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1 year ago
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If I could get a sound check here, that would be really great.
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How's that look? Are we alright? Can we align? Yes, great. Thank you very much.
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I went back to render forest to get a little special thing for you today just because it's funny.
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Oh no, it's going by itself.
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Did you miss the basketball? Sorry, that was it. If you missed it, you missed it.
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It'll be there again. The next time we have a practice post practice study hall, it does help.
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It does happen every once in a while that we will have a post practice study hall.
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In this case, we had practice from 7.30 till 9. That's pretty hard for those boys.
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I don't really like the fact that they have pre teenage boys in the gym till 9 p.m.
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But that's the way it is here in hardcore Pittsburgh.
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These things are definitely the main messages of Gigo and biological.
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One, two, three. Welcome to the show.
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And what we are really fighting is really this mythology right here. If we can crack this, we can start to get people to understand that it's possible that this is a mythology, we're going to win.
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And we're really close, ladies and gentlemen, we are really, really close.
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I mean, it's unbelievable how close we are. It's really unbelievable.
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So anyway, good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the show.
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This is Gigo and biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
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I'm back from practice. It's a little late. I'm going to try and fly through this show.
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Look at a little video with you, which I just think has another one of these slam dunks.
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And take it easy and go to bed. So welcome to the show. This is Gigo and biological.
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My name is Jonathan Cooley. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and I stream from the back of my garage.
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The main message that we have is one of fundamental biology and my fundamental biology where I used to be before the pandemic was I was an academic biologist, which nowadays I'm calling an academy edition.
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Because basically what they do is that they use the pretense of doing experiments.
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And oftentimes the experiments are done in such a way that the statistical difference, which is identified as a significant result, is actually well within the expected range of noise in the experiment that they've designed.
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But because of the way that we use statistics to transform observations into data points and the way that we wield the scientific method, it is wielded incorrectly.
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And so anyway, I descend from a group of people like this. I descend from the neurobiology field. And so many of my mentors, many of the people that I learned to wield the scientific method from actually wielded it in this incorrect way.
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It's not to say that there aren't scientific methods invaluable, but the way that we move forward with it right now is very misguided with p values and very misguided with a semantic war on what results really mean.
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Because there's this push and pull between, you know, I've got to get big results and big grant money and become famous because that's what every professor apparently dreams of being in their own little narrow field.
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And, you know, to try and be a real scientist. And so most of the time the real scientist, the real biologist, the real investigator is lost.
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And they sell out to this reductionist scientific model, which has really reached its useful end.
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I was a patch clamp physiologist, which meant I did a lot of physiology with live animals. I did a lot of surgeries.
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I did a lot of microscopy and all of the measurements that I made that weren't behavioral measurements were made under a microscope with fairly complicated robotic arms attached to it.
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And there's a lot of training that goes into this. You have to apprentice with the right people and you generally speaking need to travel the world to apprentice with those people.
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And then after that, pulling this trick off on your own with your own lab is another level of investigation.
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And how do you take your instrument and use it wisely, let's say.
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So I spent 20 years doing that and the derivative of the name of the show is actually giga ohm biological because giga ohm is the resistance of the seal that is formed when you make the recordings that I made during my academic career.
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And so giga ohm biological high resistance low noise, it all kind of lines up in a very geeky way.
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And just in that same geeky way, I am trying to teach the idea that with an illusion of consensus among geeks, we have been fooled into solving a mystery of a mystery virus and fooled into trying to solve the puzzle of who is responsible for the virus.
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Who let the virus out.
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And this characterization of Scooby-Doo relies on the fact that as an American kid, I really understood this as a funny show because it is cleverly done in the sense of the jokes are all good.
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It's a wholesome show and the same thing always happens.
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The monsters never really a monster.
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It's just somebody dressed up as one to try and scare people away from their scam.
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And so we have been tricked into believing that very simply we have solved the mystery of the origin of the virus simply by watching television.
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Simply by watching people argue simply by catching people in their lives or reading their redacted emails.
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Maybe we should just find a clue on the bottom of a car that was left by a bad guy with a disguise on.
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It's all the same.
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This story was planned. This theater was planned.
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Even if some of the more recent pivots are off script, 2020 and 2021 were highly scripted years.
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And it only takes a few people to lie and the rest of the people just mislead based on this illusion of consensus.
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If you get enough of these leaders to lie, enough of these insiders to lie.
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How many do you really need in key positions to be telling a lie in order for the rest of the dominoes to fall in order for the rest of the plan to be executed?
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And that's really where we are.
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The way that they did it, of course, is that they tried very hard.
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Think about how amazing it is that no matter whether you watch Fox News or MSNBC, you've come to believe that there is pandemic potential in bad caves.
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Think about how amazing it is that your friends who knew Jack squat about biology three years ago can now explain how pandemic potential is accessible in laboratories through cell culture, animal passage and genetic manipulation.
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Think about how magical it is that the old lady down the street and also the young mother across the street and also the the mailman.
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If we stop them all and ask them about this stuff, they wouldn't scratch their head.
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Some of them would reference John Stewart. Some of them would reference Jimmy Fallon, but they would all know the story.
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And they would all have come to the conclusion that, wow, it's a really different world that we live in when this worst case scenario is possible, isn't it? Who would have ever thought?
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That's how amazing this theater was.
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And once you grasp it, you can start to present the idea to anybody, basically, because it's all a theater.
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And the crazy part about it is the part that took me three years to figure out is that not only was the theater on television, not only was the theater at government podiums, not only was the theater at who and Gavi and all these other podiums, but the theater was also on the social media.
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In the back rooms of social media on the rebellion podcasts on social media, on the intellectual dark web, you know, where the heterodoxy is questioned.
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They too were part of the show.
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And they worked so well in concert together to split us up to get us to bounce around from social media platform to social media platform to follow them as they were censored.
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And this whole time we've been led around by our nose and only very recently are we so off script because people are starting to realize that these people are working in concert to establish this.
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They have to be.
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The build back better, the new normal.
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Same team.
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The people at the government podiums and the people on social media same team.
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And if they're not the same team, they're competing interests that are both scamming you with the pull and push of the train.
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That's where it starts to become very intriguing. That's where it starts to become very intriguing to actually know the history.
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To have a friend like Mark Koolak, who is really trying to build an archive of facts.
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And a web of links between these people so we can really look back and decide, okay, really, how has this been coordinated.
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Who has had their fingers in this pie for the longest.
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And you can't know that by having woken up because the pandemic, I knew right away that they were full bull.
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That's not that's not woke yet. That's not woken.
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That's aware.
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That's like you can smell that somebody's baking, but you don't know what's being baked yet.
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You don't know whether they know what they're doing or whether it's fake and you don't know whether it's in your house or the neighbor's house.
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And so we need to wake people up so that they understand what's happening.
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We are being actively misled to believe that this pandemic potential is a permanent threat.
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So that we will actively mislead our children into believing that.
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That's what's so wicked about it.
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I lost a train of thought there for a second and I wanted to say something else so it might come back and I might have to pop through it again but but
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there is something very important to be able to convey about how diabolical it is that the performers are on both sides and they are pretending to antagonize one another.
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It's very likely that Sam Harris and Brett Weinstein actually are fighting and actually do dislike one another but both are on and that's what I wanted to say.
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The competing interest part.
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Remember the train analogy with the guy who's pretending to stop the train and pretending to start the train again and then and we take that analogy farther.
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And we say that while the little kids aren't going to be fooled by that one guy that one skinny guy but the little kids will be fooled if we get 40 big guys and they acted out really well or we give them big machines that make a lot of noise.
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Then it will be more convincing. Now what I want you to understand is that not all 40 of those guys are on the same team.
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Maybe the goal is is that once those kids are fooled.
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Then something will happen you know like I don't know.
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They win a million dollars but only 20 of those guys can win the million dollars so they're competing for something that the kids don't know they're competing for.
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So in the narrative or the analogy of the pandemic we don't yet understand we are the children.
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We don't yet understand the relationship between these people that are pretending to start and stop the train. We don't.
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But unless you have a guy like Mark who's trying to find the links between these people and understand there's collective history.
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We're not going to have any hope of understanding who's related to who and who's working together and who would stab the other ones in the back.
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We're never going to know that because to us it's just 40 people lined up against the train all coordinating coordinatedly pretending to stop and start it.
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For the 67 people that are listening I hope that you already saw the train thing so you know what I'm talking about.
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Because I do think that this nuance is real.
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That in order to understand the pandemic you don't only need to understand that this was a coordinated illusion.
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But you need to understand that it was a coordinated illusion that was agreed upon by competing interests.
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And those competing interests might be China and Russia and you know whatever.
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But I think it's smarter to assume that those groups that we would just default to are not the groups that are really the players.
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We should assume that there's you know like I don't know the East European Mafia and then the West Asian Mafia.
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We should think of it more like that.
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That there are going to be factions.
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But what those factions are they banks are they are they new agers are they futurists you know that that's how you should be thinking of it.
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It's not it's not likely to be nation states.
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Maybe groups of nation states.
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But those are the kinds of groups that are working together to pretend to stop and start the train.
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And that is the theater the pandemic.
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And now if we're really going to win.
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The challenge we have is is going to be to try and flush out the various groups that are within this performance.
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And how they are competing with one another so that we can turn them against one another.
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So that we can understand where those weaknesses are where they're trying to use one another and agree that okay once this is all over and their serfs and we're nobles.
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You know then we'll compete you know in a different way.
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But right now we're going to cooperate because we're going to get out to the other side of this where there's digital ID and central bank digital currencies and then.
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You know it'll be obvious who we are.
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And we have to get ahead of this by breaking these people up into obvious groups based on their connections or.
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Showing how connected some of these players are so that we can see that the two sides are actually controlled it's something like this.
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The last one nobody likes to figure it out right.
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Foreign human and animal DNA.
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So my goal here was actually not to have the sound on these and just to summarize it quick so the first thing that we did.
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Yesterday was we watched this video of Brandy Vaughn who's now dead.
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God resters the whole.
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And she is a.
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A well known activist anti vaccine activist.
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And we watched a very brief clip of her you can already hear from the brief clip how sharp she is and how good of a presenter she is and why she probably need to be eliminated.
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We are at a different stage in the history of America though and it could be that wet work is over.
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It could be that they're not going to.
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They can't.
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You know maybe maybe she's just unlucky that she was around at a time where.
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They still saw what work is something that they could do and get away with but now with the Internet and with all the people that have.
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Like the larger.
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Collection of video record that you have on the Internet the larger stain you've left than the more likely it is that wet work won't help get rid of you.
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I don't know I'm trying to be optimistic here.
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Then we we looked a year earlier excuse me.
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We looked a year earlier.
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Later rather after the pandemic and we watched this video that I kind of made fun of because the guy is speaking a little funny.
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But in this video I wanted to just run it briefly because I don't think I pointed out and I wanted you to see it.
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This is just a little bit off lineman here.
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Oh it's running through the slide deck darn it. Sorry guys.
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I'm trying to align this image.
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I think I can do that.
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Hey there goes.
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So we then watched.
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Oh now I'm doing it again. See I'm moving this.
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I have a filter over this thing and it gets out of alignment. Sorry.
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So we we watched this guy and the reason why I wanted to watch him again I'm sorry I'm blowing this.
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It's after practice I don't have any of this set up correctly as I'd like it to be.
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I hadn't rehearsed it all. I apologize.
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Normally I give you more attention like a 15 minute quick rehearsal of the slide deck.
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So what I want you to watch is in like one second you're going to notice that they show these other doctors right in the background.
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And look what's that? What's that? What's that? Who's that guy?
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Those are funny looking scrubs aren't they?
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Those are funny looking scrubs.
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Interesting right? I didn't notice that the first time but this is a video from the first rollout of the vaccine.
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I'm not sure where it is but that's interesting.
