's unwittingly participating or isn't aware of how many of these people are tied all the way back to the Human Genome Project, it's nevertheless, he's not playing for our team right now.
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And I've made that very clear a couple of years ago already with him.
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So he knows how I feel about it.
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I mean, that's not some kind of weird,
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weird existing rift that nobody knows about.
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I mean, I told him a long time ago that the spike protein was an illusion, and you're perpetuating it.
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Yeah, so let's do this.
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48:35.500 --> 48:36.721
OK, thank you all, everybody.
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Hey, canceled mouse is in the audience.
48:40.083 --> 48:40.843
What a sweet.
48:41.223 --> 48:42.184
Thanks for showing up.
48:42.904 --> 48:43.665
That's good to see you.
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I'm not stabbing him in the back, you know.
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It's just he knows how I feel.
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I've told him already that arguing about the spike protein is arguing the argument that these people want us to argue instead of arguing against the methodology.
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And he kind of just started ignoring me, which is fine.
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That's his prerogative.
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I wish you'd start ignoring me.
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First, allow me to introduce Dr. Richard Urso.
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He studied medicine at the University of Texas Medical School and he was part of the Honor Society, Alpha Omega Alpha.
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Residency in ophthalmology at the University of Texas at Dallas.
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A fellowship in oculoplastics and reconstructive surgery at the University of Texas at Galveston.
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I think what Cancelled Mouse is missing is that Jessica Rose was meant to appeal to everyone and everybody liked Jessica Rose at some point because she is epigirl from a military exercise similar to that in the SARS pandemic document.
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She's an actor.
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She's supposed to be playing that role.
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focused on very specific questions, and more importantly, working very specific people.
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That's why she traveled all around the world for six years, not suffering like a postdoc with eating sandwiches or whatever.
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This is a world-traveling all-star who's now a senior fellow at the FLCCC, the organization in America responsible for sending a lot of people to the hospital by recommending that if their pulse ox is below 94, they better get there.
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Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen, whether Cancelled Mouse knows it or not, he's been manipulated by this group of people who's convinced people that a pandemic is possible one way or another, natural or lab leak, and that the
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basic biology is sound, of virology, and it's just, it's sad.
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It's sad because at this stage, these people have been fooled by Heart, they've been fooled by Panda, they've been fooled by CHD and ICANN, and all of these organizations are either sabotaged or wholly out of full cloth, they are just manufactured.
51:13.732 --> 51:15.113
They're not even close to real.
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That's the sad part.
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The sad part is the realization that we've been governed that way for a while.
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And the sad part is, is that the only thing they have left is to call me Jar Jar.
51:26.965 --> 51:29.147
They can't talk about intramuscular injection.
51:29.587 --> 51:34.030
They can't talk about the exceptional biology of RNA that I don't understand, apparently.
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They can't
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actually addressed the murder that happened and then was used to justify all the other nonsense around the world and it's just at this stage every appearance of them in the chat, every retweet, every answer, every meme that they make, every second that they use responding to me where they don't respond to the first three points is an admission that we are right.
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It's an admission that this is one big show
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And it extends from the left to the right.
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It extends from Europe to America.
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It extends from Australia, New Zealand to Canada.
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And it is across the English speaking world that social media is being weaponized to control opinion and to fool us into chasing down these ridiculous narratives instead of just rejecting all of it.
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And again, this is happening primarily where?
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Supposedly on Elon Musk's platform.
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That's where canceled mouse wants me to go argue with him.
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And so now it becomes pretty obvious, right?
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That actually these people are just being paid by the military, global military industrial complex, whatever, yada, yada, the powers that be
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probably paid by social media like X and Stripe and Substack, PayPal, all these weaponized piles of money can be used to manipulate.
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And since you have controls on the internet that can program people, that can permit people to rise and prevent people to rise, and these are not complicated programming routines, the best way to do it is with a combination of that
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and coordinated lying.
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And that's what, wittingly or unwittingly, Canceled Mouse and Jikki Leaks and all or many of these anonymous accounts represent, is the potential to create the illusion of an opinion sweeping the internet, the ability to create the illusion that a bunch of people don't agree with you, the ability to create the illusion that a bunch of people agree with someone else.
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And maybe Cancelled Mouse is just going to have to deal with the fact that he got taken up by this same operation that a lot of other people got taken up.
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And almost anybody that has an icon of a mouse in their X profile has probably been fooled or participated.
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But that's okay.
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People will wake up slowly as they continue to run into the walls in the dark.
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Thank you very much for joining me, Cancelled Mouse.
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Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
54:26.937 --> 54:43.637
Assistant Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Texas School of Medicine until 2005, also Assistant Professor and became Department Head of Head and Neck Surgery at MD Anderson Cooper and the Chief of Orbital Oncology.
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Without further ado, Dr. Richard Urso.
54:53.524 --> 54:53.924
Thank you.
54:54.925 --> 54:56.505
What do I push to move forward?
54:58.526 --> 54:58.986
It does what?
54:59.006 --> 55:01.407
Do I have to push a button to move forward?
55:02.128 --> 55:03.068
Oh, this one?
55:03.088 --> 55:03.608
This one here?
55:03.648 --> 55:05.389
I was using up and down.
55:19.414 --> 55:20.335
Okay great.
55:21.556 --> 55:25.341
Well this is one of the funnest topics I can talk about.
55:25.361 --> 55:27.723
I was supposed to talk for about 30 minutes.
55:27.763 --> 55:28.644
I have a lot of slides.
55:28.684 --> 55:29.846
I'll try to go through them quickly.
55:29.906 --> 55:36.253
But in general, Craig didn't mention it, but my background, I did drug development
55:37.472 --> 55:40.414
I actually invented an FDA approved drug for wound healing.
55:40.454 --> 55:49.222
I got really involved in this because as I was becoming an ophthalmologist I decided that I wanted to fix everything and I couldn't find a way to fix everything.
55:49.902 --> 56:00.471
So I decided if I went into wound healing that crossed all the boundaries and I could have a lot of fun thinking about things from every different specialty and try to put them together and help to come up with good ideas.
56:02.133 --> 56:09.258
And that's basically what got me into, I did two years in a biochem lab and nine years in tissue culture lab working on different projects.
56:09.318 --> 56:12.681
Primarily the tissue culture work was really innovative.
56:13.021 --> 56:14.262
I had a great mentor.
56:15.237 --> 56:32.392
who taught me a lot and Madeline Duvic taught me about how to work with skin equivalents and I ended up coming up with a there's nerve growth factor was won the Nobel Prize but nobody could figure out how to use it and eventually was able to use it in wound healing.
56:32.492 --> 56:36.455
I found some nerve growth factor receptors on a
56:37.976 --> 56:54.770
on a cell line on an epithelial cell line and I thought this must be here for a reason and it turned out to be you know a terrific model for for closing diabetic wounds and other wounds on the body and it's now after 20 plus years approved.
56:56.151 --> 57:05.159
So because of that with that being said I started realizing that going that route with novel drugs was always really tough and I said you know I'm gonna I'm gonna start looking at repurposed drugs
57:06.621 --> 57:10.503
and this current regimen for Delta, I would call this who's who in medicines.
57:11.284 --> 57:16.467
All these things here, I call these, these things that I have here are almost all wonder drugs of their own.
57:17.027 --> 57:27.514
Really amazing, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, azirithromycin, they have so many different effects on so many different tissues, but so do a lot of these other things, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna keep myself moving.
57:27.534 --> 57:36.019
I apologize, I just,
57:38.029 --> 57:38.889
I can't get the slide.
57:39.049 --> 57:42.110
So azithromycin, current regimen for Delta.
57:42.150 --> 57:42.790
What's Delta?
57:42.830 --> 57:51.252
Of course, that's one of the colors of the virus that it became as we went through this, this, this supposed evolution of the virus.
57:51.292 --> 57:55.033
So again, here, I just want to, to highlight a couple of things.
57:56.213 --> 58:00.234
First of all, right, he says he's in drug development and tissue culture.
58:00.254 --> 58:02.375
And I think tissue culture is a very important,
58:04.898 --> 58:13.102
It's a very important voodoo in the history of biology and people who are into tissue culture, whether they understand it or not, is very crucial.
58:14.062 --> 58:16.063
And repurpose drugs for Delta.
58:16.844 --> 58:31.711
And he says that even on a slide, which is imperative, I think, because at this stage already, these people are being selected and being either encouraged to follow a script, given a script, or have proposed
58:33.598 --> 58:38.402
to say things that follow a script previously approved.
58:38.723 --> 58:47.991
And so, you know, this guy is a guy not who treated a bunch of unvaccinated people before the pandemic and is now speaking out about repurposed drugs.
58:48.091 --> 58:57.919
No, this is a drug development guy with a long history in tissue culture, especially skin cell equivalents, which is trying to replace the circumcision
58:58.968 --> 59:04.651
remnants of fibroblasts coming from little babies in American hospitals.
59:06.592 --> 59:11.254
So repurpose drugs for Delta is really just odd narrative, right?
59:12.054 --> 59:21.919
It's going along with the idea that now there is something called Delta, which might need a particular protocol or a particular regime or regimen.
59:23.019 --> 59:27.161
And this list is different than the previous one, I guess, or something like that.
59:27.501 --> 59:32.382
No sugar, no carbs, broth, water, steak, fish or chicken.
59:32.943 --> 59:33.163
59:33.603 --> 59:37.864
So you gotta go on a, you gotta go on a, on a, look at that.
59:37.924 --> 59:39.765
You gotta go on an all protein diet.
59:39.865 --> 59:41.465
Think about this for a second.
59:41.565 --> 59:43.506
What he's saying and what he's not saying.
59:44.006 --> 59:49.067
Here in the red it says, no carbs, broth, water, steak, fish or chicken.
59:50.788 --> 59:53.568
No sugar for as long as the patient is on prednisone.
59:54.189 --> 59:55.129
Now think about this.
59:56.561 --> 59:57.381
Think about this.
59:59.142 --> 01:00:01.063
What's responsible for the healing here?
01:00:02.824 --> 01:00:03.944
The change in diet?
01:00:05.185 --> 01:00:08.506
Or this long list of drugs being given in combination?
01:00:10.507 --> 01:00:11.807
Do you see where we're going here?
01:00:12.467 --> 01:00:23.432
Even if one of these drugs was especially good, like he just said it was, they have wondrous effects all over the body, then why would you want to give all of these drugs together, not knowing whether they work in concert or not?
01:00:26.758 --> 01:00:38.225
If you have a really good jazz quartet, you don't just say, OK, wow, it'd be even better if we had a violin and a cello and a dude with a whole set of gongs and let them all go nuts.
01:00:41.487 --> 01:00:47.830
And so this is not a list that, in my mind, suggests a great deal of understanding.
01:00:48.791 --> 01:00:50.512
It's not a list that suggests.
01:00:50.612 --> 01:00:55.455
It looks like a list of somebody throwing a bunch of stuff against the wall and hoping something sticks.
01:00:56.249 --> 01:01:08.123
It is very similar to what they did with Joe Rogan when they gave him a long list of things that included monoclonal antibodies, but only thing they talked about was ivermectin.
01:01:09.165 --> 01:01:10.126
It's remarkable.
01:01:12.468 --> 01:01:14.931
And only in retrospect and with
01:01:15.993 --> 01:01:26.101
reiteration and dedication and a lot of hours are we going to be able to really convince ourselves and convince our family and friends, convince ourselves that this is a battle worth fighting.
01:01:28.163 --> 01:01:33.267
It might be a battle for a correct cataloging of history.
01:01:35.202 --> 01:01:38.043
And if we don't fight it, who's gonna fight this battle?
01:01:38.484 --> 01:01:41.165
Who's gonna fight the battle for the history of 2020 and 2021?
01:01:41.545 --> 01:01:44.146
Who's gonna fight the battle for the history of 1940, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50?
01:01:51.070 --> 01:01:53.050
Who's fighting for those histories right now?
01:01:53.091 --> 01:01:55.632
Are we just accepting the books as they're written?
01:01:56.112 --> 01:01:56.852
And who cares?
01:01:56.912 --> 01:01:58.093
We don't even have them anymore.
01:02:01.667 --> 01:02:02.828
That's why we're doing this.
01:02:02.888 --> 01:02:07.571
That's why we have to do these study halls, so that we can see that this is just overwhelming.
01:02:08.812 --> 01:02:12.174
Anybody in the audience that's not an MD, this is just overwhelming.
01:02:12.234 --> 01:02:12.995
What is this?
01:02:16.677 --> 01:02:20.800
What useful ideas are provoked with the combination of explanation and this?
01:02:20.820 --> 01:02:27.684
I had to work, so, okay, slowly.
01:02:31.618 --> 01:02:33.138
Yeah, because I'm just pushing.
01:02:33.158 --> 01:02:34.059
It's just going down the thing.
01:02:34.519 --> 01:02:35.839
So I kind of jumped ahead.
01:02:35.879 --> 01:02:36.540
I didn't realize it.
01:02:36.560 --> 01:02:47.543
But that's how I got involved in inflammation and wound healing so I could cross over specialties and have a lot of thoughts to come up with ideas that might work in many specialties.
01:02:48.003 --> 01:02:49.984
One of the first things I looked at was keloids.
01:02:50.464 --> 01:02:51.564
And one of the things that I thought of.
01:02:51.804 --> 01:02:54.205
I got to go back because he's skipping a great slide there.
01:02:54.265 --> 01:02:56.406
It's interesting that he skips that great slide.
01:02:58.482 --> 01:03:27.621
those keloids don't respect boundaries so I can't get the slide to work check this slide okay so this is a slide the steps of the inflammatory response and you actually see here exactly how the immune system is supposed to work and you can see why a subcutaneous a subcutaneous a subcutaneous inoculation exposure to a protein might
01:03:29.614 --> 01:03:31.596
even provoke a useful immune response.
