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1 year ago
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okay we're gonna try that again if there's still anybody out there who might be
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checking this stream right now I am going to give you a sound check please or
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I'll ask you for a sound check as long as we just had a little goof up there
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anyone out there could give me a one two three sound check that would be great
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five by five says left-handed monkey wrench I know you can hear me how's that
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sink look though yeah okay yay here we go
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oh look JC on the bike was timed out by Risa oh time out JC on the bike JC on
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the bike it's JC on the bike it's JC on the bike yeah well I'm wise enough to
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know when a chomp needs banning and I know just the one look at round it's JC on
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the bike who says Vader didn't study music in college
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so what I argued I believe I came up with this independently but I believe
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Peter McCullough has mentioned it's something similar as his Jonathan
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I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're feeling with essentially a
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worst case scenario I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing
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with essentially a worst case scenario where you know I'm wearing the masks
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when I'm required to so that's the best I can do with that I have no
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particular insight with regards to this pandemic
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scene if you think about it you know if we're defining vaccine really
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liberally and these COVID vaccines are vaccines the flu vaccines vaccine okay
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but actually they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines
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and you know anything with really rapidly fading efficacy such that you need
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shots within a year you know Canada saying nine months is as actually JJ
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Cooey's insistence and I think he's right on calling them
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transfections rather than vaccines it doesn't matter much at all what you
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believe about vaccines until we invent really important ones you know until we
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have a pandemic that's killing everyone you know and you know it's not it's you
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know measles plus and okay I can tolerate what you think about measles
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because you know not that many people die from it it's just a big hassle in
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the end but no one when we have this new pandemic that is you know got 75
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percent mortality and it's not it's that there'll be no pretense of being polite
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in the face of these beliefs it'll be a moral emergency because it has to be
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and this is just sheer contingency as to whether we're in one condition or
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another I mean it was so
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the schedule for 16 minutes next is going on French British Italian Japanese
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television people everywhere are starting to listen to him it's embarrassing is
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there an architect named Arthur Vandalay in the in the chat that's pretty that's
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pretty amazing
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or what I want is high morbidity I want people to complain so what do I do I go
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to Des Moines ladies and gentlemen of people on the screen I have nothing
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against them I go to Des Moines testing testing I go to Seattle I infect a
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couple of cases there I go to North Carolina I go to Wisconsin what I'm
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doing is I'm using a dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel
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cases with a highly morbid condition these individuals complain again this
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is a central nervous system condition
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this is going to be a little awkward
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sorry about that I'm gonna have to do it a little awkwardly there cuz I'm doing
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two different things here once thanks very much for joining me tonight this is
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giga-owned biological a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to
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you by a biologist
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the point is to get everybody to understand what happened and you can
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only really see it from this far away as easy as you can see it it's okay that
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not everybody saw it in year three it really is okay that not everybody
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saw it in year three but it's not okay that there are people who don't see it
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in 2024 in year five just not by the end of this year it's got to be common
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knowledge these things have to be common
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I think the best way to talk about it is that there was no spread New York City
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infectious clones are the only real RNA thread placebo batches were likely
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distributed in transfection healthy mammals is dumb the protocols were
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probably murder gain a function is definitely a mythology the Scooby-Doo
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mystery is real it's a national security theater and it requires this
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particular commitment to life and it is it is working exceedingly well
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good evening ladies and gentlemen this is giga-owned biological a high-resistance
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low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist is January 8th 2024
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my name is Jonathan Cooley and I am that biologist I realize now that I
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didn't update the scroll there at the top so it's still the old one from the
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other day I apologize to the actually quite maybe three or four people that
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recently signed up and so I should have updated that a little bit and I do
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apologize tomorrow that'll be better let me just play some things here and
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stop some things here and get over here with this thing and okay that should be
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out and now we do a different one I hope this finds everybody well I hope you're
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not stressed by your life I hope you're not stressed in your family I hope the
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main thing is that you can focus on trying to get this stuff out to other
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people I hope that in general your biggest problems are are are I hope your biggest
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problems are coaching basketball and and challenging work problems that have to
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do with how to get your next promotion and what to do when you're done
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finishing when you're finished paying off with your mortgage I really hope
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that there are lots of people that watch this show that are in that scenario where
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where their life is pretty stable and they're able to feel some freedom to act
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and I think I understand why a lot of people can feel as though there's not
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they don't have any real choice they can barely keep up with their bills they're
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there in fact way behind on their bills they're just able to keep up with
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maintaining their the illusion of keeping up with their bills so much of our
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world today is based on an illusion how many of the cars do we see on the
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street in Pittsburgh and around the United States are leased cars that don't
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belong to the person that's driving them even though they behave as though they
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do and how many of those cars that we see are over leased leveraged sorry
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over leveraged you know crazy over sticker price kind of things underwater
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loan agreements that you know look real nice as they drive down the street but
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in reality are a financial ruin waiting to happen the United States and a lot
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of the Western world is is riding on this thin ice of fractional reserve
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banking and debt and it can't be sustained forever and I think that's
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part of their excuse for why the West needs to be controlled demolished so
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this is the safest way to get the biology that will kind of help you
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break through this illusion into your head and I think it's important to see
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that I don't think that this is only biological I don't think that they
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plan to govern us simply by a biological mythology what I think is
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spectacular about this aspect of this future style of governance is that it
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is based around a mythology that studious well-read
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properly trained biologists that understand that there is a certain level
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of complexity that can't be distilled anymore that that there is a certain
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level of beauty that exists inside of that irreducible complexity that really
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is the heart of biology and it is the layer upon layer upon layer of pattern
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integrity that that forms the metabolic symphony that is the inside of a single
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cell never mind the many different tissues and sub tissues that make up
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who we are as as physical beings and then we think about all the physiology
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that we don't understand the the ionic electricity that that is used
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fundamentally to orchestrate all of the metabolism and physiology of our bodies
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but also the second-by-second or millisecond-by-millisecond nervous
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system monitoring and control of our behavior and so all of these things in
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my mind make it the reason why you would want to study biology you might also
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want to study the chemistry and the physics that underlie it but ultimately
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that's the the sort of the universe's finest expression of the the orchestration
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of physics and chemistry is biology and that's also the very tempting nature of
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biology to think that you understand it when you're trying to understand from
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the level of biology all the while understanding that underpinning that
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our entire entire layers of understanding that you don't grasp as a biologist I
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can't explain to you the the the fine details of the organic all the organic
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chemistry that goes on at the cellular level all the organic chemistry that
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goes on just for for for hormones alone is enough for me to say you know to
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tap out and say that's not my my thing I could read up on it but the chemistry
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at that level is spectacular the chemistry at the level of a membrane of a cell
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is spectacular and I'm not an expert in any of those things but as a biologist
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I think in conceptual terms that try to ride on top of these physics and
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chemically physics and chemistry principles but that's the illusion of
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being a biologist there are many times where if our physics and chemistry isn't
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sufficient to properly direct our understanding and our our interrogation
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of these biological ideas or these biological observations then we don't
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properly test those hypotheses and can get down very deep into a cave of
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mythology where we just don't really understand where we went wrong but
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somehow we got much farther away from the goal and then we wanted to with this
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line of investigation and biology is especially dangerous for that and that's
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why I do think that there are better ways to get it in your head than then
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direct incision and insertion the pandemic was created by an elaborate
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national security theater and I'm not suggesting to you for one second that
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this national security theater on in principle and on paper was not for a
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good reason in the event of an emergency like Sam Harris described on
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December 19th 2019 on Brett Weinstein's eighth podcast the idea of a circulating
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pathogen that no one's ever seen before that kills 75% of the people that get
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infected will create a moral emergency where mandatory vaccination may be
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required of course this whole set this whole scenario that that Sam proposes
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in that odd podcast do beously close to the beginning of the pandemic the the
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whole thing that he proposes there assumes that a completely safe and
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highly effective vaccine would become available and that the the rolling it
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out would have you know strict quality controls it assumes a whole bunch of
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things that aren't true or likely not even possible that he knows nothing about
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in terms of scaling up manufacturing of a pharmaceutical product never mind a
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heretofore never prepared lipid nanoparticle emulsion kind of thing and so
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the pandemic was essentially created it was that it was a story told in such a
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way an emergency announced in such a way because governments had previously
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rehearsed the idea that staying on narrative would be so important in the
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event of a terrible emergency but in the reality of whatever was happening here
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the worst case scenario response was activated and the worst case scenario
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response I want to argue included included having people already in place
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to control a number of aspects of the way the narrative would unfold and that's
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what the Scooby-Doo thing is all about they made it so that there were things
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in place and we would feel as though we were solving a mystery in real time
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that just like the governments of the world that were taken by surprise by
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this novel virus that suddenly seems to have been released in China or escaped
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in China or leaked in China or spilled in China or sprayed in China we were all
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surprised by it we were all taken we don't we all knew nothing we could
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only guess what was going on and this narrative was very cleverly seated by
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different research lines different funding schemes but those funding schemes
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were cleverly enough pretty transparent and out in the open right there in the
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acknowledgments and so it was easy for anyone with Google and the internet and
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PubMed to trace these things back and go hey wait a minute look what they did in
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2015 and if they really thought that what they were doing was dangerous of