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Right? That seems to suggest that the DoD was involved in distribution of it.
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That's not it's not that we didn't know that.
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It's a question of does that make them culpable or does that make them part of the machine that was unleashed by a few liars.
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That's the problem here right? If you have a national security plan and a national security threat is declared credible.
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Then the military executing that plan is you know like shoulder shrug like that's what we do.
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And the military is not designed for every person in that hierarchy to question hey is this ethical?
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I'm not sure this is really ethical. Yeah you can you can say that is the way the military should work but when it comes to.
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Orders and emergencies and national security.
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There's not a lot of room for questioning there and you don't climb through the ranks of the military by questioning every order.
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And I've talked to a few retired individuals who were officers in the armed services and they've all been pretty.
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Pretty clear that if they were in that position they would do the same thing because if you're given orders you assume that these people know the risks and have decided that despite whatever those risks are that this.
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Path ahead is the best one for the country.
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That's how the military works.
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And so that's why a lot of me is very resistant to this you know let's blame the DoD because the DoD is directly under the President of the United States.
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So if you're blaming the DoD then you're blaming the executive branch and then there's a whole bunch of other people that are above the DoD in that sense.
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Once the emergency is declared there is a boss structure and that boss structure ends in the executive branch.
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So not to belabor that point very much.
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Then we watch this teen conversations thing from Philadelphia which was just very depressing because again you can see what they're doing.
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They played a game with us in 2021 and they pitted us against each other they even pitted teens against teens.
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And they made teens feel powerful we know what happens in psychological experiments where one group of people is the prison guards for the other.
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How is it that much different.
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How is this not just peer pressure with endorsement.
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We need to reconcile this we need to understand how bad this really was.
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We watch this thing from PBS NewsHour where we watch this guy with a very fluid gender projection talking about using a lot of language that was a little strange like I am created from this technology and commodify ourselves and just a lot of interesting
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language and even language about metamorphosis and the fact that in this three years we've all been transformed.
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Which I connected back to this possibility that COVID is of it.
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Any who then we finally watched a little bit of Twiv and they pulled their usual thing with gain of function with prions and actually the third part of this video is a.
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Homage to Stanley Plotkin and I don't know.
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They're praising him because he wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine about.
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About polio virus and how some.
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And OPV.
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Is no longer ethical to use because it paralyzes kids and yada yada yada.
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It's really comical actually that Stanley Plotkin is still like a hero a working active hero of these individuals in a way it should it should signify to you exactly the sinister nature of the.
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Situation we're in because a guy like that should have retired a long time ago and have a boat in the Bahamas and not give a darn about.
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The industry that he helped establish because it should be flowing forward with great success because it's built on solid biology right.
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So tonight I wanted to watch a video that I found from the Vancouver nano medicine day 2023 where you will see.
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Let me see if I can do this.
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This is work.
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I think this works where you will see that Peter Colus is actually one of the guys speaking and I thought it would be very interesting to listen to that talk because again.
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Did he learn his lesson you know like would he slip up on anything else and sure enough you're not going to believe.
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What he says.
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And how we hand wave this introduction to the conference it's just it's just something that I think is really extraordinary because again my main point is is that there are.
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Actually probably a quarter million.
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Professional biologists around the world that should have done known better that for whatever reason didn't speak up.
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Actively looked the other way or actively did not inform themselves in time to protect themselves their families and their communities.
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I would say that anyone that works at a medical school.
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Anyone that's a postdoc at a medical school anyone posing as.
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With a legitimate ID that can go into a academic biological laboratory that gets NIH grant funding.
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Should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for what they allowed to happen and going forward.
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That's one of my goals not to shame people but for people to become ashamed of themselves.
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Because teaching this biology if you.
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If you actually comprehend what I'm going to teach over the next couple weeks as a new viewer as an academic biologist if you just follow along.
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And you don't feel.
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A great debt.
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A great void.
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For how badly.
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You made as a mistake how badly you navigated the last three years.
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I mean I have I have very high hopes that we are going to change a lot of people's minds over the next few weeks.
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I think there is going to be a giant giant giant change.
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December 5th is when the book comes out December 5th is when we need to start this full court press.
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Of showing people the truth.
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Of how.
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Gain a function as a mythology was created.
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When it was needed how was it created over several decades at least two if not three or four.
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Certainly the plan that we are currently experiencing has been created over at least a decade and a half.
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And I am telling you the main way out is biology and getting some some fraction of these academic biologists to understand how.
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How horrible of a misnavigation they're guilty of.
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Of an oversight of a lack of responsibility they could have just done sat down and read some papers.
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They had access to all the journals.
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Working at a university you have access to all the journals you have no excuse not to have read some papers.
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And critically thought about them.
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And I mean everybody.
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Don't forget that I sent my review.
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Two and a half years ago I sent it to all the people that I used to work with.
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Those people still haven't called and said I'm sorry or you're right or wow that's crazy and so I'm still interested in that.
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Not so much the apology but the wow you were right.
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And it's not like any of those people didn't know that about me before.
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Now what I want you to do is understand that what we're building right now is a wood pile.
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What we're building right now is the water behind the dam.
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And the water behind the dam is getting really deep.
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And the holes are starting to spring in the concrete.
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These people can't keep plugging the holes especially if people like Peter McCulloughs are still going to just talk and not realize the mistake that they're making as they talk like this.
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Now this is I know I'm making big statements here but this is really going to shock you actually.
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I have several talks that I could use because it is a festival of nanomedicines right.
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But this talk is so shocking.
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And it's a talk that you would imagine.
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You would imagine right that this talk.
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I'm going to put the plate speed down.
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I usually watch it for very fast but I'll watch it at 125 so we can spend some time together before I go to bed.
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So the reason why we're watching this again is because I want to make very clear.
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They know they had to have known and whenever they talk about using nanoparticles lipid nanoparticles in vaccines they hand wave.
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And you will hear it in this introduction.
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He's going to hand wave over it even as when he describes the uses of these things in other contexts their limitations.
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These same limitations should definitely apply to the idea that we can transfect antigen presenting cells which are free moving cells throughout the body.
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And they think that they can put these nanoparticles in your body and find those cells.
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But then in the next breath he'll tell you how they can't target anything in the body.
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Think about how contradictory that is.
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We can target individual antigen presenting cells which we can't even really locate in the body.
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They don't swarm anywhere.
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And we can target those by squirting it in your muscle.
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And usefully augment your immune system but if we wanted to target your spleen or something like that it's a lot more tricky then we can only get like 30%.
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And if we change some of the stuff on the outside then we can get it a little more to your gallbladder and we can get it to like 50%.
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But if we want to target the liver I mean we can get almost 70 or 80% of them to go to the liver. The liver is great.
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So we could just say that most of them target the liver. That's what we usually do when we write grants.
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But when we do a vaccine that's already been approved that worked on a billion people when we put it in the muscle we're really just transfecting antigen presenting cells. That's how it works.
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That's the extent to the biological mastery that is the foundation for 5 billion shots being rolled out around the world.
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The only way to read this is that they want to make genetic therapy like transfection and transformation something that everybody just thinks is safe.
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And you will hear that in this introduction. They are going full tilt on exactly what we said they would go full tilt on three years ago in 2021 when they started to talk about how mRNA and lipid nanoparticles were such a parallel development stream in nature with Scott Gottlieb.
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We already said see they're going to do this.
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And then they're going to blame it on the spike protein and they're going to say well if we wouldn't have chosen the wrong protein then this would have worked out fine.
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It turns out that they've sidestepped that story.
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And now they're pushing the DNA.
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Everybody's pushing the DNA. Everybody says it's the DNA that matters.
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And you're going to see over the next couple of days that when I say everybody says it, I mean everybody says it.
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There are very few people who will acknowledge that the DNA is like an additional layer of ridiculousness on top of already many layers.
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A very, very, very nicely baked thousand layer crust has a little frosting of DNA on top of it.
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Listen to this talk and understand that this is a person who thinks that transfection has been proven safe because of the rollout of the vaccines.
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The investigational vaccines, the transfections after COVID.
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So, just kidding.
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So, what I was going to ask to do today was talk a little bit about the future of nanomesins.
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And so I thought okay, well I'll go through a few things here that have happened over the years and then project forward.
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But, you know, there's that Yogi Berra statements, predictions are difficult, particularly about the future.
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So, I may be wrong, but we'll see how it all pans out.
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The first thing is the first prediction is that my computer is not advancing.
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So, how do I do that?
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So, just to make sure you, oh, why is this not?
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Just to make sure you understand, this was like from November 18th.
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So, this is not even September or whatever it was the last talk was.
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This is like right now.
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It just happened.
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This is ongoing.
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They haven't corrected him.
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They're not stopping this.
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This is just going to go on because the nature of this is exactly what we've said.
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They plan to normalize this.
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This is the new normal.
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Transfection works.
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And we're just going to roll out transfection for lots and lots of things because the FDA is going to let them and they're not going to stop.
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They're not going to stop.
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And we need to stop them.
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We're going to stop them by teaching this biology, the contradiction of it.
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So, listen carefully.
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I'm going to stop it a lot, but I've got to.
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Okay. So, just a little bit about the past.
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And so, we're dealing with what really is a relatively new technology.
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So, going back to 1965 when liposomes were first discovered,
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and ourselves to remember the day, right?
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We've all been in this field for a long time.
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So, in 1987, cateonic lipid nucleic acid complexes were discovered.
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So, this was the first instance where we could actually introduce genetic material into a cell.
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The first liposomal product or the first nanomedicine containing cancer drug docile was approved by the FDA.
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That was 95.
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And then, this was triggered an avalanche of products.
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More than 10 liposomal nanomedicine products were approved by the FDA primarily in the anti-cancer field.
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And so, this actually established a huge body of knowledge that we draw now in terms of what kind of characteristics the systems have to have in order to be potentially one day a therapeutic.
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In 2001, the first ionizable cateonic lipos, that was in contrast to the permanently positive echart.
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So, I'm just going to answer the question in the girl rocks here just because it's a relevant one.
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So, most vaccines are not transfections.
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Most previous vaccines were some combination of recombinant proteins.
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That means proteins that were grown in a bacteria.
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And then, those proteins are combined with a chemical irritant called an adjuvant.
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So, it could have been an aluminum-derived salt.
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It could have been a diphtheria protein that was attached to the antigen of choice.
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So, there's lots of different ways that the vaccines are adjuvanted or that the immune system's attention is grabbed by a vaccine.
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But this is the first time in history that we've transfected people and hoped that their immune system would pay attention to the transfection in the right way.
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So, in that sense, then, look at this list that he's using.
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The 2018 lipid nanoparticle approval by the FDA is actually a small interfering RNA,
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which I've come to recently understand is a small double-stranded RNA derived from a hairpin
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that can downregulate our endogenous RNAs for which it is homologous, or it has overlapping sequence with.
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This was approved as a single treatment for something in 2018, but it's a small interfering RNA.
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It's not expression of a protein.
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And so, you're not challenging your immune system to do anything other than to clear that double-stranded small interfering RNA.
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In this scenario where you start to transfect people to a foreign protein, you are challenging the immune system not to make a mistake
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and build auto-immunity to the cells which express that foreign protein, but to make an immune response to that foreign protein alone,
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and then hope that the immune response that your system chooses to make is relevant when that protein or a derivative of it
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is exposed, you are exposed to it in the wild.
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So, the whole pretense of transfection as a vaccine is already ridiculous, and in fact, as I start the streams all the time,
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any combination of substances that you inject in your muscle with the intent of augmenting the immune system is probably dumb.
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And so, my kids have had more shots than me because I've only had the childhood schedule than it was around in the 70s.
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I'm 51, almost 52.
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And my kids got the same, they're up to date more or less in the United States schedule, even though we came here from Europe because they kind of made us get up to date.
