[Kim Iversen]: Instead, we like to assess each individual issue and politician and subject independently from an independent lens every single time and sometimes
[Kim Iversen]: About five years ago, Paul Johnson, a second-generation vinter, wanted to build a patriotic wine brand that would change the conversation around millions of dinner tables and created Republican Red Winery.
[Kim Iversen]: And since then, his premium American wines have been a fan favorite, like the 4547 Pinot Noir, the Drain the Swamp Chardonnay, and their Golden Age Sparkling Wine.
[Kim Iversen]: So just go to RepublicanRed.com, so RepublicanRed.com, and enjoy $5 off plus free shipping when you use offer code Kim on your Patriot Starter Pack, or use the QR code that you see there on the screen, and it just takes you right there.
[Kim Iversen]: So whether you're a wine enthusiast or just a devoted Patriot, their Starter Pack sparks meaningful conversations and unites us in our shared values.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Um, I was chasing tenure for about 15 years as a neurobiologist, which basically meant I was doing mouse experiments and occasionally helping with rat or monkey experiments.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And at the start of the pandemic, I found myself very interested in the idea that there was this extreme difference between some people on the internet who thought that a lab leak was not only possible, but likely, and then all these people on TV who said that a lab leak was ridiculous.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And like so many people on planet Earth, I got absolutely enthralled by this, the concept that people would cover this up and whether or not this was
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so I really spent January, February and March of 2020 following everyone and anyone I could to try and figure out what was happening because I thought we were witnessing something, you know, real and in real time experiencing the cover up of it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And long story short, I ended up kind of sacrificing that career thinking that speaking out about the lab leak was important enough to yell at people in the hallways of that medical school and to tell people they were crazy for reading the New York Times.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And in the end, I found myself where a lot of other people found themselves in the middle of the pandemic, just trying to understand what was going on and knowing that the truth was probably not available for free.
[Kim Iversen]: So the first time was when you were you were working as an assistant research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
[Kim Iversen]: And when you were there, and this was at the beginning of the pandemic, everybody, everybody was saying LabLeak was a conspiracy theorist, right?
[Kim Iversen]: I mean, they were all this came from a bat at the Wuhan market or something like some woman ate bat soup or I'm not really sure what the theory was there.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I mean, definitely, and maybe more pertinent to the story, I even got sucked into what ended up to be some of the mainstream sort of stuff with this.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Because the group on Twitter known as Drastic actually contacted me quite early, and I helped them to get at least three of the papers that they got published in peer-reviewed journals as one of the reviewers of those papers.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: In a lot of ways, I've been connected to trying to solve the puzzle and what I thought was a legitimate way of doing it, publishing peer reviewed papers about the fear and cleavage site and reviewing papers for these researchers about the fear and cleavage site or about the other odd sequences that they found at the beginning of the pandemic.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so I really engaged in this mystery solving exercise to the point where I genuinely felt as I was putting everything on the table for it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: But as you said in the intro, I've come to understand that as being the central mythology and sort of the trick that everybody was meant to fall for.
