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11 months ago
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And so I played that song for him.
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I got a little bit more to say about that in a few minutes.
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We want everybody to feel good. That's not the way life is.
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But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people.
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And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie.
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You know, I don't think I'm a liar. I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar.
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I think it's like really important not to be a liar.
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I'm not sure exactly who he is. His name is JJ Cooey.
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And I believe he's a consultant for CHD.
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And I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline from what I understand.
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JASON is correct. That was his Lex Friedman interview. Good call.
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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Another broadcast to try to dispel the enchantment.
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We need to keep learning biology. We need to keep learning immunology, what there is to learn.
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And we need to be like Galileo and call it like we see it.
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We live in interesting times. That's for darn sure.
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And we've got to attend that garden. It is our consciousness.
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And a lot of us have not been adequately attending that garden myself included.
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And that's how we got rushed. We got rushed. We got scared and confused into running into their trap.
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And so we've got to stop, look around, and realize that they have been governing us by lies for generations.
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And getting us to attribute bad ideas to those that disagree with us instead of having a real logical debate with them.
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And all the while they have been fooling around with our money.
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I don't know if fractional reserve banking is the right thing to attack.
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Some people are already telling me maybe it's not the right thing to attack.
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But I have a feeling that our kids ought to know about it.
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Whether or not that needs to be changed or whether there's a time value associated with money.
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I don't really care about those things. I think that we should be talking openly about how our monetary system works.
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Instead of letting a bunch of inherited controllers and a lot of half-witted controllers run that part of our society.
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Which is a pretty important part of our society.
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And I think they want a lot of people not to see that. They would like it if no one really saw that.
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And we need to show it to everyone. And we need to teach it to as many people as we can.
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Yes, usury might be, might consider that evil. That might be the best way to think about it.
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And unfortunately that's part of the monetary system and fractional reserve banking that no one wants to talk about.
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And I think we at least have to talk about it with our kids.
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So they grow up with some idea that that's where money comes from.
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And we've also got to talk about this with our kids.
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The idea that they've been trying to figure out a way to invert our sovereignty to permission so that they can collect our data for a few decades now.
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If you learn our history before it's erased you can actually find lots of evidence for a one continuous line of thought here.
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One continuous line of bamboozlement where they have been consistently lying to us about biology in order to enslave us by this mythology.
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Charlatans they are and we've given him power actually our parents did and we need to take it back.
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It's going to be very hard as he knew what he was talking about when he said that you almost never get it back.
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But I do think it's possible if we teach our kids that our kids can get it back.
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And in so doing if we teach our kids we might actually make gentle the life of this world rather than the chaos
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that I think these theatrics are designed to bring about.
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And I am kind of focused on America only because that's where I live and that's where my influence is.
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But I want everyone in the world to understand that we've all got to start this resistance in our own locality.
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Our own country and our own province and we've got to organize with people who are aware of it so that we can save people from this coordinated wave of lying.
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And if you're going to save your kids from this coordinated wave of lying you're going to need to teach them to see it.
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You're going to need to teach them to swim in it and you're going to need to teach them to surf on top of it.
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And that is not a small feat when the wave is composed often times of the thoughts and feelings of those around them.
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It's a pretty complicated metaphor but it works.
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That's where we are. That's why this picture has worked for nearly four years now.
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If you are here for the first time you might be a skilled TV watcher or a skilled user of social media.
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However, if you've been here for a while, you're here at the top of the wave where we stay focused on the biology.
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We don't take the bait on TV and social media and we love our neighbors.
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The way this works is if people share this thing everywhere, they pass it around.
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They just let other people see it and judge for themselves what we've got to say here at Gigo and Biological.
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And of course there are some people who support to send small and large donations and that's enough to keep food on the table here with a little bit of consulting on the table.
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There's a little bit of consulting on the side which is not actually happening very much right now.
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So if you have the means and you're motivated and you feel like you're getting something of value or that you can derive something of value from my work, please feel free to go to Gigo and and find a way to help support the stream.
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There is a paradigm shift that's happening right now and there's a lot of people jumping shift.
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A lot of people trying to pretend that they were saying stuff when they weren't saying stuff that they said more than they said when they didn't.
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And this illusion is going to be sustained if you keep actively participating in it.
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And that means following certain people that are actually still engaged in creating the illusion.
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They are actively engaged in making sure that you don't organize United non-compliance to make sure that you don't find a way to engage in non-compliance because you're asking the wrong questions if you follow these people.
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You're going down the wrong holes if you follow these people.
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I'm a human just like you. I'm a peasant. I read my house.
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I scrape by by shaking a can on the internet and some consulting has gotten me this far because I helped Robert F. Kennedy Jr. write his Wuhan or cite the citations in his Wuhan cover-up book.
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And I also work for CHD for six months but now we are on our own and it is more difficult than ever for my family to make it.
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And we don't sell anything other than this stream and when we can the contents of our substac and the stuff that we're going to produce in the next few weeks I think will also add a great deal of value to this.
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Another thing that we've been working and spending a lot of time on is trying to build and maintain a peer tube instance which is a completely algorithm free.
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You can just find us there. You can find all of the videos that we've done in the last couple months there and that's something that we are really really helping.
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We really really think is helping keep this alive. We know we're eventually not going to be able to do it forever.
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We got to have a way of staying resilient and that's one of the ways that we've tried to stay resilient.
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We're also live on a few places now which also helps get it easier to share which I guess as I've said is probably the most important thing you can do to help is to share the stream with your family and friends.
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good night. Wherever you are. It is 1046 a.m. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'm coming to you live from the back of my garage.
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The back door is open. It's a pretty nice cloudy day here but it's warm. It's almost summer now. It's time for me to get on my motorcycle and take a break from this.
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It's starting to become, has started to become a little bit exhausting now that I've done a show every day for a while again and gotten my feet in the pool.
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I'm now again frustrated with the maintenance of the pool. I'm now frustrated again with the behavior of the people on deck and the amount of horse, horse play that's happening in the pool rather than just people taking account of the fact that people have drowned in the pool and nobody cares.
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All these people are running around on the on the pool side talking about how people are injured by the transfection but not calling it that.
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And I'm fine with that. I think that's an important thing and it's important justice to fight for.
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But because they're ignoring the fact that there are bodies floating in the pool, it seems kind of, I don't know, it seems kind of because the whole reason why there's anybody injured by the shots is because they told everybody that the people that died in the pool were actually killed by the by the virus
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and so the shot might help them. Turns out that we just let a bunch of people drown and then said it was a virus.
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And so that's pretty crazy if you think about it. And that's the message that GIGO and biological has been circling around for about a year.
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And it's the only message that one can really have and be left with when you come to the realization that they lied about the presence of a novel spreading pathogen.
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And while it seems that a lot of these people should be well aware of that by now, seeing as it's what 2024, May 9th.
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But they're not. They're acutely aware of all the dangers of the vaccines that they keep calling vaccines and all of the dangers of the adulteration of the vaccines that they keep calling vaccines, even though they could have called them
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for infections four years ago and probably persuaded 99% of people to reconsider taking them.
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They could have called out the murder in the hospitals in 2011 as being the impetus for people thinking there was enough reason to take a transfection if they wanted to, because I talked to them about saying that, but none of them did.
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People consider me bitter and people consider me, I don't know, upset.
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But the bottom line is is that what you're seeing is what you would see if you saw someone who witnessed or was visited by aliens and was pissed off about it because he can't tell anybody that takes him seriously.
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And this is what happens when a professional biologist comes to the realization that there are a lot of other professionals around him that either have their head somewhere where it shouldn't be or are actively participating in something that is extreme malevolence.
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And unfortunately for me, the reason why I feel this is because a lot of these people have been to my house, a lot of these people have shaken my hand and taken a selfie with me, smiled and lied to my face.
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So I have like the smell of their breath to go along with the lies.
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Maybe this is an extremely real thing. These people have been actually messing with my family because that's what you're doing if you're messing with someone who doesn't make any money has no insurance for his wife, and, and, and is putting everything on the line since losing
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his position as a, as a neurobiology faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
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And what's the story with Robert Malone what what job did he lose again speaking out about about the adenavirus vaccine Oh no wait he didn't speak out about that speaking out against the MR and eight Oh no wait he didn't really speak out about that yet until like
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2000 when I'm not sure when he actually said don't use it. But is he really even said it.
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What other people have lost jobs what what jobs did what what sacrifices as Steve Kirsch put on the table you know.
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What what things what what happened to Pierre Corey's making $230,000 a year now is the FLCC C president CEO guy, but he's also got an Ivermectin book.
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And, and so it's it's really hard for me to understand how it is that there are these doctors that have existed before the pandemic there were already anti vaccine before the pandemic that people all still ignore.
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None of those people are heroes because oh shoot you knew didn't you.
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None of them absolutely none of them are heroes none of them are in the lead none of these so called heroes like you know multimillionaire serial entrepreneur Steve Kirsch which I just don't believe.
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I'm not likely that that somebody allowed him to bring some kind of DARPA idea to market and pretend it was his like come on.
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I've had so many conversations with that guy where it either he's just.
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There's just no way there's no way.
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I just I don't even know where to begin with that guy.
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So I find it really frustrating that we're here. I find it really frustrating that I've been telling a lot of people for a long time that there's good ways to say this stuff.
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And they just say that I'm attacking everyone.
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It's not attacking everyone ladies and gentlemen it's attacking the people who have a consistent track record which is available for everybody of not really telling the truth when they probably already knew it.
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Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
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I think they lied about what happened. I think they turned up a bunch of knobs that would increase all cause mortality.
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They rolled out non specific PCR tests that they could use to correlate it in fact they didn't do that very early.
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And in America even the the events in New York City are not really well characterized by tests there.
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They're just declarations of COVID.
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Although infectious clones is a a term that is is is probably not the best term.
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It is a term that is in the literature and it is a term that can be used by anyone on PubMed to start a self awareness journey where you start reading the methodologies of these papers and you will find out that the application of DNA and RNA to cell cultures.
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And then the the product that is the production of viruses is the transaction and transformation of cell cultures with these DNA and RNA constructs.
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And because the DNA molecules or the RNA molecules are pretty pure.
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They call them clones and because they want to replicate infection they call them infectious clones.
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But of course this is probably a misnomer we should just call them transfectious clones because they are transfecting with a clone a molecular clone.
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And it's a molecular clone only because the molecules are the same.
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They want you to also think that this molecule represents a perfect copy of something in nature and that's what clone means.
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But it really doesn't because most of these constructs that they found in nature have never been found base for base.
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But most of these have been very very fragmented sequences if they are sequences at all.
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And then the the missing fragments are filled in who would be kind of like saying you went to a burnt down library and you found a few sentences.
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And that means that this book was probably present.
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And depending on what those sentences were you might be able to be very specific or you might not be able to be very specific at all.
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And I'm afraid that with the background that is likely there, there have been decades of shenanigans played using, you know, just basic academic scientific methods and reporting methods specifically, you know, using p values and stuff
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and you can argue that you just produce some knowledge or you just found something significant has resulted in this in this huge literature base that seems to indicate that there is pandemic potential in nature when indeed there is not
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and there's no biological basis for the argument that an RNA molecule with just the right combination of bases could embark on a high fidelity journey that starts from a mud puddle in and includes all
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living, breathing humans on the planet and endemic virus.
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So the more likely case is was revealed actually in the video we watched a couple days ago with Judy Mickovitz where she said that these these XMRV viruses are actually latent viruses there everywhere.
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And the vaccines may activate them and create a vulnerability.
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And I think that that is a very, very interesting hint into the narrative that is, again, I would argue one continuous line of bad ideas that extends all the way back to Hillary Kaprowski, Stanley Plotkin, David Baltimore,
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Gallo and Gardner and a guy by the name of Levy and Rasketti and Mickovitz and all of these people were involved in kind of curating the narrative of retroviruses and slowly releasing the idea that there are retroviruses in people,
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but releasing the idea in a way to make sure that you understood them as obligate pathogens, even if their T cell leukemia viruses, you have to think of them as leukemia viruses, not as T cell viruses, not as viruses that T cells might use,
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and then there might be a pathogenic version or a pathogenic state where T cells are releasing these exosomes in a pathogenic way.