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And we have avoided HPV because we got lucky and finally woke up, and we've always avoided flu, but that's just because I don't, I thought that the flu was a dumb vaccine
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and the other ones were good. You know, I was lost.
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So, just to make sure that you understand where I am and I appreciate the question, that's really the situation.
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I woke up in 22, so I'm not, I don't have a lot of skin in the game.
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I'm actually lucky that my children are as uninjured as they are.
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So, my point is, is that this single-stranded RNA therapy is not even a transfection.
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So, this approval, this sequence of approval that's above my head here is misleading because it's really, it's not the approval of lipid nanoparticles, it's the approval of their combination with other things.
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So, the idea, for example, that maybe this works, maybe these can work, but transfection is a whole other application of it.
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And then worse yet, it's an application that's kind of antithetical to a lot of the other ways that they want to use it, and that's where we're going to, we're going to see where these contradictions become mammoth.
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Large cationic lipids that were devised in 1987, so that was 2001, and obviously that's played a big role in the products that we're currently talking about.
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The first RNA, RNAi product on patro, which uses ionizable lipids are approved by the FDA in 2018, and then, of course, the lipid nanoparticles that enabled the COVID-19 vaccines were approved in 2021.
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So, that was the most, you know, this is the, I guess, the largest or the biggest new drug ever approved in history.
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So, you can say, okay, this isn't bad going, maybe we should just quit here, but there's an awful lot more to come.
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So, I just want to go back to basics a little bit, and all of this success really comes from optimizing a delivery system, and you can put these things down in relatively simplistic forms, and you've seen some of that already this morning.
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But, you know, the liposomal lipid nanoparticles, we can pack in 100,000 molecules of a cancer drug into these 100 nanometer systems, and they're ideal systems for delivery of cancer drugs wherever you want them.
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The trick is we have to get them to deliver their contents there, and I'll say more about that in a moment.
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And then we have the hybrid systems that have not only a core, a hydrophilic core, where, say, the mRNA or sRNA is, but also have a lipid, an oil core that contains these ionizable lipids in the neutral form.
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This is all the pH 7.4.
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So, all of this success, all of what I have to talk about, and we'll talk about a bit more, stems from these readings.
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Small interfering RNA, messenger RNA, small interfering RNA.
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Any simple delivery systems, if we didn't have these, we wouldn't have got anywhere.
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So, there's certain achievements and issues for small molecule drugs, and you'll have to watch the time here.
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We can load essentially any small molecule that we want into a lipid nanoparticle, a liposomal system.
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We can adjust the rate of release. We can achieve long circuits. We can have them circulating around for 24 hours or longer.
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Clinically, and it's accessing most tissues in the body, a clinically validated approach.
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We have some certain issues. We can't target particular cells or tissues.
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And this has all been a bugbear in the liposomal area, and we can't achieve preferential release on arrival in target tissues.
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And so, some potential solutions here are targeting, unfortunately, in 40 years of trying, maybe it's longer than that now.
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And the targeting field has been a tremendous number of efforts.
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But there hasn't yet been a liposomal targeted drug that's got into the clinic and made it through to being...
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This is certainly not for ones of trying. Everybody wants to target.
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It's never made it into the clinic and made it through. It's never made it into the clinic and it made it through.
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They cannot target particular tissues. They can't target particular tissues.
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It's never made it in from the clinic to... It's just never made it. Never, ever made it. It's never made it.
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Cannot achieve preferential drug release on arrival and target tissues. It's never done it.
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They cancer drugs more specifically to where they're supposed to go.
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It's more obvious if you put something on the outside, you should be able to do that.
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But we haven't come close to being able to do that yet.
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And that's for a lot of reasons. But we hate to where they're supposed to go.
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It's more obvious if you put something on the outside, you should be able to do that.
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But we haven't come close to being able to do that yet. And that's for a lot of reasons.
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The other potential solution is triggered release in the region of a tumor, which is kind of the way that we're going.
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And so we've now developed... We're now developing, interestingly, triggered release hybrid systems
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that have a hydrophobic component and a compartment that encapsulates the cancer drug or whatever it is we want to deliver.
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But in the hydrophobic compartment, we have agents that might be susceptible to external radiation or an oxide nanoparticle.
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Now what scares me about this just a little bit is the idea that this could be the source of magnetic business.
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And we have seen video of people saying that there were iron oxide particles in their little jars and stuff like that.
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We have to understand, I think, that if the goal really was to just make this normal,
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if the goal was really to roll a bunch of this stuff out and get some data about it,
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it's very possible that some batches were rolled out with this kind of garbage in it for the exact multiple purpose.
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Of course, to test the tolerance of them and what would happen if we used them in humans,
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whether or not it would bring about immunity, all of these things they were curious about and what better way to do it than this way.
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And then what they did was just even more diabolical.
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They used these stories in these limited places where they saw this stuff and they used it as debunking stuff, debunking stories.
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And lots of people, you will recall lots of people were putting vaccine under the microscope and pretending that they could see stuff or not see stuff.
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Some people saw hydras, other people checked to make sure there weren't hydras, other people looked for, you know,
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and they knew that we would do that.
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More importantly, maybe the better way to say it is was that many of the people who were doing that were doing it because they were part of it, that they were told to do it.
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They were told to report those findings, they were told to debunk those findings.
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And we got distracted by them, we got bamboozled by them into thinking that that was just another mystery to solve, oh my goodness.
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It's really diabolical what they're doing to us, it's really diabolical.
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For gold nanoparticles.
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So the idea here is of course if there's a tumor, this is a CT scan of a tumor in the liver that we know where that is, where the boundaries are.
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We zap that in some way by external RF, X-ray laser, high intensity focused ultrasound, whatever the stimulation is and cause release of the lipid nanoparticles as they flow through that area.
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And so that's the simplistic approach.
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What we've achieved so far are systems where we do have these are these are an oxide nanoparticles or gold nanoparticles together with a drug.
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This is a drug that talks through this and this inside these systems.
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But we haven't gotten to explode yet.
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So it's the explosion part here.
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If anybody has any good ideas, we're certainly game to try them.
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But this will revolutionize cancer chemotherapy if we can actually get the drug released to where we in the area that we want to.
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And this is obviously we have very good ways now detecting where cancers are.
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So we just need to get more drug there.
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Only 0.01% of the drug administered systemically of cancer drugs actually gets to a tumor.
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That's kind of criminal really.
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I'm sorry. What Peter, can you repeat that again for me Peter?
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Because that's a really interesting thing to say out loud.
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It's a really interesting thing to say out loud.
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I've actually been saying this for about 10 years that the whole idea of looking for a cure for cancer is a joke.
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Because almost all the cancers that are caused are caused by multi factorial things.
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And if there are genetic versions of cancer, they're not giving you any insight into how the rest of cancer forms.
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And they spend billions of dollars on it.
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Listen to what Peter Cullis says here.
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Listen carefully.
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I'm going to mute the heater in the background.
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Cancers are.
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So we just need to get more drug there.
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Only 0.01% of the drug administered systemically of cancer drugs actually gets to a tumor.
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That's kind of criminal really.
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I mean you consider how toxic these drugs are.
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Did you hear it?
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Did you hear it?
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Only 0.1% of cancer drugs gets to the tumor.
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And that's actually kind of criminal if you think about it given the toxicity of these drugs.
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And how expensive are these drugs?
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Are these toxins pretty cheap that they give to these cancer patients?
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Oh, they're not cheap.
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Oh, I see.
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So they.
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So how is it?
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Say it again, Peter.
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How do cancer drugs work?
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Obviously we have very good ways now detecting where cancers are.
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So we just need to get more drug there.
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Only 0.01% of the drug administered systemically of cancer drugs actually gets to a tumor.
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That's because it's kind of criminal really.
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I mean you consider how toxic these drugs are.
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And so this is a.
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Despite many people saying this will never work.
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We still keep on working on this in the lab.
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So we'll.
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Until it will continue with this for a while.
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No, he didn't.
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No, he didn't.
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No, no.
51:37.000 --> 51:38.000
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I mean you consider how toxic these drugs are actually gets to a tumor.
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That's because kind of the drug administered systemically of cancer drugs actually gets to it there.
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We have very good ways now detecting where cancers are.
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So we just need to get more drug there.
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Only 0.01% of the drug administered system.
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0.01% yes to a tumor.
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That's because kind of criminal really.
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I mean you consider how toxic these drugs are.
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And so this is a.
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Despite many people saying this will never work.
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We still keep on working on this in the lab.
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So we'll.
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Until it.
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We'll continue with this for a while yet.
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Okay, I'm going to have to move along with a bit of more speed here.
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But the hybrid and with the nucleic acid based drugs, obviously we can load pretty much any nucleic acid we want.
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So if you caught this, that these are hybrids.
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So what we were told was that they were lipid nanoparticles and that's it.
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But actually they're using hybrid lipid nanoparticles, which is what he showed in the very beginning here.
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This is at 809.
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So I'm going to go back and show you that slide.
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He is looking at.
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These guys are hybrid oil core lipid nanoparticles.
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So these are the ones they apparently used for MRNA and that's not the shape.
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Of the lipid nanoparticle that we were shown on the news hour.
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That's for sure.
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And so now I'm going to go back to eight.
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And there we are.
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So here, look, just read this for me really quick, just so you know where we are.
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Can transfect immune cells following intramuscular administration for vaccines?
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That's the achievement.
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Can load small interfering RNA, messenger RNA, or plasmid DNA of essentially any size?
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We can transfect immune cells following intramuscular administration for vaccines.
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Let's think about how dumb that is.
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Think about how spectacularly dumb that is.
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How many resident immune cells are sitting in your deltoid muscle?
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How many of these lipid nanoparticles stay in your deltoid muscle?
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How long do they stay in your neph...
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They just got through telling you they can't target any tissue.
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They just got through telling you that the lipid nanoparticles won't go where they're told
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that they stay in circulation, that we can put them close on the outside, but we can't
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get them to go.
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Do you understand they say things out of both sides of their mouth?
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You can't say that we can transfect immune cells following intramuscular administration
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for vaccines unless you explain it a little more than that.
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What immune cells are you talking about?
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How many of them are there?
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Where do they migrate back to?
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Like, I don't understand how it is that somebody can take them that we can be here unless this is
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like the result of...
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He can't possibly believe this.
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That they just get lucky and then what?
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The rest of the muscle gets transfected and it just ignores it.
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There's lots of protein produced.
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It only lasts for a few hours.
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What is he telling himself to believe that that is an achievement, but you can't target
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extra hepatic tissues.
55:04.000 --> 55:06.000
You cannot achieve preferential transfection.
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You cannot access privileged organs.
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Well, you can if somebody already has a perforated blood-brain barrier or a perforated gut, which
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a lot of people do have because of the highly processed foods that they eat and the glyphosate
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and all this other crap.
55:26.000 --> 55:29.000
So many assumptions are being made here.
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Listen carefully.
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Any size.
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We can transfect immune cells with IM, transfected parasites with IV, clinically validated.
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Extra hepatic tissue is still a problem.
55:40.000 --> 55:41.000
And it was over.
55:41.000 --> 55:42.000
That's it.
55:42.000 --> 55:43.000
That's it.
55:43.000 --> 55:44.000
That's all you're going to get.
55:44.000 --> 55:50.000
That's the explanation for how it is that they can put it in your muscle and get those immune cells.
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That's it.
55:51.000 --> 55:55.000
He barely even said a complete sentence about it.
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Are you kidding me?
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We're done with the nucleic acid based drugs.
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Obviously we can load pretty much any nucleic acid we want of essentially any size.
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We can transfect immune cells with IM, transfected parasites with IV, clinically validated.
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It's already gone.
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Do you see it?
56:14.000 --> 56:17.000
It's unbelievable.
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What was in the first slide, the greatest achievement, you know, it's like worth a Nobel prize.
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Like, oh my gosh, it's my culmination of my life's work.
