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5 months ago
00:48.482 --> 00:52.195
Testing one, two, that seems to be okay.
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What about this?
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we had a little uh sound out again wow that's weird yeah we're back we're finally back i apologize for how long it's taken me to get back um it is a uh it's a crazy place we are right now um crazy place
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Sorry, is it also fading in and out for you left and right?
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It's a little annoying.
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So I'm still troubleshooting that sound.
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I think I got a loose cable or some other nonsense here.
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Here we go.
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Oh The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge in the general poor health of the of America of the American people Is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us to ruin Maybe America.
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I don't know crash the dollar I don't know steal the rest of our are what limited Treasury value we have left.
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I don't know But I know for sure
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that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary and more importantly never be possible.
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Still feeling some shakiness in this audio, so I'm gonna go and hopefully it's gonna be okay, but...
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There has been some goofy stuff since people have been in my studio.
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Uh, so if you're hearing and seeing this, then I think we're already okay.
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Um, I don't know.
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It might've also been because I had to take some things apart in order to do the live stream somewhere else.
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And so putting it back together may have, I don't know, maybe it caused some troubles.
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Maybe I didn't plug things in right.
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Maybe I'm, it's a lot of cables.
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Uh, it's a lot of cables and it went really well.
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Big shout out to Scott Shara and his wife Cindy for being there and having the right presentation at the right time.
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My wife Fila took care of absolutely everything else and the food was great.
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Even the coffee turned out great.
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And next year, you know, we have room for 240 more people.
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240 more people could attend and it would cost me exactly the same amount of money.
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So hopefully we can do a next year and hopefully this will be an annual thing.
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We'll see.
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We'll see what happens.
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I'm excited.
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Thanks for being here.
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He's scheduled for 60 minutes next.
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He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.
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People everywhere are starting to listen to him.
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It's embarrassing.
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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
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It's 1.43 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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You caught me in the middle of the hamster wheel.
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I'm between the first basketball practice and the second basketball practice of the day.
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I have a very wonderful life right now at the start of basketball season for the 7B team.
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And I'm also trying my best to keep rescuing people from this occupied consciousness.
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I'm trying to help people see these charlatans clearly for who they are.
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It's a hard task.
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There aren't very many of us trying to pull it off.
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Besides myself and Mark Kulak of Housatonic ITS, I'm not really sure how many other people have gotten deep enough down the rabbit hole to get out the other side and realize that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
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I wonder how many people have gotten to the point where they understand what transfection means and that makes it criminal.
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I wonder how many people have really gotten to understand that RNA can't pandemic because
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There's no biology to support that idea.
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That's a really spectacular place for us to be.
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Whether you want to talk Edward Bernays or Noam Chomsky, please understand that that truth is going to be outside of the limited spectrum of debate, outside of the critical and dissident views that are promoted on social media, because that's how this is done.
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We were kicked out of a moving truck,
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We were picked up by people on the side of the road.
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Those people on the side of the road changed how we think.
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Our engagement with social media and the fake consensus created there has changed how we think.
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If we pass this system on to our children, they will be enslaved by it.
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There was no mystery virus.
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There was only a mystery amount of murder and lies.
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It's not really a mystery.
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We actually know exactly how it was done.
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We know exactly why there was no epidemiological evidence for spread, and we know exactly how we could get out of it in America using the American justice system if we had anybody with integrity and principles willing to do it.
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We definitely need a new consensus about the vaccine schedule in America, about transfection and what it is, and about RNA.
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But that's not going to be an easy task because these people have created and are maintaining an illusion of consensus by engaging in a very limited spectrum of debate with a lot of pomp and circumstance, a lot of huff and puff.
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This is the new kind of totalitarianism where a fake debate occurs between people.
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And that fake debate actually reinforces all of the narratives that we need in order to be trapped.
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And it's these highly trained acolytes that we are now seeing on social media and are being used against us in a militarized, weaponized fashion.
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And I think this has culminated in the Rescue the Republic charade, where these weaponized piles of money have gotten us to accept a narrative about a novel virus and about public health by arguing with them for five years, thinking that that was going to get us out.
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And now that mythology is being turned against us in many ways.
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Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jonathan Cui.
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I am a recovering academic biologist with over 18 years of publication record on the internet, on PubMed.
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You can find that by just searching for my last name and the two letters JJ.
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Gigaohm is derived from the methodology that I used throughout my academic career.
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It's a funny word, but it means a million ohms.
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It's a high resistance.
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And if you go to stream.gigaohm.biohome, you can find all of my recent work, as well as an archive of some clips, an archive of the course we're building, and one archive for Housatonic Live that's now posting there as well.
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That's and then also we have where you can go find a way to support us.
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We do need support.
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This is only funded by viewers like you.
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And so thank you very much for considering supporting the stream.
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Never mind actually doing it.
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Those people who have done it are there down there to the left.
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Before you get all up in arms about the new sweatshirt, this was actually ordered I don't know how long ago from the same place that made my basketball uniform and this was supposed to be here last week for Brownstone and it wasn't.
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It's very disappointing.
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It got here and it just kind of doesn't mean anything anymore because it was supposed to be part of my my get up going there so that I could get some attention and make some statements.
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But anyway, welcome to GigaOM Biological.
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It is the 8th of November.
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And it is all of them are working for the slavers, all of them.
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And so yeah, it's a big time, big time thing.
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All of them working for the slavers is a big time statement to make.
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I make that statement not lightly but because I feel like I am a spokesperson for those people who tried their best to skillfully use social media and in fact found myself in a chair not unlike what you see here in this picture with a joystick and goggles on
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And inside of those goggles I was seeing arguments that were being curated by these people and trying to participate in them by inputting controls and making the chair move and it really felt like I was helping.
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I even got money for a while and income for a while because it really, I mean, this is a real simulation.
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And this real simulation traps people.
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This is what social media is.
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And the limited spectrum of debate is that sphere of death that the motorcycles are inside of.
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That is what's happening here.
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critical and dissident views those are being those those though that sphere is being maintained by all these people on television all these people on social media and they maintain it so well that you're captivated by them they you can't believe as they chase each other around on the inside here and you have somebody as as interesting as Kevin McKernan or
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or robert malone talking bad about tony fauci or bob gallo or wait no they don't talk bad about bob gallo about uh peter jotes and so it's this performance
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that really is a great metaphor for what Noam Chomsky described and what Edward Bernays had no idea would be possible.
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Edward Bernays could never have known that people would be so easily coerced into accepting a fully electronic medium in substitute for communication and the representation of reality and the providing of information.
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He could have never realized how easy it would be to construct such an elaborate
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an elaborate, an elaborate control mechanism.
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Noam Chomsky saw it coming, Aldous Huxley saw it coming, and these people are participating in it.
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This is social media.
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In fact, I would argue that actually what we are seeing is a demonstration of what can be done.
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with the military deployment of social media and the deployment of individuals on those mediums to make sure that illusions of consensus are created and that the debate can be controlled.
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Using carefully programmed social media algorithms, they're not really algorithms, they just do what they're told, and that means that certain people rise, certain questions are meant to be answered.
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So I would call these people Team Immune of the Mythology or Team Robert Malone.
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There might be other names for it.
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And most of these statements, they back up that vaccines are the most important medical advance of the 20th century, that we've saved countless lives from diseases like smallpox, measles, maybe even anthrax using vaccines.
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My throat is very sore from all the basketball practice.
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Vaccines contain unmentioned toxins called adjuvants.
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Vaccines are untested and exempt from liability.
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The new vaccines are also untested and exempt.
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The new vaccines also have dangerous components and contaminants that the bad guys have covered up, a lot like the lab leak.
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FDA is corrupt, but it could be fixed by the right people.
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These are the kinds of ideas that these people have been subversively pushing since the beginning of the pandemic.
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The last time I did a show I'm gonna escape out of here and start the slideshow again because it's kind of crapping out But the last time that I did a show about this I tried to illustrate how they are indeed all these networks are related to one another and they are related to one another across The five eyes news spectrum in a way that allows Americans to see other countries interpretations of America
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And it is what the reflection of America that we as Americans see in the mirror of Australian news or the mirror of BBC or the mirror of other news outlets like RT that actually are integral in forming these illusions of consensus and more importantly maintaining that limited spectrum of debate.
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And so it is not for nothing that these videos are available to us and that they are making fun of America because we are supposed to feel as though America is being made fun of.
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That everyone in the world agrees that we are the bad guys, that we are the fools.
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So I'm gonna go back here for a second just so that you can see, if we go back nearly 10 years,
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We will find that there were people already being put in place to control this narrative in the exact same way that Edward Bernays and Noam Chomsky told us about before the pandemic and about these actual issues about vaccines and about the skepticism of vaccines versus injury by vaccines.
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and the people that were being put in place aren't random people, but they are people who are now very significant because they were put in place by design, they are there by design, they are there by programming.
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It is by conscious choice, by programmed choice, and by requirement that these performers are there because we are governed by their performance and how that performance relates to those people in the bureaucracy.
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And so Mary Holland was put in place early on in 2015, around the same year that Peter Daszak is busy with the Wuhan lab, making gain-of-function virus combinations from bat viruses.
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And she says that specific components of vaccines, or maybe genetic predispositions, make certain people vulnerable.