01:03:34.778 --> 01:03:40.643
Because that's the orientation of the immune system at the barrier.
01:03:41.824 --> 01:03:47.428
And it is, in fact, designed to respond to ruptures in the barriers.
01:03:50.071 --> 01:03:54.834
And so if you start with an injection that's on the other side of these barriers,
01:03:55.731 --> 01:04:01.174
How can this system functionally organize from the inside out?
01:04:01.254 --> 01:04:04.476
How could it possibly respond appropriately?
01:04:06.357 --> 01:04:21.905
How could intramuscular injection with the intention of augmenting that system, which is supposed to maintain the barrier, patrol the barrier, and respond to breaches in the barrier, how can you augment that system
01:04:25.540 --> 01:04:27.261
with intramuscular injection.
01:04:31.224 --> 01:04:32.665
It's almost like they know.
01:04:32.785 --> 01:04:33.785
He's not going to use this.
01:04:33.846 --> 01:04:36.547
They don't want to use this slide because this just gets us into trouble.
01:04:43.973 --> 01:04:57.017
So I kind of jumped ahead, I didn't realize it, but that's how I got involved in inflammation and wound healing, so I could cross over specialties and have a lot of thoughts to come up with ideas that might work in many specialties.
01:04:57.478 --> 01:05:02.940
One of the first things I looked at was keloids, and one of the things that I thought about was keloids don't respect boundaries.
01:05:04.140 --> 01:05:12.583
So I thought it's like a cancer cell, and if I could figure out how to slow down a keloid, I might be able to figure out something that might work for tumors.
01:05:13.510 --> 01:05:16.733
And eventually I actually have a scarring disorder here on the eye.
01:05:16.753 --> 01:05:17.935
You see the eyeball there.
01:05:18.395 --> 01:05:19.596
It's something called the pterygium.
01:05:20.317 --> 01:05:24.722
And again, this goes back to sort of basics of wound healing.
01:05:25.523 --> 01:05:28.786
On the top of the eye is something called the conjunctival epithelium.
01:05:28.806 --> 01:05:30.468
It's like the epithelium on your skin.
01:05:30.968 --> 01:05:35.914
And then underneath is basically the dermis, what we call in ophthalmology the Tenon's capsule.
01:05:36.454 --> 01:05:39.199
So when you think about it, you think there's not an epidermis.
01:05:39.399 --> 01:05:46.171
Why, why, why would we need to hear this when there is a real big issue at hand?
01:05:50.572 --> 01:05:52.173
Why would we need to hear this?
01:05:52.373 --> 01:05:53.294
I am shocked.
01:05:53.654 --> 01:05:54.875
The dermis, there actually is.
01:05:55.535 --> 01:06:07.643
And I found a lot of things that were on, on this one disorder, I found a lot of interesting things about fibroblasts and that most of the time in chronic healing, a lot of it, a lot of what was happening was happening with fibroblasts.
01:06:07.663 --> 01:06:08.864
So that was a really important.
01:06:09.964 --> 01:06:13.326
Oh, so he really needs circumcised babies.
01:06:13.487 --> 01:06:14.347
Holy cow.
01:06:14.367 --> 01:06:17.089
He can't do any of his research without circumcised babies.
01:06:17.381 --> 01:06:19.282
important discovery for me as I kept looking.
01:06:20.403 --> 01:06:32.353
And then eventually when I went to one of my wound healing meetings, this is where I got into diabetic wounds, because one of the mentors there for me basically said, hey, why don't you take your ideas and apply them towards chronic wounds.
01:06:33.433 --> 01:06:34.795
I think you can do a lot with that.
01:06:35.015 --> 01:06:39.838
And eventually that's where I came up with the nerve growth factor discovery.
01:06:40.679 --> 01:06:43.481
And it works for that and other wounds on the eye also.
01:06:44.862 --> 01:06:50.489
So, this is where I was saying, this group of drugs that I have on here are all drugs that I use for different things.
01:06:52.071 --> 01:06:56.797
And I would say if you had this group of drugs here, you could probably cure almost every disease.
01:07:00.544 --> 01:07:08.007
And I used them for different things, diabetic retinopathy, vascular disease, cancer, Sjogren's syndrome, fibrosis, scarring, chronic wounds.
01:07:08.487 --> 01:07:11.668
You see the list, viral disorders, et cetera.
01:07:11.728 --> 01:07:13.969
So I found a lot of uses for a lot of those drugs.
01:07:14.189 --> 01:07:16.910
Now that's an extraordinary claim, ladies and gentlemen.
01:07:16.930 --> 01:07:27.274
This is an ophthalmologist who worked on wound healing who just showed a list that he said with those lists you could probably cure any disease and then claims that he could.
01:07:33.806 --> 01:07:36.828
I mean, that's some serious shit right there.
01:07:37.929 --> 01:07:54.520
To just kind of go through quickly in the beginning, basically claiming that he is one of the most skilled and knowledgeable MDs on the planet with regard to using drugs to successfully cure people of any disease, he said.
01:07:54.540 --> 01:07:58.003
Is this Ray Kurzweiler?
01:07:58.023 --> 01:07:59.524
Who are we talking to here?
01:08:02.831 --> 01:08:04.373
Do I need to play that for you again?
01:08:08.390 --> 01:08:11.452
What I found right away was that I know this is going to be.
01:08:11.472 --> 01:08:13.053
He said COVID.
01:08:13.253 --> 01:08:15.074
He said COVID.
01:08:15.134 --> 01:08:16.155
He said COVID.
01:08:16.875 --> 01:08:17.375
01:08:18.236 --> 01:08:20.337
And it works for that and other wounds on the eye.
01:08:20.457 --> 01:08:23.479
I think everybody that says COVID is in with Malone.
01:08:23.939 --> 01:08:25.220
I'm going to just say it right now.
01:08:25.320 --> 01:08:34.045
Anybody that says COVID and more importantly, anybody that corrects themselves is correcting themselves because they heard Robert Malone say COVID, which means with no
01:08:35.186 --> 01:08:50.537
I have no doubt anymore that the reason why James Lyons Weiler said COVID is because Robert Malone or an associate of Robert Malone is the reason why James Lyons Weiler wrote a blog about the Furin cleavage site.
01:08:52.213 --> 01:08:58.876
And the Fearing Cleavage site was supposed to be the clue that got the Lab Leak Scooby-Doo started on the internet in 2020.
01:08:59.196 --> 01:09:10.501
And they herded a bunch of people together using X and using social media, Twitter at the time, to herd these people together that had the foresight to think about this.
01:09:11.161 --> 01:09:17.664
And they used people like, you know, Los Alamos Laboratories employee, father of,
01:09:19.045 --> 01:09:29.173
Dan Sirotkin, Carl Sirotkin, to write blogs that implied that maybe there was a lab leak and then had his son go bananas about flying AIDS for two years.
01:09:30.354 --> 01:09:40.543
And he was fine with all the coverage that I gave him until I said that transfection was dumb and I didn't think it would work or I thought it was stupid or I thought it was gonna make the... and then no, no more talking to me.
01:09:44.807 --> 01:09:49.551
Carl Sorotkin was involved in like the early sequencing algorithms.
01:09:49.791 --> 01:09:56.936
Carl Sorotkin, Dan Sorotkin's father, knows the illusion of the Human Genome Project all too well.
01:09:59.959 --> 01:10:05.783
And once you see it for what it is, this guy, really, this guy is gonna say, what, COVID?
01:10:06.964 --> 01:10:08.425
It's all one show, ladies and gentlemen.
01:10:08.445 --> 01:10:09.286
It's all one team.
01:10:09.326 --> 01:10:12.729
They were recruited in real time because this went off the rails so quick.
01:10:13.677 --> 01:10:15.938
that Epi-Girl was not nearly enough.
01:10:30.715 --> 01:10:41.850
and I used them for different things, diabetic retinopathy, vascular disease, cancer, Sjogren's syndrome, fibrosis, scarring, chronic wounds, you see the list, viral disorders, et cetera.
01:10:41.910 --> 01:10:44.173
So I found a lot of uses for a lot of those drugs.
01:10:45.355 --> 01:10:46.396
So when it came to COVID,
01:10:47.540 --> 01:11:02.191
So his argument is, again, his argument is that he's already been repurposing drugs for a long time, so much so that he's got a list of repurposed drugs from which he can draw cures for almost every disease and any chronic condition.
01:11:02.231 --> 01:11:03.372
That's what he just said.
01:11:05.674 --> 01:11:10.458
What I found right away was that it works for that and other wounds on the eye also.
01:11:11.832 --> 01:11:17.456
So this is where I was saying, this group of drugs that I have on here are all drugs that I use for different things.
01:11:19.037 --> 01:11:23.800
And I would say if you had this group of drugs here, you could probably cure almost every disease.
01:11:27.522 --> 01:11:34.967
And I use them for different things, diabetic retinopathy, vascular disease, cancer, Sjogren's syndrome, fibrosis, scarring, chronic wounds.
01:11:35.447 --> 01:11:38.649
You see the list, viral disorders, et cetera.
01:11:38.709 --> 01:11:40.931
So I found a lot of uses for a lot of those drugs.
01:11:42.025 --> 01:11:57.292
And so when it came to COVID, what I found right away was that I know this is gonna be just like every other upper respiratory viral disease, kind of biphasic, gonna be virus early and viral particles late.
01:11:58.212 --> 01:12:09.877
And for some reason, I felt like the only person who seemed to know that, I don't know why, every time I talked to people about it, I was like, well, it's gonna be an infectious disease early, but it's gonna be a inflammatory disease later.
01:12:10.537 --> 01:12:12.017
And that's not what he said.
01:12:12.077 --> 01:12:13.018
That's not what he said.
01:12:13.078 --> 01:12:14.118
We got to go back here.
01:12:14.158 --> 01:12:15.178
Almost every disease.
01:12:15.198 --> 01:12:16.158
That's not what he said.
01:12:16.398 --> 01:12:17.419
He did not say that.
01:12:17.599 --> 01:12:19.599
He said something very, very different.
01:12:19.619 --> 01:12:22.360
It was going to be viral and not viral or viral.
01:12:22.400 --> 01:12:23.120
And then what?
01:12:23.260 --> 01:12:31.842
Listen, listen, because it's really important because he goes back to saying something closer to the truth when he repeats it.
01:12:31.882 --> 01:12:33.582
But the first one is the script.
01:12:33.602 --> 01:12:35.743
So when it came to covid or covid,
01:12:38.137 --> 01:12:48.784
What I found right away was that I know this is gonna be just like every other upper respiratory viral disease, kind of biphasic, gonna be virus early and viral particles late.
01:12:49.684 --> 01:12:53.627
And- Virus early, viral particles late.
01:12:54.287 --> 01:12:55.007
Stop lying!
01:12:55.348 --> 01:12:57.589
I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but this is a liar.
01:12:58.189 --> 01:12:59.650
He is following a script.
01:13:00.031 --> 01:13:01.151
He doesn't know this.
01:13:01.211 --> 01:13:02.572
He hasn't done virology.
01:13:02.592 --> 01:13:07.095
He's an ophthalmologist who's done drug development and tissue culture his whole life.
01:13:10.385 --> 01:13:13.206
I knew this was going to be like every other viral syndrome.
01:13:14.326 --> 01:13:16.786
Virus early, viral particles late.
01:13:17.047 --> 01:13:20.047
That's asymptomatic transmission, ladies and gentlemen.
01:13:26.109 --> 01:13:29.689
Oh, I can become so frustrated because this work could have been done by anyone.
01:13:30.350 --> 01:13:31.430
It didn't have to be me.
01:13:31.490 --> 01:13:32.630
It doesn't need to be me.
01:13:33.150 --> 01:13:34.210
This has been around since 2021.
01:13:34.390 --> 01:13:34.730
On YouTube!
01:13:42.932 --> 01:13:53.915
For some reason, I felt like the only person who seemed to know that, I don't know why, every time I talked to people about it, I was like, well, it's gonna be an infectious disease early, but it's gonna be a inflammatory disease later.
01:13:54.774 --> 01:13:55.775
And here's why I knew it.
01:13:55.835 --> 01:13:56.995
I'm going to show you this disease.
01:13:57.055 --> 01:13:59.356
So Dr. Held is here.
01:13:59.616 --> 01:14:00.497
She knows what this is.
01:14:01.857 --> 01:14:07.220
Basically, this is a picture of an eye that basically had a viral conjunctivitis.
01:14:07.860 --> 01:14:13.803
And so we know that this causes about five to seven days, you're going to have a virus there, then you're non-infectious after that.
01:14:14.924 --> 01:14:38.780
and this is what we call the cytokine storm in the eye this comes on about day 8, 9, 10, 11 so I knew early on in February when I was hearing about viral disease and this inflammatory phase followed by also the thrombotic phase which is another riddle basically still a riddle that I still don't know the answer to and I'm sure I'd love to hear Dr. Malone has a lot of thoughts on it so does Dr. McCullough
01:14:39.620 --> 01:14:44.802
But basically, it was clear to me that this was going to be an inflammatory disease and that you had to use steroids early on.
01:14:44.822 --> 01:14:59.809
So my first and steroids early on is what Robert Malone said was what they were using dexamethasone to get people into to get people out of the to clear hospitals and put them back into care homes where they died.
01:15:01.527 --> 01:15:06.630
It's an interesting dichotomy of stories that are coming out, you know, as you look back.
01:15:06.670 --> 01:15:19.596
Back on March 10th or 12th, I used steroids and it was about day nine and I took a lot of criticism for it, but it was a friend of mine from medical school, so he trusted me and we used them and it worked quite well.
01:15:19.616 --> 01:15:22.898
But I also use hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, vitamin D and aspirin.
01:15:25.006 --> 01:15:28.910
So if you look at this, this is a showing that the virus.
01:15:29.930 --> 01:15:33.914
So here I just see something that I want to give a shout out to.
