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4 months ago
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And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, I need a caretaker.
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So God made a farmer.
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God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board.
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So God made a farmer.
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I need somebody with arms strong enough to wrestle a calf and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild.
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Somebody to call hogs, tame cantankerous machinery, come home hungry, have to wait lunch until his wife's done feeding visiting ladies, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon and mean it."
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So God made a farmer.
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God said, I need somebody willing to sit up all night with a newborn colt and watch it die and dry his eyes and say, maybe next year.
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I need somebody who can shape an axe handle from a persimmon sprout, shoe a horse with a hunk of car tire, who can make harness out of hay wire, feed sacks, and shoe scraps, who, planting time and harvest season, will finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday noon and then paint him from tractor back, put in another 72 hours."
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So God made a farmer.
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God had to have somebody willing to ride the ruts at double speed to get the hay in ahead of the rain clouds and yet stop in midfield and race to help when he sees the first smoke from a neighbor's place.
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So God made a farmer.
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God said, I need somebody strong enough to clear trees and heave bales, yet gentle enough to yeen lambs and wean pigs and tend to pink-combed pullets who will stop his mower for an hour to splint the broken leg of a meadow lark.
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It had to be somebody who'd plow deep and straight and not cut corners.
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Somebody to seed, weed, feed, breed, and rake, and disc, and plow, and plant, and tie the fleece, and strain the milk, and replenish the self-feeder, and finish a hard week's work with a five-mile drive to church.
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Somebody who'd bail a family together with a soft, strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh, and then sigh, and then reply with smiling eyes when his son says,
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that he wants to spend his life doing what Dad does.
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So God made a farmer.
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I love you.
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The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of America, of the American people, is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us, to ruin maybe America, I don't know, crash the dollar, I don't know, steal the rest of what limited treasury value we have left, I don't know.
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but I know for sure that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to healthcare to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary.
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And more importantly, never be possible.
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Good to see you there, Tony.
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Thanks for the shout out on JC on the hardwood.
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It's been a stupid long time coming, but I'm really excited about it.
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I know it's gonna get better.
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But yeah, I'm really enjoying that.
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It's a nice way to do it.
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But I'm also very excited to be online again.
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So thanks very much for being here, everybody.
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I'll see you in a couple minutes.
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And then you sense a change, nothing feels the same All your dreams are strange, love comes walking in Some kind of alien, it's for the opening, simply pulls a string
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Familiar faces, familiar sights.
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Reach back, remember with all your might.
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Oh, and there she stands in a silken gown, a silver light.
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And then you sense a change.
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Nothing feels the same.
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All your dreams are strange.
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Love comes walking in.
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Some kind of alien.
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It's for the opening.
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It's simply for the beginning.
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Can you sense a change?
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Nothing feels the same.
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All your dreams are strange.
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Love, I'm walking in some kind of alien.
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It's for the open me.
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Simply lose a string of love.
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He's scheduled for 60 minutes next.
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He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.
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People everywhere are starting to listen to him.
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It's embarrassing.
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Well, ladies and gentlemen, don't fear that we have taken our foot off the gas, because we definitely have not.
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We are still stuck in that hamster wheel, but I'm not really sure we're ever going to get out of this big hamster wheel we're in.
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But these little ones, these little mythologies, these little mysteries we've been chasing around that have been occupying our consciousness,
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We're starting to be able to get out of them, to just step away.
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And I think it's a very exciting time because, of course, the power that these charlatans have over us require us running in their hamster wheels.
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That's how it's been done for a couple generations.
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And now, with the advent of social media and the super clown show of it, it seems as though we might be overwhelmed.
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But actually, I think
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it's now almost never and this time could definitely be different.
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I think it could be different because the people that are involved have been consistently there.
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Their history is available on the internet and unless they start scrubbing it, I think that piece by piece you can start to see how these people
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have gotten us where we are.
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Ladies and gentlemen, intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
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Transfection and transformation of healthy humans was always gonna be criminal.
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And RNA cannot pandemic because viruses are not pattern integrities.
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All of these truths will become very self-evident as we move forward through 2025.
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Even though they will continue to try to host a very lively debate within a very limited spectrum defined by their little heroes, I can assure you that more and more people are going to wake up to the psychological operation, the military operation, the PSYOP as the guy with Cerberus on his book.
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Robert Malone would characterize it.
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They picked us up on the road, and they picked us up with a bunch of people in a van that all told us the same story.
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And it was just an elaborate illusion, ladies and gentlemen.
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And it's a social media power flex to try and convince the world of a mystery virus.
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And to the most extent, they succeeded.
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They succeeded in convincing the world that, here we go, convincing the world that
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that there was a mystery virus, when in reality, it was a lot of murder and lies, especially in America, with supplementary oxygen and opioid deaths and the lack of antibiotic use.
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I mean, they did that in a lot of places, but the opioid deaths, the supplementary oxygen, this is magic, was very specific to specific places in America.
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Could be tracked down if we wanted to, probably, because there's no epidemiological evidence of spread.
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And yet, craftily enough, these same
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Theater managers, the stage managers, have had alternative voices in place very early in the pandemic to control the narrative of all-cause mortality, of excess mortality, and expected excess mortalities.
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And that's why we still don't have anyone with any meaningful reach on social media calling it murder and lies.
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Just a few people, Mark Kulak of Housatonic Live and Jonathan Cooley of GigaOM Biological.
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And the reason why is because murder and lies were necessary in order to sort of shape the time point sufficiently so that the big truths that we are starting to try and pass out on a daily basis, these big truths can successfully be obfuscated, ignored.
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And you will notice that time and time again when people make fun of GigaOM Biological or try to cut a clip, they're not going to cut a clip with these texts on the screen.
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They're not going to cut a clip with me reading these texts, because even though these are the main message and the message that I want to encourage everyone to take and run with, you don't need to give me credit.
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Just pass this biology on.
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especially over the holidays as you meet your family and friends for the first time maybe in a while, pass along this slide.
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This is the slide right here that could be the one of the sparks that starts the forest fire that allows us to escape.
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It's also possible that we could talk to some
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We could get some lawyers to start explaining what the rational basis test is and what role it plays in the PrEP Act and other legislation consequential to public health.
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We could talk about what strict scrutiny is and how that might or might not be put into a public health law.
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We might talk about what jurisdiction stripping used to mean or what the Seventh Amendment might mean.
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But it doesn't seem to be happening because, again,
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We are trapped in an illusion of consensus and a limited spectrum of debate that is curated by the clowns on social media and actually even created by the questions that these clowns on social media have been convincing us to ask.
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and they convince us by agreeing with each other and promoting each other and pretending to see us and it's all one big show.
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It is a new kind of totalitarianism that Aldous Huxley predicted in 1962.
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It is a new kind of totalitarianism where on social media, there are gonna be highly trained acolytes that know exactly how to stay within that limited spectrum of debate, know exactly how to ride their motorcycle in the sphere and make it look really hard and dangerous.
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and then let you stand in the middle and pretend like you're part of the show but in reality these weaponized piles of money have used social media to convince us what questions are important to ask and what answers are the most important to consider and by doing so they have gotten us to accept a narrative that includes crazy things like Ukraine and Israel and gender dysphoria and and yeah
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these mythologies are how we are governed.
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And if we pass these mythologies on to our kids, then what can we expect them to do?
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How can we expect our kids to be individuals and govern themselves as individualists if we pass on this mythology to our kids?
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So, Giggo and Biological is brought to you by Jonathan Cooey, a guy in the back of his garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a
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a long career record on PubMed of wanting to be a tenure-track professor.
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Gigaohm Biological is a name derived from the methodology I used.
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And you can find my own website, Gigaohm Biological's PeerTube channel, here at
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And there you can find all the work from this past year, from February on.
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But of course, there's also, where you can find some more links, some more archives, some more deeper back, and also ways to support the stream, which we definitely need right now.
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But this is not a fundraising stream.
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This is a Monday medley stream.
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And so let me see if I can switch over successfully here.
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Hello, hello, everyone.
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Good morning.
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Welcome to the show.
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This is GigaOM Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
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Very happy to be here.
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Let me just, I think it's an important time where it seems to me that a lot of people are interested in me moving on.
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And in that sense, I feel very obligated not to.
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I'm going to stay focused on 2020 and the recent history of the pandemic to try and
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convince a few more newbies that the current rising stars of the dissident, you know, Scooby-Doo mystery-solving team are actually part of the state narrative curation team that has been protecting the intellectual property and protecting the illusion of high-fidelity molecular biology with regard to RNA virology.
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So the captain's here, let me move on.
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We are as usual, the big media show is now very visible.
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So I think it's very important to keep pointing it out because I don't think it's gonna be visible forever.
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I don't think that at all points in our history, it's gonna be as easy to see.
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Once they get a digital ID on the internet, once they get higher level of control, which they may already have and be already implementing,
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And that may explain why I still only have 3,000 followers on Twitch and still have less than 14,000 followers on Twitter.
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Because those are just military programs.
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Those are military platforms.
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And that's why I am very humbly grateful to my friends and my subscribers who have helped me put together
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| where we can host those things without algorithm and without having to log in.
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You can just find the videos and you can even download them, et cetera.
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And one of the other people that's really helping with that now and contributing monthly is Mark Kulak.
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He's also putting in roughly half of the costs of doing that website now.
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And so that's really nice.
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Cause number one, I needed that help.
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Um, it was, it's not cheap to host that many videos and have it, you know, I think it works pretty well for the live stream.
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It works very well also for replay.
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Sometimes you have to refresh, but like in the grand scheme of things, um, you know, it's, it's nice because we are.
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Technically speaking.
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It's our own thing.
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It's not like I'm hosting that in my in my basement or something like that But yes, anyway, I'm babbling here.
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Let's just get on with the show We are looking at a scenario where let me let me switch down here because I like to be able to Bring people to the show for the first time For the last let's say year or so and maybe six months to a year maybe two years I've been using a diagram similar to this to represent
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the collective shared experience of the pandemic.
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You see here, represented by vertical bars, various years that are labeled with vertical numbers here, and you see a color-coded western and eastern hemisphere.
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and you see some color-coded viruses and so throughout the course of the stream I'm going to use this to kind of illustrate time and time passing.
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I think it's really important once again to remind you that I do have another project going called JC on the hardwood.
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I think the more that I do these videos the more annoying they're going to be for
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for everybody that is working against us.
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These are just simply, absolutely, I think really gonna be a problem once I have enough of them done, clean them up a little bit more and add a few more figures and a little, you know, clips and things like that, and then start dropping them on YouTube.
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I think it's gonna be a very, very nice fire for them to put out.
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So if you don't mind, take a look at those videos, give me some feedback on how I can make them better.
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I know that right now what I'm posting is a very raw video, so sometimes the combination of exercise and discussion may become a little frustrating for some people.
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But again, I...
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I only defend myself and say that I'm getting that timeline done.
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I'm getting those cuts made.
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Um, I'm getting the raw video done with a few basic, uh, you know, getting the subtitles, right.
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And then when I'm ready to put them on YouTube, I can add and clean and maybe make them just a little bit better.
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Although I'm not really sure.
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I'm not really sure, uh, how much more I'm going to change on them.
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But anyway, the point is, is that is going to become a YouTube channel and we are going to, um,
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we are gonna put a full court press on these guys.
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Because, you know, the spectacular commitment to lies is gonna keep going on.
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It's not like at some point in time, they're all gonna say, all right, sorry.
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Jay was totally right.
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We've been working together.
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We're totally busted, like, sorry.
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That would be, I guess I would be doing that in Jessica Hockett's voice, slightly Valley girl, you know, the same way that she was in that voicemail that I played on the stream before where she says, you know, she's known Jonathan Engler for like a year.
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So if he turned out to be bad, like it would be so, oh my gosh, you know, I just can't even imagine.
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Um, so we are, we are in the midst of a five year plus, um, theater exercise and all of these people put their chips in the middle a long time ago.
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They were all in a long time ago.
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So nobody is going to come out of character, so to speak.
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That's not how this works.
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You join the team, you sign the non-disclosure agreement in blood, and it's over.
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Whatever this is, I don't know.
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You take your chip implant.
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I don't know what it is.
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But these people are all in, and they're going to continue to be all in.
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So my goal with streams on Monday are going to be to try and illustrate
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how I think quite obvious it is that these people are all in.
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And by looking at the internet stain that they have left over the last five or six years, you can clearly see it.
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There's no excuse for their almost like sand timer, hourglass speed of progress from, oh my goodness, it's a pandemic, but not quite what they say on TV to there's double-stranded DNA in the shot, bad, bad.
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And this faux dissident movement that they've essentially created with the help of Children's Health Defense and ICANN and Mickey Willis and pandemic movies and the intellectual dark web, this illusion
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that these people have come together as a unity movement with, you know, the best of the dissident voices.
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This is absolutely nonsense.
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The only voices they have are people that they can control.
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That's it.
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Have gotten in for one reason or another because they're part of NATO, because they were in DITRA, because they were in DARPA.
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I don't know.
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I don't know.
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State Department, CBERN, you name it.
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I don't care where they're from.
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I just know that they're traitors to American children.
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and their spectacular commitment to lies is not going to go away.
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The illusion of consensus is only sustained by these people just agreeing that Jay's kind of crazy.
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We would never gang up on him.
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We would never
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lie to him together, that would be crazy.
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Nick Hudson and Jonathan Engler and Martin Neal and Jessica Hockett weren't lying to me in the DMs on Twitter and in the emails and in the sub stacks, they said they were gonna write with me.
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Nah, that wasn't lying.
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But if I printed all those things out and you read them, you'd know it was lying.
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It's like obvious.
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And the crazy part is, is all those people know those DMs are there.
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They all know that those DMs are archivable.
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And they all know that I've been archiving those things for five years.