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course they would have written it in the paper but somehow or another it was all
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right there for us with the with the enrichment of Avian flu in 2011 and with
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the with the SARS viruses in in 2015 with the chimeric viruses with with the
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WIV and so I would argue that those things didn't really prove the existence
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of pandemic viruses they didn't even prove the distance of pandemic
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potential they may have at best proved the existence of RNA signals that could be
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misconstrued as something more than they are especially if you wanted to use
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proprietary algorithms in something called metagenomic sequencing and then
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they conducted all these exercises to convince a bunch of people in government
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and in the bureaucracies around the world that this was a real issue and they've
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done doing that for decades and then finally at the start of the pandemic a
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real key issue here is that in the plan to have a horse race of
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transfection technologies be the go-to countermeasure upon the evocation of
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the emergency and the enactment or the let's say activation of the prep act they
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knew already that there were several candidates for potential
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transfection technologies that could be rolled out as emergency use authorized
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countermeasures and it seemed like there was something to do with Moderna and
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Inovio and maybe Novavax and Jay and Jay are the the shot from Belgium and so
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this this this whole idea that they were gonna roll out transfection and that
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they were gonna roll it out in a couple different ways maybe a dentavirus
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maybe lipid nanoparticle it was important for the for the narrative to be
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seated that this virus had some of the more let's say easier to predict
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potential side effects and and downsides of transfection and so any any heart
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related problem any clotting related problem any stroke related problem any
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endothelial damage related problem would be a perfect thing for them to seed
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into the narrative of the spreading pathogens so that when they rolled out
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this various transfection technologies irrespective of which one they decided
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on they would have this theme already laid out that this gain of function
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protein this spike protein with with watchmaker like precision was created
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by a laboratory and at least that rumor circulating would then already plant in
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the minds of the people that were solving the mystery us people that were
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the Scooby-Doo teenagers trying to find which which monster we could pull the
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mask off of we were also part of this wow the spike protein is pretty creepy
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huh that that that fear and cleavage site sure is interesting there are people
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who are saying that the fear and cleavage site means that this is the most
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contagious virus in history there are people that are saying that the affinity
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to ACE2 is just so off the charts that it means it has to be something that
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they did on a computer and these narratives tied in with the idea that
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the spike protein itself that's what a lot of these people said behind the
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scenes the spike protein itself was responsible for the heart attacks that
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were being associated with COVID-19 the spike protein was responsible for the
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strokes that were being associated with COVID-19 the spike protein was
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responsible for all these multi-organ systemic effects and it might have been
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because the S1 subunit circulates or because the the ACE2 affinity is so high
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but the best part about it was is seeding that narrative of those extra effects
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beyond respiratory disease and ground glass opacity which went away very
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quickly it was the idea of this untold bounty of extra systemic effects that
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correlated very well with what they already expected to happen with
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transfection and so a very crucial play at the beginning of the pandemic was
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being in the right place at the right time to intercept some key people some
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real people that ran into the fire some real people that went to their state
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representative and told the truth those people early on needed to be
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co-opted they needed to be taken aside in a quiet room the few guys in suits and
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told that this was a national security thing that they weren't sure whether
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it was a worst-case scenario or not that the military was coordinating the
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response and that if they wanted to help and and we really needed your help if
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you wanted to help you could do X Y and Z and most important is we need the
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public to think that it is the worst-case scenario so that they listen to our
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instructions and so you would be a very vital tool to our response if you could
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help assure us or help us assure that the US public takes this seriously enough
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to follow our instructions and eventually take the vaccine that we will offer and
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it's already available otherwise you can go back home and you'll have to sign
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an agreement that says you're not going to say anything about this and we'll
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get someone else to do it and they signed either way they signed and either way
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they had to not tell anybody because they were aware of classified things and
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so after all of this is said and done after all these actors are in place
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these people who are genuinely good people who have been co-opted people
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that are then unwittingly supporting those people and and very loud and have
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big platforms all of these people have wittingly and unwittingly confounded
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the toxicity of the virus and specifically the spike protein with the
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toxicity of transfection trying to blame the vast majority of the maladaptive
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bad side effects of the transfection on the spike protein so that if the spike
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protein had the bad stuff taken out of it it might have been okay if we had
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just used the S1 it might have been okay if we just use the receptor binding
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domain it might have been okay there is lots of different permutations of the
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it might have been okay thing if you can convince the public that it's the
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spike protein that we rather hastily chose that curiously everyone chose
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curiously that everyone chose to leave in even when the new the new spike protein
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or the current spike protein was nowhere related to the original they
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still made it a bivalent vaccine and I think that this argues for the fact that
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the spike protein itself was part of the ruse perhaps it was an engineered
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protein that they knew that when used as a vaccine as a transfection rather that
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it would produce a protein that the immune system couldn't ignore and that
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they would get a very reliable precise antibody response over repeated
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injections which would be the ideal of course if you're gonna roll this out
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and try to convince the American public or the world that this is an effective
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thing and being able to show an antibody titer which regularly bumps up seems
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that's that's the industry gold standard at this stage and so virus
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equals excess deaths has been the the sort of scam the whole time right that
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that's been the idea the whole time mystery virus equals excess deaths and
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when this started was at this where the shade ends there and who told us this
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all the world leaders all of our CDC people all the people on TV all the
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virologists all agreed it was one great big illusion of consensus that these
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mystery virus this mystery virus was a new source of death and excess deaths
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because we were all vulnerable again I do not want to diminish the value and the
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expertise of our national health care societies and international exercise like
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the WHO and the CDC however they I think those are our bodies that are built for
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peacetime and not for war and we're at war right now with this virus and and
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one of the main issues that we've seen is that they initially came out all the
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national health care societies came out with recommendations that focuses on
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supportive care only which is generally you give Tylenol for fever you treat
34:38.640 --> 34:42.160
symptoms you might give a little hydration nutrition and you give oxygen
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and ventilators for support when they can't breathe and that's reasonable for
34:47.200 --> 34:51.280
viral syndrome but this thing is different number one number two that
34:51.280 --> 34:56.160
strategy is failing I don't think I need to spend a lot of time showing how
34:56.160 --> 34:59.720
badly that's failing the mortality and morbidity rates of this disease are
34:59.720 --> 35:04.160
unprecedented I've been doing critical care for a decade and a half I do not see
35:04.160 --> 35:07.640
mortality rates associated with any severe illness that I see in this this
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one now to try and paint the whole picture here of of possibilities it is
35:16.200 --> 35:23.080
not out of the realm of possibilities that whatever Dr. Corey ran into in New
35:23.080 --> 35:29.200
York City it was something like an aerosolized toxin that could have caused
35:29.200 --> 35:33.480
people to have symptoms a suite of symptoms that he couldn't explain that
35:33.480 --> 35:39.000
the treatment protocol wouldn't work on but then we would really need to
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investigate it thoroughly we really would because the alternative is of
35:45.520 --> 35:50.680
course that if it works fine for a viral syndrome what he just said already
35:50.680 --> 35:56.640
acknowledges the the principle of the pandemic that it's a viral syndrome but
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this disease is something else we're at war
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it suggests something else and I hesitate to say much more than that because I
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feel an obligation to but this is it's highly dubious because what we saw in
36:25.280 --> 36:30.480
New York seemed to be extraordinary for around three and a half weeks and then
36:30.480 --> 36:36.920
just disappear and the crazy thing is it does seem like the timing of his
36:36.960 --> 36:43.560
arrival in New York City is kind of after that whole thing and I could be
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corrected and I'm fine with that but I think we need to be very very very
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introspective now as we move forward and be very careful about be very careful as
36:57.400 --> 37:03.480
we look back here he is he is he is saying that the protocols are not
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working he's not explicitly saying that the protocols may be killing people but
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I think we can safely assume that because again if you're ventilating
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people that don't need ventilation in order to reduce spread you're gonna kill
37:16.600 --> 37:23.320
people and remember what we said earlier you don't need you don't need to do a
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lot you just need to increase all cause mortality of turning this knob pushing
37:27.560 --> 37:34.120
that button and not turning that switch will kill 15% more people every month
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in a hospital you could do that across the nation and call that spread with
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the right combination of testing and media blitz and so I would like to more
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people to consider the possibility that with a very very well thought out well
37:51.840 --> 37:58.720
tabled well gamed over several decades trying to figure out how this would work
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the best and then with the cooperation of social media something very very
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spectacular could be done and one of the reasons why I think something very
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spectacular was done is because no one no one no one will do this math it's not
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just mystery virus equals excess deaths because we have discovered that there
38:24.040 --> 38:28.760
was a lot of fear uncertainty doubt and confusion when they sent all the old
38:28.760 --> 38:34.040
doctors home because of the dangerous virus and left hospital administrators
38:34.040 --> 38:40.120
ruling over residents while there were do not resuscitate orders out on the
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street with EMTs while there were ventilators being used to prevent spread
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and settings that are never ever used and attached to the internet for some
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reason the lack of antibiotic use for a viral syndrome remember dr. Corey just
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said that poor use of steroids the use of remdesivir medazolam was started by
39:03.360 --> 39:11.800
April I believe of 2020 but certainly went on well through 2022 and 2023 and
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might still be used today opioid deaths were allowed to go bananas and of course
39:21.680 --> 39:27.000
that helps because if you just call other respiratory disease covid-19 you
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don't have any more deaths between now and last year the death certificate fraud
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was fueled by financial incentives that happened all over the United States so
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the numbers are just ridiculously silly and not I mean not at all reflective of
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any kind of reality track and trace do you remember that people were getting
39:50.280 --> 39:56.680
paid like forty dollars an hour to to bank phone calls and pretend to track
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and trace the the contacts of somebody who tests positive I mean this was really
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absurd in 2020 and 2021 they had us wearing masks they had our children
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wearing masks in school for a whole year and when they were in school and Brett
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Weinstein advocated for this for like two and a half years or two years at
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least he didn't speak out against closed schools or masking kids in school at
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all no developmental biology in his brain at all apparently it's it's
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evolutionary biology that he's a special specialist in that's why he's never
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spoke out about the PCR fraud or the lateral test flow or lateral flow test
40:46.400 --> 40:52.240
fraud or or the whole debacle of the sequencing but he did have Yuri Dagan on
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his podcast in 2020 a member of drastic so that he could already start the
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lab leak debate ready ready and waiting the Scooby-Doo settled in 2020 he
41:03.040 --> 41:11.440
seeded the Scooby-Doo narrative by having Yuri Dagan on his stream and I was
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totally sucked into the Scooby-Doo narrative by Yuri Dagan I thought I was
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lucky to be able to review his paper I thought it was cool that while I was
41:25.120 --> 41:30.960
faculty at the University of Pittsburgh I was sticking it out there and and
41:30.960 --> 41:34.800