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And this is in no way, shape, or form objecting to the foundational biology of intramuscular injection as it relates to the immune system.
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as GigaOM Biological has been the only place on earth to be able to enunciate that with sufficient precision for it to mean anything.
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intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb because it has no basis in biology.
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There's no mechanistic rationale for doing that.
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And in fact, it's so flawed that I think you can object to the entire idea of an intramuscular injection as a vaccine, period.
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And so they had to have these people in place, but would it surprise you that in that same video, that same video in 2015, Rand Paul is a character?
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Would it surprise you that some random Jewish lawyer who knows all about how dangerous anti-vaccines are is another random character?
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Rand Paul?
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10 years ago was a main character about vaccine skepticism and, as they framed it, vaccine choice.
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Would it surprise you that in the same video, Paul Offit is selling books and put forth as the government representative expert on vaccine biology?
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Would it surprise you?
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Because it's definitely true.
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And so it's not for nothing that these exact same humans, not other ones, not more qualified ones, not ones that have taken the banner since, these exact same humans are the ones who are supposedly engaged in a very vigorous debate now.
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CHD, Mary Holland, Paul Offit, it's all one big show.
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Robert Malone, only involved in vaccine-saving lives.
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Arboviruses are awesome.
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Worldwide vaccine consultant in 2017, 18, 19.
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Speaking in front of the WHO in 2011 and handing over the mic to Rick Bright.
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In 2019, we have somebody who is intimately, sorry, my cable broke, intimately promoted by, regularly by CHD, telling us that a subset of children are probably genetically vulnerable to a component of the vaccine.
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Maybe it's aluminum, maybe it's mercury, who knows?
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But we better screen all these people or we're never gonna be able to make the vaccine schedule safe for everybody.
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And so would it surprise you that that same guy, one year before the pandemic started, talking about asymptomatic transmission among vaccinated people of vaccination-targeted diseases, was all ready to go in 2020 with the narrative about a fear and cleavage site and about how PCR works really well, but not the way the WHO's doing it.
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And it could be a lab leak, because, I mean, these kinds of attributes really suggest something very nefarious.
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Stop lying!
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He was put in place very early with this information, probably by Team Robert Malone, because he pronounced COVID just like Robert Malone pronounced COVID in 2020, and nobody else.
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And so would you find it interesting that three times in 2020, a human genome project, a college dropout with a father in microarray technology, with brothers in cancer research and cancer treatment,
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businesses would have been put in place early on in 2020 to control the narrative about the PCR, to actually put together a paper with other meddlers from other countries like Claire Craig, who were also into genomes before the pandemic, you know, like the 100,000 Genome Project that she was a part of.
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And they would write a paper with people like, I don't know, Mike Eden and Thomas Binder and a bunch of other people.
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And you can find these videos archived on my website.
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Watch them.
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Listen to him.
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What does he say?
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He says that PCR works, maybe not the way that the WHO is doing it, just like
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James Lyons Weiler said, probably not as novel as Tony claims.
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Maybe it was around in October.
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Maybe it was circulating somewhere where PCR isn't being used all the time.
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And he's testing weed for SARS because he's not sure whether coronavirus can be spread through weed.
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He wouldn't want people inhaling it.
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Human Genome Project, college dropout, father in microarray technologies.
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Microarray technologies were a feature of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games.
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And probably the Olympic torch or cauldron was actually modeled after the DNA helix.
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Because of microarray technologies and Tom Ridge and Kevin McKernan's dad.
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And so Claire Craig, again, involved with the 100,000 Genome Projects during the pandemic, sold us on the idea that PCR can never be perfect.
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She even made the comparison between restaurant food such that when you're testing during a pandemic, you're gonna have to, it's a trade-off between quality and speed and price.
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I can't make this up.
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And so those are the people that we're supposed to believe are coming to our rescue, like groups like H.E.A.R.T.
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or groups like P.A.N.D.A., and that was before Robert Malone needed to be called out and put on the Bret Weinstein podcast because Byron Bridle came out in Canada to say that he got a FOIA from Japan, and it looks like this stuff goes everywhere, including the ovaries and bone marrow.
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That might be a problem.
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Cue Robert Malone.
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Cue Steve Kirsch.
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Cue Bret Weinstein and the Dark Horse podcast.
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Cue Robert Malone and Joe Rogan.
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And so if you keep looking at this timeline and realize that in the month after he came out with Bret Weinstein and
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and Steve Kirsch, he came on a podcast with a January 6th fugitive, and did a podcast with Paul Cuttrell, who has years of intimate ties with George Webb, because George Webb thinks he's the, Paul Cuttrell is the hero doctor of the pandemic.
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And of course, you'll remember that Paul Cuttrell and I did five streams together in 2020, where he said that this was some kind of Red Dragon event.
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and that we would need to lock down for months, and that the vaccine wouldn't come for 18 months or a year, and that Remdesivir was working in Taiwan, and he had gotten a leak, a special call from Taiwan to tell him that.
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And so he was on a podcast with Paul Cuttrell talking about how dexamethasone was being used as a hammer for the immune system so that they could clear ICUs of old people and send them back to care homes without symptoms where they died of secondary pneumonia.
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And he laughed about it.
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That's in 2021, right?
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So now if we move up to 2022, we see him on a podcast with Roger Hodgkinson and Tommy the podcast guy.
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Looks like he's on people's court or something with that flag hanging behind him.
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And so what's striking about this is that Roger Hodgkinson is actually tied to another guy by the name of Michael Palmer, who was on stage with Robert Malone at the beginning of 2023 with Meryl Nass and Aseem Malhotra, a real fake from the UK, and Soph's mom, who we all know has to be a meddler because
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I guess her 11-year-old daughter was already making very provocative YouTube videos that ultimately led to her threatening the life of the YouTube CEO, losing a million subscribers, and getting on Alex Jones in 2019.
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So that lady was on stage with Malone and Nas and Malhotra in Sweden in 2023.
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2023, Soph's mom was also on the Defender podcast twice, and one time on the Epoch Times American Thought Leaders program, and Michael Palmer
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was on stage with them.
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Now, what's so interesting about Michael Palmer is he's kind of one of the leaders of what's called the Doctors for COVID Ethics, which started in 2020.
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And at the time, it was only one group, and Wolfgang Wodach, and Sukrit Bhakti, and Thomas Binder, and Stephen Frost, and I think even Byron Bridle were sitting in in some of those meetings when suddenly Roger Hodgkinson and Michael Palmer got in a super big fight.
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Super big fight because we're not gonna let Michael Palmer be the head of this group if he's got a book about how the nukes in Japan were fake.
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And so the group fractured into two or three groups and didn't meet for a while because this Roger Hodgkinson guy apparently called out Michael Palmer.
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Now Michael Palmer is still the head of Doctors for COVID Ethics.
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I presented there one time, but that video never got on their Rumble channel.
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Who knows why, and when I asked Michael Palmer, he couldn't find it.
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Of course, the other group, the Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International, headed by Stephen Frost, who was originally in the Doctors for COVID Ethics and actually started it, that group I've presented to six times, and all those videos are on Rumble.
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But Michael Palmer lost mine.
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And I offered to give him my version, but he said, nah, that's OK.
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If there is a version somewhere on the internet, that's probably good.
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We can leave it at that.
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Stop lying.
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These are evil people, ladies and gentlemen, and they're all on Team Robert Malone.
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They've all taken comfort in fame.
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They've all agreed to participate.
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Michael Palmer is a German who lives in Canada.
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He's not an American.
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He's probably a traitor.
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Now, if we go further, we see Robert Malone and Stephen Hatfield doing a podcast with
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with Tommy again, and of course, Stephen Hadfield was the original suspect for the leaking of the anthrax in 2001, after 9-11.
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He's not a good guy.
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He's also associated with the original Ebola outbreak, just like Meryl Nass is.
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He's not a good guy.
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In this podcast, he says he doesn't want to hear anything about Meryl Nass.
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Holy fake rivalries, Batman.
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And so I'm just putting together a little timeline here to try and understand how it is that people can still look at Robert Malone as anything but a liability, anything but an infiltrator and a traitor because of the fact that his own track record is terrible.
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He said that George Webb was one of the worst guys, bad guys.
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But he was featured on 60 Minutes in February of 2020 talking about a lab leak or about the release of a lab virus by the American military at the Wuhan Games.
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And Robert Malone has provided that link to all millions of his Substack subscribers.
34:17.961 --> 34:18.562
34:21.625 --> 34:23.567
This connection cannot be random.
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He wasn't accidentally on Paul Cottrell's podcast not knowing that George Webb, the ultimate meddler, was actually working with Paul.
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It's not possible.
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What's much more parsimonious is that this is one big bullshit show being coordinated on Twitter that became X.
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And we are being, it's a living demonstration of what can be done when people acquiesce to the use of social media and aren't aware that there are people coordinatedly lying about it.
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What if we just dropped in a few extra dates here that Mark Kulak of Housatonic ITS has primarily been responsible for curating?
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Like, okay, so Callahan called in the beginning of 2020, but before that, there was already a paper
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ready to go with some guy named Daryl Rickey about antibody-dependent enhancement for SARS-CoV-2.
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So that doesn't really compute.
35:22.403 --> 35:26.245
Callahan called at the beginning of January, said, you better spin your team up.
35:26.305 --> 35:27.426
It's not a lab leak.