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So that's why they disappear.
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That's why the only remaining debate on social media on X, for example, with me are these anonymous mice.
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Lots and lots of anonymous mice.
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I can keep muting them and more and more and more show up.
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Every day there's new accounts to mute.
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It's actually quite extraordinary.
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It's almost as if they know that I'm muting them, isn't it?
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So you see, this illusion of consensus is easier to create if you realize that the control of social media and the use of social media wasn't just an American thing, it was a global thing.
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It was a NATO-coordinated thing.
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It was a Five Eyes-coordinated thing.
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And so they have people in other countries and other groups in other countries like Panda and Heart and people like Claire Craig and Nick Hudson.
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these collaborators, which have agreed to take the reins on parts of the narrative, agreed to take the reins on groups of people that will then effectively oppose the pandemic narrative as primarily a, an, World Health Organization, UN, and maybe American-fueled, American-fumbled ball.
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And so that's the narrative that Nick Hudson wants to push forward, that America's bad because, you know, Israel and stuff.
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America's bad because, well, the pandemic and Fauci and stuff and Peter Daszak and stuff.
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But in the same sense, he also wants to say a couple of times that intramuscular injection isn't good or something, but nobody saw it or whatever.
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I don't know.
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It's an old idea.
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What you're looking at here is a demonstration, actually, of how they can use Twitter and Rumble and Substack and these social medias to control global opinion, because that's the problem here.
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The problem is global opinion.
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The problem is the no-sphere.
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Once the internet came into being and these military programs were rolled out, there's no going back.
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If I want to talk smack about how I think that the attack on the Jews in Amsterdam was equally fueled by the hoodlums from the racist Israeli football team,
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I can do that because of the noosphere, because of the internet, because of the fact that we have global reach, or at least the military programs in theory provide global reach to those people who haven't been turned off.
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And so what she says here, this health minister from the Netherlands, is she didn't have a lot of choice on a lot of these things, on a lot of the messaging, on a lot of the calendar schedule, on a lot of the way that it went, was determined by a NATO exercise.
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So make no mistake about it.
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If a guy is working for the Marines for the State Department, then, you know, very easy to see why he might be Seaburn, NATO, DITRA, something like that, because DITRA works with the State Department, because that's how that works.
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So I don't know about DITRA.
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I don't know about, I don't want to claim that I know.
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I just know that anybody that's telling you it was the military is not telling you any more than I am with regard to who did it.
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All I know is that there is a coordinated group of traders in our government and a coordinated group of traders, maybe several outside of our government, crossing borders, maybe linked to the who, maybe linked to big pharma, maybe linked to big pharma in a particular country.
31:26.937 --> 31:27.337
I don't know.
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I know that big pharma is not big in all countries.
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So if you said big pharma in America, it would mean something very different than big pharma in Israel, for example.
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And all of this potential precision with which people could talk about what's happening now, they don't talk about it at all.
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And instead we're just hyper-focused on double-stranded DNA and censorship.
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And we're not talking about 2020 when all of these people came out with a very specific agenda, with a very specific list of things to argue about, a very specific list.
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Now look at this graph carefully.
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These are all years from 2015 all the way to 2024.
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We're essentially 10 years, the five years of the pandemic, right?
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Five years we are on.
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Now we have in 2024, a guy by the name of Eric Capolino.
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I was on his stream in 2023, I believe at the beginning of the year.
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And I'd have to go look it up again.
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Um, but it was when I was on, when I was working for Robert F. Kennedy jr.
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And still believe that Robert F. Kennedy jr.
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Was a good guy, even though he was being influenced by bad people.
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And I knew that already.
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I knew that he was being influenced by, um, Robert Malone and by Merrill Nassin, that they probably weren't good guys, but I hadn't yet fully figured it out.
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And I certainly hadn't yet the guts to try and say anything to Bobby, which I did later.
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But while I was on this guy's stream, Eric Cappellino, I did explain what infectious clones were and I did explain that I thought that the no virus position and
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the, you know, whatever lab leak position.
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They all needed to come together and understand that neither of these things is really possible, the natural virus or the lab leak.
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So I agree with a lot of what the no virus people say, but there is this one little caveat that it seems like people like Brian Artis are all about trying to cover up.
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And that is, is that when we make biologics in pharmaceutical companies, we make it using synthetic DNA,
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grown to quantity in bacterial culture, and then either translated to RNA and applied to cell cultures, or just directly applied to another cell culture where the protein encoded by that DNA can be made, or encoded in RNA can be made.
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But in both of those cases, there is the potential for making large quantities or the requirement of making large quantities of pure DNA or nearly pure
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and maybe making large quantities of nearly pure RNA.
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And those are synthetic purities and quantities that simply can't exist in nature in no way, shape or form.
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And those can provide PCR tests, those can provide infectious, like, rather,
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like a transfection that would allow the expression of a protein that if that happened in your lungs, it would feel like you were infected.
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It would feel like you were having an immune response because that's the natural response to being transfected there.
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If you got transfected in your gut, a very similar thing.
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These things can also be put very readily into a bacteriophage, which could express an immunogenic protein in the bacteria of your gut or the bacteria of your lungs.
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And a bacteriophage made with synthetic DNA is also very doable and very much within the context of accepted biology of even the most skeptical no-virus people.
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And so I tried to explain it, although I fell short, on his podcast about how it's important for everybody to understand that synthetic biology, and specifically synthetic molecular biology, allows a lot of these illusions to be created, a lot of these high-fidelity illusions to be created, illusions of fidelity, meaning that they have a very good understanding of what this signal is, and a very, very fine reading on it is an illusion.
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These are not measurements with many, many, many significant digits.
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These are not sequences with perfect base sequence accuracy.
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And the extent to which we can even verify that accuracy is limited.
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And so in this context, it's very interesting because this guy, of course, with the government funded lab leak narrative, he comes out and says, but there's no virus.
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And how does he say it?
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He says it the no virus way.
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They don't isolate.
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There's FOIA requests that show there's no virus.
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And even Denny Rancor is being encouraged by this guy to embark on a search for the virus.
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As if Denny Rancor is relevant to this in 2023 or 2000, this is December of 20, January 23, Denny Rancor is supposed to investigate whether there's a virus or not.
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But in 2023, I was already saying that there was no virus.
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At the end of, I mean, it's ridiculous.
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It's just a coordinated group of people.
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that has collectively agreed to ignore and to shut out anybody who sees through them.
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And so the no-virus people will do it.
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The Jessica Rose and International COVID Summit people will do it.
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People like Matt Crawford will do it.
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And others that are part of this little network that creates these little isolated groups of people like a Bitcoin signal chat.
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And that is how they compartmentalize us, get us to get mixed up, get us to ask the wrong questions, and they've been doing it consistently for five years.
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And I believe, probably with the chagrin of some of my viewers, I really think that it's likely that Denny Rancor has been playing along with them all along.
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And you can see it.
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In the interview that I had with Jason Levine, I do think you can see it because of the way that he behaves with regard to the population pyramid suggestion.
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And there is no denying.
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There is no denying now, in my humble opinion, after working on it for a few weeks,
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There's no denying that these people know, these people knew.
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I have video after video after video from the seventies and eighties and the nineties where they're talking about this problem, that there are going to be more and more old people, more and more people aging out, which is going to be more and more expensive and a bigger, bigger problem.
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And this is the approach of the pandemic, ladies and gentlemen, from decades ago.
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And so they had to have people like Denny Rancourt, or maybe just had to have Denny in place so that in May, 2020, he could put out a paper with a hundred figures and 5,000 pages, making sure that nobody tried to do any analysis of all cause mortality, because he could just say, yeah, you didn't do it thoroughly enough.
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Look at our, we got a hundred figures.
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We got a hundred figures that shows there's no epidemiological evidence of spread and we got all kinds of figures that show there was no excess mortality.
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So you just have to take his word for it because he's got a hundred figures.
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But what about the word of the last 30 years of predictions about these old people and what was going to happen when they aged out in America, how it was going to make us go bankrupt?
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What about those predictions?
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Those are nothing.
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Or this just is a coincidence now?
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You see, the problem is, is that Denny Rancor is also essentially normalized.
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and I use the mathematical term normalize here, where he's taken the baseline from 2019 or even the baseline from 2020 and called that the baseline, even though that was already at the accelerating increase in all cause mortality due to the aging out population.
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And then he takes that as baseline.
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And then on top of that, there's also a lot of opioid deaths in there that shouldn't be there.
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And that's also figured into the baseline.
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So that as we go into 21, 22 and 23, his graphs look pretty flat and they only spike when there is a vaccine.
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But if you could see them from a little bit farther back, let's say 10 years, and you could see them with the proper, I think the proper setting of the baseline, you would see something that looks like this.
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And right here is where the pandemic started.
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And that's the trick.
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That's the trick that all of these people are covering up.
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They're covering it up for one simple reason, because they need to cover it up, because they don't have any molecular biology.
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They don't have any real story about anything significant, because if they did, then they too would be where I am.
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The Human Genome Project was an exaggeration.
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virology is just transfection and transformation and cell culture.
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And they always knew that these old, old recycled technologies, transformation by adenovirus and transfection by lipid nanoparticle, were never going to be appropriate for children or pregnant women, but they went away and did it anyway.
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And all of these people are responsible.
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Eric Cappellino is just as responsible as Kevin McKernan and Robert Malone and Tony Fauci.
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They're all part of the same team because they're all not asking the relevant questions and they all could have.
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Interestingly, Eric Cappellino does have the best timeline for 2020 and 2021 and 2019, like the best timeline.
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And it's worth checking out because maybe that's one of the things that he got very right and is allowed to get right.
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and made to get right while he runs and reinforces the hamster wheel of the no virus people.
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And so again, I would put him up here with no viruses and no clones.
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And in fact, that's exactly what he did with his interview with me.
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And that's exactly the same timeframe where Mary Holland asked me to write a response letter to the no virus people, Christine Massey in particular.
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And I tried very hard to say that CHD
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and your group of people could come together under the understanding that infectious clones are really what they do.
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They make quantities of DNA or RNA.
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They transfect it into cell culture and they call that virology, but they didn't want that.
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Instead, they wanted papers.
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But of course, you know if you go on PubMed and you put in infectious clone into the search bar, you'll find thousands of papers.
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You can do all the reading you want.
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And so again, I'm just a biology coach.
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I don't do the exercises for you.
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I can only point you in the right direction.
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I can only give you some tips.
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And so I tried to give Christine Massey a few tips.
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I tried to give the no virus people a few tips about how they could move their argument forward.
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and specifically take down RNA virology, but they didn't do it.
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And they still won't do it even if they hear this talk now and say, you know, wow, maybe he's right.
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Maybe we should move on and really take it down.
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They won't do it.
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They won't do it at all because that's not their job.
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Their job is to sustain this.
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Their job is, you know, to run the clock as long as possible now.
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It's like to make it extend this game, this illusion that there's some battle happening.
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There's no battle happening.
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Nobody's fighting but us.
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And so if you look at what Team Robert Malone and Team Immunomythology curated, they curated a debate about the vaccines, of course.
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This is Robert Malone.
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This is Claire Craig.
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This is Jessica Rose.
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Not only that, but think very carefully, please, about the fact that Jessica Rose, when she first came out, the specific argument that she was making was that there was no signal in VAERS before the pandemic.
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but now had to roll out of the COVID shots, there's a big virus signal.
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So what is part of Jessica Rose's message?
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Well, there was no real cause for alarm with regard to the childhood vaccine schedule in America.
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Do you see it?
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Do you see how diabolical that is?
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Because that's what role EpiGirl played, effectively making sure that skepticism of the pandemic and skepticism of the transfections and transformations would never usefully link in anybody's mind to the previous vaccine schedule.
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And it's interesting, of course, you can check CHD.
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CHD didn't say, hey, we've been saying this all along about the old vaccine schedule.
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So why would you take the new ones?
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They didn't say that either, you see.
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Once you start to feel it and see it for what it is, nobody actually tried to get us out.
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And anybody that did, like myself, was absorbed and influenced by a lot of these people, especially behind the scenes, to get them back on narrative.
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That's what happened to me.
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And I'm confessing it because it resulted in me losing a father-in-law, losing a sister-in-law, losing a best friend from college, and losing a really good friend from Chicago.
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Four people is the minimum I would say that I've lost directly to transfection or transformation and the consequences of it.
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And it's because of these people.
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They created an illusion where no one could ask a useful question and there was no way out of the cave.
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They did it.
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And now they're still doing it with Pierre Cory and Brett Weinstein leading a charge to say, well, the old vaccines do have these toxic things called adjuvants in them.
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And so it could be that the old vaccines actually were bad because they had toxins in them.
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Stop lying.
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It's awful what they're gonna do, but you need to hear it over and over again, what they're gonna do in order to understand it.
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So vaccines are untested, they're gonna say that, and of course, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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is gonna get us the data.
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The new vaccines are also untested and they were not manufactured well.
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They weren't up to manufacturing standards is what Sasha Latupova said when she came out.
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They weren't up to manufacturing standards is what Michael Yeadon hypothesized about in 2020 or 2021.
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And in fact, that's also what Kevin McKernan was talking about in 2021, the possibility of contaminants that they couldn't make it pure.
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And then all of those objections were really just, I guess, for behind the scenes, because only on my podcast and a few other places did he say those things.
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The rest of the time it was just, you know, PCR and weed and stuff.
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So dangerous components, you know, and the bad guy covered it up.
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Lab leak, yada, yada, yada.
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Don't forget this can go endemic.
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This is all part of their little thing.
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The FDA is corrupt.
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That's of course something that Kevin McKernan started with in the Vance Crowe podcast in 2020, but we can hear it from a lot of people back then and still now.
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But this time they're turning around with food.
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You know, it's food.
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The food is bad.