reviewing the paper about the fear and cleavage site and the likelihood that it
41:34.800 --> 41:42.200
was a lab leak feeling the narrative that would eventually kill my friend
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friends family members too really I don't think I could have stopped it for
41:53.080 --> 41:57.960
ladies and gentlemen do you understand what's happening here we are about to
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awaken because there is no epidemiological evidence of spread anywhere in the
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world there is evidence of mass casualty events that may have been
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orchestrated by some state actors projected Medicare costs were avoided I
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want to I want to do something here I just make sure that you understand what
42:21.600 --> 42:27.520
I'm saying here because sometimes I think I'm not very clear if you know
42:27.520 --> 42:32.560
anything about the population pyramid let me see where I am on this drawing
42:32.560 --> 42:38.080
this would be like a hundred years old this would be zero years old we divide
42:38.080 --> 42:43.720
this in half and we put the boys on this side and we put the females on this
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side and then if you have this is age right and so you have a certain number
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of kids at the bottom like this and then you can make this shape it goes all the
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way up and describes sort of the age pyramid of a population and we had this
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pyramid that looked like this it's not gonna be perfect here I'm just making a
43:06.640 --> 43:13.240
point and this bubble here this bulge here is pretty significant it might even
43:13.240 --> 43:18.000
be worse you know like this and so that means men and women around
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retirement age there's a surplus of them these would be the boomers an
43:25.440 --> 43:29.040
important thing to understand about the American economy and the American
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government I want you to listen very carefully because this is totally true
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Medicare is not an option for the American budget it's written in such a
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way that that number is not negotiable when that number comes in the bill gets
43:47.400 --> 43:56.720
paid or gets charged and the issue with this this right here is that if this is
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retirement age let's say this is the age of average age of death okay in order for
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someone to get from the average age of death and then one year before it there
44:15.320 --> 44:19.080
is usually some Medicare costs in here because they don't just let people die
44:19.080 --> 44:23.000
they try their best to keep people alive you know you might go into the intensive
44:23.000 --> 44:27.520
care unit this kind of thing and so the point is is that this last year of life
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or show it's about five hundred thousand dollars per six months on average
44:36.120 --> 44:40.840
especially if you think about diabetes and and people being overweight and this
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kind of thing so for Medicare this was an impending doom it was actually an
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impending doom that they've been writing about in journals and articles and
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newspapers and and fancy you know like things like the economists for a very
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long time predicting that if all of these boomers age out through Medicare then
45:05.880 --> 45:10.880
the cost of their aging out the cost of their end-of-life care is gonna
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bankrupt the United States and so when I say that when I say that that the
45:25.240 --> 45:29.040
projected Medicare costs in the coming eight years were avoided I'm really
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referring to that the idea that people had predicted already that this
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this exponential increase in Medicare costs would would really be devastating
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in the United States they have they have done an awful lot to set in motion I'm
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sorry my ear really itches from my my headphone for some reason I don't know
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what happened maybe it's just the basketballs today too much sweat I don't
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know why that threw me off all of a sudden the they they have set up a
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situation where they have these pneumonia vaccines and RSV vaccines and flu
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vaccines and COVID vaccines they could in theory give an old person four
46:15.480 --> 46:22.800
vaccines a year and certainly these very frail ones these these you know very
46:22.800 --> 46:29.440
vulnerable old people that really need the protection of a vaccine and that's
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the most frustrating thing they don't need the protection of the vaccine because
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of taking a vaccine is a challenge for a body even if it is a working vaccine
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that's given subcutaneously or taken orally it's an immune challenge and an
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intramuscular injection of any combination of substances is gonna be a
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terrible immune challenge with all kinds of potential downsides you definitely
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don't want to do to a frail old person and yet somehow or another they've
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inverted it now to suggest that these things are so beneficial and so lacking
47:04.520 --> 47:12.400
of harm that very old and frail people should update their vaccines never mind
47:12.400 --> 47:16.520
what they eat never mind what they exercise never mind what they drink
47:16.520 --> 47:24.760
update their vaccines so it looks like some more Medicare costs are gonna be
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avoided in the very near future by this same mechanism that they engaged with
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the mythology of the pandemic and still I'm gonna keep harping on it we need to
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be very simple and very precise and for some reason no one is able to do it we
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need to advocate for strict liability for these products and we need to argue
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that the CICP and the VICP these these administrative courts that are used to
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settle with and make the government pay for any potential damages by counter
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measure or damage by vaccine these things need to be discarded because they are
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a seventh amendment violation we need to go back to strict liability and just
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suing these people in court so I do think that we have been fooled by a
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bunch of people that were selected a bunch of people put in place in order to
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convince the public that something very serious was occurring so that they would
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follow the counter measures so that the drill would be effective so that they
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could measure how far they could get and then they could see if they could get
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everybody to take a transfection and success would have been a 90%
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penetration rate of the second shot and they got nowhere close to it of course
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but what they tried to do is put people in place all along the hypothetical
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public health train and gave everybody a elaborate costume and some lights and
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stuff and then made them pretend to stop and start the public health train
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be wrestling against the public health train being wrestling against the the
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pandemic train and the way that these people were put and the narrative that
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these people were given the little bits of the narrative the pieces of the Scooby-Doo
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puzzle were given to different people and they stood at different parts of the
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train and collectively pretended to be fighting it to be resisting it to be
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standing up against it to be accurately representing it and because social
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media and mainstream media elevated some of these people to elevate the stories
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that they were telling the people that were having a real counter narrative the
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people that were really speaking up the people that really had something to say
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were not needed we're not there because they were not part of the limited
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spectrum of debate that was used to reinforce the presuppositions of the
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system and I think one of the cleverest ones was hydroxychloroquine and I
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vermectin the use of a probably underutilized pharmaceutical that should
50:03.440 --> 50:08.320
have been in everybody's medicine cabinet with a whole list of of of
50:08.320 --> 50:15.600
indications instead is largely underutil underused or not utilized at all and
50:15.600 --> 50:22.480
so they rolled these things out as alternatives for the novel pathogen and
50:22.480 --> 50:28.040
it was very lacking of risk but they even went so far as to have I vermectin
50:28.040 --> 50:32.680
have some fake pills around and have that whole narrative of fake pills show up
50:32.680 --> 50:40.160
all over and so again it became about sabotaging the novel cure for the novel
50:40.160 --> 50:44.720
virus why would the government ever sabotage something that could save a lot
50:44.760 --> 50:49.480
of people a lot of people were stuck on that narrative a lot of people still are
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stuck on that narrative the idea that the government purposely sabotaged repurposed
50:54.560 --> 51:00.800
drugs in order to make room for in order to make sure there would be an EUA for
51:00.800 --> 51:08.120
mRNA now that's a really interesting story and in a lot of ways it's true but
51:08.120 --> 51:12.520
the main reason why they did the hydroxychloroquine and I vermectin
51:12.520 --> 51:18.880
fiasco story theater was to make sure that in 2020 in 2021 there was not a
51:18.880 --> 51:23.840
single person on the planet who really moved to the point to say there was no
51:23.840 --> 51:28.760
evidence of spread there were people that were saying there was no virus but
51:28.760 --> 51:35.080
they weren't articulated enough to say what the hell was going on then and maybe
51:35.080 --> 51:40.320
it was too early for them to know but even as we got more data even as we got
51:40.360 --> 51:46.640
more information even as the the information evolved they stuck to this
51:46.640 --> 51:51.560
very limited spectrum of debate like everybody else does and as long as you
51:51.560 --> 51:55.560
can look and see that someone stuck to a very limited spectrum of debate like
51:55.560 --> 52:04.720
VAERS or stuck to a very limited spectrum of debate like the the multi systemic
52:04.760 --> 52:13.680
effects of the spike protein then you know that something shady was going on
52:13.680 --> 52:18.720
something fishy was going on at best and we can hope this for most of the people
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on the on the length of this train we we can hope that some of these people
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were just taken by the fame by the by the by the comfort and by the notoriety
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maybe by the world travel and they thought well I've got a part to play it's like
52:36.760 --> 52:41.280
a barbershop quartet I sing the VAERS part they sing the Ivermectin part
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someone else sings the hydroxychloroquine part someone else sings the the I don't
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know the turbo cancer part but then altogether the whole song sounds great
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and it sounds really dissidenty and it it all sings really well together and
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there's a really harmony and and everything and and all the while the
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novel virus that killed millions the millions more were saved from that
53:09.320 --> 53:15.320
likely came from gain of function and will come again is never questioned and
53:15.320 --> 53:20.000
in fact all the references that are made are indirect or directly acknowledging
53:20.000 --> 53:27.200
its existence acknowledging its impact and acknowledging its likely return
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that's why we're still here that's why we spent the whole Christmas the last
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one two three four Christmases here
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and I think this is the best way to sum it up this gnome Chomsky quote is
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really just spectacular the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is
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to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion but allow a very
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lively debate within that spectrum even encourage the more critical and
54:04.040 --> 54:07.200
dissonant views that gives people the sense that there is a free thinking
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going on while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being
54:12.080 --> 54:20.360
reinforced by the limits put on the range of debate I think you need to start we
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need to start to consider the possibility that many of these people have been
54:24.360 --> 54:31.800
co-opted many years ago brought pull the side and said look this is how we
54:31.800 --> 54:36.800
govern the United States it is with elaborate manipulation of their
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opinions it is through elaborate manipulation of their understanding of
54:42.360 --> 54:48.560
reality and we have succeeded in the to a large extent the American public does
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not think about anything that we don't want them to think about and certainly
54:54.200 --> 55:01.200
not with any passion that's how we are governed and so if you would like to join
55:01.200 --> 55:14.000
the governing power of the United States here's your offer that was done years
55:14.000 --> 55:18.200
before the pandemic and continued right up to the pandemic and probably in
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through the first two or three or four years and right up until Romania in
55:22.760 --> 55:31.560
two thousand twenty three remember that I have told you for a long time now
55:31.560 --> 55:38.200
that that the intellectual dark web is that the key to understanding this the
55:38.200 --> 55:44.760
key to understanding it is that Mark von Raunst in 2011 stood in front of the
55:44.760 --> 55:49.120
Chatham House and said that it's too bad we don't we didn't have or knows
55:49.120 --> 55:55.720
2019 and and and wind maybe it was 2011 I got to look it up I think a
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month later than that but he whined that in 2009 when he was the flu commissar
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of Belgium and there was supposed to be this swine flu that they didn't have
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things like Facebook and and Twitter and all these things he would have been so
56:12.320 --> 56:19.480
much easier to control the narrative had they had social media like that and so
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in order for a national security event of this nature a global theater to be
56:26.840 --> 56:34.240
executed they would have had to put people in place but don't underestimate
56:34.240 --> 56:37.480
they didn't need to tell any of these people they all were gonna run a
56:37.480 --> 56:40.960
pandemic in a couple years so we want you to get a podcast going and build a
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little bit of a following before we pull the trigger they don't say that what
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they say is that YouTube is starting to become really influential and we want to
56:50.720 --> 56:57.200
have some influential people of our own on YouTube and we think you'd be a great
56:57.200 --> 57:03.920
candidate for that you're like a intellectual you know we like your
57:03.920 --> 57:11.840
brand here's me Joe Rogan he's one of our our you know franchise players we
57:11.840 --> 57:15.320
got a few other ones and we're gonna look for him and find him we're gonna
57:15.320 --> 57:22.840
recruit him and we're gonna build an army of big and small influencers that we
57:22.840 --> 57:28.240
can start to use to leverage public opinion just like Bernays says in the
57:28.240 --> 57:34.040
beginning slides this is the real ruling power of America this is the real
57:34.040 --> 57:39.960
ruling power of the Western world this is why social media as it stands right
57:39.960 --> 57:44.400
now is so important and so powerful the reason why why Elon Musk paid so much
57:44.400 --> 57:51.320
money for Twitter it's not just a show these are really some of the more
57:51.320 --> 58:02.280
impressively new ruling knobs of the Western world I mean it would be a bit
58:02.280 --> 58:13.240
like adding a extra set of pedals in a car or a it an extra steering wheel or
58:13.240 --> 58:18.440
or something like that you're you're you're complicating the operating of the
58:18.520 --> 58:23.840
of the machine and in this case they're up they're they're complicating the the
58:23.840 --> 58:29.160
operation of the democracy which should be a republic but they're complicating
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they're tweaking their they're throwing a wrench in the operation of the
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republic by confusing and seeding doubt and fear into the populace this is the
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Romanian meeting that I I'm speaking of it happened on the 18th and 17 18 19
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of November in 2023 and at this event were Brett Weinstein and Denny Rankor
59:00.320 --> 59:07.800
and Jessica Rose and Brian brittle and Harvey Reich and Nick Hudson and Brett
59:07.800 --> 59:14.280
Weinstein and Ryan Cole and Robert Malone and Jill Glasspool Malone and
59:14.280 --> 59:23.480
Meryl Nasse and Steven Hatfield among others and what I have found very
59:23.480 --> 59:28.280
frustrating about this particular photograph and what happened afterward
59:28.280 --> 59:34.200
was of course Robert Malone tweeted that he met and saw a great presentation by
59:34.200 --> 59:39.480
Denny Rankor and then mentioned the Denny Rankor's data shows that 17