35:27.927 --> 35:28.887
We're going to need some.
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We're going to need some of your team.
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But why would he need a call from Callahan if he already had a paper together about the virus and about the main mechanism by which the virus might hurt us?
35:41.076 --> 35:41.717
That's weird.
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I mean, what if we just dropped in here, there's the Dark Horse podcast, we'll put that there.
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Here's the Defender podcast that I did in 2022.
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And then the CHD conference that followed afterward where Matt Crawford wasn't registered, but Merrill Nass called him in and got him in anyway, where we all met Whitney Webb and we all heard Robert Malone say, wow, what a firecracker, that was amazing.
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where Charles Rixey said to me three different times that it was really surprising that Robert Malone didn't remember me, but he remembered him, and it was so cool because he got invited to Malone's ranch.
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That's the place that I met Jill Glasspool Malone, where she told me that her husband had gout, and that's why he couldn't remember me and pulled his hand away in disgust when I said hello.
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nine days after I was on the Defender podcast with him and Meryl Nass and Tess Laurie and Jessica Rose and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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We could drop in another date here, maybe the rescue team, right?
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He was on stage with all of these people, including Russell Brandt and Brett Weinstein for the Rescue the Republic thing.
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And incidentally, in this same year, Rick Hay and Jessica Rose, this guy, Rick Hay, right?
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That guy that had this weird, dubious paper at the beginning of the pandemic with Robert Malone, who was also writing a book about SARS.
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He's got a paper with Jessica Rose now at the end.
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I mean, did they just randomly meet because Jessica Rose has been traveling the world for six years with Robert Malone to all these international COVID summits?
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Or was it really just their, you know, colleagues?
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in some kind of military operation, where they're pretty sure that no one's gonna see it anymore or figure it out anymore.
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Did you know that Daryl Rickey, according to Housatonic ITS, also worked for the Human Genome Project, you know, that place where the meddler Kevin McKernan worked?
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They're all covering up for the same mythology, ladies and gentlemen.
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It's the same mythology about the fidelity of the Human Genome Project, the accomplishment, or what was accomplished, or what will be accomplished, or what could be accomplished.
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And they're hiding it behind a lie about RNA virology.
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And they're hiding it with the help of all of these people.
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that over five years have coordinated the most elaborate BS you can ever imagine.
38:13.848 --> 38:19.218
There's a Mickey Willis music video with Robert Malone and this guy.
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and Judy Mikovits, and a whole bunch of these other meddlers.
38:25.718 --> 38:42.408
They're all working for the same slavers, for Palantir, for Rumble, for X, for Teal, and Musk, that are demonstrating the power of their recently developed social media, like Locals, and X, and Telegram, and Substack.
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And so that's the reason why that guy who was in that Mickey Willis music video is also always on Sky News Australia as a completely normal dude.
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With completely normal things to say.
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He never does anything over the top on Australian news.
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He only does things over the top on American social media.
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where he's, you know, calling out AOC on the steps of Congress saying she's got a nice bum or screaming from the top of a desk in a music video of Mickey Willis.
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You see what's happening here?
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This lady has all these same people on because it's one big network.
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That's why Mickey Willis' music video belongs also on this.
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And we should put a 24 musical there too with Mickey Willis and all these people.
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Once you see this time frame and then realize that Bret Weinstein has a whole bunch of lines that could be put in here and Jessica Rose has hundreds of lines that could be put in here and Kevin McKernan has hundreds of lines that could be put in here.
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None of those lines will add up to good guys.
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None of those lines will add up to people just trying to do the right thing.
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Those lines will all add up to people for five years ignoring the fundamental truths that despite their best efforts, I have been able to uncover.
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And I don't know if anybody else has.
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I really don't.
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I don't want to be like that.
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But even this little tiny study hall that I did a week ago about this newly elevated person that was just working in the background for five years before she got elevated to influencer status.
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Careful inspection of her 2024 record revealed all of these people going on her show, including people as crazy as Sabine Hazan, who's been on the stage for CHD multiple times.
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Drew Pinsky, the head keynote speaker for the Brownstone last week.
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The guy who was promoted and his sister on Tucker Carlson for being all smart about food.
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And who did he start with?
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Somebody that Brett Weinstein has been promoting as running for office in California.
41:04.826 --> 41:07.328
All in 2024, all in the last two months.
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But if you go all the way back to 2019, at the start of the pandemic, she's just doing fitness videos.
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And you go all the way forward to 2021, and lo and behold, they auditioned
41:21.820 --> 41:26.461
They auditioned Julian Michaels with Vincent Reck in yellow.
41:27.141 --> 41:27.881
Didn't work out.
41:28.242 --> 41:33.543
They waited another year and a half before they finally started with her elevation.
41:33.603 --> 41:37.984
So you can find countless examples that line up perfectly.
41:38.304 --> 41:50.567
You can take these people that I'm accusing of being on team Robert Malone and things line up perfectly from the fact that Michael Palmer and Hodgkinson worked together to sever that doctor's group
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to the fact that Michael Palmer just lost my video of all the videos to lose.
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That's the one that he doesn't really care if it's on the Doctors for COVID Ethics Rumble channel.
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They all work for the slavers, ladies and gentlemen, and it's very easy to see because the patterns are so stark.
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I would call them like team controlled demolition, team Robert Malone, team intellectual property.
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Team Gene Therapy.
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It's just absurd to call this a therapy, but if you use that word, it sure sounds like medicine.
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And in fact, one of the most common users of that is Robert Malone, is Brett Weinstein, is these people, are these people on Team Human Genome Project, Team X, Rumble, and Substack.
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They say that vaccines are the most important thing.
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They say that they've saved countless lives.
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They say that they contain adjuvants.
42:43.548 --> 42:48.690
Brett Weinstein said that exact thing three times on his last podcast yesterday.
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Not that vaccines are bad or intramuscular injection or the old vaccines versus the new vaccines.
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Specifically, people who don't want you to know about the word adjuvant.
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Not transfection, but adjuvant.
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These are malevolent liars, ladies and gentlemen, that I've just met in person on Friday of last week.
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And Brett Weinstein did not have the guts to say hello.
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He walked over and read my name tag while I was in a conversation with somebody else and walked away.
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The short, tiny little coward that he is.
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Vaccines are untested and exempt from liability.
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So are the new ones.
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They have dangerous components that Kevin McKernan should have known about and did know about from the beginning.
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Anybody that worked in the pharmaceutical industry knew about from the very beginning.
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Even Mike Eden should have known that manufacturing an RNA would not be possible to do with any level of purity because they know how it's done.
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And so the FDA is corrupt, but it could be fixed by the right people.
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It's something that Kevin McKernan was saying on those podcasts, the Vance Crowe podcast, three times in 2020, that the FDA is in the way, that the EUA paperwork is too much, that if they'd just get out of the way, we could probably stop this already.
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And the food is bad in the USA and the water is dirty too.
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So see, they have no intention of fixing this.
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They have no intention of dispelling this immunomythology.
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And I can prove it to you because they'll say it.
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So a demonstration of what can be accomplished is what we have just witnessed.
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with the Trump election.
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We have witnessed what can be done when you have social media like X and people performing on it.
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It's what can be done when you have Rumble and people performing on it.
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It's what can be done when you have Substack and people performing on it.
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And you might say to yourself, yeah, but Musk and Teal don't own Substack.
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No, but they own a pretty good stake of Stripe and Stripe is how Substack takes its money.
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Telegram, Signal, Locals, and Cross Promotion.
45:11.662 --> 45:14.385
Just think about how absurd this video is.
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It came out about two days before the election.
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First and foremost, the world's premier engineer and inventor is a man clearly and demonstrably capable of doing six impossible things at the same time.
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This speaks primarily of his intelligence.
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Musk is exceptionally, one in a billion, high in general cognitive ability and openness, a true genius, albeit in the technical manner.
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at the same time.
45:58.277 --> 46:00.497
This speaks primarily of his intelligence.
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Musk is exceptionally one in a billion high in general cognitive ability and openness, a true genius, albeit in the technical manner.
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That is an observation, not a criticism.
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With regard to personality, he's not particularly extroverted, tilting, I would say, in the opposite direction, although not exceptionally so.
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He is moderate in neuroticism.
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Carrying a fair burden of depression like pain with them not least because of a true No, I don't think I would have to convince you alludes to but does not make us I don't have to convince you that this entire 25 minute video is so absurd and over-the-top about who it promotes and how it promotes them like Tulsi Gabbard and JD Vance and I don't know who else is in this but it's it's terrible and
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At the exact same level that Jordan is going at it right now, he goes at it with all the X-Men of Trump's campaign.
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And again, this is not by accident.
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This is absolutely by design.
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This is what has been happening for a very long time.
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I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but Peter Thiel paid for the lawsuit of Hulk Hogan against the Gawker thing.
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When the Gawker magazine published something about Hulk Hogan and he was suing, Peter Thiel paid for that.
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And Hulk Hogan spoke at the Republican National Convention, which is also interesting connection there.
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I wonder who's paying for Trump's lawyers.
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So what I would argue is, is that Rumble and Substack are actually part of this little scheme and probably a way that people can launder money to these people and reward them for their work.
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And it's probably pretty difficult for anybody to see it happening.
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I was just on a podcast yesterday called Germ Warfare.