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The food is bad, but it's on the label.
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If the poisons are on the label, didn't the FDA do their job?
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If the poisons are on the label, didn't the FDA do their job?
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Don't you see what's going on here?
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They want more control.
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They want the FDA to have less power.
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They want the FDA's corrupt, but the FDA's giving us food we don't like.
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Well, it's on the label.
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It says shit on the label.
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The label ingredients are organized from the most abundant to the least abundant.
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And if you buy something that's called meat, and then the first thing in the list is not the meat that you bought, you might have a problem.
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But it's the FDA's fault, right?
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It's the FDA's fault.
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And of course they curated the novel virus.
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We all had something strange.
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I know I had something very strange.
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It was so strange, said Merrill, Mary, Robert, and Brett, and Steve, and Sasha, and all these clowns.
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And of course the no virus, no clones people also curated something.
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They curated something very important to make sure that nobody else could talk about what purify means, and those people don't say it right.
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And no one can talk about it.
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We're talking about isolation.
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They don't isolate these things.
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Listen to them.
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They don't even answer the right question.
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Culture, they don't culture anything.
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They don't really mean that.
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There's no culturing going on.
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That's ridiculous.
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And we have FOIA requests that show they have no virus.
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We FOIAed more police departments than anyone else on earth.
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And all the FOIA requests came back, shoulder shrug, we don't know.
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Lockdowns and other stuff killed people, kinda.
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I don't know how people died.
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They don't care because, you know, purify, isolation, purification, they're lying about it.
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There was no virus.
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So then what?
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Did they murder people or what?
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Of course, they didn't use that word.
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They'll never use that word.
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They were using the word exosomes, then they stopped using the word exosomes.
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That's so curious.
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Obviously, the U.S.
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government is corrupt and responsible is where these people are going to go.
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Tom Collins is going to go there.
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Christine Massey can go there.
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All these foreigners can go there, and they will.
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It might be 5G because all electromagnetic radiation is bad, and I don't know if it is.
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It could be.
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I would say protect yourself if you can, but I mean, you know, this was part of their little, their little shtick as well.
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And of course they're also big on processed foods and bad water and cosmetics and pollution.
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These are obvious people.
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Come on.
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I grew up in a time when, when there were crying American Indians on, on TV commercials about pollution and air quality.
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I mean, give me a break.
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This isn't crusading.
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This is where government corruption has already been corrupt for so long.
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I mean, we have Superfund sites, for the love of goodness.
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It's easy for them to say that because red and white agree on those things.
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Send us papers about clones is what these people said.
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From Eric Cappellino to Christine Massey to Tom Cowan to Andrew Kaufman to Alex Zeck.
51:03.969 --> 51:05.189
They all said the same thing.
51:05.229 --> 51:05.950
Send us papers.
51:06.050 --> 51:07.110
Only Mark Bailey didn't.
51:07.831 --> 51:09.551
Mark Bailey's never been in contact with me.
51:09.591 --> 51:13.273
I think Mark Bailey really regrets joining this operation.
51:14.758 --> 51:19.842
Maybe his wife likes it a little more than him, but I don't think Mark Bailey has had very much fun in a long time.
51:20.382 --> 51:27.367
Mark Bailey was definitely not having fun when he had to do the fake debate with Tim Truth and Kevin McCarron in 2022.
51:27.708 --> 51:28.789
That was sad.
51:29.489 --> 51:33.112
It was sad when I watched it, when I didn't even understand what was going on.
51:33.132 --> 51:42.599
And now when I look back on it, I realize exactly why Mark Bailey was able to behave the way that he behaved, because he knew that Kevin McCarron was doing a schtick.
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It's hilarious when I see it now.
51:47.270 --> 51:53.155
It's all one big clown show, and that's why they had to be in control of there's no virus or contagious disease.
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Because you don't want to know about transfection and transformation.
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Everybody's got to stay away from that.
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So the way to stay away from it for these guys was that way.
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There isn't any of that stuff.
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That stuff doesn't work.
52:06.826 --> 52:07.807
Clones, come on.
52:08.287 --> 52:10.930
Transfection and transformation is just made up, Jay.
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Send us some papers.
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And that's how we got here.
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That's how we are here in 2024 with a completely divided narrative that everybody is absolutely sure about.
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These guys are absolutely sure.
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These guys are absolutely sure.
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The Republicans are absolutely, absolutely sure that everything that they thought before the pandemic is now confirmed, admitted, or basically out there
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And so they're vindicated.
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And everybody on this side here thinks that they've always been vindicated.
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It's always okay.
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And if anything, there is a lot of fraud and cheating going on.
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And that's why our side isn't winning.
53:06.943 --> 53:08.224
And what do they agree about?
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What do they actually fight about?
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It's really extraordinary where we are.
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We are in 2020, where while Eric Capellino can be saying there's no virus because we have FOIAs and because Congress is lying about it.
53:21.755 --> 53:23.437
Well, why would they do that, Eric?
53:26.599 --> 53:27.600
Why would they do that?
53:28.481 --> 53:35.707
And if they're so interested in lying about it, Eric, wouldn't they murder a few people in order to make the lie stick?
53:38.419 --> 53:54.246
If CHD and all these other people are in on it like you really knew already when I was interviewing with you and I didn't know it, then why aren't you willing to jump to the next stage and say that they would have murdered people and lied about it?
53:55.950 --> 53:58.413
and we better get justice for those people.
53:58.893 --> 54:12.109
Why instead are you promoting Denny Rancor and these no virus people as being the people that were leading the way when all of you, all of you should have said that these are myths,
54:13.328 --> 54:19.275
And the national security states of our countries would murder people and lie about it in order to preserve these myths.
54:19.775 --> 54:20.876
Why wouldn't they say that?
54:21.717 --> 54:23.940
And why aren't they able to say it now in 2024?
54:24.981 --> 54:33.070
Because they are part of the same global noosphere trap that Bill Maher is.
54:36.195 --> 54:50.004
that can have a lying Democrat and a fake physicist on and have a fake discussion about answering fake important questions is no different than what's going on on Substack.
54:50.044 --> 54:52.065
It's the same nonsense for the most part.
54:52.105 --> 55:02.972
It's people playing a role, making sure that people are always trapped in this illusion, this illusion where if you're not
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If you're not trapped in the biological illusion, then you're trapped in the checked out illusion.
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They have no solutions for you.
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They have no suggestions on how to go forward.
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They have no interest in justice.
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People were murdered in 2020 in order to cover up for the fact that the Human Genome Project was a lie, in order to cover up for the fact that we need to shift and shift now, in order to cover up for the fact that they needed to manage a exponentially almost increasing old person faction and financial burden on Western culture's budgetary outlook.
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A lot of countries were potentially going to go bankrupt from these old people.
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They needed a way to get rid of them.
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And whether these morons are smart enough to know it or sit at a table where they talk about it, I don't care.
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These people are obviously players that are primarily motivated by the comfort and fame that they get.
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These people are not thinking about the biology in a very deep way, and they definitely don't care about what's sacred.
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And so we don't need to look to these people for guidance, but what we do need to see is that these are the cave walls and the images on the cave walls that our family and friends are trapped in.
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And I'm including Eric Capellino and the no virus people.
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I'm including the people on national television and I'm including these people here that make up this,
56:43.390 --> 56:57.634
this red and blue kind of pseudo divide in America that's really not just red and blue, but for the sake of our controlled demolition, this is how they're portraying the division.
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But actually the contradictions that are found here are quite extraordinary.
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That's also how we got here in 2024, where you have, I'm gonna escape and start it again.
57:13.220 --> 57:17.869
where you have Peter Thiel promoting Barry Weiss.
57:18.209 --> 57:24.922
Barry Weiss is a naive child, probably an unregistered foreign agent.
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We have people from Team Robert Malone who pretend to be very serious on Australian news and absolutely crazy on American social media.
57:35.731 --> 57:44.995
And we have Kevin McKernan going on a huge podcast talking about Charles Rixey as a guy who helped Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
57:45.015 --> 57:46.836
write this book.
57:47.716 --> 57:53.158
So we have a guy from the Human Genome Project going on a huge podcast in 2024 to lie about me
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and lie about Charles Rixey and lie about how this book was written.
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When you can open the book and see that Charles Rixey played no role, and you can actually call people and ask them and find out that, at least as far as I know, CHD fired him because he violated a non-disclosure agreement.
58:15.826 --> 58:22.347
Now, what a weird thing for a guy from the Human Genome Project to go on a podcast and say over and over again in 2024,
58:27.830 --> 58:30.191
What a weird thing for everybody to ignore.
58:31.912 --> 58:33.594
It's a giant list, ladies and gentlemen.
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I mean, it's crazy the kinds of things they got us to disagree about and how they've gotten us to disagree.
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Just think about the first one.
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Pandemics are real, and Fauci is a hero.
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Pandemics are real, and Fauci is responsible.
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Natural viruses would kill millions every year if it were not for vaccines.
58:52.665 --> 58:57.288
Natural viruses are not as bad as gain-of-function laboratory viruses, and flu vaccines are lame.
58:59.102 --> 58:59.222
59:00.564 --> 59:02.566
Millions died of COVID in the last five years.
59:02.626 --> 59:04.568
Lockdowns and masks prevented many more.
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There was something strange for sure, but lockdowns and protocols made it worse.
59:10.354 --> 59:10.654
59:14.147 --> 59:21.236
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in big trouble right now because you can't just open up a conversation with somebody that's not on the same side as you.
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And even if you do open a conversation with someone on the same side as you, you may run into bullshit.
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In fact, you're almost guaranteed to run into the Scooby-Doo.
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And so all parties started with accepting this biology of endemicity.
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Actually, the whole idea of a pandemic isn't possible unless you believe the virology assertion that the RNA garbage that we have in the background that we can detect using PCR and PCR alone, that signal is there because it wasn't there before and it somehow eventually showed up.
01:00:04.267 --> 01:00:10.812
And if we do some math on that, we can calculate that these things are about 100 years old or 200 years old or whatever.
01:00:10.852 --> 01:00:17.178
And that's actually how they describe the first four coronaviruses in humans.
01:00:17.238 --> 01:00:33.771
They found a sequence and then they talked about how old it might be because they found another sequence or some other something to establish the biological idea, the concept that a molecule with the right combination of bases,
01:00:34.926 --> 01:00:45.839
can go from a small, minute quantity, maybe even a singular quantity, and be present in most places on Earth.
01:00:47.779 --> 01:00:49.320
That idea is endemicity.
01:00:49.440 --> 01:01:05.655
And it's important to understand that before the pandemic, that was already a biological idea that me and every other academic just kind of accepted, especially those who were not virologists, not molecular biologists, and just casually listening and absorbing these ideas.
01:01:06.115 --> 01:01:06.976
Okay, that sounds fine.
01:01:09.892 --> 01:01:14.395
That's why we have these background things, these background colds, these background viruses.
01:01:14.435 --> 01:01:16.516
Whatever they are, some of them go endemic.
01:01:16.536 --> 01:01:17.477
They just stay there.
01:01:17.997 --> 01:01:21.299
And if you don't think very deeply about it, it makes okay, whatever.
01:01:21.899 --> 01:01:22.400
That's fine.
01:01:23.460 --> 01:01:25.722
I got more important things to do because I have a grant to write.
01:01:25.782 --> 01:01:37.089
But if you think deeply enough about it, if you think deeply enough about it in the context of what is life, life is a pattern integrity with a trajectory across time.
01:01:38.544 --> 01:01:39.684
Viruses don't make sense.
01:01:40.284 --> 01:01:42.585
And they're definitely not pattern integrities, they can't be.
01:01:46.146 --> 01:01:48.686
And so something doesn't make sense about endemicity.
01:01:48.726 --> 01:01:51.027
And I think that's the most important thing to see here.
01:01:52.467 --> 01:02:02.649
In the grand scheme of things, the most important idea to grasp is this one, because this is the other side of the coin with regard to RNA cannot pandemic.
01:02:02.809 --> 01:02:08.030
RNA cannot pandemic, another way to say that is endemicity as a concept
01:02:09.381 --> 01:02:13.385
is nonsense because a molecule can't become endemic.
01:02:15.528 --> 01:02:18.891
That's like paint becoming ubiquitous.
01:02:19.692 --> 01:02:26.899
So I painted my house blue and because of the molecular attributes of the paint,
01:02:27.714 --> 01:02:33.936
My entire neighborhood became blue, and now more than 50% of all the houses on the North American continent are blue.
01:02:34.497 --> 01:02:38.438
That's what endemicity means from a chemical perspective.
01:02:38.858 --> 01:02:49.042
And a molecule going endemic is very much the same as if you put the right combinations of chemicals in a paint and paint your house.
01:02:50.382 --> 01:02:54.664
It might be of no fault of your own that blue houses will go endemic.
01:02:55.837 --> 01:02:58.178
and we won't be able to ever get rid of blue houses.
01:02:58.278 --> 01:03:03.180
Occasionally you just walk out of your house and your house will have turned blue or it'll turn blue over a course of weeks.
01:03:07.002 --> 01:03:22.908
And so once you understand the absolute absurdity that with only a few papers with the right title and a few papers with the right P values, we have come to accept endemicity as a concept in virology.
01:03:24.458 --> 01:03:42.049
A foundational concept in virology that could easily be, by all estimations, with very little lying, could just be the misconstruing of background signals as something of a high fidelity signal.
01:03:43.530 --> 01:03:45.811
Noise being turned into something important.
01:03:47.585 --> 01:03:53.609
If you turn up the noise on the radio loud enough and then use the right algorithm, you might be able to pull out lots of different Morse code.
01:03:53.629 --> 01:03:54.489
But is it really there?
01:03:54.509 --> 01:04:00.032
I would suggest to you that with the right programming, no, it doesn't need to be there at all.