[Kim Iversen]: But when it comes to the lab leak, so when you were at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and everybody was saying it wasn't a lab leak, what made you think it was a lab leak at that point?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And from the very beginning of the pandemic, the whole feeling of what they were trying to give us, I knew that something needed to be paid attention to.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And that's where I kind of got myself into trouble because the general feeling of the medical faculty was, is that reading any amount of papers was not going to qualify me as somebody who could speak out usefully about this stuff.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: In a university, they will beat you down about that with your own research and try to make you stay in your lane and make sure you don't encroach on them.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And you learn very well not to step on each other's toes and how to compliment each other's work and point out the shortcomings as nicely as possible.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so speaking out about this and questioning this, I don't know how to say it any other way, but it seemed unreasonable, given what I was trying to present, the discussions I was trying to instigate, that these people were reacting this way.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And that spurred me on, and I will also admit it, this work on the internet really, really convinced me that this international group of people was figuring out, and so I got sucked in big.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: But it's a long story to tell in a very short period of time, because again, it was like most of 2020, where I was still going into the university and we were all still engaged in this, trying to understand what was happening in New York City and where these numbers were coming from.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I apologize, I'm getting sort of off topic here, but it's hard to explain that experience now five years later, because it has been five years.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: No, I think the best way to summarize it would be that there was probably a biological phenomenon that they could take advantage of, and that whoever we're talking about here, the national security state, the global security state, whatever you want to call them, took advantage of it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: The main thing that I think isn't on anybody's radar is that the population pyramid of the West, which is the total population of the pyramid over all the age groups, there was actually a really big bump in the pyramid that was moving up from all of the big families that happened after World War II.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so people like Ted Turner have been arguing for 20 years that our countries might be bankrupt when these people stop paying taxes and start taking out of the system from healthcare.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And the discussion of the last six months of someone's life on Medicare costing a half a million dollars is not a trivial discussion if the number of people on Medicare is expected to double or triple over a few years.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And I think that's where, you know, the PCR and and death certificate fraud and financial incentives lead to a a sort of frenzy and where everybody doesn't understand what's going on, especially because there is this anticipated rise in all cause mortality that nobody's talking about, but everybody's experiencing.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I think that there are definitely biological signals at that size scale that are composed of RNA and DNA and coded in lipid nanoparticles, sorry, lipid bilayers.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: What I'm suggesting to you is that there are particles that look like viruses, but I would argue that there's not very much biological evidence for an RNA-based virus to be able to perpetuate itself forever.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Well, I mean, there are books and everything behind me because biologists have been making observations at this size scale for decades.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so I think it's important to understand that as a academic biologist, I'm not coming to you or a former academic biologist, I'm not coming to you with a definitive set of specific answers, but I'm coming to you with the idea that the high fidelity and that's the real high specificity of all these diagnostics that they use to define the pandemic is a myth.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: The problem is, is that PCR as a reaction, as a methodology is used ubiquitously throughout academic science for so many different things.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: for all of these experts to assume that PCR is applied in a pandemic scenario in exactly the same high fidelity, you know, triple checked way that you would use it to make a nature paper to get tenure at a university.
[Kim Iversen]: Everybody else thought it came from a wet market in Wuhan and it was just a naturally occurring terrible event that happened and it was killing everybody.
[Kim Iversen]: Then there was the camp that says, yes, there was this virus that spread all around and it was killing a lot of people, but it came from a lab and it was maybe accidentally, maybe it was a bioweapon.
[Kim Iversen]: And then there are those that say there was a virus, you know, and the people that say there were no, yeah, so the people that say there was no virus, they don't think it came from, obviously, a bat, nor do they think it came from a lab.
[Kim Iversen]: They just think that it wasn't as deadly as the media made it out to be, that there was just mass panic that was caused, and it was weaponized to get us to comply with all of these mandates.
[Kim Iversen]: where the virus came from or anything, they're more focused on the fact that it was used to usher in this whole era of mandates and whatnot.
[Kim Iversen]: So I'm just trying, but it sounds, now what you kind of said, what it sounded to me, you're saying that there was this, and I've also heard this one, that there was just a, that every so often, a lot of people just die.
[Kim Iversen]: and that this happened to be a high death rate year that wasn't really out of the norm, but they kind of used hysteria to say, oh my gosh, all these people died, and it wasn't really out of the norm.
[Kim Iversen]: Are you saying that there was just a, it was just really a natural phenomenon without any, no one was attempting to kill off all these people to make sure they weren't a drain on the system?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I am saying that there was a concerted effort to... think of it like this, if you could go into a hospital and turn knobs that would make 5% more people die, but no one would notice it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: If you had a known rise in old people, and you know that old people die of pneumonia, and you decide to say, well, there's something called viral pneumonia and antibiotics don't work for it, and you stuck to that line for two years, you would get the exact graph of pneumonia deaths that we had over the pandemic.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And the only explanation for that is we've gone back to using antibiotics for pneumonia and gone back to using antibiotics for urinary tract infections.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: that there is a pile of literature that goes back to 1980 or so that the use of pure oxygen causes a condition called ARDS, or acute respiratory distress syndrome.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And it would be very curious to find out how many people in 2020, 21, and 22 in America met supplementary oxygen at the door of hospitals in America, because any of them that did were essentially murdered, even if
[Dr. Jay Couey]: It all starts with the acute respiratory distress syndrome that can be caused by the willy-nilly application of supplementary oxygen because my pulse ox is low after wearing a mask for four days.