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And I want to ask everyone in the audience and everyone that sees this video in the next couple of days to try to figure out how to get in contact with that guy without paying any money.
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and let him know that you want my podcast with him released as soon as possible.
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As is typical with these people, I was told that it'll be a few weeks.
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I think I spoke almost two hours straight without interruption, only a couple times, and so I'm not really sure what editing is necessary, but
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I would like a copy of the video as soon as possible to be up on the internet somewhere.
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I find it interesting, of course, because at the end of this podcast, just, you know, full disclosure, at the end of this podcast, I found out that, you know, he's a South African and of course he knows who Nick Hudson is.
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And so I have had some issues with Nick Hudson because I don't think that he is playing for our grandchildren because he protects people that I know are wrong.
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He protects people like Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler and Martin Neal.
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Martin Neal and Jonathan Engler wrote the worst virology review ever this year on Substack and really begged me to help them.
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But at the same time, I was asking them to help me write an infectious clones review
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that all five of these people just ignored as I assembled it.
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This is all this year.
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And so this is a podcast, two of them actually, with this germ warfare guy and Nick Hudson and Claire Craig, who Claire Craig is a terrible traitor to the UK children and to all of us.
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because she didn't come out usefully against anything until it was too late.
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She's no better than John Campbell.
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She's no better than Robert Malone.
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No better than Bret Weinstein.
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She's exactly the same.
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Bret Weinstein and Claire Craig are responsible for the Hope Accord that went nowhere.
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These are all illusions, elaborate illusions, hamster wheels that are created by these liars.
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And so I'm very concerned that German warfare is a part of it.
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And if he's not, then it needs to be out immediately because it's dangerous.
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Because my language can be stolen or pirated or worse, diluted to lack meaning.
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And just like when I was recorded by Gabe Mason in Canada, and then he decided not to do that project.
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And so that recording was just gone.
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It is potentially another very good two hour recording, a lot of work and a lot of energy that would go down the drain or be given to these people behind the scenes so that they can try to desperately come up with some way to counter the very truths that we are putting out almost daily now as unstoppable.
51:00.589 --> 51:02.951
There's no arguing with RNA cannot pandemic.
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There's no arguing with the how stupid intramuscular injection is.
51:07.595 --> 51:13.981
And there's no arguing with the fact that transformation and transfection were words that had meaning before the pandemic.
51:14.421 --> 51:15.903
And as long as these people
51:17.045 --> 51:25.530
continue to ignore those points and Continue to misconstrue my behavior as negative or or being a butthead all the time.
51:25.590 --> 51:28.752
Whatever it is they do They're being disingenuous.
51:28.812 --> 51:37.578
They are traitors to our children and So I need pressure on this guy that video needs to be out and it needs to be out now.
51:37.638 --> 51:45.963
It should not circulate anywhere It needs to be out this is this is why because if you go to rumble and
51:47.068 --> 51:59.794
Remember, Panda has a substack, Nick Hudson has a substack, Jonathan Engler has a substack, and Professor Martin Neal has a substack, and they're turning their substack into a book.
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And they all have rumble channels.
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Panda has a rumble channel.
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Panda being the South African organization of dissidents that supposedly Jiki Leaks is really opposed to.
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that Jickie Leakes being the arch enemy of Jessica Hockett, super faker from America.
52:25.307 --> 52:30.010
So if you go on Panda's Rumble channel, you can find videos of all these people.
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You just go down from the most recent one.
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You can see transgender ideology.
52:36.134 --> 52:36.694
What happened?
52:36.714 --> 52:38.656
Did it come from a lab with Jamie?
52:39.316 --> 52:42.038
What really happened in a lab with Jamie Andrews?
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This is a limited spectrum of debate, no virus guy with some control experiments that don't prove anything.
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And that's multiple videos there.
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Then we have the Robert, it's the other author of Dissolving Illusions, not Humphreys, the American doctor, the lady that's probably a hero, but the other guy, Roman, whatever his name is.
53:09.549 --> 53:11.230
Here we got the guy from the Zika.
53:13.432 --> 53:17.675
Methadone maintenance ignited opioid crisis, really?
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Correcting the opioid crisis here?
53:23.755 --> 53:43.542
There's, there's Marc Giraudot, one of the biggest dipshits in this whole, uh, this whole theater where he's just convinced that it's a bolus effect and he has been all over the internet for like three years just sticking to that one story and saying it explains everything and it's so absurd that he has even one video on this list.
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Let's see the role of fake
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fake traffic on Twitter, the role of fake traffic on Twitter.
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It's not the role of fake traffic on Twitter, it's actually the role of coordinated lying on Twitter.
53:59.815 --> 54:00.775
Isn't that amazing?
54:02.615 --> 54:15.878
Isn't it amazing to see that actually Panda, where I presented three times, the first time I presented at Panda, Dr. David Wiseman said that it was the best immunology lecture he ever said it should be required for every medical student on Earth.
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It'd be a pretty stupid thing for me to make up, wouldn't it?
54:22.691 --> 54:26.212
And Nick Hudson apparently hasn't archived that video.
54:26.252 --> 54:27.312
I looked through all of these.
54:27.372 --> 54:30.513
I find Next Generation Sequencing from Kevin McKernan.
54:31.133 --> 54:34.173
I find Josh Getzko for like five times.
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This is an American-Israeli guy who apparently knows a lot about something, but he's a law student.
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And the Mary Hauser virology lecture here, Mary Hauser was actually on Kevin McCairn's stream.
54:47.691 --> 54:59.778
The raccoon commander from Japan that got Charles Rixey fired because he was in a book interview, or rather a book meeting with him when there was a non-disclosure agreement.
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You weren't supposed to show the book to anybody, but he was in a hotel room with Kevin McCairn.
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The overweight, retired neurobiologist that had a head injury or something at the beginning of the pandemic and caught the virus in Korea.
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The guy that came to Pittsburgh and visited me, tried to stay at my house, but I got him a hotel to keep him away from me.
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And the whole time we spent time in Pittsburgh, he didn't talk shop at all, not one thing, nothing discussed because he was too terrified to say anything.
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That guy, that guy had Mary Hauser on his stream.
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Mary Hauser, Mary the virologist, go look it up on his Rumble channel, you can still find it.
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Let's keep looking.
55:46.945 --> 55:48.185
Let's see.
55:48.926 --> 55:53.187
Mark Kulak, History of Gilead, Developing Antiviral Remdesivir.
55:53.227 --> 55:55.168
Mark Kulak actually has a video.
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And what's interesting is my third presentation to Panda was within two weeks of that video.
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But I don't see it here anywhere.
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But I do see the deafening silence of Jessica Rose.
56:05.192 --> 56:06.553
Boy, she has suffered.
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I mean, this woman has suffered so much during the pandemic, it's hard to imagine that she's still alive.
56:14.275 --> 56:19.499
Doctor, wow, I mean, wow, I don't know what to say.
56:21.020 --> 56:23.702
Let's see, looking for more.
56:23.862 --> 56:28.446
Oh, look here, there is Robert Malone in his own words.
56:28.526 --> 56:30.727
Oh gosh, Dr. Randall Bach again.
56:31.308 --> 56:33.269
Meryl Ness, oh wow, look at that.
56:33.649 --> 56:35.291
And there's Jessica Rose again.
56:36.886 --> 56:39.948
I mean, how many times, Jennifer Smith, that's the virologist again.
56:40.188 --> 56:46.391
Jennifer Smith and Mary Hauser, they joined Panda after my first presentation, believe it or not.
56:47.592 --> 56:48.493
Shall I say that again?
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They joined Panda like a few days after my second presentation.
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and then proceeded to harass me on the panda slack for about a half a year before I just decided these people are crazy.
57:05.340 --> 57:08.121
Oh, the deafening silence of Robert Malone is up there, too.
57:08.541 --> 57:09.322
That's pretty funny.
57:09.362 --> 57:11.183
So let's keep looking at Nick's website.
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Matt Crawford!
57:13.704 --> 57:15.325
Oh my goodness, lucky me!
57:15.745 --> 57:17.367
There's another Marc Giraudeau.
57:17.447 --> 57:18.247
Isn't that funny?
57:18.307 --> 57:20.108
Wow, he gets a lot of coverage over these years.
57:20.188 --> 57:21.830
Oh my gosh, Josh Getzko.
57:22.290 --> 57:23.190
Yet another one.
57:23.571 --> 57:23.971
57:24.231 --> 57:25.312
Oh, I'm so happy for them.
57:25.812 --> 57:26.853
John Baldwin.
57:27.293 --> 57:28.994
Oh man, he's a hero, isn't he?
57:29.535 --> 57:30.375
That guy's great.
57:30.455 --> 57:30.816
What else?
57:30.956 --> 57:32.697
Stephanie Seneff, of course.
57:33.117 --> 57:34.898
There's David Wiseman up there.
57:35.339 --> 57:43.424
David Wiseman is the guy who said that my first presentation at Panda was the best immunology lecture he'd ever seen and should be required for every medical student on Earth.
57:44.924 --> 57:49.366
I wonder how he feels about the fact that Nick Hudson hasn't put any of my presentations up.
57:49.726 --> 57:54.987
It's a total of like six hours worth of work, never mind the prep that I did for free.