01:15:35.335 --> 01:15:38.398
The only reason why I know it is because of Mark Kulak.
01:15:39.232 --> 01:15:41.253
is rarely detectable beyond eight days.
01:15:41.294 --> 01:15:49.959
That's SARS-CoV-2 in about viral disease in this inflammatory phase, followed by also the thrombotic phase, which is another riddle, basically.
01:15:49.979 --> 01:15:53.941
It's still a riddle that I still don't know the answer to, and I'm sure I'd love to hear.
01:15:54.081 --> 01:15:56.763
Dr. Malone has a lot of thoughts on it, so does Dr. McCullough.
01:15:57.603 --> 01:16:02.745
But basically it was clear to me that this was gonna be an inflammatory disease and that you had to use steroids early on.
01:16:02.785 --> 01:16:16.669
So my first patient back on March 10th or 12th, I used steroids and it was about day nine and I took a lot of criticism for it but it was a friend of mine from medical school so he trusted me and we used them and it worked quite well.
01:16:16.689 --> 01:16:20.030
But I also used hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, vitamin D and aspirin.
01:16:22.091 --> 01:16:25.932
So if you look at this, this is showing that the virus
01:16:30.308 --> 01:16:32.332
is rarely detectable beyond eight days.
01:16:32.372 --> 01:16:33.273
That's SARS-CoV-2.
01:16:33.734 --> 01:16:37.301
So SARS-CoV-2, we're not finding this virus past day eight.
01:16:38.723 --> 01:16:41.569
So can anybody here tell me why we're using remdesivir?
01:16:43.840 --> 01:16:45.441
Why are we using remdesivir?
01:16:45.481 --> 01:16:46.661
He says, that's funny.
01:16:46.842 --> 01:16:48.743
What a funny little objection to that.
01:16:49.023 --> 01:16:50.063
Does that make any sense?
01:16:51.024 --> 01:16:52.525
How does the ophthalmologist know that?
01:16:54.285 --> 01:17:02.169
And I was, I took a lot of criticism for it, but it was a friend of mine from medical school, so he trusted me and we used them and it worked quite well.
01:17:02.189 --> 01:17:05.511
But I also use hydroxychloroquine as erythromycin, vitamin D, and aspirin.
01:17:06.992 --> 01:17:12.555
So here's a paper that is done by Rwanka Perera.
01:17:14.030 --> 01:17:16.833
and Leo L. M. Poon.
01:17:18.354 --> 01:17:28.223
And I think that this is the husband of, I think this is the husband of Li Min Yan.
01:17:29.143 --> 01:17:38.732
And so here we have subgenomic viral RNA and duration of illness, viral load, and SARS-CoV-2 virus culture from the upper respiratory tract.
01:17:39.659 --> 01:17:54.250
This is the paper that a lot of people say is kind of definitive proof that, definitive proof that there was a virus and that it was culturable and that they did it and that they monitored it with RT-PCR.
01:17:54.290 --> 01:18:07.860
This paper is a lot of people bring it up and it was Mark Kulak who actually tracked down the fact that who this person was and how weird it is that it's, and even how weird it is that a lot of these people have,
01:18:08.440 --> 01:18:10.862
other things that they've done that Mark can tell you about.
01:18:10.922 --> 01:18:16.826
So it's curious that in 2021 of all the papers that could be cited, Erso's got this one in there.
01:18:16.946 --> 01:18:20.388
Erso is saying that it's virus early, viral particles late.
01:18:20.849 --> 01:18:31.696
Erso is saying all kinds of things that are right on narrative about the spike protein and about the, you know, maybe it's bad, bad because, you know, viruses happen and this is how viruses happen.
01:18:31.736 --> 01:18:37.880
And I know all about repurposed drugs because I was repurposing drugs before the pandemic to cure every disease.
01:18:40.041 --> 01:18:41.922
What a crazy claim!
01:18:42.402 --> 01:18:48.385
He's not even 15 minutes into his talk and it's already like, in retrospect, shockingly bad.
01:18:49.846 --> 01:19:02.111
I thought this guy was going to be a good dude, but I mean, he's clearly sat at a table and gamed this out and hitting talking points that do one thing and one thing only, and that is mislead the young.
01:19:03.172 --> 01:19:03.472
01:19:06.334 --> 01:19:16.599
So if you look at this, this is showing that the virus is rarely detectable beyond eight days.
01:19:16.619 --> 01:19:17.540
That's SARS-CoV-2.
01:19:18.000 --> 01:19:21.542
So SARS-CoV-2, we're not finding this virus past day eight.
01:19:22.982 --> 01:19:25.804
So can anybody here tell me why we're using remdesivir?
01:19:29.505 --> 01:19:30.826
And there you have it, right?
01:19:30.846 --> 01:19:33.448
Now we're seeding another narrative here.
01:19:33.528 --> 01:19:36.591
So we're not talking about supplemental oxygen.
01:19:38.032 --> 01:19:40.875
We're not talking about ventilation to stop spread.
01:19:40.895 --> 01:19:42.696
We're talking about remdesivir.
01:19:49.282 --> 01:19:50.923
I mean, does that make any sense?
01:19:51.892 --> 01:19:54.494
How does the ophthalmologist know that and ICU people don't?
01:19:54.554 --> 01:19:55.354
I have no idea.
01:19:55.835 --> 01:19:57.656
So really, I mean, that's a silly thing.
01:19:57.716 --> 01:20:10.685
I really thought that this was one of the things that, I won't say who, but I talked to people even when I was in Washington from the NIH, and a lot of them didn't know that these viruses are gone in just a few days.
01:20:11.706 --> 01:20:17.790
And there are still patients dying somewhere, getting on remdesivir has no efficacy at the late stages.
01:20:20.120 --> 01:20:21.743
So this is the other riddle.
01:20:22.305 --> 01:20:26.553
I just had a talk with Dr. Malone, and he enlightened me.
01:20:36.380 --> 01:20:37.681
What does that mean exactly?
01:20:37.741 --> 01:20:52.534
No late stage efficacy means that there is efficacy early in the viral syndrome, the disease course, which has different stages that include the virus being present early, but only particles being present later.
01:20:52.574 --> 01:20:54.116
Do you see where we're going here?
01:20:54.156 --> 01:21:01.202
Where I'm trying to take you as often as possible is that this is a very, very succinct
01:21:05.069 --> 01:21:15.617
description of what they want you to believe by leading the audience through a list of questions that apparently everybody on stage agrees is relevant.
01:21:17.879 --> 01:21:26.946
And then easy, very obvious answers to those questions because I know, because I'm a doctor, because I was doing this stuff before the pandemic.
01:21:27.146 --> 01:21:28.447
It is remarkable.
01:21:32.264 --> 01:21:36.107
fighting me on a lot of things, but I was really puzzled by this.
01:21:36.208 --> 01:21:37.429
I'm sure everyone here was.
01:21:38.009 --> 01:21:39.971
Why were we getting the thrombosis?
01:21:40.111 --> 01:21:40.391
01:21:41.032 --> 01:21:42.313
It was so hard to figure out.
01:21:44.075 --> 01:21:45.155
I thought I had it down.
01:21:45.175 --> 01:21:53.123
I started thinking about fibrosis and what cells create fibrosis, and I thought about pericytes.
01:21:53.945 --> 01:21:54.626
So there.
01:21:54.926 --> 01:21:57.027
They got us on pericytes early in 2021.
01:21:57.608 --> 01:22:09.577
I remember that, but I got off of pericytes when I found out that most transfection technologies that are based on lipids have a propensity to go to two main places and that's platelets and the liver.
01:22:11.038 --> 01:22:19.447
And so most of the spike protein, some of the spike protein, a significant quantity of the lipid nanoparticle was going to inevitably end up in platelets.
01:22:19.607 --> 01:22:20.608
I don't know why.
01:22:21.129 --> 01:22:23.852
Maybe it's because of their membrane protein complement.
01:22:23.952 --> 01:22:24.873
I don't know what it is.
01:22:25.454 --> 01:22:29.939
But early on in the days of transfection and trying to find a use for it,
01:22:30.499 --> 01:22:33.801
One of the things that they noticed was that transfection goes to the liver.
01:22:34.282 --> 01:22:42.367
That's why they used adenovirus on a person with a liver, genetic liver disease, to try and replace the enzyme there.
01:22:42.728 --> 01:22:43.929
That's Jesse Gelsinger.
01:22:44.009 --> 01:22:48.572
And they took advantage of the fact that the adenovirus ended up going there anyway.
01:22:48.672 --> 01:22:56.417
So if it's going to go there and we're going to get high expression in the liver, maybe we can find a disease for which that would be useful.
01:22:56.477 --> 01:22:58.699
And that's why they chose Jesse Gelsinger.
01:22:59.738 --> 01:23:07.005
And you can find many papers on PubMed that also describe, oh, another useful target that these things seem to go to is platelets.
01:23:07.065 --> 01:23:08.527
What can we use that for?
01:23:10.769 --> 01:23:23.962
And so the idea that they got us into a sidetrack hamster wheel about parasites for almost a year in 2021, when in reality it was probably platelets all along and just the endothelium itself,
01:23:24.727 --> 01:23:36.152
What this does is that it gets us running in a hamster wheel that doesn't get us succinctly to the idea that transfection by lipid nanoparticle, irrespective of the RNA, is dumb.
01:23:39.013 --> 01:23:39.653
It's wonderful.
01:23:40.553 --> 01:23:49.397
I see it as clear as day now, how complicated, how many details they're chasing down, how many wheels they're setting in motion that we get caught in any of them is good for them.
01:23:49.963 --> 01:23:55.885
their mesenchymal cell line of fibroblasts and pericytes probably from the same cell line.
01:23:56.506 --> 01:23:59.967
So I thought I bet the disease is, that's where the disease is occurring.
01:24:00.968 --> 01:24:07.970
Of course they surround the capillaries, they surround the outside of the vessels, particularly the veins, and they can be responsible.
01:24:09.231 --> 01:24:14.253
Dr. Malone gives a great explanation for it, maybe he'll enlighten us later, but how that all works.
01:24:14.293 --> 01:24:16.734
But basically I was really concentrating on that.
01:24:17.314 --> 01:24:18.195
And so I thought maybe
01:24:19.415 --> 01:24:21.777
They're from the same cell line.
01:24:22.658 --> 01:24:26.901
And so concentrating on the details is really what academics are trained to do.
01:24:27.621 --> 01:24:37.349
They're trained actually to find a very specific set of details and questions about those details that no one else is asking and then focus on those because that's the best way to succeed.
01:24:38.410 --> 01:24:41.012
And it's also the best way to not step on anybody's toes.
01:24:42.273 --> 01:24:46.956
And so if Peter McCullough is working on the cardiac effects, I better not step on his toes.
01:24:47.016 --> 01:24:48.077
I'll work on ivermectin.
01:24:49.980 --> 01:24:51.502
I'll work on repurposed drugs.
01:24:52.483 --> 01:24:54.124
Do you see what I'm trying to get at here?
01:24:54.625 --> 01:25:02.473
There is no attempt to unify an understanding, to unify an approach.
01:25:02.653 --> 01:25:06.537
There is no attempt to dispel any mythologies
01:25:08.919 --> 01:25:21.283
There is an attempt to solidify a mythology to make sure that we accept without a shadow of a doubt that there is a novel virus and it's only a question of how we respond and the appropriateness of our choices.
01:25:21.343 --> 01:25:21.763
That's it.
01:25:25.604 --> 01:25:34.587
And so this platelet-rich plasma therapy, he's not gonna say that the lipid nanoparticles go there because they don't want you to know any of that.
01:25:34.627 --> 01:25:35.647
They want you to think
01:25:36.584 --> 01:25:42.730
that the virus is causing the syndromes that they know will be caused by live transfections.
01:25:44.952 --> 01:25:47.274
And so that's what you see happening here.
01:25:47.374 --> 01:25:58.164
Robert Malone rolling out people in the late 2021 with all kinds of narratives about what the spike can do, about what the virus does, about what Delta does, and the
01:25:59.946 --> 01:26:19.382
tertiary effects of the disease course are in the worst case scenarios, and the spike protein having something to do with that so that when the effects of the transfection are finally manifest in college kids or in old people, it will be trivial to dismiss them as effects of COVID.
01:26:21.658 --> 01:26:34.947
or effects of the spike protein, or effects of the double-stranded DNA, and no one will ever approach the possibility of thinking that transfection in general is bad, which it is.
01:26:41.010 --> 01:26:45.232
At the time, I thought maybe Losartan, I had been using that as an antifibrotic agent.
01:26:45.752 --> 01:26:51.915
And so I thought, I wonder if that'll help in SARS-CoV-2 and has effects on angiotensin one through seven.
01:26:52.055 --> 01:26:58.158
And then you're gonna basically, if the virus hits the ACE2 receptor, it downregulates it.
01:26:58.838 --> 01:27:02.840
And this creates increased vascular permeability when the ACE2 receptor is downregulated.
01:27:02.860 --> 01:27:03.420
So you use it.
01:27:03.460 --> 01:27:09.503
And so I spent almost a year, maybe almost, yeah, probably almost a year trying to understand the,
01:27:10.379 --> 01:27:20.805
the ACE2 receptor network, Bradykinin, and all this other things that regulate the sort of fluid dynamics of the circulatory system.
01:27:20.925 --> 01:27:25.108
And I tell you what, boy, there's a place to get lost in the details.
01:27:25.148 --> 01:27:25.808
That's one of them.
01:27:26.769 --> 01:27:28.790
And that's actually what they intended.
01:27:29.811 --> 01:27:31.072
That's part of the narrative.
01:27:31.192 --> 01:27:34.734
That was part of the trap.
01:27:35.334 --> 01:27:39.737
Especially when you think about it, if they're just using a background signal and exaggerating
01:27:40.595 --> 01:27:50.660
exaggerating it and looking on a background signal that's hot for these things and then pretending that they have some super function is pretty extraordinary.