01:04:00.052 --> 01:04:04.095
And you could tweak that programming so you could pull out whatever Morse code you've wanted from the noise.
01:04:08.257 --> 01:04:14.181
And if we are at the stage where that trick is being played, even not all the time, we're already in trouble.
01:04:15.828 --> 01:04:18.470
But I suspect that we are being governed by that trick.
01:04:19.511 --> 01:04:33.662
That the priesthood class of the ruling elite is governing or controlling the politician class and the corporate governance class by those mythologies.
01:04:36.064 --> 01:04:43.810
And endemicity is one of those concepts that can be relayed and explained
01:04:44.963 --> 01:04:55.326
with a great deal of faux understanding, faux certainty to these CEOs and these bureaucrats and these politicians.
01:04:55.366 --> 01:05:09.951
And so it's very easy for the priest class to control the politician class with the illusion created just using a background signal that the politician class is not, and the bureaucrat class is not sophisticated enough to understand.
01:05:12.608 --> 01:05:16.269
So now you see why actually this time we might be able to change things.
01:05:16.349 --> 01:05:21.471
This time we might be able to escape because we are starting to be able to explain it.
01:05:21.551 --> 01:05:26.492
There is no difference between a background signal and what you call an endemic virus.
01:05:26.892 --> 01:05:32.314
If you have no data from previous years, you can't say that
01:05:35.578 --> 01:05:43.725
human coronavirus OC43 is 200 years old because we sequenced it and we did some calculations, that's ridiculous.
01:05:46.147 --> 01:05:56.236
All previous examples of CoV were also defined by indirect molecular signals alone, and mostly by indirect molecular signals that are admitted to be shared across these signals over time.
01:05:58.717 --> 01:06:05.923
the N-protein, the S-proteins, these fusion proteins, these proteins that supposedly the RNA is wrapped around.
01:06:05.963 --> 01:06:08.705
These proteins are very conserved across these signals.
01:06:09.846 --> 01:06:27.399
And so rather than saying that there is a background signal of vesicles or exosomes that have binding proteins on the outside, fusion proteins on the outside, and N-proteins with RNA in them, rather than saying we have a very strong background signal composed
01:06:28.433 --> 01:06:40.499
generally of that signal, they want you to believe that they have a signal composed specifically of viruses that contain those signals.
01:06:41.580 --> 01:06:42.420
And that's very different.
01:06:42.580 --> 01:06:53.386
You know, if you took somebody to a junkyard and you said, if you find any wheels in there, then you can almost be sure you're at a racetrack and you're at the Indianapolis 500.
01:06:53.426 --> 01:06:53.686
Well, no.
01:06:59.329 --> 01:07:07.474
The background signal in a junkyard is way too high to use the presence of tires to indicate anything, nevermind spreading something.
01:07:10.716 --> 01:07:26.606
And that's easy to understand in a junkyard example, but it's very hard to understand from an abstract molecular biology angle where the molecular biology therein is this molecular biology at the heart of everyone's understanding of reality, DNA.
01:07:28.700 --> 01:07:31.461
I mean, if you get that wrong, then you basically don't know anything, right?
01:07:31.541 --> 01:07:34.322
So people are also very intimidated by that.
01:07:34.502 --> 01:07:40.324
A DNA molecule was the Olympic cauldron in Salt Lake City, for goodness sakes.
01:07:42.164 --> 01:07:48.246
DNA molecule was laser beamed into the Olympic ceremonies in Athens, for goodness sakes.
01:07:50.527 --> 01:07:54.168
The pandemic was predicted at the London Olympics, for goodness sakes.
01:07:54.228 --> 01:07:54.829
They even put
01:07:56.960 --> 01:08:01.081
that character in the bed with the blonde hair, whatever his name was, Boris.
01:08:04.301 --> 01:08:12.643
And so any molecular experiments are done with synthetic produced quantities of DNA or RNA transfected into cell culture.
01:08:13.783 --> 01:08:14.303
This is it.
01:08:16.464 --> 01:08:22.405
And so all of the signals they say define the pandemic could have been manufactured, they could have been placed.
01:08:23.493 --> 01:08:31.502
They could have also been characterized as a background signal before the pandemic, and then tests that were specific for that background signal could have been rolled out.
01:08:32.303 --> 01:08:40.733
Even tests could have been purposefully evolved over time so that the background signal could be used to create the illusion of evolution.
01:08:42.864 --> 01:08:54.166
to bring us from a synthetic placed signal or maybe a synthetic immunogen that they knew would work well as a transfection that would get the attention of the immune system.
01:08:54.646 --> 01:09:10.289
And so they said, okay, so we got to find our immunogen in China, but it's got to be close enough related to the background signal so that over a couple of years, we can have the phylogeny of our spike protein move toward the background signal.
01:09:11.755 --> 01:09:24.039
And so if the background signal was the spike of Omicron, then all they had to do was put the Moderna spike in China and spray it over there, put all the DNA over there so that anybody that sequenced it would find it.
01:09:24.539 --> 01:09:26.159
Then they found it, they reported it.
01:09:26.620 --> 01:09:29.680
Moderna said, wow, look at this, spike protein, cool.
01:09:30.021 --> 01:09:30.981
Let's make a vaccine.
01:09:31.681 --> 01:09:45.643
And in the meantime, DITRA and the people that are running the sequencing things are just already got a progression from the original spike in Wuhan that's amyloidogenic and all this other stuff that these people were put in place to say.
01:09:46.778 --> 01:09:52.201
It progresses toward the background signal that they already had characterized that they call Omicron when they get to it.
01:09:52.761 --> 01:09:54.362
I'm not saying that's what happened.
01:09:54.883 --> 01:10:11.692
I'm saying that that example and that explanation is far more parsimonious and requires far fewer assumptions about magic biology than any of the things that we've been told over the last five years, gain-of-function virus being the main one.
01:10:14.400 --> 01:10:23.308
And it would all be very possible just using the standard manufacturing techniques that are used to make biologics.
01:10:23.348 --> 01:10:28.073
You could make the DNA for the spike or for the whole genome if you wanted to.
01:10:28.113 --> 01:10:31.937
And you could put that anywhere you wanted to, and it would be stable enough to be found.
01:10:32.577 --> 01:10:34.339
And sequencing for it would find it.
01:10:36.496 --> 01:10:38.137
That is easy.
01:10:38.958 --> 01:10:46.223
What is hard is making an RNA molecule in a pure enough form that when you put it in a mud puddle, it shows up all over the world five years later.
01:10:46.263 --> 01:10:53.448
That's pretty hard, if not, I'm asserting that's impossible, and that's why I think everybody's ignoring me.
01:10:54.008 --> 01:10:57.010
And that's also why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:10:57.050 --> 01:11:05.156
has been forced to ignore me by his advisors or the people that have a gun to his head, because this would break the illusion.
01:11:07.625 --> 01:11:09.069
And it's not time for that, I guess, yet.
01:11:09.229 --> 01:11:09.510
01:11:11.616 --> 01:11:14.198
And so that's why these people were put in place.
01:11:14.838 --> 01:11:26.264
And not only did these people, of course, accept the idea that the worst case scenario would be that this virus would go endemic, they all were saying that, but then they also all had their own little piece here.
01:11:26.284 --> 01:11:38.732
You know, Jessica Rose, AKA EpiGirl, had VAERS, but there were lots of people who had the fear and cleavage site, and there were lots of people who had the deleted databases, and a lot of those people were in drastic.
01:11:39.619 --> 01:11:45.486
Drastic loved it when I was on all that stuff, but as soon as I started calling this transfection, they actually kicked me out.
01:11:45.586 --> 01:11:48.389
First the group broke in half, then they kicked me out.
01:11:52.294 --> 01:11:59.001
And that's because I think that narrative that those guys were seeding, the narrative that we were all seeding was designed to protect
01:11:59.969 --> 01:12:08.575
the coming transfection, the coming transformation, protect it by creating all kinds of narratives about cardiac effects, right?
01:12:09.635 --> 01:12:09.896
01:12:10.496 --> 01:12:12.257
You know, Kevin McCarran.
01:12:12.277 --> 01:12:13.438
And what is that guy's name now?
01:12:13.498 --> 01:12:14.058
I can't think of it.
01:12:14.118 --> 01:12:14.379
Oh, yeah.
01:12:14.419 --> 01:12:14.799
01:12:16.060 --> 01:12:16.420
01:12:16.580 --> 01:12:21.103
J.D., M.D., Ph.D., coming out with a protocol that had remdesivir on it.
01:12:22.332 --> 01:12:32.642
That's no difference in FLCCC's protocol telling people to go to the hospital with a 94 or 96% pulse ox and get some supplementary oxygen, what's really good for you.
01:12:35.845 --> 01:12:38.248
So they seeded this narrative, this narrative right here.
01:12:38.268 --> 01:12:44.094
It was a narrative that was designed to hide the expected outcomes of transfection in a large population.
01:12:45.083 --> 01:12:48.225
And of course, the other way that they hid those outcomes was to roll out a placebo.
01:12:48.265 --> 01:12:51.286
They can meet any manufacturing target if they can roll out placebo.
01:12:51.746 --> 01:12:58.149
And don't think for one second that any of these manufacturing gurus from pharmaceutical companies and retired don't know that.
01:12:59.590 --> 01:13:04.212
And that's why the same people that were in place in 2020 are still in place now.
01:13:05.333 --> 01:13:07.834
And after five years, they haven't made much progress.
01:13:11.479 --> 01:13:21.396
And in fact, they're doing exactly what I said they would do for the last two years, which is really disappointing in a way, but also heartening because at least my wife and I know that we're not crazy.
01:13:22.138 --> 01:13:24.001
My family knows that we're not crazy.
01:13:25.049 --> 01:13:27.972
And so the background signal, that's how they did it.
01:13:28.272 --> 01:13:29.233
It's a background signal.
01:13:29.253 --> 01:13:30.114
They're just lying to you.
01:13:30.154 --> 01:13:33.397
And it's very, very spectacular commitment to it, but it's just lies.
01:13:34.178 --> 01:13:35.259
And this can go on forever.
01:13:35.319 --> 01:13:45.809
So let's just make sure that we have this timeline and understand that as we develop this timeline and add pieces to the timeline, it only gets worse for these meddlers.
01:13:47.413 --> 01:13:57.538
And it's only my timeline really that condemns them as badly as it does because I have all their direct messages, I have all their SMSs, I have all their emails.
01:13:58.378 --> 01:14:11.544
And so you can see whether their behavior is consistent over five years while you can definitely see that mine is in the reply emails, in the arguments that I have with them, in the stances that I'm taking in these five years.
01:14:12.245 --> 01:14:15.206
It is only because of them
01:14:17.338 --> 01:14:23.042
that I was not and remained where I was in July, 2020 up until now.
01:14:23.962 --> 01:14:26.744
I only got sucked into the Scooby-Doo because of them.
01:14:28.365 --> 01:14:38.231
First of all, I started streaming and I streamed five weekends in a row because I was invited to stream with three guys that I think are directly tied to George Webb's network.
01:14:38.372 --> 01:14:44.896
And George Webb's network is Robert Malone's network because Robert Malone promoted Joe's web as his bad guy.
01:14:45.649 --> 01:14:46.651
gave links and everything.
01:14:46.771 --> 01:14:58.088
And George Webb was featured on 60 Minutes in February of 2020, talking about how some Dutch girl in the Air Force took the virus to the Wuhan military games in a bicycle.
01:15:00.017 --> 01:15:15.362
So in July of 2020, that's the video that I open my stream with all the time where I'm talking about how the background is a SARS viruses that are endemic and we've never talked about them because they're just gonna use that background signal and tell us it's spreading.
01:15:15.402 --> 01:15:22.004
Now, the PCR is not specific, it's just a background signal and our lack of biological knowledge is being used against us.
01:15:22.084 --> 01:15:26.405
I didn't understand at the time that they needed to get rid of old people because there were too many of them.
01:15:27.324 --> 01:15:30.927
I didn't understand at the time that they were probably going to collect all the data as they did it.
01:15:30.947 --> 01:15:36.011
They were going to try and generate as many remnants as they could so they could sell them and use them for sequencing.
01:15:36.451 --> 01:15:40.614
I didn't understand that then, but I was definitely on the right track.
01:15:40.654 --> 01:15:42.896
And it's only after that, that all this other stuff happened.
01:15:42.936 --> 01:15:49.421
In fact, a year and a half later in December of 2021 is when McKernan was on my show for the first time.
01:15:51.297 --> 01:16:04.490
A year and a half later, that was already five months in to after I had written a review with somebody by the name of Piper Stover, who I think also is likely to be a player in this.
01:16:04.530 --> 01:16:06.552
She's the one who set me up with Brett Weinstein.
01:16:07.573 --> 01:16:12.878
And she's the one who delayed the publishing of that review from December of 2020.
01:16:13.519 --> 01:16:15.101
She delayed it all the way until May.
01:16:16.201 --> 01:16:21.724
of 2021 because we were going to put it in some editorial or something that never happened.
01:16:22.805 --> 01:16:24.786
And so I've been meddled with by lots of people.
01:16:25.486 --> 01:16:32.450
And lots of people have purported to say that they're going to help me or are part of a network of people that might not be helping me, but I'll help you.
01:16:32.911 --> 01:16:35.572
And I just tripped on every one of these people all the time.
01:16:35.612 --> 01:16:37.173
And Kevin McKernan is in one of them.
01:16:37.193 --> 01:16:41.856
When I, if you watch my interview with him from December of 2021, I'm in awe at this guy.
01:16:43.888 --> 01:16:58.534
And of course, only one month later, after Kevin McKernan was on my stream to tell me all the things that he told me, Rixey came to my house to make sure that I accepted the diffuse proposal as real and that I thought of myself as part of Jurassic again.