59:39.480 --> 59:43.000
million people were killed by the shot but doesn't mention the Denny Rankor's
59:43.040 --> 59:47.120
data also shows that the virus can't cross borders because it doesn't have a
59:47.120 --> 59:52.640
passport apparently and that indeed has happened multiple times since he's been
59:52.640 --> 59:57.600
back Jessica Rose for example right after the conference wrote a sub stack about
59:57.600 --> 01:00:02.760
the breakfast in the hotel and took a selfie with Dennis but never really
01:00:02.760 --> 01:00:05.960
specifically mentioned that his data blows the whole narrative out of the
01:00:05.960 --> 01:00:12.400
water of course there would be nothing to talk about on VAERS if they hadn't
01:00:12.400 --> 01:00:17.640
used mass casualty events around the United States and the world exacerbated
01:00:17.640 --> 01:00:24.720
all cause mortality and then told us that it was evidence of spread there'd be no
01:00:24.720 --> 01:00:27.720
shot to gripe about there'd be no
01:00:27.720 --> 01:00:33.560
transfection technology to claim to be having been invented by you there'd be
01:00:33.560 --> 01:00:40.240
none of this none of these arguments would be relevant and so incidentally it
01:00:40.240 --> 01:00:45.920
does turn out that that that the last half or the last 20 minutes of that video
01:00:45.920 --> 01:00:50.800
with with Tucker Carlson is actually relevant and so I want to watch that now
01:00:50.800 --> 01:00:57.120
before I go to bed tonight in August 11 darn this was a tweet by Brett today on
01:00:57.120 --> 01:01:04.240
January 8th at 4 20 p.m. dissidents succeeded in upending the COVID
01:01:04.240 --> 01:01:11.120
narrative historic victory but instead coming together and gearing up for the
01:01:11.120 --> 01:01:16.000
rematch that Goliath is clearly planning a fair fraction are overtaken by a petty
01:01:16.000 --> 01:01:22.080
infighting why dissidents tend to be lone wolves rather than team players
01:01:22.080 --> 01:01:28.120
interesting theory most dissidents have no experience wielding any power or
01:01:28.200 --> 01:01:34.840
influence at all and so to play the game like novices now I do believe I do
01:01:34.840 --> 01:01:39.320
believe that this tweet then actually is an admission that he it does have some
01:01:39.320 --> 01:01:43.720
experience wielding power or influence
01:01:47.080 --> 01:01:52.400
it does mean that he feels as though he's wielding some power and influence and
01:01:52.400 --> 01:01:57.760
that other people who wield power and influence are challenging him he doesn't
01:01:57.760 --> 01:02:02.240
like that we shouldn't have any infighting I seem to remember Robert Malone
01:02:02.240 --> 01:02:07.200
saying that a few times I remember Charles Rixie saying that too I remember
01:02:07.200 --> 01:02:11.200
people calling me a divider and I'm getting sick and tired of me and Dr.
01:02:11.200 --> 01:02:15.760
Cooey's streams with all those people on him why does he keep dividing all the
01:02:15.760 --> 01:02:22.200
time I'm not dividing I keep picking on the same people the same people who have
01:02:22.200 --> 01:02:26.000
this spectacular commitment to lies that somehow or another they forgot where
01:02:26.040 --> 01:02:34.120
they were for 2020 and 2021 when my kids were using masks to play in band they
01:02:34.120 --> 01:02:38.560
that happened because of Brett Weinstein and everybody else like Jordan
01:02:38.560 --> 01:02:44.840
Peterson that didn't have any special insight into the pandemic
01:02:46.640 --> 01:02:55.040
it's absolutely despicable that in his his podcast in June of 2021 when he came
01:02:55.040 --> 01:03:02.400
with with with Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch that Brett Weinstein said that
01:03:02.400 --> 01:03:10.120
he had a background in immunology I would challenge you to find any podcast he's
01:03:10.120 --> 01:03:19.760
ever done where he's taught explained any phenomenon in immunology to a
01:03:19.800 --> 01:03:29.560
satisfactory level this guy is a an absolute player he is an absolute player
01:03:29.560 --> 01:03:36.640
there is absolutely no way that these pictures behind me these elaborate studio
01:03:36.640 --> 01:03:41.840
photography shoots these these things up here this over here is evidence of an
01:03:41.840 --> 01:03:53.200
of a meeting this is evidence of a meeting and it's a it's a it's the original
01:03:53.200 --> 01:04:00.320
dinner do you see the the people that are at this dinner it's it's Shapiro and
01:04:00.320 --> 01:04:07.720
Rubin and Rogan and Harris and Eric Weinstein and Peterson and who took the
01:04:07.720 --> 01:04:15.400
picture Brett these photographs up here Rubin
01:04:15.400 --> 01:04:23.560
what Harris Weinstein hang and this guy Eric Weinstein with a black umbrella
01:04:23.560 --> 01:04:29.360
over him you don't need to be a crazy symbologist to know that a black umbrella
01:04:29.360 --> 01:04:35.640
means something funny I mean Jordan Peterson with a triangle photograph is
01:04:35.640 --> 01:04:43.640
that just accidentally chosen I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen but I'm not I'm
01:04:43.640 --> 01:04:48.720
not gonna play any I'm not playing anymore this is really wrong he knows
01:04:48.720 --> 01:04:53.880
exactly what he's doing when he says these things Goliath has read and listened
01:04:53.880 --> 01:04:57.520
to enough private correspondence to play the dissident rivalies jealously and
01:04:57.520 --> 01:05:04.840
mistrust like a fiddle no no that's incorrect some of us have
01:05:04.840 --> 01:05:10.800
experienced the playing up being played like a fiddle that's why you're he's
01:05:10.800 --> 01:05:16.000
afraid everyone's afraid of my story because any one of these people that has
01:05:16.000 --> 01:05:22.000
interacted with me and has played me has exposed themselves and they all know it
01:05:22.000 --> 01:05:28.000
they all know that I know I know from their signal chats I know from their
01:05:28.000 --> 01:05:31.520
private messages I know from what they didn't say I know from what they didn't
01:05:31.560 --> 01:05:40.240
answer I know from how they didn't call back and Brett Weinstein I think I know
01:05:40.240 --> 01:05:45.760
better than almost anyone else that has messed with me in these years I've seen
01:05:45.760 --> 01:05:56.760
his true colors too often and from too many angles he has a very very sensitive
01:05:56.760 --> 01:06:05.000
ego every single idea that isn't his is got to be reformulated in such a way
01:06:05.000 --> 01:06:13.120
so that he can claim it for himself he's the most disingenuous learner in in in
01:06:13.120 --> 01:06:18.440
social media history even though it's so short and I'm very very frustrated with
01:06:18.440 --> 01:06:23.840
him I'm frustrated with him because he talked to me for a very long time on
01:06:23.840 --> 01:06:29.280
signal and made it seem like that I was struggling to explain to get him to
01:06:29.280 --> 01:06:37.680
understand the biology that I was trying to argue for in 2022 and now we're in
01:06:37.680 --> 01:06:43.280
2024 and while I was in that signal chat with him of course he had already
01:06:43.280 --> 01:06:49.560
recorded an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. already recorded an
01:06:49.560 --> 01:06:55.120
interview three hours long in his house never mentioned it of course that any
01:06:55.120 --> 01:06:59.960
of this happened incidentally when I told that signal chat group that that
01:06:59.960 --> 01:07:06.000
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had called me and asked me to be an advisor on the book
01:07:06.000 --> 01:07:10.600
Brett's first response was why you
01:07:12.640 --> 01:07:16.120
eventually Brett told me that he couldn't really understand what I was
01:07:16.120 --> 01:07:21.240
saying and even though you know I can show you a picture for example of him
01:07:21.240 --> 01:07:27.480
saying okay say it again like your father speaking to a five-year-old he
01:07:27.480 --> 01:07:33.480
said that a lot in that signal chat and and and Brett Weinstein was wearing a
01:07:33.480 --> 01:07:40.040
bandana and eye goggles for almost a year
01:07:44.240 --> 01:07:49.920
no I'm not I'm not done anymore I'm not I'm not gonna accept this excuse of you
01:07:49.920 --> 01:07:53.360
know mistakes were made and that kind of thing that's that is what I'm saying
01:07:53.360 --> 01:08:00.240
there were mistakes made by people and some mistakes were not mistakes some
01:08:00.240 --> 01:08:05.000
mistakes were chosen some things were chosen because they were script given to
01:08:05.000 --> 01:08:13.080
you for comfort and fame and I think that's what these people did I really do I
01:08:13.080 --> 01:08:21.560
think these people are part of an elaborate I mean really awful plan to
01:08:21.560 --> 01:08:26.800
usurp our country to usurp the West whatever you want to call it I got to
01:08:26.800 --> 01:08:39.920
find this hold on one second this yes you're speaking in grand terms that
01:08:39.920 --> 01:08:44.400
so I'm gonna go to the part where we were already our constitution doesn't
01:08:44.400 --> 01:08:55.200
describe and I'm gonna speed it up a little bit and here we go from your
01:08:55.200 --> 01:08:58.440
rights during time oh wait what is it right simply are what they are in there
01:08:58.440 --> 01:09:02.480
not something in the red place because there's a this user thing but nonetheless
01:09:02.480 --> 01:09:06.600
people's willingness to accept the erosion of their rights because of a
01:09:06.600 --> 01:09:10.800
public health emergency has allowed this tyranny to to use it as a Trojan horse
01:09:10.800 --> 01:09:15.440
yes and so I want you to just hear what he just said there because it's really
01:09:15.440 --> 01:09:22.080
important to understand that he doesn't see himself as part of that he doesn't
01:09:22.080 --> 01:09:28.440
see himself at all as having played any role in the public having slipped into
01:09:28.440 --> 01:09:35.640
this trap that's the dishonesty and the lack of humility that is driving anyone
01:09:35.640 --> 01:09:41.280
nuts that has a problem with Brett Weinstein being an ever rising star in
01:09:41.280 --> 01:09:46.920
this dissident movement as though he was always driving the car always knew
01:09:46.920 --> 01:09:55.840
where we were going it was always his idea to go camping listen carefully please
01:09:55.840 --> 01:09:59.240
direction because it's the turnkey totalitarian planet right the World
01:09:59.240 --> 01:10:01.360
Health Organization is above the level of nations and it is going to be in a
01:10:01.360 --> 01:10:05.040
position if these provisions pass to dictate to nations how they are to treat
01:10:05.040 --> 01:10:07.960
their own citizens to override their constitutions despite what Tedress just
01:10:07.960 --> 01:10:13.200
told you so that is frightening it's not inherently about health what I think has
01:10:13.200 --> 01:10:20.400
happened is the fact of a possible pandemic causes a loophole in the mind
01:10:20.400 --> 01:10:24.120
it's not a loophole in our governance documents our Constitution doesn't
01:10:24.120 --> 01:10:27.920
describe exemptions from your rights during time of a pandemic emergency your
01:10:27.920 --> 01:10:30.200
rights simply are what they are and they're not supposed to go anywhere just
01:10:30.200 --> 01:10:35.320
because there's a disease spreading but nonetheless people's willingness to
01:10:35.320 --> 01:10:38.720
accept the erosion of their rights because of a public health emergency has
01:10:38.720 --> 01:10:47.000
allowed this tyranny to use it as a Trojan horse yes and so some people like
01:10:47.000 --> 01:10:53.360
it like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. we're speaking out about how irrespective of
01:10:53.360 --> 01:10:57.920
the public health excuse that's given the the public health worst case scenario
01:10:57.920 --> 01:11:04.080
that's given we shouldn't secede our rights to these people that lockdowns
01:11:04.080 --> 01:11:09.240
are not the way that erosion of our rights is not the way that that that
01:11:09.240 --> 01:11:14.560
closing down our economies and schools was not the way there were people who
01:11:14.560 --> 01:11:18.680
were arguing against this from the very beginning who knew that masks couldn't
01:11:18.680 --> 01:11:25.440
stop particle sizes as described there were people who were already talking
01:11:25.440 --> 01:11:30.480
about the PCR couldn't possibly be as accurate as they say it is there's no way
01:11:30.480 --> 01:11:34.160
what do we know about the background what is this what is going on there were
01:11:34.160 --> 01:11:39.600
people saying this stuff but it wasn't Brett Weinstein Brett Weinstein and his
01:11:39.600 --> 01:11:45.840
wife were saying that it might be it most likely is bushmeat and then even if
01:11:45.840 --> 01:11:50.080
we find out that this is not from a market we should still fix the problem of
01:11:50.080 --> 01:11:54.960
bushmeat because isn't that where AIDS came from
01:11:55.920 --> 01:12:02.200
that is Brett Weinstein
01:12:02.960 --> 01:12:09.840
bandana and goggles that is Brett Weinstein
01:12:11.600 --> 01:12:17.920
when when Sam Harris says that there won't be any room to tolerate these
01:12:17.920 --> 01:12:23.280
people when there's a virus that kills 75% of everyone it infects it will be a
01:12:23.280 --> 01:12:28.880
moral emergency Brett didn't say anything because he didn't have principles then
01:12:30.320 --> 01:12:34.800
and Brett did not speak up against lockdowns or masks or shutting down schools
01:12:34.800 --> 01:12:37.200
because he didn't have principles then either
01:12:40.960 --> 01:12:47.440
because he and other people then or soon after sold out co-opted
01:12:48.400 --> 01:12:53.280
went along with or were elevated because they went along with maybe it's that
01:12:53.280 --> 01:12:57.600
sophisticated maybe they just picked random people who were silly enough to go
01:12:57.600 --> 01:13:00.160
along and then they elevated them but I highly doubt it
01:13:02.320 --> 01:13:05.040
I think it's much more likely because of his connections
01:13:06.400 --> 01:13:09.600
because of the way that his family is connected
01:13:10.960 --> 01:13:14.480
the way that his friends are connected the who he's connected to
01:13:14.640 --> 01:13:19.040
who his brothers connected to it's much more likely
01:13:21.120 --> 01:13:26.880
that he was part of a selection the intellectual dark web was not a spontaneous group of dudes
01:13:27.440 --> 01:13:34.640
bros with shows I just saw recently I think it's very safe to say that all the bros with shows
01:13:35.440 --> 01:13:39.840
especially the bros with shows before the pandemic especially the bros with shows that
01:13:39.920 --> 01:13:46.160
talked about the intolerability of anti-vaxxes right before the pandemic started those bros
01:13:46.160 --> 01:13:49.040
with shows oh that's pretty shady stuff
01:13:54.000 --> 01:13:59.120
I think we got them ladies and gentlemen hook we got them all we got them all we can see them now
01:13:59.120 --> 01:14:04.560
all we got to do is just stop and look and I think that's also it's something people need to
01:14:04.560 --> 01:14:10.320
become aware of that there are a number of features of our environment that are basically
01:14:10.320 --> 01:14:15.520
they are blind spots that we can't see past vaccine was one and I know I was an enthusiast
01:14:15.520 --> 01:14:20.240
about vaccines I still believe deeply in the elegance of vaccines as they should exist
01:14:20.240 --> 01:14:23.360
but I'm now very alarmed at how they are produced and I'm even more alarmed at what has been
01:14:23.360 --> 01:14:27.920
called a vaccine that doesn't meet the definition right that because now be careful you don't
01:14:27.920 --> 01:14:33.280
miss misunderstand that he's appalled by how they're produced and he's also worried about these new
01:14:33.280 --> 01:14:39.200
ones it's all the same he's not talking about the old ones yet and he won't talk about the old ones
01:14:39.200 --> 01:14:46.320
because he is a medler he's never going to have the revelation never ever ever that the entire
01:14:46.320 --> 01:14:53.360
vaccine schedule in America is criminal he's never going to compare on screen on his podcast
01:14:53.920 --> 01:14:58.400
the vaccine schedule in Norway with the vaccine schedule in America and then scratch his head
01:14:58.400 --> 01:15:05.360
and go wow I wonder why it's that way because he believes in the miracle of vaccines he believes
01:15:05.360 --> 01:15:13.040
in the elegance of vaccines and he believes that mRNA is even more elegant listen carefully
01:15:14.160 --> 01:15:21.440
this is not anyone that is on our team many of us believe that vaccines were extremely
01:15:21.440 --> 01:15:27.120
elegant low harm high efficacy method of preventing disease when they called this mRNA technology
01:15:27.120 --> 01:15:32.960
a vaccine many of us gave it more credibility than we should have if they called it a gene
01:15:32.960 --> 01:15:36.960
transaction technology we would have thought wait what you know that that sounds highly novel and
01:15:36.960 --> 01:15:43.120
it sounds dangerous and how many and now is he saying that he did it or we did it because I didn't do it
01:15:44.240 --> 01:15:50.800
you see that's the problem this is where I start to get a little upset because he was on a signal
01:15:50.800 --> 01:15:58.480
chat with me in late 2021 I believe all the way through a lot of 2022 where I explain this crap
01:15:58.480 --> 01:16:04.160
over and over again introduced him to the word transfection tried to explain to him that it's
01:16:04.160 --> 01:16:12.640
not something I'm making up and even after links and just saying just dude just google it it still
01:16:12.640 --> 01:16:18.960
didn't stick his wife mentioned it once on the podcast but they don't use that term regularly
01:16:18.960 --> 01:16:24.000
this is one of the first times again that he's ever used it and he explicitly admits that had
01:16:24.000 --> 01:16:31.520
we called it a transfection from the beginning it might not have taken off I gave him that opportunity
01:16:32.560 --> 01:16:38.320
I gave everybody that opportunity I called it a transfection in writing on medium in May
01:16:38.320 --> 01:16:46.960
of 2021 and I was already saying it in 2020 I was already saying no in 2020
01:16:47.600 --> 01:16:50.880
I was a little afraid to say that it didn't help anybody that already took it
01:16:51.760 --> 01:16:56.800
I didn't really see that as being very smart at that time to say that but now I know it should have
01:16:56.800 --> 01:16:58.880
been said that's what I thought
01:17:03.840 --> 01:17:09.760
you see the problem is is that Brett was really certain back then he's really certain now
01:17:10.480 --> 01:17:14.960
that his story is correct that he did the best he could that he didn't make any egregious
01:17:14.960 --> 01:17:20.800
mistakes except for maybe the mass thing but that didn't hurt anybody the masks did everything in
01:17:20.800 --> 01:17:29.840
the beginning it was the illusion of consensus with the cars full of people with masks on the
01:17:29.840 --> 01:17:36.800
the big shops full of people with masks on is a illusion illusion of consensus and it was created
01:17:36.800 --> 01:17:45.280
by these people and it was fueled by this person wearing a bandana on his neck for nine or ten
01:17:45.280 --> 01:17:56.960
or eleven months sharing selfies with a bandana and and eye goggles advocating almost two years
01:17:56.960 --> 01:18:01.760
later for harder lockdowns next time if we would have done it right this wouldn't have happened
01:18:01.760 --> 01:18:07.600
zero cove it was possible at some point this is the same guy
01:18:12.480 --> 01:18:16.080
there were people that were millennia ahead of him
01:18:20.880 --> 01:18:24.960
and some of them he was talking to and ignoring
01:18:24.960 --> 01:18:33.600
much do we know about the long-term implications but because they called it a vaccine people were
01:18:33.600 --> 01:18:39.200
much readily much more willing to accept it public health functions the same way he called it a
01:18:39.200 --> 01:18:48.400
vaccine because they called it a vaccine because we we gave it more credit he gave it more credit
01:18:49.360 --> 01:18:54.080
I didn't I called it a transfection he called it a vaccine
01:18:56.320 --> 01:19:03.840
they actually called it an investigational vaccine and an emergency use authorized countermeasure
01:19:06.000 --> 01:19:08.480
he's the one who went on and on about it being a vaccine
01:19:11.440 --> 01:19:16.400
and he sees no responsibility for it even though he's called it a vaccine all through 2023 are you
01:19:16.480 --> 01:19:16.960
kidding me
01:19:22.400 --> 01:19:26.880
do you see the hypocrisy here do you see why it's not as simple as we can divide everybody the