01:27:51.961 --> 01:27:57.804
It's why these people operate with such confidence and gusto because they know what they are a part of.
01:28:02.106 --> 01:28:05.447
So, I'm just going to, I don't know, I don't want to use too much time.
01:28:06.008 --> 01:28:08.589
Hydroxychloroquine, he's going to talk about.
01:28:10.011 --> 01:28:10.412
What's that?
01:28:14.599 --> 01:28:18.746
Plasma MPO DNA complexes increased in COVID-19.
01:28:19.387 --> 01:28:20.188
So here we go.
01:28:21.009 --> 01:28:21.751
This is also...
01:28:25.091 --> 01:28:39.018
testing different proteins that can break up nets and break up fibrous material, trying to see what's happening in these microthrombi and neutrophil platelet infiltration stuff.
01:28:39.038 --> 01:28:43.140
This is all looking at what's happening inside of these people.
01:28:44.281 --> 01:28:53.085
And the question really becomes now whether any of these people are actually just suffering from the effects of multiple transfections, and the likelihood is very high.
01:28:54.798 --> 01:29:05.527
And it wouldn't surprise me at all if these people are confounding vaccinated people who get infected with COVID and develop severe COVID and all of these things with people that are just getting the flu.
01:29:07.789 --> 01:29:17.678
And I don't know how much work should be done doing that right now, but these people should all be brought in front of some kind of inquiry where the right questions are asked.
01:29:17.738 --> 01:29:20.420
And I can provide the list of questions to ask these people.
01:29:22.904 --> 01:29:33.687
I can provide a wonderful list of questions that people like Robert Malone would never be able to answer with a straight face, without ever being able to answer without sweating and going pale.
01:29:35.228 --> 01:29:42.690
I think Mark Kulak could also come up with a few questions to add to that list that would help the color leave these people's faces.
01:29:45.451 --> 01:29:50.873
In other eras of human history, some of the people in this story would have been drawn and quartered.
01:29:52.395 --> 01:29:55.618
Others would have been killed outright on the battlefield long ago.
01:29:57.219 --> 01:29:58.580
Others would have just disappeared.
01:30:00.322 --> 01:30:08.009
What they are getting away with right now is only possible because there are enough of them working together that they feel comfortable doing it.
01:30:08.069 --> 01:30:16.556
If any one of these people was operating like I am, from the back of their garage, trying to transmit these false lies, they would all be gone already.
01:30:21.408 --> 01:30:22.929
It would never be sustainable.
01:30:23.029 --> 01:30:24.070
No one would ever listen.
01:30:25.370 --> 01:30:30.093
The only way it works is through careful, coordinated effort.
01:30:33.155 --> 01:30:37.338
That's what these militarized programs called social media.
01:30:37.378 --> 01:30:38.318
That's what they permit.
01:30:39.279 --> 01:30:43.882
Do you think everybody that's operating in this narrative has the same permissions on X?
01:30:44.682 --> 01:30:46.543
Has the same permissions on Slack?
01:30:47.044 --> 01:30:49.565
Has the same permissions in a Discord server?
01:30:49.745 --> 01:30:50.366
Of course not.
01:30:56.943 --> 01:31:00.984
Let's go through this video further to get to the next presentator.
01:31:03.065 --> 01:31:04.985
Our next speaker is Dr. Ryan Cole.
01:31:05.365 --> 01:31:08.506
He attended Medical College of Virginia for his MD degree.
01:31:08.967 --> 01:31:11.727
He did a year of PhD research in immunology.
01:31:12.328 --> 01:31:16.829
He did residency in anatomic and clinical pathology at the Mayo Clinic.
01:31:17.529 --> 01:31:23.173
He did surgical pathology fellowship and was the chief fellow at the Mayo Clinic.
01:31:23.553 --> 01:31:35.801
Another pathologist really interested in sequencing a lot of people and believes in being optimistic about how AI might be able to sort out the genome is Claire Craig.
01:31:36.827 --> 01:31:45.736
is Kevin McKernan, is Daryl Rickey, is Mark Lander, and Francis Collins, and Tony Fauci.
01:31:45.796 --> 01:32:01.051
And so it's interesting that Claire Craig, a pathologist and also enthusiastic genome collector before the pandemic, ended up being part of this pseudo-objection to PCR testing authored by, you know,
01:32:01.711 --> 01:32:23.231
Mike Eden and Claire Craig and Kevin McKernan just a bunch of it's it's incredible now in Retrospect, it's impossible not to see that these people were put in place with a narrative to titrate us to slavery Gosh I hope Robert I hope Ryan Cole will wake up and
01:32:23.857 --> 01:32:27.600
fellowship at Columbia and he was the chief fellow there.
01:32:27.740 --> 01:32:28.461
I see a trend.
01:32:29.322 --> 01:32:33.866
He is now the CEO and medical director of Cole Diagnostics in Boise, Idaho.
01:32:33.886 --> 01:32:35.768
He was at Columbia University?
01:32:35.868 --> 01:32:36.108
01:32:36.949 --> 01:32:38.651
He was at Columbia University?
01:32:38.791 --> 01:32:39.051
01:32:40.272 --> 01:32:41.614
No way, they didn't just say that.
01:32:41.674 --> 01:32:42.755
Did they really just say that?
01:32:46.491 --> 01:32:46.911
a trend.
01:32:47.772 --> 01:32:48.892
He is now the CEO.
01:32:49.813 --> 01:32:52.314
Thank you, Dr. Urso, for an enlightening presentation.
01:32:52.394 --> 01:32:53.975
Please save your questions until the end.
01:32:54.015 --> 01:32:55.916
We're going to save some time for questions.
01:32:56.457 --> 01:32:58.358
Our next speaker is Dr. Ryan Cole.
01:32:58.738 --> 01:33:01.880
He attended Medical College of Virginia for his MD degree.
01:33:02.340 --> 01:33:05.122
He did a year of PhD research in immunology.
01:33:05.702 --> 01:33:10.225
He did residency in anatomic and clinical pathology at the Mayo Clinic.
01:33:10.925 --> 01:33:15.690
He did surgical pathology fellowship and was the chief fellow at the Mayo Clinic.
01:33:16.271 --> 01:33:21.717
He did dermatopathology fellowship at Columbia, and he was the chief fellow there.
01:33:21.837 --> 01:33:22.578
I see a trend.
01:33:23.419 --> 01:33:28.545
He is now the CEO and medical director of Cole Diagnostics in Boise, Idaho.
01:33:28.845 --> 01:33:29.406
Welcome, Dr. Cole.
01:33:29.426 --> 01:33:30.627
Thank you, Craig.
01:33:40.612 --> 01:33:42.733
Does he have a coronavirus tie on?
01:33:42.873 --> 01:33:44.293
Come on, really?
01:33:44.313 --> 01:33:46.694
01:33:48.895 --> 01:33:50.275
Is that like a prerequisite?
01:33:50.415 --> 01:33:52.476
You know, like a hazing, you have to go through it?
01:33:54.257 --> 01:33:54.697
01:33:55.237 --> 01:33:56.097
That is sad.
01:33:56.378 --> 01:33:57.318
Why does he have that on?
01:34:08.442 --> 01:34:08.822
All righty.
01:34:11.744 --> 01:34:15.247
Think about how dark it is you would even wear that tie.
01:34:15.507 --> 01:34:18.629
That is some seriously twiv-level lameness.
01:34:20.130 --> 01:34:20.410
01:34:20.570 --> 01:34:20.931
01:34:21.311 --> 01:34:22.852
Conflicts I just want to share.
01:34:22.892 --> 01:34:25.694
I have a small interest in a rapid antigen test.
01:34:25.914 --> 01:34:27.616
And my opinions today are my own.
01:34:31.038 --> 01:34:31.959
We're off to the races here.
01:34:32.539 --> 01:34:35.261
Somebody on the one side of that slide may have won the race.
01:34:35.561 --> 01:34:39.544
And I don't know what drug he took, but Joe Rogan won the race.
01:34:39.744 --> 01:34:40.325
So here we go.
01:34:42.290 --> 01:34:44.939
I want to start first with a declaration.
01:34:45.019 --> 01:34:47.668
Dr. Malone, Dr. Urso, and I were lucky
01:34:49.841 --> 01:34:54.343
lucky enough recently to participate in drafting a resolution to the world, basically.
01:34:54.883 --> 01:34:56.704
And I think it will resonate with the people here.
01:34:56.904 --> 01:35:00.666
And we invite you to opine and perhaps sign on.
01:35:00.906 --> 01:35:02.286
The Rome Declaration.
01:35:02.326 --> 01:35:08.069
I wonder if that's the time when him and Stephen Hatfield, that would be Robert Malone and Stephen Hatfield, went to Rome.
01:35:08.909 --> 01:35:13.631
And when they got to Rome, neither of them had a vaccine certificate.
01:35:15.546 --> 01:35:20.488
Remember, Robert Malone claims to have taken two shots of the vaccine because he needed to travel.
01:35:20.568 --> 01:35:30.753
And he said that in 2021 on many podcasts, including that of the illustrious Brett Weinstein, Earth's evolutionary biology professor.
01:35:31.254 --> 01:35:42.619
But unfortunately, he also, we were also regaled with a story on the Tommy podcast by none other than Steven, I'm not the anthrax bomber, Hatfield.
01:35:44.269 --> 01:35:50.191
that, you know, it was funny because Robert Malone and I went to Italy and he didn't have a certificate either.
01:35:50.271 --> 01:36:03.294
So either he got injected, but he forgot his certificate, which would be really lame, or more likely he told us a story about a technology that he knew wouldn't be appropriate for him.
01:36:03.354 --> 01:36:04.114
He's a healthy guy.
01:36:04.155 --> 01:36:05.795
What do we need to be transfected for?
01:36:08.899 --> 01:36:15.610
We're not part of that population pyramid bump that American governments and Western governments around the world need to manage.
01:36:16.291 --> 01:36:17.593
I'm one of the important ones.
01:36:21.089 --> 01:36:21.449
with us.
01:36:22.670 --> 01:36:32.939
We, the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is at a crossroad, are compelled to declare the following.
01:36:33.799 --> 01:36:41.226
Whereas it is our utmost responsibility and duty to uphold and restore the dignity, integrity, art, and science of medicine.
01:36:41.826 --> 01:36:45.969
Whereas there is an unprecedented assault on our ability to care for our patients.
01:36:46.750 --> 01:37:03.108
Whereas public policymakers have chosen to force a one-size-fits-all treatment strategy, resulting in needless illness and death, rather than upholding fundamental concepts of the individualized, personalized approach to patient care, which has proven to be safe and more effective.
01:37:03.789 --> 01:37:10.913
whereas physicians and other health care providers working on the front lines utilize safe and effective used again in combination.
01:37:11.013 --> 01:37:11.353
01:37:11.433 --> 01:37:14.214
Because those are the mandates of the FDA.
01:37:14.314 --> 01:37:15.715
Weird language choice?
01:37:15.915 --> 01:37:16.275
01:37:16.535 --> 01:37:18.076
Perfect language choice.
01:37:18.396 --> 01:37:25.640
Using their knowledge of epidemiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology are often first to identify new potentially life-saving treatments
01:37:26.300 --> 01:37:35.824
whereas physicians are increasingly being discouraged from engaging in open professional discourse and the exchange of... Does anybody believe that this set of words is going to save anybody in 2021?
01:37:40.757 --> 01:37:42.678
I still don't even know what the point is.
01:37:42.758 --> 01:37:44.039
I lost it already.
01:37:44.099 --> 01:37:46.321
It's so dumb, it's atrocious.
01:37:46.681 --> 01:37:54.526
Ideas about new and emerging diseases not only endangering the essence of the medical profession, but more importantly, more tragically, the lives of our patients.
01:37:55.147 --> 01:38:06.174
Whereas thousands of physicians are being prevented from providing treatment to their patients as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless,
01:38:06.654 --> 01:38:08.615
to protect their patients in the face of disease.
01:38:09.215 --> 01:38:21.060
Physicians are now advising their patients to simply go home, allowing the virus to replicate and return when their disease worsens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths due to failure to treat.
01:38:21.320 --> 01:38:27.763
Whereas this is not medicine, this is not care, these policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.
01:38:29.063 --> 01:38:30.704
Now therefore it is resolved.
01:38:33.373 --> 01:38:33.773
Thank you.
01:38:34.133 --> 01:38:38.695
Now for, there it is resolved that the physician-patient relationship must be restored.
01:38:38.775 --> 01:38:49.220
The very heart of medicine is this relationship, which allows physicians to best understand their patients and their illnesses, to formulate treatments that give the best chance for success.
01:38:49.340 --> 01:38:55.703
I wonder if the FDA gets in the way of the physician-patient relationship.
01:38:55.723 --> 01:38:58.764
Oh, I smell something here, ladies and gentlemen.
01:39:00.395 --> 01:39:03.176
while the patient is an active participant in their care.
01:39:03.876 --> 01:39:08.877
Resolve that the political intrusion into the practice of medicine and the physician-patient relationship must end.
01:39:09.598 --> 01:39:15.219
Physicians and all health care providers must be free to practice the art and the science of medicine.
01:39:15.399 --> 01:39:21.021
I wonder if ChatGTP could write a more wordy statement that said nothing.
01:39:21.601 --> 01:39:21.901
01:39:24.571 --> 01:39:40.161
without fear of retribution, censorship, slander, or disciplinary action, including possible loss of licensure and hospital privileges, loss of insurance contracts, and interference from government entities and organizations, which further prevent us from caring for patients in need.
01:39:40.661 --> 01:39:43.583
more than ever, the right and the ability to exchange objectives.
01:39:43.743 --> 01:39:53.811
Actually, Dragonite, what I'm trying to suggest is that the FDA is under attack because the FDA is the wing of the U.S.