57:58.568 --> 58:08.611
No promotion at all, but many videos of Robert Malone and Marc Giraudeau, even Nick Hudson promoting himself.
58:11.206 --> 58:13.247
Let's see if we do keep looking.
58:13.267 --> 58:15.167
Oh, Leece Canute Witkowski's there.
58:15.227 --> 58:17.068
There's the guy from the thing.
58:17.108 --> 58:18.208
Jay Bhattacharya!
58:18.868 --> 58:20.449
My goodness, look at that.
58:20.709 --> 58:22.009
Jay Bhattacharya is there.
58:22.930 --> 58:25.030
COVID Claire Craig is there.
58:25.370 --> 58:27.171
Oh my gosh, it's just gross.
58:27.211 --> 58:28.471
And then, oh, there it is.
58:28.931 --> 58:29.511
That's the end.
58:31.852 --> 58:32.492
That's the end.
58:33.973 --> 58:34.493
Weird, huh?
58:36.024 --> 58:39.646
So three times at Panda, Nick Hudson was my friend for a long time.
58:39.686 --> 58:51.253
He was even threatening to meet me at Brownstone at some point when Jessica still hadn't made her giant mistake, revealing how bad these guys were and how sold out she was as an American trader.
58:51.613 --> 59:04.481
But now you look on the website and lo and behold, I guess my videos were never archived, just like Michael Palmer never managed to archive mine, just like the CHD Defender podcast where I am the guest.
59:06.069 --> 59:11.735
that Robert Malone, Meryl Nass, Jessica Rose, Tess Laurie, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
59:11.775 --> 59:19.062
are going to discuss the ideas of, my name is not even in the title on that podcast list.
59:19.663 --> 59:21.285
Go ahead and go look on Spotify.
59:21.305 --> 59:23.647
You'll see it's Robert Malone and others.
59:23.767 --> 59:25.309
It doesn't say Jonathan Cooey.
59:28.575 --> 59:30.016
Is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'
59:29.976 --> 59:30.396
's fault?
59:30.456 --> 59:40.400
I don't know who runs the Defender podcast, who curates that list, but I can assure you, you won't find me on the Spotify podcast list because it says Robert Malone and others.
59:42.381 --> 59:47.143
This is malevolence, ladies and gentlemen, because the truth I have is the truth.
59:47.504 --> 59:50.385
It's not some titrated version
59:52.185 --> 59:58.327
that serves the governance state, that serves the controlled demolition of America.
59:58.487 --> 01:00:03.509
It is a truth that if we teach our children, they will not be enslaved by these people.
01:00:03.549 --> 01:00:05.489
They will be invulnerable to them.
01:00:08.030 --> 01:00:08.790
Let's do a search.
01:00:09.291 --> 01:00:14.612
If we search for Jessica Rose on Rumble, wow, look, we find all those.
01:00:15.033 --> 01:00:17.473
Panda and here, I'll show you what I'm doing.
01:00:18.094 --> 01:00:19.334
I'll move this support thing.
01:00:20.885 --> 01:00:22.966
So I'm searching for Panda and Jessica Rose.
01:00:22.987 --> 01:00:23.927
This is the list I get.
01:00:24.367 --> 01:00:31.092
If I search for Crawford, I get this.
01:00:31.212 --> 01:00:31.853
That's interesting.
01:00:31.873 --> 01:00:33.434
He's got a lot of them, actually.
01:00:33.474 --> 01:00:35.135
Wow, he only did one presentation.
01:00:35.555 --> 01:00:37.597
If I search for Nass, I get a bunch of them.
01:00:38.497 --> 01:00:40.319
If I search for Jessica Hockett, I get two.
01:00:42.272 --> 01:00:45.855
Even though I think I was in presenting to Panda two years before Jessica Hockett did.
01:00:46.616 --> 01:00:49.598
If I search for Girardot, he's got like all kinds of hits.
01:00:50.158 --> 01:00:55.242
If I search for Panda and Josh, I get one or two, three.
01:00:56.743 --> 01:01:00.926
If I search for Panda and Jamie, the no virus guy, I get his video.
01:01:01.706 --> 01:01:03.808
If I search for Panda and Cooey, I don't get anything.
01:01:06.960 --> 01:01:07.901
Why is this important?
01:01:07.941 --> 01:01:14.489
Well, because Germ Warfare just interviewed me yesterday and then told me it was going to take three weeks before the episode would be out.
01:01:16.371 --> 01:01:17.692
And he's in South Africa.
01:01:18.713 --> 01:01:19.735
He's friends with Nick.
01:01:19.775 --> 01:01:21.477
He has wine with him all the time.
01:01:23.155 --> 01:01:27.536
and he's had these two together on his podcast three years ago.
01:01:28.457 --> 01:01:43.561
Please put pressure on this guy to either send me the video so I can post it on my website or even better for him to edit that video and get it out because humanity is waiting for someone to have the balls to have principles to do something about it.
01:01:44.221 --> 01:01:45.222
To share my work.
01:01:45.582 --> 01:01:46.782
Any one of these people.
01:01:59.781 --> 01:02:05.424
And so the unity nonsense needs a little bit of inspection and a little bit of clarity.
01:02:05.464 --> 01:02:09.446
And I just want to do that really quick before I head off to the first basketball practice of the day.
01:02:10.087 --> 01:02:11.788
Again, this list is real.
01:02:11.888 --> 01:02:16.511
And I think if you keep this list in mind as you listen to these people talk,
01:02:17.371 --> 01:02:18.812
You'll hear it word for word.
01:02:18.872 --> 01:02:25.854
They are not going to question the biological principle of intramuscular injection for augmenting the immune system.
01:02:26.274 --> 01:02:32.476
They are not going to question the already existing technologies designated transformation and transfection.
01:02:33.077 --> 01:02:40.819
They are going to talk about how toxins are in our food and toxins are in our water and the FDA is corrupt, but we could fix it.
01:02:40.859 --> 01:02:42.180
That's what they're going to do.
01:02:43.460 --> 01:02:44.761
First comical thing
01:02:45.481 --> 01:02:56.125
that I can bring up here is that the Brett Weinstein podcast from yesterday is worth watching, but I'm no longer going to use that for study halls because it's just gross.
01:02:58.166 --> 01:03:04.608
And it is, it's rage inducing in some ways because they're so pathetic.
01:03:05.749 --> 01:03:20.255
And it's possible, I guess, that both of them are so naive and so lost in their assumption that evolution, because DNA, that they are easily trapped and enslaved by these people.
01:03:20.315 --> 01:03:34.140
It's possible that Brett Weinstein is so dumb that he actually doesn't know he's being used for his enthusiasm about evolution, for his ego.
01:03:35.134 --> 01:03:36.971
and the vulnerabilities that it creates.
01:03:38.442 --> 01:03:52.748
But he imagines that he has been, or he would like you to imagine that he has been censored, he has suffered, even though he got a half a million dollar settlement and jumped right on the Joe Rogan podcast when he lost his job and had to start working from home.
01:03:53.468 --> 01:04:06.454
And then at the beginning of the pandemic, he would like you to believe that a year and a half later, when he came out with Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch, that he got demonetized and this threatened the livelihood of his
01:04:07.799 --> 01:04:16.065
His family, even though his brother works for Palantir and Teal Capital, and his dad was in the Department of Justice of Robert F. Kennedy.
01:04:17.405 --> 01:04:18.346
It's not very likely.
01:04:18.366 --> 01:04:23.870
He was a patent lawyer, so it's not very likely that his dad is not rich AF.
01:04:24.670 --> 01:04:26.311
But okay, it's fine.
01:04:26.712 --> 01:04:35.478
One of the interesting things is he does mention his dad in that podcast from yesterday, and he talks about his dad as if he's kind of, you know, like Bill Gates talks about his dad.
01:04:36.513 --> 01:04:40.194
highly respected, somebody to be treated like almost an emperor.
01:04:43.096 --> 01:04:48.838
Ladies and gentlemen, intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin.
01:04:50.659 --> 01:05:03.944
Drinking it's bad, inhaling it's pretty bad too, but intramuscular injection, maybe IV injection might also be bad, but it's not as bad as you might think because if you do it IV, you're gonna know.
01:05:05.145 --> 01:05:09.026
that something wrong is happening, and you're going to be able to associate it with the injection.
01:05:09.486 --> 01:05:31.234
Intramuscular injection has such qualities that if done correctly and slowly enough, the many downsides of whatever toxin that you inject that way might be misconstrued with other experiences or other exposures and not tied to the intramuscular injection because of the nature of the exposure.
01:05:32.992 --> 01:05:37.034
It is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin.
01:05:40.636 --> 01:05:51.982
And so what's extraordinary is in that podcast he says three times the word adjuvant, implying that in vaccines there are toxins.
01:05:52.958 --> 01:06:02.826
And they don't want you to know that in vaccines, there are toxins, which is very different, but exactly the same as what Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:06:02.866 --> 01:06:03.126
01:06:04.447 --> 01:06:11.873
Very different, but the same as what Steve Kirsch said on the Stu Peters podcast, that in five years, we might have safe vaccines.
01:06:12.714 --> 01:06:13.815
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:06:13.855 --> 01:06:14.776
might bring them for us.
01:06:16.037 --> 01:06:17.418
Just got to get the toxins out.
01:06:18.038 --> 01:06:19.760
Got to stop using adjuvants.