01:17:01.415 --> 01:17:03.896
And so I did get on the Lab League train again in 2022.
01:17:06.690 --> 01:17:12.256
And at that time, I still thought that Robert Malone and Brett Weinstein were all part of a fundamental biology team.
01:17:12.296 --> 01:17:17.042
And it was Liana Nguyen and Rochelle Walensky and Tony Fauci that we had to fight.
01:17:19.369 --> 01:17:21.670
It wasn't until all the way in St.
01:17:21.730 --> 01:17:48.884
Patrick's Day of 2023 that McKernan was again on a stream with me, this time with all of the all-stars from the Steve Kersh Steering Committee, including Stephanie Seneff from MIT, Kevin McKernan from the Human Genome Project and from Pot Genetics International, John Bodwin with a book, and Jessica Rose with several books and a hugely lucrative substack and a surfing career on two continents.
01:17:51.698 --> 01:17:54.562
and more than one passport, I might add, and a twin.
01:17:56.525 --> 01:18:00.410
So this is just a time, this is just one guy.
01:18:00.430 --> 01:18:03.694
And remember, we're talking about five years.
01:18:03.755 --> 01:18:08.341
Here in this year is when I lost my job at a US medical school.
01:18:10.114 --> 01:18:18.678
which I still can't find anybody else who fits that category that actually lost their job for speaking out about transfection in 2020.
01:18:18.738 --> 01:18:20.959
Because that's what I lost my job for.
01:18:21.439 --> 01:18:27.602
And although it took me a while, I got a review out in May of 2021, which said we had to pause it.
01:18:29.763 --> 01:18:33.324
And it wasn't until the end of 2021 that I finally met Kevin McKernan.
01:18:34.705 --> 01:18:37.186
See where we are here?
01:18:38.422 --> 01:18:52.790
For almost all of 2021, I was in a signal chat with Matt Crawford and Chris Martinson and Alexandros Marinos and Brett Weinstein and thought all those guys were good and they were listening to me, but I still wasn't able to explain it well enough.
01:18:54.310 --> 01:19:00.293
That transfection is stupid for healthy people and that it's never gonna work, that it'll cause autoimmunity.
01:19:00.314 --> 01:19:00.934
That was all then.
01:19:02.296 --> 01:19:06.060
Almost a year before Kevin McKernan even came on my stream for the first time.
01:19:06.460 --> 01:19:10.604
Almost a year before Charles Rixey would come to my house with the diffuse proposal.
01:19:14.127 --> 01:19:17.150
Most of you have forgotten that those years even happened by now.
01:19:19.172 --> 01:19:21.314
Only because they're of my acute trauma.
01:19:21.855 --> 01:19:23.196
It's when I picked up the crack pipe.
01:19:24.037 --> 01:19:25.418
So now I remember him very well.
01:19:26.857 --> 01:19:32.061
This blue region actually is when I was employed as a consultant to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:19:32.101 --> 01:19:35.183
and later as a staff scientist to CHD, that whole blue region.
01:19:37.825 --> 01:19:38.445
Interesting, right?
01:19:38.926 --> 01:19:40.967
When you see the timeframe like this, it's like, what?
01:19:45.370 --> 01:19:49.473
And that blue region, of course, is also when this book was written and this book was published at the end of 2023.
01:19:49.653 --> 01:19:53.176
See, so this book goes right over there.
01:19:55.467 --> 01:20:01.590
the book that Kevin McKernan says Charles Rixey helped to write, but he got fired while helping.
01:20:04.912 --> 01:20:09.995
And so remember, it's five years now, the Defender podcast that I was on with Meryl Nass,
01:20:11.260 --> 01:20:15.624
Jessica Rose, Tess Laurie, and Robert Malone was in 2022.
01:20:16.685 --> 01:20:22.750
And nine days later was the CHD conference where I met all these people and took pictures with them.
01:20:22.790 --> 01:20:29.156
And I met Whitney Webb and Matt Crawford got in because Meryl Nass called somebody and got him in and then he had lunch
01:20:29.696 --> 01:20:32.039
with his wife and the Malones.
01:20:32.460 --> 01:20:36.905
And Rixey said, oh, he remembers, he didn't remember you, but he remembered me and he invited me to the ranch.
01:20:36.945 --> 01:20:42.232
Rixey was supposedly invited to Malone's ranch at the CHD inaugural conference in Knoxville.
01:20:46.724 --> 01:21:07.681
And so we've done a whole show about Robert Malone's little mini timeline, where he's on streams with Paul Cottrell and a January 6th fugitive laughing about how people are being killed by dexamethasone, where he's talking about how he had a paper with, talking about working with this guy, Riquet, that Callahan called him in January.
01:21:07.701 --> 01:21:08.822
We know all this stuff.
01:21:11.445 --> 01:21:18.452
But it's what happens when you combine it all, when you realize the music videos are in 2022, not 2021, not 2020.
01:21:19.352 --> 01:21:22.095
Not in 2021 when college kids could have been saved.
01:21:22.175 --> 01:21:23.677
None of these people were doing anything.
01:21:25.899 --> 01:21:26.339
None of them.
01:21:27.520 --> 01:21:30.303
I think that's part of the reason why the review was delayed.
01:21:32.827 --> 01:21:50.093
You see, college kids could have been saved from this, and it's one of the reasons why we're in such a dangerous position right now, because college kids don't wanna believe that they've been duped, because if they've been duped, they were duped by their parents, who didn't speak up, who didn't stop them, who sent them back to college instead of telling them to take a year off, and why?
01:21:50.513 --> 01:22:02.257
Because of these people, Kevin McKernan, Kevin McCairn, Charles Rixey, Jessica Rose, all of them created the fear and uncertainty and doubt
01:22:05.094 --> 01:22:14.119
that kept everybody trapped in the hog trap, bouncing off the side of the trap and not finding the opening that was still open and still remains open today.
01:22:16.460 --> 01:22:27.786
We covered about a week and a half ago where he finally admitted that he's part of the network that is also coordinating these anonymous accounts, that some of these anonymous accounts are probably military accounts.
01:22:28.967 --> 01:22:30.608
And he also confirmed because of the
01:22:32.782 --> 01:22:51.275
Particular video that was chosen that that Kevin McCarron is in fact in that network as is addy ads and and and Goodman and and Cottrell and and web they're all part of the same crap varying teams varying levels of Comfort and fame whatever they're all on deck.
01:22:51.355 --> 01:22:55.058
I don't know what it is, but I know they're all part of the same team That's why they promote each other.
01:22:56.219 --> 01:22:56.859
Oh They're bad.
01:22:56.899 --> 01:22:57.420
They're bad.
01:22:57.460 --> 01:22:57.960
They're bad
01:23:00.629 --> 01:23:05.770
Think about anybody else's stream right now that has advertisements in the beginning for somebody else's work.
01:23:07.491 --> 01:23:12.172
Who does John Cullen and Goodman, who do they advertise for at the start of their stream?
01:23:12.572 --> 01:23:15.713
Who does Robert Malone advertise for at the start of his streams?
01:23:16.433 --> 01:23:18.054
Who do these people advertise for?
01:23:19.614 --> 01:23:25.736
Who's trying to promote other people that I think or maybe could be good guys and patriots?
01:23:26.576 --> 01:23:26.996
Who do you know?
01:23:29.465 --> 01:23:35.307
I'm doing my best here to try and make clear that these people have revealed themselves as to who they are.
01:23:35.447 --> 01:23:45.670
So McKernan promoted Rixie as an advisor for this book, and that is a lie, a verifiable lie that a lot of people know is a lie.
01:23:46.510 --> 01:23:52.172
And yet he went on a podcast, a national podcast, and lied about it with great gusto.
01:23:55.333 --> 01:23:56.473
And I worked with these people.
01:23:56.533 --> 01:23:59.174
I worked with all of these people who are now working with Rixie.
01:24:00.953 --> 01:24:06.275
He came to my house to convince me DeFuse was real after three months of me telling everybody that it wasn't.
01:24:07.856 --> 01:24:12.858
And in fact, Mark was also, Mark Kulak was also doing streams at the end of 2022 saying it's dumb.
01:24:13.778 --> 01:24:14.939
Obviously it's silly.
01:24:15.299 --> 01:24:16.920
It's a photocopy of a photocopy.
01:24:16.960 --> 01:24:17.560
Come on, guys.
01:24:21.602 --> 01:24:23.963
So Senator Ron Johnson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:24:24.003 --> 01:24:29.245
both told me on the same day that they were supposed to watch a stream with me and Ricksy.
01:24:30.430 --> 01:24:32.271
And Malone was the one that told him to do it.
01:24:33.492 --> 01:24:36.814
So you can see that Rixey came to my house.
01:24:37.955 --> 01:24:39.776
I did a stream about Diffuse.
01:24:40.037 --> 01:24:43.999
And then a few weeks later, Robert Malone says, hey, you should watch this stream.
01:24:44.059 --> 01:24:52.165
And now suddenly Jay with Rixey is inserted into the book as people that can talk about Diffuse.
01:24:52.225 --> 01:24:55.307
And of course, I wasn't going to put Diffuse in as real.
01:24:55.387 --> 01:24:59.630
I wanted to put it in as a fake that was helping the national security state narrative.
01:25:04.235 --> 01:25:06.817
We wrestled with that for a long time until Rixey got fired.
01:25:08.097 --> 01:25:11.279
But it doesn't change the fact that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:25:11.319 --> 01:25:14.721
contacted me and told me that it was Robert Malone that hooked us up.
01:25:15.802 --> 01:25:17.723
And Senator Ron Johnson told me the same thing.
01:25:17.763 --> 01:25:18.923
That is very significant.
01:25:20.544 --> 01:25:21.885
But I think that's how this is done.
01:25:21.925 --> 01:25:23.266
It's a little bit of a Truman show.
01:25:23.706 --> 01:25:27.668
They get people into your trusted network, and then those people start to coordinatedly lie to you.
01:25:31.488 --> 01:25:38.641
If you have three new friends and those three new friends all agree that we should go to a Steelers game today, it's pretty hard to resist if you like those three friends.
01:25:41.666 --> 01:25:42.508
And that's how they did it.
01:25:44.568 --> 01:25:53.959
First, they did it with Paul Cattrell and Kevin McCairn, and then they did it with other people like Brett Weinstein and Matthew Crawford and Alexandros Marinos.
01:25:53.999 --> 01:25:58.564
And then they did it with some other people like the book writing committee on the CHD.
01:25:58.764 --> 01:26:02.168
And then they did it with some other people like Matt Crawford's Bitcoin chat.
01:26:02.208 --> 01:26:04.530
Then they did it with some other people, like a Signal chat.
01:26:05.191 --> 01:26:10.574
Brett Weinstein and Chris Martin said, oh, then they did it with some other things, like with a Slack group and Panda.
01:26:10.894 --> 01:26:20.880
And then they did it with some more things, you know, like with Drastic and DM groups and Telegram groups and Gab groups and local groups and Discord groups.
01:26:20.940 --> 01:26:22.721
And oh, my gosh, can you see it yet?
01:26:26.826 --> 01:26:31.329
And so Rixey met him at that, said that he, you know, got invited.
01:26:31.609 --> 01:26:33.091
They all connected at the conference.
01:26:33.571 --> 01:26:35.953
Kirsch wanted me to go to Japan and work with McCairn.
01:26:36.833 --> 01:26:38.775
I have those texts too, which is quite funny.
01:26:40.916 --> 01:26:48.161
Baldwin on Shannon Joy just last week admitted that he knows both Kevins and he wanted to be very clear that Kevin McCairn is very different than Kevin McKernan.
01:26:52.566 --> 01:26:57.030
And finally, the Steve Kerr Steering Committee is now a bad joke.
01:26:57.071 --> 01:26:59.373
Of course, already since St.
01:26:59.413 --> 01:27:02.476
Patrick's Day 2023, you can still find that video on Rumble.
01:27:03.757 --> 01:27:05.038
But Rixey is not quoted.
01:27:05.118 --> 01:27:06.440
Rixey was fired.
01:27:06.500 --> 01:27:09.863
And so Kevin McKernan lying about that is really an interesting thing.
01:27:11.046 --> 01:27:12.247
But we don't need to focus on that.
01:27:12.287 --> 01:27:16.430
We need to focus on the fact that he said the Human Genome Project was actually a gross exaggeration.
01:27:16.851 --> 01:27:20.253
He actually told us that the Human Genome Project didn't accomplish much.
01:27:20.733 --> 01:27:24.116
It was actually designed to motivate the sequencing of everyone.
01:27:25.037 --> 01:27:34.343
It was designed to motivate the scientific establishment to accept that we had to sequence everyone in order for personalized medicine, instead of just drugging everyone willy-nilly.
01:27:35.084 --> 01:27:37.906
We'll drug them according to their genotype.
01:27:40.569 --> 01:27:41.349
Same podcast.
01:27:43.330 --> 01:27:50.531
They can only make admissions now because this is so far off script, because they were protecting transformation and transfection.
01:27:51.291 --> 01:28:07.294
They're old technologies, and any intellectual property would be in danger if the foundation of what they're doing is old, and lipofectamine and transfection by lipid nanoparticle is old.
01:28:08.345 --> 01:28:10.826
Transformation by adenovirus is old.
01:28:13.486 --> 01:28:27.069
And so after Byron Bridle released the FOIA documents that he got from Japan, it was pretty much a necessity for the controller of the narrative behind the scenes, Robert Malone, the guy who was writing all the scripts for these clowns, probably with Kevin McKernan.
01:28:28.589 --> 01:28:30.730
He had to go on the Bret Weinstein podcast.
01:28:30.750 --> 01:28:31.430
He had to come out.
01:28:32.674 --> 01:28:38.517
You can find other podcasts before the Brett Weinstein podcast, before the Robert Malone podcast, where he's practicing his shtick.