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And so this discovery and its understanding had to be released in a way in my hypothesis to be completely divorced from our own biology so that they could have no ethical constraints with regard to studying them and even releasing
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infectious RNA or, let's say, transmittable RNA or potentially transmittable RNA into the public would never be and could never be misconstrued as testing
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some kind of genetic kind of technology on people because, look, these things are all outside of you. The only thing that your body does is DNA to RNA to ribosome to protein.
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And so now they have basically, whether you like it or not, created a scenario where bioweapons and all the enzymes that would fit inside of bioweapons also have their homolog in viruses.
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And so anything that they might make, anything they might find, anything they might release fits under this broad rubric of stuff that's outside of you.
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Instead of being something they found inside of you by mistake, by accident, or kept secret, and then weaponized against us in the form of stories in the form of evidence for the need for public health and in this sort of narrative that RNA pandemics can occur.
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And I don't think you can underestimate how people with good ideas would rise inside of a structure that wanted to do this. I don't think you can underestimate how many, how fast and how vital it would be
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to identify these people, court them, and then get them into this system years ago already so that they were in position and in place. And that's why a lot of these people had books in 2017, 18 and 19.
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That's why some of these people had their most significant thing in their life happen in 17, 18 and 19, like Peterson and Weinstein and all these, you know, nobodies that suddenly became kind to somebody almost forcibly but only on social media.
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This is part of the fifth generation warfare and this is when it started. It started really, really hardcore on the internet in a few years before the pandemic.
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And it's really easy to identify it if you can take the time to get a helicopter view of that history and, you know, if you're going to spend time on the internet watching videos, try to learn what people said in 2019 and you'll find it extremely revealing how many people were thinking pandemic.
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When I was, I don't know what I was thinking in 2019, but I certainly wasn't thinking pandemic.
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But I want his high morbidity. I want people to complain. Now we've played this guy a lot and I have made the argument that he is a public facing brochure, which means that he tells a cool story but it's a very abbreviated very small version of the real story that was actually worked on us.
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And we use the internet just to spread the rumor of asymptomatic spread. We don't just use the internet to spread rumors of a deadly virus with videos of people falling on the sidewalk.
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But we also put a lot of people in place in 2020 to make sure that the worst case scenario of a billion people dying was taken seriously to make sure that people thought that the, the best case scenario, which is zero covert was also taken seriously.
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We had to get people online to make sure that masks and every other thing like that was just kind of common sense that shutdowns were not crazy that we should just, you know, if they're taking it this seriously then maybe we should too.
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We had to have all those people in place. And indeed they were.
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The trick is is to go back to 2020 and see who they were and be very surprised that it's not who you think they were.
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There were lots of people who were dead on balls narrative in 2020 that, that, that should not have been there's no reason why they should have been on the fear and cleavage site and the spike protein in 2020 but they were.
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The reason why people should have been talking about the transfection making the virus evolve in 2020 but they were.
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And they were sending me papers about Merrick's disease and encouraging me to talk about it too.
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Maybe you should write a review about that.
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I was one of the biggest played I I fell for it hook line and sinker oh my gosh I was in.
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I was in the in the Scooby-Doo van and everything.
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And now what is this evolved into is essentially something like this.
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You will see a group of people that says that the COVID shots are bad but don't talk about 2020.
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And Peter McCullough is probably the closest to starting to exit that group that's why I have him right here near the border.
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Because he has the the the cajones to say that the vaccine schedule the whole vaccine schedule is probably bunk.
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He's not explicit you know and saying giving people the whole truth and saying how easy it would be for them to compare it to other vaccine schedules compare it to the schedule how much they get and when they get it.
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What's required and what's not and find out the difference and then see why that might be a little scary but he does say it's bad and that's already extremely good and I think probably extremely risky for him.
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But he's also very very forceful that there was a virus that long COVID is real that the spike protein has something to do with it.
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And he is that that's a problem still so we've got to help him but you know I've said it before and I'll say it again not everybody on the COVID shots are bad don't talk about 2020 team.
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The worst case scenario team those people are not all bad some of them have been fooled like I was because they believe multiple of these people.
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If Robert Malone and Steve Kersch agreed to lie to Brett Weinstein I posit that two against one Brett Weinstein would be outmatched it's not because Brett Weinstein is dumb or smart it's because when two people agree to lie to you it's very hard.
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Now what's even harder is when two people agree to lie to you and one pretends to be your friend and one pretends to be your enemy but they're both actually messing with you because that's also happened a lot to me in this little diagram of people that's not complete.
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So over here we have all the people who are now accepting the fact that there was not a pandemic they lied about it and they they did a lot of things to make sure that we would all be too afraid and too confused to see that they were lying about it.
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The only question I have for some of the people up there in the corner is that why didn't they more succinctly say this in 2021 or 22 or 23.
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And I'm also a little disappointed that I tried to help them say this in 23 and tried to bring them together with CHD and that blew up like a, like an inverted nuclear bomb.
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And it shouldn't have. It really shouldn't have.
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And now I'm very comfortable with being a lone wolf or whatever was that Brett Weinstein called me.
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I don't, I don't need any supporters other than the ones that want me to explore the truth. I don't need to bridge. I mean, the most important thing right now is to find the people that are true.
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I think Nick Hudson's doing a pretty good job. I think Mike Eden is doing a pretty good job. I think Thomas Binder is doing a pretty good job. I think what I see of Denny Rancore I really like.
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So, Cuzukred Bakhti is at least halfway there. And he spoke out so early and he knows so much about immunology that, you know, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt all the time.
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And he also lives in Germany, which is, you know, probably one of the worst places in terms of the, the way that they experience what what their Lala Palooza stage look like was probably nuts.
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And so here we have this group of people that I'm absolutely convinced for whatever reason their goal has been now for the past four years more or less to make sure that we got through 2020 and the beginning of 2021 and all the shots came out without much doubt of whether, you know, there might be something scary out there.
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They maintained the possibility of there being something scary, something possibly from a lab leak. They maintained that for the whole of three years 2020, 2021, 22, all of these people did on the on the gray t-shirt side over here.
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And that's a real problem right because that's basically no progress.
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Even though we found out that more and more people were killed, we found out more and more different ways that people were killed in the UK and America.
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And we've come to understand the sort of gigantic fraud that that was perpetrated in New York that probably would have been very difficult to discern in 2020 unless you were really astute.
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But of course we were all locked down and there was other things so everybody was very afraid and confused. And so it would have been very hard and you can forgive yourself eventually I can forgive myself eventually for not having seen through the chorus of liars.
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The magic of it is that they don't lie about it. They're not lying about everything. They just have to make sure they don't question the existence of a novel virus that, you know, at least hundreds of thousands, if not a few million people were killed by.
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I mean, maybe we got the numbers wrong or we exaggerated it but certainly we could have saved a lot more people had they just let us use Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine from the beginning, but they had to block the use of those because if there was anything effective they wouldn't have been able to roll out their
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own vaccine that these people still can't call transfection, none of them can.
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Which is really bizarre because it's a pretty easy thing to do and I've been trying to get any of them to do it since 2021 or with the case of like, I don't know, Bobby it's 2022 but maybe everybody else knows that I've been saying it since 2021.
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It's not really overlooked anymore. It's too easy. Using the wrong words is evil.
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Being too simple or too complicated is essentially dishonesty.
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A lot of these people have been engaging in this for a very, very long time for some other motives. It's not about our grandkids. It's not about sovereignty. It's not about freedom and it's not about America.
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That's the part that frightens me most. You want to believe that somewhere in America there are patriots and I believe there are.
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But I'm also starting to believe at this stage that patriots should be wearing a flag upside down because the Republicans are going to save us.
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The Democrats aren't going to save us.
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That has to be clear by now, isn't it? And so what is even if, even if, I mean, even if Trump is a good guy, how is he going to save us when the Republicans are Democrats are.
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I don't, I don't understand.
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So for me, it seems to me that the only way this works is a grassroots rejection of the way that we are governed. And we are governed not only by our performing politicians who have no cameras on them while we have more and more cameras on us every day.
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But we're also governed by these people on the Internet, the people that we are shown on the Internet.
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It's not, it's not grassroots by which John Bodwin is going to be on, on Dr. Drew.
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And it's not grassroots by which John Bodwin got sucked into the Kevin McCurnan Steve Kirsch steering committee group of people and steered away from people like me and Nick Hudson and others who have been very consistently trying to
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promote the idea that, look, we've got to first reflect on, on the fact that there might not have been a pandemic. They might have just lied about it and John had data that shows that.
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But McCurnan and Kirsch kept him focused on the shots and focused on the shots and not focused on the fact that he's also got data that shows that nobody was dying of a respiratory pathogen in 2020.
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That's the fascinating thing.
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And yet somehow or another he let himself be taken by them and now that he's got a book and I think it's great. His data is great. His message is great.
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I want people to absorb my message and say that RNA cannot pandemic this pandemic couldn't have happened, but be clear about it, be sharp about it.
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I encourage John to keep working on his thing for like two years I had him on my stream a couple times and I did a stream with him on on St. Patrick's Day in 2023.
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I know he knows that I'm saying this, but he's still just paddling around with with McCurnan and with Kirsch and pushing the idea that the shots are bad but don't talk about 2020.
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If you talk about 2020, then you've got to admit that Steve Kirsch thought that there was a risk additive pathogen so much so that he I guess he donated some of his own money to find repurposed drug combinations that were patentable.
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So he used his own money to try and make more money.
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And that's how he met Robert Malone is trying to find out how to get an EUA and of course that's what Robert Malone does right besides being the master of domain.
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Where he made an x-ray crystallography computer model of the 3CL protease and then interface that with all known drugs and pharmaceuticals in the FDA catalog and under three weeks to identify.
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I've remectin for motidine.
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Silicoxib and and and and remdesivir.
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Let's forget about 2020 when Brett Weinstein was wearing a mask and telling everybody to lock down we should lock down harder and that zero COVID was totally attainable he still thought zero COVID was attainable in June 2021.
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Steve Kirsch said if we just force medicated everybody with ivermectin and silicoxib for 30 days this would be gone.
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And so it's really a team of people that want you to forget that when in 2020 and 2021 when we could have had principles when Kevin McCurnan who knows what transfection and transformation is could have said the J and J and AstraZeneca is a transformation.
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And the coming MRNA shots is a transfection and they're both clinically just inappropriate for healthy humans but he didn't.
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And instead now he's saying that it's the double stranded DNA if we could just get it out.
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We wouldn't be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
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It's not very dissimilar to what these guys are saying and what these guys are saying and what these guys are saying.
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Only a few like Peter McCullough are saying that the MRNA shot should be stopped it should have never been rolled out.
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I'll be at a few years late that's fine he's saying it at least but it is a few years late.
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Don't want to be too much of a creep about it I don't want to tack everybody like John Bodwin says I'm doing, but I'm just pointing out the obvious here.
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And what should be obvious here they murdered people in 2020 and 2021 and if you don't.
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If you don't say that that's the reason why people took the shots then claiming that the shots are a crime is kind of only half asked.
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That's the analogy of the swimming pool if you walk in and you have all these people in a swimming pool running around saying that the life jackets are killing people.
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I don't know it's it's really frustrating to me it's very very very frustrating to me because they murdered people so that people would be scared enough and confused enough to accept a gene transfection technology or gene transformation technology.
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And when Robert Malone could have spoke out about the transformation technology the AstraZeneca and the J&J shot he was too busy running domain and helping Steve Kirsch and his friends get EUAs and running trials for femotidine and other combinations with it.
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You see what happened was is that 2020 and 2021 happened with a bunch of people on the Internet that were promoted that didn't have principles that were actually playing along.
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And that was all that was necessary a spectacular commitment to the narrative of a lab leak or a natural virus that needed countermeasures that needed early treatment novel novel substances.
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That commitment unwavering in these people over here unwavering in these people. You can look at my videos from March, April, May, June, July of 2020. I was wavering.
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I was not fully committed to the danger of a novel virus. I wasn't even convinced of a novel virus in 2020. It wasn't until extensive meddling at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 that I became convinced.
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And that's what's evident in my review and on my website at the Scooby-Doo link. You can see where I was and how convinced I was.
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And it's because this show was extremely effective.
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And this isn't the only show. This is just the show that's more or less personal to me. There were many shows and many stages in many countries and it was all highly coordinated. Why? Because it's for all the marbles, ladies and gentlemen.
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It's for all the marbles. This is for your grandchildren's freedom. These people are working for slavers and the target of the slavers is your children and your children's children.
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That's why there are also nobody's whistle blowing because you don't whistle blow on the slavers.