01:19:26.880 --> 01:19:31.040
dissident movement is starting to fracture because people's egos are getting too big
01:19:32.800 --> 01:19:35.920
because people have never aren't used to wielding influence
01:19:37.920 --> 01:19:44.400
I'm not wielding influence Brett I'm trying to save the world for my grandchildren as crazy as
01:19:44.400 --> 01:19:51.040
that sounds what else do I got to do how else can I try I got to get these bad ideas that were
01:19:51.040 --> 01:19:57.920
laid down by bad people in the beginning of 2020 all through the end of 2021 we got to get these
01:19:57.920 --> 01:20:04.400
bad ideas out of these kids heads and Brett Weinstein is one of the people that put those
01:20:04.400 --> 01:20:11.280
bad ideas in those kids heads with his complete lack of insight and complete lack of principles
01:20:11.280 --> 01:20:17.120
in 2020 and 2021 and when he finally found his principles he still didn't question the lack of
01:20:17.120 --> 01:20:22.880
evidence of spread he distilled in question the fidelity of virology he still didn't question
01:20:23.440 --> 01:20:29.200
the overall efficacy of transfection he just questioned the possible side downsides of it
01:20:36.480 --> 01:20:40.240
this is of course something that they're going to double down on over and over again he's never
01:20:40.320 --> 01:20:51.600
going to admit that he cooperated with some different weaponized piles of money in order
01:20:51.600 --> 01:20:57.840
to get comfort and promised fame take care of his family feed his family save up for the
01:20:58.720 --> 01:21:01.920
currency crash get some gold in his house I don't know what he got
01:21:02.800 --> 01:21:10.400
maybe a guarantee that you know his family would be protected or something like that I have no idea
01:21:10.400 --> 01:21:16.960
maybe he just did it for podcasts and for for sponsors
01:21:21.120 --> 01:21:26.000
but there's no question in my mind that he's probably smart enough to have known that masks
01:21:26.000 --> 01:21:31.520
wouldn't work it's probably smart enough to have known that masks on children would be terrible
01:21:31.920 --> 01:21:36.320
he's probably smart enough to know that masks on children and making them stay home for a year
01:21:36.320 --> 01:21:45.840
and use iPads to go to school would probably be terrible like way way way worse for some kids
01:21:45.840 --> 01:21:51.280
than for other kids way way worse for some school systems than other school districts
01:21:52.560 --> 01:21:59.120
he's smart enough to know all that but did he did he debate any of those things did he advocate
01:21:59.120 --> 01:22:03.200
for any of those things did he see that as a violation of our rights did he have any principles
01:22:03.200 --> 01:22:11.360
with regard to the development of our children and he still doesn't he's not apologetic for it
01:22:11.360 --> 01:22:16.320
he didn't make he didn't make those policies so he was done to no obligation to know what the
01:22:16.320 --> 01:22:25.840
right thing to say was he got five hundred thousand dollars to resign
01:22:26.320 --> 01:22:37.520
from evergreen he didn't suffer he didn't lose he got a half a million dollars
01:22:40.880 --> 01:22:44.080
I guarantee you the University of Pittsburgh didn't give me a half a million dollars
01:22:47.680 --> 01:22:51.040
and I guarantee you I've made a half a million dollars doing this dumb stream
01:22:51.920 --> 01:22:56.400
it's not a dumb stream though it's a great stream share with your friends if you think about it
01:22:56.400 --> 01:23:02.160
public health step back a second your relationship with your doctor your personal health uh
01:23:02.160 --> 01:23:05.680
ought to be very important to you but there are ways in which things that happen at a population
01:23:05.680 --> 01:23:08.480
level affect your personal health and your doctor's not in position to do anything about right so
01:23:08.480 --> 01:23:11.680
somebody dumping pollution into a stream from which you're pulling fish you know you might detect
01:23:11.680 --> 01:23:14.560
the harm at the population level you might need a regulation at a population level in order to
01:23:14.560 --> 01:23:18.080
protect you your doctor's not in position regular pills are corrected so the idea that public health
01:23:18.160 --> 01:23:21.920
is potentially a place to improve all of our well-being is real but once you decide that
01:23:21.920 --> 01:23:25.760
there's something above doctors relative to your health then that can be an excuse for all manner
01:23:25.760 --> 01:23:31.040
of tyranny public health has been um adopted it's like uh it's like the sheep's clothing that has
01:23:31.040 --> 01:23:34.880
allowed the wolf to go after our rights because in theory it's trying to protect us from harms
01:23:34.880 --> 01:23:38.320
that we would like to be prepared and it generates such fear it's such a huge scale that it it weakens
01:23:38.320 --> 01:23:41.520
people's moral immune systems absolutely separate things they would never accept otherwise absolutely
01:23:41.520 --> 01:23:47.440
and as you know and as as I know when we raised questions about what was being uh being delivered
01:23:47.440 --> 01:23:52.240
to us under the guise of public health he did not raise any questions meaningful questions until
01:23:52.240 --> 01:24:01.200
2000 the end of 2021 at best and we looked at it yesterday or the day before rather the original
01:24:01.200 --> 01:24:06.720
breakout podcast with Brett Weinstein, Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch presented the idea that
01:24:06.720 --> 01:24:14.080
infection plus vaccination vaccination alone or the Freemason uh secret recipe of ivermectin could
01:24:14.160 --> 01:24:22.080
result in a a sort of a sort of uh let's say hybrid herd immunity that would allow all three
01:24:22.080 --> 01:24:26.240
of these gentlemen even though they're strangers from different social circles that should be
01:24:26.240 --> 01:24:31.760
socially isolated from one another to hang out without masks in a room and be safe
01:24:33.280 --> 01:24:35.840
that was his big message that was his big breakthrough
01:24:36.240 --> 01:24:46.240
while almost a year earlier i would been sent i would been asked to send in my badge and keys
01:24:46.880 --> 01:24:53.120
because it wasn't safe for me to come into the university anymore because i stood up and said
01:24:53.120 --> 01:24:58.320
the transfection of our old people's probably pretty dumb but transfection of our kids is going
01:24:58.320 --> 01:25:04.160
to be absurd and that's what they're going to do and all of us have to stand up because we all
01:25:04.160 --> 01:25:08.560
use transfection in our labs how can we not know that this is a crazy idea we wouldn't
01:25:08.560 --> 01:25:12.560
transfect our children but that's where we're going to be in a year if we don't speak up
01:25:14.800 --> 01:25:18.880
oh they're not the same as transfections it can't be the same jay don't don't be silly
01:25:25.120 --> 01:25:30.000
and Brett never said that Brett never said that until it was way too late until every college
01:25:30.080 --> 01:25:34.560
kid had already taken a pair until every old person had already taken a pair
01:25:36.880 --> 01:25:42.240
he never said anything he might have expressed some skepticism or that my family's gonna wait
01:25:42.240 --> 01:25:47.120
but i bet you he didn't and i'd love for a link to find out if he did because i bet he didn't
01:25:47.120 --> 01:25:51.280
we were demonized as if we had a moral defect it wasn't even a cognitive defect where we were
01:25:51.280 --> 01:25:54.160
failing to understand the wisdom of these vaccines it was a moral defect where we were failing to
01:25:54.160 --> 01:25:58.960
protect others who were vulnerable by questioning these things and so the idea that health is at stake
01:25:58.960 --> 01:26:04.400
in some vague larger sense that requires us to to override the natural relationship between
01:26:04.400 --> 01:26:08.800
doctors and patients is itself a coup against medicine by something else and we need to become
01:26:08.800 --> 01:26:13.040
aware of that just just to check kind of like the souls of the people who are running all of this
01:26:13.040 --> 01:26:16.240
the public health establishment international public health establishment now that you know
01:26:16.240 --> 01:26:19.760
some researchers believe up to 17 million people could have been killed by these mRNA shots
01:26:19.760 --> 01:26:22.320
has any international public health officials said well hold on a second we need to get to the
01:26:22.320 --> 01:26:26.080
bottom of that is that provoke any response when people charge public health well i'm trying to
01:26:26.160 --> 01:26:29.280
think globally whether they're good examples there's certainly some folks who have stood up
01:26:29.280 --> 01:26:34.080
in the european parliament but i mean in world health organizations cdc no i don't think so i
01:26:34.080 --> 01:26:38.240
don't think we we have not seen an acknowledgement of the harm and error they don't have internet
01:26:38.240 --> 01:26:41.600
access they don't know what is that well that's the incredible thing is i still see claims
01:26:42.960 --> 01:26:46.880
that just simply if they initially had believed them then they're long ago falsified but they're
01:26:46.880 --> 01:26:50.000
still being advanced for whoever hasn't noticed you know the idea that it's a good idea to vaccinate
01:26:50.000 --> 01:26:54.720
your kids with mRNA shots being one of right to the extent that there was a panic that caused us to
01:26:54.720 --> 01:26:58.480
give these shots to people who couldn't possibly benefit from them you would expect us to have
01:26:58.480 --> 01:27:02.960
backed that off extreme and so he's still not at the stage where he's saying the transfection
01:27:02.960 --> 01:27:07.120
isn't beneficial for anybody that's healthy and it wouldn't have helped anyone and in fact it would
01:27:07.120 --> 01:27:15.760
be more likely to hurt the frail old we're still not even close to that yet even though
01:27:15.760 --> 01:27:21.040
denny rancor's data which they just referenced 17 million i just showed you a picture that
01:27:21.040 --> 01:27:25.840
Brett Weinstein met him over in romania he's about to say that in romania again
01:27:28.160 --> 01:27:35.280
but he's not saying the important parts that there's no evidence of spread we're not going to mention
01:27:35.280 --> 01:27:41.440
it and this other thing what i just said i want to get back to that again to make sure
01:27:42.800 --> 01:27:46.480
that caused us to give these shots to people who couldn't possibly benefit from them
01:27:46.560 --> 01:27:53.200
oh yeah and denny rancor's data also shows that the shots are are exponentially more dangerous for
01:27:53.200 --> 01:28:00.800
the elderly so denny is seeing the effects of the shots on the elderly so the whole narrative
01:28:00.800 --> 01:28:05.680
that we have to give it to the vulnerable and the vulnerable are these sick people these immunocompromised
01:28:05.680 --> 01:28:12.880
people or these these elderly is exactly antithetical to what we actually know about the dangers of
01:28:12.880 --> 01:28:21.040
transfection and about how hard it is on our body it's a permanent potentially permanently
01:28:21.040 --> 01:28:24.640
damaging thing because your immune system is going to be permanently cockeyed
01:28:29.280 --> 01:28:35.360
and he's not saying those things right here now listen carefully he he didn't question all vaccines
01:28:35.360 --> 01:28:39.280
he just barely questions this one and in theory it's still very elegant
01:28:43.680 --> 01:28:51.920
and he's still leaving the window open for there to be some demographic of people for whom the the
01:28:53.360 --> 01:29:00.320
the risk to benefit ratio is still favorable for the shot i still am very sure that brent
01:29:00.880 --> 01:29:04.480
believes that there is a significant portion of the population for which
01:29:05.200 --> 01:29:11.360
transfection to the spike protein still has a favorable risk benefit ratio you can hear him
01:29:11.360 --> 01:29:15.920
talking about it expect us to have backed that off extremely rapidly as it became impossible
01:29:16.480 --> 01:29:21.840
to defend those shots and yet because there's still presumably some market for it we are still
01:29:21.840 --> 01:29:26.160
doing it so we are living some crazy story in which things that are perfectly obvious are still
01:29:26.160 --> 01:29:29.920
somehow have not lodged themselves in the official public record and you know i think
01:29:29.920 --> 01:29:34.320
that has a lot to do with frankly the death of journalism a lot of us are doing jobs that
01:29:34.320 --> 01:29:36.880
we didn't train for her and i are doing some journalistic job that we certainly didn't train
01:29:36.880 --> 01:29:40.560
for we trained to think about biology and you know we do that in front of a camera and so that
01:29:40.560 --> 01:29:44.640
functions as a kind of stand-in for journalism but the handful of journalists who still exist
01:29:45.440 --> 01:29:49.920
i think without exception are not scientifically trained all right you know map taiybe green
01:29:49.920 --> 01:29:55.840
walled you you don't have very many people doing investigative journalism and the ones who are
01:29:55.920 --> 01:29:59.760
doing it they don't have the skill set that would make this a natural topic to investigate
01:29:59.760 --> 01:30:05.120
so we have to boot up some kind of new institution that will allow us to do this job well and presumably
01:30:05.120 --> 01:30:08.880
that will involve taking a few investigative journalists uh who remember how to do that job
01:30:08.880 --> 01:30:12.880
and the few scientists and doctors who are willing to still do their job and you know put us together
01:30:12.880 --> 01:30:16.800
right podcast isn't the right place to do it if that's all we got that's all we got but there's
01:30:16.800 --> 01:30:22.560
got to be a better a better method so if this is being one of right to the extent that there
01:30:22.640 --> 01:30:26.800
was a panic that caused us to give these shots to people who couldn't possibly benefit from them
01:30:26.800 --> 01:30:31.520
you would expect us to have backed that off extremely rapidly as it became impossible to defend those
01:30:31.520 --> 01:30:36.800
shots and yet because there's still presumably some market for it um we are we are still doing so
01:30:36.800 --> 01:30:40.880
we are living some crazy story in which things that are perfectly obvious are still somehow have
01:30:40.880 --> 01:30:45.520
not lodged themselves in the official public record and you know i think that has a lot to do with
01:30:45.520 --> 01:30:49.200
frankly the death of journalists yes a lot of us are doing jobs that we didn't train for
01:30:49.280 --> 01:30:51.840
whether and i are doing some journalistic job that we certainly didn't train for we train
01:30:51.840 --> 01:30:55.280
to think about biology and you know we do that in front of a camera and so that functions is
01:30:55.280 --> 01:31:00.000
kind of stand in for journalism but they hand full of journalists who still exist um i think
01:31:00.000 --> 01:31:04.720
without it i thought they were at a teaching university i thought they taught biology
01:31:06.720 --> 01:31:13.040
now they're journalists so at least they're being honest because i've never seen them or heard them
01:31:13.040 --> 01:31:20.400
teach anything really they talk about stuff they report things so they are kind of like journalists
01:31:22.880 --> 01:31:28.800
i guess i'm kind of a journalist in a way i mean in a way but i also see myself as a teacher
01:31:29.520 --> 01:31:35.520
i think it's it's it reveals something there exception are not scientifically trained all right you know
01:31:35.520 --> 01:31:40.320
map to ebb green walled you you don't have very many people doing investigative journalism and the ones
01:31:40.400 --> 01:31:45.760
who uh who are doing it they don't have the skill set that would make this a natural topic to
01:31:45.760 --> 01:31:51.040
investigate so we have to boot up some kind of new institution that will allow us to do this job
01:31:51.040 --> 01:31:54.800
well and presumably that will involve taking a few investigative journalists uh who remember
01:31:54.800 --> 01:31:58.240
how to do that job and the few scientists and doctors who are willing to still do their job
01:31:58.240 --> 01:32:02.320
and you know put us together right podcast isn't the right place to do it if that's all we got that's
01:32:02.320 --> 01:32:06.800
all we got but um there's got to be a better a better method is he talking about a dream team of
01:32:06.800 --> 01:32:11.360
journalists and scientists that can really break down science communication and drop a
01:32:12.000 --> 01:32:16.880
nuclear bomb of clarity on society because that sounds like a pretty rigged game to me
01:32:18.480 --> 01:32:23.440
that sounds like well let's get some already established CIA operatives together with some
01:32:23.440 --> 01:32:30.960
already established uh weaponized pile of some money agents and some other criminal syndicates
01:32:30.960 --> 01:32:38.320
altogether to control the narrative uh about the alternative to the modern system or the
01:32:38.320 --> 01:32:43.840
alternative information system it sounds like intellectual dark web 2.0 and he wants to be a
01:32:43.840 --> 01:32:50.160
part of it he wants to be the head of it he's part of that dream team holy man
01:32:52.320 --> 01:32:57.680
so if this is ratified signed onto by the united states in may six months from now um
01:32:57.680 --> 01:33:02.080
that sounds like that's it we don't know um i will say i have very little hope that the
01:33:02.080 --> 01:33:07.440
us will derail this i have the sense that whatever has captured isn't the us like a funder of the
01:33:07.440 --> 01:33:14.160
who i thought we sent a lot of money to the who so if the who is changing it's it's uh treaty that
01:33:14.160 --> 01:33:19.840
doesn't some portion of the united states government or some forces in the united states want that then
01:33:20.880 --> 01:33:25.360
i thought we gave a lot of money to the who i know that the trump stopped for a while but i thought
01:33:25.440 --> 01:33:29.520
that started again we don't we even give the most correct me if i'm wrong
01:33:31.280 --> 01:33:37.200
our government um is driving this as well and so in effect uh the us wants this change it will
01:33:37.200 --> 01:33:41.520
in fact you know in the same way that the five eyes nations agree to mutually violate the rights
01:33:41.520 --> 01:33:46.240
of each other's citizens because that was not prevented in any of our constitutions i think the us wants
01:33:46.240 --> 01:33:50.240
something to force it to violate our constitutional protections and the world health organization
01:33:50.240 --> 01:33:56.160
is going to be that entity that said i have recently been to the check republic and i've been to
01:33:56.160 --> 01:34:01.920
romania and i've heard several parts of the former eastern block that there is resistance that people
01:34:01.920 --> 01:34:08.320
who have faced tyranny in living memory um are much less ready to accept these changes and that
01:34:08.320 --> 01:34:14.720
they are actually beginning to to mount a response i worry that it will be too thin and easily defeated
01:34:14.720 --> 01:34:18.720
especially if they do not understand that actually the world is depending on them but the traditionally
01:34:18.720 --> 01:34:24.480
the countries we traditionally think of as part of the west are compromised and that these countries
01:34:24.480 --> 01:34:28.800
which have more recently joined or rejoined the west are the best hope we've got that they are
01:34:28.800 --> 01:34:34.320
in a position to derail um this set of provisions and that we are depending on them to do it so i
01:34:34.320 --> 01:34:37.760
just want to end for a few moments on your on the overview here so you have all these remarkable
01:34:37.760 --> 01:34:43.040
things converging in a single 12-month period if war pestilence political unrest apparently
01:34:43.040 --> 01:34:46.800
unsolvable political unrest what do you think we're looking at in the west like what is this moment
01:34:46.800 --> 01:34:51.760
and how does it end well um so i have long been interested in questions of
01:34:51.760 --> 01:34:57.920
good governance and the west and um i'm sad to report that i think the west has actually
01:34:57.920 --> 01:35:03.600
collapsed and what we have always and nebulous echo the values of the west still function but
01:35:03.600 --> 01:35:07.520
they function in a vague way and we have seen that they can evaporate quickly under the right
01:35:07.520 --> 01:35:15.680
circumstances this sounds like an announcement to me i don't think it sounds like a cautionary
01:35:15.680 --> 01:35:21.840