01:28:39.337 --> 01:28:51.703
Those are very interesting because in those podcasts, he does slip up and admit some of the shortcomings of the virology cartoon that now have, I think, GigaOM Biological has revealed as being just a myth.
01:28:53.584 --> 01:28:57.826
And so these people have obfuscated everything that needs obfuscating.
01:28:59.775 --> 01:29:13.272
by protecting this military intellectual property that's long expired patent and propelling it by and protecting it by fueling a narrative of a novel laboratory pathogen going endemic.
01:29:13.312 --> 01:29:16.416
And endemic is the key there because endemic is the illusion.
01:29:16.436 --> 01:29:17.016
So let's listen.
01:29:17.810 --> 01:29:18.911
and I think he reveals himself.
01:29:18.931 --> 01:29:24.053
Hi, this is Robert Malone again, speaking to you from Virginia, USA.
01:29:24.853 --> 01:29:35.878
And the second question that Guillaume sent me and asked that I address for you folks is to what extent could this discovery help fight against other diseases?
01:29:37.759 --> 01:29:44.222
First off, I'd like to say that is a question that you can answer better than me.
01:29:46.043 --> 01:29:50.144
Certainly, I have my ideas about how this technology can be used.
01:29:50.804 --> 01:29:55.266
mRNA is a drug, RNA is a drug, and mRNA for vaccine purposes.
01:29:55.986 --> 01:29:58.767
But you are the people that are going to make that possible.
01:29:59.027 --> 01:30:02.728
It's your imagination that will lead to those applications.
01:30:03.448 --> 01:30:06.049
Does this sound like a guy who's worried about this?
01:30:07.389 --> 01:30:14.291
In 2021, does this sound like a guy who's worried that transfection and transformation are being rolled out inappropriately?
01:30:15.365 --> 01:30:23.988
rolled out willy-nilly in healthy populations that are not really ethically or morally justified.
01:30:24.048 --> 01:30:24.968
Is that what he's saying here?
01:30:24.988 --> 01:30:26.149
Does that sound like that to you?
01:30:29.890 --> 01:30:40.394
What I can say is that I spent many years working on the use of this technology for delivery of ribozymes to silence genes.
01:30:41.024 --> 01:30:48.878
And of course, many others have carried this much further with siRNA, antisense, and other related technologies.
01:30:50.193 --> 01:31:04.827
So there he is acknowledging that short RNAs could also have effects as antisense and that short RNAs can have regulatory roles and interfering roles.
01:31:05.167 --> 01:31:13.895
And so in some senses, he's of course acknowledging what I say are obvious truths that they know that these technologies are completely inappropriate for healthy people.
01:31:15.785 --> 01:31:22.012
But what he's really doing is demonstrating his knowledge of the space to his audience.
01:31:22.052 --> 01:31:30.701
So in this case, the audience is a group of pharmaceutical people and manufacturers and stuff that he's phoning in question answers to.
01:31:32.423 --> 01:31:37.087
If he was talking to someone like Vajon Health, the super clown in the UK,
01:31:38.470 --> 01:31:42.091
in 2021, he would be saying, Oh, my goodness, these shots are very bad.
01:31:42.151 --> 01:31:43.092
And it's ethical.
01:31:43.292 --> 01:31:43.952
And voila.
01:31:44.292 --> 01:31:56.057
But then he went on run on Brett Weinstein's podcast and said that a combination of of two shots of Moderna ivermectin in the case of, of, of
01:31:58.058 --> 01:32:04.882
of Brett Weinstein and then the shot plus natural immunity with Robert Malone.
01:32:04.902 --> 01:32:08.785
They have some kind of hybrid herd immunity in front of you.
01:32:08.865 --> 01:32:11.226
And this is a real Freemason secret.
01:32:13.748 --> 01:32:20.092
Every podcast that he did in 2021 had a different message with a different muddled, muddled,
01:32:21.377 --> 01:32:25.641
obfuscated, ridiculous, stupid, I don't know what words to use anymore.
01:32:25.661 --> 01:32:27.904
I'm running out of words to describe this guy.
01:32:29.665 --> 01:32:33.549
Just download some videos of him from 2021 and compare them.
01:32:34.931 --> 01:32:43.099
Maybe Brett Weinstein and the Joe Rogan podcast are kind of close, but if you start looking at the other videos that come before and after this, you will be shocked.
01:32:44.460 --> 01:32:53.303
at the script and how it changes, at the fear and uncertainty and doubt versus confidence and arrogance.
01:32:53.523 --> 01:32:55.604
And obviously, I am the expert.
01:32:57.024 --> 01:33:03.226
And this changes depending on who he's talking to and what he's talking about, and more importantly, what he's trying to accomplish.
01:33:03.266 --> 01:33:13.290
If he's trying to accomplish a indirect or subtle claim to the intellectual property, or if he's trying to subtly claim a little bit of moral authority.
01:33:15.322 --> 01:33:19.824
This is a snake, just like Kevin McCarron is a snake.
01:33:20.664 --> 01:33:25.326
And you can see it also by looking at his videos from 2020 and 2021 and 2022.
01:33:25.606 --> 01:33:37.890
And you can see that this is not a highly intelligent man from the Human Genome Project who understands how all this stuff works and is trying to tell you in the most succinct and clear way possible.
01:33:38.290 --> 01:33:39.591
It is exactly the opposite.
01:33:41.632 --> 01:33:45.173
It's a guy who's putting a blindfold on and walking you back down into the cave.
01:33:49.184 --> 01:33:50.225
Listen, because it gets worse.
01:34:04.172 --> 01:34:19.945
I suggest that when you think about this question, you keep in mind the fantastic work that Peter Cullis and the team at Acuitas have done in developing new delivery reagents that make all of this possible.
01:34:20.785 --> 01:34:27.551
I think one of the most amazing things in this whole mRNA vaccine story is how efficient the delivery system is.
01:34:27.751 --> 01:34:28.772
I never imagined
01:34:29.372 --> 01:34:30.873
anything that works this well.
01:34:31.474 --> 01:34:41.880
And so you know that later on in 2024 on the Tommy podcast or some or other rather remote podcast, he's just going to flat out say that Peter Cullis lied to him.
01:34:42.921 --> 01:34:45.523
And Peter Cullis lied to him and that's why he took the shot.
01:34:46.784 --> 01:34:54.789
Even though on the Brent Weinstein podcast he says he took the shot because he had to travel and because he had long COVID and the internet said that it helped with long COVID.
01:34:57.958 --> 01:35:00.159
Again, the videos are available.
01:35:01.160 --> 01:35:18.329
All you need to do is look, download, and listen, and you will see that there has been a coordinated effort to titrate us to a false truth about a laboratory leak, about a rushed countermeasure, about overzealous lockdowns.
01:35:20.310 --> 01:35:25.153
And it is all an elaborate hoax to hide the management of the population pyramid problem.
01:35:26.983 --> 01:35:36.769
and to hide the beginning of the true human genome project where everybody is an experimental animal and everybody's data is up for grabs.
01:35:38.310 --> 01:35:39.091
That's where we are.
01:35:40.031 --> 01:35:41.252
That's who these people are.
01:35:42.092 --> 01:35:46.315
That's why they got hired to do what they did and are still doing today.
01:35:47.516 --> 01:35:53.940
With that, really the whole spectrum of gene therapy-like applications become possible.
01:35:55.246 --> 01:36:13.975
So any application that involves a biologic that needs to be expressed in a cell for a reasonable amount of time, not chronically, or can be re-administered, so dosed, safely, becomes possible with this technology.
01:36:14.695 --> 01:36:20.578
It's just a- He's just demonstrating his oration ability, his command of the language and jargon.
01:36:20.618 --> 01:36:22.099
He's just auditioning here.
01:36:23.336 --> 01:36:25.058
This is nothing more than an audition.
01:36:26.239 --> 01:36:29.322
It's an audition from somebody who's already kind of playing a role.
01:36:29.382 --> 01:36:31.724
And I think he knows that maybe he wants to get out of it.
01:36:31.784 --> 01:36:34.067
Maybe he wants to transition into a new role now.
01:36:34.607 --> 01:36:36.950
And he's, this is in 2021.
01:36:37.050 --> 01:36:40.093
So, you know, the party isn't spoiled like it is now.
01:36:42.595 --> 01:36:44.217
The question of your imagination.
01:36:46.229 --> 01:36:50.452
In the original disclosures, I called this transient gene therapy.
01:36:51.093 --> 01:37:11.549
And it has the advantage that unlike more classical gene therapy, where one attempts to alter the chromosomes, the genetic information of the cell through various methods, and insert a gene that's going to be expressed for a very long period of time, this brings the application into
01:37:12.449 --> 01:37:14.730
more classical drug delivery space.
01:37:15.010 --> 01:37:17.011
So basically, this is the lie.
01:37:17.891 --> 01:37:22.633
The idea that old gene therapies were trying to change the chromosomes.
01:37:23.854 --> 01:37:24.394
No, they weren't.
01:37:25.274 --> 01:37:26.555
Nobody ever tried to do that.
01:37:28.795 --> 01:37:32.237
Nobody ever tried to change the chromosomes with gene therapy.
01:37:32.277 --> 01:37:35.438
That's just genetic engineering.
01:37:36.513 --> 01:37:37.715
That's not gene therapy.
01:37:37.735 --> 01:37:41.801
If you're changing the chromosomes of a zygote, that's genetic engineering.
01:37:43.443 --> 01:37:44.945
That's not gene therapy.
01:37:45.005 --> 01:37:49.913
Gene therapy is the expression of a protein using genes or genetic signals.
01:37:52.165 --> 01:37:53.986
So this is the reason why he came out.
01:37:54.506 --> 01:37:55.806
He's telling you it right now.
01:37:56.287 --> 01:38:07.171
His reason for coming out is to try and frame the countermeasures of transfection and transformation as new variants on old technology.
01:38:08.131 --> 01:38:13.053
Gene therapy, the old way and gene therapy, the new way, but it's not new.
01:38:14.354 --> 01:38:19.636
It's not new because actually Kevin McKernan was doing this with Sabatini in 1998.
01:38:23.117 --> 01:38:25.419
What, does Jay have a monopoly on a word?
01:38:26.199 --> 01:38:27.781
I've been doing transfections since 1998.
01:38:28.401 --> 01:38:32.444
Then why the hell haven't you been calling these things transfections since 2020?
01:38:38.389 --> 01:38:40.711
Why are you only making fun of that now?
01:38:42.832 --> 01:38:44.834
It's because they're part of the same team.
01:38:47.122 --> 01:38:54.329
Notice he did not use the word transfection here, even though he uses the word transfection on his own resume in 2017.
01:38:57.292 --> 01:38:58.373
Think about that for a minute.
01:38:58.413 --> 01:38:59.975
Hold that in your head for a minute.
01:39:00.415 --> 01:39:05.500
What he just said was something about, I don't know, but he didn't say transfection.
01:39:05.520 --> 01:39:06.621
He said trans-something.
01:39:09.183 --> 01:39:11.526
And again, because he's being very precise.
01:39:13.157 --> 01:39:22.219
And most importantly, for a pharmaceutical audience, he's being very precise about how these new technologies are something that he'd never imagined.
01:39:22.259 --> 01:39:24.919
They're so beyond his imagination.
01:39:24.979 --> 01:39:29.380
And now, clearly, we can use it as a drug, as a vaccine, we can do whatever it's up to them.
01:39:30.161 --> 01:39:34.601
It's limitless now that Peter Cullis has revolutionized the field.
01:39:35.882 --> 01:39:36.542
Stop lying!
01:39:40.945 --> 01:39:51.352
so that we can administer a product, in this case, an RNA, that will exert an effect for a reasonable amount of time, and then it'll be degraded, and you can re-dose it.
01:39:51.853 --> 01:39:57.937
This has huge advantages for safety, modulation of therapeutic endpoints, et cetera.
01:39:58.438 --> 01:40:01.840
Huge, huge advantages for safety.
01:40:02.480 --> 01:40:03.241
Stop lying!
01:40:03.461 --> 01:40:08.705
I mean, imagine that this guy is supposedly coming out against the shots.
01:40:13.177 --> 01:40:19.419
So when Guillaume asked me, what could this discovery be used for to help fight other diseases?
01:40:20.019 --> 01:40:29.402
I say pretty much the entire spectrum of applications that we currently imagine for biologics in drug development.
01:40:30.082 --> 01:40:37.565
And again, it's not for me to answer that question in my stage in my career, it's for you.
01:40:38.345 --> 01:40:41.526
And I look forward to learning from your discoveries and findings.
01:40:46.022 --> 01:40:47.463
And Jill turned off the camera.
01:40:48.423 --> 01:40:50.485
So that's when they're just playing around.
01:40:50.545 --> 01:40:54.307
That's when they really weren't sure how they were going to be needed.
01:40:54.367 --> 01:40:58.149
They really weren't sure how far off track the train really was.
01:40:58.189 --> 01:40:59.109
But they're really off.
01:41:00.370 --> 01:41:02.771
In 2024, at the end of the year, they're really off.
01:41:04.392 --> 01:41:09.395
And the steady pressure of December coming starting today is going to throw them even further off.
01:41:13.615 --> 01:41:14.695
So we were right about that.
01:41:14.736 --> 01:41:25.560
They're covering transformation and transfection, transformation by adenovirus, transfection by lipid nanoparticle, covering it as new advances, but it's not, it's old shit.
01:41:26.681 --> 01:41:28.842
And it should have never been used on pregnant women.
01:41:28.882 --> 01:41:32.003
It should have never been used on our beloved grandmothers and grandfathers.
01:41:32.063 --> 01:41:35.385
It should have never been used on our healthy college kids.