01:06:22.236 --> 01:06:24.817
Sounds a lot like Mary Holland in 2015.
01:06:26.017 --> 01:06:29.198
Sounds a lot like James Lyons Wyler in 2019.
01:06:30.258 --> 01:06:32.179
Genetic vulnerabilities to adjuvants.
01:06:34.340 --> 01:06:40.361
Number one, how does it feel to be a Kennedy helping Donald Trump return to the White House?
01:06:40.421 --> 01:06:41.962
And have you talked to any of your family?
01:06:43.742 --> 01:06:45.183
Well, I had a lot of family here.
01:06:46.469 --> 01:06:50.773
So there was a lot of family that worked on the campaign, and they were here.
01:06:50.853 --> 01:06:57.580
So we had about 18 people here at the Mar-a-Lago dinner last night, and they're very happy.
01:06:57.680 --> 01:07:03.686
I'm sure there are members of my family that aren't that happy, but I've received a lot of congratulations from them.
01:07:04.006 --> 01:07:07.769
From some of the supporters of Vice President Harris, you've received messages from.
01:07:08.070 --> 01:07:08.290
01:07:09.124 --> 01:07:12.345
For you, what have your conversations been like with Donald Trump?
01:07:13.105 --> 01:07:17.186
Donald Trump has said that he would put you in charge of the public health agencies.
01:07:17.506 --> 01:07:18.707
What exactly does that look like?
01:07:19.107 --> 01:07:21.947
Well, he's been very specific in what he's said.
01:07:21.987 --> 01:07:23.388
He wants me to do three things.
01:07:24.368 --> 01:07:38.412
One, clean up the corruption of the agencies, particularly the conflicts of interest that have turned those agencies into captive agencies for the pharmaceutical industry and the other, the food industry, the other industries that they're supposed to be regulating.
01:07:39.588 --> 01:07:41.769
Number two, to return those.
01:07:41.849 --> 01:07:46.032
Now the frustrating thing about this, of course, for all of us is how the rhetoric changes.
01:07:46.692 --> 01:07:49.954
Sometimes we hear that he's going to be Health and Human Services Secretary.
01:07:49.994 --> 01:07:52.716
Sometimes we say we hear he's going to be Health Czar.
01:07:52.756 --> 01:07:53.877
Sometimes we hear nothing.
01:07:57.839 --> 01:08:00.921
And so this show is going to continue to go on.
01:08:00.981 --> 01:08:04.884
You know, Elon Musk is apparently going to get rid of all the waste in government.
01:08:06.265 --> 01:08:06.985
Stop lying!
01:08:07.545 --> 01:08:08.326
This is not
01:08:10.011 --> 01:08:11.072
This is not acceptable.
01:08:11.132 --> 01:08:12.793
Remember that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:08:12.853 --> 01:08:22.922
said that he prays 30 minutes every day, and that for 19 years he's been praying that God would put him in a position to solve the chronic disease problem in America.
01:08:23.002 --> 01:08:24.824
And this year God gave him Trump.
01:08:26.946 --> 01:08:32.030
You know what the first thing that goes through my mind when I hear somebody say that I pray 30 minutes every day?
01:08:32.690 --> 01:08:37.855
The first thing that goes through my mind is, does that mean that 23 and a half hours a day you don't think about God?
01:08:41.078 --> 01:08:48.462
23 and a half hours a day that you're not trying to be humble before your creator, trying to do something right.
01:08:51.583 --> 01:09:04.269
I don't know, ladies and gentlemen, being boastful about how often you pray is not typically a good sign of a leader for me, especially when evoking the idea that God sent us Trump.
01:09:07.351 --> 01:09:10.312
I think much like praying to win a basketball game, I don't think
01:09:11.673 --> 01:09:21.077
I don't think our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, or our Father, the Lord in heaven, cares at all about who wins the presidential election.
01:09:22.977 --> 01:09:25.178
He cares about what everybody does when they're alone.
01:09:26.519 --> 01:09:28.279
He cares about your private thoughts.
01:09:28.419 --> 01:09:30.260
He cares about your private actions.
01:09:30.340 --> 01:09:38.363
He cares what you do when no one else is looking, not the last selfie you took and who it was with or where it was.
01:09:39.980 --> 01:09:56.105
And yet somehow or another, these people on X, while pretending to have all these morals and principles, have no more morals and principles than any of the other fake people on social media, because they value the social media.
01:09:56.425 --> 01:10:07.388
They believe and they want you to believe in the value of the social media, the freeness of the social media, the vitality of the social media.
01:10:11.078 --> 01:10:19.160
Anybody that's not speaking out against social media as being weaponized against us and used to govern us with lies has to be part of it.
01:10:21.521 --> 01:10:25.022
Kevin McKernan was saying that, you know, the debate is happening on X in 2020.
01:10:27.122 --> 01:10:33.244
And we have been convinced that Elon Musk apparently has bought Twitter to save us and save free speech.
01:10:35.421 --> 01:10:36.201
Let's keep listening.
01:10:36.442 --> 01:10:38.283
I know it's hard to tolerate, but let's keep listening.
01:10:45.242 --> 01:10:47.384
that they were famous for when I was a kid.
01:10:47.404 --> 01:10:52.829
And number three, to make America healthy again, to end the chronic disease epidemic.
01:10:52.929 --> 01:11:04.779
And President Trump has told me that he wants to see measurable concrete results within two years in terms of a measurable diminishment in chronic disease among America's kids.
01:11:05.139 --> 01:11:07.942
So is that specific role to be the Secretary of Health?
01:11:08.682 --> 01:11:09.222
I don't know.
01:11:09.482 --> 01:11:14.224
We have not decided yet what my official role is going to be.
01:11:14.264 --> 01:11:16.565
What did you tell him you would like that role to be?
01:11:16.865 --> 01:11:17.586
I didn't tell him.
01:11:18.606 --> 01:11:20.187
I've told him that I want to think about it.
01:11:20.687 --> 01:11:31.612
So in that capacity, though, you feel confident that you have been given the assurance that you would be able to have an actual role in the administration that would allow you to make those sorts of decisions?
01:11:31.772 --> 01:11:32.932
Yeah, absolutely.
01:11:32.972 --> 01:11:34.173
He's asked me to do that.
01:11:34.313 --> 01:11:37.134
You know, President Trump is very committed to this issue.
01:11:38.306 --> 01:11:41.389
And he was committed to it before I came on board.
01:11:42.470 --> 01:11:48.214
In fact, he called me in 2016, 21, and he wanted to do something like this back then.
01:11:49.395 --> 01:11:52.318
And for a variety of reasons, we ended up not doing it.
01:11:53.388 --> 01:12:04.719
As far back as June of this year, he was doing tweets that looked like I had written them, you know, talking about chronic disease and the necessity, how debilitating it is for our country.
01:12:05.580 --> 01:12:09.223
When my uncle was president, six percent of our kids had chronic disease.
01:12:10.103 --> 01:12:10.963
Today it's 60%.
01:12:11.764 --> 01:12:17.006
When my uncle was president, 3% of Americans were obese.
01:12:17.086 --> 01:12:20.167
Today it's about 70% obese or overweight.
01:12:20.267 --> 01:12:24.248
In other countries that don't have all these poisonous foods, like Japan, it's still 3%.
01:12:26.425 --> 01:12:29.047
And when my uncle was president, I was a 10-year-old boy.
01:12:29.428 --> 01:12:45.441
Now, it's a very, very malevolent thing to distort the idea that our food is nasty in America and it's better in Japan, when you could also look at the childhood vaccine schedule in Japan and compare it to that in America.
01:12:46.101 --> 01:12:56.944
and realize that intramuscular injection is exposing American children to toxins that Japanese children are simply not exposed to at the level and frequency that we are.
01:12:58.925 --> 01:13:03.386
And smart parents can choose not to buy toxic food.
01:13:08.151 --> 01:13:24.382
Parents can't choose to opt out of a vaccine schedule that there is a limited spectrum of debate curated about, and that an illusion of consensus about its infallibility is sustained regularly on social media and mainstream media.
01:13:24.462 --> 01:13:36.811
It is simply impossible to expect a parent to be able to face that and see through it, especially when the only people objecting to it are people fake like Mary Holland.
01:13:39.505 --> 01:13:57.988
or Meryl Nass, standing in front of people like Brian Hooker, who would have probably already said five years ago, end the vaccine schedule in America, if CHD would have let him say whatever he wants to, but instead they have four or five people that stand in front of him, including Polly and Mary and Meryl and everybody else.
01:14:05.276 --> 01:14:08.138
We spend zero on chronic disease in this country.
01:14:08.178 --> 01:14:10.200
Today, we spend $4.3 trillion.
01:14:10.240 --> 01:14:12.141
So it's five times our military budget.
01:14:12.282 --> 01:14:13.883
It's existential for our country.
01:14:13.903 --> 01:14:21.469
77% of American kids cannot qualify for military service because of chronic disease diagnosis.
01:14:21.589 --> 01:14:23.230
We have to put an end to this.
01:14:23.450 --> 01:14:26.433
Would you like to be nominated to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services?
01:14:26.713 --> 01:14:30.155
Like I said, I don't know if that's the pose that I want.
01:14:31.445 --> 01:14:38.590
I may be more effective in the White House as a health czar or something like that, but we don't know.