01:39:53.871 --> 01:40:01.216
government that requires the proper labeling of things and governs whether something is safe and effective.
01:40:01.296 --> 01:40:04.679
Now, the question is, do we need those things or not?
01:40:05.820 --> 01:40:08.422
Because if we need those things, but they are corrupted,
01:40:09.261 --> 01:40:19.566
corrupted by influence, corrupted by lobbying, corrupted by whatever mechanism there is, we still need to decide whether the mandate of the FDA is something we need or not.
01:40:19.646 --> 01:40:21.427
Because I think it's something we need.
01:40:21.887 --> 01:40:32.632
And I think all these people who are trying to tell us that the FDA is corrupt and Big Pharma has corrupted the FDA don't understand that the reason why Big Pharma would corrupt the FDA is so that we would throw it away.
01:40:34.898 --> 01:40:43.465
Yes, they make it hard for small companies to bring things to market because of the high requirements and the high bar for all these studies that they have to do.
01:40:43.545 --> 01:40:44.887
Yes, the FDA does that.
01:40:45.751 --> 01:40:47.612
and that benefits the big pharma.
01:40:48.273 --> 01:40:51.014
And big pharma has taken advantage of that system, yes.
01:40:51.094 --> 01:41:02.101
But now, the FDA still stands in the way of big pharma because big pharma has to spend that much money to pass the FDA, and they don't wanna spend that much money to get past the FDA.
01:41:02.462 --> 01:41:04.983
So what better way to do it than to get rid of the FDA?
01:41:05.383 --> 01:41:14.189
Especially if their future therapeutics based on transfection can't ever pass an FDA with a mandate of safe and effective.
01:41:16.124 --> 01:41:34.994
And so they fooled us into rallying under this idea, this banner, that the FDA is corrupted by Big Pharma and so we have to get rid of Big Pharma and destroy the FDA without understanding what the FDA does or was intended to do at the origin of it and how it's been perverted and twisted.
01:41:37.916 --> 01:41:43.539
You're not gonna get rid of it and say that the Ten Commandments are dumb because they're not being enforced, would ya?
01:41:44.923 --> 01:41:49.444
You wouldn't say that the Ten Commandments have been corrupted because people aren't enforcing them anymore.
01:41:50.244 --> 01:41:52.385
Or people don't call adultery, adultery.
01:41:52.845 --> 01:41:54.605
Or, do you see?
01:41:55.306 --> 01:42:04.308
So you can't say that an organization that has the mandate to make sure that the label is correct and what is in the bottle is on the label.
01:42:07.725 --> 01:42:09.527
We don't want to get rid of that principle.
01:42:09.567 --> 01:42:10.928
We want to fix it.
01:42:11.148 --> 01:42:12.809
We want to enforce it.
01:42:12.950 --> 01:42:20.716
And if the FDA has been corrupted, that doesn't mean that the intention of or the mandate of the FDA is a corrupt mandate.
01:42:20.796 --> 01:42:24.320
It means that it is being implemented in a corrupt manner.
01:42:25.801 --> 01:42:30.425
And so we cannot allow these people to fool us into believing that the FDA has not been valuable.
01:42:30.825 --> 01:42:33.748
The FDA has been a giant pain in the ass to Big Pharma.
01:42:35.202 --> 01:42:38.763
And they've done their best to make sure that it benefits them in some way.
01:42:38.823 --> 01:42:47.624
And one of the ways that it's benefited them is that they've created a very high bar for bringing something to market because the FDA, in order to pass it, requires a lot of work.
01:42:52.125 --> 01:42:53.505
But they would rather not have it.
01:42:54.666 --> 01:43:02.687
All of these people, the nutraceutical people, the nutrient supplement people, and the pharma people would all rather not have the FDA.
01:43:04.972 --> 01:43:06.572
Nobody likes the FDA.
01:43:08.633 --> 01:43:10.553
Understand that very clearly.
01:43:12.073 --> 01:43:21.695
And the FDA, if implemented in theory correctly, would provide a very important service because what's on the label should be in the bottle and vice versa.
01:43:21.735 --> 01:43:24.335
What's not on the label should not be in the bottle.
01:43:29.076 --> 01:43:32.317
And nobody says Senator Kefauver's name, but Robert, but,
01:43:33.863 --> 01:43:35.564
But Mark Kulak, nobody.
01:43:39.486 --> 01:43:48.210
Nobody talks about Brett Weinstein's dad and Robert Kennedy's role in the formation of the FDA except for Mark Kulak.
01:43:51.411 --> 01:43:59.555
Nobody talks about strict scrutiny and the rational basis test with respect to the PREP Act except for Jonathan Cooley.
01:44:00.919 --> 01:44:06.363
Nobody talks about intramuscular injection might be just dumb in general, except for Jonathan Cooey.
01:44:06.403 --> 01:44:07.284
And I shouldn't be.
01:44:07.304 --> 01:44:10.287
I only figured this out in 2022.
01:44:10.867 --> 01:44:13.469
I shouldn't be the guy with the best language.
01:44:13.549 --> 01:44:19.414
Mark should not be the guy, the only guy talking about Senator Keefofer and the origins of the FDA.
01:44:21.436 --> 01:44:21.856
But he is.
01:44:27.152 --> 01:44:32.094
scientific findings which further our understanding of disease must be protected.
01:44:32.694 --> 01:44:37.956
Resolve that physicians must defend their right to prescribe treatment observing the tenant first do no harm.
01:44:38.496 --> 01:44:42.237
Physicians shall not be restricted from prescribing safe and effective treatments.
01:44:42.738 --> 01:44:46.379
These restrictions continue to cause unnecessary sickness and death.
01:44:46.739 --> 01:44:52.381
The rights of patients after being fully informed about the risks and benefits of each option must be restored.
01:44:52.921 --> 01:44:54.162
to receive those treatments.
01:44:54.522 --> 01:45:05.909
Resolve that we invite physicians of the world and all health care providers to join us in this noble cause as we endeavor to restore trust, integrity, and professionalism to the practice of medicine.
01:45:06.469 --> 01:45:14.614
Resolve that we invite the scientists of the world who are skilled in biomedical research and uphold the highest ethical and moral standards to insist on their ability
01:45:15.074 --> 01:45:21.821
to conduct and publish objective empirical research without fear of reprisal upon their careers, reputations, and livelihoods.
01:45:22.381 --> 01:45:34.613
Resolve that we invite patients who believe in the importance of the physician-patient relationship and the ability to be active participants in their care to demand access to science-based medical care and witness whereof.
01:45:35.254 --> 01:45:38.056
And this is at
01:45:39.466 --> 01:45:49.817
And then the declaration, if you would like to add your imprimatur thereon, is that doctors and scientists, it's at the bottom of the global, excuse me, page.
01:45:50.658 --> 01:45:51.679
And this is where we are.
01:45:51.739 --> 01:45:55.584
As of last night, we have 7,800 doctors and scientists who have joined us.
01:45:59.827 --> 01:46:04.109
All right, one of my favorite quotes, if everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.
01:46:04.189 --> 01:46:06.470
General George S. Patton, and that's where we are.
01:46:06.530 --> 01:46:10.212
Here's some points to ponder from a pathologist perspective in 10 plus posits in 10 minutes.
01:46:10.672 --> 01:46:11.332
Ready, set, go.
01:46:11.392 --> 01:46:12.633
SARS-CoV-2, cultures.
01:46:12.733 --> 01:46:14.814
Okay, some people, is it culturable or not?
01:46:15.334 --> 01:46:17.235
Well, it looks like it probably is.
01:46:17.955 --> 01:46:21.097
And there's some articles, you know, start with that one, culture-based isolation.
01:46:21.137 --> 01:46:26.879
So the no virus virus, is it culturable or not, is a real question that Ryan Cole
01:46:29.855 --> 01:46:35.122
Coordinating with Robert Wallace Malone agrees is a useful discussion.
01:46:36.141 --> 01:46:42.283
And so he's gonna take the opinion that this paper and a few other papers are evidence that it can be cultured.
01:46:42.823 --> 01:46:59.089
And in the meantime, Tom Cowan and Christine Massey and Alex Zeck and Andy Kaufman are gonna go crazy with the New Zealand couple, the Baileys, and say that there's no virus, there's no proof, and they're gonna go on for two more years after this.
01:46:59.949 --> 01:47:01.250
Three more years after this.
01:47:07.622 --> 01:47:09.504
It wasn't by accident, ladies and gentlemen.
01:47:09.524 --> 01:47:11.306
It's a script with many sides.
01:47:12.167 --> 01:47:15.211
It's a Lollapalooza of liars with many stages.
01:47:15.691 --> 01:47:18.174
And it doesn't matter if you get tired of one band.
01:47:18.495 --> 01:47:21.939
When you go to the other stage, they are coordinating their setlist.
01:47:24.924 --> 01:47:28.686
to evaluate infectivity, viral cultures, et cetera.
01:47:28.746 --> 01:47:34.689
Now I know, I love Dr. Merritt and we're best buds, but at the same time, I think there are some articles that show we can do it.
01:47:34.750 --> 01:47:38.832
Now here's kind of the logic argument in the ivermectin trials.
01:47:39.212 --> 01:47:51.799
He just promoted Dr. Merritt, Dr. Lee Merritt, who I showed you was promoted by NPR in 2021 as somebody who could renew her license with a mouse click and was spreading misinformation about COVID.
01:47:53.373 --> 01:48:00.054
Here he is now promoting Lee Merritt as a great person, but he disagrees with whether or not the virus is cultured.
01:48:00.094 --> 01:48:06.236
This is an extended neuro-linguistic programming attack where you are being bamboozled.
01:48:06.296 --> 01:48:09.096
We were bamboozled into accepting these questions.
01:48:12.077 --> 01:48:16.538
And that's what the metal sphere that these motorcycle riders are riding in.
01:48:16.578 --> 01:48:19.198
That's the metal sphere that they perform within.
01:48:19.698 --> 01:48:20.678
There is a virus.
01:48:21.699 --> 01:48:23.159
Where it came from is a question.
01:48:25.066 --> 01:48:27.208
Whether or not it can be cultured is a question.
01:48:28.529 --> 01:48:31.873
What the PCR means depending on the cycle is a question.
01:48:33.775 --> 01:48:46.267
And these are all irrelevant questions to pursuing the real truth, which is, is this a background signal or background signals being misconstrued as a novel spreading thing, which is almost certainly the case.
01:48:47.415 --> 01:48:53.762
the National University if you look at that and we say it inhibited viral growth, in order to say it inhibited viral growth we had to culture it.
01:48:54.322 --> 01:48:56.364
So that's just a logic game to play with that one.
01:48:57.185 --> 01:49:02.731
Alright testing, I do run a medical laboratory so here's the question and answers.
01:49:03.932 --> 01:49:07.613
All right, you can see on the left-hand side, proper technique.
01:49:07.673 --> 01:49:12.194
You have more ACE2 receptors, TMPRSS2, underneath the middle turbinate bone further back.
01:49:12.934 --> 01:49:19.676
On the right, you can see them trying to puncture the plate of the brain, doing it absolutely incorrectly.
01:49:20.016 --> 01:49:22.517
Okay, so with a PCR, what are we detecting?
01:49:22.597 --> 01:49:25.737
You know, we're not even detecting the car on your left there, or the virus.
01:49:26.157 --> 01:49:28.298
We're detecting the blueprint for the car, okay?
01:49:29.670 --> 01:49:31.351
but we're not even detecting that much of it.
01:49:31.491 --> 01:49:37.192
We're really looking for, and this is thanks to Dr. Urso, we're detecting the car parts, the blueprint for the car parts.
01:49:37.513 --> 01:49:43.775
So PCR is only looking- Why does he say the credit goes to Dr. Urso?
01:49:43.815 --> 01:49:48.096
Is he suggesting that he didn't understand or didn't have this analogy?
01:49:50.762 --> 01:49:52.824
We're not detecting all the car parts.
01:49:53.184 --> 01:49:58.628
And the question now becomes, are we detecting parts that are specific for this new kind of car?
01:49:59.169 --> 01:50:07.816
Or are we detecting parts that are universal across all the cars, including all the cars that were in the background before this new car started to spread?
01:50:08.296 --> 01:50:09.437
Is he gonna get there?
01:50:10.598 --> 01:50:17.163
Is he gonna actually explain how this can be used to probe the
01:50:18.681 --> 01:50:22.885
authenticity or the legitimacy of the PCR diagnostics?
01:50:24.867 --> 01:50:27.449
Ryan Cole is disappointing me fast here.
01:50:28.550 --> 01:50:32.693
Looking at a part and a specific hopefully conserved sequence of a virus.
01:50:33.934 --> 01:50:36.397
PCR with RNA virus you have to
01:50:37.421 --> 01:50:40.143
do a primer, turn it into DNA, and then amplify.
01:50:40.723 --> 01:50:46.386
And then we amplify it, you hear your CT values, and people complain, well, what does it mean, what doesn't it mean?
01:50:46.406 --> 01:50:47.767
I'll tell you what it means, here we go.
01:50:48.528 --> 01:50:50.429
Is a PCR meaningful or meaningless?
01:50:51.009 --> 01:50:53.350
Well, these tests should be used in symptomatic patients.
01:50:53.390 --> 01:50:57.973
If you get a CT of 34, that just means something's present, the blueprint for a car part.
01:50:58.073 --> 01:51:00.895
If you get a CT of 15, you have a lot of blueprints for a car part.
01:51:02.227 --> 01:51:03.549
But what if we were doing it this way?
01:51:03.609 --> 01:51:05.031
So he's not being very specific.
01:51:05.071 --> 01:51:06.412
He's not being very specific.
01:51:06.533 --> 01:51:19.369
And even though he has a very, very apt analogy, and I wonder if it's not part of the script that he was given, this analogy is very, very good if people are shown it correctly.