01:41:39.206 --> 01:41:40.667
But the reason why it was that way
01:41:42.145 --> 01:41:46.676
is because there's a population pyramid problem that needed management across Western cultures.
01:41:46.717 --> 01:41:49.443
That's why there was no COVID signal in Africa.
01:41:50.919 --> 01:41:53.441
Combination of homicidal protocols was used in 2020.
01:41:53.781 --> 01:41:59.385
Murder and lies were used to amplify the crisis in New York City as evidence of lockdowns and mask effectiveness.
01:41:59.425 --> 01:42:04.248
Remember that that's what the mice did with regard to Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.
01:42:04.368 --> 01:42:12.474
Oh yeah, Japanese are fine with wearing masks, so that's why it doesn't spread so fast over here, says McCairn, a month after he said a billion people could die.
01:42:16.072 --> 01:42:30.321
And so PCR and lateral flow diagnostics, most of them produced in China, were used in 2020 through 2022 as a military operation to create huge streams of medical remnants while reinforcing the novel narrative, the novel virus narrative.
01:42:31.261 --> 01:42:33.042
And who knows what those remnants were done.
01:42:33.082 --> 01:42:36.384
Maybe the data has been collected and they can flush us down the toilet now.
01:42:36.444 --> 01:42:36.764
I don't know.
01:42:38.606 --> 01:42:43.028
Maybe they still want years of data from COVID testing from all these college kids.
01:42:43.068 --> 01:42:43.849
Maybe that's what they want.
01:42:43.929 --> 01:42:44.189
I don't know.
01:42:46.360 --> 01:42:54.849
But I know that the remnants aren't going to waste because there were colleges and universities that had contracts in place already to sell the remnants from PCR tests.
01:42:57.632 --> 01:43:03.879
I know that testing companies were using machines that were capable of full genome screens.
01:43:04.680 --> 01:43:06.802
So I don't know why they would use those for PCR for.
01:43:09.164 --> 01:43:11.987
So the novel virus narrative was reinforced by these people.
01:43:12.027 --> 01:43:15.230
The script was designed by these people in order to get us where we are.
01:43:15.250 --> 01:43:18.853
And you can watch this and you can see that the pandemic was coming already in 1977, 78, 79, 80.
01:43:18.953 --> 01:43:21.616
I can see the pandemic coming right here.
01:43:21.636 --> 01:43:24.538
Right here is the pandemic coming.
01:43:27.807 --> 01:43:28.187
It's coming.
01:43:28.708 --> 01:43:30.510
Oh boy, it's coming on fast now.
01:43:31.351 --> 01:43:33.012
Everybody better batten down the hatchets.
01:43:33.413 --> 01:43:34.054
Here it comes.
01:43:34.614 --> 01:43:35.695
The pandemic is coming.
01:43:36.396 --> 01:43:37.757
Oh my goodness, here it comes.
01:43:38.338 --> 01:43:39.479
The pandemic is coming.
01:43:40.420 --> 01:43:41.041
Oh, look out.
01:43:42.422 --> 01:43:43.163
Look out.
01:43:43.644 --> 01:43:44.645
Sound the alarms.
01:43:45.145 --> 01:43:46.467
The pandemic is coming.
01:43:47.428 --> 01:43:49.330
Watch carefully here at the border of the G.
01:43:50.856 --> 01:43:54.118
Watch carefully at the border of the G over there, how this is expanding.
01:43:54.138 --> 01:43:55.558
This is 60 to 64.
01:43:55.618 --> 01:43:56.599
Look at this growth.
01:43:57.119 --> 01:43:57.859
Oh my goodness.
01:43:58.460 --> 01:44:00.321
Those people are about to die.
01:44:00.341 --> 01:44:03.402
I wonder if all cause mortality would go up.
01:44:03.922 --> 01:44:07.244
I wonder if all cause mortality will go up, Denny Rancor.
01:44:07.584 --> 01:44:08.304
Stop lying.
01:44:08.645 --> 01:44:11.686
I wonder if all cause mortality will go up, Denny Rancor.
01:44:12.286 --> 01:44:13.667
Stop lying.
01:44:16.548 --> 01:44:17.589
And so that's why
01:44:19.278 --> 01:44:23.761
That's why this guy is still in front of people.
01:44:25.262 --> 01:44:31.046
This guy who said with an anonymous account, it's probably his own anonymous account, according to Soothspider.
01:44:33.487 --> 01:44:43.914
It's no big deal that I'm using the right word, but I was trying to use the right word already in 2020 and get Brett Weinstein to tell his college age audience that these are not new things.
01:44:43.954 --> 01:44:47.877
They are old things and that transfection would likely just cause autoimmunity.
01:44:48.337 --> 01:44:49.078
And did he do it?
01:44:50.455 --> 01:44:51.296
Did he do it in 2022?
01:44:52.858 --> 01:44:57.102
Did they use the word transfection in 2022 more than three times?
01:44:58.164 --> 01:44:58.764
01:44:58.824 --> 01:45:00.286
Did they use it once?
01:45:01.287 --> 01:45:01.667
I see.
01:45:01.708 --> 01:45:03.229
Did they say autoimmunity once?
01:45:03.910 --> 01:45:04.270
01:45:04.411 --> 01:45:06.573
Did they attribute both of those things to me once?
01:45:07.294 --> 01:45:08.155
Yes, they did.
01:45:08.275 --> 01:45:08.615
01:45:08.755 --> 01:45:09.196
01:45:09.236 --> 01:45:10.978
And then after that, they never talked about it again.
01:45:14.093 --> 01:45:25.201
This is this guy in 2024, in December of 2024, shoulder shrugging transfection as if, well, we didn't really need to explain that to anybody.
01:45:25.682 --> 01:45:26.922
I've been doing it since 1998.
01:45:27.843 --> 01:45:36.930
This is a traitor to my children.
01:45:38.311 --> 01:45:40.292
This is a traitor to your grandchildren.
01:45:41.333 --> 01:45:42.194
This is a liar.
01:45:44.212 --> 01:45:49.315
and he's covering up for his career and all of his lifelong success.
01:45:51.657 --> 01:46:03.925
His house in Marblehead on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean with $10,000 cats, including the cats actually being on his fricking shirt.
01:46:05.486 --> 01:46:09.969
This guy lied about Charles Rixey, a dude who came to my house.
01:46:11.477 --> 01:46:23.321
Slept under my roof ate my at my table Brought what I suspect is not even his woman and not even his kid to my house I don't know.
01:46:23.341 --> 01:46:24.001
Maybe it's true.
01:46:24.041 --> 01:46:25.141
Maybe those were real people.
01:46:25.221 --> 01:46:31.223
I don't know He didn't really act like they were his real woman and his real kid when he was there kind.
01:46:31.243 --> 01:46:31.663
I don't know.
01:46:31.683 --> 01:46:31.703
01:46:32.412 --> 01:46:35.235
I don't know anymore, but I know for sure he was at my house.
01:46:35.615 --> 01:46:52.891
And I know for sure that this guy from the Human Genome Project just went on the Danny Jones podcast and very specifically and clearly lied about Charles Rixey in reference to this book that I am in fact listed in the acknowledgements as having contributed to.
01:46:53.131 --> 01:46:57.495
I am in fact listed in the cast of characters and also in the index.
01:47:04.980 --> 01:47:08.062
And so that's why I call these people traitors.
01:47:08.102 --> 01:47:09.342
That's why I call them liars.
01:47:09.402 --> 01:47:10.823
Cause I don't know what else to call them.
01:47:10.863 --> 01:47:12.164
They have to be called something.
01:47:12.924 --> 01:47:15.025
If we're not going to call them that, what are we going to call them?
01:47:15.845 --> 01:47:16.085
01:47:18.126 --> 01:47:19.087
Restart this thing.
01:47:21.868 --> 01:47:27.251
What are we going to call all these people that are directly connected to Sasha Latapova and SOF?
01:47:29.977 --> 01:47:49.021
What are we gonna... They're all connected to this person, this girl, this abused child, who her mom admits at 11 years old was making parody videos of opioid overdose, making fun of America.
01:47:49.621 --> 01:47:52.602
Got on Alex Jones three times in 2019.
01:47:52.662 --> 01:47:54.102
This is not by accident.
01:47:54.223 --> 01:47:56.063
Alex Jones is not by accident.
01:47:58.982 --> 01:48:01.904
Alex Jones is part of the same network that these people are part of.
01:48:02.924 --> 01:48:07.387
Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone were on Alex Jones this year, come on!
01:48:12.850 --> 01:48:21.075
That's why they're traitors, because they have known for five years that they could have gotten college kids out of this and just told college kids it was bullshit, but they didn't.
01:48:21.556 --> 01:48:25.138
And only thing that was required was a spectacular commitment to the lies.
01:48:27.739 --> 01:48:28.700
That's why they're traitors.
01:48:29.881 --> 01:48:31.523
That's why they are traitors.
01:48:32.604 --> 01:48:36.768
Because it's a spectacular, they are part of the controlled demolition of the West.
01:48:40.112 --> 01:48:43.295
This is a Jew telling us that the end of the West is coming.
01:48:44.737 --> 01:48:47.259
Whose father worked with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:48:48.481 --> 01:48:50.503
Dad, Robert F. Kennedy.
01:48:51.303 --> 01:49:02.172
in the Department of Justice that was in place at the time of the formation of the FDA that these people all now want to destroy.
01:49:06.656 --> 01:49:13.922
And they are traitors to our kids for this right up until 2024 in December when Kevin McKernan just admits it.
01:49:17.717 --> 01:49:38.012
just absolutely admits it, that they've been just running us around in circles, getting us to chase our tail, when already in 2020 they could have just told our kids that this is transfection, don't go back to universities and take this, or let them muscle you into taking it because it's just a really shitty methodology that isn't appropriate for you.
01:49:40.133 --> 01:49:41.254
He knew it and he didn't say it.
01:49:42.225 --> 01:49:46.428
Not only that, but he knew that it would be contaminated, that it wouldn't be pure.
01:49:47.169 --> 01:49:51.512
He knew that little tiny RNAs are a real shitty thing to just put in there willy-nilly.
01:49:52.373 --> 01:49:54.515
He knew that the lipid nanoparticles would go everywhere.
01:49:56.368 --> 01:49:58.129
He knew that they couldn't manufacture it pure.
01:49:58.690 --> 01:50:08.077
He knew that there would be endotoxins from the bacterial culture because he knew that they couldn't use ion exchange chromatography to purify it because that's not how it works.
01:50:08.097 --> 01:50:09.258
That only works for proteins.
01:50:09.779 --> 01:50:10.940
He knew all of this.
01:50:11.680 --> 01:50:13.241
So did Sasha Latapova.
01:50:13.822 --> 01:50:17.685
So do all of these people who say they're former pharma execs.
01:50:17.705 --> 01:50:18.205
They all know.
01:50:18.826 --> 01:50:20.247
I suspect even Mike Eden knew.
01:50:21.943 --> 01:50:24.985
Mike Eden is responsible for us arguing about natural immunity.
01:50:25.025 --> 01:50:26.547
And natural immunity, what does that do?
01:50:26.587 --> 01:50:27.527
It accepts the virus.
01:50:29.109 --> 01:50:32.912
There's got to be a novel virus if you can build natural immunity to it, doesn't there, Mr. Mike Eden?
01:50:38.973 --> 01:50:42.554
And so the illusion of consensus has been sustained over five years.
01:50:42.634 --> 01:50:47.056
And yes, there were times when people were saying it exactly right, and then they stopped.
01:50:47.116 --> 01:50:49.677
There were times when they got it almost right, and then they stopped.
01:50:50.157 --> 01:50:58.481
And the only people that have progressed from not understanding to having some coherent way of explaining almost all of it
01:50:59.281 --> 01:51:01.363
is Mark Kulak and Jonathan Cui.
01:51:01.703 --> 01:51:15.437
We're the only people who can explain those people up in that corner, those people down in this corner, and also all of their mentors, all of their book deals, all of their cross-promotion.
01:51:16.491 --> 01:51:30.401
All of their omissions all line up only in the stories and the histories that I am archiving, that Mark is archiving, that we are trying to create curriculum around, that we are, he is building Wikipedia's around.
01:51:30.821 --> 01:51:35.425
This is all only possible if we are right.
01:51:36.445 --> 01:51:42.750
The behavior of the mouse army is only explainable in such a parsimonious way, if we are right.
01:51:48.047 --> 01:51:52.350
And this illusion does not matter about the people, right?
01:51:53.131 --> 01:51:54.492
It's really about the ideas.
01:51:54.572 --> 01:51:56.053
The ideas are what trap us.
01:51:56.153 --> 01:52:04.219
The free-range gain-of-function molecules, the free-range natural viruses, or the fact that there are no, there's none of this stuff.
01:52:04.259 --> 01:52:06.261
Clones don't matter, they can't transfect you.
01:52:09.778 --> 01:52:20.123
And now a very quick shell game bait and switch is going to happen with a bunch of, you know, people like Callie Means and, and, and, and Alison Morrow maybe.
01:52:20.243 --> 01:52:26.706
And, and, and, and this Michael's girl and a bunch of other people are going to be brought up in front of us.
01:52:27.186 --> 01:52:35.290
And the whole narrative is going to switch to processed foods, seed oils, fast foods, high fructose corn syrup, fluoride in the water, pollution in the water.
01:52:35.910 --> 01:52:37.991
And nobody's going to talk about GMO plants.
01:52:39.184 --> 01:52:41.105
Nobody's gonna talk about GMO insects.
01:52:41.165 --> 01:52:43.026
Nobody's worried about the GMO insects.
01:52:43.086 --> 01:52:50.510
Not one person is worried about stem cell research or using stem cells to create virology.
01:52:50.931 --> 01:52:52.752
No one's worried about remnant sales.