statement that we need to pull up it sounds like it's already happened um that's that that's
01:35:21.840 --> 01:35:27.280
frightening to me um i suspect and i really don't know i don't think that they can just echo the
01:35:27.280 --> 01:35:33.040
report that i think the west has actually collapsed and what we are left with is now um and nebulous
01:35:33.040 --> 01:35:37.680
echo the values of the west still function but they function um in a vague way and we have seen
01:35:37.680 --> 01:35:42.720
that they can evaporate quickly under the right circumstances um i suspect and i really don't
01:35:42.800 --> 01:35:50.160
know i don't think anybody knows um but i suspect that some powerful set of forces has decided that
01:35:50.880 --> 01:35:58.560
consent of the governed is too dangerous to tolerate and that it has begun to unhook it and we do not
01:35:58.560 --> 01:36:04.160
know how this works we can see some of the partners who are involved in this but i don't think we know
01:36:04.160 --> 01:36:08.560
ultimately who's driving it or where they're going i think many of the notions that we
01:36:08.560 --> 01:36:14.000
picked up about uh nations and who our friends are and who our enemies are are uh they are now
01:36:14.000 --> 01:36:19.440
more misleading and they are informative in other words i don't think the u.s has an enemy called china
01:36:19.440 --> 01:36:24.320
i think there are elements within the u.s that are partnered within with elements within the
01:36:24.320 --> 01:36:29.840
chinese communist party for practical reasons and so our you know the the notion that these uh two
01:36:29.840 --> 01:36:33.680
parties are competing with each other just distracts us from what's actually taking place but
01:36:34.000 --> 01:36:36.800
let's just put it this way we have a large
01:36:38.000 --> 01:36:44.160
global population most people have no useful role through no fault of their own they have not
01:36:44.160 --> 01:36:49.280
been given a an opportunity in life to find a useful way to contribute and i wonder if
01:36:50.560 --> 01:36:57.200
the rent-seeking elites that have hoarded so much power uh are not unhooking our rights because
01:36:57.200 --> 01:37:02.720
effectively they're afraid of some global french revolution moment as people realize that they've
01:37:02.800 --> 01:37:06.960
been betrayed and left without good options because that what we're seeing certainly feels like we're
01:37:06.960 --> 01:37:12.320
facing um an end game where important uh properties that would once have been preserved by all parties
01:37:12.320 --> 01:37:16.480
because they might need them one day are now being dispensed with and we're being um you know
01:37:16.480 --> 01:37:20.000
we're watching our governmental structures and every one of our institutions captured hollowed
01:37:20.000 --> 01:37:25.440
out turned into a paradoxical inversion of what it was designed to do it's not an accident whether
01:37:25.440 --> 01:37:29.360
they you know the thing that worries me most actually is that whatever is driving this is not
01:37:29.360 --> 01:37:32.720
composed of diabolical geniuses who at least have some plan for the future but it's being
01:37:32.720 --> 01:37:38.080
driven by people who actually do not know what kind of hell they are inviting yes they're going to
01:37:38.080 --> 01:37:43.840
create a kind of chaos from which humanity may well not emerge and i get the sense that um unless
01:37:43.840 --> 01:37:48.960
they have some remarkable plan that is not obvious that they are just simply drunk with power and
01:37:48.960 --> 01:37:52.880
putting everyone including themselves in tremendous jeopardy by taking apart the structures on which
01:37:52.880 --> 01:37:58.000
we depend how do you see my last question how do you see your i mean you're you're speaking in
01:37:58.000 --> 01:38:01.040
in grand terms that three years ago i might have laughed at i'm not laughing at all and i think
01:38:01.040 --> 01:38:06.320
you're absolutely right um but you're also choosing as you know a 50-ish man your old man to say
01:38:06.320 --> 01:38:10.160
the stuff out loud and to pursue the truth as you find it and then to talk about it like so how do
01:38:10.160 --> 01:38:14.160
you why did you decide to do that and how do you think that ends well you know we are all the products
01:38:14.160 --> 01:38:18.560
of whatever developmental environment produced us and as i've said on multiple topics where
01:38:20.000 --> 01:38:24.400
my family has found itself in very uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous circumstances uh because
01:38:24.400 --> 01:38:30.480
we speak out i don't think i had a choice i just i literally cannot understand how i would
01:38:30.480 --> 01:38:34.480
sleep at night how i would look at myself in the mirror if i didn't say what needed to be said and
01:38:35.600 --> 01:38:39.920
you know i stopped learning a very good speech by Bobby Kennedy jr
01:38:40.960 --> 01:38:44.960
the neither of us are libertarians he was at the liberty conference in in Memphis and the last
01:38:44.960 --> 01:38:49.840
thing he said in that speech um struck me to my core it's something i've thought often and said
01:38:49.920 --> 01:38:58.400
almost never but there are fates far worse than death and i think from my part i have
01:38:59.280 --> 01:39:05.360
i have lived an incredible life i have i there's plenty i still want to do and i am not eager
01:39:05.360 --> 01:39:08.640
to leave this planet any earlier than i have to i have a marvelous family i live a wonderful place
01:39:08.640 --> 01:39:14.160
and i've got lots of things bucket list i got lots of things on my bucket list however humanity
01:39:14.160 --> 01:39:18.480
is depending on everybody who has a position from which to see what is taking place to grapple
01:39:18.480 --> 01:39:22.320
with what it might mean to describe it so that the public understands where their interests are
01:39:22.320 --> 01:39:27.200
it is depending on us to do what needs to be done if we're to have a chance of delivering a
01:39:28.000 --> 01:39:32.160
planet to our children and our grandchildren that is worthy of them if we're going to deliver
01:39:32.160 --> 01:39:37.760
a system that allows them to live meaningful healthy lives we have to speak up and i don't know
01:39:39.600 --> 01:39:43.440
i don't know how to get people to do that i'm very hesitant to urge others to put themselves
01:39:43.440 --> 01:39:45.920
over families in danger and i know that everybody's circumstances are different some people are
01:39:46.000 --> 01:39:49.200
struggling to simply defeat a family and keep a roof over their heads those people obviously
01:39:49.200 --> 01:39:53.040
have a great deal less liberty uh with respect to standing up and saying what needs to be said but
01:39:53.600 --> 01:39:58.240
this is really it's what we call in game theory a collective action problem everybody responds
01:39:58.240 --> 01:40:02.160
to their personal well-being if everybody says it's too dangerous to stand up um you know i'm not
01:40:02.160 --> 01:40:07.360
suicidal i'm i can't do it then not enough people stand up to change the course of history whereas
01:40:07.360 --> 01:40:12.960
if people somehow put aside the obvious danger to their ability to earn and maybe to their lives
01:40:12.960 --> 01:40:19.040
of saying what needs to be said then we greatly outnumber those we are pitted against they are
01:40:19.040 --> 01:40:24.960
ferociously powerful but i would also point out this interesting error so i call the force that
01:40:24.960 --> 01:40:30.800
we're up against alliance just so i remember what the battle is the lives made a terrible mistake
01:40:30.800 --> 01:40:35.600
and it made it most egregiously during covid which is it took all of the competent people
01:40:36.240 --> 01:40:41.760
took all of the courageous and it shoved them out of the institutions where they were hanging on
01:40:43.040 --> 01:40:47.680
and it created in so doing the dream team created every player you could possibly want
01:40:47.680 --> 01:40:52.160
and so what i want you to understand what i believe is happening here is that yes this is true
01:40:53.360 --> 01:40:59.280
that the pandemic allowed the united states government and the governments of the world the
01:40:59.280 --> 01:41:06.720
weaponized piles of money that control social media to find and chart the individuals who would react
01:41:06.720 --> 01:41:14.560
in a dissident way that would react in a skeptical way and when robert malone claimed
01:41:14.560 --> 01:41:21.440
that he was censored on linkedin and therefore he had to go to gab those same people went to gab
01:41:21.440 --> 01:41:29.360
and another list was made the people that wouldn't follow the the taking temperature and and masking
01:41:29.440 --> 01:41:39.200
at universities another list was made and so all of these lists have been compiled and cross
01:41:39.200 --> 01:41:45.840
examined and cross referenced and people like myself probably show up on ten of these lists
01:41:49.760 --> 01:41:52.160
and what he's speaking of it didn't happen to him
01:41:52.800 --> 01:41:59.680
the illusion here the enchantment here is for you to believe that what happened to him at evergreen
01:41:59.680 --> 01:42:06.160
puts him ahead of this puts him already on the outspoken side of things and so therefore you're
01:42:06.160 --> 01:42:14.880
supposed to default he wants you to default to the idea that since he already spoke out in 2017 about
01:42:15.680 --> 01:42:30.720
about equity issues and lost his job for $500,000 that now we should assume that in 2020 he would
01:42:30.720 --> 01:42:36.960
have obviously been very far ahead of this in 2021 he would have been even farther ahead of this
01:42:36.960 --> 01:42:44.480
no in 2020 he was reassuring that the narrative of a lab leak was already out there and circulating
01:42:44.640 --> 01:42:47.680
in the background so that the worst case scenario would be plausible
01:42:49.600 --> 01:42:53.200
so that the worst case scenario that Kevin McCarran was selling would be plausible so,
01:42:53.200 --> 01:42:57.280
that the worst case scenario that Richard Fleming was selling would be possible
01:42:58.080 --> 01:43:02.480
so that the worst case scenario that some of these these virologists were claiming
01:43:03.120 --> 01:43:12.000
would be possible so that the the gate of function papers would be relevant he had Yuri
01:43:12.000 --> 01:43:18.800
Dagen on the Russian entrepreneur who seems to claims to be investigating longevity.
01:43:19.920 --> 01:43:26.480
And was a member of drastic and a guy who blocked me on Twitter. The moment that I decided that I
01:43:26.480 --> 01:43:30.720
think we should fight against transfection more than we should worry about the origin of the virus
01:43:30.720 --> 01:43:38.800
anymore. And I still can't see his tweets on Twitter even though I reviewed his paper about
01:43:38.800 --> 01:43:43.200
the fear and cleavage site while I was still a faculty at the University of Pittsburgh. You can
01:43:43.200 --> 01:43:49.280
look it up. I reviewed four of those fear and cleavage site papers because I got sucked in
01:43:49.280 --> 01:43:56.080
hook, line and sinker by a group of people called drastic who were publishing those papers.
01:43:57.520 --> 01:44:04.480
Mona and her husband that published the Mo Yang mind paper were in drastic. That's how I met them
01:44:05.200 --> 01:44:14.000
and could become a reviewer. That's how Yuri Dagen and I got connected. That's why Dan and I
01:44:14.000 --> 01:44:23.440
were in drastic together because I was reviewing Dan's paper. And so I got used. I got sucked in.
01:44:23.440 --> 01:44:30.240
I got my ego stroked. Oh, you're going to help us. Oh, this is great. You're such an integral part
01:44:30.240 --> 01:44:35.920
of this. Wow, isn't it amazing. Hey, guys, I think we should also fight against transfection.
01:44:35.920 --> 01:44:43.120
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is about the origin. We're trying to figure out where the
01:44:43.120 --> 01:44:46.560
virus came from. We're not going to talk about transfection. We don't have anything to say about
01:44:46.560 --> 01:44:56.880
that. Really? Yeah, so much so that you're out. That's the story of drastic at a nutshell for me.
01:45:01.200 --> 01:45:08.640
And so the the lab leak narrative was seeded by the intellectual dark web by an actual interview
01:45:09.840 --> 01:45:16.480
with Yuri Dagen, the guy who was one of the few people who was given the gift of the
01:45:16.480 --> 01:45:21.120
fear and cleavage site in 2020 and the fear and cleavage site doesn't mean squat anymore.
01:45:22.240 --> 01:45:27.920
But it was so important for more than two years, ladies and gentlemen, they argued about that
01:45:28.000 --> 01:45:30.080
being a key evidence point.
01:45:33.520 --> 01:45:37.520
And Brett Weinstein, curiously enough, was one of the few people on YouTube that has a
01:45:38.480 --> 01:45:44.800
interview with Yuri Dagen. And I don't think it's off YouTube. I don't think it's down.
01:45:46.880 --> 01:45:50.400
Because he was part of seeding the worst case scenario narrative and making sure that the
01:45:50.400 --> 01:45:55.600
worst case scenario narrative was never discredited, never discounted, never doubted.
01:45:58.640 --> 01:46:02.400
That's what happened to us, ladies and gentlemen.
01:46:02.400 --> 01:46:05.120
Team to fight some historic battle against a terrible evil.
01:46:05.120 --> 01:46:08.880
All of those people are now at least somewhat awake. They've now been picked on by the same
01:46:08.880 --> 01:46:12.000
enemy. And yeah, all right, we're outgunned. It has a tremendous amount of power. But we've
01:46:12.000 --> 01:46:16.480
got all of the people who know how to think. So I hate to say it, or maybe I like to say it,
01:46:16.480 --> 01:46:18.800
but I don't think it's a slam dunk, but I like our odds.
01:46:20.000 --> 01:46:21.280
I've never met a more fooling biologist.
01:46:22.160 --> 01:46:24.240
Brett Weinstein, amazing conversation. Bless you. Thank you for that.
01:46:24.240 --> 01:46:24.960
What did he say?
01:46:25.680 --> 01:46:26.880
I've never met a more fooling biologist.
01:46:27.840 --> 01:46:29.440
Brett Weinstein, amazing conversation. Bless you.
01:46:29.440 --> 01:46:34.320
I've never met a more fluent biologist. Did he really just say that?
01:46:35.280 --> 01:46:36.480
Is that really what he said?
01:46:36.480 --> 01:46:39.280
Hour, but we've got all of the people who know how to think.
01:46:39.280 --> 01:46:43.680
So I hate to say it, or maybe I like to say it, but I don't think it's a slam dunk, but I like
01:46:43.680 --> 01:46:46.400
our odds. I've never met a more fooling biologist.
01:46:47.360 --> 01:46:49.440
Brett Weinstein, amazing conversation. Bless you. Thank you for that.
01:46:49.440 --> 01:46:50.560
Thank you. I appreciate it.
01:46:50.560 --> 01:46:54.560
Bless you. Thank you for that. Oh, my gosh. Can I vomit?
01:46:55.760 --> 01:47:00.160
A more fluid biologist. If that wasn't the most forced,
01:47:01.760 --> 01:47:03.680
if that wasn't the most forced
01:47:05.120 --> 01:47:11.200
and comment and end laughter I've ever seen, I don't know what is.
01:47:12.240 --> 01:47:17.040
A more fluent biologist. What does that even mean?
01:47:19.440 --> 01:47:21.520
It's funny because someone else tweeted,
01:47:21.600 --> 01:47:24.960
tweet promoted that video and said that he's a master teacher.
01:47:27.520 --> 01:47:34.400
And I think Meryl Nass actually also retweeted that video and said that it's just extraordinary
01:47:34.400 --> 01:47:38.240
and she's never heard a better explanation of the situation than that one.
01:47:43.280 --> 01:47:47.440
Don't you see how it all works? Don't you see how this all works?
01:47:48.240 --> 01:47:56.080
Meryl Nass has never seen a better interview than Brett Weinstein's interview.
01:47:56.080 --> 01:48:05.040
Meryl Nass is the most important substact she's ever written was one that defended Robert Malone's honor.
01:48:07.760 --> 01:48:12.640
Brett Weinstein and Jessica Rose and Meryl Nass met
01:48:13.440 --> 01:48:20.800
Denny Rancor and saw his presentation in Romania.
01:48:20.800 --> 01:48:27.200
They're completely and totally aware that he has evidence to show that the excess mortality
01:48:27.200 --> 01:48:34.880
from the shot is in old people and it's awful for them. He's got evidence that there is no
01:48:34.880 --> 01:48:41.360
spread in any of these geographic locations and the shots have raised all cause mortality.
01:48:41.440 --> 01:48:47.040
That's the third conclusion and the only one that they ever push is the third conclusion.
01:48:50.640 --> 01:48:59.120
Robert Malone, Brett Weinstein, and Steve Kirsch did their famous podcast in June right after
01:49:00.800 --> 01:49:06.560
Byron Brittle threw away his career in Canada to reveal the Japanese document which showed
01:49:06.560 --> 01:49:10.480
that the lipid nanoparticle goes everywhere that you don't want it to go.
01:49:12.960 --> 01:49:18.720
What is this Steven Hatfield doing in Romania? Steven Hatfield is like 70 years old. He should
01:49:18.720 --> 01:49:24.320
be a retired guy on a horse farm and instead he's going to Romania to meet with the rest of these
01:49:24.320 --> 01:49:33.040
people. Did Andrew Tate pay for this? What is going on here? Why do all these Americans need
01:49:33.040 --> 01:49:38.640
to go to Romania? One of the most corrupt countries in the European Union. What is going on here?
01:49:41.760 --> 01:49:46.960
And now why is it that when Brett Weinstein is on Tucker Carlson not questioning the fundamental
01:49:46.960 --> 01:49:53.520
narrative coming out as though he was a leader when he wasn't, he clearly didn't save anyone
01:49:54.160 --> 01:50:01.840
from the shot. It took him almost four years to say the word transfection out loud and then he
01:50:01.840 --> 01:50:07.600
still doesn't cop to the fact that he didn't use the word. He doesn't cop to the fact that he
01:50:07.600 --> 01:50:16.240
gave the shot more credit, not we he. Whenever he was making excuses in that interview, whenever
01:50:16.240 --> 01:50:22.240
he was saying that we fell short, he was saying we not he. I don't say it that way. I made the
01:50:22.320 --> 01:50:27.360
mistake. I got sucked in, but very specifically I got sucked in by people like him.
01:50:33.200 --> 01:50:40.000
People like him doubting me on signal chats and the other people in that signal chat doubting me
01:50:40.000 --> 01:50:48.160
are not backing me up when I had the bay that I had the biology nailed. Who was in that signal
01:50:48.160 --> 01:50:57.840
chat? Not just me, not just Brett and Heather. And all of those people are medlers now. All of
01:50:57.840 --> 01:51:02.880
those people were medlers then because they were all part of team worst case scenario to make sure
01:51:02.880 --> 01:51:08.880
that people like me who were saying that whatever this RNA signal is, it ain't worth taking a
01:51:08.880 --> 01:51:14.080
transfection for to make sure that people like me did not rise in prominence, that people like me
01:51:14.160 --> 01:51:20.400
were not listened to. And that the use as much as much of the useful information, the real dead
01:51:20.400 --> 01:51:25.680
on balls, accurate biology that I had would be co-opted by people like Brett Weinstein.
01:51:27.120 --> 01:51:32.560
And what did they do to Denny rank core? They co-opted the only useful biology had, which is
01:51:32.560 --> 01:51:37.200
that the shots are bad. That was already a conclusion that they wanted to go with. Now they're going
01:51:37.200 --> 01:51:43.840
to go and blame it on the on the spike protein again, probably. But they're not saying there was no
01:51:43.840 --> 01:51:48.480
evidence for spread. They're not saying that there was no justification for the rollout of these
01:51:48.480 --> 01:51:53.280
shots. That would be a completely different message. And even if Denny wants to send it,
01:51:53.280 --> 01:51:59.920
they're never going to amplify it. And because they all had breakfast together and spent time
01:51:59.920 --> 01:52:04.880
in a foreign country, they are never going to fight again in public. And they're never going to
01:52:04.880 --> 01:52:09.840
complain about each other's selective amplification of the ideas of Denny rank core.
01:52:10.560 --> 01:52:16.240
But Denny rank core is fine to complain that Robert F Kennedy doesn't promote his ideas.
01:52:17.520 --> 01:52:21.680
That Robert F Kennedy's book is missing the fact that there's no evidence of spread,
01:52:21.680 --> 01:52:25.760
but he doesn't have any problem with Brett Weinstein not saying it on Tucker Carlson.
01:52:27.360 --> 01:52:31.440
He didn't have any problem with Brett Weinstein not saying it on Tucker Carlson.
01:52:31.440 --> 01:52:35.440
That's okay. Brett Weinstein's doing his best. At least he said 17 million, right?