01:14:38.790 --> 01:14:40.131
That is crazy.
01:14:40.571 --> 01:14:55.901
Health and Human Services Secretary is one of the most powerful positions in the executive branch, one of the most powerful appointments, and incidentally would need to pass Senate approval.
01:14:56.001 --> 01:14:59.103
So maybe that's what we're really talking about here.
01:15:00.819 --> 01:15:12.031
Maybe what we're really talking about here is that they've been talking smack for a very long time, and now they're gonna put him in a room and give him a staff and call him a czar, and whatever he does, it'll be testing vaccines.
01:15:14.414 --> 01:15:17.137
It'll be harassing or cleaning up the FDA.
01:15:19.839 --> 01:15:22.803
I wonder if we're gonna go back to the Kieff offer.
01:15:24.890 --> 01:15:30.654
ideas of limiting patented control from 20 years to three years.
01:15:30.714 --> 01:15:32.695
Probably not, probably not.
01:15:32.755 --> 01:15:39.639
Maybe that's why Keef Offer was dead a week before JFK.
01:15:42.301 --> 01:15:46.864
I don't know what to tell you guys, but a lot of this truth is freely available now.
01:15:47.204 --> 01:15:52.788
And it's really visible when you hear these people and their mealy mouth attempts to try and cover it up.
01:15:53.749 --> 01:15:57.011
They are covering up for the public health system.
01:15:57.552 --> 01:16:01.575
The public health system in America is going to roll on like the juggernaut it is.
01:16:02.496 --> 01:16:05.718
And as Steve Kirsch told you, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:16:05.898 --> 01:16:14.605
and his little health blue ribbon committee is going to give us safe food and safe vaccines and probably only safe food and probably not even that.
01:16:15.558 --> 01:16:24.926
because he's also gonna push forward stem cell research and roll back probably GMO regulations in one way or another.
01:16:26.367 --> 01:16:27.568
It's not gonna be pretty.
01:16:29.330 --> 01:16:31.051
Is the food bad in the United States?
01:16:31.191 --> 01:16:31.692
Sure it is.
01:16:32.893 --> 01:16:35.035
Are the regulations in the United States bad?
01:16:35.135 --> 01:16:35.655
Sure they are.
01:16:36.516 --> 01:16:40.760
Do we have food in America that's illegal in Europe or in Canada?
01:16:40.820 --> 01:16:41.240
Sure we do.
01:16:45.484 --> 01:16:48.085
Are our grocery stores the worst in the world?
01:16:48.285 --> 01:16:49.465
Yeah, absolutely they are.
01:16:51.886 --> 01:16:57.168
Are there food deserts all over America where the only thing you can get are bagged and boxed food?
01:16:57.248 --> 01:16:58.188
Yes, there are.
01:17:00.369 --> 01:17:02.970
And these are huge problems, I totally agree.
01:17:06.951 --> 01:17:10.953
But the elephant in the room is that RNA cannot pandemic.
01:17:11.917 --> 01:17:16.220
And intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin.
01:17:17.642 --> 01:17:19.543
It's bad to eat toxins, it really is.
01:17:20.164 --> 01:17:20.724
It's terrible.
01:17:21.725 --> 01:17:29.191
It's bad to eat processed foods that are toxic or potentially toxic to certain people with genetic vulnerabilities.
01:17:31.913 --> 01:17:39.279
But intramuscular injection of our children, circumcision of our infant boys,
01:17:40.464 --> 01:17:48.370
the encouragement of Caesarean section to harvest placenta in a sterile format.
01:17:50.271 --> 01:18:02.320
These things are more malevolent, more evil, and more central to the plan going forward than the bad food.
01:18:04.124 --> 01:18:05.825
The bad food's like a side project.
01:18:05.845 --> 01:18:13.527
The bad food is like generating the sicknesses that everybody needs to find the genetic vulnerabilities for.
01:18:13.587 --> 01:18:15.227
It fuels all of those things.
01:18:17.288 --> 01:18:20.809
And so messing with that system is gonna take a long time.
01:18:21.994 --> 01:18:24.795
Fixing agriculture in America is going to take a long time.
01:18:25.215 --> 01:18:31.057
And in the meantime, we're still going to be injecting intramuscular toxins into our children during development.
01:18:31.097 --> 01:18:41.539
Too early for us or the parents to ever realize that the reason why their kid is slow in math is because they had heavy metals injected in them five times before they were six months old.
01:18:45.400 --> 01:18:50.422
And this might have been the one window, this might be the one window where that biology
01:18:51.485 --> 01:18:58.713
Very simple biology, the intramuscular injection of toxins is the worst way to be exposed to them.
01:19:00.956 --> 01:19:02.498
We might be able to wake some people up.
01:19:03.919 --> 01:19:07.343
And then, of course, all the food and everything else, that's easy, we can see it.
01:19:08.066 --> 01:19:22.515
You're not going to have any trouble convincing an academic biologist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine that food in America is bad, or that the microbiome is interesting, or that diabetes and overweightness is running rampant in America.
01:19:22.535 --> 01:19:25.977
You're not going to have any trouble convincing them of that.
01:19:27.978 --> 01:19:41.080
But you are going to need to do some serious work in a few years if you want to convince people that RNA can't pandemic or that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system was always dumb.
01:19:42.836 --> 01:20:10.192
if we run around in this stupid hamster wheel for three more years where we're arguing about adjuvants or arguing about how agriculture or pesticides or water or fluoridation or all this other obviously stupid shit can be solved when the elephant in the room, the worst way that our children are exposed to toxins at the worst time in their life during pregnancy and during the first six months of their life is being completely not addressed.
01:20:12.421 --> 01:20:14.202
And so I'm sorry, but this is me.
01:20:14.943 --> 01:20:16.064
I'm an anti-vaxxer.
01:20:16.164 --> 01:20:18.306
I'm an anti-American vaccine schedule.
01:20:18.346 --> 01:20:27.233
And I think it is the most important issue of our lifetimes because it is sustained by the illusion of RNA virology.
01:20:27.974 --> 01:20:39.063
It is sustained by the illusion of infectious clones, which are just commercial manufacture of DNA and RNA and their transfection and transformation in cell culture.
01:20:40.134 --> 01:20:50.520
These fundamental illusions are being sustained because the intellectual property that surrounds all of these countermeasures, all of these diagnostics is dependent on it.
01:20:51.781 --> 01:21:01.946
That's why Robert Malone and Kevin McKernan and Claire Craig and Meryl Nass and Jessica Rose and Pierre Cory, they're all there for the same reason.
01:21:01.986 --> 01:21:04.588
They are protecting the intellectual property.
01:21:06.329 --> 01:21:07.970
They are protecting the ideas.
01:21:09.212 --> 01:21:35.233
so that people don't realize that these are just old military technologies called transfection and transformation, old academic molecular biology called transformation and transfection that are being recycled, renewed in the people's mind and in the courts has gene therapy, in the courts has new methodologies, in the courts for intellectual property has something different than monoclonal antibodies.
01:21:35.273 --> 01:21:36.714
We make these all different.
01:21:37.807 --> 01:21:42.690
There's all kinds of special new things and special new ways of spinning the fluids together.
01:21:43.190 --> 01:21:56.137
Lots of new intellectual property that, you know, Teal Capital is invested in and that Brett Weinstein's dad knows all about the intellectual property spaces in which these people are flying around in.
01:21:59.439 --> 01:22:01.880
And Bobby Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:22:01.940 --> 01:22:06.183
definitely knows that Brett Weinstein's dad knows because
01:22:07.281 --> 01:22:22.414
Bret Weinstein's dad was in his dad's Department of Justice as the first patent attorney and the guy who went over to Denmark to find out about thalidomide and was central to the discussion that led to the formation of the FDA.
01:22:24.475 --> 01:22:29.299
That now these guys want to reorganize and take over, maybe even be the head of.
01:22:31.361 --> 01:22:32.882
It's all one big show.
01:22:32.962 --> 01:22:34.384
It's a demonstration of power.
01:22:35.410 --> 01:22:54.192
It's a demonstration of power and the power of social media and actors on it and how we can be governed by lies and what you see here is that intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin and that is one of the central things they need to cover up because it would destroy
01:22:55.168 --> 01:23:15.155
the pandemic narrative, it would destroy the vaccine schedule mythology, it would destroy RNA virology because it's all part of the same molecular biology illusion, sustained because people that worked at the Human Genome Project know exactly what it is and what it isn't.
01:23:17.476 --> 01:23:20.757
Ladies and gentlemen, the population pyramid provides a real example
01:23:21.758 --> 01:23:26.180
the real example of what they needed to manage, the problem that they needed to manage.
01:23:26.200 --> 01:23:34.243
If this problem wasn't managed, many Western nations with this inverted population pyramid would have had a very hard time with their budgets.
01:23:36.004 --> 01:23:50.110
And so what better way to roll out a mythology that edified the whole public health apparatus and edified the idea that we are just one world, soon to be one no-sphere, as described by Desjardins in the 30s,
01:23:51.792 --> 01:23:57.396
So they managed the problem with a whole host of different ways of murdering people and lying about it.
01:23:58.297 --> 01:24:04.541
And then they put a bunch of people in place and they recruited a bunch of people at the beginning to make sure that this narrative could be curated.