[Kim Iversen]: What I'm kind of gathering is what you're saying about viruses in general is that, yeah, we call it viruses, but it's a more complex science that we don't really fully understand just yet.
[Kim Iversen]: But there is some signal that something exists that they're just kind of labeling these viruses as a catch-all, perhaps, but... I would...
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I would challenge your viewers and yourself, if you want as a biology coach, to try and read in to bacterial phages, because bacteria communicate with one another with phages all the time.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And there's nobody, no virus person, there's no skeptic anywhere in the world, none of them will say that there are no bacteriophages.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And the vast majority of the RNA and DNA signals that are around us, that are in our microbiome, that are on our skin, are actually bacteriophages.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And it becomes this thing where by engaging in the mystery solving exercise, everybody already accepted the premise that there was a virus.
[Kim Iversen]: How do you explain though, like when I got COVID, I could not, and I'd never experienced this before, the lack of sense of smell and taste.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I know this might not be the answer that will be fulfilling, but I would encourage you to not underestimate how powerful the force of suggestion was in 2020 and 2021, where there is something novel.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And when you go to work when you're sick and you lose your smell for two or three days, you don't care, you don't know because you're not even paying attention to it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And I know because I've looked into the literature, this is a very common thing that happens with sinus infection or with respiratory infection.
[Kim Iversen]: I mean, maybe there were times when I was ill that things didn't taste quite right, or maybe my sense of smell... Can I ask you, why do you call it COVID?
[Kim Iversen]: So, I mean, that, you know, I know that the tests were, you know, a lot of people tested positive that weren't or negative that were, whatever, I guess, but I, but I, I did get sick, um, and I did lose my sense of taste and smell.
[Kim Iversen]: I mean, I hear what you're saying, and so I think it's possible that there were previous times that I experienced it, but because no one was talking about it, I didn't notice it, really.
[Kim Iversen]: Okay, so now let's get to the book, the Wuhan cover-up, and working with Children's Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and what you researched, and as you were researching, how you came to this conclusion that this whole thing just didn't even exist.
[Kim Iversen]: So if we call it a name, if we label it, I understand how that would then, you know, suddenly everyone's like, everybody's getting this one thing.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I'm not sure how I should explain it other than to say that in April of 2022, I got a phone call from a guy's voice who I recognized, and he said that he had seen my podcast and that he wanted to help somehow.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I've been doing it consistently since I lost my job at the University of Pittsburgh and it's evolved into something where I do a little journal club and whatever.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: But Children's Health Defense ended up having a couple problems with some of the things that I said on my stream and I was reprimanded a couple times, but I just kept going because I was defending CHD, I thought, and arguing for what I thought needed to be argued for.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Having the podcast that I did, when I started working for CHD, I was doing everything offline and working on other things that, in retrospect, I don't think were very good uses of my skill set.