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And so you're either co-opted or you're ignored. And I would make the argument that all of these people who've had intimate long conversations with me ignore me because they are part of this.
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They are part of the same group of people that had all of us, including me asking the wrong questions in 2020 and 2021. And that's why we couldn't save our family and friends from transfection. That's why we couldn't save our kids from lockdowns.
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That's why my daughter is behind in reading and behind in math a little bit because lockdowns put us all behind and we didn't pick up the ball at home.
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Like a lot of other parents didn't. I'm not perfect. This is not about Jonathan Cooley being perfect. This is about Jonathan Cooley being exactly like you, except I've read a few more biology books.
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Don't you ever think for one second that this you're watching a stream of someone who imagines that I'm the only one who gets it? I'm sure that everybody that watches this stream gets it and it's just as frustrated as me and all we need are more frustrated people.
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And then collectively we can lift each other up and we can start to turn this ship around. It's going to take years.
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As all the anti-vaxxers that came before before COVID can tell you it's going to take years. The only the only saving graces that would COVID opened a door and started a momentum.
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And if we can can can get enough of that momentum and use it to our advantage, maybe we can overcome this seemingly unending parade of co-opted people that are willing to to shill for the for the slavers.
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For the weaponized piles of money and the people that serve them.
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Because make no mistake about it. There are piles of money that are so big that people will do anything they say.
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And if those people won't do it, someone else will do it. That's the offer that a lot of these people got. You don't want to write the book about Ivermectin will let somebody else do it, dude.
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You don't want to be epigirl. We can find somebody else to be epigirl. Or would you like to be epigirl? Could you do it? Do you think you can do it? I bet you can.
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Cool. All right. So we're in. Good.
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That's how it works, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure of it. And it started before the pandemic because this is for all the marbles.
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I got a very special study hall for you. Oh, wait, I didn't even change it, darn it. Sorry about that. I changed it in the title of the Twitch stream.
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It's bio track webinar exosomes. And it's got by the name of cash knock.
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It was given in May 14, 2020. So I'm going to just change this right now.
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Because I can bio track webinar exosomes.
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And the thing is from May 14, 2020.
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I better put a comma there.
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Dog on American dates. Okay.
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A little bit of tinier. There we go. Okay, there. That's better. So let's do this again.
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Zoom show. That should be right. Okay, so today on GIGO and biological bio track webinar exosomes May 14, 2020. It is a package I have not opened one of our one of your fellow viewers and chatters sent this to me.
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And I'm very intrigued because it is a webinar that was given very early in the pandemic.
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And so I'm curious as to what the, what the take is going to be.
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But I assure you, it's going to be interesting. It's got to be because the context is, is isolating coronaviruses from exosomes, which is not something that I've ever heard Vincent rack in yellow or, or Kevin McCurnan or any of these other expert virologists that have stepped up in the pandemic.
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I've never heard them really explain the isolation of exosomes from coronaviruses or anything akin to that. So I'm, I'm curious as to what we're going to see here. And I'm curious as to how impressed we will be.
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If we're not impressed, maybe we'll end it early. I don't know what we'll do. I'm not going to get too hardcore about it.
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I'm very happy to have gotten that off my, my, my head. I did call John Bodwin this morning and I have to admit I shouted quite, quite, quite loud at John because he seems to think that what I'm worried about is
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I'm going to say that quick.
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John, I called John Bodwin this morning. I ended up yelling at him and hanging up and it's not, not my best morning.
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And so I probably should apologize to John for that. But on the other hand, I feel like we're at a crucial juncture. And for a long time, I felt as though John was working with Steve Kersch and others to kind of ignore me,
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I really would regard to clones because we've had a, we had a presentation together that I've shown a couple times on, on March 17th.
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And if you search for Cooey and Rose and McKernan on, on rumble, that's what will come up. And Stephanie Sineff also presented.
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And John Bodwin also presented and it was a very cordial discussion about clones and why they're important.
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And Jessica Rose expressed her absolute fascination with and, and certainty that clones was an answer.
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And since then John Bodwin and Kevin McKernan and Jessica Rose have 1000% ignored me and the things that I've said since so no matter how much more developed my message has become, or how much more succinctly I can express these, these ideas.
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And so I think it's been a long time since John Bodwin, Jessica Rose, Kevin McKernan have chosen to ignore me and if Kevin McKernan has gone farther and gone to block me and also more or less slander me as a, as a faker or as a, as a, doesn't know what he's talking about kind of guy.
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And it's very strange because the last time we were on video together it seemed that I was explaining things to McKernan that he didn't fully understand.
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And so it has become very clear to me that some of these people have just been meddling from the very beginning. Kevin McKernan is very likely one of them because again remember he cut his teeth as a non PhD scientist, you know, pulling patents out of the human genome
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and starting companies that's a really good way to keep people on your team. His dad was already deep involved in the biotech industry and so there is a level of multi generational malevolence here
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that involves, you know, the intimate machinery by which we are governed. And I'm afraid that somebody like John Bodwin who, you know, who just is trying to do the right thing can be absorbed by people who are, you know, in person impressive
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seemed very intelligent and knowledgeable. And I, I'm pretty convinced that John Bodwin was told by these people or convinced by these people that he shouldn't take me seriously or that I divide or, or whatever.
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And that's why John Bodwin is in with them and, and he focuses a lot on the shot and he's fine with that because that's also justice that needs to be served and I agree with him.
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But I also believe that he's essentially being played because he could also be adamantly insisting that they, they revealed that his data also shows that there was really no spreading additive respiratory pathogeny has no, there's no evidence of it, but he doesn't seem to want to do that so it's strange.
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It's very, very strange. But, but we don't, we can't really think too, too hard about this. We just have to tell the truth as we see it, and then hope that other people will take it seriously.
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So this is the video I want to watch. I'm going to get my head out of the way for a second and start it over.
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I'm going to get it at 125.
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And I might need to go faster.
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I believe it's this guy in the bottom that's going to speak his name is Fatah.
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Cash nachi.
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So let's see what this is all about.
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If you have any questions while we're in the where we're in this video, feel free to put them in the chat and if I get them and read them, I'll definitely try.
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My name is Mark Nardone. I'm director and co-founder of BioTrack. Welcome to our Thursday weekly webinar series.
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I asked that questions be submitted in the Q&A box as they will be addressed at the end of the presentation. This time permits.
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For those who might not be familiar with our program, BioTrack offers hands-on training workshops for research scientists.
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These workshops, which are team taught by active researchers, focus on the latest relevant techniques that are necessary for laboratory research.
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We were originally based at the National Toots of Health for 30 years, and BioTrack is now located on the Montgomery College Germantown campus in the BioScience Education Center.
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These workshops are open to the scientific community. Since the program's inception, we have provided hands-on training to over 17,000 scientists.
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Along with our hands-on training programs, we continue to serve the scientific community by offering bio panels, custom design training programs, weekly webinar series,
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hosting government and industry retreats and symposiums, as well as other key scientific events and outreach initiatives, such as the Maryland Science Olympiad.
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Today, it's my pleasure to introduce to you Dr. Patak Pashansi. Dr. Pashansi received his PhD in 1990 under the supervision of Dr. Charles Wood, who also worked with Nobel Laureate, Dr. Susumu Tenagawa at MIT.
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He moved to the National Cancer Institute, NIH's Intramural Program, and continued his work on RNA-bauer infections.
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I was a tenured faculty at the Department of System Biology.
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I was once on an airplane with Susumu Tenagawa. I was actually on an airplane to Swalbard from Oslo to Swalbard, Norway, which is Spitzbergen.
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If you look it up on a map. It's above the Arctic Circle. It's a pretty cool place to visit. I flew a kite up there.
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I'm thinking I'm the only person who's ever flown a stunt kite and done a taz up there.
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And, yeah, I wonder if I can do that. I can probably find it. I'll see. Did I already show you that once? Did I already show you that once? Maybe I did.
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Does it not go? Yeah, it does.
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I have another YouTube channel that's just J.J. Cool.
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And, of course, this will get I've got the music I chose, of course, because I was that cool already a long time ago.
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This is me flying in Swalbard in 2008.
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That's fast forward, of course.
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Maybe I already showed this, though, so I don't need to show it.
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Anyway, the point to say that is that I was on this airplane with three Nobel Prize winners, actually.
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So it was like a, a veritable, you know, what was it, the bopper and, and the big bopper and, and buddy Holly and, and who was the third one?
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The guy who sings the Obama, right? They all died on one airplane. It was really weird. All the people. I mean, all the people that studied the hippocampus were on the same plane.
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It was bizarre. And everybody at some point looked around and said, Holy shit, if this plane went down, it would be absolutely crazy. There's three Nobel Prize winners on this plane.
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So that was pretty, pretty nuts. Richie Valens, very good.
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And so, of course, I was like, I mean, I was like, I don't know, an usher, or, or, you know, who I was nobody on that plane. I'm not at all, including myself.
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That's how lucky my, my life has been and how many times it's been so interesting just because of the, the lucky choices I made. And so, yeah.
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Anyway, Susumu Tony Gawa is a beast. I mean, a beast. He's legendary for his drive, you know, he's gotten to Nobel prizes. That's what makes Susumu Tony Gawa so cool to think about that.
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Anyway, close this. I don't know. I'm not a very good watcher of movies.
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During the past 10 years, Johnson's lab has also developed new literatures on differences between RNA viruses and exosomes. His lab pioneered the novel separation of viruses from exosomes using various biochemical and biophysical methods from infected cells in vitro and bodily fluids.
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These separations are from HRV1, HTLV1, Rift Valley Fever, VEV, Ebola, and Zika-infected cells. His lab was currently attempting to separate COVID-19 virus from exosomes and cell culture.
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Dr. Tanchi has published more than 225 peer review manuscripts and is a regular NIH study section member serving on 153 panels and sharing 17 of them since year 2000.
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He currently serves on a number of national advisory and review committees, including five NIH and NSF study sections.
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Wow. As director of Biotrack, I've had the pleasure of working with Pata for the past three years as he has a significant contributor to our semi-annual hands-on exosome training workshop.
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This workshop is provided hands-on training to research scientists from local, national, and international institutions.
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Without further ado, Dr. Pata Tanchi separating viruses from exosomes. Pata, they're all yours.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
01:00:07.600 --> 01:00:14.600
Okay, so we got a lot of work to do, right, when we open this can of worms, but that's what we do here. So now we're sort of going down.
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I'm starting to try and go down any exosome trails that I can find here. Anybody that was, oh, I forgot to tell you this one thing. Sorry. Can I go back? Can I just go back?
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I'm sorry. I know sometimes it's like I'm kind of a dork.
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So I started this show today with a picture of my friend Nathan who died late last year of a freak aneurysm, which I'm almost sure is because he was transfected.
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He may have even been boosted about a month before that happened.
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And I would have considered him my best friend. I mean, I didn't have, I don't have very many friends, but we became friends in college.
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We've been friends for many years and I knew his wife the same day he knew her. They were both students of mine when I was a calculus tutor.
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And so back when I still know how to do math.
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And while Nate was still alive over a year ago, I bought these tickets to the Glenn Miller band, the Glenn Miller Orchestra.
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I'm sure I bought them more than a year ago. And the reason why I bought them was because Nathan's uncle was actually one of the first, maybe the first or second drummer of the Glenn Miller Orchestra back when Glenn Miller was Glenn Miller.
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And so I ordered the tickets and I remember sending them an email saying that I was really excited to be taking my trombone playing son and my trumpet playing son to this show.
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And then this week my wife reminded me we had these tickets and I completely forgotten about them.
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And the craziest thing is that my sons had a really good time and they actually enjoyed it because, of course, high school band and middle school band and whatever doesn't do this and they've never heard their instruments played like that before.
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They were super stoked. I mean, I thought they were going to hate it, but they were pleasantly, you know, happy about it afterward.
01:02:42.600 --> 01:02:49.600
At the start of the second set when they played that, I just couldn't hold it anymore. I just
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I can't believe that Nathan will never listen to a Joe Satriani song again or that we'll never listen to it together.
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That he'll never be able to listen to that music with his daughters because people are lying and they lied about murder so that Nathan would be scared enough not to listen to his friend.
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That's how this happened. That how it happened to all of us.
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And I'm just absolutely shocked that more of these people are not able to to enunciate this.
01:03:24.600 --> 01:03:27.600
Anyway, back to the back to the study.
01:03:27.600 --> 01:03:29.600
You can hear me. Is that correct?