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Yeah, we can do that.
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It's gone in a flash because it doesn't work.
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It doesn't work.
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He's transfecting all kinds of other cells that he doesn't know and can't control when he says he's transfecting immune cells.
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That's the way it has to be.
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It can't be any other way.
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Because of everything he's ever said since we've been watching him.
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Thank you, Robert Malone, for showing us the way.
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Without Robert Malone's sub-stack, giving Peter Kullis credit for at least a third of the Nobel prize,
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I would have never watched a video of this guy and found out that he gives talks like this.
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That he's touring around the world giving talks like this where he says they can't control where they go.
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Can't control how they release.
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They've been trying for 40 years, but they can't inject him in your muscle and augment your immune system
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as if those three statements can go together and not clash.
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Extra-epatic tissue is still a problem, preferential expression.
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Extra-epatic tissues are still an issue.
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Privileged organs, we can't access those via the circulation, but of course there's other ways of doing that.
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There's massive opportunities here from a future point of view that remain for these currently available systems.
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This is the cartoon you've already seen from Miffy with the mRNA in one compartment
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and the ionized will lip in the oform into another compartment.
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Very simple systems, but these are the systems that work very well for vaccine and for ephatocyte transfection opportunities.
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So they work for vaccines and they work when you want to hit the liver.
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Do you see how silly that is?
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So basically he's telling you that when they put it in your muscle, they basically hit your liver.
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The liver cleans your blood.
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The liver is a filter for your blood, so surprise, surprise.
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That's where it comes out, but that's not the only place.
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Any capillaries that it gets to, any small vessels it gets to, capillaries in the heart, done.
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Anywhere where the fluid pressure or whatever gets close enough so that these lipid nanoparticles come in very close contact
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with the bilayer membrane of the epithelial cells you've got transfection.
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So it's again like the talk we looked at the other day where they could shift it, you know,
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if they could get it 70% in the liver and 30% in the ovaries or wherever they wanted to go
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and then they could change a fat on the outside and now it's only 50% in the liver and 45% in the ovaries.
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So clearly targeting is possible and so all we need are five more grants and 40 more years
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and we'll be able to put it exactly where we want to put it.
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All we need is five more grants and 40 more years and we'll be able to
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transfect your immune system usefully.
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Just like Robert Malone when he was in his post-docs with Murray Gardner and with Indurma Verma
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or whatever the hell his name was and getting all his patents stolen.
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He was dreaming of curing childhood diseases by being a geneticist in a hospital
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and he thought that there would be geneticists in every hospital curing childhood diseases using retroviruses.
01:00:04.000 --> 01:00:09.000
Just a few more grants and 40 more years and we'll be able to do it.
01:00:09.000 --> 01:00:18.000
We are still running in this hamster wheel where we are eventually going to become gods
01:00:18.000 --> 01:00:23.000
and that's just really the evolution of this discussion because if you keep talking smack
01:00:23.000 --> 01:00:28.000
about what you're going to do but it never comes true then you got to keep talking more smack
01:00:28.000 --> 01:00:33.000
so that you actually haven't reached the goal that you claimed you were going to reach.
01:00:36.000 --> 01:00:40.000
And so what started out is the Heunman genome project has morphed into
01:00:40.000 --> 01:00:45.000
let's just bamboozle the earth and roll out
01:00:45.000 --> 01:00:50.000
transfection and transformation and screw these people.
01:00:50.000 --> 01:00:54.000
We're just going to do it whether they like it or not and we're going to force it on them
01:00:54.000 --> 01:01:01.000
because this is the only way that we're going to get the way we're going to get where we want to go
01:01:01.000 --> 01:01:05.000
which is becoming masters of our genome I guess.
01:01:09.000 --> 01:01:17.000
And this guy is probably just an innocent chemist physicist who's assuming with the look away doctrine
01:01:17.000 --> 01:01:21.000
like they use in the military where you know those people are doing some really unethical things over there
01:01:21.000 --> 01:01:26.000
and they probably shouldn't be doing that well we just don't look over there then.
01:01:26.000 --> 01:01:35.000
And so he's just assuming that these biologists are using his technology in a way that is righteous and good
01:01:35.000 --> 01:01:39.000
and he's not going to look at the details too much he's not going to think about the details too much
01:01:39.000 --> 01:01:43.000
he's told you very honestly
01:01:43.000 --> 01:01:48.000
so assuming they figured out how it works or assuming that when it goes other places it doesn't matter
01:01:48.000 --> 01:01:55.000
that was also something that he's assuming then and you could just probably ask him what happens
01:01:55.000 --> 01:02:04.000
when you transfect ovary cells or testicle cells or you know cells that aren't in the liver
01:02:04.000 --> 01:02:12.000
that aren't supposed to be full of toxins right what happens when you transfect those
01:02:12.000 --> 01:02:16.000
what happens when you transfect the endothelial cells of the heart
01:02:16.000 --> 01:02:21.000
what happens when you transfect myocardial cells like heart muscle
01:02:21.000 --> 01:02:26.000
what happens when you transfect breast tissue
01:02:26.000 --> 01:02:32.000
what happens when you when you transfect I don't know uterine tissue
01:02:32.000 --> 01:02:40.000
or we just don't know any of these answers and we definitely know from his talk that they're not going to stay in the
01:02:40.000 --> 01:02:46.000
muscle that they're going to go all kinds of places we know from biorum brittle whistle blowing of the
01:02:46.000 --> 01:02:52.000
document from Japan that it goes all over the place including the bone marrow for goodness sakes
01:02:55.000 --> 01:03:05.000
and yet he has the gall to say that they can that they can transfect what did he say they can transfect immune cells
01:03:05.000 --> 01:03:11.000
that's got to be the most specific target in the body
01:03:11.000 --> 01:03:17.000
the most distributed target in the body like it's absurd
01:03:17.000 --> 01:03:23.000
and so we're just starting with this I mean the COVID-19 vaccines are just a start you're going to see vaccines
01:03:23.000 --> 01:03:29.000
and all these areas including bacterial infections that are starting to come online
01:03:30.000 --> 01:03:37.000
and so the mRNA revolution in terms of vaccine is just gathering steam similarly in therapeutics
01:03:37.000 --> 01:03:44.000
but of course you know that's the reason why the clown car was talking about prion disease and amyloidosis
01:03:44.000 --> 01:03:49.000
for the first three years of the pandemic and trying to blame it on a spike protein
01:03:49.000 --> 01:03:55.000
you must understand that the whole reason why they were doing that was because they knew that
01:03:56.000 --> 01:04:05.000
they needed it to be seeded that the virus was capable of doing these fantastic feats of protein misfolding diseases
01:04:05.000 --> 01:04:11.000
so that when they rolled this stuff out there would already be something to blame it on a virus
01:04:14.000 --> 01:04:20.000
oh my gosh did you really did you do you have like do you do you have like a prion disease did he die of a prion disease
01:04:20.000 --> 01:04:28.000
wow it must have been from the COVID must have been from the SARS-CoV-2 couldn't have been from the transfection right
01:04:28.000 --> 01:04:36.000
and that's the magic of these these people that were set up to say that the spike protein is so bad for you
01:04:36.000 --> 01:04:46.000
heretofore unprecedented bad protein is on the virus is on the virus is on the virus the virus the virus
01:04:47.000 --> 01:04:52.000
transfecting you to it is fine apparently because it's codon optimized so it's not even the same protein anyway
01:04:56.000 --> 01:05:02.000
the contradictions are as big as a woolly mammoth
01:05:04.000 --> 01:05:06.000
and as rotten
01:05:07.000 --> 01:05:14.000
and once you start to list them to see them to watch them in real time and to reflect on what these people said
01:05:16.000 --> 01:05:19.000
and how they said it because how they said it is important
01:05:20.000 --> 01:05:24.000
you know a humble person that's wrong is not such a big deal
01:05:25.000 --> 01:05:27.000
a arrogant
01:05:28.000 --> 01:05:30.000
01:05:30.000 --> 01:05:32.000
01:05:32.000 --> 01:05:33.000
01:05:33.000 --> 01:05:34.000
01:05:34.000 --> 01:05:37.000
aggressive person who's also a hundred percent wrong
01:05:38.000 --> 01:05:43.000
and actually responsible for ceding the worst case scenario narrative
01:05:44.000 --> 01:05:47.000
despite evidence to the contrary
01:05:48.000 --> 01:05:52.000
and is still trying to see the worst case scenario narrative about the virus
01:05:53.000 --> 01:06:01.000
as opposed to just teaching the basic flaws of transfection the basic shortcomings of lipid nanoparticles
01:06:01.000 --> 01:06:05.000
the basic shortcomings of the biology that they have used to bamboozle us
01:06:07.000 --> 01:06:12.000
they spend their time talking about bioweapons and ever expanding list of bioweapons
01:06:12.000 --> 01:06:16.000
and ever expanding list of Scooby-Doo mysteries to solve
01:06:16.000 --> 01:06:20.000
ever list of Scooby-Doo villains to unmask
01:06:22.000 --> 01:06:27.000
when it all comes down to a few people telling a lie at the rest of the people going along with it
01:06:27.000 --> 01:06:29.000
and most of it being murder
01:06:31.000 --> 01:06:33.000
that's the magic of this
01:06:33.000 --> 01:06:38.000
and as long as you listen to all these other people shuffling paper around in the back rooms
01:06:38.000 --> 01:06:42.000
trying to distract us with other news stories
01:06:42.000 --> 01:06:47.000
or you listen to these people on the fringes of the internet trying to take
01:06:47.000 --> 01:06:51.000
Mark Coolack's work and turn it into somebody else's
01:06:51.000 --> 01:06:55.000
or even worse turn it into something that no one can use
01:06:56.000 --> 01:06:59.000
if you don't see it for what it is
01:06:59.000 --> 01:07:01.000
I don't know how to help you
01:07:02.000 --> 01:07:07.000
but every one of these things is lining up now because this is falling apart
01:07:08.000 --> 01:07:13.000
and because we are continuing to focus steady pressure on what is falling apart
01:07:13.000 --> 01:07:17.000
what is falling apart is the narrative of a spreading pathogen
01:07:17.000 --> 01:07:21.000
called a coronavirus that was novel for our immune system
01:07:21.000 --> 01:07:24.000
that could be detected by a PCR test
01:07:24.000 --> 01:07:29.000
that could be sequenced over 15,000 times in the first year and a half of the pandemic
01:07:29.000 --> 01:07:33.000
that could transmit faithfully
01:07:33.000 --> 01:07:37.000
for almost four years and tracked phylogenetically
01:07:37.000 --> 01:07:40.000
for almost four years in a way that is unprecedented
01:07:40.000 --> 01:07:45.000
for any other RNA molecule in history
01:07:45.000 --> 01:07:50.000
and rather than use your time and energy
01:07:50.000 --> 01:07:54.000
dismantling that fundamentally ridiculous mythology
01:07:54.000 --> 01:07:58.000
they want you to chase the mythology of bioweapons
01:07:58.000 --> 01:08:01.000
they want you to chase the mythology of genocide
01:08:01.000 --> 01:08:05.000
they want you to chase the mythology of all these other things
01:08:05.000 --> 01:08:08.000
that may or may not be true but they are not true yet
01:08:10.000 --> 01:08:15.000
what is true right now is that this has been a great big ball of BS
01:08:15.000 --> 01:08:20.000
and there is a lot of professional biologists that should know
01:08:20.000 --> 01:08:22.000
that this is the story
01:08:22.000 --> 01:08:25.000
the story is not the spike protein
01:08:25.000 --> 01:08:28.000
the story is not a lab leak
01:08:30.000 --> 01:08:34.000
the story is a very concerted effort to mislead us into believing
01:08:34.000 --> 01:08:39.000
that the worst case scenario of a lab leak is possibly happening right now
01:08:39.000 --> 01:08:43.000
therefore we all must throw everything out the window
01:08:43.000 --> 01:08:47.000
and follow the orders
01:08:47.000 --> 01:08:51.000
and many many many many people going along with that
01:08:51.000 --> 01:08:55.000
created an illusion of consensus that was almost irresistible for everyone
01:08:55.000 --> 01:08:58.000
including me in you
01:08:58.000 --> 01:09:03.000
and that illusion of consensus is still being sustained by people who understand
01:09:03.000 --> 01:09:06.000
that this biology has incredible limitations
01:09:06.000 --> 01:09:11.000
but shrug their shoulders and say well I guess it's not all I thought it was
01:09:11.000 --> 01:09:16.000
because we tested it on 3 billion people
01:09:22.000 --> 01:09:26.000
I'll just give a few examples of this cardiovascular disease heart disease
01:09:26.000 --> 01:09:29.000
heart failure, cancer, sickle cell anemia
01:09:29.000 --> 01:09:32.000
the list is going to I mean it's pretty much every disease that you care to name
01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:36.000
pretty much every disease you care to name
01:09:36.000 --> 01:09:40.000
will have a vaccine
01:09:40.000 --> 01:09:43.000
they're not going to call them therapeutics it's going to be a heart failure
01:09:43.000 --> 01:09:45.000
vaccine it's going to be a cancer vaccine
01:09:45.000 --> 01:09:50.000
you heard Bruce Gowski talking about this
01:09:50.000 --> 01:09:54.000
these are not going to be called therapeutics they're going to be called vaccines
01:09:54.000 --> 01:09:59.000
my ladies and gentlemen my friends my family my my fellow
01:10:02.000 --> 01:10:09.000
you see where this is going
01:10:09.000 --> 01:10:14.000
this is from two weeks ago
01:10:14.000 --> 01:10:20.000
he's still telling the truth and still can't hear himself tell it
01:10:20.000 --> 01:10:26.000
he's still telling the truth to groups of people who can't hear him tell it
01:10:26.000 --> 01:10:31.000
because they think that 3 billion people is the largest
01:10:31.000 --> 01:10:35.000
randomized control trial that's ever been executed
01:10:35.000 --> 01:10:42.000
and proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that this rapid rollout of therapeutics
01:10:42.000 --> 01:10:48.000
and vaccines based on transfection is a great idea
01:10:48.000 --> 01:10:53.000
this is red alert style bad news
01:10:53.000 --> 01:10:57.000
because we are being distracted by a lot of other things right now
01:10:57.000 --> 01:11:01.000
a lot of other things right now that have nothing to do with this central thing
01:11:01.000 --> 01:11:06.000
this central thing
01:11:06.000 --> 01:11:12.000
the inversion of your children's rights to permissions based on this
01:11:12.000 --> 01:11:19.000
your children's sovereignty inverted into permissions based on biology
01:11:19.000 --> 01:11:22.000
that is really lies
01:11:22.000 --> 01:11:24.000
it's mythology
01:11:24.000 --> 01:11:29.000
they are misleading us that they have this fundamental understanding
01:11:29.000 --> 01:11:36.000
and high fidelity understanding at that when they do not
01:11:36.000 --> 01:11:43.000
and for some reason this physicist chemist seems to admit it without understanding it
01:11:43.000 --> 01:11:48.000
it really shows how much of a biologist he isn't really
01:11:48.000 --> 01:11:53.000
that he can give this talk and not understand the implications of it
01:11:53.000 --> 01:11:58.000
you're augmenting a pattern integrity
01:11:58.000 --> 01:12:03.000
the homeostatic mechanisms of which you don't understand
01:12:03.000 --> 01:12:07.000
the immunological mechanisms of which you don't understand
01:12:07.000 --> 01:12:12.000
and you're attempting to augment this pattern integrity with an RNA
01:12:12.000 --> 01:12:17.000
that you think will express a protein wherever it goes
01:12:17.000 --> 01:12:20.000
and you know that you can't control wherever it goes
01:12:20.000 --> 01:12:25.000
and yet you think that you can augment the immune system usefully with this tool
01:12:25.000 --> 01:12:30.000
I don't think that he believes that in his heart of hearts
01:12:30.000 --> 01:12:34.000
I don't think that he can believe that but he's been told that
01:12:34.000 --> 01:12:38.000
he's been made comfortable because of that if he believes in it
01:12:38.000 --> 01:12:46.000
his salary success and fame are dependent on him believing that
01:12:46.000 --> 01:12:53.000
even if he knows in his heart of hearts that it can't be true
01:12:53.000 --> 01:12:57.000
that's where we are right now ladies and gentlemen there's no other way to characterize this
01:12:57.000 --> 01:13:03.000
he just told you that isn't it criminal that we basically poison cancer patients
01:13:03.000 --> 01:13:08.000
and he didn't realize he said it
01:13:08.000 --> 01:13:13.000
that's criminal if you think about it
01:13:13.000 --> 01:13:17.000
that's criminal if you think about it so what's the
01:13:17.000 --> 01:13:21.000
then don't think about it I guess is that the advice
01:13:21.000 --> 01:13:27.000
ladies and gentlemen wake up they're telling us right to our face
01:13:27.000 --> 01:13:31.000
and they don't think we're smart enough to hear it
01:13:31.000 --> 01:13:37.000
this guy's actually not smart enough to hear it I really don't think he is
01:13:37.000 --> 01:13:42.000
I really think the fame and the fortune and the praise has gone to his head
01:13:42.000 --> 01:13:47.000
and he's just said you know I'm making some stuff you guys want to use it
01:13:47.000 --> 01:13:52.000
for whatever you want to use it for that's great maybe that's why he didn't get the Nobel Prize because
01:13:52.000 --> 01:13:57.000
in the end you know he doesn't know how they're using it biologically
01:13:57.000 --> 01:14:02.000
he knows how the cartoon looks he knows how the cartoon sounds he knows what the sales pitch is
01:14:02.000 --> 01:14:06.000
but he doesn't know the depth and the breadth of the simplification that's being done there
01:14:06.000 --> 01:14:11.000
he doesn't know the depth and the breadth of the pattern integrity that he's trying to
01:14:11.000 --> 01:14:16.000
augment and if he did then he would feel ashamed
01:14:16.000 --> 01:14:21.000
and he'd be sad that his technology was used in such a
01:14:21.000 --> 01:14:25.000
with such hubris that's what I think
01:14:25.000 --> 01:14:29.000
others obviously but the others that we can't attack through the liver
01:14:29.000 --> 01:14:35.000
but an amazing number that we can this is the from a vaccine point of view we're going to see a universal flu vaccine
01:14:35.000 --> 01:14:39.000
very soon this is an example for we have an nanoparticle containing
01:14:39.000 --> 01:14:49.000
say four proteins from from a given flu influenza virus and that's being challenged with this injected
01:14:49.000 --> 01:14:54.000
in the mice as a vaccine and being challenged with very different strains of the influenza
01:14:54.000 --> 01:14:59.000
and you see total protection so this is certainly going to make its way hopefully we're going to be in a situation
01:14:59.000 --> 01:15:03.000
you don't have to change every year you're certainly going to make its way
01:15:03.000 --> 01:15:05.000
so what are they doing then?
01:15:06.000 --> 01:15:11.000
I guess they're challenging these mices mices internationally with some
01:15:15.000 --> 01:15:18.000
I mean can you read that graph do you do you see how stupid it is?
01:15:21.000 --> 01:15:25.000
Can anybody put it in the chat how dumb it is what this graph says
01:15:25.000 --> 01:15:28.000
what is an LD50?
01:15:28.000 --> 01:15:30.000
Does anybody know what an LD50 is?
01:15:30.000 --> 01:15:37.000
an LD50 is the lethal dose that kills 50% of the animals in an experiment
01:15:37.000 --> 01:15:45.000
they're using five times the lethal dose of the virus and they're putting it in somewhere
01:15:45.000 --> 01:15:52.000
and the what the animals that don't get the injection die
01:15:53.000 --> 01:16:01.000
I don't they don't lose they don't lose weight what is the dotted line where they sacrifice them
01:16:01.000 --> 01:16:08.000
are we to believe that those animals die because they sacrifice them at 70 or 85%
01:16:08.000 --> 01:16:10.000
75% of their body weight
01:16:11.000 --> 01:16:15.000
what if those animals would just come right back up right after that
01:16:15.000 --> 01:16:19.000
we would never know because this one is designed not to let them happen
01:16:19.000 --> 01:16:23.000
look this one goes right down to the dotted line they didn't kill those animals
01:16:30.000 --> 01:16:34.000
five times the lethal dose 50% lethal dose
01:16:36.000 --> 01:16:43.000
of what an intranasal injection of something so that it kills 50% of the animals that get it
01:16:44.000 --> 01:16:46.000
I mean
01:16:49.000 --> 01:16:51.000
if it's
01:16:54.000 --> 01:16:58.000
you know what they're doing here right they're using clones that's the other thing that you see here
01:16:58.000 --> 01:17:01.000
that that's what this whole thing is these are clones
01:17:02.000 --> 01:17:04.000
that's what they're putting up here these are clones
01:17:05.000 --> 01:17:07.000
they're not I mean
01:17:13.000 --> 01:17:19.000
the universal influenza vaccine is coming and it's going to be an mRNA so you're going to be transfected
01:17:19.000 --> 01:17:21.000
if you take it
01:17:23.000 --> 01:17:25.000
and so
01:17:25.000 --> 01:17:33.000
heretofore unknown consequences of repeated transfection to a wide variety of
01:17:33.000 --> 01:17:35.000
01:17:35.000 --> 01:17:37.000
foreign proteins
01:17:37.000 --> 01:17:39.000
an ion channel
01:17:40.000 --> 01:17:43.000
an enzyme
01:17:43.000 --> 01:17:47.000
a RNA structural protein
01:17:47.000 --> 01:17:50.000
isn't hemagglutinine also a
01:17:50.000 --> 01:17:52.000
enzyme I mean
01:17:58.000 --> 01:18:03.000
how do they know that they've usefully augmented the immune system of these mice
01:18:03.000 --> 01:18:05.000
how do they know that they don't
01:18:06.000 --> 01:18:11.000
what they know is that in two weeks these animals didn't die and in two weeks some of these animals
01:18:11.000 --> 01:18:13.000
were sacrificed at
01:18:14.000 --> 01:18:17.000
I guess they died I don't know I just don't understand this
01:18:19.000 --> 01:18:21.000
the push
01:18:21.000 --> 01:18:23.000
ever forward more vaccines
01:18:23.000 --> 01:18:27.000
very different strains of the influenza and you see total protection
01:18:27.000 --> 01:18:29.000
so this is certainly going to make its way
01:18:29.000 --> 01:18:33.000
hopefully we're going to be in a situation you don't have to change every year
01:18:33.000 --> 01:18:35.000
your flu vaccine
01:18:35.000 --> 01:18:37.000
here's a treatment for heart failure using CAR-T approaches
01:18:37.000 --> 01:18:39.000
this has worked from
01:18:39.000 --> 01:18:41.000
Andrew Weisman who I say
01:18:41.000 --> 01:18:43.000
QEDIS is also involved in this
01:18:43.000 --> 01:18:47.000
and so a QEDIS his company is involved with Weisman
01:18:47.000 --> 01:18:49.000
running a treatment for heart failure
01:18:49.000 --> 01:18:53.000
where T cells are apparently
01:18:53.000 --> 01:18:55.000
controlling activated fibroblasts
01:18:55.000 --> 01:18:59.000
and this is probably some mouse model of heart failure
01:18:59.000 --> 01:19:01.000
that you know they can fix with this
01:19:01.000 --> 01:19:03.000
little it looks like they're putting a little pump
01:19:03.000 --> 01:19:05.000
inside the animal here
01:19:05.000 --> 01:19:07.000
they're injecting
01:19:07.000 --> 01:19:09.000
I don't know what they do here
01:19:09.000 --> 01:19:11.000
this is probably how they create the
01:19:11.000 --> 01:19:13.000
the heart problem with this thing
01:19:13.000 --> 01:19:15.000
and then they they inject the
01:19:15.000 --> 01:19:17.000
the lipid nanoparticle to fix it
01:19:17.000 --> 01:19:19.000
and then they come back and it's okay
01:19:19.000 --> 01:19:21.000
so saline saline
01:19:21.000 --> 01:19:23.000
angiotens in two
01:19:23.000 --> 01:19:25.000
I don't know what that does but it probably does something funny
01:19:25.000 --> 01:19:27.000
we could look that up
01:19:27.000 --> 01:19:29.000
01:19:30.000 --> 01:19:32.000
so in this case
01:19:32.000 --> 01:19:34.000
heart injury
01:19:34.000 --> 01:19:36.000
and then going in with a lipid nanoparticle
01:19:36.000 --> 01:19:38.000
targeted to T cells
01:19:38.000 --> 01:19:40.000
with antibodies against a CD5
01:19:40.000 --> 01:19:42.000
it's just for T cells and they contain
01:19:42.000 --> 01:19:44.000
mRNA coding for a car
01:19:44.000 --> 01:19:47.000
against the fibroblast activation protein
01:19:47.000 --> 01:19:49.000
so they go in there they're removing the scar tissue
01:19:49.000 --> 01:19:51.000
and you can see regaining
01:19:51.000 --> 01:19:54.000
or reducing fibrosis and regaining heart function
01:19:54.000 --> 01:19:57.000
do you see a reduction here
01:19:57.000 --> 01:19:59.000
between this one and that one
01:19:59.000 --> 01:20:01.000
it says that it's reduced
01:20:01.000 --> 01:20:03.000
the bar look but look at the spread here
01:20:03.000 --> 01:20:05.000
look at the spread here
01:20:05.000 --> 01:20:08.000
there's animals that are down here
01:20:08.000 --> 01:20:10.000
right here too
01:20:10.000 --> 01:20:12.000
is this a real significant result
01:20:12.000 --> 01:20:14.000
or is this the broken science
01:20:14.000 --> 01:20:16.000
initiative problem here
01:20:16.000 --> 01:20:19.000
where because the end numbers are low enough
01:20:19.000 --> 01:20:21.000
and because the variation is high enough
01:20:21.000 --> 01:20:23.000
this is not actually a significant result
01:20:23.000 --> 01:20:25.000
but with statistics
01:20:25.000 --> 01:20:27.000
we can make it powerful
01:20:27.000 --> 01:20:31.000
this is the magic that the broken science initiative
01:20:31.000 --> 01:20:33.000
is trying to dispel
01:20:33.000 --> 01:20:35.000
this is the spell right here
01:20:35.000 --> 01:20:37.000
in a nutshell where you measure things
01:20:37.000 --> 01:20:41.000
and think somehow that these results are
01:20:41.000 --> 01:20:44.000
collectively represent something
01:20:44.000 --> 01:20:47.000
that you can characterize using statistics
01:20:47.000 --> 01:20:50.000
that you have an idea of what the mean value is
01:20:50.000 --> 01:20:52.000
if you look at these numbers
01:20:52.000 --> 01:20:54.000
when in reality
01:20:54.000 --> 01:20:56.000
you're counting on the fact
01:20:56.000 --> 01:20:58.000
that the inbred mice
01:20:58.000 --> 01:21:01.000
are really inbred enough
01:21:01.000 --> 01:21:03.000
to be uniformed
01:21:03.000 --> 01:21:05.000
so that they're not contributing to this variation
01:21:05.000 --> 01:21:07.000
you think that your experiment that you ran
01:21:07.000 --> 01:21:09.000
and how you ran it is uniform enough
01:21:09.000 --> 01:21:12.000
so that it doesn't contribute to this variation
01:21:12.000 --> 01:21:14.000
you think that your experimenters
01:21:14.000 --> 01:21:16.000
and the animal caretakers have not contributed
01:21:16.000 --> 01:21:17.000
at all to this experiment
01:21:17.000 --> 01:21:19.000
even though it goes for three weeks
01:21:19.000 --> 01:21:21.000
and so their day-night cycle
01:21:21.000 --> 01:21:23.000
they're handling by caretakers
01:21:23.000 --> 01:21:24.000
the cleaning cages
01:21:24.000 --> 01:21:26.000
the whole thing matters
01:21:29.000 --> 01:21:32.000
and so the variation that's in this experiment
01:21:32.000 --> 01:21:36.000
is assumed to be exclusively from the manipulation that they do
01:21:36.000 --> 01:21:39.000
but in reality we know that this is biology
01:21:39.000 --> 01:21:41.000
so that's not possible
01:21:41.000 --> 01:21:45.000
to get that far down without a really beautiful experiment
01:21:45.000 --> 01:21:47.000
and it doesn't look like this is that
01:21:49.000 --> 01:21:52.000
that's the difficulty of this going forward
01:21:52.000 --> 01:21:54.000
is that we're going to have to accept
01:21:54.000 --> 01:21:56.000
how much charlatism
01:21:56.000 --> 01:22:02.000
charlatism is our current state of medicine is based on
01:22:04.000 --> 01:22:06.000
and also understand that we are up against
01:22:06.000 --> 01:22:08.000
that charlatism as well as the charlatism
01:22:08.000 --> 01:22:11.000
of the worst-case scenario of people
01:22:11.000 --> 01:22:13.000
Team worst-case scenario
01:22:13.000 --> 01:22:18.000
which has been on duty since the end of 2019 early 2020
01:22:19.000 --> 01:22:21.000
and is still on duty now
01:22:21.000 --> 01:22:23.000
pushing more stories
01:22:23.000 --> 01:22:25.000
ever-expanding list of bioweapons
01:22:25.000 --> 01:22:27.000
ever-expanding list of possibilities
01:22:27.000 --> 01:22:29.000
ever-expanding list of predictions
01:22:29.000 --> 01:22:31.000
that are coming right around the corner
01:22:32.000 --> 01:22:34.000
and never copying to the fact that
01:22:34.000 --> 01:22:36.000
there was no evidence of spread
01:22:37.000 --> 01:22:39.000
never copying to the fact that the biology of RNA
01:22:39.000 --> 01:22:41.000
doesn't support a pandemic
01:22:41.000 --> 01:22:43.000
never mind the fact that we've never tracked
01:22:43.000 --> 01:22:46.000
a single RNA molecule from a spill
01:22:46.000 --> 01:22:48.000
in a in a wet market
01:22:48.000 --> 01:22:50.000
around the world for four years
01:22:50.000 --> 01:22:53.000
with a really high fidelity phylogeny before
01:22:54.000 --> 01:22:56.000
and so it's pretty remarkable
01:22:56.000 --> 01:22:58.000
that in the midst of this
01:22:58.000 --> 01:23:01.000
catastrophic failure of public health systems
01:23:01.000 --> 01:23:04.000
we managed to get such a beautiful biological data set
01:23:08.000 --> 01:23:10.000
once you say it out loud it just sounds so absurd
01:23:10.000 --> 01:23:14.000
I mean the whole story just falls apart on its absurdity
01:23:17.000 --> 01:23:19.000
so this is kind of a neat thing to be able to do
01:23:20.000 --> 01:23:22.000
on patro
01:23:22.000 --> 01:23:24.000
which is a where we're taking sRNA
01:23:24.000 --> 01:23:26.000
to knock down a pathological protein
01:23:26.000 --> 01:23:28.000
01:23:28.000 --> 01:23:31.000
this can be done now using a gene editing approach
01:23:31.000 --> 01:23:33.000
where we essentially knock out
01:23:33.000 --> 01:23:35.000
the trans-thyroidin in the liver
01:23:35.000 --> 01:23:36.000
and you can see here
01:23:36.000 --> 01:23:37.000
this was a one-and-done therapy
01:23:37.000 --> 01:23:39.000
for this particular disorder
01:23:39.000 --> 01:23:42.000
so these are these are huge opportunities
01:23:43.000 --> 01:23:45.000
so that was CRISPR-Cas9
01:23:45.000 --> 01:23:47.000
in the liver of monkeys
01:23:47.000 --> 01:23:49.000
to edit away an enzyme
01:23:49.000 --> 01:23:51.000
this is actually
01:23:51.000 --> 01:23:54.000
he's about to talk about glucose 6-phosphate
01:23:54.000 --> 01:23:56.000
if you remember
01:23:56.000 --> 01:23:58.000
a little while ago
01:23:58.000 --> 01:24:00.000
we actually had this lady on
01:24:00.000 --> 01:24:02.000
and she talked about
01:24:02.000 --> 01:24:04.000
the glucose 6-phosphate
01:24:04.000 --> 01:24:07.000
protein circled here in red
01:24:07.000 --> 01:24:09.000
whose job it is
01:24:09.000 --> 01:24:13.000
is to
01:24:13.000 --> 01:24:15.000
to release stored sugars
01:24:15.000 --> 01:24:17.000
so that you can maintain
01:24:17.000 --> 01:24:19.000
a healthy blood sugar level
01:24:19.000 --> 01:24:21.000
while you're fasting
01:24:21.000 --> 01:24:23.000
so Von Gerge's disease patients
01:24:23.000 --> 01:24:25.000
can't fast
01:24:25.000 --> 01:24:27.000
they must constantly eat
01:24:27.000 --> 01:24:29.000
small amounts of carbohydrates
01:24:29.000 --> 01:24:31.000
including getting up every one or two hours
01:24:31.000 --> 01:24:32.000
during the night
01:24:32.000 --> 01:24:34.000
to eat raw corn starch
01:24:34.000 --> 01:24:37.000
now imagine the toll that this takes on parents
01:24:37.000 --> 01:24:39.000
and so this lady told us
01:24:39.000 --> 01:24:40.000
this story three years ago
01:24:40.000 --> 01:24:42.000
in reference to
01:24:42.000 --> 01:24:45.000
how mRNA is going to change the world
01:24:45.000 --> 01:24:48.000
and now this guy still selling the same story
01:24:48.000 --> 01:24:50.000
and it's still Moderna
01:24:50.000 --> 01:24:54.000
so that's kind of interesting right?
01:24:54.000 --> 01:24:56.000
we're going to tell the same story again
01:24:56.000 --> 01:24:58.000
how about how we're going to fix this
01:24:58.000 --> 01:24:59.000
with an mRNA
01:24:59.000 --> 01:25:00.000
this is the same sales pitch
01:25:00.000 --> 01:25:02.000
this is the same grant proposal
01:25:02.000 --> 01:25:05.000
it hasn't gone any farther than this
01:25:05.000 --> 01:25:10.000
so they're actually running out of schtick too
01:25:10.000 --> 01:25:13.000
they're running out of sales pitch
01:25:13.000 --> 01:25:16.000
it's starting to get old already
01:25:16.000 --> 01:25:19.000
and it's going to start to fray
01:25:19.000 --> 01:25:22.000
really rapidly over the next few weeks
01:25:22.000 --> 01:25:24.000
as we approach the new year
01:25:24.000 --> 01:25:26.000
it's going to fray really rapidly
01:25:26.000 --> 01:25:28.000
as we just lay it out step by step
01:25:28.000 --> 01:25:31.000
what's wrong with these things?
01:25:36.000 --> 01:25:39.000
and it's so fortunate that we have Peter Cullis
01:25:39.000 --> 01:25:41.000
to tell us exactly what's wrong with these things
01:25:41.000 --> 01:25:44.000
to exactly lay out the limitations of them
01:25:44.000 --> 01:25:47.000
to exactly tell us what we need to know
01:25:47.000 --> 01:25:49.000
and we don't need to prove it anymore
01:25:49.000 --> 01:25:53.000
with elaborate citations and everything
01:25:53.000 --> 01:25:56.000
we can just let the master speak
01:25:56.000 --> 01:25:58.000
and it's just beautiful
01:25:58.000 --> 01:26:00.000
and the master says things like
01:26:00.000 --> 01:26:02.000
it's a criminal thing
01:26:02.000 --> 01:26:04.000
that chemotherapy is used the way
01:26:04.000 --> 01:26:05.000
it's used
01:26:05.000 --> 01:26:08.000
I totally agree Dr. Cullis
01:26:08.000 --> 01:26:12.000
placement and I'm just going to go through these relatively quickly
01:26:12.000 --> 01:26:14.000
but as soon as a child is born
01:26:14.000 --> 01:26:16.000
they're not making a particular protein
01:26:16.000 --> 01:26:18.000
often you get in these situations
01:26:18.000 --> 01:26:19.000
the child will die
01:26:19.000 --> 01:26:22.000
if they don't get to get a particular
01:26:22.000 --> 01:26:24.000
replacement protein for that
01:26:24.000 --> 01:26:26.000
all of these types of disorders
01:26:26.000 --> 01:26:28.000
are going to be very rapidly treated
01:26:28.000 --> 01:26:30.000
using these 7P approach
01:26:30.000 --> 01:26:32.000
within a couple of months we can devise this medicine
01:26:32.000 --> 01:26:34.000
as soon as we know what the protein is
01:26:34.000 --> 01:26:35.000
that the child is not making
01:26:35.000 --> 01:26:37.000
and so in this case G6P
01:26:37.000 --> 01:26:39.000
with the now part is containing G6P
01:26:39.000 --> 01:26:40.000
for glycogen storage disease
01:26:40.000 --> 01:26:43.000
that is that IV will be made in the liver
01:26:43.000 --> 01:26:45.000
and this is an example for
01:26:45.000 --> 01:26:48.000
minus-minus mice with the G6P
01:26:48.000 --> 01:26:50.000
and you can see that we can then
01:26:50.000 --> 01:26:54.000
restore the levels of that protein
01:26:54.000 --> 01:26:57.000
and restore blood sugar levels etc.
01:26:57.000 --> 01:27:00.000
Propionic anomasodemius
01:27:00.000 --> 01:27:02.000
is an example where propionylcoic
01:27:02.000 --> 01:27:04.000
or difarboxylase is not made
01:27:04.000 --> 01:27:06.000
and again this is a
01:27:06.000 --> 01:27:08.000
toxic molecule that results
01:27:08.000 --> 01:27:10.000
from the lack of that protein
01:27:10.000 --> 01:27:12.000
if you administer the lipid nanoparticle
01:27:12.000 --> 01:27:14.000
containing mRNA that codes for it
01:27:14.000 --> 01:27:16.000
so then you basically bring things back to normal
01:27:16.000 --> 01:27:18.000
if you can't see
01:27:18.000 --> 01:27:20.000
so there again that's a problem
01:27:20.000 --> 01:27:22.000
because you can't replace a protein
01:27:22.000 --> 01:27:24.000
that you don't have it will be a foreign protein
01:27:24.000 --> 01:27:26.000
your immune system will attack it
01:27:26.000 --> 01:27:28.000
it won't have tolerance to it
01:27:28.000 --> 01:27:30.000
so that's a tricky thing
01:27:30.000 --> 01:27:32.000
you can do that on the short term
01:27:32.000 --> 01:27:34.000
it's pretty hard for me to imagine
01:27:34.000 --> 01:27:36.000
how they do it on the longer term
01:27:36.000 --> 01:27:38.000
if they have to repeatedly inject
01:27:38.000 --> 01:27:40.000
and here you see something that's really creepy
01:27:40.000 --> 01:27:42.000
where they have
01:27:42.000 --> 01:27:46.000
a hybrid kind of antibody that uses
01:27:46.000 --> 01:27:48.000
well anyway
01:27:48.000 --> 01:27:50.000
I don't really know how to explain that one too well
01:27:50.000 --> 01:27:52.000
I would have to read the paper
01:27:52.000 --> 01:27:54.000
but the mRNA codes for
01:27:54.000 --> 01:27:56.000
a antibody
01:27:56.000 --> 01:27:58.000
that ends up doing this
01:27:58.000 --> 01:28:00.000
so it's a bi-specific antibody
01:28:00.000 --> 01:28:02.000
which means that it's an antibody
01:28:02.000 --> 01:28:04.000
which has two different things
01:28:04.000 --> 01:28:06.000
on its receptor things
01:28:06.000 --> 01:28:08.000
which is also
01:28:08.000 --> 01:28:10.000
it's not natural
01:28:10.000 --> 01:28:12.000
so I don't
01:28:12.000 --> 01:28:14.000
I'm not saying that this doesn't work
01:28:14.000 --> 01:28:16.000
in a cancer you know thing
01:28:16.000 --> 01:28:18.000
or as a cancer therapy I'm just saying that now they're making
01:28:18.000 --> 01:28:20.000
he's talking about transfecting people with
01:28:20.000 --> 01:28:22.000
antibodies which are essentially synthetic
01:28:22.000 --> 01:28:24.000
they're synthetically designed
01:28:24.000 --> 01:28:26.000
their variable region is designed
01:28:26.000 --> 01:28:28.000
they are made
01:28:28.000 --> 01:28:30.000
like any other monoclonal antibody
01:28:30.000 --> 01:28:32.000
no they're not they're going to be made
01:28:32.000 --> 01:28:34.000
by mRNA
01:28:34.000 --> 01:28:36.000
so that's a very
01:28:36.000 --> 01:28:40.000
tricky added level of complexity
01:28:40.000 --> 01:28:42.000
if now they're
01:28:42.000 --> 01:28:44.000
purporting to design novel antibodies
01:28:44.000 --> 01:28:46.000
which they will then express
01:28:46.000 --> 01:28:48.000
by lipid nanoparticle
01:28:48.000 --> 01:28:50.000
now it's just not a protein
01:28:50.000 --> 01:28:52.000
that your immune system will
01:28:52.000 --> 01:28:54.000
will process it
01:28:54.000 --> 01:28:56.000
faithfully but now it's a protein
01:28:56.000 --> 01:28:58.000
that should have a function
01:28:58.000 --> 01:29:00.000
that you hope will manifest faithfully
01:29:00.000 --> 01:29:02.000
and I think we're adding
01:29:02.000 --> 01:29:04.000
even more complexity to
01:29:04.000 --> 01:29:06.000
to the unknowns that are
01:29:06.000 --> 01:29:08.000
transfection when we start
01:29:08.000 --> 01:29:10.000
01:29:10.000 --> 01:29:12.000
designer antibodies into people with the idea
01:29:12.000 --> 01:29:14.000
of novel cell interactions
01:29:14.000 --> 01:29:16.000
01:29:16.000 --> 01:29:18.000
facilitated by these antibodies
01:29:18.000 --> 01:29:20.000
not saying they won't work
01:29:20.000 --> 01:29:22.000
I'm just saying that I think a lot of assumptions
01:29:22.000 --> 01:29:24.000
are being made and we are
01:29:24.000 --> 01:29:26.000
a bull in a china shop
01:29:26.000 --> 01:29:28.000
if we think that we can augment a healthy
01:29:28.000 --> 01:29:30.000
immune system or augment a healthy
01:29:30.000 --> 01:29:32.000
human with these kinds
01:29:32.000 --> 01:29:34.000
of technologies so this is probably
01:29:34.000 --> 01:29:36.000
a cancer thing so great
01:29:36.000 --> 01:29:38.000
01:29:38.000 --> 01:29:40.000
if it's somebody's dying and this is the way
01:29:40.000 --> 01:29:42.000
you give them eight more years of life
01:29:42.000 --> 01:29:44.000
perfect but when we talk about
01:29:44.000 --> 01:29:46.000
and we hand wave
01:29:46.000 --> 01:29:48.000
when we use this to augment the immune system
01:29:48.000 --> 01:29:50.000
it drives me bananas
01:29:50.000 --> 01:29:52.000
because there's plenty of reason
01:29:52.000 --> 01:29:54.000
to use it on cancer patients that aren't going to survive
01:29:54.000 --> 01:29:56.000
it's plenty of reason maybe
01:29:56.000 --> 01:29:58.000
to try and replace
01:29:58.000 --> 01:30:00.000
or fix people with
01:30:00.000 --> 01:30:02.000
genetic deficiencies that are
01:30:02.000 --> 01:30:04.000
debilitating or whatever
01:30:04.000 --> 01:30:06.000
but Jesse Gelsinger
01:30:06.000 --> 01:30:08.000
would still be alive
01:30:11.000 --> 01:30:13.000
maybe he wouldn't be happy
01:30:14.000 --> 01:30:16.000
but I kind of think his dad
01:30:16.000 --> 01:30:18.000
and he would be happier than he they are now
01:30:24.000 --> 01:30:26.000
and so you're
01:30:29.000 --> 01:30:31.000
we just got to be careful ladies and gentlemen
01:30:31.000 --> 01:30:32.000
because they really plan to
01:30:32.000 --> 01:30:33.000
bamboozle us with this
01:30:33.000 --> 01:30:35.000
and I think it's a good place to stop
01:30:35.000 --> 01:30:37.000
I know that he says even more
01:30:37.000 --> 01:30:39.000
nonsense up here
01:30:39.000 --> 01:30:41.000
but he's already said the stuff that
01:30:41.000 --> 01:30:43.000
I wanted you to hear him say
01:30:43.000 --> 01:30:45.000
maybe I'll use this again
01:30:45.000 --> 01:30:47.000
or I'll cut some clips from the rest of it
01:30:47.000 --> 01:30:49.000
and if you want to see it I'm going to drop this in the chat
01:30:49.000 --> 01:30:51.000
so you can maybe watch this
01:30:51.000 --> 01:30:53.000
on your own
01:30:53.000 --> 01:30:55.000
this whole
01:30:55.000 --> 01:30:57.000
symposium is really crazy
01:30:57.000 --> 01:30:59.000
so there's this one
01:30:59.000 --> 01:31:01.000
guy that I was going to put on
01:31:01.000 --> 01:31:03.000
and then I found the
01:31:03.000 --> 01:31:05.000
the introduction
01:31:05.000 --> 01:31:07.000
by Peter
01:31:07.000 --> 01:31:09.000
and this guy is basically talking about
01:31:09.000 --> 01:31:11.000
how you know they're going to use
01:31:11.000 --> 01:31:13.000
it for everything
01:31:13.000 --> 01:31:15.000
and so it's an enthusiastic
01:31:15.000 --> 01:31:17.000
next step guy
01:31:17.000 --> 01:31:19.000
and it's
01:31:19.000 --> 01:31:21.000
it's an incredible talk to
01:31:21.000 --> 01:31:23.000
I don't know if I'll get around to doing a study hall on it
01:31:23.000 --> 01:31:25.000
but I would recommend this one as well
01:31:25.000 --> 01:31:27.000
so I'll drop that in the chat
01:31:29.000 --> 01:31:31.000
I am really tired though
01:31:31.000 --> 01:31:33.000
I actually got talked
01:31:33.000 --> 01:31:35.000
01:31:35.000 --> 01:31:37.000
I got talked into doing
01:31:37.000 --> 01:31:39.000
all the horses with the boys
01:31:39.000 --> 01:31:41.000
and then the other coach
01:31:41.000 --> 01:31:43.000
gave a lot of horses tonight
01:31:43.000 --> 01:31:45.000
so after I opened my big mouth
01:31:45.000 --> 01:31:47.000
that said that we're running horses from now
01:31:47.000 --> 01:31:49.000
I'm because we need to get
01:31:49.000 --> 01:31:51.000
everybody in shape
01:31:51.000 --> 01:31:53.000
then Zach put us on the
01:31:53.000 --> 01:31:55.000
on the baseline and I ran a little more
01:31:55.000 --> 01:31:57.000
than I wanted to so I'm okay
01:31:57.000 --> 01:31:59.000
I'm going to be sore tomorrow
01:31:59.000 --> 01:32:01.000
but the boys ran hard too so that was really fun
01:32:01.000 --> 01:32:03.000
thank you very much for joining me
01:32:03.000 --> 01:32:05.000
ladies and gentlemen this has been
01:32:05.000 --> 01:32:07.000
a very logical
01:32:07.000 --> 01:32:09.000
a high resistance low noise
01:32:09.000 --> 01:32:11.000
information brief brought to you
01:32:11.000 --> 01:32:13.000
by a biologist
01:32:13.000 --> 01:32:15.000
we are still trying to fight our way through this
01:32:15.000 --> 01:32:17.000
it's a bunch of people
01:32:17.000 --> 01:32:19.000
and you might put this slide up and say
01:32:19.000 --> 01:32:21.000
there was a novel virus
01:32:21.000 --> 01:32:23.000
millions of people died with millions more were saved
01:32:23.000 --> 01:32:25.000
it probably came from gain of function
01:32:25.000 --> 01:32:27.000
but gain of functions real for sure
01:32:27.000 --> 01:32:29.000
and that's why a virus may come again
01:32:29.000 --> 01:32:31.000
or you can explain it in more general terms
01:32:31.000 --> 01:32:33.000
and just say it's a huge
01:32:33.000 --> 01:32:35.000
chest that's being played
01:32:35.000 --> 01:32:37.000
all over the world
01:32:39.000 --> 01:32:41.000
and this huge game of chess
01:32:41.000 --> 01:32:43.000
is actually this train exercise
01:32:43.000 --> 01:32:45.000
01:32:45.000 --> 01:32:47.000
and there are competing interests
01:32:47.000 --> 01:32:49.000
within this theater
01:32:51.000 --> 01:32:53.000
there are competing interests
01:32:53.000 --> 01:32:55.000
but this theater has all agreed
01:32:55.000 --> 01:32:57.000
they were not going to talk about
01:32:57.000 --> 01:32:59.000
they do not resuscitate orders
01:32:59.000 --> 01:33:01.000
they're not going to talk about ventilators
01:33:01.000 --> 01:33:03.000
or use of steroids
01:33:03.000 --> 01:33:05.000
or remdesivir, medazolam, or opioid deaths
01:33:05.000 --> 01:33:07.000
and how they contribute to excess deaths
01:33:07.000 --> 01:33:09.000
and we're not going to talk about
01:33:09.000 --> 01:33:11.000
death certificate frauds
01:33:11.000 --> 01:33:13.000
we're just going to talk about the virus
01:33:13.000 --> 01:33:15.000
bio-weapons spike protein
01:33:15.000 --> 01:33:17.000
and mild carditis
01:33:21.000 --> 01:33:23.000
and this is the train stopping exercise
01:33:23.000 --> 01:33:25.000
we're just going to talk about
01:33:25.000 --> 01:33:27.000
how everybody's vulnerable
01:33:27.000 --> 01:33:29.000
we're just going to talk about PCR testing
01:33:29.000 --> 01:33:31.000
we're just going to talk about
01:33:31.000 --> 01:33:33.000
novel treatments
01:33:33.000 --> 01:33:35.000
and how they're necessary for a novel virus
01:33:35.000 --> 01:33:37.000
we're just going to talk about
01:33:37.000 --> 01:33:39.000
01:33:39.000 --> 01:33:41.000
and what novel protocols are necessary
01:33:41.000 --> 01:33:43.000
how remdesivir might work
01:33:43.000 --> 01:33:45.000
we're just going to talk about
01:33:45.000 --> 01:33:47.000
everything that doesn't make you
01:33:47.000 --> 01:33:49.000
solve the puzzle
01:33:51.000 --> 01:33:53.000
and more importantly
01:33:53.000 --> 01:33:55.000
we're going to talk about one thing
01:33:55.000 --> 01:33:57.000
and we're going to coordinate
01:33:57.000 --> 01:33:59.000
people's thing
01:33:59.000 --> 01:34:01.000
there's going to be one VAERS expert
01:34:01.000 --> 01:34:03.000
and one Ivermectin expert
01:34:03.000 --> 01:34:05.000
and one hydroxychloroquine advocate
01:34:05.000 --> 01:34:07.000
and one cancer advocate
01:34:07.000 --> 01:34:09.000
and one mild carditis
01:34:09.000 --> 01:34:11.000
01:34:11.000 --> 01:34:15.000
and one claiming
01:34:15.000 --> 01:34:17.000
01:34:17.000 --> 01:34:21.000
RNA intellectual property
01:34:21.000 --> 01:34:23.000
and we're all going to stick to our stories
01:34:23.000 --> 01:34:25.000
and when we move
01:34:25.000 --> 01:34:27.000
and when we shift to the next story
01:34:27.000 --> 01:34:29.000
then the other people are going to shift to
01:34:29.000 --> 01:34:31.000
another story too
01:34:31.000 --> 01:34:33.000
so that we can all pretend
01:34:33.000 --> 01:34:35.000
to be working this train at once
01:34:35.000 --> 01:34:37.000
all the time not getting each other's
01:34:37.000 --> 01:34:39.000
way all the time not stepping on each other's
01:34:39.000 --> 01:34:41.000
toes even though we don't
01:34:41.000 --> 01:34:43.000
have the time to pay attention to what each other
01:34:43.000 --> 01:34:45.000
is saying
01:34:45.000 --> 01:34:47.000
as long as we agree that there was a
01:34:47.000 --> 01:34:49.000
novel virus that millions of people were killed
01:34:49.000 --> 01:34:51.000
by and millions more were saved from
01:34:51.000 --> 01:34:53.000
and the gain of function is real
01:34:53.000 --> 01:34:55.000
and we won't step on each other's toes
01:34:55.000 --> 01:34:57.000
and you can sell
01:34:57.000 --> 01:34:59.000
your Ivermectin book and I can sell my
01:34:59.000 --> 01:35:01.000
lies book and she can sell
01:35:01.000 --> 01:35:03.000
their bio-weapons book
01:35:03.000 --> 01:35:05.000
and everybody wins
01:35:07.000 --> 01:35:09.000
I don't know what the competing interests are
01:35:09.000 --> 01:35:11.000
I don't know who the teams are
01:35:11.000 --> 01:35:13.000
but I do
01:35:13.000 --> 01:35:15.000
know that that's what we need to find out
01:35:15.000 --> 01:35:17.000
who's on
01:35:17.000 --> 01:35:19.000
whose team
01:35:19.000 --> 01:35:21.000
who's the boss of that team
01:35:21.000 --> 01:35:23.000
who's the underlings of that team
01:35:23.000 --> 01:35:25.000
how big are the teams
01:35:25.000 --> 01:35:27.000
that's what we need to find out
01:35:27.000 --> 01:35:29.000
is there a ranking between the teams?
01:35:29.000 --> 01:35:31.000
are the oligarchs up here
01:35:31.000 --> 01:35:33.000
and the social media
01:35:33.000 --> 01:35:35.000
oligarchs up here
01:35:35.000 --> 01:35:37.000
and the people in government
01:35:37.000 --> 01:35:39.000
down here
01:35:39.000 --> 01:35:41.000
or is it the banks
01:35:41.000 --> 01:35:43.000
and then the government
01:35:43.000 --> 01:35:45.000
and then the oligarchs and then
01:35:45.000 --> 01:35:47.000
we need to find out
01:35:47.000 --> 01:35:49.000
we need to understand
01:35:49.000 --> 01:35:51.000
we need to expose
01:35:51.000 --> 01:35:53.000
the people who performed
01:35:53.000 --> 01:35:55.000
this theater who misled us
01:35:55.000 --> 01:35:57.000
and who are attempting
01:35:57.000 --> 01:35:59.000
to actively mislead
01:35:59.000 --> 01:36:01.000
our children
01:36:05.000 --> 01:36:07.000
that's the goal
01:36:07.000 --> 01:36:09.000
ladies and gentlemen
01:36:09.000 --> 01:36:11.000
we've got to stop them from
01:36:11.000 --> 01:36:13.000
misleading our children
01:36:15.000 --> 01:36:17.000
please stop all
01:36:17.000 --> 01:36:19.000
because they are trying to eliminate
01:36:19.000 --> 01:36:21.000
the controlled group by any means
01:36:21.000 --> 01:36:23.000
necessary please share this stream
01:36:23.000 --> 01:36:25.000
with everybody that you know
01:36:25.000 --> 01:36:27.000
because intramuscular injection
01:36:27.000 --> 01:36:29.000
of any combination of substances
01:36:29.000 --> 01:36:31.000
with the intent of augmenting
01:36:31.000 --> 01:36:33.000
the immune system is dumb
01:36:33.000 --> 01:36:35.000
transfection in healthy humans
01:36:35.000 --> 01:36:37.000
is criminally negligent
01:36:37.000 --> 01:36:39.000
and viruses are not patterned
01:36:39.000 --> 01:36:41.000
01:36:41.000 --> 01:36:43.000
this has been a presentation
01:36:43.000 --> 01:36:45.000
of the independent bright web
01:36:45.000 --> 01:36:47.000
01:36:47.000 --> 01:36:49.000
that's a website
01:36:49.000 --> 01:36:51.000
and there you can find ways to support the stream
01:36:51.000 --> 01:36:53.000
including a one-time donation
01:36:53.000 --> 01:36:55.000
or a regular subscription
01:36:55.000 --> 01:36:57.000
if you do tend to subscribe
01:36:57.000 --> 01:36:59.000
and you become like a producer
01:36:59.000 --> 01:37:01.000
or a collaborator
01:37:01.000 --> 01:37:03.000
there are other ways that we can make that
01:37:03.000 --> 01:37:05.000
worth your while including
01:37:05.000 --> 01:37:07.000
me giving a private zoom
01:37:07.000 --> 01:37:09.000
conversation to your family and friends
01:37:09.000 --> 01:37:11.000
your work whenever you want
01:37:11.000 --> 01:37:13.000
there's lots of ways that we can make that
01:37:13.000 --> 01:37:15.000
and if you want to give on biologicals
01:37:15.000 --> 01:37:17.000
my website
01:37:17.000 --> 01:37:19.000
if you want to support
01:37:19.000 --> 01:37:21.000
please go there and do it
01:37:21.000 --> 01:37:23.000
it's not going to go to waste
01:37:23.000 --> 01:37:25.000
I've got a lot of work planned
01:37:25.000 --> 01:37:27.000
and 2024 is going to be a new level
01:37:27.000 --> 01:37:29.000
of giggle and biological
01:37:29.000 --> 01:37:31.000
I'd love you to be a part of it
01:37:31.000 --> 01:37:33.000
again you can watch the stream
01:37:33.000 --> 01:37:35.000
there you can also starting next week
01:37:35.000 --> 01:37:37.000
you're going to be able to download the
01:37:37.000 --> 01:37:39.000
stream deck every Thursday
01:37:39.000 --> 01:37:41.000
and it'll be a deck that corresponds
01:37:41.000 --> 01:37:43.000
every week
01:37:43.000 --> 01:37:45.000
the schedule is usually updated
01:37:45.000 --> 01:37:47.000
and again if you want to subscribe
01:37:47.000 --> 01:37:49.000
it's down here on the bottom
01:37:49.000 --> 01:37:51.000
there's also a phone number to call there
01:37:51.000 --> 01:37:53.000
if you'd like to leave a voice message
01:37:53.000 --> 01:37:55.000
and I'd love to play it on the air
01:37:55.000 --> 01:37:57.000
so please do it. Thanks for joining me
01:37:57.000 --> 01:37:59.000
and I'll see you guys again tomorrow