[Kim Iversen]: How did you get to the point where you're like, wait a minute, this wasn't actually a lab leak, that this whole thing just wasn't a thing?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Let me just explain very briefly that there are thousands of virology papers, many of which say that they collect virus in the wild and that they find it and sequence it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: But you will find a very consistent theme, especially in RNA virology, where what actually happens in every paper is that they say they find a sequence.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: So they need to use a synthetic DNA molecule copy of it to make lots and lots and lots and lots of RNA, and then they start from there and call that virology.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: This question that was actually in the back of my head for a long time, asked to me by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., led me to write him an email and say, I think you actually spurred me to figure it out.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: If I flip it around for you as a person who's not a specialist biologist, everything that you have come to be told in biology class about evolution is based on DNA.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And the magic of DNA is that it's double-stranded, which makes it chemically super stable, and it makes it a double copy of itself, that if there's an error, it doesn't go together and so it can be repaired.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: This magic little cartoon is the basis for all biology departments everywhere around, and it's the basis for the Human Genome Project and everything.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Now the interesting thing about RNA virology and Peter Daszak's work and Ralph Baric's work is that the whole premise that their viruses are dangerous to the whole world is that they can do something that even DNA can't do.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: If you put DNA in a mud puddle, and it doesn't matter what sequence you put in that mud puddle, you will never find it all over the world in five years.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: But for some reason, they think that they can tell us a story where RNA, a single-stranded molecule, not a double-stranded one, not one that's chemically stable, not one that can proofread itself, but a single-stranded RNA molecule in a mud puddle can also do that if it's got the right furin cleavage site in it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And it is not supported by the entire biological literature, which can only function if they take that RNA sequence and make a synthetic version of it.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And all of this idea that they're finding viruses, even Shang-Chi Lee and Ralph Baric, when they find a coronavirus, what they are claiming to find is an incomplete sequence
[Dr. Jay Couey]: that they then reconstruct a synthetic version of and make as much as they want to such that like this much quantity, three milliliters of that DNA in water would be enough to put the sequence of a coronavirus anywhere you wanted to and it would be the hottest PCR signal you could possibly imagine because it's pure.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so the idea is that this, if I keep talking, the idea is that in every pharmaceutical company in the world, they have been making DNA, converting it to protein and calling it a biologic.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: They would make a DNA, they would grow it in a bacterial culture, they would lyse the bacteria and clean that all out, and give you the RNA that they make from that DNA.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And all along they were just planning to sneak in this thing where, oh yeah, by the way, we're going to start transfecting you and you're going to accept it as a vaccine, like an even better vaccine than the old vaccines.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: That's why everything lines up like this from the moment that they were arguing about it until right now when people on the left are also going, oh, wait a minute, maybe a lab leak's not so crazy after all.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I think what another little piece of the puzzle that I could add, and maybe we'll only sink in later, is that there's a whole field of biology that studies the signaling between tissues.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And tissues inside of your body signal with each other using small little particles that are indistinguishable under a microscope from viruses that carry RNA in them.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: It's RNA is sent from neuron to neuron so that neurons that are activated are signaling to neurons around them to enable them to also respond.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: As a biologist, the more that this sinks into my head, the more is this is the central thing that we need to teach our children is that.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: They can use PCR to essentially find anything, and that is a very dangerous place for us to be, because the FDA should have probably regulated each one of those things as a separate medical device, and decided whether or not it showed the signal that it showed.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: The one being that there are RNAses, there are enzymes to degrade RNA on your skin, in your sweat, because we don't like RNA to be around.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: That's the reason why everybody that works in an academic biology lab has to wear gloves all the time, and why they wipe the conners down with alcohol is to get rid of those enzymes that are there to degrade RNA all the time.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: That RNA molecule with all the magic insertions and urine cleavage site or whatever other nonsense they tell you has to copy itself without making any catastrophic errors for how many copies in order to get into everybody's lungs and all the white-tailed deer in North America.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: that an RNA, and a DNA couldn't even do it, but an RNA molecule could be copied with such high fidelity that we could watch a base-by-base change in a phylogenetic tree over the course of 5 years with 18,000 sequences.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: You can put a detector of airborne viruses on a mountain in Spain and they collect billions of viral particles every month in the air.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: These are particles that could potentially be PCR positive signals if you used a non-specific PCR test, a PCR test that was just, you know, do you have a car in your garage?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And that's really what we're dealing with, because unlike cars that everybody knows is there, this background signal that's on your counter and in your lungs and in every sample, this background signal is inestimably complex.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: It's not a, oh, there was something there, or there isn't anything there in 2019, and now it's everywhere in 2020, but that's the cornerstone premise of what they say happened.
