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10 months ago
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still very hard for me to be on this stupid keyboard is so tiny. But otherwise I wouldn't have a desk.
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Thanks very much for joining me, firing it up in just one second. They just got to get something on
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on record here. Sorry to put you through this pain. Or maybe it's not pain. Maybe it'll be as
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comical as to you as I find it. And I assure you, ladies and gentlemen, that I find this comical.
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So, well, you don't know what I'm talking about yet. Good to see everybody. Left hand,
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monkey wrench two is first on my screen, although there are a lot of people here. And thank you
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very much for being here.
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The gigaspiral has gone, the weed has taken as a hyper association induced by
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excess THC intoxication has led to a state of hyper connection vigilance. This is this,
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this is this, this and this connects to this. And so he's taking, it's a complex series of
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variables that you're having to deal with. And, like I say, he's because he's such a slimy little
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shit, skinny bar zoom, skinny bar zoom, skinny bar zoom, that he was courting the no virus
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people. And he turned around and shit on him too, right? No one likes him.
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Right. As, as, how should we say, I have to sit there and
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in temperate as I come across on the internet. And I have people clutching their pearls.
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I'm actually far, far easier to get along with than gigaspiral. And, you know, why do,
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why do I do this approach on the internet? Oh, there's no chat. Where's that gone?
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I can't see it anymore. And I can't breathe that fucking tiny order.
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There's a reason why I've sort of taken this approach. It was very obvious to me very early
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on that people would not listen. And I got censored very hard, very quickly, as I've tried to warn people
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about essentially neurocovid and the impact of amyloids on
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the internet.
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So they're shining, tear away the dawn.
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No warning around, just me and the sky.
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I'm already in a daydream.
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I'm already in a daydream.
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I'm already in a daydream.
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The sky is calling, calling on my name.
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Tell me just to stay, say it don't go away.
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I'm already in a daydream.
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I'm already in a daydream.
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Tell me just to stay, say it don't go away.
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I'm already in a daydream.
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Let me just, this is a very awkward change here because I actually, of course, don't have those things downloaded all the time.
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I have to switch back over to my new device, you're sorry about that, here I come.
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Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen.
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I had to have a little extra musical interlude in there in order to cleanse my brain after playing the original clip at the beginning, the start of the show.
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It's important to realize that there are certain badges of honor that are also kind of painful to wear.
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Some of the parasites, the clown cars that I've had following me over the last, let's say four years now,
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have, they don't not weigh on my consciousness, I have to admit, kudos to them, they do their job well.
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And so occasionally, I have to admit, I do lose a few minutes checking in on what these clown cars and these parasites are doing with my messages.
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I got to say, what I see is desperation.
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What I see is some serious desperation.
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And so it makes me feel really good, actually, that we're so over the target now, that people really have nothing else to do but just attribute bad motives to our ideas.
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You know, the guy that we talked about showed at the beginning that I will affectionately refer to as the raccoon commander doesn't seem to want to talk about there being no evidence of any spreading risk, additive pathogen in New York City or anywhere else.
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He wants to talk about infectious clones, but only since I've talked about them.
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And in fact, before that, he didn't really seem to know that they were there.
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And now in 2024, one of his latest videos, he'd like to tell you that, of course, bioweapons use recombinant DNA technology, but he's still not really accurately telling you why RNA can't pandemic and it's instead the exact opposite.
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He's never mentioned the idea that placebo batches might be involved in this illusion of effectiveness and safety.
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He's never really said that transfection in healthy mammals is dumb and certainly not in the timeframe in which anyone would have been saved.
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And that same guy who spends hours and hours of his time trying to earn money as my parasite or my clown car, however you want to refer to him, doesn't seem to be able to realize that a biosecurity state or an international collection of evil guys would probably use an awful lot of lies.
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And would probably use an awful lot of liars like him, whitting or unwitting, coerced or not coerced to create the illusion of a pandemic.
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And so I just wear him as a badge of honor anytime I see that someone is attributing bad motives to me and my little family here renting our house in Pittsburgh, boy, we're bad people.
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We turn on the internet and man cameras on the other hand, oh my goodness.
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And rather than talking about our ideas, they spend, you know, up to this point, Kevin McCarran, if you just distilled down the raccoon commander to the time that he has spent addressing me and not the biology that I've been trying to work through.
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I think it would be hundreds of hours and how can I not see that as a compliment?
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I don't really know how else to say it.
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People are being paid so that you don't see what we are showing on GIGO and biological or so that the ideas that we are trying to share with the world are not seen by enough people to matter.
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And so, you know, this is where we are. It's a really fun place to be.
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It's exciting because I have friends and I have colleagues and I have people that I think are in this fight with me and I trust some people because of their consistent pattern of behavior, their consistent pattern of integrity.
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And if there's anything that that short one and a half minute clip at the beginning of this stream will show you is that there are many, many people without that unblemished track record of integrity that are part of the illusion that we were caught up in that I and many others were caught up in.
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And so it is with very humble, it's very humble that I'm trying to be very humble at all times because I too was taken by these charlatans.
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My family was taken by me. I didn't pull my head out really, start effectively pulling my head out until 2022 and that is evident on my web page under the link Scooby.
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And it has become my, basically I hope I can dedicate the rest of my life to trying to make gentle life in this world in the vein that this man meant it to be and said it.
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I think it's possible that this guy right here in the photo wasn't actually a genuine good American.
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And so I don't think it's wrong to look back to some of the things that he said and reflect on.
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And that says nothing about his son, it just says about our history and where we can still look in American history for guidance and for leadership and it's still recorded and available.
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Ladies and gentlemen, in America, we have been divided by a media that wanted to divide us.
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We have been lied to by a biosecurity state that wanted to enslave us.
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And the way that they did it is with a coordinated wave of lies.
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And if you have been here for a while, you might be surfing the wave like this guy with the red pants on or you might have just joined us and we can help you surf like this little kid.
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And the idea is to try and stay safe in these rough waters as we try to make the transition out of them.
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And so I guess I already said this, but if you've been here for a while, you are indeed here at the top of the wave where we stay focused on the biology.
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We don't take their bait on television and social media.
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And we love our neighbors and we try best to in order to make connection with them because the skilled TV watchers are the ones that need to be awakened.
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Not everybody can be, but if you spread the word of giga ohm biological share clips that Jeff from Earth makes and try not to be afraid, but try to understand that I think you can make progress.
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We have a small stream.
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We are funded exclusively by viewers like you with small donations every month.
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And I should make a couple shout outs today.
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There's a William I should shout out to Rockey.
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I got your your letter.
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And I got a note about Alan Watts, not Alan Watts or whoever that that that hippie guy was, but a different Alan Watts and I'm really excited about that note.
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I got a card from Brian.
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Says he's been watching me for about eight months.
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And I've gotten another.
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Something from Zig.
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The P.O. box is working. Let's say it that way.
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So as as kind of, I don't know what you want to call it, but as a recovering academic biologist recovering academy edition on the Internet, I am very.
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I'm very impressed with all the people that help my family and thank you guys all very, very much. I don't know how to say it any other way.
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Good morning again, this is Giga Ohm biological.
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It's the 21st of May, 2024. My name is Jonathan Cooley. I'm coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from the back of my garage.
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It's a nice day again. I've got the back door open. I'm enjoying my morning.
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I'm done with coffee though. I'm on the water.
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I'm a human just like you. I have to pay attention to what I eat. I have to deal with three children and a marriage.
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And so there's a lot of balls in the air all the time here, but I try to be here every day as often as possible, just like you go to your job every day.
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And just like your kids go to school every day.
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I'm trying to make it a contribution worth listening to a kind of a stream.
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Worth. Oh, there's a chicken there. It's a stream worth following. And so I hope if you find this stream following worthy, then please share it with your family and friends. Ladies and gentlemen, intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
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And so I think that transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic.
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And we're going to spend the next, you know, months or years trying to explain the overarching biological ideas that edify these three concepts because I think if you teach biology from this perspective and teach the way that that our immune system or whatever that system is functions in this context.
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And how malevolent what has been done to us over the last 20 years has been.
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And I do say the last 20 years, because it's become clear to me over the last year and a half or two years of really, really struggling to to find the walls of the cage that we are in.
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It has become very clear to me that the spread of these bad ideas was started much earlier than the pandemic. In fact, the sort of lemming like behavior that was instigated that was triggered at the start of the pandemic would never have been possible unless most of these
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bad ideas and their, their sort of precursors weren't already in place. And in fact, authority figures had to believe bureaucracies had to believe in these bad ideas before spreading them among the populace would have the illusion of consensus to support their adoption.
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Holy cow. That's the best I've ever said that. I don't even want to try and say it again. You should just replay it.
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And so that's really where we are.
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Please tell me I changed this slide.
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Oh, you demon. Why are you such an idiot? So I tell you why I was such an idiot because the way that this goes is this is called the Vance Crow podcast. And it's from the 24th of April, 2020.
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And I'll just save it to be sure I don't not save it. And then I'll start from the current slide again darn I'm a dork.
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Okay, so for you guys that are, you know, cutting the perfect copy here I'll do it like this.
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I want to make sure solar fire I know who that Alan Watts is and I'm talking about a reference to Alan Watt, which we will go to over here. Yes, yes, like that. This Alan Watt.
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Alan Watt on the Intel strike report.
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The general public don't really realize this is the key even though they think they're waking up the they have been out at all out war for a long time stepped it up with the inoculations they've discussed ways of getting chemicals into the brain.
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Apparently this Alan Watt with one W is an interesting fella as well. So I got this in the mail because PO boxes work. And so I'm going to check that out. I just appreciate the fact that people are using the PO box that fearless set up for us.
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And once Crow podcast 2024 April 2020 I was going to save this for like Thursday or some other time. I was going to hint that I was going to do it but then I realized I could only find a copy on YouTube and I'm afraid that once we use it it's going to be taken down.
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I'm going to be able to download.
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If you're able to download the video that I'm playing now which I will try to let me see if I can get a a link for you link. Oh, no, that won't work.
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Maybe I have it over here.
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I can get it over here. I'll get the link from this history.
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Yeah, because if there are people that have subscribed to YouTube for whatever reason that you're so to call that you're into that, then I can give you this and.
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And this video could be downloaded and we should load it up to.
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We should load it up to other platforms to make sure that it's not lost. So here we go. I'm going to start this now because I don't know how much time I have I may have to stop it short.
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1240 or so I'm going to have to cut it off so we have one hour now I'm going to play it fast if not we're just going to make a part two either after basketball or this will be part two will be tomorrow.
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But there are parts where they're going to talk about things that we might be able to tap through and I also have it at 1.5 speed and from what I listened to in the beginning it was okay.
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I mean either of these guys is hard to understand so I do think for at least native English speakers this should be okay what the hell happened there.
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Hopefully my, my Mac is not going to putts out on me.
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Here we go.
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So of course this music.
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Welcome to podcast.
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Thank you for having advanced appreciate what you're doing here there's a lot I think there's a lot of misinformation out there and we need alternative views on this.
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So you and I just met we just figured out how to get our Skype hooked up but you were somebody that a good friend of mine Rob Long who goes by plantables on Twitter pointed out and said this guy has different ideas then where what other people are saying.
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And I thought that's funny it's a cannabis genomics researcher.
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Maybe he's just getting high and having like high ideas that are funny to look at and I flip over to your Twitter and I see that you are clearly a scientist.
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You are looking at data and you're coming to conclusions that are different than what I'm hearing in other places.
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And you have a very different voice and so I thought man that is a very interesting character no matter what he believes it's going to be interesting to hear about so thanks for coming on the podcast man.
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Yeah, well no problem I guess I have to let me give you some sense the background.
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Sorry I told you this would have like ever eat processed.
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But it won't happen very often.
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Let me give you some sense the background so what does it think I'm just out here smoking weed and coming up with crazy ideas.
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My history actually started back on the human genome project in 96 so I work with Eric Lander on that at MIT at the White Institute.
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I was I was responsible is there were the build a DNA purification and sequencing pipeline for the human genome project.
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So I'm familiar with the testing I've been really attentive to what's going on in COVID because everyone's tripping over themselves getting testing going and this isn't something that should be a problem the only reason why we have problems and testing is really
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regulatory if it's really dig into it we can do millions and millions of tests without a problem if the regulations get out of the way.
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But my background of the human genome project led me into buildings and startups I started a company called Azure Core Biosciences that company built DNA and RNA isolation kits and was a large DNA sequencing facility one of the larger ones actually in the country back in 2000 to 2005.
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Beckman Coulter came and acquired that company because we have really good HIV detection tools very pertinent to what we're talking about here in in COVID detection.
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But we also had a DNA sequencer or a skunk's work project that was getting built that got spun out and later got acquired by biosystems this is a DNA sequencer known as the solid sequencer 35.
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I'm not sure what a skunk works is does what does that mean if she has a skunk works project what does does anyone know what that means he said that his sequencer was a skunk works project.
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We did HIV testing technologies, which we already knew right.
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My handwriting is going to be terrible here because I'm playing it fast but I want to try and get it done because I don't want to waste multiple days on it I just want to hit the highlights of how how spectacular it is.
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And this is April 2020 April 24 2020. I've already been on five consecutive weekends of multi hour streams with Paul Catrell and Kevin McCarron by now.
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So I think he's also already authored the Korman Jorston objection report, which didn't object to using PCR as a way of identifying a novel virus, but objected to the specific contents of the Korman or the Jorston test that was published and circulated by the who.
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So there are very particular things that I just, you know, kind of want to repeat and I want to hit so they're going to feel familiar it's because you've been paying attention for a long time and if you haven't heard these things are you surprised by what he's saying in 2020 or the
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didn't even know that he spoke out with so many brilliant ideas in 2020, then maybe you should reconsider where this guy sits in the pantheon of white horse riding bald eagle.
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Falconry people that are that are supposedly riding to our to our to our to save us.
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So that sequence are at the time no one really believe what it could do, but it was basically a hundred thousand times faster than what was on the market at the time which is why our 19 person company got acquired like a year after publishing a paper on this stuff.
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But that became just my audience is very very acquainted with genetics, a lot of them are farmers agriculture a bunch of scientists but when you're saying it's a hundred times faster to sequence what do you mean sequence what.
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We were mostly sequencing cancer genomes at the time but this thing was it wasn't a hundred times is a hundred thousand times faster. It was an absolute like in rocket ship and we weren't the only one that had this time there's a couple other technology that came at the same time that were hyper competitive.
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So what you saw in the sequencing market is a rapid decay in the price of sequencing because we had multiple parties competing in a more or less free market at the time.
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One of the main objectives of feeding the AI which is what I put very repeatedly up on the up on the slide show.
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When I start the show every day or when there is a slide isn't there in this one yeah there is one right here.
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I'm usually using this slide and what I mean by this slide of course is that they want to be able to extract as much data from our children as possible they're trying to set up a generational shift in how children and parents think about each
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other how how they think about their sovereignty over the the absolutely pure beautiful perfect being that is their baby and instead think of it as a essentially an experimental subject somebody to be experimented on for the sake of future humanity
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and that experimentation at this stage unfortunately because we haven't really been able to usefully penetrate the irreducible complexity of life that that defines us.
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The main thing that they think they can do right now is try to learn to collect data as as detailed data as possible.
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Similarly to how they try to predict weather with more and more measurements they think that I feed into bigger supercomputers and to a certain extent that might work they might be able to extend the accuracy of a weather forecast from you know 24 hours to 36 hours with
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with more and more measurements but at a certain moment the understanding of the system is your is what's holding you back.
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And it's important to understand that when he talks about skunk works projects which people say I guess are a secret internal project inside of a company that not everybody knows is really a military supported thing I don't know.
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He's worked for the Department of Energy because that's where the Human Genome Project originally said and I'm sure the Human Genome Project in its in its heyday was more or less a secret project because those technologies in theory could be leaked to other countries etc.
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Maybe there was some collaboration but I'm sure that the intellectual property itself was very well guarded and in fact Kevin McCurnan and his brothers are direct beneficiaries of the intellectual property that was produced in the Department of Energy in the Human Genome Project.
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Even if he doesn't want to actually say that he was you know when you work for a university all the intellectual property that you make belongs to the university but somehow he was able to leave the Human Genome Project in the Whitehead Institute with the intellectual property that he created and start a company and make make a huge profit from it.
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That's always the way everybody is allowed to take intellectual property out of a university place never mind if they weren't even a 10 year track person but they were working for the government.
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And so the point I'm trying to make here is is that sequencing technologies and the be able to do it cheaper and more accurately and higher throughput is about all they have in terms of the collection of data that they imagine that they need to assemble in order for the AI to make
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progress in understanding how the human genome is somehow reflected in the in the dynamical pattern integrity that is a living be breathing baby.
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And we don't understand that yet and so the idea of oh yeah well we're going to solve all these problems in 10 years or 15 years like Kurtzweiler said a few months back or a few weeks back on a video.
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Kurtzweiler and and Lander and they all are the same and and leader Berg and all these people are they're all the same group of of like minded individuals that that see us as just useful tools to achieve a goal.
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The most important point that I think that Mark Kulak has made in the last few weeks that nobody really wants to repeat because it's hard to repeat, you know, safely.
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The thing that they hide the most about World War II is the amount of human experimentation that went on and the amount of potential data that was gathered and how that data is you're you're distracted.
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You're not even told that that data exists. You're supposed to focus on the furnaces.
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Why do you think they let all those people leave it to all those people get away.
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The knowledge that was gained on direct human experimentation the knowledge that cannot be gained no matter how many millions of dollars you spend on a giant primate lab in Texas.
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You're never going to learn as much as you could from an orphanage of children.
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And right now the bottom line is is that you cannot possibly believe that what we see here whoops sorry is real.
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And you must learn the history the history of these people and what they said in 2020 before we're really going to be able to see through this illusion.
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And I think what's in this video is going to shock everybody.
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And that drove the cost of sequencing down faster than Moore's law but they say computer speeds double every 18 months this thing was like going more like 10 x every 18 months it was really remarkable at the pace at which sequencing collapsed.
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Now that we have this really cheap and affordable sequencing capacity.
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The Department of Energy is also where nuclear weapons is that's why they run it.
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There's even tools that can do it on USB sticks now so now you can really you can actually take a sequencer into the jungle and sequence Ebola.
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You can do all of this work that means that we're we're now seeing all of this microbial and viral flux through the through the ecosystem that we've never been able to see before and it's scaring the daylights out people.
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However, if you take a little bit more of a evolutionary perspective here.
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What's that cheap and affordable sequencing capacity.
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It can be deployed there's even tools that can do it on USB sticks now so now you can really you can actually take a sequencer into the jungle and sequence Ebola.
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You can sequence environmental DNA you can do all of this work.
34:13.320 --> 34:19.320
That means that we're we're now seeing all of this microbial and viral flux through the through the ecosystem that we've never been able to see before and it's scaring the daylights out people.
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Okay, so let's just see what that might mean from the perspective of.
34:24.320 --> 34:26.320
34:26.320 --> 34:30.320
What an what an interesting thing to say Kevin.
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Because because as I recall one of the points that I made actually in a multiple presentations to Kevin is that a pre existing background signal could easily have been misconstrued as spread if they had already had.
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Sorry, I didn't want to get a slide up here if they already had the technology to do that sequencing and did it before the pandemic.
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It sounds to me like Mr human genome project is saying that they've had pretty cheap and highly effective sequencing technologies the side of the size of a USB stick for a while now you can go into the jungle and sequence Ebola which means it's pretty possible.
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That my hypothesis which I've been been completely ignored by all of these people who attribute I mean Kevin McCurnan attributes bad motives to to my to my ideas.
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And to me rather than addressing my ideas that's that's his strategy for the last year and a half.
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Patently obvious they're blatantly obvious whatever the right word is in the English language to say that this guy has to be a medler we've already heard it all right here.
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What more could we possibly hear there's going to be a whole hour of this nonsense.
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We're so much of the biology that we've been talking about now for two or three years will actually just be thrown around in 2020 a little bit but not really acknowledged because there is a new thing.
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But here he was already this is a slip.
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You can't say what he just said and then believe that there's a novel coronavirus around because sequencing tools are that high fidelity that doesn't even make sense.
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Maybe his first assumption should be since he's worked for the government long enough to know is that wow I mean we've had this sequencing technology available to the public for a while so I guess the government already knows what that background is.
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In fact he said it.
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We're starting to see this flux in the background and it's scary in the hell out of everybody.
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We just started seeing it when five years ago eight years ago we started watching it we noticed patterns because that's really what it is in nature patterns not rules.
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We understood the pattern we just announced to everybody that wow it looks like there's a spreading thing and then we detected the pattern.
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Now I'm not saying that the pattern is a coronavirus I'm not saying that the pattern is an infectious clone the pattern could be just noise in the background that was sufficiently characterized so that they knew how to build a lateral flow test or a or a PCR test with the right
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to give you a certain.
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The point is to understand that there's no possible way that this guy is just randomly shooting his mouth off right now and in April 2024.
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There's no way that this random guy has been busy since the beginning because you know I'm going to drop all my cannabis genome stuff and I feel like I really got to take to social media and straighten these people out.
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Sorry no more than I believe that Kevin McCarron was coming out on the Internet because he thought he had an obligation to speak out against no virus people and speak out against this nonsense with 5G.
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People came out in the same month.
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And I've been pushing the same snake oil for four years now they four and a half years now this is April 2020 just looking at the video up until this point listening to him say that one phrase is already should just be like holy cow.
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He is a medler.
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And now we have still an hour of this video left where he's going to say the same stuff that it's going to blow your mind.
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He's going to talk about a background a background a background a background a background a background but then he's also going to say that we have such high fidelity tools and they're so cheap.
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There's absolutely no reason to doubt.
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It is spectacular.
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Kevin McCarron the other the raccoon commander is spending hours pretending to critique our work and the pretend critique is hilarious.
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You only need to find the one part where he talks about PCR and it is just abysmal.
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Not only does he sound like a high school teacher that's faking it, but what he says is completely disingenuous and he starts with the slide of our hypothesis rather than the green slide where we say that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
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He doesn't start with the main messages of the show and instead just works hard to attribute bad motives to me the same way that this gentleman has done over the last year and a half including engaging and tortious interference with a business partner because he called my
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manager and said that I was I was engaging in some kind of slander on on Twitter, not dissimilar from how this Christine Grace has done the same thing.
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And so once you see from, you know, I don't know how to do it any other way because I've seen the aliens from a very particular angle and all I can do is share my personal experience because it's the only truth I know.
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One of the truth is is that every fiber of my being is sure that these people are a coordinated group of liars that was put in place very early in 2020 in order to make sure that lies and murder would be successfully distorted as the start of a pandemic
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and then the fear and uncertainty and doubt that would ensue and then the coming years could be also misconstrued as a pandemic failure.
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And that was the plan all along. That's why there was an epigirl in there. That's why all of these, these landmarks have basically been hit. But we only had the brochure. We didn't have the detailed description.
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We only had the sparse document. We only had James Giordano to give us a brochure explanation, you know, a 30,000 foot view of what it would appear like on the news.
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In reality, they've had people like Kevin McCairn and Kevin McCurnan recruited and in place very early to make sure that there were people all over the place to control different parts of the narrative and that's why Kevin McCairn still claims
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42:03.320 --> 42:14.320
First of being one of these people who was claiming amyloidosis and Priana Genesis and, I don't know, neurocovid from the beginning.
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Seating the narrative of the side effects and downfalls of transfection to a gain of function spike protein for three years to feed his family.
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And part of that job has been to attribute bad motives to me rather than to succinctly address or acknowledge that we get a lot of things right on this show.
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And that we have an unblemished record of integrity and, and, and honesty.
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I don't claim to be censored in some special way.
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I was only kicked off Twitter for a few weeks, you know, back when I guess everybody got kicked off for a little while or something but it never affected me because I have very little to effect.
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And so I don't go around saying I got censored.
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Like he does. I don't go around saying I got censored like this guy does or Steve Kersch or Robert Malone or brought our or Brett Weinstein who all claim it every time they have a microphone.
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Because it's part of the illusion the censorship is supposed to be a badge of oh yeah I guess they were telling the truth.
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That's how the theater that's how funny the theater is at this point that that even Kevin McCarran has been sort of selectively elevated Kevin McCarran and Kevin McCarran have been featured in the same life site news article.
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And the video that is Kevin McCarran is speaking to some committee in Australia for the love of goodness.
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And so wherever they can they're trying to push Kevin McCarran as a semi legit authority about the coming pre onogenic apocalypse just like wherever they can like on the V John health, you know, platform on YouTube, they are pushing people like Stephanie
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and Jeff.
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These are all fraudulent people that were put in place are being encouraged by whatever weaponized piles of money are orchestrating them to distract and to define the walls of a limited spectrum of debate and Kevin McCarran was in on it very very early.
44:39.320 --> 44:52.320
If you take a little bit more of a evolutionary perspective here. Nothing is new under the sun genetically we have seen these viruses all have ancestors and I think that's what's getting missed in the news media is that everyone's talking about this coronavirus like it evolved out of Wuhan like it came through some
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Rick and Morty portal and suddenly appeared and now that it's new it's scary everyone needs to run for the run for the hills.
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But the reality is this everything on earth has ancestors the burden of proof that your virus doesn't have an ancestor falls on the people making those crazy claims.
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Okay, so if there is in fact an ancestor before Wuhan which I'm very convinced there is we just haven't found it yet.
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We likely have some antibodies to that we've likely seen it before the human you know inflammatory system immune system probably has some memory of one of these things ancestors.
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So here he is in his in his wild level of sophistication he says that we would have antibodies to its ancestors already.
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And in another own goal he basically just says I work for Anthony Fauci and I work for Francis Collins and I'm pretty sure that the correlate of immunity of antibodies is what I need to say into the camera right now.
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Stop lying.
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Why not as many people are getting sick as we expected. And I think it's also why we see the antibodies in the population are higher than we ever expected.
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And now everyone's marching the date back of introduction. We heard that oh it got into the States and Seattle's the first case.
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Well now they're going through some of the more records and taking up older samples and I think you just saw this week that they're inching that date back.
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You're going to find them inch that date back continually I think because they're going to start to find cases that predated the December discovery of this.
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It was probably out in the depths of China where there are no sequencers for a fair amount of time circulating their population.
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You've just blown my mind like no one has said anything like that at all as far as I've heard. I would have no way to push back on that but like it dawns on me that it seems like it might be correct that this virus had ancestors that
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ships. Okay well hopefully it'll be a short one.
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Three, two, okay yeah.
46:34.320 --> 46:38.320
46:39.320 --> 46:46.320
Man my Mac is not this virus had ancestors that wiped out a bunch of people but then there were those that had the antibodies that could protect themselves and.
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Or it may not have been as virulent. This is the things we don't sequence things that don't get you sick. So it's ancestor may have been a common cold that just went through the population.
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We don't see sequence things that don't make you sick.
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Do you see the problem with this now do you see how we're still talking about a really hot background that's making everybody scared.
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We have no idea what was there before.
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So why not make the point.
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In 2020.
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That a pre-existing background single could be being distorted as a novel spreading pathogen and therefore the national security state may be lying no no no this is a very subtle argument.
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They're just not being precise.
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This is definitely a new virus but it's not new like they mean new.
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It's new like kind of new but related to old stuff so if they're really honest about it it seems like they're just exaggerating the novelty thing so it's easier for people to understand.
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But I'm more sophisticated so I can add a layer of stupid complexity to this then it'll make it seem even more genuine you know a big word for that in the English languages I can edify this idea.
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It didn't affect the whole lot of people and only until it mutated maybe very recently did it start to take out the very weak in the population to comorbid I mean 99 to 97% of the people that are getting sick or comorbid they have either diabetes the OPD or hypertension maybe cancer.
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So this is the tip of the iceberg of the most sick people in the population that are now getting affected.
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I think if you go back to this ancestor thing it probably was attenuated and didn't really appear in our radar because it was barely making people sick.
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But if it was an ancestor it may still have similar proteins that our immune system has found so so a virus can mutate in a way that doesn't change its epitopes the epitopes are the proteins of the surface of the virus that your immune system builds antibodies for.
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You can get a mutation in this virus it's only 30,000 letters long but only a few of those letters really code for epitope proteins protein your immune system recognizes other mutations like I wonder how what how he would define epitope proteins and which ones do we choose.
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I know that the immune system chooses those out of this huge 30,000 base pair genome that encodes up to 31 proteins.
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And their sub variants depending on how they're folded or their mRNA is is is respliced. You see the problem here.
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Anybody's antibodies anybody's anybody's that's correct nice work Vance yes antibodies yes wow you're blowing my mind.
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And that's the RNA polymerase that's an RNA dependent RNA polymerase that the code is encoded in this genome that's a thing that copies the RNA let's say that thing gets mutated so it's faster and it copies are faster and maybe it spreads a little faster, but it doesn't change the surface proteins
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so your immune system could still see it but it might spread faster might replicate faster it might hurt the population.
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Oh so now we're speculating that the RNA dependent RNA polymerase may as mutated maybe it mutated it became really accurate huh.
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What happened Kevin McKernan or maybe it developed another maybe it developed an a mutation in the exo exo engine, which is the the proofreading protein that that Mark Denison found.
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Yeah Mark Denison I know him he's a good collaborator with with that other guy Ralph Barrick yeah so look at the circle how closed it is right here.
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He's talking about RNA dependent RNA polymerase the enzyme that was used as the marker for the presence of a potential coronavirus in any sample before 2019.
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He looked for a small conserved segment about 300 base pairs along of the RNA dependent RNA polymerase RNA as a first flag for the presence of a coronavirus for the decade before the pandemic.
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He's just told you the whole story we we follow these things around they can change some genes and not other genes.
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And there's a huge hot background of them that we just started sequencing and boy it's surprising how much shit back there because never bothered to sequence anything that doesn't make us sick and it turns out that that background is so hot that people are scared.
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And somehow he's unable to explain how that background might be weaponized against us if they just got a coordinated group of liars to lie about it.
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Maybe he's one of them.
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So when you're thinking about the variation that we're already recording on this virus, a good site to go to is called next string. This is the team up in Washington Seattle is doing a great job tracking all of these viruses.
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These pushing next strain as if this is a viable open source. You know you can't fault this because just a million people working really hard to sequence this virus.
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So we're pushing next strain and effectively Bedford Trevor Bedford in 2020 Trevor Bedford who would go on to tour the world as the next strain guy.
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This is spectacular I mean I don't know how you can see it any other way we're never going to get through this in one episode and just already know that at 1240 I'm going to have to pull the plug.
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And they'll have a phylogenetic tree there that shows you all the viruses they've sequenced it's about 3500 in there today sequence the entire team number 3500 of these.
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That's not a lot when you consider the infections around the world we're only getting a really tiny sliver of all the viruses that are out there through the sequencing programs but they're incredibly valuable.
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If you look at all 3000 or 3500 of those sequences you'll find an average, there's about one variant per virus maybe a little bit less than that there's probably 1000 to 1500 variants in that database right now.
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So there's a lot of versions of COVID circulating not all of those changes actually impact the virility of the virus so don't get scared when people say it's mutating mutations natural usually when viruses mutate they mutate in a way so that they're less harmful to the host so they can spread faster
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virus that kills it so it's very quickly doesn't go very far right so they try to find this balance of spread how do we how do they get that you know how do they spread as far as possible and to do that you really want to have asymptomatic spread.
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You go really far really fast okay now this thing may have you take such a way that.
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Please see how malevolent that is sorry I gotta let that this is how AI optimizes my schedule so I have a project coming up so I start by listing the project and then setting a deadline.
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Think about how malevolent that is ladies and gentlemen.
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He just completely laid out an excuse for Prodrome syndrome.
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Syndrome where anxiety just like James Giordano the exact narrative that the biosecurity state needs you to needs you to believe that there is a Prodrome.
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If you're virus spreads asymptomatic that's the best way for a virus to spread.
53:46.320 --> 53:57.320
Is that not any different than in the early 2000s Judy McAvitt's being on a on a weird Nevada TV show saying that that the the XM.
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RV virus is a latent virus in the background and all you got to do is test for it.
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He's telling you a story about a hot background and all these ancestors but there's definitely a new virus and you should go to next strain and follow it.
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But you don't have to be worried when it mutates all the time because most of the time viruses don't mutate to be more dangerous.
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But they could.
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I mean just think if they mutated their RNA dependent RNA polymerase or something like that.
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This is how stupid complicated works.
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It gets you to ask a million of the wrong questions and it makes him feel like wow you're blowing my mind with all these wrong questions.
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So the news is doing it.
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The media is doing it because you know click bait.
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It couldn't possibly be the national security state carefully controlling a narrative.
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Even planting fake stories.
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No way they would never do that.
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There's a really good.
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No I don't even need to say it but this is it.
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This is where you see it.
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He actually blamed it on the news.
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The news just wants clicks and so they're making a big deal about the virus because the news.
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The news is not the news.
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Are you telling me that Kevin McCurnan doesn't know that the CIA and other organizations control the news that the NSA probably can flip websites in minutes.
55:56.320 --> 56:00.320
New York Times number one.
56:00.320 --> 56:02.320
New York Times number two.
56:02.320 --> 56:03.320
Wow I just checked that link.
56:03.320 --> 56:04.320
Why did that change?
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You don't think that's possible.
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You haven't been paying attention.
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But he blames it on click bait.
56:14.320 --> 56:15.320
April 24th.
56:15.320 --> 56:17.320
Twenty twenty ladies in general.
56:17.320 --> 56:18.320
56:18.320 --> 56:21.320
Team worst case scenario just came on the scene.
56:21.320 --> 56:23.320
They just jumped out of their Ghostbusters.
56:23.320 --> 56:28.320
Ghostbusters vehicle with the air air air.
56:33.320 --> 56:35.320
Wow it's spectacular.
56:35.320 --> 56:37.320
There's just no evolutionary basis for that.
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You know unless this unless you subscribe to the concept that came out of a lab well then maybe has a different origin.
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Oh so he just slipped in there that if it comes from a lab well then maybe it doesn't have ancestors.
56:46.320 --> 56:48.320
Do you want to hear that again?
56:48.320 --> 56:52.320
Already seeding the gain of function narrative.
56:52.320 --> 56:53.320
I've seen it before.
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Everyone be afraid to be very afraid when there's just no evolutionary basis for that.
56:57.320 --> 57:02.320
You know unless you subscribe to the concept that came out of a lab well then maybe has a different origin.
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Unless you subscribe to the idea that this came out of a lab then maybe it has a different origin.
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Unless you subscribe to the idea that this came out of a lab then maybe it has a different origin.
57:18.320 --> 57:25.320
Holy balls I didn't I hope you realize that the only way I can generate this energy is by not watching it ahead of time.
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If I watched this ahead of time I would be pulling my hair out right now because I wouldn't be able to stop.
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This reaction is easier it feels better to me too but I can't believe it like this is a joke.
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Where are we?
57:40.320 --> 57:49.320
We are less than 10 minutes in and it just seems like he's got a two six shooters and he's just going
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shooting into his into his boots like a fog horn like horn.
57:55.320 --> 57:57.320
He's already rising off the ground.
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That's natural has ancestors and the burden of proof is on those people who claim it doesn't to say that it somehow emerged magically out of that.
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Now there are bad sequences out there.
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They're very distant from what's in the population right now.
58:12.320 --> 58:15.320
Have you heard of the connections to bad and pangolin and cats?
58:15.320 --> 58:22.320
I had Lord Matt Ridley on and he was talking about how why why bats are the particularly evolved to spread to humans and where the mammal.
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Matt Ridley is the guy who wrote a book with Alina Chan who's one of the worst medlers of all that.
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I actually did two bike rides before when my head was totally in the box.
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I did two bike rides about Alina Chan's paper where she showed the difference in blah blah blah blah.
58:38.320 --> 58:40.320
Oh my goodness gracious me.
58:41.320 --> 58:44.320
Things like cows don't spread that many diseases to humans.
58:44.320 --> 58:45.320
Oh interesting okay.
58:45.320 --> 58:49.320
Well so the right now the literature on this is that this probably diverged out of bat 40 to 70 years ago.
58:49.320 --> 58:50.320
All right.
58:50.320 --> 58:58.320
Now we don't know exactly when the zoonotic event was like was it in bats for 40 to 70 years and then left over to humans in December or did it leave some time in the last 40 to 70 years into human.
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And if it has been in human in a less virulent way we probably have never sequenced it you wouldn't particularly China you wouldn't go and take an asymptomatic patient and let's just go look at their.
59:05.320 --> 59:15.320
Okay so what he's saying is that a pre-existing background virus has mutated into something that's now engulfing the planet.
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Like normally this you know we don't worry about it and we don't pay any attention but now a virus has mutated in such a way to gain the ability to do something it never could before which is become a signal that rises above the noise globally.
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So think about that he's totally fine with saying that there was a background signal that changed and now we're tracking the thing that changed because it could have been there for up to 40 years.
59:46.320 --> 59:50.320
But the change is what we're tracking do you see how much bullshit that is.
59:50.320 --> 59:54.320
No we've had Toyota's for 40 years but now there's a new one.
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The test for it is to look and see if you got a car in your garage and if there's a car in your garage well then you better stay at home because you're probably asymptomatic carrier.
01:00:06.320 --> 01:00:13.320
There's a special Toyota around though that's that's related to all the other Toyotas that have been there for like 80 years but these are different.
01:00:13.320 --> 01:00:19.320
And we've got to be really careful because they're spreading all around the world you'll never know where they're going to go.
01:00:19.320 --> 01:00:27.320
It is so incongruent and so bullshit that the only way it could have been rolled out as if it was rolled out and when it was rolled out.
01:00:27.320 --> 01:00:36.320
When everybody was arguing about what was on television and when everyone was arguing about what Cuomo was saying or Fauci was saying or Trump was saying.
01:00:36.320 --> 01:00:40.320
It's the only time you can roll out bullshit like this.
01:00:40.320 --> 01:00:53.320
None of this holds any water now he sounds like absolutely positively somewhere between Redfield, McCairn, Corey and Malone here.
01:00:53.320 --> 01:00:57.320
Who could you really compare him to Richard Fleming.
01:00:58.320 --> 01:01:13.320
Part of what part of the narrative that was being seeded at the beginning of the pandemic is different right now other than he says that well I think it was a virus that was always there but then it changed into this magical version that we're now tracking specifically
01:01:13.320 --> 01:01:19.320
because it hurts so many people but it also spreads asymptomatically because that's what viruses do.
01:01:20.320 --> 01:01:32.320
They mutate and then they spread very rapidly and then and then now that this one's spreading very rapidly they're calling it and I don't even know what he's saying it's so dumb.
01:01:32.320 --> 01:01:36.320
You know your viral RNA that's in that patient because it's it's a bit.
01:01:36.320 --> 01:01:39.320
Go and hunt for viruses and in a genetic samples it's harder to do.
01:01:39.320 --> 01:01:48.320
We can sequence your microbiome which are like the bacteria and fungi that are in your body really readily because they have conserved sequences that make it really easy to target them with the PCR amplify and sequence them and get the beautiful pictures.
01:01:48.320 --> 01:01:56.320
The viruses don't have these conserved sequences. Oh, isn't that interesting the viruses don't have conserved sequences. Oh darn.
01:01:56.320 --> 01:02:00.320
What an inconvenience for the sequencing people isn't it.
01:02:00.320 --> 01:02:10.320
It's really easy to swab people and get your genome and get your microbiome but it's hard to get the viral RNA.
01:02:10.320 --> 01:02:23.320
One of the things that I think will be exposed in the coming years is that one of the scams of the pandemic was a massive attempt at at the collection and sequencing of remnants of COVID tests.
01:02:23.320 --> 01:02:40.320
The remnants of a medical diagnostic are technically speaking bio trash and so can be resold to anybody that wants to buy that bio trash as long as it's de identified or purportedly de identified.
01:02:40.320 --> 01:02:48.320
The problem is is that when you sequence a genome you can get an awful lot of information about them that might correlate well with their medical record that's on epic.
01:02:48.320 --> 01:02:54.320
And so it wouldn't be impossible for somebody that sequenced all the genomes that were available at let's say Ohio State.
01:02:54.320 --> 01:03:07.320
Because they tested every week for a year that they could take that information on the genome and the information on the microbiome and maybe put it together in a database with the their behaviors on campus and where their phone was on.
01:03:07.320 --> 01:03:11.320
Can you see the problem here.
01:03:11.320 --> 01:03:27.320
We have been put through an exercise where all kinds of tests runs were done all kinds of of of of logistics were worked out and tweaked so that the next time they can be done better.
01:03:27.320 --> 01:03:41.320
And one of those logistics is how do we generate this huge supply of testing remnants that can be the basis for a population wide genome and microbiome scan.
01:03:41.320 --> 01:03:57.320
One of the holy grails of the NIH. You don't think the NIH would spend $10 billion tomorrow if they knew they could convince the United States population to turn over their genetic and and microbiome data weekly.
01:03:57.320 --> 01:04:10.320
You don't think they'd set up Kevin McCurnan and his friends are sequencing a sequencing company in every single city in America if they could get away with it.
01:04:10.320 --> 01:04:19.320
And I think they're going to do in 10 years with your children's children exactly that.
01:04:19.320 --> 01:04:29.320
Because that's the data that they think they can feed into the AI and then the AI will solve the problem of the irreducible complexity of sacred biology.
01:04:30.320 --> 01:04:43.320
But that's the illusion that these people are selling that are there building multi generational wealth off of the weaponized piles of money that believe in this idea religiously.
01:04:43.320 --> 01:04:54.320
He's happy to do it. Happy to be part of the ruling elite from a peninsula overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in an 8,000 square foot house.
01:04:54.320 --> 01:05:10.320
Yeah, I'm kind of, I'm kind of sad about that. I'm sad that so many of the people that purportedly rode in on white horses are actually just people that have been at the teat of these weaponized piles of money for their whole lives.
01:05:10.320 --> 01:05:13.320
Hell, Kevin McCurnan learned it from his dad.
01:05:13.320 --> 01:05:19.320
It's all the RNA that's present in someone's in someone's sampling to find the viruses. You have to spend a lot of money sequencing to find these needle in the haystacks.
01:05:19.320 --> 01:05:24.320
And I don't think anybody does that on patients that are asymptomatic. There's just no financial motive to do it. But once it becomes virulence, people start sequencing.
01:05:24.320 --> 01:05:40.320
So now he's basically I'm going to stop it again. Now he's basically arguing for what Roger Hodgkinson in Canada argued for and what is what Buckhalter got off his ass right away in the beginning and started a company for sequencing.
01:05:40.320 --> 01:05:48.320
We need more sequencing. We need more observation. Why would they want to do that when viruses don't have conserved markers according to him?
01:05:48.320 --> 01:05:58.320
They want to do that because under the guise of testing remnants, they get all your data anyway. It's very easy to sequence your genome from a saliva sample.
01:05:59.320 --> 01:06:09.320
It's very easy to sequence your microbiome from a saliva sample. It's not so easy to sequence virus from there because viruses don't really have conserved markers that we can use.
01:06:09.320 --> 01:06:15.320
It says McCurnan.
01:06:15.320 --> 01:06:31.320
That's Fogghorn leg horn shooting himself in the foot unknowingly already in 2020 because I think they've been off script for a couple years now, trying desperately to rein in the Scooby Doo mystery and make sure that everybody was roped in.
01:06:31.320 --> 01:06:45.320
It's like a hog trap with that door that closes and they're waiting for the rest of the hogs to get in before they close the door. And they didn't think it was going to be this hard to convince giga home biological to go along with it.
01:06:45.320 --> 01:07:02.320
They thought sending rixie to my house or McCairn to my house or addy adds to Pittsburgh or George Webb to Pennsylvania or or letting me help write a book with Robert F Kennedy junior or let me be on a podcast with Robert Malone or some other bullshit
01:07:02.320 --> 01:07:17.320
that would convince me to believe that the biosecurity state actually endangered generations of humans because they're arrogant, have engineered something like an RNA that can go around the world unprecedentedly
01:07:17.320 --> 01:07:26.320
that Charles rixie and Kevin McCairn and Kevin McCurnan are somehow the authorities on it. It's just laughable. Stop lying.
01:07:26.320 --> 01:07:35.320
All right, we have a new virus we haven't really seen before the closest thing to is 47 years ago in bass. And that's the gap that we have. So there's a lot of information missing between what's known as rat G13, which is the bat virus.
01:07:35.320 --> 01:07:46.320
47 years ago, and the Wuhan thing that we detected back in December. And unless you believe viral level, maybe he said four to seven years, not 40 to 70 years. So just let me make sure I correct that I couldn't hear it.
01:07:46.320 --> 01:08:01.320
And I have it sped up. So sometimes the annunciation isn't cry. I think he said four to seven years because now he's referring to rat G13, which was that keyboard virus that was supposedly the precursor that was in the, in the freezer
01:08:02.320 --> 01:08:19.320
or in the sequencing database. And interestingly, the rat G13 is a virus that was shown to have the exact same E protein in its sequence as several other viruses that were reported as as military discovered viruses earlier.
01:08:20.320 --> 01:08:36.320
And so it became kind of clear to some people that were paying attention at the time that these viral genomes are just assemblies mismatch, you know, haphazardly assembled genomes taken from different observations.
01:08:36.320 --> 01:08:47.320
And they're trying to assemble what they, they, they hope will be kind of a functional viral genome by, by going in nature and trying to look where all the genes are.
01:08:47.320 --> 01:09:00.320
And when they find new genes, they put them into their constructs, which are essentially these DNA or RNA synthetically generated clone molecules that can be transfected or transformed on to, on to cell culture.
01:09:01.320 --> 01:09:15.320
And then depending on the fidelity of the copying and the, the exact, you know, I don't know, packaging mechanisms that go on, I guess they learned something about how to tweak self replicating RNA or to tweak,
01:09:16.320 --> 01:09:31.320
and so that's really all they've got. That's all they're really doing. Everything else is smoke and mirrors sort of to make you believe that there's all these high fidelity understandings of all these different pockets of biology.
01:09:31.320 --> 01:09:39.320
And that's just not the case at all. It's just a bunch of people faking it. And the only thing they have is the ability to sequence cheaply.
01:09:39.320 --> 01:09:48.320
And so we barely even scratch the surface of understanding what this, this background noise really is and how significant it is to our health and well being.
01:09:48.320 --> 01:09:50.320
And just popped out of nowhere.
01:09:50.320 --> 01:10:00.320
I don't really subscribe to that. I think it has ancestors that are slightly different from what we have today that day all the way back to the zoonotic event and those ancestors are something that are really important to understand to get the epidemiology of this right to know what are the actual antibody
01:10:01.320 --> 01:10:13.320
populations. They're going to probably be more related to how many times does he get to mention antibodies without explaining that antibodies are the last stop on the Internet on for for the immune system.
01:10:13.320 --> 01:10:20.320
I mean if he says anybody's one more time I think it's just over right because then you'd know I mean he already said it enough.
01:10:21.320 --> 01:10:36.320
There's no useful information here. He's misleading Vance. He's he's making sure that skilled TV watcher and social media user Vance never breaks out of his, his mystification and he's sure that he needs to get on board with this Scooby Doo mystery. Holy cow.
01:10:36.320 --> 01:10:38.320
We've got to figure this out.
01:10:38.320 --> 01:10:47.320
I can't believe how easy it is. We are still only 12 minutes in this guy is a poser.
01:10:47.320 --> 01:10:51.320
This is the most recent thing that's only recently spread through the population since December.
01:10:51.320 --> 01:10:56.320
So do you then think that this is a dangerous.
01:10:56.320 --> 01:11:03.320
I don't want people knowing about me. I went through the process with the lead me and it was super hilarious how many my report I got to see how 40.
01:11:03.320 --> 01:11:09.320
How many ads I get. It's almost like they know I'm doing this is a dangerous disease.
01:11:09.320 --> 01:11:14.320
I don't think it's much more dangerous in the flu and I know there's hashtags out there shaving scientists who say not the flu or is the flu.
01:11:14.320 --> 01:11:17.320
But if you look at a lot of the antibody data is coming out.
01:11:17.320 --> 01:11:26.320
A little cautious thing about the data. These are early antibody tests and I don't know if the FDA, not that the FDA makes them any safer, but they are they do go through some reviews that other people can reproduce these these results but the false positives.
01:11:26.320 --> 01:11:32.320
The cost rates might be between two and five percent of this test. So that means if you want to look for the population.
01:11:32.320 --> 01:11:36.320
That's below two to five percent. You have a hard time doing it because the false positives in the test end up looking.
01:11:36.320 --> 01:11:41.320
You're the right about the same rate population prevalence. When the population prevalence gets to the point where it is like in New York.
01:11:41.320 --> 01:11:53.320
The false positives rates are more than noise compared to the actual real positive rate and so we're in a perfect timeframe to figure this out right now a lot of the status rolling in and understand what he's suggesting is is that differentiating it from this pre existing
01:11:53.320 --> 01:12:05.320
background is difficult but it's a problem that we have to we have to rise to and conquer and that when the when the when the prevalence is like it is in New York.
01:12:06.320 --> 01:12:27.320
Which of course covers up exactly what Jessica Hockett has been hammering on with regard to let's talk some some real sense about what New York data suggests rather than he actually cites New York as a prime example of the biology to come.
01:12:28.320 --> 01:12:42.320
Wow. I mean this is just every every time I hit play there's going to be a new nugget of of worst case scenario. It's it's amazing.
01:12:42.320 --> 01:12:50.320
In relation prevalence of the disease is high. I believe the antibody data. And I think we're starting to see that New York in other places. There's a really high load like 14% of the population New York is antibodies.
01:12:50.320 --> 01:12:54.320
That's not a false positive test. And Mikey false positive is elevating that number from like maybe 10 to 14%.
01:12:55.320 --> 01:13:01.320
But it's there's no way the false positive numbers in this test are actually causing the entire number of those tests to go to go to go on positive so.
01:13:01.320 --> 01:13:07.320
So the test will get better I think what's going to happen is people will start deploying two different antibody test every patient and that will air correct some of the noise that's going on right now.
01:13:07.320 --> 01:13:11.320
Some of the so he's pushing for more testing you should use it in duplicate.
01:13:11.320 --> 01:13:13.320
He's pushing for more products.
01:13:13.320 --> 01:13:19.320
He's assuming that these mostly Chinese made products are totally high fidelity.
01:13:20.320 --> 01:13:31.320
And so there is no there's nothing there's no breaks on this at all he is absolutely standing next to the train pretending to stop it and he's got all kinds of great ideas.
01:13:31.320 --> 01:13:34.320
And he's going to push it along and he's going to stop the train again.
01:13:34.320 --> 01:13:40.320
This guy is a medler of the highest order maybe one of the one of the chief medlers.
01:13:41.320 --> 01:13:44.320
This is another really dubious.
01:13:44.320 --> 01:13:52.320
Presence in the in the pandemic narrative all the way to speaking in front of the Senate this year.
01:13:52.320 --> 01:13:59.320
As part of that group of medlers that I have been identifying with little green circles for the past couple months.
01:14:00.320 --> 01:14:10.320
That group of green medlers that I've actually probably interfered with my employment multiple times which is technically tortious interference glad I have screenshots.
01:14:14.320 --> 01:14:24.320
Ladies and gentlemen it is getting ugly now because we are now longer over the target we are we are we are hanging from the rim.
01:14:25.320 --> 01:14:32.320
And and and and down there under our feet are these people.
01:14:32.320 --> 01:14:35.320
So we got to land very carefully.
01:14:35.320 --> 01:14:39.320
Because we just dunked on a lot of people in the last month.
01:14:39.320 --> 01:14:47.320
And one of the the sharpest thorns in my side has always been this gentleman right here and I can't believe.
01:14:47.320 --> 01:14:55.320
That this wonderful video even exists and I beg anyone that can download it to download it because I can't finish it today.
01:14:55.320 --> 01:15:01.320
I'll try and finish it after dinner because I think it's that important but I do have to go and like.
01:15:01.320 --> 01:15:05.320
Like five or ten more minutes because I promised my wife that I'll help her.
01:15:05.320 --> 01:15:13.320
Stream her yoga class today and that's always very fun and relaxing for me too so it's it's not only for her it's for me.
01:15:14.320 --> 01:15:19.320
So anyway I'm going to play keep playing this and then in about 10 minutes I'm going to cut it.
01:15:19.320 --> 01:15:22.320
Because when you design an antibody test you have to pick one antibody to go against the virus.
01:15:22.320 --> 01:15:27.320
You really should probably be picking two or three because there's enough variation in these viruses that you might you want to have two different checks on if you will.
01:15:27.320 --> 01:15:32.320
Kind of like measured two or three anybody sounds like a product that I think was called Z map.
01:15:32.320 --> 01:15:41.320
You should look up Z map and what Mark Kulak has learned about Z map that's an interesting sort of thread to pull on that Mark has pulled quite far.
01:15:42.320 --> 01:15:47.320
So I think when people start deploying two tests against a lot of the patients will like by a lot of this noise for the false negatives and false positives and get a much better picture.
01:15:47.320 --> 01:15:51.320
Some studies are starting to do that but even if you look across the globe the antibody numbers are coming in high.
01:15:51.320 --> 01:15:54.320
And so that changes your thesis and the epidemiology if the antibodies are that high.
01:15:54.320 --> 01:15:56.320
The things that are spreading a lot faster than we think.
01:15:56.320 --> 01:15:57.320
Just possible.
01:15:57.320 --> 01:15:59.320
Or spend here a lot longer and spreading at the same rate.
01:15:59.320 --> 01:16:01.320
I think it's more likely the latter that it's been here longer.
01:16:01.320 --> 01:16:05.320
People have been getting asymptomatic buildup of antibodies and they didn't know about because they weren't presenting complications in hospitals.
01:16:05.320 --> 01:16:07.320
And so we have a little bit of level of herd immunity.
01:16:08.320 --> 01:16:23.320
So now he's he's not able to accurately differentiate between what he said earlier, which is a preexisting background of coronaviruses that's mutating all the time from which one has mutated and now we're paying attention to.
01:16:23.320 --> 01:16:28.320
But why aren't some of those antibodies conserved.
01:16:29.320 --> 01:16:48.320
And what does that play into this so he's ignoring the idea that the change that would have led to the biological gain of function is a small change relative to the epitope suite that presumably is largely conserved between this and its ancestors.
01:16:48.320 --> 01:17:00.320
So maybe the contradiction that he's setting up here in this pathetic oration is one that is designed to go like wait that doesn't make sense I think it's a lab leak I don't know maybe.
01:17:00.320 --> 01:17:14.320
It's a pretty complicated story that they told us in the beginning and I think it was a very well orchestrated one designed to create fear uncertainty and doubt and confidence that a worst case scenario of a billion people dead wasn't crazy.
01:17:14.320 --> 01:17:24.320
So that's what he's up to just like Kevin McCarran and Paul Cottrell and all these other posers were up to in 2020 at this time.
01:17:24.320 --> 01:17:32.320
I don't think it used until your public 50 or 60% and we may not be there yet but we're on the way there and we'll probably be there very shortly in some areas where the vast majority of the population starts to get antibodies to this.
01:17:32.320 --> 01:17:34.320
And then you have to stop and ask.
01:17:34.320 --> 01:17:39.320
What's the ledger on this right we've got
01:17:39.320 --> 01:17:49.320
I guess it must be that I'm pausing to all fields of apologize gasps super annoying or they could just really hate that I'm doing this stream.
01:17:49.320 --> 01:17:53.320
What's the red head is that they hate me we've got this concern of millions of deaths which haven't occurred.
01:17:53.320 --> 01:18:02.320
And I think they haven't occurred because those models frankly assumed an immuno naive population at this virus would be hitting they assume the virus was so new that our systems have never seen it before and therefore everyone who got hit with it would be would not have
01:18:02.320 --> 01:18:07.320
been challenged right now maybe some people do have antibodies and so it's not spreading as fast and as exponential as they bought.
01:18:07.320 --> 01:18:13.320
The other side of the ledger is government response to this, which I think throughout history can be far more deadly than any virus.
01:18:13.320 --> 01:18:23.320
If you're not careful unleashing government action, you can end up with Stalin's and miles and pole pots and hitlers that maybe they have good intentions maybe they don't but they put in these decentralized plans that end up destroying economies and starting millions of people.
01:18:23.320 --> 01:18:30.320
Now we've got what 26 million people employed is that the numbers come out yet. Okay so yeah that ledger needs to be considered in this.
01:18:30.320 --> 01:18:37.320
If you're weighing a precautionary principle on this say this could be very deadly it's an exponent it's a black swan we need to be very cautious here.
01:18:37.320 --> 01:18:40.320
If you don't apply that same precautionary principle on the repercussions of government intervention.
01:18:40.320 --> 01:18:47.320
You're really cheating the world you're really having honest with yourself because you can have the government go in and just wreck the economy with 26 million unemployed and kill former people.
01:18:47.320 --> 01:19:00.320
So that's the problem this is where we'll stop because I do see how this is just going to go bananas. I hope you can already see that with less than 17 minutes.
01:19:00.320 --> 01:19:13.320
It has become very very clear that the basic narrative of the Scooby-Doo where there is a virus but they're mischaracterizing it and they're over responding to it draconianly.
01:19:13.320 --> 01:19:20.320
I don't hear why they're doing it but they might hurt more people with the response than the virus. This whole narrative.
01:19:20.320 --> 01:19:38.320
This whole argument and all of these questions is a limited spectrum of debate which never asks the question with the biosecurity state or these weaponized piles of money murder people and lie about it in order to make generations of humans believe in a danger that wasn't really there.
01:19:38.320 --> 01:19:42.320
And the answer is absolutely yes they would.
01:19:42.320 --> 01:20:07.320
And the idea that asking that question is not possible for Kevin McCair and Kevin McCurnan, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Meryl Nast, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mary Holland, Charles Rixie, Jessica Rose, Walter Chestnut, Sasha La Topova, and all of these people don't seem Steve Kirsch, Brett Weinstein, his wife.
01:20:07.320 --> 01:20:26.320
None of these people seem to be able to entertain the possibility that the national security state and the weaponized piles of money that manipulated from behind the scenes would ever kill people and lie about it in order to establish a mythology that would usefully govern generations to come.
01:20:27.320 --> 01:20:37.320
That would be crazy, it's gotta be bioweapons, it's gotta be gain of function, maybe it came from a laboratory, maybe we just needed more testing, maybe it was a bad response.
01:20:37.320 --> 01:20:43.320
Holy balls ladies and gentlemen, is it not obvious what a medler this guy is?
01:20:43.320 --> 01:20:45.320
I mean holy man.
01:20:57.320 --> 01:21:08.320
There he is, right there, there he is.
01:21:08.320 --> 01:21:23.320
I see him behind, behind, behind Brian Hooker, a real hero, Brian Hooker, thinking that he's making progress by having these people stand in front of him.
01:21:23.320 --> 01:21:34.320
I love you Brian, I believe in everything that you do, I just think you're being meddled with inside of CHD and I think these people have really, really blown it.
01:21:34.320 --> 01:21:49.320
I think they've blown it, and all we gotta do is keep up steady pressure my friends, steady pressure, keep sharing, and if you can please go to GIGO and biological and support me and my family, that would be really, really, I mean yeah, thank you very much.
01:21:49.320 --> 01:21:52.320
Here they are.
01:22:19.320 --> 01:22:26.320
Thanks for watching.
01:22:49.320 --> 01:22:54.320
Thanks for watching.