01:51:20.219 --> 01:51:24.223
because there is a background signal of automobiles all around the world.
01:51:24.263 --> 01:51:31.450
And if they want you to be convinced that there is a new automobile that's spreading around the world, their test better be specific for it.
01:51:31.610 --> 01:51:37.736
Otherwise, if their test is just for four wheels and a carburetor, it's going to be a lot of false positives.
01:51:38.477 --> 01:51:39.538
And it's not going to matter.
01:51:40.583 --> 01:51:46.770
what CT count it is because there's a lot of false positives because that's a background signal.
01:51:46.850 --> 01:51:51.655
It is not a unique spreading signal on a blank background.
01:51:54.739 --> 01:51:56.140
Is he explaining that well?
01:51:57.622 --> 01:52:00.065
Is he even trying to explain that concept?
01:52:01.075 --> 01:52:01.955
What does that mean?
01:52:02.055 --> 01:52:10.937
I think it means that he's reading a script or has adapted a script to his own slides because he wanted to make it his own or because that's what his handlers told him to do.
01:52:12.478 --> 01:52:14.938
Ryan Cole, you have my phone number.
01:52:15.158 --> 01:52:20.399
I have texted you several times to do a show with me over the last three years.
01:52:20.439 --> 01:52:24.400
You've given me little notes that I still carry in my wallet.
01:52:25.661 --> 01:52:27.141
Either those notes are real
01:52:29.517 --> 01:52:32.281
And you need my help or those notes are lies.
01:52:34.023 --> 01:52:37.729
And you've been playing for Team Robert Malone since 2021 or before.
01:52:39.752 --> 01:52:42.436
But this is very dubious.
01:52:44.215 --> 01:52:57.301
This is no different than Claire Craig, who at the same time in August of 2021 was telling people in the UK and around the world that PCR testing, like fast food or restaurant food, had trade-offs.
01:52:57.501 --> 01:53:02.223
If you wanted it to be fast and cheap, it wasn't going to be very accurate or tasty.
01:53:06.823 --> 01:53:12.207
And if you want it to be very accurate and tasty, then you're going to have to pay money for it, or it's not going to be very fast.
01:53:12.607 --> 01:53:27.217
This is all the same bullshit hamster wheels that ignore the elephant in the room, which is how are they differentiating the new signal from the background when they have no data from before they declared the signal.
01:53:30.139 --> 01:53:30.619
They can't.
01:53:32.307 --> 01:53:41.491
And whether or not Ryan Cole understands this because he just gave credit to Erso for the analogy, it could be that he was not sophisticated enough to understand it.
01:53:41.551 --> 01:53:47.533
But I have been and am sophisticated enough to explain it to him.
01:53:47.693 --> 01:53:49.414
And I've explained it to many people.
01:53:49.474 --> 01:53:53.775
And many of these people have ignored it or even gone on to do worse things.
01:53:56.977 --> 01:54:00.398
It's a lie about me to interfere with my family's well-being.
01:54:01.260 --> 01:54:04.743
to interfere with my ability to make a living for my family.
01:54:05.283 --> 01:54:15.731
And these are pretty severe encroachments on my life that in any other era would have been justifiably responded to by violence.
01:54:18.413 --> 01:54:25.038
And so think about where they put us, where they put our families, where they put our school boards, where they put parents.
01:54:26.152 --> 01:54:28.114
who actually understand what's going on.
01:54:28.154 --> 01:54:37.363
They are putting us in a situation where we are being forced to regularly check what are normal responses to this level of encroachment on our lives.
01:54:39.605 --> 01:54:47.352
And we have been, through coercion and fear and through the coordinated liars, we are acquiescing to it.
01:54:50.387 --> 01:55:03.135
because we think that these people are fighting on our behalf and there's nothing we can do if Ryan Cole's fighting and Meryl Nass is fighting and CHD is standing up and Bobby's gonna stand up for us, then maybe we can finally go back to our Netflix.
01:55:04.176 --> 01:55:05.677
Everything's finally gonna be okay.
01:55:12.975 --> 01:55:13.195
01:55:13.315 --> 01:55:19.158
Patient has a CT of 34 and is starting to become symptomatic and two or three days later now has a CT of 15.
01:55:19.338 --> 01:55:20.558
Well, they're going into disease.
01:55:21.038 --> 01:55:22.519
PCR is semi-quantitative.
01:55:22.899 --> 01:55:24.340
In that case, it's meaningful.
01:55:24.720 --> 01:55:26.441
A snapshot in time means nothing.
01:55:27.241 --> 01:55:30.302
Patient has a CT value of 15, the number of times you amplify.
01:55:30.322 --> 01:55:32.883
Now, a week later or three days later, they're at 34.
01:55:32.963 --> 01:55:33.584
What are they doing?
01:55:33.784 --> 01:55:37.445
So no questions about the appropriateness of the amplicon.
01:55:37.505 --> 01:55:41.007
No questions about whether they are going for conserved
01:55:41.787 --> 01:55:47.149
motifs in a background signal or specific motifs in a new signal.
01:55:47.629 --> 01:55:56.733
No discussion of how that might be done, even though these would be very, very much on the table of any discussion of the application of PCR in an academic setting.
01:55:58.793 --> 01:56:02.555
This is pure obfuscation, and I don't know if it's witting or unwitting.
01:56:02.615 --> 01:56:07.637
I don't know if he's not sophisticated enough to understand it, but he's sure talking like he is.
01:56:08.598 --> 01:56:13.941
He's sure talking like this is common knowledge to him and obviously common sense.
01:56:16.002 --> 01:56:28.428
This feels a lot like narrative because it's absolutely one great big giant pile of bullshit, no different than what Claire Craig was pushing at the same time in 2021 as the head of heart.
01:56:31.530 --> 01:56:34.051
Do your own research and you can dispel the mythologies.
01:56:35.046 --> 01:56:42.070
Because you can see them laying them down in concert, in coordination, in harmony, in real time.
01:56:42.750 --> 01:56:46.832
And it's still all available for free archiving on the internet.
01:56:49.699 --> 01:56:51.460
going out of viral replication.
01:56:51.980 --> 01:56:57.843
Patient comes in at a CT of 34 and a week later is still at a CT of 34, well they still have blueprints for car parts.
01:56:58.483 --> 01:56:59.803
And we're not looking at it this way.
01:56:59.883 --> 01:57:04.245
So using a one-time test and saying you're a case is insane.
01:57:04.345 --> 01:57:09.548
We have a case-demic because we're misusing a test that can be a good test when applied in the proper way.
01:57:10.968 --> 01:57:11.989
What about antigen tests?
01:57:12.049 --> 01:57:13.989
Okay, now we're actually looking at the proteins.
01:57:14.029 --> 01:57:17.231
We're looking at the car parts themselves, not the blueprints for the parts.
01:57:17.912 --> 01:57:18.773
We're actually not.
01:57:18.793 --> 01:57:25.179
We're looking at the specificity for a commercially generated antibody for the background.
01:57:28.302 --> 01:57:36.711
And we're trusting that the proprietary technology, the proprietarily designed polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies used in that lateral flow test
01:57:38.729 --> 01:57:39.810
There you see it in the picture.
01:57:40.270 --> 01:57:48.735
We're relying on the combinations of these antibodies to be sound in what they identify and what they don't identify on a hot background.
01:57:51.156 --> 01:57:59.021
And we're being told to accept that these things are so specific that you can decide whether or not to hug your grandmother using them.
01:58:00.802 --> 01:58:01.482
Stop lying!
01:58:05.692 --> 01:58:14.460
In these lateral flow tests, these quick antigen tests, we have anti-antigen antibodies bound to a nitrocellulose.
01:58:14.480 --> 01:58:16.642
We have reagents that will glow those.
01:58:17.042 --> 01:58:19.945
So we're able to look at those and say, okay, protein.
01:58:20.165 --> 01:58:23.428
It sounds a lot like he supports the testing industry.
01:58:23.488 --> 01:58:25.229
He supports the testing products.
01:58:25.670 --> 01:58:26.590
He thinks they work.
01:58:26.630 --> 01:58:27.691
He thinks they're useful.
01:58:27.731 --> 01:58:29.052
He thinks they should be developed.
01:58:29.733 --> 01:58:30.934
That's what it sounds like to me.
01:58:31.434 --> 01:58:33.055
That's what it sounds like McKernan thinks.
01:58:33.495 --> 01:58:36.096
That's what it sounds like Burkhalter thinks.
01:58:36.136 --> 01:58:40.639
That might be where Robert Malone and his colleagues are making some of his money.
01:58:41.319 --> 01:58:44.260
And that's why they speak out about some countermeasures, but not others.
01:58:45.001 --> 01:58:47.322
Ooh, smelling something here.
01:58:48.592 --> 01:58:49.993
present, protein not present.
01:58:50.573 --> 01:58:52.634
Those again are good in context.
01:58:52.995 --> 01:59:01.239
Symptomatic patient, there's a lot of false positives with all of these tests if you run the cycles too high on the PCR and if you test asymptomatic patients with these tests.
01:59:01.259 --> 01:59:07.583
So using the test the proper way at the proper time is what we should be doing and we've gone crazy societally over using testing.
01:59:08.484 --> 01:59:09.824
And that's from a guy that runs a lab.
01:59:10.605 --> 01:59:15.268
I don't mind going back to just reading biopsies and not doing way too many PCR tests, I promise.
01:59:16.511 --> 01:59:21.913
antibody testing, there's lateral flow tests, there's some... And that comes from a guy who runs a lab.
01:59:22.354 --> 01:59:22.814
01:59:26.055 --> 01:59:34.559
You might as well believe him then, even though he's talking about proprietary technologies that he has no intimate knowledge of, or maybe he does, but he can't disclose it.
01:59:36.693 --> 01:59:38.395
Ryan Cole, you got my number.
01:59:38.415 --> 01:59:42.200
I got your love notes, but I haven't gotten a phone call.
01:59:42.701 --> 01:59:43.823
Good ones, there's some bad ones.
01:59:43.863 --> 01:59:45.124
A lot have been pulled from the market.
01:59:45.685 --> 01:59:49.630
In the laboratory on the right, we actually use big machines and chemiluminescent tests.
01:59:51.673 --> 02:00:03.499
T-cell memory tests, there's a good one out there, the T-Detect, usually about 15 days after the infection, you can start detecting the genes that are... Lots of people tried to get me into T-cell memory and making tests for T-cell memory.
02:00:03.539 --> 02:00:06.020
Maybe we should start a company that does T-cell testing.
02:00:06.100 --> 02:00:06.600
02:00:06.680 --> 02:00:15.465
Because if you do T-cell testing, you are accepting the existence and the spread of the novel virus.
02:00:18.638 --> 02:00:28.645
Almost nine months or a year long, I was being encouraged by people behind the scenes to approach T-cell immunity, teach T-cell immunity.
02:00:29.105 --> 02:00:35.229
Maybe there are T-cell tests, maybe there are... Amazing what they did to us.
02:00:35.623 --> 02:00:39.224
turned on and turned off in the virus.
02:00:39.385 --> 02:00:41.986
95% sensitive, 99% plus percent specific.
02:00:42.006 --> 02:00:43.446
There's others coming onto the market.
02:00:43.986 --> 02:00:46.007
That's simply a blood draw, and you can send those off.
02:00:46.367 --> 02:00:47.288
All right, where are we now?
02:00:47.348 --> 02:00:48.468
Delta variant, is it real?
02:00:48.508 --> 02:00:49.128
Yes, it is.
02:00:49.208 --> 02:00:49.529
It's more.
02:00:49.629 --> 02:00:52.270
So now they want a blood draw to test your T cells.
02:00:52.450 --> 02:00:52.870
02:00:52.990 --> 02:00:55.011
I mean, that's not Human Genome Project, is it?
02:00:55.051 --> 02:01:02.034
That's not a, that's, a blood draw is a really wonderful biological remnant to have left over.
02:01:04.174 --> 02:01:05.135
Holy balls.
02:01:06.385 --> 02:01:17.230
Once you see it, he's advocating for as many different kinds of tests as possible to follow this virus in as many different ways as possible in October of 2021.
02:01:17.570 --> 02:01:19.711
Transmissible, certainly.
02:01:20.331 --> 02:01:28.255
There are new mutations in it, multiple at the receptor binding domain, a lot of substitutions that make it more virulent.
02:01:28.275 --> 02:01:34.417
This is the one that really makes it interesting because at the furin cleavage site of the Delta spike,
02:01:36.178 --> 02:01:37.199
it splits more easily.
02:01:37.219 --> 02:01:40.481
10% of bound virus would get into cells previously.
02:01:40.601 --> 02:01:45.165
Now with Delta, about 75% of bound virus because of this mutation can get into cells.
02:01:45.205 --> 02:01:47.947
So why do we see Delta going like a wildfire in patients?
02:01:48.427 --> 02:01:51.229
That's why these new mutations have allowed it to do so.
02:01:52.250 --> 02:01:52.570
All right.
02:01:52.730 --> 02:01:55.072
Question, pathologist, where are all the autopsies?
02:01:55.132 --> 02:01:57.133
And Dr. Merritt brought this up earlier.
02:01:57.193 --> 02:01:58.875
I'm very scared because this is really bad.
02:01:59.375 --> 02:02:01.977
And we've got a novel new disease, supposedly.
02:02:02.417 --> 02:02:09.722
Why in the world don't we have billions of funding looking at every single death and documenting all the changes that we would expect?
02:02:09.882 --> 02:02:12.284
Where are all the autopsies for what?
02:02:12.404 --> 02:02:12.944
For COVID-19.
02:02:14.909 --> 02:02:15.949
That's remarkable.
02:02:16.690 --> 02:02:19.431
We have a new disease that people are dying from.
02:02:19.471 --> 02:02:26.014
We need autopsies to characterize the novel virus disease and all of its manifestations.