01:03:29.600 --> 01:03:40.600
So thank you very much, Mark. I think first I just want to say that I've been involved with your program for about three years as you mentioned, and I find it quite exciting and quite necessary.
01:03:40.600 --> 01:03:57.600
The workshops you have. I know that right now, this is an issue with COVID-19 pandemic, but I'm hoping that this will resume because many of the technologies that you're, you're showing people through these workshops are extremely necessary and really important for the research labs.
01:03:57.600 --> 01:04:01.600
And this is true of not only academia, but also government.
01:04:01.600 --> 01:04:12.600
What I'd like to do today is to go through a few examples of how we separate EVs from extracellular vesicles from viruses and I'll give you some examples of this.
01:04:12.600 --> 01:04:24.600
And again, it's not very difficult. It took us a little bit of time to do this. And the topics I want to cover the first is about epidemiological evidence that these EVs actually do exist in infections.
01:04:24.600 --> 01:04:34.600
And these are not some in vitro artifact of us doing experiments in a laboratory. This actually does happen and takes place in people and in animals.
01:04:34.600 --> 01:04:43.600
So it's funny that he feels the need to say that this is not just a result of our doing experiments, but they're actually found in animals.
01:04:43.600 --> 01:04:47.600
It's funny that virologists never feel the need to say that.
01:04:47.600 --> 01:04:58.600
Shall I play that again? That's actually very significant because that really already presupposes that virologists are definitely right.
01:04:58.600 --> 01:05:03.600
I'm just trying to be right along with them, which I think is pretty mealy-mouthed.
01:05:03.600 --> 01:05:10.600
And it's typically, I guess, the way academicians work, right? What is this illusion that we're working on?
01:05:10.600 --> 01:05:13.600
I'm not going to be able to get the slide up in time.
01:05:13.600 --> 01:05:18.600
But the illusion we're working on is something like a train stopping thing. I don't have it in this deck.
01:05:18.600 --> 01:05:26.600
But people were pretending to stop and start the train like that guy in Italy that chalks his hands that I played that video so often.
01:05:26.600 --> 01:05:34.600
And so you don't want to get in anybody's way. And so one of the ways to do it would say what he just said that, you know, extracellular vesicles are real.
01:05:34.600 --> 01:05:46.600
It's not just from how we do experiments, even though the funny thing is the main objection to virology is that they can't really prove that what they're seeing isn't just because of what they did.
01:05:47.600 --> 01:06:03.600
They threw a bunch of DNA or RNA on a cell culture, and then they electrified it, or they spun it down, or they did whatever, and then they took the supernatant or, you know, they don't really prove what they say they prove.
01:06:03.600 --> 01:06:12.600
And that's the ground on which all these no-virus people stand, but then don't go so far as to say they murdered people to protect that illusion.
01:06:12.600 --> 01:06:31.600
Because if they went that far in 2020 or 2021, then no one would have taken the shots. No one would have gone along this and the whole charade would have been broken in 2021 or even in 2020 without these people committed to zero COVID committed to, you know, to focused
01:06:31.600 --> 01:06:36.600
on lockdowns like the Great Barrington people. That's not a legitimate answer.
01:06:36.600 --> 01:06:45.600
No, we should just lock down old people and separate old people and concentrate the the transfections on the old people. That's basically what they were arguing.
01:06:45.600 --> 01:06:51.600
And I hate to tell you, Jay, about a charade, but that's not really finding principles.
01:06:51.600 --> 01:07:04.600
That's actually, that's actually like a pandemic light, which is what zero COVID is, is pandemic light, which is what they lied about how dangerous the virus was.
01:07:04.600 --> 01:07:07.600
That's also pandemic light.
01:07:07.600 --> 01:07:16.600
Oh, no, they exaggerated the number of cases. That's true. But there was still a novel thing I had at three times, says Meryl Ness. That's still pandemic light.
01:07:16.600 --> 01:07:23.600
And I'm arguing that RNA can have pandemic. Therefore, there is no pandemic light.
01:07:23.600 --> 01:07:36.600
And so again, remember, he feels the need to say that, Hey, it's not just our experiments. These are real. This not artifacts, but virology's never felt the need in 40 years to prove that what they do are not just artifacts of their methodology.
01:07:36.600 --> 01:07:38.600
It's pretty impressive.
01:07:38.600 --> 01:07:45.600
And the way to detect him is not very difficult. I'll use the HIV one as a goal, the extra immunological evidence.
01:07:45.600 --> 01:07:52.600
What I'd like to do is vegetables from viruses, and I'll give you some examples of this.
01:07:52.600 --> 01:07:58.600
And again, it's not very difficult. It took us a little bit of time to do this. And the topics I want to cover.
01:07:59.600 --> 01:08:11.600
The first is about epidemiological evidence that these EVs actually do exist in infections. And these are not some in vitro artifact of us doing experiments in a laboratory.
01:08:11.600 --> 01:08:19.600
This actually does happen and takes place in people and in animals. And the way to detect him is not very difficult. I'll use the HIV one as a.
01:08:19.600 --> 01:08:29.600
So here's the problem. What do you see as the problem? He's not worried about extracellular vexesicles and exosomes in health.
01:08:29.600 --> 01:08:38.600
He's looking at epidemiological evidence for presence of extracellular vesicles in infections, which means that he's basically a very sophisticated.
01:08:38.600 --> 01:08:50.600
Tom Cowan, or a very sophisticated Andy Kaufman, because he thinks that as Mark Koolak has so eloquently put it that exosomes are just cells turds.
01:08:50.600 --> 01:08:58.600
It's just a cell pooping. And so I have a feeling that's where this is going to go. They're not going to be.
01:08:59.600 --> 01:09:15.600
Maybe they will be, but I bet they're not going to be useful signals. I bet they're not going to be signals that have their their homolog in health, but he's going to focus exclusively on these as a subset of viral induced particles.
01:09:15.600 --> 01:09:26.600
I think that's where we're going, which is pretty disappointing. But again, it's not anything we shouldn't have expected. And in fact, I'm very glad to see it, because this would fit right in.
01:09:26.600 --> 01:09:43.600
The overarching idea that I've been putting forth for a while now that Mark Koolak has been putting forth for a while now that exosomal communication is rather ubiquitous and not just in our own bodies, but between people and also throughout nature.
01:09:43.600 --> 01:09:55.600
And therefore this incredibly hot background of DNA and RNA has been misconstrued as a pretty clean background from which we can pull these incredibly hot signals like a novel coronavirus.
01:09:55.600 --> 01:10:07.600
And then characterize their phylogenetic evolution across the world for years on end until we finally become resigned to the fact that I guess we're stuck with it forever.
01:10:07.600 --> 01:10:24.600
Which is the story that Robert Malone was telling in 2021. I can show you video after video after video. In fact, I think Mark Koolak has uploaded a couple more videos of Robert Malone telling stories about that exact thing.
01:10:24.600 --> 01:10:40.600
It's kind of the opposite of what the reporter Garrett said in that CNN video in 2019 where she said the worst case scenario with one of these small lab leaks would be a would be an endemic would be the virus going endemic meaning that we're stuck with it forever.
01:10:40.600 --> 01:10:53.600
Isn't it weird how these ideas just kind of percolate to the top of social media and television and highly produced movies before the pandemic and also afterward in 2020 and 2021.
01:10:53.600 --> 01:11:00.600
Almost as if there was a script to make sure that people could not exercise and form consent and just say no.
01:11:00.600 --> 01:11:17.600
Funny huh. Okay, let's see how he's going to try to absorb this this this concept into virology and sort of sort of wedge himself in there so that the virologists need him, but he doesn't threaten them. That's what this sounds like to me.
01:11:17.600 --> 01:11:24.600
I'm going to give the virologists an excuse to acknowledge exes homes as part of their own story. Oh, gosh, I'm starting to get sick.
01:11:24.600 --> 01:11:32.600
Both standard throughout and toward the detail and I'll tell you a little bit more about HTL one. And again, that's another retro virus that integrates into the genome.
01:11:33.600 --> 01:11:42.600
And I'll use a so called low hanging fruits in many of these essays, which in this case is a non coding RNA called tar, which is present at the five prime and three prime end of the genome.
01:11:42.600 --> 01:11:54.600
We'll talk to you a little bit about the isolation methods and various biochemical tricks that we use to isolate these things or concentrate them further.
01:11:54.600 --> 01:12:03.600
And finally, I'll tell you a little bit about future directions and where I see significant issues taking place and I'll bring up three separate items that are important.
01:12:03.600 --> 01:12:13.600
The first thing I want everybody to remember, I'm sure this is this is common sense, but again, it's, I think it's important to remember that viruses by definition, especially the ones that are infectious, they have very well defined structures.
01:12:13.600 --> 01:12:22.600
So, for instance, you have the, the so called lipid by layer, you have the core, you have an RNA structure. In this case, two copies of RNA inside the virus.
01:12:22.600 --> 01:12:29.600
And once the virus matures the shape of that core changes and it becomes a little bit more dense on the electron microscopy.
01:12:29.600 --> 01:12:41.600
But this is not the case with EVs. And in fact, even though they have very similar sizes many times, including viruses such as HTLV or even COVID-19, roughly around 100 nanometers or so.
01:12:41.600 --> 01:12:51.600
But the composition, the membrane composition is quite different in EVs, the material inside is quite different, and therefore they behave quite distinctly different in terms of functional analysis.
01:12:51.600 --> 01:12:59.600
So that's interesting. Let's go back and see there's one thing here in particular I find really interesting. Look at that.
01:13:00.600 --> 01:13:09.600
MHC one and MHC two molecules are on the outside of exosomes that's just extraordinary.
01:13:09.600 --> 01:13:12.600
That's just absolutely extraordinary.
01:13:12.600 --> 01:13:21.600
Some of these other CD trans membrane molecules also extraordinary.
01:13:21.600 --> 01:13:30.600
And then what do they say? There's actin, there's tubulin in there. They don't say anything about MRNAs, but there can be enzymes apparently.
01:13:30.600 --> 01:13:34.600
Protein synthesis.
01:13:34.600 --> 01:13:50.600
Histones, complement, all these things. I mean, you know, it's going to be impossible for them to characterize the, and that's what I think that Harvard scientist was interested in that was selling his technology to China and got some kind of Chinese war
01:13:50.600 --> 01:14:01.600
metal taking $55,000 a year from the Communist Party. That dude, he was doing some kind of technology that would be able to read the exosomes in plasma.
01:14:01.600 --> 01:14:09.600
And he said it was like a viral chip, but it wasn't really a viral chip. It was an extra, as an extracellular vesicle chip.
01:14:10.600 --> 01:14:21.600
So again, what are we arguing here, ladies and gentlemen? What we're arguing here is, and what we have been arguing is that the evidence for exosomal communication has been around for decades.
01:14:21.600 --> 01:14:32.600
They've known this. They know that it's very likely that exosomal communication probably even occurs between immune cells and maybe even by a retroviruses, but they've lied to us about it.
01:14:32.600 --> 01:14:48.600
And they've told us this story of leukemia viruses. They've told us this story about human immunodeficiency viruses as a way of completely divorcing ourselves, us from understanding ourselves.
01:14:48.600 --> 01:14:56.600
Not telling us the truth, lying to us about the fact that our own bodies use retroviruses and our own bodies use exosomes.
01:14:56.600 --> 01:15:02.600
And that's why any of these signals are even possible to find.
01:15:02.600 --> 01:15:16.600
Because you cannot make a cuckoo clock make toast. A cell makes extracellular vesicles. That's the only possible way that anything remotely resembling a virus could exist.
01:15:16.600 --> 01:15:29.600
The enzymes that are found in viruses cannot be enzymes that were developed by the evolution of viral species. That's not biologically plausible because viruses are not patterned integrity.
01:15:29.600 --> 01:15:34.600
They have to be, by definition, a byproduct of this machinery.
01:15:34.600 --> 01:15:47.600
And now in finding the truth, what we need to do is find people who are objectively willing to be honest and try to figure out what proportion of this could possibly maybe be pathogenic.
01:15:47.600 --> 01:15:59.600
Maybe represent some kind of infectious transfer of an immunological condition from one person to another, because it may be that we can't find evidence for that. It may be.
01:16:00.600 --> 01:16:14.600
But before we can look for that in earnest, we're going to have to reorient our understanding of what this virus word means, because these people have used that word to mean that all of the biology under that rubric is not you.