01:52:40.240 --> 01:52:46.720
You got to see it for what it is, ladies and gentlemen, we have been
01:52:48.160 --> 01:52:52.960
if you haven't seen the movie The Sting, that's what you really need to see. The movie The Sting
01:52:52.960 --> 01:52:59.680
is probably the best movie to illustrate what happened. If you get enough people together,
01:53:00.640 --> 01:53:11.760
enough talented people together, you can pull off a heist. The world's never imagined possible.
01:53:12.800 --> 01:53:18.000
A heist where the entire globe is hoodwinked into believing that there was a novel virus that
01:53:18.000 --> 01:53:21.600
killed millions of people that millions more were saved from that was likely gain a function
01:53:21.600 --> 01:53:28.480
and it will probably come again. And they're going to keep doubling down and pretending that
01:53:28.480 --> 01:53:32.720
they were ahead and that they're just the default leaders because they're the ones that are the
01:53:32.720 --> 01:53:44.080
fluent biologists. And they're going to get our kids on this train. They're responsible for our
01:53:44.080 --> 01:53:52.880
kids being on this train. Brett is responsible for our kids and our college kids still being on this
01:53:52.880 --> 01:53:57.440
train where we have defeated disease in the past with the very elegant technology called
01:53:57.520 --> 01:54:03.760
vaccination. The novel coronaviruses can jump species and that can pandemic and that that
01:54:03.760 --> 01:54:10.320
bush meets a problem. The PCR works pretty well as a test that asymptomatic spread is real. These
01:54:10.320 --> 01:54:14.240
are all things that Brett didn't bring into question at all in that video, even though they are
01:54:14.240 --> 01:54:20.880
definitely in question. Variants are evidence of spread in the evolution of a single virus. There's
01:54:20.880 --> 01:54:26.960
no questioning that and Brett's any of Brett's movements. And we spend money on gaining function
01:54:26.960 --> 01:54:31.920
research and it's very dangerous is definitely something that Brett believes in. Our college kids
01:54:34.640 --> 01:54:39.600
our children, our high school kids, everybody that watches Brett Weinstein and the intellectual
01:54:39.600 --> 01:54:44.880
dark web people and YouTube and Grogan and all of them, they're all on this train. All of them are
01:54:44.880 --> 01:54:51.360
on this train right now. And we have about a year or a year and a half to get them off before they
01:54:51.360 --> 01:54:59.040
will be on it forever. That's what you need to see. This new world order still has the possibility
01:54:59.040 --> 01:55:07.440
of being broken. This cartoon can still be made fun of, but it won't be forever. My kids teachers
01:55:07.440 --> 01:55:14.160
are already broken. The erasure is about to be forgotten and the lie will become the truth.
01:55:14.400 --> 01:55:23.520
So of course we know we've gone over it how it's created. I really do think that three and four,
01:55:23.520 --> 01:55:30.000
especially for the seating of the narrative by a worst case scenario team of people with security
01:55:30.000 --> 01:55:36.480
clearance or at least read in enough so they know they have to keep their mouth shut. These people
01:55:36.480 --> 01:55:42.800
were vital and they looked around on the internet for people like me and then they streamed with them
01:55:42.880 --> 01:55:46.480
to make sure that they could try and influence them. They made friends with them. They showed
01:55:46.480 --> 01:55:54.720
up at their house. And lots of them have been to Pittsburgh, ladies and gentlemen, let's see.
01:55:55.920 --> 01:56:06.640
One, two, oh no, sorry, one, two, three, four, and then many in Boston, a few in Knoxville.
01:56:08.000 --> 01:56:12.560
I mean, it's just extraordinary how many of these people I've met in person and only because
01:56:12.560 --> 01:56:18.240
of me. There are a couple people who went to the inaugural CHD conference in Knoxville just
01:56:18.240 --> 01:56:26.000
because they found out I was going. And at least four of these people have come to Pittsburgh to
01:56:26.000 --> 01:56:31.520
visit my house and I've not let them to my house, but they've been to my town and we've met.
01:56:34.400 --> 01:56:36.160
This is not a game. This is real.
01:56:36.160 --> 01:56:44.720
And it was for all the marbles. It's still for all the marbles. It's still for all the marbles.
01:56:49.280 --> 01:56:53.280
Got to advocate for a pause on all childhood vaccines. You got to advocate for strict
01:56:53.280 --> 01:56:57.520
liability on all pharmaceutical products. We've got to investigate the mass casualty events that
01:56:57.520 --> 01:57:03.120
were misconstrued as spread. We got to investigate the possibility that transfection or aerosolized
01:57:03.120 --> 01:57:08.960
toxins were used to see the idea of a pandemic much in the same way that Mad Dog Giordano describes
01:57:08.960 --> 01:57:13.280
in the video that I always play at the beginning of this stream. We need to reclaim sovereignty
01:57:13.280 --> 01:57:18.160
over our bodies and those of our children and we need to urge Congress to remove us from the
01:57:18.160 --> 01:57:23.120
the who in the UN entirely and to disrupt or rather dismantle the CDC.
01:57:23.760 --> 01:57:30.000
What I want is high morbidity. I want people to complain. So what do I do? I go to Des Moines.
01:57:30.000 --> 01:57:32.720
Ladies and gentlemen, people on the screen, I have nothing against Des Moines. I live there
01:57:32.800 --> 01:57:37.120
for four years. I go to Des Moines. I infect a couple of sentinel cases in Des Moines.
01:57:37.760 --> 01:57:45.200
I go to Seattle. I infect a couple of cases there. I go to North Carolina. I go to Wisconsin.
01:57:45.200 --> 01:57:49.840
What I'm doing is I'm using a dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel cases
01:57:49.840 --> 01:57:55.200
with a highly morbid condition. These individuals complain. Again, this is a central nervous system
01:57:55.200 --> 01:58:00.320
condition. So they're complaining of whatever the bug may do. It'll produce some cascade of
01:58:00.320 --> 01:58:06.000
neurological and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms. And then what I do, the real bug that I
01:58:06.000 --> 01:58:11.040
use is the internet. He speaks this best. I take attribution for that. Yes, I'm a terrorist group.
01:58:11.600 --> 01:58:15.840
And I have done this by infecting with a highly little agent and the first signs and symptoms
01:58:15.840 --> 01:58:21.600
of lethality are X, Y, and Z. These people are really sick with this. But then I say,
01:58:21.600 --> 01:58:27.840
others who are also infected will show subdramal, predrome signs of lethality and what that will
01:58:27.920 --> 01:58:35.120
be is anxiety, sleeplessness, agitation. What I've now done is I've got every individual who is
01:58:35.120 --> 01:58:40.480
diagnostically hypochondriacal and I've got every individual who's worried well flooding the public
01:58:40.480 --> 01:58:46.880
health system banging on the door. The CDC comes back and says, nonsense. That's not real. I come
01:58:46.880 --> 01:58:53.280
back and say, that's fake news. And as a consequence of doing that, what I do is I create a schism
01:58:53.280 --> 01:58:59.520
between the polis and the public health system. I fracture the integrity of trust and reliance
01:58:59.520 --> 01:59:06.000
upon the population and its government. And so I want to be very clear here. I think these two
01:59:06.000 --> 01:59:09.840
things here are very important. The COVID hospital protocols capable of increasing all
01:59:09.840 --> 01:59:15.120
cause mortality, but they are ignored and emergency social policies capable of increasing all
01:59:15.120 --> 01:59:20.800
cause mortality that are ignored. So you need people in place who are going to ignore those
01:59:20.800 --> 01:59:26.320
things. You need people in place that aren't going to freely admit that the incorrect treatment
01:59:26.320 --> 01:59:32.000
of people with a respiratory disease, especially the non use of antibiotics could really cause
01:59:32.000 --> 01:59:37.600
trouble. And the people that were going to talk about that were going to be able to use alternative
01:59:37.600 --> 01:59:44.560
medicines needed to be on narrative with regard to hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. So that even
01:59:44.560 --> 01:59:49.920
if Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were given in combination with antibiotics and steroids,
01:59:49.920 --> 01:59:55.600
both of which would know would most likely be helpful, the narrative that these people were
01:59:55.600 --> 02:00:00.480
required to stick to and the narrative that the media stuck to was scrutinizing hydroxychloroquine
02:00:00.480 --> 02:00:06.160
and Ivermectin for effectiveness without ever admitting that they were being administered
02:00:06.160 --> 02:00:10.720
with these other things that were known to be withheld from the COVID protocols to begin with.
02:00:13.120 --> 02:00:17.520
So anyway, this is a list that I think also could be used to summarize what happened and how they
02:00:17.520 --> 02:00:23.920
seeded the pandemic idea and the Scooby-Doo itself, which is convincing the public a
02:00:23.920 --> 02:00:30.000
lab leak cover up is happening before their eyes and use island nations to demonstrate that lockdowns
02:00:30.000 --> 02:00:37.440
work and very vocal and angry leaders of those nations to say that those people owed them their
02:00:37.440 --> 02:00:42.400
lives for them making such a difficult choice to lock them down, even though they know that it's
02:00:42.400 --> 02:00:48.560
a very difficult thing to weigh, you know, your rights versus your, your freedoms and this kind of
02:00:48.560 --> 02:00:57.760
thing. And the way that they covered this entire operation up was to debate everything very vigorously
02:00:57.760 --> 02:01:07.200
to have very, very vocal and angry and energetic discussions about everything but the novel virus
02:01:07.200 --> 02:01:14.480
that was killing millions of people and the existence of gain of function. None of those
02:01:14.480 --> 02:01:24.800
things were questioned at all. And there were a few people that were questioning them though,
02:01:24.800 --> 02:01:31.360
it was very hard for people to connect with those people. I will give credit where credits do. I do
02:01:31.360 --> 02:01:38.560
think that the Bailey's were questioning gain of function as a mythology but the way that you,
02:01:39.920 --> 02:01:46.880
the way that we could communicate with them was very limited and the way that they communicated
02:01:46.880 --> 02:01:51.600
whether people was very limited and I've shown you the email that I've sent to the Bailey's,
02:01:51.600 --> 02:02:00.880
I always wanted to interview them and it just never really worked out. And then we had a lot
02:02:00.880 --> 02:02:07.760
of very high friction encounters once I started to become associated with Bobby and CHD.
02:02:08.400 --> 02:02:13.760
I had a lot of high friction encounters with these no virus people. And it might have been because
02:02:13.760 --> 02:02:18.320
of my association with Bobby and they really don't. A lot of these same people think that
02:02:19.760 --> 02:02:25.760
that Bobby is somehow, I don't know, controlled opposition has opposed to being a kid who was
02:02:25.760 --> 02:02:31.440
when he was 14 already attempted to be influenced by every adult in his life for the rest of his
02:02:31.440 --> 02:02:37.600
life and left alone in his understanding of who his father and who his uncle were
02:02:39.120 --> 02:02:45.440
and now an adult having been influenced by other adults since he was 14.
02:02:48.400 --> 02:02:53.520
I don't know. For me it's very easy to be optimistic that Bobby is a kid who's been on a
02:02:53.520 --> 02:02:57.920
revenge mission since he was 14 years old and he was smart enough to know that all these adults
02:02:57.920 --> 02:03:03.440
were lying to him from then on. If he was eight when his dad died I might think okay maybe these
02:03:03.440 --> 02:03:12.160
adults were able to bamboozle him. But they tried drugs, they tried murder, they tried everything,
02:03:12.160 --> 02:03:20.160
right? If he if anyone is aware of how keeping your enemies close is actually a pretty good idea.
02:03:20.880 --> 02:03:27.920
And so if you're super optimistic about it, you know, it could be our last hope is
02:03:29.520 --> 02:03:34.720
Bobby, Bobby Kennedy. I mean it's possible that he's just waiting to get the keys to the White
02:03:34.720 --> 02:03:39.200
House and then he's going to say that the whole vaccine schedule needs to be torpedoed
02:03:40.560 --> 02:03:47.840
and the NIH needs to be torpedoed and that academic science needs to be fundamentally
02:03:48.320 --> 02:03:51.520
reorganized. Maybe he's going to do all of that once he gets the keys to the White House if he
02:03:51.520 --> 02:04:01.120
gets the keys to the White House. I have a feeling that the people that are running this show
02:04:01.120 --> 02:04:08.080
will take drastic measures if things don't go the way that they plan them to go. Whatever that plan
02:04:08.080 --> 02:04:15.200
is. And so as optimistic as I am I also know that we are up against what Brent Weinstein called
02:04:15.200 --> 02:04:20.960
Goliath. I'm sure it's much more than Goliath. It's it's four or five weaponized piles of money,
02:04:20.960 --> 02:04:27.440
if not 10. And they may all sit down and talk very nicely to each other across the big table,
02:04:27.440 --> 02:04:35.760
but in private they are all competing for all the marbles. And the foundation of the illusion
02:04:36.880 --> 02:04:43.120
for which they are competing to control us all is this illusion of consensus about a dangerous
02:04:43.120 --> 02:04:49.120
novel virus that's been going around the world for going on five years. It's killed seven million
02:04:49.120 --> 02:04:55.120
people. And it's this faith in a novel virus that we don't want our kids to be trapped in. We need
02:04:55.120 --> 02:05:00.240
them to understand that it's a lie. There was likely there is likely a background signal that
02:05:00.240 --> 02:05:06.160
was never characterized. It's just been misconstrued as spread. Everything else is smoking mirrors.
02:05:07.200 --> 02:05:10.880
They have lots of tricks that they could have pulled in order to make sure that the molecular
02:05:10.880 --> 02:05:16.400
biology lined up wherever it needed to line up. And it seems to become more and more obvious
02:05:16.400 --> 02:05:22.480
every day that there seems to be a real effort to absolutely destroy the fundamental fabric of
02:05:22.480 --> 02:05:28.560
the American culture and the culture of the West through delusion and migration through
02:05:29.200 --> 02:05:36.240
destruction of infrastructure and destruction of the the very foundation of the culture making us
02:05:37.040 --> 02:05:41.920
question who we are as a society by fracturing us in such a way that we can't even talk to our
02:05:41.920 --> 02:05:50.800
neighbors anymore. This is a real real open wound that exists that no one has bothered to put any
02:05:50.800 --> 02:05:55.280
pressure on yet. But the moment they decide to put pressure on it everybody in America is going to
02:05:55.280 --> 02:06:04.400
feel the pain. And I'm very, very pessimistic about how they're going to do it. But it's most
02:06:04.400 --> 02:06:07.440
likely going to have something to do with the election or soon after.