01:24:05.302 --> 01:24:08.824
They gave all those people very special assignments at the start of the pandemic.
01:24:08.944 --> 01:24:12.207
One of them was agreeing about the idea of endemicity.
01:24:13.052 --> 01:24:20.454
You know, zero COVID was a thing that people argued about right up until Brett Weinstein and Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch argued about it in June of 2021.
01:24:20.795 --> 01:24:27.537
They also argued about it before the pandemic, that one of these epidemics isn't controlled.
01:24:28.757 --> 01:24:37.200
The worst case scenario is endemicity, where supposedly we have four other coronaviruses that are endemic, but we never track them.
01:24:38.561 --> 01:24:44.923
We don't have some big database where we're monitoring the current status of OC43 or NL67.
01:24:47.323 --> 01:24:53.485
But this one, we've monitored to the tune of 20 million sequences, according to Kevin McKernan.
01:24:54.245 --> 01:24:56.266
High fidelity, real time.
01:24:59.047 --> 01:25:03.208
There's no way you can tell the difference between that and a background, because we don't have any data, ladies and gentlemen.
01:25:03.228 --> 01:25:03.928
We have no data.
01:25:04.368 --> 01:25:06.769
They're making claims that they can't back up, and they know it.
01:25:07.520 --> 01:25:08.923
because it's murder and lies.
01:25:09.765 --> 01:25:17.139
That's why these people were put in place to seed all these dumb narratives, these dumb narratives which were actually cover.
01:25:18.254 --> 01:25:23.636
for the many downsides of transfection and transformation that these people already knew we're gonna need covering up.
01:25:24.317 --> 01:25:26.478
So we're gonna need a pretty elaborate mystery to solve.
01:25:26.518 --> 01:25:27.638
Let's make it a lab leak.
01:25:28.238 --> 01:25:37.482
Let's make it a gain of function virus with HIV inserts and a fear and cleavage site that Charles Rixey can go around saying makes it the most contagious virus ever.
01:25:38.002 --> 01:25:43.605
And people as diverse as Stephen Hatfield and Robert Malone and Tony Fauci will all agree on that fact.
01:25:45.643 --> 01:25:55.190
That's why those same people are here in 2024 pushing some of the same narratives today, including the fact that, you know, transfection saves some people, but it's contaminated because we rushed it.
01:25:56.351 --> 01:26:04.777
Even though it uses no proprietary processes at all to make the key ingredient, but uses standard molecular biology already present for decades.
01:26:05.818 --> 01:26:11.282
Originally, technology from the Human Genome Project, Kevin McKernan,
01:26:14.155 --> 01:26:19.716
The way they're getting away with it is covering up by not talking about the shots.
01:26:20.636 --> 01:26:25.477
I mean, sorry, not talking about 2020, not talking about the murder in places like Scotland.
01:26:30.978 --> 01:26:32.739
And so they won't talk about this stuff.
01:26:32.859 --> 01:26:40.240
They will not tell you how this actuarial and genetic background signal could have been misconstrued as a pandemic.
01:26:41.411 --> 01:26:49.756
They won't tell you the many ways that PCR is used in universities to high fidelity, but those things, those same methodologies were never used for the diagnostics.
01:26:50.356 --> 01:26:52.858
If they told you that, then a lot of academics would wake up.
01:26:52.938 --> 01:26:54.799
You know, Jessica Rose could never explain that.
01:26:54.839 --> 01:26:55.739
It's too hard for her.
01:26:56.500 --> 01:27:03.164
Define the countermeasures as transformations and transfections would actually make most of the intellectual property valueless.
01:27:04.793 --> 01:27:15.677
Because if it was already military technology that was already labeled as transformations and transfections, and now they want to make it into some new product, then they're going to have to lie about what it is.
01:27:15.918 --> 01:27:22.160
And they're going to have to have experts out there that are experts on it because they patented it to call it gene therapy.
01:27:23.921 --> 01:27:26.242
These methodologies, these gene therapies,
01:27:27.179 --> 01:27:48.301
They have to use a general term because if you knew there was a specific term like transformation to describe a viral particle with DNA and it used to transform a cell culture or transfection where a lipid nanoparticle with RNA and it could be used to transfect a cell culture, you wouldn't want them to know that because again, your intellectual property would be in danger.
01:27:51.004 --> 01:28:00.650
And so why not put them on social media to protect that intellectual property, protect those concepts from being well known and being available for the courts?
01:28:02.131 --> 01:28:11.137
You wouldn't want them to know that in the purest form possible, given these commercial methodologies, the purest form possible was still going to be crap.
01:28:11.898 --> 01:28:14.780
But of course, anybody that worked in pharmaceuticals should have known that.
01:28:16.360 --> 01:28:27.383
That's what's so frustrating about people like Mike Eden having been on my stream a couple times and said that he's listened to me but can't really figure it out or Jay Bhattacharya or any of these other people because it's real simple.
01:28:30.724 --> 01:28:39.667
Infectious clone is of course the code word in virology for when they make a synthetic RNA or DNA and apply it to a cell culture and then collect whatever comes off.
01:28:40.687 --> 01:28:41.907
Call that virology.
01:28:42.527 --> 01:28:44.128
Call that passaging.
01:28:45.302 --> 01:28:46.162
That's all this is.
01:28:47.363 --> 01:28:49.064
That's why RNA can't pandemic.
01:28:49.324 --> 01:28:50.285
It's an obvious truth.
01:28:50.365 --> 01:28:54.787
It's so obvious that these people can't even come close to evaluating this statement.
01:28:55.888 --> 01:29:04.292
Robert Malone's never gonna say, well, Dr. Cooley is kind of confused, but it's an interesting statement.
01:29:04.352 --> 01:29:10.215
None of these things are gonna be discussed in nuance or corrected so that we can make progress because they can't.
01:29:12.116 --> 01:29:12.837
It is their job.
01:29:15.495 --> 01:29:18.517
And if you engage with them on social media, that's you in the chair.
01:29:19.798 --> 01:29:23.221
If you think these people are going to save you, that's you in the chair.
01:29:24.222 --> 01:29:28.225
If you think that the election just happened and we dodged a bullet, that's you in the chair.
01:29:32.167 --> 01:29:36.751
And Robert Malone should be the most obvious clue that I'm right.
01:29:38.181 --> 01:29:46.597
Any self-study of Robert Malone's history will reveal the malevolence of this show.
01:29:50.407 --> 01:29:52.389
I believe it with all my heart, ladies and gentlemen.
01:29:52.409 --> 01:29:56.373
I think one of the best presentations I've done in recent memory is Dear Senator Ron Johnson.
01:29:56.393 --> 01:29:58.175
You can find that on my PeerTube.
01:29:58.676 --> 01:29:59.757
Please share it with people.
01:29:59.877 --> 01:30:08.706
Endemicity cannot be differentiated from a background, and that's one of the worst truths for these people to deal with.
01:30:09.126 --> 01:30:11.589
And the way they're dealing with it is just not talking about 2020 anymore.
01:30:12.850 --> 01:30:14.070
Thank you very much for joining me.
01:30:14.110 --> 01:30:18.872
If you liked what you saw, please remember that vaccines are really bad in America.
01:30:18.912 --> 01:30:21.373
You can compare it to any other schedule and see it clearly.
01:30:21.853 --> 01:30:28.955
Transfection was always going to be criminal and RNA cannot pandemic because RNA is not a pattern integrity.
01:30:29.415 --> 01:30:30.756
Thank you very much for joining me.
01:30:30.776 --> 01:30:34.897
If you liked what you saw, please go to and find a way to support.
01:30:34.977 --> 01:30:38.418
I'm going to my first basketball practice, one of two today.
01:30:38.438 --> 01:30:40.839
We are having a blast.
01:30:40.959 --> 01:30:41.519
I can't,
01:30:42.614 --> 01:30:44.915
I can't stress enough how rich I am right now.
01:30:46.336 --> 01:30:56.662
After all these years, to be able to coach basketball for my kid, it's really some of the greatest times that I've ever had as a living human.
01:30:56.702 --> 01:31:09.268
And so thank you very much to all the people who have supported my work up until this point and brought my family to where we are right now, where, again, we can pay rent this month and I can coach.
01:31:10.569 --> 01:31:11.870
And that's all I really care about.
01:31:11.930 --> 01:31:14.151
Cause I don't know, there might not be a dollar in a month.
01:31:14.712 --> 01:31:17.213
There might not be a internet in two months.
01:31:17.434 --> 01:31:19.475
And so I'm going to take it day by day.
01:31:19.535 --> 01:31:20.616
And I hope you can too.
01:31:21.576 --> 01:31:22.917
Hug somebody near you.
01:31:23.478 --> 01:31:25.439
Call somebody you haven't talked to in a while.
01:31:25.479 --> 01:31:29.461
And remember that, you know, you're going to need help to forgive anybody in this.
01:31:29.481 --> 01:31:31.903
You're going to need help.
01:31:31.963 --> 01:31:35.385
And if you need help to forgive people, best way to get help is pray.
01:31:36.066 --> 01:31:36.786
Thank you very much.
01:31:36.826 --> 01:31:37.647
And I'll see you again soon.
01:33:34.502 --> 01:33:37.727
I have no responsibility for the current pandemic.
01:33:38.388 --> 01:33:39.770
Stop lying!