01:16:14.600 --> 01:16:18.600
All of that biology is for an alien biology.
01:16:18.600 --> 01:16:23.600
And therefore, studying it is their little thing.
01:16:24.600 --> 01:16:45.600
And the details of it don't concern you because you're not a virologist. They've essentially stolen exosomal communication and retroviral communication from the palate of the sacred biology that is most likely our own where we are amongst the most complicated organisms on the planet.
01:16:46.600 --> 01:16:55.600
And the idea that outside of us exists this palette of genetic diversity is just absurd.
01:16:55.600 --> 01:17:04.600
And I think that's the lie that virologists are committed to. I think that's the lie that all of these virologists have been committed to for decades.
01:17:05.600 --> 01:17:18.600
And now it's only a question of how many people were sophisticated enough to see through it and went along with it, how many people were led into the secret at a certain moment, and how many of them just don't care.
01:17:18.600 --> 01:17:27.600
And just kind of go along with it, even if they have an intuition that all is not right because in military circles and in other circles, there's what's called a lookaway doctrine.
01:17:28.600 --> 01:17:36.600
If you don't pull the curtain and know what's happening there, then you have no moral obligation to speak out about it.
01:17:41.600 --> 01:17:56.600
And so I don't think this guy's naive. I think this guy's pretty smart because he realizes that in order for him to successfully study exosomes, he can never suggest that the same machinery that produces exosomes may be the basis for virology.
01:17:56.600 --> 01:18:19.600
Because that would be questioning the whole positive virology, which we heard David Baltimore in 2018 recapitulate yet again repeat yet again that his David Baltimore scheme describes all the ways that viruses have become very clever at using DNA to encode themselves.
01:18:19.600 --> 01:18:24.600
Despite our best efforts.
01:18:24.600 --> 01:18:44.600
And I think that's the lie. I really do. And I wonder if this guy is clever enough to know and not care or know and know this is the only way or even worse has been encouraged to do this and be ready for this.
01:18:44.600 --> 01:18:50.600
And so this was his entry and maybe they didn't need him right now maybe he's coming soon. I don't know.
01:18:50.600 --> 01:18:55.600
And therefore they behave quite distinctly different in terms of functional analysis.
01:18:55.600 --> 01:19:06.600
To put in a little bit of a plug, we have a EV and infection series of meetings once a year this takes place right next to NIH.
01:19:06.600 --> 01:19:19.600
It's Dr Leonid Margolis is actually a guy that we have watched a video of from YouTube where he talks about exosomes and how much there is how many there are and how diverse it is and amazing it is.
01:19:20.600 --> 01:19:36.600
And we've been doing these meetings now for four years now with our colleague Lenny Margolis at NIH and just before the COVID-19 problems, we had a meeting in Bahamas and we had quite a few exciting speakers.
01:19:36.600 --> 01:19:47.600
This is very focused. This type of a meeting is very focused on EVs and infections, not so much cancers or technologies or other related topics but really focused very much in relation to infections.
01:19:47.600 --> 01:19:56.600
This is a generic slide that I use to just describe something that I think is tip and ice tip tip of an iceberg when it comes to this EV research.
01:19:56.600 --> 01:20:06.600
Many virologists of course they work on double stranded DNA viruses, single stranded DNA viruses, double stranded RNA or single stranded RNAs that are either positive or negative in orientation.
01:20:06.600 --> 01:20:17.600
And what we're finding out through these years of experience, not only our own work but other people, we're finding out there are very distinct populations of not only the virus itself with virologists are used to.
01:20:17.600 --> 01:20:29.600
But then there is this other population and sometimes this other population is as much as 99.9% of the of the particles and they really are not viruses and I think in the case of HIV is a perfect example.
01:20:29.600 --> 01:20:35.600
Oh my God, did you hear what he just said?
01:20:35.600 --> 01:20:48.600
I don't even know what to say. I mean he just said that not up to 99% of the particles that are produced might not even, you understand that basically says that what what they find is just a PCR positive or just a sequence.
01:20:48.600 --> 01:20:55.600
It's not, they have no proof. That's what he's saying. Holy, holy, did you hear it?
01:20:55.600 --> 01:21:11.600
There's a lot of other populations of not only the virus itself with virologists are used to, but then there is this other population and sometimes this other population is as much as 99.9% of the of the particles and they really are not viruses and I think in the case of HIV is a perfect example where one out of 10 to
01:21:11.600 --> 01:21:19.600
three particles are infectious and the rest of them are a mixture of either mutant viruses or EVs and I think that's a literature that needs to be written.
01:21:19.600 --> 01:21:33.600
So I think that's the literature that needs to be written. Well, I'll say I like this guy so far. That's pretty funny. Wow. 99.9% of all of them are actually not viruses at all.
01:21:33.600 --> 01:21:46.600
This particular literature sounds like Robert. It's just sounds like Robert Malone in 2021 needs some novel pioneering way of thinking and also coming up with technologies that could address really fundamental sort of questions.
01:21:46.600 --> 01:21:56.600
So many of the questions we're asking today are fairly basic and we're trying to tease out not only purification, but what are some of the biochemical methods that we could use to understand the mechanism.
01:21:56.600 --> 01:22:04.600
This is true of viruses, intracellular pathogens. It's going to be true for others, including fungi and also parasites.
01:22:04.600 --> 01:22:18.600
It's super weak. I would really like to ask him what he thinks about extracellular vesicles in health, because asking that question in the context of infection is really not questioning the faith.
01:22:18.600 --> 01:22:22.600
It's extremely safe. It's so safe that it feels fishy to me.
01:22:22.600 --> 01:22:30.600
They have their own, of course, EVs and then, of course, if they are inside of a eukaryotic cell, they're going to be secreting EVs that have body parts of the organism.
01:22:30.600 --> 01:22:45.600
And, of course, parasites, bacteria and fungi, they make their own version of EVs. And again, this is an emerging field. So I think it's going to be bacteria and fungi make their own version of extracellular vesicles or otherwise called exosomes. Wow, crazy.
01:22:45.600 --> 01:22:56.600
It's going to take a long time to be fully developed. The size of these so-called exosomes or extracellular vesicles is roughly around, at least the ones that people started focusing on early on in the cancer field.
01:22:56.600 --> 01:23:05.600
It's about 100 nanometers or so, and this just gives you dimensions of, for instance, a tennis ball compared to a virus versus an antibody or a sugar molecule.
01:23:06.600 --> 01:23:16.600
I think much of this literature really came about when people started paying close attention to it because of the 2013 Nobel Prizes for Jim Rothman, Randy Schackman and Tom Soutoff.
01:23:16.600 --> 01:23:24.600
And essentially, this was a work they've been doing for more than 30 years, and people started realizing that these EVs are used as a means of communication.
01:23:25.600 --> 01:23:36.600
Soutoff is actually a guy who got that award because he describes some of the mechanisms by which the vesicles are butted off or bind or something like that.
01:23:36.600 --> 01:23:39.600
I know him from neuroscience, but it's not coming to my head right away.
01:23:39.600 --> 01:23:53.600
I really picked up. There are two fields that really have picked up on this quite impressively. One is the CNS folks who really had quite a bit of extensive literature on how these cells communicate with one another, and certainly the junctions between the neurons.
01:23:53.600 --> 01:24:06.600
And also the neuromuscular junctions, and again, the EVs that allow a direct communication. And then the cancer field, I think, they've done quite a bit of excellent research.
01:24:06.600 --> 01:24:14.600
And in fact, when we got into this arena in late 2008 or so, we really didn't know much about the EVs and we were just baffled in what are these things anyway.
01:24:15.600 --> 01:24:27.600
I think if I was to just wax intellectual off the top of my head here, I would start to consider the synapses of neurons, a highly specialized version of extracellular vesicle release and recycling.
01:24:27.600 --> 01:24:34.600
Because that doesn't really happen anywhere else. And it's actually a mechanism that I think is very specialized for the brain.
01:24:35.600 --> 01:24:47.600
Obviously, it happens elsewhere at neuromuscular junctions and this kind of thing. But what I'm suggesting is that that is an example of how extracellular vesicles are used in a very specialized way, but in a no way shape or form.
01:24:47.600 --> 01:25:01.600
And it actually suggests that there are many other forms of extracellular vesicle release and communication that aren't as short range as this synapse, which is an extremely specialized protein structure.
01:25:01.600 --> 01:25:11.600
That's where extracellular vesicles are released, but where presynaptic and postsynaptic machinery has evolved to become this really complex system of us, what we call synapse.
01:25:11.600 --> 01:25:23.600
So he's kind of glossing over the idea that we also, for example, in the brain know that arc RNA is released in endogenous viruses as they're called, but they're really just exosomes.
01:25:23.600 --> 01:25:33.600
And that allows the arc protein to be expressed arc RNA rather to be expressed in the neuron next to it, even though that RNA hasn't been transcribed in its own nucleus.
01:25:33.600 --> 01:25:37.600
So there we're just the tip of the iceberg is right.
01:25:37.600 --> 01:25:52.600
And he said that in this last slide back over here, but it's unfortunate that he says it's the tip of the iceberg without saying that the rest of the iceberg is what what do extracellular vesicles do in a healthy body.
01:25:52.600 --> 01:25:57.600
That's the, that's the arrest of the iceberg. And in fact, he's not telling the lie at all.
01:25:57.600 --> 01:26:10.600
When he says that extracellular vesicles and infections is the tip of the iceberg, it is because the real iceberg is what happens in health that they're never going to ask that question.
01:26:11.600 --> 01:26:18.600
This was a work they've been doing for more than 30 years and people started realizing that these EVs are used as a means of communication.
01:26:18.600 --> 01:26:30.600
And I think the field that really picked out their two fields that really have picked up on this quite impressively. One is the CNS folks who really had quite a bit of extensive literature on how these cells communicate with one another.
01:26:30.600 --> 01:26:35.600
And certainly the the junctions between the neurons I think that literature is quite strong.
01:26:36.600 --> 01:26:41.600
I'm just not really sure what it was if it was, it was the presynaptic proteins or what it was.
01:26:41.600 --> 01:26:48.600
I think it had something to do with extracellular vesicle binding and releasing of its contents, which is not quite the same thing.
01:26:48.600 --> 01:26:54.600
And also the neuromuscular junctions and again, the EVs that allow a direct communication.
01:26:54.600 --> 01:26:59.600
And then the cancer field, I think they've done quite a bit of excellent research.
01:26:59.600 --> 01:27:08.600
And if I when we got into this arena in late 2008 or so, we really didn't know much about the EVs and we were just baffled in what are these things anyway.
01:27:08.600 --> 01:27:13.600
But I think when we look back into the cancer field, it turns out that they've done quite a bit of great work.
01:27:13.600 --> 01:27:27.600
And remember I gave you an example about a year and a half ago of a lab in the Netherlands that was working on exosomes for a very long time and then when we looked them up in the Netherlands to see what they're doing now, they had been absorbed into a cancer institute
01:27:27.600 --> 01:27:30.600
that worked on exosomes in the context of cancer.
01:27:30.600 --> 01:27:35.600
So what you see is a very clear pattern that I didn't not expect to see.
01:27:35.600 --> 01:27:46.600
I'm glad that I'm seeing it here because I was a little worried that this talk might put me on a bad position where, oh my gosh, wait, there's, there's a guy who actually works on exosomes and he says that coronaviruses are real.
01:27:46.600 --> 01:28:00.600
It actually seems like he's being very careful not to say that his, his work doesn't suggest that viruses have a misnomer, but he kind of knows that he could make that argument I'm almost certain he can't not know.
01:28:00.600 --> 01:28:07.600
So here we are again, extracellular vesicles in the context of disease and infection but not in health.
01:28:07.600 --> 01:28:20.600
Here's just one example where the primary cancer cancer essentially secrets evens and now we know today we collaborate with my schliota next door to me on breast cancer and other models and then we look at these EVs that come out.
01:28:20.600 --> 01:28:36.600
And essentially they go to a lymph node and they settle there and because of this, they are able to make the environment rich enough that they could that the cancer cell later comes into a lymph node and spread so not only it's being used as normal communication.
01:28:36.600 --> 01:28:43.600
The EVs are being used as normal communication method, but also pathogens or cancers they use this as a means.
01:28:43.600 --> 01:28:58.600
See so that's really strange he's making the argument that cancers have evolved to send out extracellular vesicles to prepare landing places in lymphocytes to ready them for metastasis.