[Kim Iversen]: So you're saying that because this is an RNA, this SARS-CoV-2 they claimed was an RNA virus, an RNA just would not be able to spread like this all around the world.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: You make a DNA, you grow it in a bacterial culture, then you lyse the culture, you take the DNA, you convert it to RNA, or you put it on a cell culture and it grows and it makes the monoclonal antibody.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Now, the reason why I'm saying that is because that's all that would be necessary for them to do any of the things that they wanted to do, the pure signal.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: If they had to drop that somewhere in China and then watch that signal spread around and maybe it makes people sick, maybe pure DNA and the exposure to it can make people, I mean, why not?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: So they aerosolize this DNA signal, people get sick, they track it around the world, and now they've already seeded a narrative about how natural viruses can go around the world when they can't.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: So they could have sent people like Nathan Wolf and Peter Daszak around the world to characterize that background and choose the easiest targets, the most consistent targets around the world.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And incidentally, they're now telling us, some people are talking about how measles actually spreads asymptomatically among people that aren't fully vaccinated or whatever.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: So this is again, they're trying to seed this narrative of a mythology that both sides will solve and argue and in the end they'll accept.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: From all of the work that I've ever done in my life with transfection, I've used adenovirus to transfect, or I guess that would technically be transform mouse brains, but I've also used RNA to do the same thing, which is transfection.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: One of the reasons why I think I got fired from the University of Pittsburgh was because I was trying to explain to faculty members that
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh said, well, obviously they're not using the same thing we use on our mice or they wouldn't call it a vaccine.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so the first and most important thing in the national security operation would be able to make sure that anybody that wanted to comply for sure could comply.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so in order to meet those manufacturing quotas, which nobody could possibly believe they were gonna get a billion doses of a new product done and ship to market without any problems, but they could easily do it if the national security state said, you know what?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And number two, we can pay really close attention to the places we do roll out hot doses and make sure that we pay close attention to those people in Monarch.
[Kim Iversen]: So it sounds to me like you're saying this is, it's not just that it's a, it's, so you don't think it was a Wuhan lab leak, but you think it was a massive lab leak, almost.
[Kim Iversen]: I mean, it sounds like it's way bigger than just, because you're saying that somehow they got this background RNA, I guess, all around, in order for a PCR to test it?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: The PCR that they use now, the Illumina test that does like 17 different things or something, that could be very high fidelity for all I know.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: You know, like one of the cases that I worked on in California, I kid you not, was a former porn movie maker who decided to spend a half a million dollars on four university level sequencing machines and got a contract with BGI in Canada, or I'm sorry, in China for his PCR test and was allowed to test all of the municipal employees in a town in California for a whole year.
[Kim Iversen]: So who would have been the person or the group or the entity that would have said, OK, we found we've we've got because if you're if you're a PCR test manufacturer, you're having to get something from somebody in order to manufacture this test.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: No, actually, what you could have done was you could have gone online and chosen the end protein and you could have yourself said Kim chooses this sequence from amino acid 330 to amino acid 480.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: You could have sent this in to the FDA with no actual result, and you would have probably gotten an EUA letter, which would have allowed you to go ahead with testing.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: If there was an anticipated rise in all-cause mortality that they could sculpt using a little murder and then call it something else, that can explain everything that we see except for one thing.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And that decrease in life expectancy in America has been pointed to time and time again by people on the left and the right as evidence of the damage of COVID.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: If you remove the anticipated rise in all-cause mortality, and you remove the absolute murder by lack of antibiotics, you remove the murder by supplementary oxygen, and you pay attention to the opioid numbers, there is no virus.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: whether or not there's virology or or RNA can make people sick or anything like that is a separate discussion because There was a signal and there was murder and that has been lied about consistently for five years now and Was set up with all of this stuff.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I mean the one way to explain it for me and maybe you're not aware of this but Peter Daszak and Andrew Wakefield were on the same paper in the 90s
[Dr. Jay Couey]: That's not a coincidence that now we're supposed to believe that Peter Daszak is the arch villain and that Andrew Wakefield is one of the guys on a white horse.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: You might even look at HIV and AIDS as being a test run in the sense of, you know, most Americans didn't pay attention because it was a gay thing.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And in reality now, a lot of the same tricks, and I know you've heard this before, a lot of the same tricks were basically done for COVID.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I did a podcast with them and I was really excited because actually that podcast was supposed to be an hour with me and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: maybe it was even one day before the podcast happened, he told me he was going to have a few people on the show and I would only have a few minutes.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I mean, ever since his father was killed, I'm sure that there have been people trying to make sure that he didn't cause any trouble and was useful to them and understood the potential that this guy would have if he turned out to be handsome and well-read and well-spoken.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: But I do have very much hope that I can get through to high school kids and to young college kids and maybe even some doctors to understand that there was a concerted effort for many, many years to pull this off.