02:02:28.015 --> 02:02:32.637
Or maybe not expect, we can't do science if, you know, where are the billions?
02:02:32.697 --> 02:02:34.058
Where are the autopsies, crickets?
02:02:34.338 --> 02:02:36.999
One cannot find that for which they do not look.
02:02:37.319 --> 02:02:38.500
That's plain and simple.
02:02:38.520 --> 02:02:41.441
And if we're not looking, we won't find and we won't advance the science.
02:02:41.901 --> 02:02:42.882
So it's very frustrating.
02:02:43.928 --> 02:02:45.469
Where are the post-vaccine autopsies?
02:02:45.649 --> 02:02:46.549
Same question.
02:02:46.809 --> 02:02:57.492
I was just on the phone with some doctors out of Germany the other day, and we're trying to put some extra studies together, a doctor out of Sweden as well, and it needs to happen.
02:02:57.833 --> 02:02:58.513
It needs to happen.
02:02:58.593 --> 02:03:02.034
As I gave a talk in Texas, I had more autopsy tissues coming my way.
02:03:02.054 --> 02:03:05.395
Spike, spike, spike, spike, spike, spike, he says.
02:03:05.635 --> 02:03:07.216
Oh, I gotta turn it up on this one.
02:03:07.316 --> 02:03:08.656
Spike, spike, spike, he says.
02:03:08.776 --> 02:03:10.917
Spike is a toxin.
02:03:12.162 --> 02:03:14.824
The investigational vaccines code for spike.
02:03:14.904 --> 02:03:17.125
Spike does not stay in the deltoid muscle.
02:03:19.466 --> 02:03:25.190
Does the RNA stay in the deltoid muscle or just the spike leaves the muscle?
02:03:25.210 --> 02:03:29.452
See, we're still, it's still building out this narrative.
02:03:29.492 --> 02:03:33.234
We still have to figure that out, that actually the mRNA goes other places too.
02:03:33.654 --> 02:03:38.137
So maybe Ryan Cole hasn't heard from, hasn't heard from Byron Bridle yet.
02:03:39.076 --> 02:03:40.797
The spike circulates for weeks.
02:03:40.997 --> 02:03:42.097
It's a Harvard study.
02:03:42.537 --> 02:03:43.298
Stop lying!
02:03:44.218 --> 02:03:47.139
Spike hones into the ACE2 receptor.
02:03:48.460 --> 02:03:49.320
Well, this is October 2021.
02:03:50.060 --> 02:03:51.181
We knew that a long time ago.
02:03:51.221 --> 02:03:52.261
Isn't this remarkable?
02:03:53.622 --> 02:03:53.862
02:03:56.087 --> 02:04:00.209
We're going to stain them for spike, nucleocapsid, antibody, deposition, clotting, etc.
02:04:00.229 --> 02:04:01.510
All sorts of things we're looking for.
02:04:02.270 --> 02:04:09.574
Because in the few that we have seen in some of the mammal models, the spike itself we know can be a toxin.
02:04:09.935 --> 02:04:12.636
It induces disease alone without the virus being present.
02:04:12.856 --> 02:04:17.519
We know it induces disease alone without the virus being present.
02:04:17.939 --> 02:04:18.699
Stop lying!
02:04:19.940 --> 02:04:21.181
Stop lying!
02:04:23.129 --> 02:04:23.910
Stop lying.
02:04:24.731 --> 02:04:26.152
Stop lying.
02:04:27.073 --> 02:04:31.837
That is exactly what I told you is happening here.
02:04:32.598 --> 02:04:46.191
That they are trying in a military fashion to make it so that the populace, especially those with the most questions, is unable to discern a signal
02:04:47.247 --> 02:04:49.769
that all of these people would knew would show up.
02:04:50.409 --> 02:04:59.615
A signal of all-cause mortality increasing because of our population pyramid shape and the damage that would be done by transfection.
02:04:59.675 --> 02:05:15.105
And so in order to create the smoke screen necessary to roll out transfection en masse around the world, they needed to establish the existence of a novel virus and they murdered people and lied about it in order to do it.
02:05:16.522 --> 02:05:21.303
And they had people lying about the course of the disease and the murder.
02:05:22.864 --> 02:05:35.968
So far, we've heard none of these MDs say anything about supplementary oxygen causing ARDS and that being indistinguishable from the disease pathology characterized for SARS.
02:05:36.208 --> 02:05:40.329
And for SARS-CoV-2, they are seemingly unaware of this parallel.
02:05:41.897 --> 02:05:59.830
And yet we have evidence from protocols, evidence from medical records, evidence from YouTube videos of doctors screaming from the rooftops in New York City that 60 liters a minute was required because these people were having pulse ox crashes that that Pierre Cory documented.
02:05:59.890 --> 02:06:00.610
It was everybody.
02:06:00.630 --> 02:06:01.291
It was everybody.
02:06:04.557 --> 02:06:23.748
And that same team, Robert Malone, or whatever they are, pushed the spike protein as the toxin because they wanted to confuse the populace so that they would never realize that transfection in general was a bad idea.
02:06:26.340 --> 02:06:41.424
but instead they want them, they wanted, and I have been saying this since 2021, they want us to mistakenly blame the effects of transfection on the viral spike protein because it's a gain-of-function spike protein.
02:06:44.025 --> 02:06:45.265
These people should have known better.
02:06:45.305 --> 02:06:47.026
It was even in a patent of Moderna.
02:06:51.892 --> 02:06:53.153
And that's important.
02:06:53.873 --> 02:06:57.415
I've shown this slide before in another talk.
02:06:58.016 --> 02:07:00.177
On the left, blown apart mitochondria.
02:07:00.717 --> 02:07:05.760
In the lungs, on your right there, tons of inflammation in the lungs, spike alone.
02:07:06.881 --> 02:07:09.122
In the heart, inflammatory cells.
02:07:09.242 --> 02:07:10.523
The blue is early scarring.
02:07:11.743 --> 02:07:14.165
Liver, around those vessels on the left, all the blue.
02:07:15.045 --> 02:07:16.886
See, I get to look at all these pretty colors all day long.
02:07:16.926 --> 02:07:17.687
I kind of like what I do.
02:07:19.002 --> 02:07:19.823
What about the ovary?
02:07:20.203 --> 02:07:21.364
Where are the studies on the ovary?
02:07:21.404 --> 02:07:23.926
We know the lipid nanoparticles accumulate there.
02:07:24.586 --> 02:07:30.611
And then today we have the CDC saying, oh yeah, just give the shots to pregnant women and young children.
02:07:30.711 --> 02:07:46.284
So the question is, and again, this is something that I didn't understand they were being so imprecise about, but where the lipid nanoparticle goes is an independent question in the mind of the narrator and in the mind of the audience is independent of where the mRNA goes.
02:07:46.784 --> 02:07:53.969
It is possible that some members of the audience think that the mRNA is dropped off in the deltoid and the lipid nanoparticles go elsewhere.
02:07:55.149 --> 02:08:00.133
And again, it is this lack of precision that is not by accident, but by design.
02:08:01.694 --> 02:08:15.763
They are creating interwoven hamster wheels that will get people running in circles and answering the wrong questions over and over again, instead of asking bigger, broader questions about the appropriateness of these methodologies or the
02:08:16.801 --> 02:08:28.772
The fidelity and reality of these mythologies, these stories of antibodies and viral particles versus asymptomatic transmission and false positives.
02:08:29.313 --> 02:08:30.934
This is all nonsense.
02:08:32.956 --> 02:08:40.423
Based on the presuppositions of these powers that be, that there is a novel virus on a clean background.
02:08:44.465 --> 02:08:48.530
children and everybody, and we don't have the long-term studies for something that is experimental.
02:08:49.030 --> 02:08:51.493
We don't have five to ten years of safety data on these things.
02:08:52.214 --> 02:08:53.595
So what about vaccine safety?
02:08:54.256 --> 02:08:54.857
Good question.
02:08:54.877 --> 02:08:57.199
You know, in the U.S., 15,000 deaths, 726,000 adverse reactions reported.
02:08:57.219 --> 02:08:59.161
That's quite a lot, even more in Europe.
02:09:06.048 --> 02:09:33.644
um up top so this is the graph that that none other than jessica rose as epi girl was promoting for most of 2021 as listen to me listen to me listen to me the aids virus modeler the the computational biologist virologist immunologist whatever else she says she is competitive surfer
02:09:34.554 --> 02:09:52.587
dual citizen of Israel and Canada, NATO operative, traitor to American children, what other, you know, mother of dragons, an ultra traitor to our children, her and her twin sister.
02:09:53.035 --> 02:09:57.876
You can see that's 30 years worth of vaccine adverse event reporting data.
02:09:58.756 --> 02:10:02.517
And at the far right of that graph, you can see what we've seen in just a short.
02:10:02.777 --> 02:10:04.237
And make no mistake about it.
02:10:04.277 --> 02:10:07.778
What Ryan Cole is saying is the same thing that Jessica Rose is saying.
02:10:07.818 --> 02:10:10.218
There was no safety signal before the pandemic.
02:10:12.939 --> 02:10:18.760
It's a hamster wheel because, of course, three years from now, they'll all say that, hey, the old vaccines are also shit.
02:10:19.080 --> 02:10:20.320
Well, where's the signal then?
02:10:31.087 --> 02:10:32.168
They were, they are.
02:10:32.368 --> 02:10:33.549
I'm not saying they're not.
02:10:34.851 --> 02:10:36.372
But it's the contradiction.
02:10:37.633 --> 02:10:45.841
It's the incongruency in their path to realizing the truth that reveals them as liars.
02:10:46.842 --> 02:10:50.045
Because in 2021, I was alive and talking to them.
02:10:53.160 --> 02:10:54.080
eight, nine months.
02:10:55.141 --> 02:10:59.142
On the left, that's the number of deaths within day one, day two, day three, et cetera.
02:10:59.182 --> 02:11:03.663
So you can see a proximity and an association with death right after the shot.
02:11:04.383 --> 02:11:06.943
More deaths from the shot in nine months than we expected.
02:11:07.104 --> 02:11:09.044
Treatment said, thank you.
02:11:09.504 --> 02:11:12.745
Dr. Ursa went over treatment, but you know what goes up?
02:11:13.245 --> 02:11:21.027
Your T cell response goes up, and in SARS-CoV-1, 18 years later, the individuals that have been studied still have long-term immunity to SARS-CoV-1.
02:11:21.087 --> 02:11:22.968
T-cell memory, T-cell memory.
02:11:23.008 --> 02:11:30.052
We need a blood draw to do your T-cell memory, sequencing your immune, immunosystem, whatever.
02:11:30.092 --> 02:11:31.173
It's all the same crap.
02:11:31.293 --> 02:11:32.373
It's all the same story.
02:11:32.413 --> 02:11:33.094
We all bought it.
02:11:33.694 --> 02:11:34.634
I definitely bought it.
02:11:34.694 --> 02:11:43.219
That's why I thought that Mike Eden and Ryan Cole were two of the stars of the show because they brought up T-cell memory versus antibodies.
02:11:43.319 --> 02:11:48.262
Obviously, T-cell memory is better and more primary and more important.
02:11:50.496 --> 02:11:59.684
Arguing about T-cell memory versus antibodies is exactly not arguing about whether there's a novel virus or just a background that's being misconstrued as something instead of murder.
02:12:02.526 --> 02:12:05.789
It's absolutely magnificent in its malevolence.
02:12:06.664 --> 02:12:09.566
SARS-CoV-1 from their T-cells 18 years later.
02:12:10.186 --> 02:12:21.413
All right, think of the virus as a bicycle, front tire is the spike, you get a shot, you get an antibody to the spike and a bunch of antibodies to the spike, you get an infection, you get antibodies to the whole bike and T-cell memory to the whole bike.
02:12:21.493 --> 02:12:24.775
Okay, there's the Delta crash bent spike up front there.
02:12:25.256 --> 02:12:29.778
Your body, if you've had COVID, remembers the rest of the bicycle and will forever, hopefully.
02:12:31.059 --> 02:12:33.581
And to vaccinate the COVID-recovered is scientifically
02:12:34.341 --> 02:12:37.043
Reich and Bhattacharya spelled wrong.
02:12:37.263 --> 02:12:38.284
Holy crap.
02:12:41.727 --> 02:12:43.228
I know Reich is a bad guy.
02:12:43.268 --> 02:12:44.049
I know it for sure.
02:12:44.109 --> 02:12:54.717
I had a private, well, a conversation that was a private Zoom with several people, including Kelly Victory, and he made a fool of himself talking to me.
02:12:55.765 --> 02:13:02.452
And that was before I understood what I understood now about infectious clones and the illusion of RNA virology and all this other stuff.
02:13:02.932 --> 02:13:11.461
It was just the standard narrative being nonsense and their inability to differentiate from a background was already enough.
02:13:11.641 --> 02:13:16.867
And his story about how bad COVID is and how bad of a disease it is and how sure he is that it's real.
02:13:18.044 --> 02:13:23.927
Not protocols killing people, or mistakes being made, or antibiotics being withdrawn.
02:13:24.287 --> 02:13:25.007
He was sure.
02:13:25.088 --> 02:13:34.372
He's had it multiple times, said Harvey Reich, even though he's using hydroxychloroquine to prevent it, and he's got the shots and stuff.
02:13:37.394 --> 02:13:40.195
Jay Bhattacharya already being promoted here.
02:13:40.455 --> 02:13:40.855
02:13:42.276 --> 02:13:43.156
02:13:45.157 --> 02:13:47.098
Treatments, thank you.
02:13:48.219 --> 02:13:49.539
Dr. Ursa went over treatments.
02:13:49.599 --> 02:13:50.140
Treat early.
02:13:50.200 --> 02:13:50.920
Do not wait.
02:13:51.020 --> 02:13:52.741
Delta, delta, delta.
02:13:53.642 --> 02:13:54.702
It duplicates very quickly.