01:52:52.852 --> 01:52:54.913
Nobody's concerned about that at all.
01:52:56.280 --> 01:53:00.563
Nobody's worried about intramuscular injection as medicine in general.
01:53:00.623 --> 01:53:01.364
Nobody's worried.
01:53:01.744 --> 01:53:09.030
Robert Malone thinks that transfection can be used for almost any application.
01:53:15.054 --> 01:53:20.919
And so I am absolutely accusing Jessica Rose of being a part of this and a traitor to American children.
01:53:20.959 --> 01:53:24.061
Well, it doesn't make, she's not a traitor because she doesn't have a passport in America.
01:53:24.989 --> 01:53:27.190
She's a Canadian-Israeli dual citizen.
01:53:32.691 --> 01:53:38.793
And if you want to know what I'm talking about, go to the SPARS pandemic document and look it up on page 48 through 50-something.
01:53:38.813 --> 01:53:40.214
You can see what I'm talking about.
01:53:40.851 --> 01:53:47.879
These people will not discuss the biology that we have now identified as the problem, the fact that RNA cannot pandemic.
01:53:47.899 --> 01:53:54.907
They won't discuss the chemical differences and the biological consequences of those differences, given what we know.
01:53:55.327 --> 01:53:59.993
They won't talk about the fact that evolution is believed because of DNA, not RNA.
01:54:01.567 --> 01:54:10.289
won't talk about what telomeres do, or they won't talk about what Hayflick limits are and why those don't apply to models of virology.
01:54:10.649 --> 01:54:28.332
They won't talk about the RNA replication problem, which has to do with fidelity and error, completeness, crossover, and recombination, all of the things that can be more easily corrected in the double-stranded DNA cartoon.
01:54:29.653 --> 01:54:31.954
The infectious clone illusion is very simple.
01:54:32.014 --> 01:54:35.997
They use synthetic DNA and RNA in cell culture and call that virology.
01:54:36.457 --> 01:54:46.063
And any of these people like Tom Cowan or Andy Kaufman or the Bailey's could have taken that idea and run with it more than a year ago when I tried to give it to them as part of CHD.
01:54:46.484 --> 01:54:47.004
And they didn't.
01:54:52.659 --> 01:54:56.985
And the sweeping strain phylogeny problem is just simply the idea of the paint.
01:54:57.646 --> 01:55:00.149
The idea that, you know, in 2020, all the paint was yellow.
01:55:00.169 --> 01:55:02.272
And then in 2021, all the paint turned to blue.
01:55:02.352 --> 01:55:04.214
And then in 2022, all the paint turned to Omicron.
01:55:04.234 --> 01:55:04.474
Stop lying!
01:55:12.455 --> 01:55:27.783
And so my goal over the coming new year is to establish a new biology 101 course for everyone, for high school students and for freshmen in biology, maybe even for grad students in biology that want a refresher or a reorientation.
01:55:27.843 --> 01:55:32.766
And that will be around the idea of life being a pattern integrity with a trajectory through time.
01:55:32.806 --> 01:55:36.588
And this is the description of everything that is sacred in our world.
01:55:37.424 --> 01:55:54.750
And if you have an appreciation for life on earth as pattern integrities with trajectories across time, then you will start to have a much more humble sort of model for the way these pattern integrities exist.
01:55:56.011 --> 01:56:02.633
Specifically, I think we should teach college kids that using intramuscular injection to administer medicine to healthy people is wrong.
01:56:02.673 --> 01:56:04.053
It's just kind of a dumb idea.
01:56:04.534 --> 01:56:05.054
And any,
01:56:05.994 --> 01:56:12.516
any critical, imaginative thought about why that might be right will get you to the answer.
01:56:12.536 --> 01:56:16.296
And I think that's why it's important to choose language appropriate for the task.
01:56:16.777 --> 01:56:26.879
That's why I choose language that I think is challenging, because if people can correct it, if people can say, yeah, but, and come up with something here, then this language will just become sharper.
01:56:27.967 --> 01:56:33.392
And so far, all I can see is people staying away from this and at best, putting shotguns and crack pipes in my mouth.
01:56:33.833 --> 01:56:45.244
So the government should be held to strict scrutiny when depriving citizens of fundamental rights is a phrase that if you sit down in the holidays with a lawyer, just read that phrase to them and ask them if they can explain it to you.
01:56:45.284 --> 01:56:47.626
Because if they can't, they're incompetent.
01:56:47.706 --> 01:56:48.867
And if they won't, then they're...
01:56:50.148 --> 01:56:50.608
01:56:51.289 --> 01:56:53.710
Ladies and gentlemen, RNA cannot pandemic.
01:56:53.910 --> 01:56:57.351
Using intramuscular injection to administer medicine to healthy people is wrong.
01:56:57.851 --> 01:57:00.372
And the Human Genome Project has likely just begun.
01:57:00.432 --> 01:57:06.794
And COVID was a way of inverting us from sovereign individuals to experimental animals.
01:57:06.854 --> 01:57:08.575
And that process is ongoing.
01:57:09.135 --> 01:57:11.096
And it's ongoing because of social media.
01:57:11.116 --> 01:57:18.679
And it will continue to be ongoing as they use social media to coerce us into accepting digital ID and digital currency.
01:57:20.370 --> 01:57:28.193
And if they need to, they'll just send people to your house and those people, or they'll send you to a conference and make you feel like you're really important.
01:57:28.213 --> 01:57:32.835
Like, you know, a staff scientist had a big meeting and then everybody will agree that you're really important.
01:57:32.855 --> 01:57:36.757
And someone else will come over and say, wow, did you ever imagine you'd be so important?
01:57:37.517 --> 01:57:41.199
And you'll say, no, I never imagined I would be so important, you know, but that's the way it is.
01:57:41.239 --> 01:57:41.759
Thank goodness.
01:57:44.158 --> 01:57:45.619
That's how they do it, ladies and gentlemen.
01:57:45.639 --> 01:57:50.961
That's what social media can be used to do to you and was used to do to me.
01:57:51.841 --> 01:57:54.602
It can also be used to convince you of absurdities.
01:57:54.922 --> 01:57:58.604
And that means that it can convince you also to commit atrocities.
01:58:00.045 --> 01:58:08.096
Ladies and gentlemen, weaponized piles of money have convinced you with who to argue and what to argue about, and by doing that you've accepted the narrative of the state.
01:58:08.597 --> 01:58:11.781
Your kids will be enslaved by that narrative if you pass it on to them.
01:58:12.282 --> 01:58:15.506
Ladies and gentlemen, please, this is the independent bright web.
01:58:15.686 --> 01:58:16.547
We need to build it.
01:58:17.208 --> 01:58:25.651
If we're really gonna escape this, we need a free press, a free press that says exactly what needs to be said in the most patriotic way possible.
01:58:26.131 --> 01:58:30.092
Nationalism is the most powerful force on earth and they want to snuff it out.
01:58:30.632 --> 01:58:38.795
Bad biology is that evolution is because DNA and we are gonna work to describe a new biology that is life is a pattern integrity.
01:58:39.235 --> 01:58:41.436
People don't get sick if they're healthy, ladies and gentlemen.
01:58:41.876 --> 01:58:42.836
Biology is the way out.
01:58:42.936 --> 01:58:44.477
I think we can think our way through this.
01:58:45.557 --> 01:58:48.799
Intramuscular injection, single worst way to be exposed to a toxin.
01:58:48.879 --> 01:58:53.402
I don't know what these people are talking about, but I don't think they can absorb this message.
01:58:53.442 --> 01:58:56.083
They can try, but it won't work.
01:58:56.183 --> 01:58:58.345
The way that they're going to have to go forward is to ignore us.
01:58:58.525 --> 01:59:05.069
They're going to ignore 2020 and they're going to keep saying the COVID shots are bad, but not the methodology, just the way they rushed it.
01:59:05.649 --> 01:59:16.451
And so that could be very easily something that the Trump administration and Bobby Kennedy are willing to admit to us in a year, maybe even the same year that they take away our guns.
01:59:16.952 --> 01:59:21.993
Ladies and gentlemen, intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
01:59:22.473 --> 01:59:27.974
Transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent and criminal and RNA cannot pandemic.
01:59:28.494 --> 01:59:32.257
If you liked what you saw, please go to and find a way to support us.
01:59:33.497 --> 01:59:44.625
We will be on the air a lot during December, so keep your notifications on and I will for sure, absolutely, positively see you tomorrow for Biology 101 and for the stats.
01:59:45.145 --> 01:59:47.827
We are starting again and tomorrow, tomorrow.
01:59:49.557 --> 01:59:53.518
Oma, the Dutch grandma, is supposedly going to arrive.
01:59:54.039 --> 01:59:58.901
And so that is the start of a wonderful month of celebrating family and love.
01:59:59.401 --> 02:00:03.643
And that means even more love will be radiating from this stream.
02:00:03.683 --> 02:00:04.404
So stay tuned.
02:00:05.064 --> 02:00:06.505
And I will see you again tomorrow.
02:00:06.525 --> 02:00:08.406
10.10 for Biology 101.
02:00:08.466 --> 02:00:08.966
Thanks for coming.
02:01:22.824 --> 02:01:24.546
Let's see if I can get Big Mike down here.
02:01:24.827 --> 02:01:25.988
Just hold on one second.
02:01:26.008 --> 02:01:29.312
Let's see if I can get him down.
02:01:29.613 --> 02:01:34.639
I should really bring both of them down here.
02:01:58.694 --> 02:01:59.155
Oh, man.
02:02:02.336 --> 02:02:02.776
Oh, man.
02:02:03.937 --> 02:02:04.377
I don't know.
02:02:06.078 --> 02:02:11.220
Big Mike might have to wait until tomorrow because I'm not getting a signal from upstairs.
02:02:11.260 --> 02:02:11.460
Hold on.
02:02:11.940 --> 02:02:13.281
I'll see what I can find here.
02:02:13.321 --> 02:02:13.741
Let me see.
02:02:23.526 --> 02:02:25.787
I will see what I can find.
02:02:28.988 --> 02:02:31.790
I'm going to try one more phone call quick, just because I'm still online.
02:02:31.810 --> 02:02:32.290
It doesn't matter.
02:02:32.330 --> 02:02:33.571
Nobody watches the end anyway.
02:02:37.674 --> 02:02:40.096
I don't know if I've ever actually called my son before.
02:02:41.216 --> 02:02:48.101
So, to find his, there we go.
02:02:53.104 --> 02:02:55.346
Let's see, maybe he's upstairs with the doggie.
02:03:07.273 --> 02:03:09.454
All the people who matter the most watch the end.
02:03:09.534 --> 02:03:10.135
That is true.
02:03:10.215 --> 02:03:14.177
You're right about that.
02:03:15.357 --> 02:03:17.639
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
02:03:18.259 --> 02:03:19.059
Oh, that's funny.
02:03:19.340 --> 02:03:21.461
Um, yeah, they don't talk on their phones.
02:03:21.481 --> 02:03:21.801
Hold on.
02:03:21.821 --> 02:03:22.901
I'm just going to go up and get him.
02:03:23.142 --> 02:03:23.682
I'll be right back.
02:04:31.494 --> 02:04:33.795
Alright, here's Big Mike.
02:04:34.515 --> 02:04:35.555
He's already getting big.
02:04:36.935 --> 02:04:40.336
I think he's 23 pounds now.
02:04:42.037 --> 02:04:43.557
I think he's 23 pounds now.
02:04:46.798 --> 02:04:48.098
Get this stool over here.
02:04:49.058 --> 02:04:50.038
Yeah, there's a big boy.
02:04:50.058 --> 02:04:51.759
There's a big boy.
02:04:52.639 --> 02:04:53.299
I'll get rid of this.
02:04:53.799 --> 02:04:54.319
There he is.
02:04:54.980 --> 02:04:55.620
He's doing good.
02:04:55.640 --> 02:04:56.060
Oh, oh.
02:04:57.196 --> 02:05:01.080
He's very sweet, and he really likes Ruby.
02:05:01.140 --> 02:05:02.221
They play a lot.
02:05:03.642 --> 02:05:04.924
And yeah, he's a big white teddy bear.
02:05:04.944 --> 02:05:07.306
He just got a bath, though, because he was all muddy.
02:05:08.885 --> 02:05:09.785
But yeah, he's a good boy.
02:05:09.825 --> 02:05:10.765
He's very relaxed.
02:05:11.746 --> 02:05:15.666
And if you get to the door, he's totally house trained now.
02:05:15.707 --> 02:05:21.348
He goes through the night sleeping under our bed, which he won't be able to do forever because he's getting very big.
02:05:22.148 --> 02:05:22.948
But he's very sweet.
02:05:23.768 --> 02:05:27.969
And he's very, very, very, very, very in love with Ruby.
02:05:28.009 --> 02:05:28.949
So that's the best part.
02:05:29.029 --> 02:05:29.550
Oh, don't jump.
02:05:29.570 --> 02:05:29.950
Don't jump.
02:05:29.990 --> 02:05:30.350
Don't jump.
02:05:30.530 --> 02:05:31.550
Whoa, big guy.
02:05:34.600 --> 02:05:36.881
Anyway, his name is Micah.
02:05:38.482 --> 02:05:41.823
And Micah, Micah's that white, white stone.
02:05:43.104 --> 02:05:45.285
We have a dog named Ruby with red hair.
02:05:45.785 --> 02:05:50.147
And so we, the boy thought of Micah for a white stone.
02:05:50.467 --> 02:05:52.708
And now when he gets, he's going to be a big dog.
02:05:52.768 --> 02:05:54.809
So he will be a big Mike, which is pretty funny.
02:05:55.990 --> 02:05:57.570
Anyway, thanks for joining me.
02:05:57.751 --> 02:05:58.491
See you guys again tomorrow.