01:28:58.600 --> 01:29:02.600
That's a pretty incredible statement to make.
01:29:02.600 --> 01:29:08.600
I mean that's just an incredible statement to make.
01:29:08.600 --> 01:29:18.600
The amount of intention and mechanism there that is implied, it's just really extraordinary to me.
01:29:18.600 --> 01:29:29.600
It's very very extraordinary that it's so inverted that they think that this is all outside of us and that they're, they can't see that you can't make a clock do something that a clock can't do.
01:29:29.600 --> 01:29:33.600
It's it's impressive communication.
01:29:34.600 --> 01:29:46.600
What we're finding out with the viral infections is that, excuse me, is that if you have a viral infection and let's say the titers of the virus goes up within the first two weeks or so, over time the title will come down.
01:29:46.600 --> 01:29:55.600
And when it comes down, then of course, in most cases we think that the virus goes away and we don't see it anymore but that turns out to be not the case.
01:29:55.600 --> 01:30:02.600
So it is a, for instance, a DNA virus in many cases you have the so-called blatant population that could hide in various organs.
01:30:02.600 --> 01:30:10.600
And I think the DNA viruses, including herpes viruses in the CNS is a part of the example of this, or retro viruses that integrate into the genome.
01:30:10.600 --> 01:30:12.600
And of course they stay with that genome forever.
01:30:12.600 --> 01:30:20.600
And that's no different than endogenous retro viruses, which again are a remnants of the classical old versions of all of these retro viruses.
01:30:20.600 --> 01:30:26.600
And of course, you have a population that lasts for a long time, almost for the life of that person.
01:30:26.600 --> 01:30:30.600
And then at later time when the immune system goes down for whatever reason, the virus gets reactivated.
01:30:30.600 --> 01:30:40.600
And I think the perfect examples are shingles, the CMB activation when we have a fever with a matter of six to 12 hours, you have activation of many of these viruses, including the CMB.
01:30:40.600 --> 01:30:49.600
But the thing that's very strange at this point, I don't know to what extent shingles and CMB are actually proven to be viral or extracellular.
01:30:49.600 --> 01:30:52.600
Or extracellular, vesicle based.
01:30:52.600 --> 01:30:56.600
My suspicion is that they are autoimmune diseases as well, but I don't know.
01:30:56.600 --> 01:30:59.600
The viral latency is something that field knew about for a long time.
01:30:59.600 --> 01:31:05.600
And of course, that could contribute, we think it contributes to inflammation, it contributes to accelerated aging.
01:31:05.600 --> 01:31:14.600
But what is now very strange is that the RNA viruses, the RNA site of plasma viruses, and that's true of viruses such as Zika or Ebola or not COVID-19.
01:31:14.600 --> 01:31:20.600
They are also making their own version of the exosomes, that's coming out prior to virus release four.
01:31:20.600 --> 01:31:26.600
Potentially, they're hiding in certain organs and making low level of these exosomes.
01:31:26.600 --> 01:31:29.600
And you can see the byproducts in various fogly fluids.
01:31:29.600 --> 01:31:32.600
So again, this is a surprising part of it.
01:31:32.600 --> 01:31:37.600
We never thought about RNA site of plasma viruses doing this, but I think now there's plenty of evidence to show this.
01:31:38.600 --> 01:31:44.600
Now, where is the evidence that these exosomes actually do exist and they come from the infected cells?
01:31:44.600 --> 01:31:46.600
Well, I want to show you two examples.
01:31:46.600 --> 01:31:52.600
So he is, like Mark just said, he is suggesting that these extracellular vesicles only come from infected cells.
01:31:52.600 --> 01:32:01.600
Only when they have a retrovirus or they have another virus in them, then they produce these extracellular vesicles.
01:32:02.600 --> 01:32:05.600
It's not that they do it when they're healthy.
01:32:05.600 --> 01:32:07.600
It's that when they're infected.
01:32:07.600 --> 01:32:11.600
And that's a very, very bold statement that I think plays right into.
01:32:11.600 --> 01:32:14.600
You know, here's our dumb simple diagram here.
01:32:14.600 --> 01:32:16.600
I'm going to show this.
01:32:16.600 --> 01:32:23.600
Now, where is the evidence that these exosomes actually do exist and they come from the infected cells?
01:32:23.600 --> 01:32:25.600
Well, I want to show you two examples.
01:32:26.600 --> 01:32:31.600
From the work from Steve Deaks in 2013 and the other one is from Kumar at all.
01:32:31.600 --> 01:32:34.600
So panel A is the number of patients.
01:32:34.600 --> 01:32:39.600
These are 190 patients from San Francisco and they were all under antiretrovirals, various antiretrovirals.
01:32:39.600 --> 01:32:44.600
Either are T inhibitors, integrates inhibitors or even produce inhibitors.
01:32:44.600 --> 01:32:48.600
And what you'll find is that the RNA levels in the plasma are below 50.
01:32:48.600 --> 01:32:53.600
I mean, I don't say very often, but I want to make it very clear to the people in the chat, the people that joined me every day.
01:32:53.600 --> 01:32:56.600
I don't purport to understand all of this anymore.
01:32:56.600 --> 01:33:06.600
All I know for sure is that what we've been told by David Baltimore about DNA to RNA to ribosome to protein and everything else's viruses is a lie.
01:33:08.600 --> 01:33:14.600
And there are people who will admit that that's a lie, but not really admit it what it means.
01:33:14.600 --> 01:33:15.600
And that's the problem.
01:33:16.600 --> 01:33:27.600
If the Baltimore scheme of viruses is a lie, then they have been obfuscating the fact that these enzymes and these communication mechanisms exist within us.
01:33:28.600 --> 01:33:39.600
And they have told us a very, very, very dumb, simple version of our immune system so that they can blame illness.
01:33:40.600 --> 01:33:47.600
On something that doesn't explain it and explain immunity by something that doesn't explain it.
01:33:48.600 --> 01:33:54.600
So that they can use PCR tests to tell you you're sick and antibodies to tell you that you've become well.
01:33:56.600 --> 01:34:00.600
And they have been pushing this story for several decades.
01:34:00.600 --> 01:34:04.600
Judy Mikovitz was pushing the story of antibodies to viruses.
01:34:05.600 --> 01:34:11.600
Just like Tony Fauci was as pushed the story since HIV of antibodies to viruses.
01:34:12.600 --> 01:34:15.600
The HIV test is a serial prevalence test.
01:34:15.600 --> 01:34:17.600
It is not a test for the virus.
01:34:21.600 --> 01:34:23.600
It is very clear to me now what is going on.
01:34:23.600 --> 01:34:25.600
This is just another example of it.
01:34:25.600 --> 01:34:33.600
This guy is either not clever enough to understand, but it's probably more likely that he definitely understands or at least has been told.
01:34:33.600 --> 01:34:42.600
That if you want to study extracellular vesicles, you better do it in the context of infection so that you don't encroach on these ideas over here.
01:34:43.600 --> 01:34:48.600
The faith in novel viruses, the faith in RNA pandemic potential.
01:34:52.600 --> 01:34:54.600
The faith in vaccines.
01:34:55.600 --> 01:34:59.600
Makes perfect sense because that shows you that the virus, the drugs are actually working.
01:34:59.600 --> 01:35:06.600
But if you look at the cell associated RNA, the copy numbers of the, and this is from the lymphocytes, from the white blood cells within the blood.
01:35:07.600 --> 01:35:13.600
You see the RNA copies anywhere from 10 to one to 10 to four averaging around somewhere around 10 to three.
01:35:13.600 --> 01:35:21.600
And again, that shows you that there is RNA transcription and potentially RNA there, but the virus outside, you don't see as much.
01:35:22.600 --> 01:35:24.600
This is also true of 50 patients.
01:35:24.600 --> 01:35:31.600
These are the post-mortem and again, the bottom, you see the various parts of the brain and they've done RTPCR.
01:35:31.600 --> 01:35:36.600
And again, the average number of RNA copies in these patients is somewhere around 10 to three.
01:35:36.600 --> 01:35:43.600
What's interesting about these two studies is that they use the same set of primers and the same set of similar RTPCR approaches.
01:35:43.600 --> 01:35:48.600
Now, why is this happening is because there are no FDA approved drugs against transcription for HIV.
01:35:48.600 --> 01:36:00.600
So you have entry inhibitors for HIV, you have RT inhibitors, you have integrates inhibitors, and then nothing for transcription per se and nothing for RNA processing, and not much for translation of that RNA.
01:36:00.600 --> 01:36:03.600
But now you have, for instance, protease inhibitors, which would inhibit them.
01:36:03.600 --> 01:36:06.600
I'm starting to see something interesting here.
01:36:06.600 --> 01:36:15.600
One of the only ways to probe a biological system in a reduction of scientific kind of way would be to interfere with it.
01:36:15.600 --> 01:36:28.600
So, if he believes that extra and doesn't tell you that extracellular vesicle signaling is also present in health, one of the best ways to figure out what it does in health would be to block it.
01:36:28.600 --> 01:36:38.600
And so a lot of these antivirals might actually be some form of anti extracellular vesicle type thing.
01:36:38.600 --> 01:36:50.600
If that's the case, these might be a way for them to clandestinely figure out how this signaling works in health by messing around with particular portions of it with these various patented drugs.
01:36:50.600 --> 01:37:12.600
It's possible. I mean, I'm just just talking here, because I'm definitely sure that we should talk about something else other than amyloidosis and and pre on a genesis with a bunch of people who are neither experts nor nor good people.
01:37:12.600 --> 01:37:25.600
Anybody that is pushing some kind of narrative that the spike protein is an amyloid agentic protein or the spike protein is a pre onogenic protein is likely a medler.
01:37:25.600 --> 01:37:36.600
Because those narratives were seated very early in the pandemic and would have been probably expected to result from transformation and transfection of a significant number of people.
01:37:37.600 --> 01:37:54.600
And in fact, the first report of that CJD happening were in people that were transformed by an adenovirus vaccine expressing the spike protein but I would argue that that doesn't really matter because transfection was always criminally negligent and healthy people.
01:37:54.600 --> 01:38:05.600
And so was transformation and somebody like Robert Malone knew that because he tells the story of losing his career because he spoke out for Jesse Gelsinger but I guess he didn't want to lose his career again.
01:38:06.600 --> 01:38:16.600
And speak out in 2020 when they said they were going to use adenovirus to immunize people against a coronavirus when he already knew that coronavirus vaccines have been nothing but strikeouts.
01:38:19.600 --> 01:38:29.600
It's all an elaborate show, ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid this guy might be part of it too somehow or this story is safe made safe by by advisement.
01:38:30.600 --> 01:38:43.600
As long as he studies extracellular vesicles in the context of infection and only focuses on trying to convince you that in addition to viruses, there are also extracellular vesicles he actually doesn't threaten the faith at all.
01:38:44.600 --> 01:39:02.600
So out of the 18 steps within the lifecycle of this virus, we have FDA approved drugs at about four potentially five steps that are inhibited but the other, the majority, 10 or 11 other steps are not inhibited, one of which is the transcription and that's what I want to use as an example of RNA products being made.
01:39:02.600 --> 01:39:23.600
So look at the promoter of the HIV and many of their not transfer from viruses, they actually give you the there's DNA elements in there, roughly about 450 bases within the promoter that can respond easily to things like mitigens to microorganisms other inflections x ray cytokines steroids compounds cytotoxic compounds vitamins,
01:39:23.600 --> 01:39:33.600
all of which actually give you a low level gene expression. And the low level gene expression was really shown previously by a number of other folks.
01:39:33.600 --> 01:39:42.600
I would say as long as potentially 10, 15 years ago, where they would predict that you could have a promoter that essentially gives you a low level transcription.
01:39:43.600 --> 01:39:52.600
And if you have bending of the DNA, you bring in lots of transcription factors as a result you might get some low level leakiness of transcription.
01:39:52.600 --> 01:40:06.600
So that literature existed already and what we decided to do to bring that literature along with experimentation in one manuscript which is published a paper that describes the so called latent population the basal transcription and activated transcription.
01:40:06.600 --> 01:40:15.600
And as a marker we use the the TAR, which is I'll show you the structure of this RNA. It's a unprocessed the our implements that's not able to move forward a lot.
01:40:15.600 --> 01:40:22.600
It moves a little bit but then it causes versus the full length genomic RNA that makes the envelope and that's the RNA that gets packaged in the virus.