02:13:54.722 --> 02:13:56.483
Transfection is a clotting disease.
02:13:56.543 --> 02:13:57.043
How's that?
02:13:57.164 --> 02:14:00.285
Transfection is a clotting disease because it goes to platelets.
02:14:00.345 --> 02:14:04.067
Transfection is a clotting disease because it goes to endothelial cells.
02:14:04.427 --> 02:14:04.928
How's that?
02:14:06.188 --> 02:14:07.169
Done and done.
02:14:09.352 --> 02:14:09.652
02:14:10.113 --> 02:14:12.414
COVID is a clotting disease, clotting disease, clotting disease.
02:14:12.794 --> 02:14:13.754
Don't forget the aspirin.
02:14:14.435 --> 02:14:17.216
Don't forget all the treatments that Dr. Urso did mention.
02:14:17.256 --> 02:14:19.918
I've got them all up here too and the clock is against me.
02:14:21.118 --> 02:14:26.061
And lots of treatments so the NIH telling us there's no treatments is insane.
02:14:26.101 --> 02:14:27.722
Don't forget to check your vitamin D levels.
02:14:27.762 --> 02:14:34.286
Vitamin D levels play a critical role as to whether you're going to get COVID and the degree of severity you will or won't have with it.
02:14:34.306 --> 02:14:36.367
And there is a study from 191,000 patients, your acquisition on the left.
02:14:39.569 --> 02:14:44.952
The real question is, can you take vitamin D orally and manage to fix this number?
02:14:45.813 --> 02:14:46.594
Does that work?
02:14:48.855 --> 02:14:51.737
You know, if your pocket watch needs oil,
02:14:55.080 --> 02:14:56.661
Can you just dip it in the oil?
02:14:57.102 --> 02:15:03.547
You know, just open the back and then dip it in the oil and then let it come out and let the oil, the extra oil run out and then close it again.
02:15:03.607 --> 02:15:04.267
Is that fine?
02:15:04.287 --> 02:15:04.928
Can you do that?
02:15:05.688 --> 02:15:08.310
Because the pocket watch needs oiling.
02:15:08.350 --> 02:15:08.991
Can you do that?
02:15:09.391 --> 02:15:17.918
Because if they show you a graph that shows that some people have low vitamin D, the assumption is, is that, well, I can just take some vitamin D pills, right?
02:15:18.118 --> 02:15:19.739
I'm not sure that's the case.
02:15:20.720 --> 02:15:22.221
I'm not sure that's the case at all.
02:15:23.666 --> 02:15:38.737
And I think we need to be very careful about measuring the indirect measurements of chemicals in our body and thinking that all we need to do is add some of that chemical and everything will be fine because the people with more of that chemical seem to do better.
02:15:40.458 --> 02:15:53.187
We've got to get out of these little tiny traps where one graph and one logic step allows you to think you understand a system well enough to dip the watch into the oil and let the extra drip out.
02:15:57.389 --> 02:16:08.938
I don't know a lot about vitamin D. I know that it is important in the immune system and its regulation, but I don't know that you can just take pills of it and augment a shortage of it and that will have a meaningful effect on your health.
02:16:09.719 --> 02:16:14.242
And I think it's very silly for somebody like him to be promoting that idea.
02:16:18.746 --> 02:16:21.128
Your vitamin D level going to the right.
02:16:22.401 --> 02:16:24.326
Look at your comorbidities, look at your diet.
02:16:24.587 --> 02:16:25.811
Cut the carbs, cut the carbs.
02:16:25.871 --> 02:16:27.716
Patients should be on a keto diet when they're sick.
02:16:28.860 --> 02:16:36.047
Sleep affects the stickiness of your immune cells, how they talk to each other, how they function, and don't forget to defend your colleagues.
02:16:36.187 --> 02:16:39.450
There's some tall blades of grass in this room, and we're happy to speak out.
02:16:40.611 --> 02:16:43.493
You know, misinformation, disinformation, no, there's information.
02:16:43.533 --> 02:16:50.299
The cream should always rise to the top, but to be labeled by the brown shirts as just giving disinformation is a propaganda strategy.
02:16:50.359 --> 02:16:54.723
What we should have is just information and dialogue, and the truth will always prevail.
02:16:55.524 --> 02:16:57.406
So we don't want to be the tall blades of grass.
02:16:57.446 --> 02:16:58.267
We're happy to do it.
02:16:58.707 --> 02:17:00.669
But at the same time, we need you at our side.
02:17:00.729 --> 02:17:01.630
So we appreciate it.
02:17:01.810 --> 02:17:04.092
And at that, I will leave it until we get the questions.
02:17:04.152 --> 02:17:04.752
How did I do?
02:17:04.772 --> 02:17:06.174
Did I make the clock?
02:17:20.046 --> 02:17:20.326
All right.
02:17:20.366 --> 02:17:22.368
Thank you for an excellent presentation.
02:17:25.117 --> 02:17:31.119
Now I have the pleasure of introducing Dr. Robert Malone, who got his bachelor's in biochemistry at UC Davis.
02:17:31.659 --> 02:17:35.400
He got a master's in biology from UC San Diego.
02:17:36.000 --> 02:17:39.341
He got his MD from Northwestern University School of Medicine.
02:17:40.001 --> 02:17:50.964
He did a medical pathology internship at UC Davis School of Medicine and did fellowship research and postdoc studies in global clinical scholars program honors at Harvard.
02:17:51.744 --> 02:18:04.335
Dr. Malone has become known as one of the inventors of mRNA and DNA strategies and a worldwide expert on mRNA and DNA technologies and its relevance in biodefense and outbreaks.
02:18:04.636 --> 02:18:13.244
And now, Dr. Malone.
02:18:17.127 --> 02:18:18.849
I would like to use the space bar.
02:18:21.348 --> 02:18:34.876
Hi I'm Robert Malone, I'm a physician scientist and I am also clearly labeled as a disinformation specialist because I don't know anything about vaccines and by defense.
02:18:36.057 --> 02:18:39.079
This is I don't know number five or six outbreak for me.
02:18:39.899 --> 02:18:41.000
We're going to go in a little while.
02:18:41.900 --> 02:18:44.142
I work closely with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
02:18:44.642 --> 02:18:45.903
I am a vaccinologist.
02:18:45.923 --> 02:18:49.345
So this is my moment.
02:18:52.139 --> 02:18:53.059
seeking absolution.
02:18:55.020 --> 02:19:03.503
OK, so I think what we're going to do is postpone this now because I'm going to go and take care of some other things.
02:19:03.543 --> 02:19:10.045
This has been two hours and 13 minutes and we will just come back to this study hall at some point.
02:19:10.085 --> 02:19:13.546
I don't know if it'll be Friday or Saturday or next Wednesday.
02:19:14.026 --> 02:19:16.727
And we'll start here with Robert Malone's presentation.
02:19:17.227 --> 02:19:20.148
And just to spoil it in case you didn't already look,
02:19:21.328 --> 02:19:38.516
After Robert Malone's presentation, of course, there will be another speaker, and that speaker is another... And with that, I close, and thank you for your attention.
02:19:38.556 --> 02:19:39.376
I hope that was helpful.
02:19:40.037 --> 02:19:41.637
And listen to who he introduces.
02:19:42.398 --> 02:19:43.638
Next Wednesday is Christmas?
02:19:43.758 --> 02:19:44.319
No, it's not.
02:19:44.359 --> 02:19:44.779
Is it really?
02:19:46.124 --> 02:19:49.965
Oh it is wow okay well I'm going to be doing a lot of shows during Christmas break.
02:19:50.005 --> 02:19:57.868
Thank you Dr. Malone for another eye opening presentation and now prior to questions we have a special guest surprise.
02:19:57.888 --> 02:19:59.289
A surprise.
02:19:59.309 --> 02:20:09.753
Fortunately she was able to be with us today I think she's going to give you some information that's going to help you put all of the pieces together of the pandemic and
02:20:10.413 --> 02:20:12.474
All the pieces together in October of 2021.
02:20:12.594 --> 02:20:15.975
We have the pleasure of introducing Dr. Li-Ming Yan.
02:20:16.696 --> 02:20:17.676
She's an M.D.
02:20:17.876 --> 02:20:20.137
from the seven-year program at the SIANA.
02:20:20.837 --> 02:20:22.178
I'm pronouncing that correctly.
02:20:22.638 --> 02:20:28.941
My apologies if I... Of course, she presented at the real event 201, which took place, I think, in 2018.
02:20:29.061 --> 02:20:31.542
You can find a link at Housatonic Live.
02:20:31.582 --> 02:20:35.663
You can find some documents of that and a couple of the presentations, I think, are there.
02:20:37.404 --> 02:20:41.187
I will be around, I'll be around tomorrow, I'll be around all Christmas break.
02:20:41.687 --> 02:20:46.871
We have grandma here and so I have lots of opportunity to stream and I will take advantage of that.
02:20:47.271 --> 02:20:53.436
But I don't wanna leave this run too long because I think that the Malone presentation is of utmost importance to put right at the beginning.
02:20:53.916 --> 02:21:01.002
So I'm glad that we did Erso and I'm glad that we did Dr. Cole because they were important to see where they were in October of 2021.
02:21:01.462 --> 02:21:05.645
And I took some notes and so I'm gonna be able to add that to the graph
02:21:07.406 --> 02:21:10.647
to the representation of where we were or when.
02:21:11.368 --> 02:21:28.974
And I think it's gonna become more and more obvious the more work we do that we were brought here by a group of people that have been coordinating their lives across borders and across platforms and across podcasts.
02:21:29.966 --> 02:21:32.208
And some of them are wittingly participating.
02:21:32.268 --> 02:21:38.875
Some of them are wittingly looking away and not asking what's behind the curtains that they don't know yet.
02:21:39.776 --> 02:21:45.562
And others of them are just descended from families that have always been in on it.
02:21:47.364 --> 02:21:51.429
And once we start coming to terms with that, I think we're going to be able to make succinct
02:21:52.603 --> 02:22:09.031
arguments against these people, succinct arguments against them being part of our governance, and succinct arguments with our family and friends about how we should change the course of our families and our communities and look toward planning for a different future.
02:22:09.811 --> 02:22:19.996
And that means that we gotta get people on the right time horizons with regard to the recent history that's available, and making sure that they are actively verifying the nonsense that's in their head,
02:22:21.545 --> 02:22:34.462
actively working against the military algorithms that they have surrendered to on social media and working to escape this, what would we call it?
02:22:34.502 --> 02:22:35.283
What would you call it?
02:22:39.404 --> 02:22:51.551
I'm not sure what you would call it, but it was a pretty detailed operation that involved a lot of people being placed on the internet and a lot of people coordinating their efforts to obfuscate the truth.
02:22:52.192 --> 02:23:06.600
The truth about the previous vaccine schedule, the truth about placebos, the truth about murder in US hospitals, largely by supplemental oxygen, but also murder in US communities by opioids.
02:23:08.189 --> 02:23:20.518
Lots and lots of murder is being misconstrued by these dissidents, these acolytes on social media that are as bad as any of them that are being pushed in front of us on mainstream media.
02:23:20.979 --> 02:23:25.883
And that's really where my experience comes in because I thought I was fighting against the bad guys.
02:23:26.403 --> 02:23:33.449
I thought I was going to one day give a stream that was going to break the internet, that was going to go viral, and that the truth would finally get out.
02:23:34.009 --> 02:23:39.470
And I was part of this team that thought that this was the relevant set of questions.
02:23:39.910 --> 02:23:49.313
And now that same team of people that I thought was working in earnest to save our grandkids, starting to forward this list of nonsense.
02:23:50.233 --> 02:23:54.454
Starting to forward this list of things that we can agree on.
02:23:55.274 --> 02:24:03.136
And not at all talking about the real irreducible complexity of our biology and the dangers that encroach upon it.
02:24:04.292 --> 02:24:16.304
GMO plants and insects, stem cell research and how it's being used behind the scenes, and intramuscular injection as medicine, the generation of remnants and what they are used for.
02:24:18.390 --> 02:24:27.716
We're not talking about any of it, and we're not talking about the vaccine schedule before or after, and we're not talking about transfection as a methodology, and that's all by design.
02:24:28.197 --> 02:24:29.938
That's what these people were there for.
02:24:30.398 --> 02:24:35.282
They curated the very lively debate within the limited spectrum that got us here.
02:24:36.002 --> 02:24:37.743
And that's why these people are guilty.
02:24:37.823 --> 02:24:39.683
That's why these people are the bad guys.
02:24:39.723 --> 02:24:49.767
That's why we need a new biology 101 that understands our biology in a different way and it can explain away this evolution because DNA crap.
02:24:51.067 --> 02:25:00.951
We need to reorient medicine to understand intramuscular injection as dumb as it is and therefore also understand our immune system as beautiful as it is.
02:25:01.653 --> 02:25:06.695
And we need the government to be held to strict scrutiny when they deprive citizens of fundamental rights.
02:25:07.175 --> 02:25:09.636
And we need lawyers on our team that understand that.
02:25:10.276 --> 02:25:16.139
Ladies and gentlemen, RNA cannot pandemic using intramuscular injection to administer medicine to healthy people is wrong.
02:25:16.599 --> 02:25:18.359
And the Human Genome Project was a lie.
02:25:18.419 --> 02:25:19.460
It's just begun.
02:25:20.220 --> 02:25:29.466
If you liked what you saw, please, please, please find a way to support what I'm doing by going to and finding a way to become a supporter.
02:25:29.866 --> 02:25:37.450
And if you want to share, please share at because Mark and I and a few other of the supporters are supporting that and paying for that.
02:25:37.931 --> 02:25:48.697
And so why promote Twitch when you could promote our own website with no algorithms, no tracking, no login, just videos that you can also download in low resolution or even audio only.
02:25:49.229 --> 02:25:50.877
Thank you very much and I'll see you again tomorrow.