[Kim Iversen]: Okay, so let me just, I'm going to, because it's hard to fully grasp, but I'm going to try to summarize as best as I can that you tell me.
[Kim Iversen]: But so the thinking is, is that this was, they took advantage that there was a group or that took advantage of the fact that we were going to have a higher than normal death rate.
[Kim Iversen]: they just claimed there was one, people were getting sick, because people naturally get sick, and then when people were getting sick, and they would show up to the hospital, they weren't getting the normal treatment they would get, and that's what killed them.
[Kim Iversen]: Or they were being isolated at home, people weren't, you know, one thing that I, when I was working on the Hill, I did a radar, we called them, where it was, I think my number one radar, actually, I think it got a couple million views, and I was livid that
[Kim Iversen]: Older people in particular, the people in their 70s and 80s and 90s, I'm sure, when they got sick, their family members, normally when your older family member is sick, you go and take care of them, right?
[Kim Iversen]: And that's like a pretty normal thing that families do for one another or care workers, you know, hospice care workers that come around would do this.
[Kim Iversen]: But the thing that was infuriating was that during the pandemic, I had hospice workers say that they would show up to somebody's house and they would find food at the doorstep because the family members refused to go inside when their elderly family member who was like 75 or 80 years old got sick.
[Kim Iversen]: I flew to Boise from Los Angeles to take care of him and I walked in and he had a temperature, he was sick, he couldn't get up out of bed.
[Kim Iversen]: I mean, there was just from lack of hydration, lack of getting his normal medication that he normally takes for his heart or for all these different things, right?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: But they also wouldn't let his wife in, even when, I mean, it's just, she vaccinated herself, my mother-in-law against kind of, she just did it because she had to in order to be in the hospital with Case.
[Kim Iversen]: And so when the people were showing up to the hospital, what they normally would get is, you know, like a Z-Pak or something, you know, they would normally get something.
[Kim Iversen]: And because they were doing PCR testing and said, oh, you have COVID, like I know several people that were sent, they normally when they go to the hospital, I have one of my family members goes and goes to the doctor a lot and would always get a Z-Pak.
[Kim Iversen]: But this time when she went to the doctor and to the hospital with COVID, they sent her home and said, take some vitamins, I guess, and hope it goes away.
[Kim Iversen]: So you're saying that a lot of these deaths, and I could definitely, I mean, I definitely agree with this, that the deaths were from neglect or different experimental medication like remdesivir, you know, that they were giving people when they really should have just had a different treatment altogether.
[Kim Iversen]: You're right in that it was just high enough that if you just didn't treat people when they showed up to the hospital, and if you just killed off the young people with depression and opioid overdose, then you would see that number.
[Kim Iversen]: So you're saying that they basically just did mass hysteria, they used shitty tests that weren't real, and we know the PCR testing wasn't any good.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And just to hear your listeners saying it already and cut them off at the pass, you know, that overcycling idea is to an academic biologist, that's ridiculous.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And so people can argue about that for a year and never realized that the whole test is a specific in the sense of it was there all along.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: No different, no different than if you, if you, if you could somehow make it so that nobody knew they had a car and you told them the cars were spreading everywhere.
[Kim Iversen]: They claim it came from the Wuhan lab in October or whatever, but there's evidence that there was this virus potentially in people's systems months prior to that, which like what you said, maybe this was kind of a background thing that's always kind of been there.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: You said event 201 and I think that's a very astute observation and it's actually part of this Scooby-Doo mystery that we were supposed to solve.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: event 201 and go to Hong Kong and find out that there was a coronavirus meeting in Hong Kong where Shengxi Li, sorry, not Shengxi Li, I said the wrong person, Li Min Yan, do you know who that is?
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Li Min Yan was this virus whistleblower that Steve Bannon brought to the scene and toured the United States saying that it was a lab leak.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: Lee Min Yan actually presented at a coronavirus conference where Kissimmee, the person that's credited with the RNA from the... Oh, now I can't remember her name and it's really bothering me.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: So Kizmekia Corbett, the one from the NIH who's on the Time Magazine with the two Nobel Prize winners and also Barney Graham from the Vaccine Center.
[Kim Iversen]: So you've got, you know, like I mentioned, event 201, you have the fact that they've never been able to pinpoint exactly when or where this virus started.
[Kim Iversen]: So there's also some supporting on this in that the lab leak theory in and of itself has been problematic for me because it's being used as a
[Kim Iversen]: I mean, that's that's one of my biggest beefs with it is, you know, you've got people on the left that were like, oh, it came from a bat and it's just everybody just needs to hunker down and do whatever.
[Kim Iversen]: And so then using something like this helps with that narrative, and that's one thing that's always been a red flag for me on the whole lab leak theory idea.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: It feels really good on social media now, though, you know, you can tweet at them and get mad at them and use emojis and everything, but that's not the real world.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: And it's made it much easier for them to create this illusion that you're maybe making progress or somebody's listening to you or there's a debate happening.
[Kim Iversen]: And I guess the only other thing that gives me a little pause, but there's, but which is that then, you know, it's not just Americans or like Bill Gates or these, it was everybody in the world was doing this to all of their populations.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: There's a McKinsey document from January 2025 that calls the population pyramids of the West, obelisks, because they're shaped like this.
[Kim Iversen]: China's got a China's got a big problem, too I mean the United States has the problem of the boomers getting old now and sucking up the resources and and they're no longer taxpayers China's got the same problem because they have the one China policy.
[Kim Iversen]: So anybody who's my age is a one child And the older groups, you know, the boomer essentially generation for China is way larger than the next generation because the next generation there was only one kid and
[Kim Iversen]: I think no matter what a person thinks about the origin, you know, where the virus came from, whether or not there was a virus, any of that, what we're all upset about is the fact that they use this to control us to the level that they did.
[Kim Iversen]: And I know a lot of people watching this will email and they'll comment in my locals community and they'll say, this is, you know, regarding Kim, your skepticism on, you lost your sense of taste and smell.
[Kim Iversen]: And it makes sense that they would want to keep that narrative going and silence and censor any sort of idea that it was anything other than that, because they benefited so greatly.
[Kim Iversen]: And if we don't realize that, you know, maybe it was just them completely pulling the wool over our eyes entirely, then, you know, now what they're going to do and what my fear is for the next time is they'll say, because this time they're like, well, OK, fine.
[Dr. Jay Couey]: I actually wanted to drop this in earlier, but when you said your radar, I actually spent about two days trying to remake those graphics for myself, and I got so frustrated trying to make them work that I just left it off, but you really, those shows really inspired me back then, like, oh, I gotta get this list of things coming up so people can know what I'm gonna talk about and will listen to the whole thing, it was really inspiring.
[Kim Iversen]: I am interested to hear from you what you thought of the conversation tonight and whether or not you think the COVID virus was actually a thing that circulated around.
[Kim Iversen]: And there you can message and give me some guest suggestions, or you can also tweet them at me on X, at Kim Iverson show is my X handle.
[Kim Iversen]: But given their influence their government has on this side of the pond, my feeling is that at the end of the day, greater Israel will be America.
[Kim Iversen]: It feels like with how many of them take the pilgrimage to Israel and they all go to the Wailing Wall and take their pictures and they all pledge their allegiance and clap, you know, just endlessly for Netanyahu when he comes to Congress, it really
[Kim Iversen]: And if you have any comments from this show or questions, just random, any questions that you have, just go ahead and comment on that pinned post.
[Kim Iversen]: Chris 1507, interesting that during a DoD conference over the weekend, they said 99% of illegals on the terrorist watch list snuck across the border or were released in the community by Biden.
[Kim Iversen]: Funny enough, if we stopped the wars and if we got out of the Middle East, then the terrorism against the United States would also stop.
[Kim Iversen]: I mean, I guarantee you, we would all be committing acts of terror if we were invaded by China or Russia or if the Middle Easterners came here and they literally took over our country and they were bombing us and raiding us and all of these things.
[Kim Iversen]: So if we just stop that behavior in the Middle East and if we just get out and focus on our own, then we won't have the threat of these terrorists coming in.
[Kim Iversen]: Had it not been for everyone pointing it out over the past few years, would you be aware of all of the high fructose corn syrup in everything?
[Kim Iversen]: It makes sense that the drugs would also contain cheap crap to save money for the cartels, and it's not like they got nutrition labels on them.