01:40:23.600 --> 01:40:34.600
And we equated this to and again I live near Washington DC and I equated it to the train, the Amtrak train that will go rather slowly between Washington DC and New York and that would be your basal transcription.
01:40:34.600 --> 01:40:41.600
But if you really wanted to do a really quick job and get to New York from Washington DC, you could probably take the bullet train.
01:40:42.600 --> 01:40:53.600
And the architecture of that bullet train in this case the RNA polymerase is quite different. It's heavily phosphorylated and because of this viral protein you're now able to get lots of transcription and lots of RNA.
01:40:53.600 --> 01:41:03.600
So the biology of the basal transcription from activated transcription really dictates whether you're going to have potentially exosome release or you're going to have a virus release.
01:41:03.600 --> 01:41:13.600
If that's true. Wow. So he's really suggesting that that exosomal release is generated by these the RNA polymerase that is activated.
01:41:13.600 --> 01:41:31.600
And so it does really seem like he's about to go to the idea that this is noise generated by the rapid translation of RNAs or something like this is very unfortunate.
01:41:31.600 --> 01:41:39.600
So we showed this in vitro and the answer is yes and again this is published where we take PBMC's primary cells and we isolate the exosomes from them.
01:41:39.600 --> 01:41:43.600
And I'm sorry we first treated with PHA IL2 to keep the cells alive.
01:41:43.600 --> 01:41:46.600
And seven days later we isolate the exosomes and keep them at 40 degrees.
01:41:46.600 --> 01:41:53.600
Then we infect the cells with a nootropic virus, keep them under antiretroviral IL7 essentially push them into latency.
01:41:53.600 --> 01:42:01.600
And about 9-10 days later we add back the exosomes and ask do we get basal transcription going because of these initial exosomes that we isolated before.
01:42:01.600 --> 01:42:11.600
And again these exosomes are not infected per se but it's coming from the same PBMC's.
01:42:11.600 --> 01:42:23.600
It really looks like a very complicated viral experiment where he just takes stuff from one cell culture and puts it in the other and then looks at a proxy and says oh yeah look they're moved.
01:42:23.600 --> 01:42:28.600
I mean I'm not saying that this is you know but gosh darn it.
01:42:28.600 --> 01:42:35.600
It works on a lot of assumptions right it works on a lot of assumptions is really avoiding asking the big questions it's really impressive.
01:42:35.600 --> 01:42:45.600
The answer is in all cases the answer is yes so no exosome is the blue bar and of course you do make a lot of exosomes and these exosomes contain tar in there.
01:42:45.600 --> 01:42:51.600
And the tar of course is a sign of basal transcription happening it's happening in all three donors.
01:42:51.600 --> 01:43:00.600
And we looked at genomic RNA as well and genomic RNA did go up as well but not so reproducibly but at least the tar would go up quite reproducible.
01:43:00.600 --> 01:43:08.600
The reason why this is happening is fairly straightforward at this point we didn't quite know it about six years ago or so I think now we begin to understand this.
01:43:08.600 --> 01:43:12.600
We put out a review and viruses fall back to the colleague of mine at FIU.
01:43:12.600 --> 01:43:27.600
And essentially if you look at the literature carefully there is a literature that describes how the envelope of the virus or the NEF which is the most abundant protein from HIV or the TAT or the VIF all of which really are regulated through the autophagy pathway.
01:43:27.600 --> 01:43:31.600
It almost looks as if when these viral proteins are made they may be toxic to that cell.
01:43:31.600 --> 01:43:44.600
So the cell wants to digest them and try to get rid of or fix this problem and of course they use the autophagy but the biggest problem is when the virus inhibits autophagy for its own sake because at some point the autophagy needs to be active.
01:43:44.600 --> 01:43:48.600
I'm sorry inactive so the virus can make a lot of our particles and get out.
01:43:48.600 --> 01:43:51.600
This is where the cell has to decide.
01:43:51.600 --> 01:43:58.600
Have you ever heard someone working so vigorously to assume things.
01:43:58.600 --> 01:44:14.600
So instead of starting with the hypothesis that maybe exosomes are different or separate he starts with the hypothesis that starts with the premises that viruses exist retroviruses exist they're all infections.
01:44:15.600 --> 01:44:40.600
That's already his start and that's why this fails right because he's got to explain it as a result of or caused by infection and so it already fails to address the possibility that virology is a subset derivative of exosomal communication at best.
01:44:40.600 --> 01:44:58.600
And at worst virology is the wholesale misrepresentation of exosomal communication as pathogenic obligate pathogens and that's a pretty big deal.
01:44:58.600 --> 01:45:04.600
I think we don't need to watch this whole video because I do think that's really where we're at.
01:45:05.600 --> 01:45:26.600
And that's really the most important thing solar fire is to understand how important it is to see that the sacred biology the irreducible complexity of our immune system and indeed of our entire being.
01:45:26.600 --> 01:45:40.600
One of the best examples would be the possibility that we communicate throughout our body across tissues across the immune system maybe even from the brain to other tissues and back using exosomal communication.
01:45:40.600 --> 01:46:09.600
And that this diversity was so daunting and this and so deep that the only way that they could obfuscate this problem and pretend that it didn't exist was to encourage people like Nathan Wolf to write books about how the dark matter on earth could be we could look for new biological life forms in that in that infinite amount of dark genetic material.
01:46:11.600 --> 01:46:17.600
That exists all over the world. That's the story of this book. That's where metagenomic sequencing comes from.
01:46:17.600 --> 01:46:20.600
01:46:20.600 --> 01:46:27.600
But they had to get this guy out there early and promote him all around the world in rich people's circles.
01:46:27.600 --> 01:46:47.600
Because the rich people are also full. That's why I say that the heads of weaponized piles of money are not smart. They've also been bamboozled into believing that AI and data is enough to to understand the sacred complexity so well that essentially isn't sacred anymore.
01:46:47.600 --> 01:47:16.600
That's what makes me unimpressed about Peter Teal. That's what makes me unimpressed about these people that sit near the top or at the top of these weaponized piles of money because they have been bamboozled by people like Nathan Wolf, Tony Fauci, Peter Desac, Ralph Berwick, Robert Malone, Merrill Nasse, Pierre Corey, all of this collective group of people that has wittingly or unwittingly performed a theater, especially in 2020.
01:47:17.600 --> 01:47:30.600
In 2021, where none of them had the wherewithal to question the principle of a pandemic. And more importantly, all of them seem to testify that they definitely had it.
01:47:30.600 --> 01:47:44.600
Some of them had it at super spreader events. Others had it two or three times. People like Harvey Reich claim that they were on all kinds of prophylaxis and whatever and they still got it and it was still terrible and they got it multiple times.
01:47:45.600 --> 01:47:55.600
Because they're all part of the same show that's been doing this or or trying to accomplish this for decades. It's hard to take. It's hard to swallow.
01:47:55.600 --> 01:48:03.600
But that's really where we're at. This is just one book of a whole rack of books that were encouraged to be written.
01:48:03.600 --> 01:48:11.600
Nobody's encouraging Jonathan Cooey to write a book. Nobody's saying, Hey, I'll give you 50 grand if you write a book.
01:48:11.600 --> 01:48:14.600
I could have a book written in three months.
01:48:14.600 --> 01:48:26.600
But this stream is too important. These liars are too important to expose. And it's right now that we can do it. It's before the chaos of the election before the chaos of the next act of this drama.
01:48:26.600 --> 01:48:41.600
We need to get as many people as possible on the side of skepticism and on the side of seeing that the people who wear a t-shirt that says the COVID shots are bad, but don't talk about 2020 are a real problem.
01:48:41.600 --> 01:48:53.600
And there are a lot of people wearing that t-shirt right now. We've got to get at them. We've got to make sure that as many of those people move as far as they can off of that team.
01:48:53.600 --> 01:49:10.600
I'll be honest, the only person I have real hope for on that team is Peter McCullough. I don't have much hope for anybody else on that team. Maybe also John Bodwin has a possibility of still realizing the mistake that these people have allowed us to make facilitated making.
01:49:10.600 --> 01:49:26.600
Those guys could have been pushing John Bodwin's data two years ago. Those guys could have been elevating John Bodwin two years ago and, and, and escalating the rhetoric on there being no pandemic to speak of, but a lot of murder.
01:49:26.600 --> 01:49:46.600
But they're not. They never did. They never will. Kevin McCurnan never will. Kevin McCurnan's job is to make sure that you think that adulteration is significant and that the next generation of mRNA or, or adenovirus type nanoparticle bullshit will be accepted.
01:49:46.600 --> 01:50:04.600
He's probably going to sell mRNAs as treatments to pot growers or something to, to, to save them from variants. And he's going to get millions of dollars being part of the regulatory, the regulatory framework that surrounds commercial pot.
01:50:04.600 --> 01:50:10.600
I'm sure it's all just one big club and we're not in it.
01:50:10.600 --> 01:50:21.600
This is where you start seeing these exercises are coming out. So to prove that point, we looked into four different cell types. All of these are infected that this is a T cell 85 ACH two is a T cell you want is a.
01:50:21.600 --> 01:50:29.600
Midoid and then each other one is heal a cell that has triple mutations in the top and the black bars are the tar that you would see out.
01:50:29.600 --> 01:50:36.600
Did you hear that? These are healer cells mark side of the cell. Now, if this was a full blown virus, you would see.
01:50:36.600 --> 01:50:47.600
You would see not only the red, which is the, the gag region that's up, but you would also see the blue column that would be up equally high compared to the black and that would tell you that's a real virus.
01:50:47.600 --> 01:50:53.600
But in this case, what you see is the five prime and end of RNA of the virus and not so much the rest of the virus.
01:50:53.600 --> 01:50:58.600
It turns out that this molecule has been around in the literature for a long time. People have seen it.
01:50:58.600 --> 01:51:00.600
01:51:00.600 --> 01:51:03.600
75 papers out there on this tar business.
01:51:03.600 --> 01:51:10.600
And what you see is it's a short stem and low structure that's present at the five prime end of the virus. It's also present at the three prime end of the virus.
01:51:10.600 --> 01:51:24.600
This is the structure of the RNA is a stem and loop and it's famous because it's been studied heavily and the viral protein task, which is the viral activator binds here and another kinase, which is PTFB equally binds to this region and it gives you this activated transcription.
01:51:24.600 --> 01:51:41.600
So you take the, these exosomes from infected cells, you ones, oh, I'm tens J ones again and my loy, infected 100% infected, my loy, 100% infected and then my would T cell and take the exosomes and then use primers to scan for the entire virus or different regions within the virus.
01:51:41.600 --> 01:51:46.600
What you find is that only the five prime and the genome keeps amplified.
01:51:46.600 --> 01:51:54.600
And at some point within the gag about 600 basis into the gag drops out. Same is true for this cell and same is true for this third cell.
01:51:54.600 --> 01:52:04.600
And in fact, if this was a real virus, what you would find is that the three prime and the height of this bar would be the same as the five prime and tar and that there would be absolutely no difference between these.
01:52:04.600 --> 01:52:15.600
I really see this as complimentary to what Robert Malone slipped up and said in 2021 when he said that the vast majority of coronavirus particles are useless they're ineffective they're not infectious.
01:52:15.600 --> 01:52:21.600
They just float around and do nothing.
01:52:21.600 --> 01:52:32.600
It's all part of the same, you know, slow role to the truth, which is that virology is bullshit and it's much more complicated than that.
01:52:32.600 --> 01:52:49.600
And it's, it's very frustrating because this guy does feel like he's part of that he does feel like he is, he's got an approved track of research here that actually is very symbiotic with the idea of infectious viruses it's incredibly symbiotic.
01:52:49.600 --> 01:52:54.600
In a way that seems very, very disingenuous.
01:52:54.600 --> 01:53:05.600
It's unfortunate but that's, I guess, you know, it is par for the course it's what we should have expected to find with exosomal research that's funded by the NIH is not going to question infectious disease.
01:53:05.600 --> 01:53:13.600
And the, the virology model that David Baltimore has put forward that would never happen right so this is actually what I should have expected.
01:53:14.600 --> 01:53:23.600
These columns or these bars, but because this is not a virus and these are EVs or exotones that's why the five prime and genome is far more prevalent.
01:53:23.600 --> 01:53:29.600
We went ahead and did the RNA seek and we determined the transcription starts like the five kind and then also the three prime end of the genome.
01:53:29.600 --> 01:53:38.600
And this is published again so here is one RNA here's the second RNA third and the fourth RNA the fourth RNA centrally stuff into the P 17.
01:53:38.600 --> 01:53:44.600
And we can never find any protein coming off of that on it. That's why we called it a non coding on it.
01:53:44.600 --> 01:53:55.600
I mean, I have the way I have a big problem with the word infection too. So it's, it's really a thing here. I mean, this is just fabulous, actually, how, how easy it is to see what's happening here.
01:53:56.600 --> 01:54:08.600
So how do you separate these movies from viruses? Well, we published this thing and scientific report and basically what happened was we compared side by side the classical way, which is multiple centrifugation is a slow
01:54:09.600 --> 01:54:17.600
reaction followed by filtration 0.22. And then a ultra centrifugation and finally optic rep. So this procedure works extremely well.
01:54:17.600 --> 01:54:30.600
We collaborated with our colleagues in San Francisco and they gave us the reagent exomex and this is from SBI and we essentially decided to bypass some of the early step.
01:54:30.600 --> 01:54:44.600
So we concentrated with exomex and then pass it through 0.22 filter or later we realized that it may be easier for us to filter first and then add the exomex because that way the filter doesn't get clogged up.
01:54:44.600 --> 01:54:51.600
So that's what we do now. We finally realized that this is a more reproducible method. So first we felt filter then we do the exomex to bring everybody down.
01:54:52.600 --> 01:55:01.600
And there we are able to separate exosomes away from virus away from apoptotic bodies. And essentially what you see is at the end of the centrifugation you end up having
01:55:01.600 --> 01:55:11.600
And we're supposed to just take our his word for I guess everybody in his audience knows what echosomex reagent is provided by whatever company he said it was but it just seemed really hand wavy to me.
01:55:11.600 --> 01:55:24.600
Why don't why haven't virologists been bothering to do this why haven't virologists seen this fraction before why haven't virologists felt the need to explore and define this because it was always there.
01:55:24.600 --> 01:55:29.600
They had to know it was always there because Robert Malone casually said that it's always there.
01:55:29.600 --> 01:55:35.600
And Robert Malone cut his teeth with Robert with Murray Gardner you know the guy who worked with Bob Gallo.
01:55:36.600 --> 01:55:45.600
He was walking around the halls with David Baltimore and all these other people who defined what retroviruses are.
01:55:45.600 --> 01:56:01.600
So the idea that this guy is presenting some new concept and new idea really what he's doing is using his playing the role of absorbing this signal while not questioning the faith in RNA virology which is impressive.
01:56:02.600 --> 01:56:05.600
It's kind of dumb stupid maybe right. I don't know.
01:56:05.600 --> 01:56:11.600
Exosomes in the middle and the more dense material the viruses toward the tail end or the bottom of the gradient.
01:56:11.600 --> 01:56:18.600
And again that's the key right here it's the even though the sizes are the same it's the density of the virus that's heavier compared to these.
01:56:18.600 --> 01:56:23.600
So when we do these centrifugations they are very dilute and materials very dilute.
01:56:23.600 --> 01:56:30.600
And so what we do is we go ahead and use nanoparticles from series nanosciences and that way we can concentrate either the virus or the exosomes.
01:56:30.600 --> 01:56:40.600
And then we can do downstream assays including if it's a virus concentration we can do PCR's we can do direct cell culture or if it's an exosome we can do enzymatic assays.
01:56:40.600 --> 01:56:53.600
And so I'm going to talk about this he can concentrate viruses so I wonder if he will sequence him then can he show us all the full genomes as he throws them through a nanopore that doesn't need to amplify anything can just read full sequences.
01:56:53.600 --> 01:57:06.600
How are we going to use nanopore sequencing to show the difference between the genome found in a virus and the exosomal content which probably shouldn't be a genome.
01:57:06.600 --> 01:57:09.600
Wouldn't that be interesting let's see what they do.
01:57:10.600 --> 01:57:22.600
We've also tested on the things that we like one is the amino isolation so we can do antibody pull down against the markers of the exosomes which works quite effectively.
01:57:22.600 --> 01:57:33.600
The other method we've used is the ultra centrifugation to start with especially with small samples that's we call it 2K 10K 100K this has been published previously by a colleague in Europe.
01:57:33.600 --> 01:57:45.600
We've used eyes on columns and these are quite effective especially if we're in a BSL 3 setting including pathogens such as coronavirus these columns they can be used once and we can throw them away.
01:57:45.600 --> 01:57:54.600
But the beauty of it is that they do separate EVs away from potentially from larger viruses and potentially from proteins.
01:57:54.600 --> 01:58:05.600
So the experiment looks something like this is the left side is the this is the beginning of the gradient and the right side lane 11 is the bottom of the gradient.
01:58:05.600 --> 01:58:16.600
And the first time that we start seeing all three markers CD81 63 and CD9 is right here almost in the middle of the gradient and when we have all three markers we can be sure that that's a real exercise.
01:58:16.600 --> 01:58:21.600
Some of those markers go away and then comes another set of same EV markers.
01:58:21.600 --> 01:58:34.600
And then at the same time we start seeing markers for the virus so lane 10 for instance, not only contains the virus of interest in this case HIV, but it also contains EVs lane 9 has those EVs but it's also contaminating to lane 10.
01:58:34.600 --> 01:58:45.600
It has the EVs that has similar density again viruses only defined by the markers that are present it's not they're not defining that they took these fractions and now they looked at them or anything like that.
01:58:45.600 --> 01:58:54.600
Bear in mind it's still indirectly characterizing these different fractions that he says are fractions that are separated by size as the virus.
01:58:54.600 --> 01:59:05.600
So we're trying to purify these EVs away from virus further but at this point we decided to just characterize the EVs that are a little bit less dense and they have absolutely no viral.
01:59:06.600 --> 01:59:13.600
Your equation is missing p values you don't create understanding until you have p values don't forget that.
01:59:13.600 --> 01:59:17.600
So we've published quite a bit on these fractions.
01:59:17.600 --> 01:59:25.600
See those these are all these are all standard deviations and this star is p values those p values mean mean understanding.
01:59:25.600 --> 01:59:36.600
But then if you look at lane 11 the virus is not very much present in the case of HIV but if you put them on the antiretroviral now the virus becomes a little denser and now you can see it in lane 11.
01:59:36.600 --> 01:59:41.600
So the treatment antiviral treatment or some other treatment could change the density of the virus.
01:59:41.600 --> 01:59:49.600
How do we know the difference between the virus and the EV if you take fraction 10.8 which is lane 5, you throw an antiretroviral the current aircraft the numbers don't change.
01:59:50.600 --> 02:00:03.600
If you take fraction 16.8 which is lane 10 and now you throw an antiretroviral all of those RNAs go away essentially it shows you that this lane 10 or attraction 16.8 contains virus particles in that.
02:00:03.600 --> 02:00:07.600
I'm going to mind from Harvard and you're sort of asking me to do these experiments we've looked at the virus.
02:00:07.600 --> 02:00:11.600
I'm going to stop here and I might I might.
02:00:11.600 --> 02:00:17.600
I might watch the rest of it tomorrow if it's really interesting otherwise I'm just going to copy this and let you watch it.
02:00:17.600 --> 02:00:22.600
And if you find anything when you watch it and you think I need to see it please let me know.
02:00:22.600 --> 02:00:35.600
I'm going to end this one now I want to remind you again what I think is going on here okay.
02:00:35.600 --> 02:00:46.600
I really think at this stage we are at the point where there is a group of people wittingly or unwittingly talking about how the COVID shots are bad but not talking about 2020.
02:00:46.600 --> 02:00:55.600
Some of them that are doing it unwittingly are unwittingly covering for what all of these people did in 2020.
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Which is not usefully oppose the pandemic.
02:01:04.600 --> 02:01:21.600
The ones that did usefully pose oppose the pandemic in 2020 have been co-opted and are now in 2024 basically wearing that t-shirt COVID shots are bad don't talk about 2020 even if they themselves did well in 2020.
02:01:21.600 --> 02:01:31.600
And if Pierre Corey really did go with good intentions to New York City from from Wisconsin Madison to help in New York City.
02:01:31.600 --> 02:01:38.600
What the court the Pierre Corey that came out of New York City was part of this this group.
02:01:38.600 --> 02:01:47.600
Whether or not Peter McCullough spoke out on you know on his own volition at the beginning of the pandemic he's definitely part of this group now.
02:01:47.600 --> 02:01:54.600
Kevin McCurnan. Are you kidding me he's been on my stream twice.
02:01:54.600 --> 02:02:00.600
There's no way that this guy is not part of this is exactly what he says.
02:02:00.600 --> 02:02:15.600
And you will see that Brett Weinstein is there that actually Robert Malone is there Jessica Rose is there. Sash a lot to Pova is there she just says that the COVID shots are bad but they're we talk about 2020 we have to talk about the DoD.
02:02:15.600 --> 02:02:19.600
Absolutely Robert F Kennedy junior is there.
02:02:19.600 --> 02:02:33.600
He's not interested in talking about the murder in 2020 that was was that we're lying about in order so that this this novel virus narrative can be can be maintained.
02:02:33.600 --> 02:02:48.600
There should be more people over here. There should be Wolfgang Wodock and Knut Wieckowski and a bunch of other people over here also that have gotten it right and a lot of them got it very right very early.
02:02:48.600 --> 02:03:06.600
The truth of the matter is the truth is is that Steve Kersch wanted me to go to to Japan to work on mouse experiments on the shot with Kevin McCurnan not everybody's aware of that but I certainly am I have the I have the messages on my phone.
02:03:06.600 --> 02:03:21.600
Steve Kersch came to one of the broken science meetings and then didn't really talk to anybody or make any contact with anyone and just made a video with Rodney Mullen and left.
02:03:21.600 --> 02:03:33.600
And I think John Bodwin unfortunately has been, you know, courted and bamboozled by some of these people I know that it that the day the morning of Bobby's announcement in Boston.
02:03:34.600 --> 02:03:41.600
John Bodwin had bagels and coffee with with Meryl Nasse and Abby Rockefeller.
02:03:41.600 --> 02:03:55.600
And that's why I have a photo at Bobby's by Bobby's announcement in Boston with me and Mark Koolack and John Bodwin with Abby Rockefeller and Meryl Nasse sitting right behind us.
02:03:55.600 --> 02:04:00.600
Because I just tell the truth so I don't have to remember anything.
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And when I tell the truth about these people it doesn't line up with crusaders saving the galaxy and saving our grandchildren and lines up with medlers people that are playing on the team of the slavers.
02:04:18.600 --> 02:04:33.600
That's where we are ladies and gentlemen I don't like it any more than you do I don't want to be this guy but this is the this is the cards I've been dealt ladies and gentlemen so I'm just going to play him and
02:04:34.600 --> 02:04:37.600
I hope that it helps some people.
02:04:37.600 --> 02:04:45.600
Ladies and gentlemen this has been GIGO and biological a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
02:04:45.600 --> 02:04:57.600
You can help share the stream any way you can we are on peer to YouTube GIGO and we're at rumble and we're on Twitch.
02:04:57.600 --> 02:05:08.600
If you want to support the stream you can go to GIGO and I really appreciate it everybody that does support the stream I'll update the list of subscribers here later on this afternoon.
02:05:08.600 --> 02:05:17.600
I can't do it every day just because it's more of a pain in the ass than you might think to try and change this list and take all the names off and stuff.
02:05:17.600 --> 02:05:24.600
But I will there have been a few new subscribers that need to be added to this list if you'd like to join them please seek the way of doing it.
02:05:24.600 --> 02:05:44.600
I appreciate you even considering supporting a family of five on the internet shaking a can and I hope that the next couple weeks of output will start to really solidify the idea that GIGO and biological is an indispensable
02:05:44.600 --> 02:06:02.600
project. We're talking you know high school biology is a great idea. Biology 101 for college kids is a great idea and pandemic biology is a great idea.
02:06:02.600 --> 02:06:13.600
Ladies and gentlemen this stream especially the beginning music has been dedicated to my friend Nathan who died last year from a freak aneurysm.
02:06:13.600 --> 02:06:29.600
It's one of many many people whose justice hasn't been served yet and it's not just about the transfections that they won't call transfections ladies and gentlemen it's also about the murder that was committed in order to scare those people into accepting those
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transfections. Thank you very much for being here and I'll see you again tomorrow.