02:06:11.840 --> 02:06:15.760
But they did it for all of these things. They did it to avoid this exponential increase in
02:06:15.760 --> 02:06:20.640
Medicare costs that they knew that was coming because Medicare is a not an option in the
02:06:20.640 --> 02:06:27.680
congressional budget. It's a real must pay number. To protect against the growing skepticism and
02:06:27.680 --> 02:06:32.800
vaccines is also another reason why it had to happen when it happened. To transition to digital
02:06:32.800 --> 02:06:39.920
currencies absolutely to transition to genetic vaccines absolutely to confound the toxicity of
02:06:39.920 --> 02:06:46.480
an imaginary or or planted RNA signal with transfection to allow the pandemic to prove
02:06:47.280 --> 02:06:53.040
transfection successful absolutely to transition the youth into submission
02:06:53.680 --> 02:06:59.440
and full digital control absolutely to edify the mythology of pandemic viruses absolutely
02:07:00.160 --> 02:07:05.760
to disrupt family formation absolutely that dating is not what it used to be
02:07:06.560 --> 02:07:11.120
going out to the bar isn't what it used to be meeting strangers isn't what it used to be
02:07:12.160 --> 02:07:18.000
and that's disrupting family formation. It's it's shortening the the lifespan of billions of
02:07:18.000 --> 02:07:24.480
people to avoid this ever increasing cost to keep old people alive absolutely to kill a billion
02:07:24.480 --> 02:07:31.120
people with a gain of function virus. I don't think so. To destroy the cultural
02:07:31.120 --> 02:07:35.200
wolf fabric of America the rest yes and to help create the chaos necessary for a fundamental
02:07:35.200 --> 02:07:42.480
reorganization of how the world's governed I think absolutely. And so there are players
02:07:43.360 --> 02:07:48.080
there are people who've signed on wittingly or unwittingly to be a part of this governing structure
02:07:49.680 --> 02:07:53.920
maybe the words weren't used that way but they knew they were signing on to something that wasn't
02:07:53.920 --> 02:08:02.240
completely kosher that was based on exaggeration that was based on assumptions that aren't totally
02:08:02.240 --> 02:08:08.800
true but they did it for comfort for fame to be part of the ruling elite
02:08:12.160 --> 02:08:19.760
and it's this idea that this pandemic potential is accessible in the laboratory that produces this
02:08:20.480 --> 02:08:25.280
worst-case scenario that allows them to talk about gain of function mythology to try and change
02:08:25.280 --> 02:08:31.280
your kids minds. It's these books that have been written the stories that have been told
02:08:31.280 --> 02:08:37.280
that are going to enslave our children and I blame these people who were involved in
02:08:37.280 --> 02:08:45.360
seeding the worst-case scenario involved in making us making it really hard for the critical mass
02:08:45.440 --> 02:08:55.040
to form in 2020 never mind in 2000 or in 2021 never mind in 2020 they made it almost impossible
02:08:55.040 --> 02:09:00.560
for the critical mass to realize they made it impossible for the critical mass to realize that
02:09:00.560 --> 02:09:08.800
this was just a transfection they made it impossible for the critical masses to realize that maybe
02:09:08.800 --> 02:09:16.320
this was just an endemic background virus all along and I had that idea for so long ladies and
02:09:16.320 --> 02:09:22.560
gentlemen so long people have been trying to distort that into something more complicated than
02:09:22.560 --> 02:09:27.440
just they didn't know what was in the background they've characterized the background and then
02:09:27.520 --> 02:09:32.720
using that characterization they they rolled out the background as evidence of spread
02:09:39.280 --> 02:09:44.800
and all of these people in the car with me have been ignoring all of these insights all of these
02:09:44.800 --> 02:09:49.280
great ideas all of these more parsimonious explanations for what's going on they've all
02:09:49.280 --> 02:09:54.320
been ignoring it and they've all been insisting we should argue about this when I got in the car
02:09:54.320 --> 02:09:58.640
with drastic that's what they did to me when I got in the car with Brett Weinstein and the
02:09:58.640 --> 02:10:06.960
rest of the people in that signal chat that's what they did to me in fact every car I've gotten into
02:10:06.960 --> 02:10:16.560
that's what they've done to me without exception think very carefully about what that means
02:10:16.960 --> 02:10:22.720
because the illusion of consensus runs deep
02:10:25.120 --> 02:10:29.600
it makes people very afraid to speak up because they don't want to go against the consensus it's
02:10:29.600 --> 02:10:36.880
one great big giant ash conformity experiment and the faith in the novel virus is agreed on by so
02:10:36.880 --> 02:10:41.120
many people that people are afraid to question it maybe that's why Brett doesn't open his mouth
02:10:41.120 --> 02:10:45.760
but I think that's not the case stop lying
02:10:49.440 --> 02:10:54.720
we got to get out of this car ladies and gentlemen it doesn't matter much at all what you believe
02:10:54.720 --> 02:11:01.120
about vaccines until we invent really important ones you know until we have not a mistake killing
02:11:01.120 --> 02:11:06.880
everyone you know this is not accidental it's not it's you know measles plus and okay I can
02:11:06.960 --> 02:11:10.960
tolerate what you think about me accidentally happened he didn't accidentally say these
02:11:10.960 --> 02:11:18.480
things on Brett's a big hassle in the end but on December no when when we have this new pandemic
02:11:18.480 --> 02:11:28.320
that is you know got some absolute mortality and it's not it's there'll be no pretense of being
02:11:28.320 --> 02:11:33.280
polite in the face of these beliefs it'll be a moral emergency because it has to be and
02:11:34.240 --> 02:11:39.280
this is just sheer contingency as to whether we're in one condition or another it's intolerable
02:11:39.280 --> 02:11:49.200
what he said it's intolerable what they said on this podcast that that hey folks welcome to
02:11:49.200 --> 02:11:53.280
the dark horse pod that herd immunity was something they were demonstrating that no
02:11:53.280 --> 02:11:57.680
master needed for them because they're special that they could end the pandemic if we just locked
02:11:57.680 --> 02:12:03.040
down harder or use these combination of repurposed drugs like an SSRI inhibitor with ivermectin for
02:12:03.040 --> 02:12:09.840
60 days definitely in need of new things covid zero covid is possible in this video
02:12:09.840 --> 02:12:14.400
Brett is still advocating for the idea that if we just did things right if we could force
02:12:14.400 --> 02:12:20.720
everybody to take drugs if we could force vaccinate everybody this would be over or if we just
02:12:20.720 --> 02:12:25.280
distributed ivermectin and taught everybody the secret mason's secret of how to use it
02:12:25.280 --> 02:12:34.080
of the utmost importance a year and a half after breaking ladies and gentlemen also a final
02:12:36.880 --> 02:12:42.880
spread of scarier ideas is much more terrifying than the spread of any RNA virus i am sure of that
02:12:42.880 --> 02:12:48.880
now i've never been more sure of it in my life and i want more than anything to make sure that
02:12:48.880 --> 02:12:54.720
other people understand this because it's really really the case it's really true it's real life
02:12:55.360 --> 02:13:02.880
this is the this is the way that we end it we end it right now we can end it right now if we want to
02:13:03.680 --> 02:13:11.840
and unlike how Brett was describing it we can end it by telling the truth we really can and i think
02:13:12.880 --> 02:13:20.400
the way to do it is to see the medlers for who they are and if we see the medlers for who they are
02:13:20.400 --> 02:13:24.960
then everything will be fine they will never advocate against all childhood vaccination in
02:13:24.960 --> 02:13:31.600
america they will never advocate for the specific evidence that the american schedule in its abundance
02:13:31.600 --> 02:13:38.640
and in its timing can be compared with any other vaccination schedule in the western world and
02:13:38.640 --> 02:13:44.720
can be seen on its face as criminal none of these people are ever going to say that
02:13:44.880 --> 02:13:51.600
they do not advocate for strict liability for all pharmaceutical products they're going to talk
02:13:51.600 --> 02:13:56.720
about fighting the who but they're never going to talk about fighting the prep act or the 1986
02:13:56.720 --> 02:14:01.360
vaccine act Brett will never say that Brett will say the who is what we got to be afraid of
02:14:02.320 --> 02:14:05.440
Brett will never say get rid of the cdc he's talking about the who
02:14:05.680 --> 02:14:13.120
Meryl nass is starting a new Meryl nass is starting a new non-profit
02:14:15.040 --> 02:14:21.600
that's supposed to fight the who what can't Meryl nass do under the banner of chd that she can do
02:14:21.600 --> 02:14:32.080
under the banner of her own non-profit what a weird what a weird thing right you know
02:14:33.040 --> 02:14:41.680
somebody who's been working as a scientific as a primary consultant to chd as far as i
02:14:41.680 --> 02:14:49.440
understand that before the pandemic she was the face of of of of i mean like the advisor as far
02:14:49.440 --> 02:14:58.160
as i understood and so if she's the one of these big advisors of chd it seems to me if she thinks
02:14:58.240 --> 02:15:05.040
that the priority should be fighting the who that chd could probably uh she could probably do
02:15:05.040 --> 02:15:10.000
that under chd's banner chd probably doesn't like the who either as far as i can guess
02:15:13.280 --> 02:15:19.040
so it's strange that she thinks that she's got to start a new non-profit to fight the who
02:15:22.720 --> 02:15:27.200
and doesn't want to fight the vaccine schedule in america doesn't want to fight the prep act
02:15:27.200 --> 02:15:33.280
doesn't want to get rid of the vaccine act from 1986 but wants to fight the who in the who treaty
02:15:33.840 --> 02:15:39.600
make everybody aware of the who treaty is it a treaty or an executive agreement does it really
02:15:39.600 --> 02:15:44.880
count as something that's part of the constitution that also seems to be a little great they seem
02:15:44.880 --> 02:15:52.080
to be really happy to have us jump to the conclusion that if the who pandemic treaty passes that the
02:15:52.080 --> 02:15:57.680
u.s. government and all these other governments that have signed on are just s o l that seems to
02:15:57.680 --> 02:16:06.960
be a pretty important message that bret and maryll agree on don't forget they had breakfast in romania
02:16:10.640 --> 02:16:17.040
they are unable to use the word transfection effectively up until very very very very recently
02:16:17.040 --> 02:16:24.320
and i've only heard bret use it i haven't heard uh denny rancor call them transfections i he
02:16:24.320 --> 02:16:32.480
actually says the vaccines have killed people i haven't heard maryll nass ever call them transfections
02:16:32.480 --> 02:16:37.760
although you know maybe it's just easier to call them all vaccines i haven't heard
02:16:37.760 --> 02:16:42.400
steven hatville call them transfections although i'm sure he's been in the field way long enough
02:16:42.400 --> 02:16:47.120
to know that they are transfections just like robert malone has been in the field way long
02:16:47.120 --> 02:16:50.320
enough to know that they're transfections but it's never really called them that
02:16:53.040 --> 02:16:58.240
so i think that's where we're that's where we should be here we should be looking at and listening
02:16:58.240 --> 02:17:03.600
to them very carefully looking at the historical record of what they said and realized that these
02:17:03.600 --> 02:17:07.280
truths were known to them from the beginning but they chose not to reveal them
02:17:07.920 --> 02:17:12.720
there were doors to freedom that could have been open that weren't opened
02:17:16.400 --> 02:17:21.600
and now they're being opened as if as if these people were always fighting to get them open but
02:17:21.600 --> 02:17:31.360
they weren't they were acting as if they didn't exist they were acting as if they've always been
02:17:31.440 --> 02:17:34.400
fighting against these things when they haven't
02:17:37.360 --> 02:17:42.000
that's really where this extraordinary thing comes to light because they attack people instead
02:17:42.000 --> 02:17:47.120
of ideas they complain about division and they can't summarize across the entire show
02:17:47.120 --> 02:17:51.520
and even though all these various people are saying that Brett Weinstein has just summarized
02:17:51.520 --> 02:17:59.120
it better than anyone i think i've made it very clear in the last two shows that he didn't summarize
02:17:59.120 --> 02:18:08.160
jack what he did was obfuscate the truth what he did was protect the faith in the novel virus
02:18:08.160 --> 02:18:14.960
what he did was reinforce the narrative of the state whatever that is of these weaponized piles
02:18:14.960 --> 02:18:24.240
of money that are trying to usurp and control demolish what we call the west and specifically
02:18:24.240 --> 02:18:32.080
america as Brett said the west is pretty much destroyed it's gone it's dissolved it's
02:18:32.080 --> 02:18:38.320
fallen apart it's collapsed and what we have remaining remaining is an echo of the west
02:18:44.080 --> 02:18:47.760
i think a lot of those people in that group photo and remaining would probably agree
02:18:47.840 --> 02:18:52.240
and be happy to say it on any podcast they got invited to
02:18:55.280 --> 02:19:00.800
ladies and gentlemen we are at a time point where human diversity as an add a peak for all time
02:19:00.800 --> 02:19:05.520
and that's why they're very interested in getting our grandchildren on board with the idea that all
02:19:05.520 --> 02:19:12.240
their data should be community you should do your part you should give in your data you should surrender
02:19:12.240 --> 02:19:18.000
to the digital id system because it's convenient but also very very very safe
02:19:18.560 --> 02:19:22.160
ladies and gentlemen stop all transfections and humans because they are trying to eliminate
02:19:22.160 --> 02:19:27.520
the control group by any means necessary they are trying to eliminate the dissidents by any means
02:19:27.520 --> 02:19:34.640
necessary and that's going to include absorbing all the good ideas absorbing all of the ideas
02:19:34.640 --> 02:19:40.800
they possibly can and claim them for their own so that they can put their own spokespeople in front
02:19:40.880 --> 02:19:48.160
and continue to pretend to be you know really opposing things when in reality they are
02:19:48.960 --> 02:19:54.320
absolutely positively sculpting the limited spectrum of debate which will enslave our
02:19:54.320 --> 02:20:00.160
children forever i have no doubt in my mind that this is what's going on and that's why we need
02:20:00.960 --> 02:20:06.720
to make sure that our teenagers grow up understanding that intramuscular injection of any combination
02:20:06.720 --> 02:20:12.160
of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb we need our teenagers
02:20:12.160 --> 02:20:16.480
to grow up understanding the transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent because
02:20:17.200 --> 02:20:22.720
thousands if not millions of adults knew better from their professional experience as biologists
02:20:22.720 --> 02:20:29.360
the transfection was an inappropriate therapeutic for anything and finally viruses are not pattern
02:20:29.360 --> 02:20:34.400
integrity is it something that all biologists need to explore and learn because almost all of us
02:20:35.040 --> 02:20:37.440
were clueless about this before the pandemic
02:20:42.240 --> 02:20:45.440
and that's why we got sucked into it that's how i got sucked into it
02:20:48.880 --> 02:20:55.440
and people playing you know memes like uh bimbo bailey kept me from connecting with those people
02:20:56.000 --> 02:21:02.480
people that were really just trying to see worst-case scenario and make sure nobody figured it out
02:21:02.480 --> 02:21:07.440
that's that's why we're here and we need to find these people identify these people
02:21:08.240 --> 02:21:12.160
because that's how we're going to win by discrediting them and
02:21:12.160 --> 02:21:18.560
targeting everyone to see them for the medlers that they are it's team worst-case scenario
02:21:20.320 --> 02:21:26.720
see you guys again soon these are the supporters of giggle and biological thank them all very very
02:21:26.720 --> 02:21:31.840
much for the production of this show and for my time especially for greg and his support
02:21:33.200 --> 02:21:39.520
but yeah it's a lot of people and i can use all the subscribers i can get because uh i think if
02:21:39.520 --> 02:21:44.240
we reach a certain threshold this is just never going to stop and it's going to instead be evolve
02:21:44.240 --> 02:21:53.040
into maybe one of the best scientific or biological news programs on the internet and you would be a
02:21:53.040 --> 02:21:58.160
part of of making that possible there's never going to be any corporate sponsorship here is just
02:21:58.160 --> 02:22:05.040
going to be families fighting for other families and uh i'm very proud to say that i'm i'm i'm really
02:22:05.040 --> 02:22:11.440
that's the plan it's families fighting for other families um and so if you like what i'm doing and
02:22:11.440 --> 02:22:17.360
you have the means please share my work if you like what i'm doing and you have the means please
02:22:17.360 --> 02:22:21.840
support my work thank you very much you can find me at giggleonbiological.com and i'll see you again
02:22:21.840 --> 